itIILJL 1 I i V V r lirsfc- tfrt i 1 u h r I T e I raibl > OVTttK- ULi 13 tt R P A DIvlHiunS- OU Ill t- t Trains Leave Penaaoola No 8bW Miifl 700h m- NO21Mlxed 1155 p m w ArrrlveutCHIPLKY q- Vr No 8Fast Mall 100S u ir No 21Mlxod 6oBam Arrive River Junction NoSP Mail 12 pm No 21Mlxert 815 a m NORTH Trains Leave River Junction No 2rast Mall OOpm- No Mixed 1020a m trove at OUIPLEY No 2Fait Mall 6Ji3 p m Xo 22Mlxed 12ft7p m A rive Penoaoola x OFaetMnil 1100 p ru- tn flUf Mixed 6801 rrtlu No L South makes Immediate eon ii + tlan with the F C S 1 for Jacksonville n taU points South Train So 2 North make connection at G Komaton with train via Montgomery for ill polntaNotb East and Wet also with u la for Mobile New Orleans and the South G Wert- rntlaa No8 and No2 carry sleeper her further Information address j 1V LURTON Pennaeola Fla Post Office Directory Office hours 7 am to 8 pmi except Sun IHVR Eastbound mall closes at 1030 am Westbound mall closes at 030 pm- Mull from Vernon and Graccvllln ar ¬ rives at 12 moo and leaves at 1 pm dally except Sundays Mall from Orange Hill Boyhood and St Anijrivp arrives at 6 pm and at 5 am except Sunday Sunday hours 8 am to 10 am11 am to 12 m and from 5 pm to 8 m Money Orders Issued at all hours when office is open except Sunda s- N C HAWK P M LOGUI aijd Personal Look up tho new advertisements Who said he would bring us some vood on subscription Col J M Crlglar of Cypress was In town again Monday Shiriff Allen and i P Johnson visited Marlanna Monday Mr B E Williams of Bonlfay was In the city Wednesday Quite a number visitors from the north have come In lately Mr John Campbell ot Argyle was a visitor here Thursday- If you want tho worth of your money- S cull on the Misses Richardson p A lIsA Rose Wilson Is tbp guest of Dr F C Wilson and family this week Circuit Clerk W B LassltK of Vernon spent Saturday with friends here Mr E N Deklc spent several days this week In Geneva Ala and vicinity Esquire Carmichael made a business- trip to Cottonwood Ala last week We exund thanks to Mr W J Grlcc of Hagcrman for a lot of fine vegetable Tbe uttcntlonot the Marshal Is called to the condition of some of our streets I want to let tbe people who 8iin r from thanmatlsm and sciatica know that Cham- berlains Pain Balm relieved me after a number of other medicines and a doctor bad flied It Is tbe best liniment I have ever knownof A DoDJitv Alpbaretta Ga Thousand have been cared of rheumatism liy this remedy Oar application relieves tbu pain For sale by W L Farrlor duiKglst Mr Benj Pipkin of Ronlfar has our thanks for substantial faVnra last Satur ¬ dayMr Leslie Wells brought In fltteen or sweaty be cattle from the vicinity of Bonlfay- Mr A B Wells left Monday morning- for Calhoun county with a drove of mule and horses Mr D D Davis had the misfortune to fall last week and sprain one of his ankles very badly We want to thank Mr J W Rolwrtson- of Orange Hill for a nice favor but be wont Ictus Mrs Rebecca Llppencott of River Side NJ came In Monday and will spend the winter here Mr mod Mrs Robt FUarwOO l of Blv rrton N J came In this week and will spend the winter Mr A11 McKlnnon onn of our proml vent rnill and lor men spent Saturday in town on business Mrs R8 Blake nd little son B S tame In last week to Visit Mrs IDanle- ltn niakes mother Just Arrived Vr 1PJI Dcen has just some in with a car load vf fine Tennessee mules good brood mares and speed horses a one that makes its mile in 240 The stock is young 1 and he will sell cheap Dont buy until you see him 4- L K f d Nd VICE This to nyilfv nil Int rested that the uiijol will not hold guy nirotlnu In February The next sslou i I the Board will be the rf tUlar ra Ig In March w C LOCKKV SuperlntendonL- Campbell co Butler was too busy lat week to write a new ad I Messrs J B Williams and 0J Under wood Gracevlili were among he vis- itors ¬ herelast Friday Contractor P A 1Vlcllzrrfha nbont completed tbe new r sldeuco of Mr J U Karrlor on Srdjtreet r f Mr McNeil of tbe turpentine firm of McNeil Jt llcndrlcks of Wausau vas among tho visitors hoe Thursday Mr T E Laugston IoftSaturda morn Ing for Cottonwood where he goes- to move a sawmill for Uagerman 6c Co Tax Collector H Williams nd wife of Ilolmw county Vspdtbroullh hero Tuesday enroute to ou a to relatives We call the attention of our readers to advertisement of Mr J I Bartteld when you want groceries or drugs call and see him < Mrs C L Wllshn and chlldroji of Ma ¬ rlanna spent several days hero week the guest parents Mr and Mrs L Wlselogel Mr F B Callaway of Campbell will now be the counterat S A Cooks were bo will be pleased to meet his many friends Capt A J Gay of Gay Fla came In last frlday and spent a few days here Capt Uay has hosts of friends who are al- ways ¬ glad to see him Mr Jas n William a proralnnntvounz suflnosi man of Gracevllle was hands with friends and transacting busi- ness ¬ here Thursday Mr GA Danley and Mrs Goodson at- tended ¬ tbe meeting of the W K A S ut DeFuiilak h Saturday They report an instructive meeting aud a pleasant trip Mr Charlie Cotton and wife left Sun- day ¬ evening for Ponce Uti Leon Charlie laving so far recovered from his recent spell sickness as to resume his work MrJ N Richardson ot Marlanna one of Jackson countys most progressive and- prosperous farmers came over weo k spent a day here the guest of Mr U A b vllloillcamelnTuesdayandarovlsl- Ung their relatives v Richardson and family They will spend the winter here W W Patrick guarantees every bottle of Chamberlains Cough remedy and will ro- und ¬ tbe money to any one