5 if, Ils Life of tLG Xja.n.d.': Is ZESstaHolisliea. in. irteQ-u.srxessJ- ' "Vol. HI, jSTo. IS PUBLISHED Every .Afternoon EXCEPT SUNDAY BT THE Holoniua Publishing Co. At King St (Tbomas block), Honolnln, H. I. SUBSCRIPTION, psr Honth, 50 Cis. The paper is dolivored liy Curriers in tbe town and snWnrlx. Single (Jopie fjr Snle iti the Xeww Dealers and at-t- he Office of pabWantfon. EOMUHD tiORRIE, - - Editor ABRAHAM FERHAHDEZ', - Manager 3STOTIOE. All Badness Comrauriontions should ho mIlrwMi Fernandez, Hono-hl- a, n. I. Cortwjnndnce and Comuinnicntions for pnWioHtiniislMmldbeiuidressedtothe Editor IImwhH Holomnn. No notice will be paid to any anonymous communications. Business Cards A. T. PETERSON, ATTORNEY AT LAW. Offioo: 113 Knabniunnn Sreet, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands. OHARLES CREIGHTON, . ATTORNEY AT LAW. Office: 113 Knabnmann Street, Honolnln Hawaiian Islands PAUL NEUMANN, ATTORNEY AT LAW. 314 Merchant Street, Honolulu, Mutual Telephone 415. GLAREKOE W. ASHFORD, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW. Office. Old Capitol Building, (Honolulu Ualo), adjoiuing Tost Office, Honolulu. JOHN LOTA KAUJ.UKOU, ATTORNEY AT LAW, Office, corner King & Bethel Sts. LEWIS J. LEVEY, Real Estate and General Auctioneer. GorueiJForl and Queen Streets, Honolulu ' Personal attention g'ven to Sales of Fnrnituro, Real Estate, Stock and General Merchandise. Mutual Telephone 2SS. A. ROSA,', ' ATTORNEY AT LAW, No. 10 Kaahuraanu SL, Honolulu, Hawaiian Islands. Empire Saloon, JAMES OLDS, rKorRiETOE. Fins tfine& Liquor BbbP, ALWAYS ON HAND. Corner Ncuaau and Hotel Streets Bell Telephone 24 1. Tost Offiw Box 107 W. SJLUCE "Wine and Spirit Merchant Campbell Fire-pro- of Block, MERCHANT ST., HONOLULU. THOMAS LINDSAY MarxnfadHrmgrJetcdei and Watekmahr, - 99. Business Cards MACFARLANE fc CO. Dealers in Wines and Spirits Kaahumann Street, Honolulu. H. F. BERTELMANN, CONTRAOTOP. AND BUTLDER," 8G King St., Bell Telephone 107. F. H. REDWARD, CONTRCTOR anp BUHNER, So. 506 King Street, Honolulu. Hawaiian Islands. HARRISON BROS., EST CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS, 203 Fort St., Honolnln. M. Ht LOHE1DE, SIGN AND ORNAMENTAL PAINTER. Hawaiian Hardware Co. All orders promptly aitendgd to. Hell Telephone 3S1 . P. O. Box 32 W. W. WRIGHT & SON, Garriags and Wagon Builders IN ALL ITS "BRANCHES'. 79 and SO King Street, Honolnln, H. I. Elias Kaululaau Wright B- - DENTIST, Comer of King and Betbel Sts., Upstairs, Entrance on King Street. Office Hours From 9 a.m. to 12 rn., 1 to i p.m. 3T Sundays excepted. PACIFIC SALOON, Corner King and Nnnann Streets. EDW. WOLTER.... Manager. Tbe Finest selection of LIQUORS and BEER, sold anywhere in tbe town. First-clas- s uttendence. Call and judge for yonrself. no SO-t-f. J. PHILLIPS, PRACTICAL PLUMBER, GAS.FITTER COPPERSMITH, 3T House and Ship Job Work-Promptl- y Executed. No. 71. King Street, Houolula. "FAT BOY." BAY HORSE SALOON ! P. McINERNY, Proprietor, ' Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer. Coknkr Bethel and Honx Sis. W.W.WRIGKT&SON Carriage & Wascoa Builders In All Its Branches. Horseshoeing A SPECIALTY. 97 and SO King St, Honolnln - KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES Xo, 21G;Kiug st . Honoiulu TTon ohiln. Saturday, A.pril 2S, 1S94L TM jnhenser-lBnsc- h Brewing Co. Winr the .Prize afctte "World's ITair with tneir - 1CA. GL m Brand ""Bfier. Si Louis. Oct" 2S, 1S93. Messrs. Macfarlane & Co.,d, Honolnln, H. I. Dear Sirs: We have mailed yon a copy of tbe Globe-Democ- rat announcing the great victonr won by the Anheuser-Bds- h Associa- tion with their "EAGLE" Braud of Beer. Signed ANHEUSER-BCS- H BE WING ASSOCIATION. gjSPIu ordering this Beer be sure toast for the"" EAGLE" Brand. Mr. 14- - -- 2md. " Race Record : Fourth Heat 2:15. Macfarlane & Co., AT THE CLUB STABLES. CREOLE," 21,702. Sire. Prompter, 2,S0o. by Blro Bull. TotD.-nn- . Grace, bv Buccaneer, 2,ft5G. Prompter is also tbe Sire of Apex, 2:2C; Transit, 26 1; Walker 2.1J; Wales 2:274; Cbic. 254: and of tbe Diinis Urilbautme, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. "Crrole" is iet bliick, one hind white foot and small stripe in f".ce. Weight, 1,050 pounds; is Tery stylish, gentle, a cood prodncer-n- d n game racehorse, Will stand for a limited number of mures at FIFTY ((50) DOLLAbS FOR THE SEASON, piynble at time of service. This horse was bred in 1S02 to forty-si- x mures and produced forty-tw- o co-ts- . feb 17-i- m OBBWAT k fOBLWBBU Robinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu, Have Jrst Pcrr vd.jci- - I fie j unrTf . 11 c- - 5: i c s i i d cfPUK Atjentts fur Islands. Made at Stockton, Gal. Sept. 1893. 33 "Ft DAVIS. from. Bhjcfc. bowenF'ri and Nuuanu IvllLBE Ever linjiorted to this Country, Comprising Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom Ssts In Solid Oalc, and of the LATEST DESIGNS. ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THESE SETS: WICKER WAHEI, Beaut fnl Des gns f Wick-- r TArare, coosisfc ng of SOFAS, CHAIRS, BOCIvEKS, etc, you can got these in any FINISH vo desire. CHAIRS, Countless numbers of CHA LBS. in every style, including OFFICE and HIGH CHA LBS. EXTEITSIOIT TABLES, We have had a nmuber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIES fci match. TAe have now in stock tha most BEAUTIFUL DINING RB0W1 FURNITURE Ei'EK SEEN HERE. Sideboards-:- - and -:- - Chiffoniers T"Yans covered with PORTIERS are becoming qnite tbe raga in place of LOUNGES mannfacture them to order, and have a huge stock of PORTIERS to sel 23, ct -- wh 3BDDI2STG- - Grest Assortment of WOYEV TTHffi MATTRESSES-Spring.H- -.ir. Moss. "W"ol and Straw 3Iattress on liaml and made to order. LITE GEESE FEATHERS mid SILK FLOSS for Pillows. CBIBS, CRADLES, etc.. "WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s. GORICE PULES, in wood or hr ss trimmings. Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired at reasonable ti tes. CABINET MAKING, in all its branches, by Cmnpeaent Workmen. MATTING LAID nd Int xior Decorutieg umler the Supervision of Mr. GEORGE ORDWAT. Our Goods are F rst GUss, arid our prices are the lowest Come and be convinced a trial is s 'licUed. - Bell52o. - telephoxes: - , Mhr'iatG45, - ORDWAT & PORTLR. Bobinson Hawaiian Per ZBusiness Cards 3STotary IPublic. Collector and General Business Agent. Patentee of Lose's Chemical Compognd for Clarifying - Cane Juice. Sub-Age- nt for several of the Best FIRE INSURANCE COS. Mutual Telephone a. P. O. Box XtS. SIcrcbnnt street, nonolnln. DANCING GLASSES. LYONS' DANCING- - CLASS vill be DAN fnm tbeDRiLLSnco t Arion" H.alu whicli be h is witel for TUESDAY; THURSDAY und SATURDAY of ertcb week. The Sttwbiy otpinized cl-i- s forOnildrcn will meet .n the Arinu Hull at 2 oVlock SitnrdiynftPM.win. Aprl-Tth- . On Tnesluy evenius. Ajiril 10th. nt 7 o'clock, n diss will be forme.! for Men and By-!- . On Tbur!av"afU.rn'on. at 3o'clcK Arril 12th. h specinl clii will he formed for llnw dians. The chinjta for all day Pupils will be 25 cents 11 lesson. On tha uImw d.-- i Mr. Lyon cstu be seen nt the Hail from 0 to 12 noons SOT, I 2t jtysa Alea Oppo. Qneen Emma Hall, EstablishedJ1883. JOS. TINKER, Maker of the" Celebrated Cambridge Pork Sausage"! . . . Try Theh.. Meat Delivered to Any Part of the City and Suburbs. Mutual Telephone Number 239. T.H.Xavies&Co KAAHUMANU STi, Honolulu, : : 1- - GENERALand Commission 4 Mercliants AND SUGAR -:- - FACTORS. AGENTS FOR Lloyds : BriU'sh and Foreign Marine Insur- ance Company, Limited. Northern. Assurance Co, tire Si life. Pioneer Line of Packet Irom Lfr-erpo- Haviihan Line of Packete. Ganaliaa PasISs Railway Co. and Casa&Anslraliaa StamsMo Co. Liverpool OmcE: The Albacy, OldHallSL tebtCKici BRUCE & A. J. CARTWR1CHT Business of a Fidndary Nr. tare Transacted. Prompt attention givea to the management of Estate, G urdunahip Trusts, etc, eta, etc Otftzr-- t, : Cci Building, Merchant Street. Honolulu AS. GIRDLER, Importer and Commission Merchant; - . " SPECIALTIES: -- ; J. &. P. CoaU' Mac&ia TLrtad Josus Brjots' ifickisa Thread Barhoar'3 Liaea Tfireia PWs'Soar .r " - P. O. Box 3K. ITtiUal Teiepbost 33 Month. 50 Gts. , UST ARRIVED, BABY CARRIAGES OF ALL STYLES, CAR PCTCS: Vil ir. il IN THE LATEST PATTERNS.. HOUSEHOLD SEWING MACHINES Hand Sewing Machines, CA11 With the Latest Improvemanta"n2 PARLOR! Organs, . (3-uitar- s And OtliirMusicalJInstrnments. Wines, Liquors, Beer t ALTVATS;ON HAND, AND FOR.SALEJBY ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO. King St.. oppo. Csustle & Cooko's Anchor-:-Saloo- n ' Ex "AUSTRALIA," Another Invoice of the World Renowned FREDERICKSBURG RAGES BEER On draught and by the keg. Also, as a Specialty, Small Fresh California OYSTERS, FO:R OOOKTA.13LS fu22 Ira Chas. T. G-ulic-k NOTARY PUBLIC For tho Island of Oahu. Agent to Take Acknoirledgments to Labor Contracts. Agent to Grant Marriage Licen- ses, Honolulu, Oahu. Agent for the Haw'n Islands of ( Pitt & Scott's Freight and Parcels Express; Agent for the Burlington llouto. Real Eslat Brolar aiiggieral Art1 Bell Tel. 343: Mut. Tel. , . 139; PO. Box 415. ()FF1CB: :N6; 33MEROHA NT

