I S E voLujn-: 7. NiiMiiKU m . IR WRS " ARE AGAINST i • :r - Jim IHEPRElEii -------- , i’“ Qovornor Br^an S:^ q That Not- withstanding Disavowal oC| CooUdffo tho SoportiooDt Is »ii TlTins to Force. Military. Mo- ^ biifizatioa Oyer Oivil, Force., UNCOLN.' Nell . ' AilK. 1!S.- M k ...............-Thnt- the-wni-,!e|ii.rlmuiil-li«ada_ Ui- al itrocrcillnr; lo mnljilizo t6r mlUlury • t>rtpnrctlneim In vlolii-' j tlnn o t llv> ninl<iiiivnl nml IliU'ii- tlnn of I|rcHliluni CunllilRcr, in itio fllfllcmont uf ' tinv<.7iiur Ohnrles W. IJrynii l<xlny. «<>v-, ornor llryftii Imlluitnl thal liln , oppoHlllou to .ilcCflnn.g ilny nio- * , blinnlidn «Qn rvdicr t(> the ■mothod* aiiil' purpoBos or llio war (lejwrtmcnt llinn tp t l i o » o ' S u r \lcAaeil by rrc ild e n t CnollilKi^- Hu |n clalnm Hint lbo war ilopurtincnt f tH illnroRnrilln); tlio nllltudu u( |i ______ ._the.jircal<lctit. . . . ---------------------- " ~ GL0SING4GREED E “ ^ORtABOrDAY » , ^ ______ i)on Cdmmi-rrlnl llnufini (o Oljurrvi- HoIU (la)- b / Miifipcniilon of liiiHlni-.is] I'offlpllAD^s Wllh ABrrrnx nl. - . - ........viiii ______ . . All_l)nglncg»-bniiHM In Twiu ra lh inii will romAlti clonrtJ on llilM coiiiUiK iloii Monilfty. Beplcmbcr 1, In nb»rrvftro „r c of U lw r cliy. ftcconllnK to unnoiinrc- ^||n ment lodty from i)i« morrliiiiiin Ini' i( r , .. TMU^of the ehjm^cr of conm^ixc._ nov ' - uiior day ciMtnit coiiiH pumuirii 'iu« lo .tho asroctnrnc rcacht-d In Jnnuary. H« or .baiiacn men «»'«• whcrofp>,Mi( of hoIJdayt* wo* ifroOT wfti .05'which th« iheTttiintii by n nisjor- <ltet Uy volo nircod to obnrrvu aniitinlly. futi Six tiolldayn incIutlcd in tlif clon- ft»ir r^«oln»lonii-»nrNpw'Y ear'n. Mem- . . . orttl Dar. Fottrth.oL-J,"ly,.J-nl«)r day. err TtiankiKlvliii; nml Cbchtmcn. I'ro- iilil ' vlnlon wan alio mndu forclonlnK one- Knn hatr day for the coiimy rnir nt ntrr. ofo --------------------- -■ mal MAXV nni'OtJISTH AIIK wb Y10MTLS15.STATK h\\\ tlio . - KANSAS' CITY.- M o- A..(tr 3 8 - ,hli Wholnulo violallona of tlic Hate bcc pbRmVacy 'Ia « i arc eontnlncd Jn bo; char*?! filed acaloil flftlcn druK pen •tore proprfeton hcro tlili nTlcrnoOD mn - ' u a roiuli bt a-clly wide InvcxtlKa* (ar tion ot-'T. I). Blierer, inmibcr of tlu' So alaic, board o( pharniacr. CliurcLH nci -----ln«lud*j-4)p«alloni.At...ilrUKins wlthoul a rofflstercd plinrmuclHt , In usi eharee; ’ lllOKal dlnppnnliiK, At poi»bnn and d'ruff comirauDda; inbUAO ot (be tbt , nime rdrug elore.V cm WAUiiNS I JiEttBOSrSM,! fflN V E lW lllS ; • —^— ./ rci Ch»mbw. ot Cennem .Warm In .An* "I* I>recIaUfli“ ®rTT!niBf -.AMtrtanc# Offered In - Uandlloic St^e Cob. TeDtteni D elntatn DccUn Com- noBKr OfMt Dott ' oal ' ' Ileartr apprecHtlM ot liie wlUiOR co-openUon'of (he c((r <n (h« te- . ceptloD'of tir#'«0VCo1e*»toato the ______ Ji'- ......................................................... z . clo«»d ; WMBMday artcmopo. . « .Talced todajr by decretao' CliiriM . F. OwIshl 'In behair ot Ul* chamber cf commerce, foUowlDC the depart* ure of.'.the deletatn who m * body ' ------------- were—vtmni-tn-^Oieir-cominendatloo ^ ot tl)e reception exUnded by Twin .............________________________________________ 2 Readr «nd promplVulflHment -of ^ duUeaiflLaJLjommltia# roembert .it ^ aiiigaed aa a big tacior in tbo, auc- ^ cMitul: hiDdllDS of Uio courenlloa. --------------- L'flJIMI. HliiratrriTP t'TmHteid- atr S - -- 'tnia'(lodi.-wHntfBIy.*a»a:.al4. to the ... . city-aa, bolt «t the Tliltlhx deloctlM . . nnd can -Jb ariipA , au^ibe^ ^ r * ~ ______ tin erouily'~~pUeed *t ■tho-'aorrlce of - ------— -r- S?-towi>'eT*tteeU»rt*yt-^Mfr^I>wlgl>lr ' Bey acout delefaUona ,wor« pret- ----------- aat .ihwiifaBBl, ■* Ul both th* Forrtnr and' Roseraoa ho- ^ ................... Mi»-irlwo*«very-«ourtaajf_Mid*i«t niiiy. ;rtd* ot T&p:ri; nhbr ^ F A I = = ^ = :^ = = :^ ^ = S = KOUlt DKMKS TH,\T IIK CMHIDSKI) TIIK , I .\(’T1YITIKS (IV KI,.\N | ni'ri’IHHT. AilR. 2S.—Himry I-‘orct lionicwarii hiianil iin Mn yacht Ui l^iku Ontario, nVi'il lliu wlreloi^ iliut nifilil lo roimillnH' an Inter- yfvw d<-Cun<1lnK tlv;' Klun. l«ir- pnrted lo liavo been Riven oul ly Ulm iu Monlrcni.j ■•Ouvo 111), im crvlrw to nnyrtuc. Illd hoi dlflcusB lbo mnn ‘in nny manner whulnocv.T. rii'ari.! mnko ^obiio'ulo. dfuiiil »r lliu C^iinu ri- ’ p'ori,'*’ uild' llio iiianntnriurpr'ii mmnnKn tu ottluluil at Vln Uc.ir- ... Iiorn otflco. Korti ortlclniii. nn ii'urniiiK ot J tlic Blnry, linuMcd Itn nnUiorliy iijii) promjiily wlrelunocil llio man- * __________ _____________ • fi apiiii« u :i FEAiUREOt = . W BUSINESS?: ' vIsi --------- “ ' '. 0 Surti-y'of WlioIr Nnlluii .Slmno im- >“>P pnnHnrnt tn Nrnrly All Miu.ij «l<'‘ Karm rnuinrti. rricis An- iri liillu- It Ititii-r Tliun for Si.mr Tlmr. ' . ..• ........... ....................... <-liy WASlii.N’llTON^ . ()ii|imliilIr"liff>lU‘- tlcinn aro brlnK madr for fnll bnnliK'uii I an tlui rcmili of Hiinif rnibcr niarknl '”>• flliHlKCH 'for Uip -brttpr T»hlPh- |invr “ “ boi'n iioicflin tbo InHi thirty OnyB. «c* monibiy irvU-w of fninliii UKcoiulliloun lu thu SpjiIouiliiT iimiibci- ot 'nil- .Na- ' llon’u nimliii'na, . '.•Chlrf^it llm cImnKrH which liuvo inlion plnci'," li« wiU.-k. “ im.i un- doilblnlly Wun lbo flirlbiT IitoKrcnH mmio In Iho lm(in)vpiui'nl tbal wn» vhilliic Qiilift plainly ono nnii two inonllin Ibc-.iuiricnlHiml-L'!^ Iloun. Alno tbnri) linH liven I'vlilnico (if diKllncl forwuril iiioi:n'"H In rchal>- 11 (lllailui: Kiiropi!. Ihr I'tf.ru or whleh Tra it niicccimtiil. an It uii|>cnrH prn^ablu of t now, cnnriot tall lO'iinvit IiIb connc- thn (lUuiicci TOr ruturo^Aincrlcaw-iradp, ann Hcncf> the concrdcdly mnch more ihn eh<r«r(nl tcvllnB vinthlo In mnny iiitea dur wfthin xom<F.ina(«iice;i oifjiaiijttc piv autl dletlonH mndn rvftardlnc Uto mnlier. ■tj< future. „ri, * lilff Whcnt Snlcn. ' car ■■‘'In oihor .woriln lho blDilUeHH Ml'Cn- iiloi fiy ’-liwhfl fconi>Ulorably boiutr thnnji, jsot <llii .and In tbo niHi- o t Ihu fftrnKTu Komc crron lownrd cnpilalUinK • lJ»' afuri-nald xcenrry bn^i bocn timdr, Ihfl t maln'nprlUR ot thin buini: biR Rni<-« o( pc'l wbrnt at prlcrti far belliT'llian wcro "ea tlioiiKht ilnuilhlu tbri'o ninntbu oco and I'al tvpn nllll belter ihnn wore recclvi'd at Inli thin-time in-im .~U acli ■( .Uila.boa :.A been an cvta blKKfl’r rlno in corn nnrt got boff prlcea and tho apparent dltap- aee peoranoo of the fear ot anyihlnR ro- clai ■mnbllnir a burdi-nsomo aurpiun ar cor farm prodnela. proicnl or prntpectlve. cat So rapid liUi hprii lilt- inarkcilnR nt the new wheat atid.oid corn lhat car load- tey Jntaiiave.lucreBBCHl nnd'ttjcar ahort- tra aku Iboms. . " »h "That tho tmprovnmmt manircnl In tbo 'Kcu'nory‘ liait Uivn Hiibfllantlai cnoiiKb lo be.alwayn rcMerled In mxnu ' 1 of Uie^mcftsures ut Irado momnenl In lar uvtduit In uharp uptuma.in uuiiu- nla- lak Iimicji mwiiiroB. Wliiid llm'rclurna ira at hand of rclall trado for Jniy, ihcsu ten Ihcludlnc.mall ordor'aod chAls alnre ha' •olra,- rp/lcct « mducKon rrom- lho tna Jime aKKi-c;mlfl;*tbcy mark a rralfy iha KOod Raln orer Jiily a year aso when tro K-«hould,ot courae^.bo.^ec4lloa.ixadc ..} won msrIor otr rroia tho very great um activity Of Ihu tln l hnir ot WM. ’ |„ '.'nailk clearihsn, ^alna in which in rccciit ihtmthn hava been conllBod inalDiy to New York and wiih the»o up attributed to acUvliy In apcciiiatlon, ,i„ ahbwod In July a torward raoremt-ni ouiaMe Uial clly. part bt which as in tho louUiwcal. m«»l, l« attributed- to i oarly wheat markctlnir al hishcr vei price*; la iicUM Tone Noted «oi _r‘Itbaa rc«nBlned,,how^rcr. for wjm* uo inodlty prIcM oa rppfetcn(c<l liy tbe marked aod (iuicJtcal rerie^lpn bt thn T« heUer lone .la big primary iloei.' thb Aurisl 1 Jndex number jnlnlqs .3.3 |J per, cent with ten out ot -tblrtei'n groupa or commodiUea adiraacing. ••KTMlBatlon ot; “UkT liat oi •.«i= rancM rcTeahi’the tael that tbe pre- ponderaoeo-ot gain* haa U«n In pro- . ducta ot-iha.ram which tor aome . yOMbavob'atbMttt)Ccupyln8*«.r«lr ki aUrelr a tai^rable: poatUon a* hate, pli aar. the arodncta ot Uio.mlll, Uie fac- ot toryrtiw mtBO ar'Th* ferott. . ai ................. K«lorie*';Gol*lint.-i-j,;j_ ."The coiirao ofi induilry thla, atito- d« mor haa BOB* toi'-tO'eoharw-aarilM pradlctlotia'bf a'altelc ttmo-ia:_iiUne.- tU rolliud faapry:o^ironir'TiritOK TO one-boltUi^^ July & year Igb when Ui Uio .ye«*i^D«*lr of" pVodiJctlon ' waa m reached. ’ .. ---------. T" iV - |- —r I - •DRjbOBPORT. [CoBB^acIc b * U -^ W«loi, .»lU»-a rtght-,tb: iho .J»fTi^ f ttH-Utlh , round. -M oody-w to’flti a - •;:>!! .. ---- ------ --- ..J - L L S ] TWIN FALLS, II fRAFEIC OF r mm i teiilsM i I - - - crn Silver Strcrvm Left by Travclcra;' Tourist Park Registration L___ Passes 2700' Mark Today; Spend ThoHsandB in City; As- fjH set Easily Justifictf New Park, y \ Niimlicr of larn rr«l»lrr<'ii nl irir I'liy .lotlrlnt i>aik llllli r«nni>ii linniivil lbp-2:i>'>-inarlr-ini!nr. nnd II In-.tiU - ------- imilrd !>)• Ihr ch.->nilur of rdmmL-rco Ilml ov.-r 110,1101. ivni. ni»ui uU.iio Iiy lhi-:n> trmrlWii wIm) nloi>iii'cl nl llii- imrk, Ili:iirlni: mi ihi> b.iiilHtif a ll.oii . ' .•xiM'mlliiii-,. IUT cm- ....... .. in rcKuni- ' r.i an lb.' niliiliimm nnio.ml npiiul ^ u carload ot l.mrlnli. I.i an ov.';nlr:hl “ " 'J . xy «! • Olhur nturi'unU' i-xin-ndluirM, per- hnpn lnr»;irr Ihun lh>' nbiivu, of an lu- *' d«-iermlMu(.io uinKiiiluih' nr«' nm'.ic by , . thc uiniiy tlnion Inr^.T ii.i...1»t of loi.rlnin who imrfhii»o ..i.i.pllrn in ih.' (-iry wltiioiil iiiopi'lUR at the lourlnl 'I'I: ........ . s I'ho IlioilnaliclK nf (lollarrf ni.i nl.lur- ' lui; Ihr luimnu-i’ hy ihn Iravi-Irrn' li" ■ll'on il llll' Iniirlnin n.’i n liir r r V. aa4c£-io Uii!-ciiinmcrdalji\luualn..<if J!"'” coinpnruilvrly ii.'clklhlr .'xiu'iDur' l«') Hu'n! be ln\olv.:d lu lhc'couiiIrii.:lt.iii of a r.'.-i: new imirhi tuirk. ' Ucnlliinlloii Ibat lonrixl irafd.- It. lu clfo'l nn In.lnnlry.hiin kd lb<- <-VaiU- ber of ctiuiuii'icr lo Iniiuuiinilo lho aiuiiinlKii roi- Ihc Iniiiuivciuoiil of ihc M ^ inurlnlH' uccoilimoilalloun. r: liakor Clly, Kll.micd cin ihc Ore);un ||v Trail', wblcb In ibo nnmo Kioni nricry of trnnHoiinilnc-nlnl irnvei lhat paiM'R tbroUKh Twin rulH.-Vnllmalca t|mt tbo aniiRVunv-bf SSi.714.wa.i Dcattcrv'l . ihrouch itji varlmm bualatsia.channcln durlnR i^iv monthn or April, .Mny, Jnne P'*" aut] July aloai' by ,jp«ri»w.. , - Thla-«tlmBlc-wn» orrivo«l ol by flK- uriiiK lhaal »in' onl or overy- iwcvo _ earn, maklnc purchMwi In the lown. * iilop ovpr niRhr nnd ihitfthc nvpraRP • I** jfCBni..by_l>'j!U_c!iu.wiJa_»3.________ 'i'f.'-' y "mill Twill Kijiinl jmji Up to' Anxunl J. 23B4 ropi hnd nlop- ndt pcd nt lbo Ifakcr City park durlnK llu; i.nrj neaton, nnd ih.t rccorda ot Ihu Twin I'uhi railii pnrk nhow 2011! tor iho iiftmo uf t inlcrvfil. ycnt '-n'M t.bound Irattlc over. Ibo ^Ore- ‘"o Bon Trail ba* Incrt'aaed tifli- per ccnt., Pan aeeording to oBUiiialu of ImVi'I a*BO- A clalloiw. and Twii> Kails han bcen,ac- thrc cordoit n larfiu nhnro, alibouKb hnn'ni- who CAppcd l.y Ihu conttrucilon work im Tho thc hiRhwny b('iwoo»''HAbncn nnd liur- bo i te r which h u 'divijrlcd all 'lourint oei travel i» tbo norllinlde of ^ho river. Um whfrii'jiiuch' ha»-t>buxi kcpC " ' .'. tiz '-: Ten l,nrgi‘iit TmffIr Ktrr. • Thhi year-., traffic han beon Ibc larRtut In lliu hlniory of TwUi Kaltn, . , lAklng Ihu lm:rcaiio In lourlnl- rpgls'- irblloun uu indiculivp of Uip Kpntiral , tendency.. Ovor 10?0 moro cara woiiid have ainpiKil at lho local park. caUr mates rhc t'ba/nl«>r of eo/iimrrcp.l'Jf the noiilhHldn lilpjiway hnd born oton rhmi thu (.Tj»t. , ni — Klgurcn nno)* aii.«v4trBBo o t allKbUir \ l undor tour'puntonB carrii-d per,.car In general irartlc which i.iac.a Ki numhur of ovrrnUht viniting tourlau ; in lho nctBb»)9rhood'of 10.000 with upwards' ot 100,000 paaalbg throiigb tho city. Adn-rUnn Coontry Inianelhio values In tho form of nd- vertlaing of tho Twin t-'alla country la dirjvcd by lho tbousandn of tourtaU •omtng from even Uio rcmotcnt ncc- tlon of the continent, who bear with . (hem :Mlve>italnK atlckera and tale# ^ .. to H aasen Pioneer! , ____ te'etident .PkbiM . Away, at H o s p i t a l ton . .......... . ......... ____________________ _ .t»n« . M nw.RvIt'SmliLriiejfl, or.HM- ,/ aeq, died at the couDly giitwral hoa- BU pil|i[ thbi'monilpg (ollowXn^'a Btr^ke Uiq of which Bbe autfercd Monr ibg .Sj-.LtlMrfvS^icTK^/hwrm Tc dwtij>t.lUwien for Uilrtocityear#, .. Tul- . Jh'e wVoKlTod-by.-hor fiuabapd. » iral tUo»hiec.--Myjorie.7ati'd-tw o-ay^, Jo. Hdyt^UlII'MtUlTVbtrtl'tirUio'lorvlco Bet i UntvonUy of Idaho. Funeral arraoge* not I moata are belDC held up peodlng'.ar* |j ■ h»ir'6r'Mi»ttrog.- ---------- :------------- - ■-,^HBW---Y<)Mt^&tnP>'> - bS S ^ ^ ^ T5« t bo aeon 1d aoUon'tgaln-at Ui» Cau-' «d ; ^IiK7.'AthUUd-^Mlaura-nttd--^ur T > A IT IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al nom ; 0 ^ 'AiiAiiir 'f\/| i'Assi;xiiKiis aim: IUI iiANi<r.iioiM,v iiru'i' III ,.M:\V yoKK. Am:. iK -Nimr nt III)- lajui':il iiho.iril Uf Anililc wcrtr rol’'>rl.iI i.> I..- in u .IniiK.-vouii t'ondlHoii. An.onK IIIOBI- whri,'ii- lnj.iii->i * wore not rufflcli'tilly rlniii;.'r.>UM lo nrcKi.llftlr Eifini; l.i hi.t'i.IKiI.i arr: Mni. MarRatil Siihnif. Snuiii Ilnna. itullf., larriii'l.um (it laoc nud frnrliirril rl’'... li; U. Shaw, D.iivrr, fol.).. Itio- oi'n^lonH of l.rniL Mi'», H, II. Shaw, mjiirni hack nnd nide, ____________ ■- _____ ol --------------- --------- J inNiEiis ; SHEMFSSW;; VAI,i:.'orc.. Aur. l-our Jiuimni f tihm'Uirn heavily aniird l.iday .w.-rc ilMliInK Inlo Iho I'a.ri.i .. ........... ha.l ndl. to iililuln veiii;.';.iic<' i.;;ali.!il nn ll.-K.'il Iioriio Ihlrt who idml ami Mil- ll W. Aunlin aoodiiiaii. lliirncy lonu- , I-iihrrlfr. . Uko llu? rldorn in n wnrlir.i .i;ii-.e runh drnni.i. Uut iuumiIi iii:i> lurn 11(1 .a buiilo lo d.Mtli Wl.h 111.' fuel- Ihc The mnn .iimnlil l.i l;iinwn ar. l'-|.-.. .mat •|lldlo\V of i;iho. Ne\a.Ia. Iirlnllii of ...j lo-iibooiiiiK yoKtcinay .iro imiy mm- IT. , _ . . w ..Vnr.ll.)W iK nnld m h.i\r imj.n^l_a m-.i uinlH^r.of wi.rtil[ci>t' ■•JiccHi. in' i.ay- iIunV uini. fnr uaihllc,Jtoma-.iiaii— !aLUUh.tiu: i('ni, Wlirn'Sheriff ilnudmnn icor- the .•01) fonutl hill) n. it.c K.illy .niuI., m.l n ili« Hunicy-Malhcmr rouuly Un.-. ul.l. 'nrdl.iw ijnlitlly nuli..itllcd lo nirrtil. dcn< 'EssiiisiNG ~ INTEiilflll Jl 'IlE IirJX —Ancr-'l.'t.-A- wnvo- nt wt.. levNlmUni awrpl Bovarnmont circlon iiu ndiiy nn lbo rrlohMiiR rnumiid vol. sevi nit nil Ihc aceordn of Ihn pnct of of ) .ondiiii,' dbtilKnod ip rtfrct irdpfitilt.t nnrt iroRrhm tof j.nyhiK roparntii.nii.' wilt ' In.odorH-wrro fcnrfnl iennt the hrop mnjor l.llln -lhoH.i un hnnklnR. nituM rlnl' (it>tlR:>iinnH nnd the nit- mpnrlanl jallriM.l lupu.inro HilKhl ii>t bo ablii i» Kininiand tli»-iiucviu .nry iwo-lbjrdn volo rcinlru-l tor f ’’ .UMMBP (.u Ilut ll'.Ir.l roiidlHK. J-iirli if thu hilts rerelved a inajurliy volo . 'cnterdny h.il tnlic.l, to aj.proacli a _ " wo-lhlrdn of ll.o 4"t momborn of lanmraont;----------- -------------- t~ - A hnnt W nmendmontn were hrown' Into llio IcRlHlntlvo linppor rhen • the iiarllament recdnvnmMl, rho tuusi Impnrluni omendmvnl to 10 nubniillod would uonipri liio'cabU , lei to. wlUihoid nlgniOR ll'o pact nf Umdun. until hucllon :!31 of thu I’flnuUUwtrtTPaty, ■McrtbtnR miHt to r ,1,;.^- Jio" war to ticrtnnny had hrcn rv- rokdd. Tho final volo nf the part will bo | ru lield Vtlo lonlghl and punnibly not C iniil tomorrnw. .if drlayVd. nn etov. ^du >nth hour altemrt will bo made tor ; '- inmo cnmpromino hulween lbo ^uv> crii onimcni' and tho opponlion. pur SEEKLOOT OF s Cm ‘ MAmsLEirrflE .... ................... - . liol . CHTCAXJO, Auk. 2»^\Vhilo William hlii F. K'ahy. rxpcrl nlniili ot ll.o ponlor- tico dcTiarlnioiil. rcnicil In Iho Kano rea oounty Jnll on obargoji of bolng tho ger head of tbP Kanjr which oirrlrd nul cuc tlio fS./^Olt.OOO nialJ rotfbery at Koji- doui, lIlB.. Iaj»t June, apparently mak- dlci |np:^no cfforL to-Obtaln •liaU._QP£ra:. iho discover tbc-whereabouiK ot tho looi, (bp Kahy and Janiea Murray. Cblcago C underworld xharacUr, alM uador ar Jud test are holleved to bavo taken mo«t sU followed lho accidental ihootlng ot go (Jtio.memhcr pLtljs.O'nBi.hy.M othor gul , A search tor naTo dopoali boxen in ^ rahy'BiliaroO proved fuUle yoBtcrdoy, .« Uio only bor tonnd conuialag-noih- ibg mOre than Inautatico policies ^ d rWWWHM*! ^ I Oporatlvea today planned to^earcb ^ fu'rlher tor' »s'0irfrt"«irtB0 "cagtKV Mrg. - r Fahy, wlfe.ot Uie jlfcli^TWiBllppW-la. .P?' to Ur.ho''ma.^d^tAd.TU3r.oyee.vt ^ Betect lTCT- I H B 7 i T O r w t r ; T I « n r y i I g tn bot beep rotfi»t’ala«e.no ^ iM ri. FtoroQCo.&nsrpby'.Xtri.of ‘Hlg «d. tbo. Fahy. caacL x IUl a. c h an aii tt.y ^ g ,h y wBo:tiloafco4-hT-4»i>. I t Uad'a..appeai*Jac..puol«uJ!ih]r.coa- Bj diiofd ■U».tBvaUgatlon-«hlch lod..to la •Murphy'gjsmvteUOa^-^^ oa : y T I VUGUST 28, 1924. . iRDER CASE " iiiS flfl CIFISIE! . , ______ ll... Most Sensational Trial in Annals ii„. of Aniericiin Courts Qoea to Judgo Ciwcrly Who Must Dc- ! ____ dilo W hether Loeb and Leo. pold Shull'Hang or N^t. ||^j- I'illMINAI. rol'llTUUDM, I'hloai;'!. Mil:. -I'hc llll.' uf .Nathan i.<'i.ii(iM L iml llh'huv.l l.(»'h i.:ilH'ln Ibc baiu^< f ,r . Iiicf .Iimiioo Joi.u n. r.u crij. I :<ii un.l ;»;niii:.i liiiuiilii!-. Ih.- yu.iih- •nl ..liiy. rt. of I l-joar ol.l il.ihnl I'lai.Ks \>ir> ioi..l.lcl.:cl loday mIIIi ti •lery ilt-mmrirltlon ot Niill.iin .•..>1 itUliaid hj Sliilc’i. Alloiury lluhc.l I-;, l,'f.»s,'. - /,(! Cruwc lo.irln'li.i hin I'liooel. wllh I MlilVlwluil of invorllve, Ilo le.i.ied 'b- l hr iii.irilii- of lluhni J'V.ilill!.. •'Ili'i "u ' ll.enl lu Ihc lil:ilory of I'hlcaKo." au.l f'lil'' :l.c uiiiiil. ioi;i hc.olat>;teil wllh wiill. - 'h.- I iiiakw nnii mad <loi:;., .Me ••The rrliii.t waii conilillllud.- ho nuld •t,iiiil.l>- rm-'Ui.^.jio.nrifi ranHoni,- im.i- When Iho .iiulo’i. iiiiornry »al .lo»n. Ii. iir.il uml ii.-n'i.lrli.i: frftm bln ihr.u piani ;hi)<i"ari;uii.rlil. ii ■f.'w'iufiiulefl'w. ii; ,'hai mW 'iic.i^iu icMcwiui; fvidcuo.' i.u c.iuh the luiHclmrnl clinrKlUK .MailuU-:\T!lt llh liaiil with "kldnaplnj; for rum.oin ' i,,',,.. tthleh ««:> ;mj.i-lcuionliiry lo lho e.l- lener o!iari;Uii‘: Ihrni wllh mnrdci;, I'he eoiirt wwi .nljonrno.i; lbo boat- ni; ouo uf lho nuiat .lonnalluunl on , rcci.r.l. wun CDiiiylol.-d. ) , ' Vp lu Jud«c ' .NdthliiK romalui.- bul tor Ju:.llc.i ,, Cav«ay-ti.-juiiiUai«u..iho.uvo.jaajaa- ilo ban ihroo choiccB-bauK' ili.-m; n.'Uionoc them lo Ilfo term..; or ..iu- Al loiicc Ihriii lu loriti:; lu <hc pelilt.ii- llaiy of uol ii-nn Ihnn 11 yearn. Juntieo Cavorly dhl not lndl<a»le wIk-ii |iU4iunluucu.wuutd.t)(l.liniiiHlvd. , 1>I liu Inlon.Ik lo ko Iuiu niiclunluu (or 1IIU( Bevtral dnyn to euidy lbo thouiiaii/lu por* or pascH of cvl({enec and argiimcnte Rna ntld'prooably will nrntonee the boyn Innd wllbln n wroh or lon dnyn. unln ' Crowo'n ui'^mneiil euni|>tdi;d.. the iinnl nInlo'H cu»o. Two of bin iiMliiiimlii 'i-j ariiuuil rirpl for. lbo .dofi'h, ponuliy. j., Th.-y wcro rolluwcd’ l.y ll.roo dcrense nllorneyi., Wuller iluebraeh. Cliirenec [j^o Dnrrow.'eliiof d|'feni.u touniiel, und „f , llrnjiiiiiln l)iio|irai;b. Tho l.nnl Appenl ci., Wh.-li the (Irfrnnc Bnilimrnln wrro *31' cniupliili-d. Cruwo iiinricd IiIb ii-.iicll.y auuiuiijor bnnBhiK lbo iwo alayern. "Vour bonor cnn look at them and cun n-«d)jy Rce lhal ihcrc li iibil.tnR wronK with llirni j.hynlcaliy or men- ^ latly." Uic «itiio'n atiornoy dccian-d. •■Tho ouly IhlnK wronK with them Is Ihelr moral iieiuH'.'’ ronl •'1 J)cilrvo that It ii wiw riKht for ,, lho i.oy.1 ot 18 will) wont lo iholr |„y di-alKn in"lhlTtrpncticjrto-t>r«cct our - lawn, then wliy iibuuldu't wo hoiiR . ihciio men of lU wbo .violated the , iBwti." Crown nholliod. Cniwo nllnckiHl Darrow'n claim ot youth Ofl tt mlUKBlini: oircnnintftncp. ,. ••Jf wo nro lo piinlsb crlmo and atop crluin by punlnliincnl, liow can wc | puntnh If ago In lo bo udvuncca as a dofeniter' Crown aadPd. ' , ••Tho law was made to i>rolecl ihe ,T1 lunoCT-nt und lho only way to prolcci .Mali the Innocent In to pnnUh the gulily.'' Inlu Crowe nald. “1 heard Clarence Dbi- • l> row'n plea for mcrcy. H waa an ai>- arrl [wal to tho iiiart and nympathUu and drc noi your mind and coruiciehcu. iUcI "Tlieiio men killed a U y iir old boy. oiii llohert' Prankn ha« a righi io*ilv» and hlH parents hml a HRht lo hla aocleiy.^' pv; "I want to lull your honor thal the real dufcnHu in thin caao In thu dan- geroun pbiloiiopby ot tho life ot-Ctur- cucu barrow .' Crowo nhoiited. "Pan-ow anid Uiot lho groateai han- *' dicap in,Ihln caaO In ihc wealth of Iliii j im fM llla. E Ihe two Daclinichii would*not t>e hero.*' I- Crb'wb'then tooVliib the "fniniliy JudKO’" evidenco Introduced by the fon sUie. Apol&b bUice'r leatUled oD tho 'a j «iaod-th»H^lM)t4 u4<ti^tiiUu^«ruild -Jl go W orSiii friendly Jiidge and plead thf guliiy and Rui lite Ibjirhionmont'’ . Koi ■;«io'^cnioi;ilic!ied-lho-»Ulltl«tihi '-j, "*“i t ! ^ ^ d dtiJ..nbt.Biy Aii, thoti qS hU ilUludo In'court hero iniJIcttM ho (Or Crowa-crioi-—.------ .• tor -^siii.cloaliu I.aak Uut tho Oxttome iiid pcnjflly bo linpbiied." ' len ■:JU»Ocir-Cai*ly-todgy^B0t tbo day pn tombiir, lO '»t; #:8(r •. .m. • •*"’ Ra, 'V«l«nB--'‘OrMle-l>emoa'’.^ U try;lo cb byirfT-^^eopiohiolt - haw -hti>BetrMr. <| m sighr -jKiiia. - hi .,wmUoa-*Hittry hoi lUoato; Oardtai., .who will w m U * Ely Jack lioclmH; ha'a th'o plaor ot Sotor no oi-iiitjCM fii:: . Jw I ' .......' IM E S i i ,SION lilMlU v«M r ' n I Ilf \A ilii>A i, 'Ii:i:i,s j in^ iiiii:\r I'Aiiiiiis Ni:\V,Y<ll!H, ,\iii:. :S A inin:iiti. ».;ill|...lp. « in ..M M l.il liMliiv ....... •rl:.ei- nl r.ai.l, W, m it," «r|| !,L..»n W;l'.hiiii;t.ui liavla fta^ » niM.lai ...’i- ......... ... f.ir ll.c Unl'.-il ih.rt.ii: Ihc ('..iiw iiHoii.'i .^hll, (|,t'> ncrvj:'! nn ilio rmivoiiUon Mnit ci 111.' 1-HI1.-.I I'..-;.,-, ,Mlu. ..Ill Pr( .................... \ ilGlENIOF yPHELO BYJUDGE ;........... •' .......................................tl /.(IS ,\,m ; i :i.i ;s , a « v^. Ki.i m.- !I ofro.i; i.y uin ii..., i - m. vi., hav.- Ih-' milh-ini.-.jitt ii-.:;iliiril ...... ........ . "" '[‘'•' ........... . uf (.■■Hiol'.'i «.iiill.i;; , rall.-.l, JiMl;;.' .•m il 'r.ici.iliiv .M.foj 1:> ai''iu-..il rif Mlllit:: Mi,., , ... r:-'’ II, WUII c;McUI Il.n. th.' d.f.lir.c ^ plamii'il fnrlli.'i' uii<ll..iir. in i(iiiiMi ih.- |, elia.K.'h If a.iy Va:.l.. fcr lVIirira-iM. c.uld l.c .ifi.lni.-.ir • .NIrt'(.j- n.-il"'VvinniTir-nItr,-rn.-5-S-mi.l » l.M.ncd alh'.ill^.'ly h. ll.c ■ , Jj);:ii. Jlo Ji|ii)l.i' r|ji-i-W)>- lr. ri'luiil,'. h) llic 0.'n.vd nf rnn, iron..) I'P.clnI.u. , ^ 11(110 .1, Dunlai., -l.ail.;.- I.au.ll.^’ u|> fi,i ...hl.'iu-.. In f....- .lu.kc .•rail. i.li. . :iiil!.nly ii.'ai' Ihr lall, KalUiii: I'nr Ih. MeCoy In arhir. in oti.l bcfrfio Ur hvi.rd III:, falo J.rnlio.llir.'ll, Ammonia Explosion i' Kills Little Girl. ' , lu-rs la'., 'Aur. SS.-Twii lliU(t Klrln weri) killf.l aud i:: ‘oihor * pohouN Injurud wtivn an amiiuinla gru» lonk .fXpl(.do.J fti Ihc iW<-r V hJ- ‘'I’ Inndlncham Bonoriil nioro, . imar Ilo , unlrnlieo l.i Kort Ho.i .Molues army " liniil today. • • . __ ^,,,1 Tlire.‘ of Ibo UO>Vnl may die, j,, , l-iilleo aud emcri:euey hunptlal _ oant havr beoii fn'.hrd 'lo tho neeno. , ffvo mile:! from iliu b<inliK-a:i dinlrlcl ' ' “’j _______ f.':^ Storm Stops the ■Flyers from New . Start for America pin --------- ,pr( ABOARD THi: U. .S. a.,Ulf;H.\IOND, Anc, ‘JS -A lerrUk- «lorni lajthinK lli^ •» Arctic wfttoni Into a fury ilons ihe ronio wi.ieh Amerloa'n flyorn rxpeci W 10 bop to Ijibrador, may furlbcr de- '1‘ biy ihe,fllRhl. I Tho trlj>'’fiT)m Tvfsiul lo 'Indian ko Harbor han .alr.'ady beon-iMUiponcd I'O 111 loam uuiil tomorrow,.owlnc lo nd- Af verno wcitibrr reporin niid'pimr fa- lui clllilco for inBialllni; new moioni lu npi Ihp Iwo pianvn. _ loi Tlie UlehmiHid In now nnchoni! a» ”1’ Ito Tieki.i-HttrlKir. Junl ilirco mlim vl. Wput of Iniiifth liarbor. ,Tbo kbIo nwunK north trom ihc .Maine-coant Tu«Bdny nud bit here '• inlu Woilnuula^ aflcraoou. Prencni phiiis call for Ihc flyrm lo arrlvo al Icc Ticktu Harbor, a wldo circular covp. During Ihe fllKbl ihr ... itirbniond-wiil be nlalloncil rS mllcn Olil from, tho harbor. ' Dixon Noses Out in Montana Primary n„ IMITTR. MonL. Aug, 2fi-0overiibr p Dixon today wo*. Irhdlns In rnnrTin from Tuusdoy'u prlimrlpn tqr.rpi>iii)* Jlmh Dmului.tlOB.-rQ!l JlOVtlli-i', I.Atfl returns gave him 2(!,777 valrj to: 23,113 to r l,o<v D<inal», lU la raH> . rond coinmlnahmcr who tor a ilmi) led in, the punt. t>ny y Ayw« nnpi^cd-ln have won thb dooiocraUc nomination jivor Milos ho Komney and other-candldataa. ., '•m SJ^nril.* □nfbmfaipwair.Bqil a leading a close race over Attorney' in Ocnoral D. Itankln tor aomloBUon u« for United Slal'eB aonaior on ihe ri- vii tor Thinaa* J .^Valit'. Um.pnly.caii? 4ui illd*lo,on Uic dnniocnCllc- Uokw^tor i*, ippator. • Uniimcial ,/ciurtjB rrom'W bd precincts gave Undermaa W.TOfr-.^nd flankliPj^O*..— ^ RaprcaenUUro Scott Leavlu wn oU' Jly. r«bmtoata;d ,o r « ,;^ ^ f t, Yollg*^- , I IDAHO WZATHEB. k Ti.l.- jiiul eonh'r loiilr.lil I aiul [•.l.t;.>. OLD VOL XIII. NO. nn m r WARMING IN lifNIRy Prciiidctil CuolitlRo Starts Back from ViTtiioiit; Inlcrcst in SiK'ocii.Tcinorrow Is Intense; Wlicelcr tl) Assail ■Prtsident; . K:ut‘i:u! Democrats-Oppoao Klan « AslllMiTitN. It. Am:. S'*. - Tlm-<-aiiipi.lu-p uuliird m< m ru. Iiji.1 ln.l..j ll- i'rp-ldriil C.ioIIJkp' *' --rm !.'in.Ix .uicfliln..' ...I JiN fu. Il.rr's Vrrm..i.i farm I., rrturu to Ua'hliiBloii. uml i;i«p m.iro nt. t.'nll.,n li.'iii.llilc'. C.il.at.lenihlo lii1rn-.| iilinrhr.< 'to lli'p «liprcli II. hP dPltiPTPd by- -------- Ibe prr>l.lonl loiiKir^ciiT bcforP ilw rnifornal' riinijrcss I'hlrfi Kill iifi'i.rd I.lm on oppnrtuully i.l aiiMxrr John IV. 'Oniln.'thn doKK oniiJo nmcIM/ifc. on 'fJir . Khin t-Mir. ... l)n>U sprni Ibr .Iny nt hU l.nni'.l Vullr} Imnip worklliK "H ' hU laliiir dur •‘pcrrh to Iio do. •lWri..i nt Whrrllug; tr. Ta:,"nnd ................. r.iiitrrrliiK wllh pnrty Ipndem on Ilh .Ur>t_nc5li:rii-trlp., ..... ......... ......... ........... lliiir} Vord dinltMl n'portH liiAt. h.' n.d.ir-rd Ihn klun by IsfuInK r.riTiinnirne'TTTnnmirii.-puh-:— ------------- IMi.'d ill n Mantrcfll pnppr.. SeimI.ir Uherlpr, Indpprndrnt . Uro prrsldeullul caudlduln. nn- . , , ...... lhat hr >..nld renter hU nliiirk on rrpNldcnt Conlldffe In II tour r,f Nnv Kngland. lulrrr..! In Ihn Kii, Klnx Klan nnd Knn«ii« drmocni.fn Joined llillll In din.iunplmc Ihp kInn In Ihrlr Niulo i.iallonni>. V.lC.tTlON KNDS. j-i. v. miji:th , vu-'Aac^jraw-rPreai- _________ _ deni CoolldxD . loBlgUt. wiU «nd. hU l.t-d.iy vacation bo[e and relurn to WanhluRion to begin bln active cam*. pnlRo. Aieomtianlod l.y Mra. Cool- ' ldi;.r nn.l Ihrlr non Juhn, lho prcal- <l..i.i will loavo on-n special Iraln ----- UI Ginr, p. Ul, , . Thc ,prc:ildcnt Is. ropnricd to hare dxhli-d innlallvuly on seroral niirrrhr-.. probnhly Iliroe—one -on r : —: forelcn iiffiilrn, oun ou laxntioa and unr; .in'asrlcullilro.. Tim fIrHl will deal 1*llh the tor- ciKn llebl aud .Ihl world court; tho iicrund the .Rovernment economy . plnn nnd nupport Becrctary-MetlOB'g • .prograla for ux. reducUon OOil, tho third, bn .ngrlculture, U expected', to devfllop hlii hopcn In the presl- drnllal uRrlculturo commlBBlon 10 Xx) ntt up lo Btudy some conslnic- ilvo i.rogram of old.. ^ It In toporlrd lho prealdent may Ko-«» tar •■wMt-as;:KBinBB-<;ity,--8t.------ Uuiin and ' Chicago tor spoechea. Aflrr ho urrlvea bnck In Waablag- lun. tomorrow ho la achednled to npcak iicfore .thfl Fralanul concrcit I'onvriiil.iu, 'Thu wUI afford W ntja ' . oppiirtunliy lo au-iwor John w* vln' chulli-nge lu>,declare/JU m tt ' iluflulioly on the Ku Klus..KlM.O« .. u Npeclflc^ grgauluilaa. , , accept an ln>Wntloo,to aMi^^B thO onnvrnliiin of llio Holy, Nftau lo- <-h>iy at WanhlngLon,.£ept«ii)|fte 10. This I h a Cfiliollc orcanltaUoB.'aad .' ' Uo oixunlon would -caaily p e ^ t ot n dlaeunnlun ot raotal aad rellilon* lolnrance. ......... ... ............... ............ A conference in Waihiufton with bln campuign mansgor. William U. , nuiior wilt dotemtlne hia-cotu^e. f Prinlers^JRefiSe ^ to 6ack Tickel of ; ' thfciggpireiW ei PUBSSMEN^ HOMES.-TeBa.-ABg. j- SfU—The International PrlaUas Mia' , ; and, Asilaiaau*'Unlba,• o.t^^.Mortli i here, tixlay decllaod oa r^comrta^"^ ^ datlon. ot the'molBUdna .oooaiUtM -I ■t5';«rd5fi'e~Uio' tlon camo is a la : ^ I'!* ? 4uU0^.p0lni«^.W .iwOoiL.j!«w BBd Bbquld no^ r.

IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE

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Page 1: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE

I S Ev o L u j n - : 7 . N iiM iiK U m .


• :r - ■ Jim

IH E P R E lE ii-------- , i’“

Q ovorno r B r^ a n S : ^ q T h a t N ot- w ith s ta n d in g D isa v o w a l oC |

CooUdffo th o S o p o r tio o D t I s »ii

T lT in s to F o r c e . M il i ta ry . Mo- ^

• • biifizatioa O yer O iv il, F orce.,

• UNCOLN.' Nell . ' AilK. 1!S.- M k...............- T h n t- the-w n i-,!e |ii .rlm u iil- li«ada_ U i-

a l itrocrcillnr; lo mnljilizo t6r mlUlury • t>rtpnrctlneim In vlolii-' j tlnn o t llv> ninl<iiiivnl nml IliU'ii- tlnn of I|rcHliluni CunllilRcr, in itio fllfllcmont uf ' tinv<.7iiur Ohnrles W. IJrynii l<xlny. «<>v-, o rnor llryftii Im lluitnl th a l liln , oppoHlllou to .ilcCflnn.g ilny nio- * , b linnlidn «Qn rvd icr t(> the ■mothod* aiiil' purpoBos or llio war (lejwrtmcnt llinn tp t l i o » o ' S u r

\lcAaeil by r rc ild e n t CnollilKi^- Hu |n clalnm Hint lbo w ar ilopurtincnt f tH illnroRnrilln); tlio nllltudu u( |i

______ ._the.jircal<lctit.. . . ---------------------- "~ GL0SING4GREED E

“ ^ORtABOrDAY », ______ i)on

Cdmmi-rrlnl llnufini (o Oljurrvi- HoIU (la)- b / Miifipcniilon of liiiHlni-.is] I'offlpllAD^s Wllh ABrrrnx nl.

- . - ........■ viiii______ . . All_l)nglncg»-bniiHM In Twiu r a l h in ii

will romAlti clonrtJ on llilM coiiiUiK iloiiMonilfty. Beplcmbcr 1, In nb»rrvftro „r cof U lw r cliy. ftcconllnK to unnoiinrc- ^||nment lod ty from i)i« morrliiiiiin Ini' i( r

, . . TMU^of th e eh jm ^cr of conm ^ixc._ nov' - u i i o r day ciMtnit coiiiH pum uirii 'iu«

lo .tho asroctnrnc rcacht-d In Jnnuary. H «• or .b a iia c n men «»'«•

w hcrofp>,M i( of hoIJdayt* wo* ifroOT wfti— .0 5 'which th« iheTttiintii by n nisjo r- <ltet

Uy volo n ircod to obnrrvu aniitinlly. futi Six tiolldayn incIutlcd in tlif clon-

ft»ir r^«oln»lonii-»nrNpw 'Y ear'n. Mem-. . . o r ttl D ar. Fottrth.oL-J,"ly,.J-nl«)r day. err

TtiankiKlvliii; nml Cbchtmcn. I'ro- iilil' vlnlon wan a lio mndu forclonlnK one- Knn

hatr day for the coiimy rnir n t n t r r . ofo--------------------- -■ mal

MAXV nni'OtJISTH AIIK wbY10MTLS15.STATK h \ \ \ tlio

. - KANSAS' CITY.- M o - A..(tr 3 8 - ,hliW holnulo violallona of tlic H ate bccpbRmVacy 'I a « i arc eontnlncd Jn bo;char*?! filed aca lo il flftlcn druK pen•to re proprfeton hcro tli li nTlcrnoOD mn

- ' u a ro iu li b t a -c lly wide InvcxtlKa* (artion ot-'T . I). Blierer, inm ibcr of tlu' So a laic , board o( pharniacr. CliurcLH nci

-----ln « lu d * j-4 )p « a llo n i.A t. .. i lrU K in swlthoul a rofflstercd plinrmuclHt , In usi eharee; ’lllOKal dlnppnnliiK, At poi»bnn and d'ruff comirauDda; inbUAO ot (be tbt

, nime rdrug elore.V cm

W A U iiN S I JiEttBOSrSM,! f f l N V E l W l l l S ;

• —^ — . / rciCh»mbw. ot C e n n e m .Warm In .An* "I*

I>recIaUfli“ ® rT T !n iB f -.AMtrtanc# Offered In - Uandlloic S t^ e Cob. TeDtteni D e ln ta tn D cc U n Com- noB K r O fM t D o t t ' oal

' ' Ileartr apprecHtlM ot liie wlUiORco-openUon'of (he c((r <n (h« te - . ceptloD'of tir#'«0VCo1e*»toato the

______ J i ' - ............................... .......................... z. clo«»d ; WMBMday artcm opo. . «

.Talced todajr by d ecre tao ' CliiriM . F . OwIshl 'In behair o t Ul* chamber

cf commerce, foUowlDC the depart* ure of.'.the d e le ta tn who m * body '

------------- were—vtmni-tn-^Oieir-cominendatloo ^o t tl)e reception exUnded by Twin

.............________________________________________ 2Readr «nd promplVulflHment -of ^ duUeaiflLaJLjommltia# roembert .it ^ aiiigaed aa a big tacior in tbo, auc- ^ cMitul: hiDdllDS of Uio courenlloa.

---------------L'flJIM I. H li i r a tr r iT P t 'TmHteid- a tr S- -- 'tnia'(lodi.-wHntfBIy.*a»a:.al4. to the ...

. city -aa, bolt «t the Tliltlhx deloctlM. . ■ nnd can -Jb ariipA , au^ibe^ ^ r * ~

______ tin e rouily'~~pUeed *t ■tho-'aorrlce of -------— -r- S?-towi>'eT*tteeU»rt*yt-^Mfr^I>wlgl>lr

' Bey acout delefaUona ,wor« pret------------ a a t .ih w iifaB B l, ■* Ulboth th* Forrtnr and ' Roseraoa ho- ^

................... M i»-ir lw o*«very -«ou rtaa jf_M id* i« t

niiiy. ; r t d * ot T & p :r i; nhbr ^

F A I= = ^ = : ^ = = : ^ ^ = S =


.\(’T1YITIKS (IV KI,.\N |

n i'ri’IHHT. AilR. 2S.—Himry I-‘orct lionicwarii hiianil iin Mn yacht Ui l^iku Ontario, nVi'il lliu wlreloi^ iliut nifilil lo roimillnH' an Inter- yfvw d<-Cun<1lnK tlv;' Klun. l«ir- pnrted lo liavo been Riven oul ly Ulm iu M onlrcn i.j

■•Ouvo 111), im crvlrw to nnyrtuc.Illd hoi dlflcusB lbo mnn ‘in nny manner whulnocv.T. rii'ari.! mnko

^obiio'ulo. dfuiiil »r lliu C iinu ri- ’ p'ori,'*’ u ild ' llio iiianntnriurpr'ii mmnnKn tu ottluluil a t Vln Uc.ir- . . . Iiorn otflco.

Korti ortlclniii. nn ii'urniiiK ot J tlic Blnry, linuMcd Itn nnUiorliy iijii) promjiily wlrelunocil llio man- *

__________ _____________ • fi

a p i i i i « u : iFEAiUREOt =

. W BUSINESS?:' • vIsi

--------- “ ' '. 0Surti-y'of WlioIr Nnlluii .Slmno im- >“>P

pnnH nrn t tn Nrnrly All M iu.ij «l<'‘ Karm rnuinrti. r r i c i s An- iri lii llu - It Ititii-r Tliun for Si.mr Tlmr.' . . .• ........... ....................... <-liy

WASlii.N’llTON^ . ()ii|imliilIr"liff>lU‘- tlcinn aro brlnK madr for fnll bnnliK'uii I an tlui rcmili of Hiinif rnibcr niarknl ' ” >• flliHlKCH 'fo r Uip -b rttp r T»hlPh- |invr “ “ boi'n iioicflin tbo InHi t hirty OnyB. «c*

monibiy irvU-w of fninliii UK coiulliloun lu thu SpjiIouiliiT iimiibci- ot 'nil- .Na- ' llon’u nimliii'na, .

'.•Chlrf^it llm cImnKrH which liuvo inlion plnci'," li« w iU.-k. “im.i un- doilblnlly Wun lbo flirlbiT IitoKrcnH mmio In Iho lm(in)vpiui'nl tbal wn» vhilliic Qiilift plainly ono nnii two inonllin Ibc-.iuiricnlHiml-L'!^Iloun. Alno tbnri) linH liven I'vlilnico (if diKllncl forwuril iiioi:n'"H In rchal>- 11 (lllailui: Kiiropi!. Ih r I 't f . r u or whleh Tra it niicccimtiil. an It uii|>cnrH prn^ablu of t now, cnnriot tall lO'iinvit IiIb connc- thn (lUuiicci TOr ru turo^A incrlcaw -iradp, ann Hcncf> the concrdcdly mnch more ihn eh<r«r(nl tcvllnB vinthlo In mnny iiitea dur wfthin xom<F.ina(«iice;i oifjiaiijttc p i v autl dletlonH mndn rvftardlnc Uto m nlier. ■ tj< future. „ri,

* lilff Whcnt Snlcn. ' car■■‘'In oihor .woriln lho blDilUeHH Ml'Cn- iiloi f iy ’-liwhfl fconi>Ulorably boiutr th n n ji, jsot <llii .and In tbo niHi- o t Ihu fftrnKTu Komc crron lownrd cnpilalUinK • lJ»' afuri-nald xcenrry bn i bocn timdr, Ihfl t maln'nprlUR o t thin buini: biR Rni<-« o( pc'l wbrnt at prlcrti far belliT 'llian wcro "ea tlioiiKht ilnuilhlu tbri'o ninntbu oco and I'al tvpn nllll belter ihnn wore recclvi'd a t Inli th in -tim e in - im .~ U a c l i ■( .U ila.boa :.A been an cv ta blKKfl’r rlno in corn nnrt got boff prlcea and tho apparent dltap- aee peoranoo of the fear o t anyihlnR ro- clai ■mnbllnir a burdi-nsomo aurpiun ar cor farm prodnela. p roicnl o r prntpectlve. cat So rapid liUi hprii lilt- inarkcilnR nt the new w heat atid.oid corn lh a t car load- tey Jntaiiave.lucreBBCHl nnd 'ttjcar ahort- tra aku Iboms. . " »h

"T hat tho tmprovnmm t manircnl In tbo 'Kcu'nory‘ liait Uivn Hiibfllantlai ‘ cnoiiKb lo be.alwayn rcMerled In mxnu ' 1 of Uie^mcftsures u t Irado m om nenl In lar uvtduit In uharp uptum a.in uuiiu- nla- lak Iim icji mwiiiroB. Wliiid llm 'rclurna ira a t hand of rclall trado for Jniy, ihcsu ten Ihcludlnc.mall o rdor'aod chAls a lnre ha' •olra,- rp/lcct « mducKon rrom- lho tna Jim e aKKi-c;mlfl;*tbcy m ark a rra lfy iha KOod Raln orer Jiily a year aso when tro K -«hould,ot courae^.bo.^ec4lloa.ixadc ..} won m srIo r otr rro ia tho very great um activity Of Ihu t l n l hnir o t WM. ’ |„

'.'nailk clearihsn, ^a ln a in which in rccciit ihtmthn hava been conllBod inalDiy to New York and w iih the»o up attributed to acUvliy In apcciiiatlon, ,i„ ahbwod In July a torw ard raoremt-ni ouiaMe Uial clly. p a rt b t which a s in tho louUiwcal. m«»l, l« attributed- to i oarly wheat markctlnir a l h ishcr vei price*; la

iicUM Tone Noted «oi_r‘I tb a a rc«nBlned,,how^rcr. for wjm* uo inodlty prIcM oa rppfetcn(c<l liy tbe

m arked aod (iuicJtcal rerie^lpn bt thn T« heUer lone .la big prim ary iloe i.' thb A u ris l 1 Jndex num ber jn ln lq s .3.3 | J per, cent with ten ou t o t -tblrtei'n groupa or commodiUea adiraacing.

••KTMlBatlon ot; “UkT lia t o i • .«i= rancM rcTeahi’ the ta e l tha t tbe pre- ponderaoeo-ot gain* haa U «n In pro- . ducta o t - i h a . r a m which to r aome . yO M bavob'atbM ttt)C cupyln8*«.r«lr k i aU relr a ta i^ rab le: poatUon a* hate, pli aar. the arodncta o t Uio.mlll, Uie fac- ot to ry rtiw mtBO ar'Th* ferott. . ai.................K « lo r ie* ';G o l* lin t .- i - j ,; j_

."The coiirao ofi in d u il ry thla, atito- d« m or haa BOB* toi'-tO 'eoharw -aarilM pradlctlotia'bf a 'a l te lc ttmo-ia:_iiUne.- tU r o l l i u d f a a p r y : o ^ i r o n i r 'T i r i tO K TO

o n e -b o l tU i^ ^ Ju ly & year Igb when Ui Uio .ye«*i^D«*lr of" pVodiJctlon ' waa m reached. ’ . . ---------. T " iV

■ - | - — r I -•DRjbOBPORT. [CoBB ^acIc b * U - ^

W «loi, .»lU »-a rtght-,tb : ih o .J» fT i^ f t tH -U tlh , round. -M o o d y -w to ’flti a

■ - • ; :> ! !.. ---- ------ --- ..J -


fRAFEIC OF rmm i t e i i l s M i

I— - - - crn

S ilv e r Strcrvm L e f t b y T ra v c lc ra ; '

T o u r is t P a r k R e g is tra tio n L___

P asses 2700 ' M a rk T o d a y ;

S p e n d ThoHsandB in C ity ; A s- f j H

se t E as ily Ju s ti fic tf N ew P a r k , y \

Niimlicr of la rn rr«l»lrr<'ii nl irir I'liy .lotlrlnt i>aik llllli r«nni>ii linniivillbp-2:i>'>-inarlr-ini!nr. nnd II In -.t iU --------imilrd !>)• Ih r ch.->nilur of rdmmL-rco Ilml ov.-r 110,1101. ivni. ni»ui uU.iio Iiy lhi-:n> trmrlWii wIm) nloi>iii'cl nl llii- imrk, Ili:iirlni: mi ihi> b.iiilHtif a ll.oii . '.•xiM'mlliiii-,. IUT cm- ....... .. in rcKuni- 'r.i an lb .' niliiliimm nnio.ml npiiul ^ u carload ot l.mrlnli. I.i an ov.';nlr:hl “ " 'J

. xy «!• Olhur nturi'unU' i-xin-ndluirM, per- hnpn lnr»;irr Ihun lh>' nbiivu, of an lu- *' d«-iermlMu(.io uinKiiiluih' nr«' nm'.ic by , . thc uiniiy tlnion Inr^.T ii.i...1»t of loi.rlnin who imrfhii»o ..i.i.pllrn in ih.'(-iry wltiioiil iiiopi'lUR a t the lourlnl 'I'I:

........ . sI'ho IlioilnaliclK nf (lollarrf ni.i n l.lu r- '

lui; Ih r luimnu-i’ hy ihn Iravi-Irrn' li"■ll'onil llll' Iniirlnin n.’i n liir r r V.aa4c£-io Uii!-ciiinm crdalji\luualn..< if J!"'”

coinpnruilvrly ii. 'c lk lh lr .'xiu'iDur' l«') Hu'n!be ln\olv.:d lu lhc'couiiIrii.:lt.iii of a r.'.-i: new im irh i tuirk. '

Ucnlliinlloii Ibat lonrixl irafd.- It. lu c lfo 'l nn In.lnnlry.hiin k d lb<- <-VaiU- ber of ctiuiuii'icr lo Iniiuuiinilo lho aiuiiinlKii roi- Ihc Iniiiuivciuoiil of ihc M inurlnlH' uccoilimoilalloun. r :

liakor Clly, Kll.micd cin ihc Ore);un | | v Trail', wblcb In ibo nnmo Kioni nricry of trnnHoiinilnc-nlnl irnvei lhat paiM'R tbroUKh Twin rulH.-Vnllmalca t|m t tboaniiRVunv-bf SSi.714.wa.i Dcattcrv'l . ihrouch itji varlmm bualatsia.channclndurlnR i^iv monthn or April, .Mny, Jnne P'*" aut] J u ly aloai' by ,jp«ri»w .. ,- Thla-«tlmBlc-wn» orrivo«l o l by flK-

uriiiK lh a al »in ' on l or overy- iwcvo _earn, m aklnc purchMwi In the lown. *iilop ovpr niRhr nnd ih i t f th c nvpraRP • I**jfCBni..by_l>'j!U_c!iu.wiJa_»3.________ 'i'f.'-'

y "m illTwill Kijiinl jmji

Up to ' Anxunl J. 23B4 rop i hnd nlop- ndtpcd nt lbo Ifakcr City park durlnK llu; i.nrjneaton, nnd ih.t rccorda ot Ihu Twin I'uhirailii pnrk nhow 2011! to r iho iiftmo uf tinlcrvfil. ycnt'-n 'M t.b o u n d Ira ttlc over. Ibo ^Ore- ‘" o Bon T rail ba* Incrt'aaed tifli- per ccnt., Panaeeording to oBUiiialu of ImVi'I a*BO- Aclalloiw. and Twii> Kails han bcen,ac- thrccordoit n larfiu nhnro, alibouKb hnn'ni- whoCAppcd l.y Ihu conttrucilon work im Thothc hiRhwny b('iwoo»''HAbncn nnd liur- bo it e r which h u 'divijrlcd a ll 'lourin t oe itravel i» tbo norllinlde of ^ho river. Umw hfrii'jiiuch' ha»-t>buxi kcpC " ' .'.t iz '- : T en

l,nrgi‘iit T m ffIr K trr.• Thhi year-., traffic han beon Ibc

larRtut In lliu hlniory of TwUi Kaltn, . , lAklng Ihu lm:rcaiio In lourlnl- rpgls'- ■ irblloun uu indiculivp of Uip Kpntiral , tendency.. Ovor 10?0 moro cara woiiid have ainpiKil a t lho local park . caUr mates rhc t'ba/nl«>r of eo/iimrrcp.l'Jf the noiilhHldn lilpjiway hnd born oton ■ rhmi thu (.Tj»t. , n i— Klgurcn nno)* aii.«v4trBBo o t allKbUir \ l undor tour'puntonB carrii-d pe r,.car In general irartlc which i.iac.a K i numhur of ovrrnU ht viniting to u rla u ; in lho nctBb»)9rh o o d 'o f 10.000 with upwards' ot 100,000 paaalbg throiigb tho city.

