IKS - ' A 7 I I A whot 3 !) Ml ir If Mil r fie. i tit l. inr. MSETVILLE, TENF.. TUESDAY, JULY .2, 1861. i ITEW SEKIES NOMtf $8 B bonSaf, ;'ie;"ii of were gi Ua; per anaum,... ....... ........6 i Kiy.priHMa, 3 Weotly fur two fan, or two Weeklies i lb cae year. In alvazice,. 8 IO a Daily, or Weekiy to bedis-s- u , pud m xlrkace at Um time subscribed far), hact toer most order, otherwise it Till be coaim--k Mr option, cUU paid for sod stopped. If Id, it most be paid at Uj9 time of 4Ucooiiance, r opuua If toe party is good, it will be sent ,ieid. nuances by mail, in "registered'' itUers, at ocr Press PrintiM Concern! , of " I ,S. CA3IP & CO., Proprietors, ' ' So. 16 Beaderick Street, U PvOiiktd Daily, 3H Weekly and Weekly. X8- - Daily .......... per annam. $A per -- - -- m. Weekly $3 per ' Patriot is u taraebt, active and '. rfatigable rter of tbe Coostitntvjnal Union cause, and in the kit canvass fcr the Presidency will use every bon-- efiort to primote the election of Bau. and Evkh-- l To enable u to labor with increased effickucy kik our party friends to aid ns in extending its cir-Uo- o. tbe porcluse of tbe printing establishment of the 1, and recent additions of new materials from tbe uies, tbe J m Orncs of the Patriot has been made argest and !JEtcomplete in the South-Wes- t. It is supplied with tbe most competent workmen, b has bees ajijlied to our presses, which are ot eet kinds. Wk are prepared to print, in the high- - fyle of the Ml, plain, in colors, or bronze, HANDBILLS, BOGXAIOE?!, BrLLS LADING, 3IOW C'Sp, . SHOW BILLS, BALL TICKETS, UILROA. OKK., STEAMBOAT WORK, RAX TICE3S, DIPL01IAS, indeed evrything from the smallest Tip to the 'b toete, or the least Pamphlet to the largest V---e circ'aiion of the Patriot, greatly augmen- -. - addicn tt?reto of tba snbdcnption lists of Q ndera . an excellent advertisinf medium, b-i- r in ts city. f solic wd.rs, at our offlcc, Xo. la DaT a-- f A. S. CA.TIP cV CO. in FOliTIIC SPRLG 1S6I. on ' Ve are wtdi ing a full assortment of 1 TS, sjQES 1D GAITERS. FOP. -- 7 ftr; Ladies, Misses cntl CLilJ of jJijl-s- e areJPring ai low prireB a 4- - T' GIORGAA & WALLACE. - Brogans. 0 Brorss, Douhlo and Single Sole, Kip and on Leai:erikMts. Afresh supply cbeup fo JOHN KAMAGE, 4f 42 College street. igit Lux ct. Lux Fuit t&L OIL LAMPS . - ' . . i i r ri Ail Among which are some very handsome 'kirii, all ntled with tbe Collins burner Ust improvement and is immeasurably tv other L&mD now before the public for w.n.a of name, freedom from smoke, onslruction, beauty and elegance In hn- - and economv. Cue Lamp wui eive tne all itiiea and does not cost as much as one. mrvirtad to burn in the Latupe is a :.i KnkJe. free from any odensive odor. s spot- when spilt upon carpet or cloth jot expiode , . - V k RetoU Druggiaia, No. 19 Public Squr COAL OILi 13 COAL OIL. superior article, Just re f and for sale low by . , 1 - ? a fig xiurning xj.uj.cl, . 3 OIL, Sperm Oil, Lara ou, coai uu, u- - r u, or gaie mss, EROWK & C0.3 C al Oil Lamps. fitted f hi uunDS.oi various biyico, ' , . h rated Collins Burner, lor saie ny Si2 '1 i BALV3, BKOWN & CO. GREGORY & CO., ; i. ft JX PROPRIETORS OF ,i u K & FULLER'S it V. of J,S. 1 1 f 1 81 J 1 il il U .1 ij . V.iifWl4 .. ' orders must be addressel. SUndaxd Patent Modines Tariwr:-e- t Cream. Cocoanutv aT" candy. iiPOT, fir V .1, Pjposite Sewancc House, ffirkvilie, Term. fi .oberto ' skv: l W' "S u'Z'Vf. vadT to famish parties, privaie or jrtest notice. Every kind of Bread, iih eonstauUy on hand, and any ex tortnottce. fUv Trunks!! ??eBest Sole Leather WSJ G EIS TLE3IEIV, LSD FEOCUv BSESS TBCXKS. si also, JSAAD TRAVELING BAGS 4ved and far sale, cheap for CASH. JOHN EAL&GE, S Conege Street. ! AXD SPEEDY REMEDY S COMPOCND CCBEB3 AND COPAITi 5a. M IHS CTRS OF GON'N'ORRHtE , I.IXET l?y&TUtY Cents a Bottle,, & .s" w mm ?t8 7. rCf ff. V. I . Ann. Containing IVtylPuU p. ' j s are Ljgh'y recommended by the princl - ilt?of Europe and Aaaenca. lite trade and others aulicited, and reli- - t .Vcea on iiavuig poncioai aitenuuB iruui it t .ntw.irp. Snlf lrnt. " ?A , 4J Cedar ?treet, V 'rltbt ' ' NEW YORK ,f.-- t I? i -- .1 r-- ; a i ' jw- - i - - NASHVILLE Electric Water Cure. rT,HE undersigned haa taken tbe large House on the -- a. mm iu souui nasnvme, at the bead of Front street, known as the Rutledge property, where be bad m Riuuruwig nome lor invalids, and pro-- urn7 uKua lur uieir restoration to health. Patients from tbe coontry and strangers taken sick in tbe city can find gentle nursin and uwowuiii morii. cal attendance. Car treatment , in Chrante niwnjuas consists of Water Electricity, and the moat effective medicine and HomeepaUiy in ai! AcnVe and Febrile Diseases, and in ail cases ar cbr.s wiU be mode- - The institution is located re a flai l of IT acres, "J fine shade trees w.J fct joonds for exxr-af- L. onvleeokU. F,m tne beuse, we have the preBpcti 7ylS 't? the city, Cumberland river, tteertTl,COIB flradin y other part Diseases, and Consumption, cases treat- - ven np as f the rest ,ti benefitted. receive into T ihw msi diseases. f oot will attesj . - ..i UtS. family prae- - t- - MMrietl w - aL (rBij,VKLTf M. d. Office Col jaade B:- - No- - 5 Cherry Street. Office hour frow ? 'r ''t A- - M., and from 1 to o'clock F M. . e C'P1 Sunday-- At all other times I As be 4 t ! lecu"k! Water Cure ' ' as above. Though we ar. opi, ik Wng certificates to lupposed to be In show that w can m curable, we wiil if 18n t: following letter of a weil-know- n citwen ia of the Republican Banner, of Dee. 3ut : " ' Mr. Editor Havrn BiJ'iCted for some months past, as isktows ""5 acquaintances, .with an attat-- of parser abd Lh-- r u& received a benetttr so deckled from t'jf eSoclrical baths, given me by Dr. WeetarveK vs thought it due to those simi-arl- y situated with viir to r 'ake this publication, i was decidedly cl when I began to use the baths, but toe bt- - wived irom them has been so Dositive thfi t,.-!- bi-.- mistaking the cause. I am now able u ris teg and my arms, which were entire.' beipntoet, if not quite, as well as ever. ? I know t iis Boi-- c -- J" tiii-- e to the benefit of Dr. W., at least wnh t ' bo place confidence in my word, but to me i- - is of much greater inpor- - tance that toy touit. know where tbey-ca- n be relieved from ate of helplessness I was in a short time since. JOHN AD A US. BEFFJIFS'nsM o Broi iway. W. Freeman, R. Freeman, Jcbm vtj f M M. Bryant, Felix G. Mc- Kay, Cap. Blscj ia ef c- - Cooper, John Adams, (of firm of Adams s ),and others too numerous to mention; who appreciate my services. , P. A. WELTER VELT. N. B. Letters from ltu", asking further In- formation, enoiosU-- e a aie stamp, and .addressed tot. A. Wpi-.-- i. vs.. Masbvi'le. Ten n., will be promptly answer 'J Janl8-3- m Ewripe&ajjtit ai Institute! No. w Brea.iRif.abo e 4th Street, rTIHE necessity iir it X. public of the United J- - Slates a rati xuti cad arc rj ensive treatment in an maetaa oi a enmt, .fjcniH f or a secrei cuarac-te- r, has inloced Ir. ? avveral years known this :ity as the most stMsmr-practitione- r in that class of ailectkms) to extend bis sojourn in New York for anc.ber year. He nay therefore be consulted af his convenient lo- cation, "704 BROADWAY," and will continue to keep haid bis own and Dr. Ricord s preparations, such as Flor del Ucayali, ($2 per bottle) against Seminal losses and Debility from excesses or self-abus-e, the best remedy known in Europe. HU Preventive against Infection, $1 per bottle. R. cord's celebrated Pills, against Venereal Diseases, one box sufficient to cure any case, $2 per box. His Gonorrhoea Remedy cures that disagreeable in 2 few days, f 'J. Best French Male Safes imported by himself at $3 per dozen. All bis Flench and Spanish Remedies for Affections Ladies will be sent with a circular containing se- crets ef importance, known to a few French Physicians m!t. - . - - at bis msiitete thrre ars e'tt room nrov1!l for the reception of lacvos an J -n loa, go that the utdar the neeenity of DOtilying tbe public tbstAe has aot. tiie aiightest ouauecixm with his old oJScu,- - at 612 Hroadway. and uiVan iiupoM.r is copy-Sc- g b advertisements. '- - veroaiiy - - To Doewr new place is 704 Broadway, above Fourth street, and nearly opposite Ibe New York Ho- tel, where he can be consulted in English, German, Italian, French or Spanish. Letters should be addressed' to Box 3576, P. O-- , New York. july24-dtw- ly Oat of tLt most popular and benevolent Institutions is DOCTOR MESECK'S Medical Dispensary CONSULTING ROOMS, ON? DEADERICK SIT T, iXasnville, HCenn. THE Doctor himself is an old Parctit'oner, from the and tms country, being already 15 years in America, having manfully and honorably surmountep the trials of the new world, and battled and con-quor- death of the whole range of diseases of oar dif- ferent climates, South and North, so that tbe Came of his success in the treatment of general and private diseases is indisputable for which he has the most re- liable rjferenoee. . - Special attention pail to diseases of Females and Children, and much gratification he feels, in general, by beirg entrusted with desperate cases, for to illus- trate he skill. He is conversant with the American, French and German Languages, and always ready to tender his advice and services with politeness, consci-entoogne- ss and discretion. Persons at a distance may have his advice and med- icines by consulting bim through letters, inclosing a fee, to Post-offic- e Box No. 33d. His family Residence is on North Market street. Jun?13-- tf The Unprecedented Success Whirh has of Jate attended the nse of MEDICATED SOAP us to call the attention of all those afflicted r'DfCES to it It is being tested daily with the most beneficial effects It is the only preparation that can be relied on for a permanent and speedy cure. If you nre aiflicted try it at once, and be careful to use no other medicine in connection with It It is compounded under the supervision of L. N. SWEET who will return the rtoney if no cure proceeds from its use. 0iC For sale at Demovule's end Degrove's, and by othtV Druggists. junelft-- tf SMOKE, SMOKE, ALL SAIOKE Away Dull Care. H&ve Just Received another It of those Imported Prin- - cipe Segars. AL SO, YINQINI A SMOKING TO- BACCO FOR THE MEERCHAUM PI1E. at UniOQbtreet. i J. W. LANG LEY. ms t24 aosK.r MOORB. MATTBXW ABI f ROBERT MOORE & CO., FEcioUCE COMMISSION MERCHANTS .V- SO. 49 WALNm streei, ' Cincinnati, Ohio. OFFE3 for sale In lots 10OJ Barrels Flour, superfine to extra family 7(- - Bushels Clover Seed; 0 " Timothy 8X-- . ; " Herds Grass; 000 . V ft, , Stripped and Clean Blue Grass Seed; looo ;bot Western Reserve, English Dairy and Natratt wase; Lara 4 Linseed Oils, Bacon, Grain, Candles, Soap, Cordt Urooms, Backets, Tube, Ac We ave ample (acuities and give prompt attention to the purcnaae of Merchnndise required by tbe South- ern trade, and to tbe sale of Cotton, Pig and Bloom Iron, Ixled Fruit, and Pradace generally. . From VTSCHER, OWEN ft CO., General Advertising , .Jouse, Appleton Building, 240 Bjoadway New-Yor- XJG11T ! L1G HT !! "LIGHT !! DIETZ & CO. - aujrcrcrcBna or nmoTD - tne, Camphene, Flaid, and Cil ind ; 1 GAS FIXTURES, ... 