Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45

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  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    Miss ion No 40

    Target: Urban Area, Tokyo


  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45



    CO lJF IDENTIA LTARGET: Tokyo Urban lnduAreaOb j . Area: 90. 17


    Latitude - 35 40 1 NI.ongi tude - 139 45 ' EElevation - 0 - 120 fee t1. lOCATION & IDEFTIFICATION : To kyo is sprawled out for abo

    360 square miles a lo ng the noshore of Tokyo Bay. To the sou t hward i t merges i nto Kawasakand Y o k a h ~ m a I t l i es a t the edge of an extensive almostfeatureless plain that is t r a v e r ~ e d by s ever a l r iv ers that fl

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45



    Al l the s t r eams i n th e a r ea a r e p er manent , and adj a c en tmost of them a r e ex tensive ma r sh l a nds . Num e r ous la r ge l akeno tab ly Ka sumiga and I mba , a r e p r e sen t t o th e northeas t of tc i t y . Sma l l er one s occu r t h r oughou t t he r es t of the surrouna r ea and the r e a r e t wo l arg e r es e r vo ir s abou t 10 mil es ve s t nor th r es t of th e c i ty . Two r iv e r s f l o' '' th r ou gh t he ci ty . Twi nding Sumida is t he ree t er nmo Et and f lo ws t h ro ugh the mos tdense ly bui l t - up par t , nh i c h is t hrough t he c ente r of t h e t aa r ea o Th e Ara Rive r f l ow s a l ong th e eas te r n northe rn l imof t he conges t ed a r eas . Nume r ous la r g e l a k es a re pres en t tono r thea s t of th e c i t y o Sma l l e r ones oc cu r th r oughou t th e r eof the su r r ound ing a r ea .

    !lor e t han a do z en r a i l r oad l ines l ead i n to Tokyo . Mos tth es e hav e doub l e t r acks . From th e northve s t t he mos t d is t iis p r obab ly t he dou b l e t r a ck line l ead i ng i n from Taka s aki 6miles away. This l i ne and thoe-e from Am or i , Nagoya an d Kob eand senda i conv erge in th e Taba t a - Ni ppori r a i l r oa d ya r d s . Tya rds a re t he l a r g es t in the ci ty and a r e loca t ed just nor t hUeno Pa rk . Th e Sh inagawa ra i l road yard s a r e t he s e cond l a r g

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    OJNFIDENTIA Leastern boundary, ~ h i c h is halfway be t we e n Ara and Sumida Rivsouthern boundary of the are a ex te nds f r om tho "Y" shaped mo uof th e Sumida River d i rec t ly westward to Tokyo Stat ion .2 . TARGET DES.QRIPTIO N: Wi thin th is t a r ge t a r ea of app roxim10 square mi l es , the ave r age popu l a tdensi ty is 103,000 peop l e squa r e mi l e , an av e r age probabnot exceed ed in any oth er modern i ndust r i a l ci ty in th e wor l dIn Asakusa \"'a rd , the gee gr aph ica 1 cen te r o f th i s th epopulat ion r uns as high as 135 ,000 p er square mi l e .

    Tokyo came out of t he ea r t hquakG and f i r e of 1923 a r e l an e ~ ci ty , e spec ia l ly in th e b ette r r es id en t i a l and busines sdis t r ic t s but th is par t i cu la r fOn e is l es s af f ected byimp rovements and he re the c rowded condit ions and more i nf l ammtype bui ldings s t i l l ex i s t . Flimsy r esid en t i a l a r eas areco ncent r a t ed a long both s id es of t he Sumida Riv er . To th e wof th is i s a comme rc i a l d i s t r i c t , an a r ea of la rge s to r es 1 shand warehouses . Th e SE por t i on of th e zone is la r ge l y indus

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    OONFIDi:NTIA LThe most effect ive protec t iv e measur es hove been f i r e a l l

    previously r e p o r ~ e d a ~ d confirmed by photo c o ~ n a i s c a n c c Thl about m1l es 1n length throughout the c1ty and conci: tacja c en t ci ty b l ocks clcar0d of a l l buildings . \.'o rk on tnc v.proJe c t i s r epo r t ed to b e about 70g complete. Th e wi dth of thnl leys range s from 45 to 110 ya rds , crea t in g spaces s e rv i ng ths a ~ e f i r 0- breok function a s the boulevards and cana ls do in o ts e c t ions . Reservoirs arc anothe r protect iv e measu r e , spaced 8to 100 ya rd s apa r t in the clear ed f i re a l l eys. Th ese servo asa source of wate r for f i re - f i gh t ing brigades . Th ey a re in tersp e rsed v1i th t a l l st ruc tu r es to a ccommo da te f i re-watchers .Arou nd seve ra l factory in ta l ln t ions l ocated in th e mo r e congwards s imi l a r areas abou t 50 ya r ds wide hav e b een c l ear ed ofa l l h ~ u s a s in an a t temp t to f end off s weep ing f i r e s .

