THE SALT LAKE HERALD THURSDAY MARCH 29 1906 3 I House leaders Knock Economical Projects of Some of the Mem- bers in the Head EXPLANATION BY DALZELL DENVER MINT APPROPRIATION INCREASED Washington March unravel the tangle in which the house Is at present involved Mr Dalzell Pa reported a rule providing that here after in consideration of the bill mak- ing appropriations it shall be in order to consider without intervention of a point of order any section of the bill as reported exception section eight and upon motion authorized by the committee on appropriation it shall be in order to Insert in any part of the bill any provision represented as part of the bill and heretofore ruled out on a point of order Section 8 referred to In the rule re- ported refers to the old age para graph which has created so much ad- verse discussion Rule Adopted- On the vote on the previous question- on the rule the ayes were 120 and noes 71Mr Dalzell in explanation of the Teason for the rule said that it was brought In to put a stop to indis- criminate points of order which if sustained would tie up the govern- ment Mr Hardwick Ga Mr Driscoll N Y Mr Fitzgerald N Y and Mr Prince Ill opposed the rule with vigor Mr Grosvenor 0 favored the rule The rule was adopted 169 to 109 The house then went into committee of the whole for consideration of the legislative executive and judicial bill Denver Mint Gets 150000- Mr Brooks Colo offered an amend irent increasing the appropriation for the Denver mint to 150000 which was adopted 82 to 61 Mr Southard 0 moved that the mint at New Orleans be abandoned- and said that Its discontinuance would be in the interest of real economy Mr Southards amendment was lost Having completed the reading of 110 pages of the bill It was temporarily laid aside and the committee rose Mr Adams Pa presented the conference report on the consular bill which was ordered printed and at 5 oclock the house adjourned COAL IS PROBABLE Railroads Confiscating 75 Per Cent of the Output of Some Mines and All of Others Chicago March 2S The RecordHerald N nTay says The supply of commercial coal for Chi- cago has practically been cut off For two weeks the coal carrying roads have been taking 75 per cent of the output of many mines and the entire production of others Actual confiscation of coal bv the roads within three days is predicted by coal men- The market price is beating upward and the limit has not been reached Job have been selling all the soft coal obtainable at 350 a ton Two months ago in the middle of winter It went beg- ging at 2 a ton Most of the railroads and the largest industrial and commercial plants will have from thirty to ninety days supply in stock by next Monday but the most optimistic dealers predict that smaller plants probably will be in distress if the prospective strike is prolonged Some of the railroads have given notice to certain mine owners that only 25 per cent of the production would be handled for commer- cial purposes Other roads have arbitra notified coal mine owners that no commercial coal will be handled BUY WHERE THE CROWD IS BUYING Residents of Pocatello Mercur Man t Richfield Goldfield Ogden and Lo gan are buying the 50 bargain lots in Smelter City For plat and terms ad dress SMELTER CITY TOWNSITE D F Walker Blk CANDIDATE DEPORTED Costa Rica Government Will Not Al low Opposition Xcv York March Fernan- Z z a candidate for presidency of Costa Rica who was deported from his native land because of the action to the opposing government arrived here today n the steamer Siberia He was accom raped by his wife and children and by three of his political supporters who were deported from Costa Rica for their work in Fernandezs interests One Cf them Bernardo Soto i a former pres iuent of the republic The others are Abel Pacheco and Octavlo Garcia For several weeks prior to their departure from Port Limon Fernandez and his ad- herents wera confined in prison having beon arrested for conspiracy Salt Lake Photo Supply Co Kodaks developing Main 3d So SCAFFOLD COLLAPSE Dayton 0 March the col- lapse of a scaffold around the tower of the new St Marys church today Charles Sanders and George Ellison were precipitated a dis tance of 100 feet to the ground and fear fuly mangled Sanders was Instantly killed Ellison lived about fifteen min- utes Cherry Pectoral certainly cures coughs hard bron chitis consumption And it certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs own doctor If he says good take it If he has any- thing better that bare TO terete I We j o Oo- be fonsetas cl all car medicine Lowell Mass POINTS OF ORDER ALSO RULED OUT 2STo FAr INE bars or CO- Ol I 2SMaxima th seven 2SBY stonewor1 ers For TroublesAy- ers t i 4 s 3 S L ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > GIVES IIP THE FIGHT Senate Conferees on Statehood- Bill Will Get the Foraker Amendment Washington March 28 That the senate and house will reach a agreement on the statehood bill which will permit Arizona and New Mexico each to decide for them ar es the question of their admission- as one state seems a correct conclu- sion from present indications