I . ... " " "' .OLDEST! ! . - LEADING NEWSPAPER .Z- .. 1$. l _ --::--::-- \ \ I IN ·IN THE COUNTY<OF LINCOhN, ''- ' -• -- - • - •• "' > . _ I _ .I I. .. _ ._ .-- I .I i .. ... .:, ... ___ .... . _._;.:: ____ }.,,/..; $k" - .. L. CARRIZOZO. T.,INCOLN COUNTY, NEW. MEXICO, JPIUDAY. OCTOBSR 15. . . ' .,. . . ' . , . /1 . l MEXJ?O ·' NEW NUMBER 4l ' .. M .. l·tk ... i Po. t IS. .. . New -vrf'ogres,. fwtiltll . TilE CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR ne Peer i·td lorkey $eiSfll Promtaeat DeJDO(riU Htre lit r,n · · the 9(}(1,; ea.st 1 tn avor o Hl _,. _ v f . t . 't . .. . . ticket. · ht;.a<h:d by Nt'xt will Senator A. A. Jones .. and Col· A'portll. rom t. eas. 0 }I. ltintna •. _, Tlli$ open the tnmtirig seasotdor large ouel J. 0. Atwood hue effect tbat tbc,p<:ople J.l1 bceal bro\lfht by hlgh · ftinai¢-Uiaf.thcre are Friday oigbt and a tb!ckly ceutet3. .ate Mamier iu wbicl• a few...:.. more deer in the- mountains this large assemblage at the K. P • .... . - . very mPch catbu$ed over the ,. very feYI-RepubHcans handfed rear th4n for several years Hall. Senator Jones cowtined peJHical The . the Republican state c.!lnr.·cutiou also wiid turke.z'i but. tHitwith· his remarks, almost exclusively, queslioll is. wbetber we, as a at wbicb bas pro• . , _ to the League of Nations, ex· are to a,!$!ii>Cilitc· ourseJvc$ duced tbi:: nto\lt serious brNk in ··"'(>_ mncb large game is kill'l,d before IJlaiuing thoroughly tbc varioua . 1.. >; (·. ' with the most Rc(Jublicau fllUka m the •. utstory .". • • • · tbe opens• ..,, In articles ia the covenant. It was rres,ive .uatiQus of the worltlthat of tbe state. Many ;, • • to a of Nogal Canyon tbas a plain, strong explanation of fcmu the League of Nadon•. for hitherto strongly Republican "week, it WilS !earned that out Qf the League and removed waoy l:!luta,J.l lUJd for tbe in tbe doubtful and wen ! ti!.'C Oftllrkt>ys io hi:> twig !a· doubts that extsted in the minds prevention of f11rtber ••rs• sucb informed Republicans !mruood aU summer, about ltJI.I of some of tbe people wbo bad as tbe"one from wbicb we •rejllit tbe will awcepsome 4;fij . lin nU, iu rading tbroagb the l.11.: ... n mi:ltcformed on the JUeatioo recovtriar. an4 the _whole them. T!m.us to two ;!bml$ rc.,;cntly be onDy uUumt Cvl. Atwoutl, who i5 the Dew• worl4 ufe place tu which to fCUOP5, tbe ilt;lt ll L!ilU a dm1c:t: birds. Wbat tw.:a1ne n.:rah.: nominee for Lieutenant Jivt:, or join bauds with revolu:• wbicb i:t tbat tbe tirk12t tbe.,o\lJ1ms he,.il'l <1l-- Cess to .1 spoke briefly on state ti<mar1 Me;xiw, Bolshevlki RPS· b:r Judge Uannil is reguded _,.s,; il !mv\'i. but is :ochnc1U to llehcvc a thus and hi!.l rcme.rks were quito 1ia · pOssessing aU tile qudiGcations j; il tilcy•vcrc ba&:t;\'d by •·tS>h>nr:.'n." wl'iD re.:ei, cd. it tbe prtncipal queshou 1u 'Ius tha.t go to ma.lte up an ,;This. Wllf h::: Sll,, but I Monddv nigbt, in the sawe campalji:n. agq more capable administration ?f pub] II;'' tbccr b.sbuat, a ad the hall, arwther gut)d crowd wu S() since Sena.tor Ha.rding ba.s an .. affairs, and the sec;;md lS to}, om;s referred tu mav tunc only and was addressed by noPttced that he has turned his tbc. t!istrmit of the men bebmd '' 't mo.-ell 'to sGma otber p!act' Ul tbc Ju•lt:l' R H Hanna. Democratic back OQ the League; tba_t tbc R.!imbHca..n Stlltl;! QU>IHllaios. avd wm lu..:ateol •anoiaol.sh· f..r governor; Antonio doesn't believe io reservations or distcu't so wsdcsprcad in tbC' dtcr U.:tob1.·r 21J by the "!iport'l." [,tK\'ro, nmnincc of the aawc interpretations, but in rejection. Republic11n partv that .the man• · Co.)otcs aml otber preduor.t p<Hty for umgrcss, and Robert E. The issue is, at Jast, well dtfiued. agers of that llarty dcllpi\ir of smuimrlla th:t;ouut .a large a ·well known buaincla a.nd tbe battle is e:r;pectcd.to wax electing tbcir and arc. of J9UUJ: tbo•h: man of Atbuqulrque. Judie warmer n eJection approacbc!. now tur•ing their attention t9 !: in Ute mountahm r:ct an ff anna g a vc hi'l attention to state Someone ·bas. expreased · · the eJection of a kg Mature, . gobbler for a Huntllly atf..atr6 nnd exposed the unjust situ•tioA -. little more . . partit.:ularly the senatl.'-, 50 tbiilt . tbcy believe they arc s!stcm of tuation extstiug to madcally by puttio{rtbc th\Ullioo they may be able to block tile re", IIIIIPtE RICHAftC> H. HAHHA i; t!lltltll;d to, fr!)m tbc amount of New Mexico and condemned the this wa7: neox and Ci.-ilizatioo form• tbd are in Uann:t is u1aiiu•: tbrJ .fight •clloola nml better trndu,ra. r: d!\tnagc done their crop:3, with· few men responsible for tbo con• Yec!luslbrdillf .. d Hell." Dem· Democratic platCqrm and wbkb !vr l'eopte or New Mcxi\.'o. TJ1e W. A, Uu• tutr tJoaB out contributiua a.dollar or two dition. He wu followed b1 Mr. aasert•tbat Cox is iu the are teeeiving- the hearty tluns•r,s .. 1 , · 1 , • j •t tlte titatc for the priviJeS"e· Lucero who wade a highly •11'" · ·· . · . bl" . b h t l , •••• .uP ... anea pay llNr n .. , ,·J;l .ax .... nu .s ... :H .. o, ... ., ..., ... """ff . lead aad that when !be . of Repu &can t roug. I JC prO(iOrllcm cf thl' FCJI!.•'t mi.,lna: mint' bul nllfocntc: 1 J !i Uut the farmer• a?d rancbmeo prectated talk on botb state aad. have bcea counted that tt will be at•te. HThe pooreJt Clli .. Cil of .. w ..• \. author (lf tcnuUoo of lt'cU!t'tt· kuer• ollarul j, ()rotect tbc young bards by malt· oaltoual atla•ra. Tbeo followed , abown that the people' endorse America ia tbe ouc wbo al.ways 111{' infamous J'cnmnal Jujurk:J' fur ou. for ROZtnli• und u£. ins war on tbcir natural coemic!l ,, Uob Putney, wbo, aa be adaittcd. pc:aec-, ptorren &lld prosperitt&S votes th( atraight tieket aud r.nw. l'l'JIC'lltrtl by pnd hllrt,#nrtm hOI.nU·· Uflll n•t!illt'nt'l'.. I" Ute coyote aucl wdd cat. Wei Wall called by sowe the comet ian preached by Cox. On tbe other of it-he is onc•sidcd, n.ot fur tht>«·•ruallyinfamoua \\.A. llawlduat •pokelu OJliiD:U•"belicvc there ia suUlcicnt game lot the pmrty bnt also the trare• · . · f b 1 · t • · d d u S l.tnY, John lit. Sully, ,,tl'on to the ello.rtuuccur"from Con• · . , . ,. band, to the an era ' no open m!n c •; "' Q ucnrruf manot:N' of the ctuion or the nnttllrtvetl i m lbc to pro vade .. dtau by other., and be kept the • eatbusiaatte Repllbhcan, • All :Hanna IQ a sbort ad· IIUII J r.p. fhmmm, fll'lcl murollall ,, publiC' Ja«lthl to til(' «lntc. which;: ·for . otc1· beo hell cantt beat Hardfartn So before the School time be talking. Tllese tinue- to run the IJtQtc? an annual inrome of not lct¥J: ..... . , ... ·-- men called·. 11 spade a a pad e. 11owner, tiace Seolllor Hard• at f1 goveruiaga.large a. Shall the ini!tultoua £"C'IT)'mrut· tllf!n U,OCM),tm. I Th :tnd, ran eounter t• ... If'• "' in&' bu cor=e out potitirel:r ofthe Rtpublicanil'in .l(ew .l.tcx· dcr fc;,:illlutlve dhltdct• i 'l'o of mhlc ·•···· . .. e Cfumce aomcbolly*s reel ings ln the • d t 1 .. whhJ• lhNtc• .. .t.lln. · .. : to on lt>inlt'lf .m 1 ··- , :-· . '' .. A 0 t . islaturc tmd write lhl:' JtlWt,_ bl.',ellortft bdng matfc todN't]ttclgel () .. fober Z1 w1U be your IMt tlicocc, but that could scaroely ' c:b:Lujlo bu bfeome noti(eable ia iu the atatc hi5 bcen·run, . nnd tu ltatlc thcjcbauce to reJ:istcr, if you intend Ill' avod1ed, nod the people can the ranks of thcae .who were sap• want a change and kn.ow tile only lrmum •• flghtirlg' rur tower tuxes, nstntl" SE>nntc wath wrpcn·•holl nuur. "to vote 011 November 2. Sec that atop aucb talk by putt lug an end portiiSS' bim. In .faek hnS'e way to get it iff to t11rn down the on lht• fiCOtlle nod. for! tte,yunttd mfnt>uwnrra, _ I your na•c ill on the to the cause of it. That they will of· omen in ·the weat bue Oil the state Republican laiglJrr lnxctt from the nunce,tH?tl1t1tl Unmm f3 for Uw tutunre •lenl b. k b tlo "O on the 2nd of Novew"-r UVI&! . · w . . . · · we tl11J)" 1111\l' bcUrr rondo lttltl bcUC'r \'n'l'u J·urnrm. I, , II.' oo arc, now open at t c " ""' , !; ttrt!!;ialafire candidates are act• ±e<..a '!l!Je_ - ,_x nrn ,II. 0 !'!. , ing 1Uch a pOt,ition. and in Ute ife throughout tbe state, •nd for publicans l don't want to ucc the, The Lcngue of •nd ,",at tbo Sanitar 1 Market. Tbc re· Jority Judg-e Hanna and assoclatea e11t, mat17 of the luding Re- tbt 1irst time since the bands. or Uauna tit.:d'""do.n'tf the Monroe Doctrine ; gistr.lfiou committee is composed will hue. publicans have the!r .feel tbat oppor• waut to. see confronted walb 1 - . o( Harry G. Norman, Len. -- · desertion of Hardn1g aud thetr tun1t)' to Wtll a majoraty or tbc a hostile h:•gtslatucc, and are·1 Every great nh!(t .ltl lmmau. net nod Den Lujan. You have A wind tbat kept thinK• buw· i11tention to support Cox. There seats in the legislature ha.s com_c; thc.rcrote going the '*whole_ way,"! ll_ns met witl.t oppos.ition. seven dnys yet. Don't Wllit 1111 tuing all tlay Wednesday tbrou1h· i d d t th k th t .. t l D t 'tH 1 l t d t r I out this section was followed at n to be groun. ye er .uow . a '" prac· go111_g to.suppor ltc. cmocra IC! ace 1! n til is too late •. If you are not rc· night by rain and snow. The · awell •r•intt 'the Republican hcaU1 tmpos!ltble, by reason of uom1nccs for tbc l<'g&slaturc, M1· at, \Vtlson faces tt. . J"istcred, you wtn not be allowed nearby htlla were covered by uominee 1luce Seaator Hardiog•s the unfair manner in which the Republicans who 1 . When tllc Cousti'tutiou ot the io vofl', except upon an t\ffidaY'it snow morning and a Nebruka deelaratiooa, aod it be• state WI.IJ disfrieted, but for the stand I or the same priuciplen !err ... United States wa•l under cousirl· tttpportNl by ttu!' affidavits of two ben vy {.all or snow ia reported in gias to look like the aeqatorial tha.t reali1ing which . thc!lc Retmblicaug are; cratiou, it wa.!i viohmtly O!>(IOScd witnesses. tbe Corona eouotr7. candidate will bne to execute the necessity fcH: a c:haugto; are tightiug-good goverttmcut. lin tltnn,v qunrtcrq on the groumt , another aummeraault iu order. to joining· band• with them the 'I' he county campaign is alsn that, if acloptl'cl, thc·uoys or Nl_lrtl'J ' · ·-· - '- .,. "------L=:... '"" "--±is ' ' se ' 1 """ 4121 ' atem the tide of revolt that so- of briniit1i about • rule or taking a swift. pace, .and will . might 'be scot to heltl unniialakabltahowa itself, ,· people, which has not grow •warmer as election day quell disorder iu Maine. The· batiett tourht autl mott •ince the advettt of PPY at Dome! · Soli af Home! ·· Baak at Bomef WHEN'_1ou baak with · your mouej helps to devel_op a better coml:l:iuaity in which you live. Ihsaures ·better school•• aud 1 in abort, means big• &'flt *ltccels (or 70U who Jive here, . . Deposit witb thia battk, and. you'll 1i11d ua rt&il1 to take care. of you wbeu 1ou asted 4uaucid aui•t•nce •. . .. e . I The Lincoln State Bank a . under cottshlcra tiou 1 'the 1 I every nook and corner of the · kiml ot l'coplc had visio1:1s of county will be visited btlfore ·the America's young men clyittg. on campaign cuds, 'I' be voters will the battle ficldq or South America not lack ntt opportunity to make to maiutaiu this doctrine • au acquaintance witb the county Now we have the League of ' · uomittccs atld tbey wilt llave the Nations issue with the same rc• best means of. _finding .. wbo are actlonaries stating that our hn•.,-.t the proper men for the in will bq sent overseas to bclp set• tbecottn.ty. This county is ciOSI', tJ,• Europcauquarrcls. but conditions seem to favor the . Without a T 1 cagul! or Nationt nominees of the Democratic ·party, two uiillion ·of ·our boy !I, for the reason that t.he ticket is sent overseas attd two million c:omposecl of good men and Uten were ready go overseat\, acquainted with the dutiet of the With a League of Nations futuce · otrices for which they are asking wars will be well njgh impoasible the aujl'ra"e of the people. · Good and America will never. agaitt reatoti ex ish for tbils belief and sec four million of .ita weu U.!lder· well inforined of . the aruis. couuty feel that the lnd of Nov· ·Governor Cox bas declared . •··. { ember will justify tht. prediction. that .he will presettt tbe League of Nations to Cottgres!l. u soon as \ . , ... ._... . , .. . . _ . - - . . , . .. .. . . .. he cu do 0 ·• Seuatot.Jlarding. ,., ·•· tht htt a boy or nllan oan lelrn It to Btnk H'- ..... ha& plcolged to .. scrap the· Monty•- ea;nrn.gl-rlgillarfy and::--yOif ·. - .. ' - b•adquartera . were.. · c:)t the League ·ot · ·get Wad. · ' .. --· ... ' I ' ' . ' opebed • - that'• . - 0 I ---n-i-t&a:&ari. io bring it bet ore Con· WE IHVITI vouft BAHKI1'fG au•nu! .. p-.rty it getting lined up for greu. Govel'nor Cox coming elf1Ctiol1. Wowan votm; to do thit. . Senator. lltrdln e:tp*¢Lan, 110 vltit the i that t.ht . i• FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK

i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D

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Page 1: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D

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" " "' .OLDEST! ~NO

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LEADING NEWSPAPER .Z- .. 1$. l _ --::--::-- --~.:.

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\ I

IN CIRCU~ATION ·IN THE COUNTY<OF LINCOhN, • ''- ' - • -- - • - •• ~ "' >

. _ I _ .I I. .. _ ._ .-- I .I i .I·--~-~ .. ~ ... .:, ... ___ .... ..._,;;,_;~.:,- . ..;.~..:.·.:. _._;.:: ____ ,"_",;.::,..~~"-~.;,o,..;·~ }.,,/..; $k" -M6-~-l -.. L.


.,. • . .

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.. M .. l·tk ... i Po. t IS. .. . New Me~ico.li$ i~ -vrf'ogres,. fwtiltll . TilE Pf~OPI.,ES' CANDIDATE FOR GOVERNOR ne Peer i·td lorkey $eiSfll Promtaeat DeJDO(riU Htre lit r,n · · the 9(}(1,; ea.st 1 tn avor o Hl _,. _

v f . ~ t . 't . . . . . ticket. · ht;.a<h:d by Nt'xt Wedue~day, O~:t. ~o. will Senator A. A. Jones .. and Col· A'portll. rom t. ~ eas. ~rc 0 JudgeR~ }I. ltintna •. _, Tlli$ ~as· open the tnmtirig seasotdor large ouel J. 0. Atwood w~r~ hue

th~ effect tbat tbc,p<:ople J.l1 ~be bceal bro\lfht ~~:bout by Jh~ hlgh · ftinai¢-Uiaf.thcre are Friday oigbt and ~ddressed a tb!ckly llopul~tecl. ceutet3. .ate Mamier iu wbicl• a few...:.. more deer in the- mountains this large assemblage at the K. P •

.... . -· - . very mPch catbu$ed over the ,. very feYI-RepubHcans handfed rear th4n for several years pa~>t. Hall. Senator Jones cowtined peJHical tita,atioe~. The . the Republican state c.!lnr.·cutiou also wiid turke.z'i but. tHitwith· his remarks, almost exclusively,

queslioll is. wbetber we, as a at Albuqu~:rque, wbicb bas pro• . , _ statuhugourstriug~ntgamcJaws, to the League of Nations, ex· ~ati~nt, are to a,!$!ii>Cilitc· ourseJvc$ duced tbi:: nto\lt serious brNk in ··"'(>_ • mncb large game is kill'l,d before IJlaiuing thoroughly tbc varioua

. • • 1.. >; (·. ' with the tbirty•uu~e most Rc(Jublicau fllUka m the •. utstory .". • • • · tbe s~asob opens • ..,, In sp~aking articles ia the covenant. It was rres,ive .uatiQus of the worltlthat of tbe state. Many .counti~:s ;, • • to a resi~c;:nt of Nogal Canyon tbas a plain, strong explanation of fcmu the League of Nadon•. for hitherto strongly Republican ar~ "week, it WilS !earned that out Qf the League and removed waoy l:!luta,J.l prote~;tiPil lUJd for tbe in tbe doubtful .c~!umn. and wen ! ti!.'C flc~s Oftllrkt>ys io hi:> twig !a· doubts that extsted in the minds prevention of f11rtber ••rs• sucb informed Republicans 4:onCt>!h~!' !mruood aU summer, about ltJI.I of some of tbe people wbo bad as tbe"one from wbicb we •rejllit tbe Democr~t~ will awcepsome 4;fij . lin nU, iu rading tbroagb the l.11.: ... n mi:ltcformed on the JUeatioo recovtriar. an4 mak~ the _whole them. T!m.us d~c to two quit~ ;!bml$ rc.,;cntly be ~ow onDy uUumt Cvl. Atwoutl, who i5 the Dew• worl4 ~ ufe place tu which to fCUOP5, tbe ilt;lt of~ ll L!ilU a dm1c:t: birds. Wbat tw.:a1ne n.:rah.: nominee for Lieutenant Jivt:, or join bauds with revolu:• wbicb i:t tbat tbe tirk12t ln~:ukd ~ ~~of tbe.,o\lJ1ms he,.il'l <1l-- a· Cess to .1 ;u,-~nor, spoke briefly on state ti<mar1 Me;xiw, Bolshevlki RPS· b:r Judge Uannil is reguded _,.s,; il !mv\'i. but is :ochnc1U to llehcvc a thus and hi!.l rcme.rks were quito 1ia aa~.)h~ ~loo4]' T~"r)C;·_ · T&~t pOssessing aU tile qudiGcations j; il tilcy•vcrc ba&:t;\'d by •·tS>h>nr:.'n." wl'iD re.:ei, cd. it tbe prtncipal queshou 1u 'Ius tha.t go to ma.lte up an honet>t<~nd:' ,;This. Wllf h::: Sll,, but tur~els I Monddv nigbt, in the sawe campalji:n. agq more partic~lady capable administration ?f pub] II;'' ~~:aogc tbccr b.sbuat, a ad the hall, arwther gut)d crowd wu S() since Sena.tor Ha.rding ba.s an .. affairs, and the sec;;md lS dtu~ to}, om;s referred tu mav tunc only ~·rc~t·nt and was addressed by noPttced that he has turned his tbc. t!istrmit of the men bebmd '' 't mo.-ell 'to sGma otber p!act' Ul tbc Ju•lt:l' R H Hanna. Democratic back OQ the League; tba_t h~ tbc R.!imbHca..n Stlltl;! ti,;k~t=a, ~ QU>IHllaios. avd wm ~~~ lu..:ateol •anoiaol.sh· f..r governor; Antonio doesn't believe io reservations or distcu't so wsdcsprcad in tbC' .· dtcr U.:tob1.·r 21J by the "!iport'l." [,tK\'ro, nmnincc of the aawc interpretations, but in rejection. Republic11n partv that .the man• · --~{ Co.)otcs aml otber preduor.t p<Hty for umgrcss, and Robert E. The issue is, at Jast, well dtfiued. agers of that llarty dcllpi\ir of smuimrlla th:t;ouut fu~ .a large Putn~:y, a ·well known buaincla a.nd tbe battle is e:r;pectcd.to wax electing tbcir ti~:lcct and arc. msmtu~r of J9UUJ: tud•c~n; tbo•h: man of Atbuqulrque. Judie warmer n eJection approacbc!. now tur•ing their attention t9 !: h~an!; in Ute mountahm r:ct an ff anna g a vc hi'l attention to state

Someone ·bas. expreased · · the eJection of a kg Mature, . o.;:~al.!IOUili gobbler for a Huntllly atf..atr6 nnd exposed the unjust situ•tioA -. little more . . partit.:ularly the senatl.'-, 50 tbiilt ~ . ~din~t:r,,aa tbcy believe they arc s!stcm of tuation extstiug to madcally by puttio{rtbc th\Ullioo they may be able to block tile re", IIIIIPtE RICHAftC> H. HAHHA i; t!lltltll;d to, fr!)m tbc amount of New Mexico and condemned the this wa7: neox and Ci.-ilizatioo form• tbd are demaad~d in the~ ]ttd~r Uann:t is u1aiiu•: tbrJ .fight •clloola nml better trndu,ra. r: d!\tnagc done their crop:3, with· few men responsible for tbo con• Yec!luslbrdillf .. d Hell." Dem· Democratic platCqrm and wbkb !vr "~" l'eopte or New Mcxi\.'o. TJ1e W. A, UtfNJnn~J. Uu• tutr tJoaB or~ out contributiua a.dollar or two dition. He wu followed b1 Mr. fX:r~ltl aasert•tbat Cox is iu the are teeeiving- the hearty ~;uppor.t 1 tluns•r,s ~r~,;. ..1, ·

1, • j •t !hr1•~ n~:. 11fl1~1u.~g ~r.,~11r::<11~;. ~~~~;~to tlte titatc for the priviJeS"e· Lucero who wade a highly •11'" · ·· . · . bl" . b h t l , •••• .uP ... anea pay llNr n .. , ,·J;l .ax .... nu .s ... :H .. o, ... ., ~ .. ., ... """ff . •

lead aad that when !be . ~otes of Repu &can t roug. ~~ I JC prO(iOrllcm cf thl' FCJI!.•'t taxe~t! mi.,lna: mint' ta,.t~. bul nllfocntc:1J !i Uut the farmer• a?d rancbmeo prectated talk on botb state aad. have bcea counted that tt will be at•te. HThe pooreJt Clli .. Cil of .. w ..• \. ffnwkio~¥, author (lf tcnuUoo of ~til lt'cU!t'tt· kuer• ollarul j, ()rotect tbc young bards by malt· oaltoual atla•ra. Tbeo followed

, abown that the people' endorse America ia tbe ouc wbo al.ways 111{' infamous J'cnmnal Jujurk:J' fur ou. for ROZtnli• und h~lttliOK u£. ins war on tbcir natural coemic!l ,, Uob Putney, wbo, aa be adaittcd. pc:aec-, ptorren &lld prosperitt&S votes th( atraight tieket aud r.nw. l'l'JIC'lltrtl by Cofl~(('8!f, pnd hllrt,#nrtm hOI.nU·· Uflll n•t!illt'nt'l'.. • I" Ute coyote aucl wdd cat. Wei Wall called by sowe the comet ian preached by Cox. On tbe other of it-he is onc•sidcd, n.ot apnn~or fur tht>«·•ruallyinfamoua \\.A. llawlduat •pokelu OJliiD:U•"belicvc there ia suUlcicnt game lot the pmrty bnt also the trare•

· . · • f b 1 · t • · d d u S l'Jm~.> T~x l.tnY, John lit. Sully, ,,tl'on to the ello.rtuuccur"from Con• • · . , . • ,. band, to u~c the e!lpt~IIIOD ~~ an era ' no open m!n c •; "' Q ucnrruf manot:N' of the Chino,~ grr~:~a ctuion or the nnttllrtvetl i m lbc mo~entatnt to pro vade .. dtau by other., and be kept the

• eatbusiaatte Repllbhcan, • All :Hanna IQ a sbort ad· IIUII J r.p. fhmmm, fll'lcl murollall ,, publiC' Ja«lthl to til(' «lntc. which;: ·for . otc1· beo

hell cantt beat Hardfartn So before the .· School time be wa~ talking. Tllese tinue- to run the IJtQtc? hn~~ an annual inrome of not lct¥J: ..... . , ... ·-- men called·. 11 spade a a pad e.

