h ~I:! SECTION I FLEXIBLE PIPE VS. RIGID PIPE (GENERAL) Generally, rigid pipes have the following characteristics: made in discrete lengths use gaskets in joints to form a water-tight seal often produced from composite materials minor trench deflections are accommodated by joint deflections Rigid pipe design assumptions include: a sufficiently stable trench bottom to keep the pipe aligned bedding and primary backfill help distribute the load and minimize stress concentrations inherent pipe strength will primarily support imposed loads the gasket will be held to the desired compression by the geometry of the bell the pipe's structural integrity is constant over time Some common flexible pipe characteristics are: pipe-soil performance depends on the embedment quality determined and specified during design made from a single homogenous material Flexible pipe design assumptions include: structural integrity of the "pipe" and of the "soil embedment" system is constant over time bedding and backfill are critical to the load carrying system RIGID PIPES "Rigid pipes" are sufficiently strong (both within the pipe wall and joints) to withstand most anticipated live and dead loads. A pipe's ability to resist imposed loads is improved by "better" embedment conditions. FLEXIBLE PIPES "Flexible pipes" rely upon their deformation of the pipe from imposed loads to mobilize the support of embedment materials on both sides of the pipe. Their primary structural function is distributing the imposed vertical loads to the surrounding soil. Some standards' define a flexible pipe as one that can deflect more than 2% without cracking. Only a small portion of imposed loads are actually carried by the flexible pipe itself. Instead, load is transferred to the surrounding bedding material. A pipe system's load carrying capacity increases significantly with an increase in the stiffness of embedment materials. Consequently, embedment is often composed of a well-graded, angular, granular material that is well compacted. Flexible pipes have few common characteristics. They may be manufactured in discrete lengths or welded together on site (infinite length). And gasketed joints mayor may not be present. EVALUATING PIPE PERFORMANCE If all design factors are well understood, a suitable piping system can be created using either "rigid" or "flexible" pipe design methodology. Both methods are supported by academic review and industry standards (AS1M, AWWA,CSA, etc.) for pipe testing, qualification, and installation. However, design factors and assumptions are often not well known, incorrect, or they may change over time. A piping system's performance under load or embedment conditions that vary from the design assumptions is a good way of evaluating rigid versus flexible pipe. Let's examine a few scenarios: KWH Pipe: Comparison of We halite HOPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials

~I:!cms.esi.info/Media/documents/4434_1311758806648.pdf · Gaskets for HDPE Weholite pipe conform to the requirements of ASTM F477. Both piping systems can offer gaskets in a variety

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Generally, rigid pipes have thefollowing characteristics:

made in discrete lengths

use gaskets in joints to forma water-tight sealoften produced from

composite materialsminor trench deflections are

accommodated by joint deflections

Rigid pipe design assumptions include:a sufficiently stable trench bottom

to keep the pipe aligned

bedding and primary backfill helpdistribute the load and minimizestress concentrations

inherent pipe strength will primarily

support imposed loadsthe gasket will be held to the

desired compression by the geometryof the bell

the pipe's structural integrity isconstant over time

Some common flexible pipecharacteristics are:

pipe-soil performance depends on

the embedment quality determinedand specified during design

made from a single homogenousmaterial

Flexible pipe design assumptionsinclude:

structural integrity of the "pipe"

and of the "soil embedment" systemis constant over time

bedding and backfill are critical to

the load carrying system


"Rigid pipes" are sufficiently strong (both within the pipe wall and joints) towithstand most anticipated live and dead loads. A pipe's ability to resist imposedloads is improved by "better" embedment conditions.


"Flexible pipes" rely upon their deformation of the pipe from imposed loadsto mobilize the support of embedment materials on both sides of the pipe.Their primary structural function is distributing the imposed vertical loads tothe surrounding soil. Some standards' define a flexible pipe as one that candeflect more than 2% without cracking.

Only a small portion of imposed loads are actually carried by the flexible pipeitself. Instead, load is transferred to the surrounding bedding material. A pipesystem's load carrying capacity increases significantly with an increase in thestiffness of embedment materials. Consequently, embedment is often composedof a well-graded, angular, granular material that is well compacted.

