VOLUJ\IE XX . BOZEilIAX, l\IONTANA, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1929 XU;\lBER :29 MISS '---I ___ L_es B_ou_ff on_Pl_edg_e N_ine_Jun_ior_s _ __!J I .\ICSIC .l.SSE.11l1Ll. A music assembly will be held l\lar 3 at £r:ao in the gym- nasium. Montana State May IS ON Of INOIANS C\fonlana State Professor Aid James Willard Schu lt z in Pro- 1 ducing Latest Book on Amer- ican Native Life ,Jame.; Willan.l Sthultz, famous autht:r of Indian storie ', 1 or the fir:-;t lime in t·ol \\ ith an(lthcr writc.r, has produced hi .... '.:.fit., story o. I Indian life. Hb co-authi..:r is Miss I Donaldson, o; the :'.\lont..ana I State col.e.:!e ,:u tmenL I 1 ne :itory. 1·- :ently .omplete<l and to_ the crs Hom Boze- JI man, 1s entitled. of the Sun 11 an<l is sub-tit.l-d, ··Tne 13lackfeet I Indian Tribe:". The bock has l'"hapt.€rs. 'Ihc ar _ ,.1i"ticu}arl): i:'.ea:ul. ''ith !'-ix w:iich gives in fu1l detail the Elackfeet C"eremonial I rite!:; of the annunl pbntin_ of thei?" I toba.co. (:\ir atten:..:ata). Th_y Wt1e fi\"e tia). s in n.!c.·ordin1t it and were taken to the tobacco I gardens, near Blackfeet crossing. Bow river, the fir.st hites who ha\"e ever ha<l that privilege. aut.101 con- J the toba .·o planting- ceremony cnl of the most impre.;:.si'ie of all the Lt!re:nonial rite::. of the Ame1i<:an I Schultz has s1>ent most of the L B 'f · . ' · · · · time tho past rear in :1•ontana es ouf on, scmo1 men s social honorary or ga111zal10n named lhe follow mg pledges at their while securing muc'i. of the data fo1 I annual dance at the Hotel Baxter, Friday. The pledges are Jack Conrady Frank \Vard Gus hts book and he bas oeen Ill Bozeman ur ·l' E ·l S · B d B 0 d · ' ' during the past 1ew month< while "J 1e, a1 emmmgson, u arnes, rlan "ard, Duke Richards, Bernard Brown and Ash- preparin.e: the copy for the publishers. worth Thompson. l\liss Donaldson, who collaborated - -- --------------- with ::\Ir. Schultz, i::> a graduate stu- dent in amhropology at the Cui,en>ity Spurs to G ,·ve of California. he has always been interest::.d in the life o.l the Indians of }CXl!iR DCES :;\lontana and one of her greatest B .d n of the junior class dues a.hievements along- this line was the rl. ge rarty have been collected from those production of the "masque of the juniors who are members of Absarok<e" se\"eral years ago. $Ororities an dfraternities, but She directed this and was ad\risor in , . O . . ,. there is a large nu1jority of the the of the script. I Serrice rganization "ill Enter- independents who have not paid lain al Pi Bela Phi House theirs. All of those who have ROUND ABOUT to do so L\D11':DIATELY. A The money collected as dues M. S. C. Grad Dies Monday 11\.lrs. Maude Gallagher Kench, Wife of Prof ere , Buried in Anaconda Th•• ··.- dav. Worked in Registrar's Here I I Saturday Afternoon NOT paid their dues are urged The State thapter of will be used to stage the Junior ticnal Spur.-:. will ent_rtam at a bi iclge Prom. Th ts :t•ear there will be S J PROFlT:\BLE ··PIXLlJIXG'' mutv aStu1dav flernoon at thr Pi a great deal of expense and it . 0 emn icqmem mass was cde- Evanston, Ind.-lt 1s fea1ed that Beta· Phi house from 2 00 to 5 0 1 cl0<.'k w-ill reqmre the c.:o-operatton of 1 ?f Gall;·u.rhet the !"tudents at ::\otth\\e:Stern l:n1ver- lnd1\•1<lual tickets ate l:eing sold by all juniors to make it poss1ble cf \lv' t:l e t•lO c 1falph sitl' will either ha\'e to ha\ e an e::-..'tra j Spurs to college students, faculty financially. f ha ·ch a 1 :\. 0 c egd, Th · spring or hold their classes members and Bozeman women. lav a, m the Jail students were 1 This bridge partv is open to all wii:h fue Jf! of h waj c. ded arrested for traff1<: in one olLge students. In add1t1_on to. brtt.1.IZ'e 1\1 C /j n-atn n. boo\ morning. and the drn·e was stopped an 111terest111e:- progtam ar- lYeW 0 egzan n ).Joint Carmt'l ··emeter e only due to the fact that there wu e- ran,(?'ed by the spui s Thu; includes I :\h Kenrh f 1 erl {r· . :\Ia I no mor.e room m the court room .efreshments; a reading- by Miss :\ltl- JS Dzstrzbuted Ga'l H;her, wil.l bJ -- dred Buh11ng, a n,.;mber by Stat -.tudcnt f . h STUOE)r;T GO\'ERK31E:"\T? :\Iiss V1v1enne Boulware, talented T 4000 p / n'l;g er and . ::\linneapohs, ).Iinn.-Dete1mmed to .:'O altc:t and )lt<::!'; Pe:ggy Scott, I 0 eop e I "m1!e. \\ltt wirn:h ... h(' met d1s cover whether .or student goY- and al danctn!t --- Reg-i<.:tt ai 's office and befoI e that dur- ern ment '!-t the 'Cntvnstty of 1:>\ Sma.rt a_nd Hel_en Olner The Col.eJ!Uln ublic:;hed bv tht' her colleg-e il<l\.., here She died At this time the orcheRtra will play a few selections, followed h:1 the collcg-e chorus sing-int? "The Clown" and a numher ta kt n from "Faust." The college ouartf't will also present a few favorite harmanies. Have Religion School Efforts are Being Made to Establish Department Here. Money Must Come Through Subscription. Would Offer Popular Courses. The assemblies that the music department have presented so far rhiR year have been most l·ntertainlng- and Donn Kintz, director of the music depart- ment promises another of this interesting entertainments. I 's sc:hool of Re.igion, af .ated with the G1eatcr L'ni•:ersitv <md j uppJrted by subscription, wiiI he- r me a pe1 manent bran .. h of sti!te in· -------------- ! litutions plans of several in the state are carried out, i li .... e the CiJr this sc.:hool here. \Yi.._h a vit''V CJf ci11zens in the 8 hool. Dr. Btnnnon, I'resid.nt Atkir.:on. of th.,. State ('ol· leze; P1·e C laJ,p, of the l·niver- sity: and er. Youn..:.·, of t:ie State Lni- of relip:ion, sp')ke to sevr.ral chu ·h lOngre at Butte Sunday. I MORONI OlStN HtRt f of :t school at the collei:re here. Thnuf?'h for its supi;ort C'an not come rom the staL., sc:1o:ii officids e pei. t I e ' WA M EM BER s p1esident of iol. S. C., says . hat no attempt wi.l be made to I I "OT[ TH IS WE[K 8E'cat.t!e Company at Ellen This I I V [ [ ven1ng o_ 11 not be taught anv' de- I -- -- ·1cminational l n<s. The pian for.}Jon- ;1-Jartha Hanks-yorth Reports On 1 B<.:..1 ie's wor1d famous. ccmedy 1 · :tna is. after the one ""''w I Convention Trip. Three Earn "\Vh:it E\"l'rv Woman Know::;" is the , m [u\va. lhere they Bobcat Sweaters <:huict! 0 the : 1 1onmi 01.:.;"'n Players Pn m the · of religicn, paid I >r t H ir last appearance with. the t.hroug-h an endowment made by the I -- canny humor of U.i:; play t" be pre- . . . . The "';mw '.'.... \thl1• .(' _\ ';. i l t'llt. 1 t:ie Ellen theutie thb eve- n effot t is no\\ be111g- made to held their q utcrly 'lleetm..!" la t Lcginning to end Seod.h au- AG L'RATERNITY I tion and hold sway. and [1 attending- the A. C'. A. C. W. convcn- Banie's impish ''"it brings out his ticn in Seattle, j!a\ c her report NAMES PLEDGES \ basecl on experiencf' that e\·ery \\'Oman tJon over pres -r.• ::."stem of 111<l1- knows i:; valid a11tl that cVffV man ddu2l ..\ r. :\. r.. ,\-. abo v.ill rfrTO\"er trul'. The \Vvli"C men the of awards. Alick. James and David ·ha1e Alpha Zeta Picks Jack Haggerty promoting health, and fosterin.: inter- most unJes.iiable of proble;ns, a mar- d B'll N Is t l\i d mural l.Ii's Hawkswortl.i who la.ks charm and an 1 e on a on ay .:aid that 22 c>'."lJleg- s were- represented In a seen:: th: 1 t is .Meeting. Ne\v 0 ff ice rs in the nnHntion :md tha m model'n drama for clevern€:s::; and Elected frcm <'\" .ry am?le was cono:ide ed a canniness, the brothers succeed in complete ncarrying- .\laggie off to John Strand. Monday afternoon the \Y. ..\. A. Jn return for John's in At a of the Kappa Sigma 1 counr-il met to eo!1sider s!'veral nrn- her off their hands. she prom- ho:..se last ..,\Iondav evening Jack ?osais. The,· <leeid• cJ tr'\ nut Se\·ernl him the use of their· 1.aw library. Haggertv und B'.11 "1\·e):son were 1 elected issues to a All A. A. Th€' background of law practi e and a:j c.:andi"dates to Alpha Zeta. hers are a.ske<l to cast their ballot on rclitics in Scotland is weJi presented men were cno.,;en from Sophomore followm(Z'. nrit hter than m ttie 1:aner oi Johu who un the of their seholastic Fndav noon m Stewar+.>s office. holds the empire snclitound by standing, activities, leadnship, per- , 1. A feet 25c will be to his eloquent speeches. i-;r.;;rnlity, and character. Haggerty is a.I m order bl buy awards prnve ... a faithful and de- :1 mcmbl'r of Gamma Rho and Women's Day. n:tp.:f wife, she 1t '"· \\ho helps. .John :\els.on uf Omega Beta. ..... Bobeat sweater!'; are to be ''1th h1<::. speeches She is even willing :\ _w officers of Alpha Zeta were awarded all . cf so homore to sac11fic.:e her when John at a meeting at the Amigo 1 ra!Jk han· sutftc1e!1t number of n1 eets the Entran:.-rng Sybil who has hnu:se the previous }londay evening. romt:s. b)'. the en.I of the•r fall quarter the charm J.-laggie la Bui S\.hil The new offi.ers are: Chancellor, of ,..then· year. knows wh,at e,,:ery woman kno,,s 'and Herb ZwisLr; treasurer 1 --·. ·'\n as,istant t? the manag-er-at- by accident rc.neals this scoet to farke1 · thronitler Leonard \\'in('J'· large to be a!">pcmted by the man- .John He realizes ;\lagg-1e's worth scribe.' Ralph cdne, and tenso'"'r: j aC"er the approval of the \\r. A. 11ncl the pla\ on the c:;udden Scott Hoskinson. I A. c.ounc.1 . c 1 av.nmg of a h1therto def1c1ent sense 1 .'"\lpha Zeta b a national honorary Last week pomts toward Bobcat cf humor in John Strand. ag1icultmal fratermtv e-:tablished at, sweater werc> av:-ra':"'ed b·; tne n•:rn- For pe1fcction of real humor and Ohio State UniversitY :-\o\•ember 4 1 1 All !'iophomore and upper Jac_:;,,,c; S<·ot h character. this play is unex- At piesent are 38 chap- !points have and a1e celled And the best. joke of all is the Lr::. oi the fraternity Four of the 11.ow P'a1lahle m :\l1ss Stewart's of- distoY .. ry of what womnn thapte1 5 O\\ n The fraternity To <late thrre. ha\"e s:if- kno\\ S- •·ublishes a j 0 urn al c.alled the. fl 1ent number •"If nnmts for ;i sota is 01:_ real s1gmfi ... ance, the Um-I. All peisons 1nte1ested m attending- Ext_nc:;ion de f :\1 Apr I 15 shotily after vers1ty council 'oted to carry the ·hould not1f\· a Spur before "'ednes· S P 0 ._ 0 na .. h b ·t} f 1 Th b d question of 1eorgamzat10n before .the day .. tomonow, as the oqran· BLANCHE LEE PICKED undergraduate body, \\ 1thout secunng 17..at1on must ha\e an e:;.tJmate or the and fullner students The c.:.oi'legian ; 5 April 17. uiua. the Ana- ST ATE 1-IOME LEADER 1 Jua 1 tet1\' of Alpha zeta. are: Irn:a ::\lonroe. iunior· Ruby The !Ocal chapter was established I and Dorothy Gar- in 1922. The membership at the pr .s-1 '·:tt., .. .... _There are $e\·.en ent ti m e includes 11 members: o. he l..' ho :-t11l e :i c'ianf'e nf . ':·m- He1s::hel Hurd, Jesse Helm. Ralph n_ 1 n"'. e eo\"etert .award for p1rtic1pa- t.1ther the of the de.an number that will be present Saturday. pubhshed for alumm of this mstitu- on la <::c:hools al!Cl j?'racluated fro111 i --- students affaus or the boa1d o I uon and its purpose it to Eti\·e them t!le high sc:hool o tnat. cit:,- In 19213 t , 115 _ Blanche Lee of th . e , ngems of schoo_L__ T F a fan· conception of the even Ls at the s.he w.1.. graduated from 1\lontana of the ".\Ion ta eE s J.IcCall, Lester Suth.crland, Ben Rob- tr-n m ()rt$ this yC>ar. E.'-'GLJSH BEST COCRSE wenty our ... o 1 !eg-e £.nd a knowledge of what other ... t.ate Fri 1 'i the time of her ice has been ie-.. N" , H . C A.. 1 d' to - alumni .are dorng throug-hout the coun-1 e-iacluat.on t le spring 1 of 19?8, of home demonstrations which will be th 1 e\I. a\t:n, tonn :-·ycclo - ry means of numerou:s alumnt hn wot i·ed m thl' Reg1stra1 s off1c: held Ill 12 women's camps throughout e maJOn) \O e 01 a e sentol!>, note<.: he1c }frs T<ench was a membtr ot · Enghsh is the vetluable .. ollege E L tt Jo;·n Dexter head of the pubhca- I KapPa 4Delia sorority the state this sr111mer llt<.On, Harf1eld Leonard \Ving-. ne IF AMOUS CHEMIST IS I SPEAKER AT COLLEGE and psychology IS the least arn e ers t•ons' lS ed1to1 of the Col- She 15 b\ . her hus;band 9 The camp" will operate from .June The a Question- t1his .. _,.ear.' The pa1Jer is pub- J infant S'lTI, h:r pa1e;ts, 'Jlr. ami -anto, i·ovT·1h: of toh:s" I d f l' B t K t.. J p a ac"tton p nod Columbus., 0 .-0hio State l'niver- ane, a so or a m ea. four t-0 :six umes each year. 1 }hcheal Gallagher two brothers, F I "'nr far : 1 \\O•nen a;d a sc-hool sit_v is conductinO' a state-\\.-icle hi"". h Dr. ;\' oyes Tells of Pro2're!'.s Toward Peace Since ""orld 'Yar. key m preference to the athletic 1 .. , ___ Th·s vear there will be four issuet<.. T and Pat Garaizhet, and two !5i1;:,ters, f . l d · · · ""' "' Lindbergh they announced as their Th 1 · t h th d 11 1 f A 1 d 1\1 t 01 ea ers rn rural commurut1es and sthcol scholarship contest, in which most admired man. The wmte1 qua1 ter \\1th its large L as 011 - was t e ir ·• r. e en. 0 nacom a, an ,. argarc. \\on: en \\ hJ expect to C.'HTY on more that. 200 students are partLipat- number of popular Jette. winning 1 he alumm hst kept up ;i!bgher, \\ho rlllb the colletre book I women's extemnon p1ojed \' 01k The ini:r. Examinations of an hour's dura- FIGHTING .\GAL"\! sports found 24 .:\-[ontana 1 State ath- by 1 th\ and it no.w c?n-1 here (':lmps h1h'e been operat:<l m the tion in each of the 12 standard high Seattle, \Vash.-Preparmg for a I letcs earnrng ")l's" m maJor sports. I - ., ncl' 1 and have proved highly sehool sub jet· ts are to be held. The Gut'St at Banquet The world never again \\;II see a C"onflict like the recent "'orld war, in the opinion of Dr. '1r. A. 'N'oves. internationally famed chenfr:;;t in· his address at a general assembly at ::\Ion- tana State here vesterdav. new move to oust Enoch Bao-shaw a::; 1 r"'e letters w1Jl be awa1ded later rn 11 - t f th l I su ce5:sful Many other !'itates are awards for the final contest are ' th . t t th f II . a 1.ar s 0 e WtW (. Cle JS one Wh t T rr •at1n' . l . . . t h I •h' t tl St t u . •t foct ball <:oach t.he students of the e sp1mg quar U' 0 e 0 owrng: . t I Af ' 1. Ch' d ea rain our I . "' s.1111 ru plOJeC s. 0 ar;:'!> lps 0 1e a e mvers1 y. or' \Va shington are . For Ash- ============================== to defeat outside intener- \\Orth Thompson, Frank Wa1k, Orland th h t E I cnce. case there is a re.sumption of Ward, Max Worthington, Gilbert }k- roug OU urope. Proves the question, the de.;ision will be a1 land. Harold Ed fl made by a special <ommittee of I Olt Gardn(l' and Clifford Swan ·on. 1 HORTICULTURE SCHOOL · ------------------------------'. MONTANA STATE DEBATORS WIN The speaker based this.opinion °upon the increasing- tendeney of great na- to send their leading tives to conferences where problems may te <:onsidered and reached. In his as"-emM:r tr.lk Dr. :\"oyes referred to the LocSrno treaty on_ of the toward iaculty members manager . 1 ISSUES NE\V BULLETIN ' · I For wt estling-Kenneth Freese, T. 1 ;:_; S. U. CELEBUA'IES 1;. Dolan, George :11arkin, Bruce :\lull, I . Dallas, Te:xas.-In observance of the Veinon Leach, Copel.and, Prof. F. Harrington, head of the sixth annivcr:::ary of the p1 esidency of )l?rto1.1 and Etow: IIoi titultt: re Department return:::d 1·e·· Charles C. Selecman of Southern for Fla!m1gan, cently from Lhe Bitter Root \·alley I Methodist Uni\'ersity, The Semi· IIe1kktla, Tom .Gary' Kenneth he has been fol' th past. wee;, Weekly Campt:s, the college news- and .Jack Erkkila. 1 in <:onnection with the '<.ommercial paper, put out a spe:..ial 2-l-pa.igc, 3- tertilizcr experiments which the :\lon- s.;;etion edition. A review of all the tana Experiment Station are carrying departments of the school, the history D/ Ext mp I on in cooperation with Orchardists in of the institution, and the hopes for l I an e . Lhat valley. future of the college were eon- II Two new bulletins recently printed tamed in the ·edition. JI_// f w •th u and now ready for distribution are JY1ee l the following : I mGHTS! I "The i'.h.lnto'h Apple I ndustry in Columbus, 0.-Equality of the --- \Vestern l:\1ontana'', by Shennan John- jsexes was recognized by the Student College will partici- .-;, o_f Ag. Economics of Ohio State University after r:at..: in a sem1-cx:temporan<.:om; con- :S01l Survey of the \aher l111ga· a fi.ght. The passsa.i;e of 1 a new test with the State Unh·ersiiy at tic.n Project", by "rm. De Young . :«onstitut1on guarantees at least eight Bozeman May 1?. Three 5:peak2rs will I of the twenty-four senate to represent M. S. C. and three from the ATH LET!C NOT l CE ,c:ocds. , 111\eISlLY will speak on some phase of the foreign relation:s question. An I COEDS BEAT BAYLOR out of 't»tc professor of political Laramie, \Vyo.-Thn c:oed debatillg will senJ thC' exact phase of i ,team of the Uni\·ersity of this question in a sealed envelope to (re.ently gave Baylor College of Waco, be opened a few hours. before the dis- J [ exas, their second defeat in 86 years. us .. ion. The speakers will be pe1111it.- The U!am has been touring the South- tC'd to :::el:.:ct either side of the ques-1 and winning many \ h:tcries. lion and rebuttals will be gi\·en . Thus - making it in the form of a debate. NO TAXES )1. S. C. and the Universitv are fol- Ann Arbor, hill to make Jawing the example of Stanford Uni- 11 fraternity and sorority property ver:>ity and the University of South-I l: ahx exempt is bc_of1:e the Jel!islat.ure of rn (a 1 ifo1 nia wl!o hnlcl a si!nilar con- e of ir1ch1gan. Alumni and test <·ailed the Zoffre. whwh treats promrnent men of the state ::ire back - on the foreign relations of France. b" 1 " 1 the students in the support of this 1 The coache..; of these institutions con- 1 · (Continued on Page Three) Th e re is an import.ant. Spartan· ian met.Ling ca lled by !\Jartha IJ <.t\\ ks\\ orth Tuesday noon. A ll memh ers mu..,l be r.re:;:cn t. In ad· rlition to im1)ort.ant businc.- s. ,_ Jcdgls a.1 e lo b1:: \'1)led upon. TE.'i.'.:IS XOT!CE Bernice :'\orr'is. tenni s manager, wishe8 <t i! persons out fer tennis lo comr.Jet.e their 20 practices as scon as possible. 'l.'he tournament wi ll b€gin so-on. After th at date no practices can cou11t toward major or minor score. Other Slates lo Adopt Idea of J. C. Taylor, M. S. C. Exten - sio n Se rvice Ex pert I The "pecial train, operated in I agreement had beC>n in .fn t this slate last winter Ly the l\Iontana the greM war would have b.:en nvoid- Ext.cnsion ,-ice under the dire._ ti on ed. of J. C'. Taylcr 1 in to-operation with 1he told of activities in the Great. Northern railroad, w:.is such 1 \Yhi<:h he has tnkt'n a prominent part a :->Ul"cess. that al other a1·f! : . 1 of hrinrdng the gr<>at :-::cientists of the now planning similar enterprises. : wc:·ld into closer U"-sorintion. Effort:-: The purpose of the train was to. in this dirl'ction, he !';tated, will bring bi-ini.; to the farmers of the state the I :-\hl)\'t a mew_ rapid atharn.·C"ment in latest ideas on low t·os.t what produt- 1c·arning and will cnntl"ibutt• much tu a latest on low l'Ost and produc- 1 be-tter understandinJ? and g-ood will tion. The 20 car C'arried ex· \ aP nations. hibits of mode111 farm machiner\·, Dr. also spoke at the college tultur2l methods, pure seed, diseaSe I to and ontrol and all other that ha\e nwmhe1·s on "Valence," at a :.t in effi<·ient \\heat nrodudion mNting sponsored by the )ifontana I Edwin Eagle, Henry Eagle anrl Prof. Stone, coach, l\I. S. C. soct.ion of the. American Chemical · . . f th S l ! I Soc1et;-. l.nst mght he wns the guest tana Experiment 'tatlon, was in I of debalors who won a dec1s10n at Butte last week O e C 100 of honor at 3 banquet at the Hotel ·harge of the sucees..::fu l enterprise . of l\Iines tcanl. Baxter . The banquet ·was given by TOURISTS Con a Ore.-1:\lembPrs of I he State Collcgt• military cadet band rc<:ently made a 10-day tou r of the lower Columbia, gidnJ.r concerts imcl playing- for clanct-:;; in eijtht ).!any of the musicians had never been in a boat larger than a canoe- before. and many had never seen body of water as large as the Columbia. Alpha f'hi Sh!'ma, honorary chemistry frnternity. At the 1111 etini? following- ''Sai<l t.o be the best debuting he \'nrsity rebnting t..his and I the banqt,tet on :;America's that hag ever bet:n heard in Butte I thev lh batt><l the S.hool of 3-llll('S at Opportunity m Ch<'nnstry. Edwin - an Ilem Ea le brothers' I Butte Fritluy, A_Ptil Ht Th.:. I Ones of the intere:itinp: . feature d y g ' J 'T debatl' bemg the national Pht I learned \\ ht'n nr. N'oYe:-i was m Boze- representing- Montana State College, I\':ippa Delta question for this year. man was that ta.ken Greek from won n unanimous clecishm of the The Shcool of :\lines upheld the af- Prof. Brewer's father many year's S.hool of l\!ines debaters here yester- and :\lontann State th!'. 1 mro at Grinnell university. Afll>r the c!ay is what )Iontana negati\"e. :\1. S. C. won this in I doc.:tor held the same Chni1· at the ef ':\h::itnnu's · :t thtee to nothing decision. This is same uni\.·t and taught Prof. varsity debate team. Henry nnd tJw ddeat that the Butte School Ill'ewer and his sister. the same Edwin Eagle have ben doing most of I of Mines has sdfered this year. / (Continued from Page Three)