Ils Life tLG Is...KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES

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Page 1: Ils Life tLG Is...KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES

5if, Ils Life of tLG Xja.n.d.': Is ZESstaHolisliea. in. irteQ-u.srxessJ- '

"Vol. HI, jSTo.



Holoniua Publishing Co.

At King St (Tbomas block),

Honolnln, H. I.

SUBSCRIPTION, psr Honth, 50 Cis.

The paper is dolivored liy Curriers in tbetown and snWnrlx. Single (Jopie fjr Snleiti the Xeww Dealers and at-t- he Office ofpabWantfon.

EOMUHD tiORRIE, - - Editor


3STOTIOE.All Badness Comrauriontions should ho

mIlrwMi Fernandez, Hono-hl- a,

n. I.Cortwjnndnce and Comuinnicntions for

pnWioHtiniislMmldbeiuidressedtothe EditorIImwhH Holomnn. No notice will be paidto any anonymous communications.

Business Cards



Offioo: 113 Knabniunnn Sreet, HonolnlnHawaiian Islands.



Office: 113 Knabnmann Street, HonolnlnHawaiian Islands



314 Merchant Street, Honolulu,

Mutual Telephone 415.




Office. Old Capitol Building, (HonoluluUalo), adjoiuing Tost Office,




Office, corner King & Bethel Sts.


Real Estate and GeneralAuctioneer.

GorueiJForl and Queen Streets, Honolulu

' Personal attention g'ven to Salesof Fnrnituro, Real Estate,

Stock and GeneralMerchandise.

Mutual Telephone 2SS.


No. 10 Kaahuraanu SL, Honolulu,

Hawaiian Islands.

Empire Saloon,JAMES OLDS, rKorRiETOE.

Fins tfine& Liquor BbbP,


Corner Ncuaau and Hotel Streets

Bell Telephone 24 1. Tost Offiw Box 107

W. SJLUCE"Wine and Spirit

MerchantCampbell Fire-pro- of Block,



MarxnfadHrmgrJetcdei andWatekmahr, -


Business Cards


Dealers in Wines and Spirits

Kaahumann Street, Honolulu.



8G King St., Bell Telephone 107.



So. 506 King Street, Honolulu.Hawaiian Islands.



203 Fort St., Honolnln.


Hawaiian Hardware Co.

All orders promptly aitendgd to.

Hell Telephone 3S1 . P. O. Box 32


Garriags and Wagon BuildersIN ALL ITS "BRANCHES'.

79 and SO King Street, Honolnln, H. I.

Elias Kaululaau WrightB-

- DENTIST,Comer of King and Betbel Sts., Upstairs,

Entrance on King Street.

Office Hours From 9 a.m. to12 rn., 1 to i p.m. 3T Sundaysexcepted.


Corner King and Nnnann Streets.

EDW. WOLTER.... Manager.

Tbe Finest selection of LIQUORS and

BEER, sold anywhere in tbe town.First-clas- s uttendence. Call and judge

for yonrself. no SO-t-f.



3T House and Ship Job Work-Promptl- y

Executed.No. 71. King Street, Houolula.



P. McINERNY, Proprietor, '

Fine Liquors, Wines and Beer.Coknkr Bethel and Honx Sis.


Carriage & Wascoa Builders

In All Its Branches.

HorseshoeingA SPECIALTY.

97 and SO King St, Honolnln



ilpainting,1 &c.

33T We also keep onhandBedsteads, Matirasses,

' Tables, Bookcases'Mirrors, Etc..


Xo, 21G;Kiug st . Honoiulu

TTon ohiln. Saturday, A.pril 2S, 1S94L


jnhenser-lBnsc- h Brewing Co. Winr

the .Prize afctte "World's ITair with tneir- 1CA. GL m Brand ""Bfier.

Si Louis. Oct" 2S, 1S93.Messrs. Macfarlane & Co.,d, Honolnln, H. I.

Dear Sirs: We have mailed yon a copy of tbe Globe-Democ- rat

announcing the great victonr won by the Anheuser-Bds- h Associa-tion with their "EAGLE" Braud of Beer.


gjSPIu ordering this Beer be sure toast for the"" EAGLE" Brand.

Mr. 14-- --2md.


Race Record :

Fourth Heat 2:15.

Macfarlane & Co.,


CREOLE," 21,702.

Sire. Prompter, 2,S0o. by Blro Bull. TotD.-nn- . Grace, bv Buccaneer, 2,ft5G. Prompteris also tbe Sire of Apex, 2:2C; Transit, 26 1; Walker 2.1J; Wales 2:274; Cbic. 254:and of tbe Diinis Urilbautme, 2:17 and Vigor, 2:28. "Crrole" is iet bliick, one hindwhite foot and small stripe in f".ce. Weight, 1,050 pounds; is Tery stylish, gentle, acood prodncer-n- d n game racehorse, Will stand for a limited number of mures atFIFTY ((50) DOLLAbS FOR THE SEASON, piynble at time of service. This horsewas bred in 1S02 to forty-si- x mures and produced forty-tw- o co-ts- .

feb 17-i- m

OBBWAT k fOBLWBBURobinson Block, Hotel St., between Fort and Nuuanu,

Have Jrst Pcrr vd.jci- - I fie j unrTf . 11 c-- 5 : i c s i i d cfPUK

Atjentts fur Islands.

Made at Stockton, Gal.

Sept. 1893.

33 "Ft DAVIS.


Bhjcfc. bowenF'ri and Nuuanu

IvllLBE Ever linjiorted to this Country, Comprising

Ha ndsome Carved Bedroom SstsIn Solid Oalc, and of the LATEST DESIGNS.ESPECIAL ATTENTION IS CALLED TO THESE SETS:

WICKER WAHEI,Beaut fnl Des gns f Wick-- r TArare, coosisfc ng ofSOFAS, CHAIRS, BOCIvEKS, etc, you can got these in any

FINISH vo desire.CHAIRS,Countless numbers of CHA LBS. in every style, including OFFICEand HIGH CHA LBS.

