1HE ATTICA NEWS - tjftt'S&PAV, DECEMFER S, 19S7 Local Department. FERSONAL MENTlON ' VILLAGE NEVS. -Fourteen shopping days '.o Christ mas. —Winter beuin on Thursday, Dec. 22 at 3:18 p. m. —Mrs. E. A. Ensign wiu» weal to Florida recently, for the winter with Mr. SWpman of Franklinville, has written friends in town that Mr Ship- man had suffered a severe* shock. —There was a special service at St Vincent's church this morning, in ob- servance of Immaculate Conception day. —Mrs. John Miller • f East ;4ain street is opening her home .his (.wa- ning for a card party or .he uenont of the Periodical club of St. .^uke'^ society. —St. Luke's Guild is holding itj ; n nual Christmas party in the Parish hall, this afternoon. There will be a tree with gifts for all. A airecn t up- per will be ;:erved. —Miss Grace How.rd, teacher In Bennett High school, Buffalo, has ar- ranged to spend \.he winter in Attica, commuting to the city daily. She will be located at C. W. Slack's, corner of Prospect street and East avenue. Miss Howard's parents have gone vo California for v.he winter reason. —Miss Iva Hand entertained Wed- nesday evening at a two table bridge party at ihe home of Mrs. Mugh 3pears. ,> —Mr. and Mrs. Jack Shiftier of .. J it- cairn, Pa., announce the arrival of ;• daughter Dec. 1st; earned .?&c Jean. —Edward Krieger of Alexander : i in St. Jerome's hospital, Batavia, guf- fcring from blood poisoning '.n^his left liand and arm, the result >{ ; minor injury. Two operations have taken place ajjd, he is : ICW apparently on the gain wltri chances favoring recovery. -Che December meeting of the P. N.Gj club will be held Tuesday eve- ning, Dec. 13th at tho home of Mrs. Wm. Dohse, Mrs. Chas. Wood, assiat- ant hostess. >3ach :nember /lease bring an inexpensive Christmas ;'.ift. —Mrs. C. T. Dun r>.nd !\Irs. William Harder of the advisory board, Mrj. C. K. Calkins, Mrs. W. T. Charles, Misses Bertha Roth and Marian Gay attended the meeting at the Buffalo Deaconess Home on Tuesdav. Mrs. Van Seoten of Philadelphia was the speaker at the 'uncheon nnd :aem- ibers of the Board burned JM :aort- fgage on the Deaconess Home. Mrs. jjC. J. Dun is secretary of uupplieu ; t fiihe home. - - The Golden Circle will hold a f Christmas party at the home of Mrs I Leo Squires Monday evening, Dec. 12th Let all members come, bring your presents and enjoy the ftfn. —A meeting of ihe South Attic?. Ladies' Aid will be held on Thursday T>. t rr>">ber lStti rvt 4 h" hom° of Mrs Carl Wolfe. Visitors are invited. —Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Brown ^f Bath formerly of Attica, have been called to Welland, Ont, by the criti- cal illness of Mr. Brown'.j brother. —Mary Rita Schum is recovering from an operation for removal ©f ton sits and adenoids, which was nerform ed last Friday nt St. Jerome';} hospi- tal Batavia. —The Warsaw Times r.ays: "Mrs. George Wellman enterta'ned Satur- day afternoon for her sister, Mrs. H. U. Mock'of Atfccri.*- -—If t h e A m e r i c a n people *teh to offer an appronriate gift of apprecia- tion to their Postmaster General, ;i. S. New, thev may do as he recom- mends regarding holiday packages. "Shop early; wrap carefully; addresi plainly and mail promptly." —The number of veterans of the Civil - War who died in October was 1,143, a n d the widows whose deaths were reported "numbered 989. There are still living 85,801 veterans and 238,373 Widows. —'The Erie railroad has a force of men at work taking out the switch that leads back to the Attica Mill property. —Red Cross drive this week. Be sure and see the leader in your dis- trict and have your name recorded. —What becomes of your dismarilF" ed Christmas tree after the holidays? Don't try to burn it in the fireplace, even if partially cut up. The dry, Wittle evergreen will ntart a roaring ftre and possibly set fire to the chtm- aey, endangering the house. Hfavc the tree dragged away to a nafe ;>laco for a bonfire and use it n* ,a :iuclfcus to get rid of any other rubbish that can bo burned up. The name precau- tions a|iply to any uort of Christmas greens,J -"-Mr/^and Mrs. M. C. Healy cele- I brated on Sunday an anniversary >f I their wedding, covers being laid for i sixteen guests Included Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Deam of Wiriiamsville ,'nd Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Healy and family of Honeoye Falls, Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence L. Healy and family of Cale- donia and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer IO. Healy and family of •schua. —David Leonard is the name of .ho boy born on Thanksgiving .lay la Mr and Mrs, John Savage of Walnut stt. -•Mail Carrier Ray Ahl who has been ill the past three weeks at his home in North avenue is improving slowly but It will be 'several weeks oe fore he is able to resume work, —Mrs. Albert Simons and two :hild ren are leaving next week for Hor- nell, where they will make their home with Mr. Kenneth Benion of that city. —Pauline Ranger is the name -riv- en the daughter born on November. 29 W Mr. and Mrs. Chester G v?f>rle. —At the High school last Thurs- day there wa3 an interesting exhibi- tion of ancient handcraft, under ihc direction of the preceptress Miss Ann Putnam. It included pieces of home spun linen coveffets, , patch-work quilts, candle moWfe. nnd other an- cient .articles. I —OS Hubbard ind L. C. X)wdm , were in Buffalo Saturday to ttt0ti4 ••- hearing of the Public Service com- misHion. Mr. Hubbard icxtroacrtird :.h» Retail Merchnn*s' Association ana Mr. Oram the Chtuiiln;! of Hommercn, in .he natter of .he .'.Iscontinuance uf ihe Attica-Avon service on .he Erie. Attorney C B Prcscott ap- peared for Mr Hub'oard ~nd Attorney Laf-»y vVilUif if HurT;i1;i '«> '.1i •••n\\. Mr. E. A. Miles of Clifton Springs has been visiting his (inter Miss- Ger- ,rude .files. Mru. Waiter Glor spent Thursday and 1'iidav in Buffalo with her daugh ter If**, kelson Moratti. Miss Erla Weldon who has "ueen flaying with Mrs. Of* Kryman i:« now at W. S. Kcrr'a on Main street. Miss Luella French will be home December 18th from Bronxvllle, for .he : ollday Vacation. Mrs. Mary Warren of Batavia who has been ill for several days, id on .he rain. Mrs. Jennie Lynch who was called to Oawego last week by the death of her sister, Mrs. Draper, returned home Saturday night. Mr. anl Mrs. Elmer D. Healy and family were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Finch, Sunday night, return- ing home Monday. Mi a. Jacob Krauss returned to he*, home Sunday evening after .'