BOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY MAKCS 8 p t i J X J- r r t 1 tHE 1O7 i 2 i I- r rTT T Tri d L- f I I- I 4 4 4 e 4 f I 4 P S + MousoudB- y HOWARD FIELDING I C 1906 CftarZca W Hoole 5 T had been a bad Saturday for Billy Allenwood Somebody hadnt come downtown that day else a bookkeeping eveature for the other bad no authority to ad vancfe money on uncompleted serial Billy made the rounds but there was no money aIywhere and when he went to take Dorothy Vincent to dinner he had only 3 in his pocket Dorothy was an orphan and an heir e7s She received a check on the every month but though there are few characters so strong as not to be affected by security and regularity of income Dorothy remained a good bo hemian and as reckless with money as you could wish your dearest friend to be She reveled in rich and dainty fabrics which she transformed by her art and labor into the most be Mtching garments On this pnrticular Evening she wore a tenderly exquisite creation in a gray tone and carried a Jittle gray purse which contained her all the sum of 35 cents This purse was intrusted to Billys care A strange subject of discussion them at dinner and on the way to Dorothys house Billy had an op- portunity to join with two other men la starting u magazine of which he was to be editor but they stipulated that he should contribute 81500 to the capital is not defined in any dictionary so adequately as by that utatement Billy could not have raised 3500 cranberries at a dollar a bushel but Dorothy could raise dollars and she insisted that she should he per mitted to disturb her meager patri mony to the extent required and be ome a partner in the enterprise She would lend the money to Billy and go shares with him To him however her little fortune was the only redeeming feature of a world otherwise ill ordered the power of language to de- scribe He knew what miseries she thus men knew better ban BilJy and be would sooner have Jlisturbed the law of gravitation which holds us to the world than ive dis- lodged the anchor of Dorothys safety lie was telling her so in very ole fluent language as they strolled along when they were suddenly aware of a flurry in the throng and the quick gathering oj a crowd A man had fallen from the platform of a ar and now sat ou the curbstone dazed and bleeding It seemed that there had been an attempt to pick his pocket and that the thief detected ad pushed his intended victim to the Street As usual the car had gone on Reaving only the most contradictory rumorshi its wake man was under middle and f a very prosperous appearance a gentlemafl evidently for he showed Idmself superior to hIs mishap even though it had bereft him of a good iare of his consciousness Before any DUe had liaised a hand to help him he upon his feet with a certain dig iity though the dullness of his eyes Showed that his wits were whirling He found a in his pocket fitter soranambulous fumbling gave card to a cabman and when the door 1 c j- rt Mr I I t Cop rla7lt by fi I f i l tories J t J first- f i own r oc- CUlted r J yond escapedfew 1l crowded i i The ge rA 1 J itj rot 1 f f eal case 1 a ii Some- body I t t t 1k I T iS 5 c i s t t T k ¬ ¬ < > = = t xofftke Ychiete had been opened got i a- i nnasglftted Cabby mounted the box and djoye away Slti s nlyya few from that pot to BoEothys house At the door iho said Youhave m iinrso BHIy bfeiei mind said hei TeWily- f TJierewas next to nothing iu it Good ght- BHly Bftid Good night aud walked 3owu theBtreet- naujntihare dropped it where that fellow vwiis ii rtJ said He to hiEaselfr- 4ad thetrecoitectloa that the purse was ik tint of asjphalt paving gave iiin absurd encouraeemenf So he to the scene of the accIdent praying for a miracle but he did not find the pvrse Instead he found a sealed envelope sejt up against the curb as if by design and most excel- lently placed to avoid obaervfttioB- Biljy Ii fd if as a certainty that this was a note whicli had t Ut TEE Ju Q ns J AmID La- it Th1ZDneI t I blocks hadnt it 7 4 j t lQtll1nge the1 JJ1Jkp th fve1 peex pt 1 t ttf- tf l I- r ON z p S Butalasbe ir I I 4 re- turned j There as pzirited iiiteJi IiIa- b not heeD > < jroppeQ y the mail who hadVbeen- aurt tobably it had been dislodged from his pocket when he fell and had remained caught in his clothing while he dragged himself to the curb So far is Billy could judge it was precisely- u the right spot to lit this hypothesis Ho put tim note into his pocket and the next moment had forgotten it Sundays papers contained no men lion of the accident to Mr Mousoud The city directory did not contain his mme Ju Monday mornings papers Billy placed a small Jinoug the Lost and Found but there was no response All inquiries ailed and in the1 course of the week Billy put the note away in a drawer Df his writing table and forgot it Far nore pressing matters claimed his at eutiou Dorothy was called to her lome in the west and a harrowing tormented Billy that despite the positive commands that he had laid upon her she hadlgono to get money- or the magazine Meanwhile the icheme boiled One afternoon following a confer 2iice upon the all important topic Billy returned to his home so crazed with enthusiasm that happening to find the lean old serving maid dusting his he began to deliver au oration to her on tile subject of magazine pub- lication His eloquence produced an unexpected effect for the woman be wildly excited and finally fell to the floor in a sort of fit Then Billy ran for the landlady with whose as sistance he carried the hysterical ervant to her room Returning to his own place after this unusual exercise he sat down to reflect upon the strange happenings that had recently varied the monotony of his ex- istence and was present confronted- by one that overtopped the others topped everything he could remember ito have seen outside of dreamland There was upon the desk a paper I weight of painted porcelain a Christ- mas present from Dorothy and very dear to his heart Protruding from beneath it he now beheld something green and this green substance proved- to be four bank notes each of the de- nomination of 500 dear little girl he said and the tears rushed into his eyes This was not money more it was- her love and he laid down his on these poor counters in the pretty gamp of trade and kissed them Presently he arose put the money into his safest pocket and strode To Dorothys house where he was in formed that Miss Vincent had not returned to town Billy knew better He perceived a trick and instantly formulated one of his own He to Dorothy In the west though he knew she wasnt thereas