^if-;^ ?&J A trade movement that is of interest to everybody who can reach this store. Our entire stock of shoes to be closed out -at a great discount to give over the space for o u r n e w S O R - OSJtS S H O E D E P A R T M E N T which will be opened • on oi* aboutrthe first of August. • . " EVERY PAIR OF IN THIS STORE in Price. The event is on a very great scale—a portion of the goods fill- ; irig all the tableB in-.the:main aisle. " '., : V v-^lElenty o,f room_wit.h-plenty-of-salespeopler——=- —~~^.- '- Dr. E. J. Whittleton and wife vis-, ited friends at Lakeside, Sunday. Charles Cape spent several .days of last-week-afc his farni-m-Wesfc-Barre:— Nelson Hallauer and wife of Fabius, are in town, for their' summer vaca- tion. -• ,- --•-•. : Northrup Fuller of Rochester, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Leake, Sunday. """ -. —Mrs~O. HaWihond of Canada, is CHr7 visiting lier sister, Mrs.. Walter -tice^and-other-frieuds-in-towur-— ::u - RObert •. Gray and wife of Fairport, wer^e guests of their brother-in-law, E. G. Frost and wife, Sunday.- Every Price is Exceptionally Low And the List Tells the Variety. Women's $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50 shc-es at Women's $1 and $1.25 Shoes at Women's $3 and $3,50 Shoes at -Women's $3.50, $4 and $5 Shoes at Boys' $1.75" Shoes at Misses' $1,50 Shoes at $1..] ^75cf $2.25 $2.50 $1.25 $1.15 per per per per per per Fair Pair Pair Pair Pair Pair The regular meeting" of the National Protective Legion will be held -in their rooms, Thursday evening, July 9th.- •''.." ^ Mrs. E. W. Paine has returned. to her home in Rochester, after a week's visit with her- friend, Mrs. W. if. Phelps. •"••--•;•--' " _ . J> The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth- odist church, will meet w)th~~~Mr8.- Emily Fuller,"TueSday afternoon,:, at 3 o'clock. A . v •Miss Cornelia Shoecraft accompanied by-^Harry^Snlitli; attended religious services at the National Theater in Rochester, Sunday evening. . Mrs. Leonard Hallauer is expected home_tliis_\veek^frGin— the—Gtty-^hos^ pital, where she lias recently under-" A son was born to Mr. and' Mrs.: Will.Jayne.-Wed^esday^-Jtlne 24th. ^ ^M. F. Pierce lias accepted a position. as tinsmith in a tin shop at Gorhain. Mrs. Harry Leavens and children sneut last week with'Fairport friends. C. H. Wright and fainilv were in West Walworth, Sunday, visiting rela- M Y J ^ : '•The Baptist Missionary society held a tea meeting, at the home of Mrs. Mary Lane, Thursday afternoon. Classes 1902 and 1903 of Webster High school, had a delightful day's outiug at Sodus Point, Saturday. H. C. Bergh and family left Tues- day for Cobleskill, where they will si>vnri-somB~tilhG visiting relatives. Messrs. E. B. Colsou of Byron, and Mack Waldo of Barre, were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cape. -"---—'--—-•-~' Motormau Jolnu Hamlink of the* Roehester-Sodus Bay trolley cars, is receiving - congratulations on being presented with a "full grown broth- er," as his sister, Miss Emma Ham- liuk, was married to William J. Tat- lock, Thursday, June 25th. The cere- mony took plane at the IIOIIIR of the* bride's parents, in^ Rochester. Mr. Haniliuk's conductor, Charles L. De- Briue of Sodus, was also married the same evening,- to Miss Cora Conant, gone an operation. Prof.' E. E. Collister and family left Monday afternoon, for Wyoming, where they will spent their vacation with Mrs. Collister's. parents.- y -~- Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray enter- J^itte,d^friends:,,from.-r.-,Chicago,^^Jast week, enjoying a ~ pleasant"~time at Glen Haven, Saturday afternoon. Barret Knight,- having resigned his position at the Perry Knitting Mills," has accepted a position as night work- man in the New York Central round house at Rochester, going via. trolley daily. • - -' At Webster post office there are un- claimed letters for E. Brown,. Esq., Elizabeth Connor, Mrs. A. W. Herri- man, Miss Rose Jenny,' Henry Mar- tin, Mrs. E. D. Orsborn, Francis B. Connell and Miss McCoy. Webster will make a big spread, Saturday, July 4th. The rendition of a good . program is promised, which will occupy the full day, closing with a grand display of fireworks, in the eveningT ..._—. ---- .-..- at the home of the bride's mother, Mrs. 'Adrian Conant of Williamson. Mr. DeBriue is well known along the Hue and his marriage came a surprise -tcMtveryone, as he was on-duty- up to the hour of the ceremony and con- tinued to remain there, not allowing "himself to spend money and time on a seemingly.foolish wedding trip.-Their many friends extend congratulations. Harry Knickerbocker has been ill of tonsilitis. " ; - Miss Elizabeth Gillette has been quite-ill : - • Mrs. Kiel of Virginia, is visiting relatives here. Sally Kitchen has gone to Boston with her aunt. The assessors held their annual pic- nic one_day last week. Starlyu Ketcham has returned here to visit relatives. Bom;~to~George~~MiHer "aiioT wife, June 29, 1903, a son. Miss Jane Barnard of New Rocholle, Js_agaest at E-G. Barnard's.- •—— —Miss-A4iee^Wbodward-of—Rochester lias been visiting friends in town. Miss Nellie . Chamberlayne is spend- ing a "few days this week at Webster. . Mrs. Jqsephine Spiegel Murray and daughter visited her parents, Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Orange Eckler of Fort Plain, were guests at W. H. Barker's last week. ^•Mrfi." JessieWardis' ; speeding-a Hvee^?T^$^g-| : Mr: Gott spent Surid^^\yitJiIhiB^lil!iSffl parents. . ; ••..•-.;; = •r:-.