The conferees met today for the second time and while the session was de voted to what are termed the minor amendments there are indications that a basis agreement on the chief ques- tion Is suggesting itself naturally and will result in the restoration of Ari- zona and New Mexico to the bill with the Foraker amendment and inquiry among the senators who opposed the original house bill indicates that they will accept this compromise- The senate amendment defining the limits of the prohibition in Oklahoma is regarded as the result of a general agreement among all parties interest- ed and is accepted Likewise there seems little objection to the senate provision allowing lieu school lands to be selected In place of school lands found to be mineral lands Other sen ate amendments are to be considered Friday LOSS OF HALF A Destructive Fire at Johnstown Pa Fireman Caught Un der Falling Walls Johnstown Pa March 28 The fire which broke out in the business section- of this city shortly after last midnight was not fully under control until after daylight when it had burned itself out after destroying four large business struc tures and causing a loss of over half a million dollars the tprogress of the fire William Campbell a fireman was caught under a falling wall and probably fatally injured- It was a few minutes after 12 oclock when flames seen from the second floor of the Swank Hardware com panys building at the corner of Main and Bedford streets Just how the fire orig- inated is not known but when it was dis covered it had gained such headway as to render futile for five hours the work of the firemen in combatting It Before ceasing its ravages the follow buildings were completely destroyed Swank building loss 200000 Henderson Furniture companys store loss 75000 Fishers wholesale liquor house loss 50 000 the Journal Publishing company loss 100000 Louis Gels residence loss 25000 A score of tenants in the various build ings sustained losses aggregating 100000 The Journal was unable to issue this morning but announced that it will at once resume in new quarters MEMBERS N E A ATTENTION- For the annual convention at San Francisco July 9 to 13 the popular Salt Lake Route will announce low rates to Los Angeles San Francisco and Port land Ore It is to your advantage to at once write for information to J L Moore 169 South Main street Salt Lake SlegePs New Store 228230 Main EFFECT OF HIGH LICENSE Saloonkeepers and Bartenders Have to Seek Other Employment Columbus 0 March 28 Thousands of men may be thrown out of employ ment by the enforcement of the Aiken 1000 liquor law which has just been passed According to one authority- the 5000 proprietors of the saloons that will close will be out of employment at least half of them have barkeepers making 2500 more Many porters men who get up the saloon lunches and ba- kers will lose their s Brewery driv- ers and other employes at the brew eries will also suffer and it is said to- day that between 10000 and 15000 peo ple In all will be out of employment Representative Aiken estimated that the gain in the states revenue will be about 3450000 threetenths of which goes to the stlte It is estimated Urac 400 saloons will close In Cincinnati 400 in Cleveland 350 in Columbus 375 In Toledo 200 In Dayton and ISO in Youngstown besides many in smaller towns INVESTIGATE SMELTER CITY We Invite the closest investigation- of Smelter City Real Estate A 50 lot In the New Town at the Smelt ers may start your fortune The lots arelocated within a 20minute walk of the big concentrator Call or write for plat SMELTER CITY TOWNSITE CO 201 D F Walker Blk DISASTROUS FLOOD AT WATERLOO IOWA Waterloo la March water in the Cedar river rose eleven feet last night and early today broke the west and flooded the business district of Waterloo Hundreds of families were rendered homeless and all railroads are tied up Cedar Falls reports a similar disaster and 200 families there were rendered homeless Bridges and dams were also wiped out At 7 oclock the waters came to a stand- still and danger for the present Is be lieved to be over APRIL ATTENTION- Wait for announcement of Sanpete Valley trains The Pioneer J H Hornung G A Mantl WALL PAPER- A most complete stock of new pat- terns at popular lOc per roll up Paints Japalac Picture The Big Wall Paper Store 3335 East First South C H BODEL HEIR TO A FORTUNE- IN SERIOUS SCRAPE- San Francisco March 28 Jacob Cross man accused of passing fictitious checks was brought here today from New Orleans by Detec ve Whltttiker On March 10 he was 31 ears of age and ac cording to the terms of the will of an uncl3 who died in Berlin then became en titled to a legacy of property valued at 120000 marks He already has served sentences In the county jail and San Quentin prison cne for burglary and an other for passing bogus checks ELECTRONS POSTPONED Budapest Hungary March is understood that as a result of yester days conferences at Vienna between Emperor Francis Joseph and the Hun- garian cabinet ministers it was de- cided to postpone the elections for a few when the government hopes to be able to obtain an effective