In the crossfire - presentation

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  • 8/14/2019 In the crossfire - presentation


    January 28, 2010

    In the Crossfire

    Critical Infrastructure in the Age of Cyber WarStewart BakerCenter for Strategic and International Studies

    Steptoe & Johnson

  • 8/14/2019 In the crossfire - presentation


    January 28, 20102 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only


    1. The threat is real

    2. Preparedness is spotty

    3. Adoption of security measures lags behind the threat

    4. The many roles of governments

    5. Outlier regions and sectors

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    January 28, 20103 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    1. The threat is real

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    January 28, 20104 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    1. The threat is real

    60% reported theft-of-service cyberattacks Low: Germany, UK (42%)

    High: India (83%), Brazil (77%), France (76%)

    29% reported multiple large-scale denial of service attacks each month,and nearly two-thirds of those reported an impact on operations

    High: France (60%), India (50%)

    20% reported extortion via network attacks

    High: India (40%), Middle East (35%) Low: US, Germany (12%)

    89 percent report infection with viruses or other malware

    70-plus percent report a wide range of other attacks

    E.g., phishing and pharming. More sophisticated attacks like DNS poisoning or SQL injection are less

    common, but still widespread more than half of respondents report these attacks

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    January 28, 20105 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Extortion is widespread

    Why? Because the reported cost of a 24-hour network outage is $6.3 million

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    6/25January 28, 20106 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Most believe things are getting worse, not better-

    Major incident: an outage of at least 24 hours, loss of life or failure of a company

    Nearly twice as many see vulnerability growing (37%) asshrinking (21%)

    Two-fifths expect a major incident within a year

    Four-fifths expect a major incident within 5 years

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    January 28, 20107 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    2. Preparedness is spotty

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    January 28, 20108 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    2. Preparedness is spotty

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    January 28, 20109 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Low confidence in others preparedness

    30% lacked confidence in their banks and telecom providers

    ability to withstand attack

    High confidence: China (10-22%). Germany (20%), US (25%)

    Low confidence: Japan (50-60%)

    Wide differences in national preparedness assessments

    In Middle East, 95% said that their sector was not very prepared forGhostnet-style attacks; in Japan, 50% said the same

    In Germany, US and Spain, only 13-17% said their sector was not very

    prepared for such attacks

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    January 28, 201010 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Resources are tight due to recession

    Security budget cuts are widespread

    but most believe they can cope with reduced resources

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    January 28, 201011 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    3. Adoption of security measures lags

    behind the threat

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    January 28, 201012 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    3. Adoption of security measures lags behind the threat

    Basic, key security measures are not widely adopted

    Fewer than 60% patched and updated software on a regular schedule

    User name and password the most common form of login/authentication

    more than three-quarters of SCADA/ICS systems are connected to an IPnetwork or the Internet

    nearly half of those admitted that these connections create unresolvedsecurity issues

    Security measure adoption rates vary widely by country Chinese respondents report the highest rate

    Italy, Spain and India had the lowest rates

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    January 28, 201013 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Security measure adoption rate

    More than two dozen different security measures -- technologies,policies and procedures

    Security Information and EventManagement tools

    Network access control measures

    Intrusion prevention systems

    Database security and access

    controlsData leak prevention tools

    Intrusion detection systems

    Firewalls to public network

    Firewalls between systems

    Application whitelisting

    Role and activity anomaly detection

    Standardized desktopUse threat monitoring service

    Encryption for

    Online transmission tonetworkLaptop hard drives

    Individual emails

    Data in databases

    Data while in network storage

    Tapes, portable media

    Authentication by

    User name and passwordToken


    Regular patches and updates

    Threat information sharingRestrict or ban USB sticks

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    January 28, 201014 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    China leads in adopting security measures

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    January 28, 201015 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    4. The many roles of governments

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    January 28, 201016 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    4. The many roles of governments


    Regulation seen as generally positive

    74% have implemented new measures as a result of regulation

    58% say regulation has sharpened policy and improved security 28% say it has diverted resources from improving security to

    recording/reporting incidents or other forms of compliance

    Audit frequency varies widely

    Partners Co-operation levels vary widely

    72% of Chinese respondents participated in an industry information sharingassociation; only 33% of Italian respondents did


    Widespread skepticism about governments ability to protect networks

    Attackers, infiltrators and adversaries

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    January 28, 201017 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Regulator: auditing to enforce compliance varies widely

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    January 28, 201018 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Policeman: Little faith in laws against cyber-attack

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    January 28, 201019 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Attacker: 60% believe governments are alreadyattacking their infrastructure

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    January 28, 201020 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Attacker: Many report government-style attacks

    Half report stealthy infiltration by high-level adversary like in Ghostnet

    Half report DDOS attacks by high-level adversaries including governments:

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    January 28, 201021 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Attacker: United States and China are most feared

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    January 28, 201022 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    5. Outlier regions and sectors

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    January 28, 201023 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    China the outlier

    Chinese executives report --

    Uniquely close cooperation with officials

    High levels of regulation and auditing

    Very robust confidence in government

    Much higher adoption of security measures

    China is taking concerted steps to bolster its industriesdefenses

    Are the steps effective?

    Chinese companies report low to average levels of attack and damage

    China does appear better protected than other large developing

    countries, such as India and Brazil

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    January 28, 201024 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Oil and gas sector at risk

    The oil and gas sector stands out as a target

    Reports more Ghostnet-style infiltration than any other sector (71% v. 54% overall)

    More large-scale DDOS attacks than other sectors (66% v. 54% overall)

    More extortion attacks than other sectors (31% v. 20% overall)

    More theft of service attacks than others (75% v. 60% overall)

    Attackers more likely to target SCADA systems of oil and gas sector (other sectors

    see financial information as main target)

    Highest cost from 24 hours of down time ($8.4 million v $6.3 m overall)

    Second highest recession-driven cuts in security resources (73% v. 66% overall)

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    January 28, 201025 Confidential McAfee Internal Use Only

    Principal Authors

    Stewart Baker

    Former official at both Department of Homeland Security and NationalSecurity Agency

    Cybersecurity law practice at Steptoe & Johnson Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Center for Strategic and International


    Shaun Waterman

    Journalist formerly with BBC and UPI Center for Strategic and International Studies

    Further questions for Stewart Baker:


    [email protected]