LJ. I am cutting prices on all goods, making some of the most attractive offers ever known in Burlington. A eery stubborn fever kept me confine to my room all the fall until mid-winter. The cream of the seasons trade was passing, and left on my hands and immense line of my Choicest Winter Purchases in Ladies Dress Gooas, Notions, Suits, Skirts, Cloth- ing and Shoes. These, must go now as the season is rapidly passing. It is your opportunity to buy the best class of goods for the least momey. Every- thing marked down. See I. J. MAZUR Pictured Signs on Tramways. Instead of painting or frosting signs or rules on glass, the Montreal Tram- ways company uses a process similar to that of the colored transfer pic- tures so popular with children. These signs cost only three cents ^o five cents each and remain on the glasci despite any number of washings.— Electric Railway Journal. Burlington N. C. Cim OK Strtt, Otkflr Remedies Won’t Cufj The worst cases, no matter of how long standing, arc eared by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic fi'ealing OiL It relieves Paia and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $LOO. Afrfcsnt Eager for Education. Th® administrator of north ers Rbodesia has undertaken a three- iXK>zithB’ tour of the northeastern ter- ritory, and covered no less than 1,200 mOofl on a bicycle. He met every oliiof in the district, held large palav- •n at all the places he visited. He was greatly struck by the fact that VMt of the chiefs even in the wilder reclons, made eager inquiries for edu- oaticn. They asked that the govern- (Bent would send them teachers so thal they might read and write. Wonderful Cough Remedy. Dr, King’s New Discovery is known everywhere as the remedy which will surety stop a cough or cold D. P. Lawson of Eidson, Tenn. writes: “Dr. King’s New Discovery is the most w’onderful cough, cold and throat and lang medi- cine I ever sold in my store. It can’t be beat. It sells without any trouble at all. It reeds no guarantee. ” This is true, because Dr. King’s New Discovery will relieve the most obstinate of coughs and colds Lung troubles quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the house at all times for all the members of the family. 50c. and $1.00. All drugcrists or by mail H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis SALE A farm containing 150 acres more or less, 2^ miles South of Mebane. Land well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco, Wheat, Corn and Oats, lays well, and well watered. Call early or address G. S. RAY On 1 Stage Road. MEBANE, JN. C. I Puxzle—What Happened? 'A well-dressed lady having given tti6 signal that she desired to alight, th« trolley car was brought to a stop, Imt just so the rear step w^as directly OTOr a sm all mud puddle. The lady looked an instant, and then asked: •Bow do you think I can get off here?” and the conductor replied: “I can not tall you, madam, but I do know that we cai^'t wai( until that puddle dries HOES We have l^een selling you and giving perfect satis- faction, we still have an ample stock of them. All ways trying to be ready tc meet your wants. We thank you for the generous patronage the past year, and assure you we shall be better prepared to meet for the year 1914. Remember the reliable shoe house of PRIDGEON & JONES DURHAM, NORTH CAROLINA. IfNSURANCE ^orm s The Cause of Your Child’s Pains. A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, at times fever- ish, with great thirst; cheeks flushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all indications of worms. Don’t let your child suffer —Kickapoo Worm Killer will give sure reUef’It kills the worms—while it*? laxative effect adds greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagreeable effect of worms and parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health producer should be in every household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box to-day. Price All Druggists or by mail. Kickapoo Indian Med. Co. Phila. or St. L ouis. ___________ 1 carry a full line of the strongest companies for fire, life, and health, insurance.. Anything in the insurance line. Rates'reasonable. When needing anything in the insurance line see S, G. MORGAN Are You a Woman ? n i cardui The Woman’s Tonic LIVERY FEED & SALES STABLES First class Rigs for hire at short notice Horses fed or boarded at moderate cost Don’t fail to see MILES AND DILLARD Mebane N. C. Typewriters of all makes at reasonable prices Name the machine yu want and let us make you prices. GREEN & POTEAT, Book-Sellers & Stationers Durham, N. C. Postage Stamps. The postage stamp first made its appearance in 1839. Its Inventor was James Chalmers, a printer of Dundee, who died in 1853. England adopted the adhesive stamp in 1839, and issued the first stamps for the use of the public in 1840. A year later stamps were introduced into the United j States and Switzerland, and soon aft- erward made their appearance In < France, Belgium and Bavaria. » Screwing up the Eyes. Disastrous to the beauty of a child’s expression is the habit of screwing up the