-pending from Thursday until Sunday with her sister-in-law, Mrs. Harry Martin of Buffalo. Mr. and Mrs. lohn G. Lang :notor- ed io Batavia Saturday. Albert Lang and Jacob Krauss spent Sunday in Buffalo as guests of the latter's sister, Mrs. Harry Martin. Mrs. Butler of Genesee street has returned from Buffalo. Mrs. Leon Marley and son Kenneth left Sunday morning for the Cats- kills. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Eichcnbersrer and children spent Sunday with aer parents M»\ and Mrs. George Richert. Mr. and Mrs. Rav Sierk and family called en Glenn SierU and wife Sun- day. Mrs. Frank Schider and Mrs. And. rew Michel were Batavia visitors on Thursday. Mrs. M. Meyers and Mr. ;\nd !lrs. Leie-h Snyder and family were guests of Edv/ard Snyder and family, Sun- >lav. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Greene and daughter Evelyn visited Mr. Greene'n father Charles Greene in Warsaw • n Sunday. Mr. Wm. Eastman and .on Junior were quests of Mr. and Mrs. George Eastman. Sunday. Mr. and Mrs George Eastman r.pent Wednesday in Warsaw, visiting rela- tives and friends. Miss Bernicc Bryson of Varvsburg is visiting her sister, Mrs. Harold Os- •.ertag. Miss Juanita Bowman is ill, cuf- fcring from an attack of .onsilitis. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Rcisdorf were in Buffalo "or ihe week-end. Mr. William Werner of Buffalo fit., has been confined to the house for several days by illness. Makz Anneal Rotzttdup cf Wile! hlrjtd Ponies There tiro tinny stiefea. tn account ; for (ft) wild {Kinh>s on Oiincutoiijiue and aWdtoignu i:itd some oilier islands off Hit' I'lrglulu court, but tlicre siH'tns io h.> in.ihl:i« of tin utl- tlinrliativt' t.a:uro to explain their lircsenco. Souie of Ihe* poiih-s off the Virgtnhi const htivo inner seen a human un I are very wild. The largest pintle> uiensme about 19 haiuls liiyh. and lie- cause iheir prluclpal habitat is t'hin- coteague lr!a.»d a strip of land about nine mill's hue.; IK a mile and n half wide—llu-y are nlun tvterred to an t'hinc«.te;:;;iie iMinies. One of the stories concerns ,y Span- ish iiohleuian who unilertuMK to tal;e ailvanlage uf the eiipuriunitles offered in the .Ww world lor muse lii-ceiling, lie staried <>v«r with a herd of the animals, but on Hie way the vessel was wrecked and he was lost, although some of the animals managed to tiud I heir way to thy shore of Chlneo- teatiue. This story is corroborated to some extent Uy the Indian legend concern- ing the origin of ilit* animals at this point. Though il:i> ar.imals run wild, they are not nubile properly, for they «re "owned by the persona who owu the Islands, and there is a round up every year, when some of the ani- mals are conveyed lo the mainland and sold. • —Mr. John Rice is suffering from an infection in one of his eyes, and with Mrs. Rice is in Buffalo to con- sult a spccialM The three act comedy, "The Twist"' given at the High nchool au- ditorium Saturday night by The Lit- tle Theatre party was a great nuccess Sjhd delierhted the audience present. It was the second number in the '.y- •:eum ••ourse. -Principal B. H. Boot presided on Tuesday night at a county principal':! meeting held at Warsaw. The speak- ers were Supt. Fausold of Perry who talked on The New Contract nystem fft use in Perry rsclwtol. Supervisor Weaver of the State Department of Education was another rpeaker. 4mong :natters discussed was '.he deails of basket ball playing r.ched- ules. The Rogers' nlan of handling all high school games was adopted. Missionary Meeting. The December meeting of the Mis- sionary society of the Presbyterian church will be held on Wednesday, Dec, 14th in the church parlors. An interesting program will be given. Baptist Women To Meet on Wednesday. The December meeting of the Wo- man's society of the Baptist church, will be held Wednesday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Ernest Pettibone. Meed am es N. Hubbard. Lubba, A. Pettibone, L. Snyder, A. Wheatley and Whitcomb will assist the hostess. There will be a splendid program and a large attendance is desired. W. :«. C. Notes. The next regular meeting of the W. R. C. will be held at the G. A. R. hah Monday night, Dec. 12th at 8 o'clock. It is the annual meeting and election of officers. All members are request- ed to be present, also to bring a can of fruit or iellv and leave it at the home of Mrs. Clarence Stroh. Christmas Seal Returns. The mails are bringing in each day many letters containing checks and $1.00 bills. The Health camp friends are expressing their interest in the purchase or bonds and seals. This first week closed with gratify- ing results. Don't forget the camp in the many preparations for Christmas. It is your camp. o- Attica Ministers' Association. The retrular monthly trier .Lag of the Attica Ministers' Afiociatir.n will be held next Thursday, Dec. 15, at the home of Rev. C E. F ;tzor oi "len- nington. o-— County Council of Churches to Meet at Wyoming. The Wyoming County Council of Churches will hold its December meet ing aext Monday, the 12th, at the M. E, chmch in Wyoming. Program is in chnl?c of the Lew Enforcement do partment with the special speaker,, Dr. Ira Landreth, Chicago, an inter- national authority on civic righteous- ness. Morning session opens at 11 a. m,, with devotional exercises, etc. Dln- nner served at 12 noon in the Wyom- ing M. E. church. Dr.* Landreth will ."peak in the afternoon. fhoVogravlfi^********' ~ 1 am prepared Vo do atl kinds nz photography. Twenty-four hour ser- vice in kodak finishing. Give photo- graphs as Christmas suggestions. Call at my home studio. 91 East ave. 3T(C Tosephinp B. r -?''cker. o- Aiivrrt'.sl'i : •' Ihe life .>f trnrth. Animals Mcks Little Respor.se to Picture* During tests made in I'.erliu by L>r. Victor Mendel, animals and birds sliowid a rather surprising lack of re- sponse to iniiviiu pictures. The pic- tures were especially selected for etu-n mfiiiml ami animal urotiy. and the ex- pt'iiments were made hi au exhibition room especially adapted to the pur- pose. The response of dogs was prac- tically nil. Neither St. Bernard, set ter, spaniel, poodle nor collie gave the slightest nlteniioii to the pictures' Only a little tin••ngrul of doubtful ori- gin evinced a momentary interest hy snltling uf the human figures on the screen. The experiments with cats were much more favorable. (»f live subjects, three responded actively, showing light on the appearance of • big dog on the serein. Kxtierinientc with birds were rather negative. Qee»e and ducks, ehiekens and pigeons paid some intention, while owls showed great latere.