It is deeply fixed, consistent, distinctive, characteristic patterns which defines one’s style of interacting with physical & social environment. Personality signifies- a. Uniqueness of a person b. Special characteristics that set apart one person from another • Determinants of personality- person’s intelligence, aptitude. Ready wit, presence of mind Speech- shortest means of creating impression General behaviour Looks of a person- ht, color of eyes, skin, physical structure Social environment- upbringing, college env, friend circle, office env.

Imtp Unit2-Personality Development

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Page 1: Imtp Unit2-Personality Development

• It is deeply fixed, consistent, distinctive, characteristic patterns which defines one’s style of interacting with physical & social environment.

• Personality signifies-a. Uniqueness of a personb. Special characteristics that set apart one person

from another

• Determinants of personality- person’s intelligence, aptitude. Ready wit,

presence of mind Speech- shortest means of creating impression General behaviour Looks of a person- ht, color of eyes, skin,

physical structure Social environment- upbringing, college env,

friend circle, office env.

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1. Sum total of our character , emotions, intellect,

behaviour, capabilities , qualities etc

( conception of ourselves + estimation of outside

people about us)

2. “Your personality is the type of person you are,

which is shown by the way you behave, feel &


3. What we are, what we think , what we do.

•Derived from greek word “persona- the mask” reflecting

one’ s views, character, beliefs, attitudes, knowledge etc.

•Determines how a person reacts under different


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Determinants of Personality:1. Heredity :

– Heredity refers to those factors which were determined –

– at conception and reflexes,

- energy levels and

- biological rhythms are characteristics that are generally considered

to be imported either completely or substantially by one’s parents.

– individual’s personality is the molecular structure of the genes,

located in the chromosomes. heredity plays a very important part in shaping the


The following classification of characteristics is said to be inherited by all


• 1. Physical structure

• 2. Reflexes

• 3. Innate drives

• 4. Intelligence

• 5. Temperament

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Environment: • Environment includes factors such as culture

1. .ex. The methods by which an infant is fed ,trained adolescence to adulthood are all culturally determined.

1. While growing the child learns to behave in ways expected by the culture of the family into which the baby was born.

2. Most cultures expect different behaviour from males than from females.

3. The cultural sub-groups exerts its influence on personality.

linear relationship cannot be established between personality and given culture for 2 reasons.

• 1. The cultural impact on an individual is not uniform, as they are transmitted by people different in their values and practices

• 2. The individual has some experience that is unique. Each individual reacts in his own way to social pressures, differences in behaviour being caused by biological factors.

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• Personality is related to character, personality development oriented towards character development

• Human structure is described as a chariot with 5 horses :– Chariot – physical body (tana)– Charioteer – intellect (buddhi)– Reins – mind (manas)– Person sitting inside – conditioned self (jiva)– Five horses – five sense organs– Roads – desires (sense & objects)– Supreme goal- Brahman (unconditioned self)

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• Expert charioteer will control the reins & 5 horses with properly integrated mind & intellect

• Western ethos considers mind & intellect as one

• In Indian ethos –Mind – feelings, emotions, impulses, likes, & dislikesIntellect- thinking, analysing, contemplating,

concluding or discovering something new.

• 4 aspects of personality-a.Physical – likes & dislikesb.Mental- guides the mindc.Intellectuald.Spiritual- intuitive judgement

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• To understand real self, proper integration & co-ordination betn mind & integration is reqd

• Objective of P.D – enlightment of soul (liberation)– Karuna, prajana are reqd

• Self- managed person – down to earthGratitude towards others, GodOptimistic (learns from mistakes)Doing duty without any expectations

• Personality is the combination of tana, manas, buddhi

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Reasons for inner turmoil :• Worry• Resentment• Fear• Guilts• Self-doubt

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Sattvik personality-Is a man of principle ( does before he asks

others to do)Observes strengths, weaknesses but never

discloses to othersService to the societyDoes soul-searchingSelf-control & control over others ( takes the

blame)Life-long learnerDetached , self-motivated , inspires others

with his charismatic personalityDevelops mental, moral, spiritual power &

able to resolve conflicts.

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1. Role Personality: 1. We term role personality as our role model.

2. Role personality has certain personality traits which we

try to incorporate in our life.

3. We try to create a SWOT analysis of Role personality and

try to fit ourselves in that range.

4. We always try to keep our role personality in focus and

act accordingly to his role

5. Role personality continues to establish themselves a role

model for others and thus hardly any scope for them to

get manipulated

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True Personality:

• 1. True personality refers to what we are i.e. it indicates

or own personality.

• 2. We always try to manipulate our personality but in

the end it is our personality which gets reflected.

• 3. We always try to bridge the gap between our

personality and role personality.