eyes. The trick points very plain- ly to defective vision and calls aloud for "a visit to an oculist. The visit must not be delayed, for ugly wrinkles around the eyes is the least evil of this defect, A short-sighted child Is severely handicapped when it begins in school life, and neglected myopia leads to serious eye trouble in later life. Properly prescribed spectacles are all that is required to end thia particular trouble. Sometimes Well to Go Slow. i A good many people will feel a sen- timent of sympathy for the hapless person who having hired an expert to work up his pedigree, found himself obliged to pay hush money to prevent the expert from telling what he had found. It is a wise child that knows its own father, according to the prov- erb; and apparently a still wiser one that doesn’t. Fatal Electric Shocks. Electric workers know that a severe shock received in one foot and passing out by the other is not likely to be serious, while if it passed out by the hand on the opposite side of the body It would kill instantly. This is be- cause in the former case the Current passes through no important organ, while in the latter it finds the heart In its nath; ________________ Superlatives In Advertising. Japanese advertisers believe In • lavish use of superlatives. “The pa- per we sell,” runs the announcement In a Tokyo stationer’s w’indow, “is as solid as the hide of an elephant.” “Step inside!” is the invocation of a big multiple shop in the same city. “You will be welcomed as fondly as a ray of sunshine after a rainy day. Our assistants are as amiable as a father seeking a husband for a dower- less daughter. Goods are dispatched to customers’ houses with the rapidity of a shot from the cannon’s mouth.” Unequal Natural Division. The Cordilleras, which form the backbone of both the northern and southern continents, are relatively near the Pacific Ocean in Guatemala, and thus divide the country into two unequal drainage areas, of which the Arctic is much the greater. The Pa- cific slope, though comparatively nar- row, is exceptionally well watered and fertile between the altitudes of 1,000 and 5,000 feet, and is the most dense- ly settled part of the republic. 8pank-Power Motor. A West Virginia schoolma’am has Installed a small Isolated plant in an anteroom of the schoolhouse. It is necessarily a heating plant because it is an electric “spanker.” This en- gine delivers 5 s. b. p. s. (5 sharp blows per second). The lady engi- neer says that while the run is short it is long on efficiency. Central sta- tions might adopt the “spanker,” says Power, as a means of building up a day load. Waistcoat a Monarch's Fad. Historians tell us that Charles II. of England made a resolution to change the fashion of his dress to one which he would never alter, and communi- cated this decision to his council in October, 1666. From a diary of that period we read: “This day the king begins to put on his vest, and I did see several persons of the house of lords and commons, too, great cour- tiers who are in it, being a long cos- sack close to the body, of black cloth and pinked with white silk under it.” Be Peaceful With the Peaceful. With him who knocks at the door )f peace seek not hostility.—Saar’ iie Gulistan. We Sold Stacks and car loads of goods before Christ- mas, thanks to an army of generous pur^ chasers. With streneous efforts to please. We are equally prepared to meet your most exacting wishes. We are carrying thousands of things superior in quality and generously low in price. See us, it will all ways give us pleasure to welcome you. ELUS -STONE & CO . Durham, N. C. Speoial If- i\ From now until Christmas we will hold special Sales on goods suitable for "ifts. Our buyer has just returned from a northern trip and brouglit back many bargams. coTsllloifs] $1010 aye j FURS I $1.19 TO 65.001 H O SIERY 10 TO 1.50 I Hats Aii Prices \ Xmes Novelties 25c, 50c, 75c Cerberus. In Greek Cable Cerberus was thfe tbree-headed dog that watches outaljje the entrance to hades. Some writf^g assert that he had 50 heads, but gen. erally he is said to have three, afij three snakes are twined about his neck. His cave was on the farther side of the dark River Styx, 'R'here Charon, the ferryman of the dead landed the shades. Cerberus is sup' posed to welcome all entering hades but to seize all those seeking to es' cape. For Frost Bites And Chapped Skin For frost bitten eavs, fingers and toe.'; chiippoi hands and lips, chil- blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothiiig^ to equal Ruckleii’s Arnica Salve. Stops the pain at once and heals quickly. In eveey home there should be a box handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin diseases, itcljing eczema, tetter, piles, etc. 25c. All drujrgis^ts or by mail. H. E, Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis i ORDER BY MAIL FROM MEBANE, N. C. Any thing you want in our line will be sent you prepaid when ordered from us. If you take The Morning Her- ald read our advertisements and send us an order for any thing in it. We will prepay t he express char^^es. Durham, N. C