11owner, tiace Seolllor Hard• at f1 goveruiaga.large po~tioa a. Shall the ini!tultoua £"C'IT)'mrut· tllf!n U,OCM),tm. I Th :tnd, n~&turally, ran eounter t• ~ ... If'• "' in&' bu cor=e out potitirel:r ofthe Rtpublicanil'in .l(ew .l.tcx· dcr ~~ fc;,:illlutlve dhltdct• i 'l'o prc~·~otincrcuRc of mhlc lll't<'~~! ·•···· . .. e ~~_8t Cfumce aomcbolly*s reel ings ln the a~

• d t 1 .. whhJ• lhNtc• m~pl!t).ntm.l .. .t.lln. · .. : to hltJ•mt~ tax~ on lt>inlt'lf .m1 ··- , :-· . '' .. a__rains~ t~! ~llllt. A arc.tm~ 0 t u~ . islaturc tmd write lhl:' JtlWt,_ bl.',ellortft bdng matfc todN't]ttclgel () .. fober Z1 w1U be your IMt tlicocc, but that could scaroely


c:b:Lujlo bu bfeome noti(eable ia iu the atatc hi5 bcen·run, nUmyc<l,toconlinn~>i . >:~lt>chcm ~:over.nur, nnd tu ltatlc thcjcbauce to reJ:istcr, if you intend Ill' avod1ed, nod the people can the ranks of thcae .who were sap• want a change and kn.ow tile only lrmum •• flghtirlg' rur tower tuxes, nstntl" SE>nntc wath wrpcn·•holl nuur. "to vote •011 November 2. Sec that atop aucb talk by putt lug an end portiiSS' bim. In .faek hnS'e way to get it iff to t11rn down the on lht• ~ummon fiCOtlle nod. for! tte,yunttd mfnt>uwnrra, _ I your na•c ill on the rcgi~ttcr. to the cause of it. That they will ~-A'ea of· omen in ·the weat bue aom~necs Oil the state Republican laiglJrr lnxctt from the nunce,tH?tl1t1tl Unmm f3 for Uw tutunre •lenl ""'~-~1'1 b. k b tlo "O on the 2nd of Novew"-r UVI&! . · w . . . • · · we tl11J)" 1111\l' bcUrr rondo lttltl bcUC'r ~ \'n'l'u J·urnrm. I, , II.' oo ~ arc, now open at t c " ""'

, :~~·::!~~~:e;:::nt~::e !; t~~~ ttrt!!;ialafire candidates are act• ·~-~-=~u::=:-JJ ~. ±e<..a '!l!Je_ ~~· --~.l'Ul•Ls:a-:r_ - ,_x nrn .· ,II. ~~~c;~:;;i~~ og:,:~~~~~! ~t:~~c!:,~ ~~~~~t~:~ ~:i!c~! bt:;\,i~bea 0!'!. , ing 1Uch a pOt,ition. and in Ute ife throughout tbe state, •nd for publicans l don't want to ucc the, The Lcngue of N~tlons •nd ,",at tbo Sanitar1 Market. Tbc re· Jority Judg-e Hanna and assoclatea

e11t, mat17 of the luding Re- tbt 1irst time since statc~ood the bands. or Judt~.c Uauna tit.:d'""do.n'tf the Monroe Doctrine ; gistr.lfiou committee is composed will hue. publicans have an~outtced the!r De':l~rats .feel tbat lh~tr oppor• waut to. see h1~1 confronted walb 1 - . o( Harry G. Norman, !~'rank Len. -- · desertion of Hardn1g aud thetr tun1t)' to Wtll a majoraty or tbc a hostile h:•gtslatucc, and are·1 Every great nh!(t .ltl lmmau. net nod Den Lujan. You have A wind tbat kept thinK• buw· i11tention to support Cox. There seats in the legislature ha.s com_c; thc.rcrote going the '*whole_ way,"! progr~.s_s ll_ns met witl.t oppos.ition. seven dnys yet. Don't Wllit 1111• tuing all tlay Wednesday tbrou1h·

i ~ d d t th k th t .. t l D t 'tH 1• l t d t r I out this section was followed at apptar~, n ~act, to be • groun. ·~ ye er .uow . a '" prac· go111_g to.suppor ltc. cmocra IC! na!lu~ug ~~ ace 1! ~utco n til is too late •. If you are not rc· night by rain and snow. The · awell •r•intt 'the Republican hcaU1 tmpos!ltble, by reason of uom1nccs for tbc l<'g&slaturc, M1· tac~d at, \Vtlson faces tt. . J"istcred, you wtn not be allowed nearby htlla were covered by uominee 1luce Seaator Hardiog•s the unfair manner in which the fnd~pcud('nt Republicans who 1 . When tllc Cousti'tutiou ot the io vofl', except upon an t\ffidaY'it snow yc11 t~rday morning and a Nebruka deelaratiooa, aod it be• state WI.IJ disfrieted, but for the stand I or the same priuciplen !err ... United States wa•l under cousirl· tttpportNl by ttu!' affidavits of two ben vy {.all or snow ia reported in gias to look like the aeqatorial tha.t R~publicaHs, reali1ing which . thc!lc Retmblicaug are; cratiou, it wa.!i viohmtly O!>(IOScd witnesses. tbe Corona eouotr7. candidate will bne to execute the necessity fcH: a c:haugto; are tightiug-good goverttmcut. lin tltnn,v qunrtcrq on the groumt ~~~==~~·=;...,· ~==~=~~~~=lr.!i!!~-~,...--

, another aummeraault iu order. to joining· band• with them i~ the 'I' he county campaign is alsn that, if acloptl'cl, thc·uoys or Nl_lrtl'J ' · ~- ·-· - '- .,. "------L=:... '"" ~ "--±is ' ' se ' 1 """

4121 • '

• atem the tide of revolt that so- bo~ of briniit1i about • rule or taking a swift. pace, . and will . might 'be scot to heltl unniialakabltahowa itself, , · ~h• people, which has not grow •warmer as election day quell disorder iu Maine.

The· batiett tourht autl mott •ince the advettt of t~tatcbood. a:.~Pitpffr~o=~a~c~hmes~·n' lfi'l.1'h;;e~tfrcaffn]d~id1~a:;t1csiioidfi1U;W_f!~EJJ.Ut~!illt.l!!. ~J.l~l.rilll!t!>tll.S.J=l..,=~=~-~=,=~~~~~-"7£:~~;;_~. ~~~P~~~~7~Ji::,r:--

PPY at Dome! · Soli af Home! · · Baak at Bomef

WHEN'_1ou baak with tbisHo•~Bank · your mouej helps to devel_op a better

coml:l:iuaity in which you live. Ihsaures ·better school•• aud1 in abort, means big•

&'flt *ltccels (or 70U who Jive here,

. . Deposit witb thia battk, and. you'll 1i11d ua rt&il1 to take care. of you wbeu 1ou asted 4uaucid aui•t•nce •. . .. e . I

The Lincoln State Bank

J~ a . under cottshlcra tiou1 'the 1 • I

every nook and corner of the · kiml ot l'coplc had visio1:1s of county will be visited btlfore ·the America's young men clyittg. on campaign cuds, 'I' be voters will the battle ficldq or South America not lack ntt opportunity to make to maiutaiu this doctrine • au acquaintance witb the county Now we have the League of '

· uomittccs atld tbey wilt llave the Nations issue with the same rc• best means of. _finding .. wbo are actlonaries stating that our hn•.,-.t the proper men for the o!U~:es in will bq sent overseas to bclp set• tbecottn.ty. This county is ciOSI', tJ,• Europcauquarrcls. but conditions seem to favor the . Without a T1cagul! or Nationt nominees of the Democratic ·party, two uiillion ·of ·our boy !I, for the reason that t.he ticket is sent overseas attd two million c:omposecl of good men and Uten otlte~s were ready t~ go overseat\, acquainted with the dutiet of the With a League of Nations futuce · otrices for which they are asking wars will be well njgh impoasible the aujl'ra"e of the people. · Good and America will never. agaitt reatoti ex ish for tbils belief and sec four million of .ita weu U.!lder· well inforined citi~ent of . the aruis. • couuty feel that the lnd of Nov· ·Governor Cox bas declared

• . •··.


ember will justify tht. prediction. that .he will presettt tbe League • of Nations to Cottgres!l. u soon as \ . , ... ._... . , .. . . _

. --

. . , . .. .. . . .. he cu do •0 • ·• Seuatot.Jlarding. ,., ·•· ·.~· ~- ~ tht htt I11H~ a boy or nllan oan lelrn It to Btnk H'-..... Oe.~o~ta~lc ~~dq~arters. ha& plcolged hi~~~~~ to .. scrap the· • Monty•- ifank•-part-otyo~r ea;nrn.gl-rlgillarfy and::--yOif ·.

-.. ' -

D.emoc;~ttie b•adquartera . were.. · T~e co~e~ant c:)t the League ·ot · ·get Wad. ·


• .. --· ... ~--~



' '

. '

opebed la~!,w:~~e ~:.!·~~c~h~l~:~~:n~.~ ~~lli~_:a~~-::~i~~~~c~s~l-· • -Arllhmt:~~-~.ya~-~~~-*_lld!~~.~~~~~-~ ~~·· that'• ··-'····-·--·-~--. -




fl~·i ~f~:Ba~it~ ---n-i-t&a:&ari. io bring it bet ore Con· WE IHVITI vouft BAHKI1'fG au•nu! .. p-.rty it getting lined up for tho~ greu. Govel'nor Cox pro~ttilet coming elf1Ctiol1. Wowan votm; to do thit. . Senator. lltrdln

e:tp*¢Lan, tu~:t,a.n 110 vltit the i that t.ht . i• FIR.ST NATIONAL BANK

Page 2: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D

• •

. ' '

-~ .• . .


~------~ ' '

. )(ac "·*•• JC.- - •• ..,. .. .... • • • . '

, CROOKED TRAIL·S· Mt .... ....,. ............ .. llfttadlt4 ·lllf. ••rt Ult14l& J. • .t iq fttllr. 1)".,._ ·~ Pf7 tilt kt wi.UI u.. ~. ~,. ..... ~ ..... ,~-­,4JY14-YUtT-.. ~ lalt~ IMk o.ru..-..

• 11Y • . ,.

' .

~·t bn' .•• 1 ~ta,e Jt." ,.. 11e11. Ht fl'7 '"'mt. ..~et ~ ~ tt. m,-r. . . .. · . . ~ .

·william MacLeod Raine rc;;omnt -.r o. w. nms••M--.: c. .. ,..,..,

""'llt!!t~t Nrtt•IW 1ft ml;bt k.aow Jt. ',l'Jie. Jwl4Dtt dfoWt<J U wJsfJt pt.. UD&' ttW'fl.7.·· . . •


=;;::=::::::::::::::::::c:::::;:;:::;;::z::;;:::.:;;::~ · Jllll!t tk tYo-pa .._..., IJt'l ,cOPe t~ Jola tl•• tr~ttJ!ilpll all4 tiU! P~JI~f~ fiJ'• ~11."

.,.Hll INITIAl.t Aftt L. c.• •

'l't>t ~ t..-..... ~ ...... 1'fJCll

. ~¥.¥ IS

111• ti!'IJillt' lt'IIM« fQnDtr!l. AJO«rii!J SQ tll.alt bfJ llJIJ' lii4;X1tb fto~td Uh • ~~~ed pp, . "lloW' Jllw'Ut ~· 0!1~ pli t~Jaa, lolr. 8htr1ttt' ..

"JJ~ .s~·t tut to~,r lli!I'K·"· "Do"*"* ,...,.. '):lit lllllll'!J J1f• WUtd QYU. Jiut

l&cir; Will 1.r tlld, •"'" U11!' flUfdr• .fit UJ• lWf, JJfll•ft )UUI4 ~Ot ~~ wan:.l JJ4 mPPocl tbe ri•UI~ wmt, hiiJ rfJbC QIIJflt .. tl&ti )JaJQ' tlll'Olt aJl!l tSflaffl&td -. U. Bt M~ tl!e <"M• Yl¢ .- Jt lHI Mil .,,. • dJl14. aad tPJ Jal!IJ, "'"k Ja all.t t•~· qalMC Ute 1'111f. """' )e , ...... ~~ ... JPIJ.lttritr.

"1-fll JH 1ft 7et:"' t"- l'dlll pqttd. BM.k Altt Mt apS. att .. pt f.t *Q. ter IN ,..,.~ Ia Jt:a Wp pock¢ . • .

~" talt c.. •qc~t w1Ua ,._.. ... ua.• . · ~ ·•

'WIUa •llfrb coottmpt J.wC't IJJpped "-• flltafd 011 )3 Jt.e«J, aft!:~ JIIOTed aM7.· nt:nnlllllf. •t lilt raw. ~tart Jut to ttu tut wu M&ltlil •~• ,.. ••• tle!Deot~ lint-. · •

'llle ~rt!ed eqoyftf. ti'C'Meffll Jt.t• llul!ll n1 a~w ..-t qt rht. bottl.

.rum. Nackeodt, Ollf&l'r •t tbt n~-41t~dt :ancb, '-ucbfd 4Tfll wbUe 11• dltcpproyf4. "&lmt a.r. t.T;ck. 10U'JJ Jl!t fOUI'll Wf.ltt) fO~ 11re tJlro•• fol( diJUII"t''l at • t111ott till• tllta. roQ'JI ~fS* 7dllf mall Wf®l't· Or he'll h one JfaM d&;1lnl!'tr tbaa 101.1 ·c~r• ,., and thttt Jt.rfl pfur JOtJ throup aad thrauch." ·

"n• m.n Jbat takM dJaa~ Unll -=--====:;:;;:;:;::;::=====.; ~~J:r~~·i ii M..-." ~ trmut uPlJtd. .41ltt

. : · tho •ub~ct rarti,Mlr. "l'11t CHAPTift f-ct41Ut1liN. JOfor to tuc:k awar about tb"" 11911r.

