sr 10 THE SUN FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 4001 I tnof Or otat 7U 1 t YrT r 4I X3rIIiA 7 NEW BURLIHGTOK COMPANY JJ IIIUH CIIIKI OMKCT T- cESTiAtiri Till roxrimi- 3IS H Wiarr r NorUirni PaHH- iPrrfrrml Urlra l Into the Marke- Yeatrnlay at Aih 4 rUiK l rlr- irrat XorllMrn Al Ailranorn- llcprovntatlve of Iho In4enxt now own all of tho Mock of thi Oilcaico- Jlurllnictoi and Quinoy ICaltruHil rxplalnw- yiMtorday that lID purn o of Iho n ChlcARO KiirliiiRton and Qiilncy IUIIw j Company which ha Jut U n Incorjiorniw- undrr tli law uf Iowa v a Iu tako actua- conml of the property and Its hrunclio- nnd oporato Iliw MIII lnde eiideiitly o former anociiith The old comjiany- wldch fur many year had had Ita head- quarter in IHton wa tripp l of al authority whrti tht entliv capital utocl- of the DurllriKtin y tem purchaM- hy tint firoat Northern an l this Northori- 1acino railroad cotni oaie4 lIurlinRloi- ittixls a Kn Raiinic ahum Jlioflilwii I no boinR exohatiKxi a rapidly a jxewlhli fur now 4 per cent bond Hvird jointly hr the Oroat Northern and iho Northan- radfle com anloji and aKicraicallnc It amount ITJOonoiwo- Thu IIOO000Oun capital utock of lh now roro any It ia umlTntiKxi will I Incroaat If nor ary Jam s J Hill President 0- 1thn Oroat Northern l movinit aplri in th t now orgatilratlon and on of irp- rtwentative aald ye tenlny that tho chla object of thin now company lo nnntrul Ire the control of the IlurllnRton ayMcn and facilitate In oj rallon by mnn wh owned It Tho new Iowa charter Il I illfferi In Mom ropoct from tli okl fur chart r and i dirtlRnml to me thug rocontly chaiiKml condition Mr Hill aanodale o itlvely that thin w tI l e no direct connection l olwoen thi new HurlltiRton and tho flnaiicin of tho of Northern IaciHi to t 1 f Kill I B mn TM sale of 2IJOO of Northern Ia clflo preferred yot at price ratiRinit from M to 1011 nxcltitl ciirloity In VaII Street Tin llarrlman ml lent K- haa Utn credited with havlnc ettalilUlietl- tho control of the Norther n rncillii 1UII hy virtue of of u largv ttw of that com- pany with a xiiflluieiit amount common Mock hlmw n content for control of Mil Uiwoon Iho- Harrinuin intereot and tIM MurRnnHIII- lnt nt u few moiitlM IIRO all of com tttiKk xitlntinmion un l preforrej- each to iho iontrovoniy holdliiR IMI- linre aiiuln ll v it lo of yester- day wa nK itl ii Ii3 Wall Stnet a a of liffer- eii conletKllnic fin Stock Kicliaiiit oinrntom nld that mi- forred could have oim only from iiMri or MorganHill Bourne soul tlw pni- volllnu lulief wa ilml a witl f ctory acive- ilt x llion of i r jiroiwty flier wa infornwkm from rourceo tl e l would U retirf In n miimior aUfanory to tlio Ilnrrimin icily A minor o circulation woro coi- iifiiiilitln the of dlvitleml on- li lh MiiniiKjii arid pnfeiT l Ht M k ut th- tntc 1 T font a year Tl t rxuu- eliieflv itilenfiiil III Nortliciti Iwcllic o l tnnuiki any tai tm iii- Tho advnnci in of Jreal North- ern olianM from Ki ox llvldendk to IVO- on NII of n nii ohnn wa atrlhutod to tlie- zeiHral Ullef l reld nt Hill ha com hi plan for liirnlnn over lh control lhi to a roiriol comtmny- Alc M of llio of Inat VorllMrn iock- hy hrokent identified with tho Hill I- ntnr TESTIFIES I Mnir 4nierr lla lrarnril- i here Conlraillrlt Ser OlRn Halomrn lleitu took the wltnowi- Matul lnforc Hurr Rnte Tlmnia yeteri- hiy til Iho of Iho will of KIIROII- Oiuldo Cruicer which lofi her hi ontlro late to the oxfliiilon of thin H chit ilrvn of OniR r hy hU flrt wife Mr J 1riilorio Tarni She docrll d her ilf- an pln ter when who had tuft will prottnted- in lranci She iTHtdwI liete hitKt- Ia t April null hn pkikrnl IliiRlioh MI welt that i ho t tllleil wlilioiit an Inter- preter with fpu hreak She not If thorn hail bonn any form of marriage between tier and CnlRor To a cuo ilou ho repllod- MynamoU MadanioCniicor My maiden nanio wa OlRa Snlunvvi Helix I M ld In Now York unit nun liviiiR at lint Hrevoort- llnuiw Kho wild he did not know a word of RnRllh wlion ho arrived on April n taut Undor thn of tho In Prune ho M received only 4i l and hall ld out oWiRation of CniRor- amountlnR in llouO lo I3mil franm wild nh livod In Part In 1H9I at Oian lilly in IXU2 in Alglor in IMO at Kon and Part down to HIM death of VuRer In IKH Tlio mt of thin Ixaminatlon of the wltnem wa In refutation of utatonienta mail hy wltno fur tho contentnntn niuoli of tho viilen i Raln t- h r ho declared that ho had never oken- lo any of tho Mrvantu aliout tho condition of IViiRor nor flu at any tlmo called for Ihe a i a from any violence of OIIRIT l een- nn violence Sim wa never locked In a liy Sho had not nhown a tliochoil to a maid ayinu ft had l een roceive fniRiT A to IVunera direct to cut red while and blue lover nnd plant them ho did not ei ect tho lilt lo grow Ho hint Riven Uil order on July U th anniversary of tho taking of Ihe llaxtlloand forliorat- ivo MM Nu wlverwaro wa removed Initn tlio chateau f IVilRer whit he wa 111 to hut Tho wltne tnt not wen the will which wa pxrcuted In t WI until after the death of niRor and UMII al tlie onto of a notary to which lm wa directed liy a lirotlmr- of Ibo locator Sho hail never l cn known hy anr other name than Helix and tViiRer Slio had an nfridavil n to frxiRern mental Koundne a Olna Heitx Ki ler Itt It wax at tho r U t of the toiatorV brother 1lllain tatiiKtV IniRer wlnn Kiieenn- iillo tViiRer wa executiriR a ilenl In favor of hi hy hi e ond wife Vlt- IKXI niotlHT name wa Ko le- ritnttnMts tr HIIITE i vs- l rirn tellm nf Ihe llulitien rlr l- vtlliiln a fen lla- Wnnr PlltMMM thot a t day Inirchirv havo beri immltled lnm- riRht utah lift William lan rolditiR on- KdhwM 4KK4 w HMeVed of two Kld- W wtfen ilkamoiHl Vi in tinttwy al M N o mlverwarw IMAM lvn ISHviy wtto IHWH I OmMwtm hIM oiiutil ni r to iho rv- ItMtl i T a route MHKHy H i HUIMO- J wi4fr lf i ATT- Vwl N errin faxing u I rat ral l arewiK- l Iniir I 1 It ltAia Uim IM A tow t it a WU1 Ut UMlJ hal hue rOt tuck J pan h I h A or I Ill I I f r r IIWItI4 con I alt ocd he ali 11 rla1 I I I hat nIt i 1 rom for n I Ill I I I rill Sw 1 II s- t I- h 1 1 1 a 0 s aiit A 1 M 1 o I I t wIt hIs was the clerui by stud Ii hum its mIrerftMl the t 1w has rilnd fntii flu eat t UIfllfl Mitt ltiist 1rnr g Xorthvris Iaiehti lIp nict liiul rtirlt41 rguRlttII Iutiirti Hat l kit Norhumn lift Irk I hut Im VII tirtt pll slip ante ls has Ill ushi nine III the a s isO waives 3Il h Ik utwwl dsAl hiWii4lI 454- wuisI r i I i i vi wa- hu4 I iuaa I 41il thu- I wa Kifl MH4 Jui4i Mpb- t hwi- S l t 4i w gt im 1ulaid thai a w4us wsI tWaW- Iit I aisis assttus kw M hP ISSW 54 as Mrise a Awaitistuss4an su lb hwiglai t4 Mr AiIStIII a- aaut t uli > > < < > > < ¬ > ¬ < < < < < < ¬ < < < ¬ > > < < < < > > > > < + DEVKRY lUCK IN HAKUKS3- BrilM by Rrfeokinc Lrnti Aaxl- U let That teeoe Derery returns to Iulloo lleadquartora yraterday aft a wevka al eiKi Ha work r taking hla Intimate Cfeon and roundsman f r being a fi- inlnutm late for the trials Mr Deroi drove to HeadqimrtorH In a cab The waa nothing to ahoir that he had Just g over a IMI except perhapn a Utt- M rvoui ni H M tnlght r i l oon caii hy big doMfi of iulnloe or aoinethlng c that ott When h entered trial room It wi doxertpd exoetrt for a few reportcra Mi- I I h dmk and ittuiiunod uiteaxlly oti the haiti wit tltiRem Then ho looked at the report a If hr would llfco to mitnethlni but Rlamwl up at the clock Inotead 1 10 to lhi minute Hey lo his factotum K rg1- Siigdon e lhow ofllcvr are u hit early fur em In a vtrv this dvliuqurntC- AIIIM troopIng In The all worn a worth loli 117 went anxIous abou how th Deputy 4ornmliwJoiivr waa frcllnj Mr over the raw imti- h cam to one in which ItoundHtuan Dal- of the Tenderloin wa this complainant Why werwnt you on lime awkei- Mr Devery TaInt right You otiKhte- uliow a eiamplo to your men Cour- ipwu at Id an hunt been two o- Ihieo of you nMimUiniui hit today I wont do youn tint hero on those alter Ill lino you ten Tlien cam Ififlnmn of th With Matlon- Whor wer you a ke l 1 wait dotalnod this rouudoman JilxeriiiR n If he wen attncknd signs lf I ivntlnuii tiw hem saL Mr you tlonl want t unavoidably delaln Caiit Corny caiiRht It lust of all Hi and Iioi rT havo been Why you Into tup asked Mr Dover Tlio cam wire blocked for five minute at tront ald a Hiiporior oftlcor Mid Ierery and youd otiuliter bo on Aft r the trial wnakod about tlm roport that lbs Brooklyn wing of Taut many wan rallnR a of JiW a at to hint to rcoiRti before Iloctlon- Whod the fifty ho Inquired quickly On hehiR ttjurod that near UI it ho nald- Well Im not coin lo re lRti ne not OTOII fur rrXCIIKlt EIIHitLY Ph lrUn irt Arrntrtl for It hut llnni- Hie la l trale Niupallirtlr Ir Henry O riaui of J Wr t Thirty dKlitli Mreet was arrested In tlm Mreet- neur homo yesterday on thus complaint of an el man who charged him with axnult flu complainant did not appear viliiin the pliy tolaii waa arraigned In the- e t Sido xiliro ix iirt Ilm doctor wax 1 fuel that I haro been harxbly treated your Honor DrClatiiM to MaicUtrato- Coniell The who canMil my live oppoidto ma coil I hug to flirt with wonuti In my IIOUM I own the hoiiM and havo l t Mvtral de- cirabl tenant l ocau e of thl old man action Ho OR H my patient whon they MUSIC to my oftkv anti tried to flirt with wlfo I went out lo with him timid ln tried to utriko- me I tilt him then In eelfdcftnce hit him hnnl- Maii tralo CumulI ehucUIil He U down on mAxhcr- Of our o ho mid I dont of violence doctor hut I ympathlro with you If that man bother a aiii coma In mo and Ill M O to him IMVKVS r in ho Mhot Jim ltak II Mnl lltpeclrd- In IJ r llai llrlnhti llUraae- F iwanl K who shut Jim Fink In the Grand Hotel In IHTI hi eri- il ly III at th homo of hi rUtor Mary MrNutt at SI St Nlchota avenuo and IH not ex ecii l lo llvo long allmont- U llriRht dUoawj lr JohnS llllllnRJr a lraliie ntirun art conMantly In al upon him Stoken wont lo SprIngs Va om thin and apparently much Improved In health Ho ha lnc l een In numerou lawmtltn ono of wii li oxer the of thus Hoffman Iluuw HIM worry 1 thoiiRht to have under- mined hi li nlth For ho tliiBof Klik Stoke wlco but a hunt trial rvmiltod In a verdict of imnlaiigtitfr for which he four vrar in SiiiR hing prison rileued In INTO Tho hoot I lie tho rvult of jealollH over Jol Mttiwlleld- HICII IOUCEIIAV ItAXKItrrT- ljnNia llalilllllra SOttBNn Made lr of It al llulldlnc Patrick H Lynch hulldw of tiy Anvter dam avenue ha filed a peli lo i In bank niptcy with liabilltlM Uovum of which f lr1US recuml The MHured liabil- Hie situ inortKtRc on real cnlno to th amount o S0Vi and f l oldo The ilibt win uiilracleil In low and 1000 In- prcctlnR amrtmeut houwm In Hainlltnni- iUcii The t of a interest value unknown In tlm K aterklll- Norh nnd K nteollll SunlIt upartmenlh- oiiM There mitt llu lyrichwho xra fonnerly a retire front ho went Into operation He became embar- ra l In Inly iwo Martha lxnch hU wile i Illed a llion In bankruptcy yexienUy wild llabilllii t HOT ins llrokrr iaiiii Clerk Illew Theta In In l M lrunm Arrr l l Samuel Kit z t rick 21 year ol l of 309 