THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 1906 j 11 I WIr i MARCH Iii L wr vtMaq 1C trrav- r w F i > + WOMAN IS FftCI IMM BOND KMI Willie Sta- f r T Give tall Attest Merck 14 Sin Willie ta4tfer wko shot aad killed ker tit lr Ml a Cha ll WhbcBABt ha Dues TtlMM MI a I5W9 boad by order of I 8 Kuan J d Reea atld that prisons were fM4 ta farce people Into cowtaad ke Catered Mrs Staadlfer vo U be o Mad Nftdy for trW If wa oat TIle bead VM ataMJ y Robert wktaky toator at 18 Marietta tract M W Roes W U Cettoa Mn StaaMfty araUMHala- wvto WM fcoaad ever la a m ekan of adultery MM laud a artoea r la UM Tower far Mt i to take retted t fccr Alezaader street reltaaed Her t ko caaM- AtiMrta five tJttWaa Ala will re ate with IMC let awhfl p Mjr threats agtlaat Vtaadlfe- rh Was at a IBM ta aaderataad report puraaie eircalated- Mr Kaadlfer leaned that 3adfee Rosa decided to let her go- aa bed ahe that the bettered all hMfcg that abe would aot be kept In Dm W 0 Wood and E D Richard aaa teeU0ed before Judge Roan that they Dew Mra Staadlfer and boiler ed was tat la a pkysical condition ta la a priaoa They said she had tabemkwla and was phyaiclallyi- maable to eadure close coaBaeraeat tan HaaUfc and Tens Herbiae keen feriafferra from aaeaasia By it ate the Mood is qaiaklj rtftaented sad the color be- aaam aenaal The drooping strength b retired The languor diminished Health viffer aa4 teas predominate lea life aad happy activity results Mm Belle II Skriel MWdl borouh- III write I lane beta troubled witk- litereraBplalm gad poor blood and hare found aotkiaR to braeflt me lik- Herfeia I hope aeter to be without It I leave withed that I had known of U la mj hofBtadt lifetime CO Held by W M Johnson Repair ef Dewey Ing Delayed Washington starch H The follow lac cablegram from Commander lion ley coaoeraiBK work on the dry dock Dewejr dated at Las Palmas Canaric lIre 12 has bees received at the state deBartaicat Material received Xarek Work la being delayed by MM leek ef rivet era Should be On- laked Muck ISta Off Anew Mrs she r ttMI tINt II able J west 1M Il Wt that bad aSIa r fade d r l t tlttad Mad t nudes f aid bead a be ee bee board Mr NasItt ri detllse as Bess N ttrsr dsetker 1Mr M r Wt slid be aot tIM Mw let a Rfea kid Bald aka l1 vigor ins 7 teal t 11 ¬ Ministers their Drops Dead Uttaa N Y Marck 14 Klrke H taakaaa son of Reverend Dr Robert B latkBiia pastor of the M Preabyte- HM at KBoxrllle TeL entered isle here Monday sight and after Irtaa aa order fell dead He was 22 age Dangers ef Pneumonia- A told at this time if neglected is- llcbe to eause pneumonia whieh i o fatal and eves when th patient has r lungs are weakened making them peculiarly susceptible to the development of consumption Fo Honey and Tar will stop the brat and strengthen the lungs tad purest pneumonia LaQrippe- aooghs yield quickly to the wonderful arativo qualities of FolrsV Honey and Tar Three i nothing ele just as good J W MeCullun A Co Accept Wage Scale Washington March 11 The commit- tee of five representing the tvlvgra- Bkera and station ugontx of the Southern railway have agreed to HC cept the wage scale of that road Tho wage scale n utrc d upon doea not contemplate a minimum or maximum wage but has been adJiiHtcd with a stew of flttlnK each Individual caste Four Men Horribly Burned Cleveland 0 March H Four men were frightfully burned In an explosion of hot metal at the plant of tho Na- ttoaal Malleable Castings company tTkree of tho four injured will die Lew Rates to Atlanta and Return via Atlantic Coast Line On account of Wheeler Memorial