I r i ir THE SUlCrSlJin OCTOBER iyri8DOTHIRTY PAGES 15 II I RUBB wmmx Tho Oareor of a Despate and J Reckless Train Bobmr RVEBON THE ALERT FOR DEKdlVES With Ono Companion Ho Defeated Largo Posses of Men TIlE BRUTAL MURDER OF A POSTtStSTER Hit Own Description of Somo of His Adventures His Death 1 He rood tn the doorway ot a typical Mlssji- alppl srnnip ran with a Winchester rifle in his beds two Urea revolYors and a bow knito his bolt and oor his shoulders an- other bit fled with cartrldlt Ho was a tall jnuscuar tel a ht a an India Even Is was muscular A pair ot deep got plrclns grnylshbluo oyos that flashed like thso of an animal alone almost straight aDd prfectly chiselled nose a square and heavy oln a prominent lower jaw protruding way ban under his ears and a hey drooping tnoustate all Indicated that ho was a man of great detrmlnatlon and will power combined with the kekloBS daring nature of a forooloas beast Iis man was Itubo Burrow train robber mtderer and outlaw a seen by tho writer tot tho frt limo a year 60 The story otho cptur and killing of him In Tnt BUN of urda ended tho history of his career a thtmost reckless and daring tin robber In the gantry For two years part mere montlont his name has carried terror- to the hearts otthonsands of people In north and west Alablja mid caused express mes- sengers ¬ and maiciarks t ehlvor wit Irinttt 4Id j JJUBB BUIUIOW- SEls bY record for daredevil reckessness cour- age ¬ and skill In his work of bo1dti trains has not been equalltd Rub Burrow was lust 82 years t ue a tow blor his deatl In the pastthroe years he hold up and robbel ten four tr men outright wonnda prbabl a Slre tied more and whipped 100 armd mop In a oien light Ha was an oxnor lolgrnng erlfle slot and rarely a man I 800 yare or lets Ho- used tho latest imprcod Winchester rifle tortyfonr cal bro whlw will carry with ac- curacy ¬ fiOO ad or mol In a fight oven at long range io0d in firing but In variably dropped on his rjght ke and rested his loft elbow on the l this poal ton he never mscd Mother peculiarity of was that yeas he operated wit only ono cuntederat and iai his recent train robberies onlyono UstnntJoe sack on a danl reckless fellar who was tired a weeks ago wile Jackson cal m bravo and reckless aDurr holacked the a brains and latter t sbol si foot one Inch 1 his Rub fot weighed about 175 Bi shoulders were broad aq pound ad long and muscular his lp was a n Uv4a oat and was noted a ahinner from his Boyhood days I being said toat he was never beaten In a foot race or roW In a wresUlnff match XL I Hub stared his career of outlawry when only 11 years ua Ho was born Lamar conntj Alabama whore h father Alen Bur- row ¬ nw lives The old man farmed id moonsBne whiskey Rube was taueU to mao rad and wrte and ho proved an apt eohjar de- veloping ¬ when 15 Jar of age a ondess for the dim novel secured by some Das a copy of book relating some of the exppits of JesseJknes Alter reading about his train robberlel and fonts of daring he decided vo bo coo a rad agent ills frt exploit bli homt Armed with a Wlea foot em rather had given him he loll in wilt for a neighbor who was oxnjot ed t return from town with his colon oner The bor had an old piece of bag orer hi head with eyeholes cut In It When the tamer drove up Rube jumped out In tho rOd a cried Up with your hands or Ill bOlo TO I The farmer lave Babe his money ani weit on Ho had however recognized th bo> and tho next day ho wont to see old man Dlrow and gave him an account of the way Hub had held him up The old man thrashed Ilubt soundly and made him return all the mont That was in 1872 Up to that time faher says Bubo was a Rood boy Rube was ajood worker ho once told the writer He pouched and split raIs and gave me OH little rouble as any over Trod Ho lenrllsobercd a command in his lifo HOJI for his ddbut as a boy highwayman nb vas tent out to the northern part of IXI where an uncle had I Inrgu ranch Xiou te worked steadily for a time and In TSnarrled a daughter of II B wtlUnown Texan Boon uftcr Iii Aloroua marriage le iMjght a farm with mousy bo had made Md h uncle had ghen him Two children a boy a girl woroborn to the couple Un iii abet six years ago when his wife died al bi gone well with hobo Then be re turatto Alabama with his children and alter rmalnlug a tow months Wont buck to lorn iavfng his children with their grand father ijju married a second time It was an unbayjr marriage bOloler and soon toro wa IIaraUon JJn0 old boyhood ambition returned jp Thornla and Harrlln Browloys gang of train rolbfn Wr operation In noitheru UIlnl kansas Ituba and bzs brother ha rotunied to TMIW with him blast tuem utliu tall of 1880 Their llrst trip with the tuniirau into the Indlsu Jurllory Where tby WMC to rub an old indian wowun rbo I hip zzn yser a tlluro Oz Iu re yvz 4iui c iSo his iIrt wurl ci H trim or lion I JS ou ut of i It fC q I I ii r J On our lolurn tin until f J jtz li1 t ho raid A 1Ji iri i I alli 0111 z 1 fiilll J IGlt lieS kI J JfJMuHul tun juuur curs in my n j tok U o Sid hll blllvi I IU JIolIr II u mr 4U kohl ccl tI1 1 lo tzi I Ivk ig ISii lilo twa IJI Ize u 110 Sour in our cur UI wire u1i lUl I II4ln 1ft0111411u UHlrll I I 101 fle 11 1111 J ICU Iwlu luluVu I only P4im I wezi llmter tie 5411mm 1411 bull UP t i lime tthe rOII und Iu 1u 4v t UOI isJrei I 00 < uClrllllUI IlluUlb tiU rob gr I mIformzzLmj Limit luuw 11 j I 01 Iu Mil I Illk liter tby this IoIr II U 1 1 I U u Ibis 1 41 1 I > I JJJ i II Ill ILI 0 bmJJJJq UI mJUJul < i IUII I tim rut em I li4 UI nmr I 11 fhur IUIIj 111 I lw Wm later 1 11 It mmgsiu IQ- UtI < t UP Inc 11 zs 11 I 1911 aloll tlztz WI 111 IWO QQ wlU pIM bae Off tin at Gordon the met a whtl few tb others went tnr sad mln ears The ofltlwstn t with ellrs ana wars sot > en haerd They remaned In tie MiBbbprbooa for three thereafter On the Blent of the third day dar held up tho i same train again This time I waa going northward The same crew was and when tbe elltlOtr was coverwl Ibolr nviilTar sullenly end lrlr where do you went mo to stop this Just the other Idl of that Bromley ami be euro you do It1 IrUo Tho enclnrer Mopped as ordered and the wins mao quick wntkcf < 0111 tbroiiKh time rn man about As they car lecl1 the trim opeuod lira Ilttinl anl l olCn Thornton the hall Rome through his arm Thotntnn and Promlut were captured a few dss later but llube nnd Jim liuriow left the blat for their home In AlabAma Xhedeteo ties did not sugpiot Tfrs text tlm ituto appsaroi was in Deceta her 1RS7 The Bt Louts ArkAlsl and Texn train wa held at low mike I north ot TexarRana Time work wns dono principally by Rube Burrow ivsilMod by Ills brother Jim and a Wl w named llnxk They did not gsl t much In this haul but their rob- rill had beromo so fiequent that the booth Company put a corps of their own detectte and nLoiton omen on the trail of the gang The ooaso btxame to hot that Itubo and his brother returned to Alabama Jrook was captured and he poached on the Rurrow boys telllnnof the robbeiles In which they had boon Implicated nnd that they had gone to Lamar county Alabama lour rink erton men went alter them and county with Hherlft miter i lcnnin ton or Ranlccd a TKIPSO They fiSt went bum Bur- rows ¬ house lie SAW them coming and ran for the woods A number of shots followed bll but ho is raped Ant made for fathers house where was lildlnc Hardly had Pin reached thorp when the posso arrived Tho two outlaws huwevnr csini eil without being seen and commenced making tholr iiytowiira Monutomory Un the train their actions aroused suspicion and the conductor tele- graphed ¬ nhuad to the Chief of Police ot Mont- gomery ¬ that two suspicious olmrai ters sup- posed to bn Bubn and Jim Burrow were on- hts train They arrived In Uontgomory late at night I wa reining hard As they alighted In the a dozen policemen In rubber oonte that hid their ullorl1 walked upnnd the leader asked wroRolal Rube knew at once who wert Ho was well armed but Jim did not oven knife Rube therefore decided to await a bettor opportunity for escape I want to find a cheap boarding house he aldAl policemen right I will show you to one sad one Surrnundad by tho policemen the two out ¬ laws started for the police station They walked along quietly for a tow blocks When Bubo signalled to Jim and the outlaws late n break for liberty The policemen Srs llubo returned It as ho ran Ioforo they run ntardu however Jim fell wounded but run like a deer escaped Nell Broy a printer who attempted to stop him received a bullet hole In his chest Jim Burrow was sent to Arknn8a He died in tho before Inlentla Rube was not renewed that nlht lie did not leave Montgomery but wont outskirts of the town and spent tho night In a negros cabin Tho negro who sus- pected ¬ Rubes Identity sent a messenger Into the div to notify tho Chief of Police At day ¬ light the nextmorninga barge posse of police- men ¬ and men about town armed with nil kinds of weapons were on hand to either cap- ture ¬ or kill Burrow The house wax almost surrounded The negro who owned the cabin went In to Hub ann said Boss doro some white men out hero dat wants to see 70U Well they cant do 1tlnld Bubo He wont to tho dor peered out but lumped back In escape a volley of bul- lets ¬ and shot Bube returned tho lire with a revolver through a crack In the togs and tho posse hastily l sought cover Then Itube re- moved ¬ his shoes hung them over his arm and with a pistol In each band made a break- through the rear door for a swamp about two hundred yards off He shot nt the poip while running The fire was returned and just as the outlaw entered tho swamp ho recohet a lot of bird shot In the back of his police did not dare follow anti the chase was given up hobo wont to a country doctor and had the slot picked out of his nock in Rube Burrow was heard of next on the nigh of Dec Hi 1888 when the Illinois press was up at Duck LUll Miss abut a hundred and seventyflvo mUss south ¬ Ihls end 18000 was taken from the express car After Bubos escape from Montgomery he- met Joe Jackson who ha once operated with Thorntons gang in and they went into business together Their first robbery together- was at Dock Hill Tho station ts a small one In a sparsely settled part of Mississippi The train was due there at midnight A stopped Rub and Jackson jumped on to plat ¬ the express car which was next to- e lne As soon as the train was well Rub crawled on the tender covered tho engi- neer ¬ ad fireman and ordered the engineer- to come to a stop at u big nine near the track two relies from Duck Hill and which wa wellknown landmark Time train came exactly opposite the pine In an Instant Rube jumped back on the platform and tho two robbers bolted into the express carlo find the sloeny messenger rubbing his eyes and wondering at the cause of the stop Flndlnl himself covered by two rifles how¬ was wide awake in Instant and a trembling with fear Open that Iron box and be gnlcS about It Rube demanded a be of his rifle against messengers head muo The messenger hastened to obey Then he drew buck and with both hands raised above his head stood by and watched the robbers as they ran through the valuable packages selecting only those that contained paper 4 9 2 l- 1ii tc Hunts rosrnox WHEN nt SHOT TO XILL money At first the conductor and the ia- sengers thought there had been nn accident Then as If prompted by Instinct the onductor cried out In the smoker Train robbers Two voting men on a rear seat jumped up One had a Winchester iHIo tho other a reyoUor They were Chester Hughes and John Wilkin- son ¬ two us bruu and ant young telowsas ever lived Thiough tIre our they out on the platform pushing open the door of the express car Iut us llubo Burrows had ninrpd time lat anvolipo In hltt coat liuithes anti Wllkiuxon Ienellro as they rushed Into th car but quick for thor and Chester Hughes toil bauk with a his heart YIlklnson dropped his revolver wizen HughnRS body fell him and Ibe robbiri jumped from the side door of time car and HOlpd This robbery arou express company and thea nrnors of wimo of time Boutharii- HtatoH and a large reward IllrIIIIDI I7500 and Including 1 1000 Lnltod tales Ooiernmont was offered for the cap- ture ¬ of Bube Uurrow doa orailto Rube anti Jackson returned to Lomarroiinty Ala arid remained for Buoial mouths the I Ihl neighborhood know they were there but non dared to breathe It In- deed ¬ the Burrow Mmlly I is related to nearly everybody In the county mid ino t of the men In that seitlon wire Hobo friends Duieo tllea disguised as Kddlers occasionally wont Ihrmiffh tile comity Onu who wmss known to bo In search of Hube and thy sward Is vet mniszug however a little Irish delectlvo wliul IN lime mdii det of all who amelllrJ tliu outlaw did go through the county In April WJ uil umu uececded n- pudJnl uric night at old man A IP Hirroim tolling Jm Cauli llubuk I brotbiTln law a pair if IIOUMM humus Kaliiwl s Iruat iofvluablelaoiiimlloiiri < mi II howBier aM not know lit 111lr Jon Juekbou woie Iuly t 10n i lUl their unto lt hut liouio I ohli IIlal I f tow only a mlln d as imit from I 110 iu all s I bin In u p i o ol ii Ji nji land lion 0 wiiNi wos ih r llu irr buokwoodn- unliln riimle of planks initond sI ii jii noma- wjiul I In lil chiMp i the better li limed lurul riles I Sri hum und about tliiiuffot Irnlif which JluL vy vrilU jt f 1101 tlilfi her 10 IlbltlJrlb upojiud I inside miff tom stir I IIJli atiuise uj on Islet arid Ills- frltiiJs uiid shuiRs wrrt i ntlnuuljv Oi I guard amiioaily to itfu hlin tipticu II I FeuincI of uijyUmjKurlDlliuciu- nlyV IV iie stay 111ulr county lluUllur rf CIUUItlllllll1 oi brutal nud Iuvcul 11 gnmmd r II 111 c r Iss July 01 imeii year II riol to lilujiio for I buss Uard HIH ordered 1 U sent to W W Caln Jewel l Iot omC lAmar county Alubumo Two wlk late hi I Mat Jim 1 CAb tile brotherinlaw t Jewel l for I the PIU Cult WM totormid bjr ttitoaa UrlloM Orarei that th raokajr waa there but It was rtsltUredjand he could deliver only to the man to whom It was adrl Do rou know WW Cain J ratlu ter asked of Cash 01 yes Ill lak the package and aUld to proper dull Cash replied But j on must hnT an order Oravet sold Cash returned to hubs seed told him what had occurred Ml RO mrall flubs said In a lalalo- natullllt or put a bullet In that enlna after Cash had left the Lost Office a curious countryman who happened- to b prying behind the counter of the little country office looked through the mal which was In a starch box on n shelL Who W W Cn ho asked as ho ox omlncd the I dont know Graves replied but Jim Cash came hero today and wanted that Iack affo Then two or three countrymen commenced hanlllni the package It same partly undone of them ivclalnud Look hero I This Is a false The beard bar out end ai Jim Cash wore a lul beard tho cnuntiyman decided that It for ub lint row That evening some of those re I met Cash and guyed him bout the board Cash dented that It was for him and hs gao Bubo a full account ot what fled bapponoa The next morning a muscular fellow on horseback stopped ut tal Pout offlce and asked 1 there was a package for W W Cain Yea Its here replied the Postmaster iou Ill teach you how to show my packages ube sold as ho drew hla pistol and tired two fhots Into Ornvosn holy ItulO yoiivn killed mn the Postmaster gasped ns ho fell across tho counter Youre a liar Im not hobo cried the outlaw who wanted to shield his family The murderer levelled his pl tnl at the Post- masters ¬ wife who ha ru hod In and corn rolled her to hiuiii the package Rube then tippet his lint to the woman mounted his horse and disappeared mod long enough to tel tho story of tho murder Bubo m W s 1 TX P ssT Si v 1 P 4 J J A t- t 1- ic ° 4 1 I I Ill SAND MOUNTAIS HOnnOW ANT JACKSON rOS8 Burrow killed mo and Jim Cal was Lnowln to It ho said before be died The murder aroused the entire State of Ala- bama ¬ Time therttT or tho county telegraphed- to the for troops staUnl that the Burrow anl had the OIUt a state ot siege companies of wont down from tho Sheriff organized a largo posse with among them a dozen of Plnkertons host mon Tho hal met nt Vernon tho county They surrounded the houses of Jim Cash Allen Burrow lubes father and John Thomas Burrow arrested alt thw families without resistance Rut Rube had gone Tho tioops and detectives did not search very vigorously for Rube being afraid to go oil In saunds for tho country is wild anti they know that Burrow bad Irlonds who would not hesitate to lire at them from ambush Alt of llubeH family wore jailed and arraigned at a preliminary examination in I ho county Court- House Not a man had the courage to testify against them They were released after three days in jell and the soldiers wont home Through the irrost Burns mind the Pinker ton men gained smuG information of value When tbetroops had carried Burrowcrowd to jail the detectives having remained behind caught the Ilfteon > earold fon of John Thomas Burrow carried tho boy off to the wools put a rope nround hil neck and threw- it the limb of a They pulled the rope tight mini then told thoroughly fright- ened ¬ that If he didnt tell al he knew about hobo where he was what bad done Ac they would haut him Tho boy who In ¬ herited tho re bravery of the family nt first refused The detectives nulled him ofT the ground anti choked him until hi consented- to tell Ho said that lube and Joe Jackson had been at his torn month and described the heavily barricaded room In which they sopt flu also told of having over- heard ¬ Bubo and Jackson discussing the Duck Hill train robbery and of hearing his Undo Rube say ho was going to kill Postmaster Graves V Rube turned up on the night otTthe 25th of September at Buckatunna Aln when ho and Joe Jackson boarded the Mobile Qnl Ohio train halted It In the woods five out just- as they did In tho Duck 11 robbery wont the train the slightest Inter ¬ trough getting 11000 from the express com- pany ¬ and thirtyfour registered loiters from the mat car Alter leaving thoy stopped In the tho mall packages and burned the envelopes Detectives swarmed to this place but found clue On the first day of November last however the detectives again got track of the oalr of robbers and this time Rube was trapped In tho closest quarters ho had over been In Burns tracked him to tbo mountains of Blouut county Ala whlr ho anti Jackson were living In the mountain homo of an old man named Ashwortb Thorn not a railroad within twenty miles of tho place Burns went to the county seat andlnotlned bherlff Morris Summoning two mon In