If a i 11 w tifiW VOL. V. NO. 4. HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY G, 188ft PRICE 5 CENTS. guslars? Cards. Stffttrtistiiunts. SVdvcrfisnittnts. taws5 CarUs. THE DAILY Pacific Commercial Advertiser JUST EECEIYED AND FOR SALE AT IT N I O IJ Fire and Marine Insurance Co. or New Zealand. CAPITAL.. : 10,000,000 Established an Aseney at Having' for the Hawaiian Islands, the un- dersigned are prepared to accept rliks agjiinst lire in dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise, on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo, freights, bottomry, profits and commissions. Losses promptly adjusted payable. &2-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIN fc CO. GREAT WESTERN INSURANCE COMPANY. 50 WALL STUKKT. . fc V VOilU 1!9 PUBLISHKD Every Morning Except Sundays. SUBSCRIPTIONS : Daily P. C. Advertiser, one ypar 00 Daily Pw C. Advf.rtiheb, six months 3 00 Daily P. C. Auvkbtiskr, three months 1 50 Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month 50 Weekly P. C. advertiser, one year 5 00 r elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including postage) 6 50 Payable Invariably in Advance. iers for Sale. The undersigned begs to call the attention of ate&mship companies and others inter- ested to the following list of steam launches, tags and other steamboats offered for sale by-on- e 'of bis correspondents in Liverpool with the prices attached, and which on ac- count of tho, remarkably depressed state of the shipping business will be seen to be ex- tremely low. . Launches, tugs and small boats that can be brought on deck of a large steamer or sailing vessel: New steel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x 5 feet 8 in. with 10 horsa power engines nomi- nal,, surface . condensers, donkey pump, etc. a peed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver- pool, 1,050 or $5,250. 81,130. Wood Screw Passenger and Cargo Launch, built in 1885, pair of Gin. cylinders, 8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extra strong cak frames, pitch pine planking, cop- per fastened, dimensions 45.Gxi.Gx4.11, draft of water af 6 3 t?et. Price, 375. 2,304. A Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht, bnilt in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A II P engines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- cylinders, 8-i- n. stroke, fpeed 9 knots on consumption ,03 cwt. per hour, bunker contain G tons. v,Jie has 11 sleeping berths; was built to go up the Nile; dimensions Go. 2x12. 7x6.7 Price, 1,550. ; 2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch, topper "fastened, compound SC engines 6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu- lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. working pressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price, 650. 2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer, built in 1879, for river passenger traffic, hull, engine and boile lately overhauled at a cost of 167; speed 11 knots on a consump- tion of about 4 tons per day, bankers con- tain 12 tons, dimensions 68.0x12.1x4.0. Price, 480. 84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885, engines C S j C 25 II. P. N. 11-i- n. and tubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure, boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt and manogony, dimensions 70x12.8x6.2. Draft of water, iH feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850. LARGER VESSELS. 2.293. ..An Iron Screw Steamer, now building, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, to carry 280 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain 20 tpn8, speed 9 knots on a consumption of 3 tona per -- day, compound D A engines of 40 II. P., lS-i- n, and 30-i- cylinders, boiler of .80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engine and steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21.0x 10.6. Pric,e, 4,600. 2,311. iPa Iron Screw Tag, bnilt in 1885, classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes, two compound S C D A engines of 45 H. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke, speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x 9.3. Price, 3,500. ' 2,308. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register, and carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft, 2 commonJj A S C engines of 90 II. P., 25 H -- in. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke, cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs. working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons, consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engine and boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen- sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12,600. 2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in 1S85, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tons register, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft, bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13!- - to 144 knots on consumption of 8 tons per day, compound S O engines of 0 II. P.,21?i-i- n, and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steel tabular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure, donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen- sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500. The above are only a few of the steam vessels that are offered at sale in Great Britain at the present time. Almost any de- scription of steamer, and of any size de- sired, can now be purchased at very favora- ble rates. It is of course necessary that so me responsible party in England should examine the condition of the steamers of- fered for sale before purchasing. . S69tf W. L. GREEN. E. E. MAYHEW, Contractor and Builder, 8 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I., (Opposite Fashion Stables). P. O. BOX 31. BELL TELEPHONE 5i All work in my line faithfully dune, rians and Decii cations made. Jobbing in all details done Ht short notice. Good work and low charges is tuy motto., Xtt MONTHLY PAYMENTS. All accounts for Advertising and Job PrtoUu at the Parities Commercial AtUettlr i Office will from this date be presented for meut monthly. Honolulu, March 2. 1885. S. L. ITAKUr, JOHN SrtJTANCK. Spruance, Stauioy & Co., Importers aud Jobbers of Fins WHISKIES, WINES and LIQUORS, 410 Front NU. San Fraaclceo. 87 tf . W Fulton Iron Work, HINCKLEY, SPIEIIS & HAYES, Of San Framrlco All kinds ot Machinery and Boiler. Specialties ICR AND REFRIOERATINO MACi!INKR. CORLISS ENUINES, BAIlCO"K A WIU. BOILERS, DKANR AIR, VACUUM AND STEAM PUMPS, LLEWELLYN HKATKRM, ETC., ETC. wly S. IP. Taylor & Co. Agents South Const Paper Mills.. Proprietors Pioneer and Sau Oeronlmo Piiper HUK. STRAW PAPER, BOOK, MANILA, ETC. Manufacturers and Dealers. 441 and 416 Clay street. Ban FrmncUt , Cat .108 jylO If Commission Merchants, NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, SYDNEY. 123-au2- y Dimliani,CaiTigan & Co. HAEDAViVEE, IRON AND BTEEL MERCHANT H San Francisco, Cal. Demius: Palmer Milling Co,, OF THE CAPITOL MILL PROPRIETORS 204 Davfs street, Wan FrhncUco Manufacturers of and lK'tUc'ri Flour, U talus o all kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, C'orumeal Oround and Rolled liarley, Cracked Wheat Cracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil C'sk Meal, Hominy, Etc., Etc. KLINE & CO., - : f Importers of HATS and CAPS. Nos. 20 and 28 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Pine, T21a-- 8 BAN FRANCISCO. ' H, tf. KLUS. J. W. MILLI E. ELLIS & MILLER Wholesale and Commission Dealers In Hay, Grain and Feed 25 and 27 SPEAR STREET, Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO. bob- - Orders Solicited. 423dc2ft-i- y Whilticr, Fuller & Co., Manufacturers of PIONEER WHITE LEAD, PACIJB1C RUBBER PAINT, PAINTS, OILS, WINDOW GLASS and AR- TISTS' MATERIALS, 21-- 2 J Front St., t t Nan Frnnelac. 424-d2-l- y American Mange Hotel, SauMiue Street, Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door from Bank of California, SAN FRANCISCO, CAL. This Hotel Is in the very center of the business portion of the city, and has been ren vawd and newly furnished throughout. But one block from the Oregon Steamship Company's office. The traveling public will find this to be the most con- venient, as well as th most comfortable and r spectable Hotel in the city. Board and Room, 91 and 91 23 per dajr Hot and e"4r -- arhnlree. None but the most ob-Jii- ug white labor emp1yfid. -- FREE COACH TO AND FROM THE HOTEL. MONTGOMERY BEOS., 350decl Proprietors. DR. C. N- - WEST'S FAMOUS ELECTRO MEDICAL BELT forms of dls. out riied'. laUyalj the forms of impurity of the blood and sexual ailments lu either sex. Most powerful Belt and r only one In tbe world charged with water. Full directions sent with belt. Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St., San Francisco, Cal. Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351 A. F. HINZ. WM. PLAGEMANN. YOLO MILLS, NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAIT FRANCISCO, Cal. Telephone No. 56S. llliix Jb l'lsgemann, Manufa.-turer- s of Extra Family, Graham, Rye. Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn and Feed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck- wheat Groats. Horalny, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar- ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc. Dealers in Grain aad Feed of all kinds. Grinding done to order. 123 aug28 ly TO PLASTERS. We have Just received, by the steamer ALA- MEDA, a consignment of Automatic Trash Feeding Furnaces, For four and live foot furuaces, complete with grate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machines of this make are now it successful operation at Spreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and other plantation?. PLANTERS AND OTHERS Interested are requested to call and examine the above. For prices and further particulars ap- ply to Wm. Cf. Irwin & Co., 205tf Ai;uts. mm FEED CO,, jueen fc Edinburgh Streets, WHO.LtfSALK A KKTATZ. Dealers L. HAY AX 1 UltAIX, Telephone No. ITS. Goods delivered promptly. Inland OrilerH Solicited. 91lf GRAHAM PAPER COMPANY, St. LuU. 3lo. Manufacture and Supply all kinds of Book. Xe, Flat antl Isabel 1'aper. jaimler" Boards, Twines, Etc. W. G. RICHARDSON, RESIDENT AGENT, 303 LeidesiIorlT Street. Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO. X. B.-Se- cial Attention Klven to Iarge Contracts. 68 tfAw TELEPHONE 55 fPNTERPRISP T)T A ATT AT X UTTT T. Alakea. near Ihc eu St. C. J. 11ARDEE, Proprietor. Coiitracting & Building. MOULDINGS AND FINISH ALWAtS ON HAND. FOlt SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cut and Split. 21-- tf Eastman's Royal Perfume ALOHA ! FOR SALE BY- - Benson, Smith & Co. Sample bottle free. TRY IT. 68 tf L. COHKX. J. LTOSS. LYONS & COHEiXr Auctioneers A2tD- - General Commission MerchantsJ Beaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu - Cale ofFurnitnre. Stock, Real Etat O aud GeDeral Merchandise properly atienueu w Sole Acents for African & European Mercbandise. 191-t- f T. J. SPENCE, Special Agent for the Michigan Portrait Co. Producers of the finest grades of INDIA INK, WATER COLORS. CRAYON AND PASTEL PORTRAITS. OFFICE AT J. WILLIAM S Photosrapb Oallery, 102 FORT STREET. Hawaiian Islands. Honolulu - - Where a large variety of specimens can be seen at all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequently visit the several Islands of the group, when he will be pleased to show specimens and take orders for same. 363 tf LIQUID BREAD. AN ABSOLUTELY PURE EXTRACT OF . MALT. A VALUABLE TONIC AND REMEDIAL AGENT, INDORSED AND RECOMMENDED BY THE ENTIRE MEDICAL FRATERNITY. Of all medicinal preparations that have been put upon the market in recent years, the extract o malthas proved itself one of the most valuable as a tonic or remedial beverage. It hits received the unqualified recognition and support of phr-sician- s, and is freely prescribed by them in many cases, especially w here the nervous or physical systems have been impaired by disease or over. ork. Tne house of "DAVID NICHOLSON," of this city, has recently introduced a pure malt extract ot lush character, made at their request and under their suggestions by Mr. Adolpbus I'.usch, and which is popularly known as NICH-OIXN'- S LltJUID BREAD," from its life-givin- and healih-resitorin- g pioperties. A sample sub- mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subject of a chemical analysis by him, and the result of his investigations are given in the appended cer-tiiicat- e: " t. I.oris, April 29. "W. F.Cout.T R. Esq., National Druggist Dear Sir: Hayiuir submitted the Nicholson malt ex- tract to examination, us ri quested, 1 take pleasure in reporting that I tiiul it to be all that the pro- prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in the following summary, are necessarily only approxi- mate, but re sulncieiitly accurate for all practical purposes. "The specimens submitted consisted of an effirvescisis iiuid, dark' brown by direct and of a deep ruby color by transmitted light, resembling in general appearance and behuvior a very supe- rior article of porter. Its taste was, however, much milder and more pleasant than porter, be- ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetness masked and covered by a very pleasant bitter, derived evidently front hops, The specific gravity of a sample fresh f onr the bottle is 1.022 plus. Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi- metres of the tluid is 3.06 grammes, or about 8 per cent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.81 plus. The extractive matter Is apparently identical with the "extractuni maltts" of Trommer, or of the German Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en- tirely of male sugar; dextrine, being free from fatty acids, etl. The fluid contains a very large amount of diastase, as shown by the fact that it easily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch. This fact, its low percentage of alcohol. Its effer- vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, all combine to recommend Nicholson's malt, extract as bein; a most nourishing beverage, and the best article of the sort that has ever come under my exami- nation. Respectfully, "FRANK L. JAMES, Ph. D., M. D." G. W. Macfarlane k Co., Agents. The Kisdon Iron & Locomotive Works, Corner of TtealC and llow'arb Streets, SAN FRANCISCO CA LIFORNIA W. H. TAYLOR President JOS. MOORE Superintendent OF STEAM MACHINERY, IN IUILDERS branches; Mtarnboat, Steamship, Land Engines and Boilers, .High Pressure or Compound. STEAM -- VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite. ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad- visable.. STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs constructed with reference to the trade in which they are to be employed., speed, ton- nage aud draf,t of. water guaranteed. SUGAR MILLS AND SUGAR-MAKIN- G MA- CHINERY made after the most approved plans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connected therewith. WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of any size, made in suitable lengths for connecting together, or Sheets Rolled, Punched and Packed for shipment, ready to be riveted on the ground. HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work, and Water Pipe made by this establishment, Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery, that quality of work being far superior to hand work. SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, Steam Winches, Air and Circulating Pumps, made after the most approved plans. SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c lie Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler. PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or City Works' purposes, built with the cele-- i brated Davy Valve Motion , superior to any other pump. J S. WILLIAMS Honolulu (Agent for Hawaiian' Islands 22UseiJ0-l- y ' -- X-CI3 - E AVER SALOON. SO. : FORT STREET'. Opposite Wilder Co.'s H. J. Woite, Fropr. OPKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. if FIRST-CLAS- S LOCIIES, COFFEE, TEA, SODA WATER, GI.N'GEB AM:, CJigxits fiTil Tobaccos OF BEST BRANDS Plain and Fancy IIIJ personally selected from the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety of BEST QUALITY SMOKERS' ARTICLES. Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant B&ra&WIK I CO.- - SILUASB on the Premises. The Pi oprietor would be pleased to receive a call from his Friends and the Public generally who may desire a I.UNCH. A SMOKE, OR A. GAME OF BlLLIAKItS. H. J. N0LTE, 26-t- f C'laus Spreckels. Win. O. Irwin. GLAUS SPKECKELS & CO., BANKERS, HONOLULU, HAWAIIAN ISLANDS. Draw Exchange uii the principal parts of the worlU. Will receive deposits on open account, make collections and conduct a general banking and exchange business. Deposits hearing Interest received in their Sav lugs Department subject to published rules and re2ula.tI0.1s. 77oc3tf CLAC8 SPHKCIEI.S TM. O. IftWIH. WM. G. IRWIN & Co., FACTORS ninl CoiumNHion Sl'OAIt Honolulu U. I. tf M. PHILLIPS & Co., and Wholesale Iealer in Imitorters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish- ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahunntnu street. Honolulu, II. I. IStf-w- t! H. HACKFELD & CO., . COMMISSIOS AWEJfTS. GENERAL Queen St., Honolulu, H.I. r. BANNIK0. W. MAERTENS. r OPFEBBEIT ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO., TmiMirlers A- - Commission Jtereliauts. jl uueen street, uonoiuiu, ri. i. 14-- tl A. S. 0LEGH0RN & Co., ami Wholesale and Retail Importers General Merchandise, Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f MACFARLANE L C0-- , DEALERS AJin E5I. WHOLESALE In WINES and LIQUOKS. Kb. 12 Kaanumanu Street, HONOLULU. 19-- tf M. S. Grinbaum & Co., IMPORTERS OF Oeneral Merchandise and Commis sion Merchants, Honolulu, II. I. So. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal. 104-jyl-- ly J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co., STATIONERS & NEWS DEALERS, Haivaiian Gazette Block. 27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I. 65 t THOMAS LINDSAY Manufacturing Jeweler, vOpposite HoIIister t Co.j Honolulu, II. I. Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 ti ALYIN II. RASEMAN, BOOK BINDER, Saper Ruler and Blank Bovk Manulacturer. ok binding of all descriptions neatly and promptly executed, and at reasonable charge. Cazette Building:, 27 tf MERCHANT STBEET. J. C. JOHNSON & CO., LEATHER, HARNESS, SADDLERY, FIREMEN'S EQUIPMENTS, 12 and 14 Puie street, San Francisco, Cal. Agents for Kirby'8 Santa Cruz Tanneries. Sole Harness and all other kinds of leather. 15UseS If i DE. M. GOTO, Physician and Surgeon, Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec' ialty. Office, mauka of the residence wf Hon Jas, Kean.King street, K a pals ma, Honolulu. Office hours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays. 8 to 12 a. na. N. B Parties on the other islands can consult by let ter. 263 octti-'o- s NOTICE. AIR. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FOR 11 Representative lor hi district, North Ko-- Lowest Market Rates, . A Large stock of the Most Favorite Brands of B.AXDIES, WHISKIES, GENEVAS. SHERRIES. BRUMS. PORTS, MADEIRAS, ALES, STOUTS, And BEERS, LIQUEURS, ETC THISTLE IEW WHISKY. (tu cases and casks,) lEEI.ISSOXS BRANDY, (7 and 10 years old,) Ml". I. CHER'S "EI-ErilA-fc- UTS Budweiser Lager .Beer, For which we are the Sole Agents In the Ha waiian Islands, are particularly recommended. Town and Country Order llieu Promptly, and Satisfaction Otiarau-teed- . Freetn fe Peacock. 23 Nuuanu street, Honolulu. 11. 1. Telephone No. 48. P-- Bo no lavci.ndtso WEMEB, & CO. S3 Fort Street. Have on hand New Foreign and Homemade Jewelry, ? Watches, Bracelets, Necklets, 4 "Pins, Lockets,' Clocks, And ornaments of all kinds. Silver and Gold Plate, - Elegant Solid Sliver Tea Sets. Suitable for Presentation. ENGRAVING AND NATIVE J hWELHi A Specialty. Repairing in all Its brandies. y Role Agents for King's Eye Preservers. The Forest Meat Market HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fachiou Stables. Bornhold & Co. Proprietors. Keep the best Beef and Mutton these Islands af- ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. No discount from any other maker. Give us a trial. 382decl4 tf WM. McCANDLESS, No. 6 Queen Street, FISH MAEKET. . DEALER IN CHOICEST Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, r Etc. Family and Shippinsr Orders carefully attended to. Live Stock furnished to vessels at short notice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied to order. Metropolitan Market KINO STREET, G. J. WALLER, PROPRIETOR. Cuoieeat Meats from Fluent Herd Families., and shipping "soppIied on SHORT NOTICE and at the Lowest Market Prices. All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y chilled Immediately after killing by means of a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator. Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties, and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGER AFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D MEAT. l-- tt raihe above Company liaviiir estab- - J. hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa- iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept, and write OX Merchandise, Freights. Treasure, Commissions, and Hulls. At current Rated. WM. C. IRWIN & CO., tf Manners for Hawaiian Islands ROYAL INSURANCE COMP'Y OF LIVERPOOL. CAPITAL. 10.000.000 UNLIMITED "LIABILITY. Iusuranc? oi all descriptions Irilre be effected at Moderate Rates of Frcml uru, by the undersigned. WM. G. IRWIN A CO. Managers for Haw. Islands CO. BERG-ER- , GF.NKBAL AQEXCV NEW YOKE LIFE INSURANCE CO., Assets. fCO.000,000 CITY OF LONDON FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY, (Limited). Capital flO,000,00- - SOUTH BRITISH AND NATIONAL IN- SURANCE CO. FlHE AXD MAKIXE. Combined Capital i f 20,000,000 HARTFORD FIRE INSURANCE CO., Assets $ ',500,000 COMMERCIAL INSURANCE COMPANY, Fike and Marine. Capital ?200,000 MACXEALE & URBAN E S ! Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire and Burglar Troof. THE CELEBRATED SPRINGFIELD GAS MACHINE. Oas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co. C. O. BERGrER,i 100 my29 HONOLULU, H. I. SUN FIRE OFFIOi F I X . ESTABLISHED 1710. EFFECTED l t'O-- x hVtKY INSURANCES property at the current rates of premium. Total sum Insured in 18S1 - - 318,599,316 Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid with promptitude and liberality. The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribui.ais recognized. G. W. Macfarlane & Co., lOdiwtf Agents for tho Hawaiian Islanl3. if 1 1 i)i E L AND flALDEi 0 Ice Cream Parlor Antl- - Coiifectioiiery, Kiujc Ntreet. Lincoln Block. EETA fine assortment of CANDIES and CAKES alwavs on hand. Parties ; i FRANK GERTZ, Importer ani Haaufacturer JJ Ct all Descriptions of BOOTS & SHOES Or Orders from the otber Islands solicited. JVo. 114 Fort St., Honolulu. U bala, Hawaii. j supplied. 141-tf-d-- w '

