w rr D- a t c I ii tt JV r i i t2 i r +1y A < Jii a c l il FL i h- i < a 4 y v l5f J S t r a < E 1 < t t T fi f + v THE WINCHESTER NEWS i 1 h t J i f- c lmpcEY 1rL SOCIETY i nrA T ROOSEVELT ADDRESSES THE MEN OF THE FLEET 1rI J his photograph was taken while President Itooscvoit was addressing the j officers and men of the flagship Connecticut when the battleship licet returned t to Hanipton Koads The president stood in the drizzling rain on the after turret of the vessel and complimented the crew and thanked them In the andfant The Little Colonel Readers meet with Miss Helen Ford ou Saturday afternoon Y X T Tue Cooking Club will meet with Miss Fannie Combs Scott on Satur day 1 i Miss IHorrye Smith will be the I charming hostess for the Literary andSocial Club on Saturday < J Euchre Party i One of the most enjoyable evenS of the week was the delightful Club party give by Mrs Harvey Frank ¬ lin Thursday afternoon Euchre be- ing ¬ the chosen form of amusement Vases of huge pink carnations and r ferns were advantageously plated the pink and green blending har- moniouslY ¬ f Mrs Franklin was assisted in en- tertaining ¬ by Misses Henrietta and Olivia Gardner Ruth Tucker Eu ¬ nice Earp and Kate Hunt Master Garland Clark passed the tallies 13 AVtlelightiul dfctnpleraeat to this f V party was an excellent lunch ctihriuingly served r The guests for the afternoon were Mesdames Susan G Ander ¬ 111 son W H Strossnian Orlando Hos- t 1ki s George Green John M Jen- s ¬ Mattie Oliver of Mt Sterling Curtis Evans George Clark Harry s J Strother Sam A Jeffries O G Hadden J W Ishmael Charles Parrish John Clelland Ogden 4 Crutcher Roll Ratliff E E Kid well A Sayre J T Beckner Lu cien Beckner misses Jane Gaitskill Evelyn Price Allan Crutchor Kate f Hunt Ella Pendleton Ruth Tu ek- e Ann DuorsonEuuice Earp Anna r Stoner Rash Olivia and Henrietta Gardner and Kate Rash A Substantial Message I have just received glad tidings and good news from my friends and parislwners Mr and Mrs Charles Attereall in the form of a large basket of oranges spelling compli- m ents Why cant everybody in Florida write tht way 0 J Chandler The Senior Qlass of the Winches ¬ ter High School will give an inter ¬ esting little play this evening at the school chapel Mr C P Mann has conducted one of the nicest establishments in the city and has not only made money since his residence hero but also a host of friends who will re gret to see him and his estimable wife and little daughter Miss Eliz ¬ abeth leave Paris Mr Mann is a gentleman of high character 1 business capacity and moat agreeable in a s cial way Paris regrets to lose such a valuable citi zen and familyRenlucldan Citi ¬ zenWe are glad to welcome Mr and Mrs Mann to Winchester PERSONALS Mrs W E Singleton and Mrs T E Warnock have returned from a delightful trip to Woodford county Mr and Mrs Joseph Shannon are visiting relatives in Carlisle Mr Lander Skinner has returned from a weeks visit with Misses 01 lie and Nette Bean of Lexington N Messrs Will Jones and Allen Bar- row ¬ left this week for Texas I Messrs May Goff Ed Rice Wil ¬ lium Young John Redmon and Isaac Reynolds of North Middle town attended the Jersey sale here Wednesday fir and Mrs JW Shepherd of I Missouri are the guests of relatives hero I Miss Lillian Russell of Mt Ster ¬ ling is the guest of Mrs D B Good ¬ I wint Mr and YIP S D Laring of = I POPULARITY Popularity is the result of being able to mix in the affairs of other people without seeming to be meddlesome We have the popular hoods and will make the prices so that they will be popular to you i- t COME IN C H BOWEN Jeweler and Optician The Quality TIe Quantity J r The Pricea- re three very essential things in t the selection of the Furnishings for your home These are the watch words in our buying Twentythree years of business t success proves our position is cor- rect v COME 11 HD SEE THE NEW THINGS FOR SPRING The Winn Furniture Co We Give SIeH Green Trading Stamps i > J I 1 Punta Arena South America are the guests of Mr and Mrs A H Brock Mrs Mattie C Oliver who has been the charming guest of Mrsy John M Jenkins for several days has returned to her home in Mt Ster ling Miss Mary Crutches is the guest of friends in Nicholasville Miss Nancy Hoclkgin is ill Judge E S Jouett is in Frankfort on business USES HATCHET i AS WEAPON t Son Confesses to Murder of His Mother in Small Town in T Michigan 1 Special to ThcvNews HOLLAND Micfi March 5El- on Baldwin confessed today that he piled his mother who was found lead in lies farmhouse near Saugatuck short time ago He was afraid she would charge him with having burn ¬ ed her barn A hatchet was the