-· " •t ~ So lOIIf," Alld wUh II 110!1 Htw .,_Uf.,. "'u r•t•l' tcr P'tt lilt ll• •~t• aa~Jt to 'Ia ·rotm.

,.I -.l a tht lllllttr 111 J~~aldq '"All tbt ""'' f,~act•• too 4enlfi<J 'IMJ SN'Hf H hill lloDltlft«4. C.• n.t~.". FfaAd,_u· commtnt~. ,.AM ~ Qtl'l' tHt" Jt Jlll 41!1 M Jt W~WhS Ph~ ltada't i;ll11ht tt 1Ht llttfDJ' Ja •btat bll t:tt'Jll, P'lt )lm tlU « ltv.ata-. Ht ,.,.~. n••• ll•rt 1JP. OwrM a em

· ·~ h at till •ut<)' tfllle lH. who •tt )tf'ff a!UI tllm. · Alo,. ••• • fftlcl nl• l'Uia Jt H Plf~ML lAtt ~der. J'lrat Ulfnr h'Jt han t.• l!tll w,.td l!e J• • Ptlllf•• t• ctln•.t• tuma ttl• Clrdt 0 w "ua.rt tlllnli. Jlo'll alllfiltiiJttlr. Pl7 •a Uti• """ Ukt h Mf4 u woul!t

)'f>Mritk felt ·that tort IIUIIl 1ft ntlt'lf dNct ... r.. Bit I ltrff!r I dOil't ... , Wll1 ~t ot tilt 1'-' f1 h .:ot~14 JrnoW Wl.ttrt flt'll l'lllN tht prlet. ~11 IIA4 lt. WMn,tfH tht tlt()Qtlt ot MOCeJ Ja 110 Ualtt rfr11t Mw.'J •U•r t\vml!tt pit ~· J,•i:t rtttt• ~• n.t •ttetaotfl l41rk Cllltcl It wrrrr We •tn4 Cbt fliP bfllt4cll hiM. Ht Milk lit 8aKUacht. All ot tbt btle~ketl .,...,. »tt would satt do J1.tttet • how him 111,d ttftlldJ,J' to .. m. Jlluldrt4 «•u to -.. · .at

• . brD~~d·\rlmmt4 '"' -.t ,._ · 4Nt tht Brt 0.14 AMMM out fl( dnh<lu.. ani h.t• tht lltllli• .N\Mct ttrHt, . . • .... . ~

Oidn• atld hfa trJe•d• p~etl .. ... l'aP«r• •tttt~ ~ tile tid. f>laM wfl:wt thetr hotel ,.... JQ(a.ttd, AU .,.._,B. l'O\ttalht1 mttutd llo4i ot ~ltto.. trhuadiJ Jl't41tlnp aalf !'tflf&l banter. on •t Ulent=tllt nt•n wl!e flail for'"rJt l:lt«a tko btrtl·rid• lar. 4ulck•lli.OtlAI allu1tr lltf the eoun• tt-•tt 1110 ~••Ia on~• ot- twltt. tt ""ltkii.IHt ••• Mtlffiy ttdlttertnt. ·u o

. Md ........... , ... lltf~t· ••d Uti• tM~JMikHlt ..... wll• hitf •ora 1• wiJHI !liM lrflli •IIH>ill' the llrit.~f, lnd

l . .

' WOI"'It', lJet lrMW

dtbta b1 heart, but M Jottt!t'l them dow~ on the btlck of aa eftt'elope and il'fded thelll aJlllu, , · w~ en: n.Mll c«~ Oat. u ...... ,t-..oo ~~~~ · to J'lrtt NAUollal..... ........... tiOO Ntt• t• J\.ttrMhiluunntUUnUUII'•U S,'f'M 1 0 ll t• )fAektH!&It.................... 2,100 a..m. C. l"tUdnUI i••nu•u•tu••H•u 400 .... ,. y .... , ........................ , JOt . . '. ' ... _ ....

"'rttal · .................................... tto.s.a 'l'wentr thoufllnd wu .the 11lim ht

nfotdM, lind rnlt!Hy badly, roD. Abant­mllltledtr be turned th11 .,nv~tiOllfl over

.111.\d jottl'd . down one or· two 'otJier tblnp. 'l'w&ntY thot#IIAlld dol tarat Just thill ii\:IID Jord•n · had tt:JI'IIIDJ to tho

· b11lllt 011. thii ll'!yer; ~ubro~lousl)', Luck•• Clil.ter~ 111 v• upreilldOI.l to hla thourhtL '1'wttltJ'. tbOIJI!IIlld dollart. ft•tf a tkillell tlma th•t l!fllclled lt. and Ju•t Ia! ow OM tlruHIII, ••w. A: fl. Cx. (lo.10 li':ln.-11)' thi1.'1 Wrol• ii.UIQ< ••tl("lltt th• OIHI wont. "'l'oJI1tbt," ·

t.udt looked at ""At h& hall wHtten. la~t« Cl'lt1llf, lad tO ttl tb&. ~v.}OH lb twt. fl• thl'fiW th• lU~ l.ll th* wute ~Ptl" tttut. .... --

OHAil'flft U.

• •

' ' ._" ; .. ~ "

ttU~I)' lJWldh1Wt!Cl, ~q~h,1ed bllll {OtlJll~ .Md tllroat» U!!l nt · '!!owa t.be ~P· .wofi! mlldfr. and pn bl11 •utent!oA t~ tl1tt newatb;tt tu•d exclt4!<1 biro:

"Wblle ·the · ciUZffil ot $11JU.R('he l!'efi! ~al't'fuiJ.r aJ~plllJ: lllt $1lebt. • lone balldlt llt'Jd PP dlt. ~~enr 9! tllt W-.tem ~ ~uthti'&\ f;J;pr,.. .(QJJI·

Pt,f. l!l:ld rdJenod dttc!t qt twt«<J1 uwuuncl dtli!U'IJ Jut hK'~ltN tmaa El f'ut ~ ••• l'1ft¥. .. . .

"ferry n.wJq, Uio l«al ••a.l{er •t Jht @mpau. toptllw --so-· JM Jl4(ttJ, th annrd JUt.tlt N.ll Jl&# Tt-' ~ troa~ the ~ wMrt tl*e lll<1ft'7 Md ~ MH4 t~nr cq t~ U4 Uffipte«S t.w. U.w".r .. u~ ..,. Mtlt4 ~• 4oor ot ·lh .-et lJKt W a(epped bl. toUowtt Itt ~ •• • Qlalkt;f d~d() .,...... ~· f7 owt « Ute·ifarlw-., 4t,.ri!MiS till' pant .an4 ••••rt'ft t<IK t"" ~· pa•afd U•JO\lri aW 4flor Uti l«-~!!d It •tttr Jt.lm. ·~ •••ttbecl .-.aneou,- ~ .. Jaa4 eoc~t. Bdtrt·. l81'r.&:. .. W•Jllfl Jlf.e 'Yf(tJIH that !1\e ~~· w~td k·connd tor tt• mJnalfll. U4 at at17 -artmpt t• tall !~ t>eJp ~ wQtl!4 k lt.Qt. !fof'lfiUll~antlia.- U1W. tl!t tJJ;pmonttt mm rtaked •belr Un• b7 n~!~!n,; tbo aZ1rm/• .

TQI1bit ifo•~ tb• r«~e llarknl!e 4tK'<InmJ tllat UJe t:!NPt>,_oo n• ~WI at tun. ll11t that Sbtl1tr non nllf(t• td alllirtJr t• ~a,. ha.vd!t " ltm.

.II• fol4!14 tho Plftft"a1nt ntun:ed to bfr room co mate PJ'fll'IIJ'It!P.Il tt n­tnra t!) hla l'ln~b. '1'11• bna .r U111 tl!lepkenll ralled b:"' tt 1fut melnr. 'Hle 'fflfei~ ot Cu!U!JOI!I rtafb4!<1 bill). • • ·

""!J!at 1011. )fad 111 k rf~tht ·•P· No, doo't rq.,. 4~o~WJ. l'd r~ttbtr '" 7011 afvr~t ... • 'I'M owtff nr the,,.'l1me. o c.n~e rflht to tnstflleM. "fit m•df • ratw. Nar, •n4 wbllt fYi J&C It r,_ &Ofll( tt ..tla ()tf wha.t'l (OII)Inr to JO'fl."

Jf,.t~e!Wt'a "rlf tUpcllecl. "f.trow" ft, JltW 'WU tQtr ... A Wll~ NPJlfl!ocl to Nll)t -~~ S.• Mf.JUel J;ffftt Jllat •• tfl~ n>b:ber IU!2.f to bl• b9m". lie .. tl,..ard tbe nit'll ot tfle !nell JIUidt', CVt'.ssed llfbat WI!J dO. ~. &ad •xdJaor:t'd •!lots with che IPft> «•Itt• . Ue II!Pt tkll ~t ott· tile ttl­JoW'.I ~d.''

"l"flu) wq tbf cW!Ill that Jliot tilt roo~rr

• "'(' .... Jl't'llllffi'Jf.'* • . . "8nt be fotl!lll't t'~J• t~ tt<t~JIJ~J.e-ll11411' t

l!lltdupr "'~ot tot *film, lit .ru~ • .,..,._.

wb~ lulU•'- ••• U.• tn~t •• J~911t • tll•t bat. .. · "lt :1418 •tt~n f.tlck C!JlllJO-. U'•· • · «Su •'If lit." ~~ tlit tatUrJQIJ. llt m.t hrftnit wfUa iliPIItlt, tor ~ tdt ~ , ... t -· .. a ~" ·:::.~=;I lat11 },efpfJJJ' 1• MtZtT tlHt I' fit flHt Peritf. ~.!ati 'Wot, . lla4 fet flrt IIJtdl 00 IAIJ4 -"-YIJ,J' tPllll -.~.~. tmcHl. . . · "' ~. ~ · ~ mtxnlt Ulll nt. wJIJI til.• • twt Jl.ol~ tllo~ tllrot~~ "' rllnrt · ..... · ·

' .¢'! q, ~

"'Sui W• all we11r ~t• ~t Uh r.ut. J..ott at Jll!llt-" nnna J~.tJIJ n O:Jf ll'fl'triT.

"'II» 1~ .,. .... C' • .t~ll'4 Ia u~t t~tndf' &Jt asttd wUb a liiJI!lZ•~M

"l \'1Wll" :rt.ll ain't t~ trZ~1. :n"k. But J~ll nllt tQ b• f~tfr to lllm fYt~t.

n~ barS faktlt • bJt roll •t bU!drtta )Ia podrtt. au4 'lfU ~tf!IJ'.•ofl' WII<IN :1 II• bAd Jolt to Jtt• trlm·!f, TIM latter ndllte4 that It' •ll Hcmfd t• k m twtntfa. •

WJ"'fttn Juut4nt4. Tbet .... '" ... Mae.,.

'.I'll• ~taman waa Ylffflt tli!nir wiUltflt a deJioJtt n1uma tor llfa 11\X• Jtf7. Oat~ Jut Jl&bt Culllecn b .. !Of!f lllnt •ot • alnal• ~ttnlc In towa ~btlld adfanco 111m • dotJar. Now be 11.14 · ~~~~~~~ •l!l'l.,. fa t'h·ntJ. Whe,. h1d .Itt rot m·

you ti'IO well." both. dreaded t~> meet .t.Ju.: ... the troublt ••• ,Miclctt~~te did wu a.nxfoall to do 110. •

Mt know. him well e'rtou&h. CulllllOil CuiJijjon had lett the tlub, but Alec. WU liard. illlo d~ to thit Wi11. How Flandrau Wall aUII there. Dltlfe drew ur wo~ald ke co to '!'Ve hlln!M!Itl .Ju· him lllt{l a cornttr, and learned that hli 11low,. troubled taihton; MAC wo11• tuck llad ju11t tettl!!d with hlbl. clered lt bla old aldit pilftnl!.t'll •treak '""..\nY(ltlt "' him iln lt. to yott. e~t h'wl.,.ne• woutd_ttatce htm aa t•r At~r· . , . U ll holdup, ()t eoum Jt \\'Otild not, ' . "No. He took me- U~N~falta to tbt bt; llll8\lted llllllRit: bUt he COUld Al)t llbl'al')' lind J)a.ld tnt,~ . ~e the rldleuloua Mtlon out ot me.~-.·"'Jn blllsr• · bflld, ••l'tt~-ln twentlH."

Uack!!nlll8 drlttM to the~ courthoue. "For OOd'a llllkt,. don't tt'll An;vbntl1 1111 tound Rhtrltr &lt In hl!t otltri!'. The! tlld,"' In a. d~o Jt'~l(y lt'nti!'n<"t'll thr 8c:otalhn wantl!tt ·to dll!<'UIIfl the~ rob- owne~ ot thll! l<'lddleback told · 'IAfll~ta'n MIT• bnt wall eh)' · · IIIIBltldonB ot the llht'rltr, • Gb,ltct." Wtdll hit Togelht'l" tht')' Wt'n t In ~itl.'h ot 'Wil Of\' on ·.anothl!>l' Lut'k. nut though tht'y too~el:l tor

·. lnlllde ot a·· quarter ot u hour ·the ltlm all dliy, b11 wu not to bt tound. lbtrt« had found out an he wantfl<l to Tb~t Jatt thllt had ~n l!fttl ot hiiJI lutow··abollt the k>Qktt t._tu ..... ('ulllaoa'• t.udc 'wll walktng alqng the plua thaAnrtlll- dlmct~lt!H. and the new• tbllt to want tht! h~tt•l. uot a h\lndrw ind Luck had llctnldatPd bla poker <ltbt tltty :rarcla fl'om: the latter. A doten ll~:~ce bl'ftkf~tllt. UQtliOnr, · bt hatl mn bad "t))ktll to blm tn the dlttan~ tl\l~ed· ~ ~llllallt thilt bl4l vlaltor bad ot It bl~k.: aut he had t»t ta.n lflt'n Q. 1\ltpJ('loQ tit Wblt lit Wal dth11ll to ttiCh hi• hotel, B .. bad not c:al(l'd at. ··· · · tOr hla room lr•y. · Sollilthow h~ bid

llaelce~~&lt •tte.-ptl'd a uttl• tlqtll· TlbWied, an4 110111 ~ulll leU how or ~ Of ~ (l'lfll. "Thlli holdup ttllo'll" Wbtl'O. ' . kh\4 ot ~!lipped o~• ov1r oa 10'1 lut •l"'t; Dolt." . . · "Ytlfla liO. ••cJ '"''" ad't. .. . ~.ti ... lta~)'ft'r' .....

