http://canweevolvenow.wordpress.com/2011/08/29/six-exercises-to- expand-and-evolve-now/ http://www.godlikeproductions.com/forum1/message1479819/pg2? viewallpages=3 Instant Manifestation Posted: October 30, 2008 in instant manifestation, manifestation, secret of secrets 0 Do you need a ‘MIRACLE’??? That’s right you can completely change your life THIS instant. I’m not kidding and I’m not selling anything.


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Instant ManifestationPosted: October 30, 2008 in instant manifestation, manifestation, secret of secrets


Do you need a ‘MIRACLE’???

That’s right you can completely change your life

THIS instant.

I’m not kidding and I’m not selling anything.

Need an example to boost your faith?

How about the ingredients for a whole physical universe

manifested in between 10−33 and 10−32 seconds …

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fast enough for you?

That has to be considered ‘instant‘ … that’s the amount of time it

took for all the ingredients for our universe to pop into the third




“Well, you may say, “that was an act of God or something and

not me!

Not true, the essence of energetic consciousness that expanded

into three-dimensions is the same essence as you but you have

intelligence and self-guided willpower.

What keeps me from realizing this and that ‘things’ are always

fluctuating in and out of three-dimensional form?

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Not being able to see the repetition of conscious energy in patterns

appearing as ‘forms’and the human tendency to organize patterns into

‘routine’ blinds us to the fact that EVERY-thing is continuously

popping in and out of existence … in fact stillness is another

illusion at every level.

You want to be happy right NOW?

You want to feel joyful and peaceful right NOW?

Do you only want people who are happy and supportive

in your life?

Here is the greatest secret about existence any intelligent

being can know:

Existence is ENERGY and the language of

EXISTENCE is ENERGY EXPLORING PATTERNS.Every part of existence signals the whole by the variation of it’s portion

of energy and the whole unified field/self of existence continuously

reorganizes itself by it’s overall impulse (expansion-contraction) plus the

input of it’s parts.

See The Eternal Cycle for more.

This means that the moment you change your overall vibration or

energetic resonance the rest of existence INSTANTLY responds.

This means if I want to be happy and experience JOY I make a decision to

feel that energy from within myself right NOW and focus on the images that

trigger that feeling….then reality will read and follow my cue attracting people

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with the same vibration, and objects and events that align with my

subconscious focus.

So I have to make a decision at this point to feel the energy

of joy regardless of the current circumstances and

STAY in this energy.


Because I like this energy and enjoying this energy is the end result of

any circumstances in the past that triggered me to create the feeling.

I can create this energy this instant and the elements of existence will

INSTANTLY begin to align with my new resonance.

INSTANT MANIFESTATION – The FINAL SECRETPosted: November 30, 2010 in Abraham-Hicks, instant manifestation, instant manifestation secret,instant manifesting Tags: final secret instant manifestation, Lou Majors


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Existence is an energetic unified field which is constantly reorganizing itself

according to it’s primal nature (expansion right now) plus the input of all it’s

parts and their individual magnetic resonance….

                               THE ETERNAL CYCLE

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Some of the parts (that’s you and me) have evolved objective consciousness

and intelligence. This means we are able to adjust our individual resonance by

thought and will fueled by our emotional energy.

Manifestation at our level of intelligence is still about attraction and not creating

a three dimensional pattern or form from consciousness or subtle energy instantly,

STILL there is a secret that can help you attract the elements of your choice

within 1 to 15 minutes. I know I’ve done it more than once.

You must replace your root belief and idea that effects the effectiveness and

speed of your ability to attract the objects, people, and events you desire into

your space.

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What is this final secret for INSTANT MANIFESTATION?

And what is your root belief and the foundation for all other thoughts

and beliefs effecting your energetic resonance?


who and what you think you are effects everything else energetically.


If you believe you are a primate or mammal with a certain name or Homo

Sapien symbol it will short circuit any attempt you make to attract other

patterns and keep you ‘stuck’ in the three-dimensional Newtonian

interpreted world of space-time and so-called solid objects.

How many times a day do you think or say ‘I’ energizing and reinforcing the

image of you as a primate? A human in a world of people and solid objects?

Think about it …

when you think or say ‘I’ what is the image/pattern that you create?

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This pattern is the foundation for the rest of all your thoughts and

actions and defines your true power and what you can do with it.

All things are possible when you think and act from the deepest truth

of who you are … YOU ARE CONSCIOUS ENERGY … you are existence.

You as energy are able to adjust your true energetic form to attract

any other pattern whether it appears as an object, person, or event.

No you don’t have to give up the human form or the character you are

playing in your current expression but if you want to manifest instantly

and fast getting clear on your true identity and power clears your

resonance for quick results.

INSTANT ENLIGHTENMENT – No Need For Meditation Just GET OUT Of Your BodyPosted: January 22, 2011 in Abraham-Hicks, Buddha, Buddhism, enlightenment, evolution, how to evolve, instant enlightement, meditation


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Meditation is relaxing and healing balm for our bodies when you need

to take a step back from the primate hustle but there is a quicker

and more direct way to know your true self and I can give you

this experience right now.

