A* SKI *mm**» mmmrntmrn »»; *-~ "(•' fa 1 f (•.; V: U K I ^i ,,,€$^^^ > ^^ !a ^^'T«^^^W-i .""^J'^jr,^-w?':-^ T *• cr ' ** ". '- ''' *-' '• "*• v' ; * '' ^ : ,i V-~*>"'%•'"*- V -.''""- '"••'. !"-":(' t,'\ ' J >fe »y- / ft t i IJnu'«*, i ,« 'i* .1*. * P" i > <Si SWEET EVENING'S COME /WD 60, LOVE A. J. ALBERT. v ;. ^*. pMJUMPjj GEORGE ELIOT Allegretto a tropsa. 0 f - J * WHf^fltHMiMgMllHW'lOIHaM .ft^'IIMKaMHlMMW'MtottMMB^ «: t x ' ' rait KBH55B5 *2*t- f^ >f.-£ -O- rsrfl. —'"j^"»aj>v " il * " ja 1 " t^' '*"" ' ¥*• tttae; A befc • to una tfil tome* ' tern $sd vm *•*• ttytoPi *> b»* Im& *H' TT^riHf?^ 1 Sweet eve-ning-'a come and go, love, 2. The dai - sies will be there, u iJ'T^^Ea^rrf* •*' .w»K*W¥^w:a^«w> a^ K«tw;i^fe^>>i!«aaattj«ga>ii('- ;*in; - MI- : I ;. we have passed a - wa^ t tevo, aUUi.ags t?Ii,|a$p> %%<§ |«^«|»,^M^W »lhft_3J': befc - feer tiaw «ffl. mm, tort, a»d to » tear .aante . ..tei^ iBJi*^^**^*! t ' •- '^"•WHiWinSri"" eJMHlillllWlHl.il )IJHHIgy^ t w«w«VMiit if»iMi»<WM)iii«LW«aB«a«MnfiBWMw««iir«niiiMa» otj— o'« t ***w > il''''J""i i 'f^S'!'* , ?!t ^C !*•' I* 1 it -T > - 3 ijlii»lfii8>«<ni(i)Timn fiVlnmw.<i»'Ui"!|iigti|i|jij,iinjii *•* l > ^ \ if ir^ i c They came and went of yore, tbey came and went of yore, This The stars in hear'n will shine, the stars ia hea? - en will shine, I u * 4 > & ^it'hf """ ' - - ••—^i"i > lP**'Tt)j* T" " " " ' " • f " '•'•—1' »i«WMW»N««l»Wtwiiiii]«JM^<f^ M. i i i - | ^ -•• - -- *••••*'•• "i - - - "|ir~-" •••\r"\' gT --r- ••p--tg|----- ,,-t- i i p ^i -f rf ••• ,-- I, y^n -ii jgriIII iiiffr-iii )i.jnni-^irtt|ii-i n 'niin yet ao life oa mtk» loTe»tuty«t 10 Jife oa «atth, to^^ftft«ftw tit fef-lht woaM iK>t b« the 1®%, lore, I mmKI{ sol bo Uki *Hi*i» &w^fel#wafc #l Jp|^ M "*i> . I ....... #'j^jfa y^;-Ji.i^ v u i % ; ^ ^ m «liUf*>j»#tlW»f*>«|^» ^ ^^^^^^^^^•;~y * ?-/A%" ^?*^' V-H *"-".X^*'"*- L *0*^ ^-.'"'XV'i'*^ ''^iY-' ^iB-WB Ur.Ss :^^r -g~^r~g 3C3t j v J i i ~~ i II L ^ i Try,"I..'.' r*'"..'IVM. ere - nine's of oar live, shall not feel thy wish, love, shall go and come no more; love, nor thoa my hand in thine; This I yi I it inii'iypa •: ^mmmmmm IK M>~<IH sE»-wv«(tiia*»»>^iB»««»»«iu« s > - < w « ' i a « i w i a a i » ' »•• ». I I .-4T fT...i|^Ti. .. |» 1 tJ"|'^«Mi * ^•I'—Mf'lllJ.'L ..B'JUIW'" ' -'W-'jf ' ' •"• '" ^ I "'IT •"••r^ 1 •'"""" " •' ' i» ~ . . - *..•• « •••L. l JHi-A ' £V.V-"".iA vw»e, tithoura wW bo -ttt© gai&0 i ,,,>.,<m» %*^fc $ T | ^ ^ lorn, tolewdthMnow tw*\m?<****™*^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^m'^^mM mm ^ ^ ^^^^pssE^^p^l^ -i 'i IIIIMJUIIMHKMnmiuf lkssr Mwminmfwf.iniriiiKiiiinj»flWWiWy i1 **»»»"«Mmwaw >»n an eve - shall ning',8 of not feel our Iiv^ thy wish, love, shall go love, nor thoa sod come no more, Shall go and come nc my hand in thine, Nor thoa my hand ia rrrmr, z^m ore-ning'a come and go...,, dai - sies wUl fee there,,***.,.*. **j«»»iiii ^;#'.'"T^iif.|i>iji •<m. m u -N-4^- f ^ l ' J ^ American Melody Co., N. V. Copy' ABSENT MINDED PROFKSSOIl. gitner Inlcd«rnts That Mado Him a Source of Amusement to His Friends. Many stories are told of the ab- eent-mlndpdness of the late Sir John Burdon-Sandereon. formerly reglua professor of medicine at Oxford, who was familiarly known as "The Bur- der." He used to delight his classes by stuffing one chalky duster after an- other Into his pockets, and finally using his pocket handkerchief to clean the blackboard. At hit own dinner table he would carefully carve the joint and serve his guesta, and then fall to on his own plate utterly oblivious to the fact that he had for- gotten to help himself. The late Sir Henry Acland had a story be always enjoyed <rf- Uw pro* feasor's absent-mindedness. While a guest at his house, Sanderson, one day ashed Mies Acland if he might have his luncheon earlier than usual, a*, ha wished to have a*, walk, before refeamias> to the schools. At the an- pointed hour lunch was duly served, and the professor left- the nous*. Ten minutes later, at his usual luncheon hoar, he returned, rang the bell, and asked the- astonished ser- vant to bring up lunch. It was duly served, and he made a second hearty repast, utterly Ignorant that it was an encore. ^ Lady Sanderson left him one-even- 0 "fng~ to conduct his guests into the.' dining, room. When she came'down into the hall she found htm. helping' them Into their overcoats, shaking, hands and saying good night.