Wet Twentynlnlh Mnef who lia Uen for lli pa t four or five year a ckrk In the rifle of IeorRO I l ndon a Stock KichatiRu broker at M Ilrtuid ilr et wa arreotetl jel- erday by IVMity Taylor of thus liiternivl- Kexrnuo on a of wlW MamM In memoranda of MI of toclc He cunfoowtl that hit vtuki antI oUI bIte Rood t m Im nhould- luvi IIMH Ho ltwein tm and- I woi Ihe t year He iwt tlm- iiHinev to tb Tammany In thus pool- room Mr l luixe lomakrt Rood the to to I toxrrnilient fulled hlaliM- Ibmniiwlniier hhiekl held llio Kulmil fur llio Irand Jury rvnttuctor tliapln l rop In Hit Catiomr I kH I With n eui of tea In hi hand and tin pmiefi of a pleaant mini befote him I W tlia4n of Svraeu o- itritductor n blue New Vork iilri4l chooi train dead i f aiplriy in this iMe 4 traH l oiw n tin tr aiel- WtelH ii at M HI I wlay In falliiii the ileMil titan n tlm In haul Imfi hiMlnir and dlnkr- Ml nit Inn roe Ml ileatu oa Irttan- iane Mr llmiati bw lie i n Irvttjhl- nHMlwtwun th 4Mral fwr flfiewi yw r- UP IMII HIP ircenllne ilnnlprrr- AlUlwr Mm1 Hie Hw inaii aiiotitor- M llib w iii4 in anil July f- TV Aio4ttitH murder p i BM l- M Juu J tMM KnoW hal end old ha cal 1 11 pU1 Ill I hum I COO t IU 4 Ell alt all art I ali TI- n Stol 7 Ant I lot I tit Y or t hi r I 0 IU- I the u ymCa u I A I I I IPI at tip 1ffl7 hIs ieat thus hula ems cay was hits rut hum liNt sIn t Lit went You rt him usveiv gut tNt lulls dMhuargsi t hit iui rluIuu t rat jon Mrs hilt ago was salts was tnunkr Strut degree nerved Islhig was are lug sis ts cub fur lit mvm7 amid iitI till mug suM tnftIn- T1GEft flues hi tiger hue I Iii thud t Iii t the mitt isis 5 UIeu that he se tk haiti suit a thu ieitee Itiutitiis tbu Iueir4q iii a 11w 54 Ntkitsisi aCa tishiisiauisl tutnIai- h4ul as Pwitget Miess Ian ItsiiI- Is diswig Ma Ju leitsi he1 1 isai hesuusL i aae S < > > < < < < > < > < <> ¬ > > > > ¬ < < < > HIS BODY IN A CORNPffiL CHICAGO LAWYER FOVKD DBA WITH A VOVXD IX THE KECK- At So unit Wat Pund sad M the Man Jew rlry and xloor7 Were Not TeJ m Ih Are Ptiilrri M to Whrtlif II ease or Munlrr or hulrldi- I ROCHESTER Got 17 An luxrut Igatlo which Hherlfr Ford now haa under will be iiooewiuy to delermtno whet ho William A HMiopJ Chicago met death at lit own land or wee mur- dond The liody was at 10 oclocl thin morning liy Mary VYeU III con Held on tlio Ionlatn farm In tilt town c- lre oe a mile Iwyoml Hie city linn O tins right M of neck wan n stab woum- an inch in length suit tl front of this situ I waa covered with No 1mlfo wa found lIe Cormier traced thus moan trail Iwek HO yinl to H curlier of a I fonie In a pleni of wood wlieru that wan a pool of Mood There were evidence along the trail that tin man haul lulls several tInts on hits knee In the puokela w n found wveral lathe long gold chain and gold culT buttom a gold watch a silver watch and a hook on the MerrhJuit Louts and Trm- Ilunixiny Chicago had draw rlievkii Oct IS for US mid on Oct 1C for 71 each In fnmr of hlm lf In lid wntlt was V In greonlwKlta In pockets Indlmted that a Ill liuiuninii agent and Dial hlH agency i I In ChliwKo IKIIIIV U at III Hl hoii vim In KochtKliir up to ye- i tenltiy mid rglMitred llei Miurti llouie- roroiicr Iillip ImllnMlona tlmt Ihn hush wa murdered nurAoo ct 17 William A llihop who a 4 found dead in u cornfield nrii- HocheKttr tn luy won It young lawyer ol this city alKMit KJ yearn old lw learned hU Ihlrigo friend I lib afternoon an to this M of vlli Ka t or an to what could have inspire this rrliim lit llxiil In Watikigan i I wldownl niotlinr In tluit town h wa highly re suit family wan under utood lo IN welltodo III Chicago lili- was niftier IxtetiHlvif HH oceu pled ulTlce al bi ll irderi blook In conneo tlon with Cook V attonieyi- iHiuld thnixf litlli light on HIM taiw- C A who llvon near Mr hop homo III xVaiikegan Mild thud lll ho Uen moroMi for MHIIO lo hula deKirtiiro from Chicago that nil da1- on Hiindny and Monday he had l n worry- Ing and that on TueMlny- nlglit lu l inlon on which Im wan Men ho left the hoiixi tItus lock door to drown himself In the hake It Mild bo had lawn meeting with colitis ill bllRlniH nuilterH of late riilMA 41 UWTVO A rrcxpprou Year l Surpliw Inrrrain ISO Irr rml In Twrhr Months CillCAK Ot I Th dinxtorn awl MookhoViiPi of rulliimn Ialncx Cur CniiiiKinvinit In miniinl M N OII hirflodRV Tin tiniltiKH for tli i coinpnny for Ilm yrai- rndlliK July 31 lull n iial to 11X7 her ivn on tlio pHpital Mock or S7iovjou Ill grin r viiiti wit M7ww7M uKnln i In pn wllnR ynr Thii ln- crcnHO of I2v3a3 wan Miial to in 7 jxr- Th minpanr r pilml on Doc si all th Ixinlniw of Pnlafx Cnr- Coinpnuy lA t yiirn IHIHIIKWI thcrrfotc twilv month of ox ratloti tin liKhnie thn ixntipniiy n only iMViti nionlho of y ar IK July tun It IH iMMwihlc thcnforp lo exactly lncr ii III cro inrnliiK- S nn NtnipHriMino may mnd In v nr mi Inly 31 Win IM ront lit iMtipi Kor tin year otulml Inly 31 IWII of o ralloii wa 41 r flit of li Kri r iit In th iiii anllmi- howiVif tin icroiw liVWiun luul ItUTrnw j- II7 Mr It Hi urH thcrvforf that while the iMiniiuMM inrtfOMtl ID 7- i r onl lh i l of oM rittloii lucrca nt than hell of I ittit From th- o TntliiK the innnaRiiiiint woo vtrv nuc vw fiil- Thi n t xiirplu for hut rear war J wiil5a- KMlnxt n n l for th liiiic of lllia7M lIe AiirphiH aconititI- ncreBMHl llwrtfort IKi cecil Krnnk 1 Iiwdrti wait elrctnl n mrnilxT of tie llcinrd of DirTtor to Micrwil the lnt- Jolui V IXiaiix- Th r wa dnlan previous to tie mi tlntc liMial dlxldind of 13 a xhnrtt from not parnlnfrx payahlc on Nov U to kiorklM lili n of at fluMf Of llllMlllVMI Oil NOV I iiAVKn ritnsirrrio RESTS lpttrr lrnm IKi Cook to him After Mir Had ltrfii nl hint ToRnwoios Coon Oct 17 Th Stat lt cnM lo lay In Inn niur- dor trUI ami Hi dofoncw will UIRU- Itomormw The rlivliiR lcntlmony In the aflnnioon dramatic Wadn I N- ok brotlwr of munlonil girl took Maud anti told till story of HH HI- HIntorriowH with him a witik Ufon trapdy wh n l KK i xk to do 00111- 0IhlnK to iwoncll hU sister towanl him llayii told lark Uiil written n l u r- of i wiity flv t aKo to MlM took Tho- lu t trvtlliionv of Iii Stat wax durtloii of NHMI CookM aimworM to lottvr Tlm dffrnm tried to pnwit a liilx ii hut tl lr objection over It wa albeit tint Mlw Cook only- iiirtly Mfld long letter anti torti- It Into tiny and wroln thus anxwxr- i 4H Joule I w nuicli iiri rlwd t i r lTo your l t letter I iiitii tl you un tK l that ymi rro nnt to oir- r with inn I tlmutrht that u promixd Jiihn I tin not nnkiniflf run now I INII lowarn xiv Dint you nin t not wrlto vie amy innr letters thine Jiilm y ll neeillit fer shout my illne iiriMnc to Ixithcr von or to you I havo eimuKli re M t you kien nut f OIKII thln f liar foiivrrMtion otcr HIM trli ilmiii hoIJi itixMl ami you inn nut try t or ililrf me I in yoii I saul the ollirr lioa nun arid rl ililtliMiltlo Kinwrily your frirml- MINMK STEAM iv uin tnn urN- tnrp Urlrrlltrt lrl a Tntlrrlns noman Irons Jrrtr tin but MIP Hark A tottrrliiK old woman clad In black wan arrnlKti in JilTormm Market oli o until yr l nlay rlKtncml with Khopllftlnic Sits had IMVII Mrro 1d In u Voiirtif nth Mtwt- utoro SIc ld lltal flm wan Mr NVIli- iTilliitt of lUyonno N J II widow and 77 onn old ll Mom ilrtoctlvm Mild that H1 hail l f n MtTtitl frnu ntly pilfering Mitall article In tl tat U inonUn Al h had l on all i to tak away a fiw rinall artlclxn with tItus x i ctation that M ll4y foar woiikl kai bet away fi im stasIs nftiTward Thon usa wartml anil M nm Mokn arth1 lakrn from her Imt hat ilxl mil do good Ilmi m woiiunNik that IM bait grown up- rh4hll ll WH would not Mljipnit Iwr- MditMiatn hugs M IMT RU INT- M H Ko 11 it uni In llavoiino and twit tmii tin K U ton Iwri acaln MK Mia r fur Tho Mild Man llortir- si t MVA IIM M 17 AuMIn Iralmm- WH liav 4tt l fur man ymi th wH Hum huts li iriN i WMH lUttMimn I MH- INtMtnl IMIH ypMonlay fm tho lHtx 4i IMN I nn AHiltm- wt k tiL r r attil MmwwliMit hall and Mint llo hao Iwfia Utnirr KHM O loarltic 11t- M IMilJltli kN MlHc f r l tf l r to III MI VIX d r4lll IIMUMW rill i i i rtM fm- OO4 kuiiiUT U i M 4ri n I I I I a way a the rail I IWlntt lid oil I I WA I lila W t JlIrtrltl I I r th II I I SIr 011 fII Walt 11 I I I th I IIlllIt Ar was t lit m II I r hut r I till shove 1 lIt I 11 had first 1 tt Autborthirs hkurlun flock found blood I dice I Pit gar auis sir lit I thesis S hilts uv s1i11t hi log I iii flu tVl thin I I SS t tie thus signer eseuuhinnus wit Ii igiul mist U hilt k ash aohiit uu sin Isartisimu I ttit lentil lie as t lie fiscal fit wa r cent of groa itt I cut t club gross 1st all t bit rested hayes the hiss hiss lie < s this this wire I lie then his folio lug sf11 ass len spit seek sit Na her SIn pI liii the iisWt kakaj si putriat lsvis Ire Na lii thistH hit utsais mss s I < II ui late < > > > >> > < > < > < > > < > > < < < < < > < > > < < > > < < < > ¼ Mexican National Railroad Co Readjustment TO ALL HOLDERS OF BONDS AND STOCK OF Tim MEXICAN NATIONAL RAILROAD COMPANY A already aooounced a Plan the adjiatment o the Finances of the Mexican National RaIlroad Company b pnptttd and Ih uadtnlfntd have undttttkta u Kcadjuilmrnl Minifrn lo CArry out Plan which affects ill the icctiritln ol Company ParlldpaUon utufcr Plan of Ridu tn nl In any rwpecl whaliorvtr b dependent upon In deposit ol ucuritlei ON II BKFOIIK NOV KM II Kit ll IIMM with SPEYER CO Ihe DtpoiiUry under Plan al their oilier 30 Broid Street New York TEIXE1RA DE MATTOS BROTHERS Amsterdam I Cop of PUn and Agreement of Readjuitmrnt and any further Information drilled may be obtained al olllcei ol the unJenJjued or heir Amiterdam Agent SPEYER CO NEW YORK KUHN LOEU CO NEW YORK SPEYER BROTHERS LONDON Krw YORK October II 101 ctJuadal tlltriai foe been to- ad the the I I the lbs I Of At the olllua of theIr Arcols Mum SPEYER BROTHERS LoIIfo1 and Mn the lie lie L i the mnSALKA tmupofVflT lch OOID MINE In Ci l ir li if uktn 1 ones ran b handlM fu- nVMiu f you loran bu n r n ibis amuual dilte for p rtlcuUri u IIAIIKS a co Sit l ttiom Chlf to 111 intB XAII IltlCKS CLT Imlrftmilrnt oiirrtw rmtrrielUnf Steel Trust KlUKOX Pa Oct 17 Indtindont man ilfacturom of win nalU have ctartod to ctr- prlc In onlir to kwp mills In opera thin we k are nkliiK c nt i- k K Ixiow prio of th Ainnliai Shah ansi iio Coni aiiy this mali jmrt ol- UH SlanH Hlwl Conoratlon5- Cf of prlcott of testIs palntod vanl r iinnoalwl has yet lnconn known HK llfi d mand IH heavy limit I tlirw art i of1o l to cuinn down noon In tho u of win nalU the M a on ol- I activity hii alxmt aw l Uttlo I buildlni- iI In winter inontlii- Uict winner prittM wen mnlnlalnwlI- IK th cuiuirlty of concern oulxlde of Ih comlino WHK a miuill factor I mi with tin f Hlmnui Stool tutu Nlurni In tnton Stivl lS in niiy Ia llnrtnmn MiinufncturinK- 1oiiiiMiiiv NowcnKtlc and lIsa Canton Sall Canton Ohio and a numUT- of mm 11 iMiiutnin complelod thin Mimmor- tho nr Th Ainvrican Stwl anti cutting who null to lolnVrt at 230- ko in carliMid while iho lnd i ondonl i Sri In HUM cusses iiK big J which prlct In homo cnMo i INIIIH mucli mon on de inililn contnictt