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    The Bed of Arrows

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    Kamala could smell the scent of the perfume on Surawhen he returned home from the college that evening.

    She turned over on the bed and threw him a questioning

    look. Her face was contorted in pain, betraying her

    resolve not to let it show, to put on a cheerful smile no

    matter what. Or, to at least try to. But her mind was

    already awash in self-pity: Whats the matter with me?

    Why am I morbidly wallowing in thoughts about my

    imminent death? So what if my days are numbered, why

    go over it again and again in my mind? Why present my

    poor husband with a face of doom and gloom? Why add

    to his worry and unhappiness?

    Before she could smooth the creases of her face into a

    bland grin, Sura was by her side. Kama. He grabbed at

    his hair in despair. Is the pain worse? God, how long

    will it last!

    Pain? She tried to sound cheerful. Nothing that cant

    be endured; certainly no worse than before. Dont worry.

    Her eyes were so sharp that her husbands face fell, in

    defeat. Thats what you always say. Youve become used

    to the pain, its second nature to you now. Youre all

    alike, you women. You never admit to being in pain, to

    suffering. Just what do you think that youll ascend

    body and soul to heaven if you sacrifice yourself for your

    husband and children? He reached out to caress her

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    cheek. She flinched, as if his touch would singe her. Awave of dizziness rolled through her and for a moment

    she felt she was floating in a void.

    Go take a shower, she said when she was herself again.

    You need one at the end of a long hot summer day. Put

    on fresh clothes and ask Indra to make tea. She sounded

    like a squeaking bird when she called out to their cook

    and houseboy, Indramani.

    Dont, Sura gently admonished her. Dont tire yourself

    out. Even raising your voice a little is a strain. After all,

    how much strength is there left in you?

    She shut her eyes with a sigh. A moment later she

    opened them and found her husband staring at her, his

    words still resounding in her ears:How much strength is

    there left in you! She caught the unfamiliar scent again;

    her vision misted over and then cleared. She could see

    her husband through a haze of pale yellow light after a

    shower of rain. At forty-five his next birthday, only

    days away he was as slim and strong as ever, growing

    younger if anything. A high forehead aglow with

    intelligence, a strong chin signaling determination to

    get on with life against all odds. She sighed. This mans

    body had once been hers. All hers, shared with no-one

    else. Goosebumps rose on her skin, her face became hot,

    her eyes burned, and she looked at her husband hungrily.

    He was every bit as desirable as before lithe,

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    energetic, full of vigour and vitality.A tiny cloud of suspicion began to form, filling the

    skies of her mind it threatened to pour any moment.

    Im like the proverbial wine jug. She gritted her teeth.

    Fit only to be tossed away once its empty.

    What? Why do you say that?

    Is what I said untrue? Ive been meaning to tell you

    this for some time now: Ill never get better, Ill never be

    of any use to you. Why should you continue to have to

    go through this? You should . . .

    Surprisingly, Sura did not turn away as he usually did,

    his eyes did not well up with tears; on the contrary, he

    flew into a rage. Why do you always go back to that?

    Find it a pleasant topic, do you? Good god!

    Her heart skipped a beat. Not because of his

    uncharacteristic anger, but because of a sudden

    misgiving: Have I upset you? Sorry. Go get washed and

    changed. Dont keep standing here and lose your appetite

    for nothing. She called out to the houseboy again. Indra,

    can you hear me? The masters home and waiting.

    Sura stomped off.

    For a while the perfume hung heavy in the air.

    Outside, the shadows grew longer. The drumstick tree

    had already turned into a dark mass; barely an hour ago

    its tiny sun-dappled leaves had been aflutter with smiles.

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    ago. She had given up on a whole lot of things for thatmatter. All because she had aged into a worn-down

    housewife. She had children to raise, and thank god her

    efforts had paid off: the two girls, Manik and Suna, had

    married well, and Ghana, their son, was in the forestry

    college in Coimbatore. He would get married and settle

    down as soon as he landed a job. She had sacrificed her

    life her body and mind and a feeling of contentment

    had been her only reward. Meanwhile the drudgery of

    housework had callused her soft hands and coarsened

    her complexion; even her long, thick hair had thinned,

    now reaching down only to the middle of her back; she

    had gotten used to eating any old thing at irregular hours

    often long after her husband and children had finished

    their meals, to wearing old clothes, to making do with

    smelly coconut oil bought in the bazaar for her hair.