who la not sat lied after using two thirds of the contents This Is tbe best remedy In the world for la grippe coughs colds cioup nnd whooping cough and Is pleasant and snfe to uk It prevents any tendency of u cold to result In pneumonia Mr A W Potter of Alpine came In Tuesday on business Mr Potter Is a farmer and one who makes the selfsustaining be alupya has some- thing ¬ to spare to sol t Mr J A McDonald of Carvvllle came In Tuesday and Is IIIl1n the place of Mr Goo railroad agent hero Geo- Is enjoying the wellcarncd rest visiting at Pensacola Mr Robert Farrlor returned Tuesday afternoon from Columbus Ga where bo has been attending the Massey ltU8lnecq college the past three mouths many friends welcome him home again Mr R C Horne made tho largest cot ¬ ton trade last Friday that was over con surouud In our town no bought the en tlrn holding about 200 balesbelonging to Messrs N Deklo and Campbell llutler amounting to over 5000 MARRIED At the residence of the bride on lust Wednesday afternoon Rev M E Irwin to Mts A J Hackctt Rev J 1C McUlaun officiating May lifes choicest blessings be metout to them Ibcrally Is tbe wish of the BAHKKII Mr U J Parish Treasurer has on hand funds to cash the following School Warrants on presentation to him at his office at vernon Nos 500 331543 555 556 501 503 564 S68570 678874675 570 582 586 6S9 500 691593 MIll 6OG ros- A FIRE The Dwelling known as the Wblddon place In the western part of was burned Thursday night was occupied by Mr Hough and family they saved all ther household Watts The place belonged to Mr T J and we was partially Insured Wn havo a few packages the the Tri- umph ¬ Watermelon also a few pack Giant Beggar Weed seed for sale those who wish to thom had better come early The TrIunl Valuable larg eutroeTon ever grown prizes- are offlered for melons of this variety The donation party given Rev and Mrs- J R McUlaun Tuesday night was a com- plete ¬ success many o our citizens re ponding with donations which speaks well for and the town It shows tbe good will have for their new lastor Methodists and Baptists both contributed We acknowled receipt of the first copy of the Pen acola Press This Is a new venture In dally journalism In Pensacola taking full A ana- Willis a long felt want In the western part of the State We recommend Tbo Press to our peopleand wo wish the pro- Jectors of the eDterPtlao tbebest of luck Governor Bloxham has made the fol- lowing civil appointments In this county John Sturrock of St Bay to be justice of the peace for districts vice W J tilngleiary reslgnea CD Kuowlciof St Andrews to bo constable for dlt- rlct 5 vice Edwin Sowles removed from the State D F Gunn of It Washington to Inspector of timber tend lumber It ha been demonstrated repeatedly In every tUttc In the Inidn and In many for sign countries that Cbamberlalaa Cough Bemedy If a certain preventative and cure for croup It has become tbe universal remedy for that disease If V FUhtr of I Liberty WVaonly repeats wbatbusbeen aald around the globe when he writes I have used Chamberlains Couicb Remedy in my family for several years and always with perfect sacoess we believe that It is pot ani the best cough remedy but that It U a sure cure for croup it has eared the lives of our children a number of times This remedy 11 for sale by W L Farrior to Jr > SBUIVPENSACOLA IAn IlIla IllIpl1t ou gala attire and do hnrsolf hand lmA on February 6th and 7th that being the time selected for tho for- mal ¬ opening of the new railroad from Pensacola to Selma and the dates on which the citizens of Selma are Invited to como und partake of the hospitality of I Pcnwicoltt tho Queen City of the Gulf DIED On last resi- dence ¬ a few miles west kitUracovlllo Mr John Whltaker He was a man well lik- ed ¬ by all who know him and will bo sad- ly missed by the community Deceased was u brother Imlawof Mr JL Rail here Wo tender sympathy to tbebereav- od family and relatives HOMEWARD BOUND Written for BANRE- ILChlchltlngallngl All aboard ling a Chi chi tlngallngl ch ooll With rattle and bang the heavy wheew clang Oer stretches of glittering While putts nnd whistling vary From throttles more becomes Till voice of tbo steam a wild scream And clang a continuous roar Tho waving good bys are last to our eyes The station andtown disappear Embankments and cuts tine and huts As terrified to the rear Through valley and bill by river and mill And Into the forest profound- We recklessly dash thou out a flash Ilurrahlwereon time homeward bound The hurrying years full of gladness and wars That laybotweenmoand sweet home Are now left swill as the wind Loved scenes of my childhood I come Though other lands lie under sunniest With mountain and valley and plain Fair lake and broad stream where snowy sails gleam I leave to greet thee again YpUvell do I know as years come and go Though loyal my heart be to thee restless tide will fartbcrdlvldo My fairest ear h treaMnros from me Till gathering haze of lifes autumn Maya Empurple tho past like And then my dim will eagerly try To find the loved shelter and Rut when lifes lair morn of glory Is shorn When under the shadows It lies- I know that Gods light will make Its eve bright- And Its broad western skies No blue mists of time but radiance sub- lime ¬ Will all the fair City surround My soul will descry Its mansions on High And haste oer the sea homeward bound B V L Orange Hill Jan 11 lDOO VERNON DOTS Mr D II Morris moved his stock of merchandise to Geneva Ala and T J- Mobltiv has moved his stock of goods Into tho building vacated by Mr Morris