-1. Smi-ll birds and barn- yard fowl showed anxiety when s hawk appeare-l In liielr line of vision. A squirrel displayed interest when a we*>el made lis appearance on tlM screen, but reptiles and fish \\nt\ as might have b*":i-expected, quite in different. Fez la Disappearing The red cap worn by Turkish m'.>n received its name from Fez, u city in Morocco, where fuch caps were first made. Fez was long a scat of Arabian learning in Africa and Is still regarded as u sacred city of Islam. Until re- cent limes the city had n monopoly of the manufacture of Fez caps, It be- ing supposed that Ihe dye which gives the caps their dull crimson hue could uot be obtained elsewhere. This dye is made of a berry which grow - * in pro- fusion in the vicinity of Fez. The fez is made brlmless to allow the wearer to bow his forehead to the carpet while praying In the mostpio. This form of headgear, however, Is fast losing its i#lace in the national cos- tume of Turkey. Expression la Old "Paying through the nose" menus to pay a fancy price for a thing—to pay more than it is worth—to get stung. The origin of the expression is lost hi obscurity. There was n legend that Odin, the Norse god. Imposed I tax re- aembllng the—modern- poll tax-.—-!«- Swcdcn it was called a nose tax, be- cause it was a penny a nose. In de- fault of payment the nore was sup- posed to be the forfeit. "Paying through the nose" may have originated with this myth. The French have a similar phrase—"payer pur lc nez."— Pathfinder Magazine. Feed Through Roots Hoots anchor the trees to thr» ground, absorb water from the soil, and transport water to the stent, says the American Tree association. With- out roots, trees could not stand op, and without roots trees would starve, for they supply water and food to the stem, branches, twigs, leaves and oilier parts of the crown. The prin- cipal work of the big roots near the stem Is to help the trees stand up, while tlie fine root hairs at the end of the rootlets are the ones that ab- sorb the w.ilcr from the soil. I Fear Makes Poor Workers "Employer* of vision are fast learn- ing that workers who fear losing their Jobs are not half so efllclent or orig- inal as those wdio have emancipated thcmsH'I.es from this very human curse," says Helen Woodward success- ful woman advertising executive and author, lh f.ict'lurc's Miignzfno. "Rut there nru still a great many who he- licve. In making punctual machines of frightened and hafllrd workers, chained lo the prison of u Job." , Did YOU r e c e i v e d Chistmas Club Cheek for 1927? We invite YOU to join our 1928 Christmas Club Now Open for Membership and receive a check NEXT year . \ Save money when you feel it least. Have money when you need it most. •,. The Citizens Bank Attica, New York ELON P. SPINK, President. R T, SANDS, RT. BRAMER, ViccPrewfcnt. R F. OSTERTAG, Aa*. Cash. | , | HI .• 1*9'^* 1, . . - ••• '- -l"!'/ #ft * *^» II *. • . . 1 s: .11 ' .ft loOfll *••>•»<•»• »!;• k)-tiM ma •• < { > e-:i '! ' , .!•'.' . »-- ' * \ .1 %MRM)IT'S SUGGEST10HS !n , Before making your Holiday Purchases we would appreciate yt-ur caHing and looking over our large stock of Toyp, Garner, Sleds, Skiis, and Community Silverware, Royal - llotliester Table Utilities, gen- uine Horn and Stag Carving Sets. Pyrex ware, Elec- trical Christmas Tree Outfits and Decorations jj We nave a good assortment of our Holiday goods I - I i on display in our window. i ! 1 Our juices are titbit and we respectfully soMcit a j ! share of your patronage. £ 1 [ 1 Ayrault Hardware & Supply Co. Inc. ([J Main at the bridge ATTICA, H. Y. Phone 133 "The Store of Guaranteed Service" i SaawaaaisiHWSws «* sssaaaaaawsaai Embt's Sensible Gifts Boy's Shoes - Boy's Boots Boy's Warm Mittens Men's House Slippers, Dress Shirts Flannel Shirts, Tom Shine All Wool Sweaters, Mittens, Dress Gloves, Hose Silk or Wool, Suspenders, Leather or Sheepskin Coats, Lumber Jacks and countless others Efrtbt-Bret+iere Market Street ATTICA, N. Y. ATTICA STEAM LAUNDRY EMBT BROTHERS, Props. Bed Spreads, Curtains washed special. Dry cleaning and Dye Work. i»ffi»Rfi!f»W!f»!fi^ « WR&Sm&MM&M& (n MomoriKm. WAYNE— In -loving memory of my 'lear niece, Arlie Danley Wayne. We are thlnklns? ioday of -..omeohe, Whp -van .-.laHenf ">rvlnx .-.rut :me Whose smile * H I 7 h e a r rw» Jntf v.uiu i mnc, Dear ^lle that someone ?• you. Rest in peace thy cares are ended, Rest in peace, they work is lone; You are gone where thone who 'ove -on, . . . • f'.oon i\tr rtiM-ur\£ ",v\c Ivy t>n>". Aunt Klnimi Friday & Saturday SPECIALS i u PORK LOIN by the roaet Special a lb ••• NIANA PEAS R?g. 25c a can Special 2 for BEETS Sliced No 3 ran Special CREAM CORN ST A UCH Reg. 12c a box Special 2 for . t « • • • • » 25c 43c 18c 19c K: Fancy Fruit and Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds KRUIX BROS. Meats HIUI Groceries ( Again we come to the "Slippery Sidewalk" Season Wouldn't an Accident Policy be the thing to buy? * •U i {.rill f BE WISE -,. i y. -I V;:i - ETNA-IZE A. W. SMITH & CO HI « Phone 141 Over A. & P. Store ' PHONE *9i OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Friday. 3:30 to 6:00, 7:00 to 9:00 ATTICA, N. Y. - Main near W«hiuj(ton £ :— - —=4= W^RANGB LUMBER MILL WORK SILOS MASON SUPPLIES COAL ATTICA, N. Y. Phone 173 Busy Since 1882 Truck Delivery '' Eoeryt h iiujTo Bui IdA nyt h ing.'' _u. mnwii \nmmmmmmmm ANNOUNCEMENT It is with regret that I announce the withdrawal of Frank , J. Rogers from the Austin «fc Rogers Insurance Agency, J effective December 1st ' i\ The Agency will continue doing a general insurance busi- ness under the name of H. S. Austin. I will represent the f same OLD LINE STOCK COMPANIES as heretofore. i During the time Mr. Rogers was associated with me we at). jdyed tho loyal support of the people of Attica and surround- \ ing Towns, and I hope that the same loyalty will be extend. ed to tho new Agency. m ,„ 4 ,;, .*,• .«,. ....... . H. S. AU&tiN Phone 101 33 Market St. Attica, N.K «cKi!n!!ra»tioMOBwi mBKmmm&BtKmammmnmmtmmKKtsmmBmm J M 1 1 7 •• »3 : i 1 s 1 Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com