EXTEITSIOIT TABLES,We have had a nmuber of calls for these Tables, with CHAIES fci

match. TAe have now in stock tha most


Sideboards-:- - and -:- - Chiffoniers

T"Yans covered with PORTIERS are becoming qnite tbe raga inplace of LOUNGES mannfacture them to order, and have ahuge stock of PORTIERS to sel




Grest Assortment of WOYEV TTHffi MATTRESSES-Spring.H- -.ir.

Moss. "W"ol and Straw 3Iattress on liaml and made to order.LITE GEESE FEATHERS mid SILK FLOSS for Pillows.

CBIBS, CRADLES, etc.."WINDOW SHADES of all colors and siz s.GORICE PULES, in wood or hr ss trimmings.

Mattresses, Lounges and all Upholstered Furuiture repaired atreasonable ti tes.

CABINET MAKING, in all its branches, by Cmnpeaent Workmen.MATTING LAID nd Int xior Decorutieg umler the Supervision ofMr. GEORGE ORDWAT.

Our Goods are F rst GUss, arid our prices are the lowest Comeand be convinced a trial is s 'licUed. -

Bell52o. - telephoxes: - , Mhr'iatG45,- ORDWAT & PORTLR. Bobinson



ZBusiness Cards

3STotary IPublic.Collector and General Business

Agent.Patentee of Lose's Chemical

Compognd for Clarifying- Cane Juice.

Sub-Age- nt for several of theBest

FIRE INSURANCE COS.Mutual Telephone a. P. O. Box XtS.

SIcrcbnnt street, nonolnln.


LYONS' DANCING- - CLASS vill beDAN fnm tbeDRiLLSnco t Arion"H.alu whicli be h is witel for TUESDAY;THURSDAY und SATURDAY of ertcbweek.

The Sttwbiy otpinized cl-i- s forOnildrcnwill meet .n the Arinu Hull at 2 oVlockSitnrdiynftPM.win. Aprl-Tth- .

On Tnesluy evenius. Ajiril 10th. nt 7o'clock, n diss will be forme.! for Men andBy-!- .

On Tbur!av"afU.rn'on. at 3o'clcK Arril12th. h specinl clii will he formed forllnw dians.

The chinjta for all day Pupils will be 25cents 11 lesson.

On tha uImw d.--i Mr. Lyon cstu be seennt the Hail from 0 to 12 noons

SOT, I 2t

jtysa Alea

Oppo. Qneen Emma Hall,EstablishedJ1883.


Maker of the" Celebrated

Cambridge Pork Sausage"!. . . Try Theh..

Meat Delivered to Any Part ofthe City and Suburbs.

Mutual Telephone Number 239.


Honolulu, : : 1--



4 MercliantsAND


Lloyds :BriU'sh and Foreign Marine Insur-

ance Company, Limited.Northern. Assurance Co, tire Si life.Pioneer Line of Packet Irom Lfr-erpo-

Haviihan Line of Packete.

Ganaliaa PasISs Railway Co. andCasa&Anslraliaa StamsMo Co.

Liverpool OmcE: The Albacy, OldHallSLtebtCKici


Business of a Fidndary Nr. tare Transacted.

Prompt attention givea to the managementof Estate, G urdunahip Trusts,

etc, eta, etcOtftzr--t, : Cci Building,

Merchant Street. Honolulu


Importer and CommissionMerchant; - .


--; J. &. P. CoaU' Mac&ia TLrtad

Josus Brjots' ifickisa ThreadBarhoar'3 Liaea Tfireia

PWs'Soar .r "-

P. O. Box 3K. ITtiUal Teiepbost 33

Month. 50 Gts.






Vil ir. il




Hand Sewing Machines,

CA11 With the Latest Improvemanta"n2


Organs, .(3-uitar- s

And OtliirMusicalJInstrnments.

Wines, Liquors, Beer




King St.. oppo. Csustle & Cooko's

Anchor-:-Saloo- n



Another Invoice of the World




On draught and by the keg.

Also, as a Specialty,

Small Fresh California


FO:R OOOKTA.13LSfu22 Ira

Chas. T. G-ulic-k


For tho Island of Oahu.

Agent to Take Acknoirledgmentsto Labor Contracts.

Agent to Grant Marriage Licen-ses, Honolulu, Oahu.

Agent for the Haw'n Islands of

( Pitt & Scott's Freightand Parcels Express;

Agent for the Burlington llouto.

Real Eslat Brolar aiiggieral Art1

Bell Tel. 343: Mut. Tel. ,

. 139; PO. Box 415.()FF1CB: :N6; 33MEROHA NT

Page 2: Ils Life tLG Is...KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES


df?" Y


7a? Life cftke Lend is Esioblishto.

in Righteousness.

JOXOLTJLTJ, APB. 23. 1894.

Tee HOLOMUA is a "PEO-





An Excellent "Review,

Nothing written on the Hawai-ia- n

embroglio has hurt the feel-

ings of Stevens, the Sun and theTribune more thanD. H. Ghamberlaine's excellentletter to the New York Timea.We reproduce it in full, believ-ing it to be well worth readingjbyall friends of Hawaii:

No recent phase or exhibitionm ioi puDiic opinion seems to me

more remarkable or deplorablethan the current animadversionson the dealings of PresidenOlevelaud with the Hawaiianquestion. Much of this must beset to the account of partisanrancor, much more to persoaaand political malevolence to.vardthe President and the Secretaryof State, but a cei tain appreciablepart is duo. 1 have no doubt, tohonest belief, resting on ignoranco or imperfcet knowledge otho esssential feature of the ease

It is not, however, an essentially complicated case, and iseems to mo that only modicumof clear seoing and straight thinking is reqnired to roach conclusions conforraablo both to, good

1 T 1 IImorais ana souua puonc law. J

have said the case is not a complicated ono; I do not mean bytuis mat is is not ore requiringtime ana close attention for itsadoouato masterv. Tho savor.imessages of tho President to thecongiess since December IS lastwith accompavping documentsmako over 1,300 printed pages, thecorrespondence and reports of Spe-cial Commissioner Blount alonecovering nearly 700 pages.

jluo xiawaiiun question can,uowover, oo nearly stated in afew words. Between the 14thand tho 17th of January, S93tho Government of tho HawaiianIslands was wrested from theQueen and assumed bv a Provisional Government organized by aso-call- citizens committee ofsafety of thirteen persons, fiveof whom wore American citizens,ono an English and ono a Gormansubject, six only being Hawaiiansubjects, and ot these six onlytwo were native born fcLiwauuns,and all wero of foreigu parentage

Wo are thus met at tho outscib' tho fact that the change ofgovernmont was conducted andefToctod by a committee, a majority ot whom wore not Hawanuns,but subjects of foroien Governments, and of whom not one was of

.! TI !:nauvu xiawauau parentage ordescent.

Tho d committo of safety, owed its existence to no actionor choico of any public body, noteven or a mass moetinK or a mob.It was purely self-constitute- d,

Its nrst public appears to havebeea tho calling of n mass meeting at ionolulu on January 1G.1S93. Immediately after theadjournment of this mass meetingthe committee of safety calleiupon Stevens, tho United Statesminister nt Hawaii, "for tho protoction of tho United Statesforces." At this time no efforthad been openly made to overthrow tho Queen's Government,nor had tho Queeu's Governmentmade tho least show of forceagainst the committee or its supporters. The committee, in theirwritten call on Stevens, say "inviiw rf rffnnt nnblin nrnntc- -- "itho public safety is menaced, andand lives and property aro inperil. "Wo are unable toprotect ourselves without aid, andtherefore, pray- - for tho protectionof tho United "States forces?'

r - ixmmoaiatery npon receivingthis ca.i ot the committee theAmerican minister caused UnitedStates troops with gatling gunsto bo landed in Honolulu andstationed in a position command-ing tho Government buildings inthat city. At the time this wasdone" no violence had occurred;no forces, armed or unarmed, ofoither the Queen's party or thatof the committee, were in conflictor xer actively threatening thepublic peace or tho lives or pro-perty of the citizens or Americanresidents of Honolulu. On thenext day, January 17, the tempor-ary government so called dajujgnated by the committed ottmy, proclaimed the abrogationi tfets Hawaiian monarchy and

4m asUblknmwt of Provision- -


l America haT been negotiated

, . -.iio an boar cf

xue niaKing oi tins proclamationiuo o.ujcric minister recogniz- -eu xue provision.il governmenl asthe de facto government of theHawaiian Islands. Tha Queenwas now pressed to abdicate, itbeing represented to her that theAmerican minister, having recognized the provisional government,and that government being sup-ported by the troops of theUnited States, resistance wouldle useless, and that she wouldhave the right of appeal to thegovernment of the United Statesto undo the acts of the provision-al government and of the Amer-ican minister.