follows- I cant tale it Dorothy but the rreatest girl in ih world In the early ca rue this roply You must JJnt JHJW li l you firrf out lbout it AOROTIIY To which he responded I have the money will liold It for rolL 1 cannot use it fs you wish 1 oclock in the morning the door- bell clanged ami Billy received this telegram Impossible DKf not mail check till to lay CsEnt imden Uin l you mean DOROTHY Billy had not money enough to con- tinue this correspondence by wire with Dut breaking one of the 500 hills so he wrote a long letter which he mailed about daybreak and by the last that afternoon he received Dor letter of subtle persuasion md incjosin her check for 1500 Three rtnys later came Dorothy herself aud in time thrilling conversation which ensued she denied iu the most explicit manner Jill knowledge of the larger eiim- It will bo remembered that Louis XI af France had many solemn forms of adjuration only one of which be held to be binding and he would never tell which of them it was Few mon have been so clever as Louis but nearly all women are Protestation with mental reservation Is the naturaj capou of she sex As a student of human nature Billy Allouwood knew Ibis and though held Dooihy to be the flawless nearl of womanhood he still cttuld not Tree his mind of notion that the tour big hank notes been It was therefore with an in- definable rijafayryr a sense of some- thing gout from his own soul that he it last paid down the 2000 lute the eupital of the tcrcii scheme v Jute 1 00 whluh was con r scUy- Dorothys was placed in bank i the early days wkeM ifee cherao seemed smxily winuisg Bifiry lat kis- Dalsince wheel veered t tile ialugi K that Jie had foolishly sitjtD ro o t from the greatest j rtu lty of ier her money The caaae the later ffrtye the days of dioi6mkv eBt f ex- penses jnurvel sly and rc eipts miraculously sfcrauk On the blackest of black days when Billy bad left the office merely to get- away from it and not because his work was done he was awnire of a re tnembered face in the crowd and n- aame leaded into his mInd f beg your pardon sir said he Are you Mr Mousoud No replied the stranger with a touch of excellent r courtesy oven in EO small a matter J I happened to be present when you 1 met with an accident two or three months ago said Billy and ward I foupd letter on the spot and described the occurrence it mine said ihfe ether who loomed surprised and even more iTflusea Hay 1 sk what has be 2ohie of itf v 54 A irr ltxsi iii i Billy 4 Wpuw come witii If you were your tiiept- res said Jie- E EO followed an introduction eat came I I I Dear iou any yet- I tele- graphed our evening I At I I hat I I I lull I I I I e the hut life at c her t I Te t I was lae pr nW you enl tJJA j f 1 j U ay f advertisement- S room head- away ana 5 de- livery Imad duce ers ad sweIn aft r aire to > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ± < whereby it appeared that tills man was Julian Winser president of the old Livingstone bank in which posi tion he had recently succeeded his far theras Billy knew from newspaper re- ports Bankers were not popular with Billy just then for the officials of the hank where the magazine kept Its dwindling account had turned a deaf ear to all pleas for accommodation- Yet Sir Winser seemed a very decent fellow despite his occupation When they came to Billys room he could not at first remember where he had put the Mousoud envelope and it ¬ ¬ j WE THAT YOU OPENED Tins EN- VELOPE was by accident that he round it in a drawer which he had not opened since it was put uway Time envelope been torn und was empty Dazed and ashamed Billy laid it upon the desk without word and the two men looked into each others eyes a You Intro 110 idea who did said Winser Billy shook his head What was in he asked with the lull manner of a discouraged man and he male a vain search of the drawer Wiiiser had not replied He was beudirig over the envelope and smiling j There is a strange thing about ny penmanship said last It is al- ways legible but usually not in the j right way Yes Hints Mr Mousoud sure enough but when I wrote it I that it was two thousand- j The breath went out of Billy iu a gasp He took the envelope out of i Winders hand anti stared at the writ j Two tliousandV Not two thousand dollars x Yes responded Winser I put the money into ait envelope and wrote the amount on the outside because I had an- other lw others in fact wlthdlffercjit sums found rAOTO on this desk said nab and Ive lot it In a weekly magazine Truth Proba- jWy Jou havent seen a copy Its a fail ure You surprise me It certainly loolts prosperous Did you invest my money there- Upon this Biily told the whole story and it sounded to him like a He but Win ser gave no sign of disbelief Of course I should not have used the money without knowing where it came from said he in conclusion but I per sua ert myself that riomebody had been my good angel There are two or three men in this city who were close friends of mine in college and are now very rich Miss Vincent had ojten heard irio speak of them and though she knew that the acquaintance had been entirely broken off because of the difference of our cir- cumstances she might have found means i j The theory was wild but so extraordinary nn event seemed to excuse a little dream- ing Of oourse I never connected this money with the MouSdud letter which I had practically forgotten The money said Vyinser must have been left on your de l that afternoon when you found it Had anj one been here I questioned the servant as Scott as she was well said that a man had j called for me twice but she describe a poor devil of an artist a friend of mine who had been here before He wasnt he man however Winser took some seconds for reflec- tion and then said I am a good questioner May I this servant t Certainly said Billly and he rang the bell The meager servitor answered the promptly MivJam said lYinser we kribrr that j you opened tills envelops and tok out the mow y and put a part ef K under that paperweight What did you do with the rest lVt x She stood rigid for an iuStarJ and ttien turned fifiiy in a of wrath 4 j Yu Hel she screamed Yu sot it aU f it I never got nethm i j knew it Y vt oame ki here that c arid If neyer wsrsr out the room tilL y a- j eatne Thats tbe truth andi I dont you sky The moifey vra my hand and I put it on the desk and you I took it and i That Is all that we require said Winser and with Billys help succeed- ed In persunAlngr the woman that she was 4 charged with no crime i And now Mr Allenjvood lie resumed J when they were alone we have np this simple in atery and thk