Informative Issue No. 236 2016 In Support of R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial Arts Law (Philippines) In Support of R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial Arts Law (Philippines)

In Support of R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial ...fmanotebook.com/Informative_Issues/2016/FMA_Informative-Issue236.pdf · The aim of i-Arnis is to give recognition to special

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Informative Issue No. 236 2016

In Support of

R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial Arts Law (Philippines)

In Support of

R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial Arts Law (Philippines)

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How It Began and What Transpired Philippine Organizations Unite i-Arnis Mataw Guro Association & Academy 1st World FMA Unity Seminar The Program Day 1 Day 2 World FMA Family

Each issue features practitioners of martial arts and other internal arts, other features include historical, theo-retical and technical articles; reflections, Filipino martial arts, healing arts, the culture of the Philippines and other related subjects. The authors, publisher and owner of this online magazine are not responsible for any injury, which may result from the instructions contained in this online magazine. Before embarking on any of the physical activates described in the magazine, the reader should consult his or her physician for advice regarding their individual suitability for per-forming such activity. The ideas and opinions expressed in the FMA Informative online magazine are those of the authors or instruc-tors being interviewed and are not necessarily the views of the publisher, editor or owner of the FMA Informative. The articles are the property of the author’s that wrote them and cannot be used without the permission of the author. The FMA Informative is for the promulgation and promotion of the Filipino martial arts and the Culture of the Philippines. NO issue can be printed and Sold for Monies, without the express permission of the Owner and Publisher of the FMA Informative.

The World FMA Family www.WorldFMAFamily.com

www.arnisphilippines.com www.iarnis.com



The FMA Informative wants to thank Dr. Mark Wiley for submitting the material for this issue The 1st World FMA Unity Seminar. The event was held on June 4-5, 2016 at the Montgomery Township Community Center in Montgomery Twp, PA. The event was in support of R.A. 9850 Arnis National Sports and Martial Arts Law (Philippines), with Dr. Wiley and Datu Inocalla setting up the event in support of i-Arnis and also with the support of the Ma-taw-Guro Association and fully establishing the Mataw-Guro Academy.

A word from Datu Shishir Inocalla and Dr. Mark Wiley The aim of i-Arnis is to give recognition to special individuals for Arnis skills acquired or contributions done for the propagation of Arnis as a martial art and sport by classifying practitioners with a sports Arnis Grad-ing System. This grading system is specifically designed for Arnis to standardize levels for all its practitioners. This system will also protect the origins of the different Arnis styles and their masters, thereby protecting the history of the styles. Arnis masters shall be given the proper stature and honor they truly deserve. International ambassadors were established to promote Filipino martial arts Culture & Tourism, begin-ning with Datu Shishir Inocalla and Dr. Mark Wiley. Inocalla and Wiley were then asked to make plans to unify Filipino martial arts and to begin by promoting the first World FMA Unity Seminar combining the associations of the Philippines (mentioned above) and the unifying Filipino martial arts association in North America: The Mataw Guro Association.

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How It Began and What Transpired

The Filipino martial arts are at a turning point. The once secretive fighting arts are now Youtube sensa-tions and available at a seminar or two near you nearly every weekend. With all the open access and popularity these arts now have, they are changing and morphing into systems that look unlike Filipino martial arts used to look. And these days there are just so many masters and Grandmaster that it’s hard to keep track of what is authentic Filipino martial arts and what is Filipino martial arts inspired modern creations. In the old days, there was a Master. Let’s use Remy Presas as a nice example. He spread the modern version of Arnis into the Philippine school systems and to martial artists throughout the word. When he was alive, there was Modern Arnis. Now that he has passed, we have hundreds of Masters under him now claiming new system names and Grandmaster titles. The same thing happened when Angel Cabales passed away, and again when Antonio Ilustrisimo passed away; and the list goes on. I am not judging here if this is “good” or “bad,” as that all depends where you stand. But what has occurred is a near impossibility of tracking systems lines, lineages, and a fragmentation of the art that is as long as the archipelago.