ma jority HOUSE com- promise MILLION wer I 2SThe CONFERENCESANPETE I PAPERWAlL pricesfrom Fram- Ing 28It ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Pay of the Officers in United States Army Is Considered Too Small NO PROSPECT OF A RAISE SECRETARY TAFT BEFORE SEN ATE COMMITTEE Washington March who was before the senate com mittee on military affairs today spoke- at some length concerning the neces- sity for a military cable to Panama by way of Key West Porto Rico and Guantanamo Such a cable is provided- for III the pending bill by an appro- priation of 5927000 He also asked that provision for a cable ship be used in coast defenses which was struck out of the bill by the house be restored Secretary Taft opposed the reduction of the cavalry arm on the ground that it requires two years or more to equip and train this force An amendment offered by Senator Lodge providing that the coastwise laws of the United States shall not ap ply to trade between the United States and the Philippines until July 1 1909 was indorsed by the secretary The senate adopted an amendment to the shipping bill providing for such an ex- tension but that bill is tied up In the house with little chancre of passage Pay of the Officers Senator Scott called attention to a bill he introduced early in the session providing for an increase In the pay of second lieutenants first lieutenants captains and majors and asked the sec- retary if he would be in favor of that bill The secretary said that he did not know as he would be ready to in dorse it at this time but he was agreed- It was difficult for these officers to sup port families on their pay He said that while there had been a great deal of ridicule of the proposition advanced- by General Corbin to prohibit officers under the rank of captain from marry ing win they had little means he thought the suggestion worth consider ing Secretary Taft said that he thought the noncommissioned officers were the men most entitled to an increase of pay He paid a glowing tribute to the old sergeant who teaches the young lieutenants how to manage men He said these men should be encouraged to remain in the army PROFESSOR LINFORD MEETS THE PRESIDENTS- pecial to The Herald Washington March 2S Representative Howell today called upon the president and Introduced to him Professor J H Linford and Representative Charles E Marks The senate committee on public lands today authorized a favorable upon Senator Heyburns amendment Increasing from 1000 to 1250 the annual appropria tion of the general land office for print Ing state maps Rev E A Paddock superintendent of the Idaho industrial institute for children- is In the city ACQUITTED OF CHARGE Kankakee Ill March E Baines mayor of Milford Ill who with Gilbert Vennum a politicianwas indicted by a grand jury two months ago on a charge of enticing Myrtle Taylor aged 16 years and Essie Childs aged 18 years was acquitted tcday IOWA WILL Moines Ia March sen ate today ordered the investigation of Iowa insurance companies An appro- priation of 10000 is made for the in- vestigation The bill is certain to pass the house CANNOT SUPPORT THEIR FAMILIES 28Secretary- Taft 1t 28Charles INVESTIGATE- Des 28The ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LEASING PLAN HITCHCOCK Secretary of the Interior Sub mits to Congress the Draft of a Bill Special to The Herald Washington March 28 The Interior de partment today submitted to congress the draft of a bill providing a plan of leas ing public lands of the United States and recommended its passage The bill as drawn authorizes secretary of the In terior to withdraw entry lands deemed by him desirable and to lease them for grazing giving small stockmen preference for terms not exceeding five years at a rental to by the secretary At the expiration- of the leases the secretary Is to reclassify the lands and exclude from the grazing area tracts which should be subject to homestead or other forms of entry The I proceeds of grazing fees be turned into the reclamation fund to be used to carry on the work upon which have been decided desirable but for which there is insufficient money available in the reclamation fund In submitting the bill the interior atten tion to the fact that a number of irriga tion enterprises have been found feasible I but that the reclamation fund is not large enough to provide for all of these projects and the suggestion is made that the pro ceeds from the rental of the grazing lands would not only provide such funds but would tend to preserve the and give opportunity for its improvement the projects mentioned by department Which might be aided by the passage of the bill are the Bear River In Utah the Grand river in Colorado the Goshen Hole in Woming the Dubois in Idaho and the Las Vegas project in New Mexico CONTEST IN THE HOUSE Claims of Rival Committees Over Question of Jurisdiction Washington March 28 There is to contest regarding committee jurisdic- tion of dams between the rivers and har bors committee and the committee on interstate and foreign commerce A re solution whifch will bring this question before the rules