TIi SIn Sioel Com iiir makini- cln i kegs of nnilo dntty and contracts lxiU to Hi plant nmnliiR for wv- eral inontlw So iiinny ollior of tin Iron and Blool To Jrt Ttirm Out Suite Ttirm Out If you vial In untafh thr rnfr rf TV- nylrm of protrrling lavlrintf and rfirtrfmtf profits Th Inca vAt mini la- xrfwnofr il trill rrgitrr i ws t TO innnll- anklnc With lrrct Quarters In IMnr Mrrrl This IniikiiiR lioiiM of Jainio SpoyirI- k Co now iMiiipyiiiK liniMMl quarter III llnwid rtntt lniUKht yitordiiy a Hilo for a tiulldliiR of It own on this north old of MUM ctrwt c Kt of Snitoau It I In lout lots to put up a low iMilkllliK which In to lio fur the ankn Ilcluolva Tho plot I at to 2fl Pile Itroot anti tins a froirtaR of W feel It l ivor l with old foiiratory ImlMiiiK unit forma tlio wwterly half of a i l lioUjtht not tonic sign liy the realty o T8tori A iMwIinR from tlio Itiyt e lato for mi ohlnlne KtakwA DowluiR from Silver A Co I om l Th will not over four Morn WK ard ill I Iho first UinktiiR downtown In the Ilimncial I MMWOII of tlt will N obtain noxt May when It Improvement will l undirtiiken NI plan fur yet Uwii although iiiitntlrn- IHII of l V rI- IIR an In negotiation with another Ixink- hie hou for of reoialnliiK- luilf of Iho former estate jxircel nn a fur a luildlni nlmftar to that projecti d- liy H ey r A l i Murrain anil Hark for In onlrr ti meet tho demand for rhonp- rxciir lonii to lluffalo duriiiR tlm cl inic days of th TanAmorican KiMwltlon time Trunk hint AwtoHatlon antI tho Central Traffic Aioclatlon autliorlr till tho- nillroadx operatIng l twvn Sow York and Chicago t lal rates limit to alMiut onivfoiirth of regular A loimdtrlp of JS from Now York to lluflalo nnmi luw Wn an- mninced ly th Krie llallnnd and It l cted that other roadi will m11 tickeU lit alKiul NMIH llRurtH Ties of Itallt for Pmn l anla Ort 17 VlcoIronidnt1- iiRh of the Pennsylvania llallroad Mild that atxiut iei m IOIIH of nlwl rail wiiuM w liil the letm ylvanli for rU older year fur li- l m ton of Mel rails nt IMMI of fro er a rotate ohould the prhvifr- nlln de line llo that flaunt liy tho time of actual deli vrr l I N allotment of thin year order ha lieen limdo yet To Oorralr In Trnno ro IMiiMpliatra- NAMIIVIIIK Tonn Oct 17 Th Fileral- Cliomlcal lim ny with a capital of St V- mi chartered undor the of IXilawHrr huns IvNii oricaiilnil n a coiiKolldatlon of the large Tinner i phophato IntorrM III Stale A million ansi a half IOIIK of hlthj- tradei la In eight on Iho xun- laiiyn land TIn IIIHiMM fnr basal lanili It wa nport l in Wall Street y t r day that K II lary on liehalf of tho nnw- 1ocnliontai C ial and Coko Conniany will blots IIOIMIUII III ca h wiek for the Sanwi acre of land In Viridnla ami Vo l- YirKinlH un n whlh tliv l ocalH nta cults PaY hii option ulrt of Wall MirrrU- V W UVntx Jr hrrn rt ilnt d- irnrral Hii rlnleiMlenl i f Ilm Ontral IUII- la l of Jrf rr I ieivnl rrteran J II Olliaiiwn lto retire In run e tirnro- of ill health Mr Went actmc roceiv l Ilio llo JIUrtfM- ii f iv New York inUrii HIM otrrn Itch i M t In cIty yeiertln ikt r tlfl- rikiiy nMn r NIH nwn in iho rm r Scrairtin 1 t re- HIiMoit la voik that thus mine were in full i ii n Tin entire mnjt- wf III t iT m l MHi n l4IMlln Iv the Oall l MKil Wr trtH llart- Inul Mriun ike tieMMin 1 irk r lUlkuml tMVP iiUne4 a three e 4 iM wiit wilt un le li l fl M- M IBIH lletHHiin l Nlir A I Milt 4MIMII l Mil fcl yl N I Tw lh 4 HH UM f AlIt 0 nnr J the their gal II ri- ot Inll Ill I lot t I los I to trait giN 4 flak IIt I II ttg Iv l4ettttwi ini bite arehil It iltlit0t55i thnt 1 I Ii t Tit al loll 0 lIln ret x ottO I dot I ItO ills TlI r S I till Ill I h hiust laiitl tuxt all 1 a I Issh 114111 t bo- la L Of Say II II I j J I t lu tR t U I A- I rg1 II T rout II blots siuiti fly I his I tilted lilt log Iris tit oiliest t his hollY I oitsni Li ihiiwutiY hiss chiitii hrs ii g slits vial Its I us iisgi lion this reservist isis Stats Iii lint liv I t s a huh I vlsI mutt iSlet tar ihisi nil I his I a t hi lists iiulist ketvhs hay lausU- sirawli 1k 1 1 1 suits set t > I iumli thug t1ti4 Is hhtike Iii sit lit rat hut lfl hit misushlhu i a I lIe Itt was 5 lines tilati tutu 75 i laws ihii I tints ii CutsI Asiusdsi has ru thin a has hea n irtietal aupertnheiuslerit situ a Is at flee is Si the lad nisI sIu i a Series tSia- itliiuliisI I I alit tie i4 isaps4ftui that 4cli orne tie 5isistaiItt that uit II rliiiis- Is hsudqitattrr t 15W iiiihS islet ft Ii u ii- I S f iSis issi us tisisiolins ei U li5 ta ntift4 tibuSs bliss v a slew- S the ut fit isik Miu ttishmsc- a sw isass iuusutta4 rten4i sfl S I si ass hp4 WI a t- Sb1 to uw and hiss itaci asS > < > < < > > < > < > < > < < < > < > > < > > > > > > The Unknowable ir Real Estate Titles- All that can be known or dis- covered about a Real Estate Title the TITLE GUARANTEE TRUST COMPANY knows and discovers through its plant and through its force ol skilled lawyers devoting them i selves wholly to title examinations- I All that is unknowable and un- discoverable this compan in sores against with a guarantee fund of 6000000 No buyer is justified in dis pensing with stall protection NDTRUST COMPANY Bro dv v New York 175 Remitn Brooklyn FORT WORTH TEXAS BONDS UnMfM ot fart Xliirih I M Itonri l i re nsjin iril tu nmimunlr with mrl rr ll nlh llrr raft NRU ViiHK SIVI tIn t Till T C l 18 WAit YMr- kllnMrr m U lf in rtr nUf f unlnl rlkMiitthr itomiiioUlrrf c miaHlrr MH M- I imrr sit unpHl ruuM with lk Serf l ry ut tin nminltir i rAlllfllllil Clulrmt- aanhtrs fluId Vrolitrs WALL STREETS RAPID FORTUNES r tit lurk f ffuci Mililur rVinn triH rtlllu tt II St r l ffffli- Htu iiHiitt i mo mill i HatlniH Itnt 1UII lliikrt iu drr l mlu- M krv ii ur lil lUllwn oulllhlRr ifMrkru wnb nh tii l mirrt If studied In ruse nrrOon with Mt 4 w lr IM CUldo to Investor Which U til u ry 4 ri i n f lb maitrln- of lh wrvtJ II ri i fil mio uhrl- mrful In ordinary hider rl ki in irlrriDi- nt the HAIGHT FREESE STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON 53 Broadway New York Ananrlal- rr nilbllll nf n t iitnkrr l u ImpoiKal lb irlrrllua of lljhl Xliiubrn rw jerk Stork 52 BROADWAY N Y Stocks Bonds and Investment Securities Irlrphon SO llrnad JACOB BERRYW i M IVNUI UIUII II M W UK i M MVNUK 44 and 46 Broadway Ntw York lUrtfuiii um in i mi 17 mt STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON XIAMIilMI Ml INXfNI tllM IIKHUts- l ll Ul AMIIII IMIHIXI tTIIIN IIH- H IAI ii urns ii unx nit MMIIII list i i iiix iuyi rsr r M MKIII iu is MII kirs riu n TIII Mirrtx 11111 MI MIIKIX 1111011 is- Ulll MISSION I it 1KIIU itAlY VIUIUINH Stoppani Hotchkin ml l r k- nu II i HUM Orfrii pip let l IP tf Sleek ficbtnc- MW xoukl- lr I AMU- fMmf mtrrtn STOCKS BONDS GRAIN COTTON iridrndt Lilt Sntmst- Miimirii r ro- r VOIIK irtilrr liwt Tt limpnr hn UK ilny itrrl lr Inim mlBi a ilituiriil nt ussr uri rtm IHI Mi ti nHK r ih i iMMrr r owf i r rehri I SWum wi Iwrrmtfr i I M al it cOre ut UF iMM J I lIHIHiAN A 111 XfH In ikr 1irlrnnl SIH f trani Sew leak t 4 t Hi iirtTcMi HANK KItS l Ilrfriixi M rklM4 iPt uf if it4 In Ifrtin l list i k tac uf tu luttlrl U k u N- xrmlief ion lot Ibr wn r nf attck nlvUraJ Ikr tlwlf In NV ik IWrtHi cU II 1 I X- Iim Nnrrmtirr IWH IK MI rmfoi tt M A W- wa N e fc I IHI- INoilKrra IailMr IInllMA iiir n- Mi lKllWif H iHt srr r- Tno ir t mi xiiMMi IIIM MIIIJI III IIKIM IN UMOAUNTHKtl- NMX XOHK IkluWf it lVlli MI Vl H- Tli HMHlt h ilMhWwl TWIATX IXTI- IVTM r rn NU Ski i t n i ri npUr p i Mr al i l n ir Ari f- N sUe Mill MH Al fXTIl t HIX I K i in i r- at um tire pu- TniMfr U k rw ink H- lni NMWliv a iii ii ii Arm flrrtiont and JUrftinri II ktxv Hi M Mi I V Ml- A III II UK f rT I i AN D I I t I I 46 Sr a Nil urI 11 lid IlleJII I till ro II I I I ill Latahiishd 00 r 1rClhln hot I tub lilt I thin 11111111111 III j u I W It flU U l I I r lUll iIi lilt olI- n j I Ii ru rn i UIIU n c or- no J 1 1 I MIl h 1 J f j I fran tsar 5 a I is Iii ii I ru tale lbs deposit elitist ti cit ut Of rbane Those utinsily ni i ili alit the Ill Sbus 5 PtJi eoMpIsd- I a u isOi IiCisiI5 115041 issiis- siurn ue I jsjt 451 rmsm oSlfleU aisi 5- 5eili i Ss M drij Its usue Is equ1 i055 helter ts p Ito Si is t S p the as stain Slit taco at lIssat iii susisIarhir as steel Wit R1 HOUGUTALINC CO1 S a rat t Sit ti5 Itt N i I s > I siP i tltatru t I Ou si Ii ec ws s ai tn Mt Ill Y 1 this s use 5 hooks sat sill > I ii- vu taO is isrti iSiS a t i t the sad as its tan IISIEIS 511w 5 S ti SI I I- 1IKtt 5- SlWIlliWsa UWs4IUk- Tn siuia 1 tIp laiitns a iera 515- I rasird t siiir hi ei sshet isa at Us Siu t 555- 51iisii 55 taeiam Its S- ed uu iwt a said as ts4 A siii lain 1 pa pa Pp tt i s list 15 i C as Ill Mstaj ikUito n I > > < > > > > > > > > > > > > < > < > > < > > > > > > flNAfiCIAL AND COMMERCIAL TllUMDAT Ocr 17 Although todaya stock market WM quiet almost to Ute point of dulneaa It presents number of IntorentlnR foalum Tlii oonniilcunua of ll m was tlio iinuiin demand for hlghpricwl Mocks which ar- Keneralljr l VH rflMil ax Investment limllen Chicago nrd Northweolern ooiiitnon wa dealt In to tho o teiit of nearly 400U sItar at a net advance of a K liit while th preferred on i of ton nhnri ailxaiuvt 04 point Nt Paul preferred Ml nltnlU- tranwictlonK mused n point and Dctawan and Ilildnon on the traimactlonx II It long time flush a almilar net Rain Othe- elooka of IliU claMi that rordvod snore at- tontlon than tiMial worn Ijioknwaiinn- Ionnolldatml lax llllnoiii Central am- Irvat Norttieni preferre Tho hihl nainm- ot a reartlcHi front this hIghest prlcit rlim S points higher bats lIt nlilil Tin buying nf uses clock ovrtninly cnnno- lio regarded ut uptdilatlve The marke tot them Indioate thai points Invmtorn sits their attentlm from tho Ixmil market to Mock of nn- douliteil morit soil n mrol dhliliiidpHy lug atnlu Them sea no specific new renardllifl any of thi w shams a rlrtuiii taiHo ilia III view of th fairly wide trilnitlnii ol- tho IxiMnoM In them Miletantlalo tin atafoment just made A pm llil eicefiMon missy Im mnd In this raM of inat North- ern prefeired for In plto of niitixirlla live yet diillitlerM lorhldml dMilaK of reports that thesis runt ml tho Northeni and this Vortlntn Iniltk rorn- panlet aro almiit to ooiir iiirato th lr Imlil- ln n of thin preferred firfk of list first and common nlook of iiiunl ili raM remain that I for thoo n irt Nothltu a approahln- mergor or ronftolUlntlon of tho two mm- panlii i contemplated hut tim holder of a majority of ivirh of M kh men- tioned han to plB o their oharo- In a pmprlftary romrwinr whirls will fur them upon a heists that Kill In duo time lv determined TliU lon U entirety llicc nllil of the lust iimikni of c irtH rntlon Incor- iMirntlon nf xthicli announced thin iiKirniiiK that will virtually MUtfvd Iho- ClilcnKo Hiirlingon and Qulnoy Itallroad- Cliinpnnv Tho now roqxiratlon U to lie an operating coinpnny into whkh will mergnl curtain auxlllnry or nulxinllnato llnm of the iliir- litiRtnl y toin Moreover oomianr will nr ilro certain charterrd righto nut en- joje l njr the Chlraco IlurllnRton and yulricv Hailroad