McPire Homer Morris and Ocar Garrett havo gone to Geneva Ala accepting po- sitions more to their advantage the ones they filled here We regret the loss them from our society as well as Mrs Garrett who accompanied her husband Farmers are prepara- tions this year for planting moro acreage than for several years and tho most of us are taking steps toward gardening Mrs Anna Mountoln returned Tuesday evening from a visit of a month with her daughter Mrs B II King at Headland- Ala Mr T J Mobloy visited Curyvlllo or business Tuesday J H Williams Holmes cnuntvi cfflcU nl tax collector spent n few days hero this week- The naval stores nftin are cutting large crops this season and seem to bo well pleased with last years business Mr W E Brvan Smith of Marlanna representing the Fire Insurance compa ¬ us Wednesday- The bargd White Fawn Is making regular between Vernon and Pensa cola carrying heavy freights each way TIll government dredge boat Is expect- ed ¬ early In February to commence Improving our river Mr A Q Jones Is on his regular round collecting taxes this wCbk- Wn fall to see any Improvement In the way of good sidewalks of our street since tho town has been In- corporated ¬ In fact their condition was better before A new mfTchantllo firm Is spoken of and some other enterprises are men tloned which we hope to materialize HAVING A GREAT KJN ON HAUBEB- LAIN3 COUGH REMEDY Manager Martin of tbs Pierson drug- store Informs us that be la having a great run on Chamberlains Cough Remedy He sells live bottles ol that medicine to one of any other kind and It givesgreat ettlstac tlon In these days of la grippe there is nothing like Chamberlains Cough Remedy to stop the coueb heal up the sore throat and lunge and give relict within a very short time The sale are growing and all whc try It are pleased with its prompt action South Chicago Dally Calumet For sale by WL Farrior drugg- istCity Market i th r liE 11 WHIDN Expert Butcher DKAL8IN Fresh Meats Suit Fish Oysters North of Depot CIIIPLEY FLOBfI 1 r 4 J 1 I j f kr RAY RIPPLES Til Mr Llnpey Buchanan has moved Into the Faust house J D Falrcloth has bm rhtthA Uoutvt1l i place recently occupied by Mr Buchanan- and tako possession In a few days < Mr D McDonald and fttmllv have mov- ed from Philips Inlet to the Bay and ero- o ilpy Ing the s house i Kd John A Carnllo and Eld H N JQhnsonhd three daYI- ilast week Noaccesslona to thAchurch Inn N venal have signified their lnt nelon to join hi tho near future Our S 8 Is In a prollp rous condition We now use tho David Cook literature and tho school Is union In every sense of tho word VINDEX TAX COLLECTORS Tl E I will be at the following places on the dates mentioned the purposo of col- lecting ¬ the State and County for the vear 1H99EcouflnaManday Jan 15 Nixon 10 Parker Wednesday Jan 17 St Andrews Jan 18 I Grnssr Point Friday Jan 10 t Davis1 Mill Monday Jan 22 23 Poplar lIeadjVedncsdlli Jan 24 25 Chlploy Friday i Jan EC A Q Jowrs Tax Collector Washington Co FOR OVER FIF I Y YEARS Mrs Wlnslows Soothing 6rupbas been used by millions ot mothers chit drei while ticthliic with perfect success It soothes tbe child softens the gums allays all pain cures wind colic nnd Is the best remedy for UUrrhoen It will relieve thr little sufferer Immediately Sold bj t Druifglst In every part of the world SOe a bottle Be sure aol for Mrs Winslow Yothingnyrep and tnke no other kird nnn Salesman Wanted Enclose stamp for particulars- Will straighten curly and kinky hair withoat injury to trio scalp or hate Price 50 cuts per box AntiKinkEndor- sed by the United States Health reports Darragh Rich New York Sole Manufacturers NOTICE Notice In hereby nlvcn that I will on the nth dny of February issue to J IL bomaker a Tax Deed to Lots 21 22 28 21 25 of Block 83 Stf of Section 85 Ti 8 S B15 W W IL LASSITTKII Clerk Circuit Court Vernon Kla Jany ft ItKXi NOTICE FOR 1UBLICATION Department ot the Interior Land Office at Fla January 8 1900 Notice Is hereby that the following named settler has filed notice of his inten- tion ¬ to make final proof in support of his claim ann that said proof will be made be ¬ fore Clerk Clicult Court at Vernon tin on February 24th 1900 viz John U Griffin nf Wauvau Fin lid No 29350 for the- M otShy NWK of 8EK and NE + of 8WJ tee 20 Tp 2 N It 18W Ho names the following witnesses to I his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said Innll > lz John Godwin Weslev Fussell Win Pippen John Pitta nil of Wausau Fla I WO ROIIIN8ON Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interior Land OlSce at Fla January 2 1811 Notice is hereby given thnt the following named settler has tiled notice of his inten- tion ¬ to make dual proof In support ot his claim end tbat Bald proof will ue made be- fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vcrnnn Fla on February 17th 1900 viz Wlllliim W Smith nt Wausnu Flu lid No 26090 for the NWyj Sec 21Tp 2N R 14 W- Ho names the following witnesses to his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz Jobn Q Bar fold Riles D lohus W n Finch J L Finch all ot Wausau Kin W G IIOIUNHON Ed fee paid Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION- ilepnrtmentof the Interior Land Office at Flu > Januarys WOO Notice Is hereby given thai time following named settler has filed notice 01 his mien tlon tu make final proof In support of his claim and lint said prod will bo made be- fore Clerk Circuit court at Vernon Fla on February 17th 1000 viz John J Ntokeln of range lull Fin lid No 27678 for the WJ ofSWJi and SEy of SWtf Sec 22 T8 > B 18 W He