weapon usedl I nlSTRICT ATTORNEY TENDERS RESIGNATION Rather Than Aid Government in its Efforts in Panama Canal Libel Case Special to The News- INDIANAPOLIS Ind March 5 United States District Attorney Ken ing has resigned here rather than aid the efforts to bung Delavin Smith aud Joseph Pulitzer to Washington in the Panama libel case MINSTRElS RENDER A A GOOD PROGRAM Vogels Big Show Furnished Much Entertainment and Music at Opera House r John W Vogels Big City Minstrels was the attraction at the opera house Wednesday evening The company it a clever one every artist being se ¬ Ice led with care Orie specialty fol lows another in rapid succession good songs a well trained chorus eccentric juggling and skilled dune ing filled the program Sam Harris and Charley GallO on jlertaincd the audience with mnn > catchy songs and are comedians of some merit while Clark Qldfield ha a tine bass voice and rendered tin solo Any Old Port in a Storm ir an exceptional manner The performance concluded with a laughable farce The Mysterious Hotel which was the source of much amusement The elaborate scenery and electrical effect used in the first act was unusual and wa sapprcciated by all present r SHELBY BALL CLUB ORGANIZED SFIELBYVILLE Ky March 5 At a meeting of the stockholders ol the Shclbyvillc Baseball Club a club < f the Blucgrass League the follow ¬ lug were sleeted directors W Ilardin Caldwell Luther Black J E Baldwin Leon Rothchild J II McKee A F Biter and P B Wois serge These directors will later choos a president and secretary and treas- urer WINCHESTER ROLLER MILLS The oldest and best institution ii the county is the Winchester bile Mills Why not use home flourthi best made Kerr perfection ani White Pearl flour has no equal MARRIAGE LICENSE A marriage license was issued Fri Bailci RECEIVE CONGRATULATIONS Mr and Mrs G 0 Sullivan are re iceiving congratulations on the qrriva of a elevenpound girl at their horn Thursday l1ightI A LONG PASTOKATE I Eider J W Harding preaclied Sun oountyKIT was mto twentynine years I FOR SALE One1 Good work horse a cliQap J P FOX nome phom I arIIi 453t rr 1 i lr DEAN GETS BILL THROUGH HOUSE Goes Back to Senate In Amended Form CRIST BILL ISATTACHED Author Says He Will Accept Addi- tional ¬ Provisions and Upper Branch Will Also Probably Acquiesce Woods Taxation and Public Utili ¬ ties Bill Given Soporific In Senate Clevengers Proposition to Extend Terms of Auditors Postponed Columbus 0 March 5With only nine contrary votes the house passed the Dean saloonkeeper character bill carrying a rider embracing the pro ¬ visions of the Crist bill intended to prohibit the soliciting of sales of liquor in dry territory and authorizing the employment of secret service op- eratives ¬ to enforcethe law Galleries were packed with men and women who early in the proceed ¬ ings sought to applaud Representa ¬ tive Gibbs of Lorain but they wero silenced by Speaker Mooney who for ¬ bade expressions of either approval or disapproval from the galleries Senator Dean arid Otto J Renner of the liquor forces said they would agree to the amendments This means the senate will pass the bill in which event the liquor fight is over The session of the senate was marked by the killing of bills In ¬ tended to increase the terms nf coun ¬ ty auditors and clerks The reference on motion of Senator Johnson of Cin ¬ cinnati ot the Woods bill providing for a state taxation commission which passed the house early in the week to the sqnate judiciary com ¬ mittee is regarded as a burial of the measure for this session Today the assembly holds a formal session and sessions will be held Monday Tuesday and Wednesday Then a recess until Friday will be taken and final adjournment had Fri ¬ dayThe Dean bill which is Intended to elevate the character of men engaged in the saloon business was put through the senate two weeks ago by the liquor interests It makes it diffi cult for unnaturalized residents men who permit gambling or the loitering of improper females about their places or those who sell to minors to continue in the saloon business Saloonkeepers trespassing against those restrictions are subject not only to having their places abated as nui ¬ sances but to imprisonment and fines The measure passed the senate by unanimpus vote the only objection raised by the AntiSaloon league be ¬ ing based upon an insinuation against the sincerity of the liquor interests In pushing the measure The nine men voting against the bill were Representatives Connaugh ton Edwards Jones of Franklin Blond Schaefer Schaibley LeI man Winters and Wyman were 98 votes for the measure The bill of Senator Clevenger to ex ¬ tend the terms of county cuditors two years was indefinitely postponed at his own suggestion It will not be heard from again this session The senate by a vote of 14 to 17 killed the Deaton bill to extend the terms of county clerks Immediately a motion to reconsider was made and carried and then a motion was made and car- ried ¬ to refer the bill to the commit tee on fees and salaries Senator oval the most outspoken member of the upper house against granting fa vors to the county officials is chair M rf this committee and it prob ¬ ably wont be released from the com ¬ mitteeSenator Clevenger In speaking about the bill of Senator Cetone to provide for the registration of resi ¬ dents of tne National Soldiers home at Dayton took occasion to deny re- ports ¬ circulated that the Republican strength of the senate was controlled by party leaders and as evidence that he was not so influenced he said he would vote for the Cetone bill recognized as a Democratic measure Senators Baker and Johnson approv ¬ ed the statements of Senator Cleven ¬ ger and the bill was passed The house passed a bill appropriat ¬ ing 3000 for the establishment of a permanent memorial on the site of the Colllnwood fire a year ago In 1910 the people of Ohio will vote on the question of holding a constitu ¬ tional convention as a result of the houses action in passing the resolu ¬ tion of Senator Mooney which a week ago went through the senate providing for the submission of the question to the voters To Buy Grant Cottage Albany NY March 5The legis ¬ lature will be asked to make an ap- propriation of 6450 for the purchase and preservation of the cottage in which General Grant spent the last days of his life and the woodlands about it on Mount MacGregor near Saratoga Sues Former Officials Lima 0 March 5Unable to se ¬ cure private settlements with former county officials on shortages returned against them by state examiners Prosecutor Welty brought suit in court to compel the returl of 8733 to the county treaeiry- M r7 J + < r RECEIVER IS NAMED Big Coal Company Unable to Meet Interest on Its Bonds Chicago March 5The Coal company of Delaware a DeringI 000 corporation operating Indiana and Illinois was placed in the hands of a receiver by Judge C C Kohlsaat in the United States cir ¬ cuit court The bill for the appointment ot a receiver was filed by the Witt Mer- cantile ¬ company with a claim of 2 924 and Jackson K Dering owner of 350000 worth of the coal concerns stock R R Hammond president of the coal company filed an answer ad ¬ mitting that the corporation was in such financial straits as to make a receivership necessary It is declared that the coal com ¬ pany Is solvent but that It Is being pressed by creditors to whom it owes 1000000 and that it will be unable to meet the interest on its bonded In ¬ debtedness Powder Mill Explodes Kings Mills 0 March 5or the second time this week an explosion took place In the powder mills but this time luckily no one was Injured The accident occurred In the wheel mill but none of the workmen was near by at the time The machinery in the room was uninjured but a large section of the roof and the wall on one side was wrecked Three hun ¬ dred pounds of powder exploded from some unknown cause TROOPS ON THE MARCH Russia and Austria However Both Deny Warlike intentions Kiev March 5The reported move- ments of Russian and Austrian troops each on their own side of the fron- tIer has aroused considerable specu ¬ lation here but in an Interview Gen- eral ¬ Alexieff chief of staff of the Kiev military department denies any purposeful concentration- It is said that Austrian soldiers are being concentrated It Tarnopol and Skalat in Galicia and the Thirty third Russian infantry division is now on its way to this city from the Cau casusMine Foreman Kills Laborer Glencoe 0 March 5Foreman Scott Smith of the Coil com ¬ pany shot and fatallywounded Noble Ault a miner who is an official of the miners union here The two men quarreled over a matter that had something to do with the mine and Smith shot Ault who died several hours later Pulliam Goes South Nashville Tenn March 5 Presi- dent ¬ Pulliam of the National league who has been visiting his sister here left for Florida where he will terrain for five weeks His health has great ¬ ly improved WORLD IS INDICTED New York Grand Jury Continues Al- leged ¬ Panama Libel Investigation New York March 5The federal grand jury here which has been in ¬ vestigating alleged libelous publica ¬ tions in connection with the Panama canal purchase returned indictments against the Press Publishing com- pany ¬ publishers of the New York World and Calbe