Vimpnny and it will lie an laws cotporatimi whereax ii pieront- compnnv rhartiTitl In Illinois lie took of Itie new oinipany will of o ir e- nllott l i tin MiarehotdiiH of tho pr- rnt While iipm culijeol It limy iMiti that this retM rte l hid of 211 for Chinn HiirlliiKton nod Julncy nn tint Stock KxrliaiiKo yiftcnUy wan an rrror- Tixt market fur this t k i In ihn Minin croup xvlth tlmt of Vow Vork and Ilailriadand tItus hid thirst wart Inadvertently iiotfJ wan for that Kotiirnlnc to Oreal SorthernSnrth- rrti Pacific Munition a featurn of today1- nmrket wa lran actlon of riser ihnn In Northern IailftV preferred the ltnre Inflict l ho only noteworthy dealing In dock inc ih Northern IMclflo eppodi May It toll UUi suet clxcd wlli a net ad- vance of MilnlM at This move- ment Marled numerou conjecturei In explanation of It Among them wa one llmt In connection with thn retire mont of the took a vnlimlil privilege woukl l gixon Another was that thn- dlxidend IIH II It would bo lncrwi d In connection with n sImilar Increnw In thn dividend upon thus common stock It waKnUn Ignorant lyaBMttlnl that tilt North em Iarlno Company rannot rotln the preferred tock lit r Till laxt I pohod of by the term of reorganlrition- nnd liy Hit toil of tho preferred afock- corMfkflto which twid that flue com pnny thus option lo retin any part or- Ui whoK of the pnferred ttook on any Jan I tn antI including Jan 1017- ujHin giving reasonable notion of It In- tention wi To exorriw tithe privilege to rvdoom wliat I virtually a note of hand of tha compnny no action of Mook- holdora I required In all prol ablllty thai director have already what they will do In the prpml o antI If nut they cvrlaln to do Kt In tho near fnturo- Tho tnui actlon provided for In tho plan of rcorgnnlratlon dose not contem- plate an exchange of bond hut for this redemption of the stock In cnh Thus romiMiny no occaklon to offur the preferred Mockholdom any aj n ial- Indureinentn lo take their money ilth r In Iho form of right or of an lnctvaM In- tho dividend ami It obxou will nt do- i Now that tho annual in tlng of thn company lw n held ansI there U- no occailori for a Mookholder nieotlng until next Autumn thorn f plainly no why preferred stock iKiiighl for tie piirH of contiol KhouUI lnKI anv longer pMlicubirly a It M II cenw- to IIMVI xotlng towor and it ralux ban lieen llted tho term nf nilemptiotl at IO cvnt the mid pi iiiiuihly- ccrile l divideml t Jan I neil With iho preferr l k ill ioed of- tho iioilon immorally n a to what will of that ixirtniii- nf the M fc wlmh i iMit held by th IntiMol fll ilutily control Orom Norlliorn toil Northern Iaclflii- rompjuilw In view I Ih niMnl of IntetfHiM for treaiing pnhlto fairly ami ju tlr in the Hdiiuniltnthin of this iM- rkiratiin In whth hex huvo 11 dominating interest I MMIH a wip- iMtiou lint In of a pro- prietary cMliipain t li l l Iheixmtrol of iwii on riiliii everv khanholler will e ttvate1 HI HI I ho imo lm i ansi given eipml prixleg SlMrtild iKMiirnp proxe t I wirnit the railway silos llull in Xorthwi H e l- f th MMiiiHKl premnt cumpticatl ansI t tit much lmplilll ami- ttntigtheiiod Iho vlulatlon of any legal reminolhrti agnlnM imxiltilatlitil- hat oaoli oitnpany wnitkl iiinin n at pnKlit an AlMtlutely M aratn 4ileiit organlMitloii In la t a- K in nniiH The timrHet rtx a whole wa favnrality- nfluiirs l liv tho iiin lderatlun that hints l nl il thiMigh to tell the trill h- i KH tiUlvo iiiiHiiiunity wa IK I rn truly and acmralely Infonmil ricanllng- ilo that have IMVII MI Tinin- tiwrvrr an lttlllnnll fiwtini this IN mil av ritlMllMi I l 4im luipruvnl- HMlili Din Mirfaei nf a UrtU market tniwsl It eflort lu- rMH it il larg 4r- III f M4M IIHk H Wl M- l i k Iho et4 i ali of tin ilnHlidoB i thai i inaM aunt vulralairtul ltlei MI fn4fT a latfe NtkttiM until IlirW- ii hearvr Uar at o l- iint HMtfielarr ruldhl a Mlle a i ry money market fr a t ngM rlai 4rwurtior In U itkHj a largest wins lat taut t MhO Iii I I I I I N- An tuwk I I lit i I ttek I Ill h IIi I till I I too I list I I a 1 l 11 1 < 5 l liisg All I 1 I dUp most male itntiiisstiotsui lily I uirn trig iron t Itt I let t here iihutaztt lid heist its agreed eli Iflentess trans- act the suits tin wits is hut l t hIs I lit hurt fssrtl this t his tIn fort unsat last tot die hue task the sledded are ass for line has reason 5 ib Liar 1 iss et ts Its a hiSS It Isitnt null su a hid his itt I riiaitiiii its 5 t 1 irtttiii iou hit thIs hi sill ill eats I ills S It hunt 50s fur lust LIP lip sic us ills 54 pseisistugli liIsftis3afttctit tSutflht- f utiiiII 11 ll shtnsint suits uiliii In lrtsi iwsusepasic 1555 tIe lautl- si40I t isi hiuthIbsig II shsutiaits Its stY issa < > > < ¬ > > < < < < ¬ > ¬ ¬ < > ¬ > > < > > > < > < > < > < < > > active wore In 8t Paul Inlon pHfV I Boulliern IWlwnr Atchloon mirm I MbmNiri Pacific arid Fri Tin tw rrt named led tin list In n Hi n r and cnjoyetl iho gn nte t tiei n i r- In thn ii Amiilgaiiiiiio was the lender lit nwrk f- fnvornWy Inlliieticid hv ieii- tatlve HwuriMXts that this prii f- w tint I reduced HIM liv iini V- Impnivenieiit in the j that metal MiiRiiUilv ii iig peaii nuirkelH for Koiirili i today liy VHRIIO apir i t th T In tin i- unexptnlncd dov opn ii i extent this mom luxoraltli i v g T- Itjink of no iii Niii I bawl wivk The linprovimiT- diiotrlal itt tmit nifiiiiii j lf Ketinlng on light trnn flf i i i Iwiiix that fdMil nwirlHl v- IrvwHtl SUel tit prififreil t 1 IoWor allll Itlllilior imul r J Slates Steel olork wein iirm w Mill the murknt for llwm a j- apparently oritlpty innu- rr ually Innellv railwuv i i fui vance l ohnrply w i Miiinili K- l iil looiieo Tlio ilalini r i on a Kindlier nmlo limn v ir i i nuirkl wo In the iiwin iiu only n in Amerimn run trntT- llntninlnn e uriti Wliut fl1 The lone In the it i irtn- ient xriio In the mam x r New nrk Stork llrll mr ilr lint I UMIkll IHKIM or I si i n i ti- HH XllMf I 4 ul- r s IM IOU IUOH tMl MX IlJ- I S J r r H 4 r IBM IOU IBBH t J rsarlv t i I07H KtfeH in I r C- Itl I OHM lOdtj taos U 4v I f ivn lia 11 f i i i uc i t u i ir riMI I O1II KB M- Arc ash I i I 4I 1141 I 141 liMUCaHlA i i tu- AM 11 it i In ooo 111 itjiiHtiJt irii i i nm Ansi Attor i IBOU I I i- ooo UOI Kl x A i un imi- In t r I JMO I I f1 000 IO3 11 rik sass I ii loou lOUti jwnjj n44- 7IHMI 03 1omvl HNHH 1 SOW I liail OC0 lQll- ooo ins iixiuoe ivou lot ZOIH lii ui li Si kl- n i 111114 siimvi j inni- 40KI 07 4 lHil IO JO- Oluil t lti4ir III tIle Penis o MM 0 u- alUUO nil I S400U l lull A mm f I7C 0 lllliiN liJ- otMi f UV Ti i lk IM i TH- IHOOO 10 nnnion SIMI HHI JU1 lnl Hi SIlK i l iixiou I 7000 I u I if n tx u M M- liti u on looau ivtiii toui 1 1 soon U6H im A ii Nutth oou H- tiMMi UAI4 inooti ino it 1600 KauMKIDS X Pd II i ISU VxtO IIOI r 111- liil O Kn trtrt 4 Sflili U4 1 1111 ill IHHMI 100 11CKXI i A SOd l l J IVOO WO HUH luau lou I K- llin IKplMri IL N l- ilooo I04li rno i i ii lauuo w huh I n IMHI llUt IUVH I I tl Ui 4 li I 1001KI III- liirn wfcn J iooo toiij v 111 UalrhM l l nil A lilif I I lit 1000 73 3000II4H tUOU I I I mi ir I li i II i- 2CMKI I07 lOOt IHI Ill IOOOUI1M I HNJ IO S Tf I frit urti m iurl IUW Sfxi t t- 3INMI MMHlIOVU lust S tif 4 IO7 Met ikTaini uil win MM- rBm HllHl tOO lltt A0 0 S 1000 107 Cleft III I l i Ml- Cm A Allan icon t I i THMI I Oi S 000 H7I Mrs r In mr 400u l- ni AltoS Ji inowu id iswuo O i jotxi HA u u nr 1010 IIHII HI II t U Illlt beds io SMKMI O MUM ltCt1 IHH 3O4 lli- i nut i u i IM I OH e H HH MtimnVaimV IUT Sail II ac io- SOOO IUUIlini SII Ul 1IK00 III- hiraoJl i ii HI V lOuuO IOOTIr- cMH iati XII i i ni Tn I flees Itcn- hi xiilA M l4 IHM lOa 7IH 1O lots I IOH MoHanAlri UOH I0- Cbi A Nut M 4KI II HU WIt n 4u I IUI UaKiiUTii ItOOO AH iDea II4I tiioo HO bOut W7 rblllklkiAIor MnlA inrrMi two ft h- ooo ions nno i g rv- Ih l Pea Motl l M rnl 4MMKI Mlin Ul lnooo 14O WOOd ftiji- ami 1 nHI Me l U i n lovuu- CMSI IniilMbB J i on IO7H JOUO AH 4 limb i N i Ml MNHI A anise t4O JIHM lit I MHI i hole t HUH N i mi IJ J t 6 luUjVlldUllU 1 4 iV MM lll- nouo Hov i A ri NtMrtlHrn SOOO I I a- HH14 V Tkc UIlI- IHHHI eel II A I 4 HH JOOO irm- ColAHoliVri x X in i 1000 1114 heal H V COM lul r It uitl rt iip- MH O oft ooo i i rr IK1I- IHUI M 1111- 0COO 0l Hl IOU4 rrn 4 1000 IOKH IA- loooo i oau Noiiii IBiuir O KI Dint l SWMI 4 HOO 7tfU- i PH ooo 7 asl- uulMlMuf botkt hut iitlur I itlixi AntlCop itt v- in r- K7S tIM 11x1 AmfntOllp HO- TIW Am trr a 1 MI Am lln I7V lieu Amsmrlt 4i 4H- IW AmlmHlp II VHI- J4BO Am Suew M l I 17 M- KM Am ttiJ I fi IA HIM AtunHola i4U l 00 ATHP THI 77S 0 ATAS Pp H7 Kill 0 HallAObinl lll lOVJ- 70tl llrltl II T Mill 110 Mltf II AI Ml tini 100 IIII A I1 pi l l 1 VII lasso anla rl 1X bxAOhtu 4 All 4A t- W ibm A Alt H7li KI rhUNW VIIJ 11174- 1X1 fhlANW ptfitil HIM I I l IM oh i 7 S- tll IIJM- iiit i- im till 41 110 I- 4V I 4- I tots II WpHl 4M 41I- JOW Cfcl I A I 4I 40- lo Hi IV I pf T i 7 rkiMAMil 4W CWMAl pl IHHI- IW I MI I A II Jf i 4V Tnn O 811 4 tH rtii TNM p 37 Mrt- 4I ul I A I VJ l 11- l l 11 II AI I 7 17 4i 4Ot i 7l lOSi I 1 hril 1 n I- IIN 4 i- t v vn la It I M I 117I- N A llwl I 70 IIIHI- llli 44 t 44H- M4ip MW UK- VlAIll 4f 4K- IM ia t A 7H- IIIS IMS 7 Knr 14 pr HMI IM K t H l I HI- i 4 kf xftr 41t 4 It ihMy I HI I Oil r 474 I4S- t M4 it4 T 1- t IM hnI- MM 4 II- H W l 7 i- IUAM a it a- KM MU I la- KM I n i a in 1 1 a Ht t M- IMI MM MKjlftkfc Hat C I I c f I t Wit I i 1 I I inthisul thaI I i s at sit 11 t it ruth i sit slat isn Irs t I i i a illS ss I sit is t lit lint uasui I s wet s- vhs hi Iii I i 5 slu tIll last i a- I a s- ate Ilu tl25- i Sit titAts ACts i u I- tiI45 Ifit5 000 lift ta10 04 514 I lstAsaa t hiss il a I I ins ms is I i lusts uPsi hats hi a5 7000 lU S S- Ats 40 MP buUU ss is t j I Obi t f I a is lot 55 s 5s 1 SlOt 2 m Ian ItS 5 s i sa Its 5151 Ii lea rausts oeua i 5 lAu lOut 50- LensIuIlauslt 1st tlatsiutsn iS l fuu uii I i I tit I S Soot < hut a rot S P I I 11 i4- I I hi 5 e t4 I l 11711 ts < 4 sin w 4 7 5 l Mti 5 tV sinul iw5 2554W1 114 tiNl I4L to its I i 3 i rises II i i claws t a l a ut ftSeO t It > a a s t e iKH t5f4stni itSesi tu0O 1i554 r is- iisiis S list seti 10 Iw- aamtaoaus AM OhhIrimtsIiAltrI hit lus is Fit sa r L Ss lIlIs 705 Amctrn 2354 23 is ft PS I MtI V 4 Oil I 7 1 7 is Am Loro Sdhtj i L Vt2- 5u Alalaeotf p414 4 k4l 4 5 I 4 lit 4 ItS I Ill I tl9 e i Vs C I I laSs CbiftOst Vui 250 V tWi Ai CS t C I VII te s ed I tilt llV p1 ass Ii 8tJ51 i5s Is p 0 I l4 I ls aiMs lJte 11 p A 1 15 Vs Z usi I s4t4a3dpt ie4 aI V3 S- uiSCneMelIt pit 4 4 ICts ie P4 taia1 14 VVtts Vi I II 4555 lasts A 44t p lisa ts- fl 4 5- 410s Ili I slay hi ss Isissuaslats IK5s I i I 7 5 bsaiLp VIl Vito Ls 4- Is DssaCaA I i IIS i i- isa lsaPsiaLp I 4- Ili ktt il 415 i hiss l ii a V Saul toe 5 1 d iratitsiNplWc isv tw i- 1w II- a s 5 s as 4 4 > p I I I I a its 54 isAa I iii Vi I5 5 isI Ila5uis I C i Ih I t4 q 1 7 4- I > < > < < > < < > >> > > > < < < > < > < > < > > < > < > < > < > < > < > < < < >< < << < > < < < < > > > > I V C 0A A A A A A a ClCl 0Cl ClCl ClD z z ElEl CIIt Is ILI p I I I I I I 1I C C t I hiI I I I I I I I 1I I p