    Working hard seemed to be all she was good for, but

    ever since taking to bed she had been robbed of even


    Her illness remained a mystery. No amount of medicine

    seemed to do any good; the pain did not lessen one bit.

    She grew weaker by the day, and death seemed to be

    creeping slowly upon her. A prolonged, protracted


    She tossed and turned. She could smell the perfume

    again. Did it float up again and again just to mock and

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    mortify her? Perfume on Sura, who had no time for suchself indulgence, was no ordinary occurrence. Preoccupied

    with reading and writing, he sometimes forgot to shave

    or to comb his hair, and was indifferent to what he wore.

    A true intellectual, if ever there was one. Everything sat

    well on him. All except perfume. But God be praised, he

    was still such a caring husband.

    When it was fully dark, she broke down, and her hot

    feverish eyes swam in tears, even if only a few drops.

    When Indra placed a lamp by her bedside, she was

    curious to know what her husband was doing. Indra

    said he had gone out for a stroll.

    A stroll? Where?

    Didnt say.


    The issue of the perfume began to gnaw at her anew.

    Anyone could buy perfume. Whatever brand you wanted,

    all you had to do was go to the market and look for it.

    Was it the same with human beings? You wanted

    somebody and you went for her? Was all this conjugal

    love, affection and concern for his wife just a charade, a

    show? Could anyone spend a lifetime loving a sick


    She turned over and more tears flowed down her

    cheeks. The houseboy was still standing beside her bed.

    What was going through his mind? Wondering how long

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    this sick woman would survive? How long shed fight alosing battle? Indra was considered effeminate, but it

    was he, more than anybody else, who seemed most

    concerned about her.

    What shall I cook for dinner tonight? he asked.

    Dont ask me. Do you think Ill be around forever?

    Her voice sounded pitiful, even to her own ears.

    Dont cry, sister. Youll get well.

    Get well! Whats the point of lingering on? Only to

    prolong my own misery? The truth is I no longer matter

    to anyone. Why go on living?

    Indra left. She turned onto her back. There! She had

    unburdened herself! Made it clear she wished she were

    dead; already she was feeling better. Death was

    preferable to being confined to bed, better than having

    to fight back tears, better than having to smell perfume

    on her husband. But when would the end come? A

    familiar sense of feeling rejected was rising up within

    her again. Their son might love her, but he was more

    worried about his studies and his future. Four months

    ago, when he had rushed home after she had taken a

    sudden turn for the worse, he had only been able to

    spare four days. Of course his father too had been keen

    for him to go back: Why should he miss classes? Let

    him go back and get on with his studies. Their married

    daughters, Manik and Suna, belonged elsewhere they

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    had their own families and problems to think about and couldnt be expected to make frequent visits. And

    the only person she thought was hers alone had gone

    out for an evening stroll without even telling her. Without

    bothering to tell her. She wasnt worth the trouble.

    She lay still, her mouth half-open. Her mind strayed.


    She thought she had overcome her cravings the birth

    of a son and two daughters, the years of running a

    household should have completely extinguished the

    desire for sensual pleasure. She had been married at the

    age of fifteen, and her twenty-two years of married life

    seemed to her to have lasted for ages. So many of her

    friends had already died; what difference would one

    more death make? A similar realization had struck her

    at the birth of their son. She had forgotten nothing

    the hospital, the pain of labour, the caesarean, the torture

    of dressing the wound every day, the unseasonal winter

    rains, the chill which had seeped into the core of her

    being and robbed her of all warmth, her husbands ill-

    concealed irritation at being disturbed in the middle of

    the night by the babys crying. Sorry, hes woken up,

    shed mutter apologetically. Did he disturb you? Go back

    to sleep. A smack on the babys bottom to quiet him

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    would produce the opposite effect: hed scream at thetop of his lungs.