• 4.True personality can be modified and can be


• 6. Sometimes our own personality keeps on changing

due to external control, but in the end if leads us to


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Qualities required for development of a personality (Sarvangi Vikas or Sarvatomukhi Pratibha) are :

• 1. Atmavishwas (self Confidence): Self-confidence. “Can do” attitude must be developed in every individual.

• 2. Para Samman (Reverence for all creation): An individual must have reverence for nature, man, animal, etc.

• 3. Sahas (Daring): An individual must have the daring to face challenges and accept everything that is new and sudden

• 4. Dhairya (Patience): ‘Slow and steady wins the race’. ‘Haste is Waste’.

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• 5.Nischaytmakta (Decisiveness):. A person must have Nirnay Shakti and Nischayatmak Buddhi.

• 6. Abhyasu Vrutti (Readiness to learn): Readiness to learn and curiosity to learn go hand-in-hand. They help an individual gain knowledge, resulting in the development of the indivdual.

• 7. Straightforwardness and simplicity: A person should be straightforward and simple & adaptableto any situation in life if he wants to develop.

• 8. Satata (Continuity): He must be a constant and consistent learner

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• 9. Perseverance: He must have perseverance and deep-thinking.

• 10. Sportsman spirit: He must learn to accept failures just as he accepts success.

• 11. Audarya (Generosity): A person must have a big heart and not a narrow one.

• 12. Sahanshilta (Tolerance): He must have the quality of tolerating any human being and any situation.

• 13. Tyagi (sacrificing): He must be a tyagi. He must learn to sacrifice his personal interests

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• 14. Compassionate: He must have love and compassion for all.

• 15. Appreciation: A person must learn to appreciate others.

• 16. Alertness and Awareness: He must be alert about good and bad and must know how to carry his duties and responsibilities.

• 17. Tanmayta: He must be completely engrossed in his work.

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Personality traits to be imbibed by Indian manager :

1. Holistic approach- caring, nurturing, creating long term relationship

2. Affirming inner wisdom & resourcez-managing self & others

3. Introspect 4. Be religious5. No egoism6. Remove fears7. Have faith in yourself8. Develop positive attitude towards life9. Benefit to larger society- Bahujan Hitay, Bahujan Sukhaya10.Be detached11.Intuitive leadership – dynamic & everchanging

environment, recognize inner spiritual resources for creative solns.

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Good Manager needs to SPARKLE-S – Self- disciplinedP - PlanA – Accomplish goalsR - ResponsibilityK – Knowledge about Customers, Co. , CompetitorsL – Learn the Law of Cause & EffectE - Ethical

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• VARIOUS TECHNIQUES OF SELF DEVELOPMENT :-1. Yoga2. Meditation3. Vipasana4. Sudarshan Kriya

• Cleans mind, controls thought process, ultimately leads to ‘Poornananda’.

• It’s a spiritual science of self-realizationBENEFITS :1. Improved fitness2. Mental clarity3. Greater self-understanding4. Stress control5. General well-being

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Yoga Meditation Vipasana Sudarshan Kriya

• deals with physical health.Yoga unites us with the Supreme soul•Moksha shastra-identify with body, mind possessions, relationships

Meditation focusses on balance of mind

It’s a process of self-observation•Purifies mind•Finds the cause of suffering•Attain liberation

•Powerful breathing technique

2. •Spiritual discourses focus on Advaita concept•Compassionate, empathetic, sharing joys with others•Develops a more positive attitude towards life

•Insight- to see the things as they are.•Results in balanced mind full of love & compassion, peace & harmony

• increases & balances the flow of energy in the body.•Develops serene, poised, healthy personality • permanently reduces stress, •Increases mental clarity & awareness, enhances conc

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3. •Different approaches for people with different emotional & mental capacities ex. •Bhakti, •gyan &• karma yoga etcEight stage process-. Yama - (Restraints)2. Niyama - (Observances)3. Asana - (Posture)4. Pranayama - (Control and regulation of prana) 5. Pratyahara - (Sense withdrawal)6. Dharana - (Concentration)7.Dhyana - (Meditation)8. Samadhi - (Self-realisation

• 3-step process•Normal mind-abnormal•Conc mind- focus on obj•Medi mind- unbroken attn•Contemplating mind- cosmic consciousness & unity with it.

•People observe complete silence during vipasana

APEX- Achieving Personal Excellence

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PERSONALITY DEVELOPMENT THROUGH YOGA :– Course of events happening around the world

can’t be changed– Enough will power to remain undeterred can be

achieved through enlightment through yoga.

• Derived from the word ‘Yuj’ means ‘union’.Primary Stage- Yoga unites body with mindSecondary stage- “ “ mind with soulFinal stage - “ : us with Supreme soul


• Yoga cleans our mind, controls our thought process, ultimately leads us to ‘Poornananda

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• The training of a Yogi is divided into eight stages (Ashtanga Yoga).

