cN i 1rr r + 6 fS4X S r + > y V t- tTWO L V i r OCALA EVENING STAR WEDNESDAY SEPTEMBER 23 1903 EVENING STAR of C L BITTINGER CO C L Bittinger and RR Carroll Proprietors and Publishers- C L BITTINGER Editor and General Manager- R t r R CARROLL City Editor and Business Manager r i FARMERS UNION MEETING- The Farmers Union will meet in Ocala on the 1st day of October and the place of meeting will be the court house This meeting will not only In ¬ clude the members of farmers unions of Marlon but half a dozen other i counties contingent to Marlon will participate t L OLESONGUSTAFSON- This office Is In receipt of a wed ¬ ding Invitation which announces the marriage September 19th at James- town ¬ N Y of Mr Peter Martin Ole son and Miss Amanda Christine Gus- t tafson The groom Is a well known and highly respected citizen of South Lake Weir The bride is evidently a stranger to our state at least we have not the pleasure of her acquaintance but pin our faith on the good taste P of the groom The couple will be at p home October 1st Jit the Pleasant Hills f House South Lake Weir The Star extends Its best wishes to the happy bride and groomtobe- Mr L S Light nominee for the legislature from Marion and residing- at Reddick was In town Tuesday his t1 first visit since the strenuous second primary He said he had been very busy looking after his farm work and making hay of which a very large K quantity has been harvested He said within a radius of five miles of Red ¬ dick he was confident 500 tons of hay had been cured That he also had been j busy setting out cabbage plants that the spring crop bad been a failure In price and he hoped to recoup In the fall planting Mr Light had a con- s ¬ fidential talk with Mr Cam who Is the other legislative nominee on mat ¬ ters of state and by working together expect to accomplish legislation of benefit to Marlon county and the state of Florida- Mr J E Spencer with the Meffert lime works at Zuber was in town yesterday afternoon and paid his re ¬ spects to the Star He said business had been unusually good until the last few weeks when trade slackened up He said the Sumner Lumber Co had about completed their tram road to the west and would shortly be in trim- to get all the logs needed by the mill which would again make the wheels hum I I Mr Jake Brown and family return- ed ¬ this morning from their outing In Boston and New York As all our readers know Jake is an enthusiast- on baseball and so with his kids had to take In the game between the two contesting teams for the National League pennant last Friday 40000 people got Into the enclosure ten thousand had to remain outside when the gate was closed Jake paid sev ¬ entyfive cents and sat on the ground Seats bought up by speculators sold at high as 2 He said he never saw such a mob but that it was certainly- a k great game Mr W D Carns office presented an animated appearance Monday morn ¬ ing as half a dozen bright misses who were on the collecting committee for the churches deserving poor made their report turned In their money and received further instructions in the work The young folks are doing- a good work and so Is Mo Carn who always Interested In a worthy cause J C Howell of Oak was in town Tuesday and reported the sale ofsix- of Mason Tisons broncos Jim rode one to town and said it backed half i of the way That the boys of the Orlando band K would not feel discouraged the city council came to Its rescue and made up the deficiency In the amount con- tributed ¬ by the citizens of the town toward payipg for the new instru- ments ¬ The band is to play free on all occasions as a return for this f- inancial ¬ help Mr Norman B Fort who lives across the river and has been suffer ¬ ing from an attack of dengue fever- is up again Dr HC Mills who sells medical preparations visited Holder last week r where he keeps his horse and buggy He got a colored driver and started off when the horse took fright made- a sudden lurch and threw Dr Mills out the doctor landing on the shaft and his left leg became entangled in the singletree Knowing that if he did not get out of that fix the horse would kick him to death he threw himself over the shaft and fell to the ground the wheels passing over his back and side and breaking two ribs spraining his back and badly bruising his left leg He deemed himself lucky to get off as light as he did The f horse ran half a mile ere the driven regained control of him but no dam- age ¬ r f was done the vehicle The doctor returned home last night to lay up for repairs He was out this morning L limping around with the aid of a crutch j f A good one comes from Cedar Hummock across the Oklawaha to the effect that Peter Durisoe and Will t Hogan went hunting and after getting- a good mess of birds proceeded to i f < light their campfire and put the pot on to boll While this process was going on the hunters inspired to in ¬ crease their menu thought it a good scheme that while the birds were be ¬ ing cooked they would go out and add- a squirrel or a rabbit to their bill of fare They went and when the hungry hunters returned to enjoy their evening repast they found the pot empty They are still wondering- what became of those birds Mr M J Lord from Lords station near Sanford came in last evening from Fort White and was the guest- Of Dr H C Mills over night Today Mr Lord left for Anthony to visit his son Rev M M Lord the Methodist minister when he will return home Mr Lord is a Georgian an old Con ¬ federate veteran a good Methodist and- a Mason Mr Lord said all we hear about Sandfords profress and pros- perity ¬ Is true He said It was the- n t outgrowest town in the state Mr L Is a pleasant genial gentlemen whose kindly smile and warm handshake have a tonic effect to a tired nature CONTRIBUTE YOUR CASH- If 4 B you should happen to read one or I two of the sneers of the republican press at what it calls the poverty and greed of democrats you would make your contributions to the campaign- fund instanter If you were to note the wonder expressed by northern members of the party why the south ¬ ern subscriptions do not come in fast ¬ er you would double ItTampa Times MILLINERY f MILLINERY After a careful selection we are pre- pared ¬ to show the advanced styles In fall and winter hats In our stock J will be found the best examples of the New York makers We also carry- a very stylish line of hair goods An early Inspection of our stock will con ¬ vince you