    She had longed and craved for life, for the thrill of

    happiness. Fear of becoming pregnant again would stir

    her heart now and then, but she didnt let that determine

    her actions. She would let her guard down, throw caution

    to the wind, overcome in moments of intense pleasure.

    Her body had its own demands, its drives; it could forget

    one pain and eagerly await the next, similar to the first.

    The results were Manik and Suna, though she knew they

    werent the products of overwhelming passion. Why

    hadnt she learnt to smother her hunger and craving? It

    only leads to pain, she had once confided to Sobhana,

    her childhood friend, another sickly woman; they were

    so close that they called each other blossom. Only to

    pain and suffering, dear blossom. How short-lived the

    pleasure is! And where has our happiness gone? The

    only time we were truly happy seems to have been before

    we were married, when we lived with our parents. When

    did we last go for a swim, or collect lilies, or climb trees

    and race across fields? Sometimes the past, dim and

    distant, seemed to whisper seductively in her ears; the

    shadows of lithe young limbs on a strong youthful body

    flitted across her vision, and she sighed in anguish. How

    hard it was to stifle the billowing waves of bitterness.

    Sobhana, who had been in a similar state of poor health

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    ever since the birth of her second child, was the onlyperson who had understood her. Sobhana suffered from

    a terrible stomach disorder, which made her have to go

    to the toilet ten times a day. Unable to digest anything,

    she had grown increasingly weak and anemic. Her

    husband, a foreman in the steel plant, a smaller edition

    of the mythical Bhima, took no notice. How true,

    blossom! Sobhana couldnt agree more. Who knew

    about the labour pain and all the rest? Why do girls

    ever marry and bear babies? How quickly their looks,

    complexion and liveliness vanish! In case anyone might

    think she was blaspheming against her husband, she

    added, Once a girl leaves her parents, theres no one

    who loves her enough to force even a bowl of watered-

    rice on her! Kamala had nodded in silence, unable to

    bring herself to say yes or no. Whatever her husbands

    faults, cruelty and miserliness were not among them.

    Sura had always handed over his salary, leaving it her to

    run the household as she liked. He did not spend money

    without her knowing, did not indulge in any bad habits.

    No, Sura couldnt be compared to Sobhanas brute of a

    husband. Its fate! Sobhana had added by way of

    consolation. You cant blame anyone. Her ravaged

    health, unkempt hair and dirty clothes had left Kamala

    with little doubt about her real condition. She knew too

    that Sobhana gaunt-faced, wobbly-toothed, lips

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    stained black by betel juice was expressing only afraction of what she really felt. A silent rebel, Sobhana

    had learnt to hide the embers of rebellion deep within

    her, until she was forced into yet another unwelcome

    pregnancy. Her husband wanted a son, so a son hed

    have, but then shed get up and go shed had enough.

    As she lay dead in a crumpled heap after giving birth,

    delivered of baby and blood, her fierce foreman of a

    husband busily kissed his precious newborn son under

    the doctors baleful gaze; her husband couldnt have

    cared less. Kamala had learned the gut-wrenching details

    of Sobhanas last moments from Sura, her literature-

    loving husband, who couldnt fight back his tears while

    describing them. But it took a woman to feel what

    Sobhana had gone through in her last moments, and

    Kamala was not simply a woman, she was also the dead

    womans best friend not just some professor of


    Lying on her prickly bed, she tried to quell the rising

    waves of pain wracking her body. When would death

    and liberation come? Before the vast open expanse of

    her consciousness hung Sobhanas face, her lopsided life-

    denying smile, for which Kamala had nothing but pity.

    Now Kamala herself had become an object of pity, and

    Sobhanas lopsided smile seemed to have acquired a tinge

    of sweet sunshine: she wasnt the only loser.

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    The truth is, Kamala would remind herself, well alldie. All in due course, some before others. But why this

    excruciating, this unbearable pain, which seemed to tear

    her to pieces? Had it worsened since that woman had

    first appeared?

