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  • 7/25/2019 Impact damage on fibre-reinforced.pdf



    C O MP O S I TE

    MATER IALSArticle

    Impact damage on fibre-reinforcedpolymer matrix composite A review

    Sandeep Agrawal1, Kalyan Kumar Singh2 and PK Sarkar2


    As the application of fibre-reinforced polymer composite material continue to increase day by day, so the knowledgeabout the impact behaviour of fibre-reinforced polymer composite structures in the areas such as automotive andaerospace is very much needed. This article attempts a comprehensive review of recent literature in the broaderarea of impact damage. Testing methods and standard parameters as well as discussion of important aspects such asimpactor shape, weight of impactor, velocity of impact, environment in which impact takes place are presented.Furthermore, the damage area, energy absorbed, contact time and many other considerations are discussed. Finally,an effort is made to review the research work by considering all aspects related to impact on such type of compositematerials.


    Composites, fibre-reinforced polymer, impact damage


    In present days fibre-reinforced composite materials are

    widely used in various engineering applications includ-ing automotive, aviation and engineering structures due

    to their lightweight, high stiffness, strength and damp-

    ing properties. Air vehicles may be subjected to impact

    loads by foreign objects such as debris from runways,

    bird strikes or hailstones (during flight). The impact

    damage in composite materials may not be detected

    sometimes by visual inspection. Such impact-induced

    damages occur inside the material and increase after

    the onset of small delaminations. In an impact event,

    several damage types occur in composite materials such

    as matrix cracking, delamination and fibre breakage.

    Consequently, the impact behaviour of the laminated

    composite materials is an important phenomenon to be

    studied.1 The brittle nature of most fibre-reinforced

    polymer (FRP) composites accompanying other forms

    of energy absorption mechanisms such as fibre break-

    age, matrix cracking, debonding at the fibrematrix

    interface and especially plies delamination, play

    important roles on progressive failure mode and

    energy absorption capability of composite structures.

    These failure modes under low-velocity impact loading

    conditions are strongly dependent on the fibre type,

    resin type, lay-up, thickness, loading velocity and

    projectile type. For low-velocity impact events, the

    usage of pendulums like the ones present in the

    Charpy test2

    and drop towers or drop weights3

    hasbecome standard. The high-energy absorbing capabil-

    ities of FRP composite materials are one of the main

    factors in their application in automotive and aero-

    space structures. They also provide other functional

    and economic benefits such as enhanced strength, dur-

    ability, weight reduction and hence lower fuel con-

    sumption for structural vehicle crashworthiness. FRP

    composites are able to collapse in a progressive, con-

    trolled manner which results in high specific energy

    absorption in the event of crash. Unlike metals and

    polymers, the progressive energy absorption of com-

    posite structures is dominated by extensive microfrac-

    ture instead of plastic deformation.47

    1Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hindustan College of Science &

    Technology, India2Department Of Mechanical Engineering & Mining Machinery Engineering,

    Indian School of Mines, India

    Corresponding author:

    Sandeep Agrawal, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Hindustan

    College of Science & Technology, Farah, Mathura 281122, India.

    Email: [email protected]

    Journal of Composite Materials

    2014, Vol 48(3) 317332

    ! The Author(s) 2012

    Reprints and permissions:

    DOI: 10.1177/0021998312472217

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    In general, impact damage is not considered to be a

    threat in metallic structures because of the ductile

    nature of the material and the large amount of energy

    that can be absorbed. At yield stress, the material may

    flow for very large strains at a constant rate before

    work hardening, but the composites can fail in a widevariety of modes and contain impact damages visible by

    a naked eye which severely reduces the structural dur-

    ability of the component. Most composites are brittle

    and so they can only absorb energy in elastic deform-

    ation and through damage mechanisms, and not via

    plastic deformation. The term damage resistance7

    refers to the amount of impact damage which is

    induced in a composite structure. Most of the impacts

    on a composite structure will be in the transverse dir-

    ection but due to the lack of through thickness

    reinforcement, transverse damage resistance is particu-

    larly poor. Interlaminar stresses (shear and tension) are

    often the stresses that cause primary failure due to the

    low interlaminar strengths. As a result, design failure

    strains are used to guard against impact failure, result-

    ing in a failure to take advantage of the excellent in-

    plane strength and stiffness properties of composites.

    Velocity of impact

    Impacts are generally classified into three categories as

    low-velocity impact, high-velocity impact and some-

    times hyper velocity impact, but there is not a clear

    transition between categories and authors disagree on

    their definition.Sjoblom et al.8 and Shivakumar et al.9 define low-

    velocity impact as events which can occur in the range

    110 m/s depending on the target stiffness, material

    properties and the impactor mass and stiffness.

    High-velocity impact response is dominated by stress

    wave propagation through the material in which the

    structure does not have time to respond, leading to

    much localised damage. Boundary condition effects

    can be ignored because the impact event is over

    before the stress waves have reached the edge of the

    structure. In low-velocity impact, the dynamic struc-

    tural response of the target is of utmost importance

    as the contact duration is long enough for the entire

    structure to respond to the impact and in consequence

    more energy is absorbed elastically.

    Cantwell and Morton10 conveniently classified low

    velocity as up to 10 m/s, by considering the test tech-

    niques which are generally employed in simulating the

    impact event (instrumented falling weight impact test-

    ing), Charpy, Izod, etc., whilst, in contrast, Abrate11 in

    his review of impact on laminated composites stated

    that low-velocity impacts occur for impact speeds of

    less than l00 m/s.