\'i^yX^j-M^'i^^^^^ Mrs. Ward,'. mother of Mrs. ^F^rif^iWCtl guson, ls.a guest at 1 the '•'Presbyterian^ parsonage. * •""." : ; ;'ti!V. ; ; Miss Helen Phelps of New' Yorky; ; and Mrs. Samuel Rand^f Taircharice;? Pa.,-are guests of Mrs. Christine Dunning. Mrs. Johnson of Rushville, and Migg Florence Hayner of Middleport, will be guests of MissXjhristine B. Crump, for a few days. V . -t Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson spent # • ••V*-; V . ' V * J '- '/ife"*.4l ^Pi^y_Jj4_^QC.hestfir^_ where they. Were, en tortained-by-cousinsr^to—cele brate the fifth anniversary of * their marriage. • - •' Miss Carolyn .Canfield will , give a tea party- today, in honor of her friend^ Misli Christine Bough ton Crump, whose marriage with "B. A. Haj-ner, will take place next Monday, in the Presbyterian church. Miss Allie Kenyon, delegate to tlie Rochester district Epworth League convention lield last week Mouday_afc; Rochester, gave an interesting rapnF^- -—----;--i r&y-ifrj m, 'i.'tM Aug.! m Victor,—spehT cousins, the DESPATCH. Despatch, June 30.—Mr. and- Mrs. George Stevens" spentf SuiTday~ifl""Pai- myra. , ' .Mr..andMrs..A.-E;Whittletbu spent Sunday in Walworth. .____^~.^ W. J. Roachville made a business trip to Macedou, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs." ErTD~ LapIianiT spent Snuday in Victor. James Ransom of Victor, was the guest of his^on, William, Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Fred Lewis left yesterday for New York city, and expects to stay three months. T. N. Taylor is on the sick list. Mr. and Mrs. Mott Shular were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, Thursday, and left Friday night for Butler, Pa. Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes of St. Charles, Mo., came Saturday, and are the'guests of Mr. and Mrs. George 10 PER CENT OFF ON TELEPHONE TOLL BILLS. 1! Piirchase cupon books. Good in payment for messages over tliis company's lines aud until used. YOU CAN CARRY THEM IN YOUR VEST POCKET- Ask Local Manager for $12.50 Worth. BELL TELEPHONE GO. DINNER SETS Beautiful Colorings, Durable Wares. f New Decorations, Artistic Shapes, ' Our Crockery Department is a Complete Crockery Store. The selections are choice) The assortments are large. Prices insure "~A~formernVebs'ter~girI,~Miis JiSiiie' Borland,-^was wedded to Charles Oweu ^^^Orriawor-ShHTsdayr^t^tlre^liome- of her sister, Mrs. J.* D. Hall of On- tario, with whom, she lived. Rev. Herman of the Congregational church performed the ceremony. ^-A-8ferike-was-made4)y*several"of~tlre" employees in S. g. Leake's casket factory, Satnrdaj'. However nearly alj of the men returned to duty, Mon- day. Although there was no tire in the boiler at 7 o'clock a man was soon found to make one and the machinery started. Miss Susie Thompson of Rochester, will give a piano recital, at the. home o|J^&_James_Albright_olMain.street, this evening. The following young ladies will takeipart in the program: Misses "Velma Jones, Eska Albright," Mable Hawley, Julia Robb and Mabel Parker. Ray W. Smith of Jamestown, a former resident and well known in this place, was married to Miss Sarah May Mericle, Tuesday, June 23d, at the home of the bride's parents in JamestOWn. We nTP intm-mori thfif Eylms?-"^ -~"~ rr =^~ ?="-•- Mr. and Mrs. C. Hapeman are living Ja-^oonis-fn-fehe-GeorgerCaEfcritohse-on^joyed Chestnut street. Mr. and .Mrs. Forrest Courtney spent Sunday in Niagara Falls. . Prof. H. I.-Barber has been engaged by^tlie_school_boardVof-Elbar-as-prm- cipal-for the coming year. We all re- member the good work lie has done Miss Janes of Rochester, visited Mrs. Lydia V. Townsend and Mrs. Salter^Friday—--- - Mrs. Nettie Cramer of Rochester, spent Saturday "and Sunday with Miss Ethel Malone. Miss Iua Lobdell of last week with her Misses Gillette. Mrs. D. L. Guernsey of Rochester, spent Sunday here, the guest of G. T. Vought and wife. Howard Newcomb of Rochester, was a guest of his brother, R. M. Newcomb, last Sunday.. ""rChris"Kuhfahl^and "vvife'of "Roches- ter," visited Mrs. "Kuhfahl's parents, Frank Bahringer and wife, last week. -^Mias-FranceB^EckBrson^of'-Corihls:" kill, is here to spend' several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Clifton Smith. Mrs. Willard of Mt. Morris, was called here, last week, by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. C. Rich- ardson. Fred Horning aud wife have gone to the Adirondacks, for his health, where lie lias opened a barber shop, at Farley J. -Wellington's hotel. J. T. Fry and family of Greece, were guests of Clifton Smith and wife, at dinner, Saturday. They also entertained a few friends from here. The Seuior'class of "the P. .H, S. '03 gRYP. a hnat, ride, Wednosdivy Rvpniiig^ lff'h^nbr :: rif^ii^'"jBSioTgr^^li§y^ :: WMt. to Macedou, where dancing was en- Sunday evening, at the. Epworth: League meeting,-held at tlie M. E. church. _^—5f^_-...-.. Mrs. George Spring, Mrs. Charles Spring and daughter, Ruth, were guests of A. D. Smith and wife, Fri- day, and on Sunday Master Russell •:m VS is*. vmatx-jz here'and can congratulate the town of Elba, on" securing so competent a teacher as Prof. Barber. Mrs. Loujs Passage was the guesjt of Mr. and Mrs. William Prior, Sunday. C. W. Clark is preparing plans to enlarge his livery barns and add sev- eral more horses to his stables.' ~~Mf~aud Ttfrs." George Ano "and "Nr~. and Mrs. W. J. Geuthuer spent , Sun- day in Charlotte. Bown Bros, will raise tlie roof of their warehouse and enlarge it for their evaporated fruit business. George Strowger is laid up with a sprained ankle. The-W. C: T. U. met at the home of Mrs. R. K. Davis, Tuesday after- noou. " Miss Cora Sutherland of Vermont, arrived Saturday, for a visit with rel- atives, also to attend the wedding of her youngest sister at Rochester, last TuesdavT ~ ~~ saving of money, as they are the lowest consistent with first class wares. 