of Its merits Anticipating the pleasure of serving- you we remain Haycraft DeCamp Millinery Co WANTED MUSIC PUPILS- I desire to teach pupils on the piano Am a graduate of the Ursuline Acad- emy ¬ I of Music Toledo Ohio Have I had experience and success in my profession Terms reasonable Pro ¬ gress assured Call or address Miss Elsie Fisher No 48 North Mag- nolia ¬ street- A GOOD PLACE TO GO The above caption accurately de- scribes ¬ the Guarantee Clothing Store when you have money to spend for clothing shoes hats and anything- else that is needed to well dress a man or boy That store keeps only the best quality of goods and the proprie- tor ¬ and clerks are skilled in the art of treating a customer right See the big advertisement on the first page SECONDHAND FURNITURE- For sale at a bargain a good side ¬ board chairs rugs matting tables baby carriage trunk valises etc most of which is practically new Ap ¬ ply at this office HOW TO AVOID APPENDICITIS- Most victims of ippendicitis are those who are habitually constipated Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup cures chronic constipation by stimulating I the liver and bowels and restores the natural action of the bowels Orino Laxative Fruit Syrup dues not nau ¬ seate or gripe and Is mild and pleas ¬ ant to take Refuse substitutes Sold by all dealers KEEP COOL I Have eieciric fans placed In your office or home and keep cool through the hot months It is inexpensive and i great comfort See Walter Tucker- the electrician about them NEW TRIMMER ARRIVES Miss Fannie Adrean of Baltimore- who was with me last season has again arrived in the city and will be pleased to see the ladies Miss Adrean- is one of the most skillful as well as original trimmers who ever worked in Ocala She and I guarantee satisfac- tion ¬ Mary Affleck Ocala House Block JUST EXACTLY RIGHT- I have used Dr Kings New Life Pills for several years and find them just exactly right says Mr A A Felton of Harrisville N Y New Life Pills relieve without the least discom ¬ fort Best remedy for constipation biliousness and malaria Twentyfive- cents at all drugstores- TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN Automobile drivers and motorcy- cle ¬ riders take notice Must come down to the time limit on speed or arrested The limit is not to exceed ten miles an hour and in approaching- street crossings or corners to slow down to a speed that will make It perfectly safe for pedestrians and ve- hicles ¬ to avoid collisions or accidents- W C Bull City Marshal For prompt relief In cases of weak back backache Inflammation of the bladder urinary disorders kidney troubles and rheumatic pains there- is nothing as good as DeWitts Kidney and Bladder Pills The effect of these pills is shown in a very little while- In fact you will feel better the next morning as they act promptly They are antiseptic Be sure you get De Witts We sell and recommend them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore- Ed Austin colored is in jail for the following reasons He stole a horse- at Leesburg sold him at Martel stole- a cow and calf and sold them at Ox- ford ¬ and yesterday he invaded the home of Johnson out Exposition street and stole not only his clothes but those of his wife and sold a silk dress and waist to a neighbor for 6 and in this he was detected for the party who bought the stolen goods told him to return in the evening and get the money In the meanwhile Johnson discovered his loss heard of the sale of his wifes clothes and recognized his own on the man and went with him to the woman to make the collection and when he was offered the money John ¬ son nabbed him HAVE YOU A BABY Then watch It closely And above- all things dont let it suffer for any length of time with wormsthat is fatal If its complexion gets yellow and pasty if it Is listless cross or peevish gets thin suffers with flatu- lence give it Whites Cream Vermi ¬ fuge The only cure that never fails and has no bad effects Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore WANTED TO IWYA modest home near the heart of the city in a good neighborhood It must be a bargain Apply to Mrs Nellie B Bishop at Mrs Jessie Haycrafts residence Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold- A J Nusbaum Batesville Indiana writes Last year I suffered for three months with a summer cold so distressing that it interfered with my business I had many of the symp ¬ toms of hay fever and a doctors pre- scription ¬ did not reach my case and I took several medicines which seemed- to only aggravate my case Fortu- nately ¬ I insisted upon having Foleys Honey and Tar In the yellow package- and it quickly cured me My wife has since used Foleys Honey and Tar with the same success Sold by all < ales r I oj COLORED ODD FELLOWS DELEGATION RETURNS- The Florida delegation of nearly 100 members of colored Odd Fellows- has returned from Atlantic City N J Among this committee the following- were elected to positions in the Grand Lodge of America J S LaRoche as ¬ sistant secretary of the B M C the most important committee of the na ¬ tional grand lodge F P Gadson Ocala a member of the committee on the grand masters address Robert Thomas and E H Mitchell of Ocala- on the committee to inspect the grand lodges home which has just been completed in Philadelphia and is a magnificent fivestory 125000 build ¬ ing Geo A Sheehy of Tampa chair ¬ man of the committee on credentials- S < M Dennis and A M Huskin of Jacksonville on committee to inspect grand lodge building and George H Mays of Jacksonville national repre- sentative ¬ for Florida Frank Gadson says Florida got more representation- than any of the othr states by far despite the big delegations that went from other states The following editorials from two different Atlantic City daily papers will give an Idea of how orderly the gathering was and the impression- made o nthat city by the colored peo- ple ¬ A Great Colored Odd Fellows Dem ¬ onstration Several thousand colored Odd Fel- low s attending the biennial convention- of the order here paraded in the af- ternoon ¬ and the demonstration in numbers in brilliancy and order was- a credit to the race Four or five thousand men were in line together with a number of bands There was evident desire on the part of the paraders and also the colored on ¬ lookers who ran into ten thousand or more to have the demonstration end without the slightest disorder Every- one of the race was