    Meet Chandramidha, said Sura, ushering the woman in

    one evening. We call her Usharani. Shes from Siam and

    was a visiting professor in Ceylon before coming here

    on an exchange programme. Her knowledge of

    languages makes her the envy of everyone not only

    of English, which she teaches, but also of other

    languages, like Hindi, Bengali and Tamil. She spent the

    last two months in Puri, before joining our department,

    and has picked up a smattering of Oriya too, good

    enough to speak and write a little. Shes a child at heart,

    as trusting and as innocent. She was able to pick up

    Oriya so easily because this is what I explained to her

    the language must be in her blood, her ancestors

    must have come from Orissa. He beamed at the lady

    and then pleaded with his wife: Go ahead and test her

    knowledge of Oriya.

    Chandramidha was all smiles, her attractive body

    swaying in slow motion. She clasped and unclasped her

    arms across her bosom, as if doing exercises.

    Swagatam! Sura said, turning to the guest.

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    Swagatam, Chandramidha smiled. Welcome.Willkommen. Well come in?

    Did you hear that? Sura turned to his wife. Down to

    the etymology.

    Chandramidha made eyes at him. Amo I love

    main pyar karti hun amibhalo basi ame bhalu . . . A

    stunning display of knowledge of Oriya indeed! Ame bhalu

    Im a bear!

    Kamala couldnt help chuckling. Sura stiffened.

    Well, Madam Chandramidha, Kamala suddenly asked.

    How many children do you have?

    Sura became grave, his eyes flashed.

    What was that? Chandramidhas heart-shaped face

    flushed like a champak flower, her liquid eyes darted

    like a fish, her wondrous smile lit up her pearly teeth

    framed in ruby red lips. What did she say?

    Kamala did not even try to sit up. Let Sura do the


    He took charge of entertaining the guest the rest of

    the evening; but every time the ladys tinkling laughter

    floated in from the sitting room Kamala was convinced

    this woman was in a class by herself. Not only was her

    laughter pure music, but it seemed to bring to life the

    sound of freedom, the voice of a spirit untrammeled by

    shyness or repression. She, Kamala, would never have

    what this woman had neither her robust health nor

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    her robust freedom. Even as from the narrow ruts of herhide-bound life she watched the ladys progress down

    the highway of freedom, Kamala felt the first flickers of

    suspicion. Nothing was obvious, but deep down she was

    a woman, and a woman can see deep into the heart of

    the invisible. For the first time she prayed for an early


    Soon there would be her husbands pontifications to

    put up with: How one looks at things depends on ones

    outlook, ones outlook depends on ones mental state,

    and ones mental state depends on ones upbringing,

    education and a host of other factors. What did he take

    her for, a complete illiterate? True, she had only finished

    lower primary school in the village, but she had read

    enough on her own: scriptures, much to her mothers

    delight; fiction, to flesh out her own dreams about the

    man in her life.

    The more she looked back at her life, the more she

    was convinced Sura had never really loved her. He had

    loved only himself and used her as nothing more than a

    prop, an accessory, a support, for his self-love to clutch

    on to and to grow. But was it entirely his fault? Hadnt

    he tried to educate her? He had given up only after his

    efforts had ended in failure. So if he had turned away

    from her he wasnt entirely to blame, was he? Poor man,

    he had sought refuge behind a wall of books,

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    withdrawing into a world of his own. No wonder shehad gradually been relegated to the margins, to the outer

    fringes of his life.

    Then there were the occasional bitter reminders:

    Kama, I could have gone places if only Id had a wife to

    help me out a little. Getting a D. Litt wouldnt have

    remained only a distant dream. How they stung, his

    selfish words. Had nothing she had done cooking,

    baking, rolling paans, keeping house, raising children

    helped him? Had she been completely useless? She

    didnt measure up? Well, how high did she reach to

    his knees? Fair enough. Now that he had this

    Chandramidha woman around, she could help him with

    his coveted D. Litt. His words, which had once seemed

    so innocent, now appeared loaded: Kama, you Indian

    women make good housewives but poor partners;

