•**j&ms®®#&^. apes, Plums* Lsttacs;Tur- BrssfL '.Nats. r»k. ,JW y~- .*&9&kg-***ijt+**m -*., -:- ."&; 5«MK:.-* #,*K3» •P THE NORTHERN Taxauwi. l#n-Ox»clHim* Ait* 19. 1«9—COUVERKEUR FREE PRESS E«abl»**J 1S52 OOUVERNEUR. N. V„ WRDNtSOAY, AUGUST It, 1fifU « I M # L t M e n i a l T H R U •Clft* SERMON FOR 1 9 2 9 pit farad By CemsaieeJoa o* Church *«d SeelaJ Sueviee--To Be eVeeeirtod &u*dmy The (Sotlewiag Later 8un4ay mfe aage for l f » . prepared by the Com mission 0a the Church and Social Service of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ la America, will he read and discussed from Christisa pulpits Sunday, let, Labor Day Sunday: ^"For two decades the_c&uyches 2^M thia country hare been urging *4flh*tr members engaged Is indue- ^ try. employers gad, employees ? alike, to apply the apJrH end prin- ciples of Chriat in business rem- have not only emphasised jthe seed of cooperative effort, the sacrsrtasai of human life, the pow- er of unselfish actios, the aociai atewardahip of property, and the; subordination of the profit motive j to the spirit of service, hut time j and again the churches have called WESTHERMON ^ GRANGE WINNER •est Exhibit at the Annual Fair at Coiiverr.eur—Farm Products Are Judged 11-YEAR SEARCH ! IS SUCCESSFUL Sisters Ltarn That iPareitta *nd Brother Arc DeaaV-Half 6»sttr Is Found MEMORIAL TABLET DEDICATED SUNDAY attention to specific evils which are sacrificing human life. They have protected agaimat the inhumanity and wastefulness of child labor, ihe unfair exploitation of the labor of women, unnecessary Sunday work { and night work, as overiong work day not only ta Southern mine but| la other parts of the country; and; they have protested _that these» hardships oa the workers persist' la the face of over-productloa. i While . JMioaHlitHg the general prosperity of the country, they J. "have called attention to persistent iployment, to the lags rarity of old age the workers, aad to Jo*"t Presented to ftiehville Church Sun* ' U*«.s *"Y of taeome and therefore ; dmy * y William G. Lord in of Urla* ta large sections of the* Honor of Grandparents populstioa. They have pointed out I WV*- Herman Craujer No. 143a, cut* of 'h«* Kiiiallt-st jerauf.e* in St. l-awrriuv county, wan awarded the high iM-ure iu lire (Iran*!- exhibit* at th*- (iouverneur Fair Thursday. Their *t*ore wan *?** point a. assr wards Cringe. No f*dS. finished aet> O*HJ m the exhibit with 97 potass ami Gott?t»rneer Gran***. No. }*X w** thirti with 9 5 4 point*. Russell Grange was awarded fourth prise* ( hivjnjr h* cured Hi** points. All of I the above grange* will receive ITS trom the fair ass*** at km. . ~ The 4 H club exhibits were also judged; HaHesboro being first with 95 point*. Rock Island, second. BR points, end Somerville. third. 5e points The first two clubs were {awarded ICO each and the third I Hub $15. The judging »•*• d^tt* ow | HT>uT""poInts'."as"t6 Quality, dtsposi- j t»cn. diversity and number of ex- hibitors, as fellows: N , S 1 2 * 4 /Total Haileeboro .. 40 25 10 M R w k lei**** .-3a -2* 15 -la ^-fit ! Somervilie 25 15 10 5 -a* i Margie E ^ilis. Crystal Springs ' factory, captured »S points to win high award for home trade cheese j in the department of dairy products. Mrs. Harold Shannon. Rich villa. won high honors for washed curd j chet-se. while Reufortl Stevenena, I Oxbuw. captured first with h!s AaV erican cheese. -Mrs. W. J. ToWB- "in a^aXSWl^ai 1 ^ 1 !. iAI* I a 4**1* PI* Aa*1/\ai ** nd * St - I - 3WreDc ^ factory, at Brier |j llUULn 1 Elf U i LAtJl u L A M / 1 1 j m the sage cheese exhibit and John , . .Toopir of Heuveltca captuied first prizf with 9S points in the best as- sotted cheese. "Mr. Cooper had a 1 w t i 0 n as bees most elaborate display. ' >lrK Marie C >untryman returut-U the p^st *e<^ from New York ftty. m here she visited her parentH, MIW lH*rotn> I-aub, ^ ho recently found trace of ;ht fat?- of their parents and brother. The following ac CtHtat of the Hrcum*tanres was tak- en from 1 he Phnnflcld IN J 1 Court* r-News. A 11- >rar nenrch by airs. I>»r- i oth> Reuter Laub. 30. «21 West MT^th street. New York City, for' her parents and brother, whom sh<« had not seen for 2s years.- ended J succesafull} !••*«::;]> when Mrs. ! I-dub and another winter were re-' united aith a third sister and otht*r relatives through articles published in the New York Daily Ngms and the Plaiufleld Courier XCI^H. A story published in the Plain held Courier-News on Monday, July 'IS. telling of the starch of Mr* Leah for her parents. Mr and Mrs. Pierre. L^ Reuter. <a&4 ~e -**-«*i»»r Robert, whom she h^d not seen since she was s child, when the family resided in Plaianeld. w*s r*«d that afternoon by Mrs. luiqh's aunt, Mrs. Mabel Mundy of Pros pect street. S<*ofch PtaiWn Twenty-six years of persever- DAM AT SYLVIA TA P P fl 1U Dt l 1 CPKVJI Cottaoera Are Cefyesnsd Over Pr+ fSS#r Actiew of the St. Joseph *~ Lead Company . ^ Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hurlbut Observe 54th Anniversary Sylvia Lake, until within a very few years, almost natoached hy cottage developaseats » faoed with the possihiUty of strife ai actloe over the ass of Its thrs the star sal ed aear it hy the 8t cotapaay. For aeariy tury. • half dosea or' were all that existed SB the of the iaxe. hat wtthta thr past li years the lake has bieossi lar that aow nearly TS homes aad camps Itae thr The cottages have draws water supply from the lake, dees not vary greatly ia^depth the year around. Receatly as formed, comprising many of ths ' cottagers, knows as the Byiela ' Lake Club. lac. aad that d a * ho- . gaa a move toward erecUasj a ossv \ trolUag dam at the outset of ths ' lake to regulate the level of ths j lake durtag the aummar. There IS I no iaiet to the stream flows from the m year exceedingly dry year. MEMORIAL TABLET j 1929 FAIR AHEAD Mr and Mrs Levi Hurlbut of ISO! Following \h* gatheriag at 'Rock Island street, having reached Horibut home, a dianer the en The M rrx . rlalmaata to St. - -«Jf:* , oB6^*'-iat'^l the 54th anniversary of their mar jsgresl at the Rt^ Brick Tavern- j j*** JEJl; au^e then received its reward Mrs d riage, the event was observed at Those jteMBL-Jaaaded Mr. and j \STSBC iWlp^ Mundv telegraphed Mrs. Laub end i their home Sunday in the form of I Mrs. Fred B. Hurlbut and daagh-» f™^__"T*JL J ? Mrs. Lanb aad the other aisier. I a family reunion, at which all of j ter, Helen, of Ogdeashurg; Mr. sad j "** «*» cS^iZ Mrs. Marie Coantryman of Gonver the members of the family was In Mrs. Orlo B. Hurlbut. RlchviUe: "°»^ t T~ w attendance, including four genera-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Hurlbut, Mr. . " W e tBSir tions. | Herbert Hurlhut, MUs Helea A.