Implementing Your Personal Sustainability Plan_ Break Old Habits and Become Greener _ Living Green Magazine

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    Implementing Your Personal Sustainability Plan:Break Old Habits and Become Greener

    Editor Post | March 26, 2013 | 1 Comment


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    menting Your Personal Sustainability Plan: Break Old Habits and B...

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  • 8/22/2019 Implementing Your Personal Sustainability Plan_ Break Old Habits and Become Greener _ Living Green Magazine


    By Marcus Hemsley

    A lot of people dont live a green way of life because they are simply not used to it. Human are creatures ofhabit; once a certain system or way of life becomes ingrained in their lifestyle, they tend to mindlessly follow this


    So, to become greener, all we need to do is change our habits and make sure we consistently switch off all the

    lights or recycle that soda can. But how long will that take? The universally accepted figure of how long it takes

    to break a habit seems to be around 21 days; this is simply because back in the 1960s a plastic surgeon observed

    amputees usually take an average of 21 days to adjust to the loss of limb. Of course, it is ridiculous to think this

    can be applied to everything as different lifestyle changes will vary greatly.

    More recently, a London psychologist found that her subjects took an average of 66 days for their new habit to

    become automatic for them. The figure for her subjects ranged a great deal some people took 18 days andothers took a massive 245 days to stick to their new habits. She found that depending on the habit, the length of

    time to adopt it varied and that bigger changes took longer to become second nature.

    Luckily the steps we can make to become more green are small lifestyle changes and therefore more achievable

    and quicker to become habit. Psychologists find that people find it easier to accept small changes because the

    difference between fantasy and reality is not so great and the goals are therefore more imaginable.

    So, try to make your goals small and attainable. If they are minor changes, your family and colleagues are a lot

    more likely to accept them and implement them in their day to day life.

    Remember, it doesnt matter how long it takes for it to become habit just keep at it and it definitely will.

    Hopefully, most of the following list is already part of your daily life at home; if theyre not, take them on stepby step. Decide Im going to save water and slowly integrate the steps below into your life until they become

    second nature. Then move onto the next step.

    They are only small changes, but even over a year will make a huge difference. Try to implement these changes

    in your place of work as well.

    Save energy simply adjust your thermostat by a few degrees, use energy saving bulbs, wash your clothes using

    cooler water and linedry your clothes and this will make a huge difference to your carbon foot print and energy


    menting Your Personal Sustainability Plan: Break Old Habits and B...

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  • 8/22/2019 Implementing Your Personal Sustainability Plan_ Break Old Habits and Become Greener _ Living Green Magazine


    Save water Use less water by taking shorter showers and using a low flow showerhead, put a weight in your

    toilet cistern, invest in some faucet aerators, they are cheap and easy to install and save water use and heating.

    Use your car less Walk or cycle to work, carpool with your colleagues or make the most of public transport.

    Consider moving closer to work or local amenities or telecommuting to save on your gas bill.

    Change your eating habits Support your economy and keep air miles down by buying local produce. Try and

    eat at least one meat free meal a week and buy sustainable foods like line-caught fish and organically farmed


    Avoid bottled drinks they create huge amounts of container waste and are expensive. Carry a reusable

    container around with you and use filtered tap water instead. If you have to buy drinks make sure you recycle

    your bottles.

    Make recycling easy Place a recycling bin next to your trash, and stick a list on the wall next to it with what

    can go in it, this will help remind you to use it. Reuse anything you can, try and write on the back of scrap

    paper, if you buy bottles of drink, refill them. Never bin your electronic goods- use them for as long as possible,

    recycle your cell phone and dispose them safely. E-waste contains mercury and other products that are toxic and

    harm the environment.

    Dont buy so much - Borrow from libraries and download media, this saves on packaging and space. Sharethings expensive, rarely used goods with your family and neighbours (power tools etc) and see if you can pick up

    what youre looking to buy second hand, it could be cheaper or even free.

    Look at your energy supplier A few minutes online researching will tell you how green your existing supplier

    is. There are some companies that offer a 100% renewable energy electricity package.

    The above changes are so simple and easy it might seem like they wont make a huge difference. So here are a

    few facts to put it into perspective:

    Washing your clothes at a cool temperature will reduce the energy costs significantly; almost 85% of the

    energy used by a washing machine is heating the water.

    Recycling plastic save double the energy that would be used to incinerate it and recycling one ton of paper

    saves 17 trees and average of 1260 miles worth of gasoline and these trees can absorb 250 pounds of CO2

    annually from the atmosphere.

    If every household in the United States changed one regular light bulb with a compact fluorescent one, the

    reduction in pollution would be the same as removing one million cars from the road!\

    You save on more than ten gallons of water for every two minutes less you shower.

    It takes the same amount of energy to recycle 20 aluminum cans as it does to make a brand new one.

    Adjusting your thermostat by one degree could reduce your energy bill by around 10%/

    A massive 2,500 gallons of water is required to produce just one pound of beef.

    The evidence is clear: It is well worth getting into good green habits.

    This article was written by Marcus Hemsley on behalf of QMS, who offer ISO 14001 to help businesses become

    more environmentally sustainable.

    Tags: energy consumption, green lifestyle, home and garden, lifestyle choices, recycling, sustainability, water

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    Pat says:

    March 26, 2013 at 11:03 AM

    This is a good article thats suffering from a lack of copy editing.



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