Van Hamm one of the editors of the World Pension Agencies Remain Washington March 5The house receded from the amendment to the pension appropriation bill consolidat ing in Washington the 18 agencies throughout the country and the last act of the last congress vas to adopt the conference report on that bill The agencies will be continued as in the past Rescued the Crew New York March 5By use of the breeches buoy time life savers of the Moriches Long Island life saving sta tion rescued the captain and a crew of wreckers from the schooner MJlcs M Merry which stranded on the beach several weeks ago Murder In First Degree Elyria 0 March 5Harry Con ¬ nors was convicted of murder in the tint degree for the killing of Yung Ta a Lorain laundryman Robbery was the motive The jury recom ¬ mended clemency and Connors will not be electrocuted Woman Murdered Saugatuck Mich March 5Mrs Mary Baldwin was found murdered at her home two miles east of Sauga ¬ tuck The crime had evidently been committed with some sharp instru- ment or a revolver butt TilE MEAT Of IT Mrs Nathan Radilowltz and her 12 yearold son lost their lives in a New York tenement fire Five hundred shipbuilders employed by the Chicago Snipbuilding company are on strike against a 10 per cent cut In wages A bill has been introduced in the Illinois legislature to prohibit insur ¬ ance companies from combining to regulate rates- Secretary Newberry has ordered the government navy yards at Pensa cola Fla and New Orleans closed for lackof business William E Glasscock was inaug- urated governor of West Virginia succeeding Governor William M 0 DawsJ May Mesaros of Dayton 0 has identified Edward Boylor 15 as the colored boy who recently ttackedher- On the street f j dt y dt 1 1 3Y83HSR i < 1sb1yf d 1 Jft h94aNduq > f t a oatoT S < VT x t- r e f SPRING I I iLadies i We call special attention to the latest NEW YORK CRAZE Theand the AnkleI Eclipse Tie Strap PumpN- otice Cuts of same We also have many more new ideas and take this means of inviting you and your friends to come in Took over try on and tally about our many uptotheminute Spring styles all of which we are showing in our win ¬ dow toda- yMcCord Smith 6 Phillips NO SUNDAY BASE DAft Continued from page one E L Upliam J W Wheeler Harold Wentwortlii W II Wods G N WasscrbQchr Jas S 1il1uv Winchester News Dave PrewittR Cabal Bros W J Cone YottJ Brock John JkolunsonFrom Herald For probably the first tide oil rec- ord in organized baseball a whole team representing another city was signed for trial inn league when this week the management of the Win- chester ¬ baseball club the whole squad whichrcprescntcd Rus Scllville Ky last Year Ten play ¬ ers which were members of this team have putt their Tiaines to contracts fo play for the Clark county team will report the last of March for duty and with about seven other players will be given a thorough try out The signing of the Russellyille team resulted from their good work all last season They played against the strongest semiprofessional tears in the State and won a great r Uy of their games When they met the r Louisville American Associtrtion teamlast season in a postseason game they went down todefeatba score of 4 to 2 Puttman amp Peitz who composed the star battery for the Colonels were in the corners foi them on that dote r Have Faith in the Team II IT Phillips who is one of the directors of the Winchester team was in the city et rdu5aml says that be hopes to see the pennant come to city this year He says tile Win ickester nsareconliellt t ttwitk the men ai6c1x 4f thisdat that > i > f they will have a great team in the fieldPresident George I Uammoml An ¬ nounced yesterday that he chad in cd Pat Danahy of RoclicsliiNvY as one of tile league umpires Dfn ahy Was highly recommcndcrd to him n by manager John Ganzcllr of the Rochester Eastern League teum + Hd is said to be a fair umpire and one that can handle the hardbsk ques ¬ tions He will rcpoit AVUen theRoph Spl1lDgIt Itji patI I is on the same degree ot latitude as Venicer Pertinent Question More than onehalf of the diseases humanity suffers from are due to sheer carelessness And yet we teach hygiene in our schools What would It be if we did not Gazeta Medica Barcelona ir OWEft1NO HOUSE INVENTORiES FREE WE WILL SEND A HAND- SOME ¬ DWELLING HOUSE IN ¬ VENTORY FREE TO ALL WHO WILLMAKEPRITTEH APPLI ¬ CATIONS FOR SAME AND IF DESIRED WILL SEND OUR SOLICITOR TO ASSIST IN MAKING THE INVENTORY JT IS A VALUABLE AND USEFUL BOOK AND ALL WHO CARRY INSURANCE ON THEIR HOUSEHOLD GOODS SHOULD HAVE UME mm mm AGENCY r U Po relit flower i I SI1 RER- TI ilIST c- l 218Cf a fie r a 7 7r d <