I IS GO-~UTHOA ON Have Religion School NO~[l Of …arc.lib.montana.edu/msu-exponent/objects/exp-020-29-001-004.pdf · VOLUJ\IE XX. BOZEilIAX, l\IONTANA, TUESDAY, APRIL 23, 1929 XU;\lBER

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MISS OON~lOSON '---I ___ L_es B_ou_ffon_Pl_edg_e N_ine_Jun_ior_s _ __!JI .\ICSIC .l.SSE.11l1Ll.

A music assembly will be held l\lar 3 at £r:ao in the gym­nasium.

Montana State May

IS GO-~UTHOA ON NO~[l Of INOIANS C\fonlana State Professor Aid

James Willard Schultz in Pro- 1

ducing Latest Book on Amer­ican Native Life

,Jame.; Willan.l Sthultz, famous autht:r of Indian storie ', 1 or the fir:-;t lime in t·ol <lbor~tion \\ ith an(lthcr writc.r, has produced hi .... '.:.fit., story o. I Indian life. Hb co-authi..:r is Miss I Je.-~ie Donaldson, o; the :'.\lont..ana I State col.e.:!e Eng:~ish de~ ,:u tmenL I

1 ne :itory. ju~·t 1·- :ently .omplete<l and s~nt to_ the ~ubl!f- crs Hom Boze- JI

man, 1s entitled. ·ch~lrlren of the Sun 11

an<l is sub-tit.l-d, ··Tne 13lackfeet I Indian Tribe:". The bock has 1~ l'"hapt.€rs. 'Ihc author~ ar _ ,.1i"ticu}arl): i:'.ea:ul. ''ith c~ap!er !'-ix w:iich gives in fu1l detail the Elackfeet C"eremonial I rite!:; of the annunl pbntin_ of thei?" I ~;acrcd toba.co. (:\ir tin~1 atten:..:ata). Th_y Wt1e fi\"e tia). s in n.!c.·ordin1t it :ii~. and were taken to the tobacco I gardens, near Blackfeet crossing. Bow river, the fir.st "· hites who ha\"e ever ha<l that privilege. Th~ aut.101 ~ con- J ~id~r the toba .·o planting- ceremony cnl of the most impre.;:.si'ie of all the Lt!re:nonial rite::. of the Ame1i<:an 1ndian~. I

~Ir. Schultz has s1>ent most of the L B 'f · . ' · · · · time durin~ tho past rear in :1•ontana es ouf on, scmo1 men s social honorary or ga111zal10n named lhe follow mg pledges at their while securing muc'i. of the data fo1 I annual dance at the Hotel Baxter, Friday. The pledges are Jack Conrady Frank \Vard Gus hts book and he bas oeen Ill Bozeman ur ·l' E ·l S · B d B 0 d ~ · ' ' during the past 1ew month< while "J 1e, a1 emmmgson, u arnes, rlan "ard, Duke Richards, Bernard Brown and Ash-preparin.e: the copy for the publishers. worth Thompson.

l\liss Donaldson, who collaborated - -----------------with ::\Ir. Schultz, i::> a graduate stu­

dent in amhropology at the Cui,en>ity Spurs to G ,·ve of California. he has always been interest::.d in the life o.l the Indians of


:;\lontana and one of her greatest B .d n ~lost of the junior class dues a.hievements along- this line was the rl. ge rarty have been collected from those production of the "masque of the juniors who are members of Absarok<e" her~ se\"eral years ago. $Ororities an dfraternities, but She directed this and was ad\risor in , . O . . ,. there is a large nu1jority of the the writin~ of the script. I Serrice rganization "ill Enter- independents who have not paid

lain al Pi Bela Phi House theirs. All of those who have

ROUND ABOUT to do so L\D11':DIATELY. A The money collected as dues

M. S. C. Grad Dies Monday

11\.lrs. Maude Gallagher Kench, Wife of Prof ere, Buried in Anaconda Th•• ··.-dav. Worked in Registrar's Offi~e Here I I

Saturday Afternoon NOT paid their dues are urged

The ~Iontana State thapter of ~a- will be used to stage the Junior ticnal Spur.-:. will ent_rtam at a bi iclge Prom. Th ts :t•ear there will be S J

PROFlT:\BLE ··PIXLlJIXG'' mutv aStu1dav flernoon at thr Pi a great deal of expense and it . 0 emn icqmem lu~h mass was cde-Evanston, Ind.-lt 1s fea1ed that Beta· Phi house from 2 00 to 5 01cl0<.'k w-ill reqmre the c.:o-operatton of ~:;e~ 1

?f .:\lr~.P _i.\~aude Gall;·u.rhet the !"tudents at ::\otth\\e:Stern l:n1ver- lnd1\•1<lual tickets ate l:eing sold by all juniors to make it poss1ble cf \lv' t:l e s~ t•lO c 1falph ~ens~' sitl' will either ha\'e to ha\ e an e::-..'tra j Spurs to college students, faculty financially. f et~r ·~1 ha ·ch a

1 :\.

0 c egd, Th ·

spring \acati~n or hold their classes members and Bozeman women. lav mon~u~ll. Th~\-hu~~hon a, l'O\~rs-m the Jail ~1xtr-~e\en students were 1 This bridge partv is open to all wii:h fue Jf! of h waj c. ded arrested for traff1<: offense~ in one olLge students. In add1t1_on to. brtt.1.IZ'e 1\1 C /j • n-atn n.