whose courage ho had the utmost confldencu Morris and the detec- tives ¬ went to the Asbworth farm riding up to within n hundred yards of the house and cal Ing out Hollo I Hardly bad ho uttered to word before Burrow and Jackson appeared the doorway Winchesters hand Seeing the guns of the Sheriffs party levelled at thorn they jumped back In an Instant however the robbers reappeared this time by way of the rear door Itube held lu his arms one of tbo women of the house using her as a shield to prevent the officers from firing at him Jackson walked on the other sldo Both out ¬ laws bad their gun levelled at the mon and warned thorn not to approach Tho officers were so surprised that they did not move and before they hud recnlntd their selfposneislon tho outlaws had reached the woods Burrow released the woman took a parting shut at the Bhorlff and disappeared Thu officers the fire but without elToet The Sheriff to the county scat and Aummonel a POlO The next morning a party fifty Drmollun gave chase to the outlaws Itube lead made no effott to escape and ho and Jackson were founl ussr the tceue of the fight of the previous The outlaws were roiling among a clump of tmses and roiksln the centre of mi old at tho foot of a spur of Hand Mountain Hhiirlff Morris ordered his posse to surround the clump of Iruus first a Inl way oft anti then to gradually tlo0 In win shielding himself as much ns pomlbl Burrow and JaJIOI kept behind some large rocks sad the jesse wan within two hijudrud yards of the outlaw wee the first gun timed jlube Burrow opened the light He Jumped from behind the suck took quick but dimlib iilii a bull I Into the fiirehiiiidJ of- u I rat AIII luting luriuerlUrry An uflu WitS Its runic of the 1 pur IrIOI J iIiI shot Wil tuHpMM br u volley from tb J uotse bmj lul went wide oft the wins JIOI Jaktoii IroJ anti clipped a i co Itli lbs r uar I o I he pots J is 1111 f I pltCbft UcttiiioiioinraiiliJauJ full with is 11 turouifji Men ooQIrl TliHii u llilid und it sod a mth IUMU isil suueumslon- I is iHutM I eiiiiue- IK Ihtuoitglmly desmsorsmhira- iliisermlt lIoris wits liJly IJgiah iuiI i and lie inliu ui Ill i iu lilU lilmulf l l- ol trm I for 0 tiiu j iii 11 I IsO weio ulllliu- rutbtl ii lustily IsiS hi 111411 Jlii l iisu l4r1 y tissu lur nn r limitss oiiMirtuully Itiul u- rrltl i> i J itesul l Jttuimnii sire ju iu 1 wood ut Ilsi biLe if be ui juniilu beoB the peas rlllrl I iseni Jew aulnl sled s- o14r 3 mountain uilU IorU lI i 4 = c nther their dead and wounded and lift the secure recruits and 1 totter weapons Two ot their men Wr dead a third was rerr badly wounded ad two others Might wounds a HlmrliT Morris went to the nearett telearaph statioi sod wired thiS now of the battle on Hand Mountain Itlrmlncham axking tha tiloodhounda and Winchester lines ne him Stonen Un the following Bnndny score detectlxen came uti from Ulrmlnohrm with two bloodhnnnda They also brought a number of extra W Inob08ter with which lhe armed tho i IIe the party sides thedetectlvei wer two express com- pany ¬ officials Hup rlntendent Arer aud tluher And a Pot onico Inspector The party which numbered nearly 200 start- ed ¬ from the little town of Oneontn Just teforo lark I the tiPoIhormmis struck hobos trail near Hneads Mi at the bano cf the range of moun- tain ¬ tings wore oft like I flub The horsemen followed ant for a mil tlioehnss Was very exciting lbs dots a dlA tanco nheat of tho party but their lps were heAr dUtlrctly Suddenly two rlllo shots There was a yelp of agony from one of the noun and the cither run back to the party of pursuers The horsemen reined In nnd dismounted Then on trot the ran higher up time uiitnln KherltT Morris caught a glimpse ot llub and yrlled out ovo not him nOl Clop In carefully boys Como on s fo you Bubo shout- ed ¬ as ho xteppod out In plain view from be- hind a rock about 201 yards nhniU The men of tire posse rushed for trees Rube aimed and fired oaaln opening tho Hunt Tho ball struck a tee behind which otto of the del lilies stool Tho posse tired a volley In but the halls wont wide of the mark lithe and Jackson returned thin fire blteer man of the posse i wits protected by a You fellows anti learn to shoot Hobo shouted bnnterlncly He and Jackson then made their way higher up the dodging from tree to tree Good by bor ho yelled ns ho dliapponr- ed In tho woods ncav tho top tome nab bee me again The chase was stopped tot the night the HhorlfT sending back for mor assistance Burrow and Jackson wont half a mile away and took RUIIIOIlt tho cabin of an old loan named hnpconod to bo a relative of HhcrlfT Morris They there almost II sight posse for an hour k1 L- t c I Tug nalTT ON DEPKATTNO A Governor detectives spending over hoy no was returned returned fluid tbufioul ou IUThPId l uo mountain romalnet or more and then retired disappearing in tho darkness- In his flight Rube accomplished the most daringly reckless feat of isis life In dlsgulxo ho actually joined tho pose anti aided tn searching far himself Ills Identity was not discovered unt he had disappeared- With the tlnest bloodhounds tho State the chase was on Tuesday morning but tho renlwot outlaws had grown cold and the dogs could not follow The crowd hal become weary of doing noth- ing ¬ when a with a lull brnwn beard carryinl n Winchester and two pistols dashed group on a Ueetfootoil buck lucre that was covered with foam Reining in he announced I have just soon hobo Burrow nnd another fellow cross the road down below Walnut Grove Tie posse of 200 men started for Walnut Grove three miles ofT somo on horses mules and pontes a few walking nnd a dozen riding- In wagnnn During the march tho big man on the black horse was ut the head of the line for awhile nnr then at the rear or In the centre of tho listening but talking very little The man was hobo Burrow but not moro titan two men in the possewho were his Irionds and whu had joined to help protect himknew- hIm At the plnewhere it was supposed Rube had crossed dora scented something and sturtud through the woods The posse followed at gallop arid for a mile the chase wax lively The trail then turned nnd ended- at a cabin Bubo was not there The only person there was an old man who said ho lint been wnklnl through the woods Tho croud was looked for the big man on the black nnlr hut ha had gone Ruhe had soot the posse ot his tracl and limed returned to the house of one of the mountains Whoro ho had left Jackson That ended the chase In Blount county The posse disbanded and the detectives left that section to await another train robbery and start another chase not however without heavily armed assistance for none could bo found to attempt recapture Rube singlehand ¬ ed by strategy or olherwlse VI A day or two after tho battle in Sand Moun- tain ¬ the writer spent a few days In Lamar county at the homes of Rubes father nnd Jim Cash his brotherinlaw Ho bore a letter from Congressman Bankhead of Alabama who Is a native of Lamar county and who knew Allen Burrow Old man Burrow who in his younger days I Is said eooductel a moonshine still has for years Qulotyon- hlR farm In a neat little house that buit for him Although OS ear of ago ha a srralcht as nn Indian and very tall and mus- cular ¬ He talked freely about Huba and ex- 1rossed himself a proud ot his many daring achievement In train robbing am not afraid of Bubo being captured be said lbs too sharp for any of tho do teethes that have been around hero and b sides hes a powerful good rifle shot Tlio old man did not believe Bubo murdered Postmaster Graves Rube hasnt lone half the things he Is accused of he continued Every time a ptoni Is broken open or a safe robbed anywhere aiound this country lube Is accused of It Yes 1 ramomber be once when robbery Wilt committed over In another part ot the State and the papers alt said Butte Burrow did it ltub roin trains but ho dont do the other kind of stealing Are you uot afraid Bubo will be Llllod some tlmn while he Is rubblol a train e Not a bit of replied Why itubo- says Its as easy to hold URn train as it Is to rob- a hens nest Itubes boy II now U rear of and he Is a chip of old is thoroughly tamUlrwlth liii fathers record and a year ago what ho was going to do when grown ho replied Im lust utlnl to be 10 when Im gain to clt a rlflo Im 11 gobs to holt him bold up train During the visit to old man Burrows homo ho pnd Jim Caxh promised if possible to a k- Itubo to talk for publication A week later Bube was seen about twenty miles trora his homo at the house of a cousin Ho wu ox- euoillnulr nervous aOl I was continually on hit guard Th i cotiMn talked fiealy end llube verified or vonectod mutiny of isis stutoinuntn Bube la the mist rlllu shut In the world I believe builtit said I i hum this morn- ing ¬ hit n knot on a trw aI 1UU yards every time and I have len him cut a rope tied he twoep two trees B as he could see It dis- tinctly ¬ Rube hl psen l good to the old Dan and all the Hu bought tho place are now living on anti only the other day he gave the old nunWooo ie- K they are pretty well fixfil but they will ltf worth morn boforo uba ibis robbing tiolnt titan they mire now lu speaking of hlmbOlf alter lerlfylui the amount of isle l arluua train robberies Bute Durrol snldi tile detectives of robbing safe I In country ItHrel acoullle up poor farmer Now hHd U- IrUIIs und I haru kllM a fw mini because I l but I uever robbed a poor mun to my life mid Im never golii to I havu took things I needed nrouipi In HID country but no man an say thut lie wannt paid for what I wisps there Irs solute llnlo fhiliVCs around inf country steal alt lh cal Ut t lor they know It uolnictu bo laid on lull hen ow I cant hlp that tliotufi I dOl a good inHuy pad hung In guy auy I t r- roblxd u Illlju itork jn or u fsriiur lloir about he kllllngof I OIIUlhlsrOraVe at J wirfv- y I killed l 1 wa comlo t that Mositinavee- was Tjube a minute and hi face somod 10 6tlppa beoruplifluid- y0 ravl w5s kild Ucauw I he lied u fall bnrd tu VY w Tula unj toM It Jjinlsh ItorlJH II e- lrouldIIIUJ I 1 I did nauO 514 Jim Uali- UH kn wfnTio I jt 11 Now tLo M aliii im 1150 lu nn delrlll H JtvirboiJy IN I bllM bliu und ii iiiatlur wliidr I or out Smut Jim I Ju fi or esfie of iuf Ifwtty dInt i n- tioililitfjijo I with u ana dlJni know nothln- abuut i If i Mt Is all 1 us gut to say about Moos I ute kliK How did you get a bo psi ralllUrr J I W t v CIt Ud- I iL 4 Q p and looked around as ftsxguoctingsosne- us4usr I Vhr said he whinhe resumed hU spat 5 I didnt care any more roT that crowd than I would for a parcel of nchoolbnrn 1 went a little end stared quiet Just alter or I turned Jim Cash and the old man unit tutu loo e when they couMnt prove nrtthln on em I went homo one nluht nut there was no uletectitea around nUll as I didnt want to kiT I om I went right off Thin I knew them I I twtlvoi had trld John TlKimann boy they was Illn to halt hint anti ho told al about how I and stayed In a rom nt hula house and IotA ot other thlniis of sin the boy made up Anyhow left but didnt ro far andon the nleht of WI 91 just passed we held up the JlnMle anti Ohio at luchl1 Thiewhsiecriuyti on th train was lale we illdnt have no trouble end not Si flut1e In Iaklnl of his light In band Mountain Friday we were laying out In the woods not far off whemu a crowd of for or SlOt armed men cause upon us we ALLEN nonrow BUDKS PATIn know When I saw them surrounding us we wIn In a hunch of trees in a sorter low place Joe saul 1 It looks sorter like were In It RUT mingh this time Theres potts to be om klllln hero and I reckon wovo got to do it Joe didnt say a word but I knew by hIs looks be was Kolnto light lucid We laid low nail the crowd commenced to close In Then 1 looked around mind saw wo must out on tIm side noxt the mountain ISo waited a while longer and then the fun commenced Wo took good situ ivory time and who I the bost our Winchesters hnd I bellevn llrnt shot got that fellow In the bond Annorlon tho pnpershnld his name was Then I got another one on that fellow Woodward I reckon and when wo grnod tho other fellow cart broke ones armwI that crowd was puny badly rntod gut out of our cover In a hur ¬ them buckshot had hem falling pretty thick around us and noltherono of us wits ns- comlortablo in uur feelings as wo might ha > o been As wo run out Rube continued we kept up IbuoUnlt every tallow who sbowul up and wo nnd wo was In a pretty big hurry too for If them fellows was scared there aint no use In taking too many chances Then Ituho told of spending a part of Satur ¬ day at the houne of a friend lour or five miles oil On Mundar ho wont on two hounds got on our truck and they woro right pert In follow ¬ log us When tho head one got In about fifty or sixty yards of us Joe and me pulled down on her and I think we both got her The othur ono ran ofT Then down at the foot of the hilt wo saw tho crowd It looked like a whole array HO wo took a shot apli co and nulled anti I couldnt belo from > oiling at thorn as out did 1 believe I Invited them ti come and see me again for I know they couldnt got at us nn tha mountain Then wo got supper Iln night old mans house nearly In 01 the crowd I had my friends In that crowd too he sail with a smile ot satisfaction I knew them Illrmlngham follows was coming anti I knew thor had good guns nnd wasnt feared to uso em Anhow 1 didnt core nothln about tackling em VII The day following that of the Interview Rube boarded a train on the Kansas City Memphis and Birmingham Railroad attho little station of Gattman Miss Ho was accompanied by Jackson and a red bloodhound Tho men took tho rear seat of a passenger coach In order that the > might not bo surprised When tho conductor In for cause evidently sus- pected ¬ the men but ho said nothing They rode to Amory a station twenty miles distant- in Mississippi and went through tbo woods hobo was heard of and soon many times during last winter On one occasion ho board- ed ¬ a Georgia Pacific train In Alabama and rode Quito a distance He was heavily armed but interfered with nobody and nobody carol to interfere with him He had boon In Birming- ham ¬ frequently within tho past few years but bo was not recognized In fact ho would go wherever he chose without fearing arrest He was noted for taking desperate and reck- less ¬ chances In Lamar county however generally remained in hldinl knowing that if discovered by or enemies they would bring troops down on his relatives and cause trouble for them row people In Iamar county care to say anything about Rube or- an of his family The Invariable reply is lubes never dono anything to me anti Ive to say about him It Is however evident that tbo dntl of tho outlaw Is 1 relief to the entire For tho vast six months Rube had been chased by a score of detectives some In tho employ of the Southern Express Company and others after the toward of 7UO Jackson and huntS hobos cousin wore captured recently lube was chased Into Florida three months but he successfully eluded the detectives without a fight Itubes last train robbery was committed only a few weeks ago when slnulohandod te- j U j r r r i f f A THE DFATH OF THE TJIXODnOUND3 desperate outlaw hell up an express train on the Loutivilie arid Nashville Itallroad at Ilo- lunton AIBhn station about fllty miles north- east ¬ of Hn successfully robbed thu express car but of how much the express com- pany oltlclalg Sieve never told All told hn- pipbably rohbed the Southern Extress of KifiUOO and thuinmpany spent 20000 in of ¬ torts to capture him But Durrowsllor recklelnol bo would have LOln u mate as game ns In Carter anti the outlaw died with his boots on hut with the satisfac ¬ tion that bo was killed by an ordinary farmer and not by a professional detective VI r The great outlaws death aa the readers of Tug BUN already know was a dramatic onl- nilnntlon of his violent career Courage a matchless as his own punished with death a- re kltes piece ot bravado to which the robber resorted after he had freed himself from bonds- by ono of the simple tricks which hU fertile brain supplied for every emergency Ha was always reckless but his uutallni success- In outwitting every plan for capture had made him as careless as a man on whose head rested no price The reward offered for his capture was a fortune in the estimation of the people of the Alabama mountains Burrow often rotortod to disguises but when wandering about the sparsely settled re- gion ¬ eight or ton miles from Linden a week ago he wo recognized by a crossroads store- keeper ¬ untried J Carter Without Lotrllnl his suspicion Carter followed the outaw a ¬ tIe distance until iii secured the auluno of I neighbor John UcDulTy a farmer and both men determined to win the t700 ou Burrow heal Tbr took with them two Degrees and for ncu tly suoteeduil In atchiug the slot train unawares 1liny Mixed arms h could dinw his JlallllSllll I l miii vtlili ii b I unto WIPUI IuebJiiy uliibl iio I was lojgtd n I lailio that town und I Use allUre susmizod tm 10 complete Jbuzrrow aVI nlljr IUlJltM gracefully to ehlnluljllllr UP the I and the prisoner was i securely Itroli ilhU wrists Mail ftusklei hung Iruuiid To Ilk security fomplete two of isle V iUuniHi with loiuled plitiil lu use jail toitimiflhliu j durlut the nrit night Uf I TJuOt anil 1 isegr naincfi Mariuan under tiok lIsle dutv Th prisoner bud l sazctbuiJ of UHirie and only one rnvglver hUJ i ui niui n himand liken away llclisl- wituliliu noililpB lMti i < eitu aubril wliloli iso uil I tontuTurd only tolled clothIng mid- iftf ShOut iij lit 1IIIjli vtr Inmit use mousy- Mujit I wrmt I Ills I I Ii teuiu b uiqhmt psseJ Ilul111 In lii jail until ocook I jmsis ironi aap gsa 41 10 itt I ulrao that be was hungry isy to am Ire lulf ge s nothing tti1 fa iiatst Uisiliouri WflC tuM IM or MteJul UJIB ft i it marke pttnlentlr r sonic cracker In The negro utuuiDlclou4y picked up the satchel front the floor on the 01Ilth1do nt- thn room nod without It to tlio prisoner Burrow olOnrlt with flts i mnnaolea hinds fumhled t e- rOlllnt anti produrel some erftekera He munch them contentedly ant- handed some to this two They were i thrown ofT their uuanl msnl larluK dIn thiIr plnoi bftn to slat A minute prisoner handsacaln wentlnto the tatchol Tie were lhtrRwl as quick as a I flnih and bld time to Ilk a movement each guard hlmtnlr f a I ItI1 point It wasnt a question of 10Urai would hate ten foolhardy attempted to overpower a man uf furrows matchless skill with weapons The outlivv- trrnlr 01Jerrdjhe negro to unlock the hnnd- cuiTc