GOLD DOLLARS Are Always in Demand So is The Cliarlolte-Semi-Weeldy Observer Published Tuesdays and Fridays. The best semi-v;eekly newspaper in the Carolinas. Announcement: We have jusc closed a clubbing offer with The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Ob- server so thut our readers can get both papers at a very low rate. Here is The price: Ihe Semi W^eekly Observer $1 per year Mebane Leader $1 Subsr ription price of both $2 per year Special rate for both papers $1.50 year. This offer is good only for New sub- scriptions to The Semi-Weekly Obser- ver, but our subscribers can renew to this paper and get the benefit of the Spccial rate-. Now is the time to pay up your sub- scription and subscribe for The Semi- Woekh’ Observer. Address all orders to Mebane Leader Mebane, N. C. Hi IT NOW MONEY TO LOAN ^‘We have the following amounts of money which we wish to place on good real estate, for a period ranging from one to 3 years. $850.00, $700.00, $600.00, $1000.00, $350.00, $400.00 and $300.00. We can handle other loans in lar- ger and smaller amounts. Rate of interest 6 per cent. For further particulars write ORANGE TRUST CO. Hillsboro,- North Carolina START A BANK AC COUNT is good advice because you are then started on the road to prosperity and position in the world. BANK WITH US is also good advice, because yoa are sure of safety, convenience and the best attention to your needs. Do it to- day is the best advice of all. COMMERCIAL & FARMERS BAKK. Mebane, North Car How .i<^out that hacking cough, or demoralizing cold? Better take a reliable remedv for it today. Your vitality must have been low, or you wouM not have taken cold. Goiiip&iind Oxygen cures by increasing the vitality and by fortifying the system against future attacks. Take it after any exposure and you will never have a cold. Give it a trial for throat and lung troubles, pneumonia, and consumption, and for all chronic diseases. Given by inhalation and reaches quickly every part of the system through the blood. Write for our book, which is sent free. Drs. Starkey & Palen 1115 Girard Street Philadelphia, Pa. chainued hands !«f For Weakness and Loss of Appetito The Old Standard general strengthening tonic, GROVE’S TASTELESS chill TONIC, drives out Malaria and builds up the system. A true tonic and sure Appetizer. For adults an*^ -'Jiildrcn. 50c. m SALE AT iUi DRU661STS Good Things To Eat PROMPT DELIVERY Giving good service and best prices is our Moto. We have the goods you have the money, COME let us reason together we will do our best to please you, our stock consist of all kinds staple and fancy groceries and confectionerys, head quarters for Apples, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas and all kind candies. Fresh pound cake received every week from from Washington, D. C. We sell the Richmond bread, none better. Stationery, school tablets and pencils. We carry a good hne ladies, mens' and children hose. Gun shell, and all kind of feed stuff. Country produce bought and sold. Come to see us. J. M. Rimmer Comer of 4th Lea Street. Meoane, N.' C. THE BEST PLACE (N GREENSBORO To get the best to eat at the HENNESSEE CAFE Open until midnight. 342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot. J, R. DONNEL Pro. RESTAURANT* Has been purchased'^ by Jobe Bros. They will feed you right, and treat you right, nice fellows. Don’t Forget The Place. To Prevent Blood Poison! ngf apply at once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, a sur- Cfica! dressing that relieves pain and heals at Ihe same time. Not a liniment. 25c. 50c. $1.00. THE NEWLIN HOTEL Dir^etly in front of w ere trains stop near the psssenger depot Burlington Offers attractive ac- comodation and fair to^the transient traveling pub- public. Don't fail to call, M. H. NEWLIN, Prop. Burlington, N. C. New Jersey’s Products. New Jersey is the only state of any importance as a mineral producer in which the utilization of the clay re- sources constitutes the chief industry and represents over fifty per cent, of the total output of the state. The clay products of the state have included every variety of jbrick and tile and ev- ery variety of pottery produced in the United States, as classified by the fed- eral survey. Owns a Cat With a Long “Recipe.” One oi the ofllcers of the Cat club heard that an east side woman has an exceptionally valuable cat which ir'ght be exhibited at the forthcoming c a t '.' r>w, and called her on the tele- I Iil; K inquire about it. “Yes, he’s a valuable cat,” the woman replied. “We wouldn’t take $200 for him. We paid $50 for him w'hen he was a lit- tle kitten, and he’s got a long recipe.” —Kansas City Star. s mm left me v/ith a frightful cough aiid very weak. I had spells when Iccu^d hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctoi could not help me, but I was completely cured by DR. KING’S New Oiscovery Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, Hl> 80c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGIST^ Ml a *e ' Ml visit Ml "cal Ml horn Chri Mi Bpen Nels Ml Lass Tues car. R0( w mill in R< ing wca] one dust