."<»\. 1M·••JM." 't'be ab~Ut too~td *-l"'t at llta. ":t'M a uotloa hll

.. Who .robbed the. MPrett company? 1

tldtlral& ~aH L. o." • no .. · · Bmlt Nt li!IIIMI:t·' ~~. "'W'llat _ -···-· __ , .. ..:. . ..:.. .: '·"'""'"'"-..d .. - · .

. Rfiiif" : . - - . ,, ' ......... De ltlft\1'1)' w .. ~ ~tltl tff. ~~ 11'4 ••• • ... dl• am.. "*-• ot k-..

1 :=·~tt.~· *- ·Melt wu tttwtnt t11.ot ·" 1M w.-. 4o lll1 tt.. qr.,_tllrd . f l th l1ttttr IMI!kt Mit! lf.IWI . a.. ~I' hart """"- .U. tibt· .... .,....,.... · ••• a ahtllt.. at -~



Know That. Genuine Castoria Alway~

Bears .the Signature·


In Use·


for Over Thirty Yearsc

That Wholesoxne. ·~iable Drink


t~~~~~t~ t~. healthfulness. and · in cost

Poatutn Cereal is delicious when . p~ly made: boU iUUyflfteen

.. minutes after bollingb~~ . The 1nore you bon POstuiil Cereal rthe b~tter it J:s. · · ·

·Wt.n~be sure .,..:::;.





' .

. togetthe·~.

. ~STUM CaecAL .. . .. . .

A 50-cup \USUally ,... for . -·


~I !I


. _I ;



Page 3: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D



Relations With Japan Becomild Ba.tsu Sf t ..... .a Th"n""" - ........ loll,f . rannN . ""11'' un;n;

11 Hi) Da~er of War. ·----

TO·KYO LEIRHS U. 8. STOO OlaciNIIrH of Crookt(MM l.n Or;~n. · ~c4 lllNI:I•II Atou" tndiQ:n.Uon

anct Grf.t-Pofu ancr 8atM WrinQtfO'iiiJ orivllf~-th. ,.

• Rtclt-MoKtw lager ftt Pu".


< ~

FEDERAl... AID FOR HIGHWAY$ ., OP'ratioft.f Agg~w l:i .L.tn;th Nine

Tlrnu Pl•t•n9t From. Now York to 111.1\ Franc;laco.

'rbl\ UDll~tllted aUIUUIUlf ,K(Vta lli&U\\·ay ~l)llstr!lctlon tn tl!e t:'nlted St;ltes rn tb~ tour yea~. tbat han pai!S('Il .since tho tffit>rnl corenmumt enter~'¢ upon ~~ polh~f ot ahllnr roaa JJUPfUH'IUI!Iit, ... l!llOWU .bf ~l!"' fatt that fillt!l o~ratlons under the (~l'r!l. ahl. road .act th\Jil tar fniU~ted a"ro. Pte Jn length nlne Ume. th!l dlat•n~ frt!m New .};t)fk to S!lll Frandsw, ac;. e9rtUnr tQ '.rh9ma.a n. )l)tcJ.)ooald. 1:hlef ot the blJJ't'AU o! llllbllc · .ro&ds. t;nU!Kl Stat~~~ dtPartment l.)f JJTlC!ll· tun•. 'l'lle !l!tleral curemtpent!a aha~ Ill tilts •tupendoWil undertutur J.t ,~;retter Ullin· the (1;)\lt ot the l'Wllma

.Freed ·ro T-orture



-.u "oct catch me/. 1 . · rr'o the wearet w.ho ltnds ·f1APKR in th~hed•, coul1• tcu, ir~tole. or outsOies of ~ iliiY · •hoc~ m;ade by u•.• bc:truur thll t~de-m~tk.

''It '~'-'•• Ulllllter t• St.-1 WeiiiAer"

Sri ~out ncl.hbothoo.!' ltalet ""d tn•ljt on the Fttcclmall• llhdby ' AII·.Ltathtt" Ttllll«• . Mark1 1 mew ttaltho' ""' .. onlY 1or th• whole family~

. . .

: J


,,_ •

·• • <

. '

Page 4: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D



.. '

• • ·•

.. ..~. --- .

- (). .

. . "-·; .,, ·'

- ....

·---- __ , ___ ...... ~. _,__ '!' -



Appendix Removed • -~brquia Gon.utn of Capitan i!\

•, ll:.ni l'l :. :, ~' for .:1\tlc~r. tbc ('llhti.'UCt' of front an for :tppeudi· ror !Tapraurt~~-·r '!.•rdt,~· • 1 wtuch lw> IL ('11 cunfirmul by a cit1<1. Drs. Jc>bntlOn and J>aden

......•.. F... ~ ~.~·.l~·~'~! ·- . - .. ;,, . . Uum (l: labura.tf)tY in m tbe operatiun. lie h ru: ll:f~~~u~~~ir"tt~~nu,.t .7? . '! .l'ili$J ,;}w111c1i uoia)~:(lt tl;e ill;uc (tt)mg fhie and wlu be dls.:hara:(.J

• . . . :: 1:1nt aont. front tlJO hospital soon. l>lMOC:IAllC COUHTY TICUf

fut t<~hu.u ttt \J. JtAftKI'

rot fruum .ad C'lJI!mct ltlJIK\ t. NOR'U"

for Uuk ucflf« ordor KALrH M lit I AT •



I ) . '- I. I 1 I

.. CarrJ:tozo ··•: wm 1 . . -· .,

Transfer antJ Storage Co. • • J'ot Utw:or

,IOK!H l}lll'Alt •

.. I

rot l'rob~le ,Jc<l'lC: t.roft.t.l', KIMilllfl t

rot "'lU\t~or llrN l' S Ulut ll'i

·t•or "ar:l 11t "•line!• MM!i \\U l!tU L \II~

i1 " II

; ~eJt Gltd in County Clerk Cltlll" •••• o!fioe 'Cerhficttca ~howiai

. 'tbat C. Jl, J:UU('$Ofl· Wll'i 1\f)Ulil.fl tcul 1 for Senator lron1 the 15th di!ltrict. • «:P=poted ot th~ cmuulea pf 'for•

ra.AC!h Lincoln, Ot~ro au( Sucot• ~ ·tt, bJ tbt Dcmrn;tatie dl.attict

'COJt-t.atlo•; •.nd tltttt M •. M. Cole•. ••• .__. ~otttiat.ted lor r~prcu~ll· ''tin ltom \he 30th t~pr!IIC!tlla .. tiYtdi•triet, which ia tprmcd "' Torraa~ .tiltc:oht attd Socorro :IOIII:ltiti. Or. Jatnesott retide:t •t Btb.tttl•• Tonuce · c:olintT,· u4. 'M.r. Coleruatt at S,)ucuuad~,

• S«orro.~ountr. · A, will bt at'eu ·. b7 a •tud1 of both thue 4lttrlc:tl, . U~e oou•tltutlo~:~. crutc:"d tbe• for

.: bpubUu.ta.. attd . Ulldel' IIOfl*tll.l CI01&4itloua tht Ropublicu• '!'O"hl ·

._,. •••U1_tttt\ enb. .But it mar w qtdtt cU#otllUl tbis 1ear, owill~t

1 tu tb• •id-.pttad r .. ott il:l tbt • ltt~bUcu p.rty ud the dct•ire · of Uat ptOpht to bt.tr1 bouiam. · 'Vofi~ 4•lroui ~f •- i:llit:lit tal.1

YOte for Ja1Mtt9tl •ut4 OOlt~~~~:l , •Uk -.fety, ·


ICE . l


• Flour, Grain, Hay and Feed . I .

' 'I'UHIFER an• tR.UCK.AGt ",_ ~·-- J .

-•• ~ .. .. . "'. . . •

1"HE DEMAN'D for buildings of every kind was never greater th~n it is today .. Over-crowded houses is the con­d_ition in all parts of tbe state. I

. 4 .

Conditions are a• normal· now aa thoy will be for a long time. Let'• get bu•y with the c:onatructton that the war bas halted~ , •

. BUILD NOW thcilou•es .tbe war stop• .. J*l, and make ~ARRIZOZO a better ..

· pl•c:o to live ln. . · ··,

-Pro.pertt)t comes only frotn lndu..try F- ~cl_P~.PfrQU@ thlokln.r. . ........... -F. .•• -~·--- ___ _ . . .


• . ·· -~~FOx:··wo-ffth~Oa]~bcra·ltli····

~ . ' I ill

Pains. ~were· ~


~ RO LLAN:;;;.D_.;'S;...._ .. __ D;....R.;._I_IO-:-t-..,;""""". ·-c....,o...,.,~!"'!""'E

:~ PRlS(RIPIIONS. ·· 7 ~ (WfuUf<OM~UMfb By JU,IJJf~ ~IQOSt

Nayal's ·TOilet Artides ant · Medidne '

Soft Dri~~~ A~~~!~ at the SODA fOUftJAift __ .. _


Rolla-nd . . Bros . . .

FROM the great . . . . . of the. South­west comes a large ,part of th• Natlon'$ ll1eat

supply. Many thousands of head of sheep and cattle are shipped from this -section of the. country each year to the pa.ckers, where they are slaughtered and dress.. ed, which helps make up the world·s meat supply. .

. For wauy years. thi$ Ua:ok baa a~si!>ted tbis great i~· d11stry with clepeudabl!c fiuao,:wU St:Jr•~ce. To·day we are co·overatiog activcl; !or its further l.'kwelopmeot.

Stockmens Stat~ Bank, col.oNA. H. M.

... • •

TAKE ~--------·--~----------~---·~--------~~

Spccml Fadlitic!'l for JJanqqet OJ£lll Dmtu:r f>•ulu;,. pF " .· "~ , • •

The Woman's Tonic Carrizozo Eating' H.ouse

P. W. OURNEY,_ Maf! .. -t. . . ----------------------==-----------

Table SupJllied wath d.••• Rl'st the warket affords. • " •

• ,..

- ~- - "-"

HAY ANI) OR·AI'N H~ CAR LOTs· AIJ Competition l\Iet in I5Cices on 1'hese Commodities

Take Cardui

Roomy Yard • Stall4 • W,ller

Coal and Wood •

Wm. Barnett EL r' ASO AVENUE 'Phone 86

• •

• ,·· WHOLESALE. AN6 RE.fAIL ' .

We carry in stook ! ,

Kan.sU Blackleg Serum . ! .

·Blackleaf "4o"

.. , Studebaker Wa1onl

Barbed Wire

' .

HQ~" Fence .e

·Dynamite ~u1d Fuse • ..

Blastin~ Caps Orain·Bags

.. Dry Batteriet ;

I ,.-

., •

. \ .

·Pa.terit Medicines·

Toilet Articles

·Hot Water Bottles.

·Rubber Syrtu.re• ,. . Melli'ns flood

.Horlfc:ks's Malted ~1fk. . Eagle Brand n·uk I;

• • '

Nursing Bott,et •,

• •


Toys,· Stc., E~ . ~. •

"" ' • t • . -

......... •i"ta•'' l•

• • • ... . .... -~;,


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• •

' .

• •


·~No~· ~ -.,.. ..... 0.:..1 .

~ t; Tke Camp !'il'(.irla bad anoth· er cadlstfe l.s~"l!Oilcllly "d · mad~ A~lill"<eight clPllatdor(J•ir . •

· fPrllt!lhtnr flba. · . ' . . '!' ... (O!lllJiercial d"ep,.rtMent b

l)OW over·~ro\i\ied, the type .. writer• are aU ill u~, an !I it is

. ' .::toq l•te to take u1new 11.1 ;'!ld~er;Jtls 1 i~:~.to tbe cl•t~seJ. . I tb ,4: d ·11s f l t · k ·. n . e ure n . .. o as wee .

Jnd the week pefore, tb~ la.rge buUdi11( wausnptiecl i11 lt.. ·· ·

. • t . T"'' • • ~ver one ~111\1 e. ~ .. ul$ tune 15 S'QQcl edePgb all ti~e it not the ,


Qrat obj~ct. $1lcb"' bllittling-~,+-------1 • oura ~;ollld ·be <emptiell •enr~l

• . h 'l 6 • . • ..lme!:l w .l e -. ""re 1a g~tnntg euoug~ he.dway to be flangeroua. 'l'be hnPQrtant 1hing i~ not :to llne .a. pa.tiic~ not ·to pile .up at the f®t of the staira af!d tramp ea.ch c;~tber to (teatb. ORr ents ~ommet:u:e niarcbing at tenth tap of the bell, walking not' run• nil:tg, two nlell down. tbe sta.ir• to . the urst .Uoor,. aud four tlle:ulown the :short ftight to tbe·front door.