Yielding to these considera-tions the Queen on the e designed a declaration by whichshe yielded "to the superiorforces of the United States ofAmerica until sncli time as thegovernment of the United Statesshall, upon the facts being pre-sented to it, undo the action ofits representative and reinstatemo in the authority which I

aim.Two days later commissioners

of the provisional governmentstarted for Washington, wherethey arrived on the 3rd of Febru-ary, and ou the loth of the samemonth the treaty of annexationwas transmitted to Congress byPresident Harrison, only thirty-tw- o

days having passed betweentho incipiency of tho movementfor the overthrow of the niouarchyand the presentation to Congressof the treaty of annexation, andof these few days fifteen wereoccupied by the passage of thecommissioners from Honolulu toWashington.

It would not bo correct to saythat all the facts here stated areundisputed. Some of them restupon authentic public docnmontsand events which are indsputable; bat some of them rest nponthe evidence gathered and pre-sented to the President andCongress b' special CommissionerBlount. Of Mr. Blount it is justto sar that no citizen of onrcountry had higher claims toconfidence for such a mission.His report and conclusions bearever' mark of skill, industry andimpartiality, and the evidencesubmitted by him thoroughlyestablishes the truth of verystatement here made which is notestablished otherwise by indis-putable evidence.

It clearly appears, then, thattho Hawaiian revolution was be-gun and cirried forward by abaud of men a majority of whomwere not Hawaiian subjects, butforeigu subjects, not one of whomwas of native Hawaiiuu parentage; tuat betore the revolutionhad gained an' assured standing,and while tho Queen was undis-turbed in her authority, theAmerican minister came to itsrescue and landed United Statesforces to give it physical support;that the American minister re- -

cogirzed the provisional government which ho had thus aidedas the de facto government beforetho Queen had to anv extentyielded her authority, and beforethe provisional government wasin tormal or even technical possession of tho government buildings.

Much additional evidence tendsstrongly to show the Americauminister as the active fomenterand zealous advocate of revolution and annexation before andduring the progress of eventshere narrated, but it is notnecessary to take account of this.

It the facts now summarizeddisclosed a case where two parties or factions of Hawaiiansubjects had by their voluntary.independent acts precipitated arevolution, the only duty orresponsibility of tho UnitedStates would have consisted instauding absolutely neutral asbetween the two parties, and, ifneed bo, protecting the lives andproperty of the American citizensnot parties to tho struggle, andwhen the supremacy of ono ortho other party was assured, andit wis m actual possession of thegovernment, to recognize tho

overnmontal representatives ofsuch succ-ssf- ul party as the defacto government 6nr government would have had no lawfulconcern witu tho merits ot thestruggle, but only with its physi-cal result If, for example, Mr.Chief Jostico Jndd of the Hawaiian Islands, (ray friend andclassmate in college, and in thelaw school,) and others, as henow states, had come' to the conclusion on January 14, 3893, thatho monarchy could no longer beolerated, it was entirely open tohem to engage in an effort to

overthrow it, and tho UnitedStates Kould havo no right what-ever, if Mr. Judd and his parlyhad been successful without theaid of foreign forces, to disputeor question the result.

Such, as we havo seen, was nothe Hawaiian question as it first

came before President Cleveland.Abundant evidence then existedcalling


iI.1Tfarther investigation.,

.in luvesu&uuon snawea indisputable that the Hawaiian njvo--uaon owoq its saoce to tne

art ofeto a& o tte feme

," ":"'-v:.- -



minister and to the active pbvsi-c- al

support and-protect- ion oTTfieTtnitA S--f- T..- - Tkr.I, --.- .. ...j uiv.c. JL7JU UUi.

I this stiUj ot ticts impose a dutyon tne United States and oo ther'res.dent m the first instance!Clearly it did a duty as plainand imperative as would be im-posed npon Hn individual whoseservants and agents, acting in hisname and behalf, had enabledone or two private contestants tosecure and make off with proper-ty wlrcb. did not belong to himexcept when won by his own un-aided strength -- the duty, name-ly, of aiding, within the limits ofhis legil jwwer, in restoring the-protert- y

to him from whom ithad been thus wrongfully wrest-ed.

Non-intervent- ion, non-interfere- nce

in the stnse of interna-tional or pnblic law, dots notman aiding ono of two partiesstraggling for political supremacyto achieve success, and then sit-

ting idly by and allowing theparty thns aided to enjoy thefrnit of its success on the plea ofnon-interfere- nce. Honor andjustice, good morals and publiclaw alike require a nation in sucha case to do what it can to rightits wrong.

This and nothing else has beenthe policy and action of the pre-sent Administration. Such aproblem, unprecedented beforein our annals, could not havofallen into better hands thhnthose of President Cleveland andS'cretary Gresham men of thekeenest sense cf pnblic and per-sonal honor, ardent and patrioticAmeric ms. devoted to justice andfair dealing. Unfortunately,owing to action for which thepresent Administration is not responsible, the wrong done by therepresentative of the UnitedStates at Hawaii could not beabsolutely undone against thewill of the beneficiary of thewrong. By the act of the American minister at Hawaii and of thelate Administration, the provisional government had been re-

cognized by the United Statesgovernment as a de facto government whose r ght to exist as anindependent government could nolonger be dented.

Only one course was open toour government, to with-draw its further support from theprovisional government, to remove its troops from Hawaii, toabandon all real or ostensibleprotection of that government,and. finally, to call on the pro-visional government to return thebooty which by our aid it hadsucceeded in gaining. To dothis was the aim and scope of thePresident's policy. This is theexact measure of our duty as ex-

pressed in Secretary Gresham'sreport of October 18, 1893. to thePresident, and in the President'smessage to Congress of the samedate and Secretary Gresham'sfirst instructions to MinisterWillis of the same date, as wellas the more explicit instructionsof December 3. 1893. This islikewise the policy faithfullycarried out by Minister Willis inall his dealings with tie Queenand the provisional government

a policy which, of course, cameto a natural close with the refusalof the provisional government toaccede to the demand and urg-ency of our government.

Partisans nnd Jingiibts maydecry this policy and style it thopolicy of inf uny, bnt the impar-tial judgment and the instructedconscience of the world, as wellas of the Americau people, willhonor and applaud it.

To descant, as so many do, onthe alleged immorality of theQueen, or on the fact that thesuccess of Pres;dent Cleveland'sefforts would have restored amonarch, is utterly beside themark By the clear precepts ofall international law our govern-ment has not the least concernwith the personal character of aforeign rnier, or with the form ofgovernment of a foreign nation.and it is proper to say here thatthe evidence does not sustain,but tends to negative, the accus-ations made against the Queen'scharacter.

When it is said the Presidenthas been engaged in the offensivetask of trying to restore a mon- -nrclry, it is well to ask whnt sortof a government now exists inHawiii. The Queen's govern-ment was certainly a highly-limite- d

constitutional monarchy,but what is the provisional gov-ernment? A mero junta, a baldoligarcy, an unrestrained desot-isi-n,

set up and maintiined with-out the smallest reference to thoconsent of the governed. Noth-ing mora nnrepublican or

can bo conceived of.Philimoro describes interna-

tional law as "the consent ofnations to things which arenaturally that is, by the law ofGod binding npon them," andWcolsey declares it to be "theexpression of the jural and moralrelation of States to one another."Never, in my judgment, werethese lofty conceptions of thatl.iw more faithfully and conarageously applied and illustrated thanin tho daaiings of tbe presentAdauaisJeatioa ,W&b 4h Mwi

--- They Will Be.

Those who haveregistered andintend to vote for the delegatesfor the constitutional conventionshould remember of whom theconvention will consist, and theclasses and interests representedby the majority, and they shouldtherefore do their best to getsome men not controlled bymoneyed interests or Churchpatronage into the assembly.

Of the present members, thefollowing are interested in plantations: S- - B. Dole. S.M. Damon,W. O. Smith, C. Bolte, E. Suhr,E. D. Tanny. F. M. Hatch. J P.Mendonca. A. Young and W. F.Allen. Of the nominated dele

j gates the following are interestedin plantations: Horner, Lyman,W. H. Horner, H. P. Baldwin,G. N. Wilcox. A. S. Wilcox, W.H. Kice, A. G. M. Bobertsonand C.L. Carter. Of the lastmentioned, it is safe to predict,that the candidates for the otheriblands will all be elected, andthat only in Honolulu, there canbe some doubt The sngar menunder all circumstances will con-

trol the convention, becauseolosely associated with them aremen like Wilder, Ena, Waterhouse and King. The nativesfrom Hawaii and Maui, are simp-ly fools of the planters on theseislands. It is only from here thatfew delegates can be sent to theconvention, who will standfirmly for tho interests of theworking classes nd we repeatthat it will be good policy by themen who don't want to be swamp-ed by the capitalists, withoutsome opposition, to vote for aman like Klemme who is asfree of fear as he is of sugar stock.