i The Store of Guaranteed Service - Fultonhistory.com 21/Attica NY News/Attica NY N… · Carl Wolfe. Visitors are invited. —Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Brown ^f Bath formerly of Attica,

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Page 1: i The Store of Guaranteed Service - Fultonhistory.com 21/Attica NY News/Attica NY N… · Carl Wolfe. Visitors are invited. —Rev. and Mrs. W. R. Brown ^f Bath formerly of Attica,



- F o u r t e e n s h o p p i n g days '.o Chr i s t m a s .

—Winter beu in on Thursday , Dec. 22 a t 3:18 p. m.

—Mrs. E . A. E n s i g n wiu» w e a l to Flor ida recent ly , for the win te r wi th Mr. SWpman of Frankl invi l le , has wr i t ten f r iends in t own t h a t Mr Ship-m a n had suffered a severe* shock.

—There w a s a special service a t St Vincent 's c h u r c h th is morning , in ob­servance of I m m a c u l a t e Conception day .

—Mrs. J o h n Miller • f E a s t ;4ain s t r ee t is open ing h e r h o m e .his (.wa­n ing for a ca rd p a r t y or .he uenont of the Per iod ica l c lub of St. .^uke'^ society.

—St. Luke ' s Guild is holding i t j ; n nua l C h r i s t m a s p a r t y in the Par i sh hall , th is a f t e r n o o n . T h e r e will be a t r ee wi th gifts for all. A a i recn t up­per will be ;:erved.

—Miss G r a c e H o w . r d , t eacher In Benne t t H igh school, Buffalo, h a s ar­ranged to spend \.he w in te r in Attica, commut ing to t h e ci ty daily. She will be located a t C. W. Slack's , corner of P rospec t s t r ee t a n d E a s t a v e n u e . Miss H o w a r d ' s p a r e n t s have gone vo California for v.he winter r eason .

—Miss I v a H a n d en te r ta ined Wed­nesday even ing a t a two table br idge p a r t y a t i h e h o m e of Mrs. Mugh 3 p e a r s . ,>

—Mr. a n d Mrs . J a c k Shiftier of ..Jit-cairn , Pa. , a n n o u n c e the a r r iva l of ;• d a u g h t e r Dec. 1st ; earned .?&c J ean .

— E d w a r d K r i e g e r of Alexander : i i n St. J e r o m e ' s hospi ta l , Batav ia , guf-fcring f rom blood poisoning ' . n^h i s left l i and and a r m , the resul t • >{ ; m ino r injury. T w o opera t ions h a v e t a k e n place ajjd, he is : ICW appa ren t ly on the ga in wlt r i chances favor ing recovery.

