NEWS FROM CHAPIX, It. F. D. 1. AA"e are sorry to note the illness of Mr. AY. A. AVessinger. The services at St. Thomas' Sunday were well attended. Pastor R. M. Carpenter has been delivering very instructive sermons which all need remember.and hear. Mr. Edgar L. Shealy and Miss Mae Short of Columbia attended services at St. Thomas' Sunday and took din\ r>er with Mr. Shealy's parents, Mr. and Mrs. AY. Killian Shealy. Rev. Mr. Carpenter and family enjoyed a good dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. Ben Shealy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jonas Slice also visitea .Mr. sneaiy Sunday. Mr. Lewis Wessinger of Lancaster Pa., is on a two months' visit to his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wessinger. Mr. ar.d Mrs. P. R. Wessinger and son, accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Lindler and Mrs. E. F. Wessinger motored over to see Mrs. Thompson Shealy Sunday. Mrs. Shealy has been in ill health for quite awhile. Messrs. Alonzo and Horace Shealy, two very popular sports of this sec. tion, were out riding Sunday afternoon. Later they were joined by their i triplet brother, Mr. Hoy Shealy. Mrs. Miller of near Columbia spent last week end with her son, Fen MilV ler. fi Misses Pearle and Ruth Huffstettler of the Pine Ridge section visited Misses Ethel, Ella Rose and Mary * rShealy Sunday afternoon. Also Messrs. Rayford and Elbert Huffstettler and Lonnie Wessinger visited Mr. Hoy Shealy. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Huffstettler yisited the latter's parents Sunday. Miss Julia Wessinger visited her uncle, Mr. Ben Shealy, Sunday. Mr. S. M. Wessinger and family visited at Mr. Arthur Derrick's Sunday afternoon. DOTS FROM CHARTER OAK. Farmers are mighty busy fighting the boll weevil. Miss Rosa Bell Hendrix is spending the summer with Mr. and Mrs. C, C. Harmon. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harmon and family spent Sunday afternoon with * Mr. and Mrs. George Kaminer. Mr. Clinton Hendrix left Monday to I Caac UC110 I July We believe this selling to b as half in every case and ir tunity. We are sure prices conducting a real clearance values throughout the store Beautiful organdies in fi white and maize. The fi] made of genuine importec styled. $12.00 Val $18.00 Va) $25.75 Va! coi en \7_i «P<£.#,oU V cXI Fine Dotted Swisses in n der, brown and purple. ?,j and styled into the most w $27.50 Val ' $22.50 Val C?r 7?r « .J V ivi The season's loveliest voi h'i ^ ? I t * " i . *nd olaea. nvery dress a j iarly proud to possess and ship so easy. $9.75 Val' | $16.50 Vai $22.50 Vaii $25.00 Vali Ginghams and tissues \v cheeks in copen, red. pink. I $20.00 Values for $12.75 $30.00 Values for $14.75 The Woman's Shop llli'lllMIIWll II' M il IIIIIBP II'I ii Hill M t attend the .summer school at New- berry. Mr. and Mrs. .Jessie \\ essinger spent Sunday evening with Mr. and! Mrs. (). F. Hendrix. Mr. John Evans Harmon and Mr. j Clarence Sox dined with Mr. Clinton Hendrix Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wessinger and little son spent Sunday wfth Mr. j and Mrs. Andrew Long. Miss Carrie Pearle and Rosa Bell Hendrix spent Sunday afternoon j with Misses Allie and Amy Frank low. Miss Rosa Harmon visited Miss Clarise Harmon Sunday evening. Mr. Harold Hendrix spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. Hilton Hendrix. Mr. Shelton Harmon and little son visited Mr. David Franklow Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harmon and ~ j .iAU -VT« ^ ^ A TVf^c "Do iamny unit?u wuu .m. anu .ui^. a. u| trick Seay Sunday. Blue Bird. NEWS FROM LEXINGTON. R. 5. Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hook spent Sun' day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith. Mr and Mrs Cline Taylor and family spent Sunday with Misses Genevieve and Duvall Smith. Mrs. Pauline Glenn and daughter Elizabeth of Gastonia. X. C., are spending a while with Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Smith. Remember Smith's pnod. It's still .hot. Mrs. H. T. Roberts is spending a short while with her daughter, Mrs. W. A. Smith. Misses Belle and Nellie Yonce of Johnston are spending a while with their friend, Miss Estelle Roof. Rev. J. D. Kinard of Johnston preached at Pisgah Monday and Tuesday and his sermons were enjoyed by a large crowd each day. Mr. Bearden Roof, a very popular operator of the Bell Telephone company. was at home Monday. Blue