i < > K- Unknowable Real€¦ · 10sr THE SUN FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 4001 I tnof Or otat 7U 1 t YrT r 4I X3rIIiA 7 NEW BURLIHGTOK COMPANY J J IIIUH CIIIKI OMKCT T- cESTiAtiri Till

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Page 1: i < > K- Unknowable Real€¦ · 10sr THE SUN FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 4001 I tnof Or otat 7U 1 t YrT r 4I X3rIIiA 7 NEW BURLIHGTOK COMPANY J J IIIUH CIIIKI OMKCT T- cESTiAtiri Till


10 THE SUN FRIDAY OCTOBER 18 4001I tnof Or otat 7U

1 tYrT r 4I

X3rIIiA 7



cESTiAtiri Till roxrimi-

3IS H Wiarr r NorUirni PaHH-

iPrrfrrml Urlra l Into the Marke-

Yeatrnlay at Aih 4 rUiK l rlr-

irrat XorllMrn Al Ailranorn-

llcprovntatlve of Iho In4enxtnow own all of tho Mock of thi Oilcaico-

Jlurllnictoi and Quinoy ICaltruHil rxplalnw-yiMtorday that lID purn o of Iho nChlcARO KiirliiiRton and Qiilncy IUIIw j

Company which ha Jut U n Incorjiorniw-undrr tli law uf Iowa v a Iu tako actua-

conml of the property and Its hrunclio-nnd oporato Iliw MIII lnde eiideiitly o

former anociiith The old comjiany-wldch fur many year had had Ita head-

quarter in IHton wa tripp l of alauthority whrti tht entliv capital utocl-

of the DurllriKtin y tem purchaM-

hy tint firoat Northern an l this Northori-1acino railroad cotni oaie4 lIurlinRloi-ittixls a Kn Raiinic ahum Jlioflilwii I no

boinR exohatiKxi a rapidly a jxewlhlifur now 4 per cent bond Hvird jointly

hr the Oroat Northern and iho Northan-

radfle com anloji and aKicraicallnc It

amount ITJOonoiwo-Thu IIOO000Oun capital utock of lh now

roro any It ia umlTntiKxi will I IncroaatIf nor ary Jam s J Hill President 0-

1thn Oroat Northern l movinit aplri

in th t now orgatilratlon and on of irp-

rtwentative aald ye tenlny that tho chlaobject of thin now company lo nnntrulIre the control of the IlurllnRton ayMcnand facilitate In oj rallon by mnn whowned It

Tho new Iowa charter Il I

illfferi In Mom ropoct from tli okl furchart r and i dirtlRnml to me

thug rocontly chaiiKml condition Mr Hillaanodale o itlvely that thinw tI l e no direct connection l olwoen thinew HurlltiRton and tho flnaiicinof tho of Northern IaciHi to t

1 f Kill I B

mnTM sale of 2IJOO of Northern Ia

clflo preferred yot at price ratiRinitfrom M to 1011 nxcltitl ciirloityIn VaII Street Tin llarrlman ml lent K-

haa Utn credited with havlnc ettalilUlietl-tho control of the Northern rncillii 1UII

hy virtue of of u largvttw of that com-

pany with a xiiflluieiit amountcommon Mock hlmw n content

for control of Mil Uiwoon Iho-

Harrinuin intereot and tIM MurRnnHIII-lnt nt u few moiitlM IIRO all of com

tttiKk xitlntinmion un l preforrej-

each to iho iontrovoniy holdliiR IMI-

linre aiiuln l l v it lo of yester-day wa nK itl ii Ii3 Wall Stnet a

a of liffer-

eii conletKllnic finStock Kicliaiiit oinrntom nld that mi-

forred could have oim only fromiiMri or MorganHill Bourne soul tlw pni-volllnu lulief wa ilml a witl f ctory acive-

ilt x llion of i r jiroiwty flier wainfornwkm from rourceo

tle l would U retirfIn n miimior aUfanory to tlio Ilnrriminicily A minor o circulation

woro coi-iifiiiilitln the of dlvitleml on-

li lh MiiniiKjii arid pnfeiT l Ht M k ut th-

tntc 1 T font a year Tl t rxuu-eliieflv itilenfiiil III Nortliciti Iwcllic

o l tnnuiki any tai tm iii-

Tho advnnci in of Jreal North-ern olianM from Ki ox llvldendk to IVO-

on NII of n nii ohnn wa atrlhutod to tlie-zeiHral Ullef l reld nt Hill ha com

hi plan for liirnlnn over lh controllhi to a roiriol comtmny-

Alc M of llio of Inat VorllMrn iock-hy hrokent identified with tho Hill I-

ntnr TESTIFIESI Mnir 4nierr lla lrarnril-i here Conlraillrlt Ser

OlRn Halomrn lleitu took the wltnowi-

Matul lnforc Hurr Rnte Tlmnia yeteri-hiy til Iho of Iho will of KIIROII-

Oiuldo Cruicer which lofi her hi ontlrolate to the oxfliiilon of thin H chit

ilrvn of OniR r hy hU flrt wife Mr J1riilorio Tarni She docrll d her ilf-

an pln ter when who had tuft will prottnted-in lranci She iTHtdwI liete hitKt-

Ia t April null hn pkikrnl IliiRlioh MI

welt that i ho t tllleil wlilioiit an Inter-

preter with fpu hreakShe not If thorn hail bonn

any form of marriage between tier andCnlRor To a cuo ilou ho repllod-

MynamoU MadanioCniicor My maidennanio wa OlRa Snlunvvi Helix I M ldIn Now York unit nun liviiiR at lint Hrevoort-llnuiw

Kho wild he did not know a word ofRnRllh wlion ho arrived on April n tautUndor thn of tho In Pruneho M received only 4i l

and hall ld out oWiRation of CniRor-amountlnR in llouO lo I3mil franmwild nh livod In Part In 1H9I at Oianlilly in IXU2 in Alglor in IMO at Kon

and Part down to HIM death of VuRer InIKH Tlio mt of thin Ixaminatlon of thewltnem wa In refutation of utatonientamail hy wltno fur tho contentnntn

niuoli of tho viilen i Raln t-

h r ho declared that ho had never oken-lo any of tho Mrvantu aliout tho conditionof IViiRor nor flu at any tlmocalled for Ihe a i a fromany violence of OIIRIT l een-nn violence Sim wa never locked In a

liy Sho had not nhown atliochoil to a maid ayinu ft had

l een roceive fniRiT A to IVuneradirect to cut red while andblue lover nnd plant them ho did notei ect tho lilt lo grow Ho hintRiven Uil order on July U th anniversaryof tho taking of Ihe llaxtlloand forliorat-ivo MM Nu wlverwaro wa removedInitn tlio chateau f IVilRer whit he wa111 to hut

Tho wltne tnt not wen the will whichwa pxrcuted In t WI until after the deathof niRor and UMII al tlie onto of a notaryto which lm wa directed liy a lirotlmr-of Ibo locator

Sho hail never l cn known hy anr othername than Helix and tViiRer Slio had

an nfridavil n to frxiRern mentalKoundne a Olna Heitx Ki ler Itt Itwax at tho r U t of the toiatorV brother

1lllain tatiiKtV IniRer wlnn Kiieenn-iillo tViiRer wa executiriR a ilenl In

favor of hi hy hi e ond wife Vlt-

IKXI niotlHT name wa Ko le-

ritnttnMts tr HIIITE i vs-

l rirn tellm nf Ihe llulitien rlr l-

vtlliiln a fen lla-

Wnnr PlltMMM thot a t

day Inirchirv havo beri immltled lnm-riRht utah lift William lan rolditiR on-

KdhwM 4KK4 w HMeVed of two Kld-W wtfen ilkamoiHl Vi intinttwy al M N o mlverwarwIMAM lvn ISHviy wtto IHWH IOmMwtm hIM oiiutil ni r to iho rv-

ItMtl i T a route MHKHy H i HUIMO-

J wi4fr lf i ATT-Vwl N errin faxing u I rat ral



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a WU1 Ut UMlJ



rOt tuck



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by stud Ii hum



t 1w

has rilnd fntiiflu

eat t UIfllfl Mitt ltiist

1rnr g Xorthvris Iaiehti lIp

nict liiul rtirlt41 rguRlttII Iutiirti

Hat l





I hutIm VII


pll slipante



ushi nine




s isO


hIk utwwl dsAl hiWii4lI 454-

wuisIr i I i i vi wa-

hu4 I iuaa I 41il thu-I wa Kifl MH4 Jui4i Mpb-

t hwi-

S l t4i w gt im 1ulaid thai

a w4us wsI tWaW-Iit I aisis assttus kw

M hP ISSW 54as Mrise a

Awaitistuss4an su

lb hwiglai t4 Mr AiIStIII a-

aaut t uli










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BrilM by Rrfeokinc Lrnti Aaxl-U let That teeoe

Derery returnsto Iulloo lleadquartora yraterday afta wevka al eiKi Ha work rtaking hla Intimate Cfeonand roundsman f r being a fi-

inlnutm late for the trials Mr Deroidrove to HeadqimrtorH In a cab Thewaa nothing to ahoir that he had Just gover a IMI except perhapn a Utt-

M rvoui ni H M tnlght r i l oon caiihy big doMfi of iulnloe or aoinethlng c

that ottWhen h entered trial room It wi

doxertpd exoetrt for a few reportcra Mi-I I h

dmk and ittuiiunod uiteaxlly oti the haiti wittltiRem Then ho looked at the reporta If hr would llfco to mitnethlni

but Rlamwl up at the clock Inotead 1

10 to lhi minuteHey lo his factotum K rg1-

Siigdon e lhow ofllcvr areu hit early fur em

In a vtrv this dvliuqurntC-AIIIM troopIng In The all worn a worthloli 117 went anxIous abouhow th Deputy 4ornmliwJoiivr waa frcllnjMr over the raw imti-h cam to one in which ItoundHtuan Dal-of the Tenderloin wa this complainant

Why werwnt you on lime awkei-Mr Devery TaInt right You otiKhte-uliow a eiamplo to your men Cour-ipwu at Id an hunt been two o-

Ihieo of you nMimUiniui hit today Iwont do youn tint hero on thosealter Ill lino you ten

Tlien cam Ififlnmn of thWith Matlon-

Whor wer you a ke l1 wait dotalnod

this rouudoman JilxeriiiR n If he wenattncknd signs

lf I ivntlnuii tiw hem saLMr you tlonl want t

unavoidably delalnCaiit Corny caiiRht It lust of all Hi

and Iioi rT havo beenWhy you Into tup asked Mr

DoverTlio cam wire blocked for five minute

at tront alda Hiiporior oftlcor Mid Ierery

and youd otiuliter bo onAft r the trial wnakod about

tlm roport that lbs Brooklyn wing of Tautmany wan rallnR a of JiW a at

to hint to rcoiRti before Iloctlon-Whod the fifty ho Inquired quickly

On hehiR ttjurod that nearUI it ho nald-

Well Im not coin lo re lRti ne notOTOII fur

rrXCIIKlt EIIHitLYPh lrUn irt Arrntrtl for It hut llnni-

Hie la l trale NiupallirtlrIr Henry O riaui of J Wr t Thirty

dKlitli Mreet was arrested In tlm Mreet-neur homo yesterday on thus complaintof an el man who charged him withaxnult flu complainant did not appearviliiin the pliy tolaii waa arraigned In the-

e t Sido xiliro ix iirt Ilm doctor wax

1 fuel that I haro been harxbly treatedyour Honor DrClatiiM to MaicUtrato-Coniell The who canMil mylive oppoidto ma coil I

hug to flirt with wonuti In my IIOUM

I own the hoiiM and havo l t Mvtral de-

cirabl tenant l ocau e of thl old manaction Ho OR H my patient whon theyMUSIC to my oftkv antitried to flirt with wlfo I went out lo

with him timid ln tried to utriko-me I tilt him then In eelfdcftncehit him hnnl-

Maii tralo CumulI ehucUIil He Udown on mAxhcr-

Of our o ho mid I dontof violence doctor hut I ympathlro withyou If that man bother a aiii comaIn mo and Ill M O to him

IMVKVS r inho Mhot Jim ltak II Mnl lltpeclrd-

In IJ r llai llrlnhti llUraae-F iwanl K who shut Jim Fink

In the Grand Hotel In IHTI hi eri-

il ly III at th homo of hi rUtor MaryMrNutt at SI St Nlchota avenuo and IH

not ex ecii l lo llvo long allmont-U llriRht dUoawj lr JohnS llllllnRJr

a lraliie ntirun art conMantly In alupon him

Stoken wont lo SprIngs Va omthin and apparently muchImproved In health Ho ha lnc l een

In numerou lawmtltn ono ofwii li oxer the of thus HoffmanIluuw HIM worry 1 thoiiRht to have under-mined hi li nlth

For ho tliiBof Klik Stoke wlco

but a hunt trial rvmiltod In a verdict ofimnlaiigtitfr for which he fourvrar in SiiiR hing prison rileuedIn INTO Tho hoot I lie tho rvult ofjealollH over Jol Mttiwlleld-


ljnNia llalilllllra SOttBNn Madelr of It al llulldlnc

Patrick H Lynch hulldw of tiy Anvterdam avenue ha filed a peli lo i In bankniptcy with liabilltlM Uovum of whichf lr1US recuml The MHured liabil-Hie situ inortKtRc on real cnlno to thamount o S0Vi and f l oldo Theilibt win uiilracleil In low and 1000 In-

prcctlnR amrtmeut houwm In Hainlltnni-iUcii The t of ainterest value unknown In tlm K aterklll-Norh nnd K nteollll SunlIt upartmenlh-oiiM There mitt llu

lyrichwho xra fonnerly aretire front ho went Into

operation He became embar-ra l In Inly iwo Martha lxnch hUwile i Illed a llion In bankruptcyyexienUy wild llabilllii t