Day Marsh l7th and Second Annual Reanioa of the Blue and Bray March 28th and 29th the Atlantic COin Line will sell tickets from all points on its line to Atlanta Ja and ruturu at rate of one fare plus 25 cents for the round- trip Dates of sale March 25 and M with final limit 15 days in addition to date of sale For information see nearest ticket agent or communi- cate with Frank BoyUton D P A JMluoaville Fla r s con the I Ii Iii rlll Ir t J i r liars et item i Icy sang 11ura > > ¬ I A Happy HomeT- o have a home must have children as they are great hapoyhome makers If a weak woman can strong to bear healthy children with or discomfort to by taking Woman Relief It will ease away all pain reduce Inflam etc and make childbirth natural and Try It At every drug store in 100 bottles 4Vaa B a dkai a mmm W 7W I BKBHH Ht9 It My MVJr WV te WewtpM tine weeha wrttet Mn J P erttl AddraacLa1 Iowa AlvtoetyDeptnktChattaaiaja I to a ioe healthy tabs aad wa ere CAR DOl tnation cure whites womb ovar kn trouble menses backache headache au A LR to CADUI ar III II qty She ff WINE disordered M R MDO sail pit ell West Wetilsr < = Peasants Elect New Men St TtttrsLurp iarch i The re- turns from the jRa int I con tlrut KeniTJjnv to n otr the iTlons of eltl r prlisfn vilai hcribts to r ro int them III the n xt dtstrlrt- conviilont hut th t notMi of apathy nr nf a lifinaud for a rnxnplttp new iilan At AnlHtofT only vs out nf IIIHI small partirlpatH ri In the prow Incth alum tin V Un alir rhnute- xcepMon tlu ji rsaMjj cciitlrnie to elect new tren Afflicted With Rheumatism I wa and am y t rlieumaim aj Mr 1 C Hay- nfjitnr of Ail iin ton Indi- an Territory out ihtt k t Them brlsiu Pain Balm win able ouei morn to attend to hui inp It I tli- rwn of linim nt If fouriM with rheutnntium piv Pin U lm n trial and you ass certain t nv r thin pl M fd with the pdtiHt riliff which it affords One ai liciiti n relifv the Fur vale bjr nil ilm inti Conrled Is Acquitted Sew York Mnrrh Hclnrich Con of tht MftropoMtan r c lori and nfl t I farmers I Tit tit 1 in- stances trrtnrt lot sly te nit Prnld H pain red i r ¬ > > > < + + era nouse Wail nrqtiittni niesdav on a charge of vlulnMnu the law rrfjar- Ing Sunday theatrical performances He was rerr ntly for xivln Sunday night concortH at the Metro polltnn opvm house hit arrest hclnu made an n teat case Wrdls rvul m wit the production upon which the charge wax based Clears the Complexion Orico Laxatirf Fruit Syrup xtimii late the liver and thoroughly the system and clean the complexion of pimples and blotch It t the t laxative for women and children n it- U mild and plvaraut and doen not gripe or sicken print in much upe rior to i ill aperient waters sod nil ordinary ilhartie4 an it do not the sintimuo t i eU J V- SleCjllum Co Famine Being Hapiuiy Mvtsvrf I ap March l M SM O first necrctary III tin N gluon all St IVtirshiirj stoppfd at Chicago Monday on his way lu Ru U wh r he will uKHiinio his oltlctal duties Mr Sato aid that this famine condition In lapan are helnc rapidly rellevil with the help received front otli r na tins Invaluable For Rheumatism I parr been for the trot yearn with H severe iittnck rheu matim and found Pinllnrdi Snow i Liniment was the only thins tint gore s i I my pain March 1M C I rKnan Kinsman III J3j SniU by W M Johnon City Directory For Sale Wr have a number of copies of Directory for sale at The Sua office It ii a handy reference Un k fur buine and prof ai Kiual men Riing the nmiiep nf reiident with street end number Price Ieduc ed toll Seaboard Parlor Cars The Seaboard Air Line operates