    The f i re al leys r un ,e ner a l ly in an eas t- west Gi r ection ,a s the pr evail ing wi nds are north - south exc ep t i n u m m ~ Anoutstanding excep t ion is a 110- ya r d f i r e a l ley running north south between t he Sumida and Naka Ri 7ers : separat ing th e denspopulated Hon_jo \,'ar d from th e factory d i s t r ic t to th e eas t .(This l in e follows rou ghly the eastern bounda ry of the t a r get

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    . "' CONFIDENTIALwar plants throughout To kyo and cnv irons v1ou ld be direc t lyaffected casual t ies , movement of ~ o r k e r s out of th0 a r ~ a use of manpower in r eco ns t rue t ion , and probably lov1ered \'JOrkcm o ~ a l e . Fire and probably damage would extend to th e v i t a lr a i l ~ a y ce nters on the edge of th is ~ o n e , such as the Joban ,ucno and Central Tokyo Sta t ions , t e rmini of main ro ads fromy and N Honshu, and to communications centers such a n theuarunouchi Telephone Exchange , ~ h i c h houses 9000 l in e s ofautomatic t e l ephone equipment, and 150 l in es extencing to a l lpar ts of the Empire . The Iiarunouchi (bu s iness) , Ginza (comm ec ia l ) , and gov e rnmental d is t r i c t s bordering on the ~ a n d S ofthis ?one v;ould fee l keenly the effec ts of a great conflagr atihere, even though buildings in th is a r ea a r e very ffiodern andl ess crowded . T:1is nearby a rea also hou ses /-.rmy and lJavyadministra t ive planning headqua r te r s .

    4 . SUGGESTED Ail.iiNG POINTS: Primary purpose of th is typof is to capi ta l izeon th e f nc t th a t many of J apan-:: r : ' l ~ s and t ransportat ionf ac i l i t i es l ie w i ~ h i n or immedintc }J to known highlyi nflammab le sec t i ons of her ~ i p : : t l c i t . \/hatev c. r has

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45



    S E C R J i ~ T- - - - - -7COH GEN XXI SO'f OOM

    CO!: G ~ N 73D :30M WINGCO!.i GE T 313TH BJM WINGC O GEN 314TH WING

    By Auth of CG XXI BC/ .t i _ J /0 fktM.If:_r

    ni t i al s DateXXI BOM13En C : M A N D GUAM .0800 10 March 1945

    ? . ! E N D ~ ! : S N T NUMBER 3 FIELD ORDER 43 I.lliETING:IOUSE NU!.mER 2Add to p ~ r a g r a ? h 3 x,

    ( 9) D Day end Zero Hour: 091815KAdd to paragraph 4(b) This is Bombe r Command Tactical MissioNo. 40

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45




    "C R E T-----By Auth of CG XXI BC


    AMENDMENT NO. 2 FIELD ORD:!lt NO . hJ MEETINGHOUSE NO . 2Add to paragrap h 3 x.

    (8) During f l ight Altimeter sett ing will be se t a t 29 .92.LEMAYCOM G!!:N XXI BOM CCM

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    XXI BOMBER COMMANDGUAM1600 a March 1945

    AMENDMENT NO . 1 FJElD ORDER NO . 4.3 ~ l i . : T I I D H O U S E NO. 2Change paragraph 3 x (3) to read:

    (J) Calibrated airspeed of 2.30 repeat 230 MPH will be flown by a laircraf t . There is a violent vibrat ion in some A/C when bombbay doors are open when t ravel ing at a s peed of 240 MPH.


  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    fRQ}t: COli GZN '

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    b. .313th Wng:(1) First A/C will take off a t Zero Hour.(2) Offset A. P . MPI Course

    J53830N - 1 3 9 5 . 3 J54205N - 1394830ESame 354054N - 1394832E

    (3) Al t i tude of Attack: 6,000 to 6,800 f eet .1/J2/.3

    (4) Bomb Load: One squadon - M47 Incendiary Clus t ers (scheduledbe dropped .first) fused instantaneous nose fuse . Bala nce ofsquadrons - E-46 Incendiary Clus ter s fused to open 2 ,500 feetabove the target .(5) Route: Same as 73 rd ' IJing.(6) Altittrl e enroute to targe t : 4 1000 to 4,500 f eet .(7 ) The J l J th Vling will dispatch t wo r ad io-homing ai rcraft to takoff prior to the main force ani to f ly between points J502N -

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    x. (1) Attacking by individual ai.!"craft with minimum in terva l betweena i rc ra f t . Plan of attack wil l be for radar bombing ru t visualbombing method wil l be used i f possible . If visual i sdone botrbardiers should endeavor to place an even dis t r ibut ionof banbs over Incendiary Zone {f l.

    (2) Intervalometor Sett ing:(a) M-47 Incendiary Clusters : 100 f e e t .(b) E-46 arrl E-28 Incmdiary Clusters : 50 fee t .

    (3) Calibrat.ed airspeed of 240 M.P.H. wil l be flov.n by all ai rcraon bombing run.

    (4) No wil l be carr:ied .(5) If visual release is used the aiming point wil l be other thana confl ager At i on previousl y s ta rted .(6) All A/C not equipped with bomb bay tank wil l salvo immediatel

    in t

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    FEID ORDER NtM:J!R 43 n TINGHOtJSE NUMB'ffi. 2 C O N T I ~ (3) Jamming tact ics mny be employed by enemy but one frequency othe four should remain open.(4) Wings will predesignate one plane per squadron as tre only pto transmit a strike r eport .