HOT insllrokrr iaiiii Clerk Illew Theta In In

l M lrunm Arrr l l

Samuel Kit z t rick 21 year ol l of 309Wet Twentynlnlh Mnef who lia Uen forlli pa t four or five year a ckrk In therifle of IeorRO I l ndon a Stock KichatiRubroker at M Ilrtuid ilr et wa arreotetl jel-erday by IVMity Taylor of thus liiternivl-Kexrnuo on a ofwlW MamM In memorandaof MI of toclc He cunfoowtl that hitvtuki antI oUI bIte Rood t m Im nhould-luvi IIMH Ho ltwein tm and-

I woi Ihe t year He iwt tlm-

iiHinev to tb Tammany In thus pool-room Mr l luixe lomakrt Roodthe to to I toxrrnilient fulled hlaliM-Ibmniiwlniier hhiekl held llio

Kulmil fur llio Irand Jury

rvnttuctor tliapln l rop In HitCatiomr

I kH I With n eui of tea In hihand and tin pmiefi of a pleaant minibefote him I W tlia4n of Svraeu o-

itritductor n blue New Vork iilri4l chooitrain dead i f aiplriy in this

iMe 4 traH l oiw n tin tr aiel-WtelH ii at M HI I wlay In falliiii

the ileMil titan n tlm In haulImfi hiMlnir and dlnkr-Ml nit Inn roe Ml ileatu oa Irttan-iane Mr llmiati bw lie i n Irvttjhl-nHMlwtwun th 4Mral fwr flfiewi yw r-

UP IMII HIP ircenllne ilnnlprrr-AlUlwr Mm1 Hie Hw inaii aiiotitor-

M llib w iii4 in

anil July f-

TV Aio4ttitH murder p i BM l-

M Juu J tMM




cal 1








4 Ell









I lot


titY or t hi






u I





1ffl7 hIs ieat thus


ems cay




liNt sIn t



You rthim






t hit

iuirluIuu t rat





was salts

wastnunkr Strut degree




lugsis ts cub

fur lit mvm7 amidiitI till mug






hue IIii




the mitt


5 UIeu that he se tk haitisuit a thu

ieitee Itiutitiis tbu Iueir4q iii a 11w

54 Ntkitsisi aCa tishiisiauisl tutnIai-h4ul as Pwitget Miess Ian ItsiiI-Is diswig Ma Juleitsi he1 1 isai hesuusL i



< >

> <




> <



< >







< <






At So unit Wat Pund sad M the ManJew rlry and xloor7 Were Not TeJ m Ih

Are Ptiilrri M to WhrtlifII ease or Munlrr or hulrldi-

I ROCHESTER Got 17 An luxrut Igatlowhich Hherlfr Ford now haa underwill be iiooewiuy to delermtno whet ho

William A HMiopJ Chicagomet death at lit own land or wee mur-

dond The liody was at 10 ocloclthin morning liy Mary VYeU III conHeld on tlio Ionlatn farm In tilt town c-

lre oe a mile Iwyoml Hie city linn O

tins right M of neck wan n stab woum-

an inch in length suit tl front of this situI waa covered with No 1mlfo wa

found lIe Cormier traced thus moan

trail Iwek HO yinl to H curlier of aI fonie In a pleni of wood wlieru that

wan a pool of Mood There were evidencealong the trail that tin man haul lullsseveral tInts on hits knee

In the puokela w n found wveral lathelong gold chain and gold culT buttoma gold watch a silver watch and ahook on the MerrhJuit Louts and Trm-Ilunixiny Chicago had drawrlievkii Oct IS for US mid on Oct 1C

for 71 each In fnmr of hlm lf In lidwntlt was V In greonlwKltaIn pockets Indlmted that a Illliuiuninii agent and Dial hlH agency i

I In ChliwKo IKIIIIV U atIII Hl hoii vim In KochtKliir up to ye-

i tenltiy mid rglMitred llei Miurti llouie-roroiicr Iillip ImllnMlonatlmt Ihn hush wa murdered

nurAoo ct 17 William A llihopwho a 4 found dead in u cornfield nrii-HocheKttr tn luy won It young lawyer olthis city alKMit KJ yearn oldlw learned hU Ihlrigo friend I libafternoon an to this M of vlliKa t or an to what could have inspirethis rrliim lit llxiil In Watikigan i

I wldownl niotlinr In tluit town h wahighly re suit family wan underutood lo IN welltodo III Chicago lili-

was niftier IxtetiHlvif HH oceupled ulTlce al bi ll irderi blook In conneotlon with Cook V attonieyi-iHiuld thnixf litlli light on HIM taiw-

C A who llvon near Mrhop homo III xVaiikegan Mild thud lll ho

Uen moroMi for MHIIOlo hula deKirtiiro from Chicago that nil da1-

on Hiindny and Monday he had l n worry-Ing and that on TueMlny-nlglit lu l inlon on which Im wanMen ho left the hoiixi tItus lock door

to drown himself In the hakeIt Mild bo had lawn meeting withcolitis ill bllRlniH nuilterH of late

riilMA 41 UWTVOA rrcxpprou Year l Surpliw Inrrrain

ISO Irr rml In Twrhr MonthsCillCAK O t I Th dinxtorn awl

MookhoViiPi of rulliimn Ialncx CurCniiiiKinvinit In miniinl M N OII hirflodRVTin tiniltiKH for tli i coinpnny for Ilm yrai-rndlliK July 31 lull n iial to 11X7

her ivn on tlio pHpital Mock or S7iovjouIll grin r viiiti wit M7ww7M uKnln i

In pn wllnR ynr Thii ln-

crcnHO of I2v3a3 wan Miial to in 7 jxr-

Th minpanr r pilml on Doc siall th Ixinlniw of Pnlafx Cnr-Coinpnuy lA t yiirn IHIHIIKWI thcrrfotc

twilv month of ox ratlotitin liKhnie thn ixntipniiy nonly iMViti nionlho of y ar IK

July tun It IH iMMwihlc thcnforplo

exactly lncr ii III cro inrnliiK-S nn NtnipHriMino may mnd In

v nr mi Inly 31 Win IM rontlit

iMtipi Kor tin year otulml Inly 31

IWII of o ralloii wa 41 r flitof li Kri r iit In th iiii anllmi-howiVif tin icroiw liVWiun luul ItUTrnw j-

II7 Mr It Hi urH thcrvforf thatwhile the iMiniiuMM inrtfOMtl ID 7-

i r onl lh i l of oM rittloii lucrcant than hell of I ittit From th-

o TntliiK the innnaRiiiiint woovtrv nuc vw fiil-

Thi n t xiirplu for hut rear war J wiil5a-

KMlnxt n n l for th liiiicof lllia7M lIe AiirphiH aconititI-

ncreBMHl llwrtfort IKi cecil Krnnk1 Iiwdrti wait elrctnl n mrnilxT of tiellcinrd of DirTtor to Micrwil the lnt-

Jolui V IXiaiix-Th r wa dnlan previous to tie

mi tlntc liMial dlxldindof 13 a xhnrtt from not parnlnfrx payahlc onNov U to kiorklM lili n of atfluMf Of llllMlllVMI Oil NOV I

iiAVKn ritnsirrrio RESTS

lpttrr lrnm IKi Cook to him After MirHad ltrfii nl hint

ToRnwoios Coon Oct 17 Th Statlt cnM lo lay In Inn niur-

dor trUI ami Hi dofoncw will UIRU-

Itomormw The rlivliiR lcntlmony In theaflnnioon dramatic Wadn I N-

ok brotlwr of munlonil girl tookMaud anti told till story of HH HI-

HIntorriowH with him a witik Ufontrapdy wh n l KK i xk to do 00111-

0IhlnK to iwoncll hU sister towanl himllayii told lark Uiil written n l u r-

of i wiity flv t aKo to MlM took Tho-lu t trvtlliionv of Iii Stat waxdurtloii of NHMI CookM aimworM tolottvr Tlm dffrnm tried to pnwita liilx ii hut tl lr objection over

It wa albeit tint Mlw Cook only-iiirtly Mfld long letter anti torti-It Into tiny and wroln thusanxwxr-

i 4H Joule I w nuicli iiri rlwd t ir lTo your l t letter I iiitii tlyou un tK l that ymi rro nnt to oir-r with inn I tlmutrht that

u promixd Jiihn I tin notnnkiniflf run now I INIIlowarn xivDint you nin t not wrlto vie amy innr letters

thine Jiilm y ll neeillit fer shoutmy illne iiriMnc to Ixithcr von or toyou I havo eimuKli re M t you kiennut f OIKII thln f liar foiivrrMtion otcrHIM trli ilmiii hoIJi itixMl ami you inn nuttry t or ililrf me I in yoiiI saul the ollirr lioa nun arid rl

ililtliMiltlo Kinwrily your frirml-MINMK

STEAM iv uin tnn urN-

tnrp Urlrrlltrt lrl a Tntlrrlns nomanIrons Jrrtr tin but MIP Hark

A tottrrliiK old woman clad In black wanarrnlKti in JilTormm Market oli o untilyr l nlay rlKtncml with Khopllftlnic Sitshad IMVII Mrro 1d In u Voiirtif nth Mtwt-utoro SIc ld lltal flm wan Mr NVIli-iTilliitt of lUyonno N J II widow and 77

onn old ll Mom ilrtoctlvm Mild thatH1 hail l fn MtTtitl frnu ntly pilfering

Mitall article In tl tat U inonUn Alh had l on all i to tak away

a fiw rinall artlclxn with tItus x i ctationthat M ll4y foar woiikl kai bet awayfi im stasIs nftiTward Thon usawartml anil M nm Mokn arth1 lakrnfrom her Imt hat ilxl mil do good

Ilmi m woiiunNik that IM bait grown up-rh4hll ll WH would not Mljipnit Iwr-

MditMiatn hugs M IMT RU INT-

M H Ko 11 it uni In llavoiino and twittmii tin K U ton Iwri acaln MK

Mia r fur Tho Mild Man llortir-

si t MVA IIM M 17 AuMIn Iralmm-

WH liav 4tt l fur man ymi th wHHum huts li iriN i WMH lUttMimn I MH-

INtMtnl IMIH ypMonlay fm tholHtx 4i IMN I nn AHiltm-

wt k tiL r r attil MmwwliMit hall andMint llo hao Iwfia Utnirr KHM O loarltic


M IMilJltli kN MlHc f r l tf l rto III MI VIX d r4lll IIMUMW rill

i i i rtM fm-OO4 kuiiiUT U i M 4ri



II a






IWlntt lid





























r I

till shove










hkurlun flock








auis sir


I thesisS


uv s1i11t hi log

Iiii flu



I I SS t tie

thus signer

eseuuhinnus wit Ii

igiul mist

U hilt k ash aohiit uu sin Isartisimu I ttit lentillie

as t liefiscalfit wa r cent of groa

ittI cut



1st all

t bit

rested hayes








I lie thenhis folio lug

sf11 asslen


seek sit Na





theiisWt kakaj si putriat lsvis




hit utsais


sI < II ui late





> >


< >






< >




< <

< > <





> ><





Mexican National Railroad Co Readjustment



A already aooounced a Plan the adjiatment o the Finances of the MexicanNational RaIlroad Company b pnptttd and Ih uadtnlfntd have undttttkta

u Kcadjuilmrnl Minifrn lo CArry out Plan which affects ill the icctiritln olCompany

ParlldpaUon utufcr Plan of Ridu tn nl In any rwpecl whaliorvtr b dependent

upon In deposit ol ucuritlei ON II BKFOIIK NOV KM II Kit ll IIMM withSPEYER CO Ihe DtpoiiUry under Plan al their oilier 30 Broid Street New York

TEIXE1RA DE MATTOS BROTHERS AmsterdamI Cop of PUn and Agreement of Readjuitmrnt and any further Information drilled

may be obtained al olllcei ol the unJenJjued or heir Amiterdam AgentSPEYER CO NEW YORKKUHN LOEU CO NEW YORKSPEYER BROTHERS LONDON

Krw YORK October II 101

ctJuadal tlltriai


been to-

ad the the




lbsI Of At the olllua of theIr Arcols Mum SPEYER BROTHERS LoIIfo1 and Mn







mnSALKA tmupofVflT lch OOID MINEIn Ci l ir li if uktn 1 ones ran b handlM fu-

nVMiu f you loran bu n r nibis amuual dilte for p rtlcuUri

u IIAIIKS a coSit l ttiom Chlf to 111


Imlrftmilrnt oiirrtw rmtrrielUnfSteel Trust

KlUKOX Pa Oct 17 Indtindont man

ilfacturom of win nalU have ctartod to ctr-

prlc In onlir to kwp mills In operathin we k are nkliiK c nt i-

k K Ixiow prio of th AinnliaiShah ansi iio Coni aiiy this mali jmrt ol-

UH SlanH Hlwl Conoratlon5-Cf of prlcott of testIs palntodvanl r iinnoalwl has yet lnconnknown HK llfi d mand IH heavy limit

I tlirw art i of1o l to cuinn down noonIn tho u of win nalU the M a on ol-

I activity hii alxmt aw l UttloI


iI In winter inontlii-Uict winner prittM wen mnlnlalnwlI-

IK th cuiuirlty of concern oulxldeof Ih comlino WHK a miuill factor I miwith tin f Hlmnui Stool tutu

Nlurni In tnton Stivl lS in niiyIa llnrtnmn MiinufncturinK-

1oiiiiMiiiv NowcnKtlc and lIsa CantonSall Canton Ohio and a numUT-of mm 11 iMiiutnin complelod thin Mimmor-tho nr

Th Ainvrican Stwl anticutting who null to lolnVrt at 230-

ko in carliMid while iho lnd i ondonl i

Sri In HUM cusses iiK big J whichprlct In homo cnMo i INIIIH muclimon on de inililn contnictt