names tbe followingwitnesses to his continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz T L Davis Vn Tbarp iron no Hill Fla Wm Dan ¬ iels B MIeel Wnusau Fla- W U KOBIS8ON Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Department of tbe Interior Land Office at Fla December 231890 j Notice Is hereby given that Ihe following named settler has tiled notice of his Inten- tion to make final proof in support of his claim and that will be made be- fore Clerk Circuit Court at Wcstvllle Fla on February 10th 1000 viz David J Kelly of Flu lid No 25212 for toe KUofNWKHWWofNWJiaod NKK of Sty Sec 30 Tp Be names the following witnesses to iroro his continuous residence upon and cultivation ofuld land vlti B talk com Gracevllle Fin A B Brown Elias Worley J I Drown of Gracevllle Fla W u Register NOT1CKFOB PUBLICATION of the Interior Land Office at Gainesville Kla December IV IKn j Notice Is hereby given that the following named settler has tiled notice of his mien lion to make final proof In support of bis claim and that said procf will be be- fore ¬ Clerk Circuit Court at Vernoc Fla on February ant 1000 viz Sidney WlllUms of Vernon Fla Hd No 28001 fur the W3 BEST and NM of SWU flea 88 Tp 8N 1115W He names the Mowing witnesses to his continuous residence upon and cultivation of skid laud In J E Stanley G K Stewart M P Williams Willis An demon Jr all of Vernon VIa W G BUBINBON Ed fee paid Register J t- I 1 r t- r 1 J r1 1 f I iI i- O r Overstocked Mo Room 11 This is our Condition at Present and a Visit to Our Spore ajUljConvince You of that Fact j During the last few months Roods Faye Sdvfctided Wonderfully + In Nearly All MUCH HTOur Stock largely bought at tho Old Prices gives us th- eeatet dvar t ge We Have i vet dad F We want You to share in Our good fortune That of having bought on a Cheap Market FJOID Wow Until Ohristmfis We Will Make It To Your Advant- age To Trade With Us 40 F400 CAMPBELL- and IIIIr i BUTLER < 74G14OC I WONDERS NEVER CEASE- T XK WHITE Agt Is now In the ring with onb ot the best stocks of General Mer- chandise ¬ ever brought to CHIPL L Y Watch this space for prices All kinds of Country Produco bought and sold Prices on Dry Goods and Groceries low Come sec for yourself no faknI mean business Vacated Wells in Brick Store T D White Agt II- J N N J L STEPHENS DKAIEII IN Diamonds Wateliem l and JewelryT- he Place To Bun Goods Cheap r Watches and Jewelry neatly Repaired Optical Work Done Eye- eExmhecInd GUwtt Flttedor e 112 South Pnlnfox St Pen lacola Fla rn McMillan Bros Co- Coppersmiths General Metal Workers Mawficl ers of and Huttyirtirj for the sn1Jo Celebrated McMillan Seamless Turpentine Still its Oitfitt shop N toed and reiuktog don la tbi unity MOBILE ALA NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION V Department of the Interior I Land Office nt Kla December 11 180U r I Notice Is hereby given that the followlnj named settler has notice of his Inten- tion to make roofln support of bli claim and that said proof will be be fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Kla of- Ianunry27th11100 Tit John O Barfi U of WBUBBII No 20213 tar the Sfc- ol I NFJ and 8Jf of N Wtf Sec U Tp2 N R14W- He I names the following witnesses U hU continuous residence upon and cultivation of said land viz A W Pottci of Vernon Ma George 3lcKelthan Leon ard finch ICD Johns WSUKBU Flu r W O KOB1NHON- Kd feo paid Register NOTICE FUR PUBLICATION Department ot the Interior 1 Land Office at Fla > December 11 1891 Notice hereby given that the followlnl named settler has notice of his Inten- tion to make In support of hit claim and that nuLl proof will be made be- fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vertmn Flit on 1900 viz EllaaD Johns k of- laulluioln1IdNO29212fortbe ofBWKahHofHWKaod BEfc Sec 14YT 2 > 14 Uo names tbe following witnesses to- prove his continuous residence upon eon cultltatlou of said land vizi A W Potter of Vernon Fla George MrKeltban Lroo- aid Finch J Q Barfleld of Wauau Fla- W G ROit1NBUN Ed fee paid Register NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION J> of the Interior Lapd Uffloo Gainesville Fla > December 18 1KW Notice is hereby lIven that tbe fallowing named settler has led notice of his Inten- tion ¬ to make la support of his that said proof be- fore ¬ Clerk Circuit Court nt Vernon VIA on February 8rd1800 vir Solomon Wright sf for the iK 8ecZ4fn8NB13W lie names witnesses to rove his continuous residence upon and ultlvatlon of snld mod viz WH elaYt lee Gainer Wm Yearby W if OJaort UII FinWOROBINSCN J tCd fee paid Register Send us your order for Job Work 1 ° tlell cu3 tilari w ts > tjaYa YOVR ATTENTION Having purchased the entire Interest of i J F Barfield In the drag and Grocery Bafilnesa J I now offer to th- oBUYING J PUBLIC i my entire stock of Drugs and Groceries at bard time nowyear prices I will keep a full stock o- fFamily i Groceries at all times When you want anything In t I my line come and see me Everything Cheap for Cash 4 1 JIBARFIELD t 1o Pound U4Tatejelott J TUInkof Such a Monster We can all have them If we plant Glr arde n > Kztra Fancy 8lecte4 TrI Dmph 8eed For no other teed will such melons Thousands of Melons Crown tom these Seeds In 1WO weighed l 0 to 18i pounds Iacbone weighed 148Jf 1 tad another 1499f pounds ftOI fs AA 1N CA8U paEII for tbe tr- oon larcest Triumph Watrt grown In HKX from GlrardeausBeed x GIrJleoSlar Weed need a BpecUl- tyty end for Catalogue giving full Inlor iY M UIBARDEAUM- ONTIOELLO FLA jIt Dl1WaDdWkllr1IIUeur- ecS t a5 J 74 v W y ill r 1 1- fli r0 l j4 Iu1

