IEEE Proof IEEE JOURNAL OF BIOMEDICAL AND HEALTH INFORMATICS 1 Lung Respiratory Motion Estimation Based on Fast Kalman Filtering and 4D CT Image Registration 1 2 3 Peng Xue , Yu Fu, Huizhong Ji, Wentao Cui, and Enqing Dong , Member, IEEE 4 AbstractRespiratory motion estimation is an important 5 part in image-guided radiation therapy and clinical diag- 6 nosis. However, most of the respiratory motion estimation 7 methods rely on indirect measurements of external breath- 8 ing indicators, which will not only introduce great estima- 9 tion errors, but also bring invasive injury for patients. In 10 this paper, we propose a method of lung respiratory mo- 11 tion estimation based on fast Kalman filtering and 4D CT 12 image registration (LRME-4DCT). In order to perform dy- 13 namic motion estimation for continuous phases, a motion 14 estimation model is constructed by combining two kinds 15 of GPU-accelerated 4D CT image registration methods with 16 fast Kalman filtering method. To address the high compu- 17 tational requirements of 4D CT image sequences, a multi- Q1 18 level processing strategy is adopted in the 4D CT image 19 registration methods, and respiratory motion states are 20 predicted from three independent directions. In the DIR-lab 21 dataset and POPI dataset with 4D CT images, the average 22 target registration error (TRE) of the LRME-4DCT method 23 can reach 0.91 mm and 0.85 mm respectively. Compared 24 with traditional estimation methods based on pair-wise im- 25 age registration, the proposed LRME-4DCT method can 26 estimate the physiological respiratory motion more accu- 27 rately and quickly. Our proposed LRME-4DCT method fully 28 meets the practical clinical requirements for rapid dynamic 29 estimation of lung respiratory motion. 30 Index TermsRespiratory motion estimation, 4D CT, 31 Image registration, Kalman filtering. 32 I. INTRODUCTION 33 A CCURATE respiratory motion modeling of lung has a 34 great potential in many clinical applications, such as 35 clinical diagnosis, treatment planning and image-guided inter- 36 ventions [1], [2]. In the process of image-guided radiotherapy 37 Manuscript received June 23, 2020; revised September 8, 2020; accepted October 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (China), in part by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants 81671848 and 81371635, and in part by Key Research and Devel- opment Project of Shandong Province under Grant 2019GGX101022. (Corresponding authors: Enqing Dong; Wentao Cui.) The authors are with the Department of Mechanical, Elec- trical and Information Engineering, Shandong University, Weihai 264209, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]; Q2 [email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]. cn). Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3030071 (IGRT), an accuracy motion model can effectively reduce treat- 38 ment margins and potentially enable more targeted radiation 39 delivery. In addition, image artifacts caused by irregular mo- 40 tion during four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT) 41 acquisition can be effectively reduced by constructing a patient- 42 specific respiratory motion model. Previously, most respiratory 43 motion estimation methods relied on indirect measurements of 44 external breathing indicators [3]. As it is difficult to image the 45 motion of interest lung during the procedure, markers are often 46 implanted into the region of interest. In this case the implantation 47 can be invasive, and motion information is not applicable to the 48 whole region of interest. 49 However, the advent of 4D CT techniques and image regis- 50 tration methods enable accurate and reliable respiratory motion 51 estimation of the whole lung. The deformation fields obtained 52 by registration of 4D CT images can effectively describe the 53 relative motion of the corresponding tissue structure between 54 the image sequences, and thus to realize the accurate motion 55 estimation of lung [4]–[6]. At the same time, due to the influence 56 of heart beating and respiratory movements, the local intensity 57 inhomogeneity of the lung 4D CT images and large motions of 58 the fine textures are caused, which brings great challenge for 59 accurate motion estimation of lung. 60 In order to solve the above problems, Rühaak et al. [7] 61 proposed a method for estimating large motion in lung CT by 62 integrating regularized key-point correspondences into dense 63 deformable registration. In addition, Vishnevskiy et al. [8] pro- 64 posed an isoPTV method that used Local Correlation Coefficient 65 (LCC) similarly metric and isotropic total variation regulariza- 66 tion to deal with large deformation and intensity inhomogeneity 67 in 4D CT image registration respectively. In 2019, Xue et al. 68 [9] designed an energy function with high-order cliques to 69 constrain the Jacobian matrix values of the deformation field 70 to be nonnegative. This method can maintain the topological 71 of deformation field and prevent unrealistic transformations 72 such as folding and tearing, so as to effectively improve the 73 registration accuracy. In the same year, Castillo [10] proposed a 74 Quadratic Penalty DIR (QPDIR) method, which minimizes an 75 image dissimilarly term and a regularization term derived from 76 the classical leave-one-out cross-validation statistical method. 77 This method works best in the DIR-lab dataset. 78 Although the above methods can achieve intra-observer ac- 79 curacy even for large motion amplitudes, they only register 80 the specific reference image with moving images, and cannot 81 2168-2194 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission. See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.


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Lung Respiratory Motion Estimation Based onFast Kalman Filtering and 4D CT Image





Peng Xue , Yu Fu, Huizhong Ji, Wentao Cui, and Enqing Dong , Member, IEEE4

Abstract—Respiratory motion estimation is an important5part in image-guided radiation therapy and clinical diag-6nosis. However, most of the respiratory motion estimation7methods rely on indirect measurements of external breath-8ing indicators, which will not only introduce great estima-9tion errors, but also bring invasive injury for patients. In10this paper, we propose a method of lung respiratory mo-11tion estimation based on fast Kalman filtering and 4D CT12image registration (LRME-4DCT). In order to perform dy-13namic motion estimation for continuous phases, a motion14estimation model is constructed by combining two kinds15of GPU-accelerated 4D CT image registration methods with16fast Kalman filtering method. To address the high compu-17tational requirements of 4D CT image sequences, a multi-


level processing strategy is adopted in the 4D CT image19registration methods, and respiratory motion states are20predicted from three independent directions. In the DIR-lab21dataset and POPI dataset with 4D CT images, the average22target registration error (TRE) of the LRME-4DCT method23can reach 0.91 mm and 0.85 mm respectively. Compared24with traditional estimation methods based on pair-wise im-25age registration, the proposed LRME-4DCT method can26estimate the physiological respiratory motion more accu-27rately and quickly. Our proposed LRME-4DCT method fully28meets the practical clinical requirements for rapid dynamic29estimation of lung respiratory motion.30

Index Terms—Respiratory motion estimation, 4D CT,31Image registration, Kalman filtering.32


ACCURATE respiratory motion modeling of lung has a34

great potential in many clinical applications, such as35

clinical diagnosis, treatment planning and image-guided inter-36

ventions [1], [2]. In the process of image-guided radiotherapy37

Manuscript received June 23, 2020; revised September 8, 2020;accepted October 7, 2020. This work was supported in part by theFundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities (China), inpart by the National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grants81671848 and 81371635, and in part by Key Research and Devel-opment Project of Shandong Province under Grant 2019GGX101022.(Corresponding authors: Enqing Dong; Wentao Cui.)