If wtifiW - University of Hawaiievols.library.manoa.hawaii.edu/bitstream/10524/38072/1/1886010601.pdfregister, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft, bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13!--to

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a i 11wtifiW


guslars? Cards.Stffttrtistiiunts.SVdvcrfisnittnts.taws5 CarUs.THE DAILY

Pacific Commercial Advertiser JUST EECEIYED


IT N I O IJFire and Marine Insurance Co.

or New Zealand.CAPITAL.. : 10,000,000

Established an Aseney atHaving' for the Hawaiian Islands, the un-

dersigned are prepared to accept rliks agjiinst lirein dwellings, stores warehouses and merchandise,on favorable terms. Marine risks on cargo,freights, bottomry, profits and commissions.

Losses promptly adjusted payable.&2-d- wtf WM. O. IRWIN fc CO.



50 WALL STUKKT. . fc V VOilU


Every Morning Except Sundays.


Daily P. C. Advertiser, one ypar 00Daily Pw C. Advf.rtiheb, six months 3 00Daily P. C. Auvkbtiskr, three months 1 50Daily P. C. Advertiser, per month 50Weekly P. C. advertiser, one year 5 00r elgn Subscription, W. P. C. A. (including

postage) 6 50

Payable Invariably in Advance.

iers for Sale.

The undersigned begs to call the attentionof ate&mship companies and others inter-ested to the following list of steam launches,tags and other steamboats offered for saleby-on-e 'of bis correspondents in Liverpoolwith the prices attached, and which on ac-

count of tho, remarkably depressed state ofthe shipping business will be seen to be ex-

tremely low. .

Launches, tugs and small boats that canbe brought on deck of a large steamer orsailing vessel:

New steel screw tug 48 feet x 10 feet x 5feet 8 in. with 10 horsa power engines nomi-nal,, surface . condensers, donkey pump, etc.apeed, 12 miles an hour. Price in Liver-pool, 1,050 or $5,250.

81,130. Wood Screw Passenger and CargoLaunch, built in 1885, pair of Gin. cylinders,8 in. stroke, speed about 10 miles; extrastrong cak frames, pitch pine planking, cop-per fastened, dimensions 45.Gxi.Gx4.11, draftof water af 6 3 t?et. Price, 375.

2,304. A Steel Twin-Scre- w Steam Yacht,bnilt in 1884, 2 pairs of vertical D A IIP engines of 16 H. P., four 6-i- cylinders,8-i- n. stroke, fpeed 9 knots on consumption,03 cwt. per hour, bunker contain G tons.v,Jie has 11 sleeping berths; was built to goup the Nile; dimensions Go. 2x12. 7x6.7 Price,

1,550. ;

2,309. A New Wood Screw Steam Launch,topper "fastened, compound SC engines6-i- n. and 12-i- n. 7-- in stroke, large multitubu-lar boiler, teak lagged, of 90 lbs. workingpressure, dimensions 40.0x8.0x4.4. Price,

650.2,301. Aa Iron Twin-Scre- w Steamer,

built in 1879, for river passenger traffic,hull, engine and boile lately overhauled ata cost of 167; speed 11 knots on a consump-tion of about 4 tons per day, bankers con-tain 12 tons, dimensions 68.0x12.1x4.0.Price, 480.

84,134. Steel Screw Tug, built in 1885,engines C S j C 25 II. P. N. 11-i- n. andtubular boiler, 100 lbs. working pressure,boiler lagged, cylinders lagged with felt andmanogony, dimensions 70x12.8x6.2. Draftof water, iH feet and 6 feet. Price, 1,850.


2.293. ..An Iron Screw Steamer, nowbuilding, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, tocarry 280 tons on 9.6 draft, bunkers contain20 tpn8, speed 9 knots on a consumption of3 tona per --day, compound D A engines of40 II. P., lS-i- n, and 30-i- cylinders, boilerof .80 lbs. working pressure, donkey engineand steam winch, dimensions 120.0x21.0x10.6. Pric,e, 4,600.

2,311. iPa Iron Screw Tag, bnilt in 1885,classed Al at Lloyd's for towing purposes,two compound S C D A engines of 45H. P., 16-i- n. and 30-i- n. cylinders, 22 stroke,speed 10 to 12 knots, dimensions 79.3xl5.9x9.3. Price, 3,500.

' 2,308. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1885, and classed 100 Al, 565 tons register,and carries 1,120 tons D. W. on 15.0 draft,2 commonJj A S C engines of 90 II. P.,25 H --in. and 48-i- n. cylinders, 33-i- n. stroke,cylindrical multitubular boiler of 80 lbs.working pressure, bunkers contain 162 tons,consumption 8 tons per day, donkey engineand boiler, also 3 steam winches, dimen-sions 203.0x30.0x15.10. Price, 12,600.

2.294. An Iron Screw Steamer, built in1S85, and classed 100 Al at Lloyd's, 97 tonsregister, carries 350 tons on 10.6 draft,bunkers contain 50 tons, speed 13!- - to 144knots on consumption of 8 tons per day,compound S O engines of 0 II. P.,21?i-i- n,

and 42-i- n. cylinders, 30-i- n. stroke, steeltabular boiler of 95 lbs, working pressure,donkey engine and 2 steam winches, dimen-sions 145.0x23.1x10.6. Price, 8,500.

The above are only a few of the steamvessels that are offered at sale in GreatBritain at the present time. Almost any de-

scription of steamer, and of any size de-

sired, can now be purchased at very favora-ble rates. It is of course necessary thatso me responsible party in England shouldexamine the condition of the steamers of-

fered for sale before purchasing.. S69tf W. L. GREEN.


Contractor and Builder,

8 Hotel Street, Honolulu. II I.,(Opposite Fashion Stables).


All work in my line faithfully dune, rians andDecii cations made. Jobbing in all details done

Ht short notice. Good work and low charges istuy motto., Xtt


All accounts for Advertising and Job PrtoUuat the

Parities Commercial AtUettlri

Office will from this date be presented formeut monthly.

Honolulu, March 2. 1885.


Spruance, Stauioy & Co.,Importers aud Jobbers of Fins


410 Front NU. San Fraaclceo.87 tf . W



S. IP. Taylor & Co.Agents South Const Paper Mills.. Proprietors

Pioneer and Sau Oeronlmo Piiper HUK.


Manufacturers and Dealers.

441 and 416 Clay street. Ban FrmncUt , Cat.108 jylO If


123-au2- y

Dimliani,CaiTigan & Co.


San Francisco, Cal.

Demius: Palmer Milling Co,,OF THE CAPITOL MILL

PROPRIETORS 204 Davfs street, Wan FrhncUcoManufacturers of and lK'tUc'ri Flour, U talus oall kinds, Oatmeal, Bran, Middlings, C'orumealOround and Rolled liarley, Cracked WheatCracked Corn, Buckwheat Flour, Oil C'sk Meal,Hominy, Etc., Etc.

KLINE & CO.,- : f

Importers of

HATS and CAPS.Nos. 20 and 28 Battery Street, 8. E. Cor. of Pine,


H, tf. KLUS. J. W. MILLI E.

ELLIS & MILLERWholesale and Commission Dealers In

Hay, Grain and Feed25 and 27 SPEAR STREET,

Between Market and Mission, HAN FRANCISCO.bob-- Orders Solicited. 423dc2ft-i- y

Whilticr, Fuller & Co.,Manufacturers of



21-- 2 J Front St., t t Nan Frnnelac.424-d2-l- y

American Mange Hotel,

SauMiue Street,Opposite Wells, Fargo A Co.'s Express, one door

from Bank of California,


This Hotel Is in the very center of the businessportion of the city, and has been ren vawd andnewly furnished throughout. But one block fromthe Oregon Steamship Company's office. Thetraveling public will find this to be the most con-venient, as well as th most comfortable and rspectable Hotel in the city.

Board and Room, 91 and 91 23 per dajrHot and e"4r --arhnlree. None but the most ob-Jii- ug

white labor emp1yfid.--


MONTGOMERY BEOS.,350decl Proprietors.


forms of dls.

out riied'.laUyalj the

forms of impurity of the blood and

sexual ailments lu either sex. Most

powerful Belt and r only one In tbeworld charged with water. Full directions sentwith belt.

Send to DR. C. N. WEST, No. 652 Market St.,San Francisco, Cal.

