THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1902 I r j 7 0 PROPAGANDAS NEW PREFECT iMtinXAL COTTlS Ari OITME- A SlHlIUSE AT noME Cardinal lUmpolU Wn Ttintifht Sate the Ilace With M Secretar- of State New nrd Polio a Cmrniel tit Slunk of Illrtli and Trlil Candidate for Petern ROME H The appointment o i animal Oottl to bo heail of the Propn gar la has astonWied Konun society ite i mb tlc Tien Card Inn 1 Lexlo how ikl waft Iwlieveil to bo dying lat winter they felt sure in very high quarters that Ilniy Father had determined to replace I im Cardinal llnmpolln who would have bi en ftuccfodwl In the offlcu of Secrotar f Mate by Cardinal Ferrata Hie Holy Knirr had been displeased for dozen Venn pi nt the tullen opposition of tim PinpO- inla to the general policy of the Holy See A pariivan or Germany and Austria lied IOJK checked everywhere espoflallj- in tlm levant the cour o Papal in niriioim Placed in an oftico above natliiiallty Cardinal Ixjdochowski purvuer a national policy It was in the United State alone that enrrled Into effect the Popes Ideas Ho win thnt ilicldcd the Farlbault In favor cas of Mgt Ireland nnd who stood for Anicricnr unity ngiinst Cahenslylsm Mgr Irebnc always fund In him an admirer and a friend IT endeavored with great p tlenc Cardinal xlochowskls oppo sit ion In erioue matters he reserved the solution to himself The promotion of Cardinal Rampolla and Ferrata would wcureil the complete rf the government The two faithful ilovotcd eervantH have but one thought but fiio ambition to carry out fully tin wislrti of the Holy Father At the last moment Leo took different meaures great an intl mato adviser of tho Pope Cardinal ForrrtU- romalrw In obscurity a victim of hta high Mit ion fardlnal Oottls appointmentunder pro rrt olrcumBtances U equivalent to a highly plitlral religious manifestation It Is UK reply to the persecutions to which the friars aro being subjected pretty nearlje- veryAvhore A dlscalced Carmelite of a porter at Oenoa n and an n cote- s subtle canon lawyer Cardinal Oottl em- bodies In n manner the Ideal- ism of the religious orders The prtvnco of one of hem the central ministry will therefore Inspire In thn missionaries in distant lands greater enthusiasm and i edlenc Tho administration will bo a sort of protection Moreover the ecclesiastical settlement in the Philippines demands safe and skilful management a wise and firm mind for In place of the Spanish monkcurates Ameri- cans or foreigners must hn Rulx tltutcd gradually Cardinal Oottl In the right man Hn will carry out with greater authority- and fulnes the higher views of Leo The new administration arouses Ho t curiosity What will thn Red Hitherto tho Holy Monk has enigma of which no shrewdness could find the answer The keenest readers of iouls- oamo hack with no knowledge from the solitude In vhloh the Cardinal liked to bury himself The mystery covered hiM austere faco with a with dis- tinction omne ignotum irortMgiAco t t- Tndtuss profound observation was veri- fied HU sanctity his knowledge lila M- Umce were clearing the way for him men aid to the Papal throne The Pop In reported to have said He will bo my sue roKsor When M Poubelle was Ambassador the Qual dOrxay had set up hU candidacy- for the tiara but the Illusion did not last long It was soon learned that tho Qulrinal and Oerrnany would Htealthlly support Cardinal flotll In the coming conclave The Emperor of Austria would projiose I irdlnal Seraflno Vnnutelll and VllhnIm II Cardinal Oottl At thin necond ballot tho votes would lx united and so the Triple Alliance would make nuro that the candidate f lt chooftlng was elected Prof Krnusn whn rIled recently Cardinal Schlauch if Hungary who also died a little while neo Cardinal Kopp PrinceBishop of llretlau Cardinal Sbrenzkl CnrdlnalAroh- bi h p of Prague represented thU policy With shrewdness and by roundabout way tho group tried to win over nil the Cardinals even the French Cardinals by making a porfldlous use of what they called the policy of Cardinal Ilampolla When two years ago Mgr Ireland returned to Home Herr Kraiis lay In wait for him nnd defined his position In him which The Is drawing to an end we must prepare for tho future break away from the present statoof mind nnd no longer collaborate with IHI XIIJ Mgr Ireland who IM faithful to the hierarchy nnd very much devoted to Leo XIII kept- on with hN fruitful with the Popo From that tlniH the fnctlon fought against him pretending that he had undisclosed schemed Cardinal GaUl was pained at these trapg and Intrigue