on his or her good behavior and the event passed off en tertaingly and successfully It was as well managed as any parade ever held- in the resort Big Parade Marks Close of Meeting- One of the mdst orderly conven- tions ¬ that has ever been held in At ¬ lantic City This was the comment made yes ¬ terday on the big meeting of the four ¬ teenth B M C of the G U Order of Odd Fellows by Chief of Police Voodruff who is enthused over the excellent order attending the mons ¬ trous conclave of colored folk from every state in the union The Odd Fellows practically owned the Million Dollar Pier last night It was the scene of a spectacular dance such as has never been equalled be ¬ fore in this city The ball last night was only second- in importance to the big street parade yesterday afternoon which surprised residents with its size and perfect formation The costumes were gor- geous ¬ and the drilling of the different lodges an interesting exhibition to thousands of spectators s WEARING THE WRONG GLASS May prove more injurious to your eyes than wearing none at all Not every man who calls himself OCULIST OR OPTICIAN- is competent to fit spectacles I show you and explain to you why- I am right and guarantee results DR D M BONEY Eyesight Specialist Ocala Fla Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical office and laboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block WEATHER FORECAST Washington September 23Partly cloudy showers in south and central portions tonight or Thursday CLOSED My store will be closed Satur ¬ day September 26th till 6 p m- at which time we will open and continue the of- fering of the best values New Goods Daily MARCUS FRANKP- roprietor THE VARIETY STORE n ROBBERS AT WORK Monday night thieves entered the home of Mrs J J Pyles corner of Vatula and South Fourth streets and took therefrom a gold watch and a handbag the property of Miss Mattie Pyles It was early in the evening when the robbery was committed and the family was sitting on the front porch and it is presumed the thief en- tered ¬ from the rear Tuesday morning- a boy returned the watch case to Miss Mattie Pyles who is cashier for Mc Iver MacKuy The works were mis- sing ¬ The boy said he found the case near Caldwells pond At noon Tues ¬ day Mr James Pyles was returning home to dinner and as he passed Mr rank Harris yard he discovered the handbag It was fortunate for Miss I Pyles who on returning home Mon- day ¬ night removed the money from her purse and threw in into her trunk When the theft was discovered short- ly ¬ after it was perpetrated it created the wildest kind of excitement in the neighborhood as the disturbing news spread Several ladies constituted themselves information bureaus and as neighbors returned from the pic- ture ¬ shows down town they were ap- prised ¬ of the theft and immediately- every one organized themselves into- a Sherlock Holmes detective and if all the plans and devices suggested by the excited gray matter of said fe ¬ males could be detailed to Conan Doyle ho would write a < detective story that would make his famous picturesque tales pale That night there was not a nook or corner or section that was not examined ere re ¬ tiring and there was not a lock or spring that secured doors and win ¬ dows that was not turned on with a time limit attachment and for sev- eral ¬ hours up to midnight there was not a bark of a dog the velvet treat of a cat the scamper of a mouse the flutter of a birds wing or the tripping of a roach on the floor that was not instantly magnified into the presence in a house or room of a dar tard robber bent on spoil It was a night to be remembered in that sec ¬ tion but it passed without any startl ¬ ing developments in the thief line Do not forget that DeWitts Little Early Risers are the best pills made They are pleasant little pills that are easy to take and are prompt and gen ¬ tle We sell and recommend them Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore i School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices FREEFREEO- n J next Monday and Tuesday we will give away to every pur ¬ chaser of a dollar a handsome 18x20 inch picture of Our Next President William Jennings Bryan The Globe School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Priees o METROPOLITAN fASHIONS BY IONS GENE DE PONTAO The very latest bulletins from Paris declare that the Directolre mode Is dyingdying of Illregulat ¬ ed advertisement and exaggeration- and though the Directolre revers and collar appear on almost all cos ¬ tumes of any degree of elaborateness many of the new coats from the smartest designers show the short waisted tendency only slightly and are built along straight long limp lines of no particular period but our own Quite frequently these coats are collarless and flatly trim ¬ med some are quite plain others elaborately braided witu soutache or finished with buttons and button ¬ holes real or simulated Not only buttons but cabochons passemen ¬ terie drops and cord ornaments are very smart- In spite of the advance Informa ¬ tion that the new hats were to be small and closefitting those worn at the French wateringplaces this monthwhich Is there the height of the seasonare simply enormous the drooping brims sometimes so wide that they touch the wearers back Satin cloth silk or velvet cover the brims aand the under side- Is usually of contrasting color When the outside of the hat Is of some rather vivid colour as the orange or peacock tones that are so numerous and beautiful this fall the under side Is faced with black Huge vel ¬ vet and silk roses form the trim ¬ ming Black and white Is a fav ¬ orite combination and many of the black hats are trimmed with scarfs- L L I i H ti c HI 3 J 1 tI 1- t 1 white mousseline de sole and white feathers while white silk hats are I faced with black velvet and loaded with black feathers- The I adjustment of the veil has I become a work of artthanks to the J tremendous size of the fashionable I headgear Some Parlslennes are I wearing as many as three veils at a I timethe dotted face veil snugly fastened and over the hat two long chiffon veils of different colors one crossing behind fastening under the chin and taking the place of the jab ¬ I ot the other tying behind with long floating ends- Ottoman silk Is a material once much used and unheard of for many years that makes its reappearance t this fall but as In all these revivals In a form hardly recognizable