TIi SIn Sioel Com iiir makini-cln i kegs of nnilo dntty and contractslxiU to Hi plant nmnliiR for wv-

eral inontlw Soiiinny ollior of tin Iron and Blool

To Jrt Ttirm Out Suite Ttirm Out

If you vial In untafh thr rnfr rf TV-

nylrm of protrrling lavlrintf and rfirtrfmtf

profits Th Inca vAt mini la-

xrfwnofr il trill rrgitrr

i ws t TO innnll-

anklnc With lrrct Quarters In

IMnr MrrrlThis IniikiiiR lioiiM of Jainio SpoyirI-

k Co now iMiiipyiiiK liniMMl quarter III

llnwid rtntt lniUKht yitordiiy a Hilo fora tiulldliiR of It own on this north old of

MUM ctrwt c Kt of Snitoau It I In

lout lots to put up a low iMilkllliK which

In to lio fur the ankn IlcluolvaTho plot I at to 2fl Pile Itroot

anti tins a froirtaR of W feel It l ivor l

with old foiiratory ImlMiiiK unit forma

tlio wwterly half of a i l lioUjtht nottonic sign liy the realty o T8toriA iMwIinR from tlio Itiyt e lato for

mi ohlnlne KtakwA DowluiRfrom Silver A Co I om l

Th will notover four Morn WK ard ill I Iho first

UinktiiR downtownIn the Ilimncial I MMWOII oftlt will N obtain noxt May when It

Improvement will l undirtiiken NI planfur yet Uwiialthough iiiitntlrn-

IHII of l V rI-

IIR an In negotiation with another Ixink-

hie hou for of reoialnliiK-

luilf of Iho former estate jxircel nn afur a luildlni nlmftar to that projecti d-

liy H ey r A l i

Murrain anil Hark forIn onlrr ti meet tho demand for rhonp-

rxciir lonii to lluffalo duriiiR tlm cl inic

days of th TanAmorican KiMwltlontime Trunk hint AwtoHatlon antI tho Central

Traffic Aioclatlon autliorlr till tho-

nillroadx operatIng l twvn Sow Yorkand Chicago t lal rateslimit to alMiut onivfoiirth of regular

A loimdtrlp of JS from NowYork to lluflalo nnmi luw Wn an-

mninced ly th Krie llallnnd and It l

cted that other roadi will m11 tickeUlit alKiul NMIH llRurtH

Ties of Itallt for Pmn l anla

Ort 17 VlcoIronidnt1-

iiRh of the Pennsylvania llallroad Mild

that atxiut iei m IOIIH of nlwl railwiiuM w liil the letm ylvanlifor rU older year fur li-l m ton of Mel rails nt IMMI offro er a rotate ohould the prhvifr-nlln de line llo that flaunt liy tho timeof actual deli vrr

l I N allotment of thin yearorder ha lieen limdo yet

To Oorralr In Trnno ro IMiiMpliatra-

NAMIIVIIIK Tonn Oct 17 Th Fileral-Cliomlcal lim ny with a capital of St V-

mi chartered undor the of IXilawHrrhuns IvNii oricaiilnil n a coiiKolldatlon of thelarge Tinner i phophato IntorrM III

Stale A million ansi a half IOIIK of hlthj-

tradei la In eight on Iho xun-

laiiyn land

TIn IIIHiMM fnr basal laniliIt wa nport l in Wall Street y t r

day that K II lary on liehalf of tho nnw-

1ocnliontai C ial and Coko Conniany will

blots IIOIMIUII III ca h wiek for theSanwi acre of land In Viridnla ami Vo l-

YirKinlH un n whlh tliv l ocalH nta cults

PaY hii option

ulrt of Wall MirrrU-

V W UVntx Jr hrrn rt ilnt d-

irnrral Hii rlnleiMlenl i f Ilm Ontral IUII-

l a l of Jrf rr I ieivnl rrteranJ II Olliaiiwn lto retire In run e tirnro-of ill health Mr Went actmc

roceiv l Ilio llo JIUrtfM-ii f iv New York inUrii HIM otrrn Itchi M t In cIty yeiertln ikt r tlfl-

rikiiy nMn r NIH nwn in iho rmr Scrairtin 1 t re-

HIiMoit la voik that thus mine werein full i ii n Tin entire mnjt-

wf III t iT m l MHi nl4IMlln Iv the Oall l MKil Wr trtH llart-

Inul Mriun ike tieMMin 1 irkr lUlkuml tMVP iiUne4 a three e

4 iM wiit wilt un le li l

fl M-

M IBIH lletHHiin l Nlir A I Milt

4MIMII lMil fcl yl N I

Tw lh 4 HH UM f

AlIt0 nnr










lott I


I totrait






II ttg

Iv l4ettttwi ini bite arehil

It iltlit0t55i thnt 1

I Ii t

Tit al


0 lIln




ItO ills




Ill I h hiust laiitltuxt



Issh 114111t bo-

la LOf

Say II


J I t lutRt U I







blots siuiti fly

I his

I tiltedlilt log


tit oiliest t his

hollYI oitsni

Li ihiiwutiY

hiss chiitiihrs



slits vial








Iii lint liv

I ts

ahuh I vlsI mutt iSlet tar

ihisi nil I his


t hi lists iiulistketvhs hay lausU-

sirawli 1k 1 1

1 suits set t > I iumli thugt1ti4 Is hhtike






lflhit misushlhu i

a I

lIe Itt was


lines tilati tutu75 i


ihii I


ii CutsI Asiusdsi


ru thina

has hea nirtietal aupertnheiuslerit

situ a Is at

flee is

Si the ladnisI

sIui a Series

tSia-itliiuliisI I I alit

tie i4 isaps4ftui that 4cli ornetie 5isistaiItt that uit II rliiiis-

Is hsudqitattrr t 15W iiiihS islet ftIi u ii-

I S f iSis issi us

tisisiolins ei U li5 tantift4 tibuSsbliss v

a slew-S the ut fit isik Miu ttishmsc-a sw isass iuusutta4 rten4i sflS I si ass hp4 WI a t-

Sb1 to uw and hiss itaci asS








< >



< >




> < > >


> >>

> >


The Unknowable ir

Real Estate Titles-

All that can be known or dis-

covered about a Real Estate Titlethe TITLE GUARANTEE

TRUST COMPANYknows and discovers through its

plant and through its force olskilled lawyers devoting them

i selves wholly to title examinations-

I All that is unknowable and un-

discoverable this compan insores against with a guaranteefund of 6000000

No buyer is justified in dispensing with stall protection


175 Remitn Brooklyn

FORT WORTH TEXAS BONDSUnMfM ot fart Xliirih I M Itonri

l i re nsjin iril tu nmimunlr withmrl rr ll nlh llrr raft

NRU ViiHK SIVI tIn t Till T C l 18 WAit

YMr-kllnMrr m U lf in rtr nUf f

unlnl rlkMiitthr itomiiioUlrrf c miaHlrr MH M-

I imrr sit unpHl ruuM with lk Serfl ry ut tin nminltir

i rAlllfllllil Clulrmt-

aanhtrs fluId Vrolitrs



tit lurk f ffuciMililur

rVinn triH rtlllu tt II St r l ffffli-Htu iiHiitt i mo mill i HatlniH Itnt1UII lliikrt iu drr l mlu-

M krv ii ur lil lUllwn oulllhlRrifMrkru wnb nh tii l mirrt If studied In rusenrrOon with Mt 4 w lr IM

CUldo to InvestorWhich U til u ry 4 ri i n f lb maitrln-of lh wrvtJ II ri i fil mio uhrl-mrful In ordinary hider rl ki in irlrriDi-nt the



53 Broadway New YorkAnanrlal-

rr nilbllll nf n t iitnkrr l u ImpoiKallb irlrrllua of lljhl

Xliiubrn rw jerk Stork


Stocks Bonds andInvestment Securities

Irlrphon SO llrnad



44 and 46 Broadway Ntw YorklUrtfuiii um in i mi 17 mt


l ll Ul AMIIII IMIHIXI tTIIIN IIH-H IAI ii urns ii unx nitMMIIII list i i iiix iuyi rsrr M MKIII iu is MIIkirs riu n TIII Mirrtx11111 MI MIIKIX 1111011 is-Ulll MISSION I it 1KIIU itAlY VIUIUINH

Stoppani Hotchkinml l r k-

nuII i HUM

Orfrii pip let l

IP tf Sleek ficbtnc-MW xoukl-

lr I AMU-fMmf mtrrtn


iridrndt Lilt Sntmst-

Miimirii r ro-r VOIIK irtilrr liwt

Tt limpnr hn UK ilny itrrl lr InimmlBi a ilituiriil nt ussr uri rtm IHI Mi

ti nHK r ih i iMMrr r owf ir rehri I SWum wi Iwrrmtfr i I M al itcOre ut UF iMM J I lIHIHiAN A 111 XfH

In ikr 1irlrnnl SIH f traniSew leak t 4 t Hi iirtTcMi HANK KItS

l Ilrfriixi M rklM4 iPt uf if it4 InIfrtin l list i k tac uf tu luttlrl U k u N-

xrmlief ionlot Ibr wn r nf attck nlvUraJ Ikr tlwlfIn NV ik IWrtHi cU II 1 I X-

Iim Nnrrmtirr IWH IK M I rmfoi tt M A W-

wa N e fc I IHI-INoilKrra IailMr IInllMA iiir n-

Mi lKllWif H iHt srr r-


NMX XOHK IkluWf itlVlli MI Vl H-

Tli HMHlt h ilMhWwl TWIATX IXTI-IVTM r rn NU Ski i t n i rinpUr p i Mr al i l n ir Ari f-

N sUe Mill MH Al fXTIl t HIX I

K i in i r-

at um tire pu-TniMfr U k rw ink H-

lni NMWliv a iii ii ii Arm

flrrtiont and JUrftinri

II ktxvHi M Mi I

V Ml-













urI11 lid IlleJII





Latahiishd 0 0 r

1rClhln hotI


lilt I

thin11111111111 III




It flU Ul I

I r


iIililt olI-n




rurn i


c or-no


1 I MIl h1 J f




5 a I is Iii ii I ru

tale lbs


elitist ti

cit ut Of rbane Those utinsilyni i ili alit the Ill

Sbus 5 PtJi eoMpIsd-I a u isOi IiCisiI5 115041 issiis-siurn ue I jsjt 451 rmsm oSlfleU aisi 5-5eili i Ss M drij Its usue Is equ1

i055helter ts

p Ito


is tS p

the as

stain Slit

taco at lIssat

iii susisIarhir

as steel



rat t Sitti5 Itt N

i Is

> IsiP i

tltatru t I Ou si Ii ec ws s ai tn Mt

Ill Y





hooks sat sill>



vu taO isisrti iSiS a t i tthe sad

as its

tan IISIEIS 511w 5S ti SI I I-

1IKtt 5-

SlWIlliWsa UWs4IUk-Tn siuia 1 tIp laiitns a iera 515-

I rasird t siiirhi ei sshet isa at Us Siu t 555-

51iisii 55 taeiam Its S-

ed uu iwt a said asts4 A siii

lain 1 pa pa Pp tt i slist 15 i C asIll Mstaj ikUito n







> > >



>> >

> <

> <





> >




TllUMDAT Ocr 17

Although todaya stock market WM quiet

almost to Ute point of dulneaa It presentsnumber of IntorentlnR foalum Tlii

oonniilcunua of ll m was tlio iinuiindemand for hlghpricwl Mocks which ar-

Keneralljr l VH rflMil ax Investment limllenChicago nrd Northweolern ooiiitnon wadealt In to tho o teiit of nearly 400U sItarat a net advance of a K liit while thpreferred on i of ton nhnri ailxaiuvt04 point Nt Paul preferred Ml nltnlU-tranwictlonK mused n point and Dctawanand Ilildnon on the traimactlonx II

It long time flush a almilar net Rain Othe-elooka of IliU claMi that rordvod snore at-

tontlon than tiMial worn Ijioknwaiinn-Ionnolldatml lax llllnoiii Central am-

Irvat Norttieni preferre Tho hihl nainm-ot a reartlcHi front this hIghest prlcit rlimS points higher bats lIt nlilil Tinbuying nf uses clock ovrtninly cnnno-lio regarded ut uptdilatlve The marketot them Indioate thaipoints Invmtorn sits their attentlmfrom tho Ixmil market to Mock of nn-

douliteil morit soil n mrol dhliliiidpHylug atnlu

Them sea no specific new renardlliflany of thi w shams a rlrtuiii taiHo iliaIII view of th fairly wide trilnitlnii ol-

tho IxiMnoM In them Miletantlalo tinatafoment just made A pm llil eicefiMonmissy Im mnd In this raM of inat North-ern prefeired for In plto of niitixirllalive yet diillitlerM lorhldml dMilaK ofreports that thesis runt ml thoNortheni and this Vortlntn Iniltk rorn-panlet aro almiit to ooiir iiirato th lr Imlil-

ln n of thin preferred firfk of list first andcommon nlook of iiiunl ili

raM remain that I

for thoo n irt Nothltua

approahln-mergor or ronftolUlntlon of tho two mm-

panlii i contemplated hut tim holderof a majority of ivirh of M kh men-tioned han to plB o their oharo-In a pmprlftary romrwinr whirls will

fur them upon a heists thatKill In duo time lv determined TliU

lon U entirety llicc nllil of the lust

iimikni of c irtH rntlon Incor-iMirntlon nf xthicli announced thiniiKirniiiK that will virtually MUtfvd Iho-

ClilcnKo Hiirlingon and Qulnoy Itallroad-Cliinpnnv

Tho now roqxiratlon U to lie an operatingcoinpnny into whkh will mergnl curtainauxlllnry or nulxinllnato llnm of the iliir-litiRtnl y toin Moreover oomianrwill nr ilro certain charterrd righto nut en-

joje l njr the Chlraco IlurllnRton andyulricv Hailroad Vimpnny and it will liean laws cotporatimi whereax ii pieront-compnnv rhartiTitl In Illinois lietook of Itie new oinipany will of o ir e-

nllott l i tin MiarehotdiiH of tho pr-

rnt While iipm culijeol Itlimy iMiti that this retM rte l hid of 211for Chinn HiirlliiKton nod Julncy nn tintStock KxrliaiiKo yiftcnUy wan an rrror-Tixt market fur this t k i In ihn Minincroup xvlth tlmt of Vow Vork

and Ilailriadand tItus hidthirst wart Inadvertently iiotfJ wan for that

Kotiirnlnc to Oreal SorthernSnrth-rrti Pacific Munition a featurn of today1-nmrket wa lran actlon of riserihnn In Northern IailftV preferred theltnre Inflict l ho only noteworthy dealingIn dock inc ih NorthernIMclflo eppodi May It toll