while MeIluffy sat with uplifted balde The negro obeyii Now put tbem on that man wns the nQxt enter mind cUufTy was manacled by tIme obedIent neitro Burrows other bonds worn released nnd at hi order tho negro unlocked the Jai door ant the outlaw was tfo lad ho bi contented with gaining his would today have IOn lack lu his old haunts In time mountains as drlUutan over but evi dently hU bro had been hurt by thin manner of hit undoing nail be determined on a fool hardy act Which cost him his life Whero Is that mnn Carter who ha inr money lie demanded of this nngui Ho was told that Carter had gone to the hotel to sloen Take me to him was the command The negro led the way thiongli tn town and thor entered the mal hotel Carter was not in tho room ln wa liar occupied aid the necrn remembered be had gone to tho store of a merchant trOlahlf civ He led the way there and he pounded on the door 111 lcoplnit- man Carter called our What the nuttier f Toll him McliufTy wants him at the Jill wns Burrows whispered order and ho negro uborod Carter recognized the negros voice anti treat to the door lie found hluiiolf confronted ly the mnn he had left a prisoner a tel lu urs be ¬ fore unit a pistol WI nt his Handover m mono was the older he received Naturally Carter turned bnck Into the room in the dnrknos but Instead of the money bo seized his revolver Buirnw miut tiny < sits p eted the movement for when Carter tunu d arid fired he fred at the Bathe Instant Hath bullets took Carters complete I ly through octoutlaws WNI passing through tho bowols Carter was shot In the chest lotl mon wore denorntcly hurt but It duel to tho ilcnth Bur- row ¬ backed aiOfH tho sheet grid Carter I I towel both emptying their weapons ns rnpldlr possible liiinow turned for an instant tn put a bullet through the shoulder the nruro A moment later the ammunition nt hutS men was exhausted and at the satire In slant both tell to the ground Burrow was dead throe minutia later When thin villagers whohail boon aroused by the fuflllfue ro icbcd time street a tow minutes afterward them foiin I throe men bloedlni lu the dust Ono was domed another apparently was dying nod the third wns badly hurt The next day tho body of the dead outlaw was sent to hla aged father for burial It U bn llevod that Carter will recover The express company will pay to the four men who np turod tho outlaw the reward that hud boon offered holy TO nKAit men DIAMONDS The Latest Htjrlec In Necklace ant Orna- ment ¬ The Va orPearti The woman with tha long neck nnd long purse Is In great luck this season for neck- laces are wonderful elaborate and emulslto affairs concealing with their sparkling splen- dor ¬ any aggressiveness on the part of bony structures any scantiness of muscular tissue Thu Princess of Wales dog collar In hero in all its glory Sometimes it Is a fluted ribbon of gold filigree with diamond petalled flowers sot In its convolutions Sometimes it Is a crazy network of diamonds nod rubles set close together In Irregular rows with ruby flowers blazing from tho glittering background at unexpected Intervals It may be a simple col- lar ¬ of diamonds with a fringe of gold enunar inc diamonds In Its meshes or a single row of superb stones from which depends In front a festooning of line gold chains encrusted with tiny diamonds In the contra of which flashes a magnificent pendant Ono very handsome necklace consists of a row of gold flowers with diamond hearts from which falls a network of diamonds so deltcato and brilliant as to seem like hoar frost in the sunshine Gold necklaces with no jewels have n fringe of gold pendants which encircles thin nook or a fall of swaying flowers in gold or enamel de- pending ¬ from supple wire Tho woman with the exceptional nock wilt doubtless go to the other extreme and wear a slender gold chain almost invisible from which fulls a triage of diamonds strung nn strong Invisible wires and a blazing pendant Moro rare and costly than nil the others are the pierced diamonds nndj I earls strung alter- nately ¬ on a single string Diamonds arranged In this way must bo cut in the rose stylo arid alike on both sides The great expense la in tho drilling and the stones thus drilled are loss marketable than those undnlled Chrysanthemum and hearts nro the favorite dotlcn for vms and ear imndanu Tho dia- mond ¬ chrysanthemums with their convoluted petals set outside and in with sparkling stones are even moro effective than the stars particularly ton the hair while the onamollrd chrysanthemums are beautiful in coloring and design Double hearts either entwined or tied together with t bow at the top appear in all kinds of pins from the silver up to diamonds and pearls Another favorllo device tn jewelry Is n rib ¬ bon tied in a bow with slightly Ituted ends onnmollad or jowolled Now bangles have u single largo pearl strung on n delicate gold wire or throe or tour smaller pearls threaded in the same way Jawullod Insects mind boas appear on others of the same kind while plain gold bangles are now massive and moro suggestive of their Indian Origin than hereto ¬ fore The French style still prevails In the setting ot nil ornaments employing the Ui e of many smaller stones In the setting of large ones and combining JOWOM of mote than ouu color in the same piece Diamond set mini- ature ¬ ouually as delicate and beautiful as the old French models and set in diamond frames continue to be worn lu pendants anti brnocbe Lockets are much used those in thin heart shapes of shell gold ur small blos- soms ¬ being most admired Trotters nt 1 T JBaranm Slows BrtirxiEroitT Oct 10 There In a groat doslro hero among sporting men to secure n good en- closed ¬ track for speed contests as Bridgeport has a sufficient number of fast horses to make trotting Interesting at all seasons ol tho year Local contests aro now held at the public course In Seaside Park to which spectators are always admitted without charge None of the circuit races can bo hold hero for want of track enclosure and It la necessary to tako Bridgeport horses to Danbury Ansonln Nor walk or Now Haven wizen It la iloMred to match thorn against trotters with a record Ono of the most available locations for a trot tint track Is at the West End on the property owned by P T Barnum It In easily renohed by railroad anti In a year or two the Cedar Creek channel will be dredged out t o that ex- cursion ¬ steamers may land within two minutes Walk of the site Cot lIeU a wealthy Standard Oil Company roan Intends to take up his residence tiers In the spring He has a stablo of fast trottors David Trubee aveteruu merchant has prob- ably ¬ the tamest trotter In thu city In Eastern Boy who cano easily In 1W The lion KT G Burnbams handsome little mare has the bust record on a half ratIo track of any horse In the city and Is conitantly do- Ing bettor She aisle 2J8K In u third heat this season nt Danbury James II Luwls has in isle tables at Seaside Park a bay stallion called Nimbus with a record uf VjUAU on a halfmile track Charles F Williams one of the most Jovial of Bridge ports fast horne owperx has removed to Boston At aiumptuoui banquet tendered by his frIend ho was pruiented with a diamond set of Knights Tumplar jewels n MasonIc ring and a pot of Boston baked beans Count Do Nalnvlll IIr4 From OTTAWA Oct 4John Sutherland of the tludtons Hay Company who has just returned from the norlbirnmot waters of time Slacken Klelllver saw the French Count do Halnvlllu wile wunt into the tier North tint season with Mr Ernest but did not return with that gsa tluinuu to Manitoba The French nobleman Is still there enjorlnu blinnelf After purling with the party a pear wi hut summer he pro fMiwIed down tip > livli nrie Illiur tolls mouth ansi iiwnt the buluura of the luiiinmr season iplorlog pert ol the coast to use ciii curer yst f carefully explored and iiivrn tn all mapi with 5jQibjIt lluen siguiflug that lie conjour I II not knonii lie turDJ l i 1ort UclW sole In Ibu fall sail steal the winter them He sint on msuiiuroui hmuusultig xqunlomjs tim Its wTuUrdviipliu Iii KMurjt of the cold ami on 01 e acfiiloii imtrutil west ward almost tq this lukirn ilitilci 5 ills iiniiir by sturtail < Itt tO ZJIQIe scum of lukus runulii from Fort > lolli i>ou tu the otkn nuf Intends- uivigstinit tli Hilary of tli Macbuuil au i The stIltit tlor returnlu Hu juu ilu at rort MCI hence un AUK to when lie aud li- etnsor ortuat poll wr going on a hunliL sl trip Iue Count IsUcd to winter ber atfaln p teas hot neg a asia hut iiU itiara w IIVUIL4UO- Los = = nn Ana Ait TAIRXXO AHOVT Toe question of the rights of tenants In Sate to make a noUo pound upon the pUno MOW upon brass horns aud otherwl edl port 1510 selves I one ot those things that tires in o is p- sessoitand keeps a prominent nitre latin- versation of the people of New oik H- WOAT mmliiis Interesting perhaps t peotri mmh have o- tlirocgh this era of probation In flats t f iut that London I is lust teginninit to tpstisi o sOrtie of the difficult which hang up n out apartment hours ya1en1 Hat muotuss me- oalltd t manMons In tonJon sad Dais have been very rats American speculate e lute ho tver of late made tlie cyclone sort pip ular there wllh the result that pnmliy to teak London second only to New ork In the terror which It shows fur ndot Inc flat houses This system ol llr trig painf originally of course mom 1 rnnee hut i It wa not until New 0rk took up the French method of living thai tendon tie lleq tocoprlt An Englishman puidaofhig I Is n thine OhiO no man laces to uvatrel with hence the IfKlslnture of Great llr tnln feels cniiij upon tnVrinVldera bill for the u rula linn of flats Only one of the nmnr cases hih ham come before tho courts linn CA yet been decided And tu there i If only a Mntle ureoeient for ether courts to bale thi Ir j mug > mont on A w Id ami enthusiast nmntrur In- SIMM m upon practicIng this vloloncell i In his flat every d iy ir eight hours On Hunduts he- tisunllr took nn oxtrn whnokat It nt in to keep his elliOt limber lot the coming week Be was suet b n West End swell In an adjoin- ing ¬ list whoclo osel In court that the minion ¬ cellohurt his follims until ho was near dead Thor mmci a long array orcoiitisol on both uttts anti the Court finally decided that no man wni tuMltlrd In practicing co many hours n div In mansions The Court ox inei eij time opinion thnt throe hours n day wise quite l lag enntmli for a human lining to imv a violoncello mint this judgment ho met with the warmest approval In Ureit Britain I 4 WoBtche U r Is becoming a fenturo In the yearly programme of the town The park has flLsi Its plnex In tho affections ot Now York em to n raniknbli extent The pilgrimage to the big tinck ou the ihrst lay of or err sea sun Is not tlm inult oi n desire to see time races unit is duo 10 the anticipation of n gctieinl holiday The fro Hold arid the extraordinary n ttuctlonHOt MiinU i Inrk will eventually re built In Its being i roiuit nomutiiini in the natiiro of Lpon Downs A Derby Pay In Now lurk Is by no mount Improbable Ilsh mind poker are probably the most indo fatigable flnuoiiH nnd pruteutlous onomlos that truth has to encounter Tho eminence of- fIshh stones In t tun world of pure ant vaulting fiction hits lone leon iniltlod Hut It I eirlus- to look us though Limo reign of flab will bo dis- puted ¬ by the iinccdtll al record of poker Them nut so many will uutheulkntui stories of ext rreiril inur i lwml und enormous ts in- nings nt America uri it nmbllnc tamo that unit n realty rcniurKiibi story attrii iBnttuii lion their KOIIIB to ho im VHKU n limit to human tncenmiy ns thcro in to the poKHibla combination ol iitkor hands und tint nitrite rIses innnily in HI ry from Chicago ot- thron straight liushtH in outs game nt blch there won swven pinyor huwevur islonkod upon ns ono of luiso thing that oven poker eiithtiniasts niut rooct Mnny cunoim thlnga occur in ChlcHen Imt trlplo strnlglit hushes I In onndenl Is moro than oven bt Louis would dire to claim Tho anxiety ohlldron In Central Park to see the new baby mold the Superintendent yesterday will result lu something next to a riot If tho louis nio not thrown open before long for n private view of the suooonsor of the lamented M flinty MeGlnty never had n vory warm place In tho afTc tlons of the little pooplu of Now tork on nc ount ol his early dcnlh but their Interest in him was lively and extreme front the very moment of his birth until his until demise Ill now baby If it lives will undoubtedly bo ito sensation of the juvenile world hero for ninny weeks to coino Com- pared ¬ I with It ilttio Lord Jaunlkroy be o rank outsider I I- U Fred E Blodgett nn engraver Is the owner ot a brass pin whloli is destined to make a name for hint It is nn ovoryday pin one ot those that may bo encountered where least ex- pected ¬ i and the closest scrutiny with the naked 030 wilt reveal nothing to excite attonllon set itt timid is n wonder for out Into It Indoll cab outlines is every letter of the alphabet The IcttPis are arranged In lines that run its entire circumference and are earay cllttiu- guiehnble through nmaunlfving gloss The characters are In the form of print called Gothic by printers and end In the nbbrov nted- A There Is u space between each letter so that one can be readily picked out from tbo other As the letters correspond In size It wilt rl- li be understood that tire work entailed a keen nest of calculation rarely met with The tlmn consumed lu tho task was two hours and thirty minutes Ulodeetts object In going to this trouble was fl not merely to xntlsfy a passing whim Ho bad sorted with honor In the Second New York Harris Llcht Cavalry Custors command and not long ago It oeeurrea to him that tins Idea mlcht bo adopted with safety fur camlet cipher despatches The news of the rich mensflyeron the 11 Now York arid Long Brunch Railroad pub- lished ¬ In Wednesdays SUN has aroused the people or lied hank N J the only town which did not surlier from the Injustice di of the now economical time table It appears that thla railroad got its rIght ot f way through lint Bunk upon an ogre mime that every train tun on time rouu should stop at that nlico him rich mens flyer IH not put on tho Now York and Long lirnnch I time table but It runs over ttto road ns tar na llI Long Branch and pmses Red Bank nt fifty miles nn hour If thorn IH not present relict the company will hour from Ited Bonk A reasonnblo tompernnco movement that is spreading In the Western cities is ono which roiulrcs thou to keep aloof from bar rooms They may drink what they please at homo In j their clubs mind in rhtnunints with tnulr meals but the edict has gono forth that no gentleman wilt htnuil up to a bar and mix with trio oiheruu who ru iko thnt a practice Ibis ittf now social docmii is sild to have bud lift origin In San rraneisco the only city In the lti id whoso best Iar rooms nnpioach the socnlleu art galleries 01 this town It would seem to bo t ho duty of every yonncor j son of a rich man In Now York to go West ns soon IH ha can manage It and acquire horses Slilpplnyaloi loionud felling them IH usually looked upon ns tbo keonoHt sort of buslnoea enterprise The number of young men who are interolod in thou particular forni ol bust I I tens Is very large It would bo interesting It statistics of limit ptolIU could be publisliol- tluilis Would bo Interestliit to the friends lt of the young specnl itoifl A widespread belief exists but tlm tumults are by no mnnnn ns numb ns they are Hoimtimos 8ui po rd to bo In uelmonicort eHtinlny a wjjbrownod hnndsomo und ntliloilu > ouncNew Yorkoron- toitninedn nnmoi of hm friuuds by toiling thorn how mu h mom j ho was going to mane I by soiling n string of polo tonics and horses which hn und xu ured In Texas A fatuous old broker who wax once connoctod with the IIOUSD 4fu of the elder Oxlioina In Wall street Listened with pnteinnl nmliibllty for a long While to the artless prattllnu uf thin boy and then saidt How mil hoi nn nv nrng profit do you six pect to mako on the horses Ctmillar IlLlity Jolter u loust ap eci How many lid you bring ou t Hevonleen- Thn old broker wnuged his head slowly for a fiiw minutes nail limn remarked You were gone elelit monihs nml jou said a little while uco your nxt nsei i lily averaged 50 a month y I hat wilt lease you n profit of a little over smOO for eight montiiH stork You will never act rich ut that builuusd- Berrv Wall has committed hlmselfto the Al ¬ 4 pine hut fur good lie urostre It at all times but It Is by no mer iiB cnrtulu that the fonmr king of the dudes still raUuiii his following among the young user of New oik who devote a lire Itleiis amount of limn und study to their clothes There are a hew young men who sill follow Mr WnllH inn I with almost slavish lldkllty Hut oven they nio beginning to haute their Alpine hut ulumu thn topinoit pegs sod u I return to tin more ecu ontiomil kinds ot hiatt gear Mr Wall howevor vvnar the soil tell flat In fair and hiormy wpather und aita rx > rta It when he Is clad lu ev cuing clothuK According to the expert the tlmeto tee New Yorks pretty girls is about 11 oclock In tha morning on Fifth avenue They ruth out for athouiand reason nnJ they stay out or as many mote The fa t maciris to be thea they have com home from tips cuuntry full of tho life anti fun mif outdttr frolIc menu limo fresh sir ii as necessary to treust use time smelt 131k imriili dogs soid cuindy Lsirytistug sseiijs io stjks them us lining comieal aol tie joy mf their looks I Is roflote I In the fiuix of the Jutr i id weury i lsOiiie win ulpisI me jsursmer Ifs tjHii They IIIIVB brought the stir of ho waiild and timst inuUnIgiue tO is lusL hsimriiitemj aol ssttJey toswu lbey have riot suucoetiuJ yatip rqbbjug hew York of Its gupurimi pruptimi lOok hut then nothing On earlbeould do Ibis At some of the clubs uf learned ladUi In tluiu oily plilloKOpbr and jooundlty aro often blended- in wnti thai are rare In lue clubs of ii- hmuvitr > sex For numplo at the seia tf- horunl In iMlmonluo last Jlomlay lime inem mire limitt Itiinftit mull wIsig sonrilsg to isskosisare I i tin f tel 1 f ore h i Ilsut Si an hiore dtibit IH use oi time fate- oupujst ihume til I siseru 4lloiiJ- DI tit lhjui aul < I luut ohaniioil tim loOl Vtrmty 1mg ore lbr puruil lu lsussof Iru ingsgmin lhr mops time to indyluula s miisJ i gisialja ilutluu a which tie spcmsiaisv l dengts ami mysji tie focal anti instrUmental music wr f riri ita IUIier Wit Imiigeetmosi QI lgstegt u iuka > la IseS iiKoWduiii t