~he boo\ ~ai~~~d a~oyo~ns1 morning. and the drn·e was stopped an 111terest111e:- progtam i~ b~mg ar- lYeW 0 egzan n ).Joint Carmt'l ··emeter e only due to the fact that there wu e- ran,(?'ed by the spui s Thu; includes • • I :\h ~ Kenrh f 1 erl {r· . :\Ia I no mor.e room m the court room .efreshments; a reading- by Miss :\ltl- JS Dzstrzbuted Ga'l H;her, wil.l bJ 1

~~m:inbe~s~~l .byu~l~ -- dred Buh11ng, a mu~1cal n,.;mber by ~11.Jntan 1 Stat -.tudcnt f . h

STUOE)r;T GO\'ERK31E:"\T? :\Iiss V1v1enne Boulware, talented T 4000 p / ~hai n'l;g er o~al»t and ~h ~1~1 ndr~ . ::\linneapohs, ).Iinn.-Dete1mmed to .:'O altc:t and )lt<::!'; Pe:ggy Scott, I 0 eop e I "m1!e. \\ltt wirn:h ... h(' met ~II i~ th~

d1scover whether .or n~t student goY- w~istler and s~ve-1 al danctn!t n~mbers --- Reg-i<.:tt ai 's office and befoI e that dur-ernment '!-t the 'Cntvnstty of ).Jm~ne- 1:>\ Calen~ Sma.rt a_nd Hel_en Olner The Col.eJ!Uln ublic:;hed bv tht' 111 ~ her colleg-e il<l\.., here She died

At this time the orcheRtra will play a few selections, followed h:1 the collcg-e chorus sing-int? "The Clown" and a numher ta kt n from "Faust." The college ouartf't will also present a few favorite harmanies.

Have Religion School Efforts are Being Made to Establish Department Here. Money

Must Come Through Subscription. Would Offer Popular Courses. The assemblies that the music

department have presented so far rhiR year have been most l·ntertainlng- and Donn Kintz, director of the music depart­ment promises another of this interesting entertainments.

I ~iont~ma 's sc:hool of Re.igion, af fil~ .ated with the G1eatcr L'ni•:ersitv <md

j uppJrted by subscription, wiiI he-r me a pe1 manent bran .. h of sti!te in·

-------------- ! litutions wh~n plans of several -~duc.:ttor:; in the state are carried out,

i li .... e the mone~· CiJr this sc.:hool here. \Yi.._h a vit''V CJf in~eres~in~ ci11zens in the Rcligiou~ 8 hool. Dr. Btnnnon, I'resid.nt Atkir.:on. of th.,. State ('ol· leze; P1·e ·u~nt C laJ,p, of the l·niver­sity: and er. Youn..:.·, of t:ie State Lni­versit~· ~d:ool of relip:ion, sp')ke to sevr.ral chu ·h lOngre '"ation~ at Butte Sunday.



h;~-r.c~ 1 ~~1f1 f o~~. t~~·ae~~~~l i~h~~~nt of :t school at the collei:re here. Thnuf?'h .~oney for its supi;ort C'an not come rom the staL., sc:1o:ii officids e pei. t I hro~~\, e ,:;~~~~~tio;:i:: ~~- . s~:if~~} ' WA ~ M EM BER s ·.t 1~in~on, p1esident of iol. S. C., says

. hat no attempt wi.l be made to ~tart I

"\\~t~~ ~v~:od:~~~~ ~~~ ::-t:{;;i:;u:;;l::;~:r::::a::::;:e:~~ I "OT[ TH IS WE[K 8E'cat.t!e Company at Ellen This I ~rdpo~i~~~o;uh6j~. ~~: ;,i~~~r~h~! j;~!;d~~i I V [ [

ven1ng o_ 11 not be taught alon.~ anv' de- I ---- ·1cminational l n<s. The pian for.}Jon- ;1-Jartha Hanks-yorth Reports On

1 B<.:..1 ie's wor1d famous. ccmedy 1 · :tna is. patter~ned. after the one ""''w I Convention Trip. Three Earn "\Vh:it E\"l'rv Woman Know::;" is the , u~e_ m [u\va. lhere they .h~ve tht~e Bobcat Sweaters <:huict! 0 the :11onmi 01.:.;"'n Players Pn m the · z~1ool of religicn, paid I

>r t H ir last appearance with. the t.hroug-h an endowment made by the I --canny humor of U.i:; play t" be pre- 'ockefellu~s. . . . . The "';mw '.'.... \thl1• .(' _\ ';. i l

t'llt. 1 ~~t t:ie Ellen theutie thb eve- n effot t is no\\ be111g- made to held their q utcrly 'lleetm..!" la t

nii;.~·O.ll Lcginning to end Seod.h au- AG L'RATERNITY I r1~\1

~h~a~~~~·t!~~:~:m,~~~iut~·s ~~in tion and whim~ic.:ullity hold sway. and [1 attending- the A. C'. A. C. W. convcn-Banie's impish ''"it brings out his ticn in Seattle, j!a\ c her report

th~~~.~~~c{:-::E~~:~~a\\.J~e~~!~· ~now,·' i~ NAMES PLEDGES\ s.t1~~~~cl ~~: ~i~1e: ~f ~11as:e;ar;i~7~~: basecl on experiencf' that e\·ery \\'Oman tJon over th~ pres -r.• ::."stem of 111<l1-knows i:; valid a11tl that cVffV man ddu2l hono~. ..\ r. :\. r.. ,\-. abo v.ill rfrTO\"er i~ trul'. The \Vvli"C men favor~ the simplifyin~ of awards. Alick. James and David ·ha1e th~ Alpha Zeta Picks Jack Haggerty promoting health, and fosterin.: inter-most unJes.iiable of proble;ns, a mar- d B'll N Is t l\i d mural eomnet~tion. l.Ii's Hawkswortl.i 1·ia~C>able ~:dster . who la.ks charm and an 1 e on a on ay .:aid that 22 c>'."lJleg- s were- represented ~cauty. In a seen:: th:1t is outstandin~ .Meeting. Ne\v 0 ff ice rs in the di~trict nnHntion :md tha m model'n drama for clevern€:s::; and Elected frcm <'\" .ry am?le was cono:ide ed a canniness, the brothers succeed in complete ~u:ces~. ncarrying- .\laggie off to John Strand. Monday afternoon the \Y. ..\. A. Jn return for John's a~sistance in At a meetin~ of the Kappa Sigma 1 counr-il met to eo!1sider s!'veral nrn-!akin~ her off their hands. she prom- ho:..se last ..,\Iondav evening Jack ?osais. The,· <leeid• cJ tr'\ nut Se\·ernl 1~~ him the use of their· 1.aw library. Haggertv und B'.11 "1\·e):son were


elected issues to a \'o~e. All Vi~- A. A. m~m­Th€' background of law practi e and a:j c.:andi"dates to Alpha Zeta. The~e hers are a.ske<l to cast their ballot on rclitics in Scotland is weJi presented men were cno.,;en from th~ Sophomore th~ followm(Z'. mea~ures nrit hter than m ttie 1:aner oi Johu ~tn!nd. who 1:.!1::;.~ un the ba~is of their seholastic Fndav noon m Mi~'.\ Stewar+.>s office. ~·oon holds the empire snclitound by standing, activities, leadnship, per- , 1. A feet o~ 25c will be ~·hare-ed to his eloquent speeches. i-;r.;;rnlity, and character. Haggerty is a.I rn~mb~rs m order bl buy awards

~fa1!'l!l prnve ... a faithful and de- :1 mcmbl'r of Alp~1a Gamma Rho and fo~ Women's Day. n:tp.:f wife, she 1t '"· \\ho helps. .John :\els.on uf Omega Beta. ..... Bobeat sweater!'; are to be ''1th h1<::. speeches She is even willing :\ _w officers of Alpha Zeta were awarded all pers.o:i~ . cf so homore to sac11fic.:e her happme~::. when John ~lecte<l at a meeting at the Amigo 1 ra!Jk ~wh~ han· sutftc1e!1t number of n1 eets the Entran:.-rng Sybil who has hnu:se the previous }londay evening. romt:s. b)'. the en.I of the•r fall quarter the charm J.-laggie la k~ Bui S\.hil The new offi.ers are: Chancellor, of ,..then· s('lp~omor2 year. knows wh,at e,,:ery woman kno,,s 'and Herb ZwisLr; treasurer

1 ~lelbourne --·. ·'\n as,istant t? the manag-er-at­

by accident rc.neals this scoet to farke1 · thronitler Leonard \\'in('J'· large 1 ~ to be a!">pcmted by the man­.John He realizes ;\lagg-1e's worth scribe.' Ralph cdne, and tenso'"'r: j aC"er \':it~ the approval of the \\r. A. 11ncl the pla\ ~nds on the c:;udden Scott Hoskinson. I A. c.ounc.1 . c1av.nmg of a h1therto def1c1ent sense 1 .'"\lpha Zeta b a national honorary Last week pomts toward th~ Bobcat cf humor in John Strand. ag1icultmal fratermtv e-:tablished at, sweater werc> av:-ra':"'ed b·; tne n•:rn-

For pe1fcction of real humor and Ohio State UniversitY :-\o\•ember 41 1 aC'~r All !'iophomore and upper Jac_:;,,,c;

S<·ot h character. this play is unex- 18~J7. At piesent thcr~ are 38 chap- !points have be~n re~orderl and a1e celled And the best. joke of all is the Lr::. oi the fraternity Four of the 11.ow P'a1lahle m :\l1ss Stewart's of­distoY .. ry of what {>\er~· womnn ~ thapte1 5 O\\ n house~ The fraternity f~c~. To <late thrre. co-ed~ ha\"e s:if­kno\\ S- •·ublishes a j 0 urn al c.alled the. fl 1ent number •"If nnmts for ;i ~·sC'ater

sota is 01:_ real s1gmfi ... ance, the Um-I. All peisons 1nte1ested m attending- Ext_nc:;ion de arl:m~nt f :\1 •11 ~'1 .~Iondnv ni~ht Apr I 15 shotily after vers1ty council 'oted to carry the ·hould not1f\· a Spur before "'ednes· S P

0 ._

0 na .. h ~ b ·t} f


Th b d question of 1eorgamzat10n before .the day .. tomonow, e.venin~. as the oqran· tl~b~tc~i°ltl:goe~e~~~O~~c:r;Znibe;~~u1~~.~ }11 ~1 1{~n ~ ~~~~ bo~ ~~:,~~~~;~a; BLANCHE LEE PICKED undergraduate body, \\ 1thout secunng 17..at1on must ha\e an e:;.tJmate or the and fullner students The c.:.oi'legian ; 5 April 17. uiua. ~he• ~tttended the Ana- ST ATE 1-IOME LEADER

1 Jua 1 tet1\' of Alpha zeta. ~ 1:_~e~E> are: Irn:a ::\lonroe. iunior· Ruby The !Ocal chapter was established I ~lllC!"-cln·. ~-:mor; and Dorothy Gar­

in 1922. The membership at the pr .s-1 '·:tt., .. ~~ 11 hc~u.ore .... _There are $e\·.en ent ti m e includes 11 members: o. he ~ l..' ho :-t11l h~-' e :i c'ianf'e nf. ':·m­He1s::hel Hurd, Jesse Helm. Ralph n_1n"'. e eo\"etert .award for p1rtic1pa-t.1ther the pe~1ss10~ of the de.an o~ number that will be present Saturday. pubhshed for alumm of this mstitu- on la <::c:hools al!Cl \\~ts j?'racluated fro111 i ---

students affaus or the boa1d o I uon and its purpose it to Eti\·e them t!le high sc:hool o tnat. cit:,- In 19213 t , 115 _ Blanche Lee of th . e , ngems of schoo_L__ T F a fan· conception of the even Ls at the s.he w.1.. graduated from 1\lontana ciepa;t~nent of the ".\Ion ta e E \~t~s.n s

J.IcCall, Lester Suth.crland, Ben Rob- tr-n m ()rt$ this yC>ar.

E.'-'GLJSH BEST COCRSE wenty our ... o1!eg-e £.nd a knowledge of what other ... t.ate ~Iler~ Fri 1'i the time of her ~et\ ice has been s~lectedn:tat~ ie-.. d~~ N" , H . C A..

1 d' to - alumni .are dorng throug-hout the coun-1 e-iacluat.on ~rntil t le spring

1of 19?8, of home demonstrations which will be

th1 e\I. a\t:n, tonn :-·ycclo m~ - ry b~ means of numerou:s alumnt hn wot i·ed m thl' Reg1stra1 s off1c: held Ill 12 women's camps throughout e maJOn) \O e 01 a e sentol!>, note<.: he1c }frs T<ench was a membtr ot ·

Enghsh is the mo~t vetluable .. ollege E L tt Jo;·n Dexter head of the pubhca- I KapPa 4Delia sorority the state this sr111mer

llt<.On, Harf1eld Ol~n. Leonard \Ving-.

~=~t~~v~~~es~~ 1 1li'o?~~~~~~lelboui ne IF AMOUS CHEMIST IS $CHOLA l~SHIP CO~TEST I SPEAKER AT COLLEGE

~UbJect, and psychology IS the least arn e ers t•ons' denartme~t lS ed1to1 of the Col- She 15 :mn·;,~cd b\. her hus;band 9 The camp" will operate from .June v~luable The semor~,_.in a Question- i~D'·ian t1his .. _,.ear.' The pa1Jer is pub- J infant S'lTI, h:r pa1e;ts, 'Jlr. ami )rr~~ -anto, ,fn.~vto27 i·ovT·1h: .puvrpo.,~e of toh:s" I d f l' B t K t.. J .~ ~ p d~ a ac"tton p nod Columbus., 0 .-0hio State l'niver-ane, a so vo~e or a m ea. ~.PP,? l·~r.t!cl four t-0 :six umes each year.


}hcheal Gallagher two brothers, F I "'nr far :1 \\O•nen a;d a t'rainin~ sc-hool sit_v is conductinO' a state-\\.-icle hi"". h Dr. ;\' oyes Tells of Pro2're!'.s Toward Peace Since ""orld 'Yar. key m preference to the athletic 1 .. , ___ Th·s vear there will be four issuet<.. T and Pat Garaizhet, and two !5i1;:,ters, f . l d · · · ""' "' Lindbergh they announced as their Th

1 · t h th d 11 1 f A 1 d 1\1 t 01 ea ers rn rural commurut1es and sthcol scholarship contest, in which

most admired man. The wmte1 qua1 ter \\1th its large L as 011 - was t e ir ·• r. e en. 0 nacom a, an ,. argarc. \\on: en \\ hJ expect to C.'HTY on more that. 200 students are partLipat-number of popular Jette. winning 1 he alumm mai~mg hst i~ kept up ;i!bgher, \\ho rlllb the colletre book I women's extemnon p1ojed \' 01k The ini:r. Examinations of an hour's dura-

FIGHTING .\GAL"\! sports found 24 .:\-[ontana 1State ath- by

1 th\ al~nllll of~ice and it no.w c?n-1 ~tc,te here (':lmps h1h'e been operat:<l m the ~tate tion in each of the 12 standard high

Seattle, \Vash.-Preparmg for a I letcs earnrng ")l's" m maJor sports. I ~~~f~n~~r4 ·~~uOd~i~t~e:~~l~1;~d~~t~~a~1~ - ., ncl' 1 ~21 and have proved highly sehool sub jet· ts are to be held. The

Gut'St at Banquet

The world never again \\;II see a C"onflict like the recent "'orld war, in the opinion of Dr. '1r. A. 'N'oves. internationally famed chenfr:;;t in· his address at a general assembly at ::\Ion­tana State col1e~e here vesterdav.

new move to oust Enoch Bao-shaw a::; 1 r"'e letters w1Jl be awa1ded later rn 11

- t f th l I T~h • su ce5:sful Many other !'itates are op~ awards for the final contest are ·~ ' th . t t th f II . a 1.ar s 0 e WtW (. Cle JS one Wh t T rr •at1n' . l . . . t h I •h' t tl St t u . •t foctball <:oach t.he students of the e sp1mg quar U' 0 e 0 owrng: . t I Af ' 1. Ch' d ea rain our I . "' s.1111 ru plOJeC s. ~.c 0 ar;:'!> lps 0 1e a e mvers1 y.