UUi suet clxcd wlli a net ad-vance of MilnlM at This move-ment Marled numerou conjecturei Inexplanation of It Among them waone llmt In connection with thn retiremont of the took a vnlimlil privilegewoukl l gixon Another was that thn-dlxidend IIH II It would bo lncrwi d Inconnection with n sImilar Increnw In thndividend upon thus common stock ItwaKnUn Ignorant lyaBMttlnl that tilt Northem Iarlno Company rannot rotln thepreferred tock lit r Till laxt I

pohod of by the term of reorganlrition-nnd liy Hit toil of tho preferred afock-corMfkflto which twid that flue compnny thus option lo retin any part or-Ui whoK of the pnferred ttook on anyJan I tn antI including Jan 1017-

ujHin giving reasonable notion of It In-

tention wi To exorriw tithe privilegeto rvdoom wliat I virtually a note of handof tha compnny no action of Mook-holdora I required In all prol abllltythai director have already whatthey will do In the prpml o antI If nutthey cvrlaln to do Kt In tho near fnturo-

Tho tnui actlon provided for In thoplan of rcorgnnlratlon dose not contem-plate an exchange of bond hutfor this redemption of the stock In cnhThus romiMiny no occaklon to offurthe preferred Mockholdom any aj n ial-

Indureinentn lo take their money ilth rIn Iho form of right or of an lnctvaM In-

tho dividend ami It obxou will nt do-

i Now that tho annual in tlng ofthn company lw n held ansI there U-

no occailori for a Mookholder nieotlnguntil next Autumn thorn f plainly no

why preferred stock iKiiighl for tiepiirH of contiol KhouUI lnKI anvlonger pMlicubirly a It M II cenw-

to IIMVI xotlng towor and it ralux banlieen llted tho term nf nilemptiotlat IO cvnt the mid pi iiiiuihly-

ccrile l divideml t Jan I neilWith iho preferr l k ill ioed of-

tho iioilon immorally n a to whatwill of that ixirtniii-

nf the M fc wlmh i iMit held byth IntiMol fll ilutily control

Orom Norlliorn toil Northern Iaclflii-

rompjuilw In view I Ih niMnl ofIntetfHiM for treaiing pnhlto fairlyami ju tlr in the Hdiiuniltnthin of this iM-

rkiratiin In whth hex huvo 11 dominatinginterest I MMIH a wip-

iMtiou lint In of a pro-

prietary cMliipain t li l l Iheixmtrol ofiwii on riiliii everv khanholler will

e ttvate1 HI HI I ho imo lm i ansi giveneipml prixleg SlMrtild iKMiirnp

proxe t I wirnit the railway silosllull in Xorthwi H e l-

f th MMiiiHKl premnt cumpticatl ansI

t tit much lmplilll ami-

ttntigtheiiod Iho vlulatlon of anylegal reminolhrti agnlnM imxiltilatlitil-hat oaoli oitnpany wnitkl iiinin

n at pnKlit an AlMtlutely M aratn4ileiit organlMitloii In la t a-

K in nniiHThe timrHet rtx a whole wa favnrality-

nfluiirs l liv tho iiin lderatlun that hintsl nl il thiMigh to tell the trill h-

i KH tiUlvo iiiiHiiiunity wa IK I rntruly and acmralely Infonmil ricanllng-ilo that have IMVII MI Tinin-

tiwrvrr an lttlllnnll fiwtini thisIN mil av ritlMllMi I l 4im luipruvnl-HMlili Din Mirfaei nf a UrtU market

tniwsl It eflort lu-

rMH it il larg 4r-

III f M4M IIHk H Wl M-

l i k Iho et4 i ali of tin ilnHlidoBi thai i inaM aunt vulralairtul ltlei

MI fn4fT a latfe NtkttiM until IlirW-

ii hearvr Uar at o l-

iint HMtfielarr ruldhl a Mlle ai ry money market fr a t ngM rlai

4rwurtior In U itkHj





























listI I








l liisg

All I

1 I dUp



itntiiisstiotsui lilyI uirn trig


t Itt I lett here iihutaztt lid heist


eli Iflentesstrans-





ishut l t hIs

I lithurt fssrtl


t his tIn fort unsatlast












5 ib Liar

1 iss et ts Its a hiSS It

Isitnt nullsu a hid




riiaitiiii its

5 t 1 irtttiii iouhit


hi sill ill

eats I ills

S It hunt

50s furlustLIP lip




54 pseisistugli liIsftis3afttctit tSutflht-f utiiiII 11 ll shtnsint suits

uiliiiIn lrtsi iwsusepasic

1555 tIe lautl-si40I t isi hiuthIbsig II shsutiaits Its




> <


















> >


< >









active wore In 8t Paul Inlon pHfVI Boulliern IWlwnr Atchloon mirmI MbmNiri Pacific arid Fri Tin tw rrt

named led tin list In n Hi n rand cnjoyetl iho gn nte t tiei n i r-

In thn ii Amiilgaiiiiiiowas the lender lit nwrk f-

fnvornWy Inlliieticid hv ieii-tatlve HwuriMXts that this prii f-

w tint I reduced HIM liv iini V-

Impnivenieiit in the jthat metal MiiRiiUilv ii iigpeaii nuirkelH for Koiirili itoday liy VHRIIO apir i tth T In tin i-

unexptnlncd dov opn ii iextent this mom luxoraltli i v g T-

Itjink of no iii NiiiI bawl wivk The linprovimiT-

diiotrlal itt tmit nifiiiiii j lfKetinlng on light trnn flf i i

i Iwiiix that fdMil nwirlHl v-

IrvwHtl SUel tit prififreil t 1

IoWor allll Itlllilior imul r J

Slates Steel olork wein iirm w

Mill the murknt for llwm a j-

apparently oritlpty innu-rr ually Innellv railwuv i i fui

vance l ohnrply w i Miiinili K-

l iil looiieo Tlio ilalini r i

on a Kindlier nmlo limn v ir i i

nuirkl wo In the iiwin iiuonly n

in Amerimn run trntT-llntninlnn e uriti Wliut

fl1 The lone In the it i irtn-ient xriio In the mam x r

New nrk Stork llrll mr ilr lintI UMIkll IHKIM or I si i n i ti-

HH XllMf I 4 ul-r s

IM IOU IUOH tMl MX IlJ-I S J r r H 4 r


rsarlv t i

I07H KtfeH inI r C-

Itl I OHM lOdtj taosU 4v I f

ivn lia 11 f i i i uc i

t u i ir riMI I


Arc ash I i I 4I 1141I 141 liMUCaHlA i i tu-

AM 11 it i Inooo 111 itjiiHtiJt irii i i nm

Ansi Attor i IBOU I I i-

ooo UOI Kl x A i un imi-In t r I JMO I I f1000 IO3 11 rik sass I iiloou lOUti jwnjj n44-

7IHMI 03 1omvl HNHH 1SOW I liail OC0 lQll-ooo ins iixiuoe ivou lot

ZOIH lii ui li Si kl-

n i 111114 siimvi j inni-

40KI 07 4 lHil IO JO-Oluil t lti4ir III tIle Penis o MM 0 u-

alUUO nil I S400U llull A mm f I7C 0 lllliiN liJ-

otMi f UV Ti i lk IM i TH-IHOOO 10 nnnion SIMI

HHI JU1 lnl Hi SIlK i l iixiou I

7000 I u I if n tx u M M-

liti u on looau ivtiii toui 1 1

soon U6H im A ii Nutth oou H-

tiMMi UAI4 inooti ino it1600 KauMKIDS X Pd

II i ISU VxtO IIOI r 111-liil O Kn trtrt 4 Sflili

U 4 1 1111 ill IHHMI 100 11CKXI iA SOd l l J IVOO

WO HUH luau lou I K-

llin IKplMri IL N l-

ilooo I04li rno i i ii lauuo w

huh I n IMHI llUtIUVH I I tl Ui 4 li I 1001KI III-

liirn wfcn J iooo toiij v 111

UalrhM l l nil A lilif I I lit1000 73 3000II4H tUOU I I I

mi ir I li i I I i-


frit urti m iurl IUW Sfxi t t-

3INMI MMHlIOVU lust S tif 4

IO7 Met ikTaini uil win MM-rBm HllHl tOO lltt A0 0 S

1000 107 Cleft III I l i Ml-

Cm A Allan icon t I i THMI I Oi S000 H7I Mrs r In mr 400u l-

ni AltoS Ji inowu id iswuo O ijotxi HA u u nr 1010 IIHIIHI II t U Illlt beds io SMKMI O

MUM ltCt1 IHH 3O4 lli-i nut i u i IM I OH

e H HH MtimnVaimV IUTSail II ac io-

SOOO IUUIlini SII Ul 1IK00 III-hiraoJl i ii HI V lOuuO IOOTIr-

cMH iati XII i i ni Tn I flees Itcn-hi xiilA M l4 IHM lOa 7IH 1Olots I IOH MoHanAlri UOH I0-

Cbi A Nut M 4KI II HU WIt n 4u I


iDea II4I tiioo HO bOut W7

rblllklkiAIor MnlA inrrMi two ft h-

ooo ions nno i g rv-Ih l Pea Motl l M rnl 4MMKI

Mlin Ul lnooo 14O WOOd ftiji-ami 1 nHI Me l U i n lovuu-


4 limb i N i Ml MNHI A

anise t4O JIHM lit I MHI ihole t HUH N i mi IJ J t 6

luUjVlldUllU 1 4 iV MM lll-nouo Hov i A r i

NtMrtlHrn SOOO I I a-

HH14 V Tkc UIlI-IHHHI eel II A I 4

HH JOOO irm-ColAHoliVri x X in i

1000 1114 heal H VCOM lul r It uitl rt iip-

MH O oft ooo i i



0COO 0l Hl IOU4 rrn4 1000 IOKH IA-

loooo i oau Noiiii IBiuir O KI

Dint l SWMI 4 HOO 7tfU-i PH ooo 7 asl-

uulMlMuf botkt hut iitlur I

itlixi AntlCop

itt v-

in r-


11x1 AmfntOllp HO-

TIW Am trr a 1

MI Am lln I7V

lieu Amsmrlt 4i 4H-IW AmlmHlp II VHI-

J4BO Am Suew M l I 17 M-

KM Am ttiJ I fi I A

HIM AtunHola i4Ul 00 ATHP THI 77S

0 ATAS Pp H7 Kill0 HallAObinl lll lOVJ-

70tl llrltl II T Mill 110Mltf II A I Ml tini

100 IIII A I1 pi l l 1 VIIlasso anla rl1X bxAOhtu 4 All 4A t-

W ibm A Alt H7liKI rhUNW VIIJ 11174-

1X1 fhlANW ptfitil HIM

I I l I M

oh i

7 S-

tllIIJM-iiit i-

imtill 41110 I-




tots II WpHl 4M 41I-

JOW Cfcl I A I 4I 40-lo Hi IV I pf T i 7

rkiMAMil4W CWMAl pl IHHI-

IW I MI I A II Jf i 4VTnn O 811

4 tH rtii TNM p 37 Mrt-

4I ul I A I VJ l 11-

l l 11 II A I I 7 17

4i4Ot i

7llOSi I

1 hril 1

n I-

IIN 4 i-

t v vn la It I M I 117I-

N A llwl I 70 IIIHI-

llli 44 t 44H-M4ip MW UK-

VlAIll 4f 4K-

IM ia t A 7H-


7 Knr 14 pr HMIIM K t H l I HI-

i 4 k f xftr41t 4

It ihMy I HI I Oil

r 474 I4S-t M4 it4 T 1-

t IM hnI-

MM 4 II-

H W l 7 i-

IUAM a it a-

KM MU I la-KM I n i a in1 1 a Ht t M-

IMI MM MKjlftkfc





f I


Wit I i1



inthisul thaI

I i s

at sit 11 t it

ruth i sit slat isn




i aillS


sit is t lit lint uasui I s





i 5

slutIll last i


I a s-

ate Ilu tl25-

i Sit titAts ACts

i u I-

tiI45 Ifit5 000 lift ta10 04514 I lstAsaa t

hiss ila


I ins ms isI i

lusts uPsihats

hi a57000 lU S S-

Ats 40 MP buUU ssis t j

I Obi tf

I ais




SlOt2 m Ian ItS 5

s isa Its


Ii lea

rausts oeua i 5 lAulOut 50-

LensIuIlauslt 1st tlatsiutsn iS l fuu uii

I iI tit I S



rot S


I11 i4-I

Ihi 5 e t4 I l 11711


< 4

sin w

4 7


l Mti 5 tV sinul iw52554W1 114 tiNl I4L to

its I i

3 i

rises II i i

claws ta l

a ut ftSeO t It>

a a s t eiKH t5f4stni itSesi tu0O 1i554

r is-

iisiis S list seti

10 Iw-

aamtaoaus AM OhhIrimtsIiAltrIhit lus is

Fit sa r L

Ss lIlIs705 Amctrn 2354 23

is ft PS IMtI V 4

Oil I 7 1 7is Am Loro Sdhtj i L Vt2-

5u Alalaeotf p414 4 k4l4 5






I Ill I tl9e

iVs C I

IlaSs CbiftOst Vui250 V tWi Ai CS t C I

VIIte s ed I tilt

llV p1ass Ii

8tJ51i5s Is

p 0 I l4 I lsaiMs lJte 11 p A 1 15 Vs Z usi I

s4t4a3dpt ie4 aI V3S-

uiSCneMelIt pit 4 4ICts

ie P4 taia1 14 VVtts Vi I II4555 lasts A 44t p

lisa ts-

fl 4 5-

410s Ili I slay hiss Isissuaslats IK5s I i I

7 5bsaiLp VIl Vito Ls 4-

Is DssaCaA I i IIS i i-

isa lsaPsiaLp I 4-

Ili ktt il 415 ihiss l

iia VSaul toe 5 1


iratitsiNplWc isv tw i-

1w II-a s 5

s as4 4

> p I


I a

its54 isAa I iii Vi I5 5isI Ila5uis I C i I h I t4 q

1 7 4-






< >





















> <




> <



> <


< <





