buf- fet can between Waldo and Tampa on trait leaving Waldo that connects with the morning traIn frotn Gainesville I I cleanse Julun Joie i j r It that I and Ir fh I Burt City i I I c 0 h arrested mass bur irri- tate and tilt i autT ring pit Inretisfaction trndl tos lrciat Judo an- tI i t d a < > > < > > > > ¬ + + Playwright Co rmlts Suicide Ntw tai March 1ouls De- forii fly In ihla lelphia coitnitt- Kilcldi hre Till ny by coffin hi thma I Lame rolaliorae III tin production of Tousle Cafe nnd wa- thi aiithfir of The Clobe Trotter TIll Dattlo Host and Swect inn IaKP lie was formerly an artor- A Scientific Wonder i The cure thtt Hand ti it credit Rinke Jiiickletiii ArnicH Hlr f n iti n It eured E R Mulford- turer the I ttron of HtiOHiriry IA of a ili tri inB c e It lieN the bun j 0 era hail ulCr rift r MI d eh j I ltin thrum oly 2V at hl time iore Are Searching for Outlaws Vnnlta I T March II Martini Darrocirh and leis JM S S CMijtinii the iMh lor th VIckiif Indian outlaw It may be several days j fore the otrlaws run lie locati I ow to th n o l tart they have and to tin fart that he country affords many unn of r cape anti places o conc almi r Infanta and Children Tki KM YH Have Always Bwghl Bean the Mann Indicted for Perjury Xw York Miinli Wll lIam I Mann editor of Town Topics has been indicted fur perjury by the grand Jury The indictment was balI on his ti tlrnony In the recent trial of Xorinan llnpcood editor of Collier Vfkly on a charjrp of critnlnnl llhel Sleeplessness Minion of the tonnnh produce a n rviiu e inU ton Mini often prevent sleep CnnmherlainV Somtcrh and Lrer Tablet ntunnUte tin dixe tive ore i r tofe the y t mjiu a ft liky- ioitdiii n and make ci i ihlf For rule hy sit UriKJit Louisville Nashville R R lust Line to Iliriiiintfliani Nu Meiiiiliis Louitillr inriniali- St l uis nilraco and all poliiN- Nurlliaua t Unlit of 1uI- IIOH Tiiiiri t Train Cbicatfo and Florida Limited Onlyolid Iullman train to West wih iM rvBtion Library and Dninj L nv 4 ufu tine RcJiin tn daily Leave Iink onville 0 0n in daily Arriven ChicaiioSrlO p tu nix dos Arnve St lount MO p rn next Through tleeper aUo operated on A C train Jacksonville to St Ioui and Chicago- A k for ticket via V N Fur inorinatioti H to rate to all tl t 1 t- Plf I k S H 4 II14 full informntion CAM on niy ucKe- tafent or GEO E HERRING Fid P let L X K It Jii l FloriJi I 1 lnrlr a tlJlIII 1 i I ill wontr I Wit lit horn I d 11 II nor alt lit I j I CASTORIAF- or of Iou i lilt Iflu n ill th tar t I pp In and t t lilt I wright wwr V 1 I fur ad trait G lL I3gnsltnrd 11 I ii 1fr the dir Fl5 North i I > > > > > > + + + + + ± + J M OaaMAM Pr ideBt trio W HTDB ViwPr dtai H E TAYLOR Cahierj- niHAK A t Cashier THE FIRST NATIONAL BANK- OF ONLY NATIONAL BANK IN ALACKUA CO Capital Ssooot iw Surplus and Undivided Protits 300o 00 OeM en loCTcir a O aataew iu r w ei eons to act b a It ite BoUett TAYLOR Caanitr REALTY COMPANY EE VOYLE MGR Abstracts of Title and full information furaisked regarding Is thoroughly ACCIDENT BURGLARY AND INDEMNITY INSURANCE p Beating a number of prominent Americnn and ooQ p nt REAL ASP CITY es 7 iae t Gloria THE ALACHUA COUNTY ABSTRACT CO Inc KSTAHMSUKD I I The question I Rvndril rriaie errce of every tort nl nt Tii I Land in the t te of FundH r urtici arly fleet cotifiii for the invetor T n Etc Alltract of sul- fiil band Onner IlaU wf Frt sat nnl linrU of lijntie rjlc H F Ptmon A Co Florida East Coast Railway Local Time Card No M In Effect January 9 MMSO- UTHBOUNORE40 DOWN STATIONS J k- t A n- J iI IM- ri iui Hut ItflOJ I 1 r- H IIII- Tt e