humility pro testt l ngalat partisanship His reserve counterbalanced the evil character of the conclave campaign Prefect of the Propaganda Cardinal Oottl will bo obliged to leavo hU eollludo he his hand Ho will disappoint the mad hopes of tho pnrtluarm for ho will show that he tho servant of Io and of hi duty A JEWS uirr TO on nAaniTTll- eoame I Wlah to See Ilellflon Virtue and lUpplncM fpheld The appeal of the Key Dr Dean Rich- mond Babbitt to the Jews to help save the Epiphany Episcopal Church Brooklyn which is threatened with tho foreclosure ol a mortgago by the Nassau Trust Com Nay has not been entirely unavailing termini A has forwarded S toward tho 1219 ImmiH which must bo paid not I IT tuan 5 clock tomorrow ino rabbi scut with donation a note whn mid I wud this not because your Church ri ii ayHhtuod for fanner to tho HelirewsI- 1 uixjiwi HX a Jew I wish to ev hMit which iiiaktH for r ligl iii vlituo- aini fiainuiiMM upheld anti rut Aucvutnb In tiie list of BJ far we the WoinenH of L 1 SIrs K C L Johnson JO CMy Orange Lodgti No I0 lo- 1iK Ierof a II elork on rnoderato Ihystciun 10 Mrs ElizaUtli piiyhician wrote Admiring your 050 nOd conviction a a check Mexican fomul at Munich linprUonril CIT OK JlExiro Aug 2SAdolfo P Vh r who wai recently appointed n Consul at Munich has been arrested tit Ooveniment authorities on the charge of a deserter from the En arian Army and received a of eeven months at the expiration of which period ho will be forced rv out his term array Consul resided In the United BOIIIO time to to Mexico Ho worked ii New York and Chicago I U T for errata Lowl lames Au the h the he It XII s homo and howler XII Mon at XII Pop I l XII 1ht1 noon bit t I Loyal ala mal full h hal tO when R young man ard hOW Iap 1 hair anti t hay Was collaboration Ills Now na must show it Brook- lyn t- rn you jr ber left Munich rio I < < ¬ ¬ < ¬ DATTLEsnir MAINES TRIAL Bh Kxceedi lice Contract Requirement Averaging 181 Knots an Hour BOSTON Aug 23Tho new Maine built by the Pblladelphla for the United arrived In the outer barber thl evening after having proved to the natUfactlon of hor builders and the members of tho Government trial that she can eteam at the rate of and for four fucce tlvt her contract requirement and tho therefor the fuMest warship of her type yet constructed for the American Navy- A representative of the Clamps said alter the trial that the uveiagid 183 knots an hour during and that hrr Kientint nrwtl during tho trial wan 1H8 knots maue iast two tugs making the nmrsu on her return trip utntis on hoaiil tigured that her enl aviiaged 181 for the knots tlu course being thirtythree knots from Capo Ann to Doom and return the wntchro of on hoard tIe time required to cover the 33 knots teaming ovver the courts was 1 hour and minim nnd I hour and 46 minutes return lug a total of 3 hours and 38 minutes for the 60 knots or an average s xl of iLl TIme calculations were mad without tidal allow- ance which will benefit the vests time The Maine started over the couiw at II 27 and pnwrt the tug at the end at 110 made a complete turn and started tack 322 After posting the l ft mark boat the Maine was to turn a complete circle at full the time to Ixtntf 19 minutes Then thrt two mieliorn w r rust hut nw big lo a mishap to tho wlrdlaw controlling- the Oil mudhook lo l o hauled nbcnrd by nvniiH of some loss of A naval oflicor on board said that the Mairo wi In every way satisfactory to the trial board MY FIXXS COHORTS orT Hand and Drum Corim Aids In Onnn llkr Murphy In Mikes Realm patlery Finn who U trying hard to down Col Michael C Murphy and become Tammany leader of the Flirt Assembly district hold a mooting of hi cohorts at Oro ntvieh and r frtbroi M streets to alojK Ms campaign lforo the James 1 Association the Clinntleepr Club and the John Mcirath with a brass band end a drum corp aroun1 the district to coax crowd to hear tho Hpwrhiv- Batterr Dan pxA mUrmnn William KafTrer Dominick Thomas K made cracks nt Murphy Then the meeting resolved that Dan and broke tip HELLEVIE ILlS Fltti IIMCADE- nntpnnded In Test Alarm and Ua Ready for llustuesi In Three Minnie Acting Supcrlntendant Richard of Hello lie Hospital has been drilling a fire bri- gade of hospital helpers Yesterday morn ing ho received a consignment of fifty fire extinguishers nnd a dozen of axes and tire afternoon Rlrkard unox sounded hospital flro nlarin thn on the Ho wanted- to loam just how quickly the new apparatus could the sound of time whlhtls every man was In place the now extinguisher manned and In readiness