—Lon- don Daily Mall. A Dethroned Queen. Queen Nlawlng, a dusky central African potentate, now decrepit aad discredited. Is said to have been the last ruler of Mpororo. She once pos- bt-s8*»d much Influence, partly due to superstitious fear. She claimed the power of lnterrourse with the spirit world, and surrounded herself with much myBtery. She lived completely hidden In a hut. from which she was supposed never to emerge. When approached for any purpose, the re- plies to questions were given in a hlch. pqueaky voice. Intended to be flfct'l'ted as the voice of spirits. . i;J* • :* ij*- i?ts mm MUMMW « \KMUiUW »W 4MMI t -.».^t r- - im«MsnmiHssy a, «^«w«wiMinB«iier p ~ ^m--^ .HNWMIW not many who can be sure of accom- plishing It whenever they try. Great, was the surprise when an Italian officer mounted on horseback per- formed this difficult feat Moreover, he selected a course In which there were two or three high fences, and these he cleared at full gallop with- out losing the egg. Pat Men and Marriage. It Is remarkable how seldom one finds a fat man unmarried. It Is the tbln men as a rule who run to bache- Thus the length of the atteoted part lornood. It may be urged, going back or the thinner portion Of the hair Growth of FiJigor Nails. It is well known that In cerUln. diseases there are very marked va- riations in tbe growth of the> finger nails, both In length and thickness. Recently a Japanese scientist has been making a study of the varia- tions of the thickness of tbe hair. He finds that the taalr Is lufluonocd by the health muoh aa the nails are and that anything which lowera the general health of the subject tends to decrease the thickness of the httr. w, Cost of Artillery In FMMIW. In the arsenals of France, accord- ing- ttf ft' French? pas&er,tifeeee'tee JS,000,000 worth of antiquated and useless artillery. The French -nwry uses* fifty or sixty different, models of guns, which makes the question, -of furnishing projectiles very difficult, and the powder used la- the*- nejry 1" so unstable that one-quarter of It has to be-chaossd evary year. It lasts-on board ship only five years and In hot climates only two years. on a previous sentence, which spoke of matrimony as a weight lncreaser In men, that this Is putting the cart before the horse. It Is true, never- will give an Idea of the duration of a malady, and even of slight affec- tions. The variations are mare strongly marked in tbe ease of- theless, that where you find a fleshy coarse-haired races, than of other*, man hl»„-tand©ttejt la^tonaasry** la .,P«**lded.aoe*4»ir*:. : hW*jifv«^*|»ft? matters of color the fair man insy <*«*» theI subject wouiif hav%hjap$tli- be said to have it as against the dark ologlc history written, go to »peak, la man, and if there be a dash of red In capillary terras. his composition matrimonial proba- . ————• , biUtles are thereby increased. The . Latest in Railroads, little man has, in this respect, a* In • . Hochstauffen, nestr Bid nelohen? VABtOrjS BUDIUM IU.YB. Beyosjd the flsope of the Ssmogset Hicreacepe-to Detsrnta*. For th» a*k« of dlstlnctioni ths r*-, dium rays are known some others, pre-eminence, over the ball, In Gerniany, w£ll sooft hare one long man. Women, as a rule, are of the moat peculiar railway* 1ft the readier to marry tall men—they ad- world. It will run up a steep xnoun- mlre length—but long men are not tain side, and will be operated by ft. always ready to be married. balloon. The mountain la «o steep that no ordinary wa.y of locomotion Strange Coincidence. would do, so i t has been planned to there is a mysterious coffla- hltcb a b»»oon to the car thatttaJces S.TK. tM.. M .e»»^ . y»n«. M a ., *-»,«»- ^ ^ ••-JJJ. tendency of the balloon will furnijll Nndlee and Rfitcaroni. "Many persons believe nudles originated in- Germany/' says-a New* York Italian arm of the law, "but such Is not the case, for nudles, macaroni, spraghetti and vermicelli are the same, only of different shapes and sizes. Nudles is a hand- made preparation of the mountains, and nearly every Italian and' German family in America makes It by hand. Italians never bake macaroni or paste in any form. The only way to eat it Is boiled. In- Italy the- cooking ofj^hlsjrtsh teJrft_tp^tJie_heaJ_oi..the.. family, wheHher he be rich or poor, if he has the time. The paste Is dropped into boiling