    Liu and Malvem12 and Joshi and Sun13 suggested

    that the type of impact can be classified according to

    the damage incurred, especially if damage is the prime

    concern. High velocity is thus characterised by penetra-

    tion-induced fibre breakage, and low velocity by delam-

    ination and matrix cracking.

    Davies and Robinson14,15

    define a low-velocityimpact as being one in which the through-thickness

    stress waveplays no significant part in the stress distri-

    bution and suggest a simple model to give the transition

    to high velocity. A cylindrical zone under the impactor

    is considered to undergo a uniform strain as the stress

    wave propagates through the plate, giving the compres-

    sive strain as14

    ec (Impact velocity/speed of sound in the material)

    For failure strains between 0.5% and l%, this

    gives the transition to stress wave dominated events

    at 1020 m/s for epoxy composites.

    Impact tests

    To simulate actual impact by a foreign object, a

    number of test procedures have been suggested by

    many researchers. The initial kinetic energy of the pro-

    jectile is an important parameter to be considered, but

    several other factors also affect the response of the

    structure. A large mass with low initial velocity may

    not cause the same amount of damage as a smaller

    mass with higher velocity, even if the kinetic energies

    are exactly the same.

    At the moment, two types of tests are used by most

    investigators, although many details of the actual testapparatus may differ. Experimental studies attempt to

    replicate actual situations under controlled conditions.

    For example, during aircraft takeoff and landing,

    debris flying from the runway can cause damage; this

    situation, with small high-velocity projectiles, is best

    simulated using a gas gun. Another concern is the

    impact of a composite structure by a larger projectile

    at low velocity which occurs when tools are accidentally

    dropped on a structure. This situation is best simulated

    using a drop weight tester.

    Drop weight testers (Figure 1) are used extensively

    and can be of different designs. Heavy impactors are

    usually guided by a rail during free fall from a given

    height.16 Usually, a sensor activates a mechanical

    device designed to prevent multiple impacts after the

    impactor bounces backup.

    Pendulum-type systems (Charpy impact tests) are

    used to generate low-velocity impacts. Pendulum-type

    testers consist of a steel ball hanging from a string, or a

    heavier projectile equipped with force transducers or

    velocity sensors. The Hopkinson-type pressure bar

    technique was also used. Ghasemnejad et al.17 used a

    Charpy impact device consisting of three main parts of

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    specimens, anvil where the specimen is free supported

    and also a pendulum with a defined mass attached to a

    rotating arm pinned at the machine body. The Charpy

    impact test rig with a dial and a pendulum is shown in

    Figure 2. The dial gives readings of the absorbed energy

    by the material during impact test which is measured in


    Parameters affecting impact damage

    The extensive experimental work conducted upto now

    created an understanding of the parameters that affect

    the initiation and growth of impact damage. Material

    properties affect the overall stiffness of the structure

    and the contact stiffness and therefore will have a

    significant effect on the dynamic response of the struc-

    ture. Researchers and practitioners are also interested

    in properties of the matrix, the fibres and the fibre

    matrix interface which control the initiation and

    growth of impact damage. The thickness of the lamin-

    ates, the size of the panel and the boundary conditions

    are all factors that influence the impact dynamics, sincethey control the stiffness of the target. The characteris-

    tics of the projectile including its weight, shape, elastic

    properties and incident angles are other parameters to

    be considered. The layup, stitching, preload and envir-

    onmental conditions are important factors which are to

    be given attention.

    Projectile characteristics

    Impactor shape and weight of impactor play a signifi-

    cant role in impact damage. In past research, the most

    common impactor shape used has been hemispherical.

    However, a dropped tool on a composite panel during

    maintenance may not always impact the panel with a

    blunt shape such as a hemisphere. Apart from the

    common hemispherical impactor, some researchers

    have used other impactor shapes such as flat-ended

    and conical. These experiments have been conducted

    under varying conditions, which make it impossible to

    compare the results since there are many parameters

    that can affect the impact response of composite lamin-

    ates. Research which considered the effect of impactor

    shape has predominantly been in the high-velocity

    impact field where, for instance, the impact resistance

    of armour has led to research into the ballistic limit ofprojectile shapes. However, it is known that specimens

    react differently to high-velocity impacts where there is

    a localised response compared to low-velocity impacts

    where a global response may predominate.

    Yang and Cantwell16 investigated the damage initi-

    ation in glass fibre (GF) reinforced epoxy plates sub-

    jected to low-velocity impact loading by considering the

    effect of key parameters such as target size, projectile

    diameter and test temperature on damage initiation.

    The experimental data have been analysed using

    simple energy based and stress-based models. The

    results show that the damage initiation threshold

    force, Pcrit varies with t3/2where t is the thickness of

    the composite. For a given target thickness, the Pcritdoes not exhibit a dependency on the plate diameter

    for the range of target geometries. It was also found

    that at elevated temperature, the damaged threshold

    also follows t3/2 dependency. The damage threshold

    varied with projectile diameter with Pcrit increasing

    steadily with increasing projectile diameter.

    In Mitrevski et al.18, the effects of impactor shape

    was investigated using hemispherical, ogival and

    conical impactors as shown in Figure 3 on carbon/

    Figure 1. The drop-weight impact tower.16

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    epoxy laminates. It was found that the specimens

    impacted by the conical impactor absorbed the most

    energy and produced the largest penetration depth.