- C h e D e c e m b e r mee t ing of the P . N.Gj club will be held Tuesday eve­ning, Dec. 13th a t t ho home of Mrs. W m . Dohse, Mrs . Chas . Wood, assiat-a n t hostess . >3ach :nember / l e a se b r ing an inexpens ive Chr i s tmas ;'.ift.

—Mrs. C. T. D u n r>.nd !\Irs. Wil l iam H a r d e r of t h e advisory board, M r j . C. K. Calk ins , Mrs . W. T. Char les , Misses B e r t h a R o t h and Mar ian Gay a t t ended t h e m e e t i n g a t t h e Buffalo Deaconess H o m e on Tuesdav. M r s . V a n Seoten of Ph i l ade lph ia w a s the speake r a t t h e ' uncheon nnd :aem-ibers of t h e B o a r d burned JM :aort-fgage on t h e Deacones s Home. Mrs . jjC. J . D u n is s e c r e t a r y of uupplieu ; t fiihe h o m e . - - The Golden Circle will hold a f C h r i s t m a s p a r t y a t t h e h o m e of Mrs I Leo Squi res M o n d a y evening, Dec .

12th Le t all m e m b e r s come, b r ing your p resen t s a n d enjoy the ftfn.

—A m e e t i n g of i h e South Attic?. Lad ies ' Aid will be held on T h u r s d a y T>. t rr>">ber lStti rvt 4 h " h o m ° of Mrs Carl Wolfe. Vis i tors a r e invi ted.

—Rev. a n d Mrs . W . R. Brown ^f B a t h former ly of Att ica, have been called to Wel land , O n t , by the cr i t i ­ca l illness of M r . Brown' . j b r o t h e r .

—Mary R i t a S c h u m is recover ing from a n ope ra t ion for removal ©f ton sits and adenoids , wh ich was ner form ed las t F r i d a y nt St . Jerome';} hospi­t a l B a t a v i a .

—The W a r s a w T i m e s r.ays: " M r s . George W e l l m a n e n t e r t a ' n e d Sa tur ­d a y af ternoon for h e r s is ter , Mrs . H. U . M o c k ' o f Atfccri.*-

-—If t h e A m e r i c a n people * t e h to offer a n a p p r o n r i a t e gift of apprecia­t ion to t h e i r P o s t m a s t e r Genera l , ;i. S. New, t h e v m a y do a s h e recom­m e n d s r e g a r d i n g hol iday p a c k a g e s . "Shop ear ly ; w r a p careful ly; a d d r e s i plainly a n d m a i l p rompt ly ."

—The n u m b e r of ve t e r ans of t h e Civil- W a r w h o died in October w a s 1,143, and t h e widows whose d e a t h s w e r e r epor t ed "numbered 989. T h e r e a r e still l iving 85,801 ve t e r ans and 238,373 Widows.

—'The E r i e r a i l road h a s a force of m e n a t w o r k t a k i n g out the swi tch t h a t leads b a c k t o t h e At t ica Mill p r o p e r t y .

—Red Cross dr ive th is week. B e su re and see t h e leader in your dis­t r i c t a n d h a v e your n a m e recorded.

—Wha t becomes of your dismari lF" ed C h r i s t m a s t r e e af ter t h e hol idays? Don ' t t r y to b u r n i t in the fireplace, even if pa r t i a l ly cu t up. T h e dry , Wit t le eve rg reen will n ta r t a r o a r i n g ftre a n d possibly se t fire to the chtm-aey, e n d a n g e r i n g t h e house. Hfavc the t ree d r a g g e d a w a y to a nafe ;>laco for a bonfire a n d use it n* ,a :iuclfcus to ge t r id of a n y o the r rubbish t h a t c a n bo bu rned up. The name precau­t ions a | iply to a n y uort of C h r i s t m a s g r e e n s , J

-"-Mr/^and Mrs . M. C. Hea ly cele-I b r a t e d o n S u n d a y an ann ive r sa ry >f I t he i r wedding , covers be ing laid for i s ixteen gues t s Included Mr. and Mrs.

W . D. D e a m of Wiriiamsville , 'nd Mr . a n d Mrs . Mil ton C. Hea ly and family of Honeoye Fa l l s , Mr. and Mrs . Clar­ence L. H e a l y a n d family of Cale­donia a n d Mr. a n d Mrs. E l m e r IO. Hea ly and family of •schua.

—David L e o n a r d i s the n a m e of .ho boy born on T h a n k s g i v i n g .lay la Mr a n d Mrs, J o h n Savage of W a l n u t stt.

- •Mai l C a r r i e r R a y Ahl who h a s been ill t h e p a s t t h r e e weeks a t h is h o m e in N o r t h avenue is improving slowly bu t It will be 'several weeks oe fore he is ab le t o r e s u m e work ,

—Mrs. Alber t S imons and two :hild r e n a r e l eav ing nex t week for Hor-nell, w h e r e t hey will m a k e the i r h o m e w i t h Mr. K e n n e t h Benion of t h a t c i ty .

—Paul ine R a n g e r is t h e n a m e -riv­en t h e d a u g h t e r born on November. 29 W Mr. and Mrs . Ches te r G v?f>rle.

—At t h e H i g h school last T h u r s ­day t h e r e w a 3 a n in te res t ing exhibi­t ion of a n c i e n t handcraf t , unde r ihc direct ion of t h e p recep t ress Miss Ann P u t n a m . I t included pieces of home spun l inen coveffets, , pa t ch -work quilts, candle moWfe. nnd o the r an­cient .articles. I

— O S H u b b a r d i n d L. C. X)wdm , were in Buffalo S a t u r d a y to ttt0ti4 ••-

hea r ing of t h e Pub l i c Service com-misHion. Mr. H u b b a r d icxtroacrtird :.h» Retai l Merchnn*s ' Association a n a Mr. O r a m the Chtuiiln;! of Hommercn, in .he n a t t e r of .he . ' .Iscontinuance uf ihe Attica-Avon service on .he Erie . At to rney C B Prcscot t ap ­peared for Mr Hub'oard ~nd Attorney Laf-»y vVilUif if HurT;i1;i '«> '.1i •••n\\.