It Is far softer in finish and lighter In weight than formerly and figures In some very handsome imported coat and skirt costumes It also covers many modish hats The new softfinished velvets are sure to play a large part in costumes for the coming seasonin pastel shades for afternoon and evening costumes and In the grays and cedar and copper tints for street wear There Is no fabric that has so rich an appearance for the separate win ¬ ter coat for the cloth or silk gown- as velvet and whole gowns of velvet covered with braid will be popular- The new velveteens too are stun- ning ¬ generally figured in broken stripes mediumsized checks circles- or > lines Lace will play a very small part- on the winter gown braiding em ¬ broidery and passementerie will be used In profusion Many of the newest garnitures that may be bought separately in the shopsand that do I wonders toward rejuvenating a some ¬ what passe frockare of the plas ¬ tron shape usually cut low and square- In the neck sleeveless or with tiny sleeve caps and sometimes with gir- dles to match long enough to go once or twice around the body and fall In long tasselled ends In front These garnitures are of net embroid ¬ I ered In soutache silk tinsel or beads- in beautiful variations of color and design 1 he trimmings de ¬ signed for evening frocks are exquis- itely ¬ embroidered In crystal pearl or gold Exceedingly effective stoles and little bolero jackets are also formed of embroidered filet Tne elbow sleeve fashion is abso ¬ lutely defunct On the street or af ¬ ternoon gown the sleeve reaches to the knuckles In the evening gown it is a mere apology or absent alr gether PRIVATE SCHOOL MK s Annie Bennett Kavarje of 231 North Third street will open a pri- vate ¬ school in this city about the first of October Parents who desire their children to attend will please notify Iir as soon as possible at the above address Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by One Dose of Chamberlains Cclic Chol ¬ era and Diarrhoea Remedy- I was > o weak from an attack of di ¬ arrhoea that I could scarcely attend- to my duties when I took a dose of Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di i airhoea Remedy It cured me entirely an l I had been taking other medicine I for nine days without relief I hearti- ly ¬ recommend this remedy as being the best to my knowledge for bowel I complaintTI G Stewart of the firm of Stewart Bro Greenville Ala For sale by all druggists j RHEINAUERSClothin- g Clothing Department I Stetson Hats Stetson Hats Banister Shoes Crossett Shoes- The Standard in Hats and Shoes f Just received all the latest styles and I I shapes I Reduced prices on Clothing Negligee Shirts and Underwear to Rheinauer Co i New Millinery Goods- I now have on display my line of new styles in hats and other mil = linery creations and would be pleased to have the ladies ot Ocala and Marion county to call and in ¬ spect my stock The date of my >> Fall Opening will be announced late- rIMrs Minnie A BostickO- cala House Millinery Parlors I I B H SEYMOUR K MacPHERSON Marion Development Co I DEALERS IN I Real Estate and Building I Material I WOOD LUMBER SHINGLES PURE WHITE SAND Properties bought and Sold Lots for Sale Cash or Easy Terms P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala Florida I MATTING FOR SALE CHEAP I Enough new matting natural or white color for large room for sale I Very cheap Apply at Star office SICK HEADACHE- This disease is caused by a derange- ment ¬ of the stomach Take a dose of Chamberlains Stomach and Liver Tablets to correet this disorder and the sick headache will disappear For sale by all druggists I THIRTEEN KILLED I ON A FRENCH CRUISER Toulon France Sept 23 During gunnery drill yesterday one of the big turret guns on the French cruiser Latouche Treville exploded with ter- rific ¬ violence completely wrecking the after turret and killing outright the entire gun crew of thirteen A num- ber ¬ of men were seriously injured some of them probably fatally The accident was similar to that aboard the gunnery school ship Couronne off Vs Salins DHyeres August 12 last when by the bursting of the breech of one of the guns six men were killed and eighteen injured- TO BE HAPPY You must have good health You cant have good health if your liver is not doing its duty slow but sure poisoning is going on all the time under such circumstances Ballards Herbine makes a perfectly healthy liver keeps the stomach and bowels right and acts as a tonic for the en- tire ¬ system Sold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore I OVER A HUNDRED DROWNED I Seattle Wash Sept 23 Advices received tonight from Alaska by the United States signal corps say that 100 men including nine white men I were drowned in the wreck of th American bark Star of Bengal on the I Corinthian Island wese of the Prince of Wales archipelago Twentyseven I I of the saved vessels crew and passengers- were j The Star of Bengal was on the way from Fort Wrangel to San Francisco with a cargo of 45000 cases of sal ¬ mon In addition to the crew she t carried 100 Chinese and Japanese who j were employed by the canneries of the company They were taken aboard- at Fort Wrangel ROGERS LIVERWORT- TAR AND CANCHALOGUA J For the complete cure of coughs colds asthma and bronchitis and all lung complaints tending to consump- tion ¬ Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherry have for ages maintained an estab- lished ¬ reputation as a standard cough remedy It contains no opium or harmful drug Can be given with safety to children Price 51 Sold by druggists Williams Manufacturing Co Props Cleveland O Sold by the I AntiMonopoly Drugstore M ART Ji I BOGIE- Stenographer Ia- n TypewriterN- OTARY PUBLIC ROOM 7 MERCHANTS BLOCK Ocala Flo- ridaJCE7 Best Quality Prompt Service Lowest Price Buy from the BLUE WAGONSOC- ALA ICE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT TAYLOR Phone 34 IIMMBERLAItSf- Sd w 1 lJA k iLji 1j I 1 ii6- A few doses of this remedy will In ¬ variably cure an ordinary attack of diarrhoea- It can always be depended upon even in the more severe attacks of cramp colic and cholera worbns It is successful for summer diarrhoea and cholera infantnm in children and is the means of saving the lives of many children each year When reduced with water and sweetened it is pleasant to take Every man of a family should keep this remedy in his home Buy it now PRICE 25c LARGE SIZE SOC