The authors are with the Department of Mechanical, Elec-trical and Information Engineering, Shandong University, Weihai264209, China (e-mail: [email protected]; [email protected];


[email protected]; [email protected]; [email protected]).

Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/JBHI.2020.3030071

(IGRT), an accuracy motion model can effectively reduce treat- 38

ment margins and potentially enable more targeted radiation 39

delivery. In addition, image artifacts caused by irregular mo- 40

tion during four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT) 41

acquisition can be effectively reduced by constructing a patient- 42

specific respiratory motion model. Previously, most respiratory 43

motion estimation methods relied on indirect measurements of 44

external breathing indicators [3]. As it is difficult to image the 45

motion of interest lung during the procedure, markers are often 46

implanted into the region of interest. In this case the implantation 47

can be invasive, and motion information is not applicable to the 48

whole region of interest. 49

However, the advent of 4D CT techniques and image regis- 50

tration methods enable accurate and reliable respiratory motion 51

estimation of the whole lung. The deformation fields obtained 52

by registration of 4D CT images can effectively describe the 53

relative motion of the corresponding tissue structure between 54

the image sequences, and thus to realize the accurate motion 55

estimation of lung [4]–[6]. At the same time, due to the influence 56

of heart beating and respiratory movements, the local intensity 57

inhomogeneity of the lung 4D CT images and large motions of 58

the fine textures are caused, which brings great challenge for 59

accurate motion estimation of lung. 60

In order to solve the above problems, Rühaak et al. [7] 61

proposed a method for estimating large motion in lung CT by 62

integrating regularized key-point correspondences into dense 63

deformable registration. In addition, Vishnevskiy et al. [8] pro- 64

posed an isoPTV method that used Local Correlation Coefficient 65

(LCC) similarly metric and isotropic total variation regulariza- 66

tion to deal with large deformation and intensity inhomogeneity 67

in 4D CT image registration respectively. In 2019, Xue et al. 68

[9] designed an energy function with high-order cliques to 69

constrain the Jacobian matrix values of the deformation field 70

to be nonnegative. This method can maintain the topological 71

of deformation field and prevent unrealistic transformations 72

such as folding and tearing, so as to effectively improve the 73

registration accuracy. In the same year, Castillo [10] proposed a 74

Quadratic Penalty DIR (QPDIR) method, which minimizes an 75

image dissimilarly term and a regularization term derived from 76

the classical leave-one-out cross-validation statistical method. 77

This method works best in the DIR-lab dataset. 78

Although the above methods can achieve intra-observer ac- 79

curacy even for large motion amplitudes, they only register 80

the specific reference image with moving images, and cannot 81

2168-2194 © 2020 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.See https://www.ieee.org/publications/rights/index.html for more information.