D- tt JV a inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74vc65/data/0439.pdf · 2013-06-13 · w rr D-a t c I ii tt JV r i i t2 i r +1y A < Jii a c l il FL i h-i

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Page 1: D- tt JV a inyx.uky.edu/dips/xt708k74vc65/data/0439.pdf · 2013-06-13 · w rr D-a t c I ii tt JV r i i t2 i r +1y A < Jii a c l il FL i h-i

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T ROOSEVELT ADDRESSES THE MEN OF THE FLEET1rI J his photograph was taken while President Itooscvoit was addressing thej officers and men of the flagship Connecticut when the battleship licet returnedt to Hanipton Koads The president stood in the drizzling rain on the after

turret of the vessel and complimented the crew and thanked them In theandfantThe Little Colonel Readers meetwith Miss Helen Ford ou Saturdayafternoon



Tue Cooking Club will meet withMiss Fannie Combs Scott on Saturday


iMiss IHorrye Smith will be the

I charming hostess for the LiteraryandSocial Club on Saturday


J Euchre Partyi One of the most enjoyable evenS

of the week was the delightful Clubparty give by Mrs Harvey Frank ¬

lin Thursday afternoon Euchre be-


the chosen form of amusementVases of huge pink carnations and

rferns were advantageously platedthe pink and green blending har-moniouslY



Mrs Franklin was assisted in en-


by Misses Henrietta andOlivia Gardner Ruth Tucker Eu ¬

nice Earp and Kate Hunt MasterGarland Clark passed the tallies

13 AVtlelightiul dfctnpleraeat to this

f V party was an excellent lunchctihriuingly served

r The guests for the afternoonwere Mesdames Susan G Ander ¬

111son W H Strossnian Orlando Hos-

t 1ki s George Green John M Jen-s


Mattie Oliver of Mt SterlingCurtis Evans George Clark Harrys

J Strother Sam A Jeffries O G

Hadden J W Ishmael CharlesParrish John Clelland Ogden

4 Crutcher Roll Ratliff E E Kidwell A Sayre J T Beckner Lucien Beckner misses Jane GaitskillEvelyn Price Allan Crutchor Kate

f Hunt Ella Pendleton Ruth Tu ek-

e Ann DuorsonEuuice Earp Annar Stoner Rash Olivia and Henrietta

Gardner and Kate Rash

A Substantial MessageI have just received glad tidings

and good news from my friends and

parislwners Mr and Mrs CharlesAttereall in the form of a largebasket of oranges spelling compli-

m ents Why cant everybody inFlorida write tht way 0 JChandler

The Senior Qlass of the Winches ¬

ter High School will give an inter ¬

esting little play this evening at theschool chapel

Mr C P Mann has conductedone of the nicest establishments inthe city and has not only mademoney since his residence hero butalso a host of friends who will regret to see him and his estimablewife and little daughter Miss Eliz ¬

abeth leave Paris Mr Mann isa gentleman of high character

1 business capacity and moatagreeable in a s cial way Parisregrets to lose such a valuable citizen and familyRenlucldan Citi ¬

zenWe are glad to welcome Mr andMrs Mann to Winchester


Mrs W E Singleton and Mrs TE Warnock have returned from adelightful trip to Woodford county

Mr and Mrs Joseph Shannon arevisiting relatives in Carlisle

Mr Lander Skinner has returnedfrom a weeks visit with Misses 01lie and Nette Bean of LexingtonN Messrs Will Jones and Allen Bar-


left this week for TexasI Messrs May Goff Ed Rice Wil ¬

lium Young John Redmon andIsaac Reynolds of North Middletown attended the Jersey sale hereWednesday

fir and Mrs JW Shepherd ofI Missouri are the guests of relativeshero

I Miss Lillian Russell of Mt Ster¬

ling is the guest of Mrs D B Good ¬

IwintMr and YIP S D Laring of


I POPULARITYPopularity is the result of being able to mix in

the affairs of other people without seeming to bemeddlesome We have the popular hoods and willmake the prices so that they will be popular to you