    (a) Spec:ia 1 str ike report wi 11 consist of time over targettarge t bombed, method of bombing, cloud, resulobtained, fighter opposition end flak opposition.TimeTarget Bonh edMethod of BombingCloud Cover c.geBombmg Results

    Fighter Opposition

    Over Ta rget (G1IT)- P- Primary- V - VisualR - RadarN - Navigation- 1 to 9 for tent hs X for 10/1- A- Genera l Conflager at ionB - Several Large FiresC - Many FiresD - Few Scattered FiresE - Unobserved- A - Heavy

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  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    &rational Summary No. 63 (cont ' d)b . , ieather Str ike Uissions as of 2400K , 9 Y.arch 1945: None scheduled .c. ' 'eather Reconnaissance };issions as of 2400K, 9 March 1945:

    (1) ' ' I R 5 : "eathe r r econna issance of scheduled area made . No E/A oved . No AA . P ic tures taken of Faral lon De W.edin i l la Is land NESaipan . Retur ned base Guam a t 091500K.

    d . ?hoto Reconnaissance Mi ss ions as of 2400K , 9 Mar ch 1945:(1 ) PRM 73: Objective Tokyo. Ai r borne 090217K. Photographs take

    This .vc landed a. t Iwo Jima due to mecho.nica.l t rouble and vTi l l run t i l repai rs comple ted .

    (2 ) PRM 74 : Target Shimonoseki S t r a i ~ s . . Ai r borne 090022K. Phototaken. Landed base Guam a t 091430K .

    e. Radar Scope Aiiss ions as of 24.00K , 9 1:a.rch 1945 : None schedul ed .

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    Oper&tion&l Summary No. 63 (cont 'd){3)

    {4 )

    fRM 71: Objective Tamashimo. Good q u ~ l i t y photos obt&ined,enemy opposition, 6/10 clouds &t 32,000 f t . Observ&tions: RS of ',/e.k&y&ma. Landed base 081810K .PRM1 ] : Objective Tokyo. Excellent photos t&ken . No enemyt ion . Observations : 2 r eflecto rs W Chosi . Landed base 081

    e. Radar Scope Missions: None,

    'JI STRI3UTION :Regu lar distribution

    / . "' '" .!/., ,,.: : t-t t ( l ( _,#- I ./ / " -; ;;.,.-/ / ... , ( . r;..... ,

    For: W H. C H P ~ DColonel , Gs.c. ,AC of S , A-3 .

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    1 ADQUARTI:.Rs xxr em.mER coMMAND ~ l i . Q l i ~ lAPO 234. c /o Postmaster AUTH:an Francisco, Californ ia ln i ts tDate: 13

    12 l'arch 19'5OPERATIONAL SUMMARY NO, 66

    STATISTICS: Effect ive LossesMiss ions Airbor ne Sor t i es Tonnage Claims ELa A.A DIT .QI:1jor Str ikes :

    a. Cu r rent :(Str i ke 41 ) 1 307 241 1581 3-2 - 0 0 0 0 1.) , Final Rpts : 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0sather S tr i ke s :' i , Cu r re nt :I. 273- 274- 275) 3 3

    ' Final Rpts :( 270- 271 - 27 2) 3 3 3 0 0 0 0 0 0noto Recon :

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    r & t i o n a l Summary No . 66 ( cont 'd )314th '.'ling: 42 A/C a irborne of which 39 A/C dropped 732 X 70 lbIB and 792 X 425 lb . E-46 IB on primary t a rge t visual ly and by rafrom 6 , 000 to 6,800 f t . Destro yed 3 E/A and p robabl y destroyedWings reported f ighte r opposi t ion s l igh t to heavy , ineffec t ive .was heavy to medium, meager to intense, accurate to inaccurate ,type predominate . Results : Good to exce l len t . Large f i r e s r epin a l l par t s of c i ty , 25% of c i ty in flames. 3 barrage balloonsved around Nagoya Cast le in t r i ang le a t 2, 000 f t . 1'' ea the r ove rclear to 2/10 cloud, vis ib i l i ty unlimi ted. Wnds 315 degrees a t

    b . '.'leather Strike Miss ions as of 2400K , 12 March 1945:(1) :sM Targe t Naha A/F. Dropped l4 X 500 lb . GP , AN - 1:.-43 , onby r adar from 30 , 000 ft . through 10/10 cloud VIith unobserved r es

    No enemy opposi t ion encountered. Observ ed 3 enemy cargo v esselsharbo r on NV/ coas t of hmami Oshima. Returned base Guam a t 12203

    ( 2) t'lSh! 274: Target Odawara . Bombed primary by radar with good resNo f ighte r opp osi t ion encounte r ed . Landed base 130345K . (Guam)

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    I)erational Summary No . 66 (con t 'd )

    Guam 122022K.(3 ) WSM 272: Target Kure - Kechi Area. No bombs carried . 8/10 scstratus a t ta rge t . No enemy opposition encountered. ReturnedGuam 120915K.

    c. Photo Reconnaissance Missions:(1) _.2 PRM 12.: Objective ~ y o Urban A:-ea . Weather at target clearclouds . No enemy opposition e n c o u n r e d . Photo coverage and qexcellent . Large area of Tokyo s t i l l af i re . Returned base Gua

    lll735K .d. Radar Scope Photo Missions: None .e. Flash Photo Interpretation Report on 3PR5M 76, Post Strike Mission 4

    Damage to Tokyo City: Damage assessment result ing from XXI Born ComNo . 40, 9 March 1945. Damage totals about 422,500, 000 Sq. Ft . (9, 70

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  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45



