Improvement Plan - elmwood-inf.croydon.sch.uk

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Page 2: Improvement Plan - elmwood-inf.croydon.sch.uk


Improvement Plan

The 2016/17 School Improvement Plan has been created from a range of sources

including feedback from self- evaluation (involving staff, pupils, parents and governors),

data analysis, feedback from external sources such as our Ofsted Inspection, moderation

and internal monitoring.

Issues and actions outstanding from the 2015-16 SIP have also been included. Action

plans linked to curriculum and other leadership areas feed directly into this plan and so

too does the performance management of staff.

The School Improvement Plan is divided into two parts:

A. Long Term Aims – these are the aims that we have for the school across the next

few years and are based on our commitment to achieve outstanding achievement

for the pupils of Elmwood Infant School and Nursery.

B. Yearly Aims - each year, progress towards the long term aims is assessed and

priorities for the year are agreed. For each priority, a number of actions are

planned to take place throughout the year. The person/s responsible for the action

are identified, resources allocated and success criteria agreed. As we are committed

to becoming a UNICEF Rights Respecting school, we have linked our priorities to

the RRS articles.

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Long Term Aims - Sep 2015 -Aug 2018

A. Much of the teaching over time to be outstanding and never less than consistently good.

B. To improve standards in Writing across the school so that they are in line with Reading and Maths,

particularly at the higher levels.

C. All pupils, regardless of their starting point, to make sustained progress, leading to outstanding

achievement by the end of KS1.

D. Improved outcomes for children in the Early Years, including the establishment of a highly

stimulating outdoor learning environment.

E. To aim for ‘outstanding’ Personal Development, Behaviour and Welfare across the school and in

doing so, to have become a Level 2 Rights Respecting school.

F. Develop leadership across the school so that every leader and governor has a deep and accurate

understanding of the schools effectiveness informed by the views of pupils, parents and staff.

G. Maintenance and further development of a broad range of (successful) strategies for engaging with

parents and providing guidance about how to support their child to improve.

H. The new National Curriculum is firmly embedded; Elmwood’s curriculum has been updated to

ensure it is broad, balanced and inspires pupils to learn.

I. To use Computing innovatively as a tool for teaching and learning.

Some targets link to the Outstanding Grade Descriptor

within the School Inspection Handbook Sep 2015

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Our Priorities for Sep 2016 – October 2017

1. To further improve the quality of teaching by developing approaches to

challenge and mastery.

2. Develop ‘reading for pleasure’ in order to raise standards across the


3. To improve standards of Writing across the school so that more children

meet or exceed age related expectations by the end of KS1

4. To improve standards of Maths across the school so that they are above

the new national averages by the end of KS1.

5. To ensure we tackle underachievement and narrow the gap between

specific groups, in particular non EAL and PPG

6. Continue to improve the quality of provision in the Early Years

7. To aim for outstanding ‘Behaviour and Safety’

8. To further develop collaborative working with parents, governors and

other schools.

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Priority 1: To further improve the quality of teaching by developing approaches to challenge and mastery.

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

KEY Actions

Embed system of challenge (Hot, Boiling and On Fire) across the school, increasing opportunities for children to self –select

Introduce Lava challenges for each level of differentiation

Staff training to develop understanding of ‘deepening learning’

Review planning format to ensure it focuses on planning for deepening learning, higher order questions and ambitious vocabulary.

Monitor the quality of challenge through book scrutiny, planning and observations.

Provide support for new/returning staff to ensure marking/feedback is in line with school expectations.

Ensure more experienced staff are coaching/mentoring colleagues and supporting development through partnership teaching opportunities.

All teaching staff to have a performance management target specifically linked to challenge.

Review Feedback and Marking Policy to reflect new approaches

Review Teaching and Learning Policy to reflect current practice.