dynamically process the whole image sequence. In order to82

fully utilize the whole information of 4D CT image sequences to83

continuously correct the respiratory motion state of lung. Metz84

et al. [11] proposed a registration method for motion estimation85

in dynamic medical image data based on Nd+t free-form B-86

spline deformation model. The method performed groupwise87

registration directly on the dynamic images, thus avoiding a88

bias towards a specific reference phase. Based on [11], Guyader89

et al. [12] proposed a groupwise registration method based90

on a total correlation dissimilarly metric to further improve91

the estimation accuracy. In addition to the above estimation92

methods based on groupwise registration, Vlad et al. [13] used93

pairwise registration method to calculate displacement vector94

fields relative to a specified reference image, then constructed95

the respiratory motion model based on Principal Component96

Analysis (PCA). In order to reduce the motion artifacts in 4D CT97

images, Zhang et al. [14] calculated displacement vector fields98

relative to a reference phase by using an in-house deformable99

image registration method, and then used PCA to decompose100

each of the displacement vector fields into linear combinations101

of principal motion bases. Finally, these principal motion bases102

were parameterized using a spline model to allow the recon-103

struction of the displacement vector fields at any given phase in104

a respiratory cycle.105

However, the above methods can only construct patient-106

specific respiratory motion estimation model according to the107

existing data, which cannot meet the requirement of real-time108

applications. In order to realize real-time motion estimation109

in image guided radiotherapy, most methods [15]–[19] used110

block matching technology or feature points to track the motion111

state for the region of interest. Although these methods extract112

feature points and regularize the trajectory of feature points for113

different phases to correct the motion state, they cannot estimate114

the motion of the whole lung. In recent related researches, Ha115

et al. [20] proposed a real-time respiratory motion estimation116

method based on sparse-to-dense image registration, this method117

combined GPU-accelerated image-based real-time tracking of118

sparsely distributed feature points and a dense patient-specific119

motion-model to realize the estimation of respiratory motion.120

In 2018, Foote et al. [21] proposed a patient specific motion121

subspace and deep convolutional neural network to recover122

anatomical positions from a single fluoroscopic projection in123

real-time. In the method, the patient specific motion subspace124

is generated by 4D CT image registration, and then a large125

number of 2D respiratory phase fluorescence images with known126

subspace coordinates are generated from the motion subspace as127

a training set for a deep convolution neural network. Although128

this method can estimate the anatomical position in real-time, the129

subspace coordinates of fluorescence images for the training set130

are indirectly estimated by 4D image registration, which relies131

too much on registration accuracy and limits the accuracy of132


In view of the strong tracking ability of the Kalman filter134

algorithm in image sequence processing, and the HOMRF reg-135

istration method proposed in our previous work [9] has the136

characteristics of effectively using prior knowledge and high137

registration accuracy, therefore, a dynamic respiratory motion138

estimation method based on fast Kalman filtering and 4D CT 139

image registration (LRME-4DCT) is proposed in this paper. 140

In the process of constructing Kalman filtering motion esti- 141

mation model, two kinds of registration methods (isoPTV [8] 142

and HOMRF [9]) are used to register for each phase, and the 143

registration results are used as observation and prediction vectors 144

of the constructed motion estimation model respectively. We see 145

that in this way, the combination of 4D CT image registration 146

and Kalman filtering algorithm can be very cleverly generalized 147

to the dynamic lung respiratory motion estimation of 4D CT 148

sequence images. 149

The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. Section II 150

introduces the general workflow of our motion estimation frame- 151

work, which is based on fast Kalman filtering algorithm and 4D 152

CT image registration methods to estimate the respiratory mo- 153

tion of the whole lung. According to the process of constructing 154

a Kalman filter model, we divide the estimation framework into 155

three stages to describe the estimation process of respiratory 156

motion in detail. Section III introduces implementation details of 157

our estimation framework and discuss how to make parameters 158

selection. Section IV carries out the experiments on the DIR-lab 159

dataset and POPI dataset with the target registration error (TRE) 160

as the evaluation index. Comparing the proposed LRME-4DCT 161

method with several current best methods, the effectiveness of 162

the proposed LRME-4DCT method is verified. Finally, some 163

discussions are presented in section V, together with the existing 164

problems and further research ideas. 165


Four-dimensional computed tomography (4D CT), devel- 167

oped for treatment planning and image-guided radiotherapy, 168

is an imaging technique that allows for the acquisition of 169

time-varying 3D image sequences of the thorax through the 170

respiratory cycle. For a sequence of 3D CT images of patient 171

under free-breathing for T+1 phases {It}t∈{0,1,...,T }, where 172

each image It : Ω→ RN consists of N pixels, our goal is to 173

estimate respiratory motion state Xt : t ∈ {0, 1, . . . T} of each 174

phase successively. For computational efficiency, we select the 175

image corresponding to maximum inhalation phase as reference 176

image IR ∈ {It}t∈{0,1,...,T }.The maximum inhalation phase has 177

been reported to be more reproducible than other phase [22], 178

[23], making it suitable for analyzing respiratory motion. On 179

this basis, we initialize the initial state of respiratory motion 180

X0 = {xp} according to spatial positionxp of each pointp ∈ Ω. 181

Therefore, the state of respiratory motion at t phase can be 182

expressed as: Xt = X0 +Dt,0, and our LRME-4DCT method 183

aims to find an optimal displacement field Dt,0 : Ω→ R3×N 184

that describes respiratory motion between the reference image 185

IR and moving image IM,t ∈ {It}t∈{0,1,...,T } at t phase. 186

In this work, we combine fast Kalman filtering algorithm 187

with 4D image registration methods to realize continuous and 188

accurate estimation of the deformation field Dt,0. The general 189

workflow of our LRME-4DCT framework is illustrated in Fig. 1 190

and consists of three stages (prediction stage, observation stage 191

and estimation stage). Among them, the prediction stage and 192

observation stage can be processed in parallel. The estimation 193





Fig. 1. Workflow of LRME-4DCT framework. Our LRME-4DCT method consists of three stages (prediction stage, observation stage and estimationstage). In the prediction stage and observation stage, the HOMRF continuous registration method and isoPTV registration method are used to obtainthe predicted deformation field and the observed deformation field respectively. The estimation stage is based on the above two stages and usesfast Kalman filtering algorithm to estimate the state of respiratory motion.

stage is based on the above two stages and uses fast Kalman194

filtering algorithm to estimate the state of respiratory motion.195

For the prediction stage at t phase, the estimated deformation196

field D̂t−1,0 (red deformation field grid in Fig. 1) between197

IR and IM,t−1 of t− 1 phase is taken as a prior knowledge,198

then a predicted deformation field Dpt,0 (blue deformation field199

grid in Fig.1) between IR and IM,t is obtained by HOMRF200

continuous registration method (blue box in Fig. 1). Therefore,201

the prediction vector of respiratory motion at t phase can be202

expressed as: Xpt = X0 +Dp

t,0. In the observation stage, a203

traditional registration method based on continuous optimiza-204

tion (isoPTV method, green box in Fig. 1) is used to obtain205

observed deformation fieldDot,0 (green deformation field grid in206

Fig. 1) between IR and IM,t directly. Similarly, the observation207

vector of respiratory motion at t phase can be expressed as:208

Xot = X0 +Do

t,0. Subsequently, the prediction equation and209

observation equation are constructed by using Xpt and Xo


respectively. On this basis, the estimated deformation field D̂t,0211

(red deformation field grid in Fig. 1) at t phase is obtained212

through a constructed Kalman filtering model (red box in Fig. 1).213

A. High-Order MRF Continuous Registration Method214

During the prediction stage, the predicted displacement field215

Dpt,0 between IR and IM,t can be obtained by a suitable IVD CT216

image registration method. In this work, we choose the HOMRF217

continuous registration method [9], which can effectively use218

prior knowledge to obtain predicted deformation field Dpt,0.219

In addition, the HOMRF continuous registration method can220

also maintain topology of the displacement field and avoid local221

optimal solutions effectively. In high-order MRF, estimating a222

3-dimensional displacement field is commonly formulated as223

the following optimization problem: 224

Dpt,0 = argmin


ED(Dpt,0; IR, IM,t) + λER(D

pt,0) (1)

where ED(Dpt,0; IR, IM,t) represents image similarly 225

metrics,ER(Dpt,0) represents the regularization term (include 226

smoothing constraint term and topological preserving constraint 227

term), λ controls the amount of regularization. In the process 228

of 4D CT image acquisition, due to the influence of heart beats 229

and respiratory movements, motions within the lung can often 230

be larger than the scale of the features (vessels and airways), 231

which brings a great challenge to HOMRF registration method. 232

For large motions of fine texture within the lung, [9] employed 233

a multi-level processing strategy and used a large range of 234

label sets to describe the displacement field Dpt,0between 235

IR and IM,t. However, too many levels of the multi-level 236

processing strategy also bring a heavy computation burden. In 237

order to reduce the number of levels in multi-level processing 238

strategy and avoid directly processing the large motions of the 239

small features between IR and IM,t, the previous estimated 240

deformation field D̂t−1,0 at t− 1 phase can be regarded as a 241

prior knowledge. According to this, we can define a continuous 242

registration energy function as follows: 243

E(Dpt,0) = ED(D̂t−1,0 +Dp

t,t−1; IR, IM,t)