I t store will g be closed Satur I Stetson Hats Stetson ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00955/0291.pdf · p home October 1st Jit the Pleasant Hills f House South Lake Weir

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Page 1: I t store will g be closed Satur I Stetson Hats Stetson ...ufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00955/0291.pdf · p home October 1st Jit the Pleasant Hills f House South Lake Weir

cN i 1rr r + 6 fS4X S r + > yV t-







C L Bittinger and RR CarrollProprietors and Publishers-

C L BITTINGEREditor and General Manager-


City Editor and Business Manager


The Farmers Union will meet inOcala on the 1st day of October andthe place of meeting will be the courthouse This meeting will not only In ¬

clude the members of farmers unionsof Marlon but half a dozen othericounties contingent to Marlon willparticipate



This office Is In receipt of a wed ¬

ding Invitation which announces themarriage September 19th at James-town


N Y of Mr Peter Martin Oleson and Miss Amanda Christine Gus-

ttafson The groom Is a well knownand highly respected citizen of SouthLake Weir The bride is evidently astranger to our state at least we havenot the pleasure of her acquaintancebut pin our faith on the good taste


of the groom The couple will be atp

home October 1st Jit the Pleasant Hillsf House South Lake Weir The Star

extends Its best wishes to the happybride and groomtobe-

Mr L S Light nominee for thelegislature from Marion and residing-at Reddick was In town Tuesday his

t1 first visit since the strenuous secondprimary He said he had been verybusy looking after his farm work andmaking hay of which a very large

K quantity has been harvested He saidwithin a radius of five miles of Red ¬

dick he was confident 500 tons of hayhad been cured That he also had been

j busy setting out cabbage plants thatthe spring crop bad been a failure Inprice and he hoped to recoup In thefall planting Mr Light had a con-

fidential talk with Mr Cam who Isthe other legislative nominee on mat ¬

ters of state and by working togetherexpect to accomplish legislation ofbenefit to Marlon county and thestate of Florida-

Mr J E Spencer with the Meffertlime works at Zuber was in townyesterday afternoon and paid his re ¬

spects to the Star He said businesshad been unusually good until the lastfew weeks when trade slackened upHe said the Sumner Lumber Co hadabout completed their tram road tothe west and would shortly be in trim-to get all the logs needed by the millwhich would again make the wheelshum I


Mr Jake Brown and family return-ed


this morning from their outing InBoston and New York As all ourreaders know Jake is an enthusiast-on baseball and so with his kids hadto take In the game between the twocontesting teams for the NationalLeague pennant last Friday 40000people got Into the enclosure tenthousand had to remain outside whenthe gate was closed Jake paid sev ¬

entyfive cents and sat on the groundSeats bought up by speculators soldat high as 2 He said he never sawsuch a mob but that it was certainly-ak great game

Mr W D Carns office presented ananimated appearance Monday morn ¬

ing as half a dozen bright misses whowere on the collecting committee for

the churches deserving poor madetheir report turned In their moneyand received further instructions inthe work The young folks are doing-a good work and so Is Mo Carn whoalways Interested In a worthy cause

J C Howell of Oak was in townTuesday and reported the sale ofsix-of Mason Tisons broncos Jim rodeone to town and said it backed half

i of the way

That the boys of the Orlando bandKwould not feel discouraged the citycouncil came to Its rescue and madeup the deficiency In the amount con-tributed


by the citizens of the towntoward payipg for the new instru-ments


The band is to play free onall occasions as a return for this f-inancial



Mr Norman B Fort who livesacross the river and has been suffer ¬

ing from an attack of dengue fever-is up again

Dr HC Mills who sells medicalpreparations visited Holder last weekr where he keeps his horse and buggyHe got a colored driver and startedoff when the horse took fright made-a sudden lurch and threw Dr Millsout the doctor landing on the shaftand his left leg became entangled inthe singletree Knowing that if hedid not get out of that fix the horsewould kick him to death he threwhimself over the shaft and fell to theground the wheels passing over hisback and side and breaking two ribsspraining his back and badly bruisinghis left leg He deemed himself luckyto get off as light as he did Thef horse ran half a mile ere the drivenregained control of him but no dam-age

¬rf was done the vehicle The doctor

returned home last night to lay up forrepairs He was out this morningL limping around with the aid of acrutch


f A good one comes from CedarHummock across the Oklawaha to theeffect that Peter Durisoe and Willt Hogan went hunting and after getting-a good mess of birds proceeded to



<light their campfire and put the poton to boll While this process wasgoing on the hunters inspired to in ¬

crease their menu thought it a goodscheme that while the birds were be ¬ing cooked they would go out and add-a squirrel or a rabbit to their bill offare They went and when thehungry hunters returned to enjoytheir evening repast they found thepot empty They are still wondering-what became of those birds

Mr M J Lord from Lords stationnear Sanford came in last eveningfrom Fort White and was the guest-Of Dr H C Mills over night TodayMr Lord left for Anthony to visit hisson Rev M M Lord the Methodistminister when he will return homeMr Lord is a Georgian an old Con ¬

federate veteran a good Methodist and-a Mason Mr Lord said all we hearabout Sandfords profress and pros-perity