-***9**T »• mora ; t thaa rights oa tha and Miss Harriett M rucc«»sful Oesotte Htavr Storm on CJestoo; D*y Hecc.pt. $10,190.50 ! that air are Involved la respoosi- A Tr^morfa! tahlet v i * presented hllity for these evils and that SOJ^ the mmuinf «f vices in the Rich long as s tingle worker suffers, all. vill Baptist chrrth Suud*.y in aem- share the guilty They have felt THe Gouvrrneur Arrieultural and Mechanical Society on .Friday closed one of w , ory of IVat ' n Xithr!T ;nri ^ e ^ exhibitions in its 71 years of «Ut-! 0om *> r Hrure'ton took obliged, ia loyalty to the Gospel,, Wh'w'er Harker. hy their rrandson. e0ce Wllh p^rf^t westher pre- ^ ' m u r i u m , took to point out glaring aad unjust in, WillUm G. Lord of Athol. MSKS t qua lit Ira In the distribution of nar-The presen.aiion address was as tioaal wealth aad income, aad that! follows; there is not as yet the dedication 1 -Honor thy Father and thy industrial leadership and capital f Mother." - Thts greai outstanding: principle of the religious system founded by Confucius was given out by Moses as one of the fundamental neur. then heard for the first time that their parents and brother were deed, hat that there was a half-sis ! Mr and Mrs. Hurlbut were mar- j Hurlbut, fe* Irving. Miss Alice Mundy. 13. i ried April It, 1*?S The annlver-1 Harlhut. all of Arcade; Mr. sad. with berjsary gathering was postponed. Mrs, Leroy Hurlhut sad daughter.•* saw ssue or u s . #K - . t t . iaun:. Mrs. Mabel Mundy, in Scotch j however, to make-possible the at-LLois. of Drlevan: Mr. Bert E. Hart- °^ ^ JjS*e» _ r a a r s m _ M ^ lD w th L -A*\ er c * ta ^ e !- ^ Ptawa. since the mother died. j tendance of all of the members of I hut, Chicago. III.; Mr. aad Mrs i ***??*JFL^"Sf t^w ^Hughes Madrid, was >ud«ed as hsv-J _ | thf fami|y Mr ^4 M rs. Hurlhut^ How aid S Hurlhut. Casper. WyO.; j «•*»« ** yaters Of the lake the parents of sir children, 1 aad Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holly. «*"J? ltoi ?r t J? ,t i*^? •!i l,, l"! sonsT Fred E., Orlo | Talcville. ., J t £. gaa ?. m«cafer ta ths wajr Bert E.. and Howard L The four ^neratioas incdudedT^jther side srscttag the Mr. aad Mrs. Hurlbut, their soal* 1 ^ • Jae S.. and one daughter. Mrs. Ethel j Clyde, the letter's soa LeRoy,. Who ! d m m ' which Hurlbut Holly. The family enjoys ta ha ing the best five pound paciwre of J ^^ Laub and Mrs. Countryman - '"~/ dairy butUrt and the best five pound I w ^re overjoyed that the U-yearnild i-^iTwHn^ **~ the most successful _^w._ ^ ^ ^ «.»«.. r.^| wr .-h for members of their family ' IDchM,,n - ft,fV first hoa i^a^ ended with the finding ot iheir jo^ £lyde S Ood demands. They hav* per- Isistently taught labor's right to or- Saaisatioa. and the social import- * ance of such organisstion in order to"seeore to labor a proper infienee *aot oaly in industry hat in nation- /a! life. U-, **Now the time li*m some for in- '. sistoase upon practice and actual experisseatatioa la brotherlr rela ' a«is Ta business estshlishmenU ,'Blscinleship to Christ » mast take this form- A new lospe into beissT . ors for creamerv butter and cream-1 v< 1 airer sisrer. as we 1 as rheir %ailing on the first three days of» erT pr im s . : . jajict. uncle and ooushis. "and an the exhibition, the attendance ap- viark Woodward of C.;mvemelir 1 !* ,I * borl|t<> re " n< °r celebration was proached that of last year. ftimrf the "best d i ^ l s y of farm and b**d Satarday night. August 10th, On the last day, despite the ; ^j^n producte gxtlw:;- by the as- J ** T n* hame of cousins, Mr. and hibitor. .The 'flret pritr was $25 j Mr*. Russell Spriggs. Jr.. at ^JS3 and the second rriie of *13 was Berryroau place. Orante. awarded Mi Earl Walker of Rich-1 The story of Mrs. Laub and her vile. - - ^ »;s1r?f-:. Mrs. Countryrosn. ss well as tfcar of the third sister. Miss Mas heavy electric storm about sevea O'clock, aad the showers which fol- lowed later la Jr*> -morning, al- most a record crowd for the last day attended the fair.-the ro- ths I* ha* oae daughter. Lois ! dam. which It is iiaisritaad Urn HurlhatJ le * sd cfwspany wishes to he Bra foot the remarkable record that in all | cl >de HBrihut is the father of four the 54 years of their married life there" has not been a hceak in the family circle." - Children. LeRoy. aerhert". Helen, and Harriett. The oldeat. LeRoy Hurlhut. is principal of the hAgh school at Delevan, N. T. tBf sesaing devots themasrves and thesr re- sources to asanas welfare as a part of the Christian program. - "Ia thia Lahor 8unday Message we therefore turn from pronouiice ments to aaggesjtjoas for aeeton, ta the ead that Christian -people shast he challenged to specinc snd prac- tical undertakings. - First of all. every local church aad organisation of churches needs to examine Its own praclic? aj em player with reference to staff work art aad caretakers, employee* m denominational offices aad publish- tag houses, and practices IJL build- iag sad lerting contracts for print- lag, repsita, equipment, sad all oth- er esterprises. The churches must aot compromise their own teaching loot of s desire for economy. They rsaaot afford to ooatrihute Co the loweriag of living standards, nor to laws for his Deople.