+ λER(D̂t−1,0 +Dpt,t−1) (2)

where Dpt,0 = D̂t−1,0 +Dp

t,t−1, Dpt,t−1 represents a deforma- 244

tion field that describes respiratory motion between t phase and 245

t− 1 phase. In this way, the displacement field Dpt,0 is divided 246

into a prior part D̂t−1,0 and a part to be predicted Dpt,t−1. 247

Therefore, we only need to select a small range of label set 248







instead of a large label set to describe the relative respiratory249

motion between t phase and t− 1 phase.250

In addition, irregular respiratory motion of lung will lead251

to local intensity inhomogeneity of the images. In this case,252

some traditional similarly metrics, such as Sum of Absolute253

Differences (SAD) and Sum of Squared Differences (SSD), are 254

not suitable for registration. In order to solve the above problems, 255

Modality Independent Neighborhood Descriptors (MIND) [24] 256

were used to measure the similarity between IR and IM,t. On 257

this basis, we use the same way as [9] to impose smoothing 258







constraints and topology preserving constraints on the displace-259

ment field Dpt,0.260

For the complexity of the continuous energy function with261

high-order cliques form, only a few discrete optimization al-262

gorithms can be used for optimization. In [9], Markov Chain263

Mote Carlo (MCMC) based optimization algorithm was used to264

solve the optimization problem of the designed energy functions.265

At the same time, since the MCMC algorithm is optimized266

based on stochastic sampling, which consumes a lot of time267

to optimize the energy function with high-order cliques. In268

this paper, Iterated Conditional Modes (ICM) [25] optimization269

algorithm is used instead of the traditional MCMC optimization270

algorithm. In the process of optimizing the energy function, the271

ICM optimization algorithm can consider all candidate labels of272

the control points. Therefore, it can greatly reduce the number273

of iterations and ensure the robustness of the algorithm.274

B. Deformable Registration Method Based on275

Continuous Optimization276

In order to ensure the robustness of fast Kalman filtering algo-277

rithm, the selection of the registration methods for obtaining ob-278

servation vectors and prediction vectors should be independent279

of each other. According to this, observation values are directly280

obtained by using the publicly available isoPTV method [8],281

which shows higher accuracy and speed than most methods in282

the DIR-lab and COPD datasets. In observation stage, since only283

a fixed reference image IR is used for registration to all phases 284

of the 4D CT image sequence and the isoPTV method uses 285

continuous optimization algorithm to solve the designed energy 286

function. Therefore, the displacement fieldDot,0 between IR and 287

IM,t obtained using the isoPTV method has some independence 288

compared with HOMRF continuous method. Subsequently, ac- 289

cording to the initial respiratory motion state X0, the observa- 290

tion valueXot at t phase can be expressed as:Xo

t = X0 +Dot,0. 291

Similarly, in order to improve the calculation speed of isoPTV 292

method, the number of levels used in the multi-layer processing 293

strategy is less than [8]. On this basis, the selection of other 294

parameters of the isoPTV method is the same as [8]. 295

C. Fast Kalman Filtering Motion Estimation Model 296

The Kalman filtering algorithm has been widely used in 297

many tracking applications ranging from Global Positioning 298

Systems to biomechanics experiments to track body motion 299

and position [26], [27]. In the process of estimating by using 300

classical Kalman filtering algorithm, the prediction equation and 301

observation equation of the state vector Xtcan be expressed as: 302

Xpt = F tX̂t−1 +Q (3)

Xot = HtXt +R (4)

whereXpt andXo

t represent the predication vector and observa- 303

tion vector respectively,F t andHt represent the state transition 304

matrix and observation matrix at t phase respectively, Q and R 305

represent the variance matrix of prediction noise and observation 306

noise at t phase. On this basis, the Kalman filtering model can 307

sequentially estimate the state vector Xt through following two 308

steps. In the first step, the filtering model estimates the state 309

vector Xt in the following form: 310

Xpt = F tX̂t−1 (5)

Σ−t = F tΣt−1F Tt +Q (6)

where X̂t−1 andΣt−1 represent the optimal estimate state vector 311

and covariance matrix of Xt−1 at t− 1 phase respectively, Σ−t 312

represent the covariance matrix of Xt at t phase. In the second 313

step, the filtering model uses the observation vectorXot to update 314





its estimated state vector in the previous step as follows:315

X̂t = Xpt +Kt(X

ot −HtX

pt ) (7)

Σt = (I −KtHt)



where Kt is called Kalman gain matrix which is calculated as316


Kt = Σ−t HTt (HtΣ

−t H

Tt +R)−1 (9)

The pseudo code of our proposed LRME-4DCT method is318

present in Algorithm 1. As shown in Algorithm 1, each step t,319

LRME-4D CT method returns the estimation vector X̂t (by line320

13) and covariance matrix Σt (by line 7). The whole estimation321

process of LRME-4DCT method can be divided into three322

stages. In prediction stage (lines 4-5), the HOMRF continuous323

registration method is used to obtain the predicted deformation324

field Dpt,0. On this basis, the prediction vector Xp

t and state325

transition matrix F t are calculated. Similarly, in observation326

stage (lines 7-8), the observed deformation fieldDot,0 is obtained327

by using isoPTV registration method. Then, the observation328

vector Xot and observation matrix Ht are calculated. During329

estimation stage (lines 10-14), Kalman filtering equation (equa-330

tion (5)-(8)) is used to update the estimation vector X̂t and331

covariance matrix Σt.332

For a specific patient, the state of respiratory motion at t phase333

can be represented as triplet of matrices, denoted by Xt =334

{Xt;x,Xt;y,Xt;z} ∈ R3×N , where matrices Xt;x, Xt;y and335

Xt;z represent the 3D spatial position matrices, along the left-336

right (LR), anterior-posterior (AP), and superior-inferior (SI)337

directions respectively. In Cartesian coordinate system, the three338

directions of LR, AP, SI are orthogonal, therefore, the state of339

respiratory motion can be estimated independently along the340

above three directions. Without any loss of generality, we use341

our fast Kalman filtering model to estimate the motion state of342

lung along the LR direction, which also are applied to the other343

two directions.344

Given a moving image IM,t at t phase, the prediction vector345

Xpt;x and observation vector Xo

t;x of respiratory motion along346

LR direction can be expressed as:347

Xpt;x = X0;x +Dp

t,0;x (10)

Xot;x = X0;x +Do

t,0;x (11)

where X0;x represents initial state of respiratory motion along348

LR direction, Dpt,0;x and Do

t,0;x represent the deformation field349

along LR direction obtained by HOMRF continuous method350

and isoPTV method respectively. Affected by respiratory move-351

ments and heart beats, respiratory motion between different352

areas of the lung are often inconsistent and non-linear. Therefore,353

it is difficult to find an appropriate state transition matrix F t;x354

and observation matrix Ht;x along LR direction to describe the355

complex motion between neighbor phases. In order to solve the356

above problems and construct a fast Kalman filtering model,357

we use 4D CT image registration process instead of the state358

transition matrix F t;x and observation matrix Ht;x to get the359

prediction vector Xpt;x and observation vector Xo

t;x directly.360

Algorithm 1: LRME-4D CT.