1. IS VAJOOCS BTTUS jja vcnsH, ' - U A 1 VD li L 1 U IV S, V ; - iiADI TO OaDKB C CHCRCES, . COLLEGES, AND PUBLIC- - BCTLDIKQ No, 2 WUllam Street near Fnltun, New York. ' feba-fc- ji - II. U. UATTNllS fc CC. .tow " . . i..r . Agrkoltoral and Seed Store, NO. 5 VARXET- - STBEEJ NASHVILLE, TENNESSEE. We hare on hand and are constantly supplied with the most approved - . - ,. AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENT3 AND MACHINES Mannfacnred. Also a complete assortment of Pure and Selected Seeds. Machines and Implements. PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES, REAPERS AND MOWERS, ' , ' -- THRESHING MACHINES:- -' 4 STRAW CUTTERS, ! ' COR! SHELLERS, ' ' FIELD ROLLERS, SEED SOWERS, , WHEAT DRILLS, ' GRIST MILLS. ODER MTLIS, . . u. ir HAX FKJfcS, - , . CLOVER HLT-LER- HORSE HAY RACES, fiLUAK MILlJS, " . ' -- FAN MILLS, PLOWS, CULTIVATORS.. . HARROWS, ' CHURNS, Lc. SEEDS. CLOVER SEED, TIMOTHY SEED, CLEAN BLUE GRASS SEED, STRIPEPD BLUE GRASS SEED, ORCHARD GRASS SEED, HERDS GRASS SLED, . MILLET SEED, . HUNGARIAN SEED, BUCKWHEAT SEED, LUCERNE " OSAGE ORANGE SEED, PERENNIAL RYE GRASS SEED, bPRlNG AND FALL BARLEY, ATS, SUNDRIES. PLASTER PARIS, HYDRAULIC CEMENT, LAND PLASTER, GUANO ARMSTRONG & CO. dec29 tf OILS! OILSM OILS!!! METCALFE BROTHERS & CO., NO, 25 BROAD STREET, NASHVILLE, TESN Wholesale and Wetail PEALER3 IN COAL OIL St PARAFFTNE BURNING OIL, CARBON BURNING OIL, . COTTON SPINDLE OIL,! ENGINE OIL7 CAR AXLE OIL ' - MACHETEP.Y OIL, ' P.UDE, Prepared and Refined, PETROLEUM OILS, CAR AND WAGON GREASE. PARAFFLVE WAX CAXDLES; ALSO Exclusively at Wholesale eagle mill "cotton yarn j cotton rope, . osnaburgs antd sheettngs," cotton.plaids and stripes We refer by permission to GEN. G. P. (SMITH, President Bank of Tennessee. JOHS A. FISHER, Cashier Bank of Tennessee. Also to the following Wholesale Merchants in this city : Mkssrs. MORRI-- 5 & STRATTON, " STRATTON & SEYMOUR, " GARDNER CO., " FALL & CUNNINGHAM TERMS CASH Marchl-l- y TENNESSEE MARINE AND ' ' Eire Insurance Company. APITAL $150,000 ALL PAID IN. North-Wes- t. Corner or the Public Square, OFFICE risks against loss or damage by fire on Dwelling and other Houses. Goods in Store, &c. Also, Marine and River hazard to and from all ports s ALSO Bisks on Negroes against the Dangers of the River. : BI&SH OSS: JOHN H. HILL, JOSEPH VAULX, ' JAMES CORREY, THOMPSON ANDERSON, G. M. FOGG, JAMES ELLIS, ALEX. ALLISON, N. E. ALLOWAY. R. H. GARDNER, W. S. EAKIN, THOS. L. BRANSFORD. JOSEPH VATJLX, PresidenL A. W. BUTLER, Secretary. 2octS De Forest, Armstrong & Co., DRY GOODS MERCHANTS, 75, 77, 79, 81, 83 and 85 Duane St., N. T. WOULD notify the Trade that they are opening in new and beautiful patterns, The "Wamsutta Prints, ALSO . The Amoskeag, A New Print, which excels every Print in the Country for perfection of execution and design, in full Madder Colors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in the market and meeting with extensive sale. , promptly attended to. nov2-deew- ly . ' - , Ttotice to MtoclLhttlders. a meeting of the Board of Directors of tbe Ten- nessee AT and Alaba ua Railroad Company, at their office in Franklin, on tbe 2d day of April, 1861, a call on the unpaid subscriptions to the capital stock of the' Company, was ordered to be paid to the Treasurer at his office in Franklin, as follows, to-- wit: - Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Monday in June, 186L, Id dollars per share, to be paid on the first Monday in July. 1861. - ' - Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Monday In August.1861. Two dollars per share ; to be paid on the first Monday in September, 1861. - Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Mod day in October, 1861. Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Monday in November, 1861. K. H- BRADLEY, Sec'y. April 10 2m ' Premium Harness. r23M! C. L. HO WERT (m 5 " No'b. 9 and 10 Public Squaw , Nashville, Harness Manufacturer. COACH and Buggy Harness ofevery style and quality on hand and masuiactured to or- der. Also. Buggy Collars, Kip and Hog Skin Collars Bridles, Halters, aud all other articles made by Har- ness Manufacturers all ot the best material and the finest workmanship, all of which will be sold as cheap, as can be bought anywhere in the United etatea. To C. L, HOWERTON'S Harness has been awarded the Highest Premium at the Tencessee Stale Fair. the. Kentucky State Fair at Bowling Green, at the Lime- stone Cooaty Fair, Alabama ; Agricultural Society at Athens, to. , v novlS-- U. Till ..tin 1 rt-- r 7'? iC S Cairr7- f.,-4:- t, 0i. ., f : " ' - joyful Sews! The Ory i3 "StiU They Come. WHAT? Why beautiful goods, that will cause a great talk. As our old friend, M. Powers,, has just returned from And 19 receiving at his Store, Southeast corner of thi A rich Spring and Summer Stock, which ho'U sell veif lair, , . . - 7 Embracing clothing, and every article in thefurnishbg line, j Which in beauty and durabilityire so "truly divin M He has coats and pants of almost every style fud shade. . , Most fashionably cut, and very neatly pressed tod made; . And as for handsome vesta he'll sell yon one n a flash ... ; For the very least possible share of your cash. Nor forgetting old line Whigs and Democrats, For whom he keeps a varietr of suitable bats, Tbe fiuest caps ail ianciessure to please , ' Both cloth and silk, and new style Japanese; ' Handsome shuts, and splendid ora vats and oallB, frr' 8o to M. Powers don't neglect to bring ywrktitst-- For with myriads we would now dispute. : , Wno dare say bis garments fail to suit; -- Those most neat and fastidious in taste, " " Who eft in badly made clothes their mon, ' But strange to say. for the v'-- , Yon fel iiip.lin4id to emend AtlBVfl itmn. UariWr;UU OW(jjllU iCfy TOJl if, rll, v ,J That will compel yon for months to wiw.ioani circ. ' And to crtuht our word , iust give bim a call. "(juick sate aud small prolits" is his motto-lon- g traced, . So to M . Powers' Store for bargains make haste. apr3 2m Cross Vies Wanted Nashville and North-wester- n Railroad Com. THE wish U contract for 40.000 CEDAR CROSS TIES, 0 feet long, I inches thick, well hewn, te face at narrowest place noi less than 8 inches clear of bark ; timber to be sound ;to be delivered at the grade line of the road in Nashville. The contractors wait to contract for 30.000 WHITE or POST-OA- TIES of Uie same size as the above, to be delivered on the line ot the road in piles from section 14 to section 24, enough a each section to supply the same. Persons wishing to bid ill direct to the President and Directors of the Nash v lie and North-wester- n Rail- road Company, Nashville, 1 nnessee. juiyzi-- u. S EVE Jiy i R S ! The seven years of unrivalled stcoess attending the "Cosmopolitan Art Association, 99 have made it a household word throughout every quar- ter of the Country. Under the auspices of this popular Lwtitction. over three hundred thousand home have learned to appre ciate by beautiful works of art on thir walls, and choice literature on their tables, the great benefits de rived Irom Decerning a suoscriDer. Subscriptions are now being received ins ratio with that ef any previous year. Terms of Subscription,. 'Any person can become a member by subsjr-'bin- three doUart. for which sum they will receive "v.- lst. The large and superb steel ongraving, lisZS inches, entitled, . "FALSTAFi? MCSTERIXG HIS RECRClToJ- - 2d. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illufiUft.ieil xnafrazine, "THE COSMOPOirrAN Ail JOXTEKAI." 8d. Four admissions, during the seauon , to the "Gallery of Paintings, 543 Braadway, S. V In addition to the above benefits, there will be givei to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over Fire Hundred Beautiful Works of Art. comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, , Ate., forming a truly national benefit. Thk Sctebb Exgravixq, which jvery subscriber ail! receive, entitled, "Falstaff Mcsterinq hb RBCRcrns," is one of the most beautiful and popular engravers ever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in fi line and tiiple, and is printed on heavy plate pa wr, 30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suit- able for the walls ot either the library, parlor or oflice. Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John FalstafT TiTT" lust ice tsballow's office, the recruits which have been gathered for the "ragged regiment." It could not be furnished by the trade for less than country to need commendatiua. i u a ru&gTLn:nt:y illustrated magazine of Art,oontainingEaays. Stb-ie- t, itiems. Gossip, Ax., by the very best, writers "in jneiica. - S.' The Engraving is sent to any part af the country by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, post- age prepaid. iubsciptions will be received until the evening of th-- - 31st of January, 1861, at which time the books willclose and the premiums be given to subscribers. N. person is restricted to a single subscription. Thoe remitting $15, are entitled to five memberships and to one extra Engraving for their trouble. Subscriptions from Calilornia, the Canadas, and all Foreign Countries, must be $3 60 instead of $3, in or- der extra postage, etc. For Turiher particulars d for a copy of the ele- gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hands- omest ,againe in America. It contains a Catalogue of Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Reg- ular pri', 60 cents per number. Sptsciincn copies, howeve-- , will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, o receipt of 18 cents, in stamps or com. Address C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A.. novl7---f 646 Broadway, New-Yor- k 800TT tlOSS, Secretary rt Nashville, Tenn, ANDREW WIND'S ADVERTISING AGENCY, 133 Nassau St., next door to the Nassau Bank, 17. Y., is the Agent for the Nashvills Patriot, and tire best circulating Journals in the United Stales, Canatas and West Indies. He is authorired to receive advertisements or us at our published rates. BRADY'! Publishing House NEW BOOKS. - cts. CAN0NBURY H9USE. by G. W. M. Reynolds, price 66 ADA ARUNDEL, " " " " 60 OLIVIA, or tbe Maid of Honor, " " 60 CHARLEY FOX'S Ethiopian Song Book. 13 GEORGE CHRISTY'S Joke Book, No. 2.. 13 THE PATRIOT CRUISKR, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.... 26 THE MANIAC'S SECRET, " ....25 THE MAID OF THE RANCHE, by Dr J. H. Robinson. 26 Sent free of postage on receipt of rrice. FREDERIC A. BRADY, No. It6 Nassau street, New Yerk. Agents wanted. aug3-- tf w FOR REST FOR 1S61. THE Store Room on College Street, occupied Aum fa Messrs. Gould k Fraeman as a Furni f.i.s a ture Establishment. litgyfl Possession given 1st January, 1861. ' Apply to - nov2-- tf MICHAEL VAUGHN TWO FRONT ROOJIS FOR RMT ON Church street, between Market ant Front streets, the privilege of yard attached. Handsomely situated for a small family . Apply on the premises . mar9-- tf EXCLUSIVELY FOR (ASM. I HAVE determined tat the future to do an Exclusively Cash Business. And take this way to : oForm the public, so 1 sball not be under the disrgreewble necessity of REFUSING- - CREDIT To any one. In ju&iice to myself and patrons, Imake this announcement, knowing from experience that! can make it advantageous to all parties I shall con tinue tesel m . ' Present Stock at Coit until farther Sotife, And respectfully mvite all to call and look lor them- selves before buying. All persons in debt tu me, Nicholson Humphrey, or L C Nicholson & Co., must come forward uid settle, for the times demand all men to be prompt. - . N. 22, SOUTH SIDE SQUABS., . David Ilutuphrey. I&n2-- tf REMOVAL Howe Sewing: Machine Olllce, ' - . Kemoved to 34 UNION STREET. First Floor, recently occupied by J. C. Harvey & Co. In calling the attention of our numerous patrons auu um puuuc m our removal to more accessible quar ters, we deem it unnecessary to refer to tbe merits of th Howe Machine, as their good qualities are already household words." A full stock of Bilk, Spool Cotton, and Machine Find ings always en nana. ; . was BROS., Agents, il " 34 Union Street, " JanlT-- tf - '. . . - .i , Nashville, Tenn. ;.