Old Volunteer Fireman Knlrlde- MoCTcrain X J Aug Brill 71 years of an old York volunteer fireman committed outride at his homo 84 Church street this afternoon by taking Paris grwn He complained of Hlnor on Friday night and to In AH appearance this noon one of the neighbors sent to Dr W Butler at once went to the house In tho basement lying on ft lounge he found Brill dead him was a tea- cup which told the story Brill had lived Montclalr many years He owned considerable property FML YACHTlXn EYEXTS Regalia r tile larrhmonti Indian Harbor Atlantic nd Nornalk Yacht lulM The fall yscht raring ienton will open In thlt section next Saturday sid fevrrai big regattas Suit liiijorlerit FBUS are to be tallid- Tlie Laruhmont Vurht Hub licsatta Com- mittee his issued the ilrculms for rucliic on Aug 30 tfcpt 1 nnd fft t U On t tlird y Aug 30 will be a Mtcial regatta for CIa D of fcbooner and rlnnt II 1 K 4 of sloop Entries IF must bo lodged with the lUmllu Ccnlinttiv lot later than Thursday tug M t I M TIe full regatta of fluli will I tulKd on Mon- day Sept I This I nti o n ifntlu fur all cUst and entrlfK will dosS uli Saturday 3U at 1 M The rrparatury MKIU be at II 30 otloik Slid tie judir- sleamtr wil leave the clutholim nt 1030 Tickets for thH tamir II each The LMicliinont cup for I U will be mVtA on brt- urliv Sept 13 Mil i worth 5o and lor Mhooncrs to sail In one Hide will he no re to sails or crew In addition lo thi rigs lIsle will be wclul- raoes for ol I of i anti clawes II I K nl I of loop Rtitiles for ltie y race inut b by Thursday bepl II at B- j The nutumn regatta of milan Harbor Club will be on Aug Si It an 0H n regnttn and UITO will be race for the 3 30 I I t fOOt H ie of loops SBfoot iliiM of I and for mill the rl e hattie will rlo e- on FrIday Aug with Frank Jone- halrnian of the JIokiittH Ioiumlttpe at K Broadway or at rluhloute Tlie start t I oclock nnd tho u ual coUrse will IK over the Norwalk Vnrhi Hub will hold Its iinnuil on Monday 8 I Ihero will bo races for HO 30 j1 21 and ISfoot rlasicn of sloop raccnhouts knorkaboutu SO II I and CHK PS of MthoaU The b at I oclock and entries lie received up to 12 oclock on the i y of the On Monday Spt 1 Atlantic Yacht Club 1 rare for all yachts larger than Class any duly it club to and around Fire Island lightship and return a distance of PO for this race tn re will be given a handsome cup for all schooners racing ns one class nnd anothrr cup for racing an ono Thesft cups lo known IIre- Ilanil cups arm donated hy Commodore Robert K In addition prizes will be given In lass that Ills will also be trivon for Clawe nd over u iourse In time so miles long for which ll Chubb h donated a prltn which w supplemented hv the acht Club races are Intended lo dovolop time quali- ties of the yiclit lloqne- SoRwicn Auz M Despite the hurried play todny It was ImpoMlble to end the Natloual Iloque tournament here although many came were played which keeps the champlonhlp yet Champion Vahley wn In poor form nnd lo t hH second gmo this afternoon being defeated by IVok who only gave tho leader three arches Cox clinic nar defeating him hnvlng only three arehes to when secured the on beautiful mini held theta to the finish am now dangerously and considering the slunip taken an chance lor the honors The remaining games will bf eoncludej on Monday t tl In the division between HnVelanil mind llarrl which will bo played oft on Van Wlcklo winning four out of five c me from Cox Tho standing U tonlsht- U l n London Wahlej- rwiitiiazlon MJiini Mtlden Wasn- l mlon 10 I L Unset orttiamplon A WlllUma WasJilnitlon IJ Hol forl New York 7 Jicobus SprlntneM t 0 0 WlUlaras aHi Inn U i C Wa ain ton 7 Koss Norwich S nrli Wllmlnjton 10 Coleman Wa Mnilon I IS I II Orttni- miUdelpbta ll rrl IbllaUclilila II Roblnaon e n tiurvrr u 3 Craves Drill fr port e f Illrkman Wlltulnulon 4 Mewlncrr taco ton 3 Webb Che er Pv IWltr- Wanhlnilon 4 K Hnhlnwn il n iirlcl I 10 v lcy VaJihlncton 7 7 Croiby New YorkS- Vlciunalil Chlriitol II KarreU Uoeln Jal MuM I II Crtmka Mouiup 4 7 Cap bard hour I Mall tim 3 She hal Ilw hOt DIY 1 a lr 1 the whl I h a 23John ew timer 1 for II AlI 8 ar cUll I a wale M chI I ant h I foot tat t Ill b a ail I t carom rat b 4 o Url 3 O I 9 R 6 r 7 O 4 I w Inlnwlk I 2 p a 1 e H I several this Dank Association was first age C and rata the wad class tim 3mm floe tin the sailed regatta cIa rite a rIme badge M I e tarlon L Issk ew a a- ieeund 1 loglantl a a ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ < ° > VOORHIS FINDS MORE FRAUDS THE LAW IXYITES