• By practicing all these stages and techniques of Yoga-– the impurities in the chitta are destroyed and t– there is an enlightenment in the individual.

• The eight limbs of Yoga are:• 1. Yama - (Restraints)• 2. Niyama - (Observances)• 3. Asana - (Posture)• 4. Pranayama - (Control and regulation of prana) • 5. Pratyahara - (Sense withdrawal)• 6. Dharana - (Concentration)• 7. Dhyana - (Meditation)• Samadhi - (Self-realisation)

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Yama – • Yama implies Restraint or the practice of the

following five ethical codes. – Ahimsa: non-violence; not hurting or killing anyone,

even self– Satya: truthfulness, – Asteya: not stealing, – Brahmacharya: abstinence and chastity; self-restraint

from yielding to impulses or desires; and– Aparigraha: avoidance of greed, non-avariceness, non-


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Niyama –Niyama implies observance of the five rules of purity. • Shaucha: cleanliness and purity, not only of the external physical

body, but even of the mind..• Santosha: contentment, implying that man needs to realise that he

gets only what he deserves and not always what he yearns for• Tapas: penance and austerity, -man needs to be perseverant in his

attempts and should perform duties with a sense of detachment.• Swadhyay: self-study and self-help, guiding the student to introspect,

auto-suggest, and be self-reliant.• Ishvarapranidhana: resignation and submission to God, with faith.

This is also interpreted teleologically as a submission to Divine Will. The individual needs to work with a sense of detachment (Karmayogi)

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Asana – Posture - • relaxation / meditation. • done correctly, in a disciplined manner, and religiously- disciplined

mind, a kind and sensitive heart and a rationally guided intellect, with intuition as its power.

• The steadiness and steadfastness• teaches man to conserve energy and utilise it in a stringent manner

for maximum benefits. • Asana, along with Pranayama, leads man to achieve the goal of

‘Arogyam ca dine dine’-perfect condition of heart, kidneys, lungs, stomach, liver, the indriyas, the brain and the spine.

• Practice of Asanas helps to move further with dharana, dhyana, and samadhi.

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Pranayama :• involves breath-control or the regulation of psychic prana through

the regulation of inhalation and exhalation, • Regulated breathing ,the level of energy in an individual, his

tolerance to stress and strain, and his nature of managing fatigue.• It helps to judge the state of mind of an individual by watching his

rate and state of breathing. • The rate of breathing of individuals can be monitored, regulated and

trained for increased performance and good health. • The agitated and restless mind of an individual can be calmed down

by regulating and steadying his breathing.• It is a good technique to manage stress. Pranayama helps in

checking a wandering mind, thus leading to increased attention and concentration.

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Pratyahara – • Pratyahara is a technique of withdrawal, where the

sensory organs are trained to ignore their perceptions and consequent feelings and look within.

• This process of introversion is unique and novel to Indian culture.

• The scientific study of an individual by himself for himself, in a holistic manner is what Yoga teaches.

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Dharana – • is a technique leading to steadying the mind by

concentrating on a single object, an icon or a sacred symbol or a body part, such as the tip of the nose.

• Asana and Pranayama help in steadying and stabilising the body and mind, inciting the individual to be healthy and motivated.

• Such an individual now needs to focus his energies and direct them towards the goal of self-realisation.

• With Pratyahara and Dharana, the individual mind is introverted, attention span is increased and concentration is also heightened. Dharana helps to focus on goals.

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Dhyana – Tatra pratyayaikatanta Dhyanaà• Dhyana is Meditation, which is a technique learnt to help

the object of concentration to fill the whole mind. • Similarly, the energy in an individual needs to be trained to


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Samadhi – • Samadhi involves deep Meditation, • when the whole personality is dissolved, where the

individual realises his real self and moves on the path of self-actualisation and self-realisation.

• It merely talks about renouncing the desire and craving for the benefits of one’s efforts.

• It is a technique that teaches one to be detached, doing one’s duty in life according to one’s station in life. T

• his is the heightened practical dimension to Dharma and the concept of Nishkamakarma, as given in our scriptures and culture.

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MARGAS : to obtain the ultimate objective of bliss (MERGE SELF WITH SUPREME SOUL) , the science of yoga suggests three margas :-1.Gnana marga ( related to intellectual)2.Bhakti marga ( related to emotions)3.Karma marga ( mixed psychology)•EMOTIONS > INTELLECTUAL = requires Bhakti yoga•INTELLECTUAL> EMOTIONS = Go for Gnana yoga•Person following all the 3 paths = Detached from material world, realize ultimate potential of attaining Supreme Self.