Unh ~rsity or' \Vashington are ~de-! . For basketball-!~hn. B;ee.~en, Ash - m1~!kar~nd ;1

~:~:=v~~~n~~r &~~~e~~\1 ============================== termm,~d to defeat outside intener- \\Orth Thompson, Frank Wa1k, Orland th h t E I cnce. I~ case there is a re.sumption of Ward, Max Worthington, Gilbert }k- roug OU • urope. Proves Success~ul the question, the de.;ision will be I· a1 land. Harold Sadl~~:r. Ed ~uzz~ttt, fl made by a special <ommittee of I Olt Gardn(l' and Clifford Swan ·on. 1 HORTICULTURE SCHOOL ·------------------------------'.

MONTANA STATE DEBATORS WIN The speaker based this.opinion °upon the increasing- tendeney of great na­tion~ to send their leading rcpre~enta­tives to conferences where problems may te <:onsidered and ag!·ren1ent~ reached. In his as"-emM:r tr.lk Dr. :\"oyes referred to the LocSrno treaty u~ on_ of the g-reatt>~t ~teps toward

iaculty members manager. 1

ISSUES NE\V BULLETIN ' · I For wt estling-Kenneth Freese, T . ~ ~ 1 ;:_;

S. ~I. U. CELEBUA'IES 1;. Dolan, George :11arkin, Bruce :\lull , I . Dallas, Te:xas.-In observance of the Veinon Leach, J~~11 es Copel.and, Prof. F. ~l. Harrington, head of the

sixth annivcr:::ary of the p1 esidency of Ho~·ner )l?rto1.1 and ~itaro Etow: IIoi titultt: re Department return:::d 1·e·· Charles C. Selecman of Southern for S.\.\'1.mn~mg-G1lbert Fla!m1gan, cently from Lhe Bitter Root \·alley

I Methodist Uni\'ersity, The Semi· F~·ank IIe1kktla, Tom .Gary' Kenneth wher~ he has been fol' th past. wee;, Weekly Campt:s, the college news- ~\heat and .Jack Erkkila.


in <:onnection with the '<.ommercial paper, put out a spe:..ial 2-l-pa.igc, 3- tertilizcr experiments which the :\lon-s.;;etion edition . A review of all the tana Experiment Station are carrying departments of the school, the history D/ Ext mp I on in cooperation with Orchardists in of the institution, and the hopes for l I an e . Lhat valley. jth~ future of the college were eon- II Two new bulletins recently printed tamed in the ·edition. JI_// f w •th u and now ready for distribution are

JY1ee l the following :

I ll'O~IA!\ 'S mGHTS! I "The i'.h.lnto'h Apple I ndustry in

Columbus, 0.-Equality of the --- \Vestern l:\1ontana'', by Shennan John-jsexes was recognized by the Student )lor~tana Sta~e College will partici- .-;, ~" o_f Ag. Economics d,er~rtm~1~.t.. ~enate of Ohio State University after r:at..: in a sem1-cx:temporan<.:om; con- :S01l Survey of the \aher l111ga· a Ion~ fi.ght. The passsa.i;e of


a new test with the State Unh·ersiiy at tic.n Project", by "rm. De Young. :«onstitut1on guarantees at least eight Bozeman May 1?. Three 5:peak2rs will I of the twenty-four senate se~ts to represent M. S. C. and three from the ATH LET!C NOTlCE ,c:ocds. , 111\eISlLY will speak on some phase

of the foreign relation:s question. An

I COEDS BEAT BAYLOR out of 't»tc professor of political

Laramie, \Vyo.-Thn c:oed debatillg ~_ien<:e will senJ thC' exact phase of i

,team of the Uni\·ersity of \Vyomin~ this question in a sealed envelope to (re.ently gave Baylor College of Waco, be opened a few hours. before the dis- J


exas, their second defeat in 86 years. us .. ion. The speakers will be pe1111it.­The U!am has been touring the South- tC'd to :::el:.:ct either side of the ques-1 w~st and winning many \ h:tcries. lion and rebuttals will be gi\·en . Thus

- making it in the form of a debate. NO TAXES )1. S. C. and the Universitv are fol-

Ann Arbor, ~lich.-A hill to make Jawing the example of Stanford Uni-11 fraternity and sorority property ver:>ity and the University of South-I


ahx exempt is bc_of1:e the Jel!islat.ure of rn (a1ifo1 nia wl!o hnlcl a si!nilar con­e s~ate of ir1ch1gan. Alumni and test <·ailed the Zoffre. whwh treats

promrnent men of the state ::ire back- on the foreign relations of France. b"


the students in the support of this 1 The coache..; of these institutions con-1 · (Continued on Page Three)

There is an import.ant. Spartan· ian met.Ling called by !\Jartha IJ <.t\\ ks\\ orth Tuesday noon. A ll memh ers mu..,l be r.re:;:cn t. In ad· rlition to im1)ort.ant businc.- s. ,_ Jcdgls a.1 e lo b1:: \'1)led upon.

TE.'i.'.:IS XOT!CE

Bernice :'\orr'is. tennis manager, wishe8 <t i! persons out fer tennis lo comr.Jet.e their 20 practices as scon as possible. 'l.'he tournament wi ll b€gin so-on. After th at date no practices can cou11t toward major or minor score.

Other Slates lo Adopt Idea of J. C. Taylor, M. S. C. Exten­sion Service Expert

I ~ien~~~'11~\~~:S~;:~c: 11~·h~~~~te}~dth:~ ~ti~ The "pecial wh~:tt train, operated in I agreement had beC>n po~silJJe in .fn t

this slate last winter Ly the l\Iontana the greM war would have b.:en nvoid-Ext.cnsion ~~1 ,-ice under the dire._ ti on ed. of J. C'. Taylcr

1 in to-operation with 1he ~peaker told of activities in

the Great. Northern railroad, w:.is such 1 \Yhi<:h he has tnkt'n a prominent part a :->Ul"cess. that ~en•1 al other s.~atcs a1·f! : .


of hrinrdng the gr<>at :-::cientists of the now planning similar enterprises. : wc:·ld into closer U"-sorintion. Effort:-:

The purpose of the train was to. in this dirl'ction, he !';tated, will bring bi-ini.; to the farmers of the state the I :-\hl)\'t a mew_ rapid atharn.·C"ment in latest ideas on low t·os.t what produt- 1c·arning and will cnntl"ibutt• much tu a latest idea~ on low l'Ost and produc- 1 be-tter understandinJ? and g-ood will tion. The 20 car spe-~ial C'arried ex· \ aP \)I~:.( nations. hibits of mode111 farm machiner\·, Dr. ~oyes also spoke at the college tultur2l methods, pure seed, diseaSe I ye~tl>nla~- aftt~rnoon to ~tudents and ontrol and all other issu~s that ha\e f:•euh~· nwmhe1·s on "Valence," at a

:.t p~ui. in effi<·ient \\heat nrodudion mNting sponsored by the )ifontana ~~: ,:;r;;'~l~~~~ 1 h~a~~~~1 ;;5e 0drei~c1-t~;~~'. I Edwin Eagle, Henry Eagle anrl Prof. Stone, coach, l\I. S. C. soct.ion of the. American Chemical

· . . f th S l ! I Soc1et;-. l.nst mght he wns the guest tana Experiment 'tatlon, was in I of debalors who won a dec1s10n at Butte last week O e C 100 of honor at 3 banquet at the Hotel ·harge of the sucees..::ful enterprise. of l\Iines tcanl. Baxter. The banquet ·was given by


Con a lli~, Ore.-1:\lembPrs of I he On~~on State Collcgt• military cadet band rc<:ently made a 10-day tou r of the lower Columbia, gidnJ.r concerts imcl playing- for clanct-:;; in eijtht town~. ).!any of the musicians had never been in a boat larger than a canoe- before. and many had never seen body of water as large as the Columbia.

Alpha f'hi Sh!'ma, honorary chemistry frnternity. At the 1111 etini? following­

''Sai<l t.o be the best debuting team~ he \'nrsity rebnting t..his ye~r, and I the banqt,tet ~e spok~ on :;America's that hag ever bet:n heard in Butte I thev lh batt><l the S.hool of 3-llll('S at Opportunity m Ch<'nnstry. Edwin - an Ilem Ea le brothers' I Butte Fritluy, A_Ptil Ht Th.:. QUl'"'t;o~ I Ones of the intere:itinp: . feature

d y g ' J 'T debatl' bemg the national Pht I learned \\ ht'n nr. N'oYe:-i was m Boze-representing- Montana State College, I\':ippa Delta question for this year. man was that h~ ta.ken Greek from won n unanimous clecishm of the The Shcool of :\lines upheld the af- Prof. Brewer's father many year's S.hool of l\!ines debaters here yester- firmatin~· and :\lontann State th!'. 1 mro at Grinnell university. Afll>r the c!ay aft~rnoon'', is what ~h~ )Iontana negati\"e. :\1. S. C. won this d~haie in I doc.:tor held the same Chni1· at the ~t.an<lard s.n\'~ ef ':\h::itnnu's Statl' ' ~ · :t thtee to nothing decision. This is same uni\.·t r~ity and taught Prof. varsity debate team. Henry nnd tJw fir~t ddeat that the Butte School Ill'ewer and his sister. the same Edwin Eagle have ben doing most of I of Mines has sdfered this year. / (Continued from Page Three)


tb¢ w ¢~~~.~ ... ~xpo n ¢ nt IF e;:d:r ~u~::Ss l~--S-'.\l_.\_TI_E_· R-11'-· G_~"-·F_6l_iR_)l_?.~-~-~_;_Al_N_D_T_HERE Continuanl:e of the :'.lonthly Exponent, Established 1 95

Published every Tue>day of t11e college year by the sta.U chosen from the )lore Than 150 People Attend A~~wc.:iatt•d Studl'nts of .:\lontann Statt. Colleg(! at Bozeman, Montana .\nnual 1\leeting at College

Last Frida) Sub..-;cription Hate: $2.00 per school 1e.ar

Acceptance for mailinir at special rat~ of posta1;C provided for in Section 1103, Act. of Ottobcr a, 19:ti, authorized February 17, 1919

Telephone J f7- .,\ isk for E,._ponent. On llonda)s After 12:00 noon--80

EDITOR lll'Sl:\ES' M.\:-i. \GER

)IA:\AGL~G EDITOR .A.bbociale Editor~ . .\ !:'sislnnt Editor Exchange Editor :Sporls Editor

Ass1~tants, Gtor:?t' Feature Edilor

W. H. McCall, Jr., '31 Carl Wall, '32

Lconnrd Wing. '30 :!:J, £:-;ther Stockton, 'JO

William Flynn

Ruth Platt . Frank lioikkiln

Bart, \\-nlmc:e Harrily, lh1rold Greiner ,Jnmes :\lorrison

.A si~t ... nt:-, . lary Hait.., HelL·n Olin~r l· .. ands Fogler Sociel y Editor .

A~ .. ;~tnntoi:, Ju<lith Bcltltn. l"ha .. !ottc :---1111th. llekn l'rockc>tt, Louise ~amler:-., Flun:ncc Hmne...::. J• lvrn Jl:ivi::-. \cm Ann O'.XeiL

The ><L'\.'1md annual Feedcr~ 1 Ilay a :\lontana ~t:tlL• n•llt,..r W:l!'- held Fn­llay .. \pri l 1!'. at the li\"L' ... 'L'k p~n ilion to whil'h n<'arlv 1:10 \i:;i 'I:-:. nthndtd.

H. \\'. \'nuj?hn prt•:-itlt•d dur.n~ Lr-.e f3~· nud Dr. \Y E. ,Io ph and L"ui~ J \"inkL·. wno Wl.'ll' in dwn.:e of t:.l~ :-;.C:L'!., 111d hoQ" ~eedinc: l:'Xpt.;1imt~nt--. t11!1I of ind dt•mrm ... trrr:.E•1l th1..• ll '\ll':-. th \~J.r OU:-' f1.·cci..:. h.1d i.:-i'L'Tl 111 the tt•:--l". The ,, t. r..:. ~111d hoz.;, "hit·h Wt. re 011 •e..;t

welt• cxh1hi<etl. nr. \litt"tl .\tk:n .... on. pn.• it c of

'(ontan:t ,,t...ltt" t'I c-.·g- splikt•. in thl:' dt(•t·noon ::;t•!':sion. upon •·romp< lition I or th• Fou,J )1. 1' t.•t:o. I It· urC"C'd 1 ht..• .. l"!nl'l"'" to or.!anizt• :on that they ni~ht )13\~ :oonw rnntrol u1ion Uwir narkl'H. HL' al~o tll'l!"ltl th('m to pro­

durl• t.:flkienth· the cumnH>.liliL' it•t•lh·d hy thC' pi blit•.

T)i?t•dor F. H. Lini.it·ld <11 t lC' :\lon­.:1'1a F '(pt rimt 11t Stntinn, sp •kt upon h 1..: ,iti in of ihe .\lont.uw f<:xpcri·

n tnt ~tnfi~1n nnd thL· liYt·~tuck 11ro­dun•r-.

SPTI!:\G IS HERE B1?hintl tht' tnl t t.' sun :1nk IL•w In, tt.;w minutt.'!' :ill wn:-: tlurk. For !'t'lll n·a~on wt•'d Jikt• to know \Yhy a bcnth .!'qtzL·ah·tl in the park.

Dy (llowzal).

Famou, 1..1!-"t \\"llnls- ('Ir- BC'forc the Batlle. :\lothcr num lI; rnilton ""l'l"t' you hrought up in n ~aw-mill~ .:\lis-; PO\\l'l' nnd a d:i.ss thnt walk:-:. out ! :\Ir. \hbe)· Onl) 11hl <t,Jlis :rnd nipp!t•s ~it down lo tt..>:i.ch! )Jr. !'.uutHi(•rson ~ay, arc you folk~ in the hnt·k row. rel'itinl'.:' J)Ot.'lr:,· '! :\Ii~s !Iapn r S .. tt nlny morni11l!' l~ the c·~sc>ntinl tim(' for n qu iz. (See

B..:-rnurd Hrown for refutation). ..'llr. tI.1ist \Yh·. frit·nd"' I do not know, but in lhe ~pring- you muy g-o

out ~;nil plu~·k a group of f:o\n·r~ and then yt1u ghould ::;ce th e t·ounknann• in hC'r fo.1.c.

)[rs. lfannlln-a11 tht·n thC' l':lllat:cs and pastl'ls . :\Iiss I'n·wer w'i n in :\uremhurg, ne\·er look up! .:\Ir. )h:C'all Do11"t ftrJ.!'Ul' \\ith OlL' I :-:.ay you 1..:an't graduate nnd you

t·~m ·t 1

Thi.' '· ..\, E. ~l·rC'nmlt• turm·d uul hl he quile the sotiul function. Ai uny rat~ it <'1•r ain l:.· w • ...: damly. " 'e an• hereby starting a cnmpai!!n for bigger an1l hdtcr C1n~s r nadi:s w..:i mean . of t•our.se.

""hat irrit:1tes u most is the Hlll1lh('l' of prof~ who ~ct•J\1 to bl' ~uffering ·r(lm a hnn~over < f tlw thrt•t• w1..·ck~ roundup-and nre inflicting exams on

\t nnon 1 l:J111.:h w:i.... ~l'l"\l'd to nll 'i'-'itor~ to the h..'t'1lt r'>' Par p1t1gr:rn1.

\.. !Hl\"t•l pnt(•"'t t f wt•hrht judg-in, ti"' t hi~ Wt..·ek.