Eyes. LEFT AND RIGHT In medieval times, when manners were very strict, children were drilled in the use of the hands with great care. The right hand was used in eating, etc., and was naturally called the "right" or correct hand. The other hand which was "left" out of use when the "right" hand was being employed, and these terms became customary. History is silent as to the troubles of left-handed youngsters. ational Sale of I ioth Cotton anc TTATI? DB ir nALr rxviij e nothing short of sensational. A i some cases reductions range ev > are lower than you had hoped f 3 sale and prices which are nam * refly, lavender, rose, jade, lest organdies of the season; 1 materials and bewitchingly lues fcr $5.95 lues for $8.95 ues for $12.75 ues for $13.50 avy, eopen, cherry, red, kiven[ade of fine imported Swisses ii'some garments. ues for $13.50 n'z for $15.73 ues for $12.75 iles in navy, brown, coper.. red creation yon will be partievthese low prices make ownerr r\ ues for $4 3d lues for 33.95 Lies for $11.75 ues for $12.50 ith organdie trimmings, small lavender, brown and navy. $13.75 Values for $9.75 $15.75 Values for $7.95 BOLL WEEVIL DAMAGING COTTON NEAR BATES 1JCKG Special to The I)ispatch-N»*ws. Batesburg, July in..The boll weevil has made his appearam-e and is already doing considerable damage in some sections. The cotton growers are picking up the squares and plowing the cotton every few days. On account of the small acreage in cotton I this year it is much easier to light the advance of the pests. The "Boosters" from Columbia last Thursday brought a good crowd of visitors to town. About one hour was spent in short speeches by the visitors setting forth the advantages to be gained by the etsablishmetn of the Columbia-Saluda bus line. Hon. AIcKendree Barr. junior member of the law firm of Callison & Barr. of our town, has been elected town attorney by the town council at its meeting last Tuesday night. Mr; Barr is a graduate of the law department of the University of South Carolina and a member of the legislature from Lexington county. Sheriff E. A. Roof of Lexington was here on official business Saturday. Walter C. Cartledge, formerly of Batesburg, but for the past ten years a resident of Crescent City, Fla., is spending a few days in town as the guest of relatives. Messrs. W. H. Fallaw. C. E. Jones, W. H. At well and J. B. Hoi man returned Friday from a fishing trip near Charleston. Magistrate E. R. Steedman made a business trip to Lexington and Columbia Monday. Dr. E. P. Taylor delivered a most impressive sermon to tne congergation of the Methodist church Sunday morning. He will leave next week for the southern portion of Aiken county, where he will conduct a revival service. Mrs. Henry C. Tillman of Greenwood- is visiting her mother, Mrs. Jabez Ferris. Dr. E. C. Ridgell attended the interdenominational Sunday school convention at Swansea Sunday. SAFE AIR TRAVEL The amazing records for safety in j air transit established in England re-j contlv will go far to mike the new j method of travel popular. During the) first year of civil f'ving m England Mid-Summer Frc i Silk. In Kohn' e^ | E AND LESS Jl our beauaful summer frocks 1 en greater than one-half. This or this summer. This all goes ed or these beautiful dresses ar< h ¥ :: I ! iffi hi i i !! ! i i ! U I i ! 11 V I i | j ID r I -y j ! 1 H * i I! y$i \ ' \ \\ | ; ;:: \ ' y M ' \' : I ; V \ . ! ; v_p, M v \M i . . s \ i \ i in )[\ I '' 1 f H ir In w i i i i « SSLX DRESSES OF EXQUi TREMENDO ^ Y.ulanis. S2"> Gallic.- Silk Trienlletes, *>27.50 value: Creue ' 1 " Chines r-:ici Geore"0' ( 'vi1*1 ' '* hmo S,i ';** .Crosses following t!ip- war 3s Slights were made :»some 4"<».»»..u passengers v. i i ,!; ied. 'n ;i i I this period iip i" 'aa.- i»tjr. one r,* 1 accident. The :e<-o!il pares \<-i y I; votably with railroad autom* ! !! i.'avel. This r.orino.is iltrl of a.ivraft flew a total I" 734.1'i'n miles. «r dhtanee equal t" ;:i iiui Uiirty tin*-* t!.« eireuinfer« r i-c of i he earth. .< v/ere carried Ia* the routes am< u '.ting to 11(!, !!os pounds. During tie pieseut year ? 1 .OOO.uOft worth of importe and expi : ts v.» . « earri- d etoten England ami the ('ontinent. In this period of civil hying 111 run c.ronies have bet n registered and ' machines of various types have been licensed. Fly;p.g is therefore not < nly - tie of the safest means of tr aspo-tat on, but is making rapid stride-? ;<- legards its commercial development. !' such re- .suits have 1 <t n a: cor.ipiishea in s»ai(*(Iy more than :i year following the war. it is safe «< ] ?vdict that a few \ears will witness vnoimous fleets of commeicial aiiii tt*. winning their wa;-. in all directions..