    The blunter hemispherical impactor produced the lar-

    gest peak force and shortest contact duration. The

    damage threshold load was highest for the hemispher-

    ical impactor followed by the ogival and conical impac-

    tors, respectively.

    The residual tensile and compressive strengths of

    composite laminates are influenced by the damage

    area and mechanisms induced by the impact.11,1924

    Different impactor shapes will produce different

    damage mechanisms and areas in composite laminates;

    hence the residual properties of the material will change

    according to the impactor shape. It is, therefore,

    important to investigate the effects of different impactor

    shapes on the damage resistance and tolerance of com-

    posite laminates. Lee et al.25 conducted low-velocity

    impact tests on simply supported sheet moulding

    compound laminates. Conical, flat, hemispherical and

    Figure 2. The Zwick/Roell Charpy test rig: (a) side view and (b) front view.17

    Figure 3. (a) Hemispherical tup; (b) ogival tup; and (c) conical tup. 18

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    semi-cylinder impactors were used to impact specimens

    of 2.4 mm thickness at initial impact energy of 54.5 J.

    They found that flat and hemispherical impactors pro-

    duced similar failure mechanisms and energy dissipa-

    tion levels. The semi-cylindrical impactor produced a

    vertically propagating crack (i.e. through thickness).

    The local indentation induced by the flat and hemi-spherical impactors resulted in an increase in energy

    dissipation compared to the semi-cylindrical impactor.

    Local penetration was observed from the conical

    impactor which resulted in the lowest dissipated

    impact energy. They also found that the type of failure

    mechanism induced by the impact affected the energy

    dissipation capacity of the specimen. Using finite elem-

    ent analysis, Kim and Goo26 modelled the effect of

    altering the ratio between impactor nose lengths to

    impactor radius, where a ratio of one represents a hemi-

    spherical impactor, on the impact response of GF rein-

    forced plastic (GFRP). The ratios tested were 0.1, 1 and

    10. It was found that as the ratio decreased (became

    more blunt), the peak force increased and the impact

    duration decreased.

    Zhou et al.27 applied a quasi-static load to nine-ply,

    twill-weave, carbon/epoxy laminates with a nominal

    thickness of 2 mm through hemispherical and flat

    indentors of two sizes: 8 and 20 mm. The change in

    indentor nose shape resulted in a change in failure

    mode. For the hemispherical indentor, it was found

    for most cases that matrix cracking initiated, followed

    by fibre fracture. With the flat indentor, ply shear-out

    was found to be the dominant failure mechanism since

    stress concentration underneath the indentor spreadinto a greater area. This was also found by Zhou28

    who used a flat impactor to impact various types of

    GFRP. Under static test conditions, Mines et al.29

    found flat and hemispherical impactors produced

    larger delamination areas compared to a conical impac-

    tor in both woven and z-stitched laminates of varying

    thickness. This suggests that damage caused by conical

    impactors is more localised, which is supported by the

    local penetration found by Lee et al.25 Further research

    is done under dynamic conditions to determine whether

    the damage areas follow the trend produced under

    static conditions by Mines et al.29

    The influence of indentor geometry on damage

    development in composite materials has been investi-

    gated by a number of researchers.30,31 Siow and Shim32

    showed that impactors with a small radius of curvature

    produce a larger delamination area and greater fibre

    breakage than those with a larger radius. Wakayama

    et al.31 observed a change in failure mode from fibre

    fracture to delamination as the impactor radius was

    increased, during drop-weight impact tests on fila-

    ment-wound carbon fibre reinforced plastics (CFRP)

    pipes. Mitrevski et al.18 investigated the influence of

    indentor shape on damage initiation in thin woven

    CFRP laminates. They showed that hemispherical

    indentors gave a higher peak force and shorter contact

    duration than either conical or ogival impactors. The

    hemispherical indentor resulted in barely visible impact

    damage following a 4 J impact, whereas the sharper

    indentors produced permanent indentation andpenetration.

    Material properties

    Mechanical properties of fibre-reinforced composites

    are dependent on the properties of the constituent

    materials (type, quantity, fibre distribution and orien-

    tation and void content). Beside these properties, the

    nature of the interfacial bonds and the mechanisms of

    load transfer at the interface also play an important

    role. If the building parts of composites differ in phys-

    ical form and in chemical composition, only a weak

    interaction can be developed at the interface. For

    improving the adhesion between the matrix and the

    fibres, there are varieties of modification technique

    depending on the fibre and matrices type. One of

    them is the application of coupling agents, which are

    able to establish chemical bonds between the fibre and

    the matrix due to their chemical composition. The price

    of surface modifier chemicals is one of the key points in

    the applicability of reinforced composites.33 Polyesters

    could not be applied for technological purposes without

    reinforcing because of low strength and brittleness, but

    they are intensively used for composite matrices.34,35

    The GF composites are the most wide spread amongfibre-reinforced materials due to their favourable mech-

    anical and economical characteristics. For industrial

    applications, the E- and S-type GFs are the most com-

    monly used because they have the most favourable

    cost-mechanical property relationships. Thermoset

    composites have been applied in 1940s in aircraft indus-

    try for the first time. Those materials were laminated

    polyester composites, and the first application was the

    cover of radar antennas because there was a need for

    such non-metallic materials that allowed radio waves

    through without distortion. The manufactured parts

    were found to have better weight/volume ratio than

    the ones made from metallic materials. Since then,

    thermoset composites have been applied as construc-

    tion materials. Current civil aircraft applications have

    concentrated on replacing the secondary structure with

    fibrous composites, where the reinforcement material

    has either been carbon, glass, Kevlar, or hybrids of


    Several authors have been studying the effect of

    composite hybridisation on high-velocity impact behav-

    iour.3739 Novak and De Crescente40 showed that the

    addition of GF to CFRP and boron/epoxy system

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    could improve the impact strength by a factor of 35.