Adn-rUnn Coontry Inianelhio values In tho form of nd-

vertlaing of tho Twin t-'alla country la d irjvcd by lho tbousandn of tourtaU •om tng from even Uio rcmotcnt ncc- tlon of the continent, who bear w ith . (hem :Mlve>italnK atlckera and tale# ^

.. t o

H a a s e n P i o n e e r !

,____ t e ' e t i d e n t . P k b i M

. A w a y , a t H o s p i t a l ton. .. ........ . ......... __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ .t»n«. M n w .R v I t 'S m liL r i ie jf l , o r .H M - , / aeq, died a t the couDly giitwral hoa- BU pil|i[ thb i'm onilpg (ollowXn^'a Btr^ke Uiq of which Bbe autfercd Monr ibg

.S j - . L t l M r f v S ^ i c T K ^ / h w r m T cdw tij> t.lU w ien for Uilrtocityear#, .. Tul- . J h 'e w V oKlTod-by.-hor fiuabapd. » iral tU o»hiec.--M yjorie.7at i 'd - t w o - a y ^ , Jo. H dyt^U lII'M tU lTV btrtl'tirU io 'lorvlco Bet

i UntvonUy of Idaho. Funeral arraoge* not I moata a re belDC held up peodlng'.ar* | j ■ h» ir '6 r 'M i» ttrog .----------- :-------------

- ■-,^HBW---Y<)Mt^&tnP>'> -bS S ^ ^ ^ T5« t bo aeon 1d aoU o n 'tg a ln -a t Ui» C a u - ' «d ; ^ I iK 7 . 'A th U U d -^ M la u ra -n ttd - -^ u r


n o m ; 0 ^ 'A iiA iiir ' f \ / |i 'A s s i;x iiK iis a im : I U I

iiANi<r.iioiM,v iiru 'i ' I I I

,.M:\V yoKK. Am:. iK -Nimr nt III)- lajui':il iiho.iril U fAnililc wcrtr rol’'>rl.iI i.> I..- in u .IniiK.-vouii t'ondlHoii.

An.onK IIIOBI- whri,'ii- lnj.iii->i * wore not rufflcli'tilly rlniii;.'r.>UM lo nrcK i.llftlr Eifini; l.i hi.t'i.IKiI.i a rr :

Mni. M arRatil Siihnif. Snuiii Ilnna. itullf., la rriii 'l.um (it laocnud frnrliirril rl’'...

li; U. Shaw, D .iivrr, fol.).. Itio- oi'n^lonH of l.rniL

Mi'», H, II. Shaw, m jiirni hack nnd nide,____________ • ■- _____ ol

--------------- --------- J

inN iEiis ; SHEM FSSW ;;

V A I,i:.'o rc.. A ur. l-our Jiuimnif tihm 'U irn heavily aniird l.iday .w.-rcilMliInK Inlo Iho I 'a .ri.i .. ........... ha.l■ ndl. to iililuln veiii;.';.iic<' i.;;ali.!il nn ll.-K.'il Iioriio Ih lrt who idml ami Mil- ll W. Aunlin aoodiiiaii. lliirncy lonu- , I-iihrrlfr. . •

U ko llu? rldorn in n w nrlir.i .i;ii-.e runh drnni.i. Uut iuumiIi iii:i> lurn 11(1 .a buiilo lo d.Mtli Wl.h 111.' fuel-

IhcThe mnn .iimnlil l.i l;iinwn ar. l'-|.-.. .mat

•|lldlo\V of i;iho. Ne\a.Ia. Iirlnllii of ...j lo-iibooiiiiK yoKtcinay .iro imiy mm- IT. , _ . . w..Vnr.ll.)W iK nnld m h .i\r imj.n^l_a m-.i uinlH^r.of wi.rtil[ci>t' ■•JiccHi. in ' i.ay- iIunV u in i. fnr uaihllc ,J to m a-.iiaii— !aLUUh.tiu: i('ni, W lirn 'S heriff ilnudmnn icor- the .•01) fonutl hill) n. it.c K.illy .niuI., m .l n ili« Hunicy-Malhcmr rouuly Un.-. ul.l. 'nrdl.iw ijnlitlly nuli..itllcd lo nirrtil. dcn<

'E s s i i i s iN G ~ I N T E i i l f l l l

— ■■ Jl

'I lE I i r J X —A n cr- 'l.'t.-A - wnvo- nt wt.. levNlmUni aw rpl Bovarnmont circlon iiu ndiiy nn lbo rrlohMiiR rnum iid vol. sevi nit nil Ihc aceordn of Ihn pnct of of ) .ondiiii,' dbtilKnod ip r tf rc t irdpfitilt.t nnrt iroRrhm tof j.nyhiK roparntii.n ii.' wilt ' In.odorH-wrro fcnrfnl iennt the hrop m njor l.llln -lhoH.i un hnnklnR. nituMrlnl' (it>tlR:>iinnH nnd the nit- m pnrlan l ja llriM .l lupu.inro HilKhl ii>t bo ablii i» Kininiand tli»-iiucviu .nry iwo-lbjrdn volo rcinlru-l tor f ’’ .UMMBP (.u Ilut ll'.Ir.l roiidlHK. J-iirli if thu hilts rerelved a inajurliy volo . 'cnterdny h.il tnlic.l, to aj.proacli a _ " wo-lhlrdn of ll.o 4"t momborn oflanm raont;----------- -------------- “ t~ — -

A hnnt W nmendmontn were h row n ' Into llio IcRlHlntlvo linppor rhen • the iiarllament recdnvnmMl, rho tuusi Impnrluni omendmvnl to 10 nubniillod would uonipri liio 'cabU , le i to. wlUihoid nlgniOR ll'o pact nf Umdun. until hucllon :!31 of thu I’flnuUUwtrtTPaty, ■McrtbtnR miHt to r ,1,;. - Jio" w ar to ticrtnnny had hrcn rv- rokdd.

Tho final volo nf the part will bo |ru lield Vtlo lonlghl and punnibly not C in ii l tomorrnw. .if drlayVd. nn etov. ^du >nth hour a ltem rt will bo made to r ; '- inmo cnmpromino hulween lbo ^uv> crii onim cni' and tho opponlion. • pur


. . . . ................... - . liol. CHTCAXJO, Auk. 2»^\Vhilo W illiam hlii F. K'ahy. rxpcrl nlniili o t ll.o ponlor-tico dcTiarlnioiil. rcnicil In Iho Kano reaoounty Jnll on obargoji of bolng tho gerhead of tbP Kanjr which o ir r lrd nul cuc tlio fS./ Olt.OOO nialJ rotfbery a t Koji-doui, lIlB.. Iaj»t June , apparently mak- dlci|np:^no cfforL to-Obtaln •liaU._QP£ra:. iho

discover tbc-whereabouiK o t tho looi, (bp Kahy and Janiea Murray. Cblcago C

underw orld xharacU r, alM uador a r Jud te s t a re holleved to bavo taken mo«t sU

followed lho accidental ihootlng ot go(Jtio.memhcr pL tljs .O 'nB i.hy .M otho r gul, A search to r naTo dopoali boxen in ^

rahy'BiliaroO proved fuUle yoBtcrdoy, .« Uio on ly b o r tonnd con u ia la g -n o ih - ibg mOre than Inautatico policies ^ drW W W H M * ! ^I Oporatlvea today planned to ^ e a rc b ^

fu 'rlher to r ' »s'0irfrt"«irtB0 "cagtKV Mrg. - r Fahy, w lfe.ot Uie jlfcli^TW iBllppW -la. .P?' to U r.h o ''m a .^ d ^ tA d .T U 3 r.o y e e .v t ^ Betect lTCT- IH B 7 iT O rw tr ;T I« n ry iIg t n

b o t beep rotfi»t’ ala«e.no ^ t «iM ri. FtoroQCo.&nsrpby'.Xtri.of ‘H lg

«d. tbo . Fahy. caacL x IUl a. c h a n a i i t t . y ^ g , h y wBo:tiloafco4-hT-4»i>. I t U ad 'a ..appea i* Jac ..puo l«uJ!ih ]r .coa - Bj d iio fd ■U ».tB vaU gatlon-«hlch lod..to la •M urphy'gjsm vteU O a^-^^ oa

: y T IVUGUST 28, 1924. .

iRDER CASE " i i i S f l f lC I F I S I E !

. , ______ ll...

Most S e n sa tio n a l T r ia l in A nnals ii„.

of A n ie ric iin C o u rts Qoea to

J u d g o C iw c r ly W h o M u st Dc- !____

d ilo W h e th e r L oeb a n d Leo.

po ld S h u l l 'H a n g o r N ^ t . | |^ j -

I'illMINAI. rol'llTUU D M , I'hloai;'!.Mil:. -I'hc llll.' uf .Nathan i.<'i.ii(iM Liml llh'huv.l l.(»'h i.:ilH 'ln Ibc baiu^< f ,r . Iiicf .Iimiioo Joi.u n . r .u c r i j . I

:<ii un.l ;»;niii:.i liiiuiilii!-. Ih.- yu.iih- •nl ..liiy. rt. of I l- joa r ol.l il.ihn l I'lai.Ks \>ir> ioi..l.lcl.:cl loday mIIIi ti •lery ilt-mmrirltlon ot Niill.iin .•..>1 itUliaid h j S liilc’i. A lloiury lluhc.l I-;, l,'f.»s,'. - /,(!

Cruwc lo .ir ln 'li.i hin I'liooel. wllh I MlilVlwluil of invorllve, Ilo le.i.ied 'b - l h r iii.irilii- o f llu h n i J'V.ilill!.. •'Ili'i "u ' ll.enl lu Ihc lil:ilory of I'hlcaKo." au.l f 'lil'' :l.c uiiiiil. ioi;i hc.olat>;teil wllh wiill. - 'h.- I iiiakw nnii mad <loi:;., .Me

••The rrliii.t waii conilillllud.- ho nuld •t,iiiil.l>- rm-'Ui.^.jio.nrifi ranHoni,- im.i-

When Iho .iiulo’i. iiiiornry »al .lo»n. Ii. iir.il uml ii.-n'i.lrli.i: frftm bln ih r.u piani ;hi)<i"ari;uii.rlil. ii ■f.'w 'iufiiulefl'w. ii; ,'hai mW 'iic .i^ iu icMcwiui; fvidcuo.' i.u c.iuh the luiHclmrnl clinrKlUK .MailuU-:\T!lt llh liaiil with "kldnaplnj; for rum.oin ' i,,',,.. tthleh ««:> ;mj.i-lcuionliiry lo lho e.l- lener o!iari;Uii‘: Ihrni w llh mnrdci;,I'he eoiirt wwi .nljonrno.i; lbo boat- ni; ouo uf lho nuiat .lonnalluunl on , rcci.r.l. wun CDiiiylol.-d. ) , '

Vp lu Jud«c '.NdthliiK romalui.- bu l tor Ju:.llc.i , ,

Cav«ay-ti.-juiiiUai«u..iho.uvo.jaajaa-ilo ban ihroo choiccB-bauK ' ili.-m; n.'Uionoc them lo Ilfo term ..; or ..iu- A l loiicc Ihriii lu loriti:; lu <hc pelilt.ii- llaiy of uol ii-nn Ihnn 11 yearn.

Juntieo Cavorly dhl not lndl<a»le wIk-ii |iU4iunluucu.wuutd.t)(l.liniiiHlvd. , 1>I liu Inlon.Ik lo ko Iuiu niiclunluu (or 1IIU( Bevtral dnyn to euidy lbo thouiiaii/lu por* or pascH of cvl({enec and argiimcnte Rna n tld 'p rooably will nrntonee the boyn Innd wllbln n wroh or lon dnyn. unln' Crowo'n ui'^mneiil euni|>tdi;d.. the iinnl nInlo'H cu»o. Two of bin iiMliiiimlii 'i-j ariiuuil rirp l for. lbo .dofi'h, ponuliy. j., Th.-y wcro rolluwcd’ l.y ll.roo dcrense nllorneyi., W uller iluebraeh. Cliirenec [j^o D nrrow .'eliiof d|'feni.u touniiel, und „f , llrnjiiiiiln l)iio|irai;b.

Tho l.nnl Appenl c i . ,Wh.-li the (Irfrnnc Bnilimrnln w rro *31'

cniupliili-d. Cruwo iiinricd IiIb ii-.iicll.y a uu iu iijo r bnnBhiK lbo iwo alayern.

"Vour bonor cnn look a t them and cun n-«d)jy Rce lh a l ihcrc l i iibil.tnR wronK with llirni j.hynlcaliy or men- ^ latly." Uic «itiio'n atiornoy dccian-d.

•■Tho ouly IhlnK wronK with them Is Ihelr m oral iieiuH'.'’ ronl

•'1 J)cilrvo th a t I t ii wiw riKht for ,, lho i.oy.1 o t 18 will) wont lo iholr |„y di-alKn in" lh lT trpncticjrto-t>r«cct our - lawn, then wliy iibuuldu't wo hoiiR . ihciio men of lU wbo .violated the , iBwti." Crown nholliod.

Cniwo nllnckiHl Darrow'n claim ot youth Ofl tt mlUKBlini: oircnnintftncp. ,.

••Jf wo nro lo piinlsb crlmo and atop „ crluin by punlnliincnl, liow can wc | puntnh If ago In lo bo udvuncca as a dofeniter' Crown aadPd. ', ••Tho law w as made to i>rolecl ihe ,T1 lunoCT-nt und lho only way to prolcci .Mali the Innocent In to pnnUh the gulily.'' Inlu Crowe nald. “ 1 heard Clarence Dbi- • l> row'n plea for mcrcy. H waa an ai>- arrl [wal to tho iiia r t and nympathUu and d rc noi your m ind and coruiciehcu. iUcI

"Tlieiio m en killed a U y i i r old boy. oiii llohert' P rankn ha« a righi io*ilv» and • hlH paren ts hml a HRht lo hla aocleiy.^' pv;

"I w ant to lu ll your honor th a l the real dufcnHu in thin caao In thu dan- geroun pbiloiiopby o t tho life ot-Ctur- cucu ba rro w .' Crowo nhoiited.

"Pan-ow anid Uiot lho groateai han- *' dicap in ,Ih ln caaO In ih c w ealth ofIliii j i m f M l ll a . E

Ihe two Daclinichii would*not t>e hero.*' I- C rb 'w b 'then tooV liib the "fn in iliy

JudKO’" evidenco Introduced by the fon sU ie. A pol& b bUice'r leatUled oD tho 'a j «iaod-th»H^lM)t4 u4<ti^tiiU u^«ruild - J l go W o rS iii friend ly Jiidge and plead th fguliiy a n d Rui lite Ibjirhionm ont'’ . Koi ■;«io'^cnioi;ilic!ied-lho-»Ulltl«tihi '- j ,

"*“i t ! ^ ^ d dtiJ..nbt.Biy A ii, thoti q ShU ilU ludo I n 'cou rt hero iniJIcttM ho (Or

C ro w a-crio i-— .------ .• to r-^ s i ii .c lo a liu I .a a k U u t tho Oxttome iiidpcnjflly bo linpbiied." ' len■:JU»Ocir-Cai*ly-todgy^B0t tbo day p n

tombiir, lO '» t ; #:8(r • . .m . • •*"’ Ra,

! «'V«l«nB--'‘OrM le-l>emoa'’ .^ U t r y ; lo c b by irfT -^^eop iohio lt - haw -hti>Bet rMr. <|m sighr -jKiiia. - h i .,wmUoa-*Hittry hoi

lU o a to ; O ardtai., .who w ill w m U * Ely Jack lioclm H ; ha'a th'o p la o r o t S o to r no o i- i i i t jC M f ii : : . Jw

I ' — ....... '

I M E Si i ,SION lilMlU v«M r ' n I

I l f \A il i i> A i, 'I i : i : i ,s jin^ i i i i i : \ r I 'A iii ii is

Ni:\V,Y<ll!H, ,\iii:. :S A inin:iiti.

».;ill|...lp. « in ..M M l.il liMliiv .......

•rl:.ei- nl r .a i.l , W, m it,"

« r | | !,L..»n W;l'.hiiii;t.ui

liavla f ta^ » niM.lai ...’i-......... ... f.ir ll.c Unl'.-ilih.rt.ii: Ihc ('..iiw iiHoii.'i .^hll, ( |,t'> ncrvj:'! nn ilio rmivoiiUon Mnit ci 111.' 1-HI1.-.I I'..-;.,-, ,Mlu. ..Ill P r(

.................... ‘ \


yPHELO BY JUDGE;........... •' .......................................tl

/.(IS ,\,m ; i :i.i ;s , a «v . Ki.i m . - !Iofro.i; i.y uin ii... , i-m. v„ i., hav.-

Ih-' milh-ini.-.jitt ii-.:;iliiril ...... ........ ." " '[ ‘'•' ........... . uf (.■■Hiol'.'i «.iiill.i;; ,rall.-.l, JiMl;;.' .•m il 'r.ici.iliiv

.M.foj 1:> ai''iu-..il rif Mlllit:: Mi,., ,

... r:-'’II, WUII c;McUI Il.n. th.' d.f.lir.c

plamii'il fnrlli.'i ' uii<ll..iir. in i(iiiiMi ih.- |, elia.K.'h If a.iy Va:.l.. fcr lVIirira-iM.c.u ld l.c .ifi.ln i.-.ir •• .NIrt'(.j- n.-il"'VvinniTir-nItr,-rn.-5-S-mi.l » l.M.ncd alh'.ill^.'ly h . ll.c ■ ,Jj);:ii. Jlo Ji|ii)l.i' r|ji-i-W)>- lr. ri'luiil,'. h) llic 0.'n.vd nf rnn, iron..) I'P .clnI.u. ,

11(110 .1, Dunlai., -l.ail.;.- I.au.ll.^’ u|> fi,i ...hl.'iu-.. In f....- .lu .kc .•rail. i.li. . :iiil!.nly ii.'ai' Ih r la ll, KalUiii: I'nr Ih. MeCoy In arhir. in oti.l bcfrfio Ur hvi.rd III:, falo J.rnlio.llir.'ll,

Ammonia Explosion i'

Kills L ittle G irl. ', lu-rs la'., 'Aur. SS.-TwiilliU(t Klrln weri) killf.l aud i:: ‘oihor * pohouN Injurud wtivn an amiiuinla gru» lonk .fXpl(.do.J fti Ihc iW<-r VhJ- ‘'I’ Inndlncham Bonoriil nioro, . imar I lo , unlrnlieo l.i Kort Ho.i .Molues army " liniil today. • • . __ ,,,1

Tlire.‘ of Ibo UO>Vnl may die, j,,, l-iilleo aud emcri:euey hunptlal _

oant havr beoii fn '.hrd 'lo tho neeno. , ffvo mile:! from iliu b<inliK-a:i dinlrlcl '

' “ ’j _______ f.':

Storm Stops the ■Flyers from New

. S ta rt fo r America pin--------- ■ ,pr(

ABOARD T H i: U. .S. a.,Ulf;H.\IOND,Anc, ‘J S -A lerrUk- «lorni lajthinK lli^ •» Arctic wfttoni Into a fury ilons ihe ronio wi.ieh Amerloa'n flyorn rxpeci W 10 bop to Ijib rador, may furlbcr de- '1‘ biy ihe,fllRhl. I

Tho trlj>'’fiT)m Tvfsiul lo 'In d ia n ko Harbor han .a lr.'ady beon-iMUiponcd I'O 111 loam uuiil tom orrow ,.owlnc lo nd- Af verno w citibrr reporin niid 'pim r fa- lui clllilco fo r inBialllni; new moioni lu npi Ihp Iwo pianvn. _ loi

Tlie UlehmiHid In now nnchoni! a» ”1’ Ito Tieki.i-HttrlKir. Junl ilirco mlim vl. Wput o f Iniiifth lia rbor.,T bo kbIo nwunK north trom ihc

.Maine-coant Tu«Bdny nud bit here '• inlu Woilnuula^ aflcraoou.

Prencni phiiis call for Ih c flyrm lo arrlvo a l Icc Ticktu Harbor, a wldo circu lar covp. During Ihe fllKbl ih r ... itirbniond-w iil be nlalloncil rS mllcn Olil from, tho harbor. '

Dixon Noses O utin M ontana Primary n„

IMITTR. MonL. Aug, 2fi-0overiibr p Dixon today wo*. Irhdlns In rnnrTin from Tuusdoy'u prlim rlpn tqr.rpi>iii)* Jlmh Dmului.tlOB.-rQ!l JlOVtlli-i',

I.Atfl re tu rn s gave him 2(!,777 valrj to: 23,113 to r l,o<v D<inal», lU la raH> . rond coinmlnahmcr who to r a ilmi) led in, the p u n t .

t>ny y Ayw« n n p i^ c d-ln have won thb dooiocraUc nomination jivor Milos ho Komney and other-candldataa. ., '• m S J ^ n r i l .* □ n fb m fa ip w a ir .B q il a leading a close race over Attorney' in Ocnoral D. Itankln to r aomloBUon u« for United Slal'eB aonaior on ihe r i - vii

to r Thinaa* J .^V alit'. Um.pnly.caii? 4ui illd* lo ,on Uic dnniocnCllc- Uokw^tor i*, ippator. • U niimcial ,/ciurtjB rrom 'W bd precincts gave U nderm aa W.TOfr-.^nd • f l ankl i Pj ^O*. . — ^

RaprcaenUUro Scott L eavlu w n oU 'Jly. r«bm toata;d , o r « , ; ^ ^ f t , Yollg*^- ,

I ID A H O W Z A T H E B .k Ti.l.- jiiul eonh'r loiilr.lilI aiul [•.l.t;.>.

O L D V O L X I I I . N O . nn

m rWARMING IN l i f N I R y

P rc iiidc til CuolitlRo S ta r ts B ack

from V iT tiio iit; I n lc r c s t in

S iK 'ocii.T cinorrow I s In te n s e ;

W lice lc r tl) A ssa il ■ P r t s id e n t ;

. K :ut‘i:u! D em ocrats -O ppoao K lan

« AslllM iTitN . It. Am:. S'*.- Tlm-<-aiiipi.lu-p uuliird m< mru.Iiji.1 ln.l..j ll- i'rp-ldriil C.ioIIJk p ' * '

- - r m ! . 'in . I x .uicfliln..' ...I JiN fu.Il.rr's Vrrm..i.i farm I., rrtu ru to Ua'hliiBloii. uml i;i«p m.iro nt. t.'nll.,n li.'iii .llilc '.

C.il.at.lenihlo lii1rn-.| iilinrhr.<'t o lli'p «liprcli II. hP dPltiPTPd b y - --------Ibe prr>l.lonl loiiKir^ciiT bcforP ilw rn ifo rn a l' r iin ijrcss I'hlrfi Kill iifi'i.rd I.lm on oppnrtuully i.l aiiMxrr John IV. 'O n iln .'th n doKK oniiJo nmcIM/ifc. on 'fJir .Khin t-Mir. ...

l)n>U sprni Ib r .Iny n t hU l.nni'.l Vullr} Imnip worklliK "H ' hU la liiir dur •‘pc rrh to Iio do.

•lW ri..i nt W hrrllug; t r . Ta:,"nnd .................r.iiitrrrliiK wllh pnrty Ipndem onIlh .U r>t_nc5li:rii-trlp., ..... ......... ......... ...........

lliiir} Vord dinltMl n'portH liiAt. h.' n .d .ir-rd Ihn klun by IsfuInKr .riT iin n irn e 'T T T n n m irii.-p u h - :— -------------IMi.'d ill n Mantrcfll pnppr..

SeimI.ir U herlpr, Indpprndrnt .Uro prrsldeullul caudlduln. nn- . , , ■...... lhat h r > ..n ld ren te r hUnliiirk on rrpNldcnt Conlldffe In II tour r,f Nnv Kngland.

lu lrrr..! In Ihn Kii, Klnx Klan

nnd Knn«ii« drmocni.fn Joined llillll In din.iunplmc Ihp kInn In Ihrlr Niulo i.iallonni>.

V.lC.tTlON KNDS.— j-i.v.m iji:t h , v u -'A ac^jraw -rP rea i-_________ _deni CoolldxD . loBlgUt. wiU «nd. hU l.t-d.iy vacation bo[e and re lu rn to WanhluRion to begin bln active cam*. pnlRo. Aieomtianlod l.y Mra. Cool- ' ldi;.r nn.l Ih rlr non Juhn, lho prcal-<l..i.i will loavo o n -n special Iraln -----UI Ginr, p. Ul, , ■ ’ • .

Thc ,prc:ildcnt Is. ropnricd to hare dxhli-d innlallvuly on seroral niirrrhr-.. probnhly Iliroe—one -on r :—:forelcn iiffiilrn, oun ou laxntioa and unr; .in 'asrlcu llilro ..

Tim fIrHl will deal 1*llh the tor- ciKn llebl aud .Ih l world cou rt; tho iicrund the .Rovernment economy . plnn nnd nupport Becrctary-MetlOB'g •.prograla for ux . reducUon OOil, tho third, bn .ngrlculture, U expected ', to devfllop hlii hopcn In th e presl- d rnllal uRrlculturo commlBBlon 10 •Xx) n tt up lo Btudy some conslnic- ilvo i.rogram of o ld .. •

It In toporlrd lho prealdent mayKo-«» ta r •■wMt-as;:KBinBB-<;ity,--8t.------ —Uuiin and ' Chicago to r spoechea.A flrr ho urrlvea bnck In W aablag- lun. tomorrow ho la achednled to npcak iicfore .thfl F ra la n u l concrc it I'onvriiil.iu, 'Thu wUI afford W n t ja ' . oppiirtunliy lo au-iwor John w * vln' chulli-nge lu >,d e c l a r e / J U m t t ' iluflulioly on the K u K lus..K lM .O « .. u Npeclflc^ g rg au lu ilaa . , ,

accept an ln>W ntloo,to aMi^^B thO onnvrnliiin of llio H oly , N ftau lo- <-h>iy a t WanhlngLon,.£ept«ii)|fte 10.This Ih a Cfiliollc orcanltaUoB .'aad .' 'Uo oixunlon would -caaily p e ^ t o t ‘ n dlaeunnlun ot raotal a ad rellilon*lolnrance. ......... ... ...........................

A conference in W aihiufton with bln campuign mansgor. W illiam U . , nuiior wilt dotemtlne hia-cotu^e. f

Prinlers^JRefiSe ’ to 6 a c k T ickel o f ;

' — t h f c i g g p i r e i W e i

PUBSSMEN^ HOMES.-TeBa.-ABg. j - SfU—The International P rlaU as Mia' , ; a n d , A sila iaau* 'U n lba ,• o.t^^.Mortli i

here, tixlay decllaod o a r^com rta^"^ ^ datlon. ot th e 'm o lB U d n a .oooaiUtM -I■t5';«rd5fi'e~Uio'

tlon camo i s a l a :

I'!* ?4 u U 0 ^ .p 0 ln i« ^ .W .iwOoiL.j!«wBBd Bbquld no^ r.