Is true He said It was the-



outgrowest town in the state Mr LIs a pleasant genial gentlemen whosekindly smile and warm handshakehave a tonic effect to a tired nature




you should happen to read one or I

two of the sneers of the republicanpress at what it calls the poverty andgreed of democrats you would makeyour contributions to the campaign-fund instanter If you were to notethe wonder expressed by northernmembers of the party why the south ¬

ern subscriptions do not come in fast ¬

er you would double ItTampaTimes


After a careful selection we are pre-pared


to show the advanced styles Infall and winter hats In our stock J

will be found the best examples ofthe New York makers We also carry-a very stylish line of hair goods Anearly Inspection of our stock will con ¬

vince you of Its meritsAnticipating the pleasure of serving-

you we remainHaycraft DeCamp Millinery Co


I desire to teach pupils on the pianoAm a graduate of the Ursuline Acad-emy

¬ I

of Music Toledo Ohio Have I

had experience and success in myprofession Terms reasonable Pro ¬

gress assured Call or addressMiss Elsie Fisher No 48 North Mag-nolia




The above caption accurately de-


the Guarantee Clothing Storewhen you have money to spend forclothing shoes hats and anything-else that is needed to well dress a manor boy That store keeps only thebest quality of goods and the proprie-tor


and clerks are skilled in the art oftreating a customer right See thebig advertisement on the first page


For sale at a bargain a good side ¬

board chairs rugs matting tablesbaby carriage trunk valises etcmost of which is practically new Ap ¬

ply at this office


Most victims of ippendicitis arethose who are habitually constipatedOrino Laxative Fruit Syrup cureschronic constipation by stimulating I

the liver and bowels and restores thenatural action of the bowels OrinoLaxative Fruit Syrup dues not nau ¬

seate or gripe and Is mild and pleas ¬

ant to take Refuse substitutes Soldby all dealers


Have eieciric fans placed In youroffice or home and keep cool throughthe hot months It is inexpensive andi great comfort See Walter Tucker-the electrician about them

NEW TRIMMER ARRIVESMiss Fannie Adrean of Baltimore-

who was with me last season hasagain arrived in the city and will bepleased to see the ladies Miss Adrean-is one of the most skillful as well asoriginal trimmers who ever worked inOcala She and I guarantee satisfac-tion


Mary AffleckOcala House Block

JUST EXACTLY RIGHT-I have used Dr Kings New Life

Pills for several years and find themjust exactly right says Mr A AFelton of Harrisville N Y New LifePills relieve without the least discom ¬

fort Best remedy for constipationbiliousness and malaria Twentyfive-cents at all drugstores-

TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERNAutomobile drivers and motorcy-


riders take notice Must comedown to the time limit on speed orarrested The limit is not to exceedten miles an hour and in approaching-street crossings or corners to slowdown to a speed that will make Itperfectly safe for pedestrians and ve-


to avoid collisions or accidents-W C Bull City Marshal

For prompt relief In cases of weakback backache Inflammation of thebladder urinary disorders kidneytroubles and rheumatic pains there-is nothing as good as DeWitts Kidneyand Bladder Pills The effect of thesepills is shown in a very little while-In fact you will feel better the nextmorning as they act promptly Theyare antiseptic Be sure you get DeWitts We sell and recommend themSold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore-

Ed Austin colored is in jail for thefollowing reasons He stole a horse-at Leesburg sold him at Martel stole-a cow and calf and sold them at Ox-ford


and yesterday he invaded thehome of Johnson out Exposition streetand stole not only his clothes butthose of his wife and sold a silk dressand waist to a neighbor for 6 andin this he was detected for the partywho bought the stolen goods told himto return in the evening and get themoney In the meanwhile Johnsondiscovered his loss heard of the saleof his wifes clothes and recognized hisown on the man and went with him tothe woman to make the collection andwhen he was offered the money John ¬

son nabbed him

HAVE YOU A BABYThen watch It closely And above-

all things dont let it suffer for anylength of time with wormsthat isfatal If its complexion gets yellowand pasty if it Is listless cross orpeevish gets thin suffers with flatu-lence give it Whites Cream Vermi ¬

fuge The only cure that never failsand has no bad effects Sold byAntiMonopoly Drugstore

WANTED TO IWYA modest homenear the heart of the city in a goodneighborhood It must be a bargainApply to Mrs Nellie B Bishop at MrsJessie Haycrafts residence

Cured Hay Fever and Summer Cold-A J Nusbaum Batesville Indiana

writes Last year I suffered forthree months with a summer cold sodistressing that it interfered with mybusiness I had many of the symp ¬

toms of hay fever and a doctors pre-scription


did not reach my case and Itook several medicines which seemed-to only aggravate my case Fortu-nately


I insisted upon having FoleysHoney and Tar In the yellow package-and it quickly cured me My wife hassince used Foleys Honey and Tar withthe same success Sold by all <ales

r I



The Florida delegation of nearly100 members of colored Odd Fellows-has returned from Atlantic City N JAmong this committee the following-were elected to positions in the GrandLodge of America J S LaRoche as ¬

sistant secretary of the B M C themost important committee of the na ¬

tional grand lodge F P GadsonOcala a member of the committee onthe grand masters address RobertThomas and E H Mitchell of Ocala-on the committee to inspect the grandlodges home which has just beencompleted in Philadelphia and is amagnificent fivestory 125000 build ¬

ing Geo A Sheehy of Tampa chair ¬

man of the committee on credentials-S < M Dennis and A M Huskin ofJacksonville on committee to inspectgrand lodge building and George HMays of Jacksonville national repre-sentative


for Florida Frank Gadsonsays Florida got more representation-than any of the othr states by fardespite the big delegations that wentfrom other states

The following editorials from twodifferent Atlantic City daily paperswill give an Idea of how orderly thegathering was and the impression-made o nthat city by the colored peo-ple


A Great Colored Odd Fellows Dem ¬

onstrationSeveral thousand colored Odd Fel-

low s attending the biennial convention-of the order here paraded in the af-ternoon


and the demonstration innumbers in brilliancy and order was-a credit to the race Four or fivethousand men were in line togetherwith a number of bands There wasevident desire on the part of theparaders and also the colored on ¬

lookers who ran into ten thousand ormore to have the demonstration endwithout the slightest disorder Every-one of the race was on his or her goodbehavior and the event passed off entertaingly and successfully It was aswell managed as any parade ever held-in the resortBig Parade Marks Close of Meeting-