    Crack growth in hybrid fibrous composites was studied

    by McColl and Morley.41 It was shown that the stabil-

    ity of transverse crack in a very brittle matrix could be

    increased substantially by inclusion of a second fibre

    component designed specially to increase the work of

    fracture of the matrix. Bunsell and Harris42

    have shownthat the strips of GFRP incorporated into CFRP

    laminates acts as efficient crack stoppers only if the

    strip width is greater than a limiting value. This could

    indicate that hybrids in which the different types of

    fibre were more intimately mixed and not in well-

    defined planes would not perform as well in terms of

    fracture resistance. The same authors concluded that

    the work of fracture by impact and the flexural elastic

    modulus of mixed GFRP/CFRP composites are both

    simple functions of composition corresponding to a

    rule of mixture based on the properties of plain

    GFRP and CFRP.43 Jang et al.44 showed that hybridis-

    ing graphite composites with additional tough high

    strain-to-failure fibres give better damage resistance of

    composite structures under impact loading. The

    obtained results also imply that the stacking sequence

    is a major factor governing the overall energy absorb-

    ing capability of the hybrid structure, and the penetra-

    tion resistance of hybrid composites appeared to be

    dictated by the toughness (strength plus ductility) of

    their constituent fibres.45

    Laminate thickness, layup and stitching

    Target stiffness depends on material properties as wellas on the thickness of the laminate, the layup, its size

    and the boundary conditions. The stiffness in the thick-

    ness direction has a significant effect on the magnitude

    of the maximum contact force which of course will

    affect the extent of the damage induced.

    The stacking sequence also plays a very important

    role on the impact resistance of laminates. In a unidir-

    ectional laminate, since the reinforcing fibres are all

    oriented in the same direction, no delamination

    occurs. For two plates with the same thickness but

    with different stacking sequences, the one with the

    higher differences of angle between two adjacent plies

    will experience higher delamination areas. Increasing

    the thickness of each layer will also lead to increased

    delaminations. Increasing the difference between the

    longitudinal and transverse moduli of the material

    leads to higher bending stiffness mismatching and

    therefore increased delaminations. However, damage

    initiation is matrix- and interface-dependent and there-

    fore has little or no dependence on the stacking

    sequence. The peak load reached during impact or the

    energy at peak load is strongly dependent on the stack-

    ing sequence.11

    Stitching is used to introduce through the thickness

    reinforcement but in a different way than with weaving

    or braiding. The laminated structure is preserved and

    stitching can be performed on either a prepeg or pre-

    form. Stitching density and pattern and properties of

    the thread can be varied to improve delamination

    resistance.Sadasivam and Mallick46 have studied the low-

    energy impact characteristics of four different E-GF

    reinforced thermoplastic and thermosetting matrix

    composites. Low-energy impact caused dent on the

    impacted side and surface cracks on the unimpacted

    side of all four composites. The damage size, maximum

    impact load, deflection at the maximum load and tup

    velocity dissipation of the four composites are com-

    pared. The residual tensile strength of the impact-

    damaged composites is also determined as a function

    of the input impact energy.

    Caprino et al.47 have performed low-velocity impact

    tests on carbon/epoxy laminates of different thick-

    nesses. They have examined the force and absorbed

    energy at the onset of delamination, the maximum

    force and related energy and penetration energy.

    From the experimental results, all these quantities,

    except the energy for delamination initiation, followed

    the same trend, increasing to the power of approxi-

    mately 1.5 with increasing plate thickness. Some experi-

    mental investigations have been carried out by Hosur

    et al.48 to determine the response of four different com-

    binations of hybrid laminates subjected to low-velocity

    impact loading. They have indicated that there was

    considerable improvement in the load-carrying capabil-ity of hybrid composites as compared to carbon/epoxy

    laminates with slight reduction in stiffness. Datta

    et al.49 have investigated the effects of variable impact

    energy and laminate thickness on the low-velocity

    impact damage tolerance of GFRP composite lamin-

    ates. Critical values of impact energy and laminate

    thickness were also defined. Baucom and Zikry50 have

    conducted an experimental study to understand the

    effects of reinforcement geometry on damage progress

    in woven composite panels under repeated impact load-

    ing. The composite systems included a two-dimensional

    (2D) plain-woven laminate, a 3D orthogonally woven

    monolith, and a bi-axially reinforced warp-knit. The

    radial spread of damage was smallest for the 2D lamin-

    ates and largest for the 3D woven composites. The 3D

    composites had the greatest resistance to penetration

    and dissipated more total energy than the other sys-

    tems. Fuoss et al.51,52 have worked on the effects of

    key stacking sequence parameters on the impact

    damage resistance in composite laminates. A finite

    element model using linear, quasi-static analysis

    was developed to analyse the internal stress state

    in the laminate and predict delamination damage.