letter stands between us two alone K seems that I am in a sense a partner In Truthrf- c very excellent maffaaine to read but not to own as 1 judge front what you L little further into itssffftira- j Billy save a clejar statement of the con fljtion ot the inaKazIne and this was first of several 5dftfernQ rB between th m- I to loan a certain umbf nftney with the proviso that hs xltould name R neV busi- wesfl manager What share of jn ulti- mate success of Trlith should X Sitd to apjpolutefe and what ahare to his financial bcing I woViVd n6t wislito decide but the tnaeacme is a great prop- erty today as everybody Hno e Tie held by Allenwood amid Mies are worth a good deal of money anfl salaries ae as i r fits These interests were recently consolidated y th jBarrla e of jtho partltis ana one f th Moat prized an l most valuable f presents was from Julian tVins i who aseumed for that oerairSon i XOW I had moment j thiS I 1 I itt I heat l I J Io t Itt I I to communicate my need to one I I i I Sh sum- mons i Winser te and j v fit l r i Y have said to intrude a the final wthat Wlnstl be Wln ers Jlil ue Vin- cent there well 1 he le ding H 2f Mr r I sup- posed zig I If of hem c see ibla2e care what May I The reu1t ret Ire name WthjotfjL ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < < ¬ ¬ > > BLACKBURN APPOINTED ON ISTHMIAN COMMISSION Presidents Selection Meets With Hearty Approval Other News From Capital WASHINGTON March presidential appointment in several months has given greater satisfaction than the naming of Senator J C S Blackburn to a place on the Isthmian Canal Commission soon to be recogni- zd The Kentuckian is popular not only in Congress but counts his friends by hundreds throughout Washington has been understood for some time that President Roosevelt had Senator Blackburn under consideration for a place on the Interstate Commerce Com- mission but it is generally believed by the Senators friends that the canal will prove far move congenial than dry statistics and drier hear ings of the Commerce Board The final days of Avery Congress turn dignified legislators into romping schoolboys and the evening sessions of the House were anything but sedate The last Friday of the session was no exception to the rule and when Mr Mahon nf Pennsylvania demand- ed a roll call on the the first bill it was found that a quorum was not present The doors were closed and the SergeantatArms was ordered- to arrest and bring in the absentees During the wait of more than an hour the sixty memoers present whistled and sang and generally disported them selves Among the pleasantries was the filing of mock proceedings bringing John Wesley Gaines of Tennesse be fore the HOUJC for an alleged infrac tion of the rules based on his bill pro viding for the docking of membeis absent without leave Mr Gaines made a witty speech which was inter- rupted by the arrival of Representa tive J Sloat Fassetts big touring car in which were eight Congressmen in evening dress who guests of the New York Representative at a dinner party They had been arrested and haled unceremoniously to The UTen proceeded with business and because of the wait did not adjourn until midnight The rivers and harbors appropriation- bill finally has been disposed of and the money for improvements to the The Senate and House conferfes contrary to the general belief experi enced little difficulty coming agreement on the measure As the originally passed the House it carried upward of 830000000 which was in creased in the Senate to close to 93- i 000000 As it now stands the mcas carries in exact figures 86963432 j The House conferees refusedto acceae to the Senate increase in theappropri ation for the improvement Mis sissippi between the mouth of the Ohio j and the mouth of the Missouri and the provision for the construction of Lock and Dam No 7 in the Ohio River Taken in its entirety however the bill marks an epoch in that it practically commits Congress to a more libreal and ments While the measure size up with the claims put forward by the National Rivers and Harbors Con- gress it makes a long advance toward meeting those demands This organi- zation will continue to work to an end I that the federal government appropri- ate 50000000 each year to prosecute development work on the nations rivers harbors It did not come altogether as a shock when the announcement was made offi cially that Secretary haw would I head Carnegie TrustCom pany in New York on his retirment the Treasury The phase of the j matter that is puzzling Washington is j the attitude that Mr Shaw will adopt in connection with the Republican convention It is well known that in j the early 1900s Mr Shaw was regard ed as having almost a lien on the nomi nation for the Presidency and was con j sidered pn of the strongest candidates i that could be put up to head of the Re ticket President Roosevelts- jeojp in shelving Mr Shaw in the Treasury had the effect of putting or less of an extinguisher on his Presi dential aspirations Just how effective this extinguisher has been problema tical While the Carnegie Trust Com- pany has issued an official announce- ment that Mr Shaw assumed the presi dency of that organization on March 4th It is understood that he will spend some time at the Homestead Hotel in Hot Springs Va where he will take the mineral baths and recuperate from his five years of ardouus work in regu j lating the finances of the cou itry- Lost i Childs gray squirrel neck scarf S litabie reward for return of scarf to The Bourbon News office RATES VIA QUEEN GRESCENT ROUTE On the First and Tuesdays of Each Month to Many Points SOUTH Winter Tourist Tickets now on Sale good returning 31st y- H O KING C P T Lexington Kj n 6Probably- no th 0 I I I passage of I I j I I hadbeen I their- s t I I I 0 I countrys waterways soon will be in tom bill I I lure ofthe I far reaching policy of internal impreve I I an 0 I ofthe j from i I more I i I I REDUCED I Third i I t tIllMay rp r C tWl te- I A J Y of wrk avail- able be- come next S roirth ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > = = < << > < < Most people know that if they have been sick they need Scott s Em- jfion to bring back health and strength 900099909999999999000t 4 4 a But the strongest point about Scott jr- Emcifaton is that you dont have to be sick to get results from it It keeps up the athletes strength puts fat jg- on thin people makes a fretful baby happy jL brings color to a pale girls cheeks and pre- Vents coughs colds and consumption jpr Food in concentrated form for sick and well young and old rich and poor t And it contains no drugs