(; BRUCE, faction & Commission filereasnt, , Corner Cedax and dterrr Un ,: , - I - NasliviUe, TeazL T? ESPECTFULLY solicits consignments ef Merchaa--L- V dise of all classes. Satisfaction given to consign- ees and purchasers as nearly as possible. Consignees of goods to this market wili find my auction Booms well fitted np, and the goods will be sold without delay and the money paid over forthwith. N. B. No goods bought or sold on my own account Charges reasonable and liberal advances made on eoa aignmenta, . , v ... . uar26 Bakery ind Confectionery fojil tt-.- ir.i pi5esn; X ; part j; ta: v4 eg a th tr i'. 5.3 or liie prmMeV' pc'si. a3 ttfsf f v r . 'Tt csctii - e.jr.M t 765 PACKAGES. 1861. Spring; Goods. 1SG1. FOR SALEIBY ' . DOUGLAS & GO., Dealers at Wholesale IN T ! DRY GrOO'DS; BOOTS, SHOES, HATS, BONNETS, CIaOTDTNG, UMBRELLAS, and VARIETIES. NO. 53 PUBLIC SQUARE, Nashville, Tenn. YEnow offer to the trade the most desirable stock SPRING GUODS weaver had for sale. We are selling quite as low as tiu Kaprf designs, styles and quality can be purchased, snif we make liberal discount for prompt payment. We utviia the particular attention of buyers to this vxtbusiv-- i and elegant assortment of SPRING GOODS. DOUGLAS & CO. ma17- - 2m !!i II II linn: at.. We M CATaIm G. W. FALL A. ( B.: MONTGOMERY, Special Partner ff CALL & FALL, 4 Wholesale and Retail DEALER IN 3 xn'--;y- : . EDGE-TOO- LS, Plows, Bakes, Cultivators, AND BUILDING HARDWARE KIRKMAN & ELLIS' OLD STAND 34. Public Square, NASHVILLE, TENN.' TTAVTNG added to our already large stock of HARD lln ARE and CUTLERY, a flue assortment of VIKAf QUALITY RETAIL. GOODS. Embracing FINE TABLE AND POCKT.KIVES, EDGE TOOLS, BUILDING HARDWARE, FARMERS, CARPENTERS, COOPERS, SMITHS, and MACHINISTS' Tools, Impllments. &c Ac. We respectfully solicit a call from our friends, for mer patrons of "M'Caix & Co." and the public gen erally. . M'CAIaIa A FAIaIa, Kirkman & Ellis' Old Stand, 34 PUBLIC SQT7ABZ Nashvilic. i t21-d- U DISSOLUTION OF COPARTNERSHIP. THE Copartnership heretofore existiDg between SPRINGER and J. F. HAUGH, under the style of O. SPRINGE K & CO , has been this day dis- solved by mutual consent. Ottma - rxMoss being tbe only one authorized to collect debts due to the old firm, and all those indebted will please call and settle immediately. The business will hereafter be contin- ued by Messrs. W. SPRINGER & BRO. , Siirinft-e- r acting as Agent. eao marl4 lm W. SPRINGER & BRO. MARKEJ STREEI, SEAS IHE SQ0AE& FOREIGN AN D DOMESTIC WHOLESALE AND RETAIL . DEALERS IN Drugs and Medicine. Chemicals, Paints, Dyes, Dry Salts, AcidB, Oils. Var noshes, Spices, Patent Medicines, Instruments, Per fuinerys and other articles for Druggists and Country Merchants. , We have rast received a Urge stock of Garden Seeds we invite you to examine our stock before pnrchaa ingeisOTrhere. - ... cipringer's Celebrated German Puaoh Essence used by all aiioona. Try it. jan-6- m Saiquid Blue THIS article, designed for Blueing Clothes, differs all other preparations hitherto in use Be ta entirely soluble in water, all danger ol R treating goMis is obviated, and being Lme of acid or alkali, the mwt delicate fabric may remain for any lengtb. oL tire in the solution without sustaining iniury -- Uanulactured and sold by W. SPRINGER BRO., . '!. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ' , ; . . Market street, near square, - Sashville, leitts. cii00 Drngglst and Grocers ij the fdoe lOcta. per bottle. ; . Jan25-3- m T RAINS, BROWN & CO., BRCCGISTS AND PBESCRIPTIOXISTS, .' t No. 19 Public Square, OppoelUtothellarketHonja, f' Nashville, : : Tennessee. THE common belief that ranch of the uncertainty Medical Practice arises from the bad quality of Medical substancea. see ma to acquirer ail y confirma- tion. Through fa illy preparation and commercial competition ,niany preparations formerly rerarded as of primary Importance are g.aduaUy going out of nse, while others produce effects and cause accidenu that do not properly belong to them as described in tbe Pihajinacopea. New remedies, as sngeaied and ofler-e- d for trial are often found so imperfect, and varying? ao much in chemical character and strength that they are either condemned or received upon false premise?' both equally at variance with the proper progress! therapeut.es; whilst most practitioners daily feel that the Materia Medica is not rich enough either to loa its old remedies, or to aacrtflo opportunities of ng new ones, a proper appreciation of these facta warrant tbe Subecrtbura in manufacturing and Tending none but First Claaa Standard Preparations with direct reference to the neeeesitiea of the profes? ion and the requirements or the PharmacopeoV our Chemicals, Powders, Tinctures, Essential Oils, and in fact all of our Medicinal Preparations arc eeUwted and compounded with a view to the quality only, with- out regard to price. In Perfumery, Variety Goods Patent Nostrums, Ac , we eodewr to please an taatea. RAINS. BROWN & m Pharmaceutists and Apotheoar lea, " marSO-- tf " Nashville, Tenneaaea. ' ", if, " n t v C '& ' 1 by r lit. . T .j; r!-:'-" 1 It ? J t t. - . i? .. , - lot T i W. 'J to wmw WHOLESALE ONLY IRBF MORGAN & i ll. thA "a. - i Are now rece; he are OT.8 for STOCK OF are SPRING- - GOOD .Consisting of a large and varied assortment o EAVY STAPLES, . SUCH AS, PRISTS, DOJ1ES TICS, LA WINS, JACONETS, jn.vrs, , FLANNELS, PANT STUFFS, Varieties Generally, &c, &c And in short comprising such variety of assortment, and in such quantities as justify us fully in saying that in HEAVT, DESIRABLE, STAPLE ANDi Medium Cost Dry Goods ne liave never olfei ed a" SUPERIOR STOCK. We will sell them to our old Friends sotf Customers on the usual Terms; ; " AND, TO CASH BUYERS We will offer snei Wr 'I l.l Commandtheir Trtip. IRBY MORG A & CO. feb22 dtwaw2m STOVE AND HOLLOW WARE FOUNDRY. (Brood Street, beyond S. dt C. BaUroad.) Nashville, Tennessee. THE undersigned has purchased the above Foundry Mr H. P. Dorr is, and is prepared to fill all or- ders for STOVES, HOIXOW WARE and other CAST- INGS, at the shortest notice, and at prices which will make it an. object for dealors to patronize bim. His work will not only be executed in the best and most substantial manner, but cheaper than the same arti- cles can be bought abroad and imported, or cianuiao-ture- d here. He respectfully solicits orders. ; aprft tf - . J. LPYELL. A GENUINE NOVELTY. TOE PAPER NECB TIE. Manufactured entirely of Paper. Patent applied far. rriHE merit of this Tie consists not only In its close X resemblance either to silk or cotton fabrics, but also in the ease with which it may be adjusted, and lU exceeding cheapness. The prices are such that A NEW NECK TIE ' MJST BE WORN EVERT DAT, And the wearer not be charged with Improvidence In his expenses for neck dress. Buy them and try them. CONE B OS., Agents, marU-t- f. ' , ; .. 84 Union street MITCHELL'S SILVER OIL, . . For the Sewing HaeMne. ' ' : Price 25 cent& per Bottle npHra is a very Superior Article, and is prepared ' a wiui a great oeaioteara and experience, expressly for the Sewing Machine.. CONE BROS., Agents, marl5--tf . 84 Union street. HOWE SEWING MACHINES, " Al Greatly Bedticed Prices. THESE Machines gather and sew on the Band at tbe time; Bew every variety of fabric, and are undoubtedly the best and aim p4est Machines in the marxew . VOX a BBOS., Ageata. - . marLS tf : : . 84 Union street. 1 MACHINE SILK, A full assortment, at 25 cents per Spool. - ,. V COX BROS., Agents, , asarle-- tf - ' : 84 Uniot street. V - , MALL'POX! FRESH and Reliable Vaccina Matter for Bale by . WM. J. SMITH. rift dtf.. i. . Cot. Cbnrch and Vine Streets CASH SYSTEM. O N and. after January 1st, 1861, ocr bnsiaeas wU EXCLUSIVELY CASH. We knenr that bv Dursnmr this course, we anaQ be able to aoil Goods much cheaper, thereby making it the interest or the buyer to give ua their patronaga. 8NTOEB k FREOUL, Jaal , V- - . 't i. H Pabliesquara.. AS en t '2 H - X,f A: J.iOitiiMA 1 I " y . I W A JAMAS flDRa It.' JXV7-Ae- 4'cwca. M ritoTfi.. 11 ' i sii stT.ry nertt!ua. Wt-- 1 ec:3it . a. w rLtm potteries. FEMALE COLLEGE LOTTERY! OF GEORGIA. CHARTERED BY THE STATE IN 185. W Ct Dawson & Co., Managers, MACON, OR SAVANNAH, GA IOV ElA"S4lllli3alli t Policy Plan Lottery II By this scheme purchasers can select their own Numbers, and pay any amount for a ticket they may . . Extra Class 2, Draws 0ct,3, I860. And on everv auooeedimr dav Sundav excepted) at& O'clock, P. M. . Kg- - la this Scheme, tbera ara TS Nnmnem pci m VTIinr.1 1 lip u n .nil twelve of these Numbers are drawn from the Whuel. If a person se lects one Number out of tbe T5, and that Number is among tbe Numbers drawn, ne gets nve times the amount invested. If two selected numbers are drawn, gets thirty for one; if three selected Numbers drawn, be gets two hundred for one ; if (our se- lected Numbers are drawn, he guts a thousand for ; tf fire 9eletd Numbers are drawK, nve tlKmwind one : if six selected Numbers are drawn ; fifteen tbou&una to one. bxmkkbss, if two, er more, selected Numbers are taken, and ail those Numbers so selected not drawn among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, the Ticket is a Blank. Our Havana Plan Lotteries Draw Four (4) Times a Month. And are the most liberal of any Scheme ever offered. For particulars, address, W. C. DAWSON ot CO., Managers, Oct 81. Macon, and Savannah, Ga. 3 3 a a 03 09 c3 S I o o J3 un o O 0 as bO c t--i CQ a & H O s o E JS O o eg 2 e o H CQ a) a .2 O o a 13 02 a as o a Q o 3 r- -i 9 O a o Q c is 88 to O o o CO C3 3? 25 oo o a Ss to CD rf2 a g 0 2 " T3 S - S3 CD O to a H-- s a 33 . o . a a 9 Great Premium Attractions. o Irrins's Life of Washington AND THE Eclectic Magazine for 1861 Gsokgb P. Pttstam, Esq., the Publisher oflRVTNG'S Lit E or in nve large vols., tne price of which is from $7 to $90 per set, according to the binding, has prepared a new and beautiful edition of this great National Work, in One Splendid Fefcuncof 821 pages, in double columns, in clear and readable type, with a full Appendix and copious Index, superb- ly Illustrated with Twkstt rich a4 eostly Engraving ..... - - - on steel. Tbe Work is unabridged and complete as in the edi- tion of 6 volumes. 1. We offer this splendid book as a Prkxius, as fol- lows : 2. We will give one copy of this valuable edition of Washington Irving's most important work, to any person, or any three persons, who will separately or unitedly send us the names of three new Subscribers to the Ecutcno, with the pay, in advance, for one year $5 each. 5. This is a rare chance, and an easy mode of obtain- ing one ef the most valuable histories in our language. 