I IlIla Overstocked Room T raibl Ig I J co tt R This is … › lccn › sn95047263 › 1900...itIILJL 1 I i V V r lirsfc-tfrt i 1 h u r I T e I raibl > OVTttK- ULi 13 tt R P A DIvlHiunS-

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Page 1: I IlIla Overstocked Room T raibl Ig I J co tt R This is … › lccn › sn95047263 › 1900...itIILJL 1 I i V V r lirsfc-tfrt i 1 h u r I T e I raibl > OVTttK- ULi 13 tt R P A DIvlHiunS-

itIILJL1 I i




tfrt i

1uh r


T e I raibl> OVTttK-

ULi 13 tt RP A DIvlHiunS-

OU Ill t-

t Trains Leave PenaaoolaNo 8bW Miifl 700h m-

NO21Mlxed 1155 p mw ArrrlveutCHIPLKY q-


No 8Fast Mall 100S u irNo 21Mlxod 6oBam

Arrive River JunctionNoSP Mail 12 pmNo 21Mlxert 815 a m

NORTHTrains Leave River Junction

No 2rast Mall OOpm-No Mixed 1020a m

trove at OUIPLEYNo 2Fait Mall 6Ji3 p mXo 22Mlxed 12ft7p m

A rive Penoaoolax OFaetMnil 1100 p ru-

tnflUf Mixed 6801

rrtlu No L South makes Immediate eon

ii + tlan with the F C S 1 for Jacksonvillen taU points South

Train So 2 North make connection atG

Komaton with train via Montgomery for

ill polntaNotb East and Wet also withu la for Mobile New Orleans and the South

G Wert-rntlaa No8 and No2 carry sleeperher further Information address

j 1V LURTONPennaeola Fla

Post Office DirectoryOffice hours 7 am to 8 pmi except Sun

IHVREastbound mall closes at 1030 amWestbound mall closes at 030 pm-Mull from Vernon and Graccvllln ar ¬

rives at 12 moo and leaves at 1 pm dallyexcept Sundays

Mall from Orange Hill Boyhood and StAnijrivp arrives at 6 pm and at5 am except Sunday

Sunday hours 8 am to 10 am11 amto 12 m and from 5 pm to 8 m

Money Orders Issued at all hours whenoffice is open except Sunda s-


LOGUI aijd Personal

Look up tho new advertisements

Who said he would bring us some vood

on subscription

Col J M Crlglar of Cypress was In

town again Monday

Shiriff Allen and i P Johnson visited

Marlanna Monday

Mr B E Williams of Bonlfay was In

the city Wednesday

Quite a number visitors from the northhave come In lately

Mr John Campbell ot Argyle was a

visitor here Thursday-

If you want tho worth of your money-

S cull on the Misses RichardsonpA lIsA Rose Wilson Is tbp guest of Dr F

C Wilson and family this week

Circuit Clerk W B LassltK of Vernonspent Saturday with friends here

Mr E N Deklc spent several days thisweek In Geneva Ala and vicinity

Esquire Carmichael made a business-

trip to Cottonwood Ala last week

We exund thanks to Mr W J Grlcc ofHagcrman for a lot of fine vegetable

Tbe uttcntlonot the Marshal Is called

to the condition of some of our streets

I want to let tbe people who 8iin r from

thanmatlsm and sciatica know that Cham-

berlains Pain Balm relieved me after anumber of other medicines and a doctor badflied It Is tbe best liniment I have ever

knownof A DoDJitv Alpbaretta Ga

Thousand have been cared of rheumatismliy this remedy Oar application relieves

tbu pain For sale by W L Farrlor duiKglst

Mr Benj Pipkin of Ronlfar has our

thanks for substantial faVnra last Satur ¬

dayMrLeslie Wells brought In fltteen or

sweaty be cattle from the vicinity of


Mr A B Wells left Monday morning-

for Calhoun county with a drove of muleand horses

Mr D D Davis had the misfortune tofall last week and sprain one of his ankles

very badly

We want to thank Mr J W Rolwrtson-

of Orange Hill for a nice favor but bewont Ictus

Mrs Rebecca Llppencott of River Side

NJ came In Monday and will spend

the winter here

Mr mod Mrs Robt FUarwOO l of Blv

rrton N J came In this week and will

spend the winter

Mr A11 McKlnnon onn of our promlvent rnill and lor men spent Saturday intown on business

Mrs R8 Blakend little son B Stame In last week to Visit Mrs IDanle-

ltn niakes mother

Just ArrivedVr 1PJI Dcen has just some inwith a car load vf fine Tennesseemules good brood mares and speedhorses a one that makes itsmile in 240 The stock is young

1and he will sell cheap Dont buyuntil you see him



f dNd VICEThis to nyilfv nil Int rested that theuiijol will not hold guy nirotlnu

In February The next sslou i I theBoard will be the rf tUlar ra Ig InMarch w C LOCKKV



Butler was too busy latweek to write a new ad


Messrs J B Williams and 0 J Underwood Gracevlili were among he vis-itors


herelast Friday

Contractor P A 1Vlcllzrrfha nbontcompleted tbe new r sldeuco of Mr J UKarrlor on Srdjtreet r


Mr McNeil of tbe turpentine firm ofMcNeil Jt llcndrlcks of Wausau vasamong tho visitors hoe Thursday

Mr T E Laugston IoftSaturda mornIng for Cottonwood where he goes-to move a sawmill for Uagerman 6c Co

Tax Collector H Williams nd wifeof Ilolmw county Vspdtbroullh heroTuesday enroute to ou a torelatives

We call the attention of our readers toadvertisement of Mr J I Bartteldwhen you want groceries or drugs calland see him <

Mrs C L Wllshn and chlldroji of Ma ¬

rlanna spent several days hero weekthe guest parents Mr and Mrs LWlselogel

Mr F B Callaway of Campbell willnow be the counterat S ACooks were bo will be pleased to meethis many friends

Capt A J Gay of Gay Fla came Inlast frlday and spent a few days hereCapt Uay has hosts of friends who are al-ways


glad to see him

Mr Jas n William a proralnnntvounzsuflnosi man of Gracevllle washands with friends and transacting busi-ness


here Thursday

Mr GA Danley and Mrs Goodson at-


tbe meeting of the W K A S utDeFuiilak h Saturday They report aninstructive meeting aud a pleasant trip