Flexible pipes have few common characteristics. They may be manufactured indiscrete lengths or welded together on site (infinite length). And gasketed jointsmayor may not be present.


If all design factors are well understood, a suitable piping system can be createdusing either "rigid" or "flexible" pipe design methodology. Both methods aresupported by academic review and industry standards (AS1M, AWWA,CSA, etc.)for pipe testing, qualification, and installation. However, design factors andassumptions are often not well known, incorrect, or they may change over time.

A piping system's performance under load or embedment conditions that vary fromthe design assumptions is a good way of evaluating rigid versus flexible pipe.

Let's examine a few scenarios:

KWH Pipe: Comparison of We halite HOPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials

INADEQUATE/IMPROPER BEDDING AND BACKFILLA rigid piping system's carrying capacity is the total load that can be supported

by the pipe itself. For concrete pipe, this is determined by a three-edge bearing

test multiplied by a bedding factor (between 1.5 and 4.42). Bedding factors between

. 1.5 and 2.3 apply to the four standard installation types in a trench application.

When the bedding is improperly installed, and the backfill is not properly compacted,

the pipe's strength will initially support the imposed dead and live loads.

The trench walls will support the weight of the backfill (Marston effect). But

any theoretical increase in pipe strength resulting from a properly bedded and

backfilled installation is compromised. Over time, the pipe will experience more

and more of the trench load. Eventually, the pipe's capacity will be exceeded and

it may fail. Cracks exceeding the design limits will develop and the pipe's steel

reinforcement will be exposed to its internal atmosphere. In sanitary sewer and

industrial applications, this may be corrosive to the reinforcing steel. This failure

is most likely to occur well after the installation period, when the systemis not being monitored as carefully.

Flexible pipe, on the other hand, relies on initial bedding, which conforms to

the project's standard requirements. For most sewer applications, this would

be well-graded, granular materials that are appropriately compacted.

Limiting pipe deflection is the main factor in the design of a flexible piping system.

Even when it isn't, the expected pipe deflection is calculated. But this anticipated

deflection increases substantially when the project-specified bedding is not provided.

Monitoring pipe deflection during the construction process will effectively ensure

compliance with project the requirements. Installation problems are readily

apparent and can be corrected before the pipe is put into service.


Rigid pipes will move when the trench bottom is unstable. Because of pipe rigidity,

the joints will move and gasket compression (plus the joint seal) will be affected.Sufficient joint movement can cause the seal to be lost.

If localized loads exceed the rigid pipe's structural limit, wall

failures (cracl<ing) may occur. Either infiltration or ex-filtration willresult (flow direction will be from the higher to lower pressurearea). If cracking continues, the rigid pipe may collapse.

By contrast, flexible (especially plastic) pipes will deform when the trench bottom

is unstable. As such, joint area movement is minimized, reducing occurrences of

seal loss. Generally, flexible pipes come in longer lengths than rigid pipes, so

there are fewer joints "at risk." Plus, fused or welded HDPE pipe systems are

joint-less and are therefore not subject to this problem.

KWH Pipe: Comparison ofWehol~e HDPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials 2




Concrete pipe is formed by encasing reinforcing steel inside a concrete pipe wall.

The steel can be optimally located to provide resistance to the anticipated loads.

The concrete is produced from different source materials to take advantage of

local conditions and! or to obtain the desirable strength or chemical resistanceproperties.

This product can be designed to limit small crack formation in tensile sections

of the pipe to less than 0.3 mm. The 0.3 mm crack classifications are 40-D, 50-D,

65-D, 100-D, or 140-D. Alternatively, concrete pipe can be designed to support an

ultimate anticipated load, with appropriate factors of safety. The D load classifications

using this method are 60, 75, 100, ISO, and 175. The specifications covering this

design areASTM C 76 M and CSAA257.2.

Weholite pipe is a profile, or structural, HDPE pipe wall. Fabricating the pipe

with a profile allows for desirable stiffness properties at overall weights that

are 40% less than solid wall HDPE pipe. Weholite typically weighs less than

10% of an equivalent concrete pipe. The pipe's structural capacity is classified

in accordance with ASTM F894. The Ring Stiffness Constant (RSC) rating for thepipe is an empirical measurement of its load carrying capacity.