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    A parameter based on bending strain is proposed as a

    method of predicting the impact damage resistance in a

    composite laminate with respect to changes in stacking

    sequence. The method was evaluated by ranking lamin-

    ates for damage resistance using the proposed param-

    eter and comparing the results with existing

    experimental and numerical results. The results weregenerally positive, as the damage resistance parameter

    had a high linear correlation with the experimentally

    measured or numerically predicted damage areas.

    Rydin et al.53 have investigated the influence of

    impact velocity on woven and non-woven composites.

    For the range of impact velocities attainable in a typical

    drop weight impact tower (

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    behaviour of glass/epoxy laminated composite plates

    under low-velocity impact theoretically and experimen-

    tally. Tita et al.69 have conducted experimental and

    numerical studies to examine the stacking sequence

    and impact energy effect on thin carbon/epoxy lami-

    nated composite plates under low-velocity impact.

    The influence of stacking sequence and energy impactwas investigated using loadtime histories, displace-

    menttime histories and energytime histories as well

    as images from NDE. Indentation tests results were

    compared to dynamic results, verifying the inertia

    effects when thin composite laminate was impacted by

    foreign object with low velocity. For the experimental

    approach, it is verified that stacking sequence and

    impact energy level can influence the dynamic response

    of composite plates. The graphs of forcetime and

    energytime, as well as the images fromultrasonic

    C-scan technique are used in order to compare the

    mechanical behaviour of the specimens. The indenta-

    tion test can be used to represent a drop-test when the

    impact energy level is low and the specimen has a quasi-

    elastic behaviour. Because the indentation curves do

    not show the oscillations inherent in the dynamic

    response obtained in drop-tests, there is more failure

    mechanisms activated during the impact event than in

    quasi-static event. Besides, the failure mechanisms

    shown by the impact event are more distributed and

    with a quasi-static event they are more concentrated.

    Thus, the structural global stiffness reduces with more

    intensity for drop-test. Finally, it is very important to

    comment that the experimental test results for this

    study were used to validate and calibrate a compositematerial failure model developed by the authors. Li

    et al.70 have done an experimental and numerical inves-

    tigation on low-velocity impact-induced damage of

    continuous fibre-reinforced composite laminates.

    Results show that the maximum contact force decreases

    while the maximum deflection increases with increasing

    of the plate thickness. In addition, the influence of the

    boundary condition on the maximum contact force,

    maximum deflection and delamination size is very

    small. However, the impactor mass has a significant

    effect on the impact behaviour of the composite plates.


    Many researchers have analytically and experimentally

    investigated the low-velocity impact behaviour of com-

    posite laminated structures.70 Most composite struc-

    tures will be under some level of stress when

    impacted. For example, the upper layer of the main

    wing of the aircraft will be mainly under in-plane com-

    pressive load during flight and the lower one will be

    under in-plane tensile load. So, foreign objects like

    hail and debris in the runway shall give an impact to

    composite laminated structure under in-plane load.

    Very often, a composite structure experiences impact

    loading in addition to the pre-existing stresses produced

    either by service loads or by manufacturing/assembly

    process. A common example is that of the structure of

    an aircraft which during flight may experience bird-hit,

    etc., while it is highly stressed due to various serviceloads. However, not much literature is available on

    the impact response of composite structures with


    Chen and Sun71 have developed a finite element pro-

    gram to analyse the impact response of the composite

    laminate under biaxial in-plane load. Using the finite

    element program, they solved for three cases of in-plane

    load, tension/tension load of three times of critical

    buckling load of the plate, compression/compression

    load of 75% of the critical bucking load and no initial

    in-plane load. The impact condition is the case that the

    mass of the impactor is very small and the impact vel-

    ocity is very high. They concluded that the initial tensile

    in-plane load tends to intensify the contact force while

    reducing the contact time and an opposite conclusion is

    obtained for an initial compressive in-plane load.

    Except for this study, it is very rare to find another

    analytical result on the impact behaviour of the com-

    posite laminates under in-plane load. Kelkar et al.72

    reported an experimental and analytical result on the

    impact behaviour and the damage area through drop-

    weight type impact test, which includes three cases of

    thickness of the laminate (16, 32 and 48 plies) and four

    cases of tensile in-plane load (0, 800, 1600 and 2400 me).

    Their experimental result showed that as the initial in-plane load increases, the impact duration decreases and

    the impact load increases. Also, it was observed that as

    the initial in-plane load increases, in the case of 16-ply

    laminates, the damage area increases. However, in the

    case of 32-ply thick laminates, there was a marginal

    increase in the damage area. In the case of 48-ply

    thick laminates, for lower impact energy, there was a

    marginal increase in the damage area. However, for

    larger impact energy, there was a reduction in the

    damage area. They tried an analytical prediction of

    the damage area from quasi-static solution using com-

    mercial finite element analysis software, but detailed

    numerical output could not be found.72 Mitrevski

    et al.73 presented the experimental results on the

    impact behaviour of carbon/epoxy and glass/polyester

    composite. They concluded that as the initial tensile in-

    plane load increases, the contact duration decreases;

    however, the initial tensile in-plane load has not

    affected the maximum contact force and the damage

    area. An experimental investigation on this aspect of

    composite structures has been recently carried out by

    Whittingham et al.74 In this study, laminated plates of

    carbon fibre reinforced composites were subjected to

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    low-velocity impact while uniaxial or biaxial prestresses