We ha\'e thirty ~-arieties of the Famous yariety of weet Pea -

ll will soon be time to plant them


Langohr' s Flower Shop 19 East Main Phone 95


1111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111 •


4 East Main





HAUSEMAN & McCALL College Specialties

PHO E 407

J{cportc[l) : Ted L'hatldock, )lar_garct Choutt.". Helen ~chult · .. -·\1..'11l's Xugent, ~1nrie Dolezalik, Arlone Crane, E:.trl Rudbt•rg. :\orma Bl'l'k, )!argarcl Bowmnn, Lois coble1gh

1 DL•tty Baik:.;, Ha:t.cl Jlcll1.1n, t.·arolinc Dclnncy, Alfre

\' anrlenlintik, )lary O'Leary , Lucy Bowman, \\\~It•) Funk, .:\lkhcnl Dee\)',

Vrnnklin Dewey, Clnu"e De""it, Charles Ult•. Typists: :\lurtha Fl)nn. Elizabeth St.'it:.:, )l.ir) Bakula, 1:-abl'llc Woodi :\fur)· Jt rancis Spain.

wa:o 11artidratC'd in hy 100 J)('rson:::. I ' • I I I I I I I I I I I 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 I 1 I 1 ! 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 'I · · 1 11 1 1 11 1 1 1 1 1 " \\·cwht~ were judgrd on hcff~t' r \\" han•n't H:cn Tfor;-,it· latd) and tonsequently have nothing lo \\Tite. t' tt}(>, ~lw, n. at11l hol!s. T'1" fo!IO\\-ini: an~ p, . \\inn 1· ,f the first nnd ' \" I 'II I f • I • ' I I ' I I I I I I I • I I I I I I I I • I I I I • I I I I I I I I .. I ' I I I I I I ' I I I ' I I

~ <"on l l I . c : l 'h nmirm weight ~<' r1~ lihe ,,." :1 t a·T1',~.',.n'k")l~~uh:.,g-1t.inJ!. · ~ e 10pc you w1 pan on u::. or I ~~.-: For the bes~ ( Clea11ing . Pressing. and Repairing in lO\\'n- • BU 'I:\ESS ST.\FF AD\'EllTISl:\G 'L\:\ .\l,Jm. Joe Delaney ue's r. Harrv T~~ellc> of :\lanhnt:.nn: nnolol!i ing ~o mut ,.

<=e<'{ltlti. .Ta{·k C't.-Oj er. n l~-yenr-ol1l hoy Assh•tant~. Lt:n Robbins, Gtvl'ol C Jtm::-dder. Jim Gabrid

Busine::-s Assi:-;tant Frank .:\lacCormick ,lack Erkkila

~1~1~~1 in~~<}~~t fi-~~t;nk~;1~C'~/\t~~z.~: ~ \\\·'II ~le Hnr::iit r·ght away. JI send your clothes to ri•.,n; S(tom!. R.:Jbert. :\fullic~1 1m(l F.d , • '-'harn t' d .:\lul1i a \\On nn the- o \\·hat ha1111t•nul t llw ~how cn1wd F11da'" ni!:rht? St:em~ ns though rnost ;

1 fnr~~:-.n;!~itc)~~f~~~<~i f;;~~~~,\~1 ~:: ~~~~i'. c-n•ryone must ha\ ;::tim• to tin· Bouffon·~ party. I~

CIR ULATIO:\ )I\. ' AGE!~ A~sistant, Ray Pratt

Courier Print Bo: cman, ~Iont. MODERN CLEANERS

E. R. Gregory, Prop. FIXES FOH l L.\SS Cl'TS

lf:t ·n· Tt'~(' k o · :\lnnl1attan. Bt~(•f I ~ ~ttll: r: .... l 1,,11 r Yadtn of Ri7.t' \\'t> k1ww u good okt> nn ou1·:-elf but hl"' darnNl if wt.."ll write it. \ullc>ge ~~.--

nww :<l'COI I. (' untv .:\n·nt R. \Y. ha~n·t rll•pri\'ed us 'fall our !'l'ns('. Phone 77 ~~1"..,t'H lHl nf Li\ing ton. ~hl'C'J' iu11 .... J cEd. Xotc That wa:-.n't tlll' jokl' w Wl'l'l' Sl't'aking ofl.

We call for and deliver JO W. lltain

The latest attempt to put college etlueation on a not too neatly business-like basis has been recently inaugurated at North Carolina State by a proYision calling for thl.' eolkction of an ufficial uni,·ersih ftne of 50 cents for <'1lch time that ::t ~tudc•nt chooses to cut on~ of his classes. Thb mo,·e is not only contrary to the still prerniling stanc.ard of higher education: that lt:..rning is not to be mcasund ii' dollars and cent>; it set•ms quite incapable of producing the effect des1retl.

For it is most difficult lo see b\\' the prosp<'Ct of losing half dollars is going to deter the an, rage Xorth Carolina college s• >iclent from cutting classes just as merrily ao< he ewr did.

in.!'. Fi1st. Hav r tile> of Hozl•mnn: S.('<.'- ! ·ml.''"· R. :\ixnn. C. Y. Xi:xon l•'. O. 01 ' I Kl.l' !111s.· •.1 ,, .. ,,. <·.0 1·. ls.n't h., i'us.·l l<>O d1'v1'n"'·

Prices Reasonable C'ot rer til'(l with ~ht~ l:::1tlt•r winning l i.tirrrrrru s .. ·• " ... - .

11 11111II11111111111IIIII11111111111111111III11111 •I tit ht t :-.' <'f lhC' c in. P·1\'id Carpentt.·1· '""on t.hc:> , .. ,Hh•nt' juil in!? rontc:>:-l. For And hr has tolt h:-:mpion thl' prizt.~ w:t;::; a vl'ry ,·alu· porch. 1-ile , attkmnn•.,. knife. fir,..t pin c> won

t.: ei--h1rp n ii mu! H'l'Otlll won ~1 ,. onta;p r. nick Richnrd:' $::\} t11e

ont,.. ... ~ ir1'1.•re1l 1n l·h dose on1n<' .. i­ti0n \:ly a" p01rt11: P~ nts and \\a::-'l "l)'lf1 hy all.

\ll \H' n ~ay

Look' like anoth

STUDENTS SELECT I l'I' t kc· \":moo!



~ "\ n mrmhl~r l

a" i :' 0 ·ng-arrJle~

s f w1..• 11ut his name in hen• lw'd "ling- mud on our

·:,::::,:: ::·:~:·:::. ,:::~·::··· •• OOR ~·"I~~~~~!~ _ __ I of Whi tman's Chocolate I

c\'rnin:! during the week llltl>l bo sort of hnrd on T H E B u N f. A L o w t ' a lwt tip, lad.; , The ~\,.(' t youn~ thing-s con stny U

this C}U~\l"h'l".

I "l1ere Quality Reigns ~

kin th1.• J!a)· 11i11elit·~ when ··l1s ~i1·ls'' ha<l to be lit~:::::--~ i our !lfft>cti<in for our nL'W ~pr;n~ Ronn:..o.

The colleg, authorities are quite right. of course. in clainting that it is their business to see that the student is al least brought into contact with learning. But when they alter.pt not to make the student feel that lecture attendance is a pri,·ilege, but a pedagogical i1 ritation which he may escape by paying down 50 cent at the treasurer's office. they are absolutely wrong.

Indeed, :\orth Carolina's anti-cla8'-cutting mtasure seems at once so financially efficient and rn scholasticall~· inelfieient that it may be called \\·ithout undue cynici:m1, the year's most inspired attempt to make a good thing of the students, whether or not the student: make anything of college.-Cornell Daily Sun.

Sixt.,.-two p•r t·ct L nf th( anpli1n11ts .ror the Eag;lerocli awards <or _Ifi~fl '1 n c-hn- C'n tht.> ~eholii.rs 1n Pl :1

I st:(lJlll.:tite }'l'l"l'ntly s. l]f (l'J,' l)\· tl- . ·1 · l '\1 1 1 •• \I I. I I I. I I I I I I I I. I 'I I I I I I I I I. I ••• I I I I' I I I.' I I I I I Ale ·nnd J \ircr ft ro., ('olo .:tdo · Tlwy ma) h ,..,.... brrn e;hcotini: blank cnrtudg-e~ th" other m<.wning- but ~

1 'Tnl!>. l' 1' a1h•, <i<lli•r . toe "''""'.on "' n \\ho hnd her doubts. ~ BRIGHTE'.'\ )!OTHERS' D.-\Y 'WITH A BOX OF ' a''.f1:L. , rnrany ! · orrerin·..,. ·:i. .-: ~01- ! S"'EET "' HOCOLATES

... shJI' in the> Gu~glnheim ~ h ol o It wns Ruth_., "s. timt• tn ht• 11cn~ h:tlnt whl'n the bolt on his ~un stuC'k ~---'et ,;autics. >.'lw York l niYer.;;ity, anll him n pJ L' to ~l·:ihk1rd an(l Blade. too!

arr~l~ne1 'f~~l~{1~~,:,~J\~~~~~e;~ao~t.~o~; 1!1'1! >lo\\ .·1r11u11<I. Th·.it 1••1·t11·ula1· 11a1·t of \!1° .•r111)' had ;,; I arE!", on :w·ntion ,qhjl'd!i s\.ihm1lt('tl How thtl~f' t "' "" ·~ i),- u".ld,,..rgi·:duat~ :-;tu<lenb lie fore our utmo:-;.t s~ 11 thy, ~ :\inY 31. !i

T"'i se lioo..:.it".,. ·he :--cholarsh•p l'X- .S'funny ho" ,. 1woplt• uH~ lht.."' library of nn e,·ening- -All in the pursuit i_ COLLEGE "BULL" SESSIO. S

'Ye will deliwr or mail them for you

WEST SIDE fiROCERY Now and then on the campus is heard the statement that

American unh·ersities are more like machines or factories than

pect to t•ompleh• tlll'ir t•llu :ition in of ed.i) 1,_· tiC'n t 8PTOn3Ut:l·3l en~iilE"(i'ifl•'I" pl'l"'f)!l'";\fOf\" i°1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I It I I I I I I I I I I It t It· 1o c!l4cl·ing- commercial nyiation. On th l'" hand tho-..e indiL'!ltinc;: tlH'ir

real schools. The oldest (and therefore the best) English unirnr- choice of the Eai!lc•roek ·1ir!1! no <x-. · · d t l · I I · · · · · It · ' to e it "' a nucl<'u< 01 an op<'r-

na i~nd .Jack rndy therr.

e il, tho ! They're so :-.t·ttled down now that they nch.:ally 11 ; 1111111111111:1::11:: 1111:1: --·:U!9.:::::::::::::::::::..~;:::::::..:::::!!!~:::Ut

s1t1es are po1nte o a~ t 1e 1c ea Bl un1\'er~1ty trauung. ts l ! in n 1111, or to ca 1 n uffiric:>nt gh·en out that keeping class rolls and hm·ing week!\· or daily money tJ onti1111e t oir •'<iucntion. examinations nlake:-:; a line of <li~tinction betwl'L}n the. An1ericrp1 h"i~l x~:~~ol ~ 1(~;1 i~\~1 f0 ,~~~ ·?.;;~gt!·~~~ 'Ptem of careful faculty supen·ision and the English mcihwl ('f York l'ni1<·rsity. , cha;nnnn of tho

\\'h ch l•rn has who ~:1•c \ nobt·at hanqut•

g s to n llt•w dt.•finition of true Ion>, thnt which a co.ed ~ h !l ftl·shman and turns:; down dnt('I~ to thl' Junior f' ront . ~ n<l the unnunls.

HEAR THESE VICTOR HOT ONES . - - .. . . ;;: ·h la·~hip uwartJ mm t e A.n-m trurt1011 without a great deal of class supen tston. th «roup "ill 1 :.• p10 I.a l<·rnck r<»c·ard1 and ob, rva1wn we\e found that the whole idea ~

c in tlu:os. a TJ u tens1

21917-21915 21 93-21888

Another point which some stress as being unique about uni-, rnar•1<.

,-ersities such as Oxford, for exampte, is that the men meet and ----------ha,·e group discussions. These discussion groupo< appear from ==::s::::zs::::: =_=_=##"'"=_=-~==

'he description of some Oxford lo\·ers to be nry mtellcctually 'IOl>EH )!ETHODS I:\' inslructi\'e and uplifting. In fatl lhty "·ould be made lo appear Ol TO\!ETl!Y

I ii Bozeman Montana

s to kl't?t D\\

You all krn \\ lht..' wi· e old sl\\ ".-\ll work and no play makes Jack a dull l 1oy!" t 1 ty has anything- tu do with it Jnck C'ot>y ct:'rtninly ought to he a hriJ:?lh y.

ORTON BROS. EHr) thing in :\lusic

much as the literature profrssor would h:n·p the sun·ey class ~:ggt~~~ in l.JE'as. And s1 ( :i.k111 uf .l:u·k!:( f 1H1w don't Jtet the wrung" idt>n) did it l?\'C-1" • oTur to )11u to 111 .John Hr 1..•dcn , •·Jntk"!" ----:"'" ,--..-



think Charles Lamb and hb group of friends lookl•d as they ~IODFTI · in ~crvil'o.

th d b t th ff h f b .t f l bl t Ik :\JODI'R~ in Equipnwnt. :=::,,---------·-------------------- ~"'-"-"-"-~"-"'-"'"'-"-'-"'-"'"-~"'-"""-"""-'-'-'-'-"'-'-"'-'-'-'-...:"'-"-"-"-"-"-"'~ ga ere a ou e co ee s op or a t o a e a . ~IOJ>ETI:\' in Examinations It is barely possible, howl·\·er, that American uni,·ers1ty men . lODEH:\ in \clvanrrd llovclor·

are fast picking up lh<' session idea, and although they may not ment of Opt rial s, n«

meet in small coffee •hops, the practice of hm-ing a group of LESLIE E. GAGE students together to d scuso< things in general. and often in parti- Jewder and Oplieian cular, is becoming more popular all the time.

Of course the idcal;st will object seriously to the comparison of an American college "bull s• ssion" to the table talk of Oxford men or e\'en to infer that tlwre is a resemblancL· bl'twcL•n the "bull" seRSion and the sc,s10ns of men of lettL·rs. Yet it is possible that many useless rpmark,; pa>sed the lips of the noted Engli.h poets before a literary gem tripped O\'er the table. It is altogether poss1!1le that al some time something of lasting quality may spring from one of the "bull" o<essions of one of the Western uninr.'ities.

lf such is possible this simple and often times harmful institu­tion whith takes the time of uni\'ersity mL·n and women can not

-------.! I 'fry a Bottle ef I I Bl1RERGERH' NU·ROSE


It make>: the Hair Stay put

be enlirdy condemned. Arizona \\'ildcat.

Exponent AdHrtisers clesen·e the patronage of e\ ery tana tale student.



The Smartnm of Yourh ~The Splendor of Ro:;alcy

-------- ------ Styles for all occasions-colors to h armoni:c 'I I. I •• I' •• I I I I. I I I I I I' I I I I I I I I I. I I I I I I I I.' I I I I I I. I I·~ ~ with every spring fabric, and to reflect every

PERSO:\AL SL\TIOXERY WITH YOl'R • ' Al\IE i s T u o E N T s I degree of spring sunburn. .\ :\D ADDRESS Cl

ear, even texture, unusual lenoth invisible 200 Sheets - 100 Ennlopes See us for all your needs in I reinforcements, narrow hems and sa~dal s~ks

for Sl.2.5 the elect rical line. Rending disti~ctive heel !in.es and marvelous wcarin~ lamps: l\Iazda lamps, irons, quality arc Humming Bird features that you

rmiil'PS'ROoK STORE -i ~:~::~ ":i:;,~::~·~.~fl; I ~=ot offo,d to o,c,Jook.