^ Jhis Isw has ceipta exceeding last year hy $*40. f*s r r ^ T f i l s ^ CTAIslsTC dowa # l i i a r a a e of thef The total grandstand aad *st* re- i F H I K I L all tlKlflN commands all tros Sristlaas ta*e- celpts amounted to I10.1S0.**, ex ^^vlIUV UIV1UT1U ceedins; the 1928 receipts by *l«k- 50. The cooperstive receipts of IStf aad ins were ss follows: First day . $ 178.50 $ 224.50 Second day Third day . Fourth day 3.1&4S £,002.09 1JSSJ0 1^04.50 1,732.25 \ 1,511 » joy in paeytag. Ia test, H come a part of oar life to ohey this command. ~. Thus 1 come to you today, aot feeling the lash of faay harsh coanmand hut Joyfully obeying the promptings of my na- ture. to pay a tribute to aad leave here a laettag memorial to my fore- jKoae of the chiklrea sTtlte piW' T eers whom we sre aoaoriag todsy ID ^ €A1U * have say physical part taour da- mere ™x»*"*UY IsiWr sad attracted jrest. hal a little group of their 1 ** «Aihlt was also of unusual children's ehiMren and a few of a Sf!*^?^ n S^ g JKF2T' suoceedlng jrejseratioa have come osaehail ^»ea aad apeciaraes hither, some from loag distances Tf 1 * mto0 •* * " ^ ord " ?**». ^ J IV $10,025.00 WJ90M sharp STsssstaf three persoas being (even ss this modem it), to pay their trlhate to their ancestors who for loag years were devout members of this old church. The heglsnfag M the Barker 00a- nectioa with this North Country, takes us hack more thaa a oratory l j t ^^*^ ^ - into the past. la the early months 1 d were bsdly hestea by s 13 to 5 of 1825 the new. of cheap aad te^lf^T °^ Tb fS Bdmi % b f tn * SUri « tile lands here resched the rugged £">*- °f J** ****** hilU o f Berkshire couaty. aad I Hou ~ •* David tesm twelve youag men, aeariy all 00a-' ***** hut rain stopped fsir was roasldered oae of the best which has Been held la the history of the association. The Carthage Independents play- ed oa the last ttne days of the fair, winning easily from Chappie Johnson's Stars oa the second day VEnHLLAd .'.••".- = , ' ^ f Unusually *€vmr* Storm Brest Ea£ iy Fridays—Less Severe Storm en Monday Cvemwg high: A meeting af the 8L company re^ressatatrrsa Sylvis Lsite * cattagrrs will My he held sooa to matter. ' ,r*~* " .,. ^/^. by and sY* sererr electric this rftlage esrtw shocked electricity, trees splintered electric lines affected. At the residence of Luman Bul- ger, 140 Depot street, the electrici- ty entered the switch box for the efrctgc wjriag and the box was demolished. The fuse plugs were fy. reads more like a modern novel thun fsusof everyday life. >M»en t h e two sisters. Dorothy ^sow Mrs. i^aub) and Marie (Mrs Countryman) were twp and three years old respectively, their par- eats, who resided In this cky, quar- relled and separated _ The father placed Dorothy aai Maris i a a home In 22nd street. ew York City. Robert, tap hrftjh* who was six years old? was tak- to U^Qafsfreas Heveein PUin- held, but he fled from the went hack to live with his IA few dsys after Dorotay and Marie had been placed in the New York home by ths father. Mrs. Renter attempted to iorajs the sail dfen. and take them from However, she was not sacaessfsi. blown out sad fell oa the hod MrsJ.being put off on one pretott or as> Bulger, ss had been her during electric storms, had ariseai^sildnen had the dismganisatioa of lahor. JUtn-fgroup isr, ths churches.shouid take the' la raising standards. Jacal charch should ad- t ~*™~ Itself to iadustrial conditions fa Rs asm- conamaaity with Oa the closing day. the of David team attracted^ aaasla but rain stopped the game ' at the end .of the third inning. made the long journey hither, and' w,t J\ the gcor * 5 lo 3 ,a favar ^ finding the country a desirable one \ C*rtnage. ,.-.- bargained for farma and began to clear their laada. Among this nected by the ties of kinship, soon were two brothers. Nathan We that and Jonathan Barker of Saadsaeld. Massachusetts/. Jonathan required Isads where your Bigelow station ; now stsads. soon uiaiTted a daugh- 1 ter of s Coagregsdonal preacher, PRIZE WINNERS IN WHO'S WHO Mrs. Maurice T. Jehnsos and Mrs. Byr^n L. Kinney Wis First Prises in Ad Contest ! - ia cooperation, and spent the-remaiader of his long j life on his (arm. His family ia j memorialised by a sectloa of the J^t^JSL\^SST^ l ^L b%Ck °L 1 ^ ^'f Aflw a minute tabulation of the 2 ^SmTirl^ h T T% ^ «*«*« •«•• mass of suswers received by of iacts^ widow. Amel^L ! Trlhune-Press in iu -Who's Whs Nathan Barker was not as for Bf ttS a wi What are the local ta length of the work day. safety ] tanate in the choice of his aad health*. Haw do wages cos*-> He acquire* a hundred acres a with the cost Of tfrtagT How j mile and a quarter southwest of mothers mast work outside! f bis village ia a corner of Oouver ths home to sappsesseat the family; peur township, sdjolniag DeKaJb ^ ^ * ^rTL™ What is the effect oa the J sad Herman: cleared a iectioa of "** r « l ~ t « t » What are the handicaps Und. built a log house, and in the ta factory, store snd of-j isle Autumn returned ta Saades- •* What domestic workers env] field far the winter. a achedale of reaeoa-l is she spring of 1SU he trans- hie wife, bia two small chil- dren, and sll his worldly goods are they famished •' here la his ax cart with the family hfreherf Ihead of the cattle Arrrving here they sought a place r? Are the srarksrs sslawsd \ to worship their Ood. smrarally is they aeait their owa tawaahip of Ooureraeur the A seasoa af rerfvaJi hi .the BtUe ual«' •«* Wm^lt, WhA j" ^ ^ ^ <*P;4^ minutes. pulled down Che switch lever, which undoubtedly saved the bouse sad occupants Iran farther injury. Charles Hswa. 17, wss about to attach the milking machine to the electric current la the ham of his William Hawa, on the Johnstown Road. As the elect He current entered the hern at this point, the youag maa was rendered unconscious and taken to the Van- Dusee Memorial Hospital on John street, where he was attended by Dr. P. P. Drury. fie soon recovered 4 and wss able to leave the hospital. not seriously injured. Samuel AveTy, conductor of the Oouvemeur yard Shift lag crew. and William Keane, hialraiiii receive ed a shock when attesaptlhg to tele- phone from the Btdwail V railroad telephone. Oath men were tempo- rarily disabled aad on account of , their condition the southbound l™ < track wss not cleared and the : 08 train tor Watertowa was dfiared paign completed last week, the winners wjers-.