Iir wmmx SUlCrSlJin I tnr Ait - Chronicling America · 2017-12-15 · got plrclns grnylshbluo oyos that flashed like thso of an animal alone almost straight aDd prfectly chiselled

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Page 1: Iir wmmx SUlCrSlJin I tnr Ait - Chronicling America · 2017-12-15 · got plrclns grnylshbluo oyos that flashed like thso of an animal alone almost straight aDd prfectly chiselled


I RUBB wmmxTho Oareor of a Despate and

J Reckless Train Bobmr


With Ono Companion Ho Defeated

Largo Posses of Men


Hit Own Description of Somo of His

Adventures His Death


He rood tn the doorway ot a typical Mlssji-alppl srnnip ran with a Winchester rifle inhis beds two Urea revolYors and a bowknito his bolt and oor his shoulders an-other bit fled with cartrldlt Ho was a talljnuscuar tel a ht aan IndiaEven Is was muscular A pair ot deepgot plrclns grnylshbluo oyos that flashedlike thso of an animal alone almost straightaDd prfectly chiselled nose a square andheavy oln a prominent lower jaw protrudingway ban under his ears and a hey droopingtnoustate all Indicated that ho was a man ofgreat detrmlnatlon and will power combinedwith the kekloBS daring nature of a forooloasbeast Iis man was Itubo Burrow trainrobber mtderer and outlaw aseen by thowriter tot tho frt limo a year 60The story otho cptur and killing of him InTnt BUN of urda ended tho history of hiscareer athtmost reckless and daring tinrobber In the gantry For two years partmere montlont his name has carried terror-to the hearts otthonsands of people In northand west Alablja mid caused express mes-sengers


and maiciarks t ehlvor witIrinttt



JJUBB BUIUIOW-SEls bYrecord for daredevil reckessness cour-age

¬and skill In his work of bo1dti trains

has not been equalltdRubBurrow was lust 82 years t ue a tow

blorhis deatl In the pastthroe yearshe hold up and robbel ten fourtrmen outright wonnda prbabl a Slre

tiedmoreand whipped 100 armd mop In aoien lightHa was an oxnorlolgrnng erlfle slot andrarely a man I800 yare or lets Ho-used tho latest imprcod Winchester rifletortyfonr calbro whlw will carry with ac-curacy