. Th"'"'' 1,kl, """'·' J ::::.~::~/un"r;;';~,,, f, @!\ B£RS--flSH ER© • •••••••••












1 ~1 --A L\\'AYS•R.ELIABLE;--



~ i ~

For that earl) Spring Date use our phone

STAR HAMBURGER SHOP '-'-"-"-"'-"-"-"-"'-"'-""'-"-"-"'-""-'-"'-~""-"-~"'-"'-"'-~"'-"'-~"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"'-"""-"-"-"-"-'-~·

Montana State College Bozema!1, i\Iontana

A school that has built and maintained "'tandards of scholarship. Offermg courses in the following dh·isions:

College of Engineering

College of .\ griculture

College of Applied Science

College of Household and Industrial Arts

Each course leads to the degree Bachelor of Science

For Information Write to





opanil•d ::\Ir. Rn:-kopf t,• Fort ( oLms t.:nivcrs ty of "~ommg a.Hi the t.?ni­\\il l~a.d. the discui:_~ion _about the prac- \er...t1y at l>em r. He w11l ~tudy t'le • calib1lity of ~ration~ in co.lel!e today l arnru!1e p<. n ... ion ,.,.!- ... tcm at ( JoraJo a1:d. ho,~· orat1ong. sh?uld be j'.l<lJ:"~<l. uni ·er:-:ity f '· tent her... )Jr. Brewt'f \\ h1le m Fort lollms he will uls.o v. !l be gone ubout a \\t..'t!.k on Lhh tnp.

Dramatic~. In addition to ...-i .. ;t~ng- dP-


study t~e departmy~ of Enzli_~h anJ I --- - --Scabbard and Blade eophytes l Prof w F. Brewer •nd Benjamin raitment of EngH•h Ill Fort C<Jlin> I Exponent Advertisin" P nl S

A . .m.use Campus \V ith An tics Raskopf are at Fort Collins for th fie " 111 make a snmlar stu !y a• the ~ Friday. Formal Ceremonies Ro,ky :llountain 01atorical League I

The pa•l week brought one of the most deli ghtfu l social e,·ents , t he Les Bouffon formal. One hundred and fifty couple attended the dance at the beautiful new Baxter hotel. White carnations, t he flower of the :-ociety were gi\·en to all the women and la rge J.ioquets of the "ame flo,rnr,; adorned the hall.

Be:-ides the announcement of the nine pledges for 1929 Ray P ratt and .Jim Loftus were a sensation with their featu re dance.

\\"ith the spring weather here many of the students took ad· rnntage of it and many picnic parties were held t hroughout the ~·alley and canyons. .All of which leads to the Spr ing enter tain­ment~ by the fraternities and sororities which will sta r t in ernest pext month. r. igma .\l1~h~l Epsi lon.

Dinner g-uest \\.c1in sdav e\·ening t the Sigma Alpha Ep~llon house e1e: Llo)'<l Amund~on, John P . arker, and Edward Jlo-.. .. ·ar<l. ;\, L. Baker, '~1. wa::> a dinner gue~t

: Sigma Alpha Epsilon Friday t.ve­ing-. Sunday :Htl!rn.oun Sigma. Alpha rs. on ente~·ta111ed at dinn~r: Chris­ne :::;tafiurd, Alice \'un<h·nhouk. Lois bleitd1, :\Ir. and )Ir . l has. \·anclen­ok, C :i~. Yand(•nh ook , Jr., )lr. and r:-:, L<1u Howard. Bill 31... Call, and '""in Pef,!rem.


April 27 ·-· _ . Saturday Spur Dance

)Jay 3. F'riday


lnterfratcrnity Dance ~lusic A!->S~mbly

.Saturday Alpha Omicron Pi

Spring Party )lay 11. ... . Saturday

Chi Omega Party )lay 13. . . ...... :lfonday

Xominations A::;sembly ai.pa SiJ?"ma .\nncunct·s Pledgi ng. :\lay 15 \Vednesday L.oyd Amundson wa~ a dinner guc:;:.t "l\l'' Da.r the Kappa Si~ma house Saturday :\lay 17 _ ...... Friday mng. Junior Prom

.Sunday dinner j;!"Uests uf Kappa )lay 18. .. . .. Saturday gma Wt'l'e: ,J. Parkl'l', Ed Howard. 1 Pi Beta Phi Party on Seitz. Howard Dean, an<l \Yilbert I Kappa Delta Party hu!t?.. Delta Tau Party 1\apra ~ic-ma announce:-. the i1ledg- )lay 22 \Vedne::;day ~ of Harold ~latt'r. I Band Assembly

[ )lay ~4 Friday Ir ha Omicron Pi EntC'rt.ain!'i. [ Beta Epsilon Party Th .. r~a~ dmner J.rUC::;b of Alpha .\lay 2;; Saturday ncnm Pi wc>re: ::\Ir. and ::\Ir~. Joe Open

%'Ir:.,.~dJ~i~;0h~.er, \'ivian, :\Ir:;. Ro:-:s j ::\lay 2~\'omen's A~semb~ue!'day ).lr;:;.. E. Broox a:\1rtin was a dinner )fay 29 ·wednesday e of Alpha Omicron Pi •n Friday I Omeg-a Beta Party enmi:r. Alpha Gamma Rho Party Satmday dinner gue~t of Alpha .:\lay ~O Thursday .icr')n. Pi wa~ ~·s:-<_ Elizabeth Seitz. 2\Iemorial Day Vacation

Annual Writing Competition for Chemis try P r ize Bri ngs Over 100 Entries. F irs t Well Dis· tributed

Saturday ~~ r. t~fssk~~~~~[c\~h~~~t;1~;et~1 ·artl;1e: Colorado Agriculh:re Collei!"C April 10-20. l\l r . Raskopf's 01·atio11 was

1nitiation was held by Scabbard and " \Vhat of Our College~?" Last y('ar Blade 1 honorary military frat.e rn ity, he repr t d 1\.1 S (' · th t t for eleven pl e<l~cs Friday and Satur- oratoric:~e;o~fere~ce.· · tn e !" a cl

The winnc1 s. _of the UJ29 chem is tr:, da:.·. The men taken in by the organ- Th R k ' ! t · ' , I t t ' I ization ,,·ere ·. C t . B ti J. e oc Y •t oun am I.ft.ague con-essay <:On es m .1 ontana sponsored "("'V t 8 P 81~ u ei:, 1 ~11 sists of )lontan.a State rolleg-t', llni-

by th.: Ameritan Chemical .Society v a ers. Leonard W I n g .' .J11.11m1e ,·ersity of 'VyominfT. loraclo Pni­throug-_h a fun estatlished by i\l r. and .. G~ee0''1<='?s, Jack. Con rad.y ~nc '~tlso!"l, \ versity. Unhersity 0 f L'tah. Brio·hnm .:\Irs. l•rnm·es P. Gan·an of :\ew York. ge IIendeison, Ait Zion, .J1mm1e 1y 0un£?' Uni,·ersit\· and Colorado At!­are announ.ed by Professor w. ~l. R!\1'~".«.~ _ .. t',~,n .. Ilart. Ruteled~e and Leo iculture College. Last year the leaJ?Ue C.obleh::h, head uf the chemistry d<.: - ..... , - t t M S (' l '1 D partment at i\Iontana 'Late college, The informal part of the ceremony ~:e rea·e~t~d · ... · :inc · arl?aret l wey who i,., in chat~e of th 2 state conte::.t w:1s hdd Friday when the neophytes I p ~ ~· · .

The t11st and second place wmners wue 1.fre:-ed in army f_atigue clothes, ~ In. connection '~'1th the_ le·a u~ ... a 1n the d1ffuent subJects are: trench Y.elmets .and forced to carry ~pee-~h ~onferen~e is held, ''hei: top1 s

The relation of Chemistry to 1 ful packs and rifles. ~luch to the of pub)1c speaking and fo_ren.:-:1c work Health and Dh~ease-Dennison Am- amusement oi the studl'nt body they are dJ!';eus!:=ed. Mr Br!:'wer, who ac­bros .. , G:! latin Countv high school· a~·~cmblerl in front of ~lontana H all Eileen ,Jenninj!!', l\lisOu la C-0unty high to fire volle~·~ ~t. in~enals durin!'.!" the school. day. Formal m1trntion was held Sat-

The Relation of hemistry to the I urday afternoon at th• barracks and Enrichment of Life-Ruth Knoble was followed by a banquet at the Flathead County hiuh ~ .. hool· Rit.<.~ Hotel Baxter in the eH•ninir. Poitras. Sacred Heart ac'ademy I S abbard and Blade wa:; organiz.2d .\lis"oula. ' with the aim of foste r ing closer rela-

The Relation of Chemistry to At! - ticnship among resene officers and riculL . .:rt- or l"ol'estry- Henrv H. the R. 0. T. C. un its of those Ameri­Grant. Hamilton hig-h school· Lucill"' can co~leges and uni\l•rsitic:::-., which :Hiller, Sidne~· high school. ' - inc:lude this tours~. T he members arc

The Re!ation of Chemistrv to ·a- Lhosen from the students takin.t? the tional Defense- Ree,·es E. Aiin, ~fi s- a<lvante<l cour:-;e in l\lilitary Science soula County high :-;::-hool; Elda on the basis of ability, leadership and Benner. Great Falls hi.£?h school. perrnnality. _The Rel!l.tion of Chemistry to the- Ernest ).1 \Laughlin is captain of

Men wh o want

SUMMER WORK See pnge 18 1 in Lill' Jlny ... \ n1eric:111 .\J11gazinc

Fiome-Dean Humphrnv. Great Falls the local chapter. B{·rnar<l Brown, hif!'h ~r·hool; .John P. · IIollen:-;teiner first li;;utenanti Bob l'endall. second ~:;,~~ 1fo•>oula County hiirh school. ' lieutenant and ~'rank Heikkila . first ) ELLEN THEATRE NEWS ~

The Relation of Chemi,trv to the 'erir<>ant. I ; STAND De.,eJop1Pent of an fndusti)• or Re ~ <ourc > of the United State<-Clifford COED CELIB.\CY ~ Arthur Cuttinfl; : Crnne. Whitehall high school : ~!arr Detroit, 1!ich.-At last the men on ~ PERIODICALS, TOB ACCOS, :" E. \!erk, Whitehall hiirh school. . ' CONFECTIONERY ,

.\lore than 100 essays from <;:;tu- the <:ampus of the Unh·ersitv of De-1 " tknbi in 16 high schools of the state t1·oit will no long-e r h:we tbe chan~·e No-velties in Box Candy and were entered in the contest. ·w in· to blame chattering- women for the Up-to-date .M erchandise

1 nei·::. of firl5t place in each of the SL( lowering of thei r academic· standard. : Cream y Root B eer and division~ of the «onte~t will be By order of the president. tht: women awarded a 820 .'-!old piece and sc<:ond of the Un1\!ers1ty of Detroit must Soft. Drinks rlace winner.$ wi ll receive certificates avoid !11en students un lcr Denalty of Butter J{1s t P op Corn 1f honorable mention. expulsion It has been announc.ed that I ~

Th? fir~t pla~e e~say!' will be en- I women students must~·· to their home .-(H).(H)-O·Q·O-tl-(H:l(:8l·(Hl(Bl<HltHl·tHl·no<Hl tcred in a national contc~t and the or to the league room n the Art~ and national \\;nners in e::LCh of the six Crafts building. Expubion faces those g-roups will be awarded four-year ~vomen students w~o evi:n s' on for an scholarship;.; to anv recog-nized colleg-e mstant on the Umver.~1t~' ground to or uniYersity in · the United States. sa~· more than "hello" c1 "how do you President Herbert Hoover i~ chairman 1

10", to any of the m >-: students .

of the Kl'ltional Awal'ds Committee.


anpa Delta Pled:<rs. I )lay 31 ··· ····· · · ···· ... Friday Pi Kappa Alpha Party s:,,ma Omega {lf Kappa Delta held s .\ E p PLAN EXTEMP rmal pltd!!ill!! Saturday afternoon I · • · · arty ~. EE Students-Here's ow

Funeral Dir ectors and

r Helen Allen and Dorothy Smith. I lfl T ' VITH U Skma Ometra of Kc.~ppa nelta held . . If you are earning- your way nrise initiation Sunda\• morning for (hi Omega Dinner Guest. Continued from Page ·)n~) through school. stop \1orrying a bout :in:ia Smith, Leota haac, and ).!J:"".. Keith Sime was a dinner gue~t the high price of t uit ion and the other roth~· Smith. at the Chi Omega hou~e \Vednesday ""ider that an extemporaneous contest concurrent expenses. Hund reds of Dore th~~ Rmith, formerJ,. an Iota night. 'fits in with modern needs more than other students, as our ~ummer sales-


P hone 122-W

H. H. Dokken, Phone 122-J


Qih~1:tet J~o·uz~ :aOZEMAl'i, l\IONTA..'\'A

The characte r of the suits and topcoats tai lored by Charter House will earn your most sincere liking.

THE MEN'S STORE :l\IcCracken Brothers

.. lta. was a week end j?Uest at the . . . -, - - another kind of contc:'"'t. As a result ment, have faced the ·ame problem nra D<lta hou~e from her home in .\miga I mt.1a.U:S ~hree. lor ernp,asiz.inl? this type of contest I and returned to school in the fa ll after 11 ~~~~~~~~~~;:::~~~~~~~~~~~~~=~~~~~~===~~~:""!~~~~~~==

·~1 n. Fo!·mal tmhat1on wa~ held Sunday 1 r:dudents Jret more practical value out rn11.king sums ranging from $400 to ~;:;;;:;;;::;::;::;::;:;:;:;;::;::~:;;:;;~;;:;; mcrning- for LaITy )lalmborg. )Ian- , o.f the work. $2,500. *"" ~....,........ ha~tani Joe Sountnlo{", l~ehna; Jack T:he )f. S. C'. students who are com- And here's how! rt's simply like

Iue and Gold Tea Room



~e1tsch, 1!ounc~t:p; and \\ csley Funk, I petmg- for place::; on the team to higher education-yo hnse to work Pov.ell. \\yomrng. reprC!:.ent this st:hool are: Henry hard to make the mark. If you are

-- I Eagle, Edwin ~at?!:" ~targ-aret Dewey, willing write us f( r further infor-George Hart spent the week end Donald Farris, Dan Cullen, and mation. No invest nent required.

with his parents in )lanhattan. Carolyn Dclane)-. 1

Stew W•l!ller left Monday for his homf' in Sheridan, ·wyoming, where he v.-ill spend the next two or three weeks.


Consum ers Merchandise Association 11 0 Cedar :\venue


Beta Ep~ilon E nterta ins. Ben Briscoe was a week

at the Beta Epsilon house.

(Continued from Pa. S?e One)

end guest/ ~~~~uf;:he~~at he had learned from

i ~~~~~~~~~~

111 1 I I I I. 1 11 11 •• I ' I 1- 1 1111 11 11 1 I ll I I 1 1 I

C.clta Tau .\nnounces Pledging. :-----------===== ! Delta Tau announ.cs the pledgin" •s::;:::a•:;;;::::aG::::=• ;::::=siE::!:!!! of Hubert \VcsF-el of Bozeman. ~ I Dinner guest:-- cludng the week at

Di·. N o:,·es resrretted that neither Prof. BrewE-r nor his s ister, l\liss Helen R. Brewer, head of the history department of Montana State, were h<>re at the time of hi!' visit.

; Young Mans Smoke ! I ii BANI\ERS

SPECL\L =· • ii



the Delta Tau house were : Everett Blanchard, Archie Hunt, and Lloyd Amundson.

Reuben Youngquh•t, tra\reJing !';ecre· tary ior Lambda Chi Alpha, was a guest at the Delta Tau house Wed-

Coll ege Prexi es Silent on " Booze"

College presidents may have their O\Vn opinions on prohibition and its evils, but they're not for publicaticn. The Universit:,r of Oregon student paper sent eight letters on the suh­ject to prexies in diffe r ent parts of the country. Only one replied .