Page 2: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE


; Cali Mra. II. E. P

iliiniit-i'il—Mlm Wlhii K^i'l tvtui lioi'lcnx u'Uli nil Inrdniii dancliiK imriy Wi'rlumilny rvnilii lioniirltic luT hcitinn imrnt MlKti r io rnro Urtium ot Oklalimnn Clly, Tl riHiiiin w«T«' iitlniitivoly ilotorun w llh Kar<l.n flow.Tx 1‘uucU wi ni'rvo<l UirniiRlinui iliv rvrnliiK anil It laiJ-^ioiir i(-rrr>ilitiii‘i)i« were hitvc Ilmlili-n till' ciii'nl i>r liunnr i>rri-nt wprc Mlnnrn l.llllan , Mnil, K.H I’ftrrolt, Hi'lcii MoKlnni'y, Gym:

' YoufiK. Mi-Mim. Dmlloy Swim. KrItall. Wallou S»lm. CraVi'fi Ki;o U ldinrd Holl aud Mnrcbnll vlllc.

Mit. IhTTlimli'ii ltiii.lp»ii-Mr>i, O. rlnKlon wn« hcKitinn lo iho Woinni

, I’rOKfoMlvo <;lnli Wt-dnomlay nfii iiixm >vt(l> 14 niiiRiIii.-rii and fniir vi Itor* pr^nrnt, Afd'r ilio iitiiinl lnn

. nnnn ncRBlon n I.i-nRlliy ■dincunniim nul)J<-c(n lo be iiHi'd In n'l'xl yoa mudy nitulli-d In ihi> tollowlnc; I.i Ulallon ciirrcnt rvcnln,. nri. and munlc. Tlw honii'on nerved n i IlcJoun lunch ntnl Uu- cliili ndjmini t<> meet wltli Slrit. ICcBli'nlon nn S. ti'njl.cr JO, . ' . .

jiridin* I’nH y-M r«, cimrlv.i I'l 'nnd Mins KlhvI,Kniiu witi- liiinli'iii

............................ Wtnlnmrtar cvriilnif nt th r homr-of (fnrm cr with n drllKhtriil IitIiIkv imr The rixiiiia wi rit atlriK.'tlvi' wllh ra

ic r 'Dr. W, Jl, JJwJjtlH Jinx ri'iiiovril 1

dental oftlcrii from iho Ulnlto htll InK to now rooinn in tho )lo(Hl hul Inu over ihc City I'harmney.

Lind Aotomobile Co.?Svlri F a lU . Idaho


. F o im a Relief in jr a ld i^ Pinkham'a Vegetable Mmpomu

Always RecoDunends It

. -----:-------------

Mfl OompomidveTjrfOM now and ahallcontimse tak! tbem for a whllo. 1 have beeo toll m r cooain aboin tbe nwijielne and i waata td tako 11, ^ . lalw««roee neod Ura. HENRr CL Sur B.P.D. No, S. Box 6, Bridgeport, Coi , ; I jd la E. Pinkham's Ventablo O: poand ia a n l^d id m edico for at condltlooa. Ithaain manycaaesrollo' thoM aTraptotna b ; removing tho cai oTSom. Mrs. Smith's ozperiooco bnt:«n«of man;.

. , • Itfa recent ooantrr-wlde eanvua' pQ^^aaera of Lydia b. Pinkhsm'a V<' etaUe Compound, orer IZI.OOO rapi

wetfc. received, and W per ccnt.I . P o d ^ they wer« bonefllcd by Its ut ■ «\9«aale bjr dnigslala uvcrywliero.' -. ~~~ ^ ~~~~

i P a i n t Y

" f> /'-. SJSRJSS

- 4 —

fX|)ciii<e— a n d tin- j in 'i ly j ' tliHii ninn.x' puiiith LliiU uri.'

f, Shi.'nvin.\YilliiiiiiK iiiimt% «i' ’ C ' — lywl lic‘’o«iH‘ o f l l f p l r 'w

_l U>« w orlil. V '

>. D i a m o n d ]

M X 'D eisa, I’hono Q2J , ' '

iiiiltliiin llowrrn nnd tliiTi' wcri' foi tntili H urrunr;. <l fnr brUk--. Mrn. \Vj hnr It(i«lH'rry rn'<lvliiK ll»' lirlri- f' hli;h iK-iiri' iiml Ml-" OUv>' Smllli ll n.ilHdluHim. At tin- oUitii.- of ll i-nnirn n rlrllcloiin t'm n .•oiirnc Itinr lim wnn ncrvnl wllb tlio uiiliinin ct orn |iroiliiinltiallii(;. Thono honlcnn

■rvcil. ,,,|t..rialn unnin tliln afii'm ot liri'h- „ |,ri(ij;i, pariy.Kdnn .

I 'l.r CunfornlH. (rtii’«l«-M r.. n: „ Mm, J . S, Ki-.'l ontcrtuiiiiii at illnn

nm r ’ \V.-inoi.dny,«'V<TilnK n l ih rlr hnin« i ' Mi\plf>»avt.'»ue oonipliinoaiary lo S

mill .MrK. Knii-nl Cuton' nnd non l.onK Ilonch. Calif.

n 'n lr" l.nnn Tnrly—Mlnni-n Tholnia a [. Vln- Irin -lllai'lc w. ro liontoinon a l tin hnnI- •’“ '■•J'-

cm I.f Wodn.-tiilny .iv.'iilnii.' ’n i . ' itl>aclo I'oarn I 'r lll'an 'l)’ lli:lil>'i! "U*’ <'>'

trie iklitn and the tlm u'w nfi Mp.' ^,',ry, willl <>i« of .t.)or KBini'H anil dt(nrli

J ,/ Thnsi- iin n.'nt «k-.'ri': .Mlniti'B Clnil anil Kdlili. Hiili.-r. A lhorta Hinmn.

a,,.,. Ijiniorrniix. iHHirn-ftn.l Viira Ulclioi Inln llawii, i*iiiian lllackbnni, Kini Kllllr KIni/; Uiiii'n l.Inc-oln, Oloa lit

.■|,ii xin. Myrilo Marlow, I'iiyillii Ho« iiml Unlll llairlH ; Moni.m. Frank HI

f H olldn. lijan l lliilli r, ijfll KUik. I.c 11 llanKi'n. Vimll" .Swonnon, tiooi

* ,J Cl.'V.'lftfld, Cart lllurk und, Jnkn »|il .. nrkllP.. Munle y.‘nX turiilnhod hy M

Ijnnori'anx an.l ^rrfr.'nhmi'nlB »■ 'll llin norv.-il ul Ihe cU»u of Ihu ewulni;. htllld- . . . hiillil- 1. .S. iinil S. <‘lnl)-M rn. II. A. O

oann.in wan h.ml.on lo iho M, S. i H, rliilm Wcdncndny nftornoon. II call wan nnnw.'red .w ith imgKi-Mlj nn to the niibjoet'for ihw yearly |i urnm, A i.hori hii»lm'»n netmlort v

* - • ' lifinnnJlnV crt -tiy-R‘ >aimn-of-aiict nnd u ttraiid .innrcti. iJtirlnt; tho

_ rlni tiimr itnlnlv Trfrmliinonln w nerved hy Uld llontMlB (UwUltrld by V Jnckoynnif .Mrn, Oollowny, Thero w

ilw enly menibcrn nml III.' follow KUenln pr.'n .inl: Mrn, Hurll, Mrn.

i_ mer I^'lchlolior. Mrn. Kato Taher, lO , Slft^iT. Mrn. Khlcp. .Mrn, I 'ncknlll. >

Ilolh and .OiiuKliter o t Dullo. M,i

__XiiiL-iItaiua- aud . m c ia tu cc— ilcpi-------m in t Ilf thli T w cnilrth Coniury c

• wlll hold n picnic «l-thi' huniu of J •Albortn .Slmoniln. thrco mlli-n oniil foiindry on Kliulicrly road iiiid mllen iioiilh. I'Vldny. AuRUnl :9, M

M I bora who cau furnlnh trannporiai I l ' r ' iiV o i iiionnry park u n s n t : : --------

U « E . Jlm tnUln VIcn (Jliil>-.Mrn.^ 3 “ ' jfinm clrllKht/uIly cfifffrtalnod i

.Mountnin Vlow citib Wodncndny. / 20. wllh tc-n inembcrn prwicnl. •’ (irvHliJimt bclnK nbaunt. thv vlco pi

I w sa iilenl, .Mrs. Oallard. look charsD who*, ||„> ijua inm mcrtlnK. Th# a fitrn ®“,"i*2 won miimt noclaliy’anil a t a la tr h havo. I'rllcioiiB rcfri-nhniouta wcro aor%'f<] Lydia H'o hnilCAs. Clnb adjourned lo n Veco- w llh .Mrn. Haird .HcpleinbiT 3, . ud Go- ■ • • •a t t ^ I.otiB Ili nrli St«R I'nriy—Mrn. II & cen Johnnon rn trrtn ln rd Auxiiitham'a vrlih a "maR party" nl hor honii lo.'tho rvioit lioarh, Cnlirornln. for hor 1 nd aU band In honor of .Mr. Arthur J. lli dla E . wllr. who In mirndlnK hin vacatlot PK?i“ ' nn'unnnyBOlilli. Tho sutwlit were ^ j |5 " Bchool chumn o l Mr. Johnnon wid telling Koneral rooiI lime Vnn onjoy.'^l by n dahe- Thono In atlonilanco worn Mr. U- ncom* Anhton,- Mr. J la rry A.' Stram*, jMmi. nuy C, Uyan, .Mr. Jop Danka and Conn. Johnnon. Mrn, Johnnon wan obhIi »Com- In BorvInK hy lir r nlntcr, MIbb I f auch I'eiorn and .Mrs, Marry A. Stoanui tUorod • . * * • .

Invitatloti* havo borii Innuod fot Al Homr M.iii.lay altprnoon hy

a n o f Cook’ nud Joan KmrriaVeff. I"’”'" Ihn 'fo ftn .'r In honoiroplloa fl'’*' ’’‘f l’* tho Tc(-C cluh who' It. « .• loavo noon fur coUckc,Ifl use. —— - V — o. Tlni«i 'Wnnt^ Adn GcL Jletull

f o u r H o u s e N o w


m'.’W illiiiins in nn iiivoslm i’n t— n o t «i y ]m rl o f it ih. i t is olioHpor in prici iri.' no : n e a rly ko ){ootl.

. lu i.l vnrninlios a ro lo i i i i i , l ik e riilihi'i '\v (iii( lt 'r tt il 'i |u u lily arc 'jto lil 'u l l ‘ ovci

1 Hardware Co.


ih Ihc Iho


nlti on 10 Mu on ot

1 hH B Hthrlr

I ’d.™ ; • . li- » . SAMl'ELS. . . .'■ Mr. SnmucU, whn wn« nnnnlmoiinl

iiomluftlPil for Kovmior by iho pari jnrlnK. , , conveullon nt lloinr.Clndyn __________ ;_______________________mondn, ___ ,

' S , r . ' J P E R S O N A L S

Hoxnii , ---------k Him- JI, \y<i1fe wl-nl li'i I’orulello 0 l.c lliij- irjjal hiin/nci« ihln_ nio_rnlnK._ tioorsi' J han pone lo I’otol'cjjn sp lrl. Jinini;, m Mnntnna on buninrn ly Mrn. j_ K^,vun ot J<(iJinnB Clly vlnll*

bln hrollicrj M'. T. Kpvan of, Sccol llni:. ;iv»'Hiio norlb/- niiil'-Clj‘*rh>*» Knvan fi

ft few wcekB ond rniunn-cl hin Jouru. \ . Cim. to Mmiilo llila mornlnK, •

V'.'I l-'1i-liIHlVr <Iloll cannolU liiiihci, nro vliillInK a l tl

rMloiin uo'uiu .Df- Mra. U lchlcUcr-n., jin ifnt ly |iro- 0 , i;, carlBon for a fc

dayn, •______________ ____________

^*'w rrr **"* Sl'JiUBS thin-mornlnK lo bo KOI

rowi-ri' and Mrn, 0 . U.-I.unil, who ha’llowlnn >1“' K if" '" ' of I-'i'i'I'i* l»rIrn Kl- L. SnUi'rli>o nnd fumlly f[•r Mrii •"‘"I ," i- ''b i, left for ihct l Mrn' l'> H i'f" ''. •>'. “ 'I" mornlnK.

Mom *'•' ■ ' ■ Ijifto njiirnt n fow .Inyn lu Twfn W

anil roiiirn.-.! lo Sail Ijvke loday.

rlinlarn triiel have Kime H> Iliaekfti of Mln» I ,|,,ar.T i?; of Mr, Knlopii molhor,

luu 1/4 .\toHier Wooilrow A rrindon w.-nt Iilaho I'-ullH thiu iiiornliiK lo tnl

oriallonMr. nml Mrn, J, (S. Snw yrrH J Ho:

nre tho Kiionin of Mr. and Mrn, \V. *■ Hoy ijvmblnB for a low, dnyn.<•<1 Cho nml .Vm, 3. U. a>y. Auk. Mr, nnil Mrn, K. Tlioman o t .Miilail'v . -Tlir liod for a few dnyn wiih .Moniiaiii :o prcB- Thoman and Wllllninti’ nliiter. M arsD Df rin k , and fumlly.Itrnoou Mr, and Mm. J. O. Ilnrmon of W« ,tr hour nokn. Okln.. nnd .Mr. and .Mm. (». r%'fd l>y MaxwHl of Dciroli. who vlnltr<i > lo incci llnrmon'ii ulnlor. Mrn, Thou. Kosl

and family for a f.!w *U)n, rwuni their tr ip 1(1 Iho Cnllfornla con»t

B. Jiow- W<‘<lnenduy. coliiK via Ih t Torlla xiiat 22. .route.

g S U G G E H S l ^ S:* PARK1NG.SPAC. U-lloy . ____

Commlniiloni'r All Knfoni HcJBPtJ 7 " ; 111 Firo H ydrnnt HonomUot

“ * !"” M ould Makr ,eS .Non l*Iaro« A»J ania «>/fo (oe .Saturcfar -Vifht froird*.

I’nrlla l nl1«,vinil»n of llio Miorlti 1 parkinK npaco wciirrlUK In i

down-lowu dlnlrlcW o*poclally Salt mrr) at ,|gj. evonlUKS. In niiKKi'Blod.by Co

"I raliuiloncr 8, S. All -who bcllrvf/i '■no will rtuction of deadline arean adjacnil

(Irc hy(]raniii is fcaniblr. Thc mat itu lli. “I’ '*'■*1 Monday crcn------- 1_ hy Iho cUjt couuell.

Twcnty-ivrti-mnrc park lnc «pa< will hn inadi) nvallnhlc, polnin oul ; All. hy Ihc rcducilBA of renirlct

r v lim> nlxiiit tho flro hydrania to fllli2 f " ‘*. Approval In oxprenn.'d by

flro rhief. an mo»l of Iho hydrani* fi tho alloy nud are oanliy acci-nBlblo plUKKlnK In Iho fire hono.

VnrklaK I,ol« Kneourncrmont of private parlloi

hulld private pnrklnc arcon on Iho = n ----- aanl lm »-U .Miig«<i»Uit4»y Cou>tnU»l

ntrticlod on tho loin. naya .Mr, I /jh fo r fho pur/inim of proJc-cHni:

r parki-d cur,;i from ILu run . and tin privatn loin Ihu iho ll haxard will

---------- -pnietlcnIlT-icmurcd.------------------------

NCW YORK. AuK. 28-GB«oUnD t aiimpilon of twenty nIaU-s bh Indit

^ ed by roport* under Knaollnc ia» V Innprcllon lawa. toiallod for B L ___ tnonlha cndlnit Juno 30. 0<6.110,

I period of 1025; accordlnK to thfl AbC. • Iran PotTOJruin Inntllnto. J udb'BI 1 ^ line .cunciiinpllqn iu-lhcnc w ai J

32H.091 snllonii. ,

-rrrrr rSlarfciGraveling — on Filter Plant-

Godwin Road JbbiT Oravol work on tho four and o o v e r half tnllc'iioclliin of nw irbolw jrn

Twin Fnlln filler nnd flodwln w ti ' " *' rfort«lcon-»<«I«}^f-»T<*w»-wori(»Djr

dcr Willlnjn lloopn. coniracior.UradinR and o lh rr d lrl w o rk .'

Hlnrtisl Rovcrnl dnyn ako and hu-h<--------kiiflleii'ULUui:ninpliJi;d-'io aduill .- ......KliinInK of Ihc hnrd )<iirrnrli\t:.



I OFTHESTATII FlLKlt,. Idnho. AUK. 28.—In Ion I . than tw o ' weeks the irnten of thI county fair wlll bo nblato witI llRhtB nnd t|\9 Rroundn thrown opsiI 10 Ihe many vldltorn tha t will bB SrondinR Kller>ward to aeo th e won■ dern nt ihlB co-UDly dlnplnyed u■ they have.nevor beau before.■ -A-fenture ot ih » -fa ir (hat Is dc■ - mnndluR apMlai commonilatJoa Oil ■ I yenr Is iho IncrMsad atlentlon tho■ . la helos paid to wonien'n. work nn■ Interenl*. To fu rth rr . thla depart■ mont and >iiake ll one ‘thn t will h H pftrtlcipatod Id by a majority of th H women of tho county tho noclul nld

wlll. rocelye innrlTcfl atlentlon. an Its devolopmoni liaa been placed 'I llio hands ot Iho womcn'i clubs c

jiinly llto countj' who will net ns ha»le»B«.,n„y und provide, entortalnlni?'.proirani

ihrouKhout lh ; ' weok ot th* fair.____ Tuenday. September 0, th# opot

Ink-day., will b o 'l a chnrse of th .Community cluh ot Uuhl, and Tuei

I dny oveuInK, tlio. V'ller Woman------' cIub-wHI hold JUI opi'u recopllou 'fc

all vlnltorn to tho Broundn and at0 on arraiiBln's na cnpecially o lira rili

proKrnm of tutiBiCj both vocal anil'cHo InBlriimonini;....................... ......... ...Inrnn. On Wednesday from ' 10 a. m. I liili«J 2 5*. ni, 'the H noien Wumen'B clu tcond will li'vo charfto of iho ontoriali D for mont and In- U io.afternoon, Iho Ph I’rnoy nuer club ot Kimberly will officlat

followed In-.lho oveiilus hy the K' r of crywoman'a club of Cantlcford,

,l„, Tlw WanhlnRion club of.tho Waal fncton fictiool d/*£rt« wlll acl- t

1 few ■t1io“ lid»tc*a club 'Th'irRdny momln;and In the nftornoon—aud -uvonla

ll!!!*! l-'alls w in-bavc charH.. und -U Uaai: " arrnnglng nn nltracllvi.'' iirogmm f(

• both occasion#.On Friday, tho ontlro day will I

“J”* d evo id 10 Ihe- proKrani* th a l wl ho furnished by llw Itural Kode -died elubB.

The building tb a t wnn iiWd la S-oar 'fo r tho noclal rnlortnlume nnd .rent room, will Ihl* yoiir bo o ciiplcil for, tho foor dnys ot tl

, ‘fair h r th'e ' ‘hnby' olluio." (inU.lea t, '»ff«f»Bl . 'I"" f f

vlded In Iho re a r of tho ivomcc .-lit tn I'ull'lInK 'lovolod lo. t^ni,.r “ otler lb '’ BUporvlBlon

Mm, I). K. UroBsaril.- T h e - rooRi-Jina iJ».i«u—rodocdral

, , nnd will be coinforubly furnlnh ■ ■ nnd coolInK refrealmienU wlll

, nerved by each club whllo enli talnlnK. •

JaiiKB ■ ■ P- A, DwlRht. J . .y . , -Bhlnn and. 0 , R Denman wlll hi

chnrRo of tho arraajiemoniB for I Wov- Womnn'B club and Mr*. M.(J. McCaw anil Mm. H. a McMlll.

d Mr! appointed to arrnuRc■osieri exhibit o t caoiiod fru:lumed Jollle*. reBolobles and meatu. • 1,1 on each c lub .la ^lupine to win one rtland attractive prlxes

tored an club premiums.Mra..M. J. Qoodo. Dillflted by M

E Qrovor DiivI* In preparInK an t ' unuBlIy 'lotorwitlng“_ 'p ro iraln ■ 1 Tueiday evening. ' "-

i / ' U A.ncwspapor fit to en ter your ho k v u advcrll

n'rtioQ I 'g ) ~ '.Uonxi tAvail. ' . .

oriaKo ■I thoBalur* .■ f m

;■ C o N S T A N T i ym l lo , I >

i M P R o V e D

: n , 7 . ■ B U T :

NqY&^riy- r s ' M o D e u s ■

rllrn Io lhi> va-


- D d d g e.-111 bo

~ — B R D T H j E R S ”ID oon- . .

"«“or M o t o r C a r s

Amor*rcan o - ’ - . . ___ _ --

- A U T O M O B I L E

C O M P A N Y , '

i „ “ ! ; ' - - P H 0 O T .IH IU S 4 1 .1 un. t w i n 7 A L L 8 , ID A H ODjfun-------------- - - ................... ....................... -

k .w an .a-boenII .III'.- -------- - ’- 0 - ^ --------------- '

TIMESA m e r i c a n l- ’a l l s

• D i r e c t o r s t o H o l d

M e e t i n g . T u e s d a y

^ 081111 wore' Iniiicd. thla tnumloR from tho ottlco of tho American FalM IrrlRDtlon distric t for avptcei-

Init of direclora Uils oonilnit T u n - dny. Scpicmbor - wheu the bo^rd win nit ua n board of correction.

Convening n t 10 o'clock, the nes- nion win receive any complalnU or rcnuesie ' for ndiUBimeni o t any

“P®” clerical errora which m ay I m e oc- ' currcd. U ry for iho fi.outhsiao was

fixed nt < o n l* per urvsab lo acreI a l iho last mcetin*..

this ' F « r E n o rn e W P o n t r . ~th a t To remove stainn frees nn enamelednnd pan flU It vrlth w ater and add a tahle-

part- spoonful of pow der^ boriix. Boll 'w6J17II bo icour -wlth soap rubbed-on a-coarse ' thiB cloth, rinse thoronshlr and d t7 .- sido • - and

d 'In - _ • _____ -

r .


[“ue*- *nan 's - AI for


— We-are prepared fin. lo : . •

■S , CUTTEIPlo- ____

da te . " ........................................

t Four Firt/aah*I- au , -nlng. - - •:...... . • - — ---------------mine. :____________:___________________

Tz Z Z J ^ r e i ^ill bo ' '

• J , " I B lac ta im lth J , M a ch ln U ti , 1

. .

210.220 S eco n d A vo. 80 . ■: the [3— IT

pro- — 'men's ’ ';o. tho , . ' • •on of

i r a l o d -------____________________________ !-

II boe n te r - . . .

J . -

>r the

- an

of- '

• for; -

• home I jP t t i f t ' * ^crllBC- jO

f -. V V:':

OOT new iyiow "HOME 'PAJNT(NC''willttll

, yoB)utt the p iln to r

* ' ' w cit.T cuout (hitt(f*

“ cumetndsd'tlrtttofl^luxjlin, Rllll it tn Bl, . aod yoa will ncein a copyFRCi:. DY&B> TlftWMAtL.

i ........—» poiitin tUBCiKe mi-ilfl«i«L , .

0 ^ >» ; _ ............ ;

. TO PU BCIUSE X H E b FCl T u la r « )U ,J I o « e Im M U r J

----- ------Imme

* ' - ' /I 't

MARCiX AND CUIll. la.il •loncoi J ^ t c r a Golden Cll»t ShaHijioo. ,

l a y j ' \ T i . ' T

S E l b e r t a'un-

r ■ ...............Are]

I Crystal Sprim“ -Bring- Your Boxes

They Last— C i

loled ? h o n i S , r - ................ - . - . - . F i l e r E>arse


i fO'give prompt-service i


res—T w o Trip

g e l M a c h ie. Welders, BoUor M akers, ' Wagon Sprinff W ork, Botiy Builders and H

) .' . , TW IN F A L L S .'

E Ts i .

? b r i g h t ^^ useWashabkWuliHiiis,


I n YOUR K JTCHBN-W hat tl b r u s h b r in g s t l i k e th e Wt i t tr a n s fo rm s u n w elco m e d ir

c h e e rfu l s u r ro u n d in g s .A n d you car\ be the good

is like m o ^ c . I t 's fiin to apj ^ ishj-Silkenwhite E nam el anr . Paint.t W ashable JVall F in ish 1!

ivhitc and several a ttractive * o f th e h igh-grade yarnish a b e easily cleaned with a dar

ov er rou g h o r sm ooth plas' S ilkenw hite E nam el o n

• n itu re produces a rich sad ----------a— ^ ira h il ig f-JLt c o m a in wM

R u b b er C e m e n t F lo o r F ^ - '• nish p a in t which dries ove: M lasting , to u g h , elasdc ftlm . *3 S eq u en t washi ng. t"ourtI ' A sk any F u lle r D ealer abo V him advise y<)u about paini

6 i ________________ W - P - F U L L ^o rM ip iopS t««

iw ir .........

P A I M T S M■ ----------P I 0 1 ^ Eeft-WtFCIXSB PB0DDCT8 C0N8tn.T THK F

Mir Jk to a l C’. - ............ ... BnM.»>»-Ca,.Jtot ar«OB, n aln».p«y»>t«Klrtiwlwir-

/r illM IS D A V i A I ’f i i ;S T 28. 192.J,- •

iBor j Bad .‘cot tr r a trd , palolcaa. S16 S«

Itfdlo HL rbooA m ' y

I P e a c h e se Ripe At '• v • - •

r i n g s O r c h a r d s

s and Get Them While Crop Is Very Light ■ *.

n e : 6 J 9' E x c h a n g e - -

I « i i H -

W ERS l 'O N

1 .; on., sharpening-BEAN--'- ---- -


p H a m m e r s

l i n e C o .gon W o rk , H orseshoe ing , A u to '

, H ttrdw ar«

• Pbono 1203.

i'l f F "iiliTil ' i w

' k i t d i e hfish'Mkfnwhtk Enamel ' --------f Boor faint ~

I t t r a n s fo r m a tio n s t h e p a in t: W aving o f s o m e fiiiry w and , ........d in g in e s s ir u o b r ig h t ,c le a n , , -

.o d fa i 'ry y o u rs e lf .T h e e fT e c t , ' ' a p p ly W a s h a b le W a ll F in ­

l a n d R u b U r C e m e n t F lo o r

h IS a v im i s h m a d e in iv e l ig h t j o lo r s . A n d because :sh i t c o n ta in s , su rfa c e s can d a m p c lo th V C a i b c a p p lie d >laster.

s n t o Us , w o o d w o rk and flir- s a d n -l ilc e f in is h o f u n u su a l wh ite , iv o r y , a n d o th e r dclL.___________________

) r P a in t is a h ig h g r a d e v a r-iv e m ig h t . I t f o r m s a l o n g - - - •m .C o lo r o r g lo s s u n in ju r e d 'u r te c n c o lo rs t o ch o o se from .ib o u t th e s e p r o d u c ts a n d le tu n d p g o f a n y k i n d .

■MK&COv * _____ ___m et, Sia Frtaciieo . .

A ^ M t T r t E j a L b T " - - ----------------- -------

I---------------t f - - ' - • , . * •' - -{ FDLLER J> n a x n HSiBBBX XOUthi. JfoBIB ItlB lW * * CwU Co. , , • . . _iw r*C > .^W m i< »U ,-lI la li-a a n h M fs C te — r - r :

• • . . .__ _ - . .' ' -vr-j.;..,'.. .'.'1-

■■ - -, ■-'- - i -1-:_____ - .......■ ----- ------

Page 3: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE

T H U R S D A Y , A U a ilS T 2S, 1021. '


_____■ ana............. 'Aiiii-i

Jl<-airy H. «raUnni M ill Kut. r liliiln* * ’.S}v«»« TrnoN ’J'miru»nii-nl lu II»Im' _ _ _ Tlil»_MVi'kj Hn» Jlndc (ioi.il H .r-

DurhiK Snmin.T. W

U rnrj- H. CrnUniii Ictl llilH innriiliiK Jfo r .j lo iw w lic r t ' lii> will ••nier llm MftJio {cnnlB-m rnn;m -»l ' / a r iiloto lionorH osnUi. Orftbiini lioliln ilie . yp„l,

/ cliami>lon«lil|» of WnliD ul lbo vr.'(i<-niHint, hnvln’K .won iliu !i<Mn>r« from j, Alli'n, Katon la«l y rar. Untiiii In ft vclcrnn wllh tbn rncouul ami ciOoyii jllif /JJillnclion nt bi'lns nn ntlorn.'}’ ot

.Oraliuiii _wlll_l»T,lNil>;> lia 'T ... Uari - cnnicnil wllll linion ni;nm ililii youv

nn Bv -ntilienrH loday lui thu iilruuKvnt ■ coiUvmlcr for Ihln honor.- „

lOiwi-viT. Crahnm In In f»o<J form Jmfins ha<l nomo sjilon.licl i.rucUco In „

—-UnHNorttiwMif o i r hW" TPceni- trip. • -• winiu In 'SpokADo hc )lcfc#lc<l Ih f g,n„ chihiploii o( tha t i-Ity an d 'tram tlicru ,

, w ^ nliEnal lionorn In rorilaciil.Ho liBfi Junt reltinicil from a lyM-

..........(inyji-ln the h /w -Jw ii y,,finblni: anil roniln^ for IblH uv rn l iinii a ll tiou llu rn ,Idnbo aro bijckini; him _ to JirltiK bomO "Uii bacon" a bccoikI ,

x‘, . . . li'm'i S.a raham bn-v a lino «lr6Ui-un<l hid linLk tirlvon nre iliu mynU'ty of ihi»n’ ,j,„^ l a jriily uKulni\t'Jniii.‘ li r T ) l t ty n '" ^ H '---------

\ J iT li io ’roar oM Sb coufl'ivna—liau-Ti -j.-jii]iinck o t iih'6oilhK'i:]o«o'l6^thi''~rcrt-oi ^

fajii one* lml‘ lH loo fast on iiin K'i;l *” li> .allow hfn runner ai> <o «Hj' ««)•- ihliiK over. ___________ • , ,iix „p„

jC O A S T L E A G U E 1— =----------------K«oi

,At Son franclnco: ' It. H .n . HullSalt U k o ...................... ......... X i 1 SuiliRan I'-ranclaco ........... ............. 3 •« ft ;llarr

■Ilattcrlra: McCnhr nn.l I 'cKt h ; Wll- Moo:llaoia und Yellu. ' - .