committee for action has been introduced by Mr Burton of Ohio chairman of the rivers and harbors com- mittee upon which a hearing will be re- quested The resolution has its Immediate in- spiration because of attention which the commission is now giving a measure pro viding that water may be taken from the Sacramento river in California for irri gation purposes Much money has been expended on this river under the super vision of the rivers and harbors commit tee to make it navigable This has been accomplished for a distance of 266 miles The proposition to allow water to be taken from the stream will render it too low for navigation by the river boats ac cording to the belief of members of Mr Burtons committee Hence the resolu- tion which prescribes that hereafter all bills for dams across navigable rivers shall go to the rivers and com- mittee DUKE GETS RID OF AN UNDESIRABLE WIFE- New York March L Duke of C a relative of the pres ident of the American Tobacco company today was granted a divorce from his wife Alice Webb Duke whom he mar- ried in this city Dec 19 1WM When the case was called for trial yes- terday counsel for Mrs Duke did not appear and witnesses were examined for the plaintiff Justice Blanchard ordered- a sealed verdict which was returned to day Mr Dukes marriage to Alice Webb was followed by a series of sensational events in which an unsuccessful effort was made by relatives of Mr Duke to have him placed in an Insane asylum CLAIM JUMPERS DRIVEN FROM FAIRVIEW NEV Fallon Nev March 2S Word 4 reached here this morning that a4 4 party of claim Jumpers was driven 4 from Fairview forty miles from here at the point of a pistol yester 4 4 day A location monument was erected on the townsite and removed 4 4 at the point of a gun A vigilance committee has been formed The cool + action of a deputy sheriff prevented 4 a pitched battle All is now quiet f INDICTMENT WAS FAULTY Lisbon 0 March H Home former teller of the wrecked state bank of Canton charged with making false entries in the banks books was dis charged from custody today because the indictment was found faulty bE I I th be- a 28Brodie Durham I N ttttt 28C I 4 tkt f 4 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ± ¬ + + + + ++ + + + + + + + + ++ My New Obesity Food Quickly Re duces Your Weight to Normal Requires no Starvation Process and Is Absolutely Safe TRIAL PACKAGE MAILED FREE Dont Be fat The Above Illustration Shows the Re- markable Effects of This Wonderful Obesity Food What It Has Done for Others It Will Do for You My new Obesity Food taken at meal time compels perfect assimilation of the food and sends the food nutriment where- it belongs It requires no starvation prccess You can eat all you want It makes muscle bone sinew nerve and brain tissue out of the excess fat and quickly reduces your weight to norma- lIt takes off the big stomach and relieves the compressed condition and enables the heart to act and the lungs to ex- pand naturally and the kidneys and liver- t perform their functions In a natural manner You will feel better the first day you try this wonderful home food Fill out coupon herewith and mail today FREE This coupon Is good for one trial of Kellogg5 Obesity Food with testimonials from hundreds who have been greatly reduced mailed free In plain package Simply fill in your name address on dotted lines be low and mail to F J KELLOGG 2777 Kellogg Bldg Battle Creek Mich SMELTING PLANT BURNED Disastrous Fire at Grand En- campment Wyo Town Deprived of Power Grand Encampment Wyo March 28 The great smelting concentrating and blectric and steam power pjant of the PennWyoming company was almost completely destroyed by fire today en- tailing a loss estimated at 300000 cov- ered by insurance of 150000 The smelt- er building was saved after a hard fight by the fire department The origin of the fire is a mystery The plant had been closed down for the winter on account of the deep snow and improvements under way Preparations- were on to resume next month The fire will bring the business to a standstill for months The PennWyom ing company handled the copper ores of a part of the Enampment district in addition to the ores from its own mine the Rudefha Destruction of the electric plant has deprived the city of light and DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOU That Smelter City Lots at 50 is the best investment In Utah today Inves tigate this opportunity to safely Invest for a future Title perfect and war ranty deed SMELTER CITY TOWNSITE CO 201 D F Walker Blk SCHIFF DECORATED- New York March cable dis patch which was received in this city from Tokio says that Jacob H Schiff the banker was decorated with the Order of the Rising Sun while in audi ence with the emperor of Japan yester- day AH firstclass restaurants and home have Vienna bakery bread w l rge power- S 28A t S ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ AUCTION NOW Sales Daily 2 and 7 p m 317 SOUTH MAIN STREET Almost Opposite Postoffice AT Boys school suits are a sort of hobby with us Dont think there are any better school suits made than our kind Theres a wonderful