and no alcohol 4 ALL DRUGGISTS 5Oc AND 1OO JTV g 0- Ar ct f V- II 1 W- v Ji o o 9 0 0t- QI 0 o t 60000 I 4 CONTRACTS LIT Turnpike Supervisor Lets Contracts for 15000 in Repairs to Roads List of Successful Bidders- At the office of Turnpike Supervisor Claude F Redmon Monday the bids for the repairing of the turnpikes of Bourbon county were opened and were let to the following bid ders as they had submitted the lowest and best bids in response to an adver tisement for that purpose The sealed bids were and considered by the Supervisor and the Turnpike Com- mittee the Bourbon Fiscal Courtr consisting of Esquires Keller and Thomason For District Mo 1 in charge of Supervisor Redmon the bids accepted were as follows Maysville Lexington and George town Centerville pikes 100 rods of knapped Tock to be spread according- to specifications to E J Welsh at S9 per Hume Bedford road 25 rods to Thomas Maher at 850 per rod Winchester 100 rods John Maher at 825 Clintonville 50 rods to Shipp Marshall at Bethlehem 75 rods to Thomas Maher at 850 North Middletown Thatch ersj 31 rods at Rr rods to P L Burke at 850 Iron Works Extension 30 rods to P L Burke at 850 Ware pike no bids Hopewell Bethlehem 25 rods to P L Burke at 850 Bryant Station road no bids Antioch no bids Stewart pike no bids Greenwich 15 rods to Thomas Maher at 850 Harp Ennis pike no bids Hawkins Cummins 50 rods to James Holleran at9 Centerville Jacksonville 10 rods to E J Welsh at 8 Hill pike South end no bids Fords Mill 7 rods to B F Bedford at 7 District No 2 W E Speaks Dep uty Jacksonville West end 50 rods to P S See at 690 Cane Ridge Millersburg 20 rods to W B Linville at 775 Youngs Mill 10 rods to Letton Bros at 750 Tarr Station 5 rods to P S See at 8 Robert Tarr 5 rods to P S See at 8 Millersburg Cynthiana 50 rods to W B Linville at 775 Summit Station no bids Headquar ters no bids Steele Ford 30 rods to P S See at 8 Colville 30 rods to Ollie Ingram at 88 Talbott pike 5 rods Ore Jones at 8 Talbott pike Cynthiana Ruuddles Mills 30 rods W Conway at 750 Ruddles Mills Millersburg 40 rods to W B Linville at 775 Ardery pike20 rods Moat Rankin at 8 Redmon pike 50 rods to John Long at 8 Paris Rud dies Mills30 rods to Mat Long Bro at 7 75 Paris Peacock 30 rods to J E Hutchison at 750 Shawhan Raddles Mills 20 rods to Moat Rankin at 720 Shawhan Kiser and Mt Carmel Shawhan 15 rods to C D Wilson at 815 Paris Townsend 30 rods to James Holleran at 770 Clay Kiser 150 rods to James Holleran- at 7 70 Jacksonville Centerville 20 rods to E J Welsh at 8 Lees burg Jacksonville 15 rods to James Holleran at 88 Leesburg Newtown- no bids Hill pike no bids Brents villey 60 rods to J C Morris at 750 McKee 10 rods to Ollie Ingram at 8 Ford Bowen to J E Hutchison- at 7 50 District No 3 Deputy Supervisor R I I I I of 875 850 Frankfort Iron Works 20 SupervisorParis to J con- tracts H ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ M Gilkly Steele pike no bids North Middletown 85 rods to Ed Talbott at Spears Mill Win chester no bids E K Thomas pike 40 rods Clifton Thomas at 7 Sea monds Mill Stony Point 40 rods to Abe Carmine at 625 North Middle town Winchester 20 rods to Patrick Bros at 660 r North Middletown 36 North Middletown Levee 75 rods Ed Talbott and 0 D Gaston Oldson pike 10 rods to Ed Talbott- at 7 Prescott pike 25 rods to C W Gilkey at 695 Brush Creek 25 rids to J W Crump at 575 Harrods to Frank Collier at 7 Little Rock Paris 35 rods to L A Soper at 7 North Middletown Owingsville 25 rods to Dan E Reed at 650 Little Rock Mt Sterling 30 rods to J W Crump Boones Creek 20 rods W Reed at 650 Carlisle Plum 80 rods to P S See afc 650 Carlisle Rogers Mill 15 rods to James Bonta at 650 Paris 90 rods to P S See at 7 Convict 12 roes to Dan Reed at 650 Jackstown Little Rock 40 rods to Alonzo McKinzey at 645 String Town 25 rods to J W Crump at 650 Glenn pike no bids See pike 15 rods to R H Bannister at 725 Lit- tle Rock Paris South end 80 iod to James Bonta at 7 The contracts awarded mean an exr perditure of approximately 18000 and does not include the Maysville Lexington road which is the thoroughfare in the county It is con templated to reconstruct this road fcy the use of road machinery including a heavy steam roller the outfit haying been recently purchased by the Court Bonds for the above contracts will be signed and filed Saturday as Super- visor Redmons office in the courthouse Engraving- If you want the very latest style in engraved cards leave your order at 1th5s Hows This V We offer One Hundred Dollars for any case of catarrh that can- not be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure F J CHENEY CO Toledo the undersigned have known F J Cheney for the last 15 years and him perfectly honorable in all business transactions and financially able to carry out any obligations by his firm WALDING KINNAN MARVIN Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0 Halls Catarrh Cure is taken acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces of the system Testimonials sent free Price 75 cents per bottle Sold by all druggists Take Halls Family Pills for constipa- tion 24nov Good News to Women Father Williams Indian Tea Natures Remedy is becoming 1 most popular Female Remedy m usePale Weak Nervous Delicate Women suffering from those eok nesses and diseases peculiar to the c sex will find in Father Williams Regulator It the Nerves on flesh gives strength and elasticity to the step brightens the eyes clears the complexion and makes you strong again Tea or Tablets it cents For by W TBrooks Pari I 775 to 1 Mt Sterling 75 rodsto Ed Talbott at I at 5 Creek no bids Rock Bridge 20 rods 6 I to J Jackst wn k r main t Re- ward O- We It O- J Indian Tea a wonderful arid l- and u at a bel- ieve made inter- nally Tonic wc ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ STALLIONS IN SERVICES ffft is Always a fay ir t t- MJaflehursf Stock Farm LOCANDA 202 A superb individual a true and tried race champion and a royally bred Fastest son of his sire champion liv ing stallion wheels the worlds greatest living sire Fastest soil of a daughter of Alcyon conceded to greatest son of George LOCANDA holds the worlds l mile of 315 was the champion racing stallion of 1904 and 1905 3yearold record 216 4yearold record 213 J 5yearold record 207 dr yearold record 205 7yearold Syear old record FEE 50 FOR A LIVING COLT Jay More 41904 Metd Brown 2 19f Baroness Albert 226 Oakmore 228 by Strafelimore Togo for cole Parfs KentocJty t1 u t b 202 v i lam Strathmore Edward G 2123 i 1 drow j J ADDRESS I W A 1JAGONt 4 rec I By TayBirtl Sallie dam of 0S 5 lE515 Jacks 10 allying I- U ¬ < < = > < >