I. J. MAZUR - newspapers.digitalnc.orgnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068488/1914-01-08/ed-1/seq-4.pdfLJ. I am cutting prices on all goods, making some of the most attractive offers

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Page 1: I. J. MAZUR - newspapers.digitalnc.orgnewspapers.digitalnc.org/lccn/sn91068488/1914-01-08/ed-1/seq-4.pdfLJ. I am cutting prices on all goods, making some of the most attractive offers

LJ.I am cutting prices on all goods, making some of

the most attractive offers ever known in Burlington.A eery stubborn fever kept me confine to my room

all the fall until mid-winter. The cream of the seasons trade was passing, and left on my hands and immense line of my

Choicest Winter Purchasesin Ladies Dress Gooas, Notions, Suits, Skirts, Cloth­ing and Shoes. These, must go now as the season is rapidly passing. It is your opportunity to buy the best class of goods for the least momey. Every­thing marked down. See


Pictured Signs on Tramways.Instead of painting or frosting signs

or rules on glass, the Montreal Tram ­ways company uses a process similar to that of the colored transfer pic­tures so popular with children. These signs cost only three cents ^o five cents each and remain on the glasci despite any number of washings.— Electric Railway Journal.

B u rlin g to n N. C.Cim OK Strtt, Otkflr Remedies Won’t CufjThe worst cases, no matter of how long standing, arc eared by the wonderful, old reliable Dr. Porter’s Antiseptic fi'ealing OiL It relieves P aia and Heals at the same time. 25c, 50c, $LOO.

Afrfcsnt Eager for Education.Th® adm inistrator of north ers

Rbodesia has undertaken a three- iXK>zithB’ tour of the northeastern ter­ritory, and covered no less than 1,200 mOofl on a bicycle. He met every oliiof in the district, held large palav- • n a t all the places he visited. He was greatly struck by the fact that V M t of the chiefs even in the wilder reclons, made eager inquiries for edu- oaticn. They asked tha t the govern- (Bent would send them teachers so thal they might read and write.

Wonderful Cough Remedy.Dr, K ing’s New Discovery is known

everywhere as the remedy which will surety stop a cough or cold D. P. Lawson of Eidson, Tenn. writes: “ Dr. King’s New Discovery is the most w’onderful cough, cold and throat and lang medi­cine I ever sold in my store. I t can’t be beat. I t sells without any trouble at all. I t reeds no guarantee. ” This is true, because Dr. K ing’s New Discovery will relieve the most obstinate of coughs and colds Lung troubles quickly helped by its use. You should keep a bottle in the house a t all times for all the members of the family. 50c. and $1.00. All drugcrists or by mail H. E. Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis

SALEA farm containing 150 acres

more or less, 2 miles South of Mebane. Land well adapted to the cultivation of Tobacco, Wheat, Corn and Oats, lays well, and well watered. Call early or address

G . S. RAYOn 1 Stage Road. MEBANE, JN. C.