62 Patterns and Colorings to Choose from. 8T0PK PATTERNS. Twenty styles and decorations In fine French China and Porcelain dinner ware, from which any number of pieces wanted may be selected from time to time at the same ratio as prices for full sets. •"• Friends often unite in a wedding present, selecting pieces from one of these patterns. r TOILET SETS. " Onenundred and ohe different shapes, patterns and color?, $1.15 to #20.00. "•^r. : ~~ FANCVCROpKERY. ^; " C«ke and Ptalt PUU§ — -Copt *od 5*ac«r»- Bread and Milk 3*tM Saladr Tea StU Chocolate* Japaneie War* Btc., Etc .•<•• I! r SEE OUR 10c, 25o., 60c. aiid $1.00 TABLES. GLH8SWflRB—Fine cut glass, choice assortments of water sets, floral • Centerhieces. fancy.pie'ces,>tumblers in great variety, etc., etc. : . . LJlMPS are one of our specialties^ 215 new and beautiful styles to choose r from; prices from 15C. to $30.00. • ' • : "- v ; v m LOW PLAIN .FIGURE PRICKS B.GRAVES, /O »TATC 6T. ROCHISreftMV ,7tOHcsruftm5r7eo (^PANTjRY TOPARLOR. the^hfide is a charming young woman and a graduate in music and art, while the groom is a June graduate of a law school in Ann Arbor, - Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Smith will reisde in Goshen, Ind., where Mr. Smith will enter an office and practice his profession. His many "Webster friends extend con- gratulations and 'wish him success. The home of Miss Oneita Hecker was the scene of avery pleasant gath- ering, Friday afternoon, June 20th. At 2 o'clock, the trolley, . bioycles aud carriages brought twenty.little friends from all directions to celebrate tlie occasion of Oneita's twelfth birthday. After a gracious reception by tlie hostess; the happy party proceeded to the lawn where they ihdulge"d in tell- ing stories' and playing games. From -the souudof their—voices it was quite evident they'wero having a good time. At 5 o'clock,; each little girl chose a partner and they/ all marched iu a line: to an elaborately decorated table set ou the lawn, having a birthday cake decorated with twelve candles in the conter. t After supper the children reluctantly* departed, wishing their hostess many more iJirtkdays to come. OUR MOTTO. Ifluttliiy^iDrK yoT]^!^inj1f)F:SJ|yi r, "A{iibout dnef-thrrd leasthan city prtc^;"It"1biditcra^6t *hfeth6r Y6u want a vlaMag card or a , three 6hcet colored poster, we can farntshyoii-Tfith the best qualltyof work at as low a prico as- •• any legitimate print ehoij In America/ We make a specialty of commercial and pamphlet wo»k «; m "•• AT THE MAIL QFFIOmMMy [:;-'.. Two IMcosurcStcnmcrs. The' steamer . Columbia and tlie steamer Twilight,are in commission, rea<ly for. business. •-JIUio r 6tc^nor--TAtl* ••THE BE$T QUALITY I S T P P K W ^ Tight is liscenscd ta carry fifty passcn fCMX V Hr^^U- K > ! 5 gers, aud is fitted up with safty wir. gers, aud is ntted up with safty wire screen, which prevents all possibility of- passengers falling overboard^JNo othor boat Irfitle^titriii tliTTmanheiF;' -The steamer Columbia is- liscensed-to carry* 175 passengers;; Parties' desiring either boat can communicate. . with Captain D. S. Wbrdeh, Fairport. •• \ PlionooX)-o. ' "•,;".•;/.; : -?25w2 «••'-*•'"••":•'•• - S '••' ; G'^ .---Messrs. 'Tahnan, Ca a e 4iud Bavin, the Perinton assessors, are spending a few days in town. Prof.' [Baker moved to Rochester, yesterday, aud will reside on Hudson avenue. . The Aquatic Cream Separator build- ing is being painted. C. F. Luuday of Canandaigua, was in town, Wednesday, looking after,his property. . Miss Barbara Kline of Buffalo,, was married to J. BUsch, Tuesday, in Buffalo. ' Mr. Church of Penfield, has the contract to paint the Joseph Ano house on Commercial street. Tlie ^electric railroad seems now un assured fact, aud that it will enter -on Chestnut street. ;??MK* and Mrs. C D . Boorom are en- tertaining their-grandchildren.— v— Mrs. John Colvin returned home yesterday,,from Henrietta. "B. J. Fryatt had several new plate glass set, yesterday, to replace the ones recently broken. \ Lawrenco Dyger went to Rochester, yestcrdayr and had the plaster cast removed from his limb, and has been much benefitted by tlie operation. > William Weidrick of.Walworth, \^fs the guest of A. Esfey, Tuesday. ' .»O. \Valbridgo of Rushville, * lias Jnoved-iM-tlie lower part of the~Carr block ou Commercial street. Despatch i>eople are getting to bo vegetarians,' as thero haslieeu no hieat inar^riioTrfortTrr:e6^rc^^^ ^Bakor-Brown of the-Despatch bakr ery,:has made arrangements, to do his baking here'in; Despatch, beginning Monday,; July Ctlii V . V ; ; ; Dr. Webster, presiding elder of the Rochester district M. . E. church, preached here, Sunday, at the Metho- dise church, and was a guest at S. A. Wilson's. •Mrs. Fowler of-Rochester, is spend- ing several weeks at Mr. -and Mrs. Henry W. Thornell's, and their daugh- ter, Mrs. Gardner of New Jersey, is their guest-now . .......... 