    J 'li,;AD

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    ra t ional Sutlna.ry No . 63 (cont ' d)Jima and from landfe.l l to Tokyo visual ly an d by r a.dar through 1/10to 10/10 cloud. 1 A/C believed down over to.rget. 3 wounded , 11miss i ~ . 313th 1.:i ng : 11 0 A/C airborne of which 95 dropped 893 X 10 0 lb . 1,;:..47IB and 260 1 X 500 lb . E- 46 IB on p r imary visual ly an d by radar . 3A/C dropped 89 X 500 lb . IB on Choshi Point , Katsuura and Ka.sumigauraA/F visual ly and by raoa r th rough 2/10 to 8/10 cloud. 3 A/C ditchedon r e tu r n. 20 survivors rescu ed , 12 mis s ing . 2 A/C landed a t IwoJima.314th '."ling: 54 A/C alrbo:-ha of vrhicli 51 dr opped 1098 X 100 1b. mand 960 X 50 0 lb . IB on p rimary visual ly and by r adar through 1/ 10to 2/ 10 cloud. 1 A/C l ost over ta rge t , 1 A/C ditched on re turn, 7A/C missing . 1 pe r sonnel wou_nded , 10 7 missing.'iings r ep o r ted s l i gh t enemy a i r opposit ion . Fev1 rock e t s and barragebal loons observed ove r t ar ge t . 75-100 S/L from l andfa l l to p rimary .~ l a k : heavy cal iber , meager to intense , a ccurate to inac cura te , cont iniously po i nted. Resul ts : General c o n f l a g r ~ t i o n v i s ib le 150mi l es out from t a rge t . Weathe r ov e r t a r ge t 2/10 cumulus withbase a t 3, 000 f ee t , tops 5 , 000 f ee t . Seve re turbulence over f i resvrith some A/C being lif te d as much as 2,000 f eet by thermal draf ts .Winds 250 deg c.t 40 knots .

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    e . Radar Scope Photo . ~ i s s i o n s as of 2400K , 10 March 1945 :( l ) l l !_RSM JL l Target Osa.ka- Kobe .

    carried . STR l l 0800K .f . Air Sea. Rescue:

    4 A/C a i rbor ne a t l 01803LC. No bombs

    Search fo r survivor s of 25V527 , 441/759 and 7 missing A/C of 3l4th '.'!int;negs t i ve. Enti r e crews of l 9V757 and 7V759 rescued. Sea rch vessel s dis patched to repo rted l i f e r a f t s ighted 25 miles we s t of Saipa.n .

    3. FI:-.U. R:.;;S!JLTS :a.. ~ a . j o Str ikes : None .b. ' " ! e a t ~ e r Strilce ss ions : None.c . 655th Weathe r Reconnaissa:1ce Mi ss ions :

    ( l ) llR.j 5 : ' ' leathe r r econna i ssance of schedu l ed ar ea made . No E/ A obser ved. ilo AA . 0 ic tures taken of F'a r a l lon De Medinil la. I sland ~ l E ofSa.i Jan . Returned base Guam a t 091500K .

    d, Photo Reconnaissance J i ss ions :

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    COl FIDErlTIHl,C. I . U.

    XXI BOfo.iBEH cm.mi!.NDJ'.PO 2)1: , c/o POS 1lllJ..STBnS;JT FFVJ:CISCO , CALIFORNIA

    ( C o n ~ i n e d Photo I n t e r ~ C ) r & t a . t i o n Sect ions;J::-d Ph ri.,o R e c o n 1 1 a i ~ s a n t ! S':.uadronand35th Photo Technical Unit)11 l1ic.rcl. 1945

    DfiJ.1N1E ASSESSM:.K:NT RE?ORT NO . 17D/J'.AGE to T01."YO CITY

    Mi:..sion H"o . : JPR5H 76 'l'c.rt=>ct Area: Flown: 10 ITurch 1945

    Alti tude: 30 , 000 'Air?lane C o ~ a n d e r O ~ e r L. Cox ,l s t Lt ., AC

    ' SUJ...Jllt..RYD.:.IJC..f:.C to Tokyo City u l t i n : : _ ; froLl XY.:I Dom-ber Co rmr.nd Mi s s ion l ~ O of 9 1 E!.rch 1945 to ta l ssquare fee t (9 , 100 acre s , or 14 squaremiles ) of ci ty &rea des t ro ye d . The dest royed area

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    CO t.fTi'IDL.'NT Il..LDAI:: .Gz J.SS:::SSl.tElTT RE?ORT no. 17 , Cot:t' d .T;;:.r;.et"

    """"915, Oriental ~ l c a v i n c : Co:Jpcny Plants :1342 , .To.pan c h i n e Industry :1366 ; Ui ppon Oil CO!:l_:1W1y:1370 , Suuidc River Brio6e , RR Yard , Joban11,.49 ; Kandc. J\.icrkct :1450 , Koto Harkct : Line :

    dcstroyod .burn inc .burnint; .ebods .destroyed .