Mr. E. A. Miles of Clifton Spr ings h a s been visi t ing his ( inter Miss- Ger-, rude .files.

Mru. Wai te r Glor spen t Thur sday and 1'iidav in Buffalo wi th her d a u g h t e r If**, k e l s o n M o r a t t i .

Miss E r l a Weldon who has "ueen f l ay ing wi th Mrs . Of* K r y m a n i:« now at W. S. Kc r r ' a on Main s t reet .

Miss Luella F r e n c h will be h o m e December 18th from Bronxvllle, for .he : ollday Vacation.

Mrs. Mary W a r r e n of Ba tav ia who h a s been ill for severa l days, id on . h e r a i n .

Mrs . J enn ie Lynch who was called to Oawego last week by t h e dea th of he r sister, Mrs. Drape r , r e tu rned home Sa tu rday n i g h t .

Mr. a n l Mrs. E l m e r D. Healy and family were gues t s of M r . and Mrs. H a r r y Finch, S u n d a y night , r e t u r n ­ing home Monday .

Mi a. J acob K r a u s s r e tu rned to h e * , home Sunday evening af ter .'-pending from Thursday unti l Sunday with he r sister-in-law, Mrs . H a r r y Mar t in of Buffalo.

Mr. and Mrs. lohn G. L a n g :notor-ed io Ba tav ia S a t u r d a y .

Albert Lang and J a c o b K r a u s s spent Sunday in Buffalo a s guests of t h e la t ter ' s sister , Mrs . H a r r y Mar t in .

Mrs. But ler of Genesee s t ree t h a s re turned from Buffalo.

Mrs. Leon Mar ley a n d son K e n n e t h left Sunday m o r n i n g for the Cats-

kills. Mr. and Mrs. F r e d Eichcnbersrer

and chi ldren spent Sunday with ae r pa ren t s M»\ and Mrs. George Richer t .

Mr. and Mrs. R a v Sierk and family called en Glenn SierU a n d wife Sun­day .

Mrs. F r a n k Schider and Mrs. And. r ew Michel were Ba t av i a visitors on T h u r s d a y .

Mrs. M. Meyers and Mr. ;\nd ! l r s . Leie-h Snyder a n d family were gues t s of Edv/ard Snyder a n d family, Sun->lav.

Mr. and Mrs. A r t h u r Greene and daugh te r Evelyn visited Mr. Greene'n fa ther Char les Greene in W a r s a w • n Sunday .

Mr. Wm. E a s t m a n and .on Jun io r were quests of Mr. and Mrs. George Eas tman . S u n d a y .

Mr. and Mrs George E a s t m a n r.pent Wednesday in W a r s a w , visi t ing rela­t ives and f r iends .

Miss Bernicc Bryson of Varvsburg is visi t ing her s is ter , Mrs. Harold Os-•.ertag.

Miss J u a n i t a B o w m a n is ill, cuf-fcr ing from an a t t a c k of .onsil i t is .

Mr. and Mrs. F r a n k Rcisdorf were in Buffalo "or ihe week-end.

Mr. William W e r n e r of Buffalo fit., h a s been confined to t h e house for several days by i l lness .

Makz Anneal Rotzttdup cf Wile! hlrjtd Ponies

T h e r e tiro t inny stiefea. tn accoun t ;

for (ft) wild {Kinh>s on Oiincutoiijiue and a W d t o i g n u i:itd some oilier is lands off Hit' I'lrglulu court, but tlicre siH'tns io h.> in.ihl:i« of tin utl-t l inrl iat ivt ' t .a:uro to explain their lircsenco.

Souie of Ihe* poiih-s off the Virgtnhi const htivo inner seen a human un I a re very wild. The largest pintle> u iensme about 19 haiuls liiyh. and lie-cause iheir prluclpal habitat is t 'hin-co teague lr!a.»d — a s t r ip of land about nine mill's hue.; IK a mile and n half wide—llu-y are n l u n tv ter red to an t'hinc«.te;:;;iie iMinies.

One of the stories concerns ,y Span­ish iiohleuian who unilertuMK to tal;e a i lvanlage uf the ei ipuriunit les offered in the .Ww world lor muse lii-ceiling, l i e s t a r i ed <>v«r with a herd of the animals , but on Hie way the vessel was wrecked and he was lost, a l though some of the animals managed to tiud I heir way to thy shore of Chlneo-teatiue.

Th i s story is corroborated to some extent Uy the Indian legend concern­ing the origin of ilit* animals at th is point. Though il:i> ar.imals run wild, they a re not nubile properly, for they « re "owned by the persona who owu the Islands, and there is a round up every year, when some of the ani­mals a r e conveyed lo the mainland and sold.

• —Mr. John R ice is suffering from an infection in one of h i s eyes, and wi th Mrs. Rice is in Buffalo to con­sult a spcc ia lM

The th ree ac t comedy, "The Twis t" ' given a t the H i g h nchool au­di tor ium S a t u r d a y n igh t by T h e Lit­tle T h e a t r e p a r t y w a s a g rea t nuccess Sjhd delierhted the aud ience p re sen t . I t was the second n u m b e r in the '.y-•:eum ••ourse.