Philippine Organizations Unite In the Philippines, Raymond S. Velajo has been head of the government recognized Arnis Philippines for decades. He has tried to unite the different systems and masters under one organization, with different levels of success. Arnis Philippines, with the support of Philippine Olympic Committee, Philippine Sports Commis-sion, Philippine Department of Culture and Tourism, held a gathering of masters in San Juan City, Philippines in 2015. In attendance were Raymond Velayo, Shishir Inocalla, Dr. Mark Wiley, Bambit Dulay, Rodel Dagooc, Victor Cusi, Pepito Robas, Frank Aycocho, Earl Bruce Villanueva, De La Rosa, the late Alex Co, Dada Shivesh-ananda and dozens others. The meeting was covered by Jean Russel V. David, reporter for The Manila Times. At the gathering, in addition to celebrating the 14th memorial of the passing of Professor Remy Presas, Velajo announced a new organization as a branch of Arnis Philippines, to help unite Arnis globally. That new arm is called Arnis Pederasyong Internasyonal, Inc. (i-ARNS).

i-Arnis The aim of i-Arnis is to give recognition to special individuals for Arnis skills acquired or contributions done for the propagation of Arnis as a martial art and sport by classifying practitioners with a sports Arnis Grading System. This grading system is specifically designed for Arnis to standardize levels for all its practitioners. This system will also protect the origins of the different Arnis styles and their masters, thereby pro-tecting the history of the styles. Arnis masters shall be given the proper stature and honor they truly deserve.

International ambassadors were established to promote Filipino martial arts Culture and Tourism, beginning with Datu Shishir Inocalla and Dr. Mark Wiley. Inocalla and Wiley were then asked to make plans to unify Fili-pino martial arts and to begin by promoting the first World FMA Unity Seminar combining the associations of the Philippines (mentioned above) and the unifying Filipino martial arts association in North America: The Mataw Guro Association.

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Mataw Guro Association & Academy

According to Louelle Lledo, who founded the Mataw Guro Association in 2010, “It’s not the style but the Mataw Guro that makes all the difference. There is no better art, only a better person. The art is the person and the person is the art.” This is an important notion because most people form or join an association to get an elevated rank. But the Mataw Guro Association was formed with a different view in mind. Conscious of the need of developing enthusiasm, interest, and dedication in the field of Filipino Martial Arts Education, and in order to act as guardians of the noble and beneficial aims of Arnis de Mano and compelled by Lledo and Andy Sanano’s desire to establish an association which shall be the rallying point of all

teachers of Arnis de Mano as a Filipino Martial Arts Education, the Mataw Guro’s hereby mutually agree to unite and associate themselves for such a purpose. There is no rank and file among teachers, only the shared title of “Mataw Guro” or master teacher. The Mataw-Guro Association was formed to merge the different styles and systems in North America by designing, establishing and disseminating a basic fundamental for teaching Filipino martial arts education. The aim is to support Republic Act 9850 (aka Arbnis Law), to establish Arnis as national martial art and sport of Philippines). The Mataw-Guro Association legacy is to contribute to Filipino martial arts development through grassroots efforts, schools, and the physical education programs within colleges and universities. It is the only Association that can accredit and evaluate the Filipino martial arts based on the four classical or traditional sys-tems common to all the different major styles in the Philippines. The Association then formed the Mataw Guro Academy wherein it appointed faculty for legitimate teaching of the Filipi-no martial arts education fundamentals programs. The Academy consists of Mataw Guros from different styles: Llouelle Lledo (Amara Arkanis), Andy Sanano (Sanano Martial Arts), Emmy Querbin (Sikaran), Dr. Christopher Viggiano (Shen Wu Dao), Bob Martin (United Force Martial Arts), Dr. Mark Wiley (Integrated Eskrima), Marlon Hudak (Pinoy Dragons), Walter Crisostomo (Ultimate Eskrima), Rommel Guiveses (Sikaran), Spencer Gee (Pananandata), and Oliver Garduce (Kombatan).