    Arcss Dos t ozed (In c1 udi "C d::>.i..n._;c : fran :;;:,.'T Bal.Ucr connand !Uas on38 ; sec annota t ions on c.. t tc.che d nc.p ) :Area NUI!lbcr So uarc Fee t


    379 ; [JO ;0008 , &40 ; 000400 ; 000400 ; 000'325;0001 , 950 ; 000760 ; 000861 ; 9005 1 5 ; 0 0 0 '780;0001 ;875;0001 ;452 ;50013;000 ; 000

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    APO 234 , c/o POSTl.iASTERSAN FRhNCISCO , CALIFORNIA(Coobine:d Phot.o In t er::retation sections :Jrd Photo RcconnaLssunce S ~ u a d r o n andJ5tll Photo Technic al Unit)

    12 Harch 1945SUPPLEl::ENT TO ~ G E ASS:SSSI\!:'HT REFOTIT UO . 17

    hl is sion No . : JPR5M 77 Tarr,e t J ~ e a TokyoDate Fl own: 11 t ~ a r c h 1 9 ' - ~ 5

    Altitude : 32, 500 'Airplane Cm1nanclcr : J . S. Cath1st Lt . , :

    SUMMARYThis report covers udditiono.l C . , ; . , . , ~ toTokyo CitJ fol l owing XXI Bomber Co r.U:l

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    CC : :b'IDENTIl.X,Supp161ont to D/A Repor t No . 17 1 Cont ' d.AREA of ) OO ,OOO'squar e fee t destroyed a t (5.0 - 8 ,1) .AREh of 22 , 500 , 000 square feet destroyea . The south edge or prei o u s 1 ~ r eported;e i s extended to ': (7.8- 7 . 8 )( 7 . 8 -(7 . 0 - . (6 . 7 - 9. 9](7 .1- 10 . 1 )( 6 .9- 10 .S ) (7.7 :- H>.9) ( '7 .- 3 - 12ol) (8 . o . .. 1 .i.RSA of 1, 000 , 000. square fee t des-:troyed. The p r e ~ i o u s l y reportedaren extended t (7 . 2 - 13 .0) (S. 3 - 12 . 6 }( o . L. -13 . 1) .i.REJ'. of 3 , 000 1 000 square feet destroyed ,(9 . 2 ' - 1 2 ) ( 9 12 . 3 )(10 . 1 - 12 . 6 )(9 . 6 - 12 . 9)J..KEL of 7 , 700 , 000 squar e feet d e s t r o y e d

    (11 .1- 12 ,8)(11 . 6 - 12 . 1) (12 . 3 - 12 . 6 )( 12 . 0 - 13 . 2) (11. 2 -Vertical coordinate s Given ' f i r s t , and ' horizonta l coordinatesedond in c.bove r efer ences , V2 . 1 - HJ . 2

    . I J)A,..,uroved ' " :-. . JJ/... F . , HJ.U.ULTON D. DJ..RBYHAJOR , h.C

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    MISSION NO . 409 MB rch 1945

    pr inliry Tar ge t - urban . .reo , Tokyo

    .... 325 84%

    279 , 86%

    BCIIIiDC 'l&rse ta 296ot .arborno . 92%

    ,. 1665 TOnsJll'OJpi4 Oil Ob r TO.rso ts 116 rona

    Noneau.lta l )Qqe .:.saossmont Photos ShC1i7 .:.bout 16.7 Sq . Mi les Of City.:.reo Destroyed.

    CC6T OF MlSSI CNd r craf t IP s t 14per cent Of . : ..:.irborne h . 4

    c r a f oomoged. 42Of . \ ircraf t Idrborne 1

    crcn 14tlmbe r casua l t i es . 102pe rce nt Of To to.1 Fa r t ic i pati.Iig 3

    S Ma . ch 1945

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    AIRCRAFT p A R T I C I P A T I N G DAre.A/C I w T .U\.E ill''F TillE QF RTURN AJCln01lBlNG A/C "''Cir.MJI r421 a 411 b 41-2 161 X4 . J2l d .321 1 205 i 26

    l l uozl 281 .!. 262 I 54 IS .325

    ~ W H C a ~ e l error .out /12 enaw.12 eftiiNhieF cloar out.out.


    1 :I11I




    Ma - . e r liD& 112 engine .

    I Fl&T I LA.Jr DAT.ti: I0818 z 09 :-'9 z II0815 z c l, II0817. 2 :.'. II

    - -.0815 0929 z IIoB53 z 09lJ7 z "0815 z 0848 z ,0853 z 1010 z II0845 z 0920 z II0815 z 1010 z I " I080.3 z 08,30 z II07.36 z 0802 z 07.36 z 08.30 Z "07.36 z 1010 z II

    2,300 z2157 z22.39 z2157 z2J41 z2110 z2.340 z2242 z2110 z 1225.3 z2245 z2245 z2110 z

    t . . . . \ . . : ~ l . t \ G .l:'h.iliJirlY ~ . u . t ; O Nusr

    02'Z7 z0056 z01.37 z0227 z0125 ze 0212 Z0109 z0210 z0212 Zl0049 z0050 z0050 z0227 z

    TAHG.t:.'1 A.HY i.'b.rl_G . l . ! . ~

    .34,38311.37.322615209.3 I252449


    onbackf i red .f a i led .



    #.3 en g i ne cutting out .

    ONBuLiliiNG Q 3 u " " ' E R . A/CL . R. J.J.'ID TION u""'FT. u..3 .31 .35 .39 14- .33 22 14 2

    I 9 I I 101 I 2- 1 1 21 1 5

    19 1 29

    f .