· · · On Friday of Int week ~ny of the s~bools bad on Fire Pro tee.• tion prQgr.,ms 11ince it wat Fire Protection D1y. The foUowiPg wu the program in tbe bigb

.· lSt;.bool: n~mcdca. the Beauti· -~' · ful''• Hhlh Schoo~; DiuJgera of Gasoline~ RRby Smith; D•nger of Lightning. "WiU Kabler; Maldng

•h Our llome. Safer, LUii~ul Mer• chiiUltj CareletOJness as au A.id to Firea, Laureen Wil~on; u,Ameri• ·

. . _ .ca:•t"lligh School. Thi!iprogt~m wn preceded by a fire drill for tbe whole ·wilding.

·• Fricla;t ttigbt or b.lit week tbe , Gids' Glee Club, under tb~: direc•

tion of Mr. Cofer met in lbe,.biih b ... hl <S..u'fd'tt"' aud · b'ad a vet• ICIII!'VNll• .. ~

profitable pr.ctiee.; Q11ite a num• bcr of the high school a-iris ban jobred the (lub t.1Jd t.re mucb intcrutccl in tbe work.

Last week this elns i~ cbeutis• tr1 made oxsgcn gu in the labpr~ atot7. One of tbe

•' .

t~· ..

, .


•· . -•

• •



,... . . .,.,

. ... (J

• •

."' ~ . ...... ~ ....

• •

ing now

.awa\1 on a.·.trip .. Nobod4 thinks an 0

• i

. .

• • •

... , - ;~· .. · ... ~--..~·· ...... -·: ·Ar.a;.~.~ ·· ~·· ~ ..... "" . . T· . HE railroads· were partly much in this tire business for.

· ·' iesponsibl~~ :e.¢ it wasn't us. · ··~··




• • •

until the automobile-reached . . . .. . . . Ill its present state of develop· The leBs a man baa to ment that the .. old,.barri~s spend on motoring, the more against travel were finally impOrtant i~ is that bia tires· broken down.. ·· ~ ' · should'C'6' of :fi.r~t quslity. ·

Tbat''s because the cost of motoring has·· been brought within reach of tho average citizen's pocketbook; ..


· We look upon it as part of . our jab to keep it there. If it weren't for· the trade of

• >

the m.:m with tht!J" medium priced car there. wouldn't be

in the lar~e size. ...... I!' ' •,

· In thinking over what' kind of tires we would represent in this community we tried to nut ourselves in .the place"''fthe car owner. And we believe we bit it exactly . when we selected U. S. Tire~

United~·~states Tires . '


Western Garage\ Inc .• Carriz9zo, N. · M .. '

' •

.. Oiencoe Trading Co., Glencoe. N. M. Chas. P. Orey, O•cuto. N. M. • • •


. . •

.. Compile!! by . . . f":' r . • .

Li®ola t1 ..U.ut Co. (J

A co~Upl . .b.littof ittsh'Qm:t!lts · - lt~ .toqecorct

PIUC~ PER. Mot<IU $Z.t •• •


OIIQ, n. ~u.- I,J',Jio•ll•M

BARBEH & noNHA.t.t A T'l'OJtNifVS•A't•LAW

Cardz()~ : ., New Mexico •

Office in Ex<:hauge ·aan~ Bldg, Upstairs ellrtizozo • • New Mexi<.o

··-·····------· -E. L. WOODS, M. D.

rnTSICilX. l!'IV 5l.IGI!O!'l

Wetmore Bldg., Carri1o1o, N. M • · . .-~ .. . - ·-··. ~ ~-..,~·o "'""'~""_...... ..... _. .. .,.__

'" OliQ w. l'IUC:U&D

, ... ..,.un.J.""' & MERCHANT


I.ut~ Bldg. : Carrizoao, !'\· M.


A'M'OBNU\'•AT-LAW noco• c ar::1 &, llsclaQce ~ D:d!I-

CAfttUZOZO. : : Naw MFlxico

T. I~. Kf:LLEY [t''uneral Director and Li~enscd Emba.lmcr

'Pbo•c 96 CAtnuo:o • • NRw Maxi co


Notuy Public.

.,. =

Ctrrbt~t Wee Ht • .CO

KNIGHTS OP PYTHIAS &laal4er~;J·lloattar -lac u K. ol p, Ball

Lo .. BIJ.!Lll::c

VltlllPI Uro!t..n col\II&IIJ latiMol •. E.. lo. WOQDtl, 0. C.

L<lt'IIJ AD4YJ, I or U. & 8

I.O.O.F. NO. 30 z ~::

Clltritozo, N. M. Regular mut-. tdghtrr, tnt and 3rt1Tundqa

iu each moo tb. . J. D. DnNA.vmum, N. G.


Carritozo l.eqe,

Nt. 41, A. F. &:A.M.

llqular (; '))UliiODICatlolll Of t:.rrbe«> lAd• 'Mo. U,A. F. &A. M.,forli10i

San I, Sao ll,ll'ob. ll!, April 8. U&J I, U&J .,, Sunel!l), Jnlr t•, An•u•l :J,IJept. b, Olt. U l'!loy,lr), D ... 2ho<J tl ·

010110• h .. rao•, W. M. ll, II', MCLLIIII.. ll<lof11Wl' •

~~-~"''"-' ·-·-mnu;· ~__,.._ '"' ,

.. ,., __ ,_....,_ __ _ .. ·~.. = .~--~·---

Notice for rtMicUIOII • tU!r.O

OEPA!lT&ICNT or 'l'llfi INTI!:IUOB U,!!, Land·OIIIee •~ llotwall, Mew Muleo,

!J,ptomber 10, l~:lO NoUcel• bertbJ •hllll llull Lewle W tllmpoo•

· ot .ueullla, N4w Muh:p, who, oo Vet>. :10, 1t10, m•do &<hllllol'lllll hontootwl tohtrr, Mo ~m. tq_~: NU, e .. uco ~!, Towllahlp I! tl., llao,. 11 B, N.M.t'. Netfdfao, bu tllfd llaUtto of lnkaUoa to malre tlor.l lbraa reilt prootto MlabUab efala to IJJ• ltbd dto~cribtd, u .... u •


Page 6: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D





LOADING FOR A SALUfE " ' ~ lo II!YJ Oalvhton Exp-ert of Effort•

: 1o f'llnd WHCkfd •ulllon i .. lhlp. ,,1

.,._. _____ --



mat food wt111 dl'tiC~rSbfd 1b.r E. o. Sher­rard and 0. w. Dlnnco.

Wldte llllW!Iust, Jin~ly ground, '• treated with diluted Julplmrl~ ael.d Jn a largo bollt>r known •• a dlgt>ster, ua. dt>r stl'atn pressure. 'l'hls br(!llkiJ liP tho .fiber and llttraebf tho 1111gar, 'l'cJ prevent fn,furlous C'Cfect;, tlle acid 11 nt'utrnllxctl by a!ltlln# lime to protluet

· ·d~emlt'lll renNion. . f.51~!"! The liquid thus obtaln.ed1 when

boiled !tOwn, l!J tlcb Ia JUgrn•, 'and w!Nln tnlxt!d with the tiber pro<luc(l.s a motet teed ronl:ll.lnlng about liS Jl('r cent. ot Wlltl'!·, In whll'lt form It fs fl'd to daley c:owa.

I. SN'T there a l'loaey old rarn aoout 11 rmut v.·bo ~ulp~d biJJ donkt.>y

with 'i:rccn .liPI'daelriJ anrt triM to edu· cate ·It to rat llhnlnrt~7 Well, anr· war, he wam•t a clreumatnnee . to Unci& Sll.,t;n. lte'11 ~:olnr to i'attt!ft up our cow, nnd tnllke 't'm rtve more

At the forest J11'0(1Udll l.llbOJ:atOI')', United Statt's deprtrbnent.&~t atrieut. ture, Madison, . Wle., t':tprrlmenta


" . •

• ..

Jmmeclfatel,y ader a "n.~defle'' llll!!!MIIII!'• ;r~ ~IT tU.,a Oil m!W' Ufe. 1u11tre ~q!J woodr(JU!! ~auty. llPPetu·~ 1111 twfc~ u bMI!T #M plentltul "'*' ca~ t:llldt halr l!eellll to ~u.cr l!od Wcken. J)OQ'f let )"our llalr ati7 JJfe>­leu; rolorf~ Jllatn or 5Cl'I!I'~IJ. You, ton, want Jots ot lopg, lltrollg, b~uU· fPl lla!r.

A ~nt oot.tlt~ ot ,de.Uchttul "Dantterlne" fmtum1 rour l!C&lp, cllecks dalliJtUif ana !alUm; baiT. TliJJI lltimulatJn~ ''bt'Auty·tOilfc" clrf'tl to tllln, ttull, fllillnr Jlldr tb:.t youtllflll bri~Jitnet!8 and abun!Jant tbtdtlle.­AII druJ~;Ista!~dY.

AU in Ult 0fan. JJ1• Is 11 bfg·pmu bunter, ami wna

ft1lldng ot hilS happy e:nlfrrrnrt'l! In the cat ot doon. '!'ben the tnlk drUt• fd to o!d trft'ndll baet In tbe PI<! honut towp,

"\Yfnlte\'CT bt'Cllme ot S~nnd·Sn!S, tile frlellll f!HJ,;ed tbt> lmntrr.

"()h, hntln't yon ht';ml'l llf''l JQ. !ttJJ!' ..

.. You don't tell me?" "Yqf; l wrnt down tci tbl.' jnll to

"""-' 111m the otbt>r day." · , ·' '"l'hat rrn~t .u .. trfrtliiJ..Y Hlln~ ta .. Ua.. ....

Wfult t!hJ ~·ou talk nb!mtf' ••011, f.IUtdoot lift> ...

...... • ,,.,;!__ =-=~--• 'l'lll'fl\ hln't muff~ hll{ll' t11r 11 mno •a • •lt•:1t lw J" tmubl~ to lwnr tho nof.!!~t r~t A Jl:tiWr'Julfnr.


No More •

hteyd,,&CiiNt .. tldniDdabody and heolth .may be

s-o•m~i£ ypu. will keep your a)'atem order by reiUlarly taldnt l'

Page 7: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D


• •





Quaker Gray

Att•rnoo, !~k,


.. . ..


Huo~:k on wood! You•rc fedJnr lin!.'. 4!b1 Thllt'a grrat I Rl!l:p th.e entll'lt

lf!:!i!:!fo~t:e:cllllr chat wa)' ulwar• with Ca~~rnm• tor the llfl!r and

boll\'l!fll. Wlll.'ll blllonl!', ff)UStfVated., llealfat'b1• uw!ltunr, or tor • eold, uJ!Hr •toma<:J•. or bad bmtfl, notbtnc act• like Ca~Careta. Nq trlpln~r. ·no taff)nvenlcpre. 10. :;;, rJO ceura.-Adv.

It ftun• Will. • ''llot'IJ tim wcuthcr flllln cr<>r 1:1kl' • VI\ C'tl tl Otl ~tt

M{ IIUfiPOI() 110.''

' . ' '

~ C. tanh Caa Be. Cared .

All H• Pld, "IIOW did ,YOU IIPI!Ud )'OIIt \'UI'II•

Uon t" "Oolnr tor lt'e tU!d de1tnlllt ll.Jlh moatlr.'' ----..--. ~


Southwest News . From All ·"'7'

NewMexir]) and Arizona

''Oiltf<ll'~ tor' the trortl(lp or till WI dltllin: to Uw stnto lltouc<'n• luu.no •r l•r,~•l~IIU, Arh:ona, 111111 ht'l'll nwurt1.•1t to A. U. l't•nrl, I'resrou. 'flm c•;)n tmrt prlt'6 \HI!! rlvru tlll $:'JS1H!l00 llllli the mldil!nn would provldr um•;r.'ltil d~ttloruc tor titty.flvo l'l'll!OOlf. hl'IJJJ'II'­tlu• tutol to IDorl' thl\n 200.