’ A l " i l i AnK«l«m; ll .I I . : : . Rtn)'

i f . : .:i 'SUnltiTlMi. I Cajiflulil. i ’l'ivrii anil Kaiii

• KnrW or;-UooC-anU fliwuccr. Will ____r-

At Sealtlo: ‘ K .H .B . Wllll

I- 4 2 , —• tTntlcrica:. Cltrjsiluii an.l .V/lillDoy;Jlacby. Wimamn.Anil K Halilwln.^ ' '

• At P o r lln n d :* ' H .II.K . ‘Oakland ---------------- -------------C U 2 CIIHI’orlland .•......'..J__ ..._;.......... - 3 13 0 oml p

lla il.T ln .: M^nllH w j IV ^ c r ; Hck- dathori.-W lnti-ni'anil' Cpchranu." Ludillo

-•-------- — ■: • - '■ • ' vuuh .C a u t t a ' - 6 f T i d e $ - • h .« - l i

TIdM nro cBUMd by tho kravHnllon.al pull Ot tho aiin nnd ijioon tij>on tho “ “ ■ water. Tho moon. b«}ns to much cloior. Ii tho Drloelpal coUiQ o t tho

- .................. - - f . f -


• - J'-EFCni SXl4'>-JH>Klat«ro«l Irlnh Bel- 0*'i-8l

tor pup«4 6 month! old. $10. H31 7th Berlw avcnuo ftu it •

T . I — i, .................... .. ...............nol piWANTED—Uaed Ford tourltiK car. ini; c

Call F ilte r p lant. &cni2. ' Sirlbll

. . W A N T E D -airl for bonne- “ mornlHCT' only.- Call a t CH 3rd avo-

l.OST—Airedale pup, rc lu fn to 263 unbuplThird avenuo north. JlewAnl. punch:

CUCUMUE3 tX)U SA U i—T h u n d ay i and Mondaya. Mra. 1^ M. McClcary, ;,ni| u

, 7 0 0 -Jctforaon i lr o u t ’ . ' lo.j-ou

I [lur " , ' d r w u ^ - ^8™- I ITI ■ ■ lu s m aobIne,.p!ctur«a.'-eut'<iilM a. L _ I hrlc>«-l»rac. ..curtalm , -.dfajwriiw,-------- I « » nnrt Tnmnir

uauful k rlic let. U n a t - te aold a t . ODoe. You aro wclcomo .to <look sanb l tbeni ovor. MIm F. . L. T hopaa . lm ,

............. 293_ftb DTonuo north. Fbono l&ie.—./s. , ' ■ c. y«

■opre;;:; • . . • , «r • ^ - j- ^ ^ ip lo B d V o f- K a B -K in d H n g r W o t ■ • 'hm dred p o a n d i ; '

J R L D O F gashingto ll^^in8, mrt.C rucial G a m e Ivl

W ith Yankees L_—

SinV VOIIK, Anc. S S - In n mad iiUInK orxy In thn ('lirhlh Innlni;I »«hlrli Ihry kn.n-U.-d l« » Viuik At 1 IWm tj wJt uf »•'> '">*»■'nnlilBflun Senal.irn ncorrd i-lulit Miiiliiu mi‘«, n lnnlalt Iliii Kntn.- H lo ,« iimi. hi) Koinx Inlo th r lend of lhi< (.'n<ii><-i tHi-rlrnil .

■ ----------------------- - At !'


ralprdivy'n liPro—M any McMnniin, l['"iioii iwii iifcuii'l Imnuman. fitniilnl m ili''II JiitilUK and ilrov .'-ln i«'.. riui!<I bcnl llu) S .nal.in . K id fi nn.lni from inl.lni: iliv loud. Will

larrlw-Hooiwr-hli a-liom orun .wiUi .........huiu'ti flir^l anil lii 'pt tlU' W'liiii' Al (

; from limliiK ihvlr ................ kuiii.' s i , |.oh 11 12 lo 0 victory over ili.. Alii- Ul.l.ai:CK bill lllD Sux hmt till', ii.ciiiiil Hull III), _y 10 1. ,

linn Covi'lniklo nIuiV Hiu Yunkn <iui0 0 In Ib.i finil snini- but Hi.' In- ^cri nil louL Iho n.Tond Kntiiu S^in 1. .^i. {.<> rn the c1iani|>Umn b.-ai Sban ir (or riiU ai

rirtit time tfrin-nr.ijionr • — -ll.ut

!Qbhy.Vi:iich’B.trlol«Ja.Uit;.IIn>I in- _ H .ri ili wllh Ih.v liaiK'n rilli'd cnv.- jlu-,1 Sox n 6 lo n vh'lory I j i lh,. m'. - (di1 K anii-n tlo r liit. T IkOIu h u r won

flrnt fi to I.

’l(tiihiirKf[” i’nlfrrir In iir.T T iiriiin ir Si-Vi K uml hi'uhm!- liirV.' rnnii. Iml lUr I'iilluil

!!• , Hull

Soihnron li't lh.- CiltnJ down wdli o'.V.'ll iim ttiri'cl liliH und fannc.l nine, I b ' iin.n da winnlni; 3 lo 0. \

Vt-:STKlCliAY'S,ll».MK HIN.S Kxino, U i^rSo*. I —11. .foopi>i’..W htt4».8oa.> l-aa .........lollinan, TlHora. 1—8.iiiiltb, C}ir.lB, 1- 2. ,larrvit. White So i, 1—2, •loore, , l ’lrale«. 1—1.

...- uouhmvxXexiiebs - .:tilh, Vankn—10. ■ ' A t (

loTaiby,-CarUfc-2:!. lanafcr. :Aihli'M c5i-2l; ,i-mianu, X-hllB-lT, Sii.i.h:mi/. aimu-u. .I'llllanm. Drowns—1C.• • ••. ■. • • ■“ Chlcaii


IU C a60. — HoraUo F itch , mc- j . placu winner In H'O 400 tneler pj,j|ai| h a t Iho . Ol-TOplc canicn ’ ond u ^ u u Idio Muyen, w inner o t ihe -[inlo J t In Uitf CtAlMl A- A . V . gnmcn e -laat Baiunliiy, w lll-bo iho oaly ,mcij rlon from Mio Chicago Alhlatc ocallan In . Iho oaUonal A. A. U. ^ ck and (lold champlonnlil|iu a t m Orange. N. J., on 8et>tomb«r0 ani) 7. it way announcuil to-

S’E ^ Y oniC-iYounK Stflbllnj ■•Sla. llth l-U iitT ^c lK h l. IO- J'aal rlMbaeh, Yorlt. went rilxindi lo a draw . Til# dednlon waa '

popular, pariU an • opinion back- : eacS ljo*#r., to r tho winner.Ibllnif, aufferhiB-from tho effecW a heavy cold, did n o t abow tbo m exhibited, Jn hla prevloui Icltsi.- Ho was alow, and -lackcd * am altbousli' ho boxed welt liiph 'to ftAy owny from the hard tchlnt^ Qorlonbach.

3LBVELAND. 0.—Cnrl Tremaine1 Dud Taylur, banlam i, moot In a round bout a t tlio now Olympic >na' tonftht.

LOCAL- Bit-l- g r s \ -

S S ' rt) .lbb» moral&x u - a cbarco . of rnblbic an4 'w aa fined <26. A rra l « made W M nesdar-n lsb t in: a card }m OD Second avsaoo so iub .by D.KeaBtoOB. a ir t i jp a tfo tp a n .

a- naytwrf-Ji^^arriTiid-irSSc^ ^

o o a l : c g . -

. , . T W I N ' F A L L S D A ]

S P O R T S_______________ ________ ; ■ . \

r a ) A Y ’S G A M E S l i r t :■ ■_ . in,'III (r

.NATIO.V'AI. M 'A tifK ^-,iiniulii_____ _ ,i». .'1ml

i\t ritii.hun:li; ll. ll .i ; . ” • ■‘'“ 'in'JoHJiiJ ................. ....... r, 10 ,T , Two 1iilliumh ................................ \ ;i ll ‘ >1 **’ •iiiiiii-ii.i,: .Mayii and llaii;tnv,.; khUv t Ii<il»-r. Kvciui'r an.l Cioo.h, Kli.'iiklii............... __ -ilic.-lul

M !’lilludi'liihla--Kli-nr itaui'i'; .'latiomiI t. ll . i ; , <

:iloii .................— .... .......... 0 : tl Withlladi'liililit ....... .................. . 1 I II ■iii'fyii'iUatturlm: iianu'ii. i;oolu-y uml furiiiu >^>i'lll; lihi/.ii.T and Wllnon, . u-.moni

.............D ra..ih i.l.'iiiliia '......................:..... :t i;i MlialliTli'ii: iiikI (inwnn;■llu I'lid .lli'Ullin-,WIllliiNU. llil h<iiii.'r h.fl .'f r.ili, •Clliiiiiii hll hOiiK-i- llr;il .>t lilli. Mll n

Al Chli-'n-o-KliKI U.,1l.i:. i^tlli.l . l..)Uln .................................. H J Ilf,' Vil.-iitii ...... ................................ r, T 1 ,'Jiiih-!klIulI.Tli'tc ll .n . Sh,'ril.'l1 uii.Hliiu- II.t<, .Nlolii'i';iill; Alilfidi;,' iiiiiI Uni t- miu|>U-i' ■II. ,.,1

--------- rtlin...r.:Scrnml Kami'- I'Iik! (iih. It. ,iT ii |.;

.................... -ji Mlnri I

J/.Tdrrli-rt; iiritlIUI.1IIU; JjK-.ilm nn.l O Tiirri'll. ,H.rriiBliy h i; Jiiiim-i' first ftf 1 :l._^ j

(duly raiiiiJl n.-lu'ilul.i! Itiilay).

AMi:i{i('AN i . i: , \ i ir i; • I'H 'W ".................. ..............................................Jjrr 111!'

Si-Vmiir raiiT?!” "--------------- , IMV i;. ---------illu,l.-i[ihl:i ....................... ..... 7 i:i *1 I■:u.o------------------------------- !Ua_L i------ JIIuII«'|-|.-h: ilurnn. ^M.ihiii'. liriij’ IKl IVvklmi; . W ini.'r, Un»n unJ

...............AlN V ,vY<iik; IM l,i:.uiOiln«lun ............... ....... 11 IS ,1 Miiis H

Jrttti-ririT:— P™ntJrkr<lnKifmrJ««M-», -rh ttn rl iiMiaux nn.l S.'liiint;; '/iicbury, Ituu- ,.\iti,TirII. .Maybi'rryoncl |Uu-K li.-.irdItillli h it buiiii'i- laiit of Ith nnd TIh..Mcun.'l 'b l l iDiniT'Iiiiit u( llli. lioiiliit hit ilOini'r flrHt uf riili.

Al Clevijinnd—Klrat gnnic: It. i l. K ilcaco ....(I K

Uutl.Tloa: Thiirmon nnil .•?cliali;; A V. llllh nnd Myuii. .. dimrlct

--------- aanltutSccoml »:nuic—Kn.I Cihi It. Umli. iilcaai) ...... rtKUlar.iv.-lun.l ..... ....... - ......... — flJ2 l)i>o—1 by. SllU ttlli'rlca;' CvonsroH; lllankr'nKhliilA^'.111 Schaik; Wnyiicluirj:, M fleiicr, Kni.lo Iw ardi nn.l t.. Kcwoll. »< <•«»

------- Sl-.'iir.Ai Hoslon: U. 1{. i;, abfiennilladcl'iib la_____ __________ 3 « 2 for.' yi

..............— — . 0..U—iJjiLUla-.Ualt.'rloa: ‘ llolmach. Harrln 'a n d d p iil i irltJnjt, Cif/Bon; rtiK crfvrt'snd .'j 'jc- wa* nicb ............................................. Niftnw

------------------------ . of lbo\ aatlaflPd cuutoiiKir. Ib an a a a c l- Mnnhiil t an a dvcrtlslnr mmlUim^^__________.Ireaaed

, D o n ’ t B e C

3 Pat^bone M8; 6k1m anc



riah H all U.to. 'Be Scene o fB ig ___fc

Cbinmunity Dinner nd— • iii,i. nir.

,' r.ffihi^ dinner, li.'Ul Hi-ji- Tr,i,ii) 1 ■IT win hi- KITVI',1 1,1 111,- I'ar- Im ll.liy III,' IVrrlin- into iimn-icni, ,in-«:ordlnr. lu . nuiioun. i'- ruiitul

tr,iiil lh.i i'.liuiiihi r .u t tonilii.'rro „„.nilirnullli',i,.coui,Ullai; iit I', 11, Tliiim- ,n,.i,ta1'liiilrmuii.' Uoy G/mliior uml W. n,n,„luikhiililor. • urranKi'ifo iiiin.lri'd iifl.1 tifiy ar., I'liicrl- c.miii0 bl' I n . iillcniba':'' ui iln- i’lK iu>.ul,>’— -rliiK, TH,' •vrocrinii im-lu.ki. pih,, kliiK. Ain'KlllK. iniit ihiiKlc by u n_ \vn„, lu( ,)ri'li<iHirn . toKuiliU'.: u llh thu . .

lu 1»:,. kIlll 111,. , iiiirin,,.,. c.ft'liii: Ull- iiiiumiiiilis' int<‘r, .11, iho Ul will' |.«, .•Mutiihh'dion V ;ilfn r.• ' ___ _________ Coiiitr

am atic Recital by • i;i,ii,;nn Miss K en^orthy to

Be Given Friday ,, ' -------- • J. l.lin

Ina Iiiii-o'lhy ICcnwui ihy, laUiii'O Wliunn,1 r.'a i!ii-.:w lll.am 'cur,lii <liaijuili'-lill Fi|'(iliy .'Vrnliii; ul t! n'.'liii'lt lit ' I'lurm

t'lriiMaiil VI.'V, J’riiihyli'rlan », I;c!k iiKliuli'd lirai- Kmill. ' .cIII.' 1,'i 'iinl III In ll,- ri\,'ii 1111,1,'V Ihn Kliim-y.ili-rii i')f. Ihl’ l.iidl,'>i‘ Alli Sulli'iy. A r,Ullli

I'lilitiiii'd |>fuKriiiu, luilaiirliii; ihi' Juilii'ri loroUH InU'i'iir.'Utlluii:! wllh tlloiU'. I'uIImiMi: V’UI'- I'' lilannnl. >ml K inwurihy v.;IH ai'iu'uv ai, IM.'ii' ir a ® iiluy and wlll h ':i\,' di .Si|ii.-iulj.'i-I'TxnnnH.'i n t y to i.iiii' u[i i.jxrum - ' ^ Sk. . . Pp i.Ill* i- iciin'inlo'i'.-l Uli. pr.imliiuiiUlti ___^ 5 ?iu\tlrii-lit Twill I''^l|n bk li ix lionljauLcJii;i;-i;ruduiiUuiiJil_i;i;'i_iUe. ’w-.irlliy lil.ii .•onllniiwl .l.'V.-loiiln;; I'Oan / IhI'HI I'x a ilraiiinilr rrndiir. NVIl.-

.. ____ IIK TIUI- ;-- — 1^17-

.■R E R SO N A L S !

lia.'i. \\". Slni|iiion r ilu rn i'i l ' .Sun- •*' 1 '"" frnm n bui.ln.'mi lHi> Ki I’lirllaml.

•ord lian 1..'.'n rur,'iv,.il by A. Kl..'- ' llial Mni, Kbclliii; nml daiii:hli'r,t< lli'h 'ii. who hwv>- uii. n t llic inim- “

ill Ci-rtiiuny. Kall-d (or New York I’Olflinrin rr-.M trH ;tron-il..~H «m i..ir« . — ii«4h,i'riruii IhuT IlanHu,. They am I'x- aloady;l.'d 10 nrrlvo hoiii.' ni'Xt.l-'iIday. runiuu.i

F IL E R JIEW S' - ' l % y '■

V«fiiirrohi'iif'lv.' report -nf-thf? r lc l m cellu t of.,til" Klwanla ur-Irutlflji, {}l«t »:.•;* JmiiJ.’nt IT oV O ,______I. him w cik, w'u« iilTon a l theliar,,noon, liimln'nn .m T ucHday. ___Siiiil, Gcorno K. lionman anil'(-•. ^ •u /nun , urlnclitnl' of tlio

lo utlioolii. ,who r.-i>r(?ii'ont«d llio If ! Ml**’ Thelma;ir. pViiHlilpil a'l llio 'piano In the •nre o f MIks ' MaBdalei'to Schaf.

Vfbn rccontly 'mgve.l to TwIiila___ l’jot..,IJiMil>‘._Jl'o._l>.ewL.l’l!!'* ____>1 of the nollln|,«r h igh achool,

j(ft'iiw'il,"uii‘ il HUeSl. ot W. C. m :U L_JIuJ»,_»..rpcenl'"Rradualo lbo , nKtU-nllural ,colloKO ‘if thalfipi-__Kiui,., .anil briefly ad-laed' lbo'cVubI •“ I . — - - . .

11.1 ■

n b n f u s e c j ^ __

raods bf'dra oa the-

> woiider^'«jW]^;v^

the right p^e tem a

i«urlyCTcr?thiagd*eT , ~rt itt-^ur i b * . - :

i o b i l e ^ G L C i . . i

^ T-:

'. \ i . r iT izK N s i;i{i:,\T if d s r .s i,>-:iiu ii■ .............. ' }:.,r.(i-iri<i

(ConllmiciJ irom imKo 1.) • v.i. kiiiK------------------- :----------------------- -— f;iii;',f.ti;Hl'iHii, Tlni lUili.TlH.in, Cli;irl.'H CfS.'.O’. Iliri- and lloliirl ,NI.\iiii lit

' ' Bl.'uily; 1('iMiinilll.T .M.'iuliprx. dliiiii in

atulier of cdiiiUK-i.-,- c.iiiinilii'" licm, who w,T.- rlili'fly liihiru- al In Hi,, .^f(l.;l.-ui luid vxiii'ill- 'I .biin'dllni: ot Hi.. .o iiv o i iiU u i-----------HK<'rti«lK», a rc : piniiiiln.'.' on K.,'ni'r»l ' iirranR.'- I'l—W,'. O rr, I’liuimiiin. Strn, W .‘’ike. ,M;S. Janii'.i'W hiil.'u', A kIi.t, k-llH(in, .T, J . Moy.l. 1'.. J . Klu.'li- j immittrp nn di’corwlonn—-Mrr.- • rn Wliiunn.- with powiT tu iii>-j 1 any l it l j i ., , I . ,imnilll.'.ii ,m mii»i.:-Mr,i. I.

Junii'u Hull. .Mrti. A. W.I um, .Mrs. IJ. 1-:. UoKttii. 1iininiitr,' cm li.,U",'- A, ll, Wlltioii.l

W. I’Ik.', T. J. I.l.iy<l, W, »Iir;,rhnii. . ;,mu,:I niiiimltl>'i'- Mm, \V. V.;

K. 4, K lm ti,.T . J, Moyd. j iiiinilii.'i' 111! ii('.;i)iiiiii'i,iiiii(iii'<—T .:.linil.- W. Orr I'liui'iiinii. 11 inn, !•;, J. Klii.li. A. \V. -Hi.wl,'.'l!;irkl.'y, Criirj;., Saii,lIiolIi. iiuiu'.i ( imiiiillt. i'- O. W. William.I. lll.kH. Jtiliii tn ’iiir. A. U. Wll-

I'tiurl.':! R liulKhl^ 1111,1 .I'M m-y.iiiiiinlll.',' Ill) I'v'it rixmi —Mrn- I'ti Wlmlun. • , • ■


■'.■d -S h rriff lu XiKlfl£__i2\'i:« «• s d

•11.- H.*W. (:oo.l)i|).'--.t lo lut Nall T iuhrtionn-1,-12 It x:i im ni, -- fo, 7 )“ XT::T;miIn irrK .-T ..'l> --\-u llfy ------r2 .-2 -n iirrm i.ir iT ::-----------------’-------------■».—Kohl, linrsi lu I-:. 1-:, Ilunin.— IW lll^ 'l- lli.K I _ _______ ______'D .' H. I-;. Ila'roii lo V, I.. Iloliuun ...r .aiii.' (ni,■|», -\V'Mu Mnrlln |.i .Marlha 11 'I J l l^T U 2 |-4»Hilawu .s.ih .,, ' YI’-- *. Iirl

1’llHTI.tVMt LIVKSKH'K- OltTI.AN’l), Or.-.. Auk. 2S.—CnlH.i

dy; aii'orn; mfl.lliim jnfiiT.GO: H"uiun. Iii-irvni', ,nivdluni and 'h'MIIIU ,i:t.r.U}|iIi.2n; bm-r .cown, nii-•und comtnnn litiTi’-I.Tti; caiilii'ri'l ” oiitlurii. Jl.WCia; hiillH, I'anntri. ■

-bolonia-n.T5jr:T-7K: “('alvmi.'m.'- ----------n,- i:tvilcp, lOO Jliii. .lown, >R«’: __ioo-2ijo_vouii.iii, ?c,co®;pr5o; potindH "I'lp |5(i'<i.l)0. ' ,

UBH .— Uucol|iiii CIC: markot remad; mudluni, sood. chojco 160 Vn. ,

- -^ 'O U R G O O D S


' 0

A n n e. A fte r sevef#! mont

___to announce th a t oi. th ~ b 'u ild in g has

throughout and we drop in and look us

- ~ ^ e -a j 'B nuw yrapa. ---------- a ss o r tB ie n t^ t^ w ^

da,t^'men.’8 w ear th Prices on most artii

, ■ ' Ou r poHcy: will be 1

u complet

. ■■■.••Nor

_ .M A K E ^ U

~ - ' . S T C T S ^

III 111'.. }li'lji".Tr,; ;.iii :.-,i) 11,.. Coms, -Irlii; I,a.-l(t»i: Mil....II., Ir.'Uted.IIIK loUKh., tTvi s'. »l..UKlil.'L I'li:,.F.f.ti; fciI.T,. •tt.i-ii.T:,, I ,t.'li — lIc-.'li-H, .-.f,.-;; ,„.iil;,.( ■ ' jy] ly; 1ani1i>, .M vouli,N ,l,i«u. m -- ;

(llK, mriUiliii nn'i rhw !-. 5' • g jg .'uIlH aii,l ,'„miiinmi, ,.il «,-lrlii... ^

v...iU,'r/., M'li,-. ;.-i, .J "

O n tf it Y o u r ! School W

S d iu o ) o pens »cx t- w eek— biiro ly ti w co rn b lc s be fo ru Iho opciiiiig .

B r in g h im in th in w cck | ta k e ' p lc i sc lo c t i6 n a .a v d lln is a v o id ,tlio r u s h

E v c ty tliin ff in weat-iudf fipp^rc l w il _ roro_ lifts ou r^n to c k been so iliv c rs tl

Pl-Cllt. _____________ ^

__________________ '^ B o y s L S uW llh ixvo jiulrauf kiii.'UiTr. ..............................................YDITIIW S r iT S »iirh-i'ii .11 ....................................................

lloyu- ull-wiui) q > a n e Kayn,.w',-,n.T.t r ’r ; _ •

■ r ; ....

S tr a u s Clotl)


: . W E W I L L " ' ^IN FAELS- ID A .

D p e n i n gL o u n c e m e ijnths .of disi-upted businei -Our^fire stbekjias been ( IS been enlarged, arid” re wish to extend you an ir us over.

pared to, te rve-yoH-with-l etj-jtaoyn-brands-of-nefc: that we have ever-carried rticles are lisTlhan f w ’se iethat>-^,

letciuntil you are perfect!}

0 ifs or ands'abouf'ifr^:’


a N A N rrG O R D O rH A Tp E « N ..T H Q M P S ^ i- C l


P A f lE T im E B •

m s , Hunlunii, . BrakfD ArcJiM ed. SIO Uatu So. rbnoe BU. .

M OTOR PARTSMliiilrliiikrr nnd IlnilMm

,\I1 MoilrN Sccplfcn Cyl. Orlnd. Oo.

B oy fo r N ow

' ' ' *- f '

y/ '/■

tjm a onoug li to .b u y . ii i a _____ :l _________

ilc iiiy ‘o f tim o In Tnaktng— .........................—Hh th a t is b o u n d M)'Como. • •

w ill bo found . N ev e r be--rstficd n o r-rca l-v & lu e « ao - -------

iuits' • __ .V$9.85

$14.95r : ■ $ 1 - 0 0 • ■ .

l i r ' Z Z n i o r " ----------

h in g Co.

: . a O O D • : i

. . - o l B B i r ^ ■ '■ rf^ n t . ; '■

ness we wish ; ■ .a d lp M eT o * - 2 ;i~reniodeled ' • ' il1 invitation to , J

ied- .' I ;■se^gl'5& s.

■•’; ■■'•»

"^.v. ' . ' - r 3 5?0R& ~A : •

B L O T H E ^

Page 4: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE



T h e T im e s h u n o r o rcnilorB public

PablU htd S ro r r &Tkoloi Except ' ■ .Company, Twl«

• I. H . K A STEna _______________

: BQtArwl M Ul* Tw in Falli 1‘oitot D oltr rubllcallOB

SU B SClU PT i. D a ily , ono y e a r _____ ________

I ■ i l moutliB ________D a ily , oiio m o u th ■.. . •....

'I k 't t v r lefcisluliitn fo r tlic tlii th i^ '( ‘x toH r()iM o” iiif'Uri)ciH‘ 'u r*‘t i r r d i-m ocnith* p lii irn rn i f o r tli'iK hint

.-T he-m iiin ffu lnri'N of ll l r Twi: ~ '• 'in If 1ig liT T uii] '7 M>\vcT w'cri- iiii'orj;

f o m i .of IdJiho. T lic ir I'liauliiK'ntp r o te c t io n to tlic j i r o p lc . '

..fr:'. • --- ------ — CS —-----------I V i n - F a l l« «-oa- H'd{

vpiilloh by ScnnU ir .M. J . Sw cclry . - hiim c o f llie m;coiii|ili«litiifiilH nn : r — • , p o u t .tw e n ty yciirsi n i « ‘(li‘M«rii)lio!

o f lho .T w in F uHh I r u d wiih n n .i•-------- . ioTca th o g rc n t w e s t w ith itn fasci

-------------- iiin lcv flo n p d rcMoiircoH fo r llu> iir<

' ■'---- ---- -----0> • _________ y o u r ciitKluhtf'M >mv<? f ilf il fir.

* o f cd iii-atlon o f T w in Palln s.-liix t h a t th e re in Riiffli'ivnL iiiti-n-Kl in m e n o m i a .w ptiinn lo file iik i-nii'

. _ o f te n Huuh plnfei-Ji on tin- Ijoiinl i one cnn ho Indiicod In n m . _ W'l

■---------- r------ ■ R t* je rtld -*m l-P erp5»n» -w .T «- file tt h a t th«!Jic> K cntlcnicn hiiv<> inndi> xi tim e iu Office th n t th e y HhouUi Ix

------- ■;--------- ------O n e -o f - ih o - in tc T c s t in iT 'd i i 'r nrcH olutionx i i t ' t h e d i'n iocrn tic 0(in' do r» cm c n t o f IcB inlation ■‘Rimilar t j n a t te r flnit'*cnriie « p in Kiiliiconur fc r t’d a rcH olutiou eiidoraiiiK tW b e a ffo rd e d fa rm i'n i to thi> cxu-iit

......... . the .jn flm ifac tiirc rB ._ Ttiin w«« iih«h a d be en in v ited to nildrrm i th e ,<'oi jw w er plnnk^ In te r m ln |iti'it, nmi tn u ta m o u ii t to nn cndorKcliiciit o te rn . T h e fo rm al rpsnh ition w hi th e n presentee], a n d th ix wiih nttm ; I w K o ly a ll a p p ro v n l o f .the h ilt, i

.......................'isla fea u n so u n d a n d iiin'OUHtitiilldtionn l a t e r b e fo re th c wholir cumn fen d e d th c ltcN nr.v-H n«K i‘» h ill i m lB h t.b e p rovisionB in i t tlm t won

. t lm t th c p lo n k w o u ld c ovit t l i k• ‘ th i* explOTUtlon a n d b y n tw o t(

B tand ,a« w ri tte n .

. . . A T TH E...', THEATRES

■ BEV1RW8 I8T1! C»;>TirHT W« twil * feellnjc lanl dIrIiI nn

wp lU w itchlsR "MonilBr neam airo". o n . t U icr««B a t th« IiUlio llientro

'U a l we w ars noi looklaR a t a icrcon ' productioD but lhal la lome tnaxlc

ta iblon rw« war« back Is llio elRb* lecnlh cealury. n illen l ipactalar

‘ ia the glllterlDK court o t ibal din- u lu te monarch. L ouli XV o( b'raoce. r ro m wblclk rou m a r gaiber thal t t* vvhtel*. whlcb m ark i Kudalpli

CUM M ER COLDS■ S T n r r fe lt «U«hi applT

:__ X.yArJly.5WeekEn(

^ 9 {• “ B u n g a lo w A pronn , Koo'ir'n\rtilil

' '\V hfte O flhard inc S k i r t s ...... -?• ' , \ T u i . L in e n e i S k i r t s*■ • W hite^ D im ity nhnw e:— - ..... -. G e o rg e t te > \V iiU v 1»liwk andjl- - A ; f e w O inffham U oubc D rc»8cit — - ...... .... - B im d o l r C o p a / uaw ,- nifty.........

