= r JIII1I f- I 7i e t J I Y < c- tl v THE EVENING WORLD SATURDAY JANUARY 16 1909 I r m LATEST TIMELY REPORTS COMMENT AND N EWSO F ALL BRAN C H ESO F S Po RT ROBERT EDITED EDGREN BY I M BOBSLEDS WHIZ j IN TRYOUT fOR WORL DS Q t CORD > i Over Hard Going Some of the Entries Speed Down Monomonock Hill in Jersey in LeS Than Mile a Minute UV HO KMAX BULGKR heavy Kill ol SIlOW aiui he hiaing of tlu boMeds tearing THEilniii tho bide it nl1lli11lJl1lk Mount have sel the erstwhili quiet littl1 ton 01 C311wdl N J on is ear Tear is not a goo uord at that for these ingenious instruments of speed merely tickle l the side of the Munvcrtbted hill They havent time to tear Today was to hive been the most important epoch in the town of Caldwell but the appearance at the burnt MIII toward the close of yes I tcrdaj made the snow sott and mihhy and the alternation champion ¬ ship for bobledb will be pu tpoiKi uinil the slush tieeres hard and tight Mr jMillei vho his chirgj ot the contest refuses to allow this novel contest to start until the i ung is fast enough to lower the worlds record fdr speed He believes it can be done and the trial held yesterday morn- ing ¬ v ould indicate that he judgment is not based on mere hope Tho rivalry over HIP speed nf Imhslah In ort ind holding on til the brak I began la t sear licn tile Swells awl luuidK 1 Ire the hear sled a hon I orntKlniis of Cal wI laid claim to As the siruu nas houv the machine thd championship uru of the Nome Marfd nft lovlj and I had ample tlma glan contestants Is Sintilrtul the ham to pip atrile tlu upnolatcred seat plon Ico skiter ami ho his btartltd tlw With a IIIueful motion that was hardly Americans b Btecrlny his sled with a let tho bis icnnati machine Klde poe Snow JfiItctl Too Soon Tho nloltliiK of the snow suddenly put a stop to tin itiMiniPiit last ison nnd the Americans Sun s Vorneghn- Frenchnin liullins nnd Gcnniin could hardly wait for dt > llsht when tho mow began fallln two nights igo So In- tnso has become the Interest In the hob lied sport that a Herman named hteln hart has hail n sled Imllt at a cost of- JJA This peed nnnlhllator Is fltttd- ulth an electric searchlight an automo ¬ bile steering wheel and tho narrow run- ning loards are coered with rubber mats It wclahs more than 80 pounds The big German sled was one of the first on the cour e jestorday morning and in the first trial sp ed oVer the mile course do rt Monomomock Hilt In forty nIne seconds Tho going waj heavy at that the Know being soft and unpicked Racing alongside the German sled was a peculiar looking craft constructed by- Ilelicr I and Miller two eighteenyearold sportsmen of CaMnell Tilt tied has two ordinary steel rigged sledi for run ¬ ners Over the top of them la strung a plank and an old automobile wheel has been ingeniously built Into the front died for A steering wheel This trail little speed marvel shot fUr the big German sled and was only beaten by two tecondi Tha owners I II 7 that when the snow Is hard they j expect to make the mile In thirty cconds The two boys and their home nuwi ded are favorites In the betting Danger Always Ahead Bobsleddlng ON or mile course is no port for women children of molly- coddles ¬ Every yard or the distance Is fraught with three times as much danger aa that ahead of on Iceboat Tha allghtest veer of the runners or a disarrangement of the fleering wheel will aend the drivers crashing through the trees which border the course The writer was allowed the privilege of handling tho brakes on tha big Ger- man ¬ sled while a Mr Oelrlng took the steering wheel The two boja Miller I and Heller ClIme alongside In their homemaflo sled and threatened to beRt us down tin mountain According to trie racing rules of bojbleds only two I men ire allowed on a sled and they mdst leave tho starting point ten noeondt J apart To avoid a possible col- lision ¬ tho German sled which was thought to be Ihe faster woi started first Being on the rear teat It was my dut > to start the German aled and Mr Miller performed the same office on the Caldwell product Oelrtng gave mo the signal to start SwatMilligan Triumphs Over Chewing Gum Trick BiBULOER- Sportinir using I i Too bad Ir llorRnn thst rOIl dont look up the rocurcK It Is true that luch nn attempt vru mmle to foil of the Oak but ill ucll Ill mi jnu fherolson Oili were iliilnff Ilia- Xettlc Iln hpK on Ihp ia In iipillun nn VIko nenilir IhouKtit It u pront lchemllo Hi grrat li- Uilng I unfnlr inelhodii On nicount of tbe grounds vet nml roll bien Inlil the l nso line mil r Ibbase hml to KO over thrie- fo get In I In the Mal of Henilcr nml hli- ic I mpllirj ihtnlnR turn all Wpns plank nnd covered them tand to thli the not I flelecled V man hao been fern Itirklnc ihn jurk tin t nlKht how it clnter vlcVMiuld tiaie- Miown ono of Mllllinni necrtt ittvlcc menAI Is knovin Mllllfui ni a moll powerful man In his lot On one rloh he Moot nn lil lirrf nm heM A barrel of Inol i ri up nn his Ines 1 merely ai a lex nf stnnclli Till t IIh w ai dnllned In tomu In try- hanllr ulll l1 lit hy Ilerret fa hphcnwd at Ihe b- artJdf Urn nm nn I LIY I forward In fact it was such a plpit ant glidlne sensitlon that I did not realize nt 1hat fpeeil we were SoInK until a tree wtiliKcd r > us and the nu j nitrous mdder cuts hid Lr0un to lco hue u u1ri sircar- Lighter Sled Came Up Watch out Wl1tch out 1 barely heard the NOCPS of the two at they cro coiling lik T shot b hlnd w- Nenouslj I ImhbcII the brake but i win i look from uelrlns chnngftl my- mliiil ami I sin Mil thtm forward as fill ts thox roulil so The driver saw tlat the lighter led had started faster than the IIIMIVJ one and foi a moment would overtake us Under the rules of bobsled iaclnn he stcerpd HIP machlno slUhlly to the left The hand consipr was upon us in u second art so close did Heller steer the Caldwell michlne that I have touched him with my hind If I had dared to turn 101lse It wns onl a second that thlll lighter led kept with m and then we struck on of tln c little flat places In the road on which horses are ac- customed ¬ to stop nnd rest Inc the mountain Loolvlng ahead 11 t aw the lighter sled take one In the air and xhont down the mountain tide like a Hold > oiled Oldrlng at me and In a flash I felt the bl German sled give a forward The tree were whlizlns hy and my tars were singing from tha rush of biting wind that swept by Iho front runnen leaped Into the air and as they cimn my of the sled went up Ilkn a burking broncho I held on for Ufa- exppctliid a terrible jar hut the bob sled hit tho crust of the as gently as If it had droppcn on I cushion and UKe a hullot ne torn