    already existed in the plane of the plates. Both tensile

    and compressive preloads were used and impacts of two

    magnitudes (measured in terms of impact energy) were

    produced. It was shown that at low-impact energy, the

    indentation depth and the peak load are independent of

    the nature and magnitude of prestresses. Robb et al.75

    investigated the damage phenomenon and damage tol-

    erance of chopped strand matt laminates under impact

    loading in the presence of uniaxial and biaxial pres-

    tresses. It is observed that the shape, orientation and

    size of the damage zone is strongly influenced by the

    nature and magnitude of the prestrain. Impact speci-

    mens subject to shear loading exhibit the largest

    increase in damage area when compared to unstressed


    Environmental conditions

    A few researchers have also showed the effect of envir-

    onmental aspects on impact damage such as low tem-

    perature, UV rays, etc. Because most composite

    structures are used outdoors, it cannot be avoided

    that composite structures are subjected to various

    environmental conditioning. The study of impact and

    post impact response of laminated composites sub-

    jected to environmental conditioning other than ambi-

    ent is more realistic. Karasek et al.76 have evaluated the

    influence of temperature and moisture on the impact

    resistance of an epoxy/graphite composite. They have

    found that only at elevated temperatures, the moisture

    had a significant effect on damage initiation energy andthat the energy required for initiating damage had been

    found to decrease with temperature. The investigations

    by Bibo et al.77 have shown that temperature is capable

    of altering the nature and extent of impact induced

    damages. Parvatareddy et al.78 have investigated the

    low-velocity impact behaviour of laminated composites

    aged at elevated temperature in both air and nitrogen

    environments. They have indicated that the ageing

    environment has a significant effect on the residual ten-

    sile strength. Hale et al.79 have found that the effect of

    temperature and moisture is interactive. The loss of

    strength and stiffness of laminated composites at ele-

    vated temperatures is exacerbated by the increased rate

    of water absorption at high temperatures. Li et al.80

    have investigated the effect of cycling moisture on the

    low-velocity impact behaviour of laminated composites

    at elevated temperatures. Their results show that the

    first moisture cycle has a significant effect on reducing

    the low-velocity impact resistance of laminated com-

    posites. Elevated temperature accelerates the damaging

    effect of cycling moistures. Pang et al.81 have investi-

    gated the effect of ultraviolet radiation on the low-

    velocity impact response of laminated beams.

    They have found that UV radiation alone has a signifi-

    cant effect on reducing the residual load-carrying cap-

    acity of impact damaged laminated beams. The

    presence of water increased the damage effect of UV

    radiation. Ibekwe et al.82 investigated low-velocity

    impact response and post-impact compression buckling

    strength of GF reinforced unidirectional and cross-plylaminated composite beams at low temperatures and

    showed that the temperature has a significant effect

    on the low-velocity impact responses of laminated com-

    posites. More impact damage is induced in specimens

    impacted at lower temperatures than those at higher

    temperatures. The residual compressive buckling

    strength and elastic modulus increase until a certain

    point as temperature drops, at a much lower tempera-

    ture both the residual compressive buckling strength

    and the elastic modulus drop. It was also found that

    the impact damage and the temperature have an oppos-

    ite effect on the residual compressive buckling strength

    and elastic modulus. The impact damage reduces the

    residual compressive strength while the low tempera-

    ture tends to increase it. Salehi-Khojin et al.83 investi-

    gated the role of temperature on impact properties of

    Kevlar/fibreglass composite laminates. In this investi-

    gation, impact energy level and temperature were found

    to have significant effects on the impact behaviour of

    fibreglass and combinations of fibreglass with Kevlar.

    At low impact energy, the amount of maximum

    absorbed energy is almost constant and independent

    of temperature. With increasing energy level, absorbed

    energy becomes more and more dependent on tempera-

    ture. At each of the impact energies, maximum deflec-tion is a function of impact energy and temperature

    such that maximum deflection increases with a corres-

    ponding increase in impact energy or temperature.

    A few studies have focused on the effect of tempera-

    ture on the impact response of polymer matrix compos-

    ites. A decrease in delamination area was reported84

    with increase in temperature in the range between

    40C and 70C for a carbon fibre composite laminate

    subjected to high energy impact. In a similar high-

    velocity impact study on cross-ply laminates of poly-

    ethylene fibre/epoxy matrix system,85 it was found that

    the damage initiation energy doubled when the tem-

    perature was increased from 50C to 100C. In con-

    trast, laminates containing plain-weave fabrics showed

    very little influence of temperature on the total impact

    energy required for complete penetration of the speci-

    men. Son and Kwon Young86 studied the effect of tem-

    perature variation (30C to 120C) on damage to

    orthotropic CFRP laminates at non-penetrating

    impact velocities (upto 100 m/s). They observed a

    linear relationship between the impact energy and the

    delaminated area as well as an increase in the damage

    area as the temperature decreased.