1: Initialize X̂0, Q, R, Σ0

2: for t = 1→T do3: Prediction Stage4: Dp

t,0← HOMRF(argminEHOMRF ;X̂t−1)

5: Xpt = X0 +Dp

t,0;F t = Xpt /X̂t−1

6: Observation Stage7: Do

t,0← isoPTV(argminEisoPTV )8: Xo

t = X0 +Dot,0;Ht = Xo


9: Estimation Stage10: Xp

t = F tX̂t−111: Σ−t = F tΣt−1F T

t +Q12: Kt = Σ−t H

Tt (HtΣ

−t H

Tt +R)−1

13: X̂t = Xpt +Kt(X

ot −HtX

pt )

14: Σt = (I −KtHt)∑−


15: end for16: return X̂t

Meanwhile, the motion state of each pixel is estimated inde- 361

pendently to reduce the calculational complexity of covariance 362

matrix. 363

In addition, since the high resolution of 4D CT images, it will 364

consume a lot of time to process millions of dimensions of the 365

state vector by using the classical Kalman filtering algorithm, 366

especially for the calculation of covariance matrix (equation (8) 367

and (9)). For the covariance matrix Σ−t with the size of N × 368

N , it requires huge memory in the estimation process, which 369

will bring a great challenge in practical application. In general, 370

the motion state of each point along the LR direction is only 371

related to its neighbor points. Therefore, the covariance matrix 372

Σ−t can be expressed in a sparse form and there are two non-zero 373

elements in each row of Σ−t except the diagonal. Although the 374

memory consumption can be greatly reduced by sparse matrix, it 375

will take a long time to calculate a sparse matrix with millions of 376

dimensions, as a result, the calculation of the covariance matrix 377

with millions of dimensions makes the Kalman filter algorithm 378

slower in the estimation process. 379

In fact, the constraint terms of each points (such as smooth 380

constraint, topology preservation constraint) along all directions 381

have been considered in the process of registration. In order to 382

avoid excessive constraints and reduce the computation time, 383

the respiratory motion state of each point is considered to be 384

independent and the covariance matrix Σ−t is set as the diagonal 385

sparse matrix. Similarly, in order to avoid excessive constraints, 386

the state transition matrix F t;x and observation matrix Ht;x is 387

set as the diagonal sparse matrix, which can be easily calculated 388

by matrix operation. Therefore, the term (HtΣ−t H

Tt +R) of 389

equation (9) is also in the form of diagonal matrix, and its inverse 390

matrix can be easily obtained by simple reciprocal operation. In 391

this way, a fast Kalman filtering model for continuous estimation 392

of respiratory motion at each phase can be constructed rapidly. 393

D. Parameter Selection and Implementation Details 394

In our estimation framework, parameters are mainly com- 395

posed of two parts, one is the parameters of HOMRF continuous 396





registration method and isoPTV registration method, the other397

is the parameters of fast Kalman filtering model. In High-Order398

MRF continuous registration model, the selection of parameters399

for smooth term and topology preservation term are the same400

as that in [9], and the maximum iterations of ICM algorithm401

is set to 50. In addition, for all our experiments in this 4D CT402

respiratory motion estimation, displacement vectors are selected403

densely from three orthogonal directions to form a label set of404

each control point.405

For the fast Kalman filtering algorithm, the prediction noise406

and observation noise are assumed to be Gaussian distribution407

with mean value of 0 and standard deviation of σ. In addition,408

since the motion state of each pixel is estimated independently,409

the variance matrix R and Q are diagonal sparse matrix and410

their diagonal values can be expressed as σ2o and σ2

p respectively,411

where σo and σp represent the standard deviation of observation412

noise and prediction noise respectively. In general, the selection413

of R and Q is related to the observed and predicted values. For414

high-precision observed and predicted values, we should choose415

smaller values of R and Q to reduce the impact of noise on the416

estimation accuracy. In our proposed LRME-4DCT method, we417

use two kinds of different GPU-accelerated image registration418

methods (HOMRF registration method and isoPTV registration419

method) to obtain the predicted values and observed values of420

respiratory state respectively. These two registration methods421

show higher speed and accuracy (≈1mm) than most methods in422

the DIR-lab and COPD datasets. According to this, the diagonal423

values of R and Q are empirically set as 0.01 to estimate the424

respiratory motion state of lung.425

In the process of estimation by using fast Kalman filtering426

algorithm, the size of the predicted deformation field Dpt,0 and427

the observed deformation fieldDot,0 obtained by different 4D CT428

image registration methods are usually inconsistent. To resolve429

this inconsistency, linear interpolation algorithm is needed to430

interpolate Dpt,0and Do

t,0 to the same size. On this basis, the431

fast Kalman filtering algorithm is used to estimate the optimal432

respiratory state X̂t at t phase. In addition, since the multi-level433