EM SAYS THE ELECTION COVMISSIOXER Canalho the Handwriting rvpert Enrollment Certificates In Two Are All Penned liy the Pulipnnai President Voorhls of the Bureau of Elec- tions received yesterday tho complete figures for the enrollment of voters coino of age and trnntfcrs made from ono illftrirt to another between year and Aug 17 when the stipple mentary enrollincnt for thn primary nine lions Tho figures for trw three mosl Important boroughs as follows ol At Tranifmn- nrouali H fleet tlto- M nh itan IIH h inlll ltii 3Z5 71 I47S fl MI MO l 1178 With figures before him President Voorhls said that had not the least doubt that fraudulent enrolment had been freely In several of time district In which hot party contests arc now raging He pointed out from beparate as especially suggestive A I sw Hem Third A I SM Ninth A 0 1J03 Dem Twentysixth A U Thirtysecond A I j- Dem The prient laws directly invite to frauds went on and we are almost unable to prevent them The man who is ready for of work enrolls- In the column when he registers for time elections In th fall In tho when the special enrollment begins ho in to party i to the contests arid districts these located Thus he ran figure out ho will l and welcome and registers his party preferment and transfers to his calculation If the eekes bill with tho supplementary enrollment which received two great political or hall not been ttate of affairs would have made Impos- sible As to the enrollment of voters corns of age It I firm belief that onethird- of them at least are fraudulent nt the pres- ent time A man dos not have to himself when demanding enrollment All has lo do is to wnd In a certificate signed by arid acknowledged by an elec- tion commissioner We have unable- to investigate more than a few cases hut we found was anything butt encouraging- Of tweniyono such enrollments In- vestigated In n single district not lets than twenty wero fraudulent Some of those in certificates were under 20 years of others wrrc ac much n 40 years old while rtlll others could not be found at all lime will have hard work during thin impending primary else tlcns looking out fald that David N Carvalho handwriting expert had ex- amined the certificates in the First and Assembly districts hail come to the conclusion that a large number of them seemed to have been signed the same The Commissioner gave tome Interesting toprvrnlng time cll trlct which had furnished the majority of time voter trans- ferred to th districts The district Jiu said had sent out a little army of v tent tn oth r fields where they were more in demand Thu 117 voters or alleged voters had left n Migle election In he St ond Assem- bly district while another district hud fur Illnhod 110 men Carvalho was before State Superintendent of Election and had a talk with Mr McCullafth about what ho had discovered while the enroll- ment certificates After their meeting Supt McCullngh would only say thnt his nen were paying specIal attention to the First and Twenty ninth Assembly districts WIn KllLKO HIM AS HE SLFlT Sue Confeised nhen Directly Accused by the Coroners Jury NASUTIUB Tenn Aug 23John E Wright a prosperous farmer residing near wan shot and instantly killed last night by his wife while he was asleep She used a Tin neighborhood was aroused by thin cries of Mrs Wright nnd a crowd soon gathered Sheriff Fentress arrived with bloodhounds hut they failed to strike a trail Time offiVor searched time house and found two loaded simIle and one empty one the latter having recently been fired Mrs Wright hail previously stated to the Cur Jury was not a shell on the Shells were found concealed between the cellinp amid the floor Wright mimi hN wfn did not get well and this with other evidence caused suspicion to rest her This verdict- f was that Wright met his death at I ho bands of his wife Later In oinvor- sfltlm with Sheriff Fentross time woman coiifcswxl The confession Is being kept for fear of mob violence Mr Wrlcht of age He and hU wife had five children two of whom were at horns at the time of tho killing Mrs Wrlpht has been taken to and placed In jnl- lim MILES A not n huh Speed Train Heine Made for an Illlnoln Klevnted LTNK Mass Aug J3 Machinery for a train that may revolutionlzo tho railway transportation of the world is being built at the Jeneral Electric Works here It Is soon to bo tried on time new Chicago Elgin and Peorla elevated railroad Tho engineers estimate that the train will make ninety to 100 miles an hour Tim line Is ISO miles long and the construction throughout Is remarkable