- P r i n c i p a l B. H. Boot presided on Tuesday n igh t a t a c o u n t y principal ' :! meet ing held a t W a r s a w . The speak­e r s were Supt. Fauso ld of P e r r y who ta lked on The N e w Con t rac t nystem fft use in P e r r y rsclwtol. Supervisor Weaver of the S t a t e D e p a r t m e n t of Educa t ion w a s a n o t h e r r p e a k e r . 4 m o n g : n a t t e r s discussed was '.he deails of ba ske t bal l p laying r.ched-ules. The R o g e r s ' n lan of hand l ing all high school g a m e s w a s adopted.

Miss ionary Meet ing. The December m e e t i n g of the Mis­

s ionary society of t h e P re sby t e r i an church will be held on Wednesday, Dec, 14th in t h e c h u r c h par lors . An in teres t ing p r o g r a m will be g iven .

Bap t i s t W o m e n T o Meet on Wednesday .

T h e December m e e t i n g of t h e Wo­m a n ' s society of t h e Bapt i s t church , will be held W e d n e s d a y af ternoon a t t h e home of Mrs . E r n e s t Pe t t ibone . Meed a m es N. H u b b a r d . Lubba, A. Pe t t ibone , L. Snyder , A. Whea t ley and Whi t comb will ass i s t the hos t e s s . T h e r e will be a splendid p r o g r a m and a large a t t e n d a n c e is des i red .

W. :«. C. Notes. The nex t r egu l a r m e e t i n g of the W.

R. C. will be he ld a t t he G. A. R. h a h Monday night , Dec. 12th a t 8 o'clock. I t is the a n n u a l m e e t i n g and election of officers. All m e m b e r s are request­ed to be p resen t , a lso to bring a can of fruit or iellv and leave it a t t h e home of Mrs . C la rence S t roh .

C h r i s t m a s Seal R e t u r n s . The mai ls a r e b r ing ing in each d a y

m a n y le t ters con t a in ing checks a n d $1.00 bills. T h e H e a l t h camp fr iends a r e express ing the i r in te res t in the purchase or bonds and seals.

This first week closed with grat i fy­ing results . Don ' t fo rge t the c a m p in the m a n y p r e p a r a t i o n s for Chr i s tmas . I t is your c a m p .

o-At t ica Min is te r s ' Association.

The retrular m o n t h l y trier .Lag of t h e Att ica Minis te rs ' Afiociatir .n will be held next T h u r s d a y , Dec. 15, a t the home of Rev. C E . F ;tzor oi "len-n ington .

o-— County Council of C h u r c h e s to Meet

a t W y o m i n g . The W y o m i n g Coun ty Council of

Churches will hold its December m e e t ing aex t Monday, t h e 12th, a t t he M. E, c h m c h in Wyoming . P r o g r a m is in c h n l ? c of the Lew Enfo rcemen t do p a r t m e n t wi th the special speaker , , Dr. I r a L a n d r e t h , Chicago, a n in ter ­nat ional a u t h o r i t y on civic r igh teous­ness. Morn ing session opens a t 11 a. m,, with devot ional exercises, etc . Dln-nne r served a t 12 noon in the Wyom­ing M. E. chu rch . Dr.* Landre th will ."peak in the a f t e rnoon .

fhoVogravlfi^********' ~ 1 am p repa red Vo do atl k inds nz

photography. Twenty- four hour ser­vice in kodak finishing. Give photo­g raphs as C h r i s t m a s sugges t ions . Call a t my h o m e studio. 91 E a s t ave. 3T(C Tosephinp B. r-?''cker.

o-Aiivrrt'.sl'i : •' Ihe life .>f trnrth.

Animals Mcks Little Respor.se to Picture*

During tests made in I'.erliu by L>r. Victor Mendel, animals and birds sl iowid a rather surprising lack of re­sponse to iniiviiu pictures. The pic­tu res were especially selected for etu-n mfiiiml ami animal urotiy. and the ex-p t ' i iments were made hi au exhibition room especially adapted to the pur­pose. T h e response of dogs was prac­tically nil. Neither St. Bernard, set ter, spaniel , poodle nor collie gave the sl ightest nlteniioii to the pic tures ' Only a little tin••ngrul of doubtful ori­gin evinced a momentary interest hy snltling uf the human figures on the screen. The exper iments with cats were much more favorable. (»f live subjects , three responded actively, showing light on the appearance of • big dog on the serein. Kxtierinientc with birds were rather negative. Qee»e and ducks, ehiekens and pigeons paid some intention, while owls showed great latere.-1. Smi-ll birds and barn­yard fowl showed anxiety when s hawk appeare-l In liielr line of vision. A squirrel displayed interest when a we*>el made lis appearance on tlM screen, but reptiles and fish \ \ n t \ as might have b*":i-expected, quite in different.

Fez la Disappearing The red cap worn by Turkish m'.>n

received its name from Fez, u city in Morocco, where fuch caps were first made. Fez was long a scat of Arabian learning in Africa and Is still regarded a s u sacred city of Islam. Until re­cent l imes the city had n monopoly of the manufacture of Fez caps, It be­ing supposed that Ihe dye which gives the caps their dull crimson hue could uot be obtained elsewhere. Th i s dye is made of a berry which grow-* in pro­fusion in the vicinity of Fez. The fez is made brlmless to allow the wearer to bow his forehead to the carpet while praying In the mostpio. This form of headgear, however, Is fast losing i ts i#lace in the nat ional cos­tume of Turkey.

Expression la Old "Pay ing through the nose" menus to

pay a fancy price for a thing—to pay more than it is worth—to get stung. T h e origin of the expression is lost hi obscur i ty . There was n legend that Odin, the Norse god. Imposed I tax re-aembllng the—modern- poll tax-.—-!«-Swcdcn it was called a nose tax, be­cause it was a penny a nose. In de­faul t of payment the nore was sup­posed to be the forfeit. "Paying th rough the nose" may have originated with this myth. The French have a similar phrase—"payer pur lc nez."— Pathfinder Magazine.