I- I Mr I Scottnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872wd0s/data/0165.pdfBOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY MAKCS 8 p t i J X J-r r t 1 tHE 1O7 i 2 i I- r rTT T Tri d L-f I I- I 4 4 4 e 4 f I P 4 S + MousoudB-y

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Page 1: I- I Mr I Scottnyx.uky.edu/dips/xt7rn872wd0s/data/0165.pdfBOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY MAKCS 8 p t i J X J-r r t 1 tHE 1O7 i 2 i I- r rTT T Tri d L-f I I- I 4 4 4 e 4 f I P 4 S + MousoudB-y




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r r t 1 tHE 1O7 i 2 i I-


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IC 1906 CftarZca W Hoole 5

T had been a bad Saturday forBilly Allenwood Somebody hadntcome downtown that day

else a bookkeeping eveaturefor the other bad no authority to advancfe money on uncompleted serial

Billy made the rounds butthere was no money aIywhere andwhen he went to take Dorothy Vincentto dinner he had only 3 in his pocket

Dorothy was an orphan and an heire7s She received a check on the

every month but though there arefew characters so strong as not to beaffected by security and regularity ofincome Dorothy remained a good bohemian and as reckless with money asyou could wish your dearest friend tobe She reveled in rich and daintyfabrics which she transformed by her

art and labor into the most beMtching garments On this pnrticularEvening she wore a tenderly exquisitecreation in a gray tone and carried aJittle gray purse which contained herall the sum of 35 cents This pursewas intrusted to Billys care

A strange subject of discussionthem at dinner and on the way

to Dorothys house Billy had an op-

portunity to join with two other menla starting u magazine of which hewas to be editor but they stipulatedthat he should contribute 81500 to thecapital is not defined inany dictionary so adequately as by thatutatement Billy could not have raised3500 cranberries at a dollar a bushelbut Dorothy could raise dollars andshe insisted that she should he permitted to disturb her meager patrimony to the extent required and beome a partner in the enterprise Shewould lend the money to Billy and goshares with him To him however herlittle fortune was the only redeemingfeature of a world otherwise ill ordered

the power of language to de-

scribe He knew what miseries shethus men knew betterban BilJy and be would sooner haveJlisturbed the law of gravitation whichholds us to the world than ive dis-lodged the anchor of Dorothys safetylie was telling her so in very ole

fluent language as they strolled alongwhen they were suddenly aware of aflurry in the throng and the quickgathering oj a crowd A man hadfallen from the platform of aar and now sat ou the curbstone

dazed and bleeding It seemed thatthere had been an attempt to pick hispocket and that the thief detectedad pushed his intended victim to theStreet As usual the car had gone on

Reaving only the most contradictoryrumorshi its wake

man was under middle andf a very prosperous appearance a

gentlemafl evidently for he showedIdmself superior to hIs mishap eventhough it had bereft him of a good

iare of his consciousness Before anyDUe had liaised a hand to help him he

upon his feet with a certain digiity though the dullness of his eyes

Showed that his wits were whirlingHe found a in his pocketfitter soranambulous fumbling gavecard to a cabman and when the door



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t xofftke Ychiete had been opened got i a-

i nnasglftted Cabby mounted the boxand djoye awaySlti s nlyya few from thatpot to BoEothys house At the dooriho said Youhave m iinrso BHIy

bfeiei mind said hei TeWily-fTJierewas next to nothing iu it Good

ght-BHly Bftid Good night aud walked

3owu theBtreet-naujntihare dropped it where that

fellow vwiis ii rtJ said He to hiEaselfr-4ad thetrecoitectloa that the purse was

ik tint of asjphalt paving gaveiiin absurd encouraeemenf So he

to the scene of the accIdentpraying for a miracle but he did notfind the pvrse Instead he found asealed envelope sejt up against thecurb as if by design and most excel-lently placed to avoid obaervfttioB-

Biljy Ii fd if as a certaintythat this was a note whicli had


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j There as pziritediiiteJi IiIa-





jroppeQ y the mail who hadVbeen-aurt tobably it had been dislodgedfrom his pocket when he fell and hadremained caught in his clothing whilehe dragged himself to the curb So faris Billy could judge it was precisely-u the right spot to lit this hypothesisHo put tim note into his pocket andthe next moment had forgotten it

Sundays papers contained no menlion of the accident to Mr MousoudThe city directory did not contain hismme Ju Monday mornings papersBilly placed a smallJinoug the Lost and Found butthere was no response All inquiriesailed and in the1 course of the weekBilly put the note away in a drawerDf his writing table and forgot it Farnore pressing matters claimed his ateutiou Dorothy was called to herlome in the west and a harrowing

tormented Billy that despite thepositive commands that he had laidupon her she hadlgono to get money-or the magazine Meanwhile theicheme boiled

One afternoon following a confer2iice upon the all important topic Billyreturned to his home so crazed withenthusiasm that happening to find thelean old serving maid dusting his

he began to deliver au orationto her on tile subject of magazine pub-lication His eloquence produced anunexpected effect for the woman be

wildly excited and finally fell tothe floor in a sort of fit Then Billyran for the landlady with whose assistance he carried the hystericalervant to her room

Returning to his own place after thisunusual exercise he sat down to reflectupon the strange happenings that hadrecently varied the monotony of his ex-

istence and was present confronted-by one that overtopped the otherstopped everything he could remember

ito have seen outside of dreamlandThere was upon the desk a paper

I weight of painted porcelain a Christ-mas present from Dorothy and verydear to his heart Protruding frombeneath it he now beheld somethinggreen and this green substance proved-to be four bank notes each of the de-

nomination of 500

dear little girl he saidand the tears rushed into his eyesThis was not money more it was-

her love and he laid down hison these poor counters in the prettygamp of trade and kissed them