lown the hill Till Gorman sled wns paining momentum nt- everj I Jump and in a second we dished past tho two That must be the longest hill In the world At least It teemed so to me It looUed as If would never be an end to the steep decline which was rushing us like a stream of White mist Iikc n Ion Drop In another second I not see the driver and I didnt try Oelrlng hall supplied HIP with gogsles and It was well that hn did The sensation I imagine U like thnt of a nmn drop- ping ¬ from the top of a building I hurled my fIe between the brake bars and let the German driver do DIP rest Suddenly I felt the sled going up I was tlll afrild to look up hut I finally summed up the courage we were n a llttlo viley and Oelrlng was IdiiKhlng u roarloml > Great fun aint It 1 and he looked nt his stop watch We had gone tho mlp In less than a minute We WPIO just about to turn round when the boys came whirling the hill anti with a the Caldwell sled struck our forward runners The little machine went over In a but as the speed was slow nnd tho snow In luckily nobody was hurt There are bobsleds en- tered ¬ In the race fur the International championship The lov Millet nml- llellei will the leidlng Amer- ican ¬ fried Anioig the ofers are P Slnnlrtul Norwa De Paolo Italy Abrtirl Itil > Euvrard France and Stclhhoff Germany Dept iTenlntf World I have Jnit hcatd that Swat MUUfan once lost a on account of hit oppontnti chewlar rUm to hla ipeed Can yon tell ms the ficti about thli DAir MOROAN ronrtooath Street tho- peerltM hitter Inliun reiult oillult hitler heliiK lad runnrrs home nlslit atuiU fhcfe voulcl mlcht About eVenoiil nejl 64ca Mltou ter- Jnfprnml hjj boys made cuiihl truck while climb leap comet tlpht lurch down boys past could when Ion crash heap a- drift twenlytwo drive game atop plunk nlonc there tint he hid no lacei In hl < Krtoe but the thought It m nl in cccenttlclly- Al Ilfildfr fluil thn hall over the Plate Siit ilnmmcil U Into tho tlmb ri- us HJS Pipecttd nml rtried to lull llciijr Will ahikliiK vlh IUIIrtSltd- lallhlor Ilefori Mllllgin hod gird ten feet his nol slurk In tin1 turn and stuck hard ami light lint did lie lull 7 Well not much S at ilmpl leaned forftard- ni ttat his foot Mciild not slip from he ihpci and with mm inlcliU jump he lifted tliv planl < Hi HIP air and let II down flrml urd evenl nn Iho one Icullng from first In second The crowd kaiprd- Ilndcr nil nf a nuililen rrmcmtiered- thn itrcntlll In SAit reel lint II unj ton lile VMIIioul itoplilin the niUhtv- hllter lifted the Iwo plnnki nhulincrur- irmlt stuck tciifthir and Happed them irfn uli tilt third Tho chfulnt gum held fn < t HP then Jumped llli the three nnd linded them nn Iho mirth With n > mo tlm nilfhl hitter then jumiied out t hl > shuei which lie hall purpoiel left unhueit mid made 111 run Ijffore tho croud hid ilopped- loollnic nt the lumber he had in neatly piled up Tu this iliy ijioe four plankj nee vied ai Iho foundation for the Rtdmlitanil al llchtiletown Thai li liij truth about lh mMler Mr Vnrcan IIO< K1IAN WfIIl AND W ALIi BACH A MILE t I r The Ger111an Oak Starts Training Work for Bouts rrn it Mrgfrlcil the German Oak who 1111 i t this country enger to meet nm mall in the vvorlil on the wrestling mil I svi tinliilni vesterday nt Attlla FMiuiifliim m llioadvva Siegfried hn- n tri m > minute pension with Urni i It clcp iitd three otliPi nnii loin hlitritp raw Hosfrlul In ftlo- ni I lininiiiatel dpclied that e a 111 with nrf tlltiB fir nil tltnu Tr Ormnti is tlip IIP 1 imn I hivo rvi mil said MiaiUov Mo can thro nnv man on earth take It from ana II l u Miov s- Slinilov called to look over thu frrt- n in and eM if he hid the makings of a fighter lie looks IIKn u llKhtPr too ifnid hharkf HP I 11 fa t n light iilng nil ni troiu as a hull ul who Knows hut what IIP mil fight Ilkenar Inn HIP but I do not nvpii- Siegfried wilt wurl hn Ill ever clnv now until Inn JS when lie 1111I nnneir- nt Million Sipnin Harden lie Im of ftr tI to Bl 10 to inv imn who will iif hf nul on aiMltlu il 371 c rn- niin whom ho falls to throw in Ihlm minutes i DEMARESTS GENIUS SHOWS TAR BILLIARDISTS ARE BORN Youth Gets Old Tom Gal ¬ laghers Goat and Carries Off Victory I nnd autumn played a little SPRING nf billiards Int nlghth Youth has been shooting o aln1 the weather of time every day tor a week past at McOraws glided I parlor Calvin Demarpst of California and veteran Tom Galhgher hav been pliolng dally matches Ilk poets btlllardlsts aro born Many I men try to play but they only amuse themselves while the spark of gonlus ltnws ours Demarcstllghti only here and there Tike Gallujher and Demarest Old Tom loses through temperament Th cue h bad or the balls heavj In tact Toms iroit cuts loose and the cool evenl > balanced and confident Demaiest twl ts Its tall In every Inning Well Mac joj may think these balls are light sajs Tom but they are the heiivlest Jails I ever saw Then Tom soes back He pulls one In How he can pull If there Is any m > stl an > thing between man and Ivory Tom evident thinks he has It nailed And If by any chance he falls to brine Schoolboy Basketball Teams in Home Stretch Tourneu teams In the high school Till tournament enter the est retch tonight and itl though the games will not alter the standing of the teams with regard to first place unless tfc dtuveaant team gels a big surprise from riuchlng It I will probabl be determined which team Is to yhc the lied and Illue the argument for first honor The los HlirnCommcrcc gunio Is the alllmpoit- nnt affair of tonlglUs trio of games Tho two teams are now tied for second j place each hav Inc won two games and lot one nnd the team that loses LONGHOAT the great Indian 111 n er who Is matched to meet Slirubb the Knullsli cham- pion ¬ In n Marathon race ovor the full distance1 miles 1 > 3 yaulsat Garden on Tuesday evenltif Jan A left New York jeMfrrtiy alter nuon by his trainer Jlmmv Deforest foi Allenhurst N J where he will establish training iiuarteri Long- boats ¬ principal work for a match Is walking ant onl a couple of times dur- ing ¬ the week will he lale a tenmile run Till Indian will cover from fifteen to turnt > tlvo miles nt brisk walk pver > morning winding up at linos with a mllo pprlnl baCK to his training camp Le forest will Keep Ids charge 11 Allen hurst right up to tno day of the match Hltrubu Is doliv his road work In Cen- tral ¬ Iark and Is located nt the Implre Hotel The Ilrlton U a hard worker Biiu n rrsrrlss thst ts xtAs tr YI JP1- 1c 1vrH Ao7C xI J Z- It oer ho aclunll soems lo look for the hole In the table Young Bennrest phs on He Is plaed smooth certain sure HP 1111 make