A Great Improvement.

Tourists who visit these islandsgenerally confine themselves tomake tho volcano-tri- and to enjoy the beautiful surroundings ofHonolulu. Of course the Volca-no furnishes one of tho grandestsights in the world.but those whohavevisited the gig.mtic crater ofHaleakala.on Maui, will bo indoubt, whidh of the two plact s isthe most worthy of notice Weunhesitatingly say, see both! Thedrawback in a trip to Haleakala,has been the want of accommoda-tions in Wailuku, the town fromwhich the traveller starts hisjourney. It is therefore withgreat pleasure, we find that anexcellent Hotel has been openedunder the management of theproprietor Mr. W. T. Bobinson amost popular efficient gentlemanwho accommodates travellers withrooms and board, for reasonableprice of 2.00 perday. Connectedwith tho Hotel are the WailukuStables, also owned by Mr.Bobinson. From the st-ible- s

tonrists are furnished with necessnry conveyances to visit thegreat crater, and Mr. Bobinson'srepntntion as an expert horse-

man is a guarantee that no old"plugs" will be hired ont Thetrip to Haleakala and back witheverything provided, lasting fourdays will only cost $33.00 Hono-lulu people of whom many havenever been to Haleakala shoulduse the opportunity when inneed of a vacation and this mostenjoyable trip. Hacks will be atthe arrival of all steamers.

NOTICE.From a-- d after this date. I will

pay NO BIL! S contracted in myname. without my written order.Signed,:

"A. J. CARTWBIGHT.ap23 lw

Established 1863

Pioneer Steam Candy



F. HORN', Proprietor.

Wedding and BirthdayCakes to Order.

Fancy Bread and GuavaJelly.

afciryjind SUr - No. 71 King




The Advertiser who catchesa persons eye usn-ill- y wins n

customer. Many different stylesof advertising have lieen adoptedand with more or less success, bythe believers in the use of prin-

ters ink. The manufacturers ofPears Soap, for instance, occasionall- - buy paintings that havebeen on exhibition in the P.iri'sSalon and have lithographs madefrom thorn for tho purpose ofbringing their prod ict beforethe people. In addition to suchside issues, Pear spends hundredsthous-ind- s of dollars annuallyamong the newspapers and mag-

azines. Some years ago the Agentsof certain article on sale in NewTork made a hit in advertising In-havi-

on Broadway during bnsiness hours, two fatlaessly dressedNegroes wearing very high collars,on the backs of which was prin-

ted "Use Sniths Pills." Theide.i was novel and the pnbliccaught on. Bising Sun StovePolish has been kept before thepublic for ears through persis-tent, and sometimes oxpeuiveadvertising. Twenty oddago the manufacturers of thispolish started half a dozen menacross the orniment to paint signson rocks and fences. The Aer-mol- or

Co., of Chicago havo in-

creased its sales more than five

hundred per cent in two years bythe use of printers ink. Webelieve we have beon instrunieu-t-i- l

in increasing the s ties of theAemotpr by keeping everlastinglyat it in Hawaii.

We do not wish to say that ad-

vertising will sell any manufac-tured article; there is no usospending money in advertising'cheap and nasty" goods be-

cause the people will not be hood-

winked. If Havil.tnd China wasnot the superior article it is. allour advertising of it would nothave sold the thousands of piecesthat we have. We simply calltho attention of the people to itand its superior quality is appar-ent to the customer directly apiece of it is examined.

Printnrs ink has helped the saleof the James Locked Fence butt would not h vo dunes so if it had

boon as flimsy as the or din iy wirefenco. First; the economy thereis in bnilding it recommendsit to the plantation manager andthen its durability clinches thethe sale If tho stays and wash-- ,

ers cost as much as an ordinaryredwood post our sties of thematerial would not have reachedsuch enormous proportions.

Our average sale of tho Pans'Iron Stovu is abont two a day theyear round. If was not thebest iron stove on the market wo

would not sell that many in sixmonths. Advertising is the tipt- - the public the good points intho article sells it just as the goodqualities of tho Fischer SteelBange make it a desirable articlefor people who wish to economisein the use of fuel.

We bny only what has provengood after people in the UnitedStates or Eiropo have given it atrial; wo profit by their experinceif the articles are poood we buyand sell them; if they are poorwe steer clear of them. Whenwe advertise an article it is to at-

tract attention to it; tho news-

paper is the button wo push, thesalesman does the rest

Persistent advertising conpledwith the nrticla being a superiorone his sild thnasimU of theFrank Walcot Emory File. If ithad been no better than an- -' or-

dinary scythe stone wo probablywould not have sold twenty.When a man finds out that histable knives may be keptsbjrp atall times at an expanse of fiftycents nd a very little elbowgrease ho is quite willing to trytho experiment.

. , TlellSIlM'MTOg CtM':.

H. MAY & Co?,

Tea Dealers,Coffee



93 Fort Street. Honolulu

Families, Plantations and Ships

supplied with choicest

European & American Groasries

California Produce by EverySteamer.


Steamship :- -: CoTime Table.


iS.S. AQSTRALfA.Arrive II mnlaln Liare Honolulu

frcm S, F, rorS, F. .1Feb. ....Mar. 31.Mar. 21.... ....Mar. 3.

....Apr.Anr. 21.... 2S:May 19 .... ....M.iy. 2bJune 1G . . . Juuo 23.

Thronrrh. r,ine.From San Fnn. for Sydney. .

Arrive Honolulu

Alameda Mar loMariposa Air- - 12Monowa ;May 10Alameda Jn"b 7M riposa July 0M mowai A g 2A'ameda Ang 3QIWar posa ' Sep 27Mouowni Oct 25

From Sdney for San Francisco.

Leave Honolulu.Mariposa Mti: 8Monowai Apr 5Al medn May 3Mariposi My 31Monowai Jnne 28Ala mad 1 July 2GMariposi .' Ang 23M nowai Sept 20Alameda Oct 18



This First-clas- s Bathing Eesorthas been enlarged and is now-ope- n

to tho public. It is thebest p'ace on the islands to enjoya bath and there is no bettorplace to lay off. Special accom-modations for Ladies. Tramcarspass tho door every half honrandon Saturdays and Sundays everyfifteen minutes.




The partnership heretoforeexisting between Frederick Har-rison and Arthur Harrison, underthe firm name of Harrison Bros,as Contractors and Builders, hasbeen.by rautnal consent dissolved,and all parties owing said Srmare hereby notified that paymentof the same uint bo made toFrederick Harrison, who isauthorized to settle said businesswithin thirty days from duto.

Fp.eoep.ick Harhiso.v,Akthdb Hap.riso.v.

Honolulu, H. L, 3Iirch 27th, ISO--i

mar 2S lxr.


Wholesale and Retail Gro




Bj Every 8 in Francisco S learner

Salt Salmon" lv BafeesA SirCIALTT. ,

XII Fer$Sf.t lfop;'u. Te. 340,"

Z'P Bex?.



Page 3: Ils Life tLG Is...KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES

Oil Railway & Lund Go.b



B D A D;r ' A.M. P-- p.m. p.m.

tLeAvc UMik SjtS lt!5 4:35 5:10LelrPe'IChy......9Q 2iWAriiTg Eu MHt Jl i7 550 G2

0 B Ba.m. r-- pjt.

LjtBwMilL Sl 10il3 3a3 S42Lcdve CHy 6T. W:l. id C:10Aniv HoMOtahi 7:80 1 1 s5o 4:53 6slu

A Saturdays oalv.13 D uly.0 Snudavs excepted.X) Saturdays excepted.

She golonum alcmlar.

.April 1S04.S II T: "hj Fr S foea's I'lwbes

!'ri New Moon.o' J March 7.

-- 9 s; j" First Quarter.

IS Iffm SI 22; 2.1 2t March 21. j

j 1 ( , Lt QnaitT,f 9$ 27! 2S! 2' 30 .11 March 20. I

APRIL 23, 18W.

Foreign Kail Service.

Ste'"FH'pa will ! for rr"-- p

frtn Sh Fr'noiFo and other foreignparts, 'Mi or hYvhU tlte following dates,till Mie close of IfiOl.

T eavf. T'ojoi.ri.p, Dcb at Ho.-oLrn.- n

tor Pan ruANOsc-o.jFu- . Ran PnNriafcook Vancocver or Vancouver.