'Wesley Van-Buskirk aud wife, ac- companied by their daughter and fam- ily, have gone to the Adirondacks, where they occupy their cottage on Fourth Lake. Mrs. Simon Stock visited at Buffalo, this vceek, the guest of Rev. Edward C. Toy and mother. She also spent a few days with her daughter, Emma Stock, at Climcr. Pa. (_ —Arrer^etuTtfiiig - from" a trip across the continent, which was not marred by any accident, Rev. .Joseph B. Fer- guson had the misfortune to fall and sprain an ankle quite severely. The Clover club of the Presbyterian church, held a delightful picnic, yes- terday, at Seneca-, park. They : were accompanied by their teacher, 'Miss Canfield, and Mrs. Elliot Crump. The first wedding to take place in the new Presbyterian parsonage, was solemnized last week Wednesday, even- ing, the. contracting parties beiugjMiss Bertha Clausen; only daughter of Her- man Clausen and wife,'of this village, and Henry Perkins, ah employee of R. M. Newcomb. A few relatives were present and the ceremony was per- formed by. Rev. Joseph B. Ferguson. - Chris—Kuhfahl-and-Albert--Bah- finger made a , remarkable discovery one day last Week when engaged in teariilg down an "old barn at Frank Bahfinger.'s. It is* a bat story aud hardly seems possible, but by actual count, thoy caught Ho .bats aud thought that about 50 made good their escape. They found the nest'iu an .old beam aud the bats ranged in size from very young" ones to those fully developed. \ , •, > ; High Stnmlnrds, Lo\v Expenses, : ' And splendid equipment consequent upon'her large endowment, nro- char* actcristic. features of Colgate uni- versitVi'Which causo her to lead*, .--tf? College: General Culture - courses, mutWoligWYantnges ^ 1 ^ men who navo^oithor_^teaching,^tho., blogy, inedioihororr engineering ::ih viewi Efghtyjfli*tth year opens ; Sep- tember 11,-1903. Address, Dean Craw- shaw, Hamilton, N." Y. ; : 20w4 entertained three ofliis cousins,. Mira Lockart, Ethel and Beth French of Victor. The lawn social at Robert Reeves', last Friday evening, netted the La- dies' Aid of the Methodist church, about $19. It was a charming evening and the lawn was beautifully deco- rated with Chiiiese lanterns. ' ^Lillian, _aged fourteen ^months, the youngest child of r Mr: * and" Mrs Charles Longbine, died Monday, 'of diphtheria', at the Homoeopathic hos- lTital7Tl6chester.^~The inTerinenF was - the same day at Mt. Hope, Rochester. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dietmau, who.reside east of this vil- lage, also died of diphtheria and were buried in the village cemetery. . ' / * * % , ' ~ : ' •• Children's Day. . Children's day was observed last Sunday, in the Presbyterian church, which was prettily decorated for the occasion. The primary department occupied seats on the platform. The opening number on the program was the processional and the little ones were particularly attractive, as each little girl wore a daisy wreath pn her '_%. head and the entire HRSR f.arripri n 1rmg__ [^Msy ;r cTmTirauring tlfe~mar"clI7"wlullr^ was used to add to the decorations. Thereniainder.of^lie^jrogram^oJlQwk:',-, Hymn "* Responsive Reading .-, Prayer Pastor Solo Caroljne Canfleld . Baptism of infant child of_ Mr._and^Mrs.„B.^ ; Corby . Song—"He Cares for us"..Primary Department Exercise—"Little One's for Jesns".:i : .Mrs. Smith's class. Song—"The Rainbow" .... Primary Department Recitation: •. Willie Woolstoh Song... Russell Smith Exercise—"Suffer Little Children" Mrs. Smith's class Recitation .... ; ......... : .... Claude Baker Song—"Glad Children's Day" ••-••' Mrs. Crump's class Recitation—"How to Do It" Gordon Parker Exercise—"Children's Day Bouquet'-'.. _i_>. •• Ten Children "Song of the Breezes". ..Primary Department Some Wonderful Children's Days". Mrs. Eckler's class Cradle Roll ., Graduating Exercises A Address \ ..Pastor Collection Hymn * -. ..' Benediction ....... The graduating exercises were ex- ceptionally flue, by the members of ilTrrT!lm;a-rnTT^lTri^y-M<^ H .ITTTSiliT: yi _•-->,-•.-•.•« • ;,-•-.-4 ••*•& I : : ;>;^ ••'.•**?aS| m •,'•001 ' : 'm\ • •'-•';"". , ;"5il • ••'- r h ' ^ i l M % •:M m m M -''•h'-i If vA -•-Nrvtl m M ••:•&* AT m m !.->* I m .^•V-i field. The members of the class known as the "Clover Club" are, Mary Crnmp, Anna D. Schuyler, Ethel Baker, Edna Barnard, Edna Baker, Mabel Whitbeck, Norma Sutherland,«' Nellie Royau.and Irene Todd. Each received a diploma presented by Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, superintendent of- the primary department, from which they were graduated.. Mrs. Elliot Crump will, be teacher of the class as Miss Canfield has re- signed for a time. The club held a picuic at Seneca Park,-yesterday Additional Correspondence Page 7. Graduates of Colgate Academy Enter the leading- colleges of this country without examination. -Strong faculty, large attendance of boys ohly\ ample grounds for "athletics, water supply pure aud wholesome,, climate, exceptionally healthful, expenses lower thanelsewhenrbecauseof the school's: large endowment.- You'will be inter- ested to investigate these facts. 'Ad- dress, Principal Shepardson, Ham- ilton, N. Y. 26w4 All the rogue hear him tell it. wants Us justice^—to We like best to call SCOTT'S EMULSION a food.becausejt stands so fmatically for perfect nutritfi! And yet in the matter of restore ing appetite, of giving .'new; strengtlaatne.tissues, especially; to the nerves, its action is^that T of a mcHIcltie.'" -e £&TZ *r*.:f#t* fH'^tf'J -™-5«nd for fre* «ample<-—i-,J^« . ••"-•'• SCOTT &BOWKE,' ChtttlsW,^^'; 40^-4\s Pearl Streit, '- ••"-•-'-— -NewYo»k.': ..—«^*fc->-^.» : c- %\ 1^^ rMfi-^l'ASr? K*d^t j'rj^44*4<^'fe^ ^^•*Ji5£^ ; ^^^i. 1 ^"3r:-^'^ ^feVgy*5t-¥^^J^fe^f^^»^^>^i :•>" m:< 4j^u^*A4*^t> i'*fe-!/vS*J