three while loin Is thlnKlixj about one He laces on When he misses he amlles and sits donn Then comps Tom HP rlnlks up 118 look nt tho bulls Ihlf wii anil then tint HP shoots And then he pull Ilnall he an cai one In tad the eas 01103 he misses beat him You nusht to Bet football shofs 10 stead yourself McOriw sas to him Oh I dont need foothill shops sa Tom live me light hills The niHr weigh light but they roll like lead Why Ive got to break my arm hitting Vtn The decisive Mr Urnurcst shoots on of tonight will be out of the race while the winner will uttll havo a luokln If j stuvesant should strike a nag before I the end of tho season Uf ojjrje the lied anJ ltlui pnjjri are- roollnt fur Uj HlBh U win an lh- Stuyvfiant fire cgcquercl the IIroUYII t oiu- exrlx In the AMiun Comin rc however luv an fictlltnt chance nnJ the Manhattan boy > art the favorllri for to nljchti nffalr OM- llrh lias i cooJ team ai fjr ni InJUIJui- lpliln II ioncerne J but thd team nork of the oniTitriu lie ourln to pull the loot five thtvusn- Cojch Mathfnion of Commerce d ries credit for tlu iinljp Mulk hi has InII H Into hli char CI and It I 9 late to lay ihit the Commerce ifJ n It better at trim Murk then aOI flr In th league Longboat Now in Training I Under De Forests Care TOM Madson- Sijtiire accompaiild mlssesusuill good ma be seen scurrying alone the roads nnd hrlille ptln of the pirk When the roaih art Ind he dos Indoor I work at the HKtninth Heglment AI- mor Cole Outpoints McDonough opecnlloThe Evenmt World 1HIIAUKMlirA inn 1 o RP Cole colored nf Mirthnnu Illc vion from Mickey itcUonnitcli of Urooklvn In the nt the Nonpirell A e IRSt nlftht MUSICAL n V rfVN MvwwS Hermann Klein Pnn ri Mnrnm at 1 KITTY CHEATHAM PETSCHNIKOFF nillK llll > CllllAXlliinoVVKIYnnt VOn 11I01 I 1> JOVBrt CCell1 l Tmnn1lirn < rFMKli II lrlce t loUAJ METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSE Tollbt at rojlrlnl11 Troytora au o 18EU Californian Looks Like Hoppe and Will Soon Give I Him a Run nmnlnR on like the eteranl broolt fconietliiRM htjh niifl agjln IOH Ten Mventj 01 IIlly or more It Is nil the stnie With tho fielllty of a wellolleil machine no ples them up smlllnx In Iurdly as one more twlit of the Boats tall tells him the game Is safely stowd aua This vouth Detmrcst Is on the Hut lap of the Ion rare HP Is n horn loll Inrdlst Tho halls reipnnil to hl < touch He looks Ilko young Hoppe nnd McGraw Has Busy Day Saying No to Offers for Players nas John JkClravvs htisv day ei- torda 1J All day long he IIMcned In- piopoHltlnn niter proposition for plujera wanted bv other dubs Itojer llreinnlinn uf ht Louis Harry rumlcy- of llrooklii John Uanrel the ncu- leicler of the IloclieBter team Tom rianagan of IlroLUnn Mai Kason of Ill wrenr and a fen others kept Me lira blly After M draw had got through ivlth all his vHton hp said there was noth UK cloiiig In the sale or trado line Just at pipsttit lirnv hiii n lot of pla- iri on his lIt that he vlll dispose of- bfforo the Mason opem but he Intends AMUSEMENTS f EMPIRE II al tWh n five 3 13 tal II eJ I SIll MAUDE ADAMS ln lIn V KNOWS Vitv- OMN HUDSON ur f al 2t3 ETHEL BARRYMORE- Hwnv MnIJnlCK- RITERION 4m m JInt H jut Silurdi at 2 WM GILLEHE in SAM ON LYCEUM 4M h St nr H nair fi 15 vtis ihurstHar 211 BILLIE BURnE m k nth Lnr II n > tit sis llAKtUtfv Mm fj I Sal j- WM CQ1L1ERTHhPATRJOTKNic- kERBOCKER a II Iv r- I 213 Fritzi Scheff Ilmrlm SAVOY H h I il 21 I h Thurt to WILTON LACKAYE Rffffi tint St nr llwiv STIIVVFSANI M > M ju Thurs t SH Mi- Ijut irh it lhl Ihcrttre- HeelnK > t Unl llelncit Micatrj BLANCHE BATES PoimTNi8iop- BMl lll lllk The I e1 1 II X t> M llilt II I iiBine Uulle- rItiWdta lt1 t U I 8121r x T b- KRLlSS A DJ1E V- TJIJIL u Mon Illinche IHie The Hthtin H t HACKETT ifitVV Jvu Vn1uVb ii1 I Mrs FISKE II Salvation Nell rlAlIt Itl t i if Ii- 1t1I r IIreJenl1 m- WARHELD tf Vrr- lrcilV J jlU l fl ttolayl Bf < f- HAMMERSTEINS iSSUSV- bviJJ 7Y uU7j IUU l allf Mat T S ic- UOUblll 1IILMAKU a CO OAIITKU- OB IIAVKN k PIJUIIA 1AIIKKIt bTU AIIT 11AIINKS JhSSlK IllEhTON lly- m ck Ui Syltai Kenne I r Drown Kttarto M quick lta 1 00000 Hole Is Prize Offered for Trolling Race With n hotel vnlued at flMOW ai the stake i handicap tioltlnK rale will he held on ono of tlie Northern pv Vork Etalo tracks omu time iliirliiB Iho Liimlng summer The offer comei from Ainnri Curbln of- Joiivprnenr X y n rinn of Krrn- lupilth who oniii the lintel It h situated nn the St Iuvrcnce Hlvei and liusalHas hi cn T miniP nnkei- Coriiln i A iirgnnlzcr nml tlr t- pnsldrnt nfTlie hi Intvrcncr Val IP HrccilcrH1 Aksoclatlon uiul 1m- nlvvavi henn n love of the hrncF5 luirso lIalllO I some IIn he must go nftei A Illlos goit When tiipv inert It wi I he Clreek nnd- Irpek and nil hill to Ihe wlnnnr to have a ilnmo of luukln them over first down nt irlln Spiin i di i IVbiuir und Mm h From IIP ilinunil fir tlu rfrrults- tnit Median IMK on Ills lift It en- talnl looks ns If he lua ilug III a bunch of Iho ones und he will Imc some HknilM tiullni mitfiliil mi lumj when he gets iful to cul loose IllKliI now lltroi IK the nun mot In ilpniiind lirookltn wnnts him nnd offua loll In tMhaiiKf Nothlnjr vvlinlcvpr nlnK tlntu ItciKir llrnna han likes llcioR but he ins nothlnc tn nffei JlcHroM but inomj foi the phiPI Thp pv Vnrk hih is not sell IliB ill dieisvPt Clnnd Kason and HatiBRiin me aftr nnvthlne they rail ret In thp overplus nf phiera that the filints on their I sl AMUSEMENTS 11111I AIISftRDAU fIlBAIm 12d It om uutjvteki Evi blO Mulnee Uel V lIt 210 1 M MaAriLITTLE NEMO Broadway rFiriUlirIy 111i V re an r anou Actor 11111 ln lall Joseph OIlIa In 1IiI To I WI NEWYORK rm1m twlI 4 lhi EIS I In WIlnI 2 U- HE ASS ZIltrlll Jr i Plrillele l surras- INNOCENCE L D MISS LIBERTY f iiiWhV- niDiitic IIr 11 c 1011 2 I > t VT nvtr T f HIT DWIiUN1 Viu WirelessG- AIEtyTiTJTlIITiilh s II In 15 THE TRAVELING SALESMAN iun TIliT- n1clltiCUI MUM si ro n vi v CIRCE lUvilil II unn t Kv i 15 Mall IhunJly V Sat J ti- THE QUEEN OF THE MOULIN ROUGE Huters t M Museum NICK MURPHY Q CO lro1 IJW1 WHITE STATUE k LIBERA TlWI t pl- IIZ VI IoK Th fi Mm 20 Others CONCERTS SUM DAy JOE WEBERS Tilti rW t t i U 5 t mmRMiioiiiiMRRiGE 1 1I tllX ASTOR 1V Mn JniMi J n llTfrManfrnraHTie- 1BI10U unr311I To I II d J I A GfNmMAN fROM MISSISSIPPI ran IAlt Mnilne TiVdnr G d Culinn Jt Ilitrrls Mlntlrtls- trlih K iVNsl- lnitln NI rtrniim The Ssss Man RecordBreakingt j I Entry Made lor Big J Bowling Tourney Evening World Free Head Pin Championship Will Start Tuesday Night cipalpst liowlhiK tournament In Till of cntrUs ui In many lOiidH thnt has epr hell hpd In AiiiPika nlll etnrt nt the