Imaginary Interviews by Austen Andersen

Imaginaryinterviews coreypeltier

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Pt. 1 of some interviews i did with friends

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Imaginary Interviews

by Austen Andersen

Peltier Corey

Chat Conversation Start

September 19th, 3:43pm

Put it on ur fashion blog

Haha gotta make one

Do you have a blog?

lmao i was kidding about that

but ya i do


Love it

im the best

Damn straight

What's your snapchat?


snapsydad i think

i dont use it tho

September 29th, 6:38pm




Nothing much painted a little today


My dad said I'm doing it right lol

Send pic



Shots fired

Those all look rly good

I like the colors

Thanks you

I did some articles on trail and Dylan for a new zine I'm working on was

wondering if you would be interested?

Ya sure !!

Like what

R u gonna interview me


When you have some time to relax and chat

Or anytime

Ya sure

I'm in class rn but I can do it while I learn hahaha


Let's get crackin

I'm just going to ask questions if that's cool take your time

We can always scrap parts

September 29th, 8:47pm

Ya ok

Ask away!!

Sorry we had to like do shit with play doh for some reason


What did you do?

Marty roy g biv


Ya we r learnin bout coloring hair


So we have to go overall this shit I know super well already

So I'm bored

What r ur interview questions ??

Alright let's get it Rollin

What's happening in the life of Corey?

Workin on getting my cosmetology license and still trying to juggle art stuff!

And I got a new car today

Yes I bet you got the triple black Yukon



Actually I woke up in a new Bugatti

Jk it's a Buick century but it's like a dark emerald green so I like it

Don't screw it get a Buick

So what kind of art stuff you wrestling with?

Mostly digital collage and stuff on Photoshop and newhive.com

But the occasional drawing or painting or mixed media thing pops up

Not that I ever do anything with that stuff

That's what's up

Ya I had some art featured in Molly soda and Aric millers installation at

dlectricity this weekend

Are you into any specific genres of art?

And I will have a piece in Molly's upcoming "what's ur wifi" show

Molly soda and Aric miller !

I'm really into pretty much any art

It just depends on the composition and colors

I like to look at things like an outsider before I look at them with an art

critics eye

Or vice versa where I look at something that wasn't intended to be art and

critique it as art

There was a guy who put a crucifix in a jar of urine is that something

intriguing to you?

Ya I am actually rly into the concept of art and playing with it

Bc nothing is art till it's put into the "art world" and everythig put into the

"art world" is art

Which is really stupid and abstract to me

Bc tht means nothing AND everything has potential to be art

So ya I think pisschrist is great

Piss on everything as performance art


Like My grandma would always say "piss on you"


Ur grandma was aware of art

Still is alive and kickin it pissin

So what music is in your life?

Alive and pissin it

I'm really into hip hop and dancey house and speed garage and stuff

But lately I've been listening to a lot of weezer and green day and system of a

down and takig back Sunday and stuff to try to feel teen angst again

Hip hop head?

Yeah totally #freegucci

He's locked up?

Idk probably

Lol yeahh what a walking contradiction

No thts Tyler the creator


How bout the odd future guys ?

Not interested in any of them but earl anymore

Frank ocean has a pretty voice tho

He's fromOF right I forget

It's been a long time since I liked them

He used to be gay

But they're actually the whole reason I kno john and Dylan

Ya I kno

Tht one song is about a man

Or something



Could you send some of your art my way?


Make sure u only put in ones tht say they're by me

Some of those I've shared from other artists pages

If ur not familiar with new give


Ok yah lil plagiarist

They're credited I promise!!! Hahahaha

What's sad?

Idk I don't rly get very sad about many things

Or so u mean the art piece I titled that

No just in general

Idk. Hopelessness, vulnerability, betrayal

What's rad?

Not the word rad hahaha


Art and good times!


What's an idle date?

With a special someone

Just spending time together really! I like to go out places, literally anywhere

and show off my cute perf man

But even just Layin in bed watching movies is fun and nice

I just like the company of like minded people in general and I'm lucky enough to

have a guy who gets me on p much every level, so anything is fun rly

I'm a simple gal

Simple is nice

Dates can turn into algebra equations real quick

Ya they can be weird when u aren't clicking right

Or like they can be rly forced

Yes you have to be all about the person or it's not gonna flow

I went on a date with a short guy once and he just talked about how cool and

successful he was the whole time and it was a real turn off even though he took

me on a really nice date

I went on a date with a 6.5 transsexual we watched spoken word poetry I held her

hand that's a win win

That's hot

Super hottt

She had a brilliant mind

Ya this lovely trans lady I kno makes some of the most incredible art

Her name is luna Jackson u should check her stuff out

She has a new hive too

It's http://newhive.com/prismviews

Ok I will

Like it a lot



Ya it's so good

Ina about to do stand up lol

Oh swag

Tell me the jokes ur gonna tell

It's a long storie about these shoes called the blue bombers


Let me know how it goes!!

See if someone will record it for u

I wanna see

Ok my TM teacher is here it's weird

He's playing

Oh that is weird

What's tm

Transcendental meditation

Ohhhhhh ok

Up next

Good luck!!!

Record it for me


Crushed it

September 30th, 3:39pm


I thought it went good!


Did u record it

Like on tape or iPhone?

September 30th, 7:23pm