Puxzle—What Happened?'A well-dressed lady having given

tti6 signal that she desired to alight, th« trolley car was brought to a stop, Imt just so the rear step w as directly OTOr a small mud puddle. The lady looked an instant, and then asked: •Bow do you think I can get off here?” and the conductor replied: “I can nottall you, madam, but I do know that we cai^'t wai( until tha t puddle dries

HOESWe have l^een selling you and giving perfect satis­

faction, we still have an ample stock of them. All ways trying to be ready tc meet your wants. We thank you for the generous patronage the past year, and assure you we shall be better prepared to meet for the year 1914. Remember the reliable shoe house of



^orm s The Cause of Your Child’s Pains.

A foul, disagreeable breath, dark circles around the eyes, a t times fever­ish, with great th irst; cheeks flushed and then pale, abdomen swollen with sharp cramping pains are all indications of worms. Don’t let your child suffer —Kickapoo Worm Killer will give sure reUef’It kills the worms—while it*? laxative effect adds greatly to the health of your child by removing the dangerous and disagreeable effect of worms and parasites from the system. Kickapoo Worm Killer as a health producer should be in every household. Perfectly safe. Buy a box to-day. Price All Druggists or by mail.Kickapoo Indian Med. Co. Phila. or St. L o u i s . ___________

1 carry a full line of the strongest companies for fire, life, and health, insurance.. Anything in the insurance line. Rates'reasonable. When needing anything in the insurance line see

S , G . M O R G A N

Are You a Woman ?

n i carduiThe Woman’s Tonic


SALES STABLESFirst class Rigs for hire at short notice

Horses fed or boarded at moderate cost

Don’t fail to seeMILES AND DILLARD

Mebane N. C.

Typewriters of all makes at reasonable prices

Name the machine yu want and let us make you prices.

GREEN & POTEAT, Book-Sellers & Stationers

Durham, N. C.

Postage Stamps.The postage stamp first made its

appearance in 1839. Its Inventor was James Chalmers, a prin ter of Dundee, who died in 1853. England adopted the adhesive stamp in 1839, and issued the first stamps for the use of the public in 1840. A year la ter stamps were introduced into the United j States and Switzerland, and soon aft­erward made their appearance In < France, Belgium and Bavaria. »

Screwing up the Eyes.Disastrous to the beauty of a child’s

expression is the habit of screwing up the eyes. The trick points very plain­ly to defective vision and calls aloud for "a visit to an oculist. The visit must not be delayed, for ugly wrinkles around the eyes is the least evil of this defect, A short-sighted child Is severely handicapped when it begins in school life, and neglected myopia leads to serious eye trouble in later life. Properly prescribed spectacles are all th a t is required to end thia particular trouble.

Sometimes Well to Go Slow. iA good many people will feel a sen­

timent of sympathy for the hapless person who having hired an expert to work up his pedigree, found himself obliged to pay hush money to prevent the expert from telling what he had found. It is a wise child th a t knows its own father, according to the prov­erb; and apparently a still wiser one that doesn’t.

Fatal Electric Shocks.Electric workers know that a severe

shock received in one foot and passing out by the other is not likely to be serious, while if it passed out by the hand on the opposite side of the body It would kill instantly. This is be­cause in the former case the Current passes through no im portant organ, while in the la tter it finds the heart In its nath;________________

Superlatives In Advertising.Japanese advertisers believe In •

lavish use of superlatives. “The pa­per we sell,” runs the announcement In a Tokyo stationer’s w’indow, “is as solid as the hide of an elephant.” “Step inside!” is the invocation of a big multiple shop in the same city. “You will be welcomed as fondly as a ray of sunshine after a rainy day. Our assistants are as amiable as a father seeking a husband for a dower- less daughter. Goods are dispatched to customers’ houses with the rapidity of a shot from the cannon’s mouth.”