A lOc Cigar

I Will make your silk hos­iery wear much longer; will resist runs and so strengthen the fibre that you will be truly amazed. It is absolutely h armless to the skin or fabric.

i nesday and Thursday.

:\liss Ruby Kind~chy spent the week end in Sh::i;dan, th(' g-uest. of her sister. :i\liss Lillian Kindschy.

Kleinschmidt Co. • ;;

12 EAST AIN ;; ;;

- ii Hl ! I J.1 111. 1 11 1 11 11 1 1 1 • 1 I I I I 'll I If I I If I I

~u~~:s.itL ~l~~'lTu1l~~t h'~~1ea ~~7ekL~1~1~ :nnm:::m:..w:u::mm::::::n:r.u::::::::m:-:-:n:nm::mu::r.:u:n-.nu:::r.n::::

bard. -- ~ Th l MOTHER'S DAY I ' n A 50c package is suffi­

cient for 12 pairs of hose . I Pi Beta Ph i E ntertai ns. a I ~ e ti

I The acthe members of Pi Beta Phi :: ll

entcrtain:.<l 27 guest::; 3t dinner .:\Jon- e M I 50c the package day evenin~. ff •

.. \farjorie Little was a dinner guest !! l\IA Y 12 at at the Pi Beta Phi hou"e Sunday . l E I

House gi;~sts of Pi Beta ~hi ~re: I a n ).lrs. F. A. :\1cArthur and :\1r~ . Little i: H

R h D C of Butte. :: , _ oec er f llg 0. Helen Fransam. of Great Fa!Js, was !i Don t Forget Mother !i ,·i~iting- Greta Fabrick at the Pi Beta H ii

P hone 327 f'hi hou~~ ___ I ii:::::=:::::::::::::::n::::i:::::::;:::::::::::::::::= ::-::::::::::::::::::::::::::::-.::::::::::E i Prescriptions a Specialty j I F::llE:::!•C:::aE:C•il:lm•dl l Patronize Exponent Advertisers ; 11 1 11 1 11 11 1 • 1 1 1 1 11 111 11 1 111, 1 1 11 1 11 11 11 11;1 111 1 1 11 1 .1 1 u 1 u 1 11 n 11 1 1 .1 1 1. • 1 11 1 1, 1., ' " .:

~========irt~-~~1 1 ERICKS 0 N'S :1 ~d:p:~~b~ ~a~~h? ~~!'"ri' ~l ii BUS AND ~~~I SERVICE ,_; 11

The pocket watch is still the one time- ;; P rompt, Reliable Ser vice - Car eful , Courteous Drivers piece you must have. Its substant ial ~ ~' dignity 1s essential for all socia l wear, • PHONE 3-l-4-W =I forma l and informal. And a modem ~ ~

,...,~·-.mi pocket watch is now a recognized aid I ~g. ' ' ' ' ' ' '"'"" """' """""' """' ' "'' ' ""' '" '"" """'"'"'"'"'""""'"'"' ' "'""=0

,; i to personal appearance. ·~

Choose here a Gruen - most beautiful of watches-distmgusibed in appear• Send Your Dry Cleaning to t he ance and timekeeping accuracy by I genuine Guild craftsmanship. Prices range from $z7.50 to $250.


\\'e Speciali ze I n F ine \Vatch Repa iring



Member Na tional Associa t ion of Dyers and Cleaners


A vision come true In a part of Africa little k nown to the

whites, whe re obscure trails can, Ceci l Rhodes dareJ to envision a railroad. He lived to build it.

The railroad itself was part of a vaster dream, a dream of a far inland coiony linked fast to existing coast settlements b." rail and wire communication. And he lived to build Rhodesia.

First the dream, then the reality, is the

rule with telephone men too, as thev work to greater heights of sen-ice. Bu~ in he­tween, they knv\\, must come periods ot careful planning and smooth coorJination of many elements.

cientific rese:i.rch, manufactu6ng, plant construction, commercial dn·elopP1e'lt, public rebtions, administ1~1tion- ma. \ v.1-ried telephone acti\"ities offer a wiLLn:n.; op­portunity to pr..ctical-minded visiomries.

BELL SYSTEM ..A nat ion - wide s;•stun of inter-to1111ecting ttlephones



Frosh and Sophmore Varsity Material Uncovered by Spring Footballl •

Two Games Forecast G • [ F k c Vf TERANS WIN ::?:!O·ynri~ dul'ih SterlinK. 1st· Rt:>iln lT S Orsa e ars On :!mi; Drnz1ch. ard. Time 24.3. ' '

• • lin;'.O;~drd dash Bruner. 1st; st,•r-l':Ll:.'CTN /L' 1/lL"SIS

Elmo B1·adcn und .James

Power of 1929 Squad " 'oudL•nd, ~enior clcctrkal 1.•n­ginl·C'ring' ~tud1.•11ts. haYe con­~trul'l-.·d as thl•ir thesis a small worhinJ! model of a smoke pre­cipitation phrnt. Th · n1l1dcl works on tht• same principle as the Cottrel smok(' prel'ipitnt.ors. It takes ·IO.Ol1t) ,·olts dircl't cur-1·ent to operate thi:> modt>I.

Jo urney Across Dzvzde .880-yni·t1mn-Cline,1st: Coey, ~nd;

I TRACK EVENT \\oodward . :3rd. Time ~-1·1 . ., ~lile run-~t:ikkiln. I ~t; Andes.

I h 1 -m,l; l~ omme, .,rt! . Time 5.00.

Who '·' Y> the old fash1011 o( loco- t ll'lr i:oal t e t.-o 1ea.hcd their i,on c-mile run lle\"ries 1

v 11

•h n}(Jtw.n 1:::. !'tale" 'rlus twLnt1eth <:en- ,1t the ~troke of mne Fnday _e\;enmg- 2nd Time ll.OO. ~. s • UJ.( es,

IUI\ 1tkn of tnl\l'IJOlr in style heh111d lhsda11ung lhc1r bh:-:;.te1cd lel't they -- l'"O high h di Be

First Practice Game End' in 7-7 Tic. Fitl~ t ephens Scores an Interce11ted Pa.-s. Second Game Final ls 11-0. I\le ffmen :->cores Two Touchdowns

f'r<'l'ipit.ation is act'llmpli~hcd by mt•ans of an clC'l'tric :->pnrk which pncipitates the dust pnrtiL·lt·~ in tht• smoke.

.t .:t(.'l'Mllg' whel I" not' A::;. proof of ltft Li\ mg-:ston Sunday and added 2d Le ttermen N ... 0 t y r Re1;n "ncl \Y llur es . nnic;>n. l~t;

th1 .... th~1e a 1e tht.• t\\O :\lonlnna St.1te 1 n·vit miles to their hiking mt.old by _ . 1, .o~e u ~a.r ings l 220 low' hu~·d;~;to~:,,3r.d .. Time l'i.G.

Jun101 ,,omen. "lw \\1th km\p~acks on tr~.1d1nng buck O\er their route of 6t·61 tn l•1rs t Co mpe bt1on of Bennion, nd; Ta\"lor ·~~l~m~?n· }.:'~;

their back::; and 11.•al ol' army shoe::; Fudny. Year fo r Bobcat Sq uad 1\luch Hig-h urn l-- \\' •' t rnie -~·"

to hol<l \ m do\\ n, t1 uclgc<l the ~6 Strange as 1t may seem, neither of . . ,,. .· , · i..: n kr<.:, ~!rd l 5 ft ur~l and BJork, l ~t :

The aspirants for the l!J2D football sq ad f1mshl•d their ll'll day:-. of :-pflnJ.: pracuc.e Jn. t Saturday when four ic:.tms met ut. Gatton 11ehl in two ctlll-

~~l~:n tro~·~n. d1~~~i:u ~~~:c1:~~l~~c~1 i~f

year lr two. llawks :11Hl 11. Grl'incr t I po ul t.•ach olh<.'r ~1t c-cntl'r and ~how d tp w1..•ll dc:-:pill' t .l'ir handicap of \H•ij!}n , caL·h tippin,I.!' the ~1.::dt! nt 1~:1 pound!".

\\l in miles .1 10 ... s. the wind~wept I lhl·m me tht• wor"'c for thur J urney Promt 1ng ~Iate11al Found p 1 \' • · 6m



11il' to L1vmg:;,.ton. . Every pebble nlo1;g the h1~hwny 1~ -- Kuit;ze- :1i~~ilt1Q\lnx!'\on, lst: Bjork and

I .. bide fl om thl' d1stunce and howl· ramilrnr to lhl'm and they nO\\ re~Olll· . Br)~ j · ft.) _11 tn. ..

me- \\tnd that blL·W them back one J m1..'1HJ the Journe) to member::; of the I Thi lett.e1mcn won thl' nnnual trnck .... 1. \\~ JUmp l ·Jork. ls.t: l\1rkc"

G~ M f 5 WON Br slt.•p foi l'\C'ry t\Hl tht•v took. the t\\O )..:.t.•oloJ?\' class. meet f1~~ the non·lett£rmen by p1l- -n~h nrd. ~1:d D1~tanc:e 20 ft.

)nun,: lo-ed~ rq ioited. a. delightful I · 1.n~ u __ p h1 pomts to the new comers' 19 .. 1 °Gt fut~Semmingscn, tst; \\'nrd

tt ip 61 J• r 1 cl a) afternoon Although -nc · .i l, .1rd D1s.tancc 41 fL 11 in

) ale I I: ll an ard 0 spirit \\ith c\cry man t.a t-lin~ anti D•I.).. kin~ like n~tcran:s. The games were cJo~·l\' contc:-.11..'d at :id liJllL'"·

'l he f1n-t eridinK Ill a • ~ 7 t11.; ~1 ter ;:t 11 intercepted p .. "l~ rtsultc<l in a touch­down und the hard lmc snrnshing anJ spN·d; c.•nd J uns brought the gnmt? baek to c\ en tum-s \\ ith but ,lU :-.c,.;· ond:; lelt t..o .i::o. lhc s l:on<l game \\a:s na1d lought but resulted in a U-U wm tor the team 1.:ho:smg )..ale as their

Tiw "l' ·ntl J!'Ull1L' lf the afh·rnoon H'ntJ1!ht tog-cthl•r thl two andent

1 ·v:.ds. Yale and ll:!nard. with Yalt• c nL Igint! \"ictorious aitcl' .. H) minutes \lf \idou~ ri\.dt·\·. Tht,> kams were an r t'n•11h 1111\tehed but. Y:lll' had

the cd!.:-t' with their ,.i,:ious line 11 "ht•,., that e~trried thC'm tic wn th ..

rd :l t) \ ict iry ThL· 1l 1ms showt•d 3

Et ma :\fonroe :rnd Frnncl's Fog-11.•r Ill' -~h~ pe1,·1v.cl a t~kh .''ill be shot to J wcatnl'r t•ond1t_1ons were not. the best . D1~us-~leffmnn .. 1st; Semmm~ . b . d .. 1 . Ocl1tk the r.:hnmp1on ::;hot among t he ll!'; a tu·nn· wmd wns blowrni: from ~on. :md: :Shomtrd frd ni~t3 n 10.

0 B AN 0 K S ~~~:~-~~1 \·1~~111 \hd~~;.~·~~01~~:~ ta~{ I"~~~/. <:{)-:J~. ,· . . , .. , . . th a..;;t·. Soml irood showing-s wert.' feet. . . . ' ' . . ce

r I, ndng- lwre at 1 o'do<'h in the after- 1 he\\ mne1 of the llhl~r.:h ~"ill 1'i::r.:e1"e made by both teams.. The meet wa~ > J'.1yC'hn Heikkila, l~t· Gill, 2nd

n·~111 n th<: ·Ii· ~--hearted tran~lers the . .\rn:cn~~· :\lc<l1~l whteh l~ uwan.l«:d hantPt·appcd by the lack of a dct'ent I c1~t-~l1:1. :\rd. Di~tnnt.·e 160 ft.

I I I I ,:;;t,tltt·d t:il'ir tr:.':.~· tor J,i\'iOl!!'lton. on \.\um~n.t. Day Ill the.~p~ing: T~~" trai:k bt.:t at that :\lontana State's .. '.' e .Rel~v- •L<.ttermen, tst. Tim.

\\ ·u . h• . , 1~ th , b ·k l th• m1.d.l! \\as \\On last. )eai b.) :\la::s::s t11ck pro!'.pe t.-. look the most promis- ·1 mmu1e:-;. ... G ~econd~. .1 1 c_l C:l_':\ st111 t e:, u~ ec c Uorothy Garrctl. .\::; a prc\ious win- · .... · , .

First Contests of Intramural '~·md 1~~r t•ight b.lurs 0,11 then· M~rn· n. r ,\tiss Garrett is not cli~ible for 111

.... , in )C.HS. . . GL\ :"\T POOL·--'1 EHi~E! ~·ion. E1g-ht hour~ Th:tt::; a short tune ~ht• meJ:J.l thi:> \'e.ar but. is taking an 1 he. new mattnal showed up wf'll 1

~erie~ Attract Good Cro\vds. 111 a .cosy ro~m 01 at a cl.nni:e. but. t1 Y ~.1.. iH• part in the rifle work nnd (.oa h Bob Adu ms. expect~ them <;o um~us. 0.-A g'iant natntoriu•n J!l l'3t ('a· crne:--; tn l!-l't in and mix it and thl~ l!anw \\as on nf \'il•iou:-;. phiy

:':Ys~:~" m;~,n o~~\~elt~~:~:~t ~~~ ~::::'.:X.,1 ,,h:;~i;',i~:;":,;~~~04.~1~,:~~;;~~: I

Last Year's Chainps \\'in wa1~~111~ ai..:-n1~~st. the, -'~·11Hl.for e~l!h~ At l.'r.escnt it appear::; ~s though hi ?e a_real.?sse~ to this ye!lr'~ team. ~~hich _will probabl,)~ .b!;!' ~me or th•

Fir..::.t Gante hou1~. And \\Ith .1 ht:J.\.) p:uk on )Olli <:ompl't1t10n will be unus.unllv keen. .1 hc follo~\!1ng Is the- ?rder of C'\'ents .tne!'it in the t'OUntry. ls hem~ n anne1

1unJamentals of the ~ame L,y Coach full of f,l'P and spirit. Ya!-.• hC'ld thl'

llyd1c and a::.~J:-<h.><l bv some of thl! bid! during th• l.ig-rrt':-<t :-hnn' of the

~~l~u~::~ ·;~, ~~~~ ~;a~1\;1~ 1 ~~~-~~f1~~l~ , nte~t ~md hntl the ·1dnrnta~e on

anti nunu .. ~l. 'l he n tnl..::s g-n en Lhcm ~~!~afot~. hol~l~cf <~~ant ht•ar:~:~!·c~h~f t;~~ \\cltl Yale, Hanard, \\illiams. anct -..am1.~. ~·tatting- \\ith thl' 01enin~ kiek­(o·. at Llll oppo~etl Hanard \\hile of! a '\nle took th o.frn-.iYe and car.