combination of style good looks and staying qualities in school suits Single or double breast ed or bloomer styles short pants 250 300 350 400 500 600 700 or 800 Leading Clothiers to Men and Boys 4547 Main Street Japanese Art Exhibit Portland Fair ON j Excellent c S h l C 00 I Clothes From 5 1 t r TONs oUr J ¬ A TTENTION If sharp moneysaving opportunities interest you Econ omies that make it particularly worth while to supply your wants await you here THURSDAY IN OUR DRAPERY DEPARTMENT THURSDAY ONLY 300 Cable Net Curtains at 178 200 pairs white cable net curtains true French effect woven in diamond mesh of three ply center effect with floral and scroll effect like it anywhere else SPECIAL FOR THURSDAY No more than 3 pair to a customer per pair For Thursday All Day New 1906 Craven ette Coats 75 Cravenette Rainproof Coats made of good quality cravenetted fancy mix ture cloth collarless style belted back full sleeve turnback cuff a 1050 Raincoat special for 1 Thursday In Our White Goods Section THURSDAY ONLY 100 pieces WHITE ENGLISH NAINSOOK full yard wide a quality you cant buy under 16 23c or 2 for 12 yards THURSDAY AS LONG AS THE LAST one bolt containing 12 yards to each cus CT TO- tomer for No telephone orders taken for these An Important Corset Sale THURSDAY ALL DAY Ladies white batiste corsets with front and side hose supporters in an excellent SI grade all sizes on sale one day only at r THURSDAY ALL DAY INFANTS BLACK KID SHOES lace or button wedge heels sizes to 5 value 75c special for one day j- OWL BOOKS SCrENTUlO AMDCOMPLET CTTOEi 02 Weak Nervous Restless at Night and Weak Aching Back Diseased Kidneys Inflamed Prostate Despondent Lack of Energy Ambition and Strength Poor Memory Hollowed Eyes Face Pimples and Dark Circles mder EyesBashf ulMelancholia Youthful Folly Weak Trem bles Varlcocele Excessive Urine Ex Exhausting Dream An endless number of men have one or more of the above symptoms and drag if neglected their health is sure to wrecked by a complete loss physical mental and sexual power My method completely and permanently revives manhood altar cureall remedies and qulckcure specialists fall to even benefit My acientifi0f systematic course of treatment for weak nervous brokendown youths and men who have through folly dissipation and excesses unfitted themselves for work and the enjoyment of life Is a system that has tested many times over and proven entirely satisfactory in every case It Is totally different from the many sickening pills and tablets and the stimulating stomachruining drugs given by wouldbo specialists My specific treatment for all the symptoms Indicating Failing Manhood Is harmless though so as to remove them Immediately It Is constitutional therefore by purifying th I blood strengthening the nervous system nourishing sues strong and with all sIgns trouble forever gone The treatment is to the f tern what the is to the buds ambition r and confidence that leaf Into prime healthy vigorous feeling of new life J j treat and cure all such pelvic diseases as PILES FISTULA RUPTURE CERS DECLINE and diseases of the KIDNEYS BLADDER AND My method of treating these diseases has proven so successful i guarantee a permanent cure in every case accepted and contract by j written Instrument to produce permanent and satisfactory results or refund money IMPORTANT will cure you for less money than you can ba- treated for by any other specialist In Salt Lake You may have to corn to me sooner or later In order to be properly cured why not before you have lost your money In doctoring with cheap unskilled specialists CURE OR NO NO CHARGE UNLESS j SATISFACTION IS GIVEN Every patient Is given a written guarantee I to refund every dollar paid If they do not receive a com jjplete lifelong cure and entire satisfaction and I have made a deposit tot 50000 In the bank to secure any contract that Is not fulfilled CONSULTATION FREE CONFIDENTIAL AND INVITED A personal jcept Sundays 9 to 123 Address or call COOK MEDICAL CO 116 S Main 5T 5Lfs11eOISJ- T I yarnplain A border3th yards long and 52 inches wide Value S3 and no curtain at 3 I 6 6 75 d w 50 2i4 d 5 I cERT lN r E N I 06Ure and from day to day In despair ot a prosperous happy future for of I been I I I I the tie I f L treeIt ener i a I HYDROCELE BLOOD POISON SKIN DISEASES SORES UL PROSTATE that I a I CHARGEABSOLUTELY for services f and searching examInation Is requIred though If Inconvenient to call me a full description trouble hours 9 a ni to 8 p m ex ortPR1cErrDrAIL IIJEYE4 uNDOL7b i LZJ51 Z i 1tic i IlI L i 711 F fl7 P J V overwork Worry 4 I e Ll t t a I 4 thorough of your ¬ ° ¬ ¬ DONT TAKE CHANCES- A good correction of detective sight is often spoiled by poorly ground lenses The best lenses made TORISCUS The Columbian special lens Curves around the eye KBYPTOK The only invisible Bifocal We are sole agents 253 SOUTH MAIN Stores Denver Kansas City Omaha Portland Dallas If It Happens Its in The Herald Couath1anOptcICo J H Knickerbocker 0 D OPTICIAN AND JEWELER 227 South Main IN CURIO SHOP PITTS PRESCRIPTION DRUGGISTS 101 SOUTH MAIN STREET If Happens Its in The Herald 1 1 It J

Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1906-03-29 [p 3]....Cf them Bernardo Soto i a former pres iuent of the republic The others are Abel Pacheco and Octavlo Garcia For several weeks

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Page 1: Salt Lake Herald. (Salt Lake City) 1906-03-29 [p 3]....Cf them Bernardo Soto i a former pres iuent of the republic The others are Abel Pacheco and Octavlo Garcia For several weeks


House leaders Knock EconomicalProjects of Some of the Mem-

bers in the Head



Washington March unravelthe tangle in which the house Is atpresent involved Mr Dalzell Pareported a rule providing that hereafter in consideration of the bill mak-ing appropriations it shall be in orderto consider without intervention of apoint of order any section of the billas reported exception section eightand upon motion authorized by thecommittee on appropriation it shallbe in order to Insert in any part of thebill any provision represented as partof the bill and heretofore ruled out ona point of order

Section 8 referred to In the rule re-ported refers to the old age paragraph which has created so much ad-verse discussion

Rule Adopted-On the vote on the previous question-

on the rule the ayes were 120 and noes71Mr Dalzell in explanation of theTeason for the rule said that it wasbrought In to put a stop to indis-criminate points of order which ifsustained would tie up the govern-ment

Mr Hardwick Ga Mr Driscoll NY Mr Fitzgerald N Y and MrPrince Ill opposed the rule withvigor

Mr Grosvenor 0 favored the ruleThe rule was adopted 169 to 109

The house then went into committeeof the whole for consideration of thelegislative executive and judicial bill

Denver Mint Gets 150000-Mr Brooks Colo offered an amend

irent increasing the appropriation forthe Denver mint to 150000 which wasadopted 82 to 61

Mr Southard 0 moved that themint at New Orleans be abandoned-and said that Its discontinuance wouldbe in the interest of real economy MrSouthards amendment was lost

Having completed the reading of 110pages of the bill It was temporarilylaid aside and the committee rose

Mr Adams Pa presented theconference report on the consular billwhich was ordered printed and at 5oclock the house adjourned


Railroads Confiscating 75 PerCent of the Output of Some

Mines and All of OthersChicago March 2S The RecordHerald

N nTay saysThe supply of commercial coal for Chi-

cago has practically been cut off Fortwo weeks the coal carrying roads havebeen taking 75 per cent of the output ofmany mines and the entire production ofothers Actual confiscation of coal bv theroads within three days is predicted bycoal men-

The market price is beating upwardand the limit has not been reached Job

have been selling all the soft coalobtainable at 350 a ton Two monthsago in the middle of winter It went beg-ging at 2 a ton

Most of the railroads and the largestindustrial and commercial plants willhave from thirty to ninety days supplyin stock by next Monday but the mostoptimistic dealers predict that smallerplants probably will be in distress if theprospective strike is prolonged Some ofthe railroads have given notice to certainmine owners that only 25 per cent of theproduction would be handled for commer-cial purposes Other roads have arbitra

notified coal mine owners that nocommercial coal will be handled


Residents of Pocatello Mercur Mant Richfield Goldfield Ogden and Logan are buying the 50 bargain lots inSmelter City For plat and terms addressSMELTER CITY TOWNSITE

D F Walker Blk


Costa Rica Government Will Not Al

low OppositionXcv York March Fernan-

Z z a candidate for presidency ofCosta Rica who was deported from hisnative land because of the action to theopposing government arrived here today

n the steamer Siberia He was accomraped by his wife and childrenand by three of his political supporterswho were deported from Costa Rica fortheir work in Fernandezs interests OneCf them Bernardo Soto i a former presiuent of the republic The others areAbel Pacheco and Octavlo Garcia Forseveral weeks prior to their departurefrom Port Limon Fernandez and his ad-herents wera confined in prison havingbeon arrested for conspiracy

Salt Lake Photo Supply Co

Kodaks developing Main 3d So

SCAFFOLD COLLAPSEDayton 0 March the col-

lapse of a scaffold around the tower ofthe new St Marys church todayCharles Sanders and George Ellison

were precipitated a distance of 100 feet to the ground and fearfuly mangled Sanders was Instantlykilled Ellison lived about fifteen min-utes

Cherry Pectoral certainlycures coughs hard bronchitis consumption And it certainlystrengthens weak throats and weaklungs own doctor If hesays good take it If he has any-thing better that

bare TO terete I We j o Oo-be fonsetas cl all car medicine Lowell Mass












stonewor1 ers





























Senate Conferees on Statehood-Bill Will Get the Foraker

AmendmentWashington March 28 That the

senate and house will reach aagreement on the statehood

bill which will permit Arizona andNew Mexico each to decide for themar es the question of their admission-as one state seems a correct conclu-sion from present indications Theconferees met today for the secondtime and while the session was devoted to what are termed the minoramendments there are indications thata basis agreement on the chief ques-tion Is suggesting itself naturally andwill result in the restoration of Ari-zona and New Mexico to the bill withthe Foraker amendment and inquiryamong the senators who opposed theoriginal house bill indicates that theywill accept this compromise-

The senate amendment defining thelimits of the prohibition in Oklahomais regarded as the result of a generalagreement among all parties interest-ed and is accepted Likewise thereseems little objection to the senateprovision allowing lieu school lands tobe selected In place of school landsfound to be mineral lands Other senate amendments are to be consideredFriday


Destructive Fire at JohnstownPa Fireman Caught Un

der Falling WallsJohnstown Pa March 28 The fire

which broke out in the business section-of this city shortly after last midnightwas not fully under control until afterdaylight when it had burned itself outafter destroying four large business structures and causing a loss of over half amillion dollars

the tprogress of the fire WilliamCampbell a fireman was caught under afalling wall and probably fatally injured-It was a few minutes after 12 oclockwhen flames seen from thesecond floor of the Swank Hardware companys building at the corner of Main andBedford streets Just how the fire orig-inated is not known but when it was discovered it had gained such headway asto render futile for five hours the workof the firemen in combatting It