Unequal Natural Division.The Cordilleras, which form the

backbone of both the northern and southern continents, are relatively near the Pacific Ocean in Guatemala, and thus divide the country into two unequal drainage areas, of which the Arctic is much the greater. The Pa­cific slope, though comparatively nar­row, is exceptionally well watered and fertile between the altitudes of 1,000 and 5,000 feet, and is the most dense­ly settled part of the republic.

8pank-Power Motor.A W est Virginia schoolma’am has

Installed a small Isolated plant in an anteroom of the schoolhouse. It is necessarily a heating plant because it is an electric “spanker.” This en­gine delivers 5 s. b. p. s. (5 sharp blows per second). The lady engi­neer says th a t while the run is short it is long on efficiency. Central sta ­tions might adopt the “spanker,” says Power, as a means of building up a day load.

Waistcoat a Monarch's Fad.Historians tell us th a t Charles II. of

England made a resolution to change the fashion of his dress to one which he would never alter, and communi­cated this decision to his council in October, 1666. From a diary of that period we read: “This day the king begins to put on his vest, and I did see several persons of the house of lords and commons, too, great cour­tiers who are in it, being a long cos- sack close to the body, of black cloth and pinked with white silk under it.”

Be Peaceful With the Peaceful.W ith him who knocks a t the door

)f peace seek not hostility.—S a a r’ iie Gulistan.

We SoldStacks and car loads of goods before Christ­mas, thanks to an army of generous pur^ chasers. With streneous efforts to please. We are equally prepared to meet your most exacting wishes. We are carrying thousands of things superior in quality and generously low in price. See us, it will all ways give us pleasure to welcome you.

ELUS -STONE & CO.Durham, N. C.

SpeoialI f -


From now until Christmas we will hold special Sales on goods suitable for "ifts. Our buyer has just returned from a northern trip and brouglit back many bargams.

c o T s l l l o i f s ] $1010 a y e j

F U R S I $1.19 TO 65.001

H O S I E R Y10 TO 1.50 I

Hats Aii Prices \Xmes Novelties

25c, 50c, 75c

Cerberus.In Greek Cable Cerberus was thfe

tbree-headed dog tha t watches outaljje the entrance to hades. Some writf^g assert tha t he had 50 heads, but gen. erally he is said to have three, afij three snakes are twined about his neck. His cave was on the farther side of the dark River Styx, 'R'here Charon, the ferrym an of the dead landed the shades. Cerberus is sup' posed to welcome all entering hades but to seize all those seeking to es' cape.

For Frost Bites And Chapped Skin

For frost bitten eavs, fingers and toe.'; chiippoi hands and lips, chil­blains, cold sores, red and rough skins, there is nothiiig^ to equal Ruckleii’s Arnica Salve. Stops the pain a t once and heals quickly. In eveey home there should be a box handy all the time. Best remedy for all skin diseases, itcljing eczema, te tte r, piles, etc. 25c. All drujrgis^ts or by mail. H. E, Bucklen & Co. Philadelphia or St. Louis



Any thing you want in our line will be sent you prepaid when ordered from us. If you take The Morning Her­ald read our advertisements and send us an order for any thing in i t . We will prepay

t he express char^^es.

Durham, N. C

GOLD DOLLARSA re A lw a y s in Demand

S o i s The


Published Tuesdays and Fridays. The best semi-v;eekly newspaper in the Carolinas.

Announcement:We have jusc closed a clubbing offer with The Charlotte Semi-Weekly Ob­server so thut our readers can get b o th papers a t a very low rate. Here is The price:Ih e Semi W^eekly Observer $1 per year Mebane Leader $1Subsr ription price of both $2 per year Special rate for both papers $1.50 year.

This offer is good only for New sub­scriptions to The Semi-Weekly Obser­ver, but our subscribers can renew to this paper and g e t the benefit of the Spccial rate-.

Now is the time to pay up your sub­scription and subscribe for The Semi- Woekh’ Observer. Address all ordersto

Mebane LeaderMebane, N. C.