Mm- J uiot- u Ixnu- linlldbi ni n j MUul- MUnl llin t i I Dally Dst Daily 01- Lv Jirk nvtll 00 i 9 Ar t Auuttir 0 CO NORTH30UNOREAO UP Nt 7J No 74 7M N- IUll l ll IlKll Hal I1 j- W p i 7 V p T W j r- t i c i- 3 s 4 is p J u i 1 3W p t- U ii li U tt p t r- i si p s i a 14- i u t U j a 10 i1- Da Olid Dall lo 3S No 93 l3- Oiilj Cai Duly c yn 0 23 o93 No 92 Da H S- Vmmw AM occnaia siEusmp ciwiEcnosslT mm cn MW KM M StaMilp Havana Key West and Nassau Sailings Each Week SEE THE TICKET AOENT D RAHNBR Aut a P FLA Lu i OF GAJNESVJLLE 1a4 thaw teeoart or Far menltarebua curwrasou I e1rlurarstrotat Ail osise urslseGS1 ttJltJ II E ABSTRACT XDoorporated1 Our taaaager hu Utd in n nan wits laD E E va xLE PlRE Gai tt lulu of MlltLTIE lit II 1 ill ou for luuutir UlAnr n rte Suto SII I AU I IW I I a S r I a I a H rIllIl t I L I a j a 0 I I a 6 U 111 a < a I Lr 1 I I a i I JIj a I I a- J 111 I a I a- i i a tit Iy I I 1 I 1 o T t a- l J 1 I a IN 4 rb IJ I I 4 It a w t 9 I IS tl a l a I I I a i i I v I lJ1a ow omr J a II 1 t a l I II lv I ire l a I 1 11 V- f a I Irarr IIf I 3 I IC I l I Ir f I Iii a a t It lr U J a to I HJI it I ftool t a 3q m a uI IL r- 1J a H 1 I l l a i I 1 f Ir I a II I l M lf II IO I a 1 p i 11 1 t 1 a a I I t I a I I 111 a a to C r a I a q fo 101 II l 1 H V a t II i il u a II I to HH Ii I H H H I 1It a t t 1111 1 a r r to n I1 I f hut p lr I II I I I 1101 It II l I I p Irc 1 I 1 It I I I I J J 7 I I a r I I j I H r i t I 1Irt Parlor lan on trains ZJ I Csr on IiuIru H lOT I vlrlWItSI 27 No 29 No 43 31 17 93 o I Dls coO 1 I II 1 137 a f Ill I 3 I I I lltTIJ l 30 73 No UN 3 No tau I I D 01 SuitE Sup a E 1 l I I v Ij ItI J I all j I j 11 I f 1 I a a t 11 l I T a a I Jeol ITOfl I t t wb S l U tin 19 uu III t8 nlI port Sun 11 600 IS 40 p 1M Ar Itt UI a I Tp g P 1101M- I IS 4S P I 1J e W a II 7 CO p III Mwpo L w h t 0 allo 4 j Close at the P i O S S for sd No t f TIa 1ee Mew au fa era lCCM 111 Per LOCAL TIME II Other aformatfoa- Ie It- I Art ST AUQUSTINE S e vas eta Intermil- arIlt s this Lender enaaty this Ionat thfny eatt ent title q pre English t1 nC flew Tit Atrhgx rn Irl rartdlr era lgeut uu i1 rrrI l 9n Yn Z3 > n a 1ttly Uail U rtll Isallr H G a tar a- p a p 1 r p 5 a tri utr do li Ie p S t 1 Jp 611 11 r a li a Lr p S Ir v p r b v r In 1 p u it- u S r OS r Is It fa A- lac p 1r San ro h t p 1 I M t a y 01 t- i is p Ikrurit I p 1- I I li AI j 11 1 p SS pit 1 1d p s 44 p 11 patn p a e AI p 11S I intt vtaltrr p a 134 It T p a a 4 it 1 t r tct i IS p p r a 45S p rlup p I i Ip i dA e p Jao ti p l M S D 1 a v1pI i4 i1Lis 1 a J p 1 Uvl p i t J k p 14t r- t a rd 1t all t a Ls Y A li14 p it p t p Lt T t UL 4 t 11 a p p u p S Arf p ta 111 p 11 1 1 p ti i S ii P ai lit h i A t ini p Itn tlu pivc j p i L r a a 6 ft a aA p r 3 tt I p j 3 r I I G a l t 4 SeS p lr 11e ir t a a I p u p lr Ir n a a 11 G1 4J tr 41 t a Iti4 rtald n t 1 al p r Jr s F a tS I sat b tr fur j i i 1r 1 I Iv t i ly l Scpla rata x99 Iy cccpsa1ay- nIIEYSEn SCIiEnrrE nlTwrE 1lrl Tltl- No 23N No Ao Dlilf PaT t Mai l on attr a p q hU n I t I i I 7SNo o 32 10 uir r 1 Es UI Dolls S IT suit vi 4 40 r 7 10i i p f aa 4u a s 1 in t s r t Crh tl uper lydonthrsotsa e It c 1- i Yin I a Ially Yo 2Ii tlnly duly pally illy only I P 1 l0 Ib i ti Ar 7 v j i p Ii S a 1 6 a a s h e bb t AUaaue T 613 all I p Gealosay Trains dlsckargs passeagen aklpt Ids flaw lralas any M Ir to ttlro rt tad t w itts Oste j IatagMdEaAl6aalestrlrrler atlts i atatsdtnettuarntert J awl InN tbetelrvm X17 1 the CARD et It > ± > < < > > > > < < > > = = = = > = = = = + > + + + + + + + + ° > + = + = +