. 'L w e ; . Collan* ................................< - L in e n C o llars a n d C a ff SetH... g ': . ___________ _________ g T w j th ln g to L ttd

fe Vanit}I ' " '■ • ' ^ ' V B f tn K f tB Q g 1


urs in th is c i ty t h a n a n y o th e r ' lilicotion.

ip( Sundar by tba TlmM F ubllih log ' 'n in Fnlla, Idabo.

' •■totdco ^ Second C laai M atlar u a lIOB, A^Jrll 11. 1918.

PT IO N R A T E S._____ :__________ :_____ tc.oo__________________ ____________3.00.

_____________ _ ' ■ — CO.

d a iry in tc rc .s ts in prntxiciion fn iiii i r m S i r y Triint i-H Ljn>tiii)i.'d:'in"llM '' .liite.

'w in K iiIIh c o u n ty rcmilnliunH roKuril- o r iiu ra ti 'il iiita< tlio ilviiioi’riitii! pint- n t in lo Inw w ouh l i)niVL‘ a comjilotc!

_6— ^ ^ — ■-« l i l l f * ’<' (»»•

■Iry. IHk Kj)i-t:c'li \v«h a K plcndid r i‘-. in Tlw .TAlii'l>'ftllfi t r iie t d itr in if . t h f li(>ii'<iF (111! r«'Hiinn-(^' (liul tli^ riitiir.> n .( ilh ir in ( ; n ln ry lo cvi^rj' liiic wim iR cinalini; fn tiir c n f ^ o ppo rlun ity iind

-O---------- —fu r lln* lwf> vm-mir'n'H >n) lln- b im n l liixil <UHlrict N o. I . Wc an- |?lail in n n r H chool'iirfairH to iiidnci- l l i ro ' •aiKlidtili'M fo r iIh-ko positions. Tuu d o f filiK ia tion K'> iM’Kishit! a n d m> W'l! w en- fjlacj w h en llu‘ niinii-H .<ifiled"for-r«M tlouU uiv—hcuiiui^-wu.-XucL• Kiicli H plcndid pi'cortls’ tluriiiK llic if

hc rc-fU 'ctcd .

urnM toiis- b c fo re - t h r - rnmmilU 'C on (invention w as in rcR iinl to th n cti- ir to " thi* M cN 'urj'-lluuK cn liill. T lu ’ m m iltuo Tiu'Hday w hi-n Honuioiic of- hc mciiRiirc, add ing ; th a t p ro tec tio n n t tlu i t thu p r o tc f t iv o ta r i f f protent.n OHMaili'd by .lanii'K D . W liu lu n ,'w h o ,<'oniiiiilt>‘u on tht< T w in KuIIh i;ounly id iiy .fatui'S 1*. P o p ^ o f Jifiim*, uh . o f th c rcp iih lic n n p ro tciitivo sys- vhii-h w en t in to ^ h c p la tfo rm , wiih tai;ki-ii hy th e nam e pcn«oiiH an h c iw I, som e fontitrpB o f w hich th e y dt;- illo tm l. T h e y re n o w rd th e ir oh jcc- m m itli’c. P riendH o f th e iih ink , d e ­ll in p r in c ip le , l in t sa id lh a t then.- I'onU! n<'cd u iu e iid n ie n t iu d u la il, luid his.. T he nuiiii, e o m m itlec ai-i-epJi-d > to one v titn a llo w ed th e ph in k to

^ Vftlciillno'H feiiirn to lho «crecii. l« nuojcthlHK more tlmn a np-icl-juii- liir. romuDllr. conluinc-drnnm. It Ih n llviiiK. brpolhInK document, vivid, lil»lor1(tftl'y necuriilu nnd fiiHClniil*Inc. __________

l X r s i ' , \ I . IIHAMA IN ^ “ WO.MAN OX J l ’KV"

® A Klrnt N ntlonal plcitiro lit to lie ” the fra lu re a l th c Orphi-iim ilK'utrc. . . . Wllhla the panl y rar o r iwo ib li

lirand of ontertalnm cni ban proved Ihu ' ’ b ia t betni! made, an wIIiipm itich pb»'-

nomcnal •uceenncii an '-KlamloK Youlh.” "niack Oxen" and many olh-JO.

‘V In tbis In ilancc tbe picture In "Tbt- Woman on th i' Ju ry ." and It ia mcol-

■“ Im; wltb n linltar popularity, fo r uol- dom haa aiic)i a vM dly Krlpplae

allver ahc«l. I t poM ciie* a Blrooi:

} tlio apocU iori keyed up wltli exclte- I ment tbroUKhout lho eotlre produc> y lion.

tid Specials .

8 ci i l i J y 'n e r c a l e n f t f W o M n ^ t^ lcn t* o ^ -

„88o.'............... .............................;..........;........98o>lUicK..'.................... ................ .............. ».88oid co lo rs . .........'.7 .................„ '.88o*8011, sm ftll HiiivH....;....... ............._..68o.................................................. ......... 980.,...................................... ...............-...980iK..............:....... - ....................- ....._..98<rA dlet* B o d y - to - W e a r

Y Shopf H O n S T . B L T lfl, -----------------

^ 1 ~ I . l l l i l ff

. l ltlDAY, AU(5fST*29

(I riday’n Ilc.t Kealureii.)

I \H.» J— l)ro"«r» l'lilc-»fi. 0.cln»lr»^^

(l-;nHtem Slandard Tlnve.)

■ s M I p i ' - ■

II :ici IV M — N>.jM.ii.'f.r»hMlr». 7 14 r. M.—Lo .~l'il^

■■■"'•'CiCkr. S»I»V V0UK-tW3.' ' r. I- U —tn.iiirr IIIU.IC Ir.xM (i,. Wil.lerl,I n::m e. .M.—ClillOr'n t .wrjr..2^? i i : ••

7:IR e. J —

— • ' B U l‘.* ¥ — Or«’li^*'V*' • nif.v. AEiv lu fta—.tno.

....... n : i o s t r M U i y . r r o -------li'lft 1’. M.—ArlliUr lull, trnnr. , .. j

, Ili ;i0 r . M—CtuB llr..l»..n l- t t N v a j v K H ' •lu l. , 'letc! - A:ia ............. .........I,li..|.v

,,,. a r. IIIM-Ii- W1p> (lurlra."WWi, H nt-A D itPinA ^w , - -

111.. ■ ■ ■ i ‘i f i i i f S S S S r ' - ' ' ;. . . u n . riiii^uK i.riit.\—.ini.i,

'•r .' - e;ao i*. n .—v r ^ orchntM .•/hll »0A«. ■■

ind 7 ;V<.— . — — n.l. —

(i-an V. X — <>10 nil 1-. Chll.lr>l< - .................

n ’jn I,,., ,-

" f .NOTlCi: tlV HAI,K. . iNmlec.ln hereby Klven Uial oa.

!cd- _IuuHlaj'»tlu;.l.i*:cim'jlblrd.(l{iy^oI_Seui,.j,. lembiT. 1^21. nl lh>- lunir iif (uu

o’clock III lho ufleriiouii of Hald iliiy ni Itn office a l ibc n 'u r of Ibe Krderal r.u.1 Office IlulidlilK, III the Clly ot Twin Kallii, Idaho, Jb c Aiiicrjcun Kalli( Tleiiervoir Dlriirlel V lil'n -ci'lv it m’nltd bldn for nml will nell lln Uenervolr

i lie UoiidH l» tbe aaiaiinl of iwn'inlMlon . four liiindn-d 'iiliieiy-tdKhi ihnunaml

®‘.' dollain (»2.IUH,00li>. Tb.i'Uomln an ion ri'uulrcd l.y lav,, nre dated July I,, TJ23. Iiiit-licar Intcrral fmm. October ; ■ lilt, IU24. payable Jiui|inry I. I'i::;. and

tirml*annunlljr ibcreaflcr durlnc - lhi- Illy life of the bond. Tli.. Ilondirinuiurc In'

t.'n InniallTnriitn nn follown;m as 125,0111) • I 'llO ' :fiij.oiio

•y'*- 150.1101) 1U4I 27r.,IIIHIviiH ma? 175.001) I'ji;: . uss.ouo • „ , 1U38 20U.OIIII i:il3 37r,.Oi»)

i'j3'j r:r..ooo m u a9s.t)(ni dt!- nnd a rc of tb e drmnnlnaHon of -one- j,.,;; Ihouirnd ar.llar«-(»1.00n) c.nci;.-prl^i.

’ elnul and liileri'nl payalili. In New York.

LTi.' Hlddern arc Invited fo, np(>clt>' -Ih ,,„ i th i'lr biilit tbe rate ot liiterciil lhal lbo

t.omln for wblch ih r y ,.....-nhnll l..'«r.Mid wliclbcr tbe bidder <(eidn;s to

to furnU lj Ihu bouda ready fo r uxeciillou; and Ihnt bid will Im accvplud which In moHi advaninEeoun lo the dlntrict:

— hill no bid will be coiiBldcred for Irnn Ih than faci- ond liiterrit nvcrurd from

,uii-' October I. IU21. lo dal.- of delivery.' t Ih 1'bi- bondn bave lici li adjudlcalcd hj vid, 'h e Dlntrlcl Courl ot Twin l-'alln (.'oun. nul- ty. nnd by ibe Siiprcuii- I'o iiri of Ihe

m ate <iX Idnbo- They will brar'H lii ccrllfiea le-of the n in irie t iriorll, and a lso Itie cvriiricaUr <if ilw Siait- Tnuui-

iivfi u rer of the Ulnln of Idahu nn pre- ncrlhi'd Iiy cnnpler.'.:IK of Ihe laWn of Idabo fur Ibc year IU21 and ure lo be

' approved by .Mi-Mtn. Wotid and Oak- “‘■‘I’’ Icy. of CblcaKo. IIIIiioIh.•*', U oder Ihe declnlon of ihe Supreme

Courl aud In ibe opinion uf counnol tbcao bond* aro a Kciieral obllcailoa of thc dlntrlcl nnd principal aad In- iprcnl are payable from an nnllmlled tax upon a it Ihe lands' lu tbe dlnlrlcU

A ll bldn munt be nealed aud may be '■®j‘ filed wlib Iho Secretary ot ihe Din-



;lte- of 'XolliInK n a n i r d a iibll(> due- num aa In Mimlaila no t Iodk

B(to . Yen, be'» rban itn l hU

MgflaiMngDN O W B H O W IH O '^

\ R U D O L PH I d^teNTlNQ-' 'M onsieur - -

> , Beaucaire— UBE OANIElf, Lels-W irion -

3 Deft* fcnjron. L6*wll Shermjn

f KiH>eUI Jirn'alc b r tbeIIIAJIO OMqiESTHA _

i 'T tir iis*MaUaee SOc ' M xht 40e' l^ofK W e Logt Me

---------- TIMB-OP 8 IIOW »i -

■ ,TW IN FALLS DAIL^—- _ i£ i_ i .iA P»— ■ ■ I ■ ' is=

C \ f l l... •=

_ ‘ ^ *W0V T:.^ 1 iv.,,1. ?i

. r>(M. » i i^ u : n»«vd Mim. iigiiiiiit:

* r >1 —l*»-rlc* TwK»ft imicT.ni T19 r. M.—l.>i»'i.Bla>l>r OnI.nIra.WJAR. MUIYIOKNCi:— '!

ilr». 10 1-. N.—ITixWme* wilni.irr Orrlir.If.» WOI. MBUroUlk—.-UUI.J'l™ a tr. y. yi — prartM.:II«|| 7 1-, M._i:tmlli» IM.IIU i.ru;ri.n. •

« u m . nfiuN(inra. i>— "

in" CI-I

11.‘ ' a J* M "

•T-|*, M-.-l^ifralil (<. 1 Kl.rif>k»prnt.---- -------- . UKAI.-rtNCINKATt-OUU._______

(Sllfiil niclll tur \TBAI1.J UI.W, I-INIHN^TI—IM.

IM. ' WTAM. fl.RVKI.XM)—3V». WJ,\X. rl^>^RI.AN|k—3U0. ,

7 p' »Ii'li'*. " « e i | tl^HOjT'—lltT .^

I-IVX. MA»AN.»— 60,- - <Bil.iii iiKl.^-rorrKTi.- ;........

‘ (('pnlral Sliiiii|:inl T im r.). «

; ;r ,■w«.\«, ctii' \<io—in.a, - ■ ll

------f-.'’--"—tuua<“ -n-' --------; .’." 'i'' ~j*— .It 'ri-o »•; M-^MoW' i ' JJ

___ HIO * >vii..;n. 'rt.Blr.ll<.; v

II. j .Mli.ui.'"’* ' I,U t'. M.—ro'tof'ck \v. Attri. tanur; U

irle i ul any llmi; mil la ier Hum ihc Ul. lioiu- aa atioYU apL':lfled fur ihe.opaii-••UiJ.lnc.iber.tof.________________ : ________

Tbu s<'crelary i;|l l tonilidiid proii- ay pecilve hiddcni luiilh-r. Intornialloii

01)011 ri'Hiienl.J’j Uy (iriler of <fie JfonriJ.

...............................W, K. Al.WOTir..........■ Soerclai-y. .

3n , 5 C S 5 H S ^ C i 5 i S i 5 5 ^ £ 5 S


ik- •

meloi y f l 'T f

led ./ ■- y

In- J ' ^ m

E L E V E N ICEleven jnea—men ol tbe wm some strong—against a^ woo woman. A nd tbo • task—the: woman! I s i t as fa ir to a sk ti. \

. t u 11 JS to asK;^o5o-maa to“Ji photoplay o tily 'y o u con f la t d ram a vritb completo appeal.

■~of-B stor7 . Ten famous acto

' ---------- PE SN K -H A T O -------------------- BVLVIA BBB H E g ---------

‘ L E W .O O D Y------------ M A B T OAEE—


.O nca '-in .J^.bm drfid a.lcaat.lij ..a ,p lc tu rfr os gripping. A Fii

a ffo rd to m iss.'

.A ia a .a lii> n b i|t-lw e .re£ l.(am ed r.J f d n g m m " .Toplei of

_________ SlifCial' Muileal S c y e

LY T IM E S ' ■ ■ ~ '

a .............. ^U:3D I'i M.—Jack ChkiMn'an't Orrbr«irk

w ran, xion—m i. imi'nt ni(M lor wcnu).

11 IV j?* l**‘ ti!iV^ ''’f’’” *i|5irrhunf

>ntA». ixinHTit.t.r—«eo.~ .:iu iv N —Cunn-rl i<ri«rtin.

uni). HT. i.ntiN—nto.7 !■ W—Ai-rr»h-» o>iMwt'jai*»iiibl»

UOAtk. OtI.lllA—

' Woi-.. UAVKNI'OKT^ai.r IV a —Jti-.n h-^ta WtalliM-.N JV u..—»>I>.l nuiuflui.^^cl«l^i<u»

11 IV >1.—-TuunVu' Koail llullMIo,I uoH. jKri-KnMN nTV—4*#.#.« -u IV M—Mu>iral pfoirnn.

WIlAr, KANH.»H MTV---III.117 IV M.—VliuuJ ol III* Air, Hu>J&

^(rbUir* anf'Tlif' I'laBlalloo• ' nwTt*.------------------------------------ —--------

Kiil.rt»,iirr"‘'TT»»rl«»; Marlwrt* )lur- .irr, Tl.,1|nllL

. .0 ... .II I’, X.—Huh Ulllrr'i OrrhiMlra.rm 1- M ''’ i ? i i . i ' I l * 'p w a i i w •

• .111 |i M <^i.*-.*'*ry~7fiiy~ ui«.Ii!jo'lv*M —Charir* IWo«1ii. b/iiionT’aM ........Ill'Ini* Jlulxrta. plaubl.

• -.0'afiOt.rCMjit -s iaw lan i T3a«u>KCn, 0AKI.ANn-<3IT « IV M—HI. Wanrlt (-.orOTn OrrhNtfb

<iu&|i..U— Vmal.iMwa. auicka, •!>!. .. . r. ai*o. ict:«-rRAr<n»r»—4-ct.

. 4;30 Ilu.1r Urttrft Orrhrrtrfc , _ ,ll I' :i.—Art lllrliinu'i Orvlinlra.

inv. stuilanl ■nm» UM hour Ialcr

' ‘ ‘ 'atinV 0?»« Stai.nanl ■nm#.l«o hourt laiar il»n Crniral.Iia>l>tlii n.'liK TiDia <00 Iwur latar Uian SlainlarU tlua .

Ihc I ----------- :----------1----------------------L-:------ -

'" ‘• l l - H A N S . E N 1

J|"‘ | • / . T, Webb I’flHM'* Ann?,- [ A mennaRO reached here Tuonday 1 mornlni; w ith tbe nnwH lhal T-' \V«!bli, 'n p ioneer renident of the Twin

“ T/tllH iracT; and whn iTsldcrt W llim - ' nen for llio paat tive ycari, bail pann.

T oday ,' F r ld i ^ r ^ t u r d a y 'I MATIXKK ANII KVKMX(J

M r Adnlt'* ................ ..-imf-and 30n-_ •_ fh lld rpn .......;.1 .....1UP _

ra t N a t io n a l S p e c ia l .-

, ' « / ■

L: X k -.i'i»r- - »• yw ; „ , W .llfm an l I tB m a -

■ -* 'W .D lrtc led b j- .H ar.' *7 o- Hoyt. i

G A IN S IO N Ew orld—so m e p ro n d —s m e w ea k — v o m a a f ig b t l i ig to save a n o U u r tboy m u s t p a s s jn d g m e n t o n a a %»oman to Jud jro a n o tb e f w om an I J u d g e M o lh e r 'f e a i i ? ~ l 'n i U U W C U nd a n s w e r fo r. H ere Is' a ' ial. T ot th e f i n t tim e tb is k in d.c to rs -p la .y i t f o r y m i/ . - ; '

E O T .S T E W A S T F 0 B D 8 T E B L I N 0 JS A N ^ aX & O B O L T ........

; . l i lM .t l l iS ._ O n c « In a b lna mr>n« F i r s t I f a t l o n a i p ic tu r e y o u o a n n o t .

. . . . ; • -s. J...

IX-iealnr*» J Y ilL J lm e r s - In . “O obie. ! « _ of t h e A ciop i .

;ore hy O rpheam Ortheiitra

•led away n l, Ixia Ancclea where the. fjiuilly hnd Kr ill' ulxm'l a yenr aKo to | oiakc Ihi'lr hoiiKv The derritni'd hnd biiin iu poor li<-.ill)i for neveral inoiithii bill unn uol UioiikIK tn lie fn a Herlou* eniiilllUm until a niouih aso. lie In nurvlv.-d Uy a wife, ami Ihe'fol- lowhm nonn nnd ihiiiKbli-r: .Mn>. Ilur- vey 0)X. Mrn. Wnlli-r lllll. Uilth- Thelma an<l Monln W|.i>li ot l.o.-i Am;- el(n. (IcorKe nml Kverell of llaiii'i'ii. Nonniiii ilf T am p Ia-wIh, Wa»b. Mi«- Abner Thoru.v of Twin l-'allii, l-'imeral .iieivlcen will ho lu-hl ul Ili.t family home In Lon AiiKelia o n . Winlae.iilay

- . nfiermuM).------ -------- . . . -Thc 1/i-j.Tce (cam of-Uu- focat Jodi;it

of m; W\ a . will Kll lo nuhl Tliiim<Iiiy evi-nlnic *o aitiilHt In Inlilailni; a mim- hi-r ot eandlduten for mi-mbenililp, The IlBuneu comniunlly leiim Ocfeal-

ed the Kimberly leatii'on lho laciil dia­mond Salurdty ntu-rncmi by a ncore of 0 10. «, Thc hoiiiii ii-nu) lUurii-d iieorlnj: in the flmt inuhiK nnil wi-n- allowed 10 pll) tip aix laUli-n lieton-

• '■ T W .IN J P . T H t J R . , J

G randstand Chai Schramni’Joh

CR>EATES- WIL I3 yN|j|j|

1 | | M. ^ — T- • m SB L 1 QycfTwo'

ttil- H O R E y n i D A N I M A L 1 - A L L O T H E R S H O W S <


SPEC IA I' F O E 'A t .t m i t :

This WestiiA nd axt Ironi

and/ . ' A lieun

_ _ --------- ----------------------- ^wta(r-4iIlMlted I

H ' IroBlniroWfrinif

hou»e II

^ *: : ^ r ~ T i ! i nlhan an]

'M n d H -o t

--- -------------— A ct-T ea


• T IH .'R S D A Y , A U G U ST 2 8 , 192-1.1

the . tbe vlnltorn woke up. Tbo l u t batf to] of the n intb idiowcU In tho 'local hoyn

ind i(»be In ilur Irud by only fine iicure. ral I-', N. fViiyf,T0ve. wlfo m d lllll# fn irniiRhtcr ff<-l<-n. relurned Snfurrfay

KO. 'from a week't. cam plas Irlp in tho^^il- Siiwiooiliii, ’ .ar- — , ..lih- T ry TtirklHb b a th i for ttnD n itlB n iui;- 810 Main 811. Thupo 8 ( 3 . ^ t .

' ' '■ ' ' '

h ' Sw im al- ■ ili:e A R T E S I S N N A T ,

rien ly o t clean hn t water 'vrhlcb , . hubtilcH up from deep wcUf4

-’"t- SultH tu rnhbcd ox brlnff yoar Iia- own.

:ii-d Fine ptoce toe p lc ilck ln ;i-n- _________________ I -

!!T.----- , ------ ■ — ,

A L L S ' ’A S E P T .

lair Seats on Sale a t ' ohnson D nig Co.

MAfcx C I ^ ^

^ P r> itf^ jO fW P O » W T K tU re O fT M B *

O H iy A M e w c X N PR IN C ESS

Thousand W i l d Anini^l LPERfORMERS^n«^<« ’S COMBINED/TEST M Q V i l E i f f i l ^ .


' ' . -Jli

i n g K o u i e Irononing B oard P a d '»d Cover , ^cKuliir $R.7.^> Xrou n n d » h e g u la r

. $ l/i () P a d n n d C o v e r <

i > 4 o r l 4 l i 6 —

c e b f O n e

ir-4»-« fr-«4««a taN «oaa- |m n lu i*~ « t.a- --------------t i qBaatJtr o f lIold-tU « OloiblBallaB BIT B oard 'O oT en and I’adm w e ar«[nir UinKo FKEK to oe r cqitiRner*, i s

a i tb e r Unt. with each UcMliar. n Iron. " ' .

any o ther-Iroii, yet i t caa ba handled n» 4*«>T..M ,B_lim al1er..lroi.

* •f-w am ea , a«e.thU iw a wJIb.eBBr*

•'— " " S iieoiin T iTiuB m — : ■ ' —

’ ^ . . . .n a r ^ " »e fa re -lh e Hnpply o f - I r o B r - ------ifcrBee^ Coi’e n 'B D il 'P a d i l i Q o a t ^ .-

* '

Page 5: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE

• . TU ljjlB D A Y. -AUaVST 2 ^ l h i ' : \

%' ' |5B n s i n e s v D i r e q t o r y

A t t o r n e y s ^ .

• PORTER — VaTflAM, Lftwyort, 0»or — -a o i Dook Btofo. — -

O. C. HALI/—Q to t Cloa Dook Btord.

Jam'ss It. Bothwell — Orr Cbnprnan ^ BOTHWELL ds CHAPMAN '

yooAa D Idt. Hoomi P. 6. 7. 8. 8. 10

BWEICLEY f t SW IJHLKY-Attornwa .g tn i t NftUoaiJ Panic Dulldlni. .

ASOER B. WILSON—o m c i i n r s t y N>Uon*l Dftuk Dldg. _______ larl

S h o e R e j a l t l n g ~

. 8LIM‘3 9H 0R -KEPAIUINO, tlp-to- ='*' dato Btiop, Form er^ I’c ti'n Ijroii. . n««l-W(irl(,-nm(rHRla. - 6«nd'flhom- ^ by parcels post, wo pay poaUKc.12? Shoabona Soutli. o't

■ UOYAL SHOn liE P A in s l t O P S ^ rltlU eyen . Prop. 130 Secono Sl E . „ oc and 217 Main ow l. Twin ra lla . Ida- ;l„

, ho. Wo nlao ca rry ncw bJjocs. • V

■ TWIN PALLs’ in O B ' REPAIIUNO ,,5 ■J —<)uallU' tDBlerlala/ Prlccn lbo bvel,-

a ll w ork suarastecd . > I ta Weat Sbo-• Phono 898.1.

T r a n s f e r .

CnO ZIEn TflANSFEfl COiJPANr—“ ~ Phone 8<8. e toraca and craUng.

McNICnOLS TnA NSFnil f t STOR. ” AQD ■ .CO.—G&rbago bauled daUy. i.nPhono 200. __________________ l>l|

WApBEUO TilANSI'EH ft STOltAOli. - il’CO.-i-Storace and spcclal- carload , , ' ijliih^m ant* to.Callfonila. Pbom H2.

' I : : • B l a c k s m i t h i n g

fe.ACKS.VrTn —-JfACtirNB SROP-i- - QIacknmltlitnit, DoUcruaklnK. WoM- ‘>1'

’ tag. Macitlnlttt, Sprla^ .|CorJ(. Aron- "ti u ta c lu re n . BupplIes"'or-'all klnda. ICi

. . K rcnsol.U aohlno COsvAx^nln for <' A ultnaa.Taylor~M BC ^1 B o rjr Oe. - i . Pbtmo .1201. 210-220 2nd South. An

____ . - _ _ _ G h k o p r a c t o i l „ . ___ 1' oiS--------------- DltrCT.T g L TOUD' = T A T iE in rA iry

C h lropnclon ’ f '---------------U 8 -y r ttrN o T th . --■■■ P i»m .r-l»« .w r]^

2 Calla attended day or n l« b t.\ ^

» i i . a c . ^ A T r _Chiropractor.

tS l Srd A w . No. Ottlca Pbon^ 487 j

P h y s i c i a n s “

r -D it.-naL A c . BAWTEn f.y,_----- --------OBtcopathifl“ Pti7inoim——flulta 1 and 2. Ouni Building. .

ghcoo 1G<Q»W Ke« 1S40-J ,,,

’ M i s c e l l a n e o u s ' ”

■ ' • ' SK W ixn srA C unn’H” ^; Hnvo tb a l iniwlnc macliliH' c lranrd

be^orc-lhtf'faU ttowlnc hceinn -aiiO „f y h J l a ^ Im c.U iiy ... ^ ;.w o flt -8 u n r . .■

. ' to r Mln. Pbono' S43. i:i:Sinffor H<>ninK Mnclitne Cu. -wl

131 Main Llast l«i

............— T W IN -PA Llj8-JU N K -H 008t>~M »il-----Rubber, B ldM Pelta and F u r t. in

■ U te s t Im ptO TerM elbodi .o t c n . lN -DER AND CRAJmailAFT GRIND- ^ XNO. U w ronee Machine .W ork*, f i n Third tTcnue weat. Pbone 78.

PA I1TBB8 BDrPLIBS. . «............... ' F d r 'S a lfr^ P U a ta . ; OUb. Jfurefco. ,

KalBomlne In - bolk: Deo SnppllM. B o rrr b o ie ^ Auto Wladablelda. p la te *“ t« )l .TClnilOK.^taaa u d Wall Papor. -Moon-B Bbpg. ............. - - • ■

BAIT? PLACE. wNew u d aecoad band e lo th ln i _

boosh t and aold. SOS SouUi Sboabone '----------------------------- •* ^BLKHORN CREIAM STATION. S8i

U aln South. Twio FbIIb. Pboae 1B48. ~ Seo ua before aalUnc crcam, poul- — try o r egiTB. Yo#. we como oilt a f- ” te r your poultrr.’ Cbaa. Underwood.

S r iB S T CLASS 8ABBLB H O f i ^ F *i F o r k l ^ f*r fea tlcB M iu to .' 0I g ^ H e n e i Home. Beera i k t* . |

I I “ ^ g c v ® T A L L r ~


. S oear—Wt»ole«#lR- l*«t ------- __»!).03 ’- Sugai>-WMoloaale,-ofle------------ ^a.aa .

B riek <£oAo' — ___________ _ 4 0 t 2C o ljrr . ---------------------------------— >6e gLettuce, bunch, Cal. ^New cabbaso, )b. ■ ■ ■■ .

' I New cabbage, l b .___ j - _________ _ScCarrot*, now ''»<■ r

----------- ................................................ji gjgU hey^^^^ d i e t . ..V k ^

- . , Wrlftl».AtB»k -----------1-----------------t i tB a a . .sliced ----------- --------------SSO40<

vdotmd i t ( « k — I Tiu-___________ .................................................—

, _ ^ B n ilH O EBICBS:m S it.-N fl .- l i p e rb u a b e l ---------- 11.17

••• 8<>9^e---- ------------------ ------- .--jgfcr' - Co w i-- ...... — -i,. . .■ _ » » 4 t

— '-------- , a i » « i - • T 'n r . ', - - h 6 w,•. 'R en* ■ -________13<

' ' ----------------:--------- bo

IPBODIIC*--.. , _ ; ^ :B n l t « ^ U e i t i i r e t o t r . --------- . . ^ S e

■■ r > ;: « e■a5^elcT «r.;N o. I —

T iimHelp ."Wanted F<

WANTMH-I.nrly wm.tn’ w.irli t.)- “till- lioiir. I’lmiR' TOC. rlil

W ANTi;i>-V«iir rliil'licii lo caii' ifor I’lioiH' 7ui;, rtli

WANTKI)~A riT'l)ii(inll>1i- jo iin ir J l! larly (f) wciiK in hujiy, • U.Tli.n A; ' i lliuiibu. . •' in:i

SAI.i;SMA.V \VA.S'n;i>-Mii(il imv.- l i ' ,a>r.. Scu.C. J . Ukiiii, . 11)1 .Miilii.vaiil, . . J

MAN. i-nerRi-tlr nnil rHInlilc, wnnlvd for factorj" rcpri'ficniatlvo <o our ImnlticRn In Twin Falln dln trltt; i_JL imuBual opportunity, vriili Mrtuno fnr ] rlulii niQii; vxi'i'rlonro or c.ipllnl nn- mr noccufinry: wrllo Mlly Syncro Moloni or, Co., llfttUo Crcolu Mich. —J---- :- 1SALHS^;A^'—ExeoptloDBl opportun- f i.-,.