Sole Proprietor and Patentee. 351


YOLO MILLS,NE. Corner Mission and Main Streets, SAIT

FRANCISCO, Cal.Telephone No. 56S.

llliix Jb l'lsgemann,Manufa.-turer-s of Extra Family, Graham, Rye.Buckwheat and Rice Flour; Rye, Oat, Corn andFeed Corn Meal; Sago, Tapioca, Farina, Buck-wheat Groats. Horalny, Cracked Corn, Pearl Bar-ley, Ground Feed, etc., etc.Dealers in Grain aad Feed of all kinds. Grinding

done to order. 123 aug28 ly

TO PLASTERS.We have Just received, by the steamer ALA-

MEDA, a consignment of

Automatic Trash FeedingFurnaces,

For four and live foot furuaces, complete withgrate bars, bearers and trash carriers. Machinesof this make are now it successful operation atSpreckelsville, Makee Sugar Company and otherplantation?.

PLANTERS AND OTHERSInterested are requested to call and examine theabove. For prices and further particulars ap-

ply to

Wm. Cf. Irwin & Co.,205tf Ai;uts.

mm FEED CO,,

jueen fc Edinburgh Streets,


Dealers L.

HAY A X 1 UltAIX,Telephone No. ITS.

Goods delivered promptly.

Inland OrilerH Solicited.



St. LuU. 3lo.

Manufacture and Supply all kinds of

Book. Xe,Flat antl Isabel 1'aper.jaimler" Boards,Twines, Etc.


303 LeidesiIorlT Street.Telephone No. 47. SAN FRANCISCO.

X. B.-Se- cial Attention Klven toIarge Contracts. 68 tfAw



Alakea. near Ihc eu St.C. J. 11ARDEE, Proprietor.

Coiitracting & Building.MOULDINGS AND FINISH


FOlt SALE Hard and Soft Stovewood, Cutand Split.

21-- tf


Royal Perfume ALOHA !


Benson, Smith & Co.

Sample bottle free.TRY IT. 68 tf



AuctioneersA2tD- -

General Commission MerchantsJBeaver Block, Queen St., Honolulu -

Cale ofFurnitnre. Stock, Real EtatO aud GeDeral Merchandise properly atienueu w

Sole Acents for

African & European Mercbandise.191-t- f

T. J. SPENCE,Special Agent for the

Michigan Portrait Co.

Producers of the finest grades of




J. WILLIAM S Photosrapb Oallery,102 FORT STREET.

Hawaiian Islands.Honolulu - -

Where a large variety of specimens can be seenat all times. Mr. T. J. Spence will frequentlyvisit the several Islands of the group, when hewill be pleased to show specimens and take ordersfor same. 363 tf





Of all medicinal preparations that have been putupon the market in recent years, the extract omalthas proved itself one of the most valuableas a tonic or remedial beverage. It hits receivedthe unqualified recognition and support of phr-sician- s,

and is freely prescribed by them in manycases, especially w here the nervous or physicalsystems have been impaired by disease or over.

ork. Tne house of "DAVID NICHOLSON,"of this city, has recently introduced a pure maltextract ot lush character, made at their requestand under their suggestions by Mr. AdolpbusI'.usch, and which is popularly known as NICH-OIXN'- S

LltJUID BREAD," from its life-givin-

and healih-resitorin- g pioperties. A sample sub-mitted to Dr. F. L. James was made the subjectof a chemical analysis by him, and the result ofhis investigations are given in the appended cer-tiiicat- e:

" t. I.oris, April 29."W. F.Cout.T R. Esq., National Druggist Dear

Sir: Hayiuir submitted the Nicholson malt ex-tract to examination, us ri quested, 1 take pleasurein reporting that I tiiul it to be all that the pro-prietors claim for it. The results, asshown in thefollowing summary, are necessarily only approxi-mate, but re sulncieiitly accurate for all practicalpurposes.

"The specimens submitted consisted of aneffirvescisis iiuid, dark' brown by direct and of adeep ruby color by transmitted light, resemblingin general appearance and behuvior a very supe-rior article of porter. Its taste was, however,much milder and more pleasant than porter, be-

ing somewhat sweeter than beer, the sweetnessmasked and covered by a very pleasant bitter,derived evidently front hops, The specific gravityof a sample fresh f onr the bottle is 1.022 plus.Amount of extractive matter in 50 cubic centi-metres of the tluid is 3.06 grammes, or about 8 percent. Amount of alcohol, per cent, is 2.81 plus.The extractive matter Is apparently identical withthe "extractuni maltts" of Trommer, or of theGerman Pharmacopoeia. It consists almost en-tirely of male sugar; dextrine, being free fromfatty acids, etl. The fluid contains a very largeamount of diastase, as shown by the fact that iteasily liquefies an equal bulk of gelatinous starch.This fact, its low percentage of alcohol. Its effer-vescence, Its delightful taste and odor, all combineto recommend Nicholson's malt, extract as bein;a most nourishing beverage, and the best articleof the sort that has ever come under my exami-nation. Respectfully,

"FRANK L. JAMES, Ph. D., M. D."

G. W. Macfarlane k Co., Agents.

The KisdonIron & Locomotive Works,

Corner of TtealC and llow'arb Streets,


W. H. TAYLOR PresidentJOS. MOORE Superintendent

OF STEAM MACHINERY, INIUILDERSbranches; Mtarnboat, Steamship,Land Engines and Boilers, .High Pressure orCompound.STEAM -- VESSELS, of all kinds, built complete

with Hulls of Wood, Iron or Composite.ORDINARY ENGINES compounded when ad-

visable..STEAM LAUNCHES, Barges and Steam Tugs

constructed with reference to the trade inwhich they are to be employed., speed, ton-nage aud draf,t of. water guaranteed.


CHINERY made after the most approvedplans. Also, all Boiler Iron Work connectedtherewith.

WATER PIPE, of Boiler or Sheet Iron, of anysize, made in suitable lengths for connectingtogether, or Sheets Rolled, Punched andPacked for shipment, ready to be riveted onthe ground.

HYDRAULIC RIVETING, Boiler Work, andWater Pipe made by this establishment,Riveted by Hydraulic Riveting Machinery,that quality of work being far superior tohand work.

SHIP WORK, Ship and Steam Capstans, SteamWinches, Air and Circulating Pumps, madeafter the most approved plans.

SOLE AGENTS and manufacturers for the Pa-- c

lie Coast of the Heine Safety Boiler.PUMPS Direct Acting Pumps, for Irrigation or

City Works' purposes, built with the cele-- ibrated Davy Valve Motion , superior to anyother pump.

J S. WILLIAMS Honolulu(Agent for Hawaiian' Islands

22UseiJ0-l- y '




Opposite Wilder Co.'s

H. J. Woite, Fropr.OPKX FOM 3 A. M. TILL 10 P. if



CJigxits fiTil TobaccosOF BEST BRANDS

Plain and Fancy IIIJ personally selected from

the Manufacturers, and a Large Variety


SMOKERS' ARTICLES.Lovers o BILLIARDS will find an Elegant


on the Premises.

The Pi oprietor would be pleased to receive a call

from his Friends and the Public generally

who may desire a


H. J. N0LTE,26-t- f

C'laus Spreckels. Win. O. Irwin.




Draw Exchange uii the principal parts of theworlU.

Will receive deposits on open account, makecollections and conduct a general banking andexchange business.

Deposits hearing Interest received in their Savlugs Department subject to published rules andre2ula.tI0.1s. 77oc3tf


WM. G. IRWIN & Co.,FACTORS ninl CoiumNHionSl'OAIt Honolulu U. I. tf

M. PHILLIPS & Co.,and Wholesale Iealer inImitorters Boots, Shoes, Hats, Men's Furnish-

ing and Fancy Goods. No. 11 Kaahunntnu street.Honolulu, II. I. IStf-w- t!




ED. HOFFSCHLAEGER & CO.,TmiMirlers A-- Commission Jtereliauts.jl uueen street, uonoiuiu, ri. i. 14-- tl

A. S. 0LEGH0RN & Co.,ami Wholesale and RetailImporters

General Merchandise,Corner Queen and Kaahumanu Sts. 15-t- f



Kb. 12 Kaanumanu Street,HONOLULU. 19-- tf

M. S. Grinbaum & Co.,IMPORTERS OF

Oeneral Merchandise and Commission Merchants, Honolulu, II. I.

So. 124 California street, San Francisco, Cal.104-jyl-- ly

J. M. Oat, Jr., & Co.,


Haivaiian Gazette Block.

27 Merchant St., Honolulu. II. I.65 t


Manufacturing Jeweler,

vOpposite HoIIister t Co.j

Honolulu, II. I.Particular attention paid to repairing. 22 ti


BOOK BINDER,Saper Ruler and Blank Bovk


ok binding of all descriptions neatly andpromptly executed, and at reasonable charge.

Cazette Building:,27 tf MERCHANT STBEET.



12 and 14 Puie street, San Francisco, Cal.

Agents for Kirby'8 Santa Cruz Tanneries. SoleHarness and all other kinds of leather.

15UseS Ifi

DE. M. GOTO,Physician and Surgeon,

Leprosy, syphilis and skin disease a spec'ialty. Office, mauka of the residence wf Hon Jas,Kean.King street, K apals ma, Honolulu. Officehours, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays. 8 to 12 a. na. N. B

Parties on the other islands can consult by letter. 263 octti-'o- s


AIR. JOSEPH SMITH WILL RUN FOR11 Representative lor hi district, North Ko--

Lowest Market Rates,

. A Large stock of the Most FavoriteBrands of





THISTLE IEW WHISKY.(tu cases and casks,)

lEEI.ISSOXS BRANDY,(7 and 10 years old,)

Ml". I.CHER'S "EI-ErilA-fc- UTS

Budweiser Lager .Beer,

For which we are the Sole Agents In the Ha

waiian Islands, are particularly recommended.

Town and Country Order llieuPromptly, and Satisfaction Otiarau-teed- .

Freetn fe Peacock.23 Nuuanu street, Honolulu. 11. 1.

Telephone No. 48. P-- Bono lavci.ndtso

WEMEB, & CO.S3 Fort Street.

Have on hand New Foreign and HomemadeJewelry,

? Watches, Bracelets, Necklets,4"Pins, Lockets,' Clocks,

And ornaments of all kinds.

Silver and Gold Plate,- Elegant Solid Sliver Tea Sets.

Suitable for Presentation.


Repairing in all Its brandies.y Role Agents for King's Eye Preservers.

The Forest Meat Market

HOTEL ST., Opposite the Fachiou Stables.

Bornhold & Co.Proprietors.

Keep the best Beef and Mutton these Islands af-

ford. Also, the very best Sausages made. Nodiscount from any other maker. Give us atrial. 382decl4 tf

WM. McCANDLESS,No. 6 Queen Street,


Beef, Veal, Mutton, Fish, r Etc.

Family and Shippinsr Orders carefully attendedto. Live Stock furnished to vessels at shortnotice, and vegetables of all kinds supplied toorder.

Metropolitan Market



Cuoieeat Meats from Fluent Herd

Families., and shipping "soppIied on SHORT

NOTICE and at the

Lowest Market Prices.

All meats delivered from this market are thor-ougl- y

chilled Immediately after killing by meansof a Bell-Colem- Patent Dry Air Refrigerator.Meat so treated retains all Its Juicy properties,and is GUARANTEED TO KEEP LONGERAFTER DELIVERY THAN FRESHLY-KILLE- D

MEAT. l-- tt

raihe above Company liaviiir estab--J. hshed an Agency at Honolulu, for the Hawa-

iian Islands, the undersigned is authorized to accept,and write

OXMerchandise, Freights. Treasure,

Commissions, and Hulls.At current Rated.

WM. C. IRWIN & CO.,tf Manners for Hawaiian Islands



CAPITAL. 10.000.000


Iusuranc? oi all descriptionsIrilre be effected at Moderate Rates of Frcmluru, by the undersigned.

WM. G. IRWIN A CO.Managers for Haw. Islands




Assets. fCO.000,000


Capital flO,000,00--



Combined Capital i f 20,000,000


Assets $ ',500,000


Fike and Marine.Capital ?200,000


E S !

Fire Proof, Burglar Proof, Fire andBurglar Troof.



Oas Fixtures of Mitchell, Vance & Co.

C. O. BERGrER,i100 my29 HONOLULU, H. I.



EFFECTED l t'O-- x hVtKYINSURANCES property at the current ratesof premium.

Total sum Insured in 18S1 - - 318,599,316

Claims arranged by the local agents, and paid

with promptitude and liberality.

The Jurisdiction of the Local Tribui.ais recognized.

G. W. Macfarlane & Co.,

lOdiwtf Agents for tho Hawaiian Islanl3.

if 1 1 i)iE L AND flALDEi 0

Ice Cream Parlor

Antl- -


Kiujc Ntreet. Lincoln Block.

EETA fine assortment of CANDIES

and CAKES alwavs on hand. Parties ;


FRANK GERTZ,Importer ani HaaufacturerJJ

Ct all Descriptions of

BOOTS & SHOESOr Orders from the otber Islands solicited.

JVo. 114 Fort St., Honolulu.U bala, Hawaii. j supplied. 141-tf-d-- w '


Sfc&trlistmtms.THE DAILY - CAMPAIGN NOTES. II11 and llamsknn Telephone Com-pan- y.

Hosokaa, Hawaii, Dec. 30, 18S5.

Ed. P. C. Advebtiser Sir: An arti-cle appeared in the "Gazette" of the 22d

The "Independent Opposition" will boable to add another "p" to its programmeafter the election. "Prayfrs and poli-

tics" are its watchwords now. When itPacific Commercial Advertiser

instant, reflecting ontlie present man BOYS WILL BE BOYS,agement of the Hilo and Hamakua Tele- -stmtaln.s the humiliating defeat at the IMPORTANT TO INVESTORS.IS PUBLISHES polls which it deserves, its leaders can phone Company, which we consider toadd another word to express their men-- be entirely uncalled for. "We are told,

-- :o:-EVERY MORNING.tal if not their moral condition. Theirprogramme will then read "prayers,politics and penitence," but especiallypenitence.

"Good wine needs no bush," but the

"out of the fullness of the heart themouth epeaketh." In this instance weare inclined to think that from the bit-

terness of the heart the mouth speak-et- h.

One of the gentlemen referred to(Mr. Richards) had only just come fromthe Coast to take charge of the Hilo endof the line, when he and Mr. Tullockwere sent out on the line to put it in re

Yaluable Eeal Estate in the Business .

Center of Honolulu

For Sale by Private Contract or at Public Auction.TERMS OF MLTBCBIlTIOX.