water, and when done Is drained In a colander. A pot- roast gravy Is^made. with lima beans, tomatoes atfd mtishrooms added. Then a layer of macaroni is put in a platter and covered with the sauce, some Italian pepper and grated Par- mesan cheese; then another layer, and more sauce, pepper and cheese, beta.and gamma^rays, Two of these SfiHrtfftxnery was hanged for ;nur> kinds are actual matter. The first dating Ms> sweetheart. He- assented seem to be about the size of atoms. *° the last that he was met gtiEttyv they travel enormously fast, but are* *°d on the scaffold, declared tb«t no easily stogped by^a^hln afreet o f - C » w would .grow over his gray* aft* ^ metal, the second are atoms a thoa- tlTnls innocence was proved. ^Tna » uuaWi sond times- smaller than anything j prophecy. It is alleged, has* been:, tab else known, and they go right •. Wled to the. present day. through most metals. Both aorta are toe power. The big bag of ga* will be €7 feet In diameter, and will hate a lifting capacity of aboat lO.OuB electrified. The third class of radia- tions are apparently the Roentgen rays. It would seem as If this waste of substance and power could con- An ninsfve Plant. Unearthe* Rorosw Pottery e la the course of t£aeQpera«p>n;fof restoring the founo*atlon» to the m M M»cU in n^r graca^ iorm C o r s ^ «mvWr W T*wfFa™a^ IJ^ ^ftr*«w^Wa'BW«IWrj' ft^W - * sjeHv' imA There ..a^planMn Chile and.. ffSLS^SSSA 2 a » ^ » « ^ ^ ^fffi&WHP™*™' ^ ^ the , w „ . flower of the air. It Is so called pa tion. Thirteen vases and lampa tinue for thousands of years, and yet because it appears to have no root, were unearthed One piece was an the radium show no sign of growing and is never fixed to the earth. It excellent specimen of pottery, fattact less. All these rays are far beyond twines round a dry tree or sterile an( j j n perfect preservation. The the scope of the most powerful mi- rock. Bach shoot produces two or j a m ns are of the type known as "the croscope, but are caught and shown three flowers like a lily—white, j arap ot i eara txt g '» aani resemble *ia, ' by the Crookes screen. transparent and odoriferous. It la. Bhts . pe a g^y boat with ft-gj^gfeitt- JM -... ^^- „-—-—.-~^-^^ •• -•«aj>Abte_jjt.helng^j!ansportM TO si«->4»^^ DifTlcnlt Horsebodb Feat. seven hundred miles and vegeta*ea trades, and a handle at tthe oittt©?. There are no better horsemen in ** ft travels suspended on a twig. The vessels are matte of Irott and the world than the cavalry officers of ' * though discolored with age are ua*"^- the Italian army, yet even among Boflet of the Ant. broken and fa an excellent-fltite-ofv^ns, them there are very few who could A naturalist has been making ob- preservation. perform the feat recently achieved by serrations-' mt the toilets o*» ee^fate m.-. ,»,.*, -i,,.,.',.,- • --" one of them. ants, and has discovered each, insect Trade in Switzerland, To run an ordinary foot race Is goes through most elaborate ahl^t- England was represented la S'wttfr easv enough, but to run at full speed ttons. They are »ot only perforated eriand last year by fifty-tlwea contt . *^ 'ti v^f <-> v^rfifi '€ *' ',JSi^^: for several hundred yards holding In by herself, but by another, who acta mercial travellers; Ghsraany, which one hfad a spoon on which rests an for the time as lady's maldi Tjhe as- enjoys the lion's share of fcae #wfei until the dish is filled. That makes egg and to reach the goal -without eistant starts by washing the face of import trade, employs aa arra^. of an artistic dish. Careless people sim- dropping the egg is a feat which her companion, and then goes o*ejr nearly five thousand "drammerji^ ply dump the macaroni lato a deep , nwrt; be practiced carefullj' a Vm^X^J^Xtt.t^r. The aflli!id|a^f#(»;,attd followed ty Fra»ce f . : <mfe%j> dish, pour on all the saaee, neptw «me before It can 1w perfcrsied iue^ t^^ enterprises':»8&Mi l . and' cheese and stir everything to- tearfully, and as a reealt there ajs tease eaOaisotiott. .,., . vho ananally sell »40»000,000 wortt inarp. Alwsvt• r e i M ^ a simply tether. »jwid;*|ii Each tet conta?^s/l^SS edged Wades./24^eejjjg hard by our secret pn<ffi-,tof- V. •"Aste-your-deiiter to show it to 70s and •* ^b#,.^*'*^Pte|r|«*||||of writ* ue lor fteaipscr of f*rencH i&«reJiaiidtsa > . TIMES «W-«|i«,.&i»;w : ^-k9 .•>.-*»wi»i««&:&afcii5s jt Baisfc mmmmm