Warrimoo. . ..F-b- . 23. ravra Feb. 2.1

Australia Mar. .".Anstmlin.... Fel. 24Mriposi Mnr. s'Oceanic Mr. fi

GhHm Mr.2rt AUmedn ....Mar. ISAnntwlU Mnr. .1ljVHrriinoo....Mnr. 2.1

ArMtOR April I .Wtr.ilia.... Mnr. 24jlnnmrai .... Apr. s, Mripost. .. . Apr. 12AnstrHlii....'.Apr.2SClrinn Apr. 17

"Wirrirooo May 1 Australia.... Apr. 21

Alft'iimla Mhv .1 Aratrn Anril 2.1

Cnelio May 14 Monowai.... Mny 10

Amandin Mny 20 Australia.... Mny 1J1

MhiIhosh My I Warrimoo. . . .May 2.1

Atntrn June 1'Alniiieda June 7

Wnrriwoo July l Msnposa July nAnstndm .Tnly21 Arstmliu July 14

Alameda July 20 Wnrrirnoo. . .July 23Arwwn Ang. 1 Motmwni Ang. 2Ansrlin Au. IS Australia Ang. 11

Maripmw... Ani;.2.1 Atrn AnR.2.1Varrinioo.... Rcpt. 1 Alameda.... An p. 30

Australia Sept. lii Austrian. ....Feni. 3Moimwwi . . . .&rL 22 Wrrim o. . .Rppt. 2.1

nivn Oct. 3 Mariwi....Sept 27Anstntlh Oct. 10 An-tni- lia Oct. 0Al.niln Oct. ls'Awwn Oct. 2.1WurrimM) Nov. 1 Monowai Oct. 2.1Aii-tml- iu ...Nov. 10 AnstrHn.....Knr. .1

Mnriposrt....Nov. 15 Alnmedn.... Nor 20

Aiwn Tec. 1 Warriinoo. . .Nnv.2.1Anstralm.... Dec.S, ntmliu Dec. 2Monnvmi ....Deo. 13,Mtrioa....Drc. 20Vrrinioo....Deo..10ArHwa Deo. 22

Anstnlia....Dec. .11

Foreign Vessels Expected.

Am sclir W S i'lirfps. .Gray's liar DueAw sehr Rn'tor NS W. ...DueAm iwlir J G Nrth . S F (MhIi) March 5M. Hwkfelil (sM Sopt 2.'i) VjkmM. Mnr 25-- 11

Ger Mc J C GbiJe. . . Liverpool Alr l- -lRoUr OlRd R V Muh)... April 1.1

OSS Auptmlift S F Avril 21

OARS Antwti Vancouver . .April 2.1

Bk Miirv Wmkelmnu.S F .April 20Ilk SC Allen R F April 20

Ji S N 01 S F April 20Am lik Newsloy c S ....... Mny I

CAS S Wurriwioo. . .Sydney My 1

OSSAlmln Splnev Mny 3Am hr SUtifnM NSW Mny 1C

Am Uk J.hn D TvUnnt NSW Mny 20Aw Ukt R.drtSn-Wen.- S W Mny 21O & O S S G. . . .S F JmieAim lr Snlvntur. .. .N W June S

lk lik Dramwer NSW June 9

Vessels in Port.


FrMh omlser nttchrfftnlU Dupot, Oalho.OSS l'hMUipJik, Itnrker.HUM Tkrtclul, Numaw.TolsoHnnu.11 B M S dMUajtiou, llvok-- , Esipiaialt.


A-- s h It P JlUlitt, Morrison, S F.Am Mis stair Morning Star, Grtrlnuil.Ams4ir King Cyrwts CUnstwusOiu N'we'e.Slip 'Hiailfit, Mors. OntiMX. B dAm sdtr GoKen Shore; Btanholtu. N S W.

?cr LymMM D Foster, Dyer, N S W.Bk HN?r Solergrea, N S W.Am srfir Uo'fcfrt Ivrats, &tn Francio-B- t

Allnirt. GritS th. S4U Ftaucisw.Rur W F Wilxamn, Po:otii, NVwcnsUe,

Nr bk Fotrns, Andren, Xewetstl.Nor bk Potms, Audersii, Newcastle.

WE DAVIES,Rigger,Stevedoiv axd I



The Sehoooner MAHIaTAHI,vr'Al run rcgaUrly lietwttu tlm portaudWainlas. KmMiinpii, Moknlciu. Ktstweuaisail Knikt via the uttail of Uahu.CiFor Freight, , apply to the Captain.

Inquire tit Offici . of . SV

Yaker. ov-- r Spivckwls v Bauk,or Wright Bros ;Foit Strt;

ejr,- - ...


3Ir. AF. Jndd is believed tobe very unfriendly to. the Hoxo--


Weather today most pleasant;sun shining, strong "trades"blowing.

It is reported that "TnithfnlJnmes" is troubled with cacao-t-itts scribcndi.

"Peek's Bad Boy" amused alarge audience this afternoon atthe Opera House.

A henry mail was dispatchedby the Post OlSce on the steamerAustralia. Only two minutes late.

They D.iiley Co. in "Shadowsof a Great City" tonight at theOpera. House. "Standing roomonly."

The p g bund concerlized ntthe Hotel Inst evening and willdo so this afternoon at EmmaSquare.

Don't forget the whales on viewfrom Col. tTnn Sherwood's LongBranch establishment. Cars passthe door.

It is currently reported thatlna Tagnis pistol was not re-

turned to him until he reachedthe prison.

The bark Albert, CaptainGriffiths sailed for the Coast atnoon today The time of the tripupward is looked for.

Bos'n Ben has been cleared ofthe nhnrgesngainst him. notwith- -

stnnding the rather previousdecision of the 'Tiszr.

Nick Bnrle' and Jack Frasierthe two iat soar- -

ring contests left for San I'ran- -

cisco by the Australia.

Berfio Petersen has made arecord in tho Police Court in anassnlt ensn on Ehrlich.Something generally happenswhen bad men meet.

The "Tiser" calls Evan a"D:spoilnr of the Crown" but hewns not in it alone, he was to

enough to be enrght.Say. Judge, have you a fellow-feelin- g?

"Peck's Bad Boy" has becomoa groat deal betier since hisfather took tho pledge and nowonly induces ui the exhilirantswhich Harrj Miller serves at thePanthoon.

Sunday services will very pro-

bably beheld at the Makiki buttsby riflemen, from 9 a.m to 3 p.m.Tho Portuguese band will playghost dance music in the evening

by permission.

Admiral Irwin and staff werepassengers by tho Australia Asthe di'p.trting vessel got nnderway Boar Admiral "WVlker's sa-

lute to his departing brother off-

icer boomed from tho FlagshipPhiladelphia.

Senator Cntininghara's pro-

clivities for being a manufacturerof beer gti wh'ch suit the palatesof his many customers is mostaptly displayed in his "0. C."productions. Fresh, juicy,iuvigorating.

The scene at the wharf of theOceanic S. S. Co this noon onthe departure of the steamerAustralia was most interestingand recalled memories of oldtime. Tho only drawback wasthe playing of the p g. baud offore gners.

ITawaiabao cbnrch was not aswell filled as itshonld have beenlast evening nt the production ofthe illustrated lecture of "MerrieEngland and Windsor Castle"given by Mrs Ganus. As is usualiu the presentations given bj thisg.fifcd lady the cc&asion whs onewhich was moist ploasauble toIhuM) who stUuiudt v


Two Excellent SparringContests.

Since the springing into exist-

ence of the new Athletic Associa-tion under the auspices of theYunng Men's Christian Associa-tion, there has been a slightboom in manlv excercsses thelatest of which are tro sparringcontests which took place lastevening, and before a select partyof local people who belieTe in themanly art. The contests werennder the control of a capablebusiness manager, and weremost successfully carried throughin each of the two events to a.satisfactory finish. The firstevent was between professionalboxers. Kick Bnrlay 330 lbs, andJames Harrington 135 lbs. Theadvantages in weight, height andreach were all with Bnrlay, butbeing a frinndly contest thespectat rs looked for science, notfisht. Tho advantages possessedby Bnrl.-i- sent Barrington out infour r unds the defeated manlaughing good naturedly at hisunexpected "knockout." Tho closing event was a moht interestingexhibition of science over weightand grit. Jack Frusier an 133lbs man faced Churley Lineywho tipped the scales at 145

Barrington and Bnrlay were iuFrhsier's corner while G. WalterW. was mentor for Lanev Sevenhot rounds were gone through,until jast before, the ond of thelatter round, a LeBlanche swiugfrom Frasier sent his, heavier,less scienced, but as plucky op-

ponent, to sleep for the necessaryten seconds. The exhibition wasone which was most noticeablefor tho thorough good temperdisplayed by the contestants.andwas very creditable to the management.


Monsieur A. Yizzavona, left bytho Australia today covered withleis. The band played the Mar-

seillaise in honor of the popularconsul.

Hon. Paul Isenberg, left forGermany after a short staj', thismorning. It is rnmored that Mr.Isenberg may make Hawaii hispermanent homo.