- found to be very closely grouped together, each one having a substantial l<»ad over all Winners of the Cash Awards: In Oetrvernevr VrHagc Mrs. Maurice T. Johnson. rt 1st prise . .-. S2OJD0 Mrs. Marry Cess, £i»d arias % Outside Ooevtraeur Viilspe Mrs. Byron L. Kinney couple oCosys sfter the VILLAGE PLANS jpiCRLS' BAiLIEAM T0ENDFL0fl» I «*• "T * ; fc«- Gouvsmeur win Hire a^s^fvesass Make %wfimy of SHuatlafi ht Effort te Control Efforts of village officials fo eli- minate the annual foods of the Os* wagatchie riTer. were dmrassed at f the regular meeting held in thai asaaaMpsJ building Mondsy rnr* Csch spring the river much damage here. A tive of William 8. Loiter, lac consulting engineers of N Y. was present at the meeting and after considerable* discussion on the flood situation prevailing la Mow V e r a sMrss v ^""as'sv^a 7 vassfsysss tsasfi soar t . - ^ ^ssssBssr saa ;^^;^^ ^ - to as ths hail Cluh win clash with ths Tat osa. The New York a tour of Csnada for the past six weeks meeting the Male teams la thst Country they heat a great many ojt| them. Jdsat of ths members of this orgsairsUon are CotVege Olrla Trees in the village were struck j sad the new mtr compressor fire alarm sounded several time? thru the circuit being struck hy hrht- ninx The whistle m located 0x2 s J steel tower 00 the manieipaJ buiid- | ing and residents say the elect real display around the tower was un usual. Lightning struck the re*id*nfe of James Wllsoa af McKmmn street shout artdalght Msssaay night is addttssa ta « • • • • ! si the roof. p* priss X 5J00 There were 341 answers receiwsd m the coatesL the grease: earning from the village area save scsdewed a perfect listed la the suewOose ia the first sdrenisesseau is the Who's campaign. « wouM have ta saswer fifty four Mr%. Ma" 1 **'* X. of the first prise with- is the rilssre me***** amssst s perfect scare Jlra* Barry Csse a er*4X af iJ for the vtftss* Mrs. By- ros JOnaey aened 11 »hffc» HAND SEVERELY CUT BY GLASS WSS 12 at New York institution, they transferred to s private home ia Rochester snd from that horns they were adopted. Dorothy was adopt- ed by D. C. Smlthers af Nataral fDam. N. Y.. and Matte was aoopted by Henry Wells of Ooaverneur. Both Dorothy and Marie attempt- ed to find out aomethlngraboet their parents and brother, hut for a long j while they hHieved that their moth- er was dead, being told that while in the home. .However, after some } years elapsed, they were told, that their pa roots were living, and when Dorothy was 14 years oW^ahe com- menced efforta, which were ended (only recently. Although she jour- neyed far aad side, through New fork sad New Jersey is efforta ta leers something shout her nerenta, sll leads proved false. Is the meantime both Dorothy Snd Marie married. Dorothy was married in New York City Marie was married ia Oosvemeur. But Dorothy contlnsed her search, j * believing thst some dsy she would he rewsrded with some information j concerning ber relatives. In 1923. Mrs. Laub wrote to an acqusisunce in Plsiafleld. reaaest- lug that an Item be Inserted Is the local newspaper, requesting in- tormatinn concerning the Renter family Bat that Hem evidently j hy sayoae who knew the family. Mrs. Mandy did is thia vicinity at that tame, J oaly comiag ta Scotch Plsias from is the mttar part of thst r A few years after the father died m Phil* > Mrs. Hester remarried, he-! Gouversear during the early spring, it was votosd by the hoard ! m ^ «-_ th# ^ . ^ • Km-I ----- nanvTol^he^rnole of m^kiS"!;> W **« & * V 2 * * <* n * £ ^ 2 £ L £ re^araTmr I 1 *** «w» »«* thay hara playad aurvey snd sn estimate regsrding j ^ best jiale teams wherever it flood gstes in the lighting plant. www -1— n.^ tr. ~Brr f ^ r r - B s » i - S i ^ l « ss meat and dairy inspector begin- ning September 1, 1929, snd ending wherever was possible and In all thwtr a for they never admit defeat until their last player Is called out. fflBSSft? '&£ •swe^ '^BM* 1 ,'^. with September 1. 1930. It was voted at the meeting that sll personal property tax be omit- ted from the 1930 tax roll. It waa also voted by the village officials to comply with the fire underwriters' regulations and hare a mas on duty la the municipal huildinx at all hours, day aad night, including Sunday, This will make ft possible for telephone fire alarms to get prompt attention at nil times. The -extra work win he done by^ some employe already work Ing for ^ the village. ..... «-• labor Day CanrivsJ SjlviaX&ke . Mcroday SeffaSEer 2nd .:- Auipices r-z—--- * Fire Department POMONA MEETING ATWADDM6T0N In their outfit they hare three pitchers who they call the Aces and strange to say they are all of different nailoaeJRy. rnc r 4»> stance Alice Rrrard is the Preach Ace. and this little lady by the way Is shout the only Preach Fe- male Pitcher of O-Neilla the Irish Ace sad, U the Pemale Pitcher ever the mound. She Insists oa ths Umpire looklag 'em over when she 1 Che rubber, .„ has j-game m, sccount of her she la datK. Last hut not } Harriett Smith who la (American Ace. this Jama la six feet la height and has ful control at all times, aad jeets rattled. Evelyn Church the Cantata team holds down the hardest Uou that of Catcher, and to her handle this end si as she never dona s or or she claims these r her ta thfwwtas/ whea'the hays try ta There aa the the hare their saa sir aai 1 • to , JAMES STYPE nffIMHfllST17 «• fc^ $&**- &i '^i v%