4. Any minister or person can thus obtain a rich ac- cession to his own private library. 6. Any three persons, in every village in the land, can thus enjoy the instructions of this great book of American History, by uniting to obtain the work, and 8 baring in its ownership. 6. Competent testimony of high literary authority has pronounced Irving's Life of Washington a leading work of the age in tbe department of history. 7. We have made the necessary arrangements with the Publisher for a supply of this work for premiums. 8. The work will be promptly sent by express, pre paid , to all convenient distances.. In other cases, tbe work will be deposited in the principal cities South and West, with an order for its delivery. 9. Intelligent men in every common lty will by glad to Jhave tbis work within reach of their sous and daughters. 10. The attention of Postmasters is especially invi- ted and their solicited. 11. The offer, and the easy manner of obtaining the work, in connection with the Ecuonc, is unsurpassed. The works are both ready. P. S. -- A 890 set of this work was sent to the rooms of the Prince of Wal s at Boston. GREAT PUEMIUM P0RTEIAT. 1. A new and surpassingly eertiful and accurate portrait of tbe Hon. EDWARD E iRETT, engraved by John Sartain, is just publish d. It is exactly twenty times larger than tbe h portrait ef Mr. Ever- ett, published in the EcLncnc It is the largest and the finest half-lengt- h portrait ever engraved in this country. Price 12-- - 2. We will send, postage paid, a copy of this very beautiful portrait to each new subscriber to the Eo- - zone, who pays 85 in advance. PREMIUM PARLOR ENGRAVINGS. We renew the offer of a choice of these Parlor En- gravings T he Return from Market, and Filial A fee turn which already embellish so many parlors in all parts of the land. A copy of either, postage paid, will be sent to each new subscriber to tne tcutenc who oavs one vear in advance. 4. if vide spread commendations of the Ecucnc, by the Press, in ail parts of the land, that it is tbe best magazine published and the most richly embellished. then now is the time to subscribe, and obtain both the work and a valuable premiun besides. TERMS. Th? EcLxcno is isstied on the first of every month. tv.h irambrr contains 14 large octavo pages, oa fine .Milr atiLr.liftd- - in rreen covers, with one or more beauiuul Steel Portraits, by Sartain. The twelve nUmOerS COWprUMS luiw fviiujjca,vi ww Mgn cm.u, with titles, indexes, and embeilishmeca. Price FIVE DOLLARS. The postage u only three cents a number, prepaid at the office of delivery. The Jan uary number for 60 cents ; any other for 42 cents sent in postage- - stamps. W U.ULUVVtlA., oov2U-- tr ISO. a BOWK man oiree, Jew- - j ora. PHONOGRAPHY. MR. DOLBEAR 11(7 ILL teach anew class in tns naeful Art, from T IT to 9 at night, in Kirkman's Buildings, on Sum mer street. New Pupils will be received in the class during the present week. Tbe class will be taught by the use of such . panoramic illustra tions as will lessen m, .,. the . labor of tee learner one half. Arf-- J i The present slow and eumc awne J 1 style of writing suited the age ot flat-boa- t mua mole cart travelling; bat tne age of steamboat ana rauroaas requires tne Pen not to wasse even-eighth- s of the time of the wri ter. Tbe people of Nashville have paid dearly fur being crossly deceived in regard to tbe atility of tbia art, and the ease with which it can be learned, hot for which detention the dudiIs of tbe Public scnoois misnt have bad its advantages free of expense, instead of having tbe Schools the theater of private speculation, under the sanction or "lue ptMe-me- B oi education." 43r Mr. D. gives lessons in. mnangr.ip as usual. mar20-- tf - . . . r DR. HERMAN, DENTIST. oa Cherry street, opposite to where they are buiidmg the new noiei. . ieuii noa. BBABF. j- NASHVILLE PLOW WOKSS, ri ATTNG rebuilt oar establishment, aad furnished XI u throughout with Uie latest and most approved facilitiea for manufacturing Plows, etc, we are now prepprea to nu araars lor au bbpusuhxiw w w uw, manufactured from the beet acuity of mste-ia- L aad in the beat style of weekmanahiv- - With our long ex- perience in tbe basiness, and superior facilities for j.i .u w fchtolr m. nurutv a hnlTnr u. UCIO Ulan w u. toi il null iwmiiiCT...n.yiM w wants of the Southern Planter and Farmer, and at less prices than a similar quality of work can be pur. Ahuad in the North - ' . ' Orders from BMrchaats filled at a liberal dieaoant from card prices bund your addreaa, and get oar Circular. . . &HAEP 4t HAMILTON. &oc29 dawta' - A. HEDIRICH TTA3 ON HAND a stmplr of LiaiBg Leather for the XX xnanuiactnra w . - j , .JVw, - ft . ,U 9t 1., RATES OF ADVERTISING t j (tkv ma oa ijcss to ooawmta a sc?af a i.' ." One Square 1 day $1 00 each add)tonait.en5a W- - a week, s uu eacu aaoiuouu a,tntrf " , " l moothe oo " c: ; : s 2 a 00 " v ' - - " "3 " 12 00 " .. " S " IS 00 " . " : "'. "12 " 240 " '"- - 18 ''' BZXXWASLB AT rUASTKL- - - .v I One square, one year, $J0 each addition! nqukr I i.0 1 n riLioa notice must oe eiven to tane art auc advertisements of yearly advertisers betr tbe year? expires, oinerwise we shall charge till aoiuc ' Ao contract of yearly advertisements wh: oe c cac-- ; tinaed without previous notice to us. sop ai charge be made for less than one year ai this jrariy. rales. W Adrertisers exceeding tne space toa- - tracted for will be charged tor tao exeav. ? punTifiRiPHif! tmm TTAEE pleasure in announcing to my c id aa-- J that after an absmco uf t j V have again returned to resume the pi t.tk of tW PHOTOGRAPHIC ART in al' ts brancher. Lavtat cbased the interest of my rother in the w-- i mui tint- ed Gallery in Union street, rod havin. susbl months m New York tbe past Summer t i otK! :U:y all the late improvements in tbe art. I ive pan renovated and enlarged tbe suite ol Room '.;.r(,bea,t . That my facilities are now betu to (iuaot tust-cla- ss work than most Galleries can boar t ot, and con- duce to tbe comfort ot our patrons. I tr :l nut to suetam tne proud position tne Gallery caus fflt fore sustained, but to elevate it o a still t. r br ard. I have also engaged the services of Mr. CX ( 'X , one of the best Photographers in the wor! 1, who for tbe 1'ictures wbich ebtaiued the first prem-eB- i a. world s rair in lxindon, m lbol, and 1 ai:i ..".eMirica.r3 not only to make this the leading Gallery n the tat, but my work shall not be surpassed Nor.t or Souiii, and now introduce to the public the fc'::9 tes styles : Imperial raolhgrapn, India lnkft - Vigenette, plain or colored, Ivory types, " Pastel Portal Pictures, life sire, Photographs on Canvass, life size, Visiting Cards, full length plain. Autograph Photographs, 16 taken at one .UtBg. Stereoscopes, on glass or paper, I Btill continue to make the Melainotrp sad. Aaa- - brotype as heretofore. The above styl -- tirely X e a:i rt-!- h new in this city, except tbe Au Card , ' when but one made at a sitting. Vll who in wattc-- anything in my line are politely invited giv. my a call before visiting elsewhere, when Iu . ? prove by occular demonstration the above fact. Keapoctfully. F. . ' OCt20-- tf tt.D.C.11. A Thousand Babies Mauud. . CHILDREN of any age can now have t:.eir pu.rJ as we have built a Re- - in. .v ', for their use. Groups of Children also uf.au a !mt-tto- n of a second, in clear weather. Moi ! -- .v nod now have the trouble to take them toaG .:i- - ry a r!izen times, and at last put np with acarici .ere', if they ' will but go at once to febl8-- tf HUGHES' PREMIUM JiUnY. Southern Trunk Manufactory. i f- - . waBajaaaafBaBaai'r -- i FASSETT & CROSEBIAIT, V NO. 61 MARKET STREET. NA3HVTLIX. TNNZ.l Manmaetnrers and wholesale im Kd&is ' SKALS8S IX AIX EQIIM Of LADIES' AXD CEXTS' TRAVEtb TEUMS. BONNET BOXES. ' Vaiises, Carpet Bags, JLc, Jwc, to call tbe attention of all tl !a of DESIRE in our line, (wholesale or m sr amine our stock before purchasing el u wa are confident that we can sell as low as .a;.- - i vr hc in the city. Oar stock is all of our on n tana actor and is madeol.be beet materials an 1 y 3n:-- ti workmen. All murt admit the wisdom Vrny work made at home, in jireference to buying Ui&i usd e--v the East expressly fur Jobbing. . weespecialiy mvite tbe attention c! i&t '.aca le nr ; - TATEXT TRUM FOS LADIES. J It baa compartments for Bonnets, E reaves. ltsJKjist Brushes, and a water-proo- f compartm.'it :"! ; oajas Oils, sic ? All kinds of Trunks made to order novered or rfl, paired, at short notice. Give us a otl..i. il Market street, two doors South of tbe Square. jun23-dl- y . ASaETT t ciMjas-MaN- .' DR. JOIUV W. MOIJTON, Bei ence; Cor. Co ege and Wa.'--kj rur Ateu9 (rOKKKHLTLDm 8TREBy, t. . ! " OFFICE NO. 63 NORTH CHERRY STREET. , Jan27-- tf .. . ' . ; Shelton's Marble TTorks! Church street, next door to Cornelius Cabinet abop !VasliTilIe,Teiin. c. ' rilHE undersigned would inform hia A and the public generally that he - i' eeii- - tinue the MARBLE BUSINESii in this c.ty, at bis shop, next door to CornelicE's- - Cabinet Bhop, on Church street, and calls atu r jt o tj theatockor larbl Moanmente, Totaba. etc. 3 Which has on exhibition and forAe. en:,rarh-- great variety, finished in the most cairt' 3rMia- -r ': He is prepared to maooiacture on tne jnna a Marble Mantles; and every descri t; w uT Marb'a WorK. oi tne nnest American ana ua .tr ?...rt u work will, as heretofore, be waranted. aud uw to suit the times. M L. iiHKLIt X. ian tf . NOTICE! 4 have this day sold our entire '.ntrret in tie , WEBook, Stationery and PerK-iic- 3.-ne- e. No. 6 Union street to Mr. John T. Hnpuii autf iott 0 W. Green, who will continue the bui-- 4 at tf e st place, under the style of Green A Co. 'j On retiring from the book besineeg. "S-- wm sincere thanks for the liberal peiruD?-- ti, hv-- ns, and take pleasure m reoommendag .r nxxt-- : ; as young men of experience in the busings, an4 ? - thy in every way the connoence or in pjf - - octft--tf ." JOHN 0, TF.EANOIi. J Important to. Honse-ficepcr- s. E. il. DURK13E & tO.'S 1 1 SELECT SPICE SI Guaranteed not only . . :"n-';- " " ABSOLUTELY AND PERFECTLY PUEZ, bat ground from fresh Spices, selected tad dean av 'i axpreasiy tor ue purpose, vmrnn rreec .; cost- - They are beautifully packed to-b- i.m with paper J to prevent injury by kwi'i-- t an4 an- - ft 5 r weight, whue the ordinary Spices are a. aut invar tj, ? f abort. We warrant them in point ot sw-jcg-it .d tt riebneaa of flarorj -- 1 . l ; BEYOND AIX OOMPARISJfN, 3 as a tingle trial will abundantly prow. Manufactnred only by a. H OL'TS k CO., feblS-dawtf 1S1 Pearltre New Vk. A War of Extermiuatiiiu - TTTTLt. be waged by ihe iiaderalB ?;::.rn A V V competita in the- -' TOBACCO AXB i tenifttiedtoletntf"- - ' . CASH CUST OilEL,?, 0o without the Goods aprl9-- tf . - r r t , . NORTH JtAEKET ST THK andesigaed begs leave to mfor a a - nab Iks that he haa ctai oa i f.nW.n. vehicles of all kind, and a buggy and saddle boraea, tne t'-- genu oa COURTING EXPEDITIONS, i moaatva of Young Amenta and 1 gweetbearv. What man living, of any sort il j would be content to snail it behind when be kaowa that aa ANIMAL Or r 1 4 . . IS ll . - ! i a - rH