processing strategy of the HOMRF registration is to mesh the434

moving image and reference image from coarse to fine before435

registration, in the prediction stage of t+ 1 phase, it is necessary436

to down-sample the optimal estimated deformation field D̂t,0437

of t phase to the initial grid size of the multi-level processing438

strategy, and then take the subsampled deformation field as439

a prior knowledge of HOMRF continuous image registration440


E. GPU Implementation442

In order to meet the requirements of real-time and dynamic443

estimation for respiratory motion in clinical applications, we444

use GPU to accelerate our proposed LRME-4DCT method. In445

general, the estimation of respiratory motion for the whole lung446

takes about 2 minutes on a CPU (Intel Xeon CPU at 3.5GHz (12447

cores) with 128GB RAM) by using our LRME-4DCT method.448

After analysis, it is found that the pre-calculation of the similarly449

metric is the main time-consuming unit. For HOMRF continuous450

registration method, in order to reduce the computation time of451

sum of square differences of MIND descriptors, convolution 452

filters [20] are used to realize the parallel calculation of the 453

similarly metric. According to [20], the calculation of the sum 454

of the squared differences between the two MIND control points 455

can be decomposed into the addition of three convolutional terms 456

which can be calculated in parallel. In this way, the correlation 457

between all control points in moving image and reference im- 458

age can be calculated via convolution computation on GPU at 459

once. In addition, GPU is also used to accelerate the calcula- 460

tion of LCC similarly metric for isoPTV registration method 461

directly. 462


To evaluate our proposed LRME-4DCT method and com- 464

pare it with state-of-the-art methods, we use the following two 465

publicly available datasets with manually annotated landmarks: 466

POPI Dataset and 4D CT DIR Dataset. The target registration 467

error (TRE) and the mean TRE of each phase in the experiments 468

are the mainly objective evaluation methods of lung respiratory 469

motion estimation. Among them, TRE is defined as the Eu- 470

clidean distance between the coordinate of the expert landmarks 471

and the coordinate of the landmarks estimated by deformation 472

field transformation, the mean TRE of each phase is used to 473

summarize the estimation accuracy. In addition, to access the 474

statistical significance of differences between overall average 475

TRE of different methods, we performed paired t-tests with a 476

significance level of 5% (p < 0.05) by paring the patient-specific 477

mean TRE. 478

A. Evaluation on POPI Dataset 479

The POPI dataset consists of 10 3D CT reconstructions of dif- 480

ferent phases of a single breathing cycle (case1). Each breathing 481

phase image has a resolution of 0.98mm× 0.98mm× 2mm 482

and is complemented with 40 corresponding anatomical land- 483

marks. In addition, the POPI dataset also provides 3 validation 484

cases of 4D CT images with 100 landmarks(case2-case4). The 485

average voxel resolution of the validation dataset is 0.94mm× 486

0.94mm× 2mm and the average image size is 512× 512× 487

161 voxels. In order to achieve high precision registration, we 488

resize all images to an isotropic 1mm× 1mm× 1mm resolu- 489

tion. Then, we select the image corresponding to the maximum 490

inhalation phase (T10 for case1, T00 for case 2-4) as the initial 491

reference image to track the lung motion of different phase for 492

one breathing cycle. In order to reduce the computation time as 493

much as possible while maintaining the registration accuracy, 494

the number of levels for multi-level processing strategy is set 495

to 3. Meanwhile, the dense sampling range is defined to be 496

{0,±1,±2,±3,±4} voxels. On this basis, the constructed fast 497

Kalman filtering model is used to track the respiratory motion 498

state of each pixel under the above resolution. 499

In order to quantify the degree of coincidence between differ- 500

ent trajectories, we define a Euclidean Distance (ED) to represent 501

the similarly between the trajectories of the landmarks and the 502





Fig. 2. The motion trajectory of T00-T90 phase with 40 landmarks for POPI dataset. The red lines in the figure represent the motion trajectoriesof anatomical landmarks for T00-T90, and the green lines represent the estimated trajectories using LRME-4DCT method. The magenta linesrepresent that the motion trajectories of anatomical landmarks and the motion trajectories of the estimated trajectory using LRME-4DCT arebasically completely coincident (ED value less than 1 mm).

Fig. 3. Coronal overlay images for case1(a-d) of POPI dataset and case5(e-h) of DIR-lab dataset. (a, e) Overlay of Non-registered image andreference image. (b, f) Overlay of registered image by HOMRF method and reference image. (c, g) Overlay of registered image by isoPTV methodand reference image. (d, h) Overlay of registered image by LRME-4DCT method and reference image.

estimated trajectories of LRME-4DCT:503

ED =1


⎛⎝√√√√ 3∑


(ait − bit)2+

√√√√ 3∑i=1

(ait−1 − bit−1)2

⎞⎠ (12)

