The Role of ICT in the PYP In-School Workshop Utahloy International School, Guangzhou, China Google Site: http://tinyurl.com/pypict Jason Graham @jasongraham99

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The Role of ICT in the PYPIn-School Workshop

Utahloy International School, Guangzhou, China

Google Site: http://tinyurl.com/pypict

Jason Graham@jasongraham99

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Who am I?



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Workshop Sessions Overview - Day 1


Session 1: Setting the Stage & ICT & International Mindedness


Session 2: Trans-disciplinary Skills and Conceptual Understandings

though ICT/ Unconference


Session 3: Collaborative Planning & Teaching for ICT Integration/


Session 4: Developing an ICT Policy cont..


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007

Your WorkshopIn this workshop we will be using a variety of online resources such as:

ICT in the PYP Google Site

Online Curriculum Centre (OCC)

The ICT in the PYP Google site will be used to support digital media and essential information. This is open to all participants.


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Clock Buddies


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Toolbox & Resources

Over the course of the workshop, we will be sharing some of our favorite web tools.

These can be found on the ICT in the PYP Google site.


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Central Idea

ICT is an increasingly integral partner in teaching and learning through the PYP and facilitates students’ and teachers’ development of international mindedness.


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Lines of Inquiry:

The purpose and philosophy of ICT in the PYP (function)

The development of international mindedness, transdisciplinary skills, and concepts through ICT (connection)

The development of a School ICT Policy (function)

The ways ICT supports student inquiries (connection)

The ways ICT facilitates reflection and promotes action (reflection)

Systems of support in the school setting to facilitate ICT in the PYP (connection)


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Summative Assessment

Develop an action plan which reflects participant learning as a result of the workshop and an increased partnership between ICT and teaching/learning.


Reflect on a unit using the SAMR model


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How do you feel about ICT....?



figure best


how you

feel about

ICT in the

PYP right

now? ☺

Colour it


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Getting to know you

Human Continuum


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Workshop Essential Agreement

Task: In your group create a workshop essential


Your agreement might include:

expectations of participants

collaborating & communicating with others


Essential agreements are…

• Concise

• Phrased positively

• Binding on all

• Few in number

• State how something is done

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Session 1: Setting the Stage


Are we out of touch?

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Purpose and Philosophy of ICT in the PYP


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What is the current status of our schools' integration of ICT?


© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007Page

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Read page 43 of Making the PYP Happen (Role of ICT section). Also read pages 1-5 in the new Role of ICT in the PYP document.

Choose 1 sentence or idea that is significant for you from these documents, either positive, negative or controversial.

Post that sentence and an explanation of why you chose it to the wall display.

Please include your name.


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QuestionHow is ICT represented in the IB mission statement?


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Please review the mission statement of the IB (p.2 Making the PYP Happen or http://ibo.org/mission) keeping in mind the role that ICT may play to help achieve this mission.

Turn and talk


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IBO Mission StatementThe International Baccalaureate aims to develop inquiring, knowledgeable and caring young people who help to create a better and more peaceful world through intercultural understanding and respect.

To this end the organization works with schools, governments and international organizations to develop challenging programmes of international education and rigorous assessment.

These programmes encourage students across the world to become active, compassionate and lifelong learners who understand that other people, with their differences, can also be right.


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QuestionWhat is being said about the role of ICT outside of the PYP?


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What is being said about ICT outside of PYP


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What is being said about ICT outside of PYP


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QuestionsHow are the ideas presented in the videos and articles reflected in both the IB's mission statement and Making the PYP Happen and guidance about the role of ICT in the PYP?

How has/will technology change teaching and learning through the PYP at our schools?

Reflection: Discuss as a table group. Post your individual thoughts in your journal/book.


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What is an Unconference?


An unconference is a participant-

driven meeting.

Please remember to sign up for one of the informal sharing sessions.

image from www.texas.com

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How Many Horses?


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Session 1: International Mindedness

Page Photo taken from Tech Transformation

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Session 1: International Mindedness


Inquire into how ICT can promote international mindedness.

International mindedness is directly influenced and supported by the IB Learner Profile attributes.


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International Mindedness?

The aim of all IB programmes is to develop internationally minded people who, recognizing their common humanity and shared guardianship of the planet, help to create a better and more peaceful world.

(From the introduction to the IB Learner Profile attributes. See page 4 of Making the PYP happen for a description of each of the attributes.)


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So how can ICT promote IM?

EngagementThe descriptors of the learner profile attributes are written in a very general, transferrable way. Choose an attribute, write a new descriptor that explores how ICT is connected to it.