IKS inr. t NOMtf wmw potteries. - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 18. · Banner, of Dee. 3ut: " ' Mr. Editor Havrn BiJ'iCted for some months past, as isktows ""5 acquaintances,

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Page 1: IKS inr. t NOMtf wmw potteries. - Library of Congress · 2017. 12. 18. · Banner, of Dee. 3ut: " ' Mr. Editor Havrn BiJ'iCted for some months past, as isktows ""5 acquaintances,


- ' A

7 I





Ml ir



r fie.

i tit


$8 B

bonSaf, ;'ie;"ii of were gi


per anaum,... ....... ........6 iKiy.priHMa, 3

Weotly fur two fan, or two Weeklies ilb cae year. In alvazice,. 8 IOa Daily, or Weekiy to bedis-s-u

, pud m xlrkace at Um time subscribed far),hact toer most order, otherwise it Till be coaim--k

Mr option, cUU paid for sod stopped. IfId, it most be paid at Uj9 time of 4Ucooiiance,

r opuua If toe party is good, it will be sent,ieid.nuances by mail, in "registered'' itUers, at ocr

Press PrintiM Concern! ,


" I

,S. CA3IP & CO., Proprietors,' ' So. 16 Beaderick Street,

U PvOiiktd Daily, 3H Weekly and Weekly.

X8- - Daily .......... per annam.$A per -- - --m.

Weekly $3 per 'Patriot is u taraebt, active and '. rfatigable

rter of tbe Coostitntvjnal Union cause, and in thekit canvass fcr the Presidency will use every bon--

efiort to primote the election of Bau. and Evkh-- lTo enable u to labor with increased effickucy

kik our party friends to aid ns in extending its cir-Uo- o.

tbe porcluse of tbe printing establishment of the1, and recent additions of new materials from tbeuies, tbe J m Orncs of the Patriot has been madeargest and !JEtcomplete in the South-Wes- t. It issupplied with tbe most competent workmen,b has bees ajijlied to our presses, which are oteet kinds. Wk are prepared to print, in the high- -

fyle of the Ml, plain, in colors, or bronze,



UILROA. OKK., STEAMBOAT WORK,RAX TICE3S, DIPL01IAS,indeed evrything from the smallest Tip to the

'b toete, or the least Pamphlet to the largest

V---e circ'aiion of the Patriot, greatly augmen- -.

- addicn tt?reto of tba snbdcnption lists ofQ ndera . an excellent advertisinf medium,

b-i- r in ts city.f solic wd.rs, at our offlcc, Xo. la DaT a--f



FOliTIIC SPRLG 1S6I.on' Ve are wtdi ing a full assortment of




--7ftr; Ladies, Misses cntl CLilJ


jJijl-s-e areJPring ai low prireB a



- Brogans.0 Brorss, Douhlo and Single Sole, Kip andon Leai:erikMts. Afresh supply cbeup fo

JOHN KAMAGE,4f 42 College street.

igit Lux ct. Lux Fuitt&L OIL LAMPS

. - ' . . i i r ri Ail

Among which are some very handsome'kirii, all ntled with tbe Collins burner

Ust improvement and is immeasurablytv other L&mD now before the public forw.n.a of name, freedom from smoke,onslruction, beauty and elegance In hn- -

and economv. Cue Lamp wui eive tne allitiiea and does not cost as much as one.mrvirtad to burn in the Latupe is a

:.i KnkJe. free from any odensive odor.s spot- when spilt upon carpet or cloth

jot expiode , . -

V k RetoU Druggiaia, No. 19 Public Squr

COAL OILi13 COAL OIL. superior article, Just re

f and for sale low by . ,

1 - ? afig xiurning xj.uj.cl,

. 3 OIL, Sperm Oil, Lara ou, coai uu, u- -

r u, or gaie mss, EROWK & C0.3

C al Oil Lamps.fittedf hi uunDS.oi various biyico,

' , . hrated Collins Burner, lor saie nySi2 '1 i BALV3, BKOWN & CO.

GREGORY & CO.,; i. ft


,i u K & FULLER'Sit V.

of J,S. 1 1 f1 81J 1 il il U .1 ij .V.iifWl4 .. 'orders must be addressel.

SUndaxd Patent ModinesTariwr:-e- t Cream. Cocoanutv

aT" candy.

iiPOT,fir V.1, Pjposite Sewancc House,

ffirkvilie, Term.fi

.oberto 'skv: l

W' "S u'Z'Vf.vadT to famish parties, privaie orjrtest notice. Every kind of Bread,iih eonstauUy on hand, and any extortnottce.

fUv Trunks!!??eBest Sole Leather




4ved and far sale, cheap for CASH.

JOHN EAL&GE,S Conege Street.




l?y&TUtY Cents a Bottle,,

& .s" w mm?t8

7. rCfff. V. I

. Ann.

Containing IVtylPuU

p. ' j s are Ljgh'y recommended by the princl- ilt?of Europe and Aaaenca.

lite trade and others aulicited, and reli- -

t .Vcea on iiavuig poncioai aitenuuB iruui

it t .ntw.irp. Snlf lrnt. "

?A , 4J Cedar ?treet, V

'rltbt ' ' NEW YORK

,f.-- t I?i -- .1 r--; a i

'jw- -

i - -

NASHVILLEElectric Water Cure.rT,HE undersigned haa taken tbe large House on the

--a. mm iu souui nasnvme, at the bead of Frontstreet, known as the Rutledge property, where be bad

m Riuuruwig nome lor invalids, and pro--urn7 uKua lur uieir restoration to health.Patients from tbe coontry and strangers taken sick intbe city can find gentle nursin and uwowuiii morii.

cal attendance. Car treatment , in Chrante niwnjuasconsists of Water Electricity, and the moat effectivemedicine and HomeepaUiy in ai! AcnVe and FebrileDiseases, and in ail cases ar cbr.s wiU be mode- -

The institution is located re a flai l of IT acres,"J fine shade trees w.J fct joonds for exxr-af- L.

onvleeokU. F,m tne beuse, we have thepreBpcti 7ylS 't? the city, Cumberland river,tteertTl,COIB flradin y other part

Diseases, andConsumption,

cases treat--ven np asf the rest

,ti benefitted.receive into

T ihw msi diseases.f oot will attesj . - ..i UtS. family prae- -

t-- MMrietl w - aL (rBij,VKLTf M. d.Office Col jaade B:- - No- - 5 Cherry Street.

Office hour frow ? 'r ''t A- - M., and from 1to o'clock F M. . e C'P1 Sunday-- At allother times I As be 4 t ! lecu"k! Water Cure

' 'as above.Though we ar. opi, ik Wng certificates to

lupposed to be Inshow that w can mcurable, we wiil if 18n t: following letter of aweil-know- n citwen ia of the RepublicanBanner, of Dee. 3ut : " '

Mr. Editor Havrn BiJ'iCted for some monthspast, as isktows ""5 acquaintances, .withan attat-- of parser abd Lh--r u& received a benetttrso deckled from t'jf eSoclrical baths, given meby Dr. WeetarveK vs thought it due to those simi-arl- y

situated with viir to r 'ake this publication,i was decidedly cl when I began to use thebaths, but toe bt- - wived irom them has been soDositive thfi t,.-!- bi-.- mistaking the cause.I am now able u ris teg and my arms, whichwere entire.' beipntoet, if not quite, as well asever. ?

I know t iis Boi-- c --J" tiii-- e to the benefit of Dr.W., at least wnh t ' bo place confidence in myword, but to me i- - is of much greater inpor- -tance that toy touit. know where tbey-ca- n

be relieved from ate of helplessness I was in ashort time since. JOHN AD A US.

BEFFJIFS'nsM o Broi iway. W. Freeman, R.Freeman, Jcbm vtj f M M. Bryant, Felix G. Mc-

Kay, Cap. Blscj ia ef c- - Cooper, John Adams,(of firm of Adams s ),and others too numerousto mention; who appreciate my services.

, P. A. WELTER VELT.N. B. Letters from ltu", asking further In-

formation, enoiosU-- e a aie stamp, and .addressedtot. A. Wpi-.-- i. vs.. Masbvi'le. Tenn., will bepromptly answer 'J Janl8-3- m

Ewripe&ajjtit ai Institute!

No. w Brea.iRif.abo e 4th Street,

rTIHE necessity iir it X. public of the UnitedJ-- Slates a rati xuti cad arc rj ensive treatment in

an maetaa oi a enmt, .fjcniHf or a secrei cuarac-te- r,

has inloced Ir. ? avveral years knownthis :ity as the most stMsmr-practitione- r in that

class of ailectkms) to extend bis sojourn in New Yorkfor anc.ber year.

He nay therefore be consulted af his convenient lo-

cation, "704 BROADWAY," and will continue to keephaid bis own and Dr. Ricord s preparations, such as

Flor del Ucayali, ($2 per bottle) against Seminallosses and Debility from excesses or self-abus-e, thebest remedy known in Europe.

HU Preventive against Infection, $1 per bottle.R.cord's celebrated Pills, against Venereal Diseases,

one box sufficient to cure any case, $2 per box.His Gonorrhoea Remedy cures that disagreeable

in 2 few days, f'J.Best French Male Safes imported by himself at $3

per dozen.All bis Flench and Spanish Remedies for AffectionsLadies will be sent with a circular containing se-

crets ef importance, known to a few French Physiciansm!t. - . - -

at bis msiitete thrre ars e'tt room nrov1!l forthe reception of lacvos an J -n loa, go that the

utdar the neeenity of DOtilying tbe publictbstAe has aot. tiie aiightest ouauecixm with his oldoJScu,- - at 612 Hroadway. and uiVan iiupoM.r is copy-Sc- g

b advertisements. '- -veroaiiy - -To Doewr new place is 704 Broadway, above

Fourth street, and nearly opposite Ibe New York Ho-

tel, where he can be consulted in English, German,Italian, French or Spanish.