Per annum..... .i 00

U raonihs 3 00

Opposition gooseberry syrup does. I lencethe use of the Honolulu bramble bushat the "socials" gotten up to influencenatives and cram them with politicalslops and things. - The native Hawaiiansare not as gullible now as they were inthe "good old times," however, and pre-

fer to think and act for themselves dur

And ere they are a dozen yean old, cost Parent,

Schoolmaster and Clothier no small amount of


For us the perplexing question is. " What will

he like? What will his parents like T"

Our answer is in a heavy stock of substantial


MAKERS. There are a tlousand points about

such clothing which are to be .Men, not radabout.

But in a general way we have sought ta ex--

pres this thought in our clothing that the boy

should not be a caricature of a little old man-t- hat

his infaut life should not be dwarf ted with


pair. Since then, up to a few days ago,they have been on the road from Hilo toKawaibae repairing, so that he canhardly have been said to liave takencharge yet ; and when the writer of thearticle in question says he has failed sig

Per month . 5eeir.HabeiflptlM Payable AlwayIn

Advance. 'Communications from all parts of the Kingdom

will al wayi bn very acceptable.Perncns residius la auy part of the United States

cm remit tbe amount of subscription due by PostOfltoe money order.

nally to give satisfaction, I think he ispassing judgment rather prematurely. It

ing this campaign.

It would only be right and proper tocompile and reprint all the vile and dis-

loyal abuse of the King, written by Oppo-

sition candidates for the Legislature orby their friends, and published in theOpposition newspapers in this city for

is uncharitable, to say the least, to condemn a man without a trial. Mr. Tul

Matter intended for publication ia the editorialcolumns ahouM be adiJrensed to

EJTOB P4CJF1C COMVEBC1AL A BTMTWB.1Bu.slne.ss communications and advertisements

liuld be addressed simplyP. C. ADrttaruKK,"

And not to Individual.

lock, who lias had charge of the Hama-

kua end of the line for some months, we .r' mm m a

"! the garments of maturity, but that there shouldunhesitatingly say has .given entire satisfaction, and every subscriber in the dis-

trict will sustain this statement. He isalways linger about his dress something of child-

like grace and simplicity. And it is this happyTHE thoroughly comjetent, affable and oblig

foreign circulation, to prejudice the Amer-ican people against Hawaiian institu-tions, to the end that olitical sneaksmay be confronted witJi their per-

fidy, when they profess respect for theperson of the Sovereign and loyalty tothe Government. Were this done, thebudding Benedict Arnolds of Hawaiianpolitics wuld soon be sent to the right

touch, as well as conscientious workmanship and

low prices, which gives this part of our businessPacific Commercial Advertiserinch vigor and life. Call and see our new stock of goods.

la now for sale daily at tne t"llwing Places ;

ing.The writer further states that they are

two expensive men. Are the men toblame if expensive? We presume thosemen put a price on their labor beforeleaving California, and it was optionalwith the company to pay them thatfigure or refuse. And again, it is saidthat they have been for a month in

about by an indignant and outragedpeople.

It is said that it would take a very

J. M.OAT fc CO..crystal soda

...Merchant streetWOKJC8 Hotel street

....King streetN. F. UVHUKH3.WOLF EDWARDS Cor King and Nuuanu stsC J. MCCARTHY-......-- .. Hotel street

Five Cents per Vpy.Hamakua to work on the line. That isnot so. They have been about a monthfrom Hilo town to Kawaibae ; walked allthe way ; repaired, altered and built partof a new line. As for the old manageWEDNESDAY January 6th.

powerful magnifying glass to discoverthree figures in the taxes paid by Inde-pendent Opposition candidates, yet theystand up in public, and in the name of

the taxpayers, abuse a man who paysinto the public treasury, through hisvarious business enterprises, a sum rep-

resented by six figures annually. Whilethese blatant enemies of national progressclaim statutary exemption up to $300 on


The Mutual Life Insurance Co.

ment giving satisfaction, we think thewriter in question knows somethingabout that.' He had complaints enoughduring the time he was in office, but wewould rather not make any remarksabout men who are now out of officeand not connected with the Company.Again he says complaints are general.Correct ; complaints are general not ofthose two men, but of the line andinstruments, which we must say havebeen condemned by every one who hasseen it as probably the worst constructed

personal property, which about coversthe bulk of their moveables, no one everheard of Colonel Spreckels shirking his

.taxes or claiming exemption of any kind.

The undersigned Lave received instruction from MESSES. Q. W.MJLCFABLANE Jfc CO. to offer for sale at auction, at their salesrooms, on

IVIOJSTDY, Janxiarv Qoth,o'clock ISToon,

Unlesa previously disposed of by private aal,Th whole of that valuable city property knowu as the BOOTH ESTATE,excepting only the corner lot, owned by Mr. James Olds, containing in all20,990 square feet, together with houses, stores and buildings thereto be-

longing.This is the most compact and desirable piece of property ever offered

for sale in Honolulu. Its main frontages are 75 feet 5 inches to Nuuanustreet, and 93 feet 6 inches to Hotel street. The rear front of the propertyextends frosa Nuuanu street, back of Messrs. Castle it Cooke's fine brickwarehouse and store, 172 feet 11 inches to Rose Lane, the side frontagealong the line of the Robinson lot to Hotel street being 142 feet 3 inches.

The value of this and the adjoining property might be greatly en-

hanced by carrying Rose Lane straight through to Hotel street. Accessis had to Hotel and Nuuanu street from the rear and center of the estateby laues long in use on the property itself.

Situated in the heart of the retail business quarter of the city, andhaving a large area of available building space unoccupied, this propertyholds out unusual inducements to capitalists as a permanent investment.The present annual income is $4,500, or 10 per cent on $45,000 ; but asthe leases expire shortly, the rental might bo increased to $6,000 a yearwithout expenditure for repairs or additions to buildings. If the estatewere sold as a whole, however, by judicious and inexpensive improve-

ments which a practical eye would suggest, even this large prospectiveincome might be very considerably added to.

The Nuuanu street frontage is occupied by a row of two-stor- y build-ings, the upper story being used as dwellings, and the first floor as stores,which are always in occupation. Restaurants and retail stores similarlyoccupy the frontage on Hotel street.

The old International Hotel is in the center of the property, and goes

with the lot. It is used as a lodging house and pays handsomely.

Another advantage of this flue property as an investment is its excel-

lent sanitary conditions. It is on the highest part of the city makai ofBeretania street, and is therefore easily drained.

The property, if not disposed of before date of sale, will be first putup as a whole in one lot. Failing a satisfactory purchaser, we shall thenput it up in lots, for which purpose it has been subdivided into sixteenlots. We shall offsr these lots at the following npset prices, viz.:

Lot No. 1 JC.800Lot No. 2 1,800Lot No. 3 1,600Lot No. 4 , 1,600Lot No. 5 1,500Lot No. 6 1.500Lot No. 7 8,500Lot No. 8 1.500

" Lot No. 9 1,500Lot No. 10 3,750Lot No. 11 3.750Lot No. 12 2,750

B 11,000Lot No. 14)Lot No. 15 1,500Lot No. Hi ; 1,500

And upon the following favorable terms :

ONE THIRD CASH.Balance in one, two and three years, with interest at 7 per cent per

annum, secured by mortgage.

We solicit an examination of this property, and confidently recom-

mend as a permanent paying one, with greater contingen-cies for advancement than almost any other kind of property.

A 11 au of le Property rsu be spcu at tbe office of

E. P. ADAMS & CO., Auctioneers.


By permission of the .Minister of Fi-

nance we publish in another column thereport of the Collector General of Cus-

toms, giving a detailed statement of theexports of domestic produce for the lastquarter of 1885, together with a com-

parative statement of Baid exports for thetwo past years. These tables show verysatisfactory results. The total increaseon the year 18S5, as compared with theprevious year, was $980,755. Estimatingthe decrease in imports at one millionodd. id though this may be somewhat in

ISTEW YORKon the face of the earth. Mr. Tullock

' Bribery and corruption are extensivelyused by the Opposition during this cam-

paign. Proof will be forthcoming in duetime.' Meanwhile the use of corruptmethods by the alleged "party of moralideas" to get into power is a straightpointer to the methods it would employwere it successful. Then the officers of

a moral government would cease fromring betroubling and the weary opium

at rest.

has put in and got orders for six newinstruments which never would havegone in under the old management. Hehas a great deal to contend with, andone great drawback is the want of anoffice. We heartily join with the writerin the "Gazette" in one thing; that is inhoping the General Directors will stirthemselves and assist the present menin charge in putting the line in properorder and give us a good office at Hono-ka- a.

Then we have no fear but that thepresent management will eventually givegeneral satisfaction.

A Subscriber.

Is tho oldest active Life Insurance Company in this country.Is the largest Life Insurance Company In the world, its poltclM now in force amounting t more

than 115,000.Is the strongest financial Institution in the world, its Aseta amounting to mora than 10S47t,W0.Is tbe safest company in which to insure, lis surplus alon, as computed by tbe New York staadar4

of four and one-ha- lf per cent interest, amounting to more than f 12,000,000.Is the cheapest company in which to insure, its large dividend returns reducing tbe cost of iasur-ane- e

below that of any other company.And is tbe best company m which to Insure, as it combines all tbe advantages of age, large and se-

lect membership, financial strength, absolute security, and tbe cheapest Insurance taatUhesestly possible under any contract wblcb has a definite value to the beneficiary.

This Oompanv Has TssuedSince its organization more than 265,000 policies. f iHas returned to Its policy holders lu dividends over 06,000,0O0.

Has returned In surrender values over G3,000,000. -

lias distributed among Its beneficiaries, in payment of death claims, endowments and annuities, everfS7,000,000.

Tho total returned to policy holders Is over f210,000.000. and it new holds as s guarantee fer thepayment of future claims, 1'asb Assets of f 103,875,000.

It has no stockholders to claim any part of the profits. Tbe assets and surplus all belong tethe Injured. .

Its ratio of expenses to receipts is less than that of any other company.Its dividends to policy holders are greater than those of any other company.And the cost to the insured Is therefore less than in any other company.

excess of the actual amount, we have inround figures a trade balance of two mill-ion dollars in favor of the country ascompared-wit- 1884. Yet our business,men complain of dull times, and moneyunquestionably is not in such generalcirculation as when exports and importsmore nearly balanced each other.

The reason why was explained by us ina previous issue. The country has beenliquidating its indebtedness abroad in-

curred through individual extravaganceand rash speculation; it has likewisebeen drained of a large sum by absentees,and the changed conditions of business,resulting from the sudden contraction,added to the fall in the price of sugar,liad the further effect of producing aconservative feeling which inducedhabits of thrift and economy. But the

Supreme Court-Janua- ry Term." MB. JUSTICE PRESTON PRESIDING.

Tuesday, Jannary 5th.J. Paaluhi vs. Enoka Pepee. Action

for damages for loss of service and se-

duction of the plaintiffs daughter.Tried before a Hawaiian jury. Messrs.

S. G. WILD H;R, .A ent,HONOLULU, U. X.391 janlS

The W. S. Bowne.The three-maste- d schooner W. S.

Bowne, now lying off the old CustomHouse wharf, is regarded by shipbuildersat the Coast as the latest triumph oftheir skill. As she was built expresslyfor the trade between this port, and SanFrancisco, a brief description of thissmart, trim craft will interest the Ad-

vertiser readers. The W. S. Bownewas built at Hall Bros.' shipyard, PortBlakely, of Puget Sound pine withprimavera wood finishings. She regis-

ters 391 tons net and 424 tons gross tom-nag- e.

She has beautiful lines, withrather more sheer in the model than isusual, and is built both . for speed andcarrying" qualities. The length, over all,is 161 feet, with 137 feet length of keel.The "beam," or width, is 34 feet 6 inches,and depth of hold 12 feet 6 inches. Thedr aft when full loaded is 16 feet. Themasts are all of the same height, thelower masts 90 feet and topmasts 56 feet.The sail carried consists of tliree jibs anda jib-topsa- il, foresail, mainsail, spanker,squaresail, spinnaker, three staysails andthree gaff-topsail- s. The standing riggingis all of wire, and the canvas and cord

W. R. Castle and H. E. Avery for theplaintiff, L. A. Thurston for defendant.The case occupied nearly all day. Thejury after being absent about three-qua- r

ters of an hour brought in a verdict forplaintiff with $1 damages.AT CHAMBERS BEFORE THE CHIEF JUSTICE.


Since Electricity has been applied for lighting purposes, all efforts of inventors Lavebeen directed to construct a lamp for general domestic use. The reason why this prob-lem has till now not been solved, is that none of the inventors could rid themselves of theidea of gas lighting, and that all have adhered to the system of producing the electricityin some central place, or by large machinery, instead of first laying down the principlethat a lamp which should ever become generally useful and popular, matt be portablelike an oil lamp, and contain the generator of electricity in itself, i. e., in tbe foot of thelamp.

The Norman Electric Light Company has at last succeeded in completely realizingthis ideal of electric lighting, and there is no doubt thai this most important nrentiouwill bringAbont a complete revolution in all brt.nches of lighting.

Our Electric Lamp needs neither machinery, conductors, nor any expensive outlay,and is neither complicated or diuasreeable in manipulation; all that is necessary is to

In the matter of the estate of Rev.Abel Clark, deceased, letters of admin istration were granted to the widow, Mrs.Caroline Clark. The sole purpose of the

: country has been steadily progressing U

the time, adding to its fixed wealth andincreasing production by the applicationof improved machinery in the manu-facture of sugar. There may not havebeen so much show as in some previousyears, but there has been more solidprogress.

The statistics we print, however, donot show this at first sights There hasbeen a decrease in the quantity andvalue of exports under every head ex-

cept three, namely, sugar, bananas and"wool r but in these three the increase has

been so great as to offset the decrease inothers by nearly a million dollars. Insugar alone the increase over 1884 wasmore than 14,000 tons, nearly theamount of the entire sugar crop nineyears ago. , The sugar export during1S85 was a little over 80,000 tons.

And this brings us to the point thatthe "Gazette," writing for political effect,in its issue of December 29th, took us to

application for letters was to obtain asum of money in the savings bank ofBishop & Co., Which had been placedthere sume time ago by the deceased.


age of the best and most expensive make.The cabin is twenty-eig- ht feet long,

consisting of main saloon, captain's room,four spare staterooms, with two berthseach, for passengers, and mates' room,and is elegantly finished in polishedprimavera wood, with rich carpets, por-

tieres, mirrors, furniture, chandelier andother appointments, which make a sceneof luxury seldom witnessed in a freight-ing vessel. Forward is a large deck



Tuesday, January 5th.Elikai was fined $5 and $1 costs for

drunkenness.James Kahaia was charged with as-

sault and battery on Puck Sue. Hepleaded not guilty, and was remanded athis request until the 8th.