IN THIS STORE 'i.'tM in Price. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074547/1903-07-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdfpresented with a "full grown broth er," as his sister,

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Page 1: IN THIS STORE 'i.'tM in Price. - nyshistoricnewspapers.orgnyshistoricnewspapers.org/lccn/sn88074547/1903-07-02/ed-1/seq-3.pdfpresented with a "full grown broth er," as his sister,

^ i f - ; ^


A trade movement that is of interest to everybody who can reach this store. Our entire stock of shoes to be closed out

- a t a great discount to give over the space for o u r n e w S O R -OSJtS S H O E D E P A R T M E N T which will be opened

• on oi* aboutrthe first of August. • . "



in Price. The event is on a very great scale—a portion of the goods fill-

; irig all the tableB in-.the:main aisle. " '., : V v-^lElenty o,f room_wit.h-plenty-of-salespeopler——=- —~~^.- • '-

Dr. E. J. Whittleton and wife vis-, i ted friends a t Lakeside, Sunday.

Charles Cape spent several .days of last-week-afc his farni-m-Wesfc-Barre:—

Nelson Hallauer and wife of Fabius , are in town, for their ' summer vaca­tion. -• , - --•-•. :

Northrup Fuller of Rochester, was the guest of Mr. and Mrs. E. T. Leake, Sunday. " " " -. —Mrs~O. HaWihond of Canada, is

CHr7 visiting lier sister, Mrs.. Walter -tice^and-other-frieuds-in-towur-— : : u-

RObert •. Gray and wife of Fairport , wer^e guests of their brother-in-law, E. G. Frost and wife, Sunday.-

Every Price is Exceptionally Low And the List Tells the Variety.

Women's $1.60, $2.00 and $2.50 shc-es at

Women's $1 and $1.25 Shoes at

Women's $3 and $3,50 Shoes at

-Women's $3.50, $4 and $5 Shoes at

Boys' $1.75" Shoes at

Misses' $1,50 Shoes at



















The regular meeting" of the National Protective Legion wil l be held -in their rooms, Thursday evening, Ju ly 9th . - • ' ' . . " ^

Mrs. E. W. Paine has re turned. to her home in Rochester, after a week's visit with her- friend, Mrs. W. if. P h e l p s . •"••--•;•--' " _ . J>

The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth­odist church, will meet w)th~~~Mr8.-Emily Fuller,"TueSday afternoon,:, a t 3 o'clock. A . v

•Miss Cornelia Shoecraft accompanied by-^Harry^Snlitli; attended religious services at the National Theater in Rochester, Sunday evening.

. Mrs. Leonard Hallauer is expected home_tliis_\veek^frGin— the—Gtty-^hos^ pital, where she lias recently under-"

A son was born to Mr. and' Mrs.: Will.Jayne.-Wed^esday^-Jtlne 24th. ^

^M. F . Pierce lias accepted a position. as tinsmith in a t in shop a t Gorhain.

Mrs. Harry Leavens and children sneut last week wi th 'Fa i rpor t friends.

C. H. Wright and fainilv were in West Walworth, Sunday, visit ing rela-M Y J ^ • : '•—

The Baptist Missionary society held a tea meeting, a t the home of Mrs. Mary Lane, Thursday afternoon.

Classes 1902 and 1903 of Webster High school, had a delightful day 's outiug at Sodus Point, Saturday.

H. C. Bergh and family left Tues­day for Cobleskill, where they will si>vnri-somB~tilhG visiting relatives.

Messrs. E. B. Colsou of Byron, and Mack Waldo of Barre, were recent visitors in the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Cape. -"---—'--—-•-~'

Motormau Jolnu Hamlink of the* Roehester-Sodus Bay trolley cars, is receiving - congratulations on being presented with a " fu l l grown broth­e r , " as his sister, Miss Emma Ham-liuk, was married to William J. Tat-lock, T h u r s d a y , J u n e 25th. T h e cere ­m o n y took p lane a t t h e IIOIIIR o f the*

bride's parents, in^ Rochester. Mr. Haniliuk's conductor, Charles L. De-Briue of Sodus, was also married the same evening,- to Miss Cora Conant,

gone an operation. Prof.' E. E. Collister and family

left Monday afternoon, for Wyoming, where they wil l spent their vacation with Mrs. Collister's. p a r e n t s . - y-~-

Mr. and Mrs. Clark Gray enter-J^itte,d^friends:,,from.-r.-,Chicago,^^Jast week, enjoying a ~ pleasant"~time a t Glen Haven, Saturday afternoon.

Barret Knight,- having resigned his position at the Perry Knit t ing Mills," has accepted a position as night work­man in the New York Central round house at Rochester, going via. trolley daily. • - -'

At Webster post office there are un­claimed letters for E. Brown,. Esq., Elizabeth Connor, Mrs. A. W. Herr i-man, Miss Rose Jenny, ' Henry Mar­tin, Mrs. E. D. Orsborn, Francis B. Connell and Miss McCoy.

Webster will make a big spread, Saturday, Ju ly 4th. The rendition of a good . program is promised, which will occupy the full day, closing wi th a grand display of fireworks, in the eveningT — ..._—. ---- .-..-

at the home of the bride 's mother, Mrs. 'Adrian Conant of Williamson. Mr. DeBriue is well known along the Hue and his marriage came a surprise

-tcMtveryone, as he was on-duty- up to the hour of the ceremony and con­tinued to remain there, not allowing "himself to spend money and time on a seemingly.foolish wedding tr ip .-Their many friends extend congratulations.

Harry Knickerbocker has been il l of tonsilitis. " ;-

Miss Elizabeth Gillette has been quite-ill : - •

Mrs. Kiel of Virginia, is visiting relatives here.

Sally Kitchen has gone to Boston with her aunt.

The assessors held their annual pic­nic one_day last week.

Starlyu Ketcham has returned here to visit relatives.

Bom;~to~George~~MiHer "aiioT wife, June 29, 1903, a son.

Miss Jane Barnard of New Rocholle, J s_agaes t at E - G . Barnard 's . - •——

—Miss-A4iee^Wbodward-of—Rochester lias been visiting friends in town.

Miss Nellie . Chamberlayne is spend­ing a "few days this week a t Webster.

. Mrs. Jqsephine Spiegel Murray and daughter visited her parents, Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Orange Eckler of For t Plain, were guests at W. H. Barker 's last week.