I want you to notice HOW IT FEELS when you pay close attention to

your keyboard and look it over from end to end.

Notice the energy of your awareness moving as you do this.

Now close your eyes and move this energy around in your head …

this energy or ‘awareness’ that seems to reside there that you can

control at will.

This conscious energy or ‘awareness’ is the REAL you.

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In fact it is the ESSENCE OF EXISTENCE… every ‘thing’ and every ‘non-thing’

is composed of this non-substance, or to be more precise, ‘things’ are just

vibrational patterns of this energy .. the ole E=MC² thing -

thanks Albert!

You are now officially ‘enlightened’ to the truth about subjective

consciousness and beingness, your true nature, and the nature

of existence ( your diploma is in the mail ).

See The Eternal Cycle for full story.

More on Enlightenment and Subjective Consciousness.

The Buddhas or ‘awakened ones’ before us were not fully informed

about existence. They saw the transitory nature of three- dimensions

and called it an ‘illusio’n', they realized our essence was awareness,

BUT they missed the fact that desire, the instinct to be active, is

also part of our essence or beingness and is impossible to erase.

Our journey is not about being ‘holy’ but being WHOLE…

not about ‘ascending to heaven’ but empowering ourselves

for JOY and SELF-LOVE right now.

Our journey is not about ‘man’s future’ and his conquest of nature …

it’s about knowing our PRESENCE as consciousness.

As a species we are now mature enough to take an unbiased view of

existence without the training wheels .. mythology and religion … and

WE ARE EVOLVING or shifting to an awareness of who and what we

always are … conscious energy … beingness.

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The first step is knowing yourself as formless conscious energy and

then learning to leave your body perspective and explore other parts

of yourself/ourself.

Here are some exercises to help you begin and you can also talk to others

already doing it by clicking the Facebook icon below.


There’s no reason to wait unless you’re not ready which is also okay.

Our RUSH To ‘INSTANT’Posted: January 23, 2011 in instant, instant enlightement, instant manifestation, instant manifesting Tags: Lou Majors


             WHAT DOES IT MEAN?

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                 Don’t let anyone bad-mouth our appetite for instant.

                                       INSTANT ACCESS

                                   INSTANT INFORMATION

                                 INSTANT MANIFESTATION

                                       INSTANT SERVICE

                                 INSTANT ENLIGHTENMENT


As consciousness it’s our birthright, and our intuition as a species

is driving us toward the goal allbeit mostly unconsciously.

What is the goal?

Experiencing our true nature …. OMNIPRESENCE.

That’s correct sports fans, existence is a unified unbounded singular presence

where all the patterns we know as objects, people, and events take place.


are this conscious energy or awareness and as soon as we

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get brave enough we will come out of hiding in our separated

perspectives and PLAY THE FIELD.

Some of us are doing this RIGHT NOW!

More on this idea here  …




Paying Attention To Your Omnipresence Or ‘You’re Already There You Just Didn’t Know It’Posted: January 19, 2011 in Abraham-Hicks, bASHAR, Buddhism, enlightenment, evolution, how to evolve, Lou Majors


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In the unified sea of conscious energy or ‘consciousness’ known as ‘existence’,

your three-dimensional act of ‘paying attention’ is actually EXPANDING YOUR

PERSPECTIVE to another pattern already within yourself whether it be an

object, person, or event.

First of all, the REAL you, this unbounded sea of consciousness, is already

omnipresent. Your true presence like a giant mind creating and containing all the

images within it, and these images are made by you from the non-substance of

your essence which is best described as ‘conscious energy‘.

Yes science, existence is ONE UNBOUNDED UNIFIED FIELD of conscious energy…

there’s only ONE of ‘us’ here and our ignorance and instinct to explore

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patterns within ourself ultimately resulted in intelligence and understanding

now giving us our newfound freedom to play.

Learning to feel this action (from a subjective level of awareness), and

‘feel’ or ‘sense’ this expansion of your perspective (not really

movement) is an initial step to evolving from our primate


In our experience as humans, we have already been expanding in and out of

the pattern or form we’ve known as our ‘body’, but we saw consciousness as

space, time, matter, and separate ‘things’; and have only been operating on

this primitive three-dimensional level.

It’s as if we are trapped in our own dream with no awareness or intellectual idea of


Prisoners of our own ignorance.

Like Plato’s cave, we peer at the shadows or forms on the cave walls giving

credence to their ‘substance’ as separate ‘things’ when all the while it’s

all just the play of our consciousness in patterns within itself.

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So during the primate ‘day’ when you ‘pay attention’ attach a different

idea or knowing to this action.

You are within yourself expanding your awareness and living

and operating as consciousness … your REAL self

The complete story and beginning exercises to experience your

omnipresence here.

Living As Your True SelfPosted: August 25, 2012 in Alana Ra, enlightenment, evolution, How Can I Wake Up


What are the practical changes I can make in my life moment to moment to anchor myself

in my true identity?