Concrete pipe joints are gasketed bell and spigot connections. The pipes are

supplied in 2.4 m (8') lengths, to limit the weight of large diameter individual

pipe sections. Weholite is also available with bell and gasket connections (in sizes

up to 36" in 20' lengths). However, a welded (fused) connection is recommended

for all Weholite pipe in sewer (storm or sanitary) applications.

Sewer specifications typically include a pressure test and! or leak test with acceptance

criteria. The same "leakage" criteria apply to all gasketed pipe systems, regardless

of pipe material. For welded HDPE sewer pipes, the joint's anticipated leakagerate is zero3• It has uniform structural properties along its entire length.

KWH Pipe: Comparison ofWeholite HDPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials 3

"In general, concrete and corrugated

steel pipes are more vulnerable to

chemical and biological attack than

PVC and HDPE Pipe. High resistance

to chemical attack is the most attractive

feature of plastic pipe."

From a study by NRCIns1itute for Research in Construction

"Both domestic and industrial sewers

contain many aggressive chemicalsthat can cause the corrosion of

reinforced-concrete pipe. For instance,

inorganic and organic acids may be

present in effluents or in the subsoil

of an industrial area, or they may be

formed above the water line in the

sewage, because of two-stage bacterial

activity (Parker, 1951;Ramaswamy and Jain, 1984).

Sulfate ions and other chemicals may

also exist in the soil and potentially

cause chemical corrosion of concrete

on the outside walls.'''

"The low abrasion resistance of

concrete pipe is attributed to the

brittle nature of the material.'''


Standards (USA)


Standards (Canada)

CSAA257.~CSA B 182.6


4" - 36" Non reinforced15"- 120"


12" - 144" Reinforced

Structural Type

Walls A, B, CRSC 40-400

Wall Thickness6.6" (Wall C, 60")3.5" (RSC 250, 60")

Unit Length/Weight

8'/11,760Ibs.50'/4,675 Ibs.

Burial Design Method



Circular, EllipticalCircular


ASTM C 1479-0 IASTM 02312

Manning's n



Generally, concrete is more chemically resistant than carbon steel pipe, but much

less so than HDPE. Concrete is vulnerable to hydrogen sulfide, which forms when

solids in sanitary wastewater are unable to stay in suspension. This often occurs

in collector sanitary sewers during periods of low flow.

Concrete pipe gaskets conform to the requirements of ASTM C443 and F877.

Gaskets for HDPE Weholite pipe conform to the requirements of ASTM F477.

Both piping systems can offer gaskets in a variety of materials. Generally, gaskets

are more vulnerable than the pipe material to chemical attack. This is a significant

concern for concrete pipe systems, which have a gasket every eight feet.

Extrusion welded Weholite systems are not subject to gasketdegradation. HDPE has excellent chemical resistance to mostindustrial and domestic wastes. With the exception of exposure toapolar sovents (such as some alcohols, halogens, and aromatics),the chemical resistance of HDPE is superior to concrete.

Polyethylene is used as a lining to rehabilitate concrete pipe or on new concrete

pipe installations where high resistance to corrosion is required.


Abrasion resistance is a material's ability to withstand mechanical erosion. Pipes

used in sanitary, storm sewer, and culvert applications require significant abrasion

resistance, since grit and suspended solids continuously impact on the pipe wall.

As flow velocity increases, so does abrasion.

The abrasion resistance of concrete pipe may be adversely affected by corrosion.

As such, the specific application must be evaluated.

Plastic pipe is highly resistant to abrasion. This is because its molecular composition

creates a "trampoline" response when impacted by tumbling aggregate (such asgrit and solids).

KWH Pipe: Comparison of Weholite HDPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials 4

"Rigid concrete pipe requires good

embedment for load distribution.'''

HDPE is three to five times more abrasion resistant than concrete pipe when test­ed in a Oarmstadt abrasion test. In fact, HOPE often ranks first in wear resistanceamong pipe materials.