C H BOWEN Jeweler and Optician

The QualityTIe Quantity J

r The Pricea-re three very essential things in

t the selection of the Furnishingsfor your home These are thewatch words in our buying

Twentythree years of businesst

success proves our position is cor-rectv COME 11 HD SEE THE NEW THINGS FOR SPRING

The Winn Furniture CoWe Give SIeH Green Trading Stamps





Punta Arena South America arethe guests of Mr and Mrs A HBrock

Mrs Mattie C Oliver who hasbeen the charming guest of MrsyJohn M Jenkins for several dayshas returned to her home in Mt Sterling

Miss Mary Crutches is the guest offriends in Nicholasville

Miss Nancy Hoclkgin is illJudge E S Jouett is in Frankfort

on business




Son Confesses to Murder of HisMother in Small Town in

T Michigan1

Special to ThcvNewsHOLLAND Micfi March 5El-

on Baldwin confessed today that hepiled his mother who was found leadin lies farmhouse near Saugatuckshort time ago He was afraid shewould charge him with having burn ¬

ed her barn A hatchet was theweapon usedlI



Rather Than Aid Government in itsEfforts in Panama Canal

Libel Case

Special to The News-INDIANAPOLIS Ind March 5

United States District Attorney Kening has resigned here rather than aidthe efforts to bung Delavin Smith audJoseph Pulitzer to Washington in thePanama libel case



Vogels Big Show Furnished Much

Entertainment and Music atOpera House


John W Vogels Big City Minstrelswas the attraction at the opera houseWednesday evening The company ita clever one every artist being se ¬

Ice led with care Orie specialty follows another in rapid successiongood songs a well trained choruseccentric juggling and skilled duneing filled the program

Sam Harris and Charley GallO onjlertaincd the audience with mnn >

catchy songs and are comedians ofsome merit while Clark Qldfield haa tine bass voice and rendered tinsolo Any Old Port in a Storm iran exceptional manner

The performance concluded with alaughable farce The MysteriousHotel which was the source of muchamusement The elaborate sceneryand electrical effect used in the firstact was unusual and wa sapprcciatedby all presentr


SFIELBYVILLE Ky March 5At a meeting of the stockholders ol

the Shclbyvillc Baseball Club a club< f the Blucgrass League the follow ¬

lug were sleeted directorsW Ilardin Caldwell Luther Black

J E Baldwin Leon Rothchild J IIMcKee A F Biter and P B Woisserge

These directors will later choosa president and secretary and treas-



The oldest and best institution iithe county is the Winchester bileMills Why not use home flourthibest made Kerr perfection aniWhite Pearl flour has no equal


A marriage license was issued FriBailciRECEIVE CONGRATULATIONS

Mr and Mrs G 0 Sullivan are reiceiving congratulations on the qrrivaof a elevenpound girl at their horn

Thursday l1ightIA LONG PASTOKATE


Eider J W Harding preaclied SunoountyKITwas mtotwentynine years

I FOR SALE One1 Good work horsea

cliQap J P FOX nome phomI arIIi 453trr 1





Goes Back to Senate In

Amended Form


Author Says He Will Accept Addi-tional


Provisions and Upper BranchWill Also Probably AcquiesceWoods Taxation and Public Utili¬

ties Bill Given Soporific In SenateClevengers Proposition to ExtendTerms of Auditors Postponed

Columbus 0 March 5With onlynine contrary votes the house passedthe Dean saloonkeeper character billcarrying a rider embracing the pro ¬

visions of the Crist bill intended toprohibit the soliciting of sales ofliquor in dry territory and authorizingthe employment of secret service op-


to enforcethe lawGalleries were packed with men

and women who early in the proceed ¬

ings sought to applaud Representa¬

tive Gibbs of Lorain but they werosilenced by Speaker Mooney who for ¬

bade expressions of either approvalor disapproval from the galleriesSenator Dean arid Otto J Renner ofthe liquor forces said they wouldagree to the amendments This meansthe senate will pass the bill in whichevent the liquor fight is over