-l.;oys Life. MONDAY W AS BUSY DAY FOR COUNTY COMMISSIONKRS The board of county commissioners had a busy day Monday, the meeting for July being held then instead of on the first Monday, which fell on the Fourth. Routine matters largely occupied the time of the board. County officers were made glad with the payment of their stipdens and various other claims were attended to. SLOW v DEATH Aches, pains, nervousness, diffim ' * - ca cuity in urinating, ouen mean serious disorders. The world's standard remedy for kidney, liver, bladder and uric arid troubles. COLD,MEDAL bring quick relief and often ward off deadly diseases. Known as the national remedy of Holland for more than 200 years. All druggists, in three sires. Look for the name Gold Medal on every box and accept no imitation iM^MMTMMiygnrniTiWiiiigM^ )cks, § s I lave been reduced as much is indeed a Golden Oppor- jj to show that Mr. Kohn is 5 j indicative of the great i i 1 V i '%il | | j * i r i I % \ ' \ V ^ ! ! i i ! SITE BEAUTY IN THIS »US SALE I $12.50 | s $13.75 | lies selling at $39.50, now V $19.50 | sell in ir at $!'>, now $21.75 1 )9 Main Street I oiumbia, S. C. | m J*L. | AN OPEN LETTER TO THE (Ol'XTY SUPERVISOR Editor Dispateh-Xews. i Will you be Jtood enough lo publish the following open letter to our conn-! ! ! ty supervisor: j i >ear M r. Steel: . l 1 want to compliment you for the j p»od roads in and around Cayce and to New Brook land. Poor taxpayers, yuess we are reaping what we sowed j at the ballot box. as there hasn't been a lick of work on these roads in two rears. Do you think it right two gentlemen J take great pleasure in coming to | Cayce and Brookland and get a bag of money and then we are not thought of until next pay day? We people have abut got enough of such government, and Richland county says' is J U i >** ' 1513 Main Si m< A ine Ann Sal Brings Exceptionally attract fashion merchandise at Coh for Women. This is the period in which w of all remaining lots of Silk Coats, Blouses, Corsets and throughout the store you fin on better than ordinary mei Fine Silk Urn The world famous ''Van Raa Italian Silk, Crepe de Chine Vests, at Bloomers, at Teddies or Gowns, at Maderia Gowi Something distinctive and in< tifui hand made and hand teddies that prompts you to least half a dozen. The inv when they can be had at on USE THE BUS LINE TO CO! VANTAGE OF THIS E> OFFEF "WHO'S YOUi I By. modern methods we remo teeth and live nerves or fill t most sensitive tooth with ve little pain or had after effects. Special; attention to Baltimore B< 1829 1-2 Main St. COLU gj Look for Large Lieciric Sign | at St: | p Hoars to £. Su! | Sanitar; \ 134S Main Street, ? j Ihe Best and I ! in Colin i j . .onie v ooking; and Reason | "Little I): | Quick, Polite and attentive $ i riyraBM..twtf..n.«....i mmtmmmo.mmmm . * she will give us value received for our taxes. Why not oonu-V Taxpayer. .1 'T* - The (Quarterly Mooting of the Library Association will 1m- hold on July 17). Como. You Guard Against Burglars, But What About Hats? * I tats steal millions of dollars' worth of grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroy property and are a menace to health. If you are troubled with rats, try RAT-SXAP. It will surely kill them. prevent odors. Cats or dogs won't touch it. Comes in cakes. Three sizes. 35c. 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteed by Harmon Drug Co., and Lexington Pharmacy, ^ Remember the Quarterly Meeting of the Library Association on July 15. . rj, ^elford 'I t Apparel . t.. Columbia iual July le ive prices on desirable > imb/ia's best apparel store e make a general clean-up and Cotton Frocks, Suits, Furnishings. Everywhere j d exceptional value giving i rchandise. dergarments ilte,? and "Kayser" lines of and Satin, lace trimmed $2.95 $3.65 $4.48 is & Teddies dividual about these beauembroidered gowns and make an investment in at estment is a wise one, too. ly $2.95 LUMBIA AND TAKE ADCCEPTIONAL VALUE ung : R DENTIST?" j out-of-eity patients ^ntai Parlors J MB!A, b. C. Pi:<;ne 586 | and Movo.i L'eutai i ndays lb to ;> B V Cafe j Columbia, S. C. ! i Newest Place I mbia. 1 able Price?. j ifferent" frorr the ethers j service. |