Pipilani was fined $300 with $3 costs

-- AT TH K

refill it every four of five days with acid. The coBt of lighting will be as cheap as gas (

cents per hour), and it has before the latter the immense advantage of ' neither producingheat, smoke nor carbonic acid, owing to which the air is not impnred, and remains at thesame degree of temperature. It is further, absolutely inodorous, and does not need to m

kindled by match or otherwise, but simply by turning the key, thus avoiding all danger offire, explosion or suffocation, as in the case of gas, if the key is left open; and it mast he con-ceded that this advantage alone is invaluable. It is further preferable to any tmownkUdof lighting for the following reasons:

1. Its manipulation is so simple that any child can keep it in order. .2. That the lamp is portable, and can be removed like any oil lamp, from one place

to another.3. That it neither requires the disagreeable fixing of the wick, or the cleaning t,t the

cylinder, as in the case of oil lamps.4. That the light produced is a soft and most steady one; that it never flickers,' and

the flame, though being equal in power of lighting to gas, can be regulated to any degre.5. That every danger of fire is absolutely excluded, as tbe light will extinguish Im-

mediately, it by any accident the glass surrounding the burner should be broken.6. That it will burn, even in tbe strongest wind, completely unaffected, thus being

invaluable for illuminations, lighting of gardens, corridors, etc.This lamp is constructed for the present in three different sizes:A, small size. Height of complete lamp, 14 inches; weight, about 5 pounds; for light-

ing rooms, cellars, storage houses, powder magazines (or similar places where explosiref

Popular-Milliner- y House,for selling liquor without a license.

HonoluluFort Street

task for estimating the crop of 1885 atbetween 95,000 and 100,000 tons. It ad-

mitted that the season was exceptionablyfavorable, so much so that in all proba-bility another like it might seldom occur,yet the "Gazette" doubted if the crop of1885 would yield 80,000 tons, and depre-

cated the injury we were doing the countryby circulating exaggerated crop reports.Inasmuch as the crop of 1884, whichwoo arnnrfod in IRPJl. WaR 14.000 tonS in

house, containing forecastle with accom-modations for eight seamen, roomy gal-

ley with sleeping quarters for cook andsteward, and an engine room for a pow-

erful engine for taking in and discharg-ing cargo, hoisting sails and raising theanchor. Hall Brothers were about fourmonths building the W. S. Boyne. J5he.

The clearance sale at the Temple ofis now going on. -

The largest and best averted stock iu the Kingdom. PRESENTS SUITABLE FOR YOUKflAND OLD, MALI OR FEMALE. Toilef boxes, Hand Glasses, Woik Boxes, Jewel Cases, Collar andCun Boxes, etc, etc

FANS!FRISTS !FANS!excess of the yield.Kl883, exported vl

1S84, it ia ivot unreasonable to estimate

arc aepi;, cu&cuets, iiiuiuiuaiiong, garaens, mines or any oiner inaustriat purpose. xrioe,XI.

Per lamp delivered free to any part ef the world. .B, medium size. Serves all domestic purposes for lighting rooms, houses, etc. Thie

lamp is elegantly decorated, and has removable white ground glass globe.Price per lamp (inclusive of bronze foot and globe, richly and elegantly constructed;,

2. delivered free to any part of the world.C, grand size for parlor, hall, saloon, public building, etc. The lamp gives a anoet

brilliant and steady light, has large removable white globe, decorated most tastefully,and the workmanship is both first-clae- s and elegant. Price, 4.10. .

Foot of lamp in either bronze, Japanese, faience or silver oxide.Any special size or design made to order. Estimates furnished.All lamps are ready for immediate use, and will be sent, securely packed in strong

wooden box, with printed directions for use, a quantity of chemicals sufficient for severalmonths' lighting, and one extra burner for size A, and two for sizes B and C. The neces-sary chemicals can be purchased in any drug store, even in the smallest village.

Every lamp is accompanied by a written guarantee' for one year, and will be ex-changed, or money refunded if the same should not give complete satisfaction.

On all orders for six lamps and above, a discount of six per cent will be allowed. Noorders from abroad filled, unless accompanied by a remittance to cover the amount, orfirst-cla- ss references on a New York or Philadelphia house.

Tbe beat method of sending money is by draft on New York, which can be procured ofany banker, and everywhere, or enclose the amount in bank notes, gold coins or postagestamps of any country of the world.

All orders, the smallest as well as the most important, will receive the same particularattention, and will be forwarded without delay. .

E7""0ur Electric Lamps are protected by law, and all. imitation! and infringementswill be prosecuted. ' '

L7Agents, salesmen on commission, and consignees for our lamps wanted every-wher- e.

No special knowledge or capital required.A fortune to be mada by active persons.

All colors, all kinds and all prices. ImmiDM stock of LADIES' HAND HATCHKI.s, at prices thatwill astenlsb you. Endless variety of Ladles' Fine Embroidered Handkerchiefs, Lace

Collars,, Fichus, Silk Handkerchiefs, etc,, etc., etc.

The Millinery DepartmentIs complete, all tbe latest styles of Trimmed and I'd trimmed Bats, Feathers, Birds, OrnamentsWln&s, etc., at Prices to suit, at the

Popular Millinery House,

N. S. SACHS, Proprietor.

royal isa.il J


was built under the personal supervisionof her commander, Captairr'A. II. Taul,arid L the fourtheT whose construc-tion he has supervised, the others beingthe schooners Mary Buhne, Eva andMary Dodge. The cost of the vessel hasbeen about $30,000. Captain . George F.Smith, the well-know- n lumber merchant,is the managing owner, and Captain Paulalso has an interest.

Previous to her departure from theCoast she was inspected by a number ofprominent business men, including JohnD. Spreckelp, General W. H. Dimond,Colonel C L. Taylor, Charles Hansen,Captain Wilson and William Center, whoexpressed their admiration of the vessel.

Kitle fof Qneen Dmma's Effects.The second sale of the late Queen

Emma's effects takes place this morningat 10 o'clock at the residence, corner ofNuuanu and Beretania streets. The fur-

niture to be offered on this occasion isprincipally from the Waikiki residenceand consists of koa wardrobes, bookcase,desk and table, lounges, a parlor set ofnine pieces, chairs, mattrasses, dinnerset and other articles too numerous tomention. Messrs. E. P. Adams & Co.are the auctioneers.


the increase in tne crop 01 lt&o over maiof 18S4 at from 15,000 to 20,000 tons,taking into account the increased areacultivated, the exceptionally favorableseason, and the more general use of im-

proved machinery in the sugar mills.There Was nothing exaggerated in ourestimate. It is a conservative one, asthe result will prove unless some un-towa- rd

event happens.The money value of domestic exports

last year attests the wealth of the coun-try. We have a total of $S,958,33 takenfrom the soil and exported to foreignmarkets, by a population, all told, of

80,578. There is no other country in theworld of like population which can showanything like this proof of material pro-

gress, and we were quite justified inwriting as we did in the article objectedto regarding the wealth and favorableoutlook of national affairs.

The decrease in the cxiort value of

rice and paddy of 2,171,971 pounds is

accounted for in part by short produc-

tion, owing to severe weather, and to in-

creased home consumption, 1,921 Japa-

nese and 1,533 Chinese having beenadded to the population in the first elevenmonths of 1885, besides 278 Portuguese.

Address :



Rowell, Jackson & Webster,CI Til ! lfebMleal nriaer. Survey r stud DranKhtsnea.

Deslcns and estimates prepared, etc., for all kinds of Mechanical, Architectural and Civilwork.

Terms Reasonable

NOTICE!Absolutely Pure.A marvel of purity.. Thlsnowder never varies.


ATTORNEY T-LA-W,More economicsstrength and v. holesouicness.

than the ordinary kinds, and cannot be sold In com ON. A PARTNER IN THE KEE WOHO Rice Co.. Ewa, has given power of attor-ney to Ho Ye during-- bis absence to China. HoY ee will collect all amounts due Ho On, and wlkattend to his interest ia said company.

Honolulu, December 30th. janS

petition with tho multitude cf lovtest, snoreweight, alum or phosphate powders. SoldokltKIcams. RotAit Haui-n- o Powt& Co.. 103 Wati-fi-

H. Y-d--w


And Solicitor In Chancery. Office, Campbell's"Vtlivlr . awtsani mtrwv panma ft mnA m l?na.AAConsulting and Draughting-Room- s ia Campbell's Block. ntrancs on Merchant street. AlterThe conipetitivejdrill between the King's

Own and the Prince's Own is declared off. 1 Merchant street, Honolulu, H. I. ' 406 tfders promptly attended to. tf03tf


THE YEAR'S EXPORTS. SdrttiscmfMs.BY AUTHORITY. Liquor law for Ireland ; the others werethe Rev. Dr. Kinncar and Rev. I. Nel-son, a staunch Ulster Presbyterian also,and an ardent supporter of Tamel! andthe national cause.

brought 300 bajs suffar, 32 barrel molasses, 10

bead of cattle, and 8 deck passengers, she sailedagain the same eveniug.

The steamer C. R. Bishop will return to-da- y

from Lale and Punaiuu, Koolau, with rice,and will leave for Uaoalei. via SPECIAL NOTICE.

of a licensed carriage, dray or other vehicle, shallbe Intoxicated, or who shall use Insulting orabusive language, who shall denand more thanthe authorised fare, who shall neglect upon de-

mand to show a card of rates of fare, or who shallcontravene any of the within rules, shall uponcomplaint to any of the police be arrested, andupon conviction be liable to the penalty set forthIn Section 11, of the act approve., the Via day ofAugust, A. D. I'M.

26th. No licensed driver shall leave his vehicleat any wharf, public or private ball or entertain-ment, place of amusement or public assemblage,or liqur saloon.

27th. No licensed vehicle will be permitted tostand en any steamer wharf on the day of arrivalor departure of steamers.

28th. Any licensed vehicle, horse or harnessfound In service at any time In an unsuitable orunsafe condition for performing the duties of com-mon carriers will render the owner or driver, orboth, liable to arrest and prosecution.

These rules shall have full force and effect on


For ThirtyAT

An Increase or S9S0.773 Over the Ex-

port for IHHi.

The Collector General of Customs has for-

warded the following report and statisticof the year's exports to His Excellency theMinister of Finance, which we are per-

mit ted to publish :

Collector General's Office, (Hosolclc, January ", ls&o.l

Sir I I have the honor to hand to YourExcellency the table of principal domesticexports of the Hawaiian I --.lands for thequarter ending December 31, lSso:

Allow me to draw your attention to the ex-

port of sugar, which shows a grand total of171 ,300 ,314 pounds, or a little over eighty-fiv- e

thousand tons, an increase of a littleover fourteen thousand tons over the ex-

port of 1S4.With much respect, I have the honor to

be Your Excellency's most obedient ser-vant, Curtis F. Iackka,

Collector General.Per G. Bo A RDM AN,

His Deputy.His Excellency Jno. M. Kapena, H. H.

M.'s Ministerof Finances- -



Our Entire Stock of MENS', BOYS' and, CHILDREN'S CLOTHING,GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS, BOOTS and SHOES has been GREATLYREDUCED, and DECIDED BARGAINS are offered in these Department.


In Our Dry and Fancy Goods Department.0-I-K NOT MISS OUR CLEARANCE SALE.

s. comsr & co.

and after January 1. 1886, and all former rules andregulations for the government of licensed vehiclesare abolished.

CHAS. T. GULICK,Minister of the Interior.

Water Notice.From this date, till further notice, W. It. SEAL

ESQ., la alone authorized to collect water ratesaud dues oc account of the Honolulu WaterWorks.

Ho Is fully empowered to give a good and suff-icient receipt, and none other will be acknowl-edged.

All parties are requested when paying waterrates, to produce to the Receiver their lastreceipt.

This Regulation does not apply to any businessrelating to the Water Works, which now is, ormay hereafter be placed in the hands of the Attor-

ney-General for settlement.CIIAS. T. GULICK,

Minister of the Interior.Interior Office, November 5, 1885. 313 noStf

The Board of Immigration pro-poses to make arrangements forthe further importation ofJapanese immigrants into thisKingdom and would request thatall parties desirous of procuringthe service of such contract laborwill forward thfiir annlications to

ARTICLKS. Quantity. VIue.

Sugar, poumla 21,706,03 f 1,112,735 SI,Mola-sscK- , gallons... .. 11,569 1,612 25Rice, pounds l,9S3,eO J03,93i W

Coffee, pounds 300 41 00Fungus, pounds-- 1,137 113 70Kauanas, bunches. 16.37:: lS.'i'iS 00Oont sic ins, plet-es- . 3.3.17 4,322 74Hides, pieces 3.70K II,SOS 63Wool, pounds. 1 402.42 42,!M 98Betel leaves, boxes.... ! 370 00Sheep skin pieces 1,220 115 0Sundries 775 50

Total value exports ; $1,293,517 IS MANILA

In Bond, oxA very CHOICE LOT just received. The best in the market.Wm a TWir. X, IVv ihn finiv.lthe Right Rev. the Bishop of Olba has


Honolulu Rifle.The regular monthly meeting of the

Honolulu Rifles was held last evening,when the following officers were elected :

Captain, Geo. McLeod ; First Lieutenant,H. F. Hebbard; Second Lieutenant, W.Unger; Recording Secretary, J. H.Reist ; Financial Secretary, F. L. Win-ter; Treasurer, E. F. Bishop. The fol-

lowing committees were appointed:Armory W. Williams, W. Wagner, J.L. Torbert ; Finance J. II. Reist, G. K.Wilder, W. Wagner ; Range W. Unger,J. L. Torbert, J. W. Pratt ; RecruitingF. Wood, B. Burgess, W. Unger. Noticewas given of amendments to the by-la-

for the reduction of fines and dues, andchange of meeting night: About thirtymembers were present at the meeting.

A IXMMTtlaff Wife.A native woman named Pahu married

Yap Sing, a Chinaman, some time ago.She Boon tired of her Yap and he wascompelled to prosecute her for desertion.She was sent over the reef. On the dayher time was up Yap made his appear-ance at the jail and waited for her. Onbeing released she iositively refused tohave anything more to do with Yap andwent to her own home, and the next daydisappeared. Anotlrer warrant wastaken out, but it was not until Saturdaythat the deserting wife was found. Be-

ing determined as ever not to live withYap, her sentence on this occasion wasthirty days on the reef, where she nowis.

The wife of Mr. John Hinds, Manager ofthe Ilawi Sugar Plantation, Hawaii, diedon New Year's day.


Administrator's SaleOF FURNITURE.

By order of A. J. Cartwrlght, Esq., Administratori me estate oi ner late .Majesty QueenEmma, ws will sell at public auction,

at th residence,



Wednesday, January 6th.AT 10 O'CLOCK A. It.,

Tbe balance of furniture remaining unsold, be--ing cnieny me lurmsmng oi tne waikiwi residence,consisting- - In part as follows:

Two Ebony and Marble Side Tables.Large Marble Table.