Or. Louis Gabriel conducted a widely recognized comparison of abrasion resist­ance in 1990at California State University. The project assessed abrasion aloneand in concert with chemical corrosion. It concluded that HOPE outperformedconcrete pipe.


Manning's n value for new concrete pipe is 0.010- 0.009.The concrete pipe indus­try promotes the use of 0.012- 0.013as appropriate long-term values. This 20-30%difference accounts for a long-term deterioration in "n" value due to corrosion andabrasion. The reduction in flow capacity is anticipated, particularly in hostileenvironments.

Manning's tested n value for Weholite is between 0.0097 and 0.0092.For pipeexceeding 36" 10, this will approach the 0.09value associated with solid wallHDPE pipe.

A design value of O.OlD is recommended, to provide for limited deteriorationwhile recognizing Weholite's excellent corrosion and abrasion resistance. Still,even by conservative estimates, Weholite's flow capacity in a gravity sewerapplication is 30% greater than comparably sized concrete pipe.


Concrete and Weholite pipe have very similar trenching, bedding and backfillrequirements. The only notable difference is the primary backfill's upper limit.

According to AS1M C1479-01("Standard Practice for the Installation of Pre-castConcrete Sewer. ..") the clearance between pipe and trench wall must sufficientlyallow for the specified compaction. In any case, it must be at least 1/ 6th of thepipe's outside diameter (00). AS1M 02321, ("Standard practice for UndergroundInstallation of Thermoplastic Pipe for Sewers and Other Gravity flowApplications"), on the other hand, specifies a trench width wider than the com­paction equipment required plus a minimum clearance of "8 inches" or "1/2 ofthe pipe's 00 times 1.25plus 6 inches." But most user specifications, such as theOPS7,require a minimum side clearance of 12 inches (300mm) - regardless ofpipe material.

Practically then, there's no difference in trench widths for bedding and initialbackfill requirements between concrete or Weholite pipe. However, standardsrequire that the initial backfill for concrete pipe must extend to the pipe spring-line,while the initial backfill for plastic (Weholite) pipe should extend to a minimumof 6" (150mm) over the top of the pipe. The initial backfill is the zone that mustbe compacted to achieve the pipe's bedding support.

KWH Pipe: Comparison ofWehol~e HDPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials 5

"The light weight of plastic pipe,

compared to that of concrete pipe,

permits the use of longer sections, and

the pipes can be cut at the job site for

length adjustment, resulting in less

effort and added flexibility during


Where trench settlement isn't a concern, some minor additional effort is needed to

meet the initial backfill requirements for Weholite and other plastic pipes. But mosttrench applications in roadway cuts require careful selection and compaction of thetrench backfill materials, anyway. So there is no additional effort (or cost) involved.


The popular concrete design software, "PipePac 2000," compares the life cyclecosts between concrete and HDPE (generally presumed to be circular corrugatedpolyethylene pipe). The software presumes a service life of 100 years for concretepipe in all storm sewer, sanitary sewer and culvert applications. And it presumesa service life value of 70 years for HDPE pipe, despite the material's superiorhydraulic, corrosion resistant, and abrasion resistant properties. Although one canoverride the software's service life values, many users will accept the program'sdefault settings. Doing so, however, will produce a result that is not supported byrealistic service life values.

Concrete pipe failures (due to corrosion or abrasion) often resultin a reduced service life. And joint degradation or failure maydetermine the effective useful life of a pipe system. WeldedWeholite has no joints.

In general, Weholite's service life will be at least 50% greater than concrete. In corrosiveapplications, it will be double. Although service life for both pipe materials must becarefully evaluated, concrete should never exceed the service life of Weholite pipe.

A fair cost comparison between the two materials will show similar capital costs,where the nominal pipe size is the same. But in many applications, smallerWeholite pipe will be used because of its superior Manning's n value. Installationcosts will vary. In areas where the trench can be open cut and where longerlengths of Weholite can be used, its installation costs should be lower.

KWH Pipe: Comparison of Wehol~e HDPE Pipe to Other Pipe Materials 6