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JNANA MARGA : (PATH OF KNOWLEDGE)a)Is the yoga of true knowledgeb)Based on advaita vedantac) Realization about what & why it is to be doned)Understanding, acceptance & methods to reach

goals & commitmente)Care & concern for others due to similarity in goalsf) Realization regarding oneness with others &

Supreme self brings enlightenment|

thru the difference betn reality & myths

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• While performing duty-a) Selfless service without expectations (NISHKAMA KARMA)b) Giving up ego to serve the divinec) Follow one’s own personal dharma & accept your destinyd) Path of doing right thing (SPIRIT OF ‘YAGNA’) (acc to law of

dharma)e) Striving to perform duties with concentration & dedicationf) Detachmentg) Look at any kind of work with dignity

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BHAKTI YOGA : (PATH OF DEVOTION)a)Pure spiritual devotion ( surrender to God)b)Willingness & determination to follow instructions

with absolute trustc) No attempt to understand ‘why’ & ‘where’ of thingsd)Serve majority of people at all timese)Improves flow of positive thoughtsf) Feel presence of Lord in everythingg)Understand that all actions in this world are acts of


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• Acc to Judaism- “the ideal man is the image of God”•Acc to Chinese – “Ideal man is a sage, he’s interested in everything human”•Acc to Vedanta philosophy, ‘Kosha’ is the sheath of Atman. The 5 concentric layers of matter enveloping Atman are:

1. Food Sheath orAnnamaya Kosha2. Vital air Sheath or Pranamaya Kosha3. Mental Sheath or Manomaya Kosha4. Intellectual Sheath or Vigyanmaya Kosha5. Bliss Sheath or Anandmaya kosha

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KOSHAS• A-Annamaya Kosha• B-Pranamaya Kosha• C-Manomaya Kosha• D-Vigyanmaya

Kosha• E-Anandmaya Kosha

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ANNAMAYA KOSHA- (FOOD SHEATH)i. Consists of matter created by foodii. Sheath of physical self, nourished by food, a mass of skin,

flesh, fat, bones & filthiii.Consists of 5 sense organs (Gyanindriya) - eyes, ears,

tongue, nose, skiniv.Also comprises of 5 organs of action (Karmaindriya)-

speech, hands, feet, reproductive organs, excretory organs.v. Taking good care of physical body & keeping it healthy

makes it easier to dwell into other koshasvi.First we notice, feel, connect to this kosha during asanas,

meditation & continue exploring other koshas.

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PRANAMAYA KOSHA : (Breath/ Energy Sheath)i. Panchpranas related to 5 physiological systems represent

this sheath –Prana – stimuli thru five sense organsApana – excretion activitiesVyana – circulation activitiesUdana – thinking & perception activitiesSamana – digestive activities

ii. This pranas gradually weaken with ageiii. can be controlled with asanas, meditationiv.deals with activites done in sub-conscious statev. it controls & regulates annamaya kosha

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vi. Humans are a intricate network of energy + creativity + intelligence

vii. It contains all pranvayus + energy channels ( nadis) + energy centers ( Chakras)

viii. Pranas are the bridge betn gross & subtle bodies as well as other koshas.

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MANOMAYA KOSHA : (MENTAL SHEATH)a. Deals with mind, emotions, & thoughts in one personb. Strength & Weakness of this kosha decides a person is

emotional, easily perturbed, sensitive etc.c. Our feelings, stimuli, response to situations, thoughts,

actions spring from this kosha.d. When its functioning properly, mind can control breath &

body movementse. is vulnerable to bad deeds when the mind is weak & no

control over emotionsf. During the asanas/ meditation, our focus is on the body

followed by breath & lastly the mindg. When our mind rests on one thought, we pass on to the

next kosha.

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VIGYANMAYA KOSHA : (INTELLECT SHEATH)• Is the seat of ego ( superficial knowledge).• The level of cognition, conditioning of one’s core beliefs &

Aham ( ‘I ‘ concept). (True knowledge + Ego)• Proper understanding & discrimination makes this kosha

have a control over Manomaya koshaMechanism-

• Intellect works in known in Known areas + unknown areas• Known areas- Intellect + experience + knowledge (past)

orders the mind communicates order to the body.• Unknown areas investigate contemplate

comprehend new discoveries• When our focus is clear, centered & on the rt path, we

make way to the next kosha.

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ANANDAMAYA KOSHA : ( BLISS SHEATH)• the innermost & most imp kosha of all.• Made up of ignorance, deep-sleep state of

consciousness where a person experiences bliss & peace.

• This kosha controls the preceding kosha.• This bliss is different from the bliss experienced in

1st and 3rd koshas.• Joy without any explanationALL THESE FIVE KOSHAS ARE PART OF THE TOTALITY.