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    Damage initiation

    Impact damage usually follows some very complex dis-

    tributions and it may not be possible to reconstruct the

    entire sequence of events leading to a given damage

    state. For low-velocity impact damage starts with the

    creation of a matrix crack. In some cases, the target is

    flexible and the crack is created by tensile flexural stres-ses in the bottom ply of laminate, this crack, which is

    usually perpendicular to the plane of the laminate, is

    called a tensile crack.2 For thick laminates, cracks

    appear near the top of the laminate and are created

    by the contact stresses. These cracks, called shear

    cracks,2 are inclined relative to the mid-plane. Matrix

    cracks induce delaminations at interfaces between adja-

    cent plies and initiate a pattern of damage evolution

    either from the bottom up or from the top down.

    Therefore, while it is possible to predict the onset of

    damage, a detailed prediction of the final damage

    state cannot realistically be achieved.

    Two types of approaches are used for predicting

    impact damage. The first approach is aimed at predict-

    ing the overall damage size. It is based on the premise

    that delaminations, which are the critical component of

    impact damage, grow because of high transverse shear

    stresses in the vicinity of the impactor. The idea is to

    determine the distribution of the transverse shear force

    resultant around the point of impact and to use an

    appropriate failure criterion to estimate the size of the

    damage zone.

    The second approach to be discussed here deals with

    the prediction of the threshold value of the contact

    force that corresponds to damage initiation. When thedamage area is plotted versus the maximum impact

    force, there is a clear sudden increase in damage size

    once the load reaches a critical value Pcrit. Below this

    critical value, the damage area is small due to Hertzian

    surface (a surface according to Hertz contact law) and

    Pcrit corresponds to the onset delaminations.2

    Under low-velocity impact loading conditions, the

    time of contact between projectile and target are rela-

    tively long. The load history can yield important infor-

    mation concerning damage initiation and growth.8791

    Several investigators used the force history to compare

    the structural response from impact tests. As pointed

    out in the literature, the first load drop, in terms of

    Hertzian failure or significant damage corresponds to

    the occurrence of initial damage in the form of matrix

    cracking, fibre breakage and local puncture or indenta-

    tion.8996 Davies and Zhang88 pointed out that the first

    damage threshold is probably due to the initialisation

    of delamination failure. Belingardi and Vadori91

    defined two thresholds from the load history. The first

    one was at the first load drop for the first material

    damage and the second one was the maximum force

    value for the first lamina failure.

    Davies et al.87 proposed an equation for a critical

    force threshold

    P2crit 82Eh3GIIc=91v


    wherePcritis the threshold load, Eand the equivalent

    in-plane modulus and Poisson ratio, h the laminatethickness and GIIc the critical strain energy release

    rate. The model indicates that the square of the critical

    force threshold is proportional to the cube of the lamin-

    ate thickness. The predictions from this equation for

    delamination initiation agreed well with their experi-

    mental data.88,89 Sjoblom97 also predicted that the crit-

    ical damage initiation load should increase with t3/2.

    However, some results showed that the delamination

    threshold load varied with the laminate thickness to

    the 3/2 power.90,97 Fibre failure occurs under the

    impactor due to locally high stresses and indentation

    effects. Belingardi and Vadori91 define a term of satur-

    ation impact energy, which is the maximum energy

    bearable by the material without perforation.

    Dorey98 gives a simple equation for the energy

    required for fibre failure and for penetration

    E 2wtL=18Ef

    whereis the flexural strength,Efthe flexural modulus,

    w the width, L the unsupported length and t the speci-

    men thickness.

    Aktas et al.99 presented a schematic illustration for

    different damage modes in composite laminates, as

    shown in Figure 4.

    Damage propagation

    When a solid is subjected to any kind of loading, static

    or impact, it can absorb energy by two basic mechan-

    ism creations of new surfaces and material deform-

    ation. The material deformation occurs first. If the

    energy supplied is large enough, a crack may initiate

    and propagate, thus actuating the second energy-

    absorbing mechanism. The material deformation

    continues in advance of the crack during crack propa-

    gation. In the case of brittle materials such as glass and

    other ceramics only a small amount of deformation

    takes place. The associated energy absorbed is also

    small. As a consequence, brittle materials exhibit a

    low energy absorption capability.

    Impact energy (Ei) and absorbed energy (Ea) are two

    main parameters that can be used to assess damage

    propagation in composite structures after an impact

    event. Ei can be defined as the kinetic energy of the

    impactor right before contactimpact takes place

    while Ea is termed as the amount of energy absorbed

    by the composite specimen at the end of an impact

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    event. Absorbed energy can be calculated from load

    deflection (Fd) curves. Figure 5 shows two typical Fd

    curves encountered in an impact event. Shaded areas in

    Figure 5(a) and (b) represent the energies absorbed by

    specimens during impact tests resulting in closed- and

    open-type curves, respectively. Open-type Fd curves

    have a horizontal section at the very end, post-

    perforation frictional section. In order to identify the

    true energy absorption due to damage formation in the

    specimens, the post-perforation frictional sections need

    to be removed from the curves.100 For this purpose, the

    ending part of the descending section of the Fdcurve

    may be extended to the deflection axis, shown as the

    dashed line in Figure 5(b).

    Karakuzu et al.101 plotted the impact energy versus

    the absorbed energy for equal mass and equal velocity

    as shown in Figure 6 using energy profiling dia-

    grams.59,61 That is, variation of the absorbed energy

    versus impact energy is plotted for two equal param-

    eters; mass and velocity. It is clearly observed from

    Figure 6 that all the specimens are of the rebounding

    case. However, the specimen subjected to 40 J for equal

    Figure 4. Schematic illustrations for different damage modes.99

    Figure 5. Calculation of the absorbed energy from loaddeflection curves for a non-perforated specimen (a) and a perforated

    specimen (b).100

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    velocity has reached the penetration threshold. In add-

    ition, the energy absorption capability of the specimen

    subjected to equal mass is lower than the specimen sub-

    jected to equal velocity, for the same impact energy.