Iii A Happyufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01424/00525.pdf · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 1906 j 11 I WIr i MARCH Iii L wr vtMaq 1C trrav- F i r w WOMAN IS FftCI IMM

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Page 1: Iii A Happyufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/02/82/98/01424/00525.pdf · THE DAILY SUN GAINESVILLE FLORIDA 1906 j 11 I WIr i MARCH Iii L wr vtMaq 1C trrav- F i r w WOMAN IS FftCI IMM


j 11 I WIr i


wr vtMaq 1C trrav-r wF i



KMI Willie Sta-f r T Give tall

Attest Merck 14 Sin Willieta4tfer wko shot aad killed ker titlr Ml a Cha ll WhbcBABt ha Dues

TtlMM MI a I5W9 boad by order ofI 8 Kuan

J d Reea atld that prisons werefM4 ta farce people Into cowtaad keCatered Mrs Staadlfer vo U be oMad Nftdy for trW If wa oat

TIle bead VM ataMJ y Robertwktaky toator at 18 Marietta

tract M W Roes W U CettoaMn StaaMfty araUMHala-

wvto WM fcoaad ever la am ekan of adultery

MM laud a artoea r la UM Towerfar Mt i to take

retted t fccrAlezaader streetreltaaed Her

t ko caaM-AtiMrta five tJttWaa Ala will re

ate with IMC let awhfl

p Mjr threats agtlaat Vtaadlfe-rh Was at a IBM ta aaderataad

report puraaie eircalated-Mr Kaadlfer leaned that

3adfee Rosa decided to let her go-

aa bed ahe that the bettered allhMfcg that abe would aot be kept In

Dm W 0 Wood and E D Richardaaa teeU0ed before Judge Roan thatthey Dew Mra Staadlfer and boilered was tat la a pkysical conditionta la a priaoa They said shehad tabemkwla and was phyaiclallyi-maable to eadure close coaBaeraeat

tan HaaUfc and TensHerbiae keen feriafferra from

aaeaasia By it ate the Mood isqaiaklj rtftaented sad the color be-

aaam aenaal The drooping strengthb retired The languor diminishedHealth viffer aa4 teas predominatelea life aad happy activity resultsMm Belle II Skriel MWdl borouh-III write I lane beta troubled witk-litereraBplalm gad poor blood andhare found aotkiaR to braeflt me lik-