I* · I a family reunion, at which all of j ter, Helen, of Ogdeashurg; Mr. sad j "** «*» cS^iZ Mrs. Marie Coantryman of Gonver the members of the family was In Mrs. Orlo B. Hurlbut

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Page 1: I* · I a family reunion, at which all of j ter, Helen, of Ogdeashurg; Mr. sad j "** «*» cS^iZ Mrs. Marie Coantryman of Gonver the members of the family was In Mrs. Orlo B. Hurlbut


apes, Plums* Lsttacs;Tur-BrssfL '.Nats.

r»k. , J W y~- .*&9&kg-***ijt+**m -*.,

- : - ."&;


# , * K 3 »

• P THE N O R T H E R N Taxauwi. l#n-Ox»clHim* Ait* 19. 1«9—COUVERKEUR FREE PRESS E«abl»**J 1S52

OOUVERNEUR. N. V„ W R D N t S O A Y , AUGUST I t , 1fifU « I M # L t M e n i a l T H R U • C l f t *

SERMON FOR 1929 pit farad By CemsaieeJoa o* Church

*«d SeelaJ Sueviee--To Be eVeeeirtod &u*dmy

T h e (Sotlewiag Later 8un4ay m f e aage for l f » . prepared by the Com mission 0a the Church and Social Service of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ la America, will he read and discussed from

Christisa pulpits Sunday, let, Labor Day Sunday:

^ " F o r two decades the_c&uyches 2^M thia country hare been urging *4flh*tr members engaged Is indue-^ try. employers gad, employees ? alike, to apply the apJrH end prin­

ciples of Chriat in business rem-

have not only emphasised jthe seed of cooperative effort, the sacrsrtasai of human life, the pow­er of unselfish actios, the aociai atewardahip of property, and the; subordination of the profit motive j to the spirit of service, hut time j and again the churches have called


•est Exhibit at the Annual Fair at Coiiverr.eur—Farm Products

Are Judged


Sisters Ltarn That iPareitta *nd Brother Arc DeaaV-Half

6»sttr Is Found


attention to specific evils which are sacrificing human life. They have protected agaimat the inhumanity and wastefulness of child labor, ihe unfair exploitation of the labor of women, unnecessary Sunday work { and night work, a s overiong work day not only ta Southern mine but | la other parts of the country; and; they have protested _that these» hardships oa the workers persist' l a the face of over-productloa. i While . JMioaHlitHg the general prosperity of the country, they J.

"have called attention t o persistent iployment, to the

lags rarity of old a g e the workers, aad to Jo*"t Presented to ftiehville Church Sun* ' U*«.s *"Y

of taeome and therefore ; dmy * y William G. Lord in of Urla* ta large sections of the* Honor of Grandparents populstioa. They have pointed out I

WV*- Herman Craujer No. 143a, cut* of 'h«* Kiiiallt-st jerauf.e* in St. l-awrriuv county, wan awarded the high iM-ure iu lire (Iran*!- exhibit* at th*- (iouverneur Fair Thursday. Their *t*ore wan *?** point a. assr wards Cringe. No f*dS. finished aet> O*HJ m the exhibit with 97 potass ami Gott?t»rneer Gran***. No. }*X w** thirti with 9 5 4 point*. Russell Grange was awarded fourth prise*

( hivjnjr h* cured Hi** points. All of I the above grange* will receive ITS

trom the fair ass*** at km. . ~ The 4 H club exhibits were also

judged; HaHesboro being first with 95 point*. Rock Island, second. BR points, end Somerville. third. 5e points The first two clubs were

{awarded ICO each and the third I Hub $15. The judging »•*• d^tt* ow | HT>uT""poInts'."as"t6 Quality, dtsposi-j t»cn. diversity and number of ex­

hibitors, as fellows: N, S 1 2 * 4 /Total

Haileeboro .. 40 25 2« 10 M Rwk lei**** .-3a -2* 15 -la ^-fit

! Somervilie 25 15 10 5 -a* i Margie E ^il is . Crystal Springs ' factory, captured »S points to win

high award for home trade cheese j in the department of dairy products.

Mrs. Harold Shannon. Rich villa. won high honors for washed curd

j chet-se. while Reufortl Stevenena,

I Oxbuw. captured first with h!s AaV erican cheese. -Mrs. W. J. ToWB-

" i n a ^ a X S W l ^ a i 1 ^ 1 ! . iAI* I a 4**1* P I * Aa*1/\ai **nd* S t - I - 3 W r e D c ^ factory, at Brier

| j l l U U L n 1 Elf U i L A t J l u L A M / 1 1 j m the sage cheese exhibit and John , . .Toopir of Heuveltca captuied first

prizf with 9S points in the best as-sotted cheese. "Mr. Cooper had a 1 w t i 0 n as bees most elaborate display. '

>lrK Marie C >untryman returut-U the p^st *e<^ from New York ftty. m here she visited her parentH, MIW lH*rotn> I-aub, ^ ho recently found trace of ;ht fat?- of their parents and brother. The following ac CtHtat of the Hrcum*tanres was tak­en from 1 he Phnnflcld IN J 1 Court* r-News.

A 11- >rar nenrch by airs. I>»r- i oth> Reuter Laub. 30. «21 West

MT^th street. New York City, for' her parents and brother, whom sh<« had not seen for 2s years.- ended J succesafull} !••*«::;]> when Mrs. !

I-dub and another winter were re-' united aith a third sister and otht*r relatives through articles published in the New York Daily Ngms and the Plaiufleld Courier XCI^H.

A story published in the Plain held Courier-News on Monday, July

'IS. telling of the starch of Mr* Leah for her parents. Mr and Mrs. Pierre. L^ Reuter. <a&4 ~e -**-«*i»»r Robert, whom she h^d not seen since she was s child, when the family resided in Plaianeld. w*s r*«d that afternoon by Mrs. luiqh's aunt, Mrs. Mabel Mundy of Pros pect street. S<*ofch PtaiWn

Twenty-six years of persever-


Cottaoera Are Cefyesnsd Over Pr+ fSS#r Actiew of the St. Joseph

*~ Lead Company . ^

Mr. and Mrs. Levi Hurlbut Observe 54th Anniversary

Sylvia Lake, until within a very few years, almost natoached hy cottage developaseats » faoed with the possihiUty of strife ai actloe over the ass of Its thrs the star sal ed aear it hy the 8t cotapaay. For aeariy tury. • half dosea or' were all that existed SB the of the iaxe. hat wtthta t h r past l i years the lake has bieossi lar that aow nearly TS homes aad camps Itae thr The cottages have draws water supply from the lake, dees not vary greatly ia^depth the year around.

Receatly a s formed, comprising many of t h s

' cottagers, knows as the Byie la ' Lake Club. l a c . aad that d a * ho-. gaa a move toward erecUasj a ossv \ trolUag dam at the outset of t h s ' lake to regulate the level of ths j lake durtag the aummar. There IS I no iaiet to the

stream flows from the


year exceedingly dry year.


Mr and Mrs Levi Hurlbut of ISO! Following \h* gatheriag at 'Rock Island street, having reached Horibut home, a dianer

the en

The M rrx. • rlalmaata to

St. - -«Jf:* ,oB6^*'-iat'^l

the 54th anniversary of their mar jsgresl at the Rt^ Brick Tavern- j j * * * J E J l ; au^e then received its reward Mrsd riage, the event was observed at Those jteMBL-Jaaaded Mr. and j \STSBC i W l p ^ Mundv telegraphed Mrs. Laub end i their home Sunday in the form of I Mrs. Fred B. Hurlbut and daagh-» f ™ ^ _ _ " T * J L J ? Mrs. Lanb aad the other aisier. I a family reunion, at which all of j ter, Helen, of Ogdeashurg; Mr. sad j "** « * » cS^iZ Mrs. Marie Coantryman of Gonver the members of the family was In Mrs. Orlo B. Hurlbut. RlchviUe: " ° » ^ tT~ w

attendance, including four genera-1 Mr. and Mrs. Clyde S. Hurlbut, Mr. . " W e tBSir tions. | Herbert Hurlhut, MUs Helea A.-***9**T »•

mora ; t thaa

rights o a tha

and Miss Harriett M rucc«»sful Oesotte

Htavr Storm on CJestoo; D*y • Hecc.pt. $10,190.50 !

that air are Involved la respoosi- A Tr^morfa! tahlet v i * presented hllity for these evils and that S O J ^ the mmuinf « f vices in the Rich long as s tingle worker suffers, all . vill Baptist chrrth Suud*.y in aem-share the guilty They have felt

THe Gouvrrneur Arrieultural and Mechanical Society on .Friday closed one of

w „ , o r y o f I V a t 'n • X i t h r ! T ; n r i ^ e ^ exhibitions in its 71 years of « U t - ! 0 o m * > r Hrure'ton took obliged, ia loyalty to the Gospel,, Wh'w'er Harker. hy their rrandson. e 0 c e W l l h p^rf^t westher pre- ^ ' m u r i u m , took to point out glaring aad unjust i n , WillUm G. Lord of Athol. MSKS t qua lit Ira In the distribution of nar-The presen.aiion address was as tioaal wealth aad income, aad that! follows; there is not as yet the dedication1 -Honor thy Father and thy

industrial leadership and capital f Mother." - Thts greai outstanding: principle of the religious system founded by Confucius was given out by Moses as one of the fundamental

neur. then heard for the first time that their parents and brother were deed, hat that there was a half-sis ! Mr and Mrs. Hurlbut were mar- j Hurlbut, fe* Irving. Miss Alice Mundy. 13. i ried April I t , 1*?S The annlver-1 Harlhut. all of Arcade; Mr. s a d .

with berjsary gathering was postponed. Mrs, Leroy Hurlhut sad daughter.•* saw ssue or u s . #K - . „ t t . iaun:. Mrs. Mabel Mundy, in Scotch j however, to make-possible the at-LLois. of Drlevan: Mr. Bert E. Hart- ° ^ ^ JjS*e» _ r a a r s m_M

^ l D w t h L -A*\ e r c * t a ^ e ! - ^ Ptawa. since the mother died. j tendance of all of the members of I hut, Chicago. III.; Mr. aad Mrs i ***??*JFL^"Sf t ^ w ^Hughes Madrid, was >ud«ed as hsv-J _ | t h f f a m i | y M r ^4 M r s . Hurlhut^ How aid S Hurlhut. Casper. WyO.; j «•*»« ** ya ters Of the lake

the parents of sir children, 1 aad Mr. and Mrs. John W. Holly. « * " J ? l t o i ? r t J ? , t i * ^ ? • ! i l , , l " ! sonsT Fred E., Orlo | Talcville. ., J t £ . g a a ? . m « c a f e r ta t h s wajr

Bert E.. and Howard L The four ^nerat ioas incdudedT^jther side srscttag the Mr. aad Mrs. Hurlbut, their soal*1^ • J a e

S.. and one daughter. Mrs. Ethel j Clyde, the letter's soa LeRoy,. Who ! d m m ' which Hurlbut Holly. The family enjoys

ta ha

ing the best five pound paciwre of J ^ ^ Laub and Mrs. Countryman - ' " ~ / dairy butUrt and the best five pound I w^re overjoyed that the U-yearnild i-^iTwHn^ **~

the most successful _ ^ w . _ ^ ^ ^ « .»«. . r . ^ | w r . - h for members of their family ' I D c h M , , n - ft,fV

first hoa i^a^ ended with the finding ot iheir j o ^ £ lyde S

Ood demands. They hav* per-Isistently taught labor's right to or-Saaisatioa. and the social import-

* ance of such organisstion in order to"seeore to labor a proper in fie nee

*aot oaly in industry hat in nation-/ a ! life. U-, **Now the time li*m some for in-'. sistoase upon practice and actual

experisseatatioa la brotherlr rela ' a « i s Ta business estshlishmenU

,'Blscinleship to Christ » mast take this form- A new

lospe into beissT

. ors for creamerv butter and cream-1 v< 1 airer sisrer. as we 1 as rheir %ailing on the first three days o f » e r T p r i m s . : . jajict. uncle and ooushis. "and an the exhibition, the attendance ap- viark Woodward of C.;mvemelir1!*,I*borl|t<> r e " n < °r celebration was proached that of last year. ftimrf the "best d i ^ l s y of farm and • b**d Satarday night. August 10th,

On the last day, despite the ; ̂ j ^ n producte gxtlw:;- by the as- J ** Tn* hame of cousins, Mr. and hibitor. .The 'flret pritr was $25 j Mr*. Russell Spriggs. Jr.. at ^JS3 and the second rri ie of *13 was Berryroau place. Orante. awarded Mi Earl Walker of Rich-1 The story of Mrs. Laub and her v i l e . - - ^ »;s1r?f-:. Mrs. Countryrosn. s s well as

tfcar of the third sister. Miss Mas

heavy electric storm about sevea O'clock, aad the showers which fol­lowed later la Jr*> -morning, al­most a record crowd for the last day attended the fa ir . - the ro­



ha* oae daughter. Lois ! dam. which It is i iaisritaad Urn

HurlhatJ l e* s d cfwspany wishes to he Bra foot the remarkable record that in all | c l > d e HBrihut is the father of four

the 54 years of their married life there" has not been a hceak in the family circle." -

Children. LeRoy. aerhert". Helen, and Harriett. The oldeat. LeRoy Hurlhut. is principal of the hAgh school at Delevan, N. T.

tBf sesaing devots themasrves and thesr re­sources to asanas welfare as a part of the Christian program. - "Ia thia Lahor 8unday Message we therefore turn from pronouiice ments to aaggesjtjoas for aeeton, ta the ead that Christian -people shast he challenged to specinc snd prac­tical undertakings. -

First of all. every local church aad organisation of churches needs t o examine Its own praclic? a j em player with reference to staff work art aad caretakers, employee* m denominational offices aad publish-tag houses, and practices IJL build-iag sad lerting contracts for print-lag, repsita, equipment, sad all oth­e r esterprises. The churches must aot compromise their own teaching loot of s desire for economy. They rsaaot afford to ooatrihute Co the loweriag of living standards, nor to

laws for h i s Deople.^ J h i s Isw has ceipta exceeding last year hy $*40. f * s r r ^ T f i l s ^ C T A I s l s T C dowa # l i i a r a a e of t h e f The total grandstand aad *s t* re- i F H I K I L a l l t l K l f l N

commands a l l tros S r i s t l a a s ta*e- celpts amounted to I10.1S0.**, ex ^ ^ v l I U V U I V 1 U T 1 U ceedins; the 1928 receipts by *l«k-50. The cooperstive receipts of IStf aad ins were s s follows: First day . $ 178.50 $ 224.50 Second day Third day . Fourth day

3.1&4S £,002.09 1JSSJ0

1^04.50 1,732.25 \ 1 , 5 1 1 »

joy in paeytag. Ia test, H come a part of oar life to ohey this command. ~. Thus 1 come to you today, aot feeling the lash of

f a a y harsh coanmand hut Joyfully obeying the promptings of my na­ture. to pay a tribute to aad leave here a laettag memorial to my fore-

jKoae of the chiklrea sTt l te p i W ' T • eers whom we sre aoaoriag todsy I D ^ € A 1 U * have say physical part t a o u r da- mere ™x»*"*UY IsiWr sad attracted

jrest. hal a little group of their1 * * «Aihlt was also of unusual children's ehiMren and a few of a S f ! * ^ ? ^ nS^g J K F 2 T ' suoceedlng jrejseratioa have come osaehail ^ » e a aad apeciaraes hither, some from loag distances Tf1* m t o 0 •* * " ^ o r d " ?**».

^ J IV

$10,025.00 WJ90M sharp STsssstaf three persoas being

(even s s this modem it), to pay their trlhate to their ancestors who for loag years were devout members of this old church.

The heglsnfag M the Barker 00a-nectioa with this North Country, takes us hack more thaa a oratory l j t ^ ^ * ^ ^ • - „ into the past. l a the early months 1 * ° d were bsdly hestea by s 13 to 5 of 1825 the new. of cheap aad te^lf^T °^TbfSBdmi

% b f t n * S U r i «

tile lands here resched the rugged £">*- °f J** ****** hilU o f Berkshire couaty. aad I H o u ~ •* David tesm twelve youag men, aeariy all 00a-' ***** hut rain stopped

fsir was roasldered oae of the best which has Been held la the history of the association.

The Carthage Independents play­ed oa the last ttne days of the fair, winning easily from Chappie Johnson's Stars oa the second day

V E n H L L A d . ' . • • " . - • • = , ' ^ f

Unusually *€vmr* Storm Brest Ea£ iy Fridays—Less Severe Storm

en Monday Cvemwg

high: A meeting a f the 8L

company re^ressatatrrsa Sylvis Lsite * cattagrrs will My he held sooa to matter. ' ,r*~* " . , . ^/^.

by and

sY* sererr electric this rftlage esrtw

shocked electricity, trees splintered electric lines affected.

At the residence of Luman Bul­ger, 140 Depot street, the electrici­ty entered the switch box for the efrctgc wjriag and the box was demolished. The fuse plugs were

fy. reads more like a modern novel thun f s u s o f everyday life.

>M»en the two sisters. Dorothy ^sow Mrs. i^aub) and Marie (Mrs Countryman) were twp and three years old respectively, their par-eats, who resided In this cky, quar­relled and separated _

The father placed Dorothy a a i Maris i a a home In 22nd street.

ew York City. Robert, tap hrftjh* who was six years old? was tak-to U^Qafs freas Heveein PUin-

held, but he fled from the went hack to live with his

IA few dsys after Dorotay and Marie had been placed in the New York home by ths father. Mrs. Renter attempted to iorajs the sai l dfen. and take them from

However, she was not sacaessfsi. blown out sad fell oa the hod MrsJ.being put off on one pretott or as> Bulger, s s had been her during electric storms, had ariseai^sildnen had

the dismganisatioa of lahor. JUtn-fgroup isr, ths churches.shouid take the'

l a raising standards. Jacal charch should ad-

t~*™~ Itself to iadustrial conditions f a Rs asm- conamaaity with

Oa the closing day. the of David team attracted^ aaasla

but rain stopped the game ' at the end .of the third inning.

made the long journey hither, and' w , t J \ t h e g c o r * 5 l o 3 , a f a v a r ^ finding the country a desirable one \ C*rtnage. ,.-.-bargained for farma and began to clear their laada. Among this

nected by the ties of kinship, soon

were two brothers. Nathan

W e

t h a t

and Jonathan Barker of Saadsaeld. Massachusetts/. Jonathan required Isads where your Bigelow station

; now stsads. soon uiaiTted a daugh-1 ter of s Coagregsdonal preacher,


Mrs. Maurice T. Jehnsos and Mrs. Byr^n L. Kinney Wis First

Prises in Ad Contest ! • - •

ia cooperation, and spent the-remaiader of his long j life on his (arm. His family ia j memorialised by a sectloa of the

J ^ t ^ J S L \ ^ S S T ^ l^Lb%Ck °L1^ ^ ' f A f l w a minute tabulation of the 2 ^ S m T i r l ^ hTT%^ « * « * « M« • « • • mass of suswers received by of i a c t s ^ widow. Amel^L ! Trlhune-Press in i u -Who's W h s

Nathan Barker was not as for

Bf ttS a wi What are the local ta length of the work day. safety ] tanate in the choice of his aad health*. Haw do wages cos*-> He acquire* a hundred acres a

with the cost Of tfrtagT How j mile and a quarter southwest of mothers mast work outside! f bis village ia a corner of Oouver

ths home to sappsesseat the family; peur township, sdjolniag DeKaJb ^ ^ * ^rTL™ • What is the effect oa the J sad Herman: cleared a iectioa of "**r « l ~ t « t »

What are the handicaps Und. built a log house, and in the ta factory, store snd of-j is le Autumn returned ta Saades-

•* What domestic workers env] field far the winter. a achedale of reaeoa-l i s she spring of 1SU he trans-

hie wife, bia two small chil­dren, and sll his worldly goods

are they famished •' here la his ax cart with the family hfreherf Ihead of the cattle

Arrrving here they sought a place r? Are the srarksrs sslawsd \ to worship their Ood. smrarally is

they aeait their owa tawaahip of Ooureraeur the A seasoa af rerfvaJi hi .the BtUe

u a l « ' • « * W m ^ l t , W h A j " ^ ^ ^ < * P ; 4 ^ minutes.

pulled down Che switch lever, which undoubtedly saved the bouse sad occupants I r a n farther injury.