Mr Charlie Cotton and wife left Sun-day


evening for Ponce Uti Leon Charlielaving so far recovered from his recentspell sickness as to resume his work

MrJ N Richardson ot Marlanna oneof Jackson countys most progressive and-prosperous farmers came over weo k

spent a day here the guest of Mr U


b vllloillcamelnTuesdayandarovlsl-Ung their relatives v

Richardson and family They will spendthe winter here

W W Patrick guarantees every bottle of

Chamberlains Cough remedy and will ro-



tbe money to any one who la not satlied after using two thirds of the contentsThis Is tbe best remedy In the world for la

grippe coughs colds cioup nnd whooping

cough and Is pleasant and snfe to uk Itprevents any tendency of u cold to resultIn pneumonia

Mr A W Potter of Alpine came InTuesday on business Mr Potter Is a

farmer and one who makes theselfsustaining be alupya has some-


to spare to sol tMr J A McDonald of Carvvllle came

In Tuesday and Is IIIl1n the place of MrGoo railroad agent hero Geo-Is enjoying the wellcarncd rest visiting

at Pensacola

Mr Robert Farrlor returned Tuesdayafternoon from Columbus Ga where bohas been attending the Massey ltU8lnecqcollege the past three mouthsmany friends welcome him home again

Mr R C Horne made tho largest cot ¬

ton trade last Friday that was over consurouud In our town no bought the entlrn holding about 200 balesbelongingto Messrs N Deklo and Campbellllutler amounting to over 5000

MARRIED At the residence of thebride on lust Wednesday afternoon RevM E Irwin to Mts A J Hackctt RevJ 1C McUlaun officiating May lifeschoicest blessings be metout to themIbcrally Is tbe wish of the BAHKKII

Mr U J Parish Treasurer hason hand funds to cash the following SchoolWarrants on presentation to him at hisoffice at vernon

Nos 500 331543 555 556 501 503 564S68570 678874675 570 582 586 6S9 500691593 MIll 6OG ros-

A FIRE The Dwelling known as theWblddon place In the western part of

was burned Thursday night wasoccupied by Mr Hough and family theysaved all ther household WattsThe place belonged to Mr T Jand we was partially Insured

Wn havo a few packages the the Tri-umph


Watermelon also a few packGiant Beggar Weed seed for sale

those who wish to thom had bettercome early The TrIunlValuable

largeutroeTon ever grown prizes-are offlered for melons of this variety

The donation party given Rev and Mrs-

J R McUlaun Tuesday night was a com-plete


success many o our citizens reponding with donations which speakswell for and the town It shows tbegood will have for their newlastor Methodists and Baptists both


We acknowled receipt of the first copyof the Pen acola Press This Is a newventure In dally journalism In Pensacolataking full A ana-Willis a long felt want In the westernpart of the State We recommend TboPress to our peopleand wo wish the pro-

Jectors of the eDterPtlao tbebest of luck

Governor Bloxham has made the fol-

lowing civil appointments In this countyJohn Sturrock of St Bay to bejustice of the peace for districts vice WJ tilngleiary reslgnea C D KuowlciofSt Andrews to bo constable for dlt-rlct 5 vice Edwin Sowles removed from

the State D F Gunn of It Washingtonto Inspector of timber tend lumber

It ha been demonstrated repeatedly Inevery tUttc In the Inidn and In many forsign countries that Cbamberlalaa CoughBemedy If a certain preventative and curefor croup It has become tbe universalremedy for that disease If V FUhtr of

I Liberty WVaonly repeats wbatbusbeenaald around the globe when he writes Ihave used Chamberlains Couicb Remedy inmy family for several years and alwayswith perfect sacoess we believe that It ispot ani the best cough remedy but that ItU a sure cure for croup it has eared thelives of our children a number of timesThis remedy 11 for sale by W L Farrior



SBUIVPENSACOLAIAn IlIla IllIpl1t ou gala attire and do

hnrsolf hand lmA on February 6th and 7ththat being the time selected for tho for-



opening of the new railroad fromPensacola to Selma and the dates on

which the citizens of Selma are Invited tocomo und partake of the hospitality of I

Pcnwicoltt tho Queen City of the Gulf

DIED On last resi-


a few miles west kitUracovlllo MrJohn Whltaker He was a man well lik-ed


by all who know him and will bo sad-ly missed by the community Deceasedwas u brother Imlawof Mr JL Railhere Wo tender sympathy to tbebereav-od family and relatives


Written for BANRE-ILChlchltlngallngl All aboard ling

aChi chi tlngallngl ch ooll

With rattle and bang the heavy wheewclang

Oer stretches of glitteringWhile putts nnd whistlingvary

From throttles more becomesTill voice of tbo steam a wildscream

And clang a continuous roarTho waving good bys are last to our eyes

The station andtown disappearEmbankments and cuts tine

and hutsAs terrified to the rear

Through valley and bill by river and millAnd Into the forest profound-

We recklessly dash thou out a flashIlurrahlwereon time homeward bound

The hurrying years full of gladness andwars

That laybotweenmoand sweet homeAre now left swill as the

windLoved scenes of my childhood I come

Though other lands lie under sunniest

With mountain and valley and plainFair lake and broad stream where snowy

sails gleamI leave to greet thee again

YpUvell do I know as years come and goThough loyal my heart be to thee

restless tide will fartbcrdlvldoMy fairest ear h treaMnros from me

Till gathering haze of lifes autumn Maya

Empurple tho past likeAnd then my dim will eagerly try

To find the loved shelter andRut when lifes lair morn of glory Is

shornWhen under the shadows It lies-

I know that Gods light will make Its evebright-

And Its broad western skiesNo blue mists of time but radiance sub-


Will all the fair City surroundMy soul will descry Its mansions on

HighAnd haste oer the sea homeward bound

B V LOrange Hill Jan 11 lDOO


Mr D II Morris moved his stock ofmerchandise to Geneva Ala and T J-

Mobltiv has moved his stock of goods Intotho building vacated by Mr Morris

McPire Homer Morris and Ocar Garretthavo gone to Geneva Ala accepting po-

sitions more to their advantage theones they filled here We regret the lossthem from our society as well as MrsGarrett who accompanied her husband