WHIt- ollophnnt nllpn Ilioidnay and Thirty lh1 Kind nel Tiiesdiy penlng and If uu nip a bowlpr whoso foam has IIPPII pntPiPd us ot luurfio It has or a- opii tator onjoj Inw iood It Is a cer tnlllt tint rUII will be tiiPre Speeches b 1iepldPiit John CllnsPli of the Nn- tlonil UowlliiK Association and prom i Inrnt howlers will bo mule This Is HIP fifth annual championship fi < hpid pin touinament clen by The ienlnp Wntlfl nml Is open to nil or rfqnl7id ilubs within W miles of New Vuk The tournament Is for Ihpmen trams and dulls may tnako us many pntrlps as there are members to fill such tenmi No bowler can compete In two Many Champions- Will Take Part in Great Benefit Tin1 monster boxing and wrestllnB en tPilnlnniPiit In nld nf tlm Italian earth qiinkp fund to ho Riven under the aits- pli cs of thp NPW Iolo Athletic Club b- tlm Inlted Italian Societies of Hnrrlm will he without iloiilit the icntest show of Its 11ml ever slven In thli city Him drrds of the tnjmotch boxers and vvrcs tins ns wrll as ninny of the hlB head Mnprs of the thcitilcJl world havo vo- luntoriiil their ervlce Many new and novel featuies will be presented Inclnd- UiB tho Inttln tunl jilipatlim conlpit and lironilsvvonl contest b some of the must prominent artl H of this cotintr leiHi unit Html luvo olulI trend tlm FPIVHPS uf man of theli hlcl = tar und llurtlK HPIIIIOII Sam Scilh HIT Pied Iivvln Al Vood nnd I Her In it Mack havo inittlled tlm committee thnt tliov will coopoiatp with them Ianr prominent stars have volunteered IncluilliiK Uc Hopper Cllff Cordon Tod Minks lInt y nnd ltc John Nestor- Hie Avon Conipd Pom Ailolph Xlnk- Maior Uole JeorKle Evans Kddl- elpomrd otlllra Annlo Morris and a host of The flcht cluh manftKers IncludlnB- Johmiv White Jim llnckley Hilly lib ton ISI11 Novvimn and lllll Hruun IIUVH lon eiitPd to help John J McGiawanl Christie Milh vv on liavn been asked to referee several nf the boxing exhibitions The nffalr will lit held In Sulzprs liar liin Hlvcr ark mi next Tnccdiiy Jan 1 and will h nndir thp personal dliec lion of Joieph lltimphrejs H AMUSEMENTS nally Ial Ih- BUI HIPPODROME tU EVI al 8 25 10 Ju Sunning Mini little In 110 j I Sew Vlrriii I Maiina Elliott1 I betI1a1 ZWa > al 30- II T 3fMISS ELLIOTT CASINO i c uI- IIIM vn Toa 2tb EDDIE FOYL- VWC a IJt It UIIA IU IItTI- II To dVYi tTHE BLUE MOUSE Makr inn In the tee ultk II hlrUlrnton Fu- lijt Wortd 11 Q VUllne IAII MHht nJ L Tin De WOLF HOPPER 1 u f larlUtrile Clark ipecUII engan- uliDALYS WMFAVERSHAMo- nin xj The Brrber of HewOrleans itctr C I Mitlneu Todii j tunILUU13L GUNNING vnuf niw tMM Mrs fluke nli i MM Sell AMERICANuffIciIrAJS tfia11- l Ju IC We SI DAn 1dATS 20- trln Iaud Odell 0 WIIon Iay Wnrl A Co Daisy lUvoiurt 10 others III sMMS iuC DIIOWN IOTTER Oft Apathe Dance uracs Iiax LliluULfl OU Arl t1ne Irint- Bwny Ihrr OMh st Dnlly Mntlnpr o- cMl o Bin HAHbBM IUV- BRm mi m mm BIG SHOW tIrC Mats I ur h vr Ian 111 llovcru- I > Wf Hoppxr CIKf Dontim ottimn- II ur hirk v Huhlln Mivher MoTr i rn- Pliill l llrleo Jkt i Mtlirj Ofmvin- i i > T o r tMlclns Jbc Oft ims M METROPOLITAN IIWAY m ST- I HIItOS JAILY ROLLER RINK I1A1n C01ill11 II GARDEN THEATRE 7 St A hdAyESU- 3tlln d y U DIXEY In MARY JUNES PA Dr1G A Wth 1 VALUCKS- IA1ARIE 1fallnflot TOdirt > CAn ILL J I train however and Illeiral entries wllj r bo reported to tho Vow York Ilanllnc Association itniler whoso rules tha tour l rnniput Is held making the offender llabln for six months mupenslon Each mm will roll one KJtne und the tine Ifavlng tho hlKhift scorii will each r- cehn a frpa entry costing 125 for the- Nallniml Tuinnnment to bo held In Mndlson Wiimrn Innlrn In Jlny Eery 1 bowler who mnkei n score of 108 pin i4 or moip will recelxc an entry card cost MMS n for the IndhldUnt cortipptltlon In I 11110 Inrdcn totirimment t- To duto nearly 3ft teams have been ptiteied hut fully 000 teams or 5000 men will compote In Ilia tolirnAmetif- 1 laxtlng about the weeks Last > ou there were COS teamit but such Is thl i Intercut In thn National evont ahd the ilcslio to secure the entry cards ottered as prizes that the total this jearwill etslly be advanced 10 or morn lea ml Tho Knights of Columbus will enter twontyrho teams tlip Owl Olub hu entered nine thn Edison Electric Com- pany ¬ ten btatcn Island twenty Brook I l > n fifty or more and otlieia come from polnti as tar away as Hartford Xevr Jerse cities are all well represented I NY AC Hockey Players Shut Out the Wanderers i That the Vcw York A C hock ft seven have some class this season WU J shown lact nlxht nt Ht Nicholas Rink when they plaed all round tho itrong Wanderer team chuttlni them out by a score of S to 0- Hhlreff the rover of thp Neir YOrt A C team who captained tha Cresctnt A C last years champloni wai In splendid form and scored fhn soali Ills work wai epeclall brilliant In the second halt when hli fast work put his opponents up In the air At the end of the first halt of playi lug the New York A C only had an advantage of two points In thit tint halt of piny tho Mercury footers man- aged ¬ to snag tho disk Into the goal twice Shlrreff drew first blood i tit tle after a minute of play and twenty second liter Cnstleman scored Aftet that the Wandereis held hard and the New York A C seven was un able to penetrate as far as the goal nut in the tecond half Shlrreff and hU jam mates were out fob blood ahd piling play upon pla snooped down the rink with the puck The Winged Foot advance was not to be denied and the quartet of speedy forwards sent n perfect fusllhdo of shots 1lni lo ward the goal potts r AMUSEMENTS I OPENS TONIGHT A- iAUTOMOBILE SHOW MADISON SQUARE GARDEN Admission 50 Cents GOlONIAlrclnla ll nud e Co Suratt 61 Wus T oar Ford Mnl Dally lic hirie tayMeUllle Kills olhr- harleN I < fKv uJKCoTht- lUthine AlHAMBRA llrli Jiliiiltoni err oS Mnurc Iho o- TTi I I Dall e 101101 O h rs- luluuy iu A TANOllAlf UlllD- uin Ial U D A UI LOMED CJt CASE mmETT D- OYI KEITH CO IIIIZIO otMr PR OCTO R ih AMS AlicisTVtiV FiiidiI- 9STII i St Mot Ward Ann Illinoko A Co O1l1y 5e lli 1ellto Ilevu others A TLANTIC AHDEN- Boaor nr Cantl 8- LFtr Kve 7 In at Sun MM nnnd Con crt Ueflned Vauttesllle A Moving Ilclufii IUMIIIKK lOMOIIllri hllOW- 5HO West flld St Ilanbler Voilsl eihlbttij- iamoiu offset crank halt and ll nlilo- im irfe l eiplalnM lillors wslcomi I BROOKLYN AMUSEMENTS EMPIRE UfWd iTalidTufpirA ffrlai Diiiy Mvu UushwklL M TilE OOIOMAL IIElJiam a TWOAO V lluslctl Coraedf EnllllM IAUY WALL I BTHKET OLIO Ineludlnr the 4 It AIltlJRS TLMJI O l rnl < o1 Sontt- I YT S Lp 10 j 1I1f I LEAH KLESHNA I JSP IHi The Hom ef nThattsinJ C ndle j World Watts Work Wondouj t1