    They have carried out an experimental and numer-

    ical study to investigate the effect of the equal impact

    energy (40 J), equal impactor mass (5 kg) and equal vel-

    ocity (2 m/s) on the contact force, deflection, contact

    time, damage area and absorbed energy of glass/

    epoxy laminated composite plates by taking the orien-

    tation [0/30/60/90]s. The equal impact energy

    remained constant by changing the impact velocity or

    the impactor mass. The numerical analysis was done

    using 3DIMPACT finite element code. Results show

    that the energy absorption capability of the specimens

    subjected to equal mass is lower than the specimens

    Figure 6. Energy profiling diagram for the experimental results.101

    Figure 7. The variation of impact energy versus (a) maximum contact force, (b) maximum deflection and (c) contact time dependingon the equal mass and the equal velocity.101

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    subjected to equal velocities and the effects of the equal

    mass and the equal velocity on the maximum contact

    force and maximum deflection are nearly the same

    while the impact energy increases. For a better under-

    standing of the impact behaviour of glass/epoxy com-

    posite plates, only the maximum values of the contact

    force, maximum deflection and contact time are shownin Figure 7. As observed from the figure, the equal mass

    and the equal velocity have nearly the same effects on

    the maximum contact force and maximum deflection

    while the impact energy increases (Figure 7(a) and

    (b)). However, the effect of both on the contact time

    differs from each other (Figure 7(c)).

    The various mechanisms involved during crack

    propagation account for the total energy absorbed in

    a fracture process. Obviously, the same mechanisms

    will not be important in all combinations of matrix

    and fibre materials. No single mechanism can account

    for the observed toughness of composites. The various

    failure mechanisms are fibre breakage, matrix deform-

    ation and cracking, fibre debonding, fibre pullout and

    delamination cracks.

    Spall strength of GFs reinforced epoxy composites

    were measured by Zaretsky et al.102 It was found that

    three possible failure modes as debonding, delamin-

    ation and matrix cracking for the composite resulted

    in large variations of the spall strength. A nucleation

    and growth model together with a fracture model that

    were applied by Tokheim et al.,103 provided good esti-

    mates for corresponding experimental measurements of

    spall strength in a Kevlar fibres reinforced epoxy com-

    posite. Delamination strength of GFs reinforced com-posites were measured by Dandekar et al.104 under

    plane normal and oblique impact conditions. A thresh-

    old shock-induced compression stress beyond which

    delamination will occur due to refracted tensile waves

    was determined. The values of the threshold and delam-

    ination tensile stresses were found to depend strongly

    on the angle of the impact relative to the fibres plane.

    Syam et al.105 examined the fracture mechanism in rein-

    forced plastics. It was found that the damage zone con-

    sisted of matrix cracking, fractured fibres and

    debonding between the fibres and the matrix.


    There has been a growing interest, particularly in the

    past few decades, in the use of composite materials in

    structural applications ranging from aircraft and space

    structures to automotive and biomedical applications.

    However, their behaviour under impact loading is one

    of the major concerns, since impacts do occur during

    manufacture, normal operations, maintenance, etc.

    Especially, unidirectional laminated plates are highly

    susceptible to the transverse impact loads resulting in

    significant damages such as matrix cracks, delamin-

    ations and fibre fractures. Numerous studies on the

    impact response of composite materials and structures

    can be found in review papers.

    Low-velocity impact refers to impacts in the range

    110 m/s which are ordinarily introduced in the labora-

    tory by mechanical test machines. The contact period issuch that the whole structure has time to respond to the

    loading. The modes of impact damage induced range

    from matrix cracking and delamination through to

    fibre failure and penetration. Damage mode interaction

    must also be understood when attempting to predict

    initiation and propagation of a particular form of

    damage. Toughened resins or thermoplastics can

    reduce matrix-dominated damage but the fibres have

    the most bearing on impact response and over the

    narrow velocity range under consideration, the strain

    rate sensitivity of fibres can be ignored. Post-impact

    performance is related to the major damage mode;

    therefore, a combination of tension and compression

    residual strength testing is required to characterise the


    Polymer-matrix composites are known to be highly

    susceptible to internal damage caused by transverse

    loads even under low-velocity impacts. The composites

    can be damaged on the surface. They can also be

    damaged beneath the surface by relatively light impacts

    causing barely visible impact damage, while the surface

    may appear to be undamaged to visual inspection. For

    the effective use of polymer-matrix composites for high-

    performance applications, understanding the causes

    of the formation of such damage when subjected tolow- and high-velocity impact and improving the

    damage-resistance characteristics of the composites are

    important considerations. Vast research has been per-

    formed on simple geometry carbon/epoxy cross-ply

    laminates consistingof plies at various fibre orientations,

    due to their importance in the aerospace industry. The

    low-velocity impact response of random fibre/unidirec-

    tional laminate combinations and impacts on complex

    geometry are less well documented, and more research

    work is required in these areas if composite laminates are

    to be employed in more structural applications.


    This research received no specific grant from any funding

    agency in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.

    Conflict of interest

    None declared.


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