for solidity and strength As far as pos- sible all grades have been eliminated Electricity will lie tho motive power and system will be used- A train of three cars has been built with which the first trials are to bo made The train will bo equipped with twelve 120 horsepower motors four In each car It I- nasterUd that the train will oven safer and will run less risk of leaving rails than an ordinary street car going at a moderate rate AHMED AT HELICilOUS nUT Police Arrett Thirteen ItalIan for Carr Concealed Weapons The Sicilians living In Elizabeth street and the vicinity celebrated the feast of St yesterday with parade In th afternoon and evening A shrine was erected In Ellabeth street near Houston anti a bond gave a concert them last night Th re will Ixi another celebration While the worn passing the f f the Mulberry street went hunt for carrying concealed ons In the crowd thin sidewalks They arrested eight men from whom an of lnlve 4 anti pistols Killed by a Fall From a Bicycle Bessie Jacqulncs the thirteenyearold daughter of Mr and Mrs Chauncey U- Jacqulnes of 1 Wnrdstrect Orange N J accidentally fell from her bicycle on North Park sireot East Orange yesterday after- noon nnd fractured tier died Hospital Are lou lleprfMrd Do life worries sit heavy upon Head Sex Hundred of Had U the tunic tJf Tat ale land lrClalh rice lou dON Cot Irons 870 the tl 1 FIt nl g7 holt wherE tnt 0 oorhl anti h n1 district nlon M rod about Ill Ipt In pole aMOrII In Memorial Tit owl were Totati 2503 i341 35C lrsmisfra wanted time been himself ith Waved shot gun t hit was about ire lzitern the evening the Orange ¬ < ¬ > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ ° MURPhY irts ThEiR TAHOET- Contr ctnr Foremast Shot Three Times by Itnllani In now Over take There w s trouble at the office of James Fitzgerald n street paving contractor nt 537 wst Thirtyfifth street between Danlol Murphy ono of lila men and four Italian laborers who to be paid off While time quarrel the wages was still going on one of the Italians pulled a rovoher nnd flied a shot nt Murphy hitting him In time Alidotnen Murphy started to run down Tenth aye nun pursued by time Italians Two more shots were m hun both of thorn itt ting Mm ono In tIme wrist and tIme titlcr In high He finally in tho middle of thin avenue near Thirtyfourthf- rtrret Ills assallnts fled hut were followed a lorpo crowd f nngry men had witnessed the sh of wini were of the nationality us Murph The at In ci u in nlout tIme Itft hrs so that further fig became impossible- A have taken then and timer had not live policemen from the West street station come In time attracted from different direc- tions bv the reports of th shot They nested four Ione of 4il Thirtyninth ttrert Domenlco Leonl- Oufpar anti Leone was Identified Murphy- as the man who had fired all the at him Vurphy will recover MAKES MOIIE CHA1ESI- trnuves Capt Oswald and Hives III Own Aide Fire Commissioner Sturgls appeared at Fire Headquarters yesterday when It was thought he watt at his summer homo at Tobylon L I Tho suddvti appearance rf tho Commissioner followed by that of Deputy Chief Purroy nnd a conference the two which took place In Mr Sturglss private office gave rise to all kinds of rumors Later In the day It was learned that tho Commissioner had re moved fruits hU position as aide to Chief Croker of Chief night headquarters and I a I sent him to regular fire duty at Engine 2 in Eleventh street Chief Unued I lie order making the transfer- At the same time driver William W who was promoted on Friday to time milk of mennVlon of Purroy was detailed as Ride tn thin latter who Is acting Chief Lawyer Lukt of served notice Commissioner lie reinstated Cint Alexander nnd Lleit John- J ladifan of Engine 159 o dusts ho would apply to time Court for a man- damus to comrel Commissioner to show sliMe for hia nctlon In their a e- sMAIAC ov i TJMVP- aJurniter Shoots a lin Wlthont Cause ansi Then Kllla Himself DENISON Tex Aug 23 As thin flyer was passing Chili a station miles north of this morning ft passenger siprang from his sent drew a gun and fired t Pump Re- pairer I E McDonald shooting him In the back The man then turned tho on himself and committed suicide U no explanation of his net except that ho l oeaino and rnurdorousy insane use chances am that McDonald will die Time suicide lied A ticket purchased at Kansas City for San on It was the name Joe After his deaths the body was searched anti a keen was round on him also letters written- in Italian one postmarked Oakland Cal and nnotber