\\ il i .... ms tangled with LOl,!!atc. There :1.d the> bat do\\11 rlh fil•ld to ic:t•ore \\tl:-; p1cnty 01 fight anti abdit~ ~ho\\ l1 h' bv the .Frosh and ~ophs th.B.t were "'t m th ii~t fi\e minutes oi play. oU.t in unifo1m and \\1U1 the men !n>m .\ftC'r th•lt it \\n!' n d<'"Pt.'ratc :-<trnggle

1 ·,~.~ );~~~~1<li~1~J.~~-,r,\::~~~~.1 d pubt" i~ ~r~:~: ·~!~ r~·;~i~11i':~ur~.~~ tl;ei;J~~~

the field next fall. l'hc finai t 11 o , · y. 1 . :,; ; ok th ff · . · th L<tl\~ 01 practice \\t:h~ ::;pent rn run- ·1 e ·l ; -'1

1· 0 e o en!'il\~ m e

m~g throufl"'h pluv:s tor tne teams in ·. arh P~ 1· '' the ~C'"cond per_1od and

p1ep.an1t10; for ihe- fmnl g-1c:lt <..'Oil- fo.r,.e •. 1 lt:i:n·a?•d down"' the f!~·hl_ an1,I l~st .. \h.n from the la:-t ye:H·~ :'.quad ·' 1 . he lme. ThC' 1!1"'t part ~a\\ th weie pla .. cd a~ .. oadws a"nd each onl" haJ. cha11 1·t• hand:-: ol_ten but .Hanard

01 th .. m J£ to Pl.!' NJ11plimentcd on the ~-.a, "'!. tble to cop: ;'·it~ t~"'ie '\ah· ~1!~": showing that nt:-' team made. . om<' of the out. t.\n?mg men \Hie.

1Ile t38m:; had bt.en \cry fortunate { ·)·"~·~. Is, l_"rnd. .'.\kC nn:t n. D1..~cker, in hanr.g nice Wl'3ther through the \In u i_. · kmn. r. an.d Raltlett. A l!ood pra1.·til·e ,.,eason but th1..' eY llllH! bl· lenl o n "". l.11ate11al wa.;;; unro\·ered

ton the E,"ame::: gave Slt,!Jl:' of tam an<l an! thr a~lrht10n of tht'='C' _to the. re­

betore the son ro~c ag-ain a goodb I Jllam ler o.t la~t yc~rs squad prom1.,e:::.

amount of ~·ain had fnlitn maKmg- the ~o ~how .~ 1 gn~ of a g-ood tt am fl>r :\1. tield rather bad. The spirit of the.? men ~ · f'. ne_xt fall. l'OUld not be di>wned and they went , Tht~ hn~ur: ·nto the frny with all the willingness < ( hrat". l'o.,.ition and eag-erne:-s uf a regular Yar.::>ity Ammtd:--l'll

gu~h~ fust g-.. rn of the afternoon was Yier,:;;

~~t~\-~;s ~f~~~f\~~on~;1~tcdl~~~~~h~~~ Ilofrnrn1

the entire :;,U'Ui::.Je. Coh!'ate won th tos:-. and chose to kkk. Sadler took II. Grcrn r the initial kkk-ofi and ran it back to hi:5- own 40·yurd line. Straight foot· ~onta.l!' bill carried th~ ball to Colgate:< 20-;i ard line where \\"illiams lo:.t the ball Pepper on an int TlCptt~d pas..;;;. ".illiam::. held J•O::.H·:;,:;,ion of the bull throu~h the \Iai i·on bi_t:.i.:;e t ~hare ot t.1e :-c~slOn lo:;,.m.I! it






twi1.: • mside of 1 ·olgatcs .'.!0-yard line Zadi k on intcn·epted passes. The J.!'Un that Quarte1 ha k ,nded the half found \Yillinms in Fit7.-t.ph<·ns po~!'t':-.sion of tht! ball on ColC"ate.s two· llaJrbatk foot line with two downs to ,j!'O. E .. 1 · hnson

The se.;ond !'t'!'.'sion wa!' pra ti~ally a re{X'tition of the first with \\"illiams Guffin



" "illiams :\kFa1lnnd









crowding- ColgatP to her 40-yard line Y. ht re F1tsteph, ns intercepted a pa~s F1a1k (;rn1l) (l.oa-.~h) John Bret~rlen

ana ran 60 r.ar<ls for a touchdO\\n to !'ive Colgate th<' lead 6-0. A pa,s, Griffin to John~on, added the ext-ra poim tll ~he Colg-ate n 7·0 lead with ten minutes to goo. B) '"traig-ht foot­ball, using- line bucks and end run ....

Sub~titution': Colgate Pt•ntilla halfback, Xe'son tackle, \Yackle"t tackle. I.au~on tackle. Harrer center, \Yilliam~- C'hC!'.:'!l"l'k end, ~anti now end. :\loore ta ·kit:. JI .. Tohn..;;on, tnckle, Ja k~on tackle, '.\kLe-od guard.

coupl d with a pass or two, \\"illinms carr'.cd the ball to Colgatcs two-yard Y <!le line from \\here it was carried o•er. \\"orthington A plat'e kick by ~addler tied the score

Han ard l. Joh11son


- . I ha~·~. " •th su~h a c:lass to c·hoose fi-om the with t~:?' winner and llmt: of em·h in for Ohio State l'niYer.sit\· within t h

. . . find but pro 1 ·o hil\·e n~!!l'hcd :--t .nda1 d should be much hig-her than he Fnday meet. rH:xt. few. years. Thi~ ~,·ilJ be con

ln a game f1lll'd with thnlls :rnd p1 \'iou::; )'ea rs . \\~hen the last of the 100-yard d:.1sh-St.erlin"'. 1st· Rnnn, '?Udl'd if th'- state leg-islature no

tl f' I I · I It fl tl I t ~ • ... l'TL\C" th. proro~ed budget for t h

. le. ma n•su l:-\ 11

nou l un 1

lC ~1 " MANY c -EDS OUT t::Htr('l work i:> done Lhc ten highest 2nd; SmtU"t, :{rd. Time 10.3. phy"'i.nJ C'dueation department.

111nmg. th. Omel!'n Beta ha~eball mne 01('1':-; will constitute the official -------======---=~==========="'==-took the first g-ume of the mtramurnl \\nmt•n':-. rille team of ;\l. S. c. Thev

l'il'rks s-:l from the Sigma Chi team will then hnve a chunce to shoo0

L ...,..,,,..,.._..............__.._.._.._.._~.,,-.. .._.._....,.._.,_

yesterday ~1fternoon. I FOR RIFLE TE.AM matl'l1c:-; with other institutions I ~· '-'".,,-_,._.,_.._.._.._.._.._.._......_.._.._.._ .. _......._.._ ............... ....., ThP first innin1.dng-s of J,!nmc was ~ · ·

,eorelc;,, '"In the ,e,·oml the 0. B."s __ SALT IS PRECIOUS IN ~ I ~l~~dfi;:~ ~:~•0;'·~1~·~· 1 ~::01~~'\1;~; /}1~;~ Largest Women's Squad Reports CHI NA GRA.DUA~E SAYS ~ H 0 WA RD'S I innin.tr wa~ _ the out~tanclin~ of the t Cai>t. Butler for Practice. . --- I '~· C':lme. Ro'' C' droYC 111 two runs for \ .. 11 B P·tul Ca ·h . I d f. thl' Xiirmn Chis ancl then sl·ored him- I \ 1 . e Reduced • . ~ nte:-. '' o g~ac,~:te 1om

s1.1 JL In the 0. R.'!' turn nt hat Rich-j ~1u~~·1 ~ha ,ta~e _Col 11ew:: m 2t> and n?w ~

anb and O'Ll'an· cnme thrmu~h with . . , is "' 1 !! ai. ~ 11113, as a special \

hits which ~aYe wthcir t am four runs t .qJtnm Butle1 o. the-~· 0. T .. C. a.;.!,t?rtt of the Hennrngsca Produce Co, \

, • 1 .• • 1 1 1 - II 11 de11a1tml•nt he1 , has ,,, :\lont.rna L.l Il:1tte, wrote recently to Prof. J. \

:it~\ ~h'~ ~~i -m~i:r~~:- ·:~.01~~le~~· i~ t~ci; St~lte ,,·omt·n out ,.or rifle pradir.:c ...\. ;-.;c1~on of the ;:>a!ry dl'partmt.n~, ~

1 ~f f ti g f ti · · th 0 B' this quan~r, th larj!t!st Rquad of and told of ::;ome o[ his many expen- ~ ~:;dedo thr~~ t~t~

1},e1ir 11~~~~F ma~in~ th! 1.·o·<'d~ in ~he hi- lr~, of thl l'\·~nt at l'!Hl'~· . Among- other. Lhing-=-. he. m~n- (

s ,, . tl . f Th ~- lwnt.ma State. DurmC' the pa:-;.t t\\O t1ons 1s that he is now studymgo \

c;~i~e ~\·~~·clnun:\t)\~ ~~-o~~ore in .... ~~i;i~ \\" l'~S llll~l'h prog l""S ~as hec~l mnde ~anguag-e~ as. there arc be.sides Span. \

lust turn at bat nnd the game ended 1· b~· t aptu1~ Buth' Ill. lll!'tru~·tmg the ish, ~ussian, Ja~n.ne:se, F1ench, Por- ~ 'ti th 0 B' . . 8 ... \\ Ollll'n \\ lth tl e u~ of fire arm~. tUJ!'e:-(." and Bnti:::h luni:,rua•re~ an \

wi 1 e · s wml~rng -·~-. . :\bn) of the indidatt.~ out were l hinC'!'e l:ini-,runges spoken. In ;n~the~ \

Cannon; the h.·~;e 1 ~-1~~ pitched fot I ··gTt't'nhorns" wl n they reported to Ir-art. of his Jetter he savs., "Salt is \

t.~." On~cgn Be:a, • ~" 11 .lul .. g-ood .hn!l. 1 tht• a.nny of fit'.. \'ery few of last ::;uch a luxury over her~ that they ~ 1 Jdcl <:a me . th! u \\ itl~ a good hit 111 \tar'-. ll·am ni. nbers reported this steal it out of ic t b · It ·

tl!e fou_rth _inn.mg- which gave t~e 0. )·tar. t:ixetl \'erv hea\'il~· c1:~ma u s~~rce ~~ R.~ the1~ wmnmg lead. ~t~zzetti n.~tl Sl•\"l•ral of the )\"Les nre ~hooting 1e\·cnue uT1dtr goYernment monopoly."

\\ ard ~1tc~ed for_ the . Sigma Chis, S(.'(JI cs of 10 out " a pos~ible 50. li'::'. \

Ru ?:zet~1 hemg. rC"Jie,·er m the fourth. <.·au<.:1.• of t :.· lar number of women NOTICE-SEN IORS \

l mpir : Bnscoe. B. E. tryini.r 1.iut it isl e~sary to reduce .. \II members of the enior class ~ happ:t Sigma 12 · A. G. R . I thl :--q•.:ad. Af1 r de\oting another 1 Call's s ome time t h i week a nd

VENILATED OXFORDS See t his new Oxford - just the thing for knicker ant.I

;port wear. Al ~o showing new sport pull over , fancy

patterns in knicker and go!f hose.


'l5he HUB ED and LOU HOW ARD

Dy puttinl! on'r 12 nrns to the A. WL•t•k in prm·tice t rg-et. shooting, the be measured for thei r caps and

G. R.'' .1. the Kappa 8igmn ba>eball pre,cnt '·!und of 7:; will ~e r.ducetl to go"ns ... _\II those who expect to ~ \\'alk -0,·er Shoes Stetson Hats N bb C r :I'll won the !-'l'l'oncl g-ame o[ the ahout half that 1 1mhcr. 1arget shoot- g radu a t e in June s hou ld see Gus ~

0 Y aps

i,,~ _mural serii..•.... In a gnme th!lt in~ will thl•n be n in earnest. Later I W~ lie about their announce ments. I \.~......._....._ .............. .._.._ ............... .._.._..._.._.._.._~.._.._........,.._._ .......... .....,.._._.....,,._.._.. ••• - ....... w

". ~ \•·it hout thrills <'1' any ~ensntional • • ':-<, thr Kappa Rhnnais Jagt year':'

h. 'llpions, displnyC'd a fair brand nf tall J·ut on1.· that was infcorior to their J rformance in the previou::. ~c··1u.

For the Kappa Sij?ma'!'., Dunham pitt-hed a winninit g-ame but disphyed nothing- unusual. Huskinson, pitching for the .. \. G. R's. wag hit freelv hut put up a fairly g-ood show. ·

l'mpin·: Xorcott.

Dl•l'kl'r \l"healan End

\\"inner LC'lnnll Quarterba ·k

Stani h Longo lla!fback

O'Lt•ary Dyer Halfback

Kleflman DeFrntc Fullback

-~--- --------

With a .


Camels t

good as as

che simple truth

w1th but 50 seconds left to play. The Frc·e ·e pla)-· e d ti with the bab on Colgates 40-)ard line.


~. \"og-t (Coat'h) Semmingsen Bartlett Sub~titutionl'i: Yale---Ario end. An- 1S enough

)! ll Scn•ral promi ... ing prospect~ were

uncovC'1ed in the contest. Griffin, Glf'(·r Bruner, Fitz...,,epbcn.;:,, H off m an, ~ad 1 • r. .\rnundst>n, E •an, Schlil"ker. ( :ig-c \tcFadand, and Harrity showed goo<l rrospe- t ... for next }ear and shoul .\-lkhnt•r ea h m lte goood mnteri ii in the next





dl·r,on halfba<'k. ::\kllaaLan j!uard :\kl ·uTt:'n Ilautalla l nd. Shanley encl. Ilan an! '

Skinn r ffhC'!lt t•nrl, ~hC'lto11 l'nd , Sl·rieek• Pncl.

l'odav I Students Boo~; _:Harriage~ . I -

Larsor :N umerou~ ~tudent marringeg with corre~ponding- ri~t·:s in sl'110larship han~ led students at the Unh·ersitv of Colorado to openlv ad\·ocate nv1.1:-1·ia~e as a solution ro·r low marks and i.pathi. in school. I

740 Pairs of Co-ed Rntrd Gold-Diggers

An a!'tonishing fact was uncover-a:d r('n·ntly. ('o.eds are l!Olci dit?.trer~ ! A cafeteria worker of one> of the no1·thern tollegl:'s pro,·e!' it hr these obsnvations. '\\'hC'nevt•r a· co-ed comes alone :5he orders 3 ~5 cent lunl'h, hut when she c·om('s accom­panied by a male student, she calls for a 73 (.'ent meal isn't that ter. rihle?

BliR'-'ON "E.UlLESS R.\ YO:\' -=-

HOISE fhese WU"t> bought b» a :IIontana mechant

who has since retin·d from business. Ship­

ment had alread~· h£en made and in order to

avoid having them n:turned to factory the

manufacturer allowed us a liberal pric~ con­

cession - saving-. made on this purchase we pass on to you.

This we consider an achievement in hosiery

buying. prodding rnlues seldom possible. Ail

fresh, new sloeks, a full range of colors and sizes.


OR 3 P \IRS FOR $2.25


Patrnnize Exponent Adverti ers



For Your

Party or Dance Dance and Be Entertained

By Masters of

Dance Rhythm Orches tras

of an) size


PHO:'\E 536



Ct1111els 111 e 111111/e of th ,• c/lliicest t obt1ccos

/;ro11•11-c11rcrl m11/ /,/t'111let! 11•ith expert 01re.

C11111e fr tll'l' 111i!t! 111[(/ me//oll'.

The fttsfr 1{ C11111els is smooth 1/111/ .r11ti.~fj.i11g.

C11111l'ls 11re cool 11111! n:Fl'Shi11g.

Thl' ./;·11gr1111c1' o/ C 11111e/s is 1d11 ·1~) 'S ple11.r111dy

i111foor s or 011t.

T/1 e)1 1/0 110! tire t!1 e l 11sl e 11 o r !l't11•e 11/t)'

cig11rdf.J' 1{ter-f11rfc.

lQZ.Q, R J Rr "'*'I Toh.a• o r"" ~ ' '"'' "i 1!t·1n. N. C.