Letters should be addressed' to Box 3576, P. O-- , NewYork. july24-dtw- ly

Oat of tLt most popular and benevolent

Institutions is

DOCTOR MESECK'SMedical Dispensary


iXasnville, HCenn.THE Doctor himself is an old Parctit'oner, from the

and tms country, being already 15 years inAmerica, having manfully and honorably surmountep

the trials of the new world, and battled and con-quor-

death of the whole range of diseases of oar dif-ferent climates, South and North, so that tbe Came ofhis success in the treatment of general and privatediseases is indisputable for which he has the most re-liable rjferenoee. . -

Special attention pail to diseases of Females andChildren, and much gratification he feels, in general,by beirg entrusted with desperate cases, for to illus-trate he skill. He is conversant with the American,French and German Languages, and always ready totender his advice and services with politeness, consci-entoogne- ss

and discretion.Persons at a distance may have his advice and med-

icines by consulting bim through letters, inclosing afee, to Post-offic- e Box No. 33d.

His family Residence is on North Market street.Jun?13-- tf

The Unprecedented SuccessWhirh has of Jate attended the nse of

MEDICATED SOAPus to call the attention of all those afflictedr'DfCES to it It is being tested daily with the

most beneficial effects It is the only preparation thatcan be relied on for a permanent and speedy cure. Ifyou nre aiflicted try it at once, and be careful to use noother medicine in connection with It It is compoundedunder the supervision of L. N. SWEET who will returnthe rtoney if no cure proceeds from its use.

0iC For sale at Demovule's end Degrove's, and byothtV Druggists. junelft-- tf


H&ve Just Received anotherIt of those Imported Prin--




J. W. LANG LEY.ms t24



.V- SO. 49 WALNm streei, '

Cincinnati, Ohio.OFFE3 for sale In lots

10OJ Barrels Flour, superfine to extra family7(- - Bushels Clover Seed;0 " Timothy

8X-- . ; " Herds Grass;000 . V ft, , Stripped and Clean Blue Grass Seed;

looo ;bot Western Reserve, English Dairy andNatratt wase;

Lara 4 Linseed Oils, Bacon, Grain, Candles, Soap,Cordt Urooms, Backets, Tube, Ac

We ave ample (acuities and give prompt attentionto the purcnaae of Merchnndise required by tbe South-ern trade, and to tbe sale of Cotton, Pig and BloomIron, Ixled Fruit, and Pradace generally. .

From VTSCHER, OWEN ft CO., General Advertising, .Jouse, Appleton Building, 240 Bjoadway


XJG11T ! L1G HT ! ! "LIGHT ! !

DIETZ & CO. -aujrcrcrcBna or nmoTD

- tne, Camphene, Flaid, and Cil ind; 1 GAS FIXTURES,

... 1. IS VAJOOCS BTTUS jja vcnsH, ' -

U A 1 VD li L 1 U IV S,V ; - iiADI TO OaDKB C


No, 2 WUllam Street near Fnltun, New York.'

feba-fc- ji -

II. U. UATTNllS fc CC..tow " . . i..r .

Agrkoltoral and Seed Store,



We hare on hand and are constantly supplied withthe most approved - . - ,.


Mannfacnred. Also a complete assortment of

Pure and Selected Seeds.

Machines and Implements.PORTABLE STEAM ENGINES,








. ' --














ARMSTRONG & CO.dec29 tf





Wholesale and WetailPEALER3 IN





P.UDE, Prepared and Refined,





Exclusively at Wholesale

eagle mill "cotton yarn jcotton rope, .

osnaburgs antd sheettngs,"cotton.plaids and stripes

We refer by permission toGEN. G. P. (SMITH, President Bank of Tennessee.JOHS A. FISHER, Cashier Bank of Tennessee.Also to the following Wholesale Merchants in this

city :Mkssrs. MORRI-- 5 & STRATTON,


TERMS CASHMarchl-l- y


Eire Insurance Company.APITAL $150,000 ALL PAID IN.

North-Wes- t. Corner or the Public Square,OFFICE risks against loss or damage by fire onDwelling and other Houses. Goods in Store, &c.

Also, Marine and River hazard to and from all ports


Bisks on Negroes against the Dangers of

the River. :



JOSEPH VATJLX, PresidenLA. W. BUTLER, Secretary. 2octS

De Forest, Armstrong & Co.,DRY GOODS MERCHANTS,

75, 77, 79, 81, 83 and 85 Duane St., N. T.WOULD notify the Trade that they are opening

in new and beautiful patterns,

The "Wamsutta Prints,ALSO

. The Amoskeag,A New Print, which excels every Print in the Countryfor perfection of execution and design, in full MadderColors. Our Prints are cheaper than any in the marketand meeting with extensive sale. ,

promptly attended to.nov2-deew- ly . ' - ,

Ttotice to MtoclLhttlders.a meeting of the Board of Directors of tbe Ten-

nesseeAT and Alaba ua Railroad Company, at theiroffice in Franklin, on tbe 2d day of April, 1861, a callon the unpaid subscriptions to the capital stock of the'Company, was ordered to be paid to the Treasurer athis office in Franklin, as follows, to--wit: -

Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Mondayin June, 186L,

Id dollars per share, to be paid on the first Mondayin July. 1861. - '- Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first MondayIn August.1861.

Two dollars per share ; to be paid on the first Mondayin September, 1861.

- Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Mod dayin October, 1861.

Two dollars per share, to be paid on the first Mondayin November, 1861. K. H- BRADLEY, Sec'y.

April 10 2m '

Premium Harness.r23M!

C. L. HO WERT (m 5"

No'b. 9 and 10 Public Squaw , Nashville,

Harness Manufacturer.COACH and Buggy Harness ofevery style and quality

on hand and masuiactured to or-der. Also. Buggy Collars, Kip and Hog Skin CollarsBridles, Halters, aud all other articles made by Har-ness Manufacturers all ot the best material and thefinest workmanship, all of which will be sold as cheap,as can be bought anywhere in the United etatea.

To C. L, HOWERTON'S Harness has been awardedthe Highest Premium at the Tencessee Stale Fair. the.Kentucky State Fair at Bowling Green, at the Lime-stone Cooaty Fair, Alabama ; Agricultural Society atAthens, to. , v novlS-- U.

Till ..tin1

rt-- r7'? iC S Cairr7- f.,-4:-


0i.., f : " ' -

joyful Sews!The Ory i3 "StiU They Come.

WHAT?Why beautiful goods, that will cause a great talk.As our old friend, M. Powers,, has just returned from

And 19 receiving at his Store, Southeast corner of thiA rich Spring and Summer Stock, which ho'U sell veiflair, , . . - 7

Embracing clothing, and every article in thefurnishbgline, j

Which in beauty and durabilityire so "truly divin M

He has coats and pants of almost every style fudshade. . ,

Most fashionably cut, and very neatly pressed todmade; .

And as for handsome vesta he'll sell yon one n aflash ... ;

For the very least possible share of your cash.Nor forgetting old line Whigs and Democrats,For whom he keeps a varietr of suitable bats,Tbe fiuest caps ail ianciessure to please , 'Both cloth and silk, and new style Japanese; '

Handsome shuts, and splendid ora vats and oallB, frr'8o to M. Powers don't neglect to bring ywrktitst--For with myriads we would now dispute. : ,Wno dare say bis garments fail to suit; --

Those most neat and fastidious in taste, " "

Who eft in badly made clothes their mon, '

But strange to say. for the v'-- ,Yon fel iiip.lin4id to emend AtlBVfl itmn.UariWr;UU OW(jjllU iCfy TOJl if, rll, v , JThat will compel yon for months to wiw.ioani circ. 'And to crtuht our word , iust give bim a call."(juick sate aud small prolits" is his motto-lon- g

traced, .So to M . Powers' Store for bargains make haste.

apr3 2m

Cross Vies WantedNashville and North-wester- n Railroad Com.THE wish U contract for 40.000 CEDAR CROSS

TIES, 0 feet long, I inches thick, well hewn, te face atnarrowest place noi less than 8 inches clear of bark ;timber to be sound ;to be delivered at the grade lineof the road in Nashville.

The contractors wait to contract for 30.000 WHITEor POST-OA- TIES of Uie same size as the above, to bedelivered on the line ot the road in piles from section14 to section 24, enough a each section to supply thesame.

Persons wishing to bid ill direct to the Presidentand Directors of the Nash v lie and North-wester- n Rail-road Company, Nashville, 1 nnessee.

juiyzi-- u.

S EVE Jiy i R S !

The seven years of unrivalled stcoess attending the

"Cosmopolitan Art Association, 99

have made it a household word throughout every quar-ter of the Country.

Under the auspices of this popular Lwtitction. overthree hundred thousand home have learned to appreciate by beautiful works of art on thir walls, andchoice literature on their tables, the great benefits derived Irom Decerning a suoscriDer.

Subscriptions are now being received ins ratiowith that ef any previous year.

Terms of Subscription,.'Any person can become a member by subsjr-'bin-

three doUart. for which sum they will receive "v.-

lst. The large and superb steel ongraving, lisZSinches, entitled, .


2d. One copy, one year, of that elegantly illufiUft.ieilxnafrazine,

"THE COSMOPOirrAN Ail JOXTEKAI."8d. Four admissions, during the seauon , to the

"Gallery of Paintings, 543 Braadway, S. VIn addition to the above benefits, there will be givei

to subscribers, as gratuitous premiums, over

Fire Hundred Beautiful Works ofArt.

comprising valuable paintings, marbles, parians, ,

Ate., forming a truly national benefit.Thk Sctebb Exgravixq, which jvery subscriber ail!

receive, entitled, "Falstaff Mcsterinq hb RBCRcrns,"is one of the most beautiful and popular engraversever issued in this country. It is done on steel, in filine and tiiple, and is printed on heavy plate pa wr,30 by 38 inches, making a most choice ornament, suit-able for the walls ot either the library, parlor or oflice.Its subject is the celebrated scene of Sir John FalstafTTiTT" lust ice tsballow's office, the recruitswhich have been gathered for the "ragged regiment."It could not be furnished by the trade for less than

country to need commendatiua. i u a ru&gTLn:nt:yillustrated magazine of Art,oontainingEaays. Stb-ie- t,

itiems. Gossip, Ax., by the very best, writers "in

jneiica. - S.'The Engraving is sent to any part af the country

by mail, with safety, being packed in a cylinder, post-age prepaid.

iubsciptions will be received until the evening ofth-- - 31st of January, 1861, at which time the bookswillclose and the premiums be given to subscribers.

N. person is restricted to a single subscription.Thoe remitting $15, are entitled to five membershipsand to one extra Engraving for their trouble.

Subscriptions from Calilornia, the Canadas, and allForeign Countries, must be $3 60 instead of $3, in or-der extra postage, etc.

For Turiher particulars d for a copy of the ele-gantly illustrated Art Journal, pronounced the hands-omest ,againe in America. It contains a Catalogueof Premiums, and numerous superb engravings. Reg-ular pri', 60 cents per number. Sptsciincn copies,howeve-- , will be sent to those wishing to subscribe, oreceipt of 18 cents, in stamps or com. Address

C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A..novl7---f 646 Broadway, New-Yor- k

800TT tlOSS, Secretary rt Nashville, Tenn,


133 Nassau St., next door to the Nassau Bank, 17. Y.,is the Agent for the Nashvills Patriot, and tire bestcirculating Journals in the United Stales, Canatas andWest Indies.

He is authorired to receive advertisements or us atour published rates.

BRADY'!Publishing House

NEW BOOKS.- cts.