where at = (a1t , a2t , a

3t ) and at−1 = (a1t−1, a

2t−1, a

3t−1) repre-504

sent the spatial positions of each landmarks at t phase and505

t− 1 phase under the same anatomical structure respectively,506

bt = (b1t , b2t , b

3t ) and bt−1 = (b1t−1, b

2t−1, b

3t−1) represent the spa-507

tial positions of the estimated points at t phase and t− 1 phase508

respectively. A small value of ED indicates a high degree of509

coincidence between different trajectories.510

Fig. 2 shows the motion trajectory of 40 landmarks for511

T00-T90 phase of POPI dataset. It can be seen from Fig. 2(a)512

that most of the estimated trajectories basically coincide with513

the trajectories of anatomical landmarks, which indicates that514

LRME-4DCT method can accurately estimate the moving posi-515

tion of the landmarks for each phase. In addition, Fig. 3 shows the516

lung CT coronal overlay images of the proposed LRME-4DCT517

method, HOMRF method, and isoPTV method. The first row518

is for the case1 of POPI dataset, the second row is for the519

case5 of DIR-lab dataset. The overlay images are obtained by520

superimposing the Non-registered image (T50 phase image) or521

the registered image and the reference image (T10 phase image522

in POPI dataset or T00 phase image in DIR-lab dataset). In 523

the overlay image, the gray portion indicates complete reg- 524

istration, however the magenta portion and the green portion 525

respectively indicate image under registration and image over 526

registration. 527

It can be seen from Fig. 3(a) that the T10 phase image (the 528

reference image) and the T50 phase image (the Non-registered 529

image) have a large difference, in particular, there is a large 530

displacement in the lower part of the lung, and there are many 531

magenta regions in the Fig.3, indicating severe under registra- 532

tion. Compared with Fig. 3(a), the overlay images of Fig. 3(b) 533

and Fig. 3(c) obtained by HOMRF method and isopTV method 534

respectively are obviously improved, but there are still over 535

registration and under registration. Comparing LRME-4DCT 536

method with HOMRF method and isoPTV method, the un- 537

der registered magenta area and over registered green area 538

in Fig. 3(d) are significantly less than those in Fig. 3(b) and 539

Fig. 3(c). 540

We also use the TRE indicator to further evaluate the ef- 541

fect of our proposed estimation framework. We compare the 542

displacement fields of case1 generated by the FFD [28] and 543

Demons [27] registration methods published by the dataset orga- 544

nizer in the evaluation. In addition, in order to comprehensively 545

analyze the performance of the proposed LRME-4DCT method, 546





the predicted values and observation values of the Kalman547

filtering model are also used to comparative analysis for all548

cases. Table I lists average TREs and computation time for all549

4 cases. Among them, each breathing phases image of case1550

is complemented with 40 corresponding anatomical landmarks,551

and the other cases have 100 corresponding landmarks of each552

breathing phases image. As can be seen from Table I, for case1,553

the average TRE of the proposed method is 0.85 mm, which is554

optimal among all methods. And through the phase by phase555

analysis of all methods in Table I, it can be found that 7556

phases of the proposed LRME-4DCT method are optimal. At557

the same time, the t-test results of case1 show that the TREs of558

our proposed LRME-4DCT method is significantly better than559

HOMRF method (p-value=0.040) and isoPTV method (p-value560

= 0.004). Similarity, for case2-case4 with 100 corresponding561

landmarks, our proposed LRME-4DCT is also significantly562

better than HOMRF method and isoPTV method which shows563

that our method can effectively improve the estimation accuracy.564

Moreover, for the 4D CT image with size of 512× 512× 161,565

the calculation time of GPU-accelerated LRME-4DCT is about566

11s, showing great potential for clinical application.567

B. Evaluation on 4D CT DIR-Lab Dataset568

In addition to the POPI dataset, we also evaluate our method569

on DIR-lab dataset. The DIR-lab dataset consists of 10 different570

cases labeled from 4D CT1-4D CT10, each of which is further di-571

vided into ten respiratory phase sequences from T00-T90, where572

the maximum inspiratory phase (T00) and maximum expiratory573

phase (T50) provide full 300 expert landmarks, in addition, a574

subset of 75 landmarks has been propagated onto each of the575

expiratory phase (T00-T50). The average voxel resolution of the576

dataset is 1mm× 1mm× 2.5mm and the average image size is577

256× 256× 100 voxels. Similar to the POPI dataset, we resize578

all images to an isotropic 1mm× 1mm× 1mm resolution and579

choose the image corresponding to the maximum inhalation580

phase (T00) as the initial reference image to track the lung581

motion of different phase for one breathing cycle. Compared582

with the POPI data, the DIR-lab dataset has a smaller amplitude583

of motion. In order to ensure the estimation accuracy, the dense584

sampling range is defined to be {0,±1,±2,±3} voxels, and585

the number of levels for multi-level processing strategy is set586

to 2.587

In order to show the effectiveness of estimation more intu-588

itively, we take case 4 in the DIR-lab dataset as an example, and589

give the motion trajectories of 75 landmarks for T00-T50 phases590

(Fig. 4). The representation in the Fig. 4 is similar to Fig. 2. The591

magenta trace lines in Fig. 4 are much more than the green592

and red trace lines, which means our proposed LRME-4DCT593

method can accurately estimate the moving position of the594

landmarks. Similarly, we respectively give the overlay images595

of the proposed LRME-4DCT method, HOMRF method, and596

isoPTV method for the case5 of the DIR-lab dataset. Fig. 2(e) is597

the overlay image of the T00 phase image (the reference image)598

and the T50 phase image (the Non-registered image). Compared599

with Fig. 2(e), the overlay images of Fig. 2(f) and Fig. 2(g)600

obtained by HOMRF method and isopTV method respectively601

are obviously improved. Comparing LRME-4DCT method with602

Fig. 4. The motion trajectory for T00-T50 phase with 75 landmarksof case 4 in DIR-lab dataset. The motion trajectory represented by thevarious color curves in the figure is consistent with that in Fig. 2.