^•Mrfi." Jess ieWardis ' ; speeding-a Hvee^?T^$^g-|

: Mr: Gott spent Sur id^^\yi t J i Ih iB^l i l ! iSff l parents. .; ••..•-.;; = • r : - . \ ' i ^ y X ^ j - M ^ ' i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^

Mrs. Ward, ' . mother of Mrs. ^ F ^ r i f ^ i W C t l guson, ls.a guest at1 the '•'Presbyterian^ parsonage. * •""." : ; ;'ti!V. ;;

Miss Helen Phelps of New' Yorky;;

and Mrs. Samuel R a n d ^ f Taircharice;? P a . , - a r e guests of Mrs. Christine Dunning.

Mrs. Johnson of Rushville, and Migg Florence Hayner of Middleport, wil l be guests of MissXjhristine B. Crump, for a few days. V . -t

Rev. and Mrs. J. B. Ferguson spent

# • ••V*-; V . ' V * J

'- '/ife"*.4l

^Pi^y_Jj4_^QC.hestfir^_ where they. Were, en tortained-by-cousinsr^to—cele brate the fifth anniversary of * their marriage. • • - •'

Miss Carolyn .Canfield wil l , give a tea party- today, in honor of her friend^ Misli Christine Bough ton Crump, whose marriage with "B. A. Haj-ner, will take place next Monday, in the Presbyterian church.

Miss Allie Kenyon, delegate to tlie Rochester district Epworth League convention lield last week Mouday_afc; Rochester, gave an interesting rapnF^-

-—----;--i r&y-ifrj


'i.'tM Aug.!


Victor,—spehT cousins, the

D E S P A T C H . Despatch, June 30.—Mr. and- Mrs.

George Stevens" spentf SuiTday~ifl""Pai-myra. , ' .Mr . .andMrs . .A.-E;Whi t t le tbu spent

Sunday in Walworth. .____^~.^ W. J. Roachville made a business

trip to Macedou, Saturday. Mr. and Mrs." E r T D ~ LapIianiT spent

Snuday in Victor. James Ransom of Victor, was the

guest of his^on, William, Sunday. Mrs. Dr. Fred Lewis left yesterday

for New York city, and expects to stay three months.

T. N. Taylor is on the sick list.

Mr. and Mrs. Mott Shular were the guests of Dr. and Mrs. J. N. Allen, Thursday, and left Fr iday night for Butler, Pa.

Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hughes of St. Charles, Mo., came Saturday, and are the'guests of Mr. and Mrs. George



Piirchase cupon books. Good in payment for messages over tliis company's lines aud until used.


Ask Local Manager for $12.50 Worth.


DINNER SETS Beautiful Colorings, Durable Wares.


New Decorations, Artistic Shapes,

' Our Crockery Department is a Complete Crockery Store. The selections are choice) The assortments are large. Prices insure

"~A~formernVebs'ter~girI,~Miis J iS i i i e ' Borland,-^was wedded to Charles Oweu ^^^Orriawor-ShHTsdayr^t^tlre^liome- of her sister, Mrs. J.* D. Hall of On­tario, with whom, she lived. Rev. Herman of the Congregational church performed the ceremony.

^-A-8ferike-was-made4)y*several"of~tlre" employees in S. g. Leake's casket factory, Satnrdaj' . However nearly alj of the men returned to duty, Mon­day. Although there was no tire in the boiler at 7 o'clock a man was soon found to make one and the machinery started.

Miss Susie Thompson of Rochester, will give a piano recital, a t the. home o|J^&_James_Albright_olMain.street, this evening. The following young ladies will takeipart in the program: Misses "Velma Jones, Eska Albright," Mable Hawley, Ju l ia Robb and Mabel Parker.

Ray W. Smith of Jamestown, a former resident and well known in this place, was married to Miss Sarah May Mericle, Tuesday, June 23d, at the home of the bride 's parents in J a m e s t O W n . W e nTP i n t m - m o r i thfif

E y l m s ? - " ^ -~"~rr=^~ ?="-•- —

Mr. and Mrs. C. Hapeman are living Ja-^oonis-fn-fehe-GeorgerCaEfcritohse-on^joyed Chestnut street.

Mr. and .Mrs. Forrest Courtney spent Sunday in Niagara Falls. .

Prof. H. I.-Barber has been engaged by^tlie_school_boardVof-Elbar-as-prm-cipal-for the coming year. We all re­member the good work lie has done

Miss Janes of Rochester, visited Mrs. Lydia V. Townsend and Mrs. Salter^Friday—--- - — —

Mrs. Nettie Cramer of Rochester, spent Saturday "and Sunday with Miss Ethel Malone.

Miss Iua Lobdell of last week with her Misses Gillette.

Mrs. D. L. Guernsey of Rochester, spent Sunday here, the guest of G. T. Vought and wife.

Howard Newcomb of Rochester, was a guest of his brother, R. M. Newcomb, last Sunday..

""rChris"Kuhfahl^and "vvife'of "Roches­ter," visited Mrs. "Kuhfahl's parents, Frank Bahringer and wife, last week.

-^Mias-FranceB^EckBrson^of'-Corihls:" kill, is here to spend' several weeks with her aunt, Mrs. Clifton Smith.

Mrs. Willard of Mt. Morris, was called here, last week, by the serious illness of her mother, Mrs. C. Rich­ardson.

Fred Horning aud wife have gone to the Adirondacks, for his health, where lie lias opened a barber shop, at Farley J. -Wellington's hotel.

J. T. Fry and family of Greece, were guests of Clifton Smith and wife, at dinner, Saturday. They also entertained a few friends from here.

The Seuior'class of "the P. .H, S. '03 gRYP. a hnat, r ide , Wednosdivy Rvpniiig^

lff'h^nbr::rif^ii^'"jBSioTgr^^li§y^::WMt. to Macedou, where dancing was en-

Sunday evening, a t the. Epworth: League meeting,-held at tlie M. E. church. _^—5f̂ _-...-..