¬fiOO ador mol In a fight oven at

long range io0d in firing but Invariably dropped on his rjght ke and restedhis loft elbow on the l this poalton he never mscd Mother peculiarity of

was that yeas he operated witonly ono cuntederat and iai his recent trainrobberies onlyono UstnntJoe sackona danl reckless fellar who was

tired a weeks ago wile Jackson calm bravo and reckless aDurr holacked theabrains and lattertsbol si foot one Inch 1 his Rubfot weighed about 175

Bi shoulders were broad aq poundadlong and muscularhis lp was anUv4a oat and was noted aahinner from

his Boyhood days I being said toat he wasnever beaten In a foot race or roWIn awresUlnff match

XL IHub stared his career of outlawry whenonly 11 years ua Ho was born Lamarconntj Alabama whore hfather Alen Bur-


nw lives The old man farmed idmoonsBne whiskey Rube was taueU to

maoradand wrte and ho proved an apt eohjar de-


when 15 Jarof age a ondess forthe dim novel secured by some Das acopy of book relating some of the exppits ofJesseJknes Alter reading about his trainrobberlel and fonts of daring he decided vo bocoo a rad agent ills frt exploitbli homt Armed with a Wleafootem rather had given him he loll inwilt for a neighbor who was oxnjoted t return from town with his colononer The bor had an old piece of bag orerhi head with eyeholes cut In It When thetamer drove upRube jumped out In tho rOdacried Up with your hands or Ill bOloTO I The farmer lave Babe his money aniweit on Ho had however recognized thbo> and tho next day ho wont to see old manDlrow and gave him an account of the wayHub had held him up The old man thrashedIlubt soundly and made him return all themont That was in 1872 Up to that time

faher says Bubo was a Rood boy Rubewas ajood worker ho once told the writer

He pouched and split raIs and gave me OHlittle rouble as any over Trod Holenrllsobercd a command in his lifo

HOJI for his ddbut as a boy highwaymannb vas tent out to the northern part ofIXI where an uncle had I Inrgu ranch

Xiou te worked steadily for a time and InTSnarrled a daughter of II BwtlUnown Texan Boon uftcr Iii Alorouamarriagele iMjght a farm with mousy bo had madeMd huncle had ghen him Two children aboy a girl woroborn to the couple Uniii abet six years ago when his wife diedal bi gone well with hobo Then be returatto Alabama with his children andalter rmalnlug a tow months Wont buck tolorn iavfng his children with their grandfather ijju married a second time It wasan unbayjr marriage bOloler and soontoro wa IIaraUon

JJn0 old boyhood ambition returnedjp Thornla and Harrlln Browloys gang oftrain rolbfn Wr operation In noitheruUIlnl kansas Ituba and bzs brother

ha rotunied to TMIW with himblast tuem utliu tall of 1880 Their llrst tripwith the tuniirau into the Indlsu JurlloryWhere tby WMC to rub an old indian wowunrbo Ihip zzn yser a tlluro Oz Iu reyvz

4iui c iSo his iIrt wurl ci H trimor lion I JS ou ut of iItfC qI I ii r J On our lolurn tin untilfJjtz li1 t ho raid A1Ji iri i I alli 0111z 1fiilll JIGltlieS kIJJfJMuHul tun juuur cursin my nj tok Uo Sid hllblllviI IU JIolIr IIu mr 4U kohlccltI11 lo

tziI Ivk ig ISii lilo twaIJI Ize u 110 Sourin our cur UI wireu1i lUl

III4ln 1ft0111411u UHlrllII101 fle11


ICU Iwlu luluVu I only

P4imI wezi llmter tie 5411mm 1411 bull UPt i limetthe rOIIund Iu 1u4v tUOI isJrei

I00 < uClrllllUI IlluUlb tiU robgr I mIformzzLmj Limit luuw11j I 01 Iu Mil I Illk liter tby

this IoIr II U 1 1 I U u Ibis1 41 1 I> I JJJ iII IllILI 0 bmJJJJq UI mJUJul<i IUII I tim rut em I li4 UInmrI 11fhur IUIIj 111 Ilw Wm later

1 11 It mmgsiu IQ-UtI

< t UPInc 11 zs 11 I 1911 aloll tlztzWI 111 IWOQQwlU pIM

bae Off tin at Gordonthe met a


tb others went tnr sad mlnears The ofltlwstn t with ellrs anawars sot > en haerd They remaned In tieMiBbbprbooa for three thereafter Onthe Blent of the third day dar held up tho isame train again This time I waa goingnorthward The same crew was andwhen tbe elltlOtr was coverwl IbolrnviilTar sullenly end lrlrwhere do you went mo to stop thisJust the other Idl of thatBromley ami be euro you do It1IrUo

Tho enclnrer Mopped as ordered and thewins mao quick wntkcf <0111 tbroiiKh timern man about

As they car lecl1the trim opeuod lira Ilttinl anll olCnThornton the hall Rome through his armThotntnn and Promlut were captured a fewdss later but llube nnd Jim liuriow left theblat for their home In AlabAma Xhedeteoties did not sugpiot

Tfrs text tlm ituto appsaroi was in Decetaher 1RS7 The BtLouts ArkAlsl and Texntrain wa held at low mikeI

north ot TexarRana Time work wns donoprincipally by Rube Burrow ivsilMod by Illsbrother Jim and a Wl w named llnxk Theydid not gslt much In this haul but their rob-

rill had beromo so fiequent that the boothCompany put a corps of their own

detectte and nLoiton omen on the trailof the gang The ooaso btxame to hot thatItubo and his brother returned to Alabama

Jrook was captured and he poached on theRurrow boys telllnnof the robbeiles In whichthey had boon Implicated nnd that they hadgone to Lamar county Alabama lour rinkerton men went alter them andcounty with Hherlft miteri lcnnin ton orRanlccd a TKIPSO They fiSt went bum Bur-rows


house lie SAW them comingand ran for the woods A numberof shots followed bll but ho israped Ant made for fathers housewhere was lildlnc Hardly had Pinreached thorp when the posso arrived Thotwo outlaws huwevnr csini eil without beingseen and commenced making tholr iiytowiiraMonutomory Un the train their actionsaroused suspicion and the conductor tele-graphed


nhuad to the Chief of Police ot Mont-gomery


that two suspicious olmrai ters sup-posed to bn Bubn and Jim Burrow were on-hts train They arrived In Uontgomory late atnight Iwareining hard As they alightedIn the a dozen policemen In rubberoonte that hid their ullorl1 walked upnndthe leader asked wroRolalRube knew at once who wert Howas well armed but Jim did not ovenknife Rube therefore decided to await abettor opportunity for escape

I want to find a cheap boarding house he

aldAlpolicemenright I will show you to one sad one

Surrnundad by tho policemen the two out ¬

laws started for the police station Theywalked along quietly for a tow blocks WhenBubo signalled to Jim and the outlaws laten break for liberty The policemenSrs llubo returned It as ho ran Ioforo they

run ntardu however Jim fell woundedbut run like a deer escapedNell Broy a printer who attempted to stophim received a bullet hole In his chest JimBurrow was sent to Arknn8a He died in tho

beforeInlentla Rube was not renewed thatnlht lie did not leave Montgomery but wont

outskirts of the town and spent thonight In a negros cabin Tho negro who sus-pected


Rubes Identity sent a messenger Intothe div to notify tho Chief of Police At day¬

light the nextmorninga barge posse of police-men


and men about town armed with nilkinds of weapons were on hand to either cap-ture


or kill Burrow The house wax almostsurrounded The negro who owned the cabinwent In to Hub ann said Boss doro somewhite men out hero dat wants to see 70UWell they cant do 1tlnld Bubo

He wont to tho dor peered out butlumped back In escape a volley of bul-lets


and shot Bube returned tho lire with arevolver through a crack In the togs and thoposse hastilyl sought cover Then Itube re-moved


his shoes hung them over his arm andwith a pistol In each band made a break-through the rear door for a swamp about twohundred yards off He shot nt the poip whilerunning The fire was returned and just asthe outlaw entered tho swamp ho recohet alot of bird shot In the back of hispolice did not dare follow anti the chase wasgiven up hobo wont to a country doctor andhad the slot picked out of his nock

inRube Burrow was heard of next on the nigh

of Dec Hi 1888when the Illinoispress was up at Duck LUll Miss abut ahundred and seventyflvo mUss south ¬

Ihlsend 18000 was taken from the expresscar After Bubos escape from Montgomery he-met Joe Jackson who ha once operated withThorntons gang in and they went intobusiness together Their first robbery together-was at Dock Hill Tho station ts a small oneIn a sparsely settled part of Mississippi Thetrain was due there at midnight A stopped

Ruband Jackson jumped on to plat ¬

the express car which was next to-e lne As soon as the train was well

Rubcrawled on the tender covered tho engi-


ad fireman and ordered the engineer-to come to a stop at u big nine near thetrack two relies from Duck Hill andwhich wa wellknown landmark Time traincame exactly opposite the pine Inan Instant Rube jumped back on the platformand tho two robbers bolted into the expresscarlo find the sloeny messenger rubbing hiseyes and wondering at the cause of the stopFlndlnl himself covered by two rifles how¬

was wide awake in Instant andatrembling with fearOpen that Iron box and be gnlcS about It

Rube demanded abe ofhis rifle against messengers headmuo

The messenger hastened to obey Then hedrew buck and with both hands raised abovehis head stood by and watched the robbers asthey ran through the valuable packagesselecting only those that contained paper





Hunts rosrnox WHEN nt SHOT TO XILLmoney At first the conductor and the ia-sengers thought there had been nn accidentThen as If prompted by Instinct the onductorcried out In the smoker Train robbers Twovoting men on a rear seat jumped up Onehad a Winchester iHIo tho other a reyoUorThey were Chester Hughes and John Wilkin-son


two us bruu and ant young telowsasever lived Thiough tIre our theyout on the platform pushing open the doorof the express car Iut us llubo Burrows hadninrpd time lat anvolipo In hltt coatliuithes anti Wllkiuxon Ienellro as theyrushed Into th car but quickfor thor and Chester Hughes toil bauk with a

his heart YIlklnson droppedhis revolver wizen HughnRS body fellhim and Ibe robbiri jumped from the sidedoor of time car and HOlpdThis robbery arou express companyand thea nrnors of wimo of time Boutharii-HtatoH and a large reward IllrIIIIDI I7500and Including 1 1000 Lnltodtales Ooiernmont was offered for the cap-ture


of Bube Uurrow doa orailtoRube anti Jackson returned to Lomarroiinty

Ala arid remained for Buoial mouths theIIhl neighborhood know they

were there but non dared to breathe It In-deed


the Burrow Mmlly Iis related to nearlyeverybody In the county mid ino t of the menIn that seitlon wire Hobo friends Duieotllea disguised as Kddlers occasionally wontIhrmiffh tile comity Onu who wmss known tobo In search of Hube and thy sward Is vetmniszug however a little Irish delectlvo

wliulIN lime mdii det of all whoamelllrJ tliu outlaw did go through thecounty In April WJ uil umu uececded n-

pudJnl uric night at old man A IP Hirroimtolling Jm Cauli llubukI brotbiTln

law a pair if IIOUMM humus Kaliiwl s Iruatiofvluablelaoiiimlloiiri <

mi II howBier aM not know lit111lr Jon Juekbou woie Iulyt 10ni lUltheir unto lt hut liouio I ohli IIlal I ftow only a mlln d as imit from I

110 iu all sI bin In u pi o ol iiJi nji land

lion 0 wiiNi wos ih r llu irr buokwoodn-unliln riimle of planks initond sII ii jii noma-wjiul


In lil chiMp i the better li limed lurulriles

ISri hum und about tliiiuffot Irnlif

which JluL vy vrilU jtf 1101tlilfi her 10 IlbltlJrlb upojiud I

inside miff tom stir I

IIJliatiuise uj on Islet arid Ills-frltiiJs uiid shuiRs wrrt i ntlnuuljv Oi


guard amiioaily to itfu hlin tipticu II I

FeuincI of uijyUmjKurlDlliuciu-


iie stay 111ulr county lluUllur

rfCIUUItlllllll1 oibrutal nud Iuvcul11 gnmmd r II 111c r Iss July 01 imeii year

II riol to lilujiio for I buss Uard HIH

ordered 1U sent to W W Caln Jewell Iot omClAmar county Alubumo Two wlk latehi I

Mat Jim1 CAb tile brotherinlaw tJewell for I

the PIU Cult WM totormid bjr ttitoaa

UrlloM Orarei that th raokajr waa therebut It was rtsltUredjand he could deliveronly to the man to whom It was adrlDo rou know W W Cain J ratluter asked of Cash