1st World FMA Unity Seminar

Datu Shishir and Dr. Wiley spent months coordinating efforts in the role as International Ambassadors of Filipino martial arts Culture. Shishir began teaching in Macau and Korea and Guanzhou. Wiley rallied his support behind the Mataw-Guro Association, for which he serves as Senior Adviser and PA State Ambassador, and joined them in promoting seminars on the US East Coast. Then a date was selected for the First Word FMA Unity Seminar to be held in Montgomery Township, PA on June 4-5, 2016. This became the forerunner in a series of FMA Unity seminars now sweeping the USA, Canada, and Brasil. This first event was hosted by Dr. Mark Wiley and supported by the Mataw Guro Asso-ciation, i-ARNIS, Arnis Philippines, Philippine Dept. of Tourism, Philippine Sports Commission, Philippine Olympic Committee, Integrated Eskrima International, World Sikaran Brotherhood, Society of Black Belts of America, Arnis Kali Maharlika, Philippine’s National Committee for Culture and Arts, Sword Stick Society, and Tambuli Media.

Over 80 participants, over two days came from all over the US and Canada to learn the basic course in Filipino martial arts Education as set by the Mataw Guro Academy. Instructors included masters from many styles all coming together to share their common basics. The Seminar was presided over by Mataw-Guro Association Founder and CEO MG Louelle Lledo and by the Mataw-Guro Association International Coordinator, Mataw-Guro Andy Sanano. Several Mataw-Guros were an active part of the event including Mataw-Guro Bob Martin, Mataw Guro Rommel Guiveses, Ma-taw-Guro Marlon Hudak, Mataw-Guro Spencer Gee, Mataw-Guro Walter Crisostomo, Mataw-Guro Abel Colon, Mataw-Guro Richard Lundy, Mataw-Guro Dr. Christopher Viggiano, Mataw-Guro Oliver Garduce, Sifu Keith Mazza as well as our host Mataw-Guro Dr. Mark Wiley and our leaders, Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo and Mataw-Guro Andy Sanano. Many of the Mataw-Guros offered training sessions making this a very successful

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Day One Day one began with the fundamentals of Filipino mar-tial arts Education. After both the Philippine and United States National Anthems were played, everyone saluted in. Salutation (pagpugay). Bowing by placing the stick to the forehead and saying, “I search for knowledge”, the stick is then moved down to the right side as you say, “I show my respect,” and then moved to the left side of the chest, saying “I pledge my loyalty,” then it is crossed in front of the lower body, saying “I’m ready for instruction.” Mataw Guro Louelle Lledo then began by to show and explain the two basic fundamental strikes -- forehand and backhand -- that you can strike anywhere you want on your opponent. This was followed by fore-hand and backhand striking combinations and drills following the Abecedario Doce Henerales or “twelve angles of situation.” Attacking then defending while moving backward. Then the two partners exchange sumbrada, applications.Day Two

On day two Mataw-Guro Lledo taught basic warm-up and stick drills. He then showed the body me-chanics and footwork, even making the participants dance the Cha-cha (we’ll upload the video of Mataw-Guros Louelle Lledo, Andy Sanano and Spencer Gee danc-ing like no one was watching. Lucky for us, Dr. Mark had his camera on!). Following this, a bonus level two Abecadario Cinco Teros classical Kruzada and Sinawali systems was shared. Cinco Teros is the oldest form of Arnis from different masters and grand master. Here was shown the basics five strikes of Cinco Teros or the ABCs

of its origins. The original Abecidario is consists of 24 movements.Mataw-Guro Andy Sanano taught the Sinawali drill using the basic forehand and backhand. All variations of Sinawali

are based on these two fundamental strike concepts. After several vari-ations and rounds of double stick training, Mataw Guro Sanano reminded partici-pants not to forget the Law and to practice how to walk away or talk your way out of confrontation.

event. Special guest and iArnis representative, Datu Shishir Inocalla also shared his knowledge and brought his support. The overall purpose of the seminar was to strengthen Filipino martial arts Education as is the Mission of the Mataw-Guro Association. In particular, the seminar was offered in active support of RA 9850, establishing Arnis as the national sport and martial art of the Philippines. A consortium of the above-named organizations and agencies has awarded the Mataw-Guro Association a Certificate of Recognition for the presentation of this first World FMA Family Unity Seminar. And each participant received a Certificate of Attendance with all asso-ciation logos as support.