One of the mdst orderly conven-tions


that has ever been held in At ¬

lantic CityThis was the comment made yes ¬

terday on the big meeting of the four ¬

teenth B M C of the G U Order ofOdd Fellows by Chief of PoliceVoodruff who is enthused over theexcellent order attending the mons ¬

trous conclave of colored folk fromevery state in the union

The Odd Fellows practically ownedthe Million Dollar Pier last night Itwas the scene of a spectacular dancesuch as has never been equalled be ¬

fore in this cityThe ball last night was only second-

in importance to the big street paradeyesterday afternoon which surprisedresidents with its size and perfectformation The costumes were gor-geous


and the drilling of the differentlodges an interesting exhibition tothousands of spectators


May prove more injurious to youreyes than wearing none at allNot every man who calls himself

OCULIST OR OPTICIAN-is competent to fit spectacles Ishow you and explain to you why-I am right and guarantee results

DR D M BONEYEyesight Specialist

Ocala FlaOffice Hours 8 to 12 a m and

130 to 430 p m Optical office andlaboratry rooms 2 and 4 Gary block


Washington September 23Partlycloudy showers in south and centralportions tonight or Thursday


My store willbe closed Satur¬

day September26th till 6 p m-at which time wewill open andcontinue the of-fering of the bestvalues

New GoodsDaily





Monday night thieves entered thehome of Mrs J J Pyles corner ofVatula and South Fourth streets and

took therefrom a gold watch and ahandbag the property of Miss MattiePyles It was early in the eveningwhen the robbery was committed andthe family was sitting on the frontporch and it is presumed the thief en-tered


from the rear Tuesday morning-a boy returned the watch case to MissMattie Pyles who is cashier for McIver MacKuy The works were mis-sing


The boy said he found the casenear Caldwells pond At noon Tues ¬

day Mr James Pyles was returninghome to dinner and as he passed Mrrank Harris yard he discovered thehandbag It was fortunate for Miss

I Pyles who on returning home Mon-day


night removed the money fromher purse and threw in into her trunkWhen the theft was discovered short-ly


after it was perpetrated it createdthe wildest kind of excitement in theneighborhood as the disturbing newsspread Several ladies constitutedthemselves information bureaus andas neighbors returned from the pic-


shows down town they were ap-prised


of the theft and immediately-every one organized themselves into-a Sherlock Holmes detective and ifall the plans and devices suggested bythe excited gray matter of said fe ¬

males could be detailed to ConanDoyle ho would write a <detectivestory that would make his famouspicturesque tales pale That nightthere was not a nook or corner orsection that was not examined ere re ¬

tiring and there was not a lock orspring that secured doors and win ¬

dows that was not turned on with atime limit attachment and for sev-eral


hours up to midnight there wasnot a bark of a dog the velvettreat of a cat the scamper of a mousethe flutter of a birds wing or thetripping of a roach on the floor thatwas not instantly magnified into thepresence in a house or room of a dartard robber bent on spoil It was anight to be remembered in that sec ¬

tion but it passed without any startl ¬

ing developments in the thief line

Do not forget that DeWitts LittleEarly Risers are the best pills madeThey are pleasant little pills that areeasy to take and are prompt and gen ¬

tle We sell and recommend themSold by AntiMonopoly Drugstore


School Books and School Supplies at Reduced Prices



next Monday andTuesday we will giveaway to every pur¬

chaser of a dollar ahandsome 18x20 inchpicture of Our NextPresident WilliamJennings Bryan

The GlobeSchool Books and School Supplies at Reduced Priees



BY IONS GENE DE PONTAOThe very latest bulletins from

Paris declare that the Directolremode Is dyingdying of Illregulat¬

ed advertisement and exaggeration-and though the Directolre revers

and collar appear on almost all cos¬

tumes of any degree of elaboratenessmany of the new coats from thesmartest designers show the shortwaisted tendency only slightly andare built along straight long limplines of no particular period butour own Quite frequently thesecoats are collarless and flatly trim ¬

med some are quite plain otherselaborately braided witu soutache orfinished with buttons and button ¬

holes real or simulated Not onlybuttons but cabochons passemen ¬

terie drops and cord ornaments arevery smart-

In spite of the advance Informa ¬

tion that the new hats were to besmall and closefitting those wornat the French wateringplaces thismonthwhich Is there the height ofthe seasonare simply enormousthe drooping brims sometimes sowide that they touch the wearersback Satin cloth silk or velvetcover the brims aand the under side-Is usually of contrasting color Whenthe outside of the hat Is of somerather vivid colour as the orange orpeacock tones that are so numerousand beautiful this fall the underside Is faced with black Huge vel ¬

vet and silk roses form the trim¬

ming Black and white Is a fav¬

orite combination and many of theblack hats are trimmed with scarfs-





H tic HI

3 J1



t 1

white mousseline de sole and whitefeathers while white silk hats are

I faced with black velvet and loadedwith black feathers-


adjustment of the veil hasI become a work of artthanks to theJ tremendous size of the fashionableIheadgear Some Parlslennes are

I wearing as many as three veils at aI timethe dotted face veil snuglyfastened and over the hat two longchiffon veils of different colors onecrossing behind fastening under thechin and taking the place of the jab ¬

I ot the other tying behind with longfloating ends-

Ottoman silk Is a material oncemuch used and unheard of for manyyears that makes its reappearance

t this fall but as In all these revivalsIn a form hardly recognizable It Isfar softer in finish and lighter Inweight than formerly and figures Insome very handsome imported coatand skirt costumes It also coversmany modish hats