01 yes Ill lakthe package and aUldto proper dull Cash repliedBut j on must hnT an order Oravet sold

Cash returned to hubs seed told him whathad occurred

Ml RO mrall flubs said In a lalalo-natullllt or put a bullet In that

enlna after Cash had left the LostOffice a curious countryman who happened-to bprying behind the counter of the littlecountry office looked through the mal whichwas In a starch box on n shelL

Who W W Cn ho asked as ho oxomlncd the

I dont know Graves replied but JimCash came hero today and wanted that Iackaffo

Then two or three countrymen commencedhanlllni the package It same partly undone

of them ivclalnud Look hero I

This Is a falseThe beard bar out end ai Jim Cash

wore a lul beard tho cnuntiyman decidedthat It for ub lint row That eveningsome of those reI met Cash and guyed himbout the board Cash dented that It was forhim and hs gao Bubo a full account ot whatfled bapponoa

The next morning a muscular fellow onhorseback stopped ut talPout offlce and asked1 there was a package for W W Cain

Yea Its here replied the Postmasteriou Ill teach you how to show my

packages ube sold as ho drew hla pistoland tired two fhots Into Ornvosn holy

ItulO yoiivn killed mn the Postmastergasped ns ho fell across tho counter

Youre a liar Im not hobo cried theoutlaw who wanted to shield his family

The murderer levelled his pl tnl at the Post-masters


wife who ha ru hod In and cornrolled her to hiuiii the package Rubethen tippet his lint to the woman mounted hishorse and disappeared mod longenough to tel tho story of tho murder Bubo



s1TX P ssTSi

v1 P 4 J J A t-

t 1-



4 1





Burrow killed mo and Jim Cal was Lnowlnto It ho said before be died

The murder aroused the entire State of Ala-bama


Time therttT or tho county telegraphed-to the for troops staUnl that theBurrow anl had the OIUt a state otsiege companies of wont downfrom tho Sheriff organized alargo posse with among them a

dozen of Plnkertons host mon Thohal met nt Vernon tho county Theysurrounded the houses of Jim Cash AllenBurrow lubes father and John ThomasBurrow arrested alt thw familieswithout resistance Rut Rube had goneTho tioops and detectives did not searchvery vigorously for Rube being afraidto go oil In saunds for tho country is wild antithey know that Burrow bad Irlonds who wouldnot hesitate to lire at them from ambush Altof llubeH family wore jailed and arraigned ata preliminary examination in Iho county Court-House Not a man had the courage to testifyagainst them They were released after

three days in jell and the soldierswont home

Through the irrost Burns mind the Pinkerton men gained smuG information of valueWhen tbetroops had carried Burrowcrowdto jail the detectives having remained behindcaught the Ilfteon > earold fon of JohnThomas Burrow carried tho boy off to thewools put a rope nround hil neck and threw-it the limb of a They pulled therope tight mini then told thoroughly fright-ened


that If he didnt tell al he knewabout hobo where he was what bad doneAc they would haut him Tho boy who In ¬

herited tho re bravery of the family ntfirst refused The detectives nulled him ofTthe ground anti choked him until hi consented-to tell Ho said that lube and Joe Jacksonhad been at his torn monthand described the heavily barricaded room Inwhich they sopt flu also told of having over-heard


Bubo and Jackson discussing the DuckHill train robbery and of hearing his UndoRube say ho was going to kill PostmasterGraves

VRube turned up on the night otTthe 25th of

September at Buckatunna Aln when ho andJoe Jackson boarded the Mobile Qnl Ohiotrain halted It In the woods five outjust-as they did In tho Duck 11 robbery wont

the train the slightest Inter ¬troughgetting 11000 from the express com-


and thirtyfour registered loiters fromthe matcar Alter leaving thoy stopped In the

tho mall packages and burnedthe envelopes Detectives swarmed to thisplace but found clue On the first day ofNovember last however the detectives againgot track of the oalr of robbers and this timeRube was trapped In tho closest quarters hohad over been In Burns tracked him to tbomountains of Blouut county Ala whlrho anti Jackson were living In themountain homo of an old man namedAshwortb Thorn not a railroadwithin twenty miles of tho place Burns wentto the county seat andlnotlned bherlff MorrisSummoning two mon In whose courage ho hadthe utmost confldencu Morris and the detec-tives


went to the Asbworth farm riding up towithin n hundred yards of the house and calIng out Hollo I Hardly bad ho uttered toword before Burrow and Jackson appearedthe doorway Winchesters hand Seeing theguns of the Sheriffs party levelled at thornthey jumped back In an Instant howeverthe robbers reappeared this time by way ofthe rear door Itube held lu his arms one oftbo women of the house using her as a shieldto prevent the officers from firing at himJackson walked on the other sldo Both out ¬

laws bad their gun levelled at the mon andwarned thorn not to approach Tho officerswere so surprised that they did not move andbefore they hud recnlntd their selfposneislontho outlaws had reached the woods Burrowreleased the woman took a parting shut at theBhorlff and disappeared Thu officersthe fire but without elToet

The Sheriff to the county scat and

Aummonel a POlO The next morning a partyfifty Drmollun gave chase to the outlaws

Itube lead made no effott to escape and ho andJackson were founl ussr the tceue of the fightof the previous The outlaws were roilingamong a clump of tmses and roiksln the centreof mi old at tho foot of a spur of HandMountain

Hhiirlff Morris ordered his posse to surroundthe clump of Iruus first a Inl way oft antithen to gradually tlo0 In win shieldinghimself as much ns pomlbl Burrow and

JaJIOI kept behind some large rocks sadthe jesse wan within two hijudrud

yards of the outlaw wee the first gun timedjlube Burrow opened the light He Jumpedfrom behind the suck took quick but dimlib

iilii a bullI Into the fiirehiiiidJ of-u

Irat AIII luting luriuerlUrry Anuflu WitS Its runic of the 1 purIrIOI JiIiI shot Wil tuHpMM br u volley

from tb Juotse bmj lul went wide oftthe wins JIOI Jaktoii IroJ anti clipped ai co Itli lbs r uar Io I he pots J is

1111f I pltCbftUcttiiioiioinraiiliJauJ

full with is 11 turouifjiMen ooQIrl

TliHii u llilid und it sod a mth IUMU isilsuueumslon-

I is iHutM I eiiiiue-


Ihtuoitglmly desmsorsmhira-iliisermlt lIoris wits liJly IJgiah iuiIi and lie

inliu ui Illi iu lilU lilmulf ll-ol


for 0tiiuj iii 11 IIsO weio ulllliu-


lustily IsiS hi 111411 Jlii l iisu l4r1 y tissulur nn r limitss oiiMirtuully Itiul u-

rrltl i> i J itesull Jttuimnii sire ju iu1 woodut Ilsi biLe if be ui juniilu beoB the peas

rlllrl I iseni Jew aulnl sled s-o14r


uilU IorUlI i

4 = c

nthertheir dead and wounded and lift thesecure recruits and 1totter weapons

Two ot their men Wrdead a third was rerrbadly wounded ad two others Mightwounds a

HlmrliT Morris went to the nearett telearaphstatioi sod wired thiS now of the battle onHand Mountain Itlrmlncham axking thatiloodhounda and Winchester lines nehim Stonen Un the following Bnndnyscore detectlxen came uti from Ulrmlnohrmwith two bloodhnnnda They also brought anumber of extra W Inob08ter with which lhearmed tho iIIe the partysides thedetectlvei wer two express com-pany


officials Hup rlntendent Arer audtluher And a Pot onico Inspector

The party which numbered nearly 200 start-ed


from the little town of Oneontn Just teforolark Ithe tiPoIhormmis struck hobos trail nearHneads Mi at the bano cf the range of moun-tain


tings wore oft like Iflub Thehorsemen followed ant for a mil tlioehnssWas very exciting lbs dots a dlAtanco nheat of tho party but their lps wereheAr dUtlrctly Suddenly two rlllo shots

There was a yelp of agony from oneof the noun and the cither run back to theparty of pursuers The horsemen reined Innnd dismounted Then on trot the ranhigher up time uiitnln KherltT Morriscaught a glimpse ot llub and yrlled out

ovo not him nOl Clop In carefully boysComo on s fo you Bubo shout-


as ho xteppod out In plain view from be-

hind a rock about 201 yards nhniUThe men of tire posse rushed for trees Rube

aimed and fired oaaln opening tho Hunt Thoball struck a tee behind which otto of the dellilies stool Tho posse tired a volley Inbut the halls wont wide of the mark litheand Jackson returned thin fire blteer manof the possei wits protected by a

You fellows anti learn to shoot Hoboshouted bnnterlncly He and Jackson thenmade their way higher up thedodging from tree to tree

Good by bor ho yelled ns ho dliapponr-ed In tho woods ncav tho top tomenab bee me again

The chase was stopped tot the night theHhorlfT sending back for mor assistanceBurrow and Jackson wont half a mileaway and took RUIIIOIlt tho cabin of an oldloan named hnpconod to bo arelative of HhcrlfT Morris Theythere almost II sight posse for an hour






















or more and then retired disappearing in thodarkness-

In his flight Rube accomplished the mostdaringly reckless feat of isis life In dlsgulxoho actually joined tho pose anti aided tnsearching far himself Ills Identity was notdiscovered unthe had disappeared-

With the tlnest bloodhounds thoState the chase was on Tuesdaymorning but tho renlwot outlaws hadgrown cold and the dogs could not follow

The crowd hal become weary of doing noth-ing


when a with a lull brnwn beardcarryinl n Winchester and two pistols dashed

group on a Ueetfootoil buck lucrethat was covered with foam Reining in heannounced I have just soon hobo Burrownnd another fellow cross the road down belowWalnut Grove

Tie posse of 200 men started for WalnutGrove three miles ofT somo on horses mulesand pontes a few walking nnd a dozen riding-In wagnnn During the march tho big man onthe black horse was ut the head of the line forawhile nnr then at the rear or In the centre oftho listening but talking very littleThe man was hobo Burrow but not moro titantwo men in the possewho were his Iriondsand whu had joined to help protect himknew-hIm

At the plnewhere it was supposed Rube hadcrossed dora scented somethingand sturtud through the woods The possefollowed at gallop arid for a mile the chasewax lively The trail then turned nnd ended-at a cabin Bubo was not there The onlyperson there was an old man who said ho lintbeen wnklnl through the woods Tho croudwas looked for the big man on theblacknnlr hut ha had gone Ruhe had sootthe posse othis tracl and limed returned to thehouse of one of the mountainsWhoro ho had left Jackson

That ended the chase In Blount county Theposse disbanded and the detectives left thatsection to await another train robbery andstart another chase not however withoutheavily armed assistance for none could bofound to attempt recapture Rube singlehand ¬

ed by strategy or olherwlseVI

A day or two after tho battle in Sand Moun-tain


the writer spent a few days In Lamarcounty at the homes of Rubes father nnd JimCash his brotherinlaw Ho bore a letterfrom Congressman Bankhead of Alabamawho Is a native of Lamar county and whoknew Allen Burrow Old man Burrow whoin his younger days I Is said eooductel amoonshine still has for years Qulotyon-hlR farm In a neat little house that buitfor him Although OS ear of ago ha asrralcht as nn Indian and very tall and mus-cular


He talked freely about Huba and ex-

1rossed himself aproud ot his many daringachievement In train robbing

am not afraid of Bubo being capturedbe said lbs too sharp for any of tho doteethes that have been around hero and bsides hes a powerful good rifle shot

Tlio old man did not believe Bubo murderedPostmaster Graves Rube hasnt lone halfthe things he Is accused of he continued

Every time a ptoni Is broken open or a saferobbed anywhere aiound this country lube Isaccused of It Yes 1 ramomber beonce when robbery Wilt committed over Inanother part ot the State and the papers altsaid Butte Burrow did it ltub roin trainsbut ho dont do the other kind of stealing

Are you uot afraid Bubo will be Llllod sometlmn while he Is rubblol a train e

Not a bit of replied Why itubo-says Its as easy to hold URn train as it Is to rob-a hens nest

Itubes boy IInow U rear of and he Isa chip of old is thoroughlytamUlrwlth liii fathers record and a year ago

what ho was going to do whengrown ho replied Im lust utlnl to be 10when Im gain to clt a rlflo Im11gobs to holt him bold up trainDuring the visit to old man Burrows homoho pnd Jim Caxh promised if possible to a k-

Itubo to talk for publication A week laterBube was seen about twenty miles trora hishomo at the house of a cousin Ho wu ox-euoillnulr nervous aOlI was continually on hitguard Th i cotiMn talked fiealy end llubeverified or vonectod mutiny of isis stutoinuntn

Bube la the mist rlllu shut In the world Ibelieve builtit said I i hum this morn-ing


hit n knot on a trw aI1UU yards everytime and I have len him cut a rope tied hetwoep two trees B as he could see It dis-tinctly


Rube hl psenl good to the old Danand all the Hu bought tho placeare now living on anti only the other day hegave the old nunWooo ie-


they are prettywell fixfil but they will ltf worth morn boforo

uba ibis robbing tiolnt titan they mire nowlu speaking of hlmbOlf alter lerlfylui the

amount of islel arluua train robberies ButeDurrol snldi

tile detectives of robbingsafeI In country ItHrel acoullle up poorfarmer Now hHd U-