i ^^^^pssE^^p^l^ mm - lib.catholiccourier.comlib.catholiccourier.com/1905-october-1908-july-catholic-journal... · woaM iK>t b« the 1®%, lore, ... bt-s8*»d much Influence, partly

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*mm**» mmmrntmrn »»; *-~ "(•'


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v;. *.


GEORGE ELIOT Allegretto a tropsa.

0 f - J *

WHf^fltHMiMgMllHW'lOIHaM M « .ft^'IIMKaMHlMMW'MtottMMB^

«: t x ' ' rait KBH55B5 *2*t-

f^ >f.-£

- O -rsrfl.

—'"j "»aj>v " i l * " ja1" t^' '*"" ' ¥*•

tttae; A befc • to una tfil tome* ' tern $sd vm *•*• ttytoPi *> b»* Im& * H '


1 Sweet eve-ning-'a come and go, love, 2. The dai - sies will be there,

u iJ'T^^Ea^rrf* •*'

. w » K * W ¥ ^ w : a ^ « w > a ^ K«tw;i^fe^>>i!«aaattj«ga>ii('- ; * i n ; - MI- :I ;.

we have passed a - wa t tevo, aUUi.ags t?Ii,|a$p> %%<§ |«^« |» ,^M^W »lhft_3J': befc - feer tiaw «ffl. mm, tort, a»d to » tear .aante . .. tei iBJi*^^**^*! t ' •-


eJMHlillllWlHl.il )IJHHIgy^ t

w«w«VMiit if»iMi»<WM)iii«LW«aB«a«MnfiBWMw««iir«niiiMa» o t j —

o'« t ***w


^ C !*• ' I*1 i t -T > - 3

ijlii»lfii8>«<ni(i)Timn fiVlnmw.<i»'Ui"!|iigti|i|jij,iinjii

*•* l > ^ \ if

ir^i c They came and went of yore, tbey came and went of yore, This The stars in hear'n will shine, the stars ia hea? - en will shine, I

u * 4 > & ^it'hf """ ' - - ••— i"i > l P * * ' T t ) j * T " " " " ' " • f " ' • ' • — 1 ' »i«WMW»N««l»Wtwiiiii]«JM^<f^