Charles Hswa. 17, w s s about to attach the milking machine to the electric current la the ham of his

William Hawa, on the Johnstown Road. As the elect He current entered the hern at this point, the youag maa was rendered unconscious and taken to the Van-Dusee Memorial Hospital on John street, where he was attended by Dr. P. P. Drury. fie soon recovered

4 and wss able to leave the hospital. not seriously injured.

Samuel AveTy, conductor of the Oouvemeur yard Shift lag crew. and William Keane, h ia lra i i i i receive ed a shock when attesaptlhg to tele-phone from the Btdwail V railroad telephone. Oath men were tempo­rarily disabled aad on account of

, their condition the southbound l™ < track wss not cleared and the : 08

train tor Watertowa was dfiared

paign completed last week, the winners wjers-.- found to be very closely grouped together, each one having a substantial l<»ad over all

Winners of the Cash Awards: In Oetrvernevr VrHagc

Mrs. Maurice T. Johnson. rt1st prise . .-. S2OJD0

Mrs. Marry Cess, £i»d arias %

Outside Ooevtraeur Viilspe

Mrs. Byron L. Kinney

couple oCosys sfter the


I «*•

"T *;fc«-Gouvsmeur w i n Hire a^s^fvesass

Make %wfimy of SHuatlafi ht Effort te Control

Efforts of village officials fo eli­minate the annual foods of the Os* wagatchie riTer. were dmrassed a t f the regular meeting held in thai asaaaMpsJ building Mondsy rnr* Csch spring the river much damage here. A tive of William 8. Loiter, l a c consulting engineers of N Y . was present at the meeting and after considerable* discussion on the flood situation prevailing la

Mow Vera sMrssv

"̂"as'sv^a7 vassfsysss tsasfi soar

t. - ^ ^ssssBssr saa ; ^ ^ ; ^ ^

^ - to as ths

hail Cluh win clash with t h s T a t osa. The New York

a tour of Csnada for the past six weeks meeting the

Male teams la thst Country they heat a great many ojt|

them. Jdsat of ths members o f this orgsairsUon are CotVege Olrla

Trees in the village were struck j sad the new mtr compressor fire alarm sounded several time? thru the circuit being struck hy hrht-ninx The whistle m located 0x2 s

J steel tower 00 the manieipaJ buiid-| ing and residents say the elect real

display around the tower was un usual.

Lightning struck the re*id*nfe of James Wllsoa af McKmmn street shout artdalght Msssaay night i s addttssa ta « • • • • ! s i the roof.

p* priss X 5J00

There were 341 answers receiwsd m the coatesL the grease: earning from the village area save scsdewed a perfect listed la the suewOose ia the first sdrenisesseau is the Who's campaign. « wouM have

ta saswer fifty four Mr%. Ma"1**'* X. of the first prise with-

is the rilssre me***** amssst s perfect scare Jlra* Barry Csse

a er*4X af iJ for the vtftss* Mrs. By-

ros JOnaey aened 11 »hffc»


WSS 12 at

New York institution, they transferred to s private home i a Rochester snd from that horns they were adopted. Dorothy was adopt­ed by D. C. Smlthers af Nataral

fDam. N. Y.. and Matte was aoopted by Henry Wells of Ooaverneur.

Both Dorothy and Marie attempt­ed to find out aomethlngraboet their parents and brother, hut for a long

j while they hHieved that their moth­er was dead, being told that while in the home. .However, after some

} years elapsed, they were told, that their pa roots were living, and when Dorothy was 14 years oW^ahe com­menced efforta, which were ended

(only recently. Although she jour­neyed far aad s ide , through New fork sad New Jersey is efforta ta leers something shout her nerenta, s l l leads proved false.

I s the meantime both Dorothy Snd Marie married. Dorothy was married in New York City Marie was married ia Oosvemeur. But Dorothy contlnsed her search, j

* believing thst some dsy she would he rewsrded with some information j concerning ber relatives.

In 1923. Mrs. Laub wrote to an acqus i sunce in Plsiafleld. reaaest-lug that an Item be Inserted Is the local newspaper, requesting in-tormatinn concerning the Renter family Bat that Hem evidently j

hy sayoae who knew the family. Mrs. Mandy did

i s thia vicinity at that tame, J oaly comiag ta Scotch Plsias from

is the mttar part of thst

r A few years after

the father died m Phil* > Mrs. Hester remarried, he-!

Gouversear during the early spring, it was votosd by the hoard ! m^ «-_ t h # ^ . ^ • K m - I - - - - -

n a n v T o l ^ h e ^ r n o l e of m ^ k i S " ! ; > W **« & * V 2 * * <* ™ n * £ ^ 2 £ L £ re^araTmr I1*** «w» » « * thay hara playad aurvey snd sn estimate regsrding j ^ best j iale teams wherever it flood gstes in the lighting plant. w w w - 1 — n.^ tr. ~Brr f ^ r r - B s » i - S i ^ l «

s s meat and dairy inspector begin­ning September 1, 1929, snd ending

wherever was possible and In all thwtr

a for they never admit defeat until their last player Is called out.

fflBSSft? '&£

•swe^ '^BM*1 , '^.

with September 1. 1930. It was voted at the meeting that

sll personal property tax be omit­ted from the 1930 tax roll.

It waa also voted by the village officials to comply with the fire underwriters' regulations and hare a mas on duty la the municipal huildinx at all hours, day aad night, including Sunday, This will make ft possible for telephone fire alarms to get prompt attention at nil times. The -extra work win he done b y ^ some employe already work Ing for ^ the village. . . . . . « - •

labor Day CanrivsJ

SjlviaX&ke . Mcroday SeffaSEer 2nd

.:- Auipices r-z—---* Fire Department


In their outfit they hare three pitchers who they call the Aces and strange to say they are all of different nailoaeJRy. rncr4»> stance Alice Rrrard i s the Preach Ace. and this little lady by the way Is shout the only Preach Fe­male Pitcher of O-Neil la the Irish Ace sad, U the

Pemale Pitcher ever the mound. She Insists oa ths

Umpire looklag 'em over when she 1 Che rubber,

. „ has j-game m, sccount of her

she la datK. Last hut not } Harriett Smith who la (American Ace. this Jama la

six feet l a height and has ful control at all times, aad jeets rattled.

Evelyn Church the Cantata team holds down the hardest Uou that of Catcher, and to her handle this end si as she never dona s or or she claims these

r her ta thfwwtas/ whea'the hays try ta There

aa the the

hare their saa sir aai 1 • to


«• fc^ $&**- &i '^i v%