The session of the senate wasmarked by the killing of bills In ¬

tended to increase the terms nf coun ¬

ty auditors and clerks The referenceon motion of Senator Johnson of Cin ¬

cinnati ot the Woods bill providingfor a state taxation commissionwhich passed the house early in theweek to the sqnate judiciary com ¬

mittee is regarded as a burial of themeasure for this session

Today the assembly holds a formalsession and sessions will be heldMonday Tuesday and WednesdayThen a recess until Friday will betaken and final adjournment had Fri¬

dayTheDean bill which is Intended to

elevate the character of men engagedin the saloon business was putthrough the senate two weeks ago bythe liquor interests It makes it diffi

cult for unnaturalized residents menwho permit gambling or the loiteringof improper females about theirplaces or those who sell to minorsto continue in the saloon businessSaloonkeepers trespassing againstthose restrictions are subject not onlyto having their places abated as nui ¬

sances but to imprisonment andfines The measure passed the senateby unanimpus vote the only objectionraised by the AntiSaloon league be¬

ing based upon an insinuation againstthe sincerity of the liquor interestsIn pushing the measure

The nine men voting against thebill were Representatives Connaughton Edwards Jones of FranklinBlond Schaefer Schaibley LeIman Winters and Wymanwere 98 votes for the measure

The bill of Senator Clevenger to ex¬

tend the terms of county cuditorstwo years was indefinitely postponedat his own suggestion It will not beheard from again this session Thesenate by a vote of 14 to 17 killed theDeaton bill to extend the terms ofcounty clerks Immediately a motionto reconsider was made and carriedand then a motion was made and car-


to refer the bill to the committee on fees and salaries Senator

oval the most outspoken member ofthe upper house against granting favors to the county officials is chair

M rf this committee and it prob ¬

ably wont be released from the com ¬

mitteeSenator Clevenger In speakingabout the bill of Senator Cetone toprovide for the registration of resi ¬

dents of tne National Soldiers homeat Dayton took occasion to deny re-


circulated that the Republicanstrength of the senate was controlledby party leaders and as evidencethat he was not so influenced he saidhe would vote for the Cetone billrecognized as a Democratic measureSenators Baker and Johnson approv ¬

ed the statements of Senator Cleven ¬

ger and the bill was passedThe house passed a bill appropriat¬

ing 3000 for the establishment of apermanent memorial on the site ofthe Colllnwood fire a year ago

In 1910 the people of Ohio will voteon the question of holding a constitu ¬

tional convention as a result of thehouses action in passing the resolu ¬

tion of Senator Mooney which aweek ago went through the senateproviding for the submission of thequestion to the voters

To Buy Grant CottageAlbany NY March 5The legis ¬

lature will be asked to make an ap-propriation of 6450 for the purchaseand preservation of the cottage inwhich General Grant spent the lastdays of his life and the woodlandsabout it on Mount MacGregor nearSaratoga

Sues Former OfficialsLima 0 March 5Unable to se¬

cure private settlements with formercounty officials on shortages returnedagainst them by state examinersProsecutor Welty brought suit incourt to compel the returl of 8733to the county treaeiry-


r7 J+




Big Coal Company Unable to MeetInterest on Its Bonds

Chicago March 5TheCoal company of Delaware a DeringI000 corporation operatingIndiana and Illinois was placed inthe hands of a receiver by Judge CC Kohlsaat in the United States cir ¬

cuit courtThe bill for the appointment ot a

receiver was filed by the Witt Mer-


company with a claim of 2924 and Jackson K Dering owner of

350000 worth of the coal concernsstock R R Hammond president ofthe coal company filed an answer ad ¬

mitting that the corporation was insuch financial straits as to make areceivership necessary

It is declared that the coal com ¬

pany Is solvent but that It Is beingpressed by creditors to whom it owes

1000000 and that it will be unableto meet the interest on its bonded In ¬


Powder Mill ExplodesKings Mills 0 March 5or the

second time this week an explosiontook place In the powder mills butthis time luckily no one was InjuredThe accident occurred In the wheelmill but none of the workmen wasnear by at the time The machineryin the room was uninjured but alarge section of the roof and the wallon one side was wrecked Three hun ¬

dred pounds of powder exploded fromsome unknown cause


Russia and Austria However BothDeny Warlike intentions

Kiev March 5The reported move-ments of Russian and Austrian troopseach on their own side of the fron-tIer has aroused considerable specu ¬

lation here but in an Interview Gen-eral


Alexieff chief of staff of theKiev military department denies anypurposeful concentration-

It is said that Austrian soldiers arebeing concentrated It Tarnopol andSkalat in Galicia and the Thirtythird Russian infantry division is nowon its way to this city from the Cau

casusMineForeman Kills Laborer

Glencoe 0 March 5ForemanScott Smith of the Coil com ¬

pany shot and fatallywounded NobleAult a miner who is an official ofthe miners union here The two menquarreled over a matter that hadsomething to do with the mine andSmith shot Ault who died severalhours later