    mentally and academically youre all miles behind your

    husbands. He had a way with words, and could hold

    forth, with his inimitable flair, on any topic society,

    the role of the individual, marital compatibility, morality,

    you name it. Take morality once he had pontificated

    on this: People have given it a new twist: they only pay

    it lip service, but never practice it; they pretend to be

    moral beings and keep their lives of lies and deceit well

    hidden. And Indian women? All narrow-minded bigots

    wallowing in ignorance and darkness, calculating to the

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    point of utter selfishness, affecting a liberal image whenanyone can see theyre merely showing their ignorance;

    their only passion in life is unearthing the faults of other

    people and gossiping about them. Morality doesnt mean

    flaunting a husband-is-god brooch pinned to your chest

    while in the recesses of your mind you desire other men.

    Even physical faithfulness at the cost of mental fidelity

    makes no sense. Kamala had nodded in agreement. He

    couldnt be wrong. His views must have come from the

    scholarly books he read and taught. She had never taken

    it into her head to put these views to the test, though

    there had been a few opportunities. There was Bishi,

    one of Suras senior students, who frequently dropped

    in to discuss and debate a point and stayed on to chat. A

    handsome young man, his long thick eyelashes behind

    his glasses reminded her of sunlight skipping off the

    placid surface of a pool in the early morning. She liked

    him and looked forward to his visits; his thin sharp face

    inspired trust. So she didnt hide from him; instead, she

    took care to be well dressed whenever he called. Then,

    without rhyme or reason, Sura began to speak ill of him:

    Beware, Kama! Bishis a snake in the grass, a sly operator.

    From then on she kept away from the young man, for

    no other reason than to please her husband. After that,

    if there was someone she might come close to liking a

    little Sura would begin making insinuations. It had

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    surprised and baffled her at the time, but now it madesense: Sura had never trusted her and had poisoned her

    mind against anyone she might get close to. Was this

    love? Conjugal love? This hollowness? This gold-plated

    hollowness? Now her life was over, and shed never be

    young again.

    That pretty Chandramidha of yours, she wanted to

    tell her husband, shes something. After all, shes well-

    travelled, been to many countries, seen many things and

    met many people. Not narrow-minded like us. Not tied

    down like us either. No husband or children to weigh

    her down. Nothing to be scared of. Not bothered about

    money or where the next meal was coming from. Ifshe

    couldnt be footloose and fancy free, who could?

    Kamala couldnt bring herself to spit these words out

    at Sura. Wasnt his face becoming lined from worry, from

    the sleepless nights he spent by her bedside? How could

    she be so ungrateful? Besides, there had been moments

    of great happiness when they were newly married. For

    the sake of those alone she should get over her jealousy

    and selfishness and cover him with prayers and blessings,

    like petals: let him be eternally happy, let everyone be

    ever so happy, let the flame of her life die, let her husband

    be free . . .

    Even as death seemed to be creeping through her body,

    starting at her toes, her mind stubbornly refused to

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    accept reality. Were the mind and the body two separateentities, shed wonder in lucid moments, independent

    of each other, but joined together at birth by Time? Was

    Time the only reality that mattered?

    Her mind was in a whirl not the merry whirl which

    comes with youth, more like that of a dry leaf caught in

    the chilly northern wind and waiting to fall. Without

    hope. Without forgiveness also. If she couldnt forgive

    herself, how could she forgive others? All she wanted

    was for death to come. Only death could liberate her.

    How hale and hearty her husband was! Nothing seemed

    to affect him. Like a stone with waves crashing over it

    yet absorbing not even a drop. Years had passed, needs

    and wants had multiplied, but he seemed to have

    prospered, to have grown taller, in the face of all odds.

    How she envied him his handsome looks, his

    attractiveness. All his good habits observed even to this

    day: rising early, exercising, taking daily walks. He had

    always enjoyed his morning constitutional: the earth

    seemed fresh, greener, unspoiled, uncluttered, and the

    sky inspired poetry. He had continued to enjoy reading

    and writing as much as his sitar practice, activities carried

    on until well past midnight. All this while her world had

    steadily shrunk, a world ravaged by pain both physical

    and mental, a world whose limits were defined by the

    bed of arrows she lay on. Her only excursion beyond

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    was to the bathroom, where she went once a day,crawling, panting, sweating.