iAU ^anu^ A re- in government, Quarterly Meeting July ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063761/1921-07-13/ed...Hoy Shealy. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Huffstettler yisited the latter's

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Page 1: iAU ^anu^ A re- in government, Quarterly Meeting July ...chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86063761/1921-07-13/ed...Hoy Shealy. Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Huffstettler yisited the latter's


AA"e are sorry to note the illness ofMr. AY. A. AVessinger.The services at St. Thomas' Sunday

were well attended. Pastor R. M.

Carpenter has been delivering very instructivesermons which all need remember.andhear.Mr. Edgar L. Shealy and Miss Mae

Short of Columbia attended servicesat St. Thomas' Sunday and took din\r>er with Mr. Shealy's parents, Mr.

and Mrs. AY. Killian Shealy.Rev. Mr. Carpenter and family enjoyeda good dinner with Mr. and Mrs.

J. Ben Shealy Sunday. Mr. and Mrs.

Jonas Slice also visitea .Mr. sneaiy

Sunday.Mr. Lewis Wessinger of Lancaster

Pa., is on a two months' visit to his

grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Wessinger.Mr. ar.d Mrs. P. R. Wessinger and

son, accompanied by Mrs. W. E. Lindlerand Mrs. E. F. Wessinger motoredover to see Mrs. Thompson ShealySunday. Mrs. Shealy has been in ill

health for quite awhile.Messrs. Alonzo and Horace Shealy,

two very popular sports of this sec.tion, were out riding Sunday afternoon.Later they were joined by their i

triplet brother, Mr. Hoy Shealy.Mrs. Miller of near Columbia spent

last week end with her son, Fen MilVler.fi Misses Pearle and Ruth Huffstettlerof the Pine Ridge section visited

Misses Ethel, Ella Rose and Mary* rShealy Sunday afternoon. Also

Messrs. Rayford and Elbert Huffstettlerand Lonnie Wessinger visited Mr.

Hoy Shealy.Mr .and Mrs. Lloyd Huffstettler

yisited the latter's parents Sunday.Miss Julia Wessinger visited her

uncle, Mr. Ben Shealy, Sunday.Mr. S. M. Wessinger and family

visited at Mr. Arthur Derrick's Sundayafternoon.