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First let me say that we already are and always are the very thing we’re seeking to be …


Every being or soul is already SOVEREIGN …

already existing in ETERNITY (the ‘now’) …

already attracting the elements of their experience by their energetic RESONANCE …

so our evolution is really just TAKING OUT THE GARBAGE or programming that causes

us to allow and create pain, suffering, and limitations from our ignorance of who

and what we already are. If this is new to you see here for more on identity.

Here are the major changes you’ll need to make:


Who and what we consider our self to be is the root belief

effecting every other thought and action. My genuine self is

a formless conscious energetic being who is a creator. That

is my new root core belief and in perfect alignment with the




Focus and live only in the ‘always present’ energy of NOW – the unified field.

Learn to stay in the NOW which is actually our collective energetic presence

and source of power, and away from a time based outlook which traps you

by creating a past and future mindset to distract from your ability to focus

which is your REAL power.



Embrace and use your power as consciousness. Learn to adjust your

personal resonance or ‘vibe’ to create what you want in your space.

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It’s your uni-verse… your creation … loose the chains of primate

minded hierarches from your mind and energy.



Learn to relocate and explore our omnipresence.Learn to come and go

from your body and experience our omnipresence by relocating freely



The initial exercises to FREE yourself from space.

Exercises To Expand and Evolve

SIX Exercises To Expand and Evolve NOW!Posted: August 29, 2011 in enlightenment, evolution, evolve, exercises to evolve, human evolution


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YES it’s true … if you have the juice … the desire… to move on … to a more complex living experience as an conscious energetic creative

multidimentional being there are NOW six exercises you can do whenever and

wherever you choose to get you there.

That’s right … no magic wands … no ‘zap you’ rays from

the center of the galaxy to turn you into an amazing being

(which is our true identity already), just a series of exercises

to help you discover and uncover your true powerful, loving,

creative self.

OUr goal is to get a first hand direct experience of your

expanded omnipresent energetic self.


Repeat as often as possible


SIT DOWN and relax.

FIRST get a sense of your true self – conscious energy…

usually located right behind your eyes.

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THEN using the hand you naturally favor, bring all the fingers together

to a point and lightly tap the top of your head until most of your attention is

directed to that spot.

NOW while also sensing the normal position of your awareness behind your

eyes direct your awareness to the new point where your hand is tapping.

NEXT slowly lift your hand like you’re pulling your consciousness out of your head

to a point about 12 inches above your head. If it’s easier with your eyes closed -

do it. This is about getting the feeling of shifting your perspective I call


WHEN your energy and awareness are fully focused there remove your hand and try

to keep your entire energy and attention there as long as possible even to the point

of losing awareness of your body.

When you get good at this you can do it while your physical body is moving.

The goal is to get used to leaving and re-entering your body at will.


SIT and pay attention to your breathing as you

calmly breathe in and out.

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NOW as you breathe out, while sensing your consciousness

inside your head, feel it expand to the edges of the scene you

are perceiving.

THEN on the inhale feel your consciousness completely

retracting with your breathe back into your body.

This exercise is exhilarating and is a blast to play around with.


Instead of going from our body perspective seemingly

traveling out and about, we will go to our omnipresent

state and go within.

SIT in a comfortable quiet place.

BREATHE in a relaxed manner and continue to relax

feeling each part of your body relaxing.

FOCUS on your feeling of ‘awareness’ usually located

in your head region behind your eyes.

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CONTINUE to focus on this feeling of awareness

until you get completely lost in it and almost completely

lose consciousness of your body.

BINGO you are out and from this feeling

you can relocate by thinking of any place or anyone or

following another feeling.

This works because everything is already this one ‘awareness’

and when you feel it completely your perspective expands. You

literally expand your soul to be the all and then backdoor

back in to a specific.


Repeat as often as possible and FEEL your true self.


We learn language by naming and labeling everything we

see … everything is separate … everything is NOT me.

This is what we’re taught.

This exercise is all about bypassing that programming and

making a real connection with the truth …


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So live your daily life as always but each person and thing

you notice think ( or say out loud if you can ) …

“This is ME”

Feel the real energetic connection as you think or say it.


Another exercise to get used to the sense of yourself

or presence as the unbounded presence which contains

all the patterns you consider your experience.

Go outside for a walk … as you look around focus

on this statement:

“I am looking inside my self … walking through my mind as a character in my dream.”


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We are used to feeling ourself as these individual bodies

walking through a space-time continuum of ‘people’ and


This exercise will help break that down and enable you

to expand and sense your genuine expanse of presence.

Another walking-feeling affirmation … as you walk say

to yourself:

” I am the container of all existence .. this is all in my mind.”

Say it until you get a sense of yourself as the unbounded

container of all the patterns/images/forms we know as reality.

These are guaranteed effective tools to help you make the

identity shift from you as the ‘primate hominid Joe or Jan

Blow’ to the powerful energetic creative being you are.

We’re not adding anything to you we’re only removing the

temporary walls that have hiding your true essence.