HOMRF method and isoPTV method, the under registered 603

magenta area and over registered green area in Fig. 2(h) are 604

significantly less than those in Fig. 2(f) and Fig. 2(g). In the red 605

boxes in Fig.2(b)-(d) and Fig. 2 (f)-(h), the differences in several 606

registration methods can be seen. 607

In order to comprehensively analyze the performance of 608

the proposed LRME-4DCT method, Table II lists the TREs 609

of 75 landmarks from T00-T50 phases and the computation 610

time of each case, the main purpose is to show the effect of 611

motion estimation at various stages (No regis., isoPTV, HOMRF, 612

LRME-4DCT). In average TREs of T00-T50 phases for all 10 613

cases, the proposed LRME-4DCT method (0.92mm) is signif- 614

icantly better than HOMRF method (predicted value 1.19mm) 615

and isoPTV method (observed value 0.95 mm) in estimating 616

the real state of lung motion. In addition, through analysis of 617

the average TREs for the expiratory phases (T00-T50 phases), 618

compared with the HOMRF method and isoPTV method, the 619

proposed LRME-4DCT method is optimal except for the T30 620

phase. Moreover, for the 4D CT image of DIR-lab dataset with 621

average size of 256× 256× 100, the calculation time of GPU- 622

accelerated LRME-4DCT is about 9.2s, which is approximately 623

11 times faster than that without using GPU. 624

In addition, Table III lists the average TREs of various meth- 625

ods for full 300 landmarks. Among all methods in Table III, the 626

proposed method (0.91mm) is inferior to the optimal QPDIR 627

method [10] (0.90mm). Compared with the optimal QPDIR 628

method, among the results of the proposed method, 2 cases are 629

equivalent and 3 cases are superior. Similarly, by comparing 630

with our previous HOMRF method, the LRME-4DCT method 631

is superior to the HOMRF method [9] in 5 cases. In average 632

TREs of all methods for 10 cases, the average TRE of proposed 633

LRME-4DCT method is 0.91mm, even without lung masked 634

pretreatment, which is better than the optimal masked method 635

[34]. 636

C. Evaluation of Computation Time on Different 637

Datasets for Various Methods 638

In this section, we evaluate the computation time of different 639

methods for POPI dataset and DIR-lab dataset on a 12 Core 640

Intel Xeon CPU at 3.5GHz (with NVIDIA TITAN GPU). In 641

addition, in order to simulate practical clinical application, we 642

extract an area with the size of 130× 250× 100 (left lung) in 643





4D CT images of the POPI dataset to evaluate the computation644

time of different methods. Table IV lists the average computa-645

tion time on different datasets for various methods. For POPI646

dataset, it takes about 11s to calculate each phase of whole647

lung volume by using GPU-accelerated LRME-4DCT method,648

which is approximately 14 times faster than isoPTV method649

and 60 times faster than HOMRF method. For the DIR-lab650

dataset, it takes about 9.2s to calculate each phase of whole651

lunge volume by using GPU-accelerated LRME-4D CT method,652

which is approximately 10 times faster than isoPTV method and653

98 times faster than HOMRF method. In addition, for the 4D654

CT image with size of 130× 250× 100, the calculation time655

of LRME-4D CT method is 0.29s / phase. In general, it is well656

known that a respiratory cycle is 3-4 seconds. In order to avoid657

excessive irradiation in clinical application, the number of 3D658

images collected in one respiratory cycle is usually less than659

10 phases, so the average interval between neighbor phases is660

0.3s-0.4s. In this case, the method we proposed (0.29s/phase)661

can fully meet the practical clinical requirements for real-time662

estimation of lung respiratory motion.663


In the process of estimating respiratory motion state by us-665

ing classical Kalman filtering algorithm, it is difficult to find666

an appropriate state transition matrix and observation matrix667

to describe the complex motion between neighbor phases. At668

the same time, for high-resolution 4D CT images, it will take669

a lot of time to process millions of state vector dimensions670

using the classic Kalman filter algorithm. In order to solve the671

above problems, the prediction vector and observation vector of672

the Kalman filtering algorithm are directly obtained by using673

4D CT image registration methods. In this way, not only can674

complex motions between neighbor phases be described, but675

the constraints contained in the registration can reduce the676

computational complexity of the covariance matrix.677

In order to ensure the effectiveness of Kalman filtering algo-678

rithm, it is necessary to select appropriate values of R and Q,679

and ensure that the observation vectors and prediction vector are680

independent of each other. In general, the higher the accuracy681

of prediction and observation, the higher estimation accuracy of682

Kalman filtering algorithm. At the same time, the selection of R683

and Q also affects the estimation accuracy. For high-precision684

observed and predicted values, choosing smaller values of R685

and Q can reduce the influence of noise on estimation accuracy.686

Therefore, for different registration methods, the appropriate687

values of R and Q should be selected to ensure the registration688


In lung 4D CT images, due to the influence of heart beats and690

respiratory motions, it will cause local intensity inhomogeneity691

of images and sliding motions between organs. In order to692

solve the above problems, we use MIND and LCC metrics to693

describe the similarity between different images. At the same694

time, since the previous information of respiratory motion is695

fully considered in the HOMRF continuous registration method,696

only the respiratory motion between neighbor phases needs to be697

considered. In general, time interval between neighbor phases698

of 4D CT image sequence is very small, so the motion amplitude699

of respiratory changes little in such a small interval. According 700

to this, in multi-level processing strategy, we employ fewer 701

levels than [9] for registration. On this basis, we use the same 702

linear interpolation algorithm to interpolate the deformation 703

field of multi-level control points as in [8]. Unlike more common 704

cubic B-splines [37], the linear interpolation algorithm can avoid 705

over-smoothing effects and describe the sliding motions between 706

different organs accurately. 707

In order to reduce the computation time, we use GPU to 708

accelerate the processing of our proposed framework, At the 709

same time, ICM optimization algorithm is used to replace the tra- 710

ditional MCMC optimization algorithm to optimize the designed 711

energy function with high-order cliques. In clinical applications, 712

an accuracy respiratory model can reduce treatment margins 713

and enable more targeted radiation delivery. In addition, with 714

the introduction of real-time 4D ultrasound (US) and magnetic 715

resonance imaging (MRI) technology in radiotherapy and high 716

intensity focused ultrasound system (HIFU), compared with off- 717

line respiratory estimation methods based on deformable image 718

registration, the computation speed of respiratory motion model 719

needs to be greatly improved under the premise of ensuring the 720

accuracy. In this case, our proposed GPU-base LRME-4D CT 721

method based on GPU can track the motion state of specific 722

interest regions in real-time, which shows great potential in 723

clinical application. Over past few years, deep learning-based 724

methods have been gradually applied to image registration, 725

image segmentation and feature extraction, among which con- 726

volution neural network is the most representative [38]. The 727

constant time inference capability of convolutional neural net- 728

work allows real-time estimation of the anatomical position of 729

tumor target using interventional images, thus greatly reducing 730

the computation time. In our future research, also within the 731

framework of the proposed LRME-4DCT method, at first con- 732

sider using of lung mask preprocessing [39], and then use the 733

4D CT images of the pre-treatment stage to generate a training 734

set and use the convolution neural network to constructed a 735

patient specific-respiratory model [40]. Subsequently, the pre 736

construct patient specific-respiratory model is used instead of 737

isoPTV method to quickly obtain the observation vector. On 738

this basis, the fast Kalman filtering algorithm is used to estimate 739

the real-time motion states of lung tumor. 740


In this work, we propose a novel respiratory motion estima- 742

tion method based on fast Kalman filtering and 4D CT image 743

registration (LRME-4DCT). This method combines the 4D CT 744

image registration method with fast Kalman filter algorithm in 745

a skillful way. By using two different kinds of GPU-accelerated 746

image registration methods, the predicted values and observed 747

values of the current respiratory state are obtained respectively, 748

then the respiratory state of whole lung can be estimated in few 749

seconds by using constructed fast Kalman filtering model. Com- 750

pared with previous pair-wise registration methods, the proposed 751

LRME-4DCT method can fully utilize the neighboring phase 752

information in the 4D CT image sequences, thus achieve con- 753

tinuous correction of the estimated respiratory state. In the pre- 754

calculation of the similarity metric, the GPU is used to accelerate 755





the strategy of parallel calculation of three convolutional terms,756

which further reduces the calculation time of the model. For757

clinical applications such as image-guided radiotherapy, only758

the local tumor area is tracked and estimated. In our experiment,759

the tracking time of the area with a size of 130× 250× 100760

can reach 0.29 s/phase. Therefore, the proposed method can761

fully meet the actual clinical requirements for rapid dynamic762

estimation of lung respiratory motion. The experimental results763

in DIR-lab dataset and POPI dataset indicate that our proposed764

LRME-4DCT method can achieve a high accuracy and rapid765

motion estimation.766


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