Farmers are mighty busy fightingthe boll weevil.

Miss Rosa Bell Hendrix is spendingthe summer with Mr. and Mrs.C, C. Harmon.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Harmon and

family spent Sunday afternoon with*

Mr. and Mrs. George Kaminer.Mr. Clinton Hendrix left Monday to

I CaacUC110


JulyWe believe this selling to bas half in every case and irtunity. We are sure pricesconducting a real clearancevalues throughout the store

Beautiful organdies in fiwhite and maize. The fi]made of genuine importecstyled.

$12.00 Val

$18.00 Va)

$25.75 Va!coi en \7_i«P<£.#,oU V cXI

Fine Dotted Swisses in nder, brown and purple. ?,jand styled into the most w

$27.50 Val' $22.50 Val

C?r 7?r« .J V ivi

The season's loveliest voih'i ^ ? I t * " i .*nd olaea. nvery dress a

j iarly proud to possess andship so easy.

$9.75 Val'

| $16.50 Vai

$22.50 Vaii

$25.00 Vali

Ginghams and tissues \v

cheeks in copen, red. pink.I $20.00 Values for $12.75

$30.00 Values for $14.75

The Woman'sShop

llli'lllMIIWll II' M il IIIIIBP II'I ii Hill M

t attend the .summer school at New-

berry.Mr. and Mrs. .Jessie \\ essinger

spent Sunday evening with Mr. and!Mrs. (). F. Hendrix.Mr. John Evans Harmon and Mr. j

Clarence Sox dined with Mr. ClintonHendrix Sunday.

Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Wessingerand little son spent Sunday wfth Mr. jand Mrs. Andrew Long.

Miss Carrie Pearle and Rosa BellHendrix spent Sunday afternoon jwith Misses Allie and Amy Frank low.

Miss Rosa Harmon visited Miss

Clarise Harmon Sunday evening.Mr. Harold Hendrix spent Sunday

afternoon with Mr. Hilton Hendrix.Mr. Shelton Harmon and little son

visited Mr. David Franklow Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Harmon and

~ j .iAU -VT« ^ ^ A TVf^c "Doiamny unit?u wuu .m. anu .ui^. a. u|trick Seay Sunday. Blue Bird.


Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Hook spent Sun'day with Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Smith.Mr and Mrs Cline Taylor and family

spent Sunday with Misses Genevieveand Duvall Smith.

Mrs. Pauline Glenn and daughterElizabeth of Gastonia. X. C., are

spending a while with Mr. and Mrs.

Oliver Smith.Remember Smith's pnod. It's still

.hot.Mrs. H. T. Roberts is spending a

short while with her daughter, Mrs.

W. A. Smith.Misses Belle and Nellie Yonce of

Johnston are spending a while with

their friend, Miss Estelle Roof.Rev. J. D. Kinard of Johnston

preached at Pisgah Monday and

Tuesday and his sermons were enjoyedby a large crowd each day.Mr. Bearden Roof, a very popular

operator of the Bell Telephone company.was at home Monday.Blue Eyes.


In medieval times, when manners

were very strict, children were drilledin the use of the hands with greatcare. The right hand was used in

eating, etc., and was naturally calledthe "right" or correct hand. The

other hand which was "left" out of

use when the "right" hand was beingemployed, and these terms became

customary. History is silent as to the

troubles of left-handed youngsters.

ational Sale of Iioth Cotton anc

TTATI? DB irnALr rxviij

e nothing short of sensational. Ai some cases reductions range ev

> are lower than you had hoped f3 sale and prices which are nam*

refly, lavender, rose, jade,lest organdies of the season;1 materials and bewitchingly

lues fcr $5.95lues for $8.95ues for $12.75ues for $13.50

avy, eopen, cherry, red, kiven[adeof fine imported Swissesii'some garments.ues for $13.50n'z for $15.73ues for $12.75

iles in navy, brown, coper.. redcreation yon will be partievtheselow prices make ownerr

r\ues for $4 3d

lues for 33.95Lies for $11.75ues for $12.50

ith organdie trimmings, smalllavender, brown and navy.