I NEWSOF ALL BRANCHESOF SPo BOBSLEDS WfIIl t · Xettlc Iln hpK on Ihp ia In iipillun nn VIko nenilir IhouKtit It u pront lchemllo Hi grrat li-I Uilng unfnlr inelhodii On nicount of

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i Over Hard Going Some of the EntriesSpeed Down Monomonock Hill

in Jersey in LeS ThanMile a Minute

UV HO KMAX BULGKRheavy Kill ol SIlOW aiui he hiaing of tlu boMeds tearing

THEilniii tho bide it nl1lli11lJl1lk Mount have sel the erstwhiliquiet littl1 ton 01 C311wdl N J on is ear Tear is not a

goo uord at that for these ingenious instruments of speed merely tickle

lthe side of the Munvcrtbted hill They havent time to tear

Today was to hive been the most important epoch in the town ofCaldwell but the appearance at the burnt MIII toward the close of yes

I tcrdaj made the snow sott and mihhy and the alternation champion ¬

ship for bobledb will be pu tpoiKi uinil the slush tieeres hard and tightMr jMillei vho his chirgj ot the contest refuses to allow this novelcontest to start until the i ung is fast enough to lower the worlds recordfdr speed He believes it can be done and the trial held yesterday morn-


v ould indicate that he judgment is not based on mere hopeTho rivalry over HIP speed nf Imhslah In ort ind holding on til the brak

I began la t sear licn tile Swells awl luuidK 1 Ire the hear sled a honI orntKlniis of Cal wI laid claim to As the siruu nas houv the machinethd championship uru of the Nome Marfd nft lovlj and I had ample tlmaglan contestants Is Sintilrtul the ham to pip atrile tlu upnolatcred seatplon Ico skiter ami ho his btartltd tlw With a IIIueful motion that was hardlyAmericans b Btecrlny his sled with a let tho bis icnnati machine Kldepoe

Snow JfiItctl Too SoonTho nloltliiK of the snow suddenly put

a stop to tin itiMiniPiit last ison nndthe Americans Sun s Vorneghn-Frenchnin liullins nnd Gcnniin couldhardly wait for dt > llsht when tho mowbegan fallln two nights igo So In-

tnso has become the Interest In the hoblied sport that a Herman named htelnhart has hail n sled Imllt at a cost of-

JJA This peed nnnlhllator Is fltttd-ulth an electric searchlight an automo ¬

bile steering wheel and tho narrow run-ning loards are coered with rubbermats It wclahs more than 80 pounds

The big German sled was one of thefirst on the cour e jestorday morningand in the first trial sp ed oVer the milecourse do rt Monomomock Hilt In fortynIne seconds Tho going waj heavy atthat the Know being soft and unpickedRacing alongside the German sled wasa peculiar looking craft constructed by-

IlelicrIand Miller two eighteenyearold

sportsmen of CaMnell Tilt tied hastwo ordinary steel rigged sledi for run ¬

ners Over the top of them la strunga plank and an old automobile wheelhas been ingeniously built Into the frontdied for A steering wheel

This trail little speed marvel shotfUr the big German sled and was only

beaten by two tecondi Tha ownersI II7 that when the snow Is hard they

j expect to make the mile In thirtycconds The two boys and their home

nuwi ded are favorites In the bettingDanger Always Ahead

Bobsleddlng ON or mile course is noport for women children of molly-


Every yard or the distance Is

fraught with three times as muchdanger aa that ahead of on IceboatTha allghtest veer of the runners or adisarrangement of the fleering wheelwill aend the drivers crashing throughthe trees which border the course

The writer was allowed the privilegeof handling tho brakes on tha big Ger-


sled while a Mr Oelrlng took thesteering wheel The two boja MillerI and Heller ClIme alongside In theirhomemaflo sled and threatened to beRtus down tin mountain According totrie racing rules of bojbleds only two


men ire allowed on a sled and theymdst leave tho starting point tennoeondt J apart To avoid a possible col-


tho German sled which wasthought to be Ihe faster woi startedfirst Being on the rear teat It wasmy dut > to start the German aled andMr Miller performed the same office onthe Caldwell product

Oelrtng gave mo the signal to start

SwatMilligan TriumphsOver Chewing Gum Trick



I i Too bad Ir llorRnn thst rOIl dontlook up the rocurcK It Is true thatluch nn attempt vru mmle to foil

of the Oak but

ill ucll Ill mi jnufherolson Oili were iliilnff Ilia-

Xettlc Iln hpK on Ihp ia In iipillunnn VIko nenilir IhouKtit It u prontlchemllo Hi grrat li-

UilngI unfnlr inelhodii On nicount oftbe grounds vet nml roll

bien Inlil the l nso line milr Ibbase hml to KO over thrie-

fo get InI In the Mal of Henilcr nml hli-

icI mpllirj ihtnlnR turn allWpns plank nnd covered them

tand to thli the not I

flelecled V man hao been fernItirklnc ihn jurk tin t nlKht how

it clnter vlcVMiuld tiaie-Miown ono of Mllllinni necrtt ittvlccmenAI

Is knovin Mllllfui ni amoll powerful man In his lot On one

rloh he Moot nn lil lirrf nm heMA barrel of Inol i ri up nn his Ines

1 merely ai a lex nf stnnclli Tillt IIh w ai dnllned In tomu In try-

hanllr ullll1 lit hy Ilerret

fa hphcnwd at Ihe b-artJdf Urn nm nn I



forward In fact it was such a plpitant glidlne sensitlon that I did notrealize nt 1hat fpeeil we were SoInK

until a tree wtiliKcd r > us and the nuj nitrous mdder cuts hid Lr0un to lco

hue u u1ri sircar-

Lighter Sled Came UpWatch out Wl1tch out 1 barely

heard the NOCPS of the two atthey cro coiling lik T shot b hlnd w-Nenouslj I ImhbcII the brake but iwin i look from uelrlns chnngftl my-mliiil ami I sin Mil thtm forward asfill ts thox roulil so The driver sawtlat the lighter led had started fasterthan the IIIMIVJ one and foi a momentwould overtake us Under the rules ofbobsled iaclnn he stcerpd HIP machlnoslUhlly to the left The handconsipr was upon us in u second artso close did Heller steer the Caldwellmichlne that I have touched himwith my hind If I had dared to turn101lse It wns onl a second that thllllighter led kept with m and then westruck on of tln c little flat places Inthe road on which horses are ac-


to stop nnd restInc the mountain Loolvlng ahead 11

t aw the lighter sled take one Inthe air and xhont down the mountaintide like a

Hold > oiled Oldrlng at meand In a flash I felt the bl Germansled give a forward The treewere whlizlns hy and my tars weresinging from tha rush of biting windthat swept by Iho front runnenleaped Into the air and as they cimn

my of the sled went up Ilkna burking broncho I held on for Ufa-exppctliid a terrible jar hut the bob

sled hit tho crust of the as gentlyas If it had droppcn on I cushion andUKe a hullot ne torn lown the hill TillGorman sled wns paining momentum nt-

everjI Jump and in a second we dishedpast tho two That must be thelongest hill In the world At least Itteemed so to me It looUed as Ifwould never be an end to the steepdecline which was rushing us likea stream of White mist