Write a new descriptor and create a poster with your partner to share with the class.


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Session 1: International MindednessQuestion: How can ICT develop the attributes of the learner profile?


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EngagementRead the following articles and consider their implications for the use of ICT to support student development of International mindedness.

Discuss at your table group and post your thoughts in your participant page.

How Flat is Your ClassroomStudents without Borders


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Recap & Reflection of Session 1

EngagementIn your participant page, take a few minutes and reflect on something you found interesting, note any wonderings you still might have.


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Using Twitter to make global connections: Why are connection important to developing IM?

See Site Session 1

Crowd sourced Twitter Guide for Teachers

The Art & Technique of Personal Learning Networks- David Warlick

Twitter A Cultural Guidebook by @intrepidteacherand @klbeasley


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Session 2: The PYP Essential Elements & ICT


With your table group...

●Review your group's assigned Essential Element in Making the PYP Happen.

●Discuss key points. Why has this been included as an Essential Element of the curriculum?

●How might ICT be connected to this Essential Element?

Question: What implications does technology have for the written curriculum?

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Engagement: Create an Infographic


● Review the example of infographics through the link on the workshop site.

● Assign roles:o Data Manager/ manipulatoro Graph Creatoro Image Collector/Citationso Image Editor & Final Layout

● Post your infographic to the workshop site.

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Session 2: The PYP Essential Elements & ICT


Question: What implications does technology have for the development of the PYP key concepts?

Find your 9 o'clock buddy and a comfortable place to work...●Read pages 18 - 20 of Making the PYP Happen, paying special attention to the "rationale" for each concept.

●How might ICT encourage the development of these concepts?

●Post resources, examples and ideas on the Google site to describe example of how in your school/classroom.

● Be creative & be prepared to share.

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Session 2: The PYP Essential Elements & ICT


Un-conference Sessions

Please remember to sign up for one of the informal sharing sessions.

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Session 2: The PYP Essential Elements & ICT


Question: What implications does technology have for the development of the PYP transdisciplinary skills?

Form job-alike groups to engage in the following task:●Develop a learning engagement(s) that integrates one of the ICT skills identified in The Role of ICT in the PYP

●Provide links/examples of potential ICT resources

●Explain how the learning engagement is connected to the development of specific PYP transdisciplinary skills & sub-skills

●Post on the appropriate page of the workshop site

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Session 2: The PYP Essential Elements & ICT


Question: What implications does technology have for the development of the PYP transdisciplinary skills?

Partner with someone from a different group and share your learning engagement.

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Session 4: Un-conference


by Maximalideal on Flickr CC BY-SA 2.0

Please return by ….

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Group Competition


What does the IB say about the role of ICT in transdisciplinary teaching and learning?

●Use Making the PYP Happen (2009) to answer the questions in order.

●A different member from the group must submit an answer each time.

●Every member of the group must submit an answer at least once.

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Session 3: Collaborative Planning


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Session 3: Planning for ICT Integration


●How does planning for technology integration currently take place in your school?

●Discuss in table groups and summarize in a T-Chart:

●Gallery walk ~ Commonalities?

Technology Integration

Helps Hinders

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Guest Speaker

Julie Lindsay- Flat Connections


Twitter: @julielindsay


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How might we best collaborate to plan forICT integration?


Read Creating a Culture of Collaboration Through Technology Integration from Kim Cofino's blog, Always Learning (on Site)

Discuss with table group.

Does anything from this blog post address points from your 'hinder' list?

Do any of the ideas shared help clarify or extend your thinking about collaboration and technology integration?

© International Baccalaureate Organization 2007Page by Kim Cofino on flickr CC BY-NC-SA-2.0

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How might we best collaborate to plan forICT integration?


Engagement (optional):

Develop a draft plan that facilitates collaboration between staff members for ICT integration within units of inquiry.

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Session 4: Developing an ICT Policy


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Session 4: Developing an ICT Policy

Aims:Inquiry into……

Components of an ICT policy in a PYP schoolThe process of creating an ICT policy


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Good ICT Practices

investigating and carrying out a purposeful inquirycreating and innovating

communicating and exchanging information with varied audiences using a range of media and formats

collaborating by actively participating in creating and sharing knowledge


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Good ICT Practices

organizing and understanding that ICT systems can be used in various way

becoming responsible digital citizens who make informed and ethical choices, while acting with integrity and honesty.

ICT in the PYP Doc Link Page

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Guiding Questions

What components of an ICT policy are needed for your school?