KOA BOOKCASE."Koa Wardrobe, Koa Desk.Koa Table, Koa Bedsteads.Mahogany Wasbstand.Four Handsome Pier Mirrors and Stands.Assortment of Silver-plate-d Ware.


Ottoman Lounges.Mahosany and Cane-sea- t Chairs.Chandeliers, Willow Koclcera.Cheffoniers, Mattresses.Pillws, Mosquito Nets.Jsillc Coverlets, Dressing Cases.Carpet Chairs.

FINE DINNER SET.Koa Clothing Stand.KngraTlugs and Pictures.Chamber Sets, Hammock, Bugs.Calabashes, Glass and Crockery Ware.


E. P. ADAMS & CO.,It Auctioneers.


L business ia rice, has sold tils bakery, cornerof King: and Maunakea streets, to Quong Ylng Wo&Co. All amounts due him before Decembers,138S, will be collected hy bino, and all debts to thatday paid at his ofllce, King street, la Mr. J. Col-bur-

house. YIM QUON.Honolulu, January 5, 188. feb5


FURNISHED COTTAGE BY A MARRIEDcouple. Address F. A.," this office. tf

LOST.rpWO NOTES DRAWN BY THE KAALAIAJL Mill Co. In favor of Loo Chit Sam, dated Janu-ary 1, 1S38, each for tbe amount of $2,350, due Sep.tember 1, ltH: not indorsed; have been lost De.cember 30, 1895. All persons are warned againstdiscounting said nates. A reward of (S will bepaid to tbe party wbo returns tae notes to Chulant Co.

Honolulu, December 31.1 8S6. 1 w


Commercial Advertiser



Is prepared to do all kinds of

Commercial & Legal Work


And in fad everything which a IXrsl-Cla- ss

Office can do.

P. C. A. Job Printing Office

The bark C. R Bishop has been hauled hackinto the stream from the Pacific Mail wharf, togive room to the steamship Australia.

The schooner Caterina brought about 70 tons oflimestone from Walmanalo January 5th.

The schooner Ehukai tok another lot ofmaterials for the third briJgtUat Ls uow beingbuilt at Waialua, Oahu.

The steamer Planter landed the Hou. H- - A.Wldemann, with his macbluists, at Waianae lastnight.

The steamer Mokolii-brougb- t 120 bugs sugar. Ithides, and 1 horse frona Molokai Junnrj-- Stb.She made three trip from Molokai t. ia ii, re-

turning Sunday Schools pupils. SU-- - sal! thisafternoon.

The steamer Planter took 8,000 bricks for Keka-h- asugar Mill, Kauai. January 5th.

The steamer James Makee will be lowered fromthe Mari.se Railway to-da- y, and will sail r.

row afternoon for Kapaa, Kauai.The steamer Kicau took, January 5th, 12 mules

for the Onomea Sugar Compauy, and S horses forKohals, Hawaii.

The Norwegian bark Lovspriug, Captain G.Thompson, arrived in port at noon January 5th,177 days rrom New York, with a fall cargo ofgeneral merchandise. Sailed front New YorkJuly 12th. Had calm weather to the Equator inthe Atlantic, which was crossed on the 55th dayout; thence to Cape Horn tine weather. Ex-

perienced several heavy gales off Cape Horn.Was in company with several vessels there. Ex-perienced fine weather from 40 S. in the Paciilcto port . crossed the line in the Pacific IS daysago; sighted the Islands January 3d. She bringsaa assorted cargo, consisting of kerosene oil, coal,machinery, etc. The Lovsprlug is a woodeu ves-sel, and is 12 years old. She is consigned toMessrs. Castle & Cooke, and Is docked at the oldCustom House wharf.


The Tost Office robbery still remains amystery.

All Government schools ro-op- to-da- y

for a new term.

lww in" "u" tolw u"r- -

f Mr. and Mrs. Fred. H. Hayselden andfamily left by the Kinau yesterday for La-hain- a.

Mr. Wale has made extensive improve-ments and alterations to his property onAlakea street.

Now that the holiday season is over, theChoral and Quintette Club should not failto resume its weekly rehearsals w

evening.The bark Lovspring, which arrived yes-

terday, lost her anchor overboard nearBrewer's wharf. It will probably be re-

covered to-da-y.

f All parties who applied for tickets for the?' Ward-Verno- n performance c&n obtain thesame by applying at J. E. Wiseman's office,Merchant street.

Remember that if you want a hack toring up Hawaiian Hotel Stables No. 32,and then you will not have to pay extrafor order by telephone.

The subject of the service at the BethelUnion Church this morning at 11 o'clock is"The Church and the Family." The usualservice at Fort-stre- et Church in the even--

ng at 7:30 o'clock.Mr. J. D. Strong's pictures which were

on exhibition at the Hawaiian Hotel onMonday evening, have been removed tothe store of West, Dow & Co., where theywill remain a week.

The box plan for the performance of"Forget-uie-Not- " on Monday next is nowopen at Wiseman's office. This will bethe only chance of seeing that great actress,Miss Genevieve Ward, and Mr. Vernon.

The Hawaiian Colonization Land andjTrust Company (limited) has opened an'office in the store lately occupied by Thos.G. Thrum, Merchant street. A subscrip-tion list for stock will be opened in a fewdaps.

The Bethel vestry was well filled at 11

o'clock a. m. and the Fort-stre- et Churchvestry was crowded at 7 :30 p. m. at theunion meetings yesterday. Rev. A. O.Forbes led the first meeting and Rev. E. C.Oggel the second.

To-da- y, January 6th, Epiphany ot ourLord, holy day of obligation, is observed asusual at the Roman Catholic Cathedral.High pontifical mass at 10 a. m., followedby baptism, cenfirmatiou, rosary and bene-diction of the blessed sacrament at 3 p. m.

"Home and Foreign Missions" will bethe theme of the union meeting in theBethel Church this morning at 11, led byRev. H. Bingh.im; and "Sowing andReaping" the theme of the evening servicein Fort-stre- et Church, to be led by lVitorCruzan. Extra seats will be provided. Ageneral invitation.

A Xovel Tumbler Waalier.The neatest thing we have seen for

some time in a silver,, tumbler washer,which has leen placed in the window ofMessrs. Hollisier & Co., 100 Fort street,in connection with their soda water foun-

tain. Each tumbler is rapidly revolvedby jets of water inside, which are startedwhen the tumbler is placed upon thevalve, which is closed upon removingthe tumbler, while another jet falls uponthe outsides, thus thoroughly washingthe tumbler without resorting to a tub orbasin, and in full view of the customer,who is thus assured that the glasses arecool and clean. Besides doing its workthoroughly, it is of itself very orna-


A False Alarm.Last evening, a few minutes before 10

o'clock, the lookout at Diamond Headtelephoned to the Central office that asteamer was off Coco Head. The pilot,doctor and others were rung up and thestreets began to present a lively appear-ance, and a native went round townblowing a horn. About half-pa- st 10o'clock the telephoned steamer turnedout to be the Kilauea Hou from wind-

ward ports.

Feast of the Epiphany.To-da-y being the Feast of the Epi-

phany special services will be held in St.Andrew's Cathedral at 6:30 a. m. and 9a. m., conducted by the Bishop of Hono-

lulu, and at 11 a. m. and 7 :30 p. m. bythe Rev. George Wallace.

&300 Reward.A reward of Five Hundred Dollars will be paid

to any person wbo will give such Information asmay lead to the detection ot tbe party or partieswho robbed the Post Office ou .Saturday ulgut,the 2d instant. JNO. H. SOPER,

Marshal.Marshal's Office, January 4, 1886.

ltepartmetit of Interior.JAS. W. ROBERTSON has been this day ap-

pointed an Agent to take Acknowledgement toLabor Contracts for the District of Kona, Islandef Oahu, vice Sam'l M. Carter, resigned.

CIIAS. T. GULICK,Minister of the Interior.

Honolulu, January 2, 1386. St

Ileffulatlons for Carriage nuts Katesor Fare.

Under and by virtue of the previsions of an Actentitled "An Act to Regulate the Carrying ofPassengers and Freight, and the Letting to Hireof Carriages, Wagons, Carts, Drays and otherVehicles in the District of Honolulu," amendedand approved on the Stb day of August, A. D.1882, 1, Chas. T. Gullet:, Minister of the Interiorof the Hawaiian KingJoni, do hereby make thefollowing Rales and Regulations to be observedby licensed carriers of passengers and freightin the District of Honolulu:1st. Every licensed carriage, dray or vehicle

must bo numbered, and this number mukt beplaced on a conspicuous part of the carriage, drayor vehicle.

2d. Every licensed carriage running at nightmust exhibit two lights, and the number nt suchcarriage plainly shown on the gloss of each lan-

tern. In figures not Ies than one and one-ha- lf (1))Inches la height.

3d. Drivers of licensed vehicles must obey theorders of the police.

4th. 27 licensed carriage will bo allowed tostand on. the makal side of Queen street near sheHili Market, and no two or more carriages will beallowed to stand abreast ou any street.

Sth. On all stands set apart for licensed carriagesth horses mast b headed parallel to the streetand close to the sldewalW.

th. No licensed horse and carriage must be leftwithout a proper attendant, or properly secured.

7lh. No licensed carriage will be allowed to beleft on the street over night.tt. IUX9I BKT APART FOB LICKVMKD C.'ARRIASKS.

No. 1. Mauka side of Beretania street, east sideef Maunakea street.

No. 2. Makal side of Beretania street, from eaUcorner of Nuuanu street.

No. 3. East side of Emma street, mauka of Ber-

etania street.No. 4. Mauka aide of Hotel street, from east

corner of Nouanu street.No. 5. Mauka side of Hotel street, corner ot

Union street.No. . Makal side of Hotel street, opposite to

the entrance of Hawaiian Hotel.No. 7. Makal side of King street, opposite the

Chinese Theater, east of road to the Prison.No. 8. Makal side of King street, east corner of

Mannakea street.No. t. Makal side of King street, from west

corner of Bethel street.No. I. Makal side of King street, east from K.

O. Hall A Son's store.No. 11. Mak .1 side of King street, east corner of

Richards street.No. 12. Makal side of King street, west from

.Punchbowl street.No. 13. Makal side of Merchant street, opposite

to Sailors' Home.No. 14. Makal side of Merchant street, east cor-

ner of Fort street.No. 15. Mauka side of Queen street, opposite to

Tak Market.No. IS. Makal side of Queen street, from east

corner of Nuuanu street.No. 17. Makal side of Queeu street, from east

corner of Fort street.

th. No more than ten carriages will be allowedoa any one stand at any one time.

IWtn. LicenstHl carriages standing In front of theHawaiian Opera House shall align on the maukaids of King street. "

11th. Licensed carriages standing upon the Es-

planade, near the Mail Steamer Dock, shall alignupon th mauka side of the street to the corner ofJCilauea street, aud mauka along-- the east side ofJCilauea street.

12th. Licensed carriages at the GovernmentBuilding shall enter on the eastern side o f thedrive, and align on the outer side of the circle

waiting their fare.BlTKS OF FA BE.

13th. To or- - from any point in Beretania streetand the harbor, and between Maunakea street andPunchbowl sti et, for each passenger, 10 cents.

14th. To or from any point between'the secondbridge. Nuuanu Avenue, and the harbor, and theReformatory School, on the Ewa road and theHue of Victor? street, not exceeding one milefrom the starting point and not conflicting withRule 13, for each passenger, 25 cents. For eachpassenger to or from any steamer or sailing vesselto or from any point within the foregoing limits,24 cents.

15th. Outside the:e limits, not exceeding twomiles from the starting point, for each person, SO

cents; beyond two miles, 25 cents per mile or frac-

tion thereof, for each passenger.16th. Children three years old or under, no

charge; over three years old and not more thauten years old, half price.

ITtb. For all detentions, of a licensed vehiclewhile under engagement within the ten (10) centlimit . 11 50 per hour, Irrespective of the numberof passenger; beyond the foregoing limit, fl perhour. For each vehicle attending a funeral, 3.

18th. Time to be counted from the time of en.gagement to the time of dismissal,' and whencalled by the telephone the engagement com-mences with the receipt of the message. Servicelu answer to call by telephone may be charged afare and one-hal- f.

. 19th. No extra charge shall be made to any pas-senger for ordinary hand baggage.

20th. For any other than ordinary hand bag-gage, each trunk or box, 25 cents.

21st. Every licensed driver shall have a silverr white metal badge, with his number plainly

shown on it, as per sample at the Police StationHouse; said badge to be worn so as to be distinctlyseen npon the left breast. (To Insure uulformlty,these badges will be furubmed at the Station Houseat cost price.)22B. WHHI ORDERED SPECIALLY FOR KAPIOLAN'I

PARK.Oie passenger, each way .... $1 00Two passengers, each way .. 1 soThree passengers, each way . ....... 2 00

WHIN OIOCRIU) SPECIALLY FOR THE PALI.On passenger, each way f3 00Two passengers, each way 4 00Three passengers, each way ; 5 00

No driver Is compelled to take a single fare be.yond the two salle limit, except by" special bar-gain. When two or more offer, the regular rateas per the above schedule must be accepted.

Licensed drivers ordered to return for passengersleft at any given point, may charge a fare andone.half fare.' .

23d. Between the hours of eleven (11) o'clock p.an. and five (o) o'clock a. m. the above rates offare shall be doubled.

24th. If any licensed vt hide shall be foundstaniiog in any place but on the appointed stand,the driver ""shall be liable to arrest by ny policeofficer unless said driver shall be under engagement; and no licensed driver will be permitted towait under engagement for a fare In the vicinityof any designated hack stand except on the standItself. Nothing in this regulation, however, shallbe construed to conflict with regulations 10, 11 and12 above.

25th, Any licensed driver wbo, when in charge

Days OnlytTHE

Fort Street.


Duty Paid.


CLABUVCK W. YOLWKY T.ASHFoan. Assxrosb.-- '


Office Honolulu Hale, adjoining the PostOffice. S67d4twtf




LIC. Office with the Attorney UeneraJ, A HioUbt Hale, Honolulu, If. I. 67 mrlO It-i- S



NOTARY PUBLIC.Keal Eatat la mmy part r tts lUtfff.bought, bold and Leased on ComnjissloaLoans Negotiated and Legal DopueusiiU Draws.