IrUIIs und I haru kllM a fw mini because Il but I uever robbed a poor mun to my

life mid Im never golii to I havu took thingsI needed nrouipi In HID country but no manan say thut lie wannt paid for what I wisps

there Irs solute llnlo fhiliVCs around infcountry steal alt lh cal Utt lor theyknow It uolnictu bo laid on lull hen owI cant hlp that tliotufi I dOl agood inHuy pad hung In guy auy I t r-

roblxd u Illlju itork jn or u fsriiurlloir about he kllllngof I OIIUlhlsrOraVeat J wirfv-y


killedl 1 wa comlo t that Mositinavee-

wasTjube a minute and hi face somod10 6tlppa beoruplifluid-

y0 ravl w5s kild Ucauw Ihelied u fall bnrd tu VY w Tula unj toMIt Jjinlsh ItorlJH II e-lrouldIIIUJI 1 I did nauO514 Jim Uali-UH kn wfnTio Ijt11 Now tLo M aliii im 1150 lunn delrlll H JtvirboiJy IN I bllM bliuund i i iiiatlur wliidr I or out SmutJim IJu fi or esfie of iuf Ifwtty dInt i n-tioililitfjijo


with u ana dlJni know nothln-abuut iIf i MtIs all 1 us gut to say about Moos

I ute kliKHow did you get a bo psi ralllUrr J

I W t v CItUd-

IiL 4

Q p and looked around as ftsxguoctingsosne-us4usrI

Vhr said he whinhe resumed hU spat5 I didnt care any more roT that crowd than Iwould for a parcel of nchoolbnrn 1 wenta little end stared quiet Just alter or

I turned Jim Cash and the old man unit tutuloo e when they couMnt prove nrtthln on emI went homo one nluht nut there was nouletectitea around nUll as I didnt want to kiT

I om I went right off Thin I knew themII twtlvoi had trld John TlKimann boy they wasIlln to halthint anti ho told al about howI and stayed In a rom nt hula

house and IotA ot other thlniis of sinthe boy made up Anyhow left but didntro far andon the nleht of WI 91 just passed

we held up the JlnMle anti Ohio at luchl1Thiewhsiecriuyti on th train was lalewe illdnt have no trouble end not Si

flut1eIn Iaklnlof his light In band Mountain

Friday we were laying out In the woodsnot far off whemu a crowd of for or SlOtarmed men cause upon us we

ALLEN nonrow BUDKS PATInknow When I saw them surrounding us wewIn In a hunch of trees in a sorter low place

Joe saul 1 It looks sorter like were InIt RUT mingh this time Theres potts to beom klllln hero and I reckon wovo got to

do itJoe didnt say a word but I knew by hIs

looks be was Kolnto light lucid We laid lownail the crowd commenced to close In Then1 looked around mind saw wo must out ontIm side noxt the mountain ISo waited awhile longer and then the fun commenced Wotook good situ ivory time and who I thebost our Winchesters hnd I bellevn llrntshot got that fellow In the bond Annorlon thopnpershnld his name was Then I got anotherone on that fellow Woodward I reckon andwhen wo grnod tho other fellow cart brokeones armwI that crowd was puny badlyrntod gut out of our cover In a hur ¬

them buckshot had hem falling prettythick around us and noltherono of us wits ns-comlortablo in uur feelings as wo might ha> obeen

As wo run out Rube continued we keptup IbuoUnlt every tallow who sbowul up and

wo nnd wo was In a pretty big hurrytoo for If them fellows was scared there aintno use In taking too many chances

Then Ituho told of spending a part of Satur ¬

day at the houne of a friend lour or five miles oilOn Mundar ho wont on two hounds got

on our truck and they woro right pert In follow ¬

log us When tho head one got In about fiftyor sixty yards of us Joe and me pulled downon her and I think we both got her The othurono ran ofT Then down at the foot of the hiltwo saw tho crowd It looked like a wholearray HO wo took a shot apli co and nulledanti I couldnt belo from > oiling at thorn asoutdid 1 believe I Invited them ti come and seeme again for I know they couldnt got at us nnthamountain Then wo got supper Ilnnight

old mans house nearly In 01 thecrowd

I had my friends In that crowd too hesail with a smile ot satisfaction I knewthem Illrmlngham follows was coming anti Iknew thor had good guns nnd wasnt fearedto uso em Anhow 1 didnt core nothlnabout tackling em

VIIThe day following that of the Interview Rube

boarded a train on the Kansas City Memphisand Birmingham Railroad attho little stationof Gattman Miss Ho was accompanied byJackson and a red bloodhound Tho men tooktho rear seat of a passenger coach In orderthat the > might not bo surprised When thoconductor In forcause evidently sus-pected


the men but ho said nothing Theyrode to Amory a station twenty miles distant-in Mississippi and went through tbo woods

hobo was heard of and soon many timesduring last winter On one occasion ho board-ed


a Georgia Pacific train In Alabama and rodeQuito a distance He was heavily armed butinterfered with nobody and nobody carol tointerfere with him He had boon In Birming-ham


frequently within tho past few years butbo was not recognized In fact ho would gowherever he chose without fearing arrest

He was noted for taking desperate and reck-less


chances In Lamar county howevergenerally remained in hldinl knowing that ifdiscovered by or enemies theywould bring troops down on his relatives andcause trouble for them row people In Iamarcounty care to say anything about Rube or-an of his family The Invariable reply is

lubes never dono anything to me anti Iveto say about him It Is however

evident that tbo dntl of tho outlaw Is 1 reliefto the entire

For tho vast six months Rube had beenchased by a score of detectives some In thoemploy of the Southern Express Company andothers after the toward of 7UO Jackson andhuntS hobos cousin wore captured recentlylube was chased Into Florida three months

but he successfully eluded the detectiveswithout a fight

Itubes last train robbery was committedonly a few weeks ago when slnulohandod te-


j rr

r iffA

THE DFATH OF THE TJIXODnOUND3desperate outlaw hell up an express train onthe Loutivilie arid Nashville Itallroad at Ilo-lunton AIBhn station about fllty miles north-east


of Hn successfully robbed thuexpress car but of how much the express com-pany oltlclalg Sieve never told All told hn-pipbably rohbed the Southern Extress ofKifiUOO and thuinmpany spent 20000 in of ¬

torts to capture himBut Durrowsllor recklelnol bo

would have LOln u mateas game ns In Carter anti the outlawdied with his boots on hut with the satisfac ¬

tion that bo was killed by an ordinary farmerand not by a professional detective

VI rThe great outlaws death aa the readers ofTug BUN already know was a dramatic onl-nilnntlon of his violent career Courage amatchless as his own punished with death a-

re kltes piece ot bravado to which the robberresorted after he had freed himself from bonds-by ono of the simple tricks which hU fertilebrain supplied for every emergency Hawas always reckless but his uutallni success-In outwitting every plan for capture hadmade him as careless as a man on whose headrested no price The reward offered for hiscapture was a fortune in the estimation of thepeople of the Alabama mountains

Burrow often rotortod to disguises butwhen wandering about the sparsely settled re-


eight or ton miles from Linden a weekago he wo recognized by a crossroads store-keeper


untried J Carter Without Lotrllnlhis suspicion Carter followed the outaw a ¬

tIe distance until iii secured the aulunoof

Ineighbor John UcDulTy a farmer and bothmen determined to win the t700 ou Burrowheal Tbr took with them two Degrees andfor ncu tly suoteeduil In atchiug the slottrain unawares 1liny Mixed arms

h could dinw hisJlallllSllllI l miii vtlilii i b I unto WIPUIIuebJiiy uliibl iioI was lojgtd n I lailio thattown und IUse allUre susmizod tm10 complete

Jbuzrrow aVI nlljr IUlJltM gracefully toehlnluljllllr UP the I

and the prisoner was isecurely ItroliilhU wrists Mail ftusklei hungIruuiid To Ilk security fomplete two of isleV iUuniHi with loiuled plitiil lu usejail toitimiflhliuj durlut the nrit night Uf I

TJuOt anil1 isegr naincfi Mariuan undertiok lIsle dutv Th prisoner bud lsazctbuiJ of UHirie and only one rnvglver hUJi uiniui n himand liken away llclisl-wituliliu noililpB lMti i < eitu aubril wliloliiso uilI tontuTurd only tolled clothIng mid-


ShOut iij lit 1IIIjli vtr Inmit use mousy-Mujit

Iwrmt I IllsI IIi teuiu

b uiqhmt psseJ Ilul111 In lii jail untilocook I jmsis ironi aap gsa

41 10 itt I ulrao that be was hungryisy to am Ire lulf ge s nothing tti1fa iiatst Uisiliouri

WflC tuM IM or MteJul UJIB fti it

marke pttnlentlr rsonic cracker In

The negro utuuiDlclou4y picked up thesatchel front the floor on the 01Ilth1do nt-thn room nod withoutIt to tlio prisoner Burrow olOnrlt with flts i

mnnaolea hinds fumhled t e-

rOlllnt anti produrel some erftekera Hemunch them contentedly ant-

handed some to this two They werei thrown ofT their uuanl msnllarluK dInthiIr plnoi bftn to slat A minute

prisoner handsacaln wentlnto thetatchol Tie were lhtrRwl as quick as a

I flnih and bld time to Ilk amovement each guard hlmtnlr f aIItI1point It wasnt a question of 10Uraiwould hate ten foolhardyattempted to overpower a man uf furrowsmatchless skill with weapons The outlivv-trrnlr 01Jerrdjhe negro to unlock the hnnd-

cuiTc while MeIluffy sat with uplifted baldeThe negro obeyiiNow put tbem on that man wns the nQxt

enter mind cUufTy was manacled by tImeobedIent neitro Burrows other bonds wornreleased nnd at hi order tho negro unlockedthe Jai door ant the outlaw was tfo ladho bi contented with gaining hiswould today have IOn lack lu his old hauntsIn time mountains as drlUutan over but evidently hU bro had been hurt by thin mannerof hit undoing nail be determined on a foolhardy act Which cost him his life

Whero Is that mnn Carter who ha inrmoney lie demanded of this nngui Howas told that Carter had gone to the hotel tosloen

Take me to him was the commandThe negro led the way thiongli tn town and

thor entered the mal hotel Carter was notin tho room ln wa liar occupied aid thenecrn remembered be had gone totho store of a merchant trOlahlfciv Heled the way there andhe pounded on the door111 lcoplnit-man Carter called our What the nuttier fToll him McliufTy wants him at the Jillwns Burrows whispered order and ho negrouborod

Carter recognized the negros voice anti treatto the door lie found hluiiolf confronted lythe mnn he had left a prisoner a tel lu urs be ¬

fore unit a pistol WI nt hisHandover m mono was the older he

receivedNaturally Carter turned bnck Into the room

in the dnrknos but Instead of the money boseized his revolver Buirnw miut tiny < sitsp eted the movement for when Carter tunu darid fired he fred at the Bathe Instant Hathbullets took Carters completeIly through octoutlaws WNI passingthrough tho bowols Carter was shotIn the chest lotl mon wore denorntclyhurt but It duel to tho ilcnth Bur-row


backed aiOfH tho sheet grid Carter I I

towel both emptying their weapons ns rnpldlrpossible liiinow turned for an instant tnput a bullet through the shoulder the nruroA moment later the ammunition nt hutSmen was exhausted and at the satire Inslant both tell to the ground Burrow wasdead throe minutia later When thin villagerswhohail boon aroused by the fuflllfue ro icbcdtime street a tow minutes afterward them foiin I

throe men bloedlni lu the dust Ono wasdomed another apparently was dying nod thethird wns badly hurt

The next day tho body of the dead outlawwas sent to hla aged father for burial It U bnllevod that Carter will recover The expresscompany will pay to the four men who npturod tho outlaw the reward that hud boonoffered

holy TO nKAit men DIAMONDS

The Latest Htjrlec In Necklace ant Orna-ment


The Va orPeartiThe woman with tha long neck nnd long

purse Is In great luck this season for neck-laces are wonderful elaborate and emulsltoaffairs concealing with their sparkling splen-dor


any aggressiveness on the part of bonystructures any scantiness of muscular tissueThu Princess of Wales dog collar In hero in allits glory Sometimes it Is a fluted ribbon of goldfiligree with diamond petalled flowers sotIn its convolutions Sometimes it Is a crazynetwork of diamonds nod rubles set closetogether In Irregular rows with ruby flowersblazing from tho glittering background atunexpected Intervals It may be a simple col-


of diamonds with a fringe of gold enunarinc diamonds In Its meshes or a single row ofsuperb stones from which depends In front afestooning of line gold chains encrusted withtiny diamonds In the contra of which flashesa magnificent pendant Ono very handsomenecklace consists of a row of gold flowers withdiamond hearts from which falls a network ofdiamonds so deltcato and brilliant as to seemlike hoar frost in the sunshine

Gold necklaces with no jewels have n fringeof gold pendants which encircles thin nook or afall of swaying flowers in gold or enamel de-pending


from supple wire Tho woman withthe exceptional nock wilt doubtless go to theother extreme and wear a slender gold chainalmost invisible from which fulls a triage ofdiamonds strung nn strong Invisible wires anda blazing pendant

Moro rare and costly than nil the others arethe pierced diamonds nndjI earls strung alter-nately


on a single string Diamonds arrangedIn this way must bo cut in the rose stylo aridalike on both sides The great expense la intho drilling and the stones thus drilled areloss marketable than those undnlled

Chrysanthemum and hearts nro the favoritedotlcn for vms and ear imndanu Tho dia-mond


chrysanthemums with their convolutedpetals set outside and in with sparklingstones are even moro effective than the starsparticularly ton the hair while the onamollrdchrysanthemums are beautiful in coloring anddesign Double hearts either entwined ortied together with t bow at the top appear inall kinds of pins from the silver up todiamonds and pearls