Farmers are prepara-tions this year for planting moro acreagethan for several years and tho mostof us are taking steps toward gardening

Mrs Anna Mountoln returned Tuesdayevening from a visit of a month with herdaughter Mrs B II King at Headland-Ala

Mr T J Mobloy visited Curyvlllo orbusiness TuesdayJ H Williams Holmes cnuntvi cfflcU nl

tax collector spent n few days hero thisweek-

The naval stores nftin are cutting largecrops this season and seem to bo wellpleased with last years business

Mr W E Brvan Smith of Marlannarepresenting the Fire Insurance compa ¬

us Wednesday-

The bargd White Fawn Is makingregular between Vernon and Pensacola carrying heavy freights each way

TIll government dredge boat Is expect-ed


early In February to commenceImproving our river

Mr A Q Jones Is on his regular roundcollecting taxes this wCbk-

Wn fall to see any Improvement In theway of good sidewalksof our street since tho town has been In-


In fact their condition wasbetter before

A new mfTchantllo firm Is spoken ofand some other enterprises are mentloned which we hope to materialize


Manager Martin of tbs Pierson drug-

store Informs us that be la having a greatrun on Chamberlains Cough Remedy Hesells live bottles ol that medicine to one ofany other kind and It givesgreat ettlstactlon In these days of la grippe there isnothing like Chamberlains Cough Remedyto stop the coueb heal up the sore throatand lunge and give relict within a very shorttime The sale are growing and all whctry It are pleased with its prompt actionSouth Chicago Dally Calumet For sale by

WL Farrior drugg-

istCity Marketi th


liE 11 WHIDNExpert Butcher

DKAL8INFresh Meats Suit Fish Oysters

North of Depot


1 r 4J


I j f kr RAY RIPPLES TilMr Llnpey Buchanan has moved Into

the Faust house

J D Falrcloth has bm rhtthA Uoutvt1l i

place recently occupied by Mr Buchanan-and tako possession In a few days <

Mr D McDonald and fttmllv have mov-ed from Philips Inlet to the Bay and ero-o ilpy Ing the s house i

Kd John A Carnllo and Eld H NJQhnsonhd three daYI-ilast week Noaccesslona to thAchurchInn N venal have signified their lnt nelonto join hi tho near future

Our S 8 Is In a prollp rous conditionWe now use tho David Cook literatureand tho school Is union In every sense oftho word VINDEX


I will be at the following places on thedates mentioned the purposo of col-


the State and County for thevear 1H99EcouflnaManday Jan 15

Nixon 10Parker Wednesday Jan 17

St Andrews Jan 18I

Grnssr Point Friday Jan 10 tDavis1 Mill Monday Jan 22

23Poplar lIeadjVedncsdlli Jan 24

25Chlploy Friday i Jan EC

A Q JowrsTax Collector Washington Co

FOR OVER FIF I Y YEARSMrs Wlnslows Soothing 6rupbas been

used by millions ot mothers chitdrei while ticthliic with perfect successIt soothes tbe child softens the gums allaysall pain cures wind colic nnd Is the bestremedy for UUrrhoen It will relieve thr

little sufferer Immediately Sold bj tDruifglst In every part of the world SOe abottle Be sure aol for Mrs WinslowYothingnyrep and tnke no other kird

nnnSalesman Wanted Enclose stamp for


Will straighten curly and kinky hairwithoat injury to trio scalp or hate

Price 50 cuts per box

AntiKinkEndor-sed by the United States

Health reports

Darragh Rich New YorkSole Manufacturers

NOTICENotice In hereby nlvcn that I will on the

nth dny of February issue to J ILbomaker a Tax Deed to Lots 21 22

28 21 25 of Block 83 Stf of Section 85


Clerk Circuit CourtVernon Kla Jany ft ItKXi

NOTICE FOR 1UBLICATIONDepartment ot the Interior

Land Office at FlaJanuary 8 1900

Notice Is hereby that the followingnamed settler has filed notice of his inten-tion


to make final proof in support of hisclaim ann that said proof will be made be ¬

fore Clerk Clicult Court at Vernon tin onFebruary 24th 1900 viz John U Griffinnf Wauvau Fin lid No 29350 for the-M otShy NWK of 8EK and NE+ of8WJ tee 20 Tp 2 N It 18W

Ho names the following witnesses to I

his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said Innll > lz John GodwinWeslev Fussell Win Pippen John Pittanil of Wausau Fla I


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of tbe Interior

Land OlSce at FlaJanuary 2 1811

Notice is hereby given thnt the followingnamed settler has tiled notice of his inten-tion


to make dual proof In support ot hisclaim end tbat Bald proof will ue made be-

fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vcrnnn Fla onFebruary 17th 1900 viz Wlllliim W Smithnt Wausnu Flu lid No 26090 for theNWyj Sec 21Tp 2N R 14 W-

Ho names the following witnesses tohis continuous residence upon and

cultivation of said land viz Jobn Q Barfold Riles D lohus W n Finch J LFinch all ot Wausau Kin

W G IIOIUNHONEd fee paid Register

NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION-ilepnrtmentof the Interior

Land Office at Flu >

Januarys WOO

Notice Is hereby given thai time followingnamed settler has filed notice 01 his mientlon tu make final proof In support of hisclaim and lint said prod will bo made be-

fore Clerk Circuit court at Vernon Fla onFebruary 17th 1000 viz John J Ntokelnof range lull Fin lid No 27678 for theWJ ofSWJi and SEy of SWtf Sec 22