Hon. C. O. Berger, whosehealth has been poor for sometimes departed for the "old"conntr' this morning It is hopedthat Mr Berger will return to hisfamily and his adopted countryranch improved in health andafter an eujoyable trip.

Hon. Paul Neumann has goneto S.iu Francisco on a businesstrip. Tho genial attorney wassurrounded with friends andsmothered with flowers when thosteamer left.

Admiral Irwin, LieutenantAdams and Ensign Parmenturtook passage by the Australia to-

day. All three gentlemen leavo

man' friends behind them.Among the large number

of outgoing passengers by theAnstr.tlia are noticed the follow-

ing iamaainas: Mrs T R Foster.Mrs Hasslocher. Mrs Ivers, MrsTenney, Mrs Xoouan, Mrs Cropp,Mrs Dinbar, Mrs Kerr, MissJones, Miss Glade, and manyothers to whom Honolulu .saysutt revolt.

Mr. Charles Creighton whohas spent a few weeks withfriends on Molokai and Linaireturned this morning lookingmuch improved in health andready to "argue,"

Among the arrivals by the Eli

nan, this morniug were Mrs. Hasnai Parker and Mrs. Mary Sti.l-ma- n

from Hawaii.John P. Parker is improving

and will possibly soon be able to

D -

Mr. and Mrs. Jj. von Tempsky ,

Miss Wodehonse and Miss- - Ii.VYodehouse returned, from Mauithis morning.Air. Hay-- Wodehonse is still ina precarious condition Althoughslowly Jtnprovmg. . .; . ?

Mrs-C.b Jvynnfcrsley, and Mr.and Mrs. B. Wallace arrived this


The Advertiser in its Hsu.ai Hole.

Ths Advertiser contained thismorning a highly-- colored andhighly imaginative description ofa nght tnat took place last nighat toe Hotel. Brotal assaultssaloon fights, and rowdyismshould receive the condemnationof the public and the law shouldbe culled into full activity whenever these occurrences happen. Atthe same time the press shoak:confine itselt t truthful state-ments and correct representationsof facU aud it is evident that theAdvertiser hns not done that thismorning. A fight took place lastnight at the Hotel between Bertie Pt-terso- the secretary othe Annexation Ciub, and BonGallagher, the coachman of Mr.James Campbell. A number ofpeople were present and theystate that the combatants weresoperated before- - anvbodv washurt, that I'etersnn picked up abilliard cue aud that his opponent in jnmpicgjhe billiard tableto catch the improvised weapon,tripped and fell whereuponPeterson deliberately kicked himin the face and used all meansto down him. Th t they wereagain separated, but succeededin g-t- t ng at each other againwhen Peterson received a severpummelling, whereafter he gotup and beg in to throw billiardballs promiscuously into thecrowd and striking an off-

icer of the Duchauffaull inthe chest. Mr. Peterson went tothe doctor atd the police thatseemed very handy appeared andproposed to arrest Ben Gallagherwithout a warrant. A number ofpeople interfered among them,sever tl officers, and the police-men, in spite of handcuff andpistols might have fared badly.Mr." U.U. Wilson was tuo manwho tried to prevent tho fightand did prevent wLJit might haveled to arjot. For those serviceshe was this morning arrested ona criminal charge' and placedunder S1.C00 bond for his ap-

pearance. Ben Gallagher wasvery. promptly released on bailfurnished b- - Mr. Cf-ci- l Brown.His bail was also 1,000. Mr. J.Brown a visitor to these,islands,who assisted Mr. Wilson in hisefforts to prevent tho row wasalso yanked under a ?1.000 bond.The case will bo tried nextMondaj, aud will undoubted!create considerable interest. Alarge num'ierof witnesses will becalled. Mr. Cecil Brown willappear for Wilson and Gallagherwhile Mr. C W. Ash ford is re-

tained by Mr. Brown. t is proper to reserve-al- l criticism andjn.lnsnt of this uupleisintaff.ir until it has bien fullyventilated in the courts.

-- Church. Services.

The services of tho CathedralCongregition of St. Audrew'sCathedral for tomorrow are asfollows: (5:30 a.m., Holy Communion; ll a. in morning serviceand sermon; 7:30 p.tn evensongaud seraiou.

Thti services of the SecondCongregition of St. Andrew'sCathedral tomorrow (Sunday) willbe as follows: 9:45 a.m.. HolyOommnniou with sermon; Sanetns and lvyrie, smart in G; hymns3i9 and 323; Syne Dimittis, ElveyinA;li:30 p.m., evensong withsermon; Magnificat, D.iboisin G;Nunc Dimittis, Gilbert in F;Anthem. "If Xe L.ra Me. KepMy Commandments," by Monk;hymns, 210, 1S9 and 23. All areinvited.

At the .Central "Union Church,cor. of Beritauia and Richard sts.services will bo held as follows:Sunday School at 9:45 a.m.. Publie Worship at 11 a.m. and 7:30p.m. The Young People's Sueety of Chrlstiau Eadeavor willmeet at 6:30 p.m. All are cordialeynvited. to these services.

Tho X. Ml. C. A. members willhold services on Sunday, 11 a.m. ,at Oahtx Jail; 1:15" p.m., at theBarracks; 330 p.m., Bible studvat Y. M. 0. A--; 6:30 p.m.. Gospe!praise service at Y. M. C. A.

Reorganized Church of JesnsChrist cf Latter. D.iy Saints:Mililniu. rear of Operailouse. cjjtvjess wfti Da UtJhbiirl:Sauday foliows: 10 a.m.,

JgibUr class; 11-1- 5 a. uj. aud 7:o0

. Si

if 3 J





New Goods Rec'dBy every Packet from the Eastern States and Europe.

Fresh California Produce by every steamer.All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to

any part of the city FREE OF CHARGE.Island Orders Solicited. Satisfaction Gnaranteed.

Office Box No. 145. Telephone No. 92.

Eanil Pari Lflfe

.A t --Auction

The Property of H. F. Poor.

Rare Chance to Secure aSite for a Seaside


On MONDAY, April 30th, at 12o'clock noon, at niv Sales- -roni. I will sell at PublicAuction

TWO LOTSAdjoining each other fronting on

the making a plot100 feet front and 300 feetdeep.

These Lots have been greatlyimproved bv a top dressing ofsarth, a wall to prevent the encroachment thesea.nnd a largejlricti blasted out, making ono ofthe most convenient bathmshImcps in the ne'ghborhood; aurge nnmber of trees have been

set out nd are growing thriftily:twere is also a l5 rn, Cook house,etc., on thepreni's-s- .

SW TH.lt MS CASH! Deeds atexpense of purchaser.

Lewis J. Levey,ipr28-l- t Auctioneer.


Wine Company407 FORT STREET,

Mclnerny Block.




jfaqilse Llniing Laid.

Estimates given on all kinds--of


JXO. F. BOWLER.janl7 3 m


Grocekt, Feed Store & Bakery,

Corner ofling and Fort Sts., Honolulu


, 321 2Junaun Street

AIL Suits GuaranteedTo Fit and in the Latest


Clothes Cleaned and Repaired,noli '


A BRIGHT BOY MUST, BTAYE.th. horsajo.delLren . uewepaperApp-- at tjw HOLO-tlU-

A Qif it.i'lUtS, Tuuiuas B.osk-- . K.r




NOTICE.Xotic is hereby jiren tj ill persons, that

there are at the Government Fan mi at Ma-tik- i,

thrcs sprayed raares and on horse.1 poor rosa zsare, feet arc rrhite, branJe!PK oa npht hind leg. I poor white at,so branded j N on right hind leg.I poor red mare, lonj; xrhito spot oa tSeforeheail, brnndeil H E on right hind leg;and 1 poor rod horse, brand indescribable.

Any person or persons earning th?animals are retjneaied to coaia andtake the same on or beibre 12 o'clock noonSATURDAY, MAV, i ISiM.

JAMES KDKONA.Ponwi Mocinr.

Makiki, Apr. 19. 1SSU. apr20-- ti

Capt. Wm. Davies,INTER -- ISLAND PILOT


Any Port or Landing- - in thoHawaiian Islands.

Inquire nt office of J. S. Walker overSprocket's Bonk.

feb U-t- f.

DAIMPPOIHotel street (Arlington Block.)

The above Storo has received anotherSnlendid Iuo!ce of

Japanese ilk, J.


Per S. S. "China."cojiriusiyrj


Dress Goods in all shadr. plain and fienred.Cnahious, Table Covers,

, iieilLorerf, Ciown,Cheniiies, Shawls.

SDk Crape Rainbow Silks,

All Colors Fancy Draperies,


IIANDKERCHIEFS,Doillies, Scarf", Sashes,

Jackets, Laps, Etc., Etc.