Staff meetings to focus on Good-Outstanding practice

Arrange for the LA to conduct a Teaching and Learning Review

Participation in the Schools That Stand Out programme

Link with other schools to share good practice (Rockmount, Downsview)

Introduce half termly meetings for support staff on aspects of Teaching and Learning

Increase professional development opportunities for Cover Supervisors.

Continue a programme of support for identified teaching and non-teaching staff to secure improvement and improve the quality of their teaching/support.


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Priority 2: Develop ‘reading for pleasure’ in order to raise standards across the school.

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

KEY Actions

Review guided reading form and timings of guided reading to ensure consistency of provision

Plan and prepare for the launch of the new school Library

Ensure every class accesses the new library on a weekly basis

Introduce PPA reading for pleasure session for Year 1 and Year 2

Deliver breakfast with a book sessions each term

Purchase of new banded books for the classroom

Establish systems in EYFS where banded books are taken home by the children

Participate in Book Week and World Book Day

Review Early Literacy Support for impact and adapt intervention if needed

Establish reading buddies between Reception and more able Year 2 readers

Work with the Helping Hands group to fund raise for books

Establish reading interventions for targeted children using BH, LT and DN

Update the key word system across the school

Deliver phonics workshops for targeted parents- PPG/AOWB? (5 week course)

Ensure Boys/non EAL are identified and supported in phonics to increase the % achieving the phonics check at the end of Year 2.

Continue to track progress for disadvantaged pupils closely across the school and allocate interventions to support accelerated progress

Identify additional support for WB, BCRB and Non-EAL pupils at risk of underachieving


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Priority 3: Improve standards in Writing across the school so that more children meet or exceed ARE by the end of KS1

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

KEY Actions

Talk partners to be established again in Reception

Oracy Project’ to be established again for Year 1 children

Re-establish narrative groups for Year 2

Targeted Year 2 PPG pupils to received 1:1 tuition from teaching staff across Autumn/Spring

Pupil Progress meetings to take place on a half termly basis-

Establish Writing group for HA pupils across Year 2

All teachers to have a performance management target linked to writing

Moderation of writing within year group and with other schools

Ensure all Year 2 children are tracked against the Assessment criteria and interim standards

Track interventions/progress made by target groups – via OTrack

Continue to track progress for disadvantaged pupils closely across the school and allocate interventions to support accelerated progress

Identify additional support for WB, BCRB and Non-EAL pupils at risk of underachieving

Targeted support for EMA and EAL learners in Year 1

X ref with actions identified within Priority 1 and 6


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Priority 4: To improve standards of Maths across the school so that they are above the National Averages by the end of KS1.

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

KEY Actions

EYFS - Consider teaching approaches to Number for HA pupils.

Continue to track progress for disadvantaged pupils closely across the school and allocate interventions to support accelerated progress –

Identify additional support for WB, BCRB and Non-EAL pupils at risk of underachieving

Establish Maths packs to send home for Year 2 children to support learning/homework.

Increase the use of Maths activities within morning work

Reintroduce Numeracy Champions for parents

Re-establish CALAT course for parents (in Maths)

Re-establish the use of online Abacus resources for children to use at home

Review planning to ensure it provides opportunities to plan for depth of learning, key vocabulary and questions to extend thinking.

Use of Maths mastery documents to support planning for Lava tasks. Ensure teachers have access to these. Raise awareness through staff meeting

Maths interventions for targeted children

Maths Box training for targeted staff

Ensure Maths Box is delivered on a regular basis to at least 4 children per class

Targeted additional group work for D1+ children.

Promote the uptake of Maths games for Year 2 children.