Before ceasing its ravages the followbuildings were completely destroyed

Swank building loss 200000 HendersonFurniture companys store loss 75000Fishers wholesale liquor house loss 50000 the Journal Publishing company loss

100000 Louis Gels residence loss 25000A score of tenants in the various build

ings sustained losses aggregating 100000The Journal was unable to issue thismorning but announced that it will atonce resume in new quarters


For the annual convention at SanFrancisco July 9 to 13 the popular SaltLake Route will announce low rates toLos Angeles San Francisco and Portland Ore It is to your advantage to atonce write for information to J LMoore 169 South Main street Salt Lake

SlegePs New Store228230 Main


Saloonkeepers and Bartenders Haveto Seek Other Employment

Columbus 0 March 28 Thousandsof men may be thrown out of employment by the enforcement of the Aiken1000 liquor law which has just been

passed According to one authority-the 5000 proprietors of the saloons thatwill close will be out of employmentat least half of them have barkeepersmaking 2500 more Many porters menwho get up the saloon lunches and ba-kers will lose their s Brewery driv-ers and other employes at the breweries will also suffer and it is said to-

day that between 10000 and 15000 people In all will be out of employment

Representative Aiken estimated thatthe gain in the states revenue will beabout 3450000 threetenths of whichgoes to the stlte It is estimated Urac400 saloons will close In Cincinnati 400in Cleveland 350 in Columbus 375 InToledo 200 In Dayton and ISO inYoungstown besides many in smallertowns

INVESTIGATE SMELTER CITYWe Invite the closest investigation-

of Smelter City Real Estate A 50lot In the New Town at the Smelters may start your fortune The lotsarelocated within a 20minute walk ofthe big concentrator

Call or write for platSMELTER CITY TOWNSITE CO

201 D F Walker Blk


Waterloo la March water inthe Cedar river rose eleven feet last nightand early today broke the west andflooded the business district of WaterlooHundreds of families were renderedhomeless and all railroads are tied up

Cedar Falls reports a similar disasterand 200 families there were renderedhomeless Bridges and dams were alsowiped out

At 7 oclock the waters came to a stand-still and danger for the present Is believed to be over


Wait for announcement of SanpeteValley trains The Pioneer J HHornung G A Mantl

WALL PAPER-A most complete stock of new pat-

terns at popular lOc perroll up Paints Japalac Picture

The Big Wall Paper Store 3335East First South C H BODEL


San Francisco March 28 Jacob Crossman accused of passing fictitious checkswas brought here today from NewOrleans by Detec ve Whltttiker OnMarch 10 he was 31 ears of age and according to the terms of the will of anuncl3 who died in Berlin then became entitled to a legacy of property valued at120000 marks He already has servedsentences In the county jail and SanQuentin prison cne for burglary and another for passing bogus checks

ELECTRONS POSTPONEDBudapest Hungary March is

understood that as a result of yesterdays conferences at Vienna betweenEmperor Francis Joseph and the Hun-garian cabinet ministers it was de-cided to postpone the elections for afew when the government hopesto be able to obtain an effective majority










































Pay of the Officers in United StatesArmy Is Considered Too




Washington Marchwho was before the senate com

mittee on military affairs today spoke-at some length concerning the neces-sity for a military cable to Panama byway of Key West Porto Rico andGuantanamo Such a cable is provided-for III the pending bill by an appro-priation of 5927000 He also asked thatprovision for a cable ship be used incoast defenses which was struck outof the bill by the house be restoredSecretary Taft opposed the reductionof the cavalry arm on the ground thatit requires two years or more to equipand train this force

An amendment offered by SenatorLodge providing that the coastwiselaws of the United States shall not apply to trade between the United Statesand the Philippines until July 1 1909was indorsed by the secretary Thesenate adopted an amendment to theshipping bill providing for such an ex-tension but that bill is tied up In thehouse with little chancre of passage

Pay of the OfficersSenator Scott called attention to a

bill he introduced early in the sessionproviding for an increase In the pay ofsecond lieutenants first lieutenantscaptains and majors and asked the sec-retary if he would be in favor of thatbill The secretary said that he didnot know as he would be ready to indorse it at this time but he was agreed-It was difficult for these officers to support families on their pay He saidthat while there had been a great dealof ridicule of the proposition advanced-by General Corbin to prohibit officersunder the rank of captain from marrying win they had little means hethought the suggestion worth considering

Secretary Taft said that he thoughtthe noncommissioned officers were themen most entitled to an increase ofpay He paid a glowing tribute to theold sergeant who teaches the young

lieutenants how to manage men Hesaid these men should be encouraged toremain in the army


pecial to The HeraldWashington March 2S Representative

Howell today called upon the presidentand Introduced to him Professor J HLinford and Representative Charles EMarks

The senate committee on public landstoday authorized a favorable uponSenator Heyburns amendment Increasingfrom 1000 to 1250 the annual appropriation of the general land office for printIng state maps