    ! Bomb bay doors inoper a t ive .1 ../c assigned far ob se rva t ion a nd photogr aphic purpos .s a t IWo &Dd returning lntc .

    autl icient bombe to load a l l _.!c in t.i.o:B for mi.seicn.Exc1uaes 3 s u per dumbos, trro of \7hich o bor ted . a nd 2 i'oMl Excludes 1 super dumbo - 2 hom i ng ../c.

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45





    MISSION NO . 409 1945

    pr intli'Y T!U'ge t - ur ban .. reo , Tokyo.EFFECTIVENESS OF MISS:tCN~ i r e r a t t ...irborne , ,percent Of .:.ircraft on Hand , .. reroi ' t Bombing primlry. ,

    ~ r c e n t Of .:.ireraft'oornc

    325. . . 84% 279 86%. . , ... rc rott Bombing ..l l '19rgc ts 298:pErcont Of .. rcraf t :..irborno , . 92%

    Bombs Droppod On P r ~ r y 'jl:lrge t 1665 TOnsBomba Drop pod on Otlu;r TQrgo ts . 118 TOnsil lOIIY .:.ircratt l)OatrcoyGd, , NoneBomb i ng Roaulta - I)CIIIlgO .BIIOfliStOOnt photos $ h 0'./ ;.bou t 16 .7 Sq . Milos Of c i ty. rt.a Dc.s troycd ,


    COST OF MJSSICNircr a f t IPs t , , 14

    J,=e r ce n t of .:.i rcraf t _irborne

    l.:ircraf t l):lmged . 42P 'r c ent Of :.ircraf t

    e re .: ~ m ' o e r c asu.:l1th .s . 102c Of TOW1 r i p t U s


  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    ~ ' ~ . B E ~ Missror.A I RCR AFT P A R T I C I P A T I N G DArr: S 1 . f 1 ~ c h 1 :145

    TniE OF RETURNI< I .Jc ;.Jc A/C Tl!ll.1!. UL TAKE orF Aj CvMBING Ji.jCBt.\ld.L.'IG A/C ;,c Iu.i ..A;l:iJ.J)- ....u. ING . ~ < I R

    HA.:D UJ-:.1) '1'v B U ~ J:..n.AJ... uFF

    ]' (421 a 411 b 412 161 :X:

    36 4 323233 1 df 201 131 5 i 26121 11 llOl_29 1 h 2827 1 1 2656 2 54339 j 15 I 325 I

    Operation.s personnel error .c 1 . /c carbure tor ou t f/2 engine.- 1 .../c q dr cp #2 eJ18illo...1 .../c bomb bey doors out .1 #4 turbo ou t .

    D...X.t:';I J , ~ r ... I

    C ! k :!:1 oi l E>cavcnger li ne f12 engine .

    Fl.l:l;Jl' LA.Jl' DAT.0'?.1.-? z o ~ u z ';1-.l.OMB0818 z 09:-'9 '3 0815 z ( "'). J 0817.2 ;:. 0815 z 0929 z 0853 z 09h7 z "0815 z 0848 z 0853 z 1010 z 0845 z 0920 z "0815 z 1010 z .-0803 z 0830 z 0736 z 0802 z 0736 z 0830 z "- - - - -- r - - -0736 z 1010 z

    l ' td.A....: ;:.,c.t;{)J.

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45



    MECHANICAL FAILURENon- I Banbed I ombed~ t i T e secondary other

    24 I - I 2- - 15 - 17J ,,GI 11 - 43 I - I

    13 - 12 - 38 - 51 I - I -12 I - I -.21 at 21 - 9






    1 I: I

    - I- I



    l5 I

    FLI GHT CONDITIONS ENmrr ACTICII OBombedecondary Bombed! Non- J ombed I ombed I Non- I lthor Effeotiv Secondary Other ! f fee t1T




  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    ~ . B Jit l:' au:: :nc::_ . .B 0 '" B 1 ,J G R UH lJA:rE 9 hJlrch 1945

    c. r . . n ~ T nrz:; cY.ww t La tes t Lowest li ic hestp 34 151 L :?. 17.58 z 7000 7800 2 I - I - I 2'}'OkyO urban ...reo p 34 1549 :. 1750 z 7000 8000 15 - - i I -'I\)kyo urban ..reo 2 17' ') 1742 Z 7600 7800 2 - 9 -i , Jcko LR ;) .., unJa -ll to , l, l 1 . - 'lncr.:n O\ln 1 -unkno'ill'l TO U"" 6TOkyo urban ...rea p 38 1520 z 1657 z Boo 7600 - - - 38 I _

    ChOS LR 1 1455 ;:. - 7000 - 1 a - - - -'j'Okyo urban ....rea p J l 1534 z 1651 z 6620 8950 10 - - 21 -'IOteytllle-fl8tO,ChOSi point ,~ e n d a i LR 5 1558 z 1700 z 68oo 7800 4 - 1

    ' urban ...rea p 137 15TOkyo urban ...rea p 32 1601 z 1713 z 5tl50 tlOOO 17 - 5 10 -rolcyo urban ~ e a p 26 1526 Z 1800 Z 6400 7800 17 - - 9 -choai, ) ~ l u g TO 2 c 1630 Z 2130 Z 7000 - - - - 2 unknown LR 3 1634 z - 6400 - 3 - - - -TOkyo urban ...rea P 15 1615 Z 1725 Z 6400 7000 4 - - 11 -Choai, J{lltsura LR 2 1705 Z 1718 Z 6300 6500 2 - - - -'}'Oicyo urban ...rea p 20 1552 z 1732 z 6300 8000 18 - - 2 -KB&WIIi8Bura ,Haha ] i i !B, ChJiDID . . .grigan, Guguan


    1636 z 9200 20e 449 1507 z 1759 z 4900 9200 42 7

    279 1507 z 1800 z 4900 9200 125 5 149nhich !118de visual correct ions , o . ls o bombed primary, inch1ded in tota l bombing primary.Includes 5 ;Jc missinp , infor!ll8tion unl'vailnble.

