Imperialism Googledocs Project South Africa By Jon Hardy, Manny Acuna, Joshua Johnson South Africa

Imperialism Googledocs Project  South Africa

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Imperialism Googledocs Project  South Africa. South Africa. By Jon Hardy, Manny Acuna, Joshua Johnson. In 1652, the dutch established a provisions station at Cape Town. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Imperialism Googledocs Project

 South Africa

By Jon Hardy, Manny Acuna, Joshua Johnson

South Africa

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Initial Occupation

• In 1652, the dutch established a provisions station at Cape Town.

 • They set the station up so

that as other ships sailed around the tip of south africa to trade. The salesmen could stop by for fresh food and supplies.


(South Africa, 2011).https://www.cia.gov/library/publications

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Initial Occupation

• Later Germans, French Huguenots came for the same resources

 • Dutch farmers were known

as Boers  • The colonist themselves

are called Afrikaners

(South Africa, 2011).


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Causes for the Imperialization of South Africa

• Economic Motives-  The Industrial Revolution created an insatiable demand for raw materials and new markets.

         (Thomas Caswell, 1999-2003.) Pictures are from Google


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Causes for the Imperialization of South Africa

 • Nationalism-  European nations wanted to demonstrate

their power and prestige to the world.         (Thomas Caswell, 1999-2003.)

Pictures are from Google images

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Causes for the Imperialization of South Africa

 • Balance of Power-  European nations were forced to

acquire new colonies to achieve a balance with their neighbors and competitors.

  (Thomas Caswell, 1999-2003.)

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Causes for the Imperialization of South Africa

 • White Man's Burden-  The Europeans’ sense of superiority

made them feel obligated to “civilize the heathen savages” they encountered.

  (Thomas Caswell, 1999-2003.)

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Benefits to the Imperial Power

• The main resources in South Africa during this time is GOLD and PLATINUM 

 • They are world's biggest

producer of these resources  (Republic of South, 2011).

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Treatment of Indigenous People

Zulu War - 1879 • British provoked the

war and defeated the last indigenous opposition to their expansion

(K. Mclaughlin, 2011.)

In order to imperialize that british needed to control as much of South Africa as possible. They did this by... The Boers - 1899-1902  • British expand control

through the entire region (K. Mclaughlin, 2011.)

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The Indigenous Perspective

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B. The Indigenous Perspective

  The Khoikhoi were some of first indigenous people to trade and interact with early European settlers.  The relationship was strained because the settlers were trespassing on their land and their trading usually ended with conflict (Paton, 1990).

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The Indigenous Perspective

Settlers tried to regulate indigenous land use, access to resources, and traditional practices.  To regulate the Africans' hunting practices, they even poisoned their hunting dogs (Tropp, 2002, p. 242). 



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Resistance and Independence Movements• 1799-1801: Khoe serfs able to

escape Dutch farms joined Xhosa groups in a major offensive against colonialism (South Africa, 2011).

 • 1808 and 1825: Slave

rebellions on outskirts of Capetown (South Africa, 2011).


• Basters, descendants of Europeans and Khoe refused citizenship and land rights, merged with Khoe groups and formed commando states under warlords.  In the early 19th century they became the Griqua (South Africa, 2011).

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Resistance & Independence Movements      The Anglo Zulu War:• Fought in 1879

 • lasted only six months

 • the British wanted to enslave

the Zulus for mining •  The Zulus were quickly wiped

out by the British guns

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Resistance and Independence Movements• The South African Native National

Congress (right) was founded in 1912. It became the African National Congress in 1923 (Paton, 1990).

 • Under Albert Luthuli, Walter Sisulu,

Oliver Tambo and Nelson Mandela, ANC began a major movement against apartheid in the 1950s. ANC joined with the South African Indian Congress in a resistance campaign in 1952 (South Africa, 2011).

 • In 1955 the Congress of the People

adopted the Freedom Charter, declaring that South Africa belonged to all who lived in it, black or white (South Africa, 2011).