    She looked out the window: the uneven green hedge

    of plants big and small, the back of a nearby house, a

    narrow slice of sky, a water tower, the chimney of the

    sugar factory, the tops of buildings of varying heights,

    trees. All enclosed in an emptiness, a void. Into which

    she would disappear one day?

    As long as there was life there was hope. Miracles

    could happen. The seasons changed. Crows, sparrows

    and kites flew, thinking whatever thoughts birds do. The

    drumstick tree became festooned with flowers when the

    cloudless sky was at its bluest. The sight of it made her

    momentarily forget her pain and disease, and shed ask

    Indra to pick a handful of tender young leaves and flowers:

    Why not cook something with them? Your master likes

    drumstick so much! Her husband had been very pleased.

    She remembered.

    She loved to hear human voices, even from elsewhere,

    from outside her room; silence weighed on her like a

    damp fog. Tears would roll down her cheeks. She would

    cough interminably, until her stomach collapsed. That

    was the only way she could get rid of the lump in her

    throat. A sick person derives strength from sickness, a

    mad person from madness.

    How had she been so foolish as to imagine that her

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    husband would have eyes only for her? How could astrong, virile man reconcile himself to a charade of a life

    with a skeleton?

    What hurt most was that he hadnt been frank with

    her. Ive caused you nothing but trouble, she would tell

    him. Why dont you remarry? Oh shut up, hed beg

    off. You want me to become a laughing stock as well?

    Have you gone mad? Yes, indeed she had gone mad.

    Ever since Chandramidha he preferred to call her

    Usharani and insisted that she do so too had appeared

    on the scene. Not a single day passed without her name

    cropping up in one context or the other; he did not miss

    a single opportunity of singing the ladys praises.

    Lying on her bed of arrows, Kamala sensed that Sura

    wanted her dead and gone. He had already set his sights

    on the rising sun, though it was he who had preached

    against lust!

    You know something, Indra! shed say, giving vent

    to her feelings. The world has always been like this.

    Dont ever trust men.

    Even if the houseboy hadnt caught the relationship

    between the two remarks, he couldnt have agreed more.

    Though a man, he wished hed been born a woman.

    Dont worry, sister, hed say to console her, sniffling.

    Youll get well soon.

    Kamala and Indra. What were they but two rickety

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    old boats cast adrift on the high seas. Sometimesunspoken words and utter helplessness can be strangely


    As the days went by she saw her husband change. He

    became more and more distracted; he grew indifferent.

    He glowed more with each passing day, exuding the

    radiance of someone in the first flush of love. His moods

    fluctuated a meditative stillness, as if imposed by

    magic, one moment, inexplicable tremors and shivers

    the next. He played his sitar with a vengeance, trying

    out a new raga. He returned later from college and went

    out immediately for his evening walk. His initial openness

    (I think Ill go see Chandramidha, theres something

    about comparative phonetics I need to discuss with her)

    had dried up long ago. He no longer mentioned her,

    became visibly uncomfortable when her name came up,

    and his evening walks grew longer and longer. Although

    nobody said anything to her she caught on: life had

    triumphed over death, a healthy and beautiful body over

    a sickly and dying one.

    How strongly he reeked of that perfume! How long

    had he been with Chandramidha? What was that ball of

    fire in the sky? The moon? Hadnt yesterday been the

    night of the full moon? A day had passed but it was still

    so round! Wasnt it all smiles? Didnt the drumstick tree

    look like a beautiful woman dressed to the nines and

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    out for an evening stroll along the riverbank? A tragic wish, maybe, but Kamala wanted to be that beautiful


    A profound wave, filling the horizon, seemed to crash

    over her. Her mouth hung open. What did she want to

    say? What had she discovered? Was there any need to

    say anything at all?

    Sura reached home well after nine-thirty that evening.

    Life, he had decided, meant joy and happiness. To

    enjoyment! With death and mourning went narrowness

    of mind.

    His wife lay on her back, her neck twisted towards

    the moon, her mouth agape with unspoken words.