and to Mara of Mlwlonary Sitters Brooklyn N V tutors A MEMIIEII Another Move In the Controversy Oier the Letters Although tho trustees of Hopo Ilaptlst Church Broadway awl 104th street an- nounced after a bulnesn meeting on Friday night that this episode of the anonymous letters received pastor and several memlwrs of had clom l it was stated on time authority of a member f thin church that the name of another member a woman hind boon dropped from the church rolls on FrHny thoc nRre The Rev Richard HHrtley na ti r of the refused to say anything on the It was said that friends of woman whose name was dropped had attondecl time mooting on hut her behalf One of them did however that several mem- ber of tho congregation had decided lo organize a meeting of tho ousted young woman SHOT AT FHEE H COiTKItH- oniehoily Fired Saloon Door and lilt May lie fired a pistol under the swinging HntelloaloH saloon at 87 Janus last night and hit liarnett Thompson of 00 Kooeovclt street who was by the free lunch counter Tho bullet wont through right breast and he which followed ono thought of running out to see who the assailant was but of the Oak street station learned later that Thomp- son had shot Jack In the arm n sign mimi that the had to got even Detectives sent out to locate Thompson wits taken to the Ho will probably die Mn Fairs llrotherlnLaw In lime Orange Poorliouie George Ieffler an inmnle of time poor house at Orange N J Is a brotherinlaw of Mrs Charles L Fair who wit n hrr husband was killed in nn automobile dent In Franco Ledlern wife wns n sister of Mrs Fair His two children are living with an aunt at Cold will will probably bo made rich tim distribution estate Lefflcr who Is a sufferer from rheumatism doesnt expect Mrs death to niako any In condition In life says that friend and relatives alike have him and that he prefers to remain In tho poorhouse Armteil for Hochejter Murder BUFFALO A man who de- fcribes himself M George Hollman K years old of Geneva was arrested at the salt shafts two miles southwest of on suspicion of having been Implicated in the murder nt Roches- ter Three men are of that and Hollman Is said to be one of them Defectives from Rochester went to last and got Hollman- Tho detectives saKI that tho prlsnm answers Hol rl of tfc mn I Lundborgs Velcrema A POSITIVE CURE FOR SUNBURN CHAFING AND ALL SKIN IRRITATIONS for woo h t pro Pro apt Oa Purr r Iron that lv th unmm Kay mil pun lon Hal 1101 1 Ion non 1101 f nl Church nl ht aid tit ROll hit dropped the ion Wet won leo acc d rd J- Th Fail tit murder rn- u u u I I t I last the same s err w1 est Gums STURGIS ors Eat ira addressed cii Ill this ben ni vote ion in XII titter fliulilpuen ill ret wet Leroy a ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ ¬ > ¬ < ¬ ¬ < < SENATOR DEPEW RETURNS WITH rniisE FOIl nn KUSEII Europe He Thlnkt No toncrr Breads li- Hllh hint on the Philadelphia Here w and Old Theatrical Favorites With thin Hranoni Mans to Dlvulce The steamship Phllndvlphla of the Ameri- can 0 port yesterday morning after tho trip sIte has made since going Into commUnlon this year Aboard Item were prominent America s Including Senator hnunt ey M D pew his young wife anti Chnunoey M Deptw Jr Mr Depow who abroad for nearly ten weeks was more willing to talk about politics abroad than at homo Tho Senator- was that Eur pean countries no longer fear American invasion limit are con cnnie I chiefly In copying American methcds- Ho has returned with great admiration of Emperor William of whom ho said The Oerman Is the mot modern to date and brilliant ruler Europe known In a generation Ho IN to upon everything which will promote commerce IncrenM the prestige of jer as a world a charac- teristically qulfk and American way ascer- taining the scope and purpose American away formalities and Intermediaries to J Morgan and his and courtesies quite unheard of In relations between sovereigns and citizens- It be taken for granted If he can find any advantage for In American ways or International combinations under American management that there will be DO hesitation about time position which Germany will take Mr Depew also the belief that our attitude In the negotiations the Vatican had made Europe understand our In the war Spain On this he said general hostility toward us which w to marked among mot t oiitlnental Powers and peoples on account of racial and financial sympathy with bpaln Is wholly none There concurrence that the action of the American ioTornment Is noose for nnd order ID the island and eminently Jut and fair met men political and church circles and did not anywhere hear army crltl of our proposItions ln the contrary they all o does the European of nil shades of opinion that the nego- tiations have on In a moft cred- itable sPirit nnd there l artnlratlon of tact wUdom nd moderation ills played by President Hoosevelt and Clov Mr Do ew Is sure of Gov OdellV re- election I dont always feel n- niiiii lie salt but case I know wej will win TIlt Philadelphia brought a number of among were Jessie Mlllward Hilda Beatrice Irwin and Jullsn IKstrange Miss Mlllwnrd Is to appear urider harks Krohmans manace Inept In Therus Many a Miss Irwin U to ar in the play MIN had thU to say of plans Vhlle Lyceum Theatre is In of completion I have been spe- cially I appear first with Virginia Harried In Iris other work which I am to do- I only know that later In the season I am to have a In Mlvhso It U possible that around the holidays I may sent back to London by Mr to appear- In the pro he will then of hew play at the Duke of Yorks Theatre Iris I a newcomer ansi so Is Beatrice Irvin who conies for Theres a Slip She was the of the Wynd Theatre In London She host meres in the part played here Margaret Dale In Defence Miss Irwin Is urider engagement to Charles Frohman for thl season after which she will go to Daniel Frohman for the new Lyceum invEnsios OF A MAGNATE lion a MlnliiK Stan Enjoyed Illmielf at fee uncut of thin Melon Motion from the rtona lor threeQiiarters of an hour yesterday evening Ihrnlx was imt as dull a town as It has been for some week or ever since thn summer hegira to the Coast In It hail M small beginning and soon developed- Into a haIti In the watermelon trade resulted In much profit to a melon broker whose olllces arc at No steen West Adjms street TIme watermelon cornet Will engineered by Mr Sparks a mining man from who has In Iliirnlt for the last two months hid been drinking some kind of a fluid which not exhilarated hint also warmed the cocliles of his heart und considerably decreased the SITS and value dollar He bought watermelon anti accidentally let It fall on the It burst open and the heau- tlful red Inside put It In mind to paint the town tel watermelons That was a of frescoing that had never been heard of liefor Ho height thin load of melons aM biirtl them all upon tIme sidewalk and soon surroiride1 all the somalI IIHI In this part of the A snowball lialtle In eased this broken of m lon were utfd In place of snowballs The boys entered Into Brett with a whib the nib lag man who now then shored hi appreciation lie show- ering pieces of silver autumns them thy rnire avid nor until were no more pieces of red watermelon hearts left enough to and the reived on to time Post Ofllce fruit stand To tho consternation of thin the mining nun began taking of his to k watermelons anti cantaloupe and hurllig theta Into the street for th the of hit youthful followers Homo of them wet thrown at pas lng vehicles and at per- sons who had not been enrolled In the gjno who Imagined that something rliH WHS rolng on The man threw cantaloupes Into the air anti offered IS to boy who at li The scramble to crow terrlOc hut at lat all time watermelon and the other were eihnuted arid then the man picked of plums nnd other fruits them among hrleklnc who at the saute were him with pIsces of broken melon and ol her dbrl that cs me After this extraordinary port bad been going on an hour John Casey cnmn along slid though ho does not- re within tIme city he butted In the Interest of anti order which dill not sent to be receiving proper confident Ion from any other sourre Mr la ev told the mining thl thing would hare to Thin mining man thought that he had another recruit that was going to be more fun than ever He led right which fell with the force of a pile on Mr Jaw antI that tle of pro- priety was for a moment converted Into a spin- ning He brought up finally a door anti when the world going around and around he went away If tax were willing to things happen- he reasoned that It was none of The mining Ulan paul for all this havoc he hail wrought and at length Allowed himself lo be led away by a friend The boy with the wagon said Mr a godsend If It t been for Jim would have gone home broke Jlr hold that h f not n re Whoever sent him been for hiram he would not have coe him with his jaw broken Horners FurnitureFA- LL EXHIBITION- of the worlds best productions in the Furniture and Arts No such magnificent display has ever ben shown in America All in figures and the very lowest at which equal grades can sold Some Striking Values In Bedroom Suites Parlor And Room And mAny other individual irlcki of utility And In every wellfurnbhed home ill marked Mow cost to clo out to mike room lor goods Arriving dally R J HORNER CO Tunlture Makers anJ Importers 65 West 23d Street J O mtT J a of hat url hal Al n pint s clam pr teen th I amp ln the P noro 4 u lira till oUlhfu II r sidewalk kurt rlt Jill rest I ralll t prl Lilt f th ould III lo d limit ln IY wit eMI f badnol Up- holstery pi ice 61 63 fastest niumnlmr leon amid hospitali- ties eriumini s Nw a a ith and tiui nih g era to t ani his s i lilt ¬ < < < ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < ¬ ¬ ¬ > WALKED OFF HIS Between flan Franelico and Toronto He Gained II Pound and Got Writ Pram ti Toronto Mail tad Kmfirr If tt of Alfred V Allen an old Toronto boy Mil any criterion ha dl cov rd a cure for roniumptlon that Koch and other lymph compounds In started list Ills I fertnlnly- nn heroic one ami ffflcaclou at hf found It l scarcely likely to become popular This Is him story On being told by i doctor Sun Frnnchro that hi lungs were nlmo t une i up anti h had iro homr to dip Mr Alien retIred to his room to consider what ho would do Many would have don nothing or com- mitted suicide while Idly ponclcrliiK over how to apcnd hi few remaining dan a dudden inspiration mine to Mr Allen He decided o take a walkback to hl old Canadian home In Toronto He at once decided to try the experiment and the next day Aug inoi he started out with hU be t suit on one out of bu lne 8 II to In his pockets and a tonnage over all of flzhtyone pounds He- w very weak at first and found It hud work to rover a mile and a half For two month he walked along keepIng his m ney as long an ho looked respectable ns one weiild take It hut when he became more weatherworn and needvlooklnj It won went So weak was he that on one occasion he permlsulon to cut wood for a meal but was unable to handle the axe Slowly and painfully he tramped on fol- lowing the tie north through California Then tie the tracks to take- a short cut and lout himself two days anti a In the dense forests but In spite of It all he started to rain strength was soon able to averse miles a day one day actually walking fiftyone In he earned 117 cooking for some hungry sheep herders strangers to dyspepsia be reached Idaho There he hod a terrible experience tramping across miles of without food or water until he reached an oasis where some ad time was parched and swollen his cracked and was exhausted by privations o much so that It took several and food to put him In shape to continue his walk With the aid of a big water bottle he managed to cross time rest of the arid and Into flab through which State he strolled received everywhere the lonely railroad section men to the a face from the outside world was a real godsend- In tact at one place where he to face- a fearful snap with snow waUt deep- a family took and kept him week finally he did start ofT the of the house gave him a kiss arid a five dollar bill to cheer pilgrimage The money gone but the memory of still fresh Through storm and mow wind and rain to once more In Canada From Windsor he walked to from to Iewl ton where crowed the Suspension and once again landed on soil There hut Wednesday weatherworn and weary but a well man no his mpg tramp lr Allen walked through of boots and used mote clothes than he could keep track of lie was much s d with unfalllnr kindness he met with everywhere havln one occasion ill sleep when was lost In Oregons wild Allen has been e who have been amazed to tad him perfect from the white and more astounded at extraordinary method br which he cured experiences the also remedy lit better II lung rOIl Oregon again rids onCe more untl desert ventitroum IrrlllaUon reclaimed enough land to a aranty ntr be alon tra rllln Iowa Into 1111 nets through Michigan sad at Drld he Grlllli Trunk ties and landed In pounds of hard manhood and with out a trac of old foe always of food Or lack a houae h lar CONS JMPTIOa lie leaves how- ever got hail by Produce hi b 1llnnts to Toronto his tie tt < < ¬ ¬ > P POWER WANTS THAT STOCK WHICH WEIItEXFELn AVERS fffl- XEVEn sritttEXDEREDI- lommy PlauttlfT In the N P suit Will I aj- llalm to the 100 Share on Wnletj lila Null Was FoundedWorth 14 mm Now and Says Peter I ItM Peter Power expects to got a Itttto more for his servlcc ns dummy plaintiff in the suit against tIme Northern Securities Com- pany than he hits got out of It already Besides the cash paid to him through Law ycr