Herfeia I hope aeter to be withoutIt I leave withed that I had known ofU la mj hofBtadt lifetime CO

Held by W M Johnson

Repair ef Dewey Ing DelayedWashington starch H The follow

lac cablegram from Commander lionley coaoeraiBK work on the dry dockDewejr dated at Las Palmas CanariclIre 12 has bees received at thestate deBartaicat Material receivedXarek Work la being delayed byMM leek ef rivet era Should be On-

laked Muck ISta


Anew Mrs


rttMI tINtII


J west1M


Wt that bad



fade d



tlttad Mad

t nudesf aid


a be ee bee

boardMr NasIttri detllseas Bess N ttrsrdsetker 1MrM

r Wt slid be aot

tIMMw let a



l1 vigorins





Ministers their Drops DeadUttaa N Y Marck 14 Klrke H

taakaaa son of Reverend Dr RobertB latkBiia pastor of theM

Preabyte-HM at KBoxrllle TeL entered

isle here Monday sight and afterIrtaa aa order fell dead He was 22


Dangers ef Pneumonia-A told at this time if neglected is-

llcbe to eause pneumonia whieh i ofatal and eves when th patient

has r lungs are weakenedmaking them peculiarly susceptible tothe development of consumption Fo

Honey and Tar will stop thebrat and strengthen the lungs

tad purest pneumonia LaQrippe-aooghs yield quickly to the wonderful

arativo qualities of FolrsV Honey andTar Three i nothing ele just asgood J W MeCullun A Co

Accept Wage ScaleWashington March 11 The commit-

tee of five representing the tvlvgra-Bkera and station ugontx of theSouthern railway have agreed to HC

cept the wage scale of that road Thowage scale n utrc d upon doea notcontemplate a minimum or maximumwage but has been adJiiHtcd with astew of flttlnK each Individual caste

Four Men Horribly BurnedCleveland 0 March H Four men

were frightfully burned In an explosionof hot metal at the plant of tho Na-

ttoaal Malleable Castings companytTkree of tho four injured will die

Lew Rates to Atlanta and Return viaAtlantic Coast Line

On account of Wheeler MemorialDay Marsh l7th and Second AnnualReanioa of the Blue and Bray March28th and 29th the Atlantic COin Linewill sell tickets from all points on itsline to Atlanta Ja and ruturu at rateof one fare plus 25 cents for the round-trip Dates of sale March 25 and Mwith final limit 15 days in addition todate of sale For informationsee nearest ticket agent or communi-cate with Frank BoyUton D P AJMluoaville Fla



con the

I Ii Iii rlll Irt J


r liars et









A Happy HomeT-o have a home must have children

as they are great hapoyhome makers If a weakwoman can strong to bearhealthy children with or discomfort to

by taking

Woman ReliefIt will ease away all pain reduce Inflam

etc and make childbirth natural and Try ItAt every drug store in 100 bottles

4Vaa B a dkai ammm W 7W I BKBHH Ht9 It My MVJr WVte WewtpM tine weeha wrttet Mn J Perttl AddraacLa1 IowaAlvtoetyDeptnktChattaaiaja I to a ioe healthy tabs aad wa ere


tnation cure whites womb ovarkn trouble menses backache headache

au A LR to CADUIar

III II qty She





sail pitell

West Wetilsr<


Peasants Elect New MenSt TtttrsLurp iarch i The re-

turns from the jRa int I contlrut KeniTJjnv to n otr the iTlonsof eltl r prlisfn vilai hcribtsto r ro int them III the n xt dtstrlrt-conviilont hut th t notMi

of apathy nr nf a lifinaud fora rnxnplttp new iilan AtAnlHtofT only vs out nf IIIHI small

partirlpatH ri In the prowIncth alum tin V Un alir rhnute-xcepMon tlu ji rsaMjj cciitlrnie toelect new tren