Use of Ipad Apps to support targeted children

X ref with target 1


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Priority 5 To ensure we tackle underachievement and narrow the gap between specific groups, in particular non EAL and PPG

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Success Criteria:

Non EAL:

Narrowed Reading attainment gap between non EAL and EAL learners x ref Priority 2

Narrowed gap between EAL and non EAL pupils in Writing by the end of Year 2 (x ref Priority 3

Narrowed Maths attainment gap between non EAL and EAL learners x ref Priority 4


Narrowed gap between PPG and non PPG attainment in Reading by the end of Year 1 x ref Priority 2

Narrowed gap between PPG and non PPG attainment in Writing by the end of Year x ref Priority 3

Narrowed attainment gap for PPG pupils in Maths x ref Priority 4

Other Groups:

WB and BCRB pupils have made progress at least in line with their EYFS outcome by the end of Year 2 in Maths x ref Priority 4

Raised overall attainment for AOWB pupils across Year 1 x ref Priority 1,2,3

Increased % of girls achieving AARE in Maths so that it is in line with boys by the end of Year 2.x ref Priority 4

See other sections for actions Review:

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Priority 6 : Continue to improve the quality of provision in the Early Years

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full

Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities. KEY Actions

Increase consistency of pupil voice around the EYFS and within Learning Journals

Increase consistency and frequency of parental voice within Learning Journals.

Consider teaching approaches to Number for HA pupils

Assess all EAL learners on entry to Reception using the English Language Development Record.

Establish as system of banded reading books for the children to take home.

Increase the range of dual language books for children to take home in Nursery

Parents meeting to explain book bands

Introduce challenges to the adventure playground

Ensure writing areas across each classroom are engaging and offer purposeful opportunities for writing

Work with other schools on the development of writing across the setting

Review planning approach to increase opportunities for planning in partnership/sharing ideas

Develop opportunities for writing on the move and outside

Identify vulnerable pupils.,WB and AOWB and establish support/interventions for children who are working below age related expectations.

Ensure challenges are used with consistency across the setting and that they extend HA pupils.

Create Writing packs for reception children to take home

Create Writing packs for Nursery children to take home

Termly writing meetings for Nursery children

Establish reading buddies for Reception pupils and HA Year 2 children

Maximise free flow opportunities across the setting.

Moderation of on entry data to ensure that it accurately reflects the attainment of the children

Moderation each term, with a member of the SLT, focusing particularly on Reading, Writing and Number.

Aim to narrow the gap between boys and girls as the cohort move through Reception, particularly in Making Relationships and Speaking


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Priority 7 : To aim for Outstanding Personal Development, Behaviour and Safety

Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full.

Article 27: You should not be disadvantaged so that you can't do many of the things other children can do.

Article 31: Every child has the right to relax, play and take part in a wide range of cultural and artistic activities.

Article 29: Education must encourage the child’s respect for human rights as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.

KEY Actions

Establish the use of Lego Therapy for targeted pupils

Ensure Intervention groups are tracked using O Track

Pupil survey to be completed

Arrange for assessment against the RRS Level 1

Complete NSPCC self-assessment tool

Further develop the Rainbow Room and extend provision to two nurture groups Autumn 016

Work with the Bikeability scheme to promote and develop scootering and biking across the school

Provide scooter training for Year 2 children

Complete actions identified within the School Travel Plan and update plan on a regular basis

Increased EWO support from fortnightly to weekly

Host attendance meetings for new reception parents

Training opportunities for new Attendance Officer

Create video clips of RRS values for the website

Create RRS posters for display around the school

Ensure RRS articles are placed on curriculum overviews

Visit another school to review progress towards Level 1


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Priority 8: To further develop collaborative working with/between parents, governors and other schools.

Article 13: You have the right to find out things and share what you think with others.

Article 3: All adults should do what is best for children.

KEY Actions including timescale/lead person:

Participation in the Schools that Stand out Programme

Establishment of a SLT Network group between other LA maintained schools

Complete fact finding activities in respect of adacemisation and feed this back to governors

Further develop the Parent Fundraising group (Helping Hands),establishing close links between the group and school improvement

Provide support to another school via the Local Authority

Governor involvement in the tendering for a new catering contract

Complete governor skills audit and increase governors attendance at training events

Governors to increase their presence at events across the school year

Re-establish CALAT course for parents (in Maths)

Re-establish Maths Champions for parents