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Resistance and Independence Movements

• PAC started an anti-pass law campaign  (South Africa, 2011). In 1960 at Sharpeville police opened fire on anti-pass demonstrators, killing 67 and wounding 189. They had refused to carry  passes (Thompson, 1990, p. 210).

 • ANC and PAC established 

armed wings (Poqo and Umkhonto we Sizwe) in 1961 (South Africa, 2011).


     The Sharpeville Massacre          

• The Pan African Congress, led by Robert Sobukwe,  broke with the ANC in 1959 because of its alliance with non-Africans (South Africa, 2011).

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Resistance and Independence Movements

• In 1961 South Africa gained independence from Great Britain (South Africa, 2011). 

 • South Africa withdrew from

the Commonwealth not long after that because of criticism of its racial policies (Proquest, 2011)

 • Resistance movements

continued against the racist and repressive policies of apartheid.


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Resistance and Independence Movements

• 1984-1994: Under President F.W. de Klerk, apartheid laws were repealed and voting rights extended to all racial and ethnic groups (South Africa, 2011).

 • In 1994 a black majority

government was elected, with Nelson Mandela as president (South Africa, 2011).

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Benefits to Indigenous People• There were no benefits to indigenous

peoples as a result of colonial rule in South Africa.

 • Indigenous populations were

decimated by disease, reduced to marginal areas, forced into indentured labor or slavery, and impoverished (South Africa, 2011; Paton, 1990).

 • Post-apartheid, their  living

conditions have improved a little, with clean water and maybe electricity,  and health clinics, but indigenous cultures have been largely destroyed (Huschka and Mau, 2006).


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Culture ImperialismBoth colonial and apartheid governments used traditional tribal authorities to help them govern the interior of the country and administer development projects.  They deposed rebellious chiefs and rewarded cooperative ones. The post-apartheid government still uses those tribal structures (King, 2005).  


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Culture Imperialism

South Africa today is the land of the 'Rainbow People,' a mix of races and cultures striving for national pride and unity (Moller, Dickow, & Harris, 1999).


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ModernizationDuring the colonial and post-colonial, apartheid eras, South Africa developed the best infrastructure in Africa, with excellent transportation and communication systems (Proquest, 2011). South Africa has a diverse industrial base that includes wine export and tourism (Proquest, 2011).  


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ModernizationEconomic growth has slowed and unemployment is high, especially among nonwhite South Africans, whose standard of living is much lower than that of whites (ProQuest, 2011).       Many black South Africans still live in conditions such as this Cape Town slum (ProQuest, 2011.  


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Legacy of Imperialism

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1. Consequences on the Imperial Power

• South Africa had many resources, which the British thought would be useful for themselves, within the end of the 18th century the British gained control of the Cape of Good Hope.

• Britain's informal empire was aided by the Industrial Revolution, which provided the tools of Empire, such as the Gatling Gun, the railway, and the steamship. Making it easier to expand through the region. (British Gain Wealth, n.d.).

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Ghandi's Peace

As early as 1906, Gandhi led the Indian community in South Africa in acts of passive resistance. In later years there were further passive resistance campaigns by the Indian community. (Gandhi in South, n.d.). 

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2. Consequences on the Occupied Region

• British were prejudiced towards the Africans, mostly showing unreasonable feelings, opinions, or attitudes, especially of a hostile nature towards them just for being different and believing in a different culture.

•  System of Apartheid was meant to separate the races: not only of whites from nonwhites, but also of nonwhites from each other,


and, among the Africans (called Bantu in South Africa), of one group from another.• South Africa became politically

unstable due to the British conquiring all of they're lands. (Aparthied, n.d.).

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3. Modern Status

South Africa Literacy rate: 88.0% GDP: $10,700 per person HDI: Medium human Development, Ranked 110 Aids: Spreads rapidly, due to poor sexual education and sexual assaults. 

British  Literacy rate: 99.0% GDP: $35,000 per person HDI: Very high human development, Ranked 26 Aids: Has a small epidemic. Around 0.1% of the population is infected. 

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