Ity. UuBtlora’ cnrulncn He. W rlto _ McClccry Calendar Factory, Wa>b- . i loKton, 1 ■' ____________

OIUL WANTKD for Krncial lioilf.-. *_ork. I’liono 1292.

Lost and Found 'I,'!I.OHT-4 ii.'w tiriiiii’ IlnliiKii ln'lwr.-n I2

l.tirhy C.nicri'ry find ccn trr pf Kiwji. riiono 8IUW. Ucwunl. cr

~STOl.KN -O akliind nport .nirwl.l, „„IlKht ljluo mid kliiikl Uni, FUidi-r nl.... .. iij.piilleu liuediiniiricrn'iir ' iiU<irl(f'it of-1 _ flco.

- l.aST— .IU-. yuJJow J y ia r j^ y olil Ki'ldlnc l.itrui- uhlln ('(illnrtn.'irltiiI- , an. rarl, M w h lrc J.1.1J. U O: iICIvknmn./ _ , fill

-KTHAVKI>—I'roiu :ilio«lioii.i 'l.aiilii, i Anjtiint «, rnnn m.in- 4 ynim old.lpo w clcht about MOO; bay niRie C ym ni Sli olil. -KQlKhLjiljQiiL joao._\vlih_audtl«i:. tillrftH Ahrnno linnu lnL- n f Hwm- Ijorjim. Uhpiraiic plinnu OTSJ.I. W. 11. Ilci-<1. —

-------;-------------------------------------- ------- lmWanfed-Miscellaneous J|’‘

WANTUIJ—A Kcntici pony. .Mni. II. “ J, Allmtin. Dox 71. Ul. 1, .

WA.NTKM- I'livlni: In I’oiilan 'l unil ^ S iallk '. 'Viiut I<ii:i:ii;iigi-I!i. SlrartilyllailiUL-lihU)._______________ ____ _____ -

CA.^ ft I’A lli fcir nitcd fiinilnliiro, I'honc. t)B2. , ■ . . • 81.

WANTICD-n room finnb lird ’or ^ IHirlly-f'irnUlu'il lioimo nr niiariini'JiL .

WANT TO I1I;NT-C5ocic1 KO for Icirni 5° o r y.iirK', r . O. DOX 101. Twin FntlR. -1

..AVANTl-lD-wCPcn liomco S c p t- l whc>r'.' lilriK nn i work for lionrd and room. “ wlillo iiiinnilliiK GrofiK ItiiKlni'iiH Col- . , li'KP. riionn MC. ^

• - WA.VTlCD^Eouhlcrn.. juicl'_,roamCrji ~ I n 'a uioaciii baniu. Close la. I'honoim i r^ - - ' . . - : . “

WAXTKI) TO IlUV CFrlom pujr thn lop pricp. (’nil II. -

P. Crnlff, I’.hiim) ij!lH>V. OiS MxnYcnuc i-as(.'~............ : n T ; ' . " 7«

20 ,-CASES or «RRB. wonted oaoh week ror caah. Ed Vnnco. T u b llc _ Market.

~ tlWANTED—Your crcam. ckrb and -

pbuUry;'M iiluoT Crcawcrr.—r : 2 -Slio.- - BhODB weat.

WANTED—Uaed fuml}ure and r u w - - Wlll pay caah. Pbono 40S. A. B. Vfaceot Co.

■ W AN TED -A l oncft for caah, naod » Ford cars. Pbono 147W. J . B. W hita • C o .'3 3 3 1 T a la E .- • ‘ ................... “

L i v e r t o c k a n a ; P o u l t r y S

■ • FOR BALB-Rhodo Inland Rnd.pul- J lots. Phono 413W or 903 W arier G n P- m. • • ■ ' ,-■ I.OST~r.owfllyn Se tte r' pup, white a wllh blnck Bpots, C months ofd. Ro- ^

I w an t Flra P o M Store. J

! FOR SALE—3 hctt>7 work liornrji, r 2 dels doublo work baracMi. 1 3H > Sludeliaker wagon. Tcrroe If dcslrea 5 403 2n^ avonuo north.

POR SALE—Tlireo fcosU milk cowa. i : f irst clana JetBey cows. 143 No-.IOtin. 1 L l ‘hnnb .lflfi3W.— . . -------- j

[ FOR SA U :—Reclatorod Duroo>«bw. t OP to pu t ou t o n -sbsre t. Phono 63«W. -e —------- r ......

c yAT.1?,RTVrAN A

Ic p p B OtXAD£f{)

e J


, T W I N F A L

F o r S a l e - M i s c e l l a n e o u a ~

r o l l s a m : - i ;ii-<ivi.' «ni,i,i,in ni;i-rlilrir. Cluuii. t in i Tth aviiiii,- .aril.

” •011 SA l.i;rriii^i^.-«M .r an.l nia- rtilnc'vy Ilf a ll Uliidn. |lli uvi iiur IKlltll.

■ r o u , HAt-4v-\Vhll.- 11o!»i j^ ~ I7 \^ ii'; • iiKirliilii' In <l;i'.-ll«il iiij;ii|lll(iu. Ji:il Till nvcniii.' < Mi.

. . r o l l . SA L l;-D lliluir , -lubli;. iiii, ('li:ilr». Iirnmi In il iiin(lii:iri, n|irln);i>.

i.laby til l Ill'll. SJO .U il alici'l. Piiom.] fJUlW.

r o l l .^AI.I> Oil T U A ni:-N iro !ilrlimli';i;t' tic'iinn tnr oilier vi-«i'lal)li':i cir.frnll, 1’, 0 , Ilox 3ul. Txvjn TallK.

F U tL ^ l .f c ; . ,^ H w tr '^ ^ ^ nil,I,U'l.,l ‘l» lllL /iaw m i?^ '1 'ia-BHl:l^»min,. r.Till.

. r o u .SAI.i:—Kc'iiiiiurniit n t ri hnr- K iln If iiila'ii nt oncc on ncrcit^ini of,

; iilcknoHii. Cnll cjr wriM 2;iC .Main So.

KOU S-U.K—IJ i:iuii;i) \Vlni;liViilpr■ 'liiiiilii Kliii, hirntUii; c /ahriiail'aM iil'^

liiuf-M Of iil.cKii. Jill. ! |3 l Tib civcnuo

FO lt HA'MI--1loii"<'licild coodn. hi-ol- '•r and rUni;u,«oud an m w .. Klcciric: VIc'li'ciln and cnnni'd fn'iU. Twu lullim

■ niirili of Waiihiu;;ioii nclinol, uc’cond = ’ hounu rljrbt band Blrto emit.

KOU SjAl.IO—^3 luiinid |rc ca|i;ici1y I n-fili;c:falor. roo-I nil ni'H'. i r i l Tlli

■favonno pant. . • .♦

KOJi .SAM.'— /JclJrcjj’f.lli ilV.-iMli''i-H;i(, , ' ...................

. * i-o it sAi.i': AT A.nAuc.AiN—Piisir

.Ijioi.iK) dli:i:iir ami iiorlcT, ijlno I’rti-r I Shuilcr w'uKoi) .ijail mowlnK mnchinc.. ILll-nrmUciiJly ni'U’.. I I I V ,inl. rin i __

llluiniL-lIlOliVV'..-____ _____ ____. ____ __ _

’ Kor .BrnfQ_nrQ POlaLo, flftrliB. —,W» — . bavo Ibom. Hpy wjicro you can navo 1 tiiouoy.. R D. KoHokc. a04 2nd uvfr- , miu ,niirlh. Dox 754. Phonu CCOW.

FOR SAHB—SJoSit J#rTiortr7 an - ”Tils and bolUDC. K rubber hono. C-S . f?

I cnnvna hoee. Idaho Junk Houne. ^ Pbone «40. back ot L-D. Sloi o on 2nd — a o u th .............................- --------- ■

• Aii riTtiii'vr'tniip Kon/ iiiro liatli'rii-:i. |„in■ J1C.XS. At tho Pri'iif O'I.lio Ilntlory iHu

Slallun. 325 iibSshonc Sl. So. Phonu i(,r-<±___^__ _______ 1- - FOR KALI-1—P a lm -a n a Kalnoralno t ‘ for pB lntlotrand kalsouilnlus. Phone „,\i ' S... Moon'a Shop._______ ^

, .........., . , . . F o r , „ E e p t ....... “ ili(,|

Room and lloairt. WodiTn liciino, fii, i'IC'Clrit; lir.ti. clrvio In. .Mrn. Snillb, —

. ni5 2ml nvtiiuo norlh. 1’,i —•'■— '7-------------------------------------------GmJ nnhrii u'liil Rooiii. 'llo:!!' In. ‘ Prvf- in<

cr^Uiiy luacluTa^rhono 7UG.. . uw

KOJl R K N T -n v c room nindcni ~ i Imnxo. fiimliilipcl. $2S. 4(10 Clii hnrth, 40 Call J27J. . . ■ —----------------------------------- ------------------- t

FOR RKNT—Ko^y Knbln furnliibeit. 3-r 7hciarr<!'n( SK.-Vrc-wicI w s t r ] |3J

FOR IIMNT-Furnlabojil 3 room niwr* ^■ orn iicnlPd.ni’nriinfni, olpcirlo ranKO, J " RlceplnK porch. Phonu 3B7J.' ' I40c I . ■ ■ I I. II hoi

Board nnd room for tpacbern. IClee- d e* tr ie hoBt.'S17'4tli avunuo east.---------- paid — . 1 ■ ■ ' ■ • ca»t,- — Room-and-boBrdi cimio in,- mixlcro,- dh

Mr*. G. W. Crater. 120 H litb norlh . ~ . Pbono 641W. P

L* FO il RENT—Room an.l 'bonrd in “ T mo.lvrn bomo. 413 4tli avcnuo Jiortb .

- FOR RICNT—U g b i -houBokeeplns Vf d aad aleeplsg rooms. 339 Eth tv e au e lai

: F O R ' R £N T -^taonskeeploi^«part> Be g n e a t* . feompleteJy fum lsheilT bt llxh t - y housekteiOaK. one. two an^s. tb rM : 7 roocn* clMo Id, and low I'stM k-lte Ot >: w eak or^TnonllL'. -n je , 0 *l6i V ^

M»an y-.--... ' . ^- ■ ^ R RENT — B' r o e i a i ' f i s h e d oc le a p a r tn e n t , reaionahla. 01 0- Apia. 6tli I tree t and Second ^

east. • - • • • '1_ J--------------- -- ------------------------- in,

A c c o m m o c fo C in r C / iu rc f tm o n th” Amlww peme. Rnell»h cburcbraan, "■

wns noted to r the mnny times Ji«_ chenged h li creo.1. Do .was a Catholic » nodpr H rnry \*ll. n Prolentant nnder’ n, Fjlwnrd VI. n Cnthnlic nn.lcr Mary „I I nnrt-.n rr^ ic«n"U » .r<<Yr ~

If ■ ■ tuV. - .Times W ant * 'ti„O et HaanU*.. . -

R f l e . ) VM C l 6 t^ lT rt- 1WI‘H o t? ^ / c p .f lt f iS U ' i, b o m s n - i I

r . ^ f t . ' ICO. w r . «!S t 1 ' ^ 'T ~n-

S 9 h&.

r—— .........;, ;


r a F c

_____ J _ H A L I!_ O F _ B E C K ^ ^ ^ S _ c t c--------» P A IN T E D

,.r;|, ii. M-,v v , . „ , |„, i ,

For, Sale Real Estate--K o u .i iL i; : .Q iu x iu U 2i;,..rL _ju .':'L w jiioiiu'. all .ir Iinrt. mu’ iiillr from Twin, tenlllllll I.nl(.-n botlli'Ucrd norlb. I.lrai A. :icic'Mioii. cnod Iniiirovi’m'i'iitH ijnd land, —l..'ii John;«Hi, Itl, . • ._ _ _ ■ A-12 --A ru i: FARM W ilt «A l.l';-H a!f oniii^U. w.«i of KlinlicriyiJWilc. i„ A. inK«chcph: • .-CJ---------- bav

—II forKOU XAI.K- I'cjnr room mnOiTn

lioiiHo—a bnri;aln. Many- payinciilx. — I’bono 2a7\S’ or JCTGW. .... . . . —

KOR SALi:—5-room tiindcrii bopuc.Good locnllnn. « . 0«0. ITM'ciiMh. b«l-j oncc." liitc're iiL ’ Tncjulro .nt lI3 r7 U iavunuo cast o r BC8W; ._________-

, POR BAl.f:—40 acre dairy f n m and _ 40 acre orchard land ;, Pbone 6l71t3.

FOR SALE—B-roomi mortorD bouse........ .3-room modern-,' bungalow. 2 loli.. thn l 3 r » :tWn .iftelc., Q,-.TC: F alter,-ret} — estate. Pbone-a74;- - • • •

tto R BALE-^O; acre* good land. ~T I40:00 on' acre, ow n'w ftttr rlKht, 8oo4 ,• lou ib and b a n ^ 'o n piaee. 3G acres c lca re d tn d In crop: Will take car as part-^Myraent, and nnnll am ount, o t . . cash b ilanee. tirm s as needed. Ad- ' dh»«rBox f t ctiro-Tlmes,......... - ------- i j i

For Sale-Automobilei {. ;roiL SALE—Oood uncd G pamscnKir |

Vpllo au lc; vory xeasonBhlo. 1420 Pop-i s r a v cnjp. . . _______ ^ ^' . ^ ^ . O l d s a o h l l e truck fo r Bale, oleBee IBS IQth a T ^ u e cast.

T o t “Pep- le ^ “Slep,? the O iA d e r Ortnfleir> 147j Second- aTeaue n o f ^ u 'l i^iifcff;BAI.F^KUi*ef"tMifck. '2^^100. g^iH'condltloQi h a te lo cjult ix u a in it on a c u tio t of ralllns health. W. N. om ilaB C D utley , Idaha - ^

Tbfl best w ar 10 mind your own bun- ln«s* -U .toU aU -«U iers--abou l:. IL— op through the ir neyspBper.____________

To-Trade J.FOR SALE OR TRADB for acro-

age. my resldentta. 222 Sth east. '

not an advertising medium. ^

_ ' V ' 'NewD

h o w o ^ ^U\>, l i Tri- • { 6 0 a « i 0 0 « ]•i HOWOV - / I .


' i ^ h u t s X e m I

i \


^ O .F ftE JFR oK ^i^ J - .../-— -.I

r .i B R U S M - ' {

M is c e lla n e o u sPKHC15NT MOWY r O U KAUM Srjil

mA N .‘ -C an K tii_yuu-.thc-mouot—In um c tenMnyB trom iIuio ut Application. C , :A. ItohlnBon. ________ ________j ,,

f a u m T o .i s s . s . |.iAro you pnyliii: too nuic-li, liitriiHi lic<-

on y«»nr iofth? - K.«* -ii * l^^fur . tcm .w . Mi.yiiiK or inaklni; Umt iu:w loan. Wc 1, bavu. Atl unlUnlIi;d aninunt of iiionoyfor loniMinlu liuiiin un bunl ot tcruiii. kI.flliich & ' M H I l * n m . ■ jju,-,

KOU SAI.K—I’uro lirc d. lOit l.on- j, o.l, Duroc iioar. ^“ WA.NTKD~01rl'!:-lilcTrlc.--I'h«lP~ —wrn27JI. S. .M. I!nil;liulii:r. ICIinlii'rly. ‘ Ji,2Idaho .----- --- ' prii

Tbo bi-ttl way to iiunit your own liun- Ini'un'lii in loil cilhcrs aUout ll-" throUKb tbcir iiownimprr, colji

. — ■ .-jn},.Situ.ation Wanted "»J

WANTED—Job no i-nclii»jwi'r. on 3 0 « lioan outfit. P . O. llo>; 3 0 5 , Twin ClFalls. ■ _____________ Icaa

• Woman wantn w ork iiy thu hour, rh o n c .l01l ._ _ '._________ ___________ .„,rlmmmi

CinCAQO, A uk. :s .- a ru lD fulurcn »l-f ol04isd--unohane<ia--tu.. hlifbur.on tho f U board of trade today.-. Fuaiure In IHO' Info truiilnR-wiLSi a aenxsilounl dip in corn. Gdnprnii'dlBpi»ltl,ou In C wbcfttVwila to take pmtlin, " « 'l•T be exact a m o u n t'»! oxporl fcusi: JPP

ness wall not kpuwtt'-''lmi ieubonrd ”*1 repoVlod BUbntimtlnl 'qiiintltlu* were worked. Crop 'nuw n wnn uncUanKod. ®*

Corn flniahod uiicliuiiB<d w llh tho.......- - , - r - ......... - - *

Ostn m ainlsinoil a strong undur* ctone und - llnlnliud blgher. ■ g."

PrnvlsliiDa finished without aK*.'"- • ___ _ . . , • mc

- ' • Open. lIlRb.-Low.- Close. 10, WHKAT— ....... * . . . | 4.

Bepi....... .. IT!— r m c - T T tT T - m i r r rDoc. — 127 12^^ 128^4 128 • Q ‘

Delivery; Tnick Driver Wa

, )


tvN | i i

f t3 fr . - - 'M l iBRUNO'.v

5 „ ;

' 1 •' ''•''I*'iMg i=— -----

biT5<?T«iA (Tio ro'^™ ! iaz>1DNT HAVE I ]p >foD 1 “ nil

TH EIC [ ^ ^ L K E P ' ,;iOH F IN lS ^teftrtWEN-HE / You'D BEEN . ”

T x ' O N E •\ ^ N T E D ^ ’ 1

I J \ * . ' j Cll.

i1__ sT" ' ____ « T /n . w L i : ^ ' ; I Jl


May , , . . 1:1:! Kll i:!2’ (, i;n:-iCOilX-

Sr|ii........... iiti'-i 111) n.-v'H i ia iu .-u iz L U -iii—Muy , lir.i-i ill! l l i l 'i IH 'm i

DATS -S .|.l, , ,• lll'.i r,ii»l 4iiii M .I>c<-. . . - r ,r> u ' i f"M„> . ,. f,<;u .f.71, • iiHi

i.A iii ) '- .Uc'lil. , .•..., KlfiT UTII i:>fi» i:07

IlHJB— 1„,SuTit. i r io ' t : t 5 '" i 2i ' i " " i n 2

POilTI,AM» WIIKAT. 1‘OitTl.A.Mj, Ore.. Aiik, 2S.—Hnrd

wbllo tl.U t; -an il while Sl.34^;, ,, -w rn trm -w h U n -SI.aaH:- b n n l-v ln lo r Jl,24; norlU-rn H|irlnK 11.;::.: well- prii red, IM S :* ..............

' , WlCIIH'AliO PUOIH'I'k. a„

CHICAGO, Aur. 28.—lltnlor — ile- h- coliitii, TK14: croaiiiory. 37c:; ulanl- Al .m h . SCMc; Hrnls 3 ie 3 4 b c ; see-oud».”3.'!’.JC3Bc.' .......................... Vpc

Kkrb—Ilci'elins 7K.‘l l : ordlnuflcn. 30«3 lo ; flr»ln 3_3©31Wc. i|v.

Cho«i.o — Twliin lS»i01Dc: Anwr- ,i„ lca«; 2fle. to• Poullry — UoceiplR 8 cars. Fowls. , 5, 17«24\5o:- durks, 19c; sccse. He; po: .«lirlDRB, 18c;.. HiirlUKa, 26c; . tu rluy» .‘.!0r : numlurH 16c , Mi

Polatocii—Uccoipt* 223 cBr«: K«n- *3,, Knn cobblurH.. 81,lS«»l.n5; M lniourl jie cobblorn. tl.lO {^l.:S; Nehninkii col>- hhr», Jl.20IM.3r>; rn rly Ohlos, ,*1.10 p;, 01.30; New Jersey early Ohln«. ](c I1.K0O1.8D; Mlnneanla Bsrly Obion. « | f lQ l.2 0 ; Idabo Rurals, |l.C091.ei>. i,-,


CHICAOO. Aug. 2 * .- H ors — IU>- celptH 17-.000;:htarket mostly 10c u p ; cfi top' l i o r b u l k or snM , t 8.00O».SO: ah'cayy weight I9.C0C9.90: medlom welghl IB.56O10! light weight, |B.»0 OIO; ligh t-ligh ts »7.Bp®0,7B; piclc- ,|i In* bogs, smooth. $8.5008.95; p»clc- „ SDK h o t» : rough. »S08.6O; slsughior «lilKS,"»t.80O8.......... ................ - - - - I.

S lnughlor. cattle and c n in i— Steera (UOO pounds up), choice »f»<l prlnw, 10.78011: good, |8.7501«.IO; medium. tG.5OO0.3S; steers, clioi<s« and prime, 19.75011; goijd. 19® d« 10,10: medium. 88.3609.35! comeioB. Pf14.5008.76^ ^

, 07.651 cpws, |teod.and choice, |Ih«0

Vanted ' ‘ .



’ PA O B F J Y H

»T,-;:.: mmm.111 nmi mciltum.

liliK^r.ii; iii.’diiiiii flviU’.i Clllcn np

Sl:itli;liI.T nllll.|< anil tiiiiitin- ■.jiiiliM. Itl,'ilium iirliiii- |.M do'vii). SII.Tr.'lilll.T.'’,; <1111 .Iiniliiiiii, nil .vi'li:lu.i, j s 'c l l . : : . ; . i-wi.-., .iiiiiiiiir..0 I-Iidlii,.; f.'c.iUiii; JmnlM

(rnm;.. H .n lil. IK(i:i,ir.; ti-i.clliu;liiiiibii. ni<.ilium c'lioU'u }ll.cr,'u lll.Jj.

(l.M.UIA l.lVrSTOl'K. ' ' ..s'ol"IH <;,\r.\II,\. N.’b-. Mn:. 23.—

.'.iiili'-^IU-ii'li'is Mini; m;irk.'t: lltilit , wi'iKliiii, Biriiiii: ll) liir.licr: yiMrlinrn ?T-llS4i lii.;>0; Mi'i'rii. JT.T.'i'ii'lO.Tr,;;-<i«;i ;iml lii.lfvrH, J H .T . '. ; iiIo-'Jhtii i.iul re.-.icTM, i-;ilv.':iliiillf. nncl- J",'j:i'i/4 K*; wi’nl..i.T,n rani:iT«, $:i uU'ii s,:;:i,

• liiHiii — lti-i-vll‘l;i iD.r.lifl; tiiarli..l llliHlly ll><; hlchor: blllK of Mk:.,Ss,nr.(j/a,-ui: ii>i> Jii-rio.

Kh.'|.ii-llrc:.-li)in in,non; niarlcet iilc-nily tl. Klrolii:: yoarUiiOi, i/i,:./);-• ivct}.c.-r,..,'“ JC:77.7E; ' b w l.v — 51I.&(M(i:i,:.V; .;w.;:i, H.2rW(5.2S.

riiiCAUO i :a s ii iju a in .rlilCACO . Aiik, 2S,-W lfiat--N o. H

ri"l. ll.:.;'i il.2ii>i:; No. 2 li^r.i,Cl 1.24, •

()iii«-N o, :i .iviiij.. 4S'rft!>U(r; ^;o.4 wKilp, Kiamlsnlj Jtajp , •H 'i r . •

C i)n i-N ii. 2. y.'llow, »1 .3 l'^«K J U ; -N a 2.'ycJln«-..tl.2a5i.;. No. 4 . , . M'tlmv, Sl.l’ii; Nil. yollow, U.IO;.\.f. C v,-J}u»-, JJ.JJU ; .N.i' 4 Wlio.1, j i i r . ; Nc. c iiii*c'd. Ji.in>.4: No. z »|ili.., No. 4 whllu »l,ia .'

HiirKy—fisirrwc.' ■ ■ . ....................Tlniculiy—jr,.Wl»ri,Tr..Hy.— No. I. SSUc.

p ' f l n r r r - }tl:f>iifr21.6i>;*- - ................ , - ----------BApWiinm m s i

“ ■rill. llaiilliitn’c b i in i r o f 'T w l i r > n 'l~I1. I.I a v.:ry . iijoyabl.t cafotorla clln- ticr ul th.i buoKiilow iiint .ironing. KoliowlnK Illo dinner a gcinoral bua- • inoMH n..K«lon wan J io ld under tbo aiiHlilrfii of ibp'iiiilpit" commltieo nnd llian* for nccuriiig a ,now pasior WOI-U dhcnnncrd and inBthmln of-rals-

laiitpcl oTtr. Tbo.plon I r tt^-m ako - . . nil evory nipmbor csnTSss and 'g e tplcdps* from as- mVtjy ssrp o sslb la .-----------

Sciiii.r of tlw npcnkcrs last p»e- ■DlnK wi-r® Senator, Joseph Hi‘ . Bob. VQi-.'‘ »1io ‘ dFiicuiisodr'"How'Wo' C a n ''"Make Our Churob I'rogresnivp.” He .Iwi'lt on huw wu can conduct o u r ' wornlilji In ; moro slncero faiblon amt In hin .opinion tbls was tits n<H-iiiInl of ull church w ork. ftlUs Alloo Ollilis Bpoko In behalf of. theml»i«)/)nnrr sMlery. ,Mn. c . Et B c o t t ............

VpciVd for lho Udlos- Aid socUiy,and • ' — r . K. Edwards, superlnlondent of 1Ik> Hunday *ohooli apoke regardingIhn Sundny'school .aniJ its 'reldtloH ..............lo the plmrch. WllaoO Jaeksonspnko Irom the you'njt peoples' View- ............point und urged more eo-operatlonnnd-ent^unlnsin lD- lh» o h u rq h ,- l_ a ..---------uMftslera spoke on w hat can b« ac* w m rllsbed If wo work unitedly, llov. J. E. Kunnrr s]«ke of JIio’oocbc- • ; l i ty uf sotting the right man for ' pitnior aad spoke r t t f highly of llov. B. T. Slsrkoy Of Baker. Others wiio epoko w c ro ;.0 . J- JohnsoB,Fergus Briggs..A. S. Msnyn, L idger _ Porrlno. Frank Bellvillo, S t trley Bnnnock and several olhlT irT *

Tho church voted to^jftvor the chlllag ot n •pastor and paying hin) ’ a sa lary ot $2500.

' The commllie* In c h t r j t of^ tho ' cvonInK waa C U CoonVid whiS‘» re - ' lifted a t thft meeUng^ M N .;ir/t*W yaa.- sn d Fergns Briggs. U i^ ' C ' A. 'Baa* '' son renderM} a plaoo solo stad Mrs.

I. H. M asl« rs-aaB i-* -»o1o :~ ^-;-----------—r

‘ !n$ptretion to 'G *nii» ‘ ', ShokospetW aad M oll« ;w iii* '..) ||i- > debled fBf •oihs « th « t^ l« tp * » i 8 ^ J { y 4 . p a re la .: lh e - ,g H t.tW ^ > ? ! ^ - ? <1 ttiB. B i» t» « ^ -e w ra r r . . .y lg i< G M ^ __

)T h^s>

~ i'SySW an

NT -lb %«0. y "->18' A a

Page 6: IDAHO, THRSDAY, Al mm i - newspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.orgnewspaper.twinfallspubliclibrary.org/files/TWIN-FALLS-DAILY-TIMES...I S E v o L u jn -: 7. NiiM iiKU m . I R W R S " ARE

P A G E S IX '


_____ . lllK iT w in F a l ls D clcgn tcs Sny H a r- r,;

m oD y W a s_ P ro v a lc n l an ti T lm l

....... - C a n d id a u a W ill B ln k -M in o r npVn

• D if fe n n c c a in ' In te r e s t o f Sue-

ccM 'O f P a r ty P rinc ip le s .

• . ■ W. (Tho rrtiulillran:! nrt- n. nvty nll Imrli and

from Iilahn Knllii w luro (livy liml a fiiuimnnl httniiniildiirt iiml viilli,ti-ila;.il.- ov. r

, convrntlnn nnd ulnri.' (Iii'v |iu( ov< r ami A tilAtn tIcIU'l wllh llir Knme dOKfi'i'<ir unahiiiilly that uaii lUDiiirinlnl on r ,'Ihp pa rt a t ilir Wmticmln. TJrcy fnik (Icc li'K'llli Krrnl ciinthlinioo nf i'vnr liariM(iii)’ of I

-------... antl.whUii. tJi(;y_contcde.lhftl-lhL.ri:d-1 lu...Ing c t nmlljr h rtw rrn Uorali anil Ih'’ Momalalc adinlnlitrnlloti' Ia nni an vrinlhil ctinlla« Il mlRlil l««, y ti 'lh ry nny Ihm boili ho lt

•nW fi hove laid (uilili- dlCfi'rcncoii for lho, RowI or (he pnrt)-.