Afflicted With RheumatismI wa and am y t

rlieumaim aj Mr 1 C Hay-nfjitnr of Ail iin ton Indi-an Territory out ihtt k t Thembrlsiu Pain Balm win able oueimorn to attend to hui inp It I tli-

rwn of linim nt If fouriM withrheutnntium piv Pin U lm n trialand you ass certain t nv r thinpl M fd with the pdtiHt riliff whichit affords One ai liciiti n relifvthe Fur vale bjr nil ilm inti

Conrled Is AcquittedSew York Mnrrh Hclnrich Con

of tht MftropoMtan

r c lori



t I









sly te nit













era nouse Wail nrqtiittni niesdav ona charge of vlulnMnu the law rrfjar-Ing Sunday theatrical performancesHe was rerr ntly for xivlnSunday night concortH at the Metropolltnn opvm house hit arrest hclnumade an n teat case Wrdls rvul m

wit the production upon whichthe charge wax based

Clears the ComplexionOrico Laxatirf Fruit Syrup xtimii

late the liver and thoroughlythe system and clean the complexionof pimples and blotch It t the tlaxative for women and children n it-

U mild and plvaraut and doen notgripe or sicken print in much uperior to i ill aperient waters sod nilordinary ilhartie4 an it do not

the sintimuo t i eU J V-

SleCjllum Co

Famine Being Hapiuiy Mvtsvrf I

ap March l M SM O firstnecrctary III tin N gluon allSt IVtirshiirj stoppfd at ChicagoMonday on his way lu Ru U wh rhe will uKHiinio his oltlctal duties MrSato aid that this famine conditionIn lapan are helnc rapidly rellevilwith the help received front otli r natins

Invaluable For RheumatismI parr been for the

trot yearn with H severe iittnck rheumatim and found Pinllnrdi Snow i

Liniment was the only thins tint gores i I

my pain March 1M CI rKnan Kinsman III J3j

SniU by W M Johnon

City Directory For SaleWr have a number of copies of

Directory for sale at TheSua office It ii a handy referenceUn k fur buine and prof ai Kiualmen Riing the nmiiep nf reiidentwith street end number Price Ieduced toll

Seaboard Parlor CarsThe Seaboard Air Line operates buf-

fet can between Waldo andTampa on trait leaving Waldo thatconnects with the morning traIn frotnGainesville




Julun Joie









Burt Cityi



c 0 h





tate and

tilt i

autT ring pit

Inretisfaction trndl tos lrciatJudo













> >




Playwright Co rmlts SuicideNtw tai March 1ouls De-

forii fly In ihla lelphia coitnitt-Kilcldi hre Till ny by coffin hithma I Lame rolaliorae III tinproduction of Tousle Cafe nnd wa-

thi aiithfir of The Clobe TrotterTIll Dattlo Host and Swect inn

IaKP lie was formerly an artor-

A Scientific Wonderi The cure thtt Hand ti it creditRinke Jiiickletiii ArnicH Hlr f n iti n

It eured E R Mulford-turer the I ttron of HtiOHiriry

IA of a ili tri inB c eIt lieN the bun

j 0 era hail ulCr rift r MI d eh j

I ltin thrum oly 2V athl time iore

Are Searching for OutlawsVnnlta I T March II Martini

Darrocirh and leis JM S S CMijtiniithe iMh lor th VIckiif Indianoutlaw It may be several days j

fore the otrlaws run lie locati I owto th n o l tart they have and

to tin fart that he country affordsmany unn of r cape anti places oconc almi r

Infanta and Children

Tki KM YH Have Always Bwghl

Bean the

Mann Indicted for PerjuryXw York Miinli Wll

lIam I Mann editor of Town Topicshas been indicted fur perjury by thegrand Jury The indictment was balIon his ti tlrnony In the recent trialof Xorinan llnpcood editor of Collier

Vfkly on a charjrp of critnlnnl llhel

SleeplessnessMinion of the tonnnh produce a

n rviiu e inU ton Mini often preventsleep CnnmherlainV Somtcrh andLrer Tablet ntunnUte tin dixe tiveore i r tofe the y t mjiu a ft liky-ioitdiii n and make ci i ihlfFor rule hy sit UriKJit

LouisvilleNashville R R

lust Line toIliriiiintfliani Nu Meiiiiliis

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