T8 > B 18 WHe names tbe followingwitnesses to

his continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land viz T L DavisVn Tbarp iron no Hill Fla Wm Dan ¬

iels B MIeel Wnusau Fla-W U KOBIS8ON


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONDepartment of tbe Interior

Land Office at FlaDecember 231890 j

Notice Is hereby given that Ihe followingnamed settler has tiled notice of his Inten-tion to make final proof in support of hisclaim and that will be made be-

fore Clerk Circuit Court at Wcstvllle Flaon February 10th 1000 viz David J Kellyof Flu lid No 25212 for toeKUofNWKHWWofNWJiaod NKK ofSty Sec 30 Tp

Be names the following witnesses toiroro his continuous residence upon and

cultivation ofuld land vlti B talkcom Gracevllle Fin A B Brown EliasWorley J I Drown of Gracevllle Fla

W uRegister


Land Office at Gainesville KlaDecember IV IKn j

Notice Is hereby given that the followingnamed settler has tiled notice of his mienlion to make final proof In support of bisclaim and that said procf will be be-


Clerk Circuit Court at Vernoc Fla onFebruary ant 1000 viz Sidney WlllUmsof Vernon Fla Hd No 28001 fur the W3BEST and NM of SWU flea 88 Tp 8N1115W

He names the Mowing witnesses tohis continuous residence upon and

cultivation of skid laud In J E StanleyG K Stewart M P Williams Willis Andemon Jr all of Vernon VIa

W G BUBINBONEd fee paid Register

J t-

I 1 r

t-r 1 J r1 1f I

iI i-

Or Overstocked Mo Room11

This is our Condition at Present and a Visit to

Our Spore ajUljConvince You of that Factj

During the last few months Roods

Faye Sdvfctided Wonderfully+

In Nearly All MUCH

HTOur Stock largely bought at tho Old Prices gives us th-

eeatet dvar t ge We Have i vet dad

F We want You to share in Our good fortuneThat of having bought on a Cheap Market

FJOID Wow Until Ohristmfis WeWill Make It To Your Advant-age To Trade With Us




74G14OC I


Is now In the ring with onb ot the best stocks of General Mer-



ever brought to

CHIPL L YWatch this space for prices All kinds of Country Producobought and sold Prices on Dry Goods and Groceries lowCome sec for yourself no faknI mean business


Brick Store T D White AgtII-



Diamonds Wateliem l and JewelryT-

he Place To Bun Goods Cheap rWatches and Jewelry neatly Repaired Optical Work Done Eye-

eExmhecInd GUwtt Flttedor e

112 South Pnlnfox St Pen lacola Flarn

McMillan Bros Co-Coppersmiths

General Metal WorkersMawficl ers of and Huttyirtirj for the


Celebrated McMillan Seamless Turpentine Still

its Oitfitt shop N toed and reiuktog don la tbi unity


NOTICE FOR PUBLICATIONV Department of the Interior I

Land Office nt KlaDecember 11 180U r I

Notice Is hereby given that the followlnjnamed settler has notice of his Inten-

tion to make roofln support of bliclaim and that said proof will be before Clerk Circuit Court at Vernon Kla of-

Ianunry27th11100 Tit John O Barfi U

of WBUBBII No 20213 tar the Sfc-



NFJ and 8Jf of N Wtf Sec U Tp2 N



names the following witnesses U

hU continuous residence upon andcultivation of said land viz A W Pottciof Vernon Ma George 3lcKelthan Leonard finch ICD Johns WSUKBU Flu

r W O KOB1NHON-Kd feo paid Register

NOTICE FUR PUBLICATIONDepartment ot the Interior 1

Land Office at Fla >

December 11 1891

Notice hereby given that the followlnlnamed settler has notice of his Inten-

tion to make In support of hitclaim and that nuLl proof will be made be-

fore Clerk Circuit Court at Vertmn Flit on1900 viz EllaaD Johnsk of-

laulluioln1IdNO29212fortbeofBWKahHofHWKaod BEfc

Sec 14YT 2 > 14

Uo names tbe following witnesses to-

prove his continuous residence upon eoncultltatlou of said land vizi A W Potterof Vernon Fla George MrKeltban Lroo-

aid Finch J Q Barfleld of Wauau Fla-W G ROit1NBUN

Ed fee paid Register


Lapd Uffloo Gainesville Fla >

December 18 1KW

Notice is hereby lIven that tbe fallowingnamed settler has led notice of his Inten-



to make la support of histhat said proof be-



Clerk Circuit Court nt Vernon VIA onFebruary 8rd1800 vir Solomon Wrightsf for theiK 8ecZ4fn8NB13W

lie names witnesses torove his continuous residence upon and

ultlvatlon of snld mod viz WH elaYtlee Gainer Wm Yearby W ifOJaort UII FinWOROBINSCN J

tCd fee paid Register

Send us your order for Job Work


° tlell cu3 tilari w ts > tjaYa


Having purchased the entire Interest ofiJ F Barfield In the

drag and Grocery Bafilnesa J

I now offer to th-



my entire stock of Drugs and Groceries atbard time nowyear prices I will keepa full stock o-


Groceriesat all times When you want anything In t

Imy line come and see me Everything

Cheap for Cash4 1


1o Pound U4Tatejelott J

TUInkof Such a MonsterWe can all have them If we plant Glr

arde n > Kztra Fancy 8lecte4 TrIDmph 8eed For no other teed willsuch melons Thousands of MelonsCrown tom these Seeds In 1WO weighedl 0 to 18i pounds Iacbone weighed 148Jf 1tad another 1499f pounds

ftOI fs AA 1N CA8U paEII for tbe tr-

oonlarcest Triumph Watrt

grown In HKX from GlrardeausBeed x

GIrJleoSlar Weed need a BpecUl-tyty end for Catalogue giving full Inlor




J74 v




fli r0l j4 Iu1