Mrs. George Spring, Mrs. Charles Spring and daughter, Ruth, were guests of A. D. Smith and wife, F r i ­day, and on Sunday Master Russell

•:m VS

is*. j» vmatx-jz

here 'and can congratulate the town of Elba, on" securing so competent a teacher as Prof. Barber.

Mrs. Loujs Passage was the guesjt of Mr. and Mrs. William Prior, Sunday.

C. W. Clark is preparing plans to enlarge his livery barns and add sev­eral more horses to his stables.' ~~Mf~aud Ttfrs." George Ano "and "Nr~. and Mrs. W. J. Geuthuer spent , Sun­day in Charlotte.

Bown Bros, will raise tlie roof of their warehouse and enlarge it for their evaporated fruit business.

George Strowger is laid up with a sprained ankle.

The-W. C: T. U. met at the home of Mrs. R. K. Davis, Tuesday after-noou. "

Miss Cora Sutherland of Vermont, arrived Saturday, for a visit with rel­atives, also to attend the wedding of her youngest sister a t Rochester, last TuesdavT ~ ~ ~

saving of money, as they are the lowest consistent with first class wares.

62 Patterns and Colorings to Choose from. 8 T 0 P K P A T T E R N S .

Twenty styles and decorations In fine French China and Porcelain dinner ware, from which any number of pieces wanted may be selected from time to time at the same ratio as prices for full sets. •"•

Friends often unite in a wedding present, selecting pieces from one of these patterns.

r TOILET S E T S . " Onenundred and ohe different shapes,

patterns and color?, $1.15 to #20.00.

"•^r.:~~ FANCVCROpKERY. ^ ; " C«ke and Ptalt PUU§ — -Copt *od 5*ac«r»-

Bread and Milk 3*tM Saladr Tea StU Chocolate*

Japaneie War* Btc., E t c .•<••



SEE OUR 10c, 25o., 60c. aiid $1.00 TABLES. G L H 8 S W f l R B — F i n e cut glass, choice assortments of water sets, floral

• Centerhieces. fancy.pie'ces,>tumblers in great variety, etc., etc. : . . L J l M P S are one of our specialties^ 215 new and beautiful styles to choose

r from; prices from 15C. to $30.00. • ' • : "- v ; v



,7tOHcsruftm5r7eo (^PANTjRY TOPARLOR.

the^hfide is a charming young woman and a graduate in music and art, while the groom is a June graduate of a law school in Ann Arbor, - Ind. Mr. and Mrs. Smith wil l reisde in Goshen, Ind., where Mr. Smith wil l enter an office and practice his profession. His many "Webster friends extend con­gratulations and 'wish him success.

The home of Miss Oneita Hecker was the scene of a v e r y pleasant gath­ering, Fr iday afternoon, June 20th. At 2 o'clock, the trolley, . bioycles aud carriages brought twenty. l i t t le friends from all directions to celebrate tlie occasion of Oneita 's twelfth birthday. After a gracious reception by tlie hostess; the happy par ty proceeded to the lawn where they ihdulge"d in • tell­ing stories' and playing games. From

-the souudof their—voices i t was quite evident they'wero having a good time. At 5 o'clock,; each lit t le girl chose a partner and they/ all marched iu a line: to an elaborately decorated table set ou the lawn, having a birthday cake decorated wi th twelve candles in the conter. t After supper the children reluctantly* departed, wishing their hostess many more iJirtkdays to come.


Ifluttliiy^iDrK • yoT]̂ !̂ inj1f)F:SJ|yi r,"A{iibout dnef-thrrd leasthan city prtc^;"It"1biditcra^6t *hfeth6r Y6u want a vlaMag card or a , • three 6hcet colored poster, we can farntshyoii-Tfith the best qualltyof work at as low a prico as-•• any legitimate print ehoij In America/ We make a specialty of commercial and pamphlet wo»k


[:;-'.. Two IMcosurcStcnmcrs. T h e ' steamer . Columbia and tlie

steamer Twi l i gh t , a r e in commission, rea<ly for. business. •-JIUior6tc^nor--TAtl* ••THE BE$T QUALITY

I S T P P K W ^ Tight is liscenscd t a carry fifty passcn fCMXVHr^^U- K > ! 5 gers, aud is fitted up with safty wir. gers, aud is ntted up with safty wire

screen, which prevents all possibility of- passengers falling overboard^JNo othor boat I r f i t l e^ t i t r i i i tliTTmanheiF;' -The steamer Columbia i s - liscensed-to carry* 175 passengers;; Parties' desiring either boat can communicate. . with Captain D. S. Wbrdeh, Fairport. •• \ PlionooX)-o. ' "•,;".•;/.; : -?25w2

«••'-*•'"••":•'•• - S ' • • ' ; G ' ^

.---Messrs. 'Tahnan, Caae 4iud Bavin, the Perinton assessors, are spending a few days in town.

Prof.' [Baker moved to Rochester, yesterday, aud will reside on Hudson avenue. .

The Aquatic Cream Separator build­ing is being painted.

C. F . Luuday of Canandaigua, was in town, Wednesday, looking after,his property. • .

Miss Barbara Kline of Buffalo,, was married to J. BUsch, Tuesday, in Buffalo. '

Mr. Church of Penfield, has the contract to paint the Joseph Ano house on Commercial street.

Tlie ^electric railroad seems now un assured fact, aud that it will enter -on Chestnut street. ;??MK* and Mrs. C D . Boorom are en­ter taining t he i r -g r andch i ld r en .—v—

Mrs. John Colvin returned home yesterday,,from Henrietta. •

"B. J . F rya t t had several new plate glass set, yesterday, to replace the ones recently broken. \ Lawrenco Dyger went to Rochester, yestcrdayr and had the plaster cast removed from his limb, and has been much benefitted by tlie operation. >

Will iam Weidrick of.Walworth, \^fs the guest of A. Esfey, Tuesday. ' .»O. \Valbridgo of Rushville, * lias

Jnoved-iM-tlie lower part of the~Car r block ou Commercial street.

Despatch i>eople are getting to bo vegetarians, ' as thero haslieeu no hieat i n a r ^ r i i o T r f o r t T r r : e 6 ^ r c ^ ^ ^ ^ B a k o r - B r o w n of the-Despatch bakr ery, :has made arrangements, to do his baking h e r e ' i n ; Despatch, beginning Monday,; Ju ly Ctlii V . V ; ; ;

Dr. Webster, presiding elder of the Rochester district M. . E. church, preached here, Sunday, at the Metho­dise church, and was a guest at S. A. Wilson's.