Rev E A Paddock superintendent ofthe Idaho industrial institute for children-is In the city


Baines mayor of Milford Ill whowith Gilbert Vennum a politicianwasindicted by a grand jury two monthsago on a charge of enticing MyrtleTaylor aged 16 years and EssieChilds aged 18 years was acquittedtcday

IOWA WILLMoines Ia March sen

ate today ordered the investigation ofIowa insurance companies An appro-priation of 10000 is made for the in-

vestigation The bill is certain to passthe house























Secretary of the Interior Submits to Congress the

Draft of a BillSpecial to The Herald

Washington March 28 The Interior department today submitted to congress thedraft of a bill providing a plan of leasing public lands of the United States andrecommended its passage The bill asdrawn authorizes secretary of the Interior to withdraw entrylands deemed by him desirable and tolease them for grazing givingsmall stockmen preference for terms notexceeding five years at a rental toby the secretary At the expiration-of the leases the secretary Is to reclassifythe lands and exclude from the grazingarea tracts which should be subject tohomestead or other forms of entry The I

proceeds of grazing fees be turnedinto the reclamation fund to be used tocarry on the work upon whichhave been decided desirable but for whichthere is insufficient money available inthe reclamation fund In submitting thebill the interior attention to the fact that a number of irrigation enterprises have been found feasible I

but that the reclamation fund is not largeenough to provide for all of these projectsand the suggestion is made that the proceeds from the rental of the grazing landswould not only provide such funds butwould tend to preserve the and giveopportunity for its improvementthe projects mentioned by departmentWhich might be aided by the passage ofthe bill are the Bear River In Utah theGrand river in Colorado the GoshenHole in Woming the Dubois in Idahoand the Las Vegas project in NewMexico


Claims of Rival Committees OverQuestion of Jurisdiction

Washington March 28 There is tocontest regarding committee jurisdic-

tion of dams between the rivers and harbors committee and the committee oninterstate and foreign commerce A resolution whifch will bring this questionbefore the rules committee for action hasbeen introduced by Mr Burton of Ohiochairman of the rivers and harbors com-mittee upon which a hearing will be re-quested

The resolution has its Immediate in-spiration because of attention which thecommission is now giving a measure providing that water may be taken from theSacramento river in California for irrigation purposes Much money has beenexpended on this river under the supervision of the rivers and harbors committee to make it navigable This has beenaccomplished for a distance of 266 milesThe proposition to allow water to betaken from the stream will render it toolow for navigation by the river boats according to the belief of members of MrBurtons committee Hence the resolu-tion which prescribes that hereafter allbills for dams across navigable riversshall go to the rivers and com-mittee


New York March L Dukeof C a relative of the president of the American Tobacco companytoday was granted a divorce from hiswife Alice Webb Duke whom he mar-ried in this city Dec 19 1WM

When the case was called for trial yes-terday counsel for Mrs Duke did notappear and witnesses were examined forthe plaintiff Justice Blanchard ordered-a sealed verdict which was returned today Mr Dukes marriage to Alice Webbwas followed by a series of sensationalevents in which an unsuccessful effortwas made by relatives of Mr Duke tohave him placed in an Insane asylum


Fallon Nev March 2S Word4 reached here this morning that a 44 party of claim Jumpers was driven4 from Fairview forty miles from

here at the point of a pistol yester 44 day A location monument was

erected on the townsite and removed 44 at the point of a gun A vigilancecommittee has been formed The cool

+ action of a deputy sheriff prevented 4a pitched battle All is now quiet f


former teller of the wrecked state bankof Canton charged with making falseentries in the banks books was discharged from custody today becausethe indictment was found faulty






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Disastrous Fire at Grand En-

campment Wyo TownDeprived of Power

Grand Encampment Wyo March 28

The great smelting concentrating andblectric and steam power pjant of thePennWyoming company was almostcompletely destroyed by fire today en-

tailing a loss estimated at 300000 cov-ered by insurance of 150000 The smelt-er building was saved after a hard fightby the fire department The origin ofthe fire is a mystery

The plant had been closed down for thewinter on account of the deep snow andimprovements under way Preparations-were on to resume next month

The fire will bring the business to astandstill for months The PennWyoming company handled the copper ores ofa part of the Enampment districtin addition to the ores from its own minethe Rudefha

Destruction of the electric plant hasdeprived the city of light and

DID IT EVER OCCUR TO YOUThat Smelter City Lots at 50 is thebest investment In Utah today Investigate this opportunity to safely Investfor a future Title perfect and warranty deedSMELTER CITY TOWNSITE CO

201 D F Walker Blk

SCHIFF DECORATED-New York March cable dis

patch which was received in this cityfrom Tokio says that Jacob H Schiffthe banker was decorated with theOrder of the Rising Sun while in audience with the emperor of Japan yester-day

AH firstclass restaurants and homehave Vienna bakery bread


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