. 2T. 27 MEJttCIIAJTT TJBBXT,Oacelte Block, Honolulu. 16-- tf


' PIONEERSteam Candy Factory

AND BAKERY.F. HORN, Practical Confectioner,

Fastry Cook and liUr.Hotel street. 78 tf Telephone 74


AND COMFORTABLE FUKN1WHEDNEAT at No. 3 Kawaiahou lane, a few stepfrom the Government bnildlng. A asn and wl'ecan also have comfortable furnished rooms, ortwo rooms unfurnished, and accommodations tocook for themselves. Mii-H- . W ARD.

m-t- f


Real Estate SaleIN

HOISTOIj.TJXjTJHawaiian Islands.

DKSIRINU A GOOD INVEST- -PARTIES the Hawaiian Islands will havesrare opportunity In the purchase of the RoseRanch property, lately owned by Captain JamesMakee, on the Island of Maui.

This estate comprises over eleven thousand (II,-00- 0)

acres of land held In fee simple, and about '

ten thousand (10,000) acres held under lease to runsix years longer. Tbe stock on tbe estate cem- -

lug 100 yoke working rattle and 300 milch cowsand 90 horses and mules.

The buildings consist of a main dwelling house,guests' cottages,-office- , billiard rooiu, chapel,dairy and beef houses, store, overseer's house,servants' quarters, etc., etc. "

There are between tbree and four hundred thou,sand trees on the estate of varieties of eucalyptus,acacia, cypress, Pride of jndla, cedar and cin-chona.

Tbe cisterns for water are 12 In number, tbeargest capable of holding U.ooo barrels.

Steamers from Houolulu stop at the landing ofthe estate once a week. Tbe passage from Hono-lulu to the landing is made In 12 hours by steamer.Hundreds of citizens of California and tbe EasternStates have experienced the hospitality of the lateCaptain Makee, wbo will bear willing testimony tnthe natural beauties of the estate and to tbe sa-lubrity of tbe climate.


The line residence la the city of Honolulu belong-ing to tbe Makee estate, together with the furni-ture belonging to the house.

Ibe sale of the above-name- d properties will beheld in tbe city of Honolulu MARCH 1. IMS.

For further particulars apply toJOHN D. SPRECKELS BROS.,

. tyan Fraacisco,And to

WM. O. IRWIN CO.,411 niwl Honolulu.

The following are the domestic exportsof the Hawaiian Islandss for the twelvemonths of 1885, compared with twelvemonths 1S84 :

j c f c P --T o sr So oHCO


3.5 : ? cr: 2 2--: of" M3--:o : at m

3 r. x :a :

5S- -

Pf--iA H 3)o t: 13 c to w

(1nH SsH

getCO- : : o :

: Si o2


5 KA -

30 r t eft :cr. 3) i as oc

.m : 4 C

"Autflleau Church Chronicle.The January number of the "Anglican

Church Chronicle" is fully up to its highstandard as a denominational publica-tion. Rev. Alexander Mackintosh con-

tributes a readable letter. He appearsto have had "a good time" in old Eng-land and in the far North among thebones of buried ancestors of the ClanChattan. His remarks regarding theyoung Hawaiians sent to Glasgow for in-

dustrial education deserve reprinting, asa general reply to the Oppositionpress which declare that it is moneyWasted to send Hawaiians abroad to givethem an opportunity of acquiring, thebest possible training in arts and me-

chanics. Rev. Mr. Mackintosh will notbe accused either of partiality or want ofdiscernment. He says :

"We called on our three Hawaiianboys, Kapena, Hugo Kawelo and au-oth- er.

I advised the firm of Mirlees &Watson to send Kawelo back ; he is veryill indeed. I called on the boys at theirlodgings; they had most comfortablequarters in a very nice part of the city ;

they had a piano and other articles deluxe in their sitting room. They werevery affectionate towards me and I prom-ised to give a good account of them to theKing. The money devoted to their edu-

cation is well spent. English people aregreatly struck with the liberality of theHawaiian Government in devoting moneyto so good an object."

The "secession" movement in the St.Andrew's Cathedral congregation is judi-

ciously treated. Rev. E. Grosser con-

tributes an article on the history of theChurch of England, which is well writ-

ten, but contains several statements thatare by no means well settled facts of his-

tory. In a short article on "Disestab-lishment," the following appears :

"The Bishopssit in the House of Lordsas territorial barons, and have done sosince either House of Parliament has hada constitutional status. Other clergymenare excluded from the House of Com-

mons by an Act not yet 85 years old."The Lords Spiritual do not sit as terri-torial barons, but by virtue of their officeas Bishops. Several of the EnglishBishops are without seats in the Houseof Lords. The latter statement is alsoinaccurate. "Other clergymen" are notexcluded from the House of Commonsby law, but priests in holy orders of theChurch of England are soexcluded. Thelaw does not recognize the validity of anyother "orders" outside that ecclesiasticalbody. Ministers of other denominationsin England are simple laymen in the eyesof the law, and as a matter of fact theRev. W. J. Fox, for many years Mem-

ber of Parliament for Oldham, and themost eloquent man in England of hisday, was also a Unitarian clergyman andpreached regularly in his church everySunday in London during the Parlia-mentary session. In the two late Par-liaments several clergymen sat as mem-bers, with three of whom w had thepleasure of personal acquaintance, onebeing Rev. Professor Richard Smyth,who sat as member for County Deny,and secured the passage of the Sunday

appointed Agents of the BoarSfor Japanese Immigration

It is requested that these appli-cations be sent in without delayaud that the parties orderingstate as definate as possible whattheir requirements will be for thenext six months, so that the nec-essary arrangements can be madefor the introduction of thesepeople.


Minister of Interior and PresidentBureau of Immigration.

Interior Office, Aug. 21, 1885.


ARRIVALS.Tuesday. January 5.

Suar MokollI, McGregor, from Molokaifttmr James I Dowsett, C Dudoit, from MolokaiNorwegian bark Lovesprlng, Thompson, 177

days from New YorkSchr Caterina, from Walmanalo

DEPARTURES.Tujdbday, January 5,

Stmr Ktnau, Kln, for Maui and Hawaii, at 41pni f

Stmr W O Hall, Bate, lor Maul ana iiawau,- -

at I p mmmr Planter, Cameron, for Kauai, at 5pm '

Stmr James I Dowsett, Dudoit, for Molokai,at 5 p m

Stmr Walmanalo, Neilson, for WalmanaloBrit bark Lizzie lredale, W H Iredale, for Port-

land, OregonSchr Ehukai, for Waialua

Vessels Leaving? To-Da- y.

Stmr MokollI, for Molokai, at 5 p mSchr Luka, for Konolalele

FORFJUN VESSELS 1ST PORT,Ger bk C R Bishop, from BremenBritish bark Victoria Cross, Robertson, from

Newcastle, NSWAm bk Elslnore. from Newcastle, NSWAm bk Calbarien, H W Hubbard, from San

FraneiseoAm bark Hesper, C Ryder, from Newcastle,

NSWAm bktne Amelia, W Newhall, from Port

Townsend, W TAm tern W S Bowne, A H Paul, from San

FranciscoNorwegian bark Lovsprlng, Thompson, from

New York

Vessels Expected rre-- Foreign Ports.P M S S Zealandia (Britt, H Webber, from the

Colonies, en route to San Francisco, due Jan 12Am bark Majestic, Burton, from Port Towns-en- d,

W T, due Jan 15-2- 0

Brit bk Cbilena, Daviea, from Liverpool, dueJan 1-- 10

Hawaiian schr Jennie Walker, B Anderson,from Jaluit, SSI, due Nov 1 10

Brit bk Mount Lebanon, C Nelson, from Hong-kong, due December 10-- 25

Am schr Kmma Claudlna, W Matson, from SanFrancisco, due at Hilo, Hawaii, December 17-- 25

Brit bark Kttuma, from Glasgow, due March0-- 31

Brit ship Stirlingshire, Alexander, from Liver-pool, via Madeira, doe March 25-- 31

Brit bark Lady Lampson, Mars ton, from New-castle, N S W, due Feb 10-- 20

P M S S City of Sydney, Dearborn, from SanFrancisco, en route to Hongkong, due January 5

Bark Conferance, from Newcastle, NSW, dueJan 1525

Bark Virginia, from Newcastle, N S W, dueJan 1020

Ship Dionysus, Jones, from Newcastle, N S W,due Jan 25 31

The P M S R Australia (Brit), Chas C Breugh,from San Francisco, en route to the Colonies, dueJan 5

Am bktne Nellie M Slade, from New York,due April 15-- 30

Am brgtne Claus Spreckels, K P Drew, fromSan Francisco, due at Kahuiui, Maui, Dec 29-3- 1

Am schr Anna, Matson, from San Francisco, dueat Kahuiui, Maul, Jan 7--

Am bktne Discovery, W R Perrlman, from SanFrancisco, due Jan 9-- 15

O S S St Paul, Erskine, from San Francisco,due Jan 1 1

P M 8 S Zealandia (Brit). H Webber, from theColonies, en route to San Francisco, due Jan-nar- y

12thR M 8 S Alameda (Am), H O Morse, from the

Colonies, en route to San Francisco, due January16 th

R M S S Mararoa (Brit), J Edie, from Ban Fran-cisco, en route to the Colonies, due January 22d


From Molokai, per steamer Mokolli, January5th; Robert Fountain . J Keakaokalanl and wife,and 12 deck passengers.


For Kauai, via Waianae, per steamer Planter,January 5th: Hon H A Witaemanu, Mr Bertleman,wife, 2 children and servant, Captain J Ross, andabout 70 deck passengers.

For Maui and Hawaii, per steamer Kinan, Janu-ary 5th: F H Hayseldsn, wife, 5 children audservant. Rev W B Oleson, C B Wells, Prof M MScott, D Center, J Johnson, Mrs Schlmerhng, JCushingham, W W Ooodall, Mrs Andrew, J noKaiml, J F OllsUlan, --J K Heokano and wife, iDecker. C W Spitz, Rev Father Andre, H PBaldwin, Mrs R 11 Atkins, and about 110 deck pas-sengers.

For Maul and Hawaii, per steamer W O Hall,January Stb: Wm Clark, wife and children, MrsAbel Clark and 2 children, C Abraham, Hon Q WPilipo and wife, Mrs Lono, H H Com stock, andabout 80 deck passengers.


The steamer James I. Dowsett returned fromMolokai January 5th, where she was engagedconveying Sunday School students to Maul, she


Hawaiian Opera House.

Great Fashionable EventOF THE



January 11, 1886.

MISS GENEVIEVE WARD,The leading tragic actreu of the KnffUah-speakl-

stage, and

MR. W. H. VERNON,The popular London actor, will appear In the cele-

brated cemedy drama of

Forge t. 99

Mrs. Captaiu Hayley, Mrs. J. D. Strong, Sfr. L.Montgomery Mather and Mr. Pike hare kindlyYOluateered and will appear In some of the prin-cipal characters In the drama,

Box office now open at the office of J. K. Wise-man. '

Marshal's Sale.

VIKTUK OF JL WRIT .OF KXJCCUTIONBY Issued oat of the Supreme Court, on the 14thday ot Norember, I. 1815, against A. K,

defendant, In favor of K. K. MILKH,plaintiff, for the sum of f 170 94,1 hare leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at tbe front en-trance of Alilolant Hale, in Honolulu, Island ofOahu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDNESDAY, the dday of February, A. D. IMS, to the highest bid-der, all the right, title and interest of the said de-fendant, in and to the following property, an lesssaid Judgment, Interest, costs and ray expenses bepreviously paid.

List of property for sale:All tbat certain piece or parcel ef land situate In

Lnakaha, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oaho. Com.xnencing at makal west corner of large lot en Nnii.ana road, nd running south 65 west, 3 chainsSI (-- feet along road wall to slight angle. Thencesouth 1 west2 chains It 10-1- 2 tee t along wall tomakal west corner of this lot. Thence aeath 30'4i', east 6 chains 60 7-- 12 feet along makal wall efthis lot to slight angle; thence south 35 east 2chains 17 10-- 12 feet along wall to makal south cor-ner of this land. Thence N.J 60 east S'A chainsalong wall to makal wall ef eld lot at easternerof this lot. Thence north 20 1' west 3 chains62 8-- feet along wall to alight angle. Thencenorth 29.15, west 5 chains along old lot wall toplace of commencement, including an area of& 2-- acres. J. H. SOFER,

Marshal.Honolulu, January 4, 1186.

Marshall Sale.

VIRTUK OF A WRITBY eut of the Supreme Court, on the 4thday of January, A. D. against A. K. XUNU-IAKK-

defendant, in favor ef C. F. WOLF,plaintiff, for the sum of f 220 5 I have leviedupon and shall expose for sale, at the front en-trance of Alliolanl Hale, In Honolulu, Island ofOabu, at 12 m. o'clock of WEDNESD VY, the 3dday of February, A. L. 1886, to the highest bid-der, all the right, title and interest of tbe said A.K. KVNLTIAK.EA.defendant,ln and to tbe follow-in- g

property, unless said Judgment, interest,costs and my expenses be previously paid.

List of property tor sale:All tbat certain piece or parcel of land situate

in Luakaba, Nuuanu Valley, Honolulu, Oabu.Commencing at makal west corner of large lot onNouann road, and running sooth 63 west 3 chains5 5-- 12 feet along road wall to slight angle; thencesouth 61 west 2 chains 11 18-1- 2 feet along wall tomakal west corner of this loL Thence south 3045' east, 6 chains 56 7-- feet along makal wall ofthis lot to slight angle; thence south 35 east 2chains ,17 10-1- 2 feet along wall to makal southcorner of this land. Thence N. 60 east 1'A chainsaleng wall to makai wall f old lot at east cornerof this lot. ..Thence north 20 15' west, 3 chains62 8--12 feet along waU to slight angle. Thencenorth 29.15 west, 5 chains along old wall to placeerf commencement, Including an area ef & 2--

fccrs. J. H. HOPKK,. : Marshal.

Honolulu, January 4, liH.

Meeting Notice.

COUNCIL A. L. OF H., NO. 777OCEANIC business meeting ef this Councilwill be held THIS EVENING at 7:10 p. m. sharp.All Companions are particularly requested to bepresent, as business of great Importance will betransacted. Election of officers and Installationof same. U. O. CKABB.

Commander.Honolulu, H. I. January 5, 1886.

The Hawaiian Hotel Car-


J be no extra charge for Carriage .uered bytelephone.



3&5trusnnnus. SUbfrtistamus. btrlistBiritts.

The requirements for a Brandy likely to be of an melical use are all present in that supplied byMessrs. J. E. Pellison fc Co. Vide Public Health.