Iikc n Ion DropIn another second I not see the

driver and I didnt try Oelrlng hallsupplied HIP with gogsles and It waswell that hn did The sensation Iimagine U like thnt of a nmn drop-ping


from the top of a building I

hurled my fIe between the brake barsand let the German driver do DIP rest

Suddenly I felt the sled going up Iwas tlll afrild to look up hut Ifinally summed up the courage we weren a llttlo viley and Oelrlng was

IdiiKhlng u roarloml >

Great fun aint It 1 and he lookednt his stop watch We had gone thomlp In less than a minute

We WPIO just about to turn roundwhen the boys came whirling thehill anti with a the Caldwell sledstruck our forward runners The littlemachine went over In a but asthe speed was slow nnd tho snow In

luckily nobody was hurtThere are bobsleds en-


In the race fur the Internationalchampionship The lov Millet nml-llellei will the leidlng Amer-ican


fried Anioig the ofers are PSlnnlrtul Norwa De Paolo ItalyAbrtirl Itil > Euvrard France andStclhhoff Germany

Dept iTenlntf WorldI have Jnit hcatd that Swat MUUfan once lost a on account of

hit oppontnti chewlar rUm to hla ipeed Can yon tell ms theficti about thli DAir MOROAN ronrtooath Street


peerltM hitter Inliunreiult

oillult hitler









Mltou ter-Jnfprnml





truckwhile climb
















tint he hid no lacei In hl < Krtoe butthe thought It m nl in cccenttlclly-

Al Ilfildfr fluil thn hall over thePlate Siit ilnmmcil U Into tho tlmb ri-us HJS Pipecttd nml rtried to lullllciijr Will ahikliiK vlh IUIIrtSltd-lallhlor

Ilefori Mllllgin hod gird ten feethis nol slurk In tin1 turn and stuckhard ami light lint did lie lull 7 Wellnot much S at ilmpl leaned forftard-ni ttat his foot Mciild not slip fromhe ihpci and with mm inlcliU jumphe lifted tliv planl < Hi HIP air and letII down flrml urd evenl nn Iho oneIcullng from first In second The crowdkaiprd-

Ilndcr nil nf a nuililen rrmcmtiered-thn itrcntlll In SAit reel lint II unjton lile VMIIioul itoplilin the niUhtv-hllter lifted the Iwo plnnki nhulincrur-irmlt stuck tciifthir and Happed themirfn uli tilt third Tho chfulnt gumheld fn < t HP then Jumped llli thethree nnd linded them nn Iho mirth

With n > mo tlm nilfhl hitter thenjumiied out t hl > shuei which lie hallpurpoiel left unhueit mid made 111

run Ijffore tho croud hid ilopped-loollnic nt the lumber he had in neatlypiled up Tu this iliy ijioe four plankjnee vied ai Iho foundation for theRtdmlitanil al llchtiletown Thai liliij truth about lh mMler Mr Vnrcan




r The Ger111an OakStarts Training

Work for Boutsrrn it Mrgfrlcil the German Oak who

1111 i t this country enger to meet nmmall in the vvorlil on the wrestling milI svi tinliilni vesterday nt AttllaFMiuiifliim m llioadvva Siegfried hn-n tri m > minute pension with Urni iIt clcp iitd three otliPi nniiloin hlitritp raw Hosfrlul In ftlo-ni I lininiiiatel dpclied that e a111 with nrf tlltiB fir nil tltnu TrOrmnti is tlip IIP 1 imn I hivo rvimil said MiaiUov Mo can thronnv man on earth take It from ana II l uMiov s-

Slinilov called to look over thu frrt-n in and eM if he hid the makings of afighter lie looks IIKn u llKhtPr tooifnid hharkf HP I 11 fa t n lightiilng nil ni troiu as a hull ul whoKnows hut what IIP mil fight IlkenarInn HIP but I do not nvpii-

Siegfried wilt wurl hn Ill ever clnvnow until Inn JS when lie 1111I nnneir-nt Million Sipnin Harden lie Im of

ftr tI to Bl 10 to inv imn who williif hf nul on aiMltlu il 371 c rn-niin whom ho falls to throw in Ihlmminutes i


Youth Gets Old Tom Gal ¬

laghers Goat and Carries

Off VictoryI

nnd autumn played a littleSPRING nf billiards Int nlghthYouth has been shooting

o aln1 the weather of time every daytor a week past at McOraws glided

Iparlor Calvin Demarpst of Californiaand veteran Tom Galhgher hav beenpliolng dally matchesIlk poets btlllardlsts aro born Many

I men try to play but they only amusethemselves while the spark of gonlus

ltnws ours Demarcstllghti onlyhere and there

Tike Gallujher and Demarest OldTom loses through temperament Thcue h bad or the balls heavj In tactToms iroit cuts loose and the coolevenl > balanced and confident Demaiesttwl ts Its tall In every Inning

Well Mac joj may think theseballs are light sajs Tom but theyare the heiivlest Jails I ever saw

Then Tom soes back He pulls oneIn How he can pull If there Is anym > stl an > thing between man and IvoryTom evident thinks he has It nailedAnd If by any chance he falls to brine

Schoolboy Basketball Teamsin Home Stretch Tourneu

teams In the high school

Till tournament enter theest retch tonight and itl

though the games will not alter thestanding of the teams with regard tofirst place unless tfc dtuveaant teamgels a big surprise from riuchlng It I

will probabl be determined which teamIs to yhc the lied and Illue theargument for first honor The losHlirnCommcrcc gunio Is the alllmpoit-nnt affair of tonlglUs trio of gamesTho two teams are now tied for second j

place each hav Inc won two gamesand lot one nnd the team that loses

LONGHOAT the great Indian111 n er who Is matched to meet

Slirubb the Knullsli cham-



In n Marathon race ovor the full

distance1 miles 1 > 3 yaulsatGarden on Tuesday evenltif

Jan A left New York jeMfrrtiy alternuon by his trainer JlmmvDeforest foi Allenhurst N J wherehe will establish training iiuarteri Long-


principal work for a match Is

walking ant onl a couple of times dur-



the week will he lale a tenmile runTill Indian will cover from fifteen toturnt > tlvo miles nt brisk walk pver >

morning winding up at linos with amllo pprlnl baCK to his training campLe forest will Keep Ids charge 11 Allenhurst right up to tno day of the match

Hltrubu Is doliv his road work In Cen-tral


Iark and Is located nt the ImplreHotel The Ilrlton U a hard workerBiiu n rrsrrlss thst ts xtAs tr



Ao7C xI J Z-

It oer ho aclunll soems lo look forthe hole In the table

Young Bennrest phs on He Isplaed smooth certain sure HP 1111make three while loin Is thlnKlixj aboutone He laces on When he misses heamlles and sits donn

Then comps Tom HP rlnlks up 118look nt tho bulls Ihlf wii anil thentint HP shoots And then he pullIlnall he an cai oneIn tad the eas 01103 he misses beathim

You nusht to Bet football shofs 10stead yourself McOriw sas to him

Oh I dont need foothill shopssa Tom live me light hills TheniHr weigh light but they roll likelead Why Ive got to break my armhitting Vtn