Presently he arose put the moneyinto his safest pocket and strodeTo Dorothys house where he was informed that Miss Vincent had notreturned to town Billy knew betterHe perceived a trick and instantlyformulated one of his own He

to DorothyIn the west thoughhe knew she wasnt thereas follows-

I cant tale it Dorothy but therreatest girl in ih world

In the early ca rue this roplyYou must JJnt JHJW li l you firrf out

lbout it AOROTIIYTo which he respondedI have the money will liold It for

rolL 1 cannot use it fs you wish1 oclock in the morning the door-

bell clanged ami Billy received thistelegram

Impossible DKf not mail check till tolay CsEnt imden Uin l you mean

DOROTHYBilly had not money enough to con-

tinue this correspondence by wire withDut breaking one of the 500 hills so hewrote a long letter which he mailedabout daybreak and by the last

that afternoon he received Dorletter of subtle persuasion

md incjosin her check for 1500Three rtnys later came Dorothy herselfaud in time thrilling conversation whichensued she denied iu the most explicitmanner Jill knowledge of the largereiim-

It will bo remembered that Louis XIaf France had many solemn forms ofadjuration only one of which be heldto be binding and he would never tellwhich of them it was Few mon havebeen so clever as Louis but nearly allwomen are Protestation with mentalreservation Is the naturaj capou ofshe sex As a student of human natureBilly Allouwood knew Ibis and though

held Dooihy to be the flawlessnearl of womanhood he still cttuld notTree his mind of notion that thetour big hank notes been

It was therefore with an in-

definable rijafayryr a sense of some-thing gout from his own soul that heit last paid down the 2000 lute theeupital of the tcrcii scheme v

Jute 1 00 whluh was conr scUy-Dorothys was placed in bank ithe early days wkeM ifee cheraoseemed smxily winuisg Bifiry lat kis-Dalsince wheel veered t tile ialugi K

that Jie had foolishly sitjtD ro o tfrom the greatest j rtu lty of ierher money The caaae the later ffrtyethe days of dioi6mkv eBt f ex-penses jnurvel sly and rceipts miraculously sfcrauk

On the blackest of black days whenBilly bad left the office merely to get-away from it and not because hiswork was done he was awnire of a retnembered face in the crowd and n-

aame leaded into his mIndf beg your pardon sir said he

Are you Mr MousoudNo replied the stranger with a

touch of excellent r courtesy oven inEO small a matter

J I happened to be present when you1 met with an accident two or three

months ago said Billy andward I foupd letter on the spot anddescribed the occurrenceit mine said ihfe ether who

loomed surprised and even moreiTflusea Hay 1 sk what has be2ohie of itf v 54 A

irr ltxsi iii iBilly 4 Wpuw come witii

If you were your tiiept-res said Jie-

E EO followed an introduction






Dear iou













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life at c her t I Te t



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whereby it appeared that tills manwas Julian Winser president of theold Livingstone bank in which position he had recently succeeded his fartheras Billy knew from newspaper re-

ports Bankers were not popular withBilly just then for the officials of thehank where the magazine kept Itsdwindling account had turned a deafear to all pleas for accommodation-Yet Sir Winser seemed a very decentfellow despite his occupation

When they came to Billys room hecould not at first remember where hehad put the Mousoud envelope and it






was by accident that he round it in adrawer which he had not opened sinceit was put uway

Time envelope been torn und wasempty

Dazed and ashamed Billy laid itupon the desk without word and thetwo men looked into each others eyesa

You Intro 110 idea who didsaid Winser

Billy shook his headWhat was in he asked with the

lull manner of a discouraged man andhe male a vain search of the drawer

Wiiiser had not replied He wasbeudirig over the envelope and smiling

j There is a strange thing about nypenmanship said last It is al-

ways legible but usually not in thej right way Yes Hints Mr Mousoudsure enough but when I wrote it I

that it was two thousand-j The breath went out of Billy iu agasp He took the envelope out of

i Winders hand anti stared at the writ

j Two tliousandV Not two thousanddollars


Yes responded Winser I put themoney into ait envelope and wrote theamount on the outside because I had an-other lw others in fact wlthdlffercjitsums

found rAOTO on this desk said naband Ive lot it

In a weekly magazine Truth Proba-jWy Jou havent seen a copy Its a failure

You surprise me It certainly looltsprosperous Did you invest my moneythere-

Upon this Biily told the whole storyand it sounded to him like a He but Winser gave no sign of disbelief

Of course I should not have used themoney without knowing where it camefrom said he in conclusion but I persua ert myself that riomebody had beenmy good angel There are two or threemen in this city who were close friendsof mine in college and are now veryrich Miss Vincent had ojten heard iriospeak of them and though she knew thatthe acquaintance had been entirely brokenoff because of the difference of our cir-cumstances she might have found means


j The theory was wild but so extraordinarynn event seemed to excuse a little dream-ing Of oourse I never connected thismoney with the MouSdud letter which Ihad practically forgotten

The money said Vyinser must havebeen left on your de l that afternoonwhen you found it Had anj one beenhere

I questioned the servant as Scott asshe was well said that a man had

j called for me twice but she describe apoor devil of an artist a friend of minewho had been here before He wasnthe man howeverWinser took some seconds for reflec-

tion and then saidI am a good questioner May I

this servant tCertainly said Billly and he rang

the bellThe meager servitor answered the

promptlyMivJam said lYinser we kribrr that

j you opened tills envelops and tok outthe mow y and put a part ef K under thatpaperweight What did you do with therest lVt x

She stood rigid for an iuStarJand ttien turned fifiiy in a

of wrath 4j Yu Hel she screamed Y u sot itaU f it I never got nethm i

j knew it Y vt oame ki here that c aridIf neyer wsrsr out the room tilL y a-

j eatne Thats tbe truth andi I dontyou sky The moifey vra my

hand and I put it on the desk and youI took it andi That Is all that we require saidWinser and with Billys help succeed-ed In persunAlngr the woman that she was