Tlint #n.lnti'rrnllhK flKlil inlKhl Imvrbeen nnilo |m<l C, a-SlKi:lim iiUHhid ovrvh b prb'pOBEil cnnipiilsii for iiiair mid- fti,.dIto r.atB lM l F . A. J r i r r b« ut«i.d \fi fm,,, m»n;,"ha<] Rome Ijrlalil allnriu'y Ron>' nf ih Up acnlDnt Allorney Ui'ix'rnI A. H. to li

- • Connor, had 'ih e opposJdon to a itn -nrt coiii> Campbell M rnmo InMn'cior ro '«m l- ]»;■.

. - ■l*fr..nml hau ibc /iiwnK nnilrOornli ,,,ruJ__ _ mon glvcin May to Uudr Inmonl fori-

Ih csi ' TTowtvrr." llic ri'i>iiMic«Uii H»y 'li., • lh a l l l i c 'p m o n iro p i.n i. i i io ir to .-it -'

Inln candlitaii« will not Inlrrfi-re vilHi n,,.,., llic work of tlie campnlRii fur roimh- ,

------------ IItnn-prIncIpTc¥,-------------------------- T;;• r in iit - ~

The awcelcy power plank wnn pan - of I I r adoplrd: (tapldlii iiwrolry 1 niru- 'loih. (luceil Iho hcnolutluii prcni'iili'il lien- tour

' . In favor of Oio poudInK (xiwcr eon- j,riL< M flultonal amoniimrnt wllh lopfnta- irain tlon haaed Uicrtnn lo prevent llie <-z- for I

. . porlktl^n of power from llic male. Tlu- dn- | amendment pa rt waa Brc<'i>icit nnd llio i,, ,-,,,

..........; cndonom ent of lORimailon ri'JpcieiL on------------the Kround -iliat-li~»<aju*.uiAiur_Xut — —

tho leElalaturo lo altcml lo. Thin n„ leaves the Vmondmcnl cndnnioil, wllh- ,||„ ,r ou l nualiricBtlon. I t In lioInK nliach- koII; cd.liy pnisrpR«lv« pBfiy r#»«liiiloHH oil

----- lho KToiiml thfti H mlglfi loBVB ilio „ o.hjidoor open to prrf-power nimpany Ii'k* ihni Jnlallon, u n im .npifirieally provided ,„„ci otherwise. men'

Kndoraement o t tho nallnnnl .i\u d trnoi •liile admlnliilrallona nnd ri'preni'nin- nr>.ilO

__live* In both hranchen of coucrciiii nrrn■ w m paiBcd wUli cnihuntBanr. 8<'i»v

■ The plaifoiTO plertKcd • further nim-............... pimiiallon ln"KoV-rrtm.iii;- Ii'ftlslatlon

for co-6pcrMloa wUh the Kovcrninopi « UDdo'r.Uio ClaVk-McNnry foronlry iriw. eommendt Iho'B nilth fpiloral riOlrC bill fo r reclam ation ni'iMrin; (lie alalo vu-lfaro eommliilnn and ilie

' proposed memorial In Iho iinlvornlty............... ayjliiiiuiiuinj fBrm leswiatlnn and me

Idalio ayBtein of ortur^ilon RPt pmlxp;T ho 'p u b llc utlllllen romnil»(ilon Ib

commended for Ita rcccnl r»nru t lu aecuro for power, eonaumont nuch rale* an are reanonable amt which ilio tram c can bear»

‘ Ju d c 'e 'E - 'A . WBlliirn of ilil» oily .------- -— irervNI-on-tftC-Commliire-on ri-nnin- “

Ilonn and Inlrmliionil ConKri'HniiiBii Addlsnn T . Hmllh for roniiiiilnallnn.John \V. GrAhnm m-rvod Im ihc cro- donllals commiuro nnrt .Sliml U Hoil- I ijin on Ihc romnilllcc on nrdcr of hun- ( Inenn. ,• All pralne liluho ra lln an a coiivi ii-

Uoucliy . . . . ■ •

IDAHO KA1-1-S. AUK. CK-AlOuiilKli ’ Jolm W . Omhani of Twin I'nlln mild ] . lhal »'io' would volo nKaiuni llu- uunul-

monx ciidomrhieni o( .''i-iiaior WiUlnui i ‘ • ICdKBr Horah an ri'}iiilillrnn iminlin-io

to prorp to n Twin Fnlln man Ihnt hi' hail "fiuin” enouch In do llinl. n noe-i omi enll humlnalod llio nmntor by ne- elamallon. The only point whero I itlOTCWBn a c-hBnro fmm lho p r rie n t | lineup Ilf nlalo offlc'Tn wun In Ihi'j ca ie or niipromn Junilnin w hrrr Charlwi 1*. .M cl'anhy dorllnoil lo nui nnd JuiIkc llaymDiiU U Olviiin of ihoi Alla couniy dlatrlct tourl «nn ni'liot-i

Gre*t cnlhunlnnm pri-vnlli-d durlni;— iBttzg a rniKmmiiL i-ii.'imiiii|_rii!Hin- i» ij -• the nomliintloun-of A .'ll.^O m nor,for,

a ilorni'y koricral niul F. A. Jo tr t fo i] n . aecrcUiry o t alale wcro ruinuritl for

wookA but nothliii; camo nf llioni. John McMurray of Oakloy wn» rhonon ^n

;;------------ c m irm a iro f-th r »»«l<‘-ot>muiluuu,juia _C. K. Macry n t llolie lln m iri'lnry.Tho tlekpl an nmuUiaUd In un fol-

Unllcd Siatvn Senator-W llllnm i:. H orah .. I

RBpro»t;niailv«n in Counri-nn—Addl-

Oovemor—Chni'lo* <’.• .Mooro.' Llculvnaui. U ovcniur- ll. l \ . Uald-' rld«c.•• • Supm nii Conrl Jumlem — Alfrwl------------- :BOdx»r HBymAnd-l<. «lv«m*.------------" f i Q—F. A. Jclcr.

S late T roaaurer—Dan F. Uaukn.C riir ia i—Allii'rl It. Cou-

___a u to . Audlloi— K^G...GnJti-t. ., Superinlvndvnt o f I’ulillc Instruc-

1, ' tion—Ulaa SCIlzaholh numum.I " — - 'S Q ai iS lH o “ T naptclor'— SttW irl

J . •Ctropttatl-r .. _ r ----- '••A“ fiiwiipap<'r fit lo coicr your home!L £--------U-«.-fHtlDi: placo for your.AdvcrlUtc-.

.p e a u .

fc/iySi^ 1-A.ttloudhii; I 'nO irl Jloollni; v:. II.

I'linnliM. nnKifiiuii jucre lnry ut ilv.- • i i.i.T l.m r I'all" n«orvo1r .llnlrlri, in ilinclln,- ll iiiU-iInK of lln' chiMiiy Iwi.iiil nl Ihl' dam tliy, llv

Ciiliriiiili-H VMI Mint Aihih Avnni ll \\ (d m :.il;i> for l)oili:lan, Arl7on:i, .p, . .. n ii.ir hl l diilli ri im In.Mi 111 llir 111 III' ltl;:I> i>c hoi)l ihoii-. iillri dim lllll- IK a 1.UIU111.T vlnli In T»lii I'.illn,

Tn 6pon rlftnr S ton-~ ljunrlcin ;i:r o» liilni; n'iiii)dolli.il lho I 'n ih io oii’l hiillilluiT pri'pni'aloiy Io ihu [irniix;r'of”lhf-l*orrlnr t ’l.iar nlnro hy ■- U<-i'i1. "ho rri'i 'lilly n-nklii'il niiIi'WiirU nl llll' l^lkn IikIrv KHinin.

------------------------ TlHnrk from Suninill—Mr. nml Mrn. Sno'

C. Wyckuff of thlu clly. aud Mr. gucud Mrn. Oni-;ir I'nn. ot .Nowuiaii'n Qiu',Ituvi'. .N'l'h,. an- hill k from :i lrlj> Qi/r\ i r llu- ituiiiiilll liy way ot .'latUi'y, I'rliml .Arco, ■ t'rli:

l.niion for rn lio rn ll) -l . 'n ii l Slio- l-<’ai c'l'Ii, iiliito I'lin/i in.m of (lie l/ntvor«l(y J"t lilnlio uludonl- rninii.iliill ooniinlt- ' SIJl'. lotl ’l'wlii l''ttll>i-lliU.iiioi-JilUK-fof -Ul loni'iiw, Ivavolhii; ovi-rlniid aflrr oon-luilliiK a Ion ituy vb ll hi-ri'. Mr, Slrn- ___crk will rr.iuna- liln nUldUn In Sop- H / |.'iiiIiiT »n n Junior. f f '

.t>I.H IMonolnUou <>t 1li>ud>-A do- ITV Of illVori'c In nniij:lil In pai>i-ni Ill'll lodny by -(flBnni'i' A. (lohaniin rnm CoIiIIl- II. liohanau.,on ii charcii f drni'rlioii and ulianiloniueul nlkiEi-dI) havu oci'urroil two >vnni ftj:ryTIU' , Aii,ui>Io woro iiinnli'cl lii f..w» h> Odo'. nolflor. l!H‘(». rm l- 'r anil Wllham ri'pviy uiiinI'oi Ihll pluliiUtf. . . . uf t

------------------------ menJspcciiil-llzcurhbii (u loiliiv'ii'inne— li* oI'HlnnluK KciUcmhor I, niid lantlni? i»'H'iroi! iliiyn. .a flpvi'liil oxciirnlon rale "<«•'■I lho . Yelloi>’iliilii ' ■ Nallonnl imrU |a»<I ufti!rod. by lb - Or.'Kon .Sbofi l.hiii 1 1 ^ fid ll.rkrln i>iiri !ia»i.il tin- 1, 2 l im l^ W nff Si'pIcmhiT. ar« lliulled li> - lho ‘imnDih. w llll a- tiiiir iinil ono-Uiilt dny wonuir o t Ih r Iiark. Tliu |iiir('hani< TlriLO Ilf llio lli'kol whh'li IncUidon ntal'rannpiir’liillun. moaln. I'ti'., In JCZ.OS hadir hotol. lUid tf7.4K tor the onmpx, lii'iii ll- roKiilar prk'c brlnK fj>r hoteli nunmodallimn and lOO.ir. .fuf Ih f W Jiinii>n- ■ — - - ~ V I

IlHjH Applo" Hon— Diirion ('luinoy.Imrloi iiiiinnkcr'of lho Kii'Inliarili :i-lly I'oiiipaiiy of Nnmiia. Idaho, wnn ‘I ' r ro 'to iln y lonkinK nflor tlii-lr Imnl- I ro' r.Hji In noiiihcru Kliiho, - Jlo litnlos hnt Ihoy hnvi- nlroady puirluinod lUch tru ll from nmny o f th o prom- len t orchanlH on lho Twin K'nltn ‘'"'•t mot. Ho nnyn Ihoy lmvi\ IioiirW oyiir ' ri.ilAli Imxc-H ot hptilon hovu aiul hiivo T r'rnnKi'il for pnrklnK with iho J, II. Inio Kmvrr juu-klni; hottnc. Thc prlco Uiln onni oar In a u llc nlriiinTnccordlnK lo Mr. ihi'i :hanoy unU ihu Kiowcrn .will icaUtc , Kood prloc tor ihc lr crnp ihln.M-a- A nn, — ' f - ------- "Ol


J U S T A R E M IN D E R to n r ra b e lo w acvcrftl ite m s J o r . y o .n r ,a p p i

Fruit Jar«P in U . M/isoii .......................................(^iiarl.H. MiV'iiti .......................................I-;.' <}nHniis, .Miisim ,......... ......................

■Alta Coffee; '1-lb. ciii^ S u p r a r , f m c K r a n u l a t c d ,

O rapo J n ic c T lTill- Siimim-i- iloVrriiKi'

Q u a r t s 4 9 c _

. M

P i n t s . . . . 3 1 c Q u

R B x~- P a re -b a rd ------ -1,1 ,i>f>iMiil-<...........V-'...-'...........74cH - iu UiihIk ........................ S l,39 ' j ’

iM v . i iT - ....... ........................S a iiiflu '-h ..................................................T .trx. 'siiiiili ■|>ni-!vav'i' .. ...^...................I / i x , liii'iic [ni('l;ii«o ...........................

• ^ jo lil'- l>usl. la rp * im i-l;iiuo ..............W „_ li'^u _ L )n L 'k m :L '----------- ■■ ......

Illtfh l«rnile Coftrro h rr a iiianrln?, I U'l de liie r nijnift

A lex a jid__ Store

. . . T W I N - I


'GIVEN FRIDAY_____ flo

IVtiTill- lai.1 library sli.ry ot lln- utiin-

ini'i- will liv li-M 111 lb .' i.nrh Kri- c„i ihiy niiirnliii: al in nVhuk, Inxli'ad ini uIlf ............... ll Iilnrli'n, Ihv fairy |>lay. i,.,oi.'•Snow Whlh' and Ihi' .‘Si'Vi'ii Dwiirfn" ),i rn will he’ i:lvi'n. Till' I'aul hail liovil -JtrpHi rhiiNiin trom llic ( hltitrcii wlio nl- J'^ilhi load Hie ri-Ku'ar uliiry hour itud In- May. . i-lndvn' I'lKht Ijoyn and ni-vcn ■ rlrln . cinli-i

Clhllilrcn and Iliclr p:u>!utn j<rc ura < monl oordlally Invltud lo coliie,

Thc oUKl III an fullown: | 'Snow While, ...................I'M lw r.Jonlyn iyuci'u '..........- ...... ...............Jnnc i J-'cli j.,|QaroM'ii Mnid .................. nm li llallc rtji/ri'n 'n Hualnman ... Mllilri-d rwwno:: ,I’rlnc-o-............. ..... I'Vhorl SlilimcinI'rluc i'H .llunlnnuui . - .............. “ '

................. . Cnlliorlnn llrailon ''U 'lidcr of Iho Dwiirfn—.Mnrx Jonlyn. ‘ ‘

Jark }fritiu>». })iiMy linoM . m i y • Sturdivant, Jamcn D.iwimii W alter- .u w m -------- ^ ------------

■ . Pol


Approval of a i>lan for the a»- fiolntmcnl o f-n .-im m nn ' oJcit r h t t j f ; mnn lo laku giiirl In Ih ; <-onmirl ' uf thc nlalo ciimimlKU aad rrrom - mendntlon 'l o nil. oounty oonimliioofi til vho<inc ivoaicn Vico iTSalrtilcirwvrfT ai'ilonn lakcu by lliu ilrinniTaili'Mnll' oommllloo wbii'h orKanlr.cd “ lanl ovoniUK hy 'l“i oloctliin nf Ia'ii- ,l i e • w :" 7)iiiriiKiimiir~rir~?TaT;kv>’." loi’ T y

iimmi-ndn thc tnlloHt parllclpatlon uf womon. lu nl.ili.'>(f;ilrii- .

Tho coianilli<!i> ilocliled In rrta lu . ^ nlalo hrndgnarlern a l lloltio, Thcro had liL'on noniu talk of lakluB llv; hi'iuiiiliartorn lo rocalcllo. ’

Viait of Preston- I'w,'!*! ---- Farmers-Delayed-.r^.’l

frnmTho ilclcttiitlnn o t tnriiii'rii from icn ti

l*rcnloii anil olhor illnlrUin In ilio iioD tclii' valloy otjJ<'ranklln county whu ri-iiuiwi-ro to bBvo'nrrlwcl Wi'dumduy linvo nuitnInilotlnlloly pont|i<mcd Iholr vIhII, no- ni:or.cnrdInK lo n lolccriim recolYod hy K. ^oK, llrosnaril. rouniy iiconl. forrc

Tlie vinll will probably bo und o npnriInlor In lln-nc.-inon whon Iho Finnklln llobiirnnnly fanm -n will como lo iiriiiuiliil KIka ihi'ninoivoa wllh ibo'Twin I'-iilln iriii'l.

_ , ■ ; . ,, , ____ AnA aallntled cuniomor in an nnacl— ovor

noi an advertlnlnE medium. ' uowh

BOR 1 ).« ) A Y i S E P T E M B E R 1 S T ,

ir ran ffo y o u r p u rch a ses tb la s t u n t i l ip p ro v a l . J u s t pho n o , w c d e liv e r any

' Lil........................ 70c ' 11,'»t

. .. « P c i - P a c k a g e

in ....... ...................................4 ^

d, 1 0 p o u n d s .......................

T lia t W o n d erfu l C id e r V in e g a r •C (in hullc)

G a l l o n 2 7 c

M azola or W esson OilTlie ItonI Snlnd HIN

Q u a r t s . . . 5 9 c H a l f G a l !

. —

• i;-|ioiiiii| |iiii'1;iii;i* .V;...':.............39c . 1l-|io iiii(l pni-kiiKC ......................C9c ]

........................ 12c KoHiiiiir’i U raii ...

..........................22c I’o'.l iJnm .............

...........„ : .10c tlrnpc -N 'iits ............ .......... 25c liiin ta ii M m l ...... .

........ • ......... -,....30c I 'u f fi 'il Hioo -................................ 2Sc C rcin ii^ 'o f W hcnt

,f, toiio pound-, lu s r l l - l . e t ' omft to yon.

' TillH WKKK 3 p o i ]

ders C ash G— ■ —Phone 278 -^ ' ' -■

>re Closed All Day M onda



Ily I'lioml'.l lirtom I'n-r Aihloo In f \ | i:m |ilo}ment of luuToillcntH to r ' V Clonnliii; lti-iotiiilr> nnd Tronlim; Wnlor; Cnn Avoid Ttnlinld.' _____ >lr-*.

<'.iii!uillallf)U wllh n riiialltli'd oln ni-, o*" I in iiKard Io llir I'U-auiiliii: of via-rm. and tho .............. . i.r lln- wnicr ' "ri'i-i.Mimi'iiii,:rl hy It. U Wnlicr. lUaio ■*“

THU' iiaiillnry Innpi.-ior nml Twin iilhiVlIy chomlnl In liln iiiali'inont lo- ly. aiillvliialInK the oiilunni^tllllni: of nli-rnii fov domonllc Unc hy flic.tiirni- la of Ihv i-ounty.'Tyiiholil fever hu* loon n m lra rt.d I nowval o n i i i thin nmiimor, nnyn. . .' :r. Walter, from thc unc of uutrcal- J ' I w airr In thi’ rural,iintirlcin.

Offer. S o r tin ' linilln "•n n f r n w ater may hv Junl a,, .nod jl';;'''/

.1.1 iiafo an tbo linor d,nl.«i.'.h '.:lnro»:r,' W,-iltvr. who off,',-, to j;lvr fioi- ilvloo. fo^',.'hciulcnil ircalmvnl n n i J.10 i.ronortlim nr ln»;r.dlonin lo bo " nod. lo lyiy clnli'm own. rn whn ile- ro lo m il III hin otfi. i' o w r ihc Ida-n D ppnnm fnrB inrr;- ------------ :— T» inrolaniilnm pormBnKiianri' nnliillou reoonimonili'd tnr AaidiluK ihc ros- |„,ri •

■voir, with lho oiuitlnii ilmi tin.- prop- teiivi - proportion Lbuuld Im dotormlncd ,,,.^1,, f ff clionilM to p re u n l pohiouliiK s oin c.M-cnn, Chlorld.- nf llmc HOlit: on 111 ndvliiod In llm ucainioni Ihe >w wnlorn, IJolh of ihinc ehcmlcaln re pnrtiriilnily IncxiM'imlw nn well i.offei'llve onil lonve ilie iilnlern wii- ' :ra nwi-cl uuij free fmm hnclcjln. . J " '" rohtnniliuillon o t itueh 'w ulcr Ii ' rnoiiially ecrialn. nn>'n Mr, Wnlicr, 1'”' ' , horo tlic illlch WftUi It iiiliodii.-i'd i.lhu cluloni wllboul U'uiUi'iuuL-Thi; ■TKor clnlrrnn nro ttllrd only Iwlcc 'iln y v n r-ln tlu' aprlnis ami nulumn. •'>' ih

F w o i i f e i N ™ iClTYCOMMirrEDS

' Ull' V--------- tb liir

Tlio Souih I’nrk Hor^le.^ ninilon w.-i.i I'ok.'u Inln lunl nUhl anil robbi.l ot ajg j *11 Kllvvrlown eoril Krif*. nnd n nrw odi:e 'couinv-U ii'-pr,ii),'rly of ll. A. . oomvy nt Hurley, wjii. niolcn from In nnt of thu llopirnon hotel ni nboiii n o'clooli Wtduondiij en-nluK. ' E :lliihbi-iy ot thc Hi'r\|i-e Ktntlon wan

.poriod ti> lho ahivrUt'K ottlcv -ihln

.iitnhiK Iiy li. a. Hauilllon. ibu niau- :or. . D(^o irnce hnii been fniimi hy Inw on- _ _ _

irrem rnl oftlrlnln rtf llic Onklnnil _ _ [tnrl model' onr, hcInnRlnc in It, K. ■ ■ ■ obier. nIol.'U froni In I'rnnt of Ibe Ika bulldhiK .Mondny' nli:ht.

An nilverlinctnout _worlh louklni: i'or m novor ovcrlookod—In llilH '' I'WBpnpcr. * '

A Y IT- I;il T ucaday . W o h a v e U ated ny a m o u n t, iib 3 o liitc ly 'P R E E ._

^init Starch i

s t fo r S taro liiiiir 1

?e - ....................:..... 8c

. 2j-lb. .... ....$L21

.................................89c I .

K err’s Oats- j

P a c k a g e 2 9 c

a l l o n s . . . $ 1 . 1 4 '

Bfooma, ! -fac to ry . 4 - tio ' fin o s t r a w 'E a c h ................ :..79c |

•.............- ......................................22c - - -..........................................................13c 1..........................................................17c.................................................__ ...34c........- — ...................... ... ............ -17c!iit .................................................a o e


ounds’ .......... ...$1,48ounds------- .'.'..i3$iL4£

d a y


IN FAtLS WOMAN” lEIS WINATION ROM S f lALISISlr«. S. K. Currinun l» .Voniinoo f»c . Slnlo Tn-nnurcri I'nri) I’nln L'ii Si'pnrnto I.n Fiiliotte lllocloM IVhirh .'Iny Ilhidc Furov.-i of M'tnrnnnln .nnu.

Iio is i: , Aui: . ' : k- Twin Fnlln eoan- ' hnn a cundldnle on lliv i.oolallnl i-k.;l In Ihc pornon of Mm; S. K. flm non. who I'l'CKlH'd tbn uomlunllon ir iilalv ircniiurvi', Tlio convcniion Id uni nomlnatv for niipr.uii; courl liilk'on. bill filled the wliolt- llckol Itll the fulluw'lui: uouilnccs:I). J, O'Mahouoy uf Dannocik for

iiK'j-nor. i:. F. Iirny. I'nnyou oounty.)r itonulor. Hay Ilahbud, I'atiyou ■ iiinly. for oon«rmfi. Flrnl dlntriot'nud llftoi^l liiKby. Adii I'o'uiily. .to r the oeond d in lrirt; l.can 4 . Dawaon, Mlu-lokrt 'coiiiifj'. Ih.’Uiefiani 'K«ic-rnor;liouiiin J, Cmiutiiil, Cini rounty. ncc- ;lury_uLflluii.'; M ni. R ,K , OnrflKon. uln Fnlln vounly. troanuror; John utfcr, Frunklln connly, auditor; AI- 'rl Strelf^ llonownh oouniy.'niiorncy I'livrjil; Ov(iri;e I', JHtmer. atnic nu* I'rliilen.Ioni of puldlc lunirnclJon nnd , S, lluthliunv, Adn'connty. inIno lii- levior,F. F. Wiekhnm. I’o'cniiillo; .Mrn. eon;e A. Wordrii, Iloiiio; 1‘uul (^H'n- iT. iioliii' nnd William Victory. Ilolnc. , cM< nninn'l nn iuiIeprnUoni I a Fol- , ffe aUif IVheflcr eriVtorn, uiliI (fio >uventliin Inter volod to demand they .1 iduccJ tu Ihc Boclalbl lolunm ouIV ^ll^ t.^ .Th.' .I lv ln ion 'iit'iji-F o llrtIp 'fo rrcB )• Ihe nominniiou of lwo notn o t clc-o- .rn. onu on ibc. I'fOJif-nalvo nml lbo:licr-Dn Ihu.iiodufiaUUckcL-wlllacml -----iJiUurL.tbexhaaciixuI.aii'.W iacoualn mil. It In tinhl. Tho niK-lnllntn. linw- ler. contvnd ihnt ihoy n'colvotl uu >niililernllon fromi llio proiircnnlvc iiih-rn anil liml thoy will no i ondor.^u II' nonilnecn o f 'Ihn t pnriy for any- ilnr.

Try TnrkUh hatlii lor rhnataatiim .6, Mnlg Su. 1‘hone SK L-fldr.

C h lld rc n ’a .E yes S h o u ld Bo E xnm inedi B eforo S to rt in ff T j

School ' '

P R I E B ED o n 't Quo&s— O ot th e B eat


B e g in s Skturday OW o h a v e e x p e n d e d m uc S to i'c ,” th e ' best; p la c e t

E v ery D ayW e l is t b e lo w a f e w o f W o a r e e l im in a tin g sev

• s a c r if ic e . *.

Come a' O P E N m O 8 P E 9 IA L

10 A . M.

, ROOD rOtni-SEW RD O f f pnilOOM, onoh ................

■ UeRulur COc value, —

' OPEN TN O SP E C IA L— l O ^ M.------------------------

" 'M e e r ’Boodn. “ fini'Ul an tollnwn:

.i:-ln zephyr RlnKhnmn. tail_ color; flowered flnxon. percale, j

------cretnnnCT. collon-alia lllo --and 1munlln. ns lom a* It | C a ' tInnln. per yard...............J . U VHejsUjiar vnlue* up 10 3Cc yard,

— 19o y a : ^ A S S O R T M E H ?’ i

30-Inch Jnp cropo, fant co lo n : , ■ ; Windnor crepet. 27-Inch daNy _

elnth, 30-inch nlriped outfnE frannel.“~|{«ntllll«'. -Matlcheirt*r—

- th e Loom. mii*lln, , . I Q o - -per j-ard ................... . i

............. T aiue» -up - lo 'io c - n r a r ............<

O u r M o tto :

' T n i n

Clothing t atSin l

- : W e a K Wea[i','“E v e T h e s e B o y s’ S

$ 1 3 i* _ Toil);]]— l l i a t ’ii lliu w ord

f lu - ' rnhrii'H in IIit'Kii" Ti'i L ijicd nm l re iiifo rcc il a Kent, tlie.v’ll he n hinjf

T'C)~lioylHh w onr, hi'i.nuK< h n io k o fs tlm t k" w i l h j t .

____________ iji_ b'i'iMi..|ui)ltH._fur tjic In

$ 1 3 . j

Try.. Sincla"IT PAn



Morining, August 3l u c h t im e a n d . m o n e y to e t o s h o p i n T w in 'F a l l s /

y is B argain D ay Wo f t h e m a n y s p e c ia ls fo r s e v e r a l l in e s w h ic h w ill


I I A. M.llonulltul lunlre w nre 0 4 tn< nnnoriment. any article,,,, “ Iro

IteRUlar }1.E0 value.

O PEN nfO 8PEOIAI1 2 :3 0 P .M .

CUySTAl, 'WHITE lAUNDRY jk,------------- ^ ' : r p_BQAC______________ 0AR8 ii»

........ ............... ... na!OPENING SPECIAL «■

LADIES' PU nB BILK IlOBB. *—K -U ifaad. a a » o r t« d -c o lo ra .-g |____

p e r . pa ir .... — ---------- .. ^ g u t a r tl .M value. ~ ~ .


L X noB ;»nc>*''4loral naladB,- aU o floral c re a m e n ,. O E a <ueach .......^..... ................. cl.

. -'V ery apecltil raluea.

- • P«■ 0P£H1NQ~SPE0I&L--------------• r r r . - -------------------------------------------^ - -

- B E T S Y n o s s -b U c t iu c .

U M n r F / f i j 7 7 T t

Tim.«jDAY; A i i o n s T 28,^102.1; ' ' ' .

* ♦ ,

the Boy11 Cost

1 . . .

\ I*'

KV ijj ' ......................................L ,

\ '

I v S y w h e re i n '’ S u its f o r ;

• 5 0ord thnt dcncril)CH

fiim ndyii' Siiitn.I at tlie kiiep andnjf ^ne itiviiiK '«jt____nUKo o rth o exTrii” ......J t . I''iill v’ahic, too,;_hld;_____________ __________ __

. 5 0

a / r ' s F ir& i I

r O R E, f i : ;

3 0 th , 1 0 a . m .0 m a k e t h i s “ Y o u r

s : ' " ' ' " .................. ..................... ..

W ith Us •>r o u r o p e n in g s a le .1 b e s o ld a t a b ig

incedo p E in im iB r fD tA L

8 :8 0 P. M.inecirlc _curllag t Iron*, each __I O C ’';


2»u aayiruiienl piece j o«d» _______-lUufcrt _yolle. ftowtrcd fUn- ________naletio. Mibodo crepA coruiD ■erlnt,' p«t>ble. clotb. bla^ *«• . leen. RenCrotk aUtUnKi 4«;Wch pillow tQHlOK, OQ a 'per yard ....---------- ,

-----V<llU»«-Up-lO-W«-5trdr-=::---- ------------ ---

. 390 . A M O E T i i m . '^I’crmawat SwhMl ornnaier- - -----------

Irie. «-lnch Tfillbw ' 'tublns, flowered .ntapq. Ulk)ri ' cloth, French dmhatnt. aort«d eolora; .rallli»; ; 0 0 ^ -

— . ............... ' '•

All Piece ‘QootU 'Xrt BaIbb • « :--------SoM’flt^-StOTtrcfcT'—~7, ------- ----

THEN PRim’?: