T I i J I- I v OCALA EVENING STAR TUESDAY JULY 14 1903 THRKF f Mobu- t HoW 1tua99b- ut how good Li the qnestion that every one ilu U ak ia buying candy The old sayrg that a man 5s judged by tIe candy he gives holds good t xay same as always Buy the bcv dout lake the just as good lml Nothing quite e- quabH4L famous BonBons and Chocolates They are in a distinctively exclu- sive class to I Orders receive prompt and care- ful I attention Just Rive us the name 4 and addrcss ad Ujclc Sam does th- eT1 ret W TROXLER 24 MAIN ST PURE JERSEY MILKFR- OM TESTED COWS Delivered every morning at your door Milk per quart lOc Cream per pint 20o Buttermilk per quart6fo Call the White Wagon or Phone 114 Hiawatha Lake Dairy 0 Best Quality Prompt Service- Lowest Price Bay from the BLUE WAGONS OGAtA iCE AND PACKING CO MEFFERT 4 TAYLOR Phone 84 I iCOOiNDCOP PORTABLE BE STYLISH AND UPTODATE- Dont be afraid to order by mail I We have every facility for filling Mail I Orders and we will send you the same merchandise that we sail over our courtiers to New York shoppers You have the came opportunity to buy as the New Yorker Youget the same goods at the same price The Jessica i t nw o blouse No VIA lllustrutwl l olow- ulll I H viit to any uddrow for 149 e Itv lhl < tln vxhuorlxittsteAviiNt with vulJ- iiiilciUoi uftd rluity lace inwrtlon IUIIk A cry tfTtctivu iippcarunce The hun collnr1- itlllm < T ud l to Its nttructivenesj UUexJ trftonllimry vuluo for 1149 I i PRIC- Pl t 149 Jessica c- P roitat 10- 0Ot3A15 I 5 PRT the- Argyle I- NO1A91 j ri L jb 14 f The Argyle alkinz kirt No 21 A WIIluIe ofimpnrle < Fntfh Ittpp In white only h COOL N i- C IMPORTABLE is STYLHH ami ALL TilE S- K dF Till kUt Blve s the narrow hip effect aul tlure full ut the hem which >ot off the J- ftfurrt to the Let arivnntugo It I a rhmlar 1IlllIln eleven > f s closed clown the front wtth laruu mother of pearl buttons with tiuhl fitting habIt back RtMnembor our guarantee is always cnlml our good util our reputation is behind our gimrartiv YOU TAKE NO RISK It nm are not satMltnl jou muy liavw jour money back Ien H you do not wNn to buy this Virt- Hnil tw kF natno und addrest so that we cwn put you on our regular mailing list und iid j ou our Catalogue free It N to your advantage ns well as ours We M > M our inorchandse cheaper than any other hotix In the country quality considered and wu want you to VnowthU Dont fall to send cash with order to take advantage of thl oiler R H Macy Co- 1OLETMIO1flYANDTP Broadway New York fer ckUdrest tare un Jfo opiate Ie J e OCALA OCCURRENCES Odd Fellows meet tonight Masons meet Thursday evening Win the punch bowl on display at FIshels- Mr M H Baum of Crystal River Is In town today Lightning roach paste kills em 25 cents at the Postoffice Drugstore Col N Barco of Crystal River was- a I business visitor in town today I Spaldlngs baseball goods at the Ocala News Co Mr M E Robinson of Tampa is a guest of the Ocala House I I Use Planks Chill Tolnc Guaran- teed ¬ Price 25c Sold by all druggist- Mr I John A McKay of Dunn N C I Is at the Montezuma- Mr G F Watson of Coleman is a guest of the Montezuma Mr rB Craig of Jacksonville is a guest of the Ocala House Mr A D Williamson of the S A L railway is a guest of the Ocala House Mr J W Melton of Cltra is at the Ocala House- R C nlH Co of Jacksonville I1I sell any make of secondhand typewriter upon easy terms If desired Chet Priest the clever young gen- tleman ¬ from the Daisy section was in town today Old furniture Is good as new when Kfarns repairs it Corner Magnolia Mt1tet and Fort King avenue I Marshal S C M Thomas of Dun I npllon was a guest of the Montezuma I yesterday I WANTED few table boarders I Apply to Mrs C E Ball 21 Watula treet near square I Mrs M E Lnyne was downstairs Ylstelda for the first time since her sickness in four weeks LOST On the street of Ocila a silver fountain pen Liberal reward- for its return to the Hotel Wisteria- Dr E P Guerrant went to Weirs I dalo yesterday afternoon to doctor a sick horse owned by Capt Haskell I The best 2rc box or paper we have < ver put across the counter Danish Moth at the Post office Drugstore I Messrs B L and J M Easterlinu of South Carolina are guests of the Ocala House A R Kibler one of the enterprising I citizens of Dunnellon spent the night in Ocala- i I The Munson brothers turpentine- ioiiprators in the Pine section wore I I callers today Mips Sue Anderson Is visiting her friend Miss Alice Bullock at Wekiwa Springs i A pound of paper ana two packs of unvelopes to match all of the very best quality GOc at the Postoftice Drugstore- Wm I McGahagin of Lake Weir and Dr Willis of Quincy were in the city today The later is inspector of state prison camps- Turpentine For saleTurpentine di ¬ rect from the stills at f 0 cents per gallon for cleaning floors bath tubs I tc Theu Zachry Co- D T Bozeman an extensive dealer truck from Center Hill was in the city yesterday a guest of the Monte- zuma ¬ Kearns wants every piece of old flU nlture and old stoves to repair Corner Magnolia street and Fort King avenue Albert Gerig has returned from his visit to friends at Palatka and N again busy with his trial balances at the bank FOR RENT Eightroom cottage mth and electric lights Apply at 95 Sruth Third street or to Mrs R D Fii 11c- rLOSTBird tog color white and I brown spots wears collar and chain 500 reward for his delivery to me at Lady Lake J M Walton- Mr Wilson a bright young medical student of Lake City who will receive his diploma next year Is spending a few days visiting his sister Mrs C N I Schlemmer I Mrs Will J Chambers and little laughter of Tampa are again In i Ocala the guests of Mrs W W Clyatt She returned from a visit to j Mrs Webb at Hawthorne yesterday LOSTA bill book Tuesday Sup ¬ posed to have been lost on Tucker Hill It was full of letters and bills of no value to anyone but owner Finder return to Star office and re- ceive ¬ reward I Mafor Lancaster with his family I I and that of Mr Jas R Moorhead and I Miss Luella Lancaster left yesterday I I for Shell Island at the mouth of Crys- tal River to spend several months I FOR RENTTo gentleman and I wife without children two completely i furnished rooms suitable for light housekeeping Apply to Gillen No 1 i South Fifth street i Mr and Mrs Albert E Gerig re- turned ¬ I yesterday from a weeks visit- to Palatka whtre they visited Mr Gerigs brother Mr Herbert Crook and Miss Crook t I Mr G W Martin goes up to Jack ¬ I sonville Thursday to meet a repre ¬ sentative of a big holiday supply house and begin to select his stock- of Christmas goods In a few days Mr Martin will go to Atlanta to com- i plete Ids arrangements for a partner t ship with Santa Claus I The function of the kidneys te to strain out the impurities of the blood which is constantly passing through them Foleys Kidney Remedy makes the kidneys healthy They will strain out all waste matter from the blood L Take Foleys Kidney Remedv and It will make you well Sold by all dealers I STARS SERIAL STORY The plates for The Port of Missing reni the thrilling serial story which- is to be run In the star have ar- rived ¬ The first installment will be given our readers next Saturday Look out for It HEALTH OF THE CITY IS GOOD TJsc physicians of Ocala say the hea th of the city is good and is im- proving ¬ The few eases of fever arc all improving and there have no new ones developed- MR GALLOWAY IS BUSY- Mr John P Galloway Marion coun ¬ tys sliizirfeltfct who wilt enter upon the duties of the office January 1st li 09 isrtsrfJMting the present sheriff Mr Gordon in the office and outside as well A C L EXCURSION- The A C L wilt run 3 char > ex- cursion ¬ from Valdosta Ga tC St Pe ¬ tersburg July 22 Train duo I Ocala- at 230 p m and due at St Peters ¬ burg 930 same day Round trip rates are I55 from Oealn Tickets good to return on train leaving St Petersburg CHO a m of July 2i The Board of Trade of St P tf 04Jurf will provide amusements r boat re- gattas ¬ and baseball- Mr G K Williams superintendent- for Hoertz Sons the contractors of the government building has returned from a two weeks visit in Atlanta- Mr Williams and Mr John Young the government architect have the con ¬ sent ui the department at Washing- ton ¬ to allow the quarry at Stone Mountain near Atlanta to proceed with wetting out the granite for the building Mr John Young the government arfhitHt has the drawings and speci- fications ¬ for the changes and addi ¬ tions for Grace church ready for the contractors to hid on flit plans and drawings were adopted at a meeting of the vestry of the church- A Httlt son was born Monday morn- ing to Mr and Mrs Gable of the first ward Dr Izlar was the attending physician Mother and son are doing fine- lyBERLIN 1 ELECTRICAL I THEATER CHANGE OF PROGRAM D4ILY Program for this Evening I THE PARENTS DEVOTION I NEIGHBORLY NEIGHBORS I THE MONEY LENDER Open Promptly 330 p M t Admission 10 Cents I Children 5 Cents IH Mi WOOD PROP North Magnolia Street Opposite Mc Iver MacKays i BICYCLES BICYCLES- JNO S PEDRICK SON Never too late to mend If your bi rjile needs mending no matter what- is i the nature of the trouble call to I jce us IJicycles for sale or rent Ap- ply ¬ I to Jno S Pedrick Son Next Door South of Ocala Fire Station AN OPPORTUNITY- Can I accommodate two or three persons who desire an outing on Lake Weir Inquire at this office SMALL STORE FOR RENT- A good location and reasonable rent Apply to Dr Toph at Montezuma ho ¬ tel I A MILLIONAIRES BABY attended by the highest priced baby specialist could not be cured of stom- ach ¬ or bowel trouble any quicker than your baby if you give it McGees Baby Elixir Cures diarrhoea dysentary and all derangements of the stomach Oi bowels Price 25 cents and 50 cents Sold by AntiMonoply Drug- store ¬ Mr Thompson with the A C L sent his family to Lake Weir for a rest Arthur Olas and Mr Baker of the G C or more recently called the Tain i Jacksonville railroad of Gainesville are in he city in the in- terest ¬ of their road W M Moore the bookkeeper of the Ocala Iron Foundry is on the sick list and went to the lake this after- noon ¬ I I Among the arrivals at the foilt1 zuma last evening were M Richard- son ¬ Gainesville Jno A McKay Dunn N C G W Livingston Jew berry J M Lowell Anthony L D Perry Pine S C M Thomas Dun nellnn and G F Watson Coleman Will Odell the progressive mill man of Oxford was in town todav The firemens zoo is receiving new pets Several squirrel have been aiMed and a house for the coon 1 Messrs E Ij Kimbrough H P Wilkerson and G F Watson three prominent today Colemanites were in town We understand that the only Pri- vate ¬ Bill Moorman of Grahamville was in town today as buoyant and enthusiastic a Bryan shour as ever faced the tiger in his lair- A little daughter was born last night to Mr and Mrs C F Hayes of the third ward The little lady and the mother are doing well THE WORLDS BEST CLIMATE- is not entirely free from disease On the high elevations fever prevails while on the lower levels malaria is encountered to a greater or less ex- tent ¬ according to altitude To over- come ¬ climate affection8 lassitude ma Inrfat j undJSP fever and- apud and generali3tY the most effective remedy is ElectfiSBltterf the great alternative fitr the antidote for every form of bodily weakness nervousness andy11 somnia Sold under guarantee a > druggists Price 50c t I I I Here you R I NEW CROP GEORGIA PEACHES- IN I 2 AND 3 LB CANS I Pie Peaches 2s at lOc Pie Peaches 3s at 15c I I Table Peaches 2s at loo I- I Table Peaches 3s at 20c I ALSO i I 1 Jb packages Barley lIb packages Codfish Spratts Dog Biscuits aud- I Crystalized Ginger A- TTEAPOT GROCERY I I I WEATHER FORECAST I Washington D C July HFair tonight Wednesday showers WIN A BEAUTIFUL PUNCH BOWL AND SET OF CUPS FREE I i Guess the number of postcards in i the corner window at Fishels and win the set You can see it In the I I window while you count the cards 1 The cards are on sale at one cent ton cards for ten cents A guess for every ten cents spent for cards I I A SHOCK- Is I something awful There Is no dan- ger ¬ of being shocked if I do your elec- trical 1 work Everything electrical Drop a card W H Morris I i 159 Magnolia St I I KEEP COOL I Have electric fans placed In your I C1fiC1 or home ami keep cool throtvh I the hot months It is inexpensive and n great comfort See Walter Tucker the electricipn about them Foleys Orino Laxative the new lax- ative ¬ I stimulates but does not irritate I It Is the best laxative Guaranteed or your money back Sold by all dealers- If you want a pretty reading lamp to nnect with your electric light cur icnt in the library or hall of your I home see Walter Tucker the elec- trician ¬ I about It I A CALIFORNIANS LUCK I The luckiest day of my life was I when I bought a box of Bucklens Ar ¬ nica Salve writes Charles F Bud aIm of Tracy California Two 25c I boxes cured me of an annoying case of itching piles which had troubled I me for years and that yielded to no I I other treatment Sold under guar- antee t at all druggists- Mr I I John Carney the manager of i the Carney Investment Co at Lake i Wfir was in town today with his sis I tel Mrs Gray of Tampa who with her husband are visiting that delight- ful ¬ spot and looking after their or- ange ¬ grove interests at that place I Dr McBride and wife of Holder I have gone to Baltimore for treatment I McBride in Johns Hopkins Hospital for Dr Mr Wilson brother to Mrs chlem mer who is now a medical student- in a Charleston S medical college- is now on his vacation and has been hero since last Friday left today for Cedar Key with Mrs Schlemmer where they will pass a month with friends- Mrs J K Eubanks of Crystal River and daughter passed through Ocala this noon to spend the summer in Virginia- Mrs Herman Miller of Crystal Riv- er ¬ was in Ocala today on her way- to North Carolina Mrs C E Herrick of Crystal River was in town today calling on the dentist The crowd of young people who went down to Eastlake yesterday aft ¬ ernoon under the chaperonage of Mrs G W Martin returned horn today at noon They had a lovely time FOR RENT Two 4room cottages furnished at Eastlake They are on the bluff delightfully located very comfortable Each cottage has a bed anti 2 cots and an oil stove Renter need only furnish pillow slips and sheets Rent 4 a week Apply to the Star or Frank Newport Eastlake- Fla lwk BARBERSHOP FOR RENT Apply to Dr R A Toph Montezuma Hotel A CONTENTED WOMAN- is always found in the same house I with Ballards Snow Liniment It keeps every member of the family free I I from aches and pains it heals cuts burns and scalds and cures rheuma- tism ¬ I neuralgia lumbago and all mus- cular ¬ soreness and stiffness 25c 50c anti 1 a bottle at the AntiMonopoly Drugstore Have you seen me new visible Fay Sholes typewriter R C Davis Co general agents 1Mll j UI L opYRIcp A Little Old Scotch comes in mighty handy after the exertion of golf playing or indulging- in a bicycle spin on the road or other outdoor sport We have some good brands of Scotch Irish and native whiskies to put yu all to the good just when you need a nip m- ostKEATINGCO Phone 22 OCALA FLA It j4 i c < y TAKE NOTICE There is an advertisement else ¬ where in this issue of the Star print- ed ¬ from some cards the Star has printed for the city board of health which will be advantageous to every householder to read remember and heed- ELLIE EDWARDS IN CUSTODY- Ellie Edwards the young negro who escaped from Sheriff Nugent in Sep ¬ tember 1904 while Mr Nugent was carrying him in a carriage from the court house to the jail is again in the Marion county jail or at least It Is supposed to be Edwards This is a most unusual case Edwards at that time was about 19 years of age but well grown He was charged with at ¬ tempting a criminal assault on a 12 or 14yearold white girl near Ocala He was arrested and given a prelim ¬ inary trial and bound over to the cir ¬ cuit court without bail Sheriff Nu ¬ gent started to jail with the man having his hands cuffed together In front of the jail yard sate while Mr Nugent was getting out on the inside- of the carriage the side nearest the fence his prisoner leaped out on the opposite side ran and dodged and actually got away into the scrub oaks only a few yards from the jail jumped another fence and made good his escape although Mr Nugent emp ¬ tied his Colts automatic pistol at the fleeing man ft was supposed he would soon be caught and despite the fact that the woods were filled with mtn and dogs for the next fewdays- the prisoner was never caught He got the cuffs off somewhere and got well away Mr Nugent offered a big reward for his capture one dead and another alive the first one the larger reward Eighteen months ago he was arrested at Valdosta for a crime com- mitted ¬ at Live Oak and served IS months in jail at the latter place and was delivered to Mr Gordon for the Marion county authorities upon com- pletion ¬ of his sentence Sunday and Mr Gordon came in with him yester- day ¬ As the man has changed much or Edwards would have changed a great deal in four years the authori- ties ¬ are not positive of his identity ¬ til some people arrive who know him well He passed under the name of Mack something during his late sen- tence ¬ If the man proves to be Ed ¬ wards he will get a heavy sentence here TRIALS OF A PISTOL TOTER Sheriff Henry Gordon made quick work of a pistol toter yesterday after- noon ¬ He and Deputy Sheriff Weaver were at the A C L railway depot looking for a man wanted for at ¬ tempted murder and held up a big black negro P M Mason who looked very much like the man wanted The man was searched and a 32calibre Smith Wesson revolver taken off of him He was marched over to the court house where Judge Joseph Bell tried him and in less than two hours he had begun serving his six months sentence The alternative is 100 rfnd costs It is strange why so many people especially negroes will persist in carrying concealed weapons when I vigilant- IN the law is so strict and the officers so THE MAYORS COURT- In the mayors court this morning- one drunk was fined 10 and another party was fined 5 for hitching a stal ¬ lion near the square In the case of Arthur White black for carrying I concealed weapons continued from yesterday morning Mayor Nash sus ¬ I pended his verdict until after the case I of the country against the man is I called The case of the city vs Wil- liam ¬ James the colored barber con- tinued ¬ from yesterday morning was called and the evidence was heard The mayor fined James 200 and costs or 60 days in jail Mr R B Bullock defended him It Is said that James has friends who will pay his I fine One of them said yesterday in the presence of Marshal Bull that he would pay the fine up to 1000 BASE BALL Thursday and Friday Ocala vs Lake City The Berlin theater was crowded I last night and the fine pictures shown were greatly enjoyed All the patrons of the theater were gULl to I see Mrs Wood again and to listen to her excellent performances or the piano which have been greatlj missed during her absence The usual superb array of illustrations is being thrown on the screen this even ¬ ing Harrys pictures are always right up to date Mr Peter L Durisoe and grandson Master Hineman of the Connor sec- tion ¬ were in town today Mr Durisoe brought in a lot of fine roasting ears This is Mr Durisoes first visit since his wife was stricken with paralysis several months ago but we are pleased to note the fact that Mrs Du ¬ risoe is greatly improved and can raise her arm over her head and in time will be able to resume her house- work ¬ Mr Robert Roberts with the Home turpentine camp near Levon was in town today Mr F W Ditto and Mrs Fox came up from the lake today Rev Jones of Veirsdale was 5n town today Mr E L Carney went down to I the lake this afternoon- Mr I Blesch of Lady Lake was a I caller today- S S Savage went down to Mascotte this afternoon to estimate timber Jeff Nealey of Summerfield and as si = tant postmaster of that office was in town today Mr Parker a veteran from Indiana- but an all around resident of Candler was in town today as was the vete- ran ¬ Mr Caldwell Mrs W A Kallenberger and little daughter Helen are spending a month visiting Mrs Kallenbergers brother- Mr I J S Stratton Mrs D W Tompkins and little daughter who have been down with fever are up again and expect to leave today or tomorrow for Green I Springs on old Tampa Bay Read about the guessing contest at Fishels T Will Coin has severed hs connec- tion ¬ with the D W Tompkins livery stables and is now keeping the books- of the Ocaia Gas Engine Company dJlrIt FW Ditto 0 Real Estate and Insurance Agent Houses for sale ana rent Rents collected and Taxes paid for nonresi- dents ¬ I 0 I 4I Fire Life and Accident Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farms timber tracts vacant lots residence and business propertied for sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not F w DITTO Phones 116 and 92 THE METROPOLE EUROPEAN PLAN Centrally Located Ocala Florida 4 Every convenience in the house The cleanest coolest and best furnished rooms in the city Every item of furniture beds and linen in the house- is newRates 50 cents and up per day The best meals in town can be had at th- eTHE Wisteria next door T WISTERIA 0- I R S Marshall Proprietor FOR UPTODATE ROOMS AND BOARD Special Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed- No 15 North Second StreetOCALA FLORIDA I I a Floridas Higher Educational Institutions I I University of the State of Florida Gainesville Florida A highgrade Institution for young men offering Literary Scientific En- gineering ¬ Agricultural and Pedagogi- cal ¬ Courses Strong faculty well equipped lab- oratories ¬ j thorough instruction both theoretical and practical careful su- pervision ¬ and discipline high moral toneNo tuition charges to Florida stu ¬ dents Other expenses very low For catalogue and information address ANDREW SLEDD President The State College for Women Florida Female College Tallahassee Florida- A College for Women without apart allel In the South embracing a Col- lege a of Liberal arts a Normal School- a School of Industrial Arts a School of Fine Arts offering instruction In drawing painting piano pipeorgan a 1 violin voiceculture elocution and physical culture Forty Florida counties and scven- States represented in the enrollment last session Fine new dormitory with rooms for one hundred and sixty girls Just completed Plans for other extensive improvements are already made For further information or cata- logue ¬ write to I A A MURPHREE President 1 tj DAYTONA BEACH HOTEL i DAYTONA BEACH FLORIDA Thos H Kealing Owner and ManagerO- pen t I the year round New house Diiectly on the ocean Open March 1st 1908 Electric lights Bells in every room Running water Baths with rooms Most desirable cation on the beach Rates- in conformity with first class uptodate service Special Rates During the Summer BAY SHORE HOTEL ESPIRITU SANTO SPRINGS FLA Formerly Green Springs Located right on the Bay 40 room hotel Nice shady yard Table supplied with fresh fish chickens and Wes- tern ¬ beef Plenty of fresh milk and butter from hotel dairy Vegetables from home garden Hotel run on fam ily style Rates 2 per day 8 to 12 per week- T ROY YOUNG Proprietor The Breakers by the Sea SEABREEZE FLORIDA- Is now open under the management of LM MABETTE The house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor- oughly ¬ renovated and refurnished Rooms single or ensuRe with or with- out ¬ private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing In the world SEA FOOD A SPECIALTY A TRIAL SOLICITED- Rates f 1 per day and upward according to location of rooms Thoroughly equipped garage and livery In connection J PRINCESS 0 ISSENAI- s the fine new stone and frame hotel op ed the past winter at Seabreeze Fla It will be opened for the accommodation of SUMMER TOURISTSLoc- ated in large grounds four minutes walk from the beaoh modern convenience rooms large and airy wide and breezy veranda ocean view from chambers good home table I everything firstclass Summerrates Apply to ADA W POVVERS Proprietress Seabreeze r floridaff 1- ti 1 r 4f- l