4 charged with no crimei And now Mr Allenjvood lie resumedJ when they were alone we havenp this simple in atery and thk letterstands between us two alone K seemsthat I am in a sense a partner In Truthrf-c very excellent maffaaine to read butnot to own as 1 judge front what you


little further into itssffftira-j Billy save a clejar statement of the con

fljtion ot the inaKazIne and this wasfirst of several 5dftfernQ rB between th m-

I to loan a certain umbf nftney with theproviso that hs xltould name R neV busi-wesfl manager What share of jn ulti-mate success of Trlith should X Sitdto apjpolutefe and what ahare tohis financial bcing I woViVd n6t wislitodecide but the tnaeacme is a great prop-erty today as everybody Hno e Tie

held by Allenwood amid Miesare worth a good deal of money anfl

salaries ae as i r fitsThese interests were recently consolidatedy th jBarrla e of jtho partltis ana onef th Moat prized an l most valuablef presents was from JuliantVins i who aseumed for that oerairSon


I had

momentj thiSI

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Presidents Selection Meets WithHearty Approval Other

News From Capital

WASHINGTON Marchpresidential appointment in several

months has given greater satisfactionthan the naming of Senator J C SBlackburn to a place on the IsthmianCanal Commission soon to be recogni-zd The Kentuckian is popular notonly in Congress but counts his friendsby hundreds throughout Washington

has been understood for some timethat President Roosevelt had SenatorBlackburn under consideration for aplace on the Interstate Commerce Com-mission but it is generally believed bythe Senators friends that the canal

will prove far move congenialthan dry statistics and drier hearings of the Commerce Board

The final days of Avery Congress turndignified legislators into rompingschoolboys and the evening sessions ofthe House were anything but sedateThe last Friday of the sessionwas no exception to the rule and whenMr Mahon nf Pennsylvania demand-ed a roll call on the the firstbill it was found that a quorum wasnot present The doors were closedand the SergeantatArms was ordered-to arrest and bring in the absenteesDuring the wait of more than an hourthe sixty memoers present whistledand sang and generally disported themselves Among the pleasantries wasthe filing of mock proceedings bringingJohn Wesley Gaines of Tennesse before the HOUJC for an alleged infraction of the rules based on his bill providing for the docking of membeisabsent without leave Mr Gainesmade a witty speech which was inter-rupted by the arrival of Representative J Sloat Fassetts big touring carin which were eight Congressmen inevening dress who guests ofthe New York Representative at adinner party They had been arrestedand haled unceremoniously to

The UTen proceeded withbusiness and because of the wait didnot adjourn until midnight

The rivers and harbors appropriation-bill finally has been disposed of andthe money for improvements to the

The Senate and House conferfescontrary to the general belief experienced little difficulty comingagreement on the measure As theoriginally passed the House it carriedupward of 830000000 which was increased in the Senate to close to 93-

i 000000 As it now stands the mcascarries in exact figures 86963432

j The House conferees refusedto acceaeto the Senate increase in theappropriation for the improvement Mississippi between the mouth of the Ohio

j and the mouth of the Missouri and theprovision for the construction of Lockand Dam No 7 in the Ohio RiverTaken in its entirety however the billmarks an epoch in that it practicallycommits Congress to a more libreal and

ments While the measuresize up with the claims put forward bythe National Rivers and Harbors Con-gress it makes a long advance towardmeeting those demands This organi-zation will continue to work to an end

I that the federal government appropri-ate 50000000 each year to prosecutedevelopment work on the nationsrivers harbors

It did not come altogether as a shockwhen the announcement was made officially that Secretary haw would

I head Carnegie TrustCompany in New York on his retirment

the Treasury The phase of thej matter that is puzzling Washington isj the attitude that Mr Shaw will adoptin connection with the Republicanconvention It is well known that in

j the early 1900s Mr Shaw was regarded as having almost a lien on the nomination for the Presidency and was con

j sidered pn of the strongest candidatesi that could be put up to head of the Re

ticket President Roosevelts-jeojp in shelving Mr Shaw in theTreasury had the effect of puttingor less of an extinguisher on his Presidential aspirations Just how effectivethis extinguisher has been problematical While the Carnegie Trust Com-pany has issued an official announce-ment that Mr Shaw assumed the presidency of that organization on March4th It is understood that he will spendsome time at the Homestead Hotel inHot Springs Va where he will takethe mineral baths and recuperate fromhis five years of ardouus work in regu

j lating the finances of the cou itry-

Losti Childs gray squirrel neck scarfS litabie reward for return of scarf toThe Bourbon News office




On the First andTuesdays of Each Month

to Many Points

SOUTHWinter Tourist Tickets now on Sale

good returning 31st y-

H O KING C P TLexington Kj








passage of








their-s t


II 0


countrys waterways soon will be

in tombill






far reaching policy of internal impreve














I Thirdi



tIllMayrp r C tWl te-



J Y of





S roirth























= =



> <<

Most people know that if they havebeen sick they need Scott s Em-jfion to bring back health and strength

900099909999999999000t44 a

But the strongest point about Scott jr-

Emcifaton is that you dont have to besick to get results from it

It keeps up the athletes strength puts fat jg-on thin people makes a fretful baby happy jLbrings color to a pale girls cheeks and pre-Vents coughs colds and consumption jpr

Food in concentrated form for sick andwell young and old rich and poor

tAnd it contains no drugs and no alcohol 4


g 0-Ar ct fV-II

1W-v Jioo

90 0t-QI 0ot




Turnpike Supervisor Lets Contractsfor 15000 in Repairs to Roads

List of Successful Bidders-

At the office of Turnpike SupervisorClaude F Redmon Monday the bidsfor the repairing of the turnpikes ofBourbon county were opened and

were let to the following bidders as they had submitted the lowestand best bids in response to an advertisement for that purpose The sealedbids were and considered bythe Supervisor and the Turnpike Com-mittee the Bourbon Fiscal Courtrconsisting of Esquires Keller andThomason

For District Mo 1 in charge ofSupervisor Redmon the bids acceptedwere as follows

Maysville Lexington and Georgetown Centerville pikes 100 rods ofknapped Tock to be spread according-to specifications to E J Welsh at S9per Hume Bedford road 25rods to Thomas Maher at 850 perrod Winchester 100 rods John Maherat 825 Clintonville 50 rods to Shipp