CAN0NBURY H9USE. by G. W. M. Reynolds, price 66ADA ARUNDEL, " " " " 60OLIVIA, or tbe Maid of Honor, " " 60CHARLEY FOX'S Ethiopian Song Book. 13GEORGE CHRISTY'S Joke Book, No. 2.. 13THE PATRIOT CRUISKR, by Sylvanus Cobb, Jr.... 26THE MANIAC'S SECRET, " ....25THE MAID OF THE RANCHE, by Dr J. H. Robinson. 26

Sent free of postage on receipt of rrice.FREDERIC A. BRADY,

No. It6 Nassau street, New Yerk.Agents wanted. aug3-- tf w

FOR REST FOR 1S61.THE Store Room on College Street, occupied Aum fa

Messrs. Gould k Fraeman as a Furni f.i.s ature Establishment. litgyfl

Possession given 1st January, 1861. ' Applyto - nov2--tf MICHAEL VAUGHN

TWO FRONT ROOJIS FOR RMTON Church street, between Market ant Front streets,

the privilege of yard attached. Handsomelysituated for a small family . Apply on the premises. mar9-- tf

EXCLUSIVELY FOR (ASM.I HAVE determined tat the future to do an

Exclusively Cash Business.And take this way to : oForm the public, so 1 sball notbe under the disrgreewble necessity of

REFUSING- - CREDITTo any one. In ju&iice to myself and patrons, Imakethis announcement, knowing from experience that!can make it advantageous to all parties I shall continue tesel m . 'Present Stock at Coit until farther Sotife,And respectfully mvite all to call and look lor them-selves before buying. All persons in debt tu me,Nicholson Humphrey, or L C Nicholson & Co., mustcome forward uid settle, for the times demand all mento be prompt. - .


. David Ilutuphrey.I&n2--tf


Howe Sewing: Machine Olllce,' - . Kemoved to34 UNION STREET.

First Floor, recently occupied by J. C. Harvey & Co.In calling the attention of our numerous patrons

auu um puuuc m our removal to more accessible quarters, we deem it unnecessary to refer to tbe merits ofth Howe Machine, as their good qualities are already

household words."A full stock of Bilk, Spool Cotton, and Machine Find

ings always en nana. ; . was BROS., Agents,il " 34 Union Street, "JanlT-- tf - '. .

.- .i , Nashville, Tenn.

;.(; BRUCE,faction & Commission filereasnt,

, Corner Cedax and dterrr Un ,: , -

I - NasliviUe, TeazLT? ESPECTFULLY solicits consignments ef Merchaa--L- V

dise of all classes. Satisfaction given to consign-ees and purchasers as nearly as possible. Consigneesof goods to this market wili find my auction Booms wellfitted np, and the goods will be sold without delay andthe money paid over forthwith.

N. B. No goods bought or sold on my own accountCharges reasonable and liberal advances made on eoaaignmenta, . , v ... . uar26

Bakery ind Confectionery fojil

tt-.- ir.i pi5esn;X ; part j; ta: v4 eg a th tr i'.

5.3 or liie prmMeV'pc'si. a3 ttfsf f v

r . 'Tt csctii -e.jr.M


1861. Spring; Goods. 1SG1.



Dealers at Wholesale













Nashville, Tenn.YEnow offer to the trade the most desirable stock

SPRING GUODSweaver had for sale. We are selling quite as low astiu Kaprf designs, styles and quality can be purchased,snif we make liberal discount for prompt payment.We utviia the particular attention of buyers to thisvxtbusiv-- i and elegant assortment of SPRING GOODS.

DOUGLAS & CO.ma17- - 2m

!!i II II linn:at.. We M CATaIm G. W. FALLA. ( B.: MONTGOMERY, Special Partner

ffCALL & FALL,4 Wholesale and Retail


3 xn'--;y- :.


Plows, Bakes, Cultivators,AND


34. Public Square,NASHVILLE, TENN.'

TTAVTNG added to our already large stock of HARDlln ARE and CUTLERY, a flue assortment of VIKAfQUALITY





MACHINISTS' Tools, Impllments. &c Ac.We respectfully solicit a call from our friends, for

mer patrons of "M'Caix & Co." and the public generally. .

M'CAIaIa A FAIaIa,Kirkman & Ellis' Old Stand,


Nashvilic. it21-d- U


THE Copartnership heretofore existiDg betweenSPRINGER and J. F. HAUGH, under thestyle of O. SPRINGE K & CO , has been this day dis-

solved by mutual consent. Ottma - rxMoss being tbeonly one authorized to collect debts due to the oldfirm, and all those indebted will please call and settleimmediately. The business will hereafter be contin-ued by Messrs. W. SPRINGER & BRO. , Siirinft-e- racting as Agent. eao marl4 lm




Drugs and Medicine.Chemicals, Paints, Dyes, Dry Salts, AcidB, Oils. Varnoshes, Spices, Patent Medicines, Instruments, Perfuinerys and other articles for Druggists and CountryMerchants. ,

We have rast received a Urge stock of Garden Seedswe invite you to examine our stock before pnrchaaingeisOTrhere. - ...

cipringer's Celebrated German Puaoh Essence usedby all aiioona. Try it. jan-6- m

Saiquid BlueTHIS article, designed for Blueing Clothes, differsall other preparations hitherto in use Beta entirely soluble in water, all danger ol R treatinggoMis is obviated, and being Lme of acid or alkali, themwt delicate fabric may remain for any lengtb. oLtire in the solution without sustaining iniury --

Uanulactured and sold byW. SPRINGER BRO., .

'!. Wholesale and Retail Druggists, ', ; . . Market street, near square, -

Sashville, leitts.cii00 Drngglst and Grocers ij the

fdoe lOcta. per bottle. ; . Jan25-3- m



OppoelUtothellarketHonja,f' Nashville, : : Tennessee.THE common belief that ranch of the uncertainty

Medical Practice arises from the bad quality ofMedical substancea. see ma to acquirer ail y confirma-tion. Through fa illy preparation and commercialcompetition ,niany preparations formerly rerarded as ofprimary Importance are g.aduaUy going out of nse,while others produce effects and cause accidenu thatdo not properly belong to them as described in tbePihajinacopea. New remedies, as sngeaied and ofler-e- dfor trial are often found so imperfect, and varying?ao much in chemical character and strength that theyare either condemned or received upon false premise?'both equally at variance with the proper progress!therapeut.es; whilst most practitioners daily feel thatthe Materia Medica is not rich enough either to loaits old remedies, or to aacrtflo opportunities of ng

new ones, a proper appreciation of thesefacta warrant tbe Subecrtbura in manufacturing andTending none but First Claaa Standard Preparationswith direct reference to the neeeesitiea of the profes?ion and the requirements or the PharmacopeoV our

Chemicals, Powders, Tinctures, Essential Oils, andin fact all of our Medicinal Preparations arc eeUwtedand compounded with a view to the quality only, with-out regard to price. In Perfumery, Variety GoodsPatent Nostrums, Ac , we eodewr to please an taatea.RAINS. BROWN & m

Pharmaceutists and Apotheoar lea, "marSO-- tf " Nashville, Tenneaaea. '

", if, "n t vC '&

' 1 by r lit. . T

.j; r!-:'-" 1 It ? J t t.- .


, - lot T i W. 'J to




thA"a. - i

Are now rece;heare





.Consisting of a large and varied assortment o






jn.vrs,, FLANNELS,


Varieties Generally, &c, &c

And in short comprising such variety of assortment,and in such quantities as justify us fully

in saying that in



Medium Cost Dry Goods neliave never olfei ed a"


We will sell them to our old Friends sotf

Customers on the usual Terms; ;



We will offer snei Wr 'I l.l

Commandtheir Trtip.

IRBY MORG A & CO.feb22 dtwaw2m


(Brood Street, beyond S. dt C. BaUroad.)

Nashville, Tennessee.THE undersigned has purchased the above Foundry

Mr H. P. Dorr is, and is prepared to fill all or-ders for STOVES, HOIXOW WARE and other CAST-INGS, at the shortest notice, and at prices which willmake it an. object for dealors to patronize bim. Hiswork will not only be executed in the best and mostsubstantial manner, but cheaper than the same arti-cles can be bought abroad and imported, or cianuiao-ture- d

here. He respectfully solicits orders.; aprft tf - . J. LPYELL.


TOE PAPER NECB TIE.Manufactured entirely of Paper. Patent applied far.rriHE merit of this Tie consists not only In its closeX resemblance either to silk or cotton fabrics, but

also in the ease with which it may be adjusted, and lUexceeding cheapness. The prices are such that


And the wearer not be charged with Improvidence Inhis expenses for neck dress. Buy them and try them.

CONE B OS., Agents,marU-t- f. ' , ; .. 84 Union street

MITCHELL'S SILVER OIL,. . For the Sewing HaeMne. '

': Price 25 cent& per Bottle

npHra is a very Superior Article, and is prepared' a wiui a great oeaioteara and experience, expresslyfor the Sewing Machine.. CONE BROS., Agents,

marl5--tf . 84 Union street.


Al Greatly Bedticed Prices.THESE Machines gather and sew on the Band at tbe

time; Bew every variety of fabric, and areundoubtedly the best and aim p4est Machines in the

marxew . VOX a BBOS., Ageata. -

. marLS tf : : . 84 Union street.

1 MACHINE SILK,A full assortment, at 25 cents per Spool. -

,. V COX BROS., Agents, ,

asarle-- tf- ' : 84 Uniot street.

V - , MALL'POX!FRESH and Reliable Vaccina Matter for Bale by .

WM. J. SMITH.rift dtf.. i. . Cot. Cbnrch and Vine Streets

CASH SYSTEM.ON and. after January 1st, 1861, ocr bnsiaeas wU

EXCLUSIVELY CASH.We knenr that bv Dursnmr this course, we anaQ be

able to aoil Goods much cheaper, thereby making it theinterest or the buyer to give ua their patronaga.

8NTOEB k FREOUL,Jaal , V- - . 't i. H Pabliesquara..

AS en t '2H - X,fA:

J.iOitiiMA 1 I " y. I W A JAMAS flDRa It.' JXV7-Ae- 4'cwca.

M ritoTfi.. 11 ' i sii stT.ry nertt!ua. Wt-- 1ec:3it . a. w rLtm



CHARTERED BY THE STATE IN 185.W Ct Dawson & Co., Managers,


IOV ElA"S4lllli3alli tPolicy Plan Lottery II

By this scheme purchasers can select their ownNumbers, and pay any amount for a ticket they may


. Extra Class 2, Draws 0ct,3, I860.And on everv auooeedimr dav Sundav excepted) at&

O'clock, P. M. .

Kg-- la this Scheme, tbera ara TS Nnmnem pci mVTIinr.1 1 lip u n .nil twelve of these

Numbers are drawn from the Whuel. If a person selects one Number out of tbe T5, and that Number isamong tbe Numbers drawn, ne gets nve times theamount invested. If two selected numbers are drawn,

gets thirty for one; if three selected Numbersdrawn, be gets two hundred for one ; if (our se-

lected Numbers are drawn, he guts a thousand for; tf fire 9eletd Numbers are drawK, nve tlKmwindone : if six selected Numbers are drawn ; fifteen

tbou&una to one. bxmkkbss, if two, er more, selectedNumbers are taken, and ail those Numbers so selected

not drawn among the Twelve Drawn Numbers, theTicket is a Blank.

Our Havana Plan LotteriesDraw Four (4) Times a Month.

And are the most liberal of any Scheme ever offered.For particulars, address,

W. C. DAWSON ot CO., Managers,Oct 81. Macon, and Savannah, Ga.

3 3a a03

09 c3 S Ioo J3

un o O0as bO ct--i CQa &H O so E JS O oeg 2 e o H CQ

a)a .2 O o a

13 02 aaso aQ o 3 r--i

9O a oQ

c is 88to Oo o


3? 25 oo

o aSs to CD

rf2 a g

0 2 "

T3 S - S3CD O toa

H-- s a33.o

. a a9

Great Premium Attractions.o

Irrins's Life of WashingtonAND THE

Eclectic Magazine for 1861Gsokgb P. Pttstam, Esq., the Publisher oflRVTNG'S

Lit E or in nve large vols., tne priceof which is from $7 to $90 per set, according to thebinding, has prepared a new and beautiful edition ofthis great National Work, in One Splendid Fefcuncof821 pages, in double columns, in clear and readabletype, with a full Appendix and copious Index, superb-ly Illustrated with Twkstt rich a4 eostly Engraving..... - - -on steel.

Tbe Work is unabridged and complete as in the edi-tion of 6 volumes.

1. We offer this splendid book as a Prkxius, as fol-lows :

2. We will give one copy of this valuable edition ofWashington Irving's most important work, to anyperson, or any three persons, who will separately orunitedly send us the names of three new Subscribersto the Ecutcno, with the pay, in advance, for oneyear $5 each.