The decisive Mr Urnurcst shoots on

oftonight will be out of the race whilethe winner will uttll havo a luokln If j

stuvesant should strike a nag before I

the end of tho seasonUf ojjrje the lied anJ ltlui pnjjri are-

roollnt fur Uj HlBh U win an lh-

Stuyvfiant fire cgcquercl the IIroUYII t oiu-

exrlx In the AMiun Comin rc however luvan fictlltnt chance nnJ the Manhattan boy >

art the favorllri for to nljchti nffalr OM-

llrh lias i cooJ team ai fjr ni InJUIJui-lpliln II ioncerne J but thd team nork ofthe oniTitriu lie ourln to pull the lootfive thtvusn-

Cojch Mathfnion of Commerce d riescredit for tlu iinljp Mulk hi has InII HInto hli char CI and It I 9 late to lay ihitthe Commerce ifJ n It better at trim Murkthen aOI flr In th league

Longboat Now in Training I

Under De Forests Care





good ma be seen scurrying alone theroads nnd hrlille ptln of the pirkWhen the roaih art Ind he dos Indoor I

work at the HKtninth Heglment AI-mor

Cole Outpoints McDonoughopecnlloThe Evenmt World

1HIIAUKMlirA inn 1 o RPCole colored nf Mirthnnu Illc vionfrom Mickey itcUonnitcli of UrooklvnIn the nt the Nonpirell A eIRSt nlftht

MUSICALn V rfVN MvwwSHermann Klein Pnn ri Mnrnm at 1


nillK llll >CllllAXlliinoVVKIYnntVOn 11I01 I 1 > JOVBrt CCell1

l Tmnn1lirn < rFMKli II lrlce t loUAJ

METROPOLITAN OPERA HOUSETollbt at rojlrlnl11 Troytoraau o 18EU

Californian Looks Like Hoppe

and Will Soon GiveI

Him a Run

nmnlnR on like the eteranl brooltfconietliiRM htjh niifl agjln IOH TenMventj 01 IIlly or more It Is nil thestnie With tho fielllty of a wellolleilmachine no ples them up smlllnx InIurdly as one more twlit of the Boatstall tells him the game Is safely stowdaua

This vouth Detmrcst Is on the Hutlap of the Ion rare HP Is n horn lollInrdlst Tho halls reipnnil to hl <

touch He looks Ilko young Hoppe nnd

McGraw Has Busy Day SayingNo to Offers for Players

nas John JkClravvs htisv day ei-

torda1J All day long he IIMcned In-

piopoHltlnn niter proposition forplujera wanted bv other dubs Itojerllreinnlinn uf ht Louis Harry rumlcy-of llrooklii John Uanrel the ncu-

leicler of the IloclieBter team Tomrianagan of IlroLUnn Mai Kason ofIll wrenr and a fen others kept Melira blly

After M draw had got through ivlthall his vHton hp said there was nothUK cloiiig In the sale or trado line Just

at pipsttit lirnv hiii n lot of pla-

iri on his lIt that he vlll dispose of-

bfforo the Mason opem but he Intends


EMPIRE II al tWh n five 3 13tal II eJ I SIll







jut Silurdi at 2

WM GILLEHE in SAM ONLYCEUM 4M h St nr H nair fi 15

vtis ihurstHar 211

BILLIE BURnE m knth Lnr II n > tit sisllAKtUtfv Mm fj I Sal j-



I 213

Fritzi Scheff IlmrlmSAVOY H h I il 21

I h Thurt to

WILTON LACKAYE Rffffitint St nr llwiv

STIIVVFSANI M > M juThurs t SH Mi-

Ijut irh it lhl Ihcrttre-HeelnK > t Unl llelncit Micatrj

BLANCHE BATES PoimTNi8iop-BMl lll lllk The I e1

1 II X t> M llilt II I iiBine Uulle-rItiWdta lt1 t U

I 8121r x T b-


u Mon Illinche IHie The Hthtin H t

HACKETT ifitVV Jvu Vn1uVb ii1I

Mrs FISKE II Salvation Nell

rlAlIt Itl t i if Ii-1t1Ir IIreJenl1 m-

WARHELD tf Vrr-lrcilV J jlU l fl ttolayl Bf < f-


7YuU7j IUU l allf Mat T S ic-


Drown Kttarto M quick lta

1 00000 HoleIs Prize Offered

for Trolling Race

With n hotel vnlued at flMOW aithe stake i handicap tioltlnK ralewill he held on ono of tlie Northern

pv Vork Etalo tracks omu timeiliirliiB Iho Liimlng summer Theoffer comei from Ainnri Curbln of-

Joiivprnenr X y n rinn of Krrn-lupilth who oniii the lintel It hsituated nn the St Iuvrcnce Hlveiand liusalHas hi cn T miniP nnkei-Coriiln i A iirgnnlzcr nml tlr t-

pnsldrnt nfTlie hi Intvrcncr ValIP HrccilcrH1 Aksoclatlon uiul 1m-nlvvavi henn n love of the hrncF5luirso lIalllO

Isome IIn he must go nftei A Illlos goitWhen tiipv inert It wi I he Clreek nnd-Irpek and nil hill to Ihe wlnnnr

to have a ilnmo of luukln them overfirst down nt irlln Spiin i di i

IVbiuir und Mm hFrom IIP ilinunil fir tlu rfrrults-

tnit Median IMK on Ills lift It en-talnl looks ns If he lua ilug III abunch of Iho ones und he will Imcsome HknilM tiullni mitfiliil mi lumjwhen he gets iful to cul loose

IllKliI now lltroi IK the nun motIn ilpniiind lirookltn wnnts him nndoffua loll In tMhaiiKf Nothlnjrvvlinlcvpr nlnK tlntu ItciKir llrnnahan likes llcioR but he ins nothlnctn nffei JlcHroM but inomj foi thephiPI Thp pv Vnrk hih is not sellIliB ill dieisvPt Clnnd Kasonand HatiBRiin me aftr nnvthlne theyrail ret In thp overplus nf phiera thatthe filints on their I sl


AIISftRDAU fIlBAIm 12d Itom uutjvtekiEvi blO Mulnee Uel V lIt 210


M MaAriLITTLE NEMOBroadway rFiriUlirIy 111i V

re an r anou Actor 11111 ln lallJoseph OIlIa In 1IiI ToI WI

NEWYORK rm1m twlI 4 lhiEIS I In WIlnI 2 U-

HEASS ZIltrlll Jri Plrillele l surras-


LIBERTY f iiiWhV-niDiitic

IIr 11

c 1011 2 I

> t VT nvtr T f HITDWIiUN1 Viu WirelessG-AIEtyTiTJTlIITiilh s II

In 15


iun TIliT-n1clltiCUI MUM si ro n vi v

CIRCE lUvilil II unn t Kv i 15Mall IhunJly V Sat J ti-


Huters tM Museum



k LIBERA TlWI t pl-IIZ VI IoK Th fi Mm20 Others CONCERTS SUM DAy

JOE WEBERS Tilti rW t t i U 5t

mmRMiioiiiiMRRiGE 1 1I tllX


n llTfrManfrnraHTie-

1BI10U unr311I ToI II d J I


ranIAlt Mnilne TiVdnrG d Culinn Jt Ilitrrls Mlntlrtls-trlih K iVNsl-

lnitlnNI rtrniim The Ssss Man

RecordBreakingt jI Entry Made lor Big J

Bowling TourneyEvening World Free Head Pin

Championship Will Start

Tuesday Night

cipalpst liowlhiK tournament In

Till of cntrUs ui In manylOiidH thnt has epr hell

hpd In AiiiPika nlll etnrt nt the WHIt-

ollophnnt nllpn Ilioidnay and Thirty

lh1 Kind nel Tiiesdiy penlng andIf uu nip a bowlpr whoso foam hasIIPPII pntPiPd us ot luurfio It has or a-