Feed Through Roots Hoots anchor the t rees to thr»

ground, absorb water from the soil, and t ranspor t water to the stent, says the American Tree associat ion. With­ou t roots, t rees could not s t and op, and wi thout roots t rees would starve, for they supply water and food to the s tem, branches, twigs, leaves and oilier pa r t s of the crown. T h e prin­cipal work of the big roots near the s t em Is to help the t rees s tand up, while tlie fine root hai rs at the end of the rootlets a re the ones that ab­sorb the w.ilcr from the soil.

I Fear Makes Poor Workers "Employer* of vision are fast learn­

ing that workers who fear losing their Jobs a re not half so efllclent or orig­inal a s those wdio have emancipated thcmsH'I.es from this very human curse , " says Helen Woodward success­ful woman advertising executive and au thor , lh f.ict'lurc's Miignzfno. "Rut there nru still a great many who he-licve. In making punctual machines of f r ightened and hafllrd workers , chained lo the prison of u Job." ,

Did YOU received Chistmas Club Cheek

for 1927? W e invite YOU to join our

1928 Christmas Club Now Open for Membership and receive a check NEXT year

. \

Save money when you feel it least.

Have money when you need it most.

• , .

The Citizens Bank Attica, New York

ELON P. SPINK, President. R T, SANDS, RT. BRAMER, ViccPrewfcnt. R F. OSTERTAG, Aa*. Cash.

| , | HI .• 1 * 9 ' ^ * 1 ,

. . -••• '- - l " ! ' / # f t * *^» I I * . • . . 1 s:

.11 ' .ft l o O f l l *••>•»<•»• »!;• k)-tiM ma •• <{>

• e-:i '! '

, .!•'.'

. »--

' • *

\ .1

%MRM)IT'S SUGGEST10HS ! n , Before making your Holiday Purchases we would

appreciate yt-ur caHing and looking over our large

stock of Toyp, Garner, Sleds, Skiis, and Community

Silverware, Royal - llotliester Table Utilities, gen­

uine Horn and Stag Carving Sets. Pyrex ware, Elec­

trical Christmas Tree Outfits and Decorations


We nave a good assortment of our Holiday goods I - I i

on display in our window. i ! 1 Our juices are titbit and we respectfully soMcit a

j ! share of your patronage. £ 1

[ 1 Ayrault Hardware & Supply Co. Inc. ([J Main at the b r i d g e ATTICA, H. Y. P h o n e 1 3 3

"The Store of Guaranteed Service" i SaawaaaisiHWSws «* sssaaaaaawsaai

Embt's Sensible Gifts Boy's Shoes - Boy's Boots

Boy's Warm Mittens

Men's House Slippers, Dress Shirts Flannel Shirts, Tom Shine All Wool Sweaters, Mittens, Dress Gloves, Hose Silk or Wool, Suspenders, Leather or Sheepskin Coats, Lumber Jacks and countless others

Efrtbt-Bret+iere Market Street ATTICA, N. Y.


Bed Spreads, Curtains washed special. Dry cleaning and Dye Work.

i»ffi»Rfi!f»W!f»!fi^ « WR&Sm&MM&M&

(n MomoriKm. WAYNE— In -loving m e m o r y of m y

' l ea r niece, Arlie Danley W a y n e . W e a r e thlnklns? i oday of -..omeohe,

Whp -van .-.laHenf ">rvlnx .-.rut : m e W h o s e smile * H I 7 hea r rw» Jntf v.uiu

i mnc , — D e a r ^ l l e t ha t someone ?• you.

R e s t in peace thy ca r e s a r e ended, R e s t in peace, they work is lone;

You a r e gone w h e r e thone who 'ove -on, . . . •

f'.oon i\tr rtiM-ur\£ ",v\c Ivy t>n>". Aunt Klnimi

Friday & Saturday SPECIALS



PORK LOIN by the roaet Special a lb •••

NIANA PEAS R?g. 25c a can Special 2 for

BEETS Sliced No 3 ran Special

CREAM CORN ST A UCH Reg. 12c a box Special 2 for . t « • • • • »

25c 43c 18c 19c


Fancy Fruit and Fresh Vegetables of All Kinds

KRUIX BROS. M e a t s HIUI G r o c e r i e s

• (

Again w e come to the

"Slippery Sidewalk" Season

Wouldn't an Accident Policy

be the thing to buy? * •U i {.rill f

BE WISE -,. i

y. -I V;:i


A. W. SMITH & CO H I «

Phone 141 Over A. & P. Store


PHONE *9i OFFICE HOURS: Monday, Wednesday and Friday.

3:30 to 6:00, 7:00 to 9:00 ATTICA, N. Y. - Main near W«hiuj(ton £

:—- —=4=



Phone 173 Busy Since 1882 Truck Delivery '' Eoeryt h iiuj— To Bui Id— A nyt h ing.''

_u. mnwii \nmmmmmmmm


It is with regret that I announce the withdrawal of Frank , J. Rogers from the Austin «fc Rogers Insurance Agency, J effective December 1st

' i\ The Agency will continue doing a general insurance busi­

ness under the name of H. S. Austin. I will represent the f

same OLD LINE STOCK COMPANIES as heretofore.

i During the time Mr. Rogers was associated with me we at). jdyed tho loyal support of the people of Attica and surround- \ ing Towns, and I hope that the same loyalty will be extend. ed to tho new Agency.

m,„ 4,;, .*,• . « , . . . . . . . . .

H. S. AU&tiN Phone 101 3 3 Market St. Attica, N.K

«cKi!n!!ra»tioMOBwi mBKmmm&BtKmammmnmmtmmKKtsmmBmm


M 1 1







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