About 00 war vetcrnn~~t Jl:lt:fllltJ 01 Un• t•ullllt• llt•:lltb St'nfco. Jloill)ll.ftl nt Whlt'l•lo IJ~trl'lldUI, I'rt>llt'fJU, .lrlL. wtrc llr"''l UJI rcrcnllr II.Y tt. rettult In~; utfirrr tp r4!Cilh'o tho \'lrtory mrduJ, 8WltrdM by tho Cnlt<'tl. SIIUI.'~< ~QV('nllliCnt to all IIOIIIICtlf, fllliiOtli lltltl nmrlnc• w11o J!_.artlcltlatctl lu tho rrnlt war.

ot A.rlrona must be «'OilJll~d by Sl'erctttr,r'l-!11 ot tbo lh·elltot'k tll\hltnr)' ,wUh tho htntl'meut . tbnt a thorouah In' ,l i•&tiiDJlli.ifi Wffiltll l1e l.iuulc of'. a <&SO n•rl'ntly r.:,•orted fr(lilt Cochl111:1 oouuty rt•lttlh'o to llllcgt'tl tllllflmt!IJ(IJ or Clll •:I(J WiiJIOUt proper fllHJU•<:tiOJI. ••

Many ·a Pretty Face •• ·Spoiled by Pimples I ••

• •

Anoth<'r PJ:lulut'lug mine will JOon hc> on thl' pmduc•lng U11t In ~.-w Mt>:t.: fro, wlum tM t:'nltt"tl Rtntes (~oppi'l' <.~mtmuy a1nr111 sltlflllllll: trolll Ill! <> No~ only are ·tbue ;olmplu 'and jw be cured by lotions, ointment., j1r111Wrty In (110 IlttiiO\ (It dlatrlet. Thill tplotehe4 dl~ligurin:, but tb(ly lead ealvu and othl!r local remctllcs, aa mine htlll tor n long lime lle<'n ltllc• to ~rloun akin dlauus tl!lt. tl)lread they <an noL poulbly reach tho 1\ntl dtlrlug this tim<! largo llllnnlltii'M and tauao tha lrl'041t. dl!c<!mlortln~: ::;ourct of the trouble,, whleh Jn in ot valttablc ore lu111 nrcumnlntcd till ~ irr~tlltlon nntl pain. fJomef.i~es tbet the· blood. D~tln ~ldn,r- s.s.s. to· the du111ps, -tor wblch there- Ia now n · · !oreten Ec:umu, bolls, blletcu, a:aly chlr, and wrilo n complete hatory Uiarkct. .. eruptloll$ and other ll.l\noyance:l that of lOUr ~e to our chief medical

l'l't<'Y lJnrker, lKl<'t<!lnry ot ttni Donn bum Jike &me• ot l\l't', and make advfstr who will ~vc .)'ou. •»ectal Anu eounty l'alr Allsot•hltlori at l.nl'l 70u :ted t.ltat )'oar akin Is ablnlCa, lnstructlon~, wlt.hout char~:e. Wn~ ('ru•~cs, · N. M~>:r,, wu11 held liP iltul · d 1U · 1

eome white U1lng about the throat and mtnga ·are gatl1ered about the wal•t roblletl by mnskcd ltlghwaymcn, 1111 )If• lt )'OU are a~llctc w ~ th • nt once to 1JediMI Director, 1G2 tile ol!cldlntr Ia a usual. thhl&, It Ill and the hips. lt 11 a nol'el II'Qupln& Willi lltlvlng to It Itt homo· In hltJ l'tll' ~-~o~ ot_11_kln tlltl'~~rtt_!o__fl_!~ ;x~~~,:!!~.!,~abor~~to':, ~t~~~~·· . -· more demure ltl aspect than were the ot embroidered atriPfl, and fi la "beau· Name "Bayer" on Genuine tharln~t the tnfl' Wt•t•k. •\s Mr. llatkl't spning Her Feolhtg" Hyperaenattlve. ttauntln&' tlc:hus of tbe IIIPriDJ and tltnl as an example ot what ~n be • • wn11 lll'lltlng MMilht t•nrk, nbout lWtl '"l'hl' Jol'llnn tlonun llltl)ll lllll' won't · "fh•rc•

11 n

1nt.:htJ' tntere~~trnt:t tnlltJ

'ftummer. don~ With a am11U amount ot I!IXI• anlll'lf trolll town, two tllt'll alt'fllWd (ollow tltt• rtullll'tl t·hlmt•amw••·" ot lilt• 11tnrt• whl'rc old ('np Kid Is 11mt1 . 8klrtl Are Full. ,brolderf'd ,trimming clnerlt applied. Into tlan rond nllll detnuntlcd brs mollt') ••wli

1,1111.t rllltni:tl' ttm hill· Jnllt rn to hnvo <•Ofnc u~horu trt'fltJ<!ntly," rQ·

TM aklrtiJ of thelc'e late:t" dr~a B~dlng on hllltLlM!I'Je-and ~n ai the point ot 1\ gun, Ire promptly Jlll'll!ll! ht•r." 11nltl tim .vnudt•\'llle nutll· m!ll'kt-.1 tltl' wlllhiJ( work('!', are full. and thet take on thlll extra satin, tor the matter ot tbat~ltldt d hantll•d. ow•r tho r('et~lpta ot the (Air tlJ!II'l'. "'tt!il ltt•r to t~luy tn lwr r~·~!~~!~.~ "l Utllns,;ht you were llll(lpost'11 "'



. .

wf<ltb fa l'atlOUII .and. Jr~tereatlng man• not lont ago aa not ttoln~t well tOJeth• tor tlw dtlf; nrrwuntlug to about $21~)(1,. room unt11 ''lrnit•IIJ ,:u ori nnd. llh~ , lm BN~Urlllg rlllnpaltm fllltdll," t'l In ner11. ll'or lliatau«, tbt're -Ia the pan· er, ta lltlll "going_'!!':.~~ cme mJght nntl thr 1111.'11 tllsntlll!'nred, kM\v \llwthN' 11Jt

1.•8 tolluwlt1g n uwnrt•tl t1111 llltMII(Ir hl rotll'ti of ~vt•nry

=''i!"''~et~ed~a~k~~lr;~t~, ~-~· l~tJt~·~tOOM~~i· ~a~nd~~rt~op~;~~~~~nr~t:111


:ioa~l~t:&O;:t!lf~~::t6~1:P.p~rr!oTn~· ~t~ha~;t~~th~~et_.:s;;~:=:;:~~~ ~~~~r~~M~~<~~~~~erntlon11. ot tho We11tern Ore t•u,.,r~· ~--;'!r~•;i;'J1 ~ni1r,.:r~' ,,;~l!~;~~._~=occr.~u".~tr=o;,uc::'.'·=t'"=o""~f t··ll~a""r,r1.a=lllu"rr'r~wm "''ilY'I•'liiil'~iliif~Y'ii __ _,_~~-~-- _ _ .----"~""" breadtlla at tront 11nd ba.ck or At both Aruerr~n womaq wantll ahe "' , ,... ·-·

· JlUI'('htls(•tll llllll SIUJI(II('l'l ot .,.-~------ ('lln't llllk llny (lr Jh~:> lJVI! otiNI for lltlh.· don of •n underskirt whach gently be told that her trJminlne< l!ft'" trum thl" Jll'llHIIt>f'IOI'I1, will Dont Forget· cutlcura Talcum lll'rlptloiili wlthmtt, tcttltlJ: youJ'lk•lr .

. h~ga the' figure and allow• Ute tuU· may not be ufle'!) In thla C!OtnblnaUou, ''Ba:rer Tablet~!' ot . Ia ~tun- OP<'n In A.r11.0nn. within elxiY' dn~11. \\'lum lldttlng to your toilet rrttulldte,., tnlkl!d nbout. 1 111\VIl nbotll tlechiPtl ilfll of tbe outer eklrt. to bang lOOtM- · Red Bilta and llndlngt. lnt! Aspirin proved by mllltolhl with .th!' ei'N~thm of two 4',000·tnu Au l':ttlill~lf<•IJ' i<N'nltd taC't-, 11klu, bllbY our oul)' rhnurll hl · to dill ur• !lome 11 over lt. Tbe llleevee are long. and Bed belts and red bindings and ted and pre!K'rlbed by PhYiilclana tor' OYer Jlllllltl'l, mm uf ''hi<'l1 will b~> l'rertl'tl (lnll thtllthlJ r1uwd .. r alld tJerfumP, t('il• butlf!d tr('tlilllrt•."

· lOOte -or tlgbt. ac the call6. Dill)' be, taclngs are pOpular with the newflt twent:rtearl!!. Acc~11t only an unbroken. In 'l'tlt''lrlll nUll tht> other rtt nouglu11. ·l<'rllllt othPt 1wrtnmr~ llllPt~rlluouM, Some ot them are fitted at th~P •rm· blue ll(!rge trocka. Tbeee toucbes ~o "Bayer PllckRge'' whlch contains PtOPf!r A. new lwtel 111 to bP ~>r<•NNI tlf'UI' rou 11111y rrly on It htt•uu"t~ one ot tM holes and others are c:ut 111 eo baggy a long wa)' towanl providing- that n~ dlrectJon11 to relieve lleath\rht', Tooth· thl• ~I · '.1.'0\;nr nt the· Orund <'n11yon. t:'tttii'UI'il •rrto (:.to111,,. ornttn•mt 11nt1 a taslilon.aa to have almost no ahape ewary elemel;lt ot ilt.Ylto. One llttfo aeht', J!!ftrache, Nellrnl;da, nheumatlam, llolh tht• 1-!1 'fo\'nr 111111 nrnnll VIew r 11tcuul). !!lir enl'h nverrwhere.-Atl• •

• ,_

. 11t all. · It all depe11dil on tM .d«nre girl at tell In ·a gay hotel. !!ad • blue Coleta and Ptth1. JJnndy tin b<J1;es ot 12 hott"l!l bn\'t• b~Cil ~rowdetl tor scvc<ral and what, It can atand and what ~rge troek wlU1 a l!hort and •ei'T nlllh.ahlt:'ts cOllt tew t'l'!lltlf. Drurrratil lllfm tnoutll!!, und ·nt the Pt'l'!!l'nt time ttt1• A Short Drive, choteu tor' a. pa~tcular C.lie, tor there skirt, like tl:te Parlslennell' are wenrtnc. sell lttrt:cr "Bayer packagt>s," Aspirin ttllllhle to tltka r.nrc (It thf! humtredH "TIH'Y ll'll rue dill! mootU!I!h•!l Ht,utr Ia· «~mlog, to. be more and more ot a 'the bOdice W4.!! short and tightly lit• Ill trnde mark narer Manufacture Mon• ot p1•optc who Journey to the etmyou wm dr•h:e n tnnn rrnr.y." ·· rt'I'Ud (or the lndlvfduat note. lttlcll ted and l blt ''bloUIIii.J... 'l'tte sfecve11 tJacetleal!ldl'l'!ter ot Sallc;rlll'ftcJd.-Adt'. tnontlliY front 1111 1111rts ot the world. "lt hn"ll'·t mttC'h tlrlvln' lo. do," 11n• wbn:ian tor ltl.!r own charm and ~x- w~ttt tilth f. Tlie. «me bit ot trimming "" • , • . Tile t•relbnlnnry ~~N•stlll ot , Ornnt •wrtt•ll t'twlt• · Hill Iloittl'tnp. ''Any prealoU ot personalltr-tbat Ill the Wlllf · ll bnntltometr lteel•lltUdded 1'00 '· ApprcJ)rlatt Galt. C()Uilt~·; New 1\lt;XIro, IU! giV£OII' out by lllllll Whll rlrlnlal lllMil~hlnc Ill tooll!lb new slogan,. and It fa exprenlng It• leather belt not mort tb11n an Inch "He Is riding to 11.fnll." thl' CNI!!Us lJurrmt nt wm1hlngtnu. lo etnr.t wllh," · N£O~t to thl' kludly u<:t II$ thu ll.ll(ll'W .Hif ln. evert dltectfon. e~~pecfalt1 fu Wide. • "\VII() ld" n. f',,·r<ltlhtlns flgurt•M u! fn!N't'llt alld ··;·=--~·=- · rlutlon thl'rt•pf, ;, · tbls' case of til~ t~trl'et frock. 'the waistline ot man,. of the n""' '"rl111t, bus: boy." n ft•w aui,trl&l'll. A1•1,1miJug t() tl!f' NothlttR "<ttii'NWM till' uutN' out ot .,=~ .. -·~----,Then th~~ Js Un~'!i!rge clresa, which dresai.'S lutil dropped to the hlp!!, 11t n~>w Cl'lll-ill!!, nrnnt <'ounty IIUW ball 11 ., tunu'K ni~~~~~·~•·hlfl!' llko n visit trout. Hrtmn Ult'll tttkt• lo ri!U~:Ion all 11 po-

at thl• eal!Oa ot the 1Ht rmrttcularly which point ft ts hllndled lu ''lltl· GREEN'S AUGUST FLOWER Jmpult1tlott of !!l,oao, i·nmpur(•d with tlall n~~~·"•nr, , 1

IJ!h•ul nttl'rthnugbt, · . . demopetrate. I ttl pl11t'e In the '\\'ftl'i!• ous wliy11. But thlll dl)ett · llet"''D to 'he U.IU3 In IlHO, rttlfl lu SJII11' nt th~ fllc•t ·····-;·~:.....,__:..._.,...·;:·-::·-;..-:· :·-::-:::.::·:.:·:· :..;;;;,;:.:::::;:=:=:.::::.:::.....;.__:_ ..... ...:.,.....;;-~:....,-;_ .... ..,· ....._ robe ot euonable tl'ocka. There lll • mollt popdblr wahltlloe with tho!lll A Marvetou• Remedy for lndlg~atlott. tlntt tbt- (•ounty WIUI· cut In two hl-' "· ilotbtng to take Its phtce-nothlng that wbo are b~tlng frockl tor wear Jullt 'l'ltuse who illltl'....- trom nervou!f rl)'a• tho turmlu~ of Ilhlnlgo 1'1/llllt~·. It '!!till can lltep'Jn to tllllk~ tile RMtrtlon tbd ncnr, 11'' I. ·•t tJ . . aJtO"'- - ~···-.·· JJniiJ'btt «rA\"th. ...,,,. . ,. •·~ f th• bl -. J- ,.,.,.1 .. II- . It I PI'PIIfll, IIOn!ltlllllt on, lllu Kl'fl on, tor• ~ "n .. " • • ,- ' " " " • ·~ Jf ltl' "J!Ult aa eood· · A""u · .a ue Thl1 OrlK wa ... , n~. w II • t~"n· rc•t.