The new softfinished velvets aresure to play a large part in costumesfor the coming seasonin pastelshades for afternoon and eveningcostumes and In the grays and cedarand copper tints for street wearThere Is no fabric that has so richan appearance for the separate win ¬

ter coat for the cloth or silk gown-as velvet and whole gowns of velvetcovered with braid will be popular-The new velveteens too are stun-ning


generally figured in brokenstripes mediumsized checks circles-or


linesLace will play a very small part-

on the winter gown braiding em¬

broidery and passementerie will beused In profusion Many of thenewest garnitures that may be boughtseparately in the shopsand that do

I wonders toward rejuvenating a some ¬

what passe frockare of the plas ¬

tron shape usually cut low and square-In the neck sleeveless or with tinysleeve caps and sometimes with gir-dles to match long enough to goonce or twice around the body andfall In long tasselled ends In frontThese garnitures are of net embroid ¬


ered In soutache silk tinsel or beads-in beautiful variations of color

and design 1 he trimmings de ¬

signed for evening frocks are exquis-itely


embroidered In crystal pearl orgold Exceedingly effective stolesand little bolero jackets are alsoformed of embroidered filet

Tne elbow sleeve fashion is abso ¬

lutely defunct On the street or af ¬

ternoon gown the sleeve reaches tothe knuckles In the evening gownit is a mere apology or absent alrgether


MK s Annie Bennett Kavarje of 231North Third street will open a pri-vate


school in this city about the firstof October Parents who desire theirchildren to attend will please notifyIir as soon as possible at the aboveaddress

Attack of Diarrhoea Cured by OneDose of Chamberlains Cclic Chol ¬

era and Diarrhoea Remedy-

I was > o weak from an attack of di ¬

arrhoea that I could scarcely attend-to my duties when I took a dose ofChamberlains Colic Cholera and Di i

airhoea Remedy It cured me entirelyan l I had been taking other medicine

Ifor nine days without relief I hearti-ly


recommend this remedy as beingthe best to my knowledge for bowel I

complaintTI G Stewart of thefirm of Stewart Bro GreenvilleAla For sale by all druggists


RHEINAUERSClothin-g Clothing DepartmentI

Stetson Hats Stetson Hats

Banister Shoes Crossett Shoes-

The Standard in Hats and Shoes

f Just received all the latest styles andI I shapesI

Reduced prices onClothing Negligee Shirts and Underwear


Rheinauer Coi

New Millinery Goods-I now have on display my line ofnew styles in hats and other mil=

linery creations and would bepleased to have the ladies ot Ocalaand Marion county to call and in¬

spect my stock The date of my >>

Fall Opening will be announcedlate-

rIMrs Minnie A BostickO-cala House Millinery Parlors



Marion Development CoI DEALERS IN


Real Estate and BuildingI MaterialI


PURE WHITE SANDProperties bought and Sold

Lots for Sale Cash or Easy Terms

P 0 Box 715 Phone 129 Ocala FloridaI


I Enough new matting natural orwhite color for large room for sale

I Very cheap Apply at Star office


This disease is caused by a derange-ment


of the stomach Take a dose ofChamberlains Stomach and LiverTablets to correet this disorder andthe sick headache will disappear Forsale by all druggists



Toulon France Sept 23 Duringgunnery drill yesterday one of the bigturret guns on the French cruiserLatouche Treville exploded with ter-rific


violence completely wrecking theafter turret and killing outright theentire gun crew of thirteen A num-ber


of men were seriously injuredsome of them probably fatally Theaccident was similar to that aboardthe gunnery school ship Couronne offVs Salins DHyeres August 12 lastwhen by the bursting of the breech ofone of the guns six men were killedand eighteen injured-

TO BE HAPPYYou must have good health Youcant have good health if your liveris not doing its duty slow but surepoisoning is going on all the timeunder such circumstances BallardsHerbine makes a perfectly healthyliver keeps the stomach and bowelsright and acts as a tonic for the en-tire


system Sold by AntiMonopolyDrugstore

I OVER A HUNDRED DROWNEDI Seattle Wash Sept 23 Advicesreceived tonight from Alaska by theUnited States signal corps say that100 men including nine white men I

were drowned in the wreck of thAmerican bark Star of Bengal on the I

Corinthian Island wese of the Princeof Wales archipelago Twentyseven I

I of thesaved

vessels crew and passengers-were


The Star of Bengal was on the wayfrom Fort Wrangel to San Franciscowith a cargo of 45000 cases of sal ¬

mon In addition to the crew she t

carried 100 Chinese and Japanese who j

were employed by the canneries ofthe company They were taken aboard-at Fort Wrangel



For the complete cure of coughscolds asthma and bronchitis and alllung complaints tending to consump-tion


Liverwort Tar and Wild Cherryhave for ages maintained an estab-lished


reputation as a standard coughremedy It contains no opium orharmful drug Can be given withsafety to children Price 51 Sold bydruggists Williams ManufacturingCo Props Cleveland O Sold by the IAntiMonopoly Drugstore







Ocala Flo-


Best QualityPrompt Service

Lowest PriceBuy from the




Phone 34


Sd w

1lJAk iLji 1j

I 1ii6-

A few doses of this remedy will In¬

variably cure an ordinary attack ofdiarrhoea-

It can always be depended uponeven in the more severe attacks ofcramp colic and cholera worbns

It is successful for summerdiarrhoea and cholera infantnm inchildren and is the means of savingthe lives of many children each year

When reduced with water andsweetened it is pleasant to take

Every man of a family should keepthis remedy in his home Buy it nowPRICE 25c LARGE SIZE SOC