5. This is a rare chance, and an easy mode ofobtain-ing one ef the most valuable histories in our language.

4. Any minister or person can thus obtain a rich ac-cession to his own private library.

6. Any three persons, in every village in the land,can thus enjoy the instructions of this great book ofAmerican History, by uniting to obtain the work, and8 baring in its ownership.

6. Competent testimony of high literary authorityhas pronounced Irving's Life of Washington a leadingwork of the age in tbe department of history.

7. We have made the necessary arrangements withthe Publisher for a supply of this work for premiums.

8. The work will be promptly sent by express, prepaid , to all convenient distances.. In other cases, tbework will be deposited in the principal cities South andWest, with an order for its delivery.

9. Intelligent men in every common lty will by gladto Jhave tbis work within reach of their sous anddaughters.

10. The attention of Postmasters is especially invi-ted and their solicited.

11. The offer, and the easy manner of obtaining thework, in connection with the Ecuonc, is unsurpassed.The works are both ready.

P. S. --A 890 set of this work was sent to the roomsof the Prince of Wal s at Boston.

GREAT PUEMIUM P0RTEIAT.1. A new and surpassingly eertiful and accurate

portrait of tbe Hon. EDWARD E iRETT, engraved byJohn Sartain, is just publish d. It is exactly twentytimes larger than tbe h portrait ef Mr. Ever-ett, published in the EcLncnc It is the largest andthe finest half-lengt- h portrait ever engraved in thiscountry. Price 12-- -

2. We will send, postage paid, a copy of this verybeautiful portrait to each new subscriber to the Eo--zone, who pays 85 in advance.


We renew the offer of a choice of these Parlor En-

gravings T he Return from Market, and Filial A feeturn which already embellish so many parlors in allparts of the land. A copy of either, postage paid,will be sent to each new subscriber to tne tcutencwho oavs one vear in advance.

4. if vide spread commendations of the Ecucnc,by the Press, in ail parts of the land, that it is tbe bestmagazine published and the most richly embellished.then now is the time to subscribe, and obtain both thework and a valuable premiun besides.

TERMS.Th? EcLxcno is isstied on the first of every month.

tv.h irambrr contains 14 large octavo pages, oa fine.Milr atiLr.liftd- - in rreen covers, with one or

more beauiuul Steel Portraits, by Sartain. The twelvenUmOerS COWprUMS luiw fviiujjca,vi ww Mgn cm.u,with titles, indexes, and embeilishmeca. Price FIVEDOLLARS. The postage u only three cents a number,prepaid at the office of delivery. The January numberfor 60 cents ; any other for 42 cents sent in postage- -stamps. W U.ULUVVtlA.,

oov2U-- tr ISO. a BOWK man oiree, Jew- - j ora.


11(7 ILL teach anew class in tns naeful Art, from T

IT to 9 at night, in Kirkman's Buildings, on Summer street. New Pupils will be received in the classduring the present week. Tbe class will be taught bythe use of such . panoramic illustrations as will lessen m, .,. the . labor of teelearner one half. Arf-- J i The present slowand eumc awne J 1 style of writingsuited the age ot flat-boa- t mua mole cart travelling;bat tne age of steamboat ana rauroaas requires tnePen not to wasse even-eighth- s of the time of the writer. Tbe people of Nashville have paid dearly furbeing crossly deceived in regard to tbe atility of tbiaart, and the ease with which it can be learned, hot forwhich detention the dudiIs of tbe Public scnoois misnthave bad its advantages free of expense, instead ofhaving tbe Schools the theater of private speculation,under the sanction or "lue ptMe-me- B oi education."

43r Mr. D. gives lessons in. mnangr.ip as usual.mar20-- tf - . . . r


oa Cherry street, opposite to where theyare buiidmg the new noiei. . ieuii

noa. BBABF. j-

NASHVILLE PLOW WOKSS,ri ATTNG rebuilt oar establishment, aad furnishedXI u throughout with Uie latest and most approvedfacilitiea for manufacturing Plows, etc, we are nowprepprea to nu araars lor au bbpusuhxiw w w uw,manufactured from the beet acuity of mste-ia- L aadin the beat style of weekmanahiv- - With our long ex-

perience in tbe basiness, and superior facilities forj.i .u w fchtolr m. nurutv a hnlTnr u.UCIO Ulan w u. toi il null iwmiiiCT...n.yiM wwants of the Southern Planter and Farmer, and atless prices than a similar quality of work can be pur.Ahuad in the North - ' . '

Orders from BMrchaats filled at a liberal dieaoantfrom card prices bund your addreaa, and get oarCircular. . . &HAEP 4t HAMILTON.

&oc29 dawta' -

A. HEDIRICHTTA3 ON HAND a stmplr of LiaiBg Leather for theXX xnanuiactnra w .

- j ,

.JVw, - ft.,U 9t1.,


(tkv ma oa ijcss to ooawmta a sc?af a i.' ."

One Square 1 day $1 00 each add)tonait.en5a W- -

a week, s uu eacu aaoiuouu a,tntrf " ,

" l moothe oo " c: ; : s2 a 00 " v

' - -

" "3 " 12 00" .. " S " IS 00 " . " :

"'. "12 " 240 " '"-- 18

''' BZXXWASLB AT rUASTKL- - - .v IOne square, one year, $J0 each addition! nqukr I i.0 1

n riLioa notice must oe eiven to tane art aucadvertisements of yearly advertisers betr tbe year?expires, oinerwise we shall charge till aoiuc '

Ao contract of yearly advertisements wh: oe c cac-- ;tinaed without previous notice to us. sop aicharge be made for less than one year ai this jrariy.rales.W Adrertisers exceeding tne space toa- -

tracted for will be charged tor tao exeav. ?

punTifiRiPHif! tmm

TTAEE pleasure in announcing to my c id aa-- J

that after an absmco uf t j Vhave again returned to resume the pi t.tk of tWPHOTOGRAPHIC ART in al' ts brancher. Lavtatcbased the interest of my rother in the w-- i mui tint-ed Gallery in Union street, rod havin. susblmonths m New York tbe past Summer t i otK! :U:yall the late improvements in tbe art. I ive panrenovated and enlarged tbe suite ol Room '.;.r(,bea,t .That my facilities are now betu to (iuaot tust-cla- ss

work than most Galleries can boar t ot, and con-duce to tbe comfort ot our patrons. I tr :l nutto suetam tne proud position tne Gallery caus ffltfore sustained, but to elevate it o a still t. rbrard. I have also engaged the services of Mr. CX ( 'X ,one of the best Photographers in the wor! 1, who fortbe 1'ictures wbich ebtaiued the first prem-eB- i a.world s rair in lxindon, m lbol, and 1 ai:i ..".eMirica.r3not only to make this the leading Gallery n the tat,but my work shall not be surpassed Nor.t or Souiii,and now introduce to the public the fc'::9 tesstyles :

Imperial raolhgrapn, India lnkft -

Vigenette, plain or colored,Ivory types, "Pastel Portal Pictures, life sire,Photographs on Canvass, life size,Visiting Cards, full length plain.Autograph Photographs, 16 taken at one .UtBg.Stereoscopes, on glass or paper,I Btill continue to make the Melainotrp sad. Aaa- -

brotype as heretofore. The above styl --

tirelyX e a:i rt-!- h

new in this city, except tbe Au Card , '

when but one made at a sitting. Vll who in wattc--anything in my line are politely invited giv. my acall before visiting elsewhere, when I u . ? prove byoccular demonstration the above fact.

Keapoctfully. F. .'

OCt20-- tf tt.D.C.11.

A Thousand Babies Mauud. .

CHILDREN of any age can now have t:.eir pu.rJas we have built a Re-- in..v ',

for their use. Groups of Children also uf.au a !mt-tto- nof a second, in clear weather. Moi ! --.v nod

now have the trouble to take them toaG .:i- - ry a r!izentimes, and at last put np with acarici .ere', if they'will but go at once to

febl8-- tf HUGHES' PREMIUM JiUnY.

Southern Trunk Manufactory.

i f-- . waBajaaaafBaBaai'r


NO. 61 MARKET STREET. NA3HVTLIX. TNNZ.lManmaetnrers and wholesale im Kd&is




Vaiises, Carpet Bags, JLc, Jwc,to call tbe attention of all tl !a ofDESIRE in our line, (wholesale or m sr

amine our stock before purchasing el u waare confident that we can sell as low as .a;.- - i vr hcin the city. Oar stock is all of our on n tana actorand is madeol.be beet materials an 1 y 3n:-- tiworkmen. All murt admit the wisdom Vrny workmade at home, in jireference to buying Ui&i usd e--v

the East expressly fur Jobbing. .

weespecialiy mvite tbe attention c! i&t '.aca lenr ; -

TATEXT TRUM FOS LADIES. JIt baa compartments for Bonnets, E reaves. ltsJKjist

Brushes, and a water-proo- f compartm.'it :"! ; oajasOils, sic ?

All kinds of Trunks made to order novered or rfl,paired, at short notice. Give us a otl..i. il Marketstreet, two doors South of tbe Square.

jun23-dl-y . ASaETT t ciMjas-MaN- .'

DR. JOIUV W. MOIJTON,Bei ence; Cor. Co ege and Wa.'--kj rur Ateu9

(rOKKKHLTLDm 8TREBy, t. . !


Jan27-- tf .. .' . ;

Shelton's Marble TTorks!Church street, next door to Cornelius Cabinet abop

!VasliTilIe,Teiin. c. 'rilHE undersigned would inform hiaA and the public generally that he - i' eeii- -

tinue the MARBLE BUSINESii in this c.ty, atbis shop, next door to CornelicE's- - CabinetBhop, on Church street, and calls atu r jt o tjtheatockor

larbl Moanmente, Totaba. etc. 3

Which has on exhibition and forAe. en:,rarh--great variety, finished in the most cairt' 3rMia- -r ':

He is prepared to maooiacture on tne jnna a

Marble Mantles; and every descri t; w uT Marb'aWorK. oi tne nnest American ana ua .tr ?...rt uwork will, as heretofore, be waranted. aud uwto suit the times. M L. iiHKLIt X.

ian tf .

NOTICE! 4have this day sold our entire '.ntrret in tie ,WEBook, Stationery and PerK-iic- 3.-ne- e.

No. 6 Union street to Mr. John T. Hnpuii autf iott 0W. Green, who will continue the bui-- 4 at tf e stplace, under the style of Green A Co. 'j

On retiring from the book besineeg. "S-- wmsincere thanks for the liberal peiruD?-- ti, hv--

ns, and take pleasure m reoommendag .r nxxt-- : ;as young men of experience in the busings, an4 ? -thy in every way the connoence or in pjf - -

octft--tf ." JOHN 0, TF.EANOIi. J

Important to. Honse-ficepcr- s.

E. il. DURK13E & tO.'S 1 1

SELECT SPICE SIGuaranteed not only . . :"n-';- "


bat ground from fresh Spices, selected tad dean a v 'iaxpreasiy tor ue purpose, vmrnn rreec .;

cost- - They are beautifully packed to-b- i.mwith paper J to prevent injury by kwi'i--t an4 an- - ft 5 rweight, whue the ordinary Spices are a. aut invartj, ? fabort. We warrant them in point ot sw-jcg-it .d ttriebneaa of flarorj --

1 . l


as a tingle trial will abundantly prow.Manufactnred only by a. H OL'TS k CO.,feblS-dawtf 1S1 Pearltre New Vk.

A War of Extermiuatiiiu -TTTTLt. be waged by ihe iiaderalB ?;::.rn A

V V competita in the- -'


tenifttiedtoletntf"- - ' .

CASH CUSTOilEL,?,0o without the Goods

aprl9-- tf . -

r r t ,


THK andesigaed begs leave to mfor a a -

nab Iks that he haa ctai oa if.nW.n. vehicles of all kind, and abuggy and saddle boraea, tne t'--genu oa COURTING EXPEDITIONS, imoaatva of Young Amenta and 1

gweetbearv.What man living, of any sort il j

would be content to snail it behindwhen be kaowa that aa ANIMAL Or




. .




- !

i a -