Marshall at Bethlehem 75rods to Thomas Maher at 850 NorthMiddletown Thatch ersj 31 rods at


rods to P L Burke at 850 IronWorks Extension 30 rods to P LBurke at 850 Ware pike no bidsHopewell Bethlehem 25 rods to PL Burke at 850 Bryant Station roadno bids Antioch no bidsStewart pike no bids Greenwich 15rods to Thomas Maher at 850 Harp

Ennis pike no bids HawkinsCummins 50 rods to James Holleranat9 Centerville Jacksonville 10rods to E J Welsh at 8 Hill pikeSouth end no bids Fords Mill 7 rodsto B F Bedford at 7

District No 2 W E Speaks Deputy JacksonvilleWest end 50 rods to P S See at690 Cane Ridge Millersburg 20

rods to W B Linville at 775Youngs Mill 10 rods to Letton Brosat 750 Tarr Station 5 rods to P SSee at 8 Robert Tarr 5 rods to PS See at 8 Millersburg Cynthiana50 rods to W B Linville at 775Summit Station no bids Headquarters no bids Steele Ford 30 rods toP S See at 8 Colville 30 rods toOllie Ingram at 88 Talbott pike 5rods Ore Jones at 8 Talbott pikeCynthiana Ruuddles Mills 30 rods

W Conway at 750 RuddlesMills Millersburg 40 rods to W BLinville at 775 Ardery pike20 rodsMoat Rankin at 8 Redmon pike 50rods to John Long at 8 Paris Ruddies Mills30 rods to Mat Long Broat 7 75 Paris Peacock 30 rods toJ E Hutchison at 750 ShawhanRaddles Mills 20 rods to Moat Rankinat 720 Shawhan Kiser and MtCarmel Shawhan 15 rods to C DWilson at 815 Paris Townsend 30rods to James Holleran at 770 Clay

Kiser 150 rods to James Holleran-at 7 70 Jacksonville Centerville20 rods to E J Welsh at 8 Leesburg Jacksonville 15 rods to JamesHolleran at 88 Leesburg Newtown-no bids Hill pike no bids Brentsvilley 60 rods to J C Morris at 750McKee 10 rods to Ollie Ingram at

8 Ford Bowen to J E Hutchison-at 7 50

District No 3 Deputy Supervisor R







850 Frankfort Iron Works 20


to J









M Gilkly Steele pike no bidsNorth Middletown 85 rods to Ed

Talbott at Spears Mill Winchester no bids E K Thomas pike40 rods Clifton Thomas at 7 Seamonds Mill Stony Point 40 rods toAbe Carmine at 625 North Middletown Winchester 20 rods to PatrickBros at 660 r North Middletown

36 North Middletown Levee 75 rodsEd Talbott and 0 D GastonOldson pike 10 rods to Ed Talbott-at 7 Prescott pike 25 rods to C WGilkey at 695 Brush Creek 25 ridsto J W Crump at 575 Harrods

to Frank Collier at 7 Little RockParis 35 rods to L A Soper at 7North Middletown Owingsville 25rods to Dan E Reed at 650 LittleRock Mt Sterling 30 rods to J WCrump Boones Creek 20 rods

W Reed at 650 CarlislePlum 80 rods to P S See afc 650Carlisle Rogers Mill 15 rods toJames Bonta at 650Paris 90 rods to P S See at 7Convict 12 roes to Dan Reed at 650Jackstown Little Rock 40 rods toAlonzo McKinzey at 645 StringTown 25 rods to J W Crump at650 Glenn pike no bids See pike 15

rods to R H Bannister at 725 Lit-tle Rock Paris South end 80 iodto James Bonta at 7

The contracts awarded mean an exrperditure of approximately 18000and does not include the MaysvilleLexington road which is thethoroughfare in the county It is contemplated to reconstruct this road fcy

the use of road machinery including aheavy steam roller the outfit hayingbeen recently purchased by theCourt

Bonds for the above contracts will besigned and filed Saturday as Super-visor Redmons office in the courthouse

Engraving-If you want the very latest style in

engraved cards leave your order at 1th5s

Hows This V

We offer One Hundred Dollarsfor any case of catarrh that can-

not be cured by Halls Catarrh CureF J CHENEY CO Toledo

the undersigned have known FJ Cheney for the last 15 years and

him perfectly honorable in allbusiness transactions and financiallyable to carry out any obligationsby his firmWALDING KINNAN MARVIN

Wholesale Druggists Toledo 0Halls Catarrh Cure is taken

acting directly upon the bloodand mucous surfaces of the systemTestimonials sent free Price 75 centsper bottle Sold by all druggists

Take Halls Family Pills for constipa-tion 24nov

Good News to Women

Father Williams Indian TeaNatures Remedy is becoming 1most popular Female Remedy musePale Weak Nervous DelicateWomen suffering from those eoknesses and diseases peculiar to the csex will find in Father Williams

Regulator It the Nerveson flesh gives strength and elasticityto the step brightens the eyes clearsthe complexion and makes you

strong again Tea or Tablets itcents For by W TBrooks

Pari I




Mt Sterling 75 rodsto Ed Talbott atI

at 5

Creek no bids Rock Bridge 20 rods


to J

Jackst wn











Indian Tea a wonderful arid
















STALLIONS IN SERVICESffft is Always a fay ir


MJaflehursf Stock Farm

LOCANDA 202A superb individual a true and tried race champion and a royallybred Fastest son of his sire champion living stallion wheels the worlds greatest living sire Fastestsoil of a daughter of Alcyon conceded to greatest son ofGeorge LOCANDA holds the worlds l mile of 315

was the champion racing stallion of 1904 and 1905 3yearoldrecord 216 4yearold record 213 J 5yearold record 207 dryearold record 205 7yearold Syear old record


Jay More 41904Metd Brown 2 19f Baroness Albert 226 Oakmore 228 byStrafelimore

Togo for cole

Parfs KentocJty





v ilam Strathmore Edward G 2123 i


drowj J






By TayBirtl Sallie dam of 0S5 lE515Jacks 10 allying








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