Another favorllo device tn jewelry Is n rib ¬

bon tied in a bow with slightly Ituted endsonnmollad or jowolled Now bangles have usingle largo pearl strung on n delicate goldwire or throe or tour smaller pearls threadedin the same way Jawullod Insects mind boasappear on others of the same kind whileplain gold bangles are now massive and morosuggestive of their Indian Origin than hereto ¬

fore The French style still prevails In thesetting ot nil ornaments employing the Ui e ofmany smaller stones In the setting of largeones and combining JOWOM of mote than ouucolor in the same piece Diamond set mini-ature


ouually as delicate and beautiful as theold French models and set in diamondframes continue to be worn lu pendants antibrnocbe Lockets are much used those inthin heart shapes of shell gold ur small blos-soms


being most admired

Trotters nt 1 T JBaranm SlowsBrtirxiEroitT Oct 10 There In a groat doslro

hero among sporting men to secure n good en-


track for speed contests as Bridgeporthas a sufficient number of fast horses to maketrotting Interesting at all seasons ol tho yearLocal contests aro now held at the publiccourse In Seaside Park to which spectatorsare always admitted without charge None ofthe circuit races can bo hold hero for want oftrack enclosure and It la necessary to takoBridgeport horses to Danbury Ansonln Norwalk or Now Haven wizen It la iloMred tomatch thorn against trotters with a recordOno of the most available locations for a trottint track Is at the West End on the propertyowned by P T Barnum It In easily renohedby railroad anti In a year or two the CedarCreek channel will be dredged out t o that ex-cursion


steamers may land within two minutesWalk of the site

Cot lIeU a wealthy Standard Oil Companyroan Intends to take up his residence tiers Inthe spring He has a stablo of fast trottors

David Trubee aveteruu merchant has prob-ably


the tamest trotter In thu city In EasternBoy who cano easily In 1W

The lion KT G Burnbams handsome littlemare has the bust record on a half ratIo trackof any horse In the city and Is conitantly do-Ing bettor She aisle 2J8K In u third heatthis season nt Danbury

James II Luwls has in isle tables at SeasidePark a bay stallion called Nimbus with arecord uf VjUAU on a halfmile track

Charles F Williams one of the most Jovialof Bridge ports fast horne owperx has removedto Boston At aiumptuoui banquet tenderedby his frIend ho was pruiented with a diamondset of Knights Tumplar jewels n MasonIcring and a pot of Boston baked beans

Count Do Nalnvlll IIr4 FromOTTAWA Oct 4John Sutherland of the

tludtons Hay Company who has just returnedfrom the norlbirnmot waters of time SlackenKlelllver saw the French Count do Halnvllluwile wunt into the tier North tint season withMr Ernest but did not return with that gsatluinuu to Manitoba The French nobleman Isstill there enjorlnu blinnelf After purlingwith the party a pear wi hut summer he profMiwIed down tip >livli nrie Illiur tolls mouthansi iiwnt the buluura of the luiiinmr seasoniplorlog pert ol the coast to use ciii curerystf carefully explored and iiivrn tn all mapiwith 5jQibjIt lluen siguiflug that lie conjourIII not knonii lie turDJ l i 1ort UclWsole In Ibu fall sail steal the winter them Hesint on msuiiuroui hmuusultig xqunlomjs tim ItswTuUrdviipliu Iii KMurjt of the cold ami on01 e acfiiloii imtrutil west ward almost tqthis lukirn ilitilci 5 ills iiniiir by sturtail< Itt tO ZJIQIe scum of lukus runulii fromFort > lolli i>ou tu the otkn nuf Intends-uivigstinit tli Hilary of tli Macbuuil au iThe stIltit tlor returnlu Hu juu ilu atrort MCI hence un AUK to when lie aud li-etnsor ortuat poll wr going on a hunliLsltrip Iue Count IsUcd to winter ber atfaln

p teas hot neg a asia hut iiU itiara wIIVUIL4UO-



Toe question of the rights of tenants In Sateto make a noUo pound upon the pUno MOW

upon brass horns aud otherwl edl port 1510

selves I one ot those things that tires in o is p-

sessoitand keeps a prominent nitre latin-versation of the people of New oik H-


mmliiisInteresting perhaps t peotri mmh have o-

tlirocgh this era of probation In flats t f iutthat London Iis lust teginninit to tpstisi osOrtie of the difficult which hang up n outapartment hours ya1en1 Hat muotuss me-oalltd

tmanMons In tonJon sad Dais have

been very rats American speculate e luteho tver of late made tlie cyclone sort pip ularthere wllh the result that pnmliy toteak London second only to New orkIn the terror which It shows fur ndotInc flat houses This system ol llrtrig painf originally of course mom 1 rnneehut iIt wa not until New 0rk took up theFrench method of living thai tendon tie lleqtocoprlt An Englishman puidaofhigIIs n thine OhiO no man laces to uvatrel withhence the IfKlslnture of Great llr tnln feelscniiij upon tnVrinVldera bill for the u rulalinn of flats Only one of the nmnr caseshih ham come before tho courts linn CA yet

been decided And tu there iIf only a Mntleureoeient for ether courts to bale thi Ir j mug >

mont on A w Id ami enthusiast nmntrur In-SIMM


upon practicIng this vloloncell i In hisflat every d iy ir eight hours On Hunduts he-

tisunllr took nn oxtrn whnokat It nt in tokeep his elliOt limber lot the coming weekBe was suet b n West End swell In an adjoin-ing


list whoclo osel In court that the minion¬

cellohurt his follims until ho was neardead Thor mmci a long array orcoiitisol onboth uttts anti the Court finally decided thatno man wni tuMltlrd In practicing co manyhours n div In mansions The Court oxinei eij time opinion thnt throe hours n daywise quite llag enntmli for a human lining toimv a violoncello mint this judgment ho metwith the warmest approval In Ureit Britain

I 4

WoBtche U r Is becoming a fenturo In theyearly programme of the town The park hasflLsi Its plnex In tho affections ot Now Yorkem to n raniknbli extent The pilgrimageto the big tinck ou the ihrst lay of or err seasun Is not tlm inult oi n desire to see time racesunit is duo 10 the anticipation of n gctieinlholiday The fro Hold arid the extraordinaryn ttuctlonHOt MiinUi Inrk will eventually rebuilt In Its being i roiuit nomutiiini in thenatiiro of Lpon Downs A Derby Pay In Nowlurk Is by no mount Improbable

Ilsh mind poker are probably the most indofatigable flnuoiiH nnd pruteutlous onomlosthat truth has to encounter Tho eminence of-

fIshh stones In ttun world of pure ant vaultingfiction hits lone leon iniltlod Hut It I eirlus-to look us though Limo reign of flab will bo dis-puted


by the iinccdtll al record of pokerThem nut so many will uutheulkntui storiesof ext rreiril inur i lwml und enormous ts in-nings nt America uri it nmbllnc tamo thatunit n realty rcniurKiibi story attrii iBnttuiilion their KOIIIB to ho im VHKU n limit tohuman tncenmiy ns thcro in to the poKHiblacombination ol iitkor hands und tint nitriterIses innnily in HI ry from Chicago ot-

thron straight liushtH in outs game nt blchthere won swven pinyor huwevur islonkodupon ns ono of luiso thing that oven pokereiithtiniasts niut rooct Mnny cunoim thlngaoccur in ChlcHen Imt trlplo strnlglit hushes IInonndenl Is moro than oven bt Louis woulddire to claim

Tho anxiety ohlldron In Central Park tosee the new baby mold the Superintendentyesterday will result lu something next to ariot If tho louis nio not thrown open beforelong for n private view of the suooonsor of thelamented M flinty MeGlnty never had n vorywarm place In tho afTc tlons of the little poopluof Now tork on nc ount ol his early dcnlh buttheir Interest in him was lively and extremefront the very moment of his birth until hisuntil demise Ill now baby If it lives willundoubtedly bo ito sensation of the juvenileworld hero for ninny weeks to coino Com-pared

¬ Iwith It ilttio Lord Jaunlkroy be orank outsider II-


Fred E Blodgett nn engraver Is the ownerot a brass pin whloli is destined to make aname for hint It is nn ovoryday pin one otthose that may bo encountered where least ex-

pected¬ iand the closest scrutiny with the naked

030 wilt reveal nothing to excite attonllonset itt timid is n wonder for out Into It Indollcab outlines is every letter of the alphabetThe IcttPis are arranged In lines that run itsentire circumference and are earay cllttiu-guiehnble through nmaunlfving gloss

The characters are In the form of print calledGothic by printers and end In the nbbrov nted-A There Is u space between each letter sothat one can be readily picked out from tboother As the letters correspond In size It wilt rl-


be understood that tire work entailed a keennest of calculation rarely met with The tlmnconsumed lu tho task was two hours and thirtyminutes

Ulodeetts object In going to this trouble was flnot merely to xntlsfy a passing whim Ho badsorted with honor In the Second New YorkHarris Llcht Cavalry Custors command andnot long ago It oeeurrea to him that tins Ideamlcht bo adopted with safety fur camletcipher despatches

The news of the rich mensflyeron the 11Now York arid Long Brunch Railroad pub-lished


In Wednesdays SUN has aroused thepeople or lied hank N J the only townwhich did not surlier from the Injustice di

of the now economical time table Itappears that thla railroad got its rIght ot fway through lint Bunk upon an ogre mimethat every train tun on time rouu shouldstop at that nlico him rich mens flyer IHnot put on tho Now York and Long lirnnch I

time table but It runs over ttto road ns tar na llILong Branch and pmses Red Bank nt fiftymiles nn hour If thorn IH not present relictthe company will hour from Ited Bonk

A reasonnblo tompernnco movement that isspreading In the Western cities is ono whichroiulrcs thou to keep aloof from bar roomsThey may drink what they please at homo In jtheir clubs mind in rhtnunints with tnulrmeals but the edict has gono forth that nogentleman wilt htnuil up to a bar and mix withtrio oiheruu who ru iko thnt a practice Ibis ittfnow social docmii is sild to have bud lift originIn San rraneisco the only city In the ltiidwhoso best Iar rooms nnpioach the socnlleu

art galleries 01 this town

It would seem to bo t ho duty of every yonncor json of a rich man In Now York to go West nssoon IH ha can manage It and acquire horsesSlilpplnyaloi loionud felling them IH usuallylooked upon ns tbo keonoHt sort of buslnoeaenterprise The number of young men whoare interolod in thou particular forni ol bust I I

tens Is very large It would bo interesting Itstatistics of limit ptolIU could be publisliol-tluilis Would bo Interestliit to the friends ltof the young specnl itoifl A widespread beliefexists but tlm tumults are by no mnnnn nsnumb ns they are Hoimtimos 8ui po rd to boIn uelmonicort eHtinlny a wjjbrownodhnndsomo und ntliloilu > ouncNew Yorkoron-toitninedn nnmoi of hm friuuds by toilingthorn how mu h mom j ho was going to mane Iby soiling n string of polo tonics and horseswhich hn und xu ured In Texas A fatuous oldbroker who wax once connoctod with the IIOUSD 4fuof the elder Oxlioina In Wall street Listenedwith pnteinnl nmliibllty for a long While tothe artless prattllnu uf thin boy and then saidt

How mil hoi nn nv nrng profit do you sixpect to mako on the horses CtmillarIlLlity Jolter u loust ap eciHow many lid you bring ou tHevonleen-

Thn old broker wnuged his head slowly for afiiw minutes nail limn remarked You weregone elelit monihs nml jou said a little whileuco your nxt nsei i lily averaged 50 a month yI hat wilt lease you n profit of a little over smOOfor eight montiiH stork You will never actrich ut that builuusd-

Berrv Wall has committed hlmselfto the Al ¬ 4pine hut fur good lie urostre It at all times butIt Is by no mer iiB cnrtulu that the fonmr kingof the dudes still raUuiii his following amongthe young user of New oik who devote a lireItleiis amount of limn und study to theirclothes There are a hew young men who sillfollow Mr WnllH inn I with almost slavishlldkllty Hut oven they nio beginning to hautetheir Alpine hut ulumu thn topinoit pegs sod u I

return to tin more ecu ontiomil kinds ot hiattgear Mr Wall howevor vvnar the soil tellflat In fair and hiormy wpather und aita rx >rtaIt when he Is clad lu ev cuing clothuK

According to the expert the tlmeto tee NewYorks pretty girls is about 11 oclock In thamorning on Fifth avenue They ruth out forathouiand reason nnJ they stay out or asmany mote The fa t maciris to be thea theyhave com home from tips cuuntry full of tholife anti fun mif outdttr frolIc menu limo fresh sirii as necessary to treust use time smelt 131k imriilidogs soid cuindy Lsirytistug sseiijs io stjksthem us lining comieal aol tie joy mf theirlooks IIs rofloteI In the fiuix of the Jutr iidweury ilsOiiie win ulpisI me jsursmer Ifs tjHiiThey IIIIVB brought the stir of ho waiild andtimst inuUnIgiue tO is lusL hsimriiitemj aol ssttJeytoswu lbey have riot suucoetiuJ yatip rqbbjughew York of Its gupurimi pruptimi lOok hutthen nothing On earlbeould do Ibis

At some of the clubs uf learned ladUi In tluiuoily plilloKOpbr and jooundlty aro often blended-in wnti thai are rare In lue clubs of ii-hmuvitr


sex For numplo at the seia tf-horunl In iMlmonluo last Jlomlay lime inem

mire limitt Itiinftit mull wIsig sonrilsg toisskosisare Ii tin ftel1 f ore h i IlsutSi an hiore dtibit IH use oi time fate-oupujst ihume tilI siseru 4lloiiJ-

DI tit lhjuiaul < I luut ohaniioil tim loOl Vtrmty 1mg

ore lbr puruil lu lsussof Iru ingsgmin lhrmops time to indyluula s miisJi gisialja ilutluu a

which tie spcmsiaisvl dengts ami mysji tiefocal anti instrUmental music wr f riri itaIUIier Wit Imiigeetmosi QI lgstegt u iuka >

la IseS iiKoWduiii t