Uncolorcd, Unsweetened, Pure Old Brandy. M. W. McCHESJW & SONFOR SAN FRANCISCO.Wm. C. Irwin & Co




Business Olceshave received:--

Battled at Cognac, for Medicinal and Domestic Uses, as Analyred.we call the attention of all readers to the following extract from the Aualvsts' Reports and

Opinions of the Press:Laboratory, Oresham House, 24 nolborn Via.iuct, London. E. C."This brandy is a pnre grape spirit, remarkably rich in fragrant ethers; contains a large amount oftannin, derived from storing la oak casks, w hich imparts to fine old brandy one of its valuable medici-

nal properties, and will be of the greatest value to the physician iu those numerous cases where pureFrench brandy is tbe most useful of all medicines.

EDMUND R. SOUTHBY, M. R. C. S., F. C. S."The only two quail: es shipped "Seven and Ten Years Ola" tan be bad In one-doze- n cases.


May 8 tli Per lilariposa, 1,754 Packages;May 22d-P- er Alameda, 1,922 Packages ;

To Arrive Per Consuelo. 332 Packages,



"Will be Sold av the Lowest Market Bates.


G-roceri- es Provisions and FeedEAST CORNER FORT AND KING STREETS.

New Goods received by every packet from tbe Eastern States and Europe, fresh CaliforniaProduce by every steamer. All orders faithfully attended to, and Goods delivered to any part of thecity free of charge. Island orders solicited. Satisfaction guaranteed. PostorHce Box No. 145Telephone No. S2 -- 6 apl7

1886. Third Year of Publication.

the JHOisror.uirj M. W. McOliesney & Son,ly 4'2 nnd II Queen Mreet, llouolulu.ALMANAC Am DIBECTOBY !


For the Year of Our Lord 1SSG, Containing an

Astronomical, Civil &Ecclesiastic'l Calend'rFOR THE

Official and Business


temr --J mMUvsMX MAIN ST., JXTlf


Full Statistical and


Lumber and Coal,Doors, Sash ;and - Blinds. All kinds of BUILDERS' HARDWARE, Paints, Oils, Glass, MattingCorrugated Iron, Portland Cement : STEEL NAILS, much superior to Iron, and cost but llttlmore. 101-myl- -y

. F. BILLING nAM, "President and Manager.



P. O. BOX 315. - TtLEPUOSK 172

(Entablished 1S79.J

The foUawlne various brancbef busine willenable the public oa the Inlands and from abroadto gain general Information on all matters In thefollowing departments:

Iteal Estate DeportmentBuys and fKlls Ileal Estate in all parts of tbe

Kingdom.Values Real Estate and Property in city and

Suburbs.Rents and lease Houses, Cottages, Rooms and

Land.Attends to Insurance, Taxes, Repairing and

Collecting of Rentals.Draws legal papers of every nature Searches

Titles, Records, Etc. '."Employment DepartmentI'mila Employment in all branches of Industry

connected with the Islands.

General Business MattersKeep Hooks and' Accounts, collect Bills, loans

or Invest Moneys. Penmanship, Engrossing andall kinds of Copying done. . -

Procures Fire and Life insurance.Advertisements and Correspondence attended to.Information of every description connected

with tbe Inlands coming from abroad f illyanswered.

Custom House Broker.Merchants will Hud thla .Department a special

benefit to them, as I attend to entering goodsthrough power of Attorney uud delivering theaaioe at a small commission.

Mttlieitlltar Acrnt for the "MUTUAL LIFEINSURANCE- COMPANY OF NEW YORK,"tUe. largest, gsandest and soundest InsuranceCompany iu tbe world.

AO EXT for th(.rrat BMrllii-rto- u Railway Route,"

In America'. Travelers Journeying by rail iuAmerica will And this route the most comfo-iab-le

and most delightful. The scenery Is the grandestgoing Kast, and rttb the PULLMAN PALACEfcLEEPING CARS and good meals along tbe trip,polite attention from employee and reason,able fare no route can excel this.

AGENT fOjjr the

Honolulu Royal Opera HouseManagers ot first-clas- s companies abroad will

address me for terms, etc.

DEPARTMENTS.Seal Eatate Broker.

. Cantora Hoase llrokerSloney Broker.

Fire ana JLJfe Insarauce Agent.Employment Agent,

Railroad Arent anddeneral Business Agent

't- -ADDKKH8:



Oceanic Steamship Co.


Tba Al steamship

" ST. PAUL''Will leave Honolulu for'tfie above port on

or about

January 15th.,For freight or passage apply to

Win. (x. Irwin & Co.,. s AGENTS.

Australian Mail Service.


The new and splendid AI steamship


Of tbe Oceanic Steamship Company, will be dueat Honolulu from Sydney and Auckland

on or about

Januai?; 16th..k j :p..ve for the abave port with mails and

nnssengers on or about that date.For freight or passage, having SUPERIOR


Win. G. Irwin & Co.,AUENTS.

For Sydney and Auckland.

The new and tine Al steel steamship



NueeessorM to Illliiiliim V 'o. ruI Namuel Not! .

Tbe magnificent steamship

AUSTRALIA,(BrouKb, Commander.)

Will leave for the above port on or about

December 15th,For freight or passage apnly to



Steam Navigation Co.



BATES Commander

Will run regularly to Maalaea, Maui, and Kongand Kaii, Hawaii.


CAMERON ...Commander

Leaves every Tuesday atS p. m. for Nuwiliwili,Koloa, Eleele aud Waimea. Returning, will leaveNawlliwili every Saturday at 4 p. ni., an ivin& atHonolulu every Sunday at 5 a. m.


FREEMAN.... ..... Commander

Will run regularly to Ilamoa, Maui, and Kukui-baele- ,

Honoku.i and faaubau. Hawaii.


Leaves every Friday at 8 a. m. for Waianae,Oahu, and Hanalei and Kilauea. Kauai, Return-n- g,

leaves Hanalei every Tuesday at 4 p. m., andtouching at Walalua and Waianae Wednesdays,and arriving at Honolulu same day.


Will run regularly to Kapaa, Kauai.

T. R. FOSTER, President.J. En a, secretary.



STEAMER KINAU,(King, Commanoei),

Leaven Honolulu as per following schedule,touching at Lahaina, Maalaea, Makena,

HUo and Keaubou:Commencing on MONDAY. October 12th, and

thence on tbe first Monday following tbe arrivalof the "Alameda" and Mariposa." on tbe 8thand 22d of each montb:

The steamer Kinau will make the VOLCANOTRIP, reaching Keauhou on Wednesday morn-ing, giving tourists two days and two nights attbe VOLCANO HOUSE.

When the 8th and 22d of the month fall onMonday, tbe Kinan will leave that day.


The Kinau will arrive in Honolulu Sundaymornings on Volcano trips. On H;lo trips, willleave Honolulu on Tuesdays, and return Saturdaymorning.

PASSENGER TRAINS will connect with theKinan at Mahukona.

Tbe Kinan WILL TOUCH at Honokala andPaaubau en down trips from HHo for Passengerstf a signal is made from the snore.

STEAMER LIKELIKE.(Lorenzen, Commander;,

Leaves Honolulu every Monday at 5 p. u. torKaunakakai,Kahului, every week: Huelo, Uana

and Kipahulu, Keanae, Mokulau and Nuu everyother week. Returning, will stop at tbe aboveports, arriving back Saturday mornings.

For mails and passengers only.

STEAMER KILAUEA IIOU,(Welsbarth, Commander),

Will leave regularly for Paaubau, Koholaleie,Ookala, Kukaiau, Honohina, Laupahoeboe, Haka-la- ti

and Onomea


(Davies, Commander)

Will leave regularly for same ports as KilaueaHou.

STEAMER MOKOLI1,(McGregor, Commander),

Leaves Honolulu each Monday at 5 p. m. forKaunakakai. Kamalo, Pukoo,Lahalna, Lanai,

Pelekunu and Kalaupapa. Re-turning, leaves Pukoo Fridays a.m. for Honolulu,arriving Saturday morning.

The Company will not be responsible forany freight or packages unless receipted for, norfor personal baggage unless plainly marked. Notresponsible for money or jewelry unless placed Incharge of the Purser.

All possible care will be taken of Live Stock, batthe Company will npt assume any risk of accident.

SAML. O. WILDER, President.S. B. ROSE, Secretary.

OFFICE Corner Fort and Queen streets.69--ly Mar 30

LASX WAI KEE,Watchmaker,


ness, with Stock, Lease, Goodwill, to ITSANG, who will pay all debts of the firm and col-

lect all bills due.Honolulu, Dec. 26, 185 dc28

jSTOTICE.UNDERSIGNED HAS SOLD HISTHE with lease, bouses, oxen, horses,

and tools to Tong Sing Co. of Ewa, Waihele andWaipabu. Tbe company will tike possession ofthe property from January 4, I486, and all theliabilities of said property will be paid by under-signed. ' YOUNG KUAI.

December TO, 1SS3. Jan8

NOTICE.rplIE UNDERSIGNED INTENDS TO LEAVEX for Cbina iu January. All persons having

claims against him are hereby notified to presenttbem for payment immediately. HO SEE.

Honolulu, December 30, 1885. jan8



In Barrels,Half Barrels,

And Boxes.CUBE 4 :

In Half BarreisAnd Boxes.

POWDEREDi n Boxes.

GOLDEN e. (COFFEEIn Half Barrels

And Boxes






Salmon.CASKS 1-- TINS.




Flour.FAMILY (la quarter sacks","

HiKR'H EXTRA C1 Backs),

Cases Medium Bread.

Lime and Cement.



Reed's Felt Steam Pipe

and Boiler Covering.

25 "AM TENTS, (suitable for camp-ing and surveying parties.)



We have receive a consignment o tbe mostEconomical ai.J Valuable Feed for all

kinds of Stock, viz.: ,

COOKED LINSEED MEAL.It Is tbe greatest Flesh, former, Milk and

Butter producer hi use.

Oil Cake Meal shows about 27 per cent, of antritlve matter; this nearly 39 per cent.

100 1)3. ol this meal is equal to 300 B. of oats,oi 318 ls. of corn, or to 767 B. of wheat bran.

For Sale in Lots to Suit.Also, out Unrivalled MIXED FEED, as well as

our usual supply of tbe best kinds of

Hay, Oats, Wheat, Corn, Etc., Etc.

LAINE &c CO.18 tf




The uuderaitfiied are now prepared to re

ceive orders for this Celebrated Fertilizer

from tu Diauofactorv of Back & OLlandt

San Francisco:

Tbe following is a report of tbe compo-

nent parts, as obtained by Cbeaiical analy-


Water 8.10 per centOrganic Matter. . 29.1$

Silicioua Matter. it

lime 31.70

Phosphoric Acid. 23.11 " "Oxide of Iron . . . . .85 "CartKinic Arid. . . 1.89 "Alkali Salt. .... .52 "

100.00Nitrogen 2.7 percent.

Order Received will have Prompt

and Careful Attention.

W. G. Irwin & Co.,Agents or tbe Hawaiian Islands.

5 1

Sole Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.



Directory of Honolulu

General Information

304 nov3 86


No 3Iore Darkness.Just received, ex MARTHA DAVIS, from Boston,

Downer's Kerosene Oil.

Standard Kerosene Oil.rx, WlIr T'rvcin uiri ? ? Jim- - nti uciic v.n.




Kennedy aud Martin Magazine Rifles. Reming-ton, Sharps and Ballard Sporting Rifles. Agentsfor V. W. Greener, Colt, Parker and RemingtonBreech-loadin-g Double (Juns, Colt and Smith fe

Woaan TUtnla x. PURRY it BRO., 113 San- -sonie street, San Francisco, Cal. 3S6 ly

iFort Street-- :o:-


Is now in Course of Publication. Will be Issued the

First Week in January, 1SS6.

Great pains and expense have been gone to by the Publishers tomake this Almanac and Directory the most useful and comprehen-sive work of the kind ever published in the Hawaiian Kingdom. Itwill be found invaluable to men of business, travelers and tourists,and is guaranteed a wide circulation at Home and in Foreign Coun-tries.

Its Court and Official Calendar carefully corrected to the latesmoment.

Articles of special value to the Islands have Deen prepared by ex-pert writers, which are well calculated to beget great interest intheir condition and prospect abroad.

Secretaries of Societies and Heads of Departments are respect-fully solicited to make returns of their officers, Compiler's aimbeing correctness and perfection.

Advertising Space LimitedLarge CirculationGuaranteed.

LEWIS & CO.,"Wholesale and Hetail Grrocers,

67 and 69 Hotel street. P. O. Vox 297. Old and New Telephone, 240.

NEW GOODS JUST RECEIVED ON ICE. Fresh California Fruits. Fresh California Fifshand a full line of Fancy and Staple Groceries. Goods delivered to all parts of the city free of charge



Have completed and offer for sale (lie lollowine Boilers, viz:

R COMPOUND STEEL BOILERS (SSKSSi1 Combination Boiler, 12 ft. x 5 ft. G in.

1 Combination Steel Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft., also1 Second-Han- d Tubular Boiler, 12 ft. x 4 ft.

io5 je7-8- 6 Apniy to Tlie Honolulu Iron Worlis Co.

GEO. ENGELHAEDT,Formerly with Samuel Xoit.

Importer and Dealer in

Stoves, Chandeliers, Lamps, Crockery and Glassware.

House Furnishing Hardware,Agate Iron and Tinware.

Agent for Hall's Safe and Lock Company.

Beaver "Block : : : : Fort Street,


COMMCflCMt WORK.VlrffS tic Color Printing.


JAMES O. SPENCKR,Secretary and Treasurer.


Steamer. 230-oc- tl


' " '"TT1 "

Housekeeping Goods.

and Sheet Iron Work

Just received ex steamors

ALAMEDA and ST. IAXJL.Latest Ieis;u8 In








All the Latest .'Novelties in Fancy Goods deceived '.by.

Store formerly occupied by S. NHt, opposite Spreckels A Co.'s Hank.



, 1 j 3 w. in"

Stoves, Ranges and

Plumbing, Tin, Copper


One hundred doren GENIS full fashionedsocks,

"Morlev's of London."At 23 eftit vor p.tfr.

200 dozen LADIES COTI ON 1IO-- K. extra'long aud silk clocked-lie- ver exreibd. j

"Louvre of Brussels,"147 feb28 Fort Street.

VSTOR HOUSE.The undersigned, proprietor of the Astor

House, has reopened this favorite Restaurant,and solicits a share of public patronage, guaran-teeing first-clas- s meals and attendance.

CHAN WO.Honolulu, Dec. 29, 18S5. Jar29

Of the Union steamship Compiny. New Zealand,Will be due at Honolulu from San Francisco

or or about

January Q2dAnd will have prompt dispatch with mails andpassengers for the above ports.

Forfreight or passage, having SUPERIOR AC-


Win. tt. Irwin & Co.,AGENTS.