1ort gl .. r• 'l'"ro·ttc•, , •. ,,,,.,, '"n• n••t k tb f " """thl"' th"t 11 Ilk*·' b· t!VI'""' o m 11t toe phJ llvt<r, d!nJnet~~~. headnrhNI, com• • "' J • " " . ~ troc ere a """'" ••lr .. em 1 ""' r ·, 08

• · 11 ' " t 1 11 1 In I'Xl!!t!•nl'f' In 1010, 4,«)(14 peo(lh•, " ~.,, lirt JUld chic •. 'l'bt newt-r Ml'l!ifl .m~t llrtlstl~ll1 a1Sjuated to- th«o de- lnt up o food, w n on lltomach. pa • !'"1Jtl1 ltlta lln'•cmtl with !l,:'tlt"'·'• "llvl·r· . ' . I ""'t 't" ... -b . ld "'d f ., .. I' .... ,,.•u I n· ""r'" ...... ~ plhl't)OI) 11hd· other lnrJ)CI!tklnll ot llf&.. .~.. .-. • • r ., . · • al:ill a m.... wre.' v .,., '"" ro • nut .. II o • '" n... u " "'" "' ,. ..... '' <'ltv third.· with , fl,!m a'ud B.. urlt·~· • " ~tfe4 at Jet~llt thoee which Jlte M!JWit der to'JOilk" Jt rU.ll1 il.ttractf,-e. 'l"her.,. order In tbe dlKt"l!tlvt• tract· wUl · rind •th Jtlt ., 1\""

1 . ,

\ llow ar• ~ trtillllletJ, 'l'hl11 ft an em• tore tt beh()(l'l'et~ thtt ~e wM wmtld Gr~n'fl. AUit\lllt lt'lower 11 mO«t l.'ft~!e<·tlnur. w ,..,_ .J;k\op e. · ·. hroldtrT that cnn show orlrl'!allt1.111d P'llrrhi~te a gown ot tlif& R"et~•r•J ch11r- t!Vt.> lllliJ etnclent li~Mh!'tallf In the re& r .. Bonf'hrnkt•, Wl101fil'l'flll!'h t•nCit''h· tbett! IIi the !>tat ot <'hlll1cu tot a l!f&o acttl' to atud;t her own 'ftpre ('fttf'tnl• of n~ltlite'll tunrtlons ttfld • We!lt of llcltl!dflJI, Arlnon11, Ill ronlltu·t~



Kill Tha·t Cold With . ' .



- •



-- - f:ltlott1·• #OWil Wb.wt: ta~• JJJ t~ ~1 tbtt~n m would illi'VIJ u-t~l I ful '{'xPPrl,mmt wlffl r~H \.I' ~--------,----------

fn tbo lflettfon. Tltl tllOI!f beautltaJ and tO .make them a<JJ..-t tbt~)l'N f'Oilffl be no bett(lr Of tbe tiJD 0 t 11" IIIlA' llhlJI I! Vlti·My, 'I•• ot tbe emb1'oldel'lft are dotit by band, on. to the otber. · " nlue ot thla N>J~Stdr for tll~ trnubiN tl"~ hllvln~t I'JIIII'Itl"d HVt-n row11 lW or 'CtiU""; tbt'1 ihOW an colora ot tl... I ·titan tlie t.lct tkt Ita he tor tbe lht fti>t'1rml( t() thl" fltOdUI't, Thct I'Oltllll

; _,.,. .. .._ ....... b .. "_.. ,. .. ...... -ttlfllt ""-•t. f- F'aU ......... . ftft:t·tQUr )'elarf! ·rb~·~~~liliill:ebtc"itncllde<li_11rr<nht .• tor·J 111 now npf'n. Vt.'l')' little frri!IIIUI<•II ~ .. !tb~'Ori:07.t ;rudlt; oftbette ·· 'l'bt< ~ W~JfAlK tlf'ti:new fill · lft1J1 m®ufltlli ., wAn'~urr.-uTii"-Uie'l!'rowfifr:··- · ·· 1¢1t4fdll~t t. moet <'luti'lllln~ 11nd. wttJJ auttiJ 4'111;1gi' In lentttlt all the WilY tiM dt'l11-.d world and no ladlt'lltfon Whtle cb1llhil for Wllte-t on tl"' t'he dartnta IIIIi! plilllin• DtJ rlcit- ttt:mt th• hlptJ to the kutet~. J'ur- fortm~ of aq fll:llwe ba.i ~let-a obtat~· lualt Home>r ruch near Marton. N. lll'x , .......a « a bitck~' ot btu. . !I Pll:'t of tlut Wits. It ft1 not th«t ttt."' · Ven Hillra.ble· u • ftl;ttle An etflf was lltl'ilrk at the ti•Dfb ,.t """""' ~:lulul't\ct·tr ot tot cofltll'* aud Cll'1l'.if. -bat • l&atlft. Sold. ev•~rk••~~Adlv. 11Jk1 tt 111 ..

p()Jt " Ala) .

· c.t41•, C••rla• L• Gr•••• -~-1 -'ir~l;no;:.;·-.;.-t;·;;...e~~~ f~t!.ad~-d; t~r..··.··-.-·--.. -_...-~c.--.-·'l-·--····· · ----·-~-~

BtMkll vpa ool4 fll Mlloit.-.-~ .. OJittpt fo S .,._ltlfOibtatlot HH4MM

2.:':'' JA tWa. 101'111 .dOw bot a&cl tb.t ..... -c: .. -. Ill ._ T .. '.~~J!l--. .

Page 8: i .OLDEST!archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads... · apptar~, i n ~ ~act, to be • groun. d d ·~ ye t th er k .uow th . a t '" .. prac· go111_g to.suppor t ltc. l D


• •

. A. K. NorlQK was bert Fri4ay .from JicarW!' · . . . . Cole*• JJ¢t Blast Ueatera art> the ~best m:ouey CiU) bu:r=Com· .

. in ttee- our lin~. CiJ.rriw:o .Trllflt . inJ·Co.

· · . 14n. J, E. Farley made a trip t• I,inCC>In-yes~crday. ·· ·

Gall hi anti sec the new Ford!ii with •elf ttaftcra.- WntC'rn Gllr .. age. ., l~·l9·19

Judfe Jlewitt rt:ttune>1l thia m:orrdng from a Yi!Jit to m Paao •.

Urdted Stat('t Tirts are ttie best ·• tires.-Wt·stern Garage. ·

• Dr. R. f.,. Wood W4mt dowu ~h· ·

line yeah:r•lay moruinsr on tli~: · mailnr.

• C->mc> in. Uc ConviueNl. Wf' ·. tan tlH'e 7.0u fi(} per n·nt nu · :ro~r cod fnU thh winter. ·· Catri•. JIO~• Tradwg Co. . · . .

Mr. ;~nd .Mr•. R. C. Sowt\cr 1

were here Mm1da1 a ad Tt~estlaJ ~ from Picaclw. (l

NorfoJJc: Jnuer 'l'ubc<J aud !t1·· t. pPblicCal.liug!S. IMb guarautrcd. ~ 'l'ke Weat{'ru Haragc. h

, .. !1 bfit<J l~n,ic Arm~tronsr r"tumul J

Tueuay from a lew day& YJ<Jd t~.;::

£1 Puo. ~ De tine attend the Ui;.; Urml'ln· u

ttr11ltlln ·Of t.,er;nar•l Jh•Oven ~ Rangtlc•Wedm:atl&y and 'lJHtrl•( day Ckt. 13th a11d Htb .... t'nrrt• \' zmm 'l'radmg t:o. 1

Ueury W~JkC'r, p!lt~tmanti'r nt ' Wbile Oak•. WI.$ a blt:nuc:n vi'lit• or ~aturday. · . '

If il'liUtJUring tor a l•'ortJ, Wt' ...... -. ·w·~·· ~!!!.~Ul: .. W!!ftlernUJara~ee .....

. '

Min Vmmie Frank,, wllo a · tcac:bing Jdwol At Nogal. vJnllr4 ·· Cawxo1o ~utulay.

Thot. R. \VtUba.ud of H::~~:ura •. was here- tcvcral da)G tbia wtek · ott businus. Ue AtdNl \hat the cqal cmnpany ar~ arrailgl~r to ' tbip eo;Ll from Uwrr min"'· · ·

Tom JohnK~u. forem~an of the Uatcbct l'aUle Co., wu lu:r(' Morula.J trow. Tbrec Uivers.

Mr. anti Mr'l. J. r •. ~lorri' hue . •

. . .

. SPf<IALS fOR THIS WUK · . ' '1!1.. . . .

A~oskeag · Utility Dr~ss ~in~hams


. PRUff PlAIDS - .

<Hf<KS & SIRJPfS . . Also come in plain JbaG~ to match. The vezy thing for. your Street and HouJe ·niesse,:

Also tor"Children'• School Dresses. .

This is a high grade Dres!t - Gingham~ and " regular 50c

value. ·· ···

O~r.special price 7 3'1.1' ~r wlll be.. .; • ... \t\. yd. . -

Afdiae Outing fliDR!IS ThePf come in J)lain, wqite, 'fancy lights, stripes and fancy darks. Also in plain !:hades.

This is a extra fine heavy· fleered Outing. Just what

. you've been wanting for . . your wintrr gowns.

They •··~ 27 inches wide, and a good value at 50c ~yd.

Ol;lr spt.'C'i~Jl,p.rice · 35· f per~· WJUbC. .. .. ..-. ,· yd

• . "

SP f(fA L • Our Three~Fifty Silk

Hose for Ladies now go at $3.00 a pair. We have them in btnck, white, calf & cordovan.

· S~cial 53.00 a pai;,

J:Iurr l'flt4 •t.ldJ .utW ~inrwhn ke Jl••lfed .. ~ price of l"f>ill ~. A few otlt~ · . · · fo11Qw"~·bb lead. Now, ot&u #ece•itiu of b~ lite ar¢ ou tbe tobQ(Ja~. aud tbin¥• arc rcttiue tol®~bdgbt• er ;u the whzter appro~-cbea, tbe poor Jl1aa.

Dra. M. G. Paaea . a!ld P. M. · Slla ver .allcl M. lJ, Pac:l~;n w~:.11t to 1

IRo•we~n tbb morPillg. 'I'be 'two 1 me·atc;:<t.l meat weut to aUed tbe St!!.tt7 J(eclical A•~i•Hon whicb co11ve11ea toda7 ia Ro.,weJl. while Morgan weut aJoui •• · cbaJJ#ter aM •lao with tbe bqpe of cb•ur· ing bi3 luck.

Notice . -~ ""

AU lllember~t of tbe AJE1erica11 Red CrO!!'l are .urged to altenll tbe amsu•l me•ti~;~g of Red Crot~J at tbe Court U!lU5et Tbtm~llay, Oct.

· %:$, 19~1), at z~oo p. m. Ur~:eut Hmsin1eS$. , TetJ other m:eJaberi of tbis meeting and let'$bi.Veag®d crowd. ·

Jxo. A. R.u.w, Chm. JJ, Paden, Clerk.

Presentation of Work · of Art -On Wednesday of uext week,

! · 20, at the High ScbooJ, ' win .-x;cur the pr~se~tath.il2 oftwo works of art, ' Tborwaltben'!l uNigbt and Morning." Letten from Hilary Cooper and Linn Branum, pre1n11tiug these \Jeauti· ful bas r4:lief•• ,m be read. Eva Wack will give uTbe Life ,_nd

'ort.;s.~f T tOf11falliiSC111.'• !4'1unea Wilson~will accept the preaeat ou bebaJC of the High School •

Tbne pieces of art aretbe pre• 1-e.t •f tbe ~teaior elan of 1920 of tbe Curixoxo lligh School, and ire paid for bJ' tbc procee~ of tbc Cla~a,fl~1· · ·.

Tbe e:iereiscs will c:e:uueace at 3:30' aext _Wedaesdar afternoon. JJ.uentt, relatins •nd friend• of the IIigh School arc cordiall1 in• vitcd to be present.

. . • samora•Otiqo,

QUAliTY. fiRST --.. l

. The quality of the

New Flannel Gowns •

Now on Special Sale at · ·

$1.95, _$2.45 & $2.95 is worthy of the price··-··· ···

• p . ..

• •

You can't bu.y the materinl in these .... garments a( the plice .''Ye , ~' .


• have on them

. •

GINGHAM-New Fall • Buy Goods in neat patterns HOSIERY & UNDER· a.nd solid cQlors WEAR now~

33~ • Peryatd .. .. Our stock is complete.

... .

Special L · Pr' r-·.. AU .. wool . .. . . . OW .. ICeS '00

OUTING FLANNELS STORM SERGE~ 36 in. Cretones and Com .. wide, in all colors fort Coverings Peryard .. .. $175


" . --·-- -- ·-··

' ' '- - - ~ --·- --- ~ -- ---''>t"' , •. -



Yeu Will save Money by lradiat it the

(Tr7some o£ our fine eut!J)

Fresh Fruits &. Vegetables '

Groceries • ····--"· -~-____, ___ ..,,._.... .-;<'- ~

• ' .

. WE maintain an exc:llent supply of Fresh Fruits ~cl · Vegetables. Gtve us your orders for Meats and

Grocerie-s. If you have not been one of our customers in the past let us have a trial order to convince you o1 .

. ' ' the excellence of our goods •

• , .


The one preventiv.e that covers . every nnancial blunder b THRIFT. By aaving a part. of yo~ eaptings JC>U ate preparing to withstand the shoc"k of iinanclal misfortune. Place your sa'finas where . ·


thq will be well proteeted. Tbt se.njce and pro.. tectltn oi thil bank are' yours for the asking.

. Open that Checking ~i Savihgs Account to-dAy . . .

., . -· · -·· ···w;s: s~ otte-r ··opporttiiliti.uneqliauecf:f~-··

. .

•• wall il11voator.



' '

• •



. . ( .

' '



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