NOVELTIES:The Prices of these Goods vill astonish vou

including '


Handsome Cigarette Cases,Pin Cushions,

Silk Te:t Cossis5,


Silk Umbrellas, hght bnt strong;Chair Saddles. Silk:Bamboo Blinds, Fitted with pulleys;Silk Lamp Shades, new btyle.



3. Can be St with Polo In the ground,nica for Picnics or Lunches ont of doors,they can be opened ont,or used as a tent.


"Inspection Respectfully Invited.

MRS. J. P. P. COLLACO,Proprietress.

Aprl2-3ru- a


THE AMERICAS LEAGUEBegs leave to announce thai ithas established an EmploymentBureau in connection with theAmerican League. We will bepleased to furnish you with skil-led or nnskdled labor withoutany fee for tho engaging buehlabor.

The labor enrolled with us isof the following nationalities:

American,Portuguese,Hawaiian. 'German, f .

And otherEurdpean Nationalities

Begging leave to open a cor-respondence with yoa, on this"subject; -

"We remain,Your obedient servants,

The .American "League Employment BuEKau. .

i.mmJSO. P. SEYERIN, '

Secrelarv.- -

t -

P. Q.. B.x fail

Page 4: Ils Life tLG Is...KWONG SING GHOBG I GO. Contractor ilpainting,1 &c. 33T We also keep onhand Bedsteads, Matirasses, ' Tables, Bookcases' Mirrors, Etc.. AT THE LOWEST MARKET PRICES

PTFTRA P InsuranceiS ofcices.


Fire, Life & MarineTil & 9.

Corner of King end BethelSis., Honolulu,

Offer a large assortment of fineand desirable

which ihey sell at a very low fig-

ure. Bedsteads, Bureaus, MeatSafes, "Wardrobes, etc., at pricesto suit everybody.

Call and inspect forj-onrselTe-s.

mar 12 YING FAT &. CO.


Soveral Kind of

Cotton Crape,Latest Style of Shirts

in different quuhties. I

(jfeafc AoPtment of porcelain

Tea Sets a Specialty

Japanese Lanterns and manyCnrios suitable for ChristmasGoods.

411 KING SjEEIT, Hoiioluln.

Telephones, Hell 414. P.O. Box 36.Mutual 544. nol3 lm

Criterion Saloon


another Invoice of the celebrated'JOHN TVEILAKD '



Albo, a Fresh Invoice jdk

FOR- -


L. H. DEE,Proprietor.

Sans- - Scmci


FJrst-Ola- ss Accommooa-fion- s


rTourists and Island.


. J tP$upewr Bathing Facilities.

iPrmi Cottage focfuniikS

f -, ,7v. nV

'JAW J -- - .

-- 'Ml

''it "

4- -


- .

fig;- -


HOLOMUAPiiblishiiig Company ,


SZirLg' Street, BZorLoluil-ui- .

SL. V.' - . ,


..'V -

- S


"Sn -


rv;.J.. -




Assets, $ 7,109,825.49


Assets, $ 4,317,052.00

THAMES aLERSET MARINE INS. CO.,- Assets, .$ 6,124,057.00


, Assets, $137,499,19S.99

Geueral Ajant for the Hawaiian Tshinds, Honolulu




Buildino's, Merchandise,. JELulls3 Caro-oeS- j

eights and V;




Royal Insurance 'Company, . - Liverpool

Alliance Assurance Fire and Marine, London

Wilhelma of Madgebnr$ General Insurance Co

Sun Insurance Company, - Sun Francisco


.t.- -- :v ... Agent for Hawaiian Islands.


Bell 35 1

Mutual 417

E.-- B.






Residence: cMutual 410

P. O. Box 117




Sbne Pipe and

and Blocks, etc.

dEccliou l

JEstlmates G-ive- n on A.llJIKjLnds


AH Kinds of Jobbing in the Building Trade,Attended to.

KEEPS FOR SALE:Bncs, Goment, Iron


Old & Nc- - Corrugated Iron, Minion Tiles,Qaarry Tiles, assorted size3 and colors;

tc: iCalifornia andJMontereyTSand,Granite Garbing



pfonal Mm Woc

Bet-nree- n Alalea & Richard Sts

Iioa Bnss, Broaa. Zinc,Tinned -- eatd Cistfng. Also

General Eepsir Shop for Stesa Eogfces,Hies HilK Cora Mill,

Water VbIs, Wind MHL. etc.ilacMsss lor the Qe&abg of Ca2,

Ctiator Oifa, Easas, Eircte, Sis!,Plaoapple Leares Jfc other Pibrons Plants,

And Paper Stock

Also IfcwMats for Extracting Starah fraiathe iLtaioc, Arrotr Root, etc.

1ST All Orders prossptlr atteotfed to.



Pro?isioDol -:-- Government




J. A. Kht, Mister t thtr lnwrlr.o. Mltk, AUoracji-eaaira-

K r?a ' 'StarTel.? hr, Plf Itoffi

. . . ....Ilnr. I tj tu.f. u.J'nn. tt. F. Ml Afe4itft J;tv .

J. tt niter Jon., Slenogr , vbr.

CiRcrrr Junosa."

F.ntarcit: T .S?J5S 0n"

Mnml.r lu FWru.rr, Aagt .ucl Xi

or Fobeiox ArntiK.

OtJiccJn Oipltnt lfiS-- g. KhieAl?rtB " e o( roreVn

Rco.a PnMer. Secret rr.tt . Hor.ce Wright, LmmI Hart, Clert..

nr.rARiME.vror I.nteriob- -


TQffice In Executive Bslidiag, King street.

chM 'r'rK --V 5"nbter ol Interior.


Interr. Wi. G inrln, AUi rfcert

Cmsrs or IJoezai'j, I.vt x pja rx nr btm k.vt

Sfirreror Os-r- !. tt D. AVxsdtr.Snpt. PnW e Wnrfcs, w. F nn-e- tiSUM. tttertt-rlcs-

.A ml re Rrmrn.Inspctjor, fHetrIc U;hL. Jh C-- v

Sntervt.-.r-. II imlttin.tt' H ttimmHci.Ch'cl EiKta. r Hra I)t Jl H.Sapt. Io.n Ayluni, Dr. A. Mott'ayBe.

Drr.iirrMrj.-- r or FLVA.sr.

Occ, Executive Building. King treet.latter or Hnwce, Ills ExceUoa cr 5-- Mi- -

AtuHtr Owwr', Gerf-- J. Br.RwUtr rn Aeo-nn- W. O. AsMer.Cleric of Fliwt.re 0re. K. A. MolMrny.Col'ector7enl f Cmtom, J .s. b.T.x AMessor. O hi. J hi. S w.THrpntr Tax A(ev r. tt". C. ttlon.J. Jlert O.J,

COsfTOJC a it BETA COSlcc, Custom IIoum-- . EspHtwdt, Fort:;jtreeVCoiiecto-.Ocne- n. J-.- n Cuile.ept .r F. R. .Host- - cker-J- i.zbnrwvu, Ontnin A. Fntter.Port aurreyer. M.

George a SJraUtxerer.


Offlce In Executive Balldloj, KIo?W. O. Sntltfj

CKsr, J. M. e.JUnMl. E. C. IIH oheno.Cl-- rc o JI nl. If. M. Varr.rvr.n'.r Mnhi ArUwr u.Br,wa.JaHor B Priwa J. A. Ir.Prfwn PhjIUb, Dr. a 3. Cooper.

Boaeo or lxxHtzszUiX.

Prt'nt. ufjExceWeBcyr A. Kiaz.Jlemfcer of the IVp1 of"SL.'1 Afrtn, J II. C!tfe.-- Hop. a.

RnSnsM'nT speacor, ilt P.Secrcurr, ttrayTTr.

Boa so or Health.

iTbers: Dr. IMr, Dr.MlnT. Dr. Andrews. I. T.VaterbaaM Jr., John F. Lansln?and Atsraer nen'ril SGiltts.PresWeut Ion. T.ScereUry Chat. W !cnx.ExecuilTc Offlcer-- C. H. Reynotdj.InrrtnritHl GatUso Senrlce r.L La Pierre.Inspeet r--G. W. C. Jones.P.;rt Parslct t Dr. O. B. Andrews.DUp-UMr- y, Dr. M. W. Hotrwrd.Leper SetUtmedt, Dr. K. K. OhTer.

Baisoor EoccATUHr.

Court totue BoIIdlnj, Klnj street.President. 'ocu O B. BIj-jo-

SEretry, XT. J men Smltt. --

Iaspect.r of Seioo'i, A. T. Atilason. "

Dssrsxr Cocrr.'re5ttkBuUdics,llerrtli..rfet.4 Jtobcxtsan, Mtialx. "

jamn A.Thin rrfx '

"3- 4

'C t, ', i'h , - ,,mt