$13.75 Values for $9.75$15.75 Values for $7.95


Special to The I)ispatch-N»*ws.Batesburg, July in..The boll weevil

has made his appearam-e and is alreadydoing considerable damage in

some sections. The cotton growers

are picking up the squares and plowingthe cotton every few days. On

account of the small acreage in cotton Ithis year it is much easier to lightthe advance of the pests.The "Boosters" from Columbia last

Thursday brought a good crowd of

visitors to town. About one hour was

spent in short speeches by the visitorssetting forth the advantages to begained by the etsablishmetn of the

Columbia-Saluda bus line.Hon. AIcKendree Barr. junior

member of the law firm of Callison& Barr. of our town, has been electedtown attorney by the town council at

its meeting last Tuesday night. Mr;Barr is a graduate of the law departmentof the University of SouthCarolina and a member of the legislaturefrom Lexington county.

Sheriff E. A. Roof of Lexington was

here on official business Saturday.Walter C. Cartledge, formerly of

Batesburg, but for the past ten yearsa resident of Crescent City, Fla., is

spending a few days in town as the

guest of relatives.Messrs. W. H. Fallaw. C. E. Jones,

W. H. Atwell and J. B. Hoiman returnedFriday from a fishing trip near

Charleston.Magistrate E. R. Steedman made a

business trip to Lexington and ColumbiaMonday.Dr. E. P. Taylor delivered a most

impressive sermon to tne congergationof the Methodist church Sundaymorning. He will leave next week for

the southern portion of Aiken county,where he will conduct a revivalservice.

Mrs. Henry C. Tillman of Greenwood-is visiting her mother, Mrs.Jabez Ferris.

Dr. E. C. Ridgell attended theinterdenominationalSunday school conventionat Swansea Sunday.


The amazing records for safety in jair transit established in England re-jcontlv will go far to mike the new jmethod of travel popular. During the)first year of civil f'ving m England

Mid-Summer Frci Silk. In Kohn'

e^ |

E AND LESSJl our beauaful summer frocks 1en greater than one-half. Thisor this summer. This all goesed or these beautiful dresses ar<



I ! iffihi i i !!! i i ! UI i ! 11 V Ii | j ID r I -y

j! 1 H * i

I! y$i\ ' \ \\ | ;;:: \ ' yM ' \': I ; V \ .

! ; v_p,M v \Mi . . s \ i \ i

in )[\I '' 1 fH ir

In wi ii i «


^Y.ulanis. S2"> Gallic.-Silk Trienlletes, *>27.50 value:Creue ' 1 " Chines r-:ici Geore"0'

( 'vi1*1 ' '* hmo S,i ';** .Crosses

following t!ip- war 3s Slights were

made :»some 4"<».»»..u passengersv. i i ,!; ied. 'n ;i i I this periodiip i" 'aa.- i»tjr. one r,* 1 accident. The:e<-o!il pares \<-i y I; votably with

railroad autom* ! !! i.'avel. This

r.orino.is iltrl of a.ivraft flew a total

I" 734.1'i'n miles. «r dhtanee equalt" ;:i iiui Uiirty tin*-* t!.« eireuinfer«

r i-c of i he earth. .< v/ere carriedIa* the routes am< u '.ting to 11(!, !!ospounds. During tie pieseut year

? 1 .OOO.uOft worth of importe and expi: ts v.» . « earri- d etoten Englandami the ('ontinent. In this periodof civil hying 111 run c.ronies havebet n registered and ' machines of

various types have been licensed. Fly;p.gis therefore not < nly - tie of the

safest means of tr aspo-tat on, but is

making rapid stride-? ;<- legards its

commercial development. !' such re-

.suits have 1 <t n a: cor.ipiishea in

s»ai(*(Iy more than :i year followingthe war. it is safe «< ] ?vdict that a

few \ears will witness vnoimous fleets

of commeicial aiiii tt*. winning their

wa;-. in all directions..-l.;oys Life.


The board of county commissionershad a busy day Monday, the meetingfor July being held then instead of on

the first Monday, which fell on the

Fourth. Routine matters largely occupiedthe time of the board. Countyofficers were made glad with the paymentof their stipdens and various

other claims were attended to.