MONEY TO LOAN‘We have the following amounts of money

which we wish to place on good real estate, for

a period ranging from one to 3 years. $850.00,

$700.00, $600.00, $1000.00, $350.00, $400.00

and $300.00. We can handle other loans in lar­

ger and smaller amounts. Rate of interest 6

per cent. For further particulars write

ORANGE TRUST CO.Hillsboro,- North Carolina


is good advice because you are then

started on the road to prosperity and

position in the world.


is also good advice, because yoa are

sure of safety, convenience and the

best attention to your needs. Do it to­

day is the best advice of all.


Mebane, North Car

How .i<^out th a t hacking cough, or demoralizing cold?

B etter take a reliable remedv for it today.

Your vitality must have been low, or you wouM not have taken cold.

Goiiip&iind Oxygencures by increasing the vitality and by fortifying the system against future attacks. Take it a f te r any exposure and you will never have a cold.

Give it a trial for throat and lung troubles, pneumonia, and consumption, and for all chronic diseases. Given by inhalation and reaches quickly every p art of the system through the blood.

W rite for our book, which is sent free.

D rs. S ta r k e y & Palen 1115 Girard Street

Philadelphia, Pa.

c h a i n u e d h a n d s

! « f

For W eakness and Loss of A ppetitoThe Old S tandard general strengthening tonic, GRO VE’S T A ST E L E SS chill T O N IC , drives out M alaria and builds up the system. A t ru e tonic and sure Appetizer. F o r adults an* -'Jiildrcn. 50c.



Giving good service and best prices is our Moto. We have the goods you have the money, COME let us reason together we will do our best to please you, our stock consist of all kinds staple and fancy groceries and confectionerys, head quarters for Apples, Oranges, Lemons and Bananas and all kind candies. Fresh pound cake received every week from from Washington, D. C. We sell the Richmond bread, none better. Stationery, school tablets and pencils. We carry a good hne ladies, mens' and children hose. Gun shell, and all kind of feed stuff. Country produce bought and sold.

Come to see us.

J. M. RimmerComer of 4th Lea Street.

Meoane, N.' C.


GREENSBOROTo get the best to eat at the

HENNESSEE CAFEOpen until midnight.

342 SOUTH ELM STREET Near passenger depot.


RESTAURANT*Has been purchased'^ by

Jobe Bros. They will feed you right, and treat you right, nice fellows.

Don’t Forget The Place.

To Prevent Blood Poison! ngfapply at once the wonderful old reliable DR. PORTER’S ANTISEPTIC HEALING OIL, a sur- Cfica! dressing that relieves pain and heals at Ihe sam e tim e. N ot a linim ent. 25c. 50c. $1.00.

THE NEWLIN HOTELDir^etly in front of w ere trains stop near

the psssenger depotBurlington

Offers attractive ac­comodation and fair

to^the transient traveling pub-

public.Don't fail to call,

M. H. NEWLIN, Prop.Burlington, N . C.

New Jersey’s Products.New Jersey is the only state of any

importance as a mineral producer in which the utilization of the clay re­sources constitutes the chief industry and represents over fifty per cent, of the total output of the state. The clay products of the state have included every variety of jbrick and tile and ev­ery variety of pottery produced in the United States, as classified by the fed­eral survey.

Owns a Cat With a Long “Recipe.”One oi the ofllcers of the Cat club

heard tha t an east side woman has an exceptionally valuable cat which ir 'g h t be exhibited a t the forthcoming c a t '.' r>w, and called her on the tele- I Iil; K inquire about it. “Yes, he’s a valuable cat,” the woman replied. “We wouldn’t take $200 for him. We paid $50 for him w'hen he was a lit­tle kitten, and he’s got a long recipe.” —Kansas City Star.

s mmleft me v/ith a frigh tfu l cough aiid very weak. I had spells when Iccu^d hardly breathe or speak for 10 to 20 minutes. My doctoi could not help me, b u t I was completely cured by

DR. KING’SNew Oiscovery

Mrs. J. E. Cox, Joliet, Hl>80c AND $1.00 AT ALL DRUGGIST^

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