•Mrs. Fowler of-Rochester, is spend­ing several weeks at Mr. -and Mrs. Henry W. Thornell 's, and their daugh­ter, Mrs. Gardner of New Jersey, is their guest-now. ..........

'Wesley Van-Buskirk aud wife, ac­companied by their daughter and fam­ily, have gone to the Adirondacks, where they occupy their cottage on Fourth Lake.

Mrs. Simon Stock visited at Buffalo, this vceek, the guest of Rev. Edward C. Toy and mother. She also spent a few days with her daughter, Emma Stock, at Climcr. Pa. (_

—Arrer^etuTtfiiig-from" a tr ip across the continent, which was not marred by any accident, Rev. .Joseph B. Fer­guson had the misfortune to fall and sprain an ankle quite severely.

The Clover club of the Presbyterian church, held a delightful picnic, yes­terday, at Seneca-, park. They :were accompanied by their teacher, 'Miss Canfield, and Mrs. El l io t Crump.

The first wedding to take place in the new Presbyterian parsonage, was solemnized last week Wednesday, even­ing, the. contracting parties beiugjMiss Bertha Clausen; only daughter of Her­man Clausen and wife, 'of this village, and Henry Perkins, ah employee of R. M. Newcomb. A few relatives were present and the ceremony was per­formed by. Rev. Joseph B. Ferguson. - Chr i s—Kuhfah l -and-Albe r t - -Bah-finger made a , remarkable discovery one day last Week when engaged in teariilg down an "old barn at Frank Bahfinger.'s. I t is* a bat story aud hardly seems possible, but by actual count, thoy caught Ho . b a t s aud thought that about 50 made good their escape. They found the n e s t ' i u an .old beam aud the bats ranged in size from very young" ones to those fully developed. \ , •, > ;

High Stnmlnrds, Lo\v Expenses , : ' And splendid equipment consequent

upon'her large endowment, nro- char* actcristic. features of Colgate uni-versitVi'Which causo her to lead*, .--tf?

College: General Culture - courses, mutWoligWYantnges ^ 1 ^ men who navo^oithor_^teaching,^tho., blogy, inedioihororr engineering ::ih viewi Efghtyjfli*tth year opens; Sep­tember 11,-1903. Address, Dean Craw-shaw, Hamilton, N." Y. ; : 20w4

entertained three ofl i is cousins,. Mira Lockart, Ethel and Beth French of Victor. •

The lawn social a t Robert Reeves', last Friday evening, netted the La­dies' Aid of the Methodist church, about $19. I t was a charming evening and the lawn was beautifully deco­rated with Chiiiese lanterns. '

^Li l l ian, _aged fourteen ^months, the youngest child ofr Mr: * and" Mrs Charles Longbine, died Monday, 'of diphtheria', a t the Homoeopathic hos-

lTital7Tl6chester.^~The inTerinenF was -the same day at Mt. Hope, Rochester. Two children of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dietmau, who.reside east of this vil­lage, also died of diphtheria and were buried in the village cemetery.

. ' / * * % , ' • ~ ™ : ' • •

Children's Day. . Children's day was observed last Sunday, in the Presbyterian church, which was pretti ly decorated for the occasion. The primary department occupied seats on the platform. The opening number on the program was the processional and the little ones were particularly attractive, as each little girl wore a daisy wreath pn her'_%. head and the entire HRSR f.arripri n 1rmg__

[^Msy;rcTmTirauring tlfe~mar"clI7"wlullr^ was used to add to the decorations. Thereniainder.of^lie^jrogram^oJlQwk:',-, Hymn "* Responsive Reading .-, Prayer Pastor Solo Caroljne Canfleld . Baptism of infant child of_ Mr._and^Mrs.„B.^

; Corby . Song—"He Cares for us"..Primary Department Exercise—"Little One's for Jesns".:i

: .Mrs. Smith's class. Song—"The Rainbow"....Primary Department Recitation: •. Willie Woolstoh Song... Russell Smith Exercise—"Suffer Little Children"

• • Mrs. Smith's class Recitation.... ; . . . . . . . . . : . . . .Claude Baker Song—"Glad Children's Day"

• ••-••' Mrs. Crump's class Recitation—"How to Do It" Gordon Parker Exercise—"Children's Day Bouquet'-'.. _i_>.

• •• Ten Children "Song of the Breezes". ..Primary Department Some Wonderful Children's Days".

Mrs. Eckler's class Cradle Roll . , Graduating Exercises A Address \ ..Pastor Collection Hymn * -. ..' Benediction . . . . . . .

The graduating exercises were ex­ceptionally flue, by the members of ilTrrT!lm;a-rnTT^lTri^y-M<^ H .ITTTSiliT:

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field. The members of the class known as the "Clover C lub" are, Mary Crnmp, Anna D. Schuyler, Ethel Baker, Edna Barnard, Edna Baker, Mabel Whitbeck, Norma Sutherland,«' Nellie Royau.and Irene Todd. Each received a diploma presented by Mrs. W. H. Reynolds, superintendent of-the primary department, from which they were graduated..

Mrs. Elliot Crump will, be teacher of the class as Miss Canfield has re­signed for a time. The club held a picuic at Seneca Park,-yesterday

Additional Correspondence Page 7. Graduates of Colgate Academy

Enter the leading- colleges of this country without examination. -Strong faculty, large attendance of boys ohly\ ample grounds for "athletics, water supply pure aud wholesome,, climate, exceptionally healthful, expenses lower thanelsewhenrbecauseof the school's: large endowment.- You'wil l be inter­ested to investigate these facts. 'Ad­dress, Principal Shepardson, Ham­ilton, N. Y. 26w4

All the rogue hear him tell it.

wants Us justice^—to

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SCOTT'S EMULSION a food.becausejt stands so fmatically for perfect nutritfi! And yet in the matter of restore ing appetite, of giving .'new; strengtlaatne.tissues, especially; to the nerves, its action is^that

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