DEATHAches, pains, nervousness, diffim' * - ca

cuity in urinating, ouen mean

serious disorders. The world'sstandard remedy for kidney, liver,bladder and uric arid troubles.

COLD,MEDALbring quick relief and often ward offdeadly diseases. Known as the nationalremedy of Holland for more than 200years. All druggists, in three sires.Look for the name Gold Medal on every box

and accept no imitation


)cks, §s I

lave been reduced as muchis indeed a Golden Oppor- jjto show that Mr. Kohn is 5

j indicative of the great



1 V i

'%il | |j * i r



\ '

\ V

^ !! ii !


$12.50 |s $13.75 |

lies selling at $39.50, now V$19.50 |

sell in ir at $!'>, now $21.75 1

)9 Main Street Ioiumbia, S. C. |m J*L.


Editor Dispateh-Xews.i Will you be Jtood enough lo publishthe following open letter to our conn-!! !ty supervisor:

j i >ear M r. Steel:.l 1 want to compliment you for thej p»od roads in and around Cayce andto New Brook land. Poor taxpayers,yuess we are reaping what we sowed jat the ballot box. as there hasn't beena lick of work on these roads in tworears.

Do you think it right two gentlemen

J take great pleasure in coming to

| Cayce and Brookland and get a bagof money and then we are not thoughtof until next pay day? We peoplehave abut got enough of such government,and Richland county says'

is JU i >** '

1513 Main Si

m< Aine Ann

SalBrings Exceptionally attract

fashion merchandise at Cohfor Women.

This is the period in which w

of all remaining lots of SilkCoats, Blouses, Corsets andthroughout the store you finon better than ordinary mei

Fine Silk UrnThe world famous ''Van RaaItalian Silk, Crepe de Chine

Vests, at

Bloomers, at

Teddies or Gowns, at

Maderia GowiSomething distinctive and in<tifui hand made and handteddies that prompts you to

least half a dozen. The invwhen they can be had at on



"WHO'S YOUiI By. modern methods we remo

teeth and live nerves or fill t

most sensitive tooth with ve

little pain or had after effects.

Special; attention to

Baltimore B<1829 1-2 Main St. COLU

gj Look for Large Lieciric Sign| at St:

| p Hoars to £. Su!

| Sanitar;\ 134S Main Street,?

j Ihe Best and I! in Colin

ij . .onie v ooking; and Reason

| "Little I):| Quick, Polite and attentive$i

riyraBM..twtf..n.«....i mmtmmmo.mmmm

. *

she will give us value received forour taxes.

Why not oonu-V

Taxpayer..1 'T* -

The (Quarterly Mooting of the LibraryAssociation will 1m- hold on July17). Como.

You Guard Against Burglars, ButWhat About Hats? *

I tats steal millions of dollars' worthof grain, chickens, eggs, etc. Destroyproperty and are a menace to health.If you are troubled with rats, tryRAT-SXAP. It will surely kill them.prevent odors. Cats or dogs won't

touch it. Comes in cakes. Threesizes. 35c. 65c, $1.25. Sold and guaranteedby Harmon Drug Co., and LexingtonPharmacy, ^

Remember the Quarterly Meetingof the Library Association on July 15.



^elford (§ 'It Apparel .

t.. Columbia

iual Julyleive prices on desirable

>imb/ia's best apparel store

e make a general clean-upand Cotton Frocks, Suits,Furnishings. Everywhere jd exceptional value giving irchandise.

dergarmentsilte,? and "Kayser" lines ofand Satin, lace trimmed


is & Teddiesdividual about thesebeauembroideredgowns andmake an investment in atestment is a wise one, too.

ly $2.95


ung :

R DENTIST?" jout-of-eity patients

^ntai Parlors JMB!A, b. C. Pi:<;ne 586 |and Movo.i L'eutai i

ndays lb to ;> B

V Cafe jColumbia, S. C. !


Newest Place Imbia. 1able Price?. jifferent" frorr the ethers jservice. |