How do we go about creating and implementing a school ICT policy?


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Research other school's ICT policies and examine articles to see what is included in an ICT policy.

Discuss how these domains are addressed/might be better addressed at your school.


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Day 1: Wrap Up


Homework●One reading ~ favourite quotes, key message(s), challenge(s) see ICT Google site

●Be prepared to form expert groups to share insights

Reflection ~ on your page of the workshop site●Learned...●Affirmed...●Challenged...

Exit Slip ~ on Post-It●A wish for tomorrow

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Two Stars and a Wish


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Duck or Rabbit?


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Sit with your article group & discuss last evening's reading.

Summarize the key points butchers paper (link is on the Readings page of the workshop site).


Good morning!

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Workshop Sessions Overview – Day 2

Session 5: Developing an ICT Policy & using ICT for assessment


Session 6: Personal inquiries


Session 7 Action Plan


Session 8 : Action plan and sharing

End of workshopPage

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Session 5: Developing an ICT Policy cont..


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Create a framework for your school's ICT policy.Consider what this document would look like -what "big" areas would it address?


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See the 8 domains of a school ICT policy.Choose one of the areas (domains) you would like to explore.

Work with others who have selected the same area. Create a list of guiding questions to support a school in the development of its' technology policy.

Use the eight PYP key concepts to structure your questions: form, function, causation, connection, perspective, reflection, responsibility, ?


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Eight Domains of a School ICT Policy

1. Leadership and Management2. Curriculum3. Learning and Teaching4. Assessment5. Professional Development6. Extended Opportunities for Learning7. Resources8. Impact on Student Outcomes


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My Blackberry Isn’t Working

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Session 6: Using ICT to Support Reflection & Self-assessment


Extended Think - Pair - Share

●On your page of the workshop site reflect on the following:

o How have you used technology to support reflection and/or self-assessment?o For yourself?o With your students?o Has this facilitated a decision to take action?

●Pair with your 12 o'clock buddy●Share with your table group

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Session 6: Chatsworth Student Blog/Portfolio


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Session 6: Using ICT to Support Reflection & Self-assessment

Share examples of student blogs & other examples of reflection & self assessment through tech


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Session 6: Using ICT to Support Action

Return to previous reflection from Think-Pair-Share

List at least one new resource or idea that you learned of during this sharing time

Make a quick plan on how to use this in your own context once back at school


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Session 7: Personal Inquiries


Forming our collaborative groups:

●Write your idea / issue on an index card (if you are stuck there is a list of ideas on the workshop site)

●Mix & mingle and find a partner when we say 'Share'

●Describe your research idea to your partner

●Exchange cards

●Mix & mingle

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Session 6: Personal Inquiries


Forming our collaborative groups:

● Now when you share - describe the idea on your card●Rate the cards so that they have a total of 7 and write this number on the back of the card

●Exchange cards●Mix & mingle

3 4

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Session 6: Personal Inquiries


Forming our collaborative groups:

Add the numbers on the back of your card and circle the total.

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Session 6: Personal Inquiries


Use the PYP Action Cycle to structure your mini-inquiry:

Choose - Identify the key questions related to this topic that your group wants to explore. Use the PYP key concepts to frame your questions.

Act - Brainstorm and share possible answers, strategies, solutions and resources to address your key questions.

Reflect - Summarize your findings (post these on a page or wiki linked to the workshop site), including proposed next steps/future actions to take - these can also be documented on your workshop action plan.

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Image: Shanghaidaddy.net


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Continue working on inquiries - share @ time?


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Session 7 & 8: Personal Action Plans


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to create an ICT action planto critique the action plan of 'critical friend'


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21st Century Education


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Engagement A

Create an action plan, based on your learnings. This plan should have 2-4 main goals and be focused on improving ICT in your classroom and/or school.

See template on Google site


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Engagement A1 (optional)

Analyse your unit of inquiry using the SAMR model.

Page http://jennyluca.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAMR_model.png/203923578/SAMR_model.pn


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Engagement A1 (optional)

Analyse your unit of inquiry using the SAMR model.

See SAMR in 120 Seconds video on Site

Page http://jennyluca.wikispaces.com/file/view/SAMR_model.png/203923578/SAMR_model.pn


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figure best


how you

feel about

ICT in the

PYP right

now? ☺

Colour it


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Engagement B

After developing a draft of your action plan you will work with two other participants as "critical friends" to provide constructive feedback on each others' plans.


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Workshop Summary

ReflectionWhat were key issues of this workshop?What wonderings do you still have?