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    . . S l t . & . R MlSSIOlD I S PO S I T I ON 0 F B O MB S DA.TE 117!! elt i ~ / 6

    FUZE LOADED ON Am- RELEASED ON TARGETS I ETTISONED IYPh & I I l'IRm;: &.TRCIUF1' ARE!\-TOKYO I lL..9'!' 'R= rc"' ''" &"TUiHE- ~ ~ n WElGHl' C BUJB- 100 IB500 rnc C1u - j.J*+ --,J - ---- ---- - - 66 r7 56 1900 IB nst. 552 19 368 12 .7 - - 184 6:31560 260 1245 207.5 -500 :rnc C1u 17.3 120 20 194 2.3 1 I00 IB kn-st. 552 19 368 12 .7 - - - 184 6500 :rnc C1u 18.6 1520 2533 1438 239 7 40 6.6 42100 IB ~ s t - 550 19 543 18 .7 - - 7500 :me C1u 18.8 1510 251 . 7 1078 179.7 196 32 .7 181

    100 IB 2206 76 1816 62 .6 -500 :me C1u 990.6 4971 - ~ _ : ~ ~ - - - ----500 Inc C1u 989 197.8 976 195.2 ' ' - - . - - r - -500 Inc C1u 833 166 .6 614 122.8 90100 IB rns.t. ~ o n e 720 24 .8 678 23 . 4 42500 Inc C1u 6J8 127.6 477 95 4 59500 Inc C1u 626 125 . 2 495 99 90 I 16 I 38 17 .6 I 3 I100 IB t,rul t . 720 24 .8 . 359 12.4 144500 Inc C1u po86 617 .2 2562 239 I 47 . tJ 1274 14.8 I l l 12100 IB - - f- 440 49 .6 1037 35 .8._ 1861- - - -500 Ino C1u 663 132.6 586 17 .2 24 I 4.6 I 52 lOk I 1 IPhotoflash 2 .500 :me Clu 404 80 .8 4UU 00 - - k100 IB lnst. bone Q?{, 33 .6 830 28.5 - - 1.34 4.7 1221J .4 986 97 .2 24 4.8 56 1. 2 13-' 6 830 28 .5 - - 134 4.7. 12__ ____ ' ._. ' ..,2

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45




    IIUSSHJ.I uo.__ !;o_ ___D.TE 9 1945


    ENEIIY ACC. ElftJIY ENtJII ElmiYENfJII UN- A/C&miT A C & & OTHFR TOTAL A/C A/AUIIT A/C A/A Kl>WN A/AA/A JIECH .- - - - - - 5'497 - -498 - - 1 0 1 - 1- - - B- - - - -499 - - - - - - - - 9500 - - - - - 1 1 - 2373 - - - !nli6 - - - 1 f - - 1 - -9 - - - - 2 - 2 - 9504 - - - - - - - - -)05 - - - - 1 - 1 - -

    ~ 1 3 - - - 1 - 4 - 9..jim19 - - - - 3 4 - 329 - ll d - - - 3 !:_ 5 - 7l4 - 2 - - 1 6 9 - 10.i[m - 2 - 1 4 7 14 - 42B C.

    l i L A ~ . NO rt 'I 'd .b 3 ;./c ditcbed. Becs1111 lost over Honshu a nd used exce.asi ve fue l.31 personnel rescued.c 111eains. no word.l l :../c ditched cnroutc to base 11 11 cre 11 membe rs r esc ued .l JC miasizla, be lieved sho t dcr.m over _prima.ry.


    1 4 3Jo - - -- 1 466 - 11 3- 8 351 - - -- 9 372 - - -1 1525 - 11 3- - 358 - - 1- 9 359 3 - -- - 191 - - -- - 236 - - -- 9 11.44. 3 - 1- 3 334 - 36 l- 7 304 - 46 1- p.o 638 - 82 21 3307 3 93 6

    - ll8f 1 .Jc l os t t o survey 3/14145 .i 1 .Jc l os t to survey 3/14/!;5 .

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    ." ~ . t l . . : . . I . . . I ~ l c t ~ 40-----.J!.ii.LLJY C l . t ' h H l u . ~ &W JU.J,IDillT.J..ON E h l ' c i i D l T U ~ DATE 9 Mlrch 1945

    l,U . O '' c l ~ u . I T AjC V.r.Jl.':WY.e.D &. J ) ~ l h C , l : . D Al.iL?..JNITl vN I D l T U ~ r.; . AI"b>Ch.... r u . ~ : . oc:s- PROB . 20 M t.J. o5C CALIBERUNI T E.N r.;liJN fay ~ . : . f D.AL.:AGED: T ~ wlA.lJ:.l. TROYU oES rno FIRr:D LOSrfAt C l'orhl. F .i.rlill . ( ) ~ ~ A. / C TV9 - - -497 lO - I ' n.e LOOdec496 1 1 - -5 - - -499 5 -00 9 9 - -!3 oG 10 24 - - - N ne t oadec

    6 6 3 - - - N ne Loadec10 1 - - -- N ne LOadoc9504 1 1 - - - 100 - 1505 5 - - - -- 120 - 1

    313 liG 22 5 - - - 220 219 31 2 - - - N ne to adec29 11 9 - - - 120 - 1

    314 iiO 42 11 - - - 120 - 121 BC 74 40 - - - 340 - 3

    iJtpended on teat f i r ing .

    ~ ! ! ! ! ~ !

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    . !QR! ! IUSSIOII 1.0- - - - -FLIGHT DATA & FUEL CONSUMPTION OAT& L!r.r,:,h 191.5-497 Gp. 498 Gp. 1.99 Gp . 500 Cp . 7) rdA/C ~ I N G MISSION 34 36 J9 j( , 14n.IGH'l' DATAAvg. Time At Low Alti tude 6:45 6 :50Avg. Time ot Climb To Bomb- 6 :35 6:35 6 :;ing Altitude :05 :12 :17 :21 : LAvg. Time At Bombing A lt i.tude :20 :28 :31 : ;:e :Avg. ny ing Time 14:29 15:05 14:42 14 : L.f. l l . :Avg. Distance Flown (NauticalAir Miles) 2771 2FJ5 7194 2750 ?.7

    FUEL C O N S l J I ( p ' l ' I O ~ Caaaumed To Target :

    Average 3267 3)40 3310 JJC'5 :nollaxinnm 3 ~ 9 1 Jlhl . 5 P 5 39MiniiiUII 2QO'l :'':75 :::;Fr. l 2B

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    ..IQ!l .! ;! MISSION 40----P'LICBT DATA & FOEL CONSUIIPI'ION DATE 9 I r ch 194

    6 Gp . 9 Cp . 504 CJ . 505 Cp. 313J/C

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    '. l ~ J ! l . ! MSSION__ ~ ~ - - - - -:P'LIGin' DATA & FUEL CONSUilPT ION DATE_ 9 " tch J9---

    A/C COIIPJ.BTING IIISSION __19 _ _ t n ~ 29 _cr; 3l.L. 23 43n.IGHr DATAAYg. Tie At Low Altitude 3:19 2:05 2:45Yg. T i - ot Clib To Bomb-

    :16 :10ing Altitude :1)vg . Time At Bombing Alt t t ud e 4:17 5:56 5:03vg . ny ing Tiae 15:42 14:52 15:19Yg. Distance Flown (Nauti calAir Miles) 2300FUEL CONSUMPTION 2P86 2R40

    Coasumed To Target: .AverageMuiiiiWII 3783 3725 3756MiniiiUII 405 4/.SO 4. 'f,O3566 3130 3130Consumed From Target To Base :

    :.a:.' :


    2 . i .J.k.B.l%

  • 8/2/2019 Incendiary Mission Report, Tokyo, RG18.57B.45


    .. AVERAGE AVERAGEl lk). AVERAGE OSEP'OL t>. or BOMBSAIRCRAFI' BASIC 'ft . LOADEDHIT AIRJllRJIE or A/C LOAD. 1 l 2 I'+..J..J..J .::>1.!.4.) - '11-47- .2

    36 .6 - .,28498 42 74525 59345 13 .2 - rtA-7-. .237.1 - :;:28499 39 74452 58584 13 .5 - M47-. ,237 .1 - E28500 36 74540 59360 13 4 - t0+7-.....236.8 :L;28- 151 -- -74516 ... .. - -- . .73 ~ , i ? i i 59107- - -- - -6 32 75350 58707 30 .9 - E469 25 748oo 6oooo 26 - E4622 5 - 1 1 ~ 7 - : . 2 504 15 75000 58387 31.9 - E46505 20 73447 59104 24 .1 - E4 627.7 - l>'#7-.2t!_i3ifoo- - - - - - - - - - ;---- ---2 74730 59092---- --- - - --19 23 74600 6o825 23 .7 - E4629 20 768oo 59540 15 .5 - E4637 5 - 1147-:.2~ l f : J m 7 5623- - - 6o22? - . -- .t--- - - ;.=_ 43- - - . - . - - - - - ------21 B.c. 286 74751 59271

    Ul (0 .--- ~ _ . . . - . . . . : .us f!!nn A...otual veight 1:28 - I C1u equals 350 1bs..:..tual DBiaht E46 - I C1u e quals 425 1bs.


    *AVERAGE WT AVERAGEo r ~ FUELLOADED LO.t.DED13853 676013909 674013930 68oo13818 6720- ---- -- - --1388o 675513132 676012925 678513558 678512182 6760- - -- -- r--- .r--- 7 __ 7J.!.__10073 73289213 73609673 - ------7343---

    12918 6849... . ftft- - ..1 -- , _

    MISSION 40DATE 9 t ' ~ ~ l9lj.

    AVG WT OF FUEL AVERAGELOADED MISC .(6 LBS PER GAL) WEIGHT40560 473240440 499640800 385440320 5222

    . . - - - --r--- -40530 4697-- - -- - - - .4056o 501540710 666540710 411940560 6362

    r- ---- . -- -- - -t- ~ g _ 6 - 56094396844160 67846167-44058 . 6496 -

    41094 5259-11 -.o.-- - .. "- ...


    I -