M . i i • i - | ^ -•• - -- *••••*'•• "i - - - " | i r ~ - " •••\r"\' • g T - - r - • •p - - tg | - - - - - ,,-t- i i p i - f r f ••• ,-- I , y ^ n -ii jgri I I I iiiffr-iii )i.jnni-^irtt|ii-i n ' n i i n

yet ao life oa mtk» loTe»tuty«t 10 Jife oa «atth, to^^ftft«ftw t i t fef-lht woaM iK>t b« the 1®%, lore, I mmKI{ sol bo Uki *Hi*i» &w fel#wafc # l J p | ^ M

"*i> . I . . . . . . . # ' j ^ j f a

y^;-Ji.i^ v u i % ; ^ ^ m


^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ • ; ~ y * ? - / A % " ^?*^ 'V - H* " - " .X^* ' " * - L*0*^ ^-. '" 'XV'i '*^ ' ' ^ i Y - ' iB-WB


: ^ ^ r - g ~ ^ r ~ g 3C3t j v J i i ~~ i II L ^ i Try,"I..'.' r * ' " . . ' I V M .

ere - nine's of oar live, shall not feel thy wish,

love, shall go and come no more; love, nor thoa my hand in thine;

This I

yi I it inii'iypa •: ^mmmmmm IK M>~<IH sE»-wv«(tiia*»»>^iB»««»»«iu« s>-<w«'ia«iwiaai»' » • • ». I I . - 4 T f T . . . i | ^ T i . . . | » 1 t J " | ' ^ « M i

* •I'—Mf'lllJ.'L ..B'JUIW'" ' - ' W - ' j f ' ' •"• '" I " ' I T •"••r^1

• '"""" " •' ' i » ~ . . - * . . • • « •••L. lJHi-A ' £V.V-"".iA vw»e, tithoura wW bo -ttt© gai&0i,,,>.,<m» %* fc $ T | ^ ^ lorn, tolewdthMnow tw*\m?<****™*^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^m'^^mM

mm ^ ^

^^^^pssE^^p^l^ - i ' i IIIIMJUIIMHKMnmiuf lkssr Mwminmfwf.iniriiiKiiiinj»flWWiWy i1**»»»"«Mmwaw >»n an

eve -shall

ning',8 of not feel

our Iiv^ thy wish,

love, shall go love, nor thoa

sod come no more, Shall go and come nc my hand in thine, Nor thoa my hand ia

rrrmr, z^m

ore-ning'a come and go...,, dai - sies wUl fee there,,***.,.*.

* * j « » » i i i i

^ ; # ' . ' " T ^ i i f . | i > i j i


m u -N-4^- f ^ l ' J ^ American Melody Co., N. V. Copy'


Inlcd«rnts That Mado Him a Source of Amusement to His Friends.

Many stories are told of the ab-eent-mlndpdness of the late Sir John Burdon-Sandereon. formerly reglua professor of medicine at Oxford, who was familiarly known as "The Bur-der."

He used to delight his classes by stuffing one chalky duster after an­other Into his pockets, and finally using his pocket handkerchief to clean the blackboard. At hit own dinner table he would carefully carve the joint and serve his guesta, and then fall to on his own plate utterly oblivious to the fact that he had for­gotten to help himself.

The late Sir Henry Acland had a story be always enjoyed <rf- Uw pro* feasor's absent-mindedness. While a guest at his house, Sanderson, one day ashed Mies Acland if he might have his luncheon earlier than usual, a*, ha wished to have a*, walk, before refeamias> to the schools. At the an-pointed hour lunch was duly served, and the professor left- the nous*. Ten minutes later, at his usual luncheon hoar, he returned, rang the bell, and asked the- astonished ser­vant t o bring up lunch. It was duly served, and he made a second hearty repast, utterly Ignorant that it was an encore.

^ Lady Sanderson left him one-even- 0 "fng~ to conduct h i s guests into the.' dining, room. When she came'down into the hall she found htm. helping' them Into their overcoats, shaking, hands and saying good night.—Lon­don Daily Mall.