I Here you R FW Ditto - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00896/0052.pdf · TJsc physicians of Ocala say the ... Open Promptly 330 p M t Admission 10 Cents

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T I i JI-




f Mobu-t HoW 1tua99b-

ut how good Li the qnestionthat every one ilu U ak ia buyingcandy

The old sayrg that a man 5sjudged by tIe candy he givesholds good t xay same as alwaysBuy the bcv dout lake the justas good lml

Nothing quite e-quabH4L

famous BonBons and ChocolatesThey are in a distinctively exclu-sive class to I

Orders receive prompt and care-ful


attention Just Rive us the name 4and addrcss ad Ujclc Sam doesth-






Delivered every morning atyour door

Milk per quart lOcCream per pint 20oButtermilk per quart6fo

Call the White Wagon orPhone 114

Hiawatha Lake Dairy0

Best QualityPrompt Service-

Lowest PriceBay from the



Phone 84




Dont be afraid to order by mail I

We have every facility for filling Mail I

Orders and we will send you the samemerchandise that we sail over ourcourtiers to New York shoppers Youhave the came opportunity to buy asthe New Yorker Youget the samegoods at the same price

The Jessica i

t nw o blouse No VIA lllustrutwl l olow-ulll I H viit to any uddrow for 149 eItv lhl < tln vxhuorlxittsteAviiNt with vulJ-iiiilciUoi uftd rluity lace inwrtlon IUIIk A

cry tfTtctivu iippcarunce The hun collnr1-itlllm <T ud l to Its nttructivenesj UUexJtrftonllimry vuluo for 1149




Plt 149



roitat 10-



the-Argyle I-

NO1A91 j


L jb

14 f

The Argylealkinz kirt No 21 A WIIluIe ofimpnrle <

Fntfh Ittpp In white only h COOL N i-


K dF Till kUt Blves the narrow hip effectaul tlure full ut the hem which >ot off the J-

ftfurrt to the Let arivnntugo It I a rhmlar1IlllIln eleven > f s closed clown the frontwtth laruu mother of pearl buttons withtiuhl fitting habIt back

RtMnembor our guarantee is always cnlmlour good util our reputation is behind ourgimrartiv YOU TAKE NO RISK It nm arenot satMltnl jou muy liavw jour money backIen H you do not wNn to buy this Virt-

Hnil tw kF natno und addrest so that wecwn put you on our regular mailing list und

iid j ou our Catalogue freeIt N to your advantage ns well as ours We

M> M our inorchandse cheaper than any otherhotix In the country quality consideredand wu want you to VnowthU

Dont fall to send cash with order to takeadvantage of thl oiler

R H Macy Co-


Broadway New York

fer ckUdrest tare un Jfo opiate




Odd Fellows meet tonight

Masons meet Thursday evening

Win the punch bowl on display atFIshels-

Mr M H Baum of Crystal RiverIs In town today

Lightning roach paste kills em25 cents at the Postoffice Drugstore

Col N Barco of Crystal River was-


business visitor in town todayI

Spaldlngs baseball goods at theOcala News Co

Mr M E Robinson of Tampa is aguest of the Ocala House


Use Planks Chill Tolnc Guaran-teed


Price 25c Sold by all druggist-



John A McKay of Dunn N C I

Is at the Montezuma-

Mr G F Watson of Coleman is aguest of the Montezuma

Mr rB Craig of Jacksonville isa guest of the Ocala House

Mr A D Williamson of the S A Lrailway is a guest of the Ocala House

Mr J W Melton of Cltra is at theOcala House-

R C nlH Co of JacksonvilleI1I sell any make of secondhand

typewriter upon easy terms If desired

Chet Priest the clever young gen-


from the Daisy section wasin town today

Old furniture Is good as new whenKfarns repairs it Corner MagnoliaMt1tet and Fort King avenue


Marshal S C M Thomas of DunI npllon was a guest of the MontezumaI yesterdayI

WANTED few table boardersI Apply to Mrs C E Ball 21 Watulatreet near square

I Mrs M E Lnyne was downstairsYlstelda for the first time since hersickness in four weeks

LOST On the street of Ocila asilver fountain pen Liberal reward-for its return to the Hotel Wisteria-

Dr E P Guerrant went to WeirsI dalo yesterday afternoon to doctor asick horse owned by Capt Haskell


The best 2rc box or paper we have< ver put across the counter DanishMoth at the Post office Drugstore

I Messrs B L and J M Easterlinuof South Carolina are guests of theOcala House

A R Kibler one of the enterprisingI citizens of Dunnellon spent the nightin Ocala-


I The Munson brothers turpentine-ioiiprators in the Pine section woreII callers today

Mips Sue Anderson Is visiting herfriend Miss Alice Bullock at WekiwaSprings


A pound of paper ana two packs ofunvelopes to match all of the verybest quality GOc at the PostofticeDrugstore-


McGahagin of Lake Weir andDr Willis of Quincy were in the citytoday The later is inspector of stateprison camps-

Turpentine For saleTurpentine di ¬

rect from the stills at f 0 cents pergallon for cleaning floors bath tubs I

tc Theu Zachry Co-

D T Bozeman an extensive dealertruck from Center Hill was in thecity yesterday a guest of the Monte-zuma


Kearns wants every piece of oldflU nlture and old stoves to repairCorner Magnolia street and Fort Kingavenue

Albert Gerig has returned from hisvisit to friends at Palatka and Nagain busy with his trial balances atthe bank

FOR RENT Eightroom cottagemth and electric lights Apply at 95

Sruth Third street or to Mrs R DFii11c-

rLOSTBird tog color white andIbrown spots wears collar and chain500 reward for his delivery to me at

Lady Lake J M Walton-

Mr Wilson a bright young medicalstudent of Lake City who will receivehis diploma next year Is spending afew days visiting his sister Mrs C N

I SchlemmerI Mrs Will J Chambers and little

laughter of Tampa are again Ini Ocala the guests of Mrs W WClyatt She returned from a visit to

j Mrs Webb at Hawthorne yesterday

LOSTA bill book Tuesday Sup ¬

posed to have been lost on TuckerHill It was full of letters and billsof no value to anyone but ownerFinder return to Star office and re-



I Mafor Lancaster with his family I

I and that of Mr Jas R Moorhead andI Miss Luella Lancaster left yesterday I

I for Shell Island at the mouth of Crys-tal River to spend several months

I FOR RENTTo gentleman andI wife without children two completelyi furnished rooms suitable for lighthousekeeping Apply to Gillen No 1

i South Fifth streeti

Mr and Mrs Albert E Gerig re-


I yesterday from a weeks visit-to Palatka whtre they visited MrGerigs brother Mr Herbert Crookand Miss Crook


I Mr G W Martin goes up to Jack ¬I sonville Thursday to meet a repre ¬

sentative of a big holiday supplyhouse and begin to select his stock-of Christmas goods In a few daysMr Martin will go to Atlanta to com-

i plete Ids arrangements for a partnert ship with Santa Claus

I The function of the kidneys te tostrain out the impurities of the bloodwhich is constantly passing throughthem Foleys Kidney Remedy makesthe kidneys healthy They will strainout all waste matter from the blood

L Take Foleys Kidney Remedv and Itwill make you well Sold by all dealers



The plates for The Port of Missingreni the thrilling serial story which-

is to be run In the star have ar-rived


The first installment will begiven our readers next SaturdayLook out for It


TJsc physicians of Ocala say thehea th of the city is good and is im-


The few eases of fever arcall improving and there have no newones developed-


Mr John P Galloway Marion coun ¬

tys sliizirfeltfct who wilt enter uponthe duties of the office January 1stli 09 isrtsrfJMting the present sheriffMr Gordon in the office and outsideas well


The A C L wilt run 3 char> ex-


from Valdosta Ga tC St Pe¬

tersburg July 22 Train duo I Ocala-

at 230 p m and due at St Peters ¬

burg 930 same day Round triprates are I55 from Oealn Ticketsgood to return on train leaving StPetersburg CHO a m of July 2i TheBoard of Trade of St P tf 04Jurf willprovide amusements r boat re-gattas


and baseball-

Mr G K Williams superintendent-for Hoertz Sons the contractors ofthe government building has returnedfrom a two weeks visit in Atlanta-Mr Williams and Mr John Young thegovernment architect have the con ¬

sent ui the department at Washing-ton


to allow the quarry at StoneMountain near Atlanta to proceedwith wetting out the granite for thebuilding

Mr John Young the governmentarfhitHt has the drawings and speci-fications


for the changes and addi ¬

tions for Grace church ready for thecontractors to hid on flit plans anddrawings were adopted at a meetingof the vestry of the church-

A Httlt son was born Monday morn-ing to Mr and Mrs Gable of the firstward Dr Izlar was the attendingphysician Mother and son are doingfine-





Program for this EveningI THE PARENTS DEVOTION


Open Promptly 330 p Mt

Admission 10 Cents

IChildren 5 Cents

IH Mi WOOD PROPNorth Magnolia Street Opposite Mc

Iver MacKays



Never too late to mend If your birjile needs mending no matter what-is


the nature of the trouble call to I

jce us IJicycles for sale or rent Ap-



to Jno S Pedrick Son NextDoor South of Ocala Fire Station



accommodate two or threepersons who desire an outing on LakeWeir Inquire at this office


A good location and reasonable rentApply to Dr Toph at Montezuma ho ¬



attended by the highest priced babyspecialist could not be cured of stom-ach


or bowel trouble any quicker thanyour baby if you give it McGees BabyElixir Cures diarrhoea dysentaryand all derangements of the stomachOi bowels Price 25 cents and 50cents Sold by AntiMonoply Drug-store


Mr Thompson with the A C Lsent his family to Lake Weir for arest

Arthur Olas and Mr Baker of theG C or more recently called the

Tain i Jacksonville railroad ofGainesville are in he city in the in-


of their road

W M Moore the bookkeeper of theOcala Iron Foundry is on the sicklist and went to the lake this after-noon




Among the arrivals at the foilt1zuma last evening were M Richard-son


Gainesville Jno A McKayDunn N C G W Livingston Jewberry J M Lowell Anthony L DPerry Pine S C M Thomas Dunnellnn and G F Watson Coleman

Will Odell the progressive mill manof Oxford was in town todav

The firemens zoo is receiving newpets Several squirrel have beenaiMed and a house for the coon


Messrs E Ij Kimbrough H PWilkerson and G F Watson threeprominenttoday

Colemanites were in town

We understand that the only Pri-vate


Bill Moorman of Grahamvillewas in town today as buoyant andenthusiastic a Bryan shour as everfaced the tiger in his lair-

A little daughter was born lastnight to Mr and Mrs C F Hayes ofthe third ward The little lady andthe mother are doing well


is not entirely free from disease Onthe high elevations fever prevailswhile on the lower levels malaria isencountered to a greater or less ex-


according to altitude To over-come


climate affection8 lassitude maInrfat j undJSP fever and-apud and generali3tY the mosteffective remedy is ElectfiSBltterfthe great alternativefitr the antidote for every form ofbodily weakness nervousness andy11somnia Sold under guarantee a>druggists Price 50c





Here you RI





Pie Peaches 2s at lOcPie Peaches 3s at 15c



Table Peaches 2s at loo I-

I Table Peaches 3s at 20c



1 Jb packages BarleylIb packages CodfishSpratts Dog Biscuits aud-

I Crystalized GingerA-





Washington D C July HFairtonight Wednesday showers



i Guess the number of postcards ini the corner window at Fishels and

win the set You can see it In theI

I window while you count the cards1 The cards are on sale at one cent

ton cards for ten cents A guess forevery ten cents spent for cards




something awful There Is no dan-ger


of being shocked if I do your elec-trical1 work Everything electrical

Drop a card W H Morris I

i 159 Magnolia StI

I KEEP COOLI Have electric fans placed In yourI

C1fiC1 or home ami keep cool throtvh I

the hot months It is inexpensive andn great comfort See Walter Tuckerthe electricipn about them

Foleys Orino Laxative the new lax-ative


I stimulates but does not irritateI It Is the best laxative Guaranteed oryour money back Sold by all dealers-

If you want a pretty reading lamp tonnect with your electric light cur

icnt in the library or hall of your I

home see Walter Tucker the elec-

trician¬ I

about ItI


The luckiest day of my life was I

when I bought a box of Bucklens Ar ¬

nica Salve writes Charles F BudaIm of Tracy California Two 25c


boxes cured me of an annoying caseof itching piles which had troubled I

me for years and that yielded to noI

I other treatment Sold under guar-anteet at all druggists-


I John Carney the manager ofi the Carney Investment Co at Lakei Wfir was in town today with his sisI tel Mrs Gray of Tampa who withher husband are visiting that delight-ful


spot and looking after their or-


grove interests at that placeI

Dr McBride and wife of HolderI

have gone to Baltimore for treatmentI

McBridein Johns Hopkins Hospital for Dr

Mr Wilson brother to Mrs chlemmer who is now a medical student-in a Charleston S medical college-is now on his vacation and has beenhero since last Friday left today forCedar Key with Mrs Schlemmerwhere they will pass a month withfriends-

Mrs J K Eubanks of Crystal Riverand daughter passed through Ocalathis noon to spend the summer inVirginia-

Mrs Herman Miller of Crystal Riv-er


was in Ocala today on her way-to North Carolina

Mrs C E Herrick of Crystal Riverwas in town today calling on thedentist

The crowd of young people whowent down to Eastlake yesterday aft ¬

ernoon under the chaperonage of MrsG W Martin returned horn today atnoon They had a lovely time

FOR RENT Two 4room cottagesfurnished at Eastlake They are onthe bluff delightfully located verycomfortable Each cottage has a bedanti 2 cots and an oil stove Renterneed only furnish pillow slips andsheets Rent 4 a week Apply tothe Star or Frank Newport Eastlake-Fla lwk

BARBERSHOP FOR RENTApply to Dr R A Toph Montezuma


A CONTENTED WOMAN-is always found in the same house

I with Ballards Snow Liniment Itkeeps every member of the family free


I from aches and pains it heals cutsburns and scalds and cures rheuma-tism

¬I neuralgia lumbago and all mus-cular


soreness and stiffness 25c 50canti 1 a bottle at the AntiMonopolyDrugstore

Have you seen me new visible FaySholes typewriter R C Davis Cogeneral agents





A Little Old Scotchcomes in mighty handy after the

exertion of golf playing or indulging-in a bicycle spin on the road or otheroutdoor sport We have some goodbrands of Scotch Irish and nativewhiskies to put y u all to the goodjust when you need a nip m-


It j4 i c<



There is an advertisement else ¬

where in this issue of the Star print-ed


from some cards the Star hasprinted for the city board of healthwhich will be advantageous to everyhouseholder to read remember andheed-


Ellie Edwards the young negro whoescaped from Sheriff Nugent in Sep ¬

tember 1904 while Mr Nugent wascarrying him in a carriage from thecourt house to the jail is again in theMarion county jail or at least It Issupposed to be Edwards This is amost unusual case Edwards at thattime was about 19 years of age butwell grown He was charged with at ¬

tempting a criminal assault on a 12or 14yearold white girl near OcalaHe was arrested and given a prelim ¬

inary trial and bound over to the cir ¬

cuit court without bail Sheriff Nu ¬

gent started to jail with the manhaving his hands cuffed together Infront of the jail yard sate while MrNugent was getting out on the inside-of the carriage the side nearest thefence his prisoner leaped out on theopposite side ran and dodged andactually got away into the scruboaks only a few yards from the jailjumped another fence and made goodhis escape although Mr Nugent emp ¬

tied his Colts automatic pistol at thefleeing man ft was supposed hewould soon be caught and despite thefact that the woods were filled withmtn and dogs for the next fewdays-the prisoner was never caught Hegot the cuffs off somewhere and gotwell away Mr Nugent offered a bigreward for his capture one dead andanother alive the first one the largerreward Eighteen months ago he wasarrested at Valdosta for a crime com-mitted


at Live Oak and served ISmonths in jail at the latter place andwas delivered to Mr Gordon for theMarion county authorities upon com-pletion


of his sentence Sunday andMr Gordon came in with him yester-day


As the man has changed muchor Edwards would have changed agreat deal in four years the authori-ties


are not positive of his identity ¬

til some people arrive who know himwell He passed under the name ofMack something during his late sen-tence


If the man proves to be Ed ¬

wards he will get a heavy sentencehere


Sheriff Henry Gordon made quickwork of a pistol toter yesterday after-noon


He and Deputy Sheriff Weaverwere at the A C L railway depotlooking for a man wanted for at ¬

tempted murder and held up a bigblack negro P M Mason who lookedvery much like the man wanted Theman was searched and a 32calibreSmith Wesson revolver taken off ofhim He was marched over to thecourt house where Judge Joseph Belltried him and in less than two hourshe had begun serving his six monthssentence The alternative is 100 rfndcosts It is strange why so manypeople especially negroes will persistin carrying concealed weapons when




the law is so strict and the officers so


In the mayors court this morning-one drunk was fined 10 and anotherparty was fined 5 for hitching a stal ¬

lion near the square In the case ofArthur White black for carrying

I concealed weapons continued fromyesterday morning Mayor Nash sus ¬

I pended his verdict until after the caseI of the country against the man is I

called The case of the city vs Wil-liam


James the colored barber con-


from yesterday morning wascalled and the evidence was heardThe mayor fined James 200 andcosts or 60 days in jail Mr R BBullock defended him It Is said thatJames has friends who will pay his I

fine One of them said yesterday inthe presence of Marshal Bull that hewould pay the fine up to 1000


Thursday and Friday Ocala vsLake City

The Berlin theater was crowdedI

last night and the fine picturesshown were greatly enjoyed All thepatrons of the theater were gULl to I

see Mrs Wood again and to listen toher excellent performances or thepiano which have been greatljmissed during her absence Theusual superb array of illustrations isbeing thrown on the screen this even ¬

ing Harrys pictures are always rightup to date

Mr Peter L Durisoe and grandsonMaster Hineman of the Connor sec-


were in town today Mr Durisoebrought in a lot of fine roasting earsThis is Mr Durisoes first visit sincehis wife was stricken with paralysisseveral months ago but we arepleased to note the fact that Mrs Du ¬

risoe is greatly improved and canraise her arm over her head and intime will be able to resume her house-work


Mr Robert Roberts with the Hometurpentine camp near Levon was intown today

Mr F W Ditto and Mrs Fox cameup from the lake today

Rev Jones of Veirsdale was 5n

town today

Mr E L Carney went down toI the lake this afternoon-


Blesch of Lady Lake was aI caller today-

S S Savage went down to Mascottethis afternoon to estimate timber

Jeff Nealey of Summerfield and assi = tant postmaster of that office wasin town today

Mr Parker a veteran from Indiana-but an all around resident of Candlerwas in town today as was the vete-ran


Mr Caldwell

Mrs W A Kallenberger and littledaughter Helen are spending a monthvisiting Mrs Kallenbergers brother-MrI J S Stratton

Mrs D W Tompkins and littledaughter who have been down withfever are up again and expect toleave today or tomorrow for Green

I Springs on old Tampa Bay

Read about the guessing contest atFishels


Will Coin has severed hs connec-tion


with the D W Tompkins liverystables and is now keeping the books-of the Ocaia Gas Engine Company


FW Ditto 0

Real Estate andInsurance Agent

Houses for sale anarent Rents collected andTaxes paid for nonresi-dents




I 4I Fire Life and Accident

Insurance written in the most reliable companies Farmstimber tracts vacant lots residence and business propertiedfor sale Be sure to see me whether you want to buy or not

F w DITTO Phones 116 and 92


Centrally Located Ocala Florida4

Every convenience in the houseThe cleanest coolest and best furnished rooms in the

city Every item of furniture beds and linen in the house-is

newRates50 cents and up per day

The best meals in town can be had at th-


Wisteria next doorT



R S Marshall Proprietor


Special Rates by the Week Satisfaction Guaranteed-

No 15 North Second StreetOCALA FLORIDAI I a

Floridas Higher Educational InstitutionsI


University of theState of Florida

Gainesville Florida

A highgrade Institution for youngmen offering Literary Scientific En-


Agricultural and Pedagogi-



CoursesStrong faculty well equipped lab-



thorough instruction boththeoretical and practical careful su-


and discipline high moral

toneNotuition charges to Florida stu ¬

dents Other expenses very low Forcatalogue and information address


The State College for WomenFlorida Female College

Tallahassee Florida-

A College for Women without apartallel In the South embracing a Col-lege


of Liberal arts a Normal School-a School of Industrial Arts a Schoolof Fine Arts offering instruction Indrawing painting piano pipeorgan a 1

violin voiceculture elocution andphysical culture

Forty Florida counties and scven-States represented in the enrollmentlast session

Fine new dormitory with roomsfor one hundred and sixty girls Justcompleted Plans for other extensiveimprovements are already made

For further information or cata-logue


write toI A A MURPHREE






Thos H Kealing Owner and ManagerO-


t Ithe year round New house Diiectly on the ocean Open March 1st

1908 Electric lights Bells in every room Running water Bathswith rooms Most desirable cation on the beach Rates-

in conformity with first class uptodate service

Special Rates During the Summer


Formerly Green Springs

Located right on the Bay 40 room hotel Nice shadyyard Table supplied with fresh fish chickens and Wes-


beef Plenty of fresh milk and butter from hoteldairy Vegetables from home garden Hotel run on family style Rates 2 per day 8 to 12 per week-

T ROY YOUNG Proprietor

The Breakers by the SeaSEABREEZE FLORIDA-

Is now open under the management of L M MABETTEThe house will be conducted on a higher plane than ever before thor-


renovated and refurnished Rooms single or ensuRe with or with-


private baths Fine fishing and the best surf bathing In the world



1 per day and upward according to location of roomsThoroughly equipped garage and livery In connection



ISSENAI-s the fine new stone and frame hotel op edthe past winter at Seabreeze Fla It will beopened for the accommodation of

SUMMER TOURISTSLoc-ated in large grounds four minutes walkfrom the beaoh modern convenience roomslarge and airy wide and breezy verandaocean view from chambers good home table

I everything firstclass Summerrates Apply to

ADA W POVVERSProprietress

Seabreeze r floridaff


ti1 r