opiitator onjoj Inw iood It Is a certnlllt tint rUII will be tiiPre Speechesb 1iepldPiit John CllnsPli of the Nn-

tlonil UowlliiK Association and promi Inrnt howlers will bo mule

This Is HIP fifth annual championshipfi < hpid pin touinament clen by The

ienlnp Wntlfl nml Is open to nil orrfqnl7id ilubs within W miles of NewVuk The tournament Is for Ihpmentrams and dulls may tnako us manypntrlps as there are members to fill such

tenmi No bowler can compete In two

Many Champions-Will Take Partin Great Benefit

Tin1 monster boxing and wrestllnB en

tPilnlnniPiit In nld nf tlm Italian earthqiinkp fund to ho Riven under the aits-

pli cs of thp NPW Iolo Athletic Club b-

tlm Inlted Italian Societies of Hnrrlmwill he without iloiilit the icntest showof Its 11ml ever slven In thli city Him

drrds of the tnjmotch boxers and vvrcs

tins ns wrll as ninny of the hlB headMnprs of the thcitilcJl world havo vo-

luntoriiil their ervlce Many new andnovel featuies will be presented Inclnd-UiB tho Inttln tunl jilipatlim conlpitand lironilsvvonl contest b some of themust prominent artl H of this cotintr

leiHi unit Html luvo olulItrend tlm FPIVHPS uf man of theli hlcl= tar und llurtlK HPIIIIOII Sam ScilhHIT Pied Iivvln Al Vood nnd I HerIn it Mack havo inittlled tlm committeethnt tliov will coopoiatp with themIanr prominent stars have volunteered

IncluilliiK Uc Hopper Cllff CordonTod Minks lInt y nnd ltc John Nestor-Hie Avon Conipd Pom Ailolph Xlnk-

Maior Uole JeorKle Evans Kddl-elpomrdotlllra

Annlo Morris and a host of

The flcht cluh manftKers IncludlnB-Johmiv White Jim llnckley Hilly libton ISI11 Novvimn and lllll Hruun IIUVH

lon eiitPd to help John J McGiawanlChristie Milh vv on liavn been asked toreferee several nf the boxing exhibitionsThe nffalr will lit held In Sulzprs liarliin Hlvcr ark mi next Tnccdiiy Jan1 and will h nndir thp personal dlieclion of Joieph lltimphrejs



nally Ial Ih-BUIHIPPODROME tU EVIal 8 25 10 Ju

Sunning Mini little In110 j I Sew Vlrriii I

Maiina Elliott1 I betI1a1ZWa > al 30-


CASINO i c uI-





Makr inn In the tee ultkII hlrUlrnton Fu-


11 Q VUllne IAII MHhtnJ


u flarlUtrile Clark ipecUII engan-


nin xj The Brrber of HewOrleans

itctr C I Mitlneu Todii jtunILUU13L GUNNING vnuf niw

tMM Mrs fluke nli i MM Sell

AMERICANuffIciIrAJS tfia11-lJu IC We SI DAn 1dATS 20-

trln Iaud Odell 0 WIIon IayWnrl A Co Daisy lUvoiurt 10 othersIII sMMS iuC DIIOWN IOTTER

Oft Apathe Dance uracs IiaxLliluULfl OU Arl t1ne Irint-Bwny

IhrrOMh st Dnlly Mntlnpr o-


BRm mi m mm BIG SHOW

tIrC Mats I ur h vr Ian 111 llovcru-I > Wf Hoppxr CIKf Dontim ottimn-

II ur hirk v Huhlln Mivher MoTr i rn-

Pliill l llrleo Jkt i Mtlirj Ofmvin-ii > T o r tMlclns Jbc Oft ims M




GARDEN THEATRE 7 St A hdAyESU-3tlln d y U



1fallnflot TOdirt>


I train however and Illeiral entries wllj rbo reported to tho Vow York IlanllncAssociation itniler whoso rules tha tour lrnniput Is held making the offenderllabln for six months mupenslon Eachmm will roll one KJtne und the tineIfavlng tho hlKhift scorii will each r-

cehn a frpa entry costing 125 for the-Nallniml Tuinnnment to bo held InMndlson Wiimrn Innlrn In Jlny Eery 1bowler who mnkei n score of 108 pin i4

or moip will recelxc an entry card costMMS n for the IndhldUnt cortipptltlon In


11110 Inrdcn totirimment t-

To duto nearly 3ft teams have beenptiteied hut fully 000 teams or 5000

men will compote In Ilia tolirnAmetif- 1

laxtlng about the weeks Last > outhere were COS teamit but such Is thl iIntercut In thn National evont ahd theilcslio to secure the entry cards otteredas prizes that the total this jearwilletslly be advanced 10 or morn lea mlTho Knights of Columbus will entertwontyrho teams tlip Owl Olub huentered nine thn Edison Electric Com-pany


ten btatcn Island twenty Brook I

l > n fifty or more and otlieia come frompolnti as tar away as Hartford XevrJerse cities are all well represented


NY AC HockeyPlayers Shut Out

the Wanderersi That the Vcw York A C hock ftseven have some class this season WU


shown lact nlxht nt Ht Nicholas Rinkwhen they plaed all round tho itrongWanderer team chuttlni them out by ascore of S to 0-

Hhlreff the rover of thp Neir YOrtA C team who captained tha CresctntA C last years champloni wai Insplendid form and scored fhn soaliIlls work wai epeclall brilliant Inthe second halt when hli fast workput his opponents up In the air

At the end of the first halt of playilug the New York A C only had anadvantage of two points In thit tinthalt of piny tho Mercury footers man-aged


to snag tho disk Into the goaltwice Shlrreff drew first blood i tittle after a minute of play and twentysecond liter Cnstleman scored Aftetthat the Wandereis held hard andthe New York A C seven was unable to penetrate as far as the goal

nut in the tecond half Shlrreff and hUjam mates were out fob blood ahd

piling play upon pla snooped downthe rink with the puck The WingedFoot advance was not to be denied andthe quartet of speedy forwards sentn perfect fusllhdo of shots 1lni loward the goal potts





Admission 50 Cents

GOlONIAlrclnla ll nud e CoSuratt 61 Wus

T oar FordMnl Dally lic hirie tayMeUllle Kills olhr-


< fKv uJKCoTht-lUthineAlHAMBRA llrli Jiliiiltonierr oS Mnurc Iho o-


I I Dall e 101101 O h rs-

luluuy iu A TANOllAlf UlllD-uin Ial U D A UI LOMED



PR OCTO R ih AMS AlicisTVtiV FiiidiI-9STII


St Mot Ward Ann Illinoko A CoO1l1y 5e lli 1ellto Ilevu others

ATLANTIC AHDEN-Boaor nr Cantl 8-

LFtr Kve 7 In at Sun MM nnnd Concrt Ueflned Vauttesllle A Moving Ilclufii

IUMIIIKK lOMOIIllri hllOW-5HO West flld St Ilanbler Voilsl eihlbttij-iamoiu offset crank halt and ll nlilo-im irfe l eiplalnM lillors wslcomi



EMPIRE UfWd iTalidTufpirA ffrlaiDiiiy Mvu UushwklL

M TilE OOIOMAL IIElJiam a TWOAOV lluslctl Coraedf EnllllM IAUY WALLI BTHKET OLIO Ineludlnr the 4It AIltlJRS TLMJI O l rnl < o1 Sontt-

IYT SLp 10 j 1I1f


LEAH KLESHNAI JSP IHi The Hom ef nThattsinJ C ndle j

World Watts Work Wondoujt1