Pulliam Goes SouthNashville Tenn March 5 Presi-


Pulliam of the National leaguewho has been visiting his sister hereleft for Florida where he will terrainfor five weeks His health has great¬

ly improved


New York Grand Jury Continues Al-


Panama Libel InvestigationNew York March 5The federal

grand jury here which has been in ¬

vestigating alleged libelous publica ¬

tions in connection with the Panamacanal purchase returned indictmentsagainst the Press Publishing com-pany


publishers of the New YorkWorld and Calbe Van Hamm one ofthe editors of the World

Pension Agencies RemainWashington March 5The house

receded from the amendment to thepension appropriation bill consolidating in Washington the 18 agenciesthroughout the country and the lastact of the last congress vas toadopt the conference report on thatbill The agencies will be continuedas in the past

Rescued the CrewNew York March 5By use of the

breeches buoy time life savers of theMoriches Long Island life saving station rescued the captain and a crewof wreckers from the schooner MJlcsM Merry which stranded on thebeach several weeks ago

Murder In First DegreeElyria 0 March 5Harry Con ¬

nors was convicted of murder in thetint degree for the killing of YungTa a Lorain laundryman Robberywas the motive The jury recom ¬

mended clemency and Connors willnot be electrocuted

Woman MurderedSaugatuck Mich March 5Mrs

Mary Baldwin was found murdered ather home two miles east of Sauga ¬

tuck The crime had evidently beencommitted with some sharp instru-ment or a revolver butt


Mrs Nathan Radilowltz and her 12yearold son lost their lives in a NewYork tenement fire

Five hundred shipbuilders employedby the Chicago Snipbuilding companyare on strike against a 10 per centcut In wages

A bill has been introduced in theIllinois legislature to prohibit insur ¬

ance companies from combining toregulate rates-

Secretary Newberry has orderedthe government navy yards at Pensacola Fla and New Orleans closedfor lackof business

William E Glasscock was inaug-urated governor of West Virginiasucceeding Governor William M 0DawsJMay Mesaros of Dayton 0 hasidentified Edward Boylor 15 as thecolored boy who recently ttackedher-

On the street fj dt y

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I iLadiesi

We call special attention to the latestNEW YORK CRAZE

Theand the AnkleIEclipse Tie Strap PumpN-

otice Cuts of same

We also have many more newideas and take this means of invitingyou and your friends to come in Tookover try on and tally about our manyuptotheminute Spring styles all ofwhich we are showing in our win ¬

dow toda-

yMcCord Smith 6 Phillips


Continued from page one

E L UpliamJ W WheelerHarold WentwortliiW II WodsG N WasscrbQchrJas S 1il1uvWinchester NewsDave PrewittRCabal BrosW J ConeYottJ Brock



For probably the first tide oil rec-ord in organized baseball a wholeteam representing another city wassigned for trial inn league when thisweek the management of the Win-


baseball club thewhole squad whichrcprescntcd RusScllville Ky last Year Ten play ¬

ers which were members of this teamhave putt their Tiaines to contractsfo play for the Clark county team

will report the last of Marchfor duty and with about seven otherplayers will be given a thorough tryout The signing of the Russellyilleteam resulted from their good workall last season They played againstthe strongest semiprofessional tearsin the State and won a great rUy of their games When they metthe r Louisville American Associtrtionteamlast season in a postseasongame they went down todefeatbascore of 4 to 2 Puttman amp Peitzwho composed the star battery forthe Colonels were in the corners foithem on that dote

r Have Faith in the TeamII IT Phillips who is one of the

directors of the Winchester team wasin the city et rdu5aml says thatbe hopes to see the pennant come to

city this year He says tile Winickester nsareconliellt t ttwitkthe men ai6c1x 4f thisdat that

> i >


they will have a great team in the

fieldPresidentGeorge I Uammoml An ¬

nounced yesterday that he chad incd Pat Danahy of RoclicsliiNvYas one of tile league umpires Dfnahy Was highly recommcndcrd to him nby manager John Ganzcllr of theRochester Eastern League teum + Hdis said to be a fair umpire and onethat can handle the hardbsk ques¬

tions He will rcpoit AVUen theRoph


is on the same degree ot latitude asVenicerPertinent Question

More than onehalf of the diseaseshumanity suffers from are due tosheer carelessness And yet we teachhygiene in our schools What wouldIt be if we did not Gazeta MedicaBarcelona










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