I’m easily distracted! I have trouble following other people’s organizational plans! I have trouble making my own! NOW WHAT?

I’m easily distracted! I have trouble following other people’s organizational plans! I have trouble making my own! NOW WHAT?

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I’m easily distracted! I have trouble following other people’s

organizational plans!I have trouble making my own!


Did you ever wonder why

typical organizational

plans and structures

don’t work for you?

Let’s start with a really basic example.

Left or Right?

• We are all either left or right handed.• We use our dominant side for more

precise work, such as writing.• We all use both hands in


Our brain also has a dominant


What does this mean?

• Everyone has a dominant side of their brain.• Everyone uses both sides of their brain.• Some have very strong dominance of one side or

the other.• Others display some strengths from each side.• Left or right handedness is not a definitive test

for brain dominance.• Each side has a different way of looking at its


Two Ways of Learning and Looking at the World

• Two hemispheres in the brain have the potential of being dominant, creating two basic ways of thinking and learning

• The left is more oriented to time, and the right, more oriented to space

• The left has auditory strengths, and the right has visual strengths

• Other personality traits and elements of learning style bring many colors and variations.

• At least 30% of the population learns and works best visually and spatially.

• About half of the remaining 70% prefer to learn and work visually and spatially.

• Only 15% can learn and work best with primarily auditory and sequential approaches.

So what’s the problem?• Many workplaces

and educational institutions, are more user friendly for the 15% who are more auditory and sequential than those whose strengths are visual and spatial.

What are the characteristics

of Right Hemisphere Dominant/

Visual Spatial Learners?

They are Visualizers

• They must visualize to learn• They think in pictures, not words• They may have difficulty expressing themselves in

words• It takes them extra time to translate their pictures

into words• They remember best from their own picture notes

They are Spatial, Not Sequential• They are more space

oriented and less time oriented

• They think more in concepts than orderly details

• They often reach correct conclusions without any visible steps, or even knowing how they arrived at that conclusion.

They are Holistic Thinkers• They grasp concepts all at once—

the “aha” phenomenon• They don’t learn by rote or

repetition— a few examples are enough

• They grasp ideas as a complete whole

• For them, the interrelationships between ideas is important

• They process details only as they relate to the whole

They are easily OVERWHELMED by:

• Details apart from a concept or “big idea”• Long lists• Visual chaos that has no apparent solution• Time schedules with no flexibility

They are Pattern Seeking• They look for

patterns and connections

• They will often find patterns others have not noticed


They are Divergent Thinkers

• They often prefer creative problem solving• They may be imaginative, creative, artistic, or

inventive• They are often rhythmic, musical• They often set their own agenda for learning

because they learn in their own way

They are Sensitive and Intense

• They are sensitive to the feelings of others• They respond to, and are sensitive to many

things in their environment• They may be able to hyper-focus on a project• They often have much energy

So, what kind of organizational

plan does work for you?

One that makes sense visually and spatially….

•Do your organize by the purpose of the item or space?•Do you make use of color to maximize organization using your visual strengths?

One that can be planned with flexible time segments to accommodate “real life”…

(Have you ever created a detailed schedule only to find it exhausting and draining to try to keep up with it, and ultimately giving up after a short period of time?)

One that assesses tasks according to the big picture and places high priority on only a few at a time…(Have you ever looked at so many things that needed to be done that you went into paralysis mode and got nothing done?)

(Have you had your mind and energy bounce from one task to another, getting little accomplished?)

One that creates simple paper trails, yet are easy to retrieve when needed…

(Have you ever filed things in “safe” places only to be unable to find it when needed?)

( Do you have a “piling system” that works most of the time, but fails and frustrates you when you need it most?)

Are you ready to find out more about how you can leave the chaos behind?

Learning how to play to your strengths in managing your life has literally changed lives…

If you want to join them, please go to www.ReachingMooreProductivity.com and get started!