The Program

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Mataw-Guro Walter Crisostomo introduced the crowd to the first 9 Abaniko methods of his Ultimate Eskrima Pinatakay system. Parry and hitting with abaniko from all angles, against all strikes and counters. Dr. Christopher M. Viggiano (Mataw-Guro Academy Medical Advisor) and Mataw Guro Bob Martin, handed participants a document explaining the Complications of Chest Trauma. It is imperative to note that Blunt Force Trauma (BFT) may be the initial cause of death... for ex-ample from rib fractures that penetrate underlying organs causing failure, from clots (thrombo-emboli) that can travel and cause a Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) or even a Stroke (Cerebral Infarction). Two significant scenarios for Martial Artists are Cardiac (Heart) Injury

from Arrhythmias (irregular heart rhythms) to deadly Cardiac (Heart) wall rupture and / or Coronary Artery Dissections (arteries that feed the muscle of the Heart that can tear). Other possibilities of Pathology can result from a delayed response in which Blunt Force Trauma (BFT), one time or repetitive, was sustained many years before any signs and symptoms have ever surfaced from accidents, training and / or combat. Dr. Viggiano lectured and demon-strated how the baston is used as a blade. Due to the danger of training with live blades, a regiment of using a rattan stick has

been a preferred protocol. Though time, drills and skills related to the Baston / Rattan Stick have been categorized that have basic Classi-cal elemental actions / Maneuvers common in all styles and systems.

Although penetrating strikes that impact the opponent’s weap-on and / or specific body parts are the mainstay of the Filipino Stick Arts, the Bladed Weapons of the Filipino martial arts can and should be inter-changeable movements that correlate with the Filipino martial arts Stick Arts. Various drills were shown and the participants had a blast.Mataw-Guro Keith Mazza (of Traditional Wing Chun) came out to show support and helps cool down day one with a selection from the Shi Ba Shi, or 18 forms Tai Chi Qigong set. His knowledge and skill in demonstrating and explaining the movements was masterful.

Datu Shishir Inocalla taught the basics of Modern Arnis, including the Brush-Trap-Hit empty-hand method, lock and control maneu-vers and Sinawali. He discussed theory of the moves and how to progress them in training to work toward mastery of the basics.Dr. Mark Wiley taught the core concepts of basic modes of engaging an opponent. After explaining the four modes (methods of defense) common to all Filipino martial arts styles, he went on to demonstrate in free flow how each mode can have advantage over the others. He

then focused on teaching something most people have not done: employing Mode 3 weap-on deflections within Sinawali, instead of the usual Mode 4 blocks. Everyone had a blast trying to “work it out.”Mataw-Guro Spencer Gee ran the participants through a tiring class of footwork, waist and hip movements. He focused on triangle stepping, range changes, odd directional movements. And of course his specialty the Philip-pine horse whip and other unique weapons.

Mataw-Guro Marlon Hudak and Rommel Guivesse

taught stretching and basic kicking tech-niques of Sikaran. These included hip and leg stretches and the famous Biakid (back kick) of the Baras farmers.

Mataw-Guro Oliver Garduce taught the basic blocks and counters of Kombatan. He was fast and furious in his demonstration trying his best to wow the crowd. He explained the basic blocking and grabbing method and the basic tie up and disarm methods at the root of his system.

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Dinner was at Hibachi and awards were given for Seminar Attendance and entry into the Mataw Guro Association and also the Mataw Guro Faculty and Advisors. The two days ended way too quickly and everyone was hanging around the parking lot for hours talking and sharing until the facili-ty asked us to leave

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World FMA FamilyWith the huge success of the First World FMA Unity Seminar, Datu Shishir Inocalla and Dr. Mark Wiley, as the International Representatives of iArnis, and backed by Arnis Philippines president Raymond S. Velayo, set up a new unity website, www.WorldFMAFamily.com to be a place where everyone involved in this new movement toward unity can share their events and news. Have a look, join us on Facebook, and support Unity in the Filipino martial arts, not more division.

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