A Dethroned Queen. Queen Nlawlng, a dusky central

African potentate, now decrepit aad discredited. Is said to have been the last ruler of Mpororo. She once pos-bt-s8*»d much Influence, partly due to superstitious fear. She claimed the power of lnterrourse with the spirit world, and surrounded herself with much myBtery. She lived completely hidden In a hut. from which she was supposed never to emerge. When approached for any purpose, the re­plies to questions were given in a hlch. pqueaky voice. Intended to be flfct'l'ted as the voice of spirits.

. i ;J*

• :*

i j * -i?ts

mm MUMMW « \KMUiUW »W 4MMI t -.».^t

r- - im«MsnmiHssya ,«^«w«wiMinB«iierp~ ^m--^ • . H N W M I W

not many who can be sure of accom­plishing It whenever they try. Great, was the surprise when an Italian officer mounted on horseback per­formed this difficult feat Moreover, he selected a course In which there were two or three high fences, and these he cleared at full gallop with­out losing the egg.

Pat Men and Marriage. It Is remarkable how seldom one

finds a fat man unmarried. It Is the tbln men as a rule who run to bache- Thus the length of the atteoted part lornood. It may be urged, going back or the thinner portion Of the hair

Growth of FiJigor Nails. It is well known that In cerUln.

diseases there are very marked va­riations in tbe growth of the> finger nails, both In length and thickness. Recently a Japanese scientist has been making a study of the varia­tions of the thickness of tbe hair. He finds that the taalr Is lufluonocd by the health muoh aa the nails are and that anything which lowera the general health of the subject tends to decrease the thickness of the httr.


Cost of Artillery In FMMIW. In the arsenals of France, accord­

ing- ttf ft' French? pas&er, tifeeee ' t ee JS,000,000 worth of antiquated and useless artillery. The French -nwry uses* fifty or sixty different, models of guns, which makes the question, -of furnishing projectiles very difficult, and the powder used la- the*- nejry 1" so unstable that one-quarter of It has to be-chaossd evary year. It lasts-on board ship only five years and In hot climates only two years.

on a previous sentence, which spoke of matrimony as a weight lncreaser In men, that this Is putting the cart before the horse. It Is true, never-

will give an Idea of the duration of a malady, and even of slight affec­tions. The variations are mare strongly marked in tbe ease of-

theless, that where you find a fleshy coarse-haired races, than of other*, man hl»„-tand©ttejt la^tonaasry** la .,P«**lded.aoe*4»ir*:.:hW*jifv«^*|»ft? matters of color the fair man insy <*«*» theI subject wouiif hav%hjap$tli-be said to have it as against the dark ologlc history written, go to »peak, la man, and if there be a dash of red In capillary terras. his composition matrimonial proba- . — ————• , biUtles are thereby increased. The . Latest in Railroads, little man has, in this respect, a* In • . Hochstauffen, nestr Bid nelohen?


Beyosjd the flsope of the Ssmogset Hicreacepe-to Detsrnta*.

For th» a*k« o f dlstlnctioni ths r*-, dium rays are known

some others, pre-eminence, over the ball, In Gerniany, w£ll sooft hare one long man. Women, as a rule, are o f the moat peculiar railway* 1ft the readier to marry tall men—they ad- world. It will run up a steep xnoun-mlre length—but long men are not tain side, and will be operated by ft. always ready to be married. balloon. The mountain la «o steep

that no ordinary wa.y of locomotion Strange Coincidence. would do, so i t has been planned to

there is a mysterious coffla- h l t c b a b»»oon to the car thatttaJces

S.TK. tM..M .e»»^ . y»n«.Ma . , *-»,«»- ^ ^ ••-JJJ. tendency of the balloon will furnijll

Nndlee and Rfitcaroni. "Many persons believe nudles

originated in- Germany/' says-a New* York Italian arm of the law, "but such Is not the case, for nudles, macaroni, spraghetti and vermicelli are the same, only of different shapes and sizes. Nudles is a hand­made preparation of the mountains, and nearly every Italian and' German family in America makes It by hand. Italians never bake macaroni or paste in any form. The only way to eat it I s boiled. In- Italy the- cooking ofj^hlsjrtsh teJrft_tp^tJie_heaJ_oi..the.. family, wheHher he be rich or poor, if he has the time. The paste Is dropped into boiling water, and when done Is drained In a colander. A pot-roast gravy Is^made. with lima beans, tomatoes atfd mtishrooms added. Then a layer of macaroni is put in a platter and covered with the sauce, some Italian pepper and grated Par­mesan cheese; then another layer, and more sauce, pepper and cheese,

beta.and gamma^rays, Two of these SfiHrtfftxnery was hanged for ;nur> kinds are actual matter. The first dating Ms> sweetheart. He- assented seem to be about the size o f atoms. *° the last that he was met gtiEttyv they travel enormously fast, but are* *°d on the scaffold, declared tb«t no easily stogped by^a^hln afreet o f -C»w would .grow over his gray* aft* ^ metal, the second are atoms a thoa- tlTnls innocence was proved. Tna » u u a W i

sond times- smaller than anything j prophecy. It is alleged, has* been:, tab else known, and they go right •. Wled to the. present day. through most metals. Both aorta are

toe power. The big bag of ga* will be €7 feet In diameter, and will hate a lifting capacity of aboat lO.OuB

electrified. The third class o f radia­tions are apparently the Roentgen rays. It would seem as If this waste of substance and power could con-

An ninsfve Plant.

Unearthe* Rorosw Potterye la the course of t£aeQpera«p>n;fof

restoring the founo*atlon» to the

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M»cU in n ^ r graca^

iorm C o r s ^ «mvWr W T * w f F a ™ a ^ I J ^ ^ftr*«w^Wa'BW«IWrj' ft^W-*



There ..a^planMn Chile and.. ffSLS^SSSA 2 a » ^ » « ^ ^ ^fffi&WHP™*™' ^ ^ the

, w „ . flower of the air. It Is so called pation. Thirteen vases and lampa tinue for thousands of years, and yet because it appears to have no root, were unearthed One piece was an the radium show no sign of growing and is never fixed to the earth. It excellent specimen of pottery, fattact less. All these rays are far beyond twines round a dry tree or sterile a n ( j j n perfect preservation. The the scope of the most powerful mi- rock. Bach shoot produces two or j a m n s are of the type known as "the croscope, but are caught and shown three flowers like a lily—white, j a r a p ot iearatxtg'» aani resemble *ia, ' by the Crookes screen. transparent and odoriferous. It la. Bhts.pe a g ^ y boat with ft-gj^gfeitt-

J M - . . . ^ ^ - „ -—-—.-~^-^^ •• -•«aj>Abte_jjt.helng^j!ansportMTOsi«->4»^^ DifTlcnlt Horsebodb Feat. seven hundred miles and vegeta*ea trades, and a handle at tthe oittt©?.

There are no better horsemen in ** ft travels suspended on a twig. The vessels are matte of Irott and the world than the cavalry officers of ' * though discolored with a g e are ua*" -the Italian army, yet even among Boflet of the Ant. broken and fa an excellent-fltite-ofv^ns, them there are very few who could A naturalist has been making ob- preservation. perform the feat recently achieved by serrations-'mt the toilets o*» ee^fate m.-. ,»,.*, -i,,.,.',.,- • --" one of them. ants, and has discovered each, insect Trade i n Switzerland,

To run an ordinary foot race Is goes through most elaborate ahl^t- England was represented la S'wttfr easv enough, but to run at full speed ttons. They are »ot only perforated eriand last year by fifty-tlwea contt .

* ^ 'ti v f

<-> v ^ r f i f i '€

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for several hundred yards holding In by herself, but by another, who acta mercial travellers; Ghsraany, which one hfad a spoon on which rests an for the time as lady's maldi Tjhe as- enjoys the lion's share of fcae #wfei

until the dish is filled. That makes egg and to reach the goal -without eistant starts by washing the face of import trade, employs aa arra . of an artistic dish. Careless people sim- dropping the egg is a feat which her companion, and then goes o*ejr nearly five thousand "drammerji^ ply dump the macaroni lato a deep , nwrt; be practiced carefullj' a Vm^X^J^Xtt.t^r. The aflli!id|a^f#(»;,attd J» followed ty Fra»cef.

:<mfe%j> dish, pour on all the saaee, neptw «me before It can 1w perfcrsied iue^ t^^ enterprises':»8&Mil. and' cheese and stir everything to- tearfully, and as a reealt there ajs tease eaOaisotiott. .,., . vho ananally sell »40»000,000 wortt

inarp. Alwsvt• r e i M ^ a simply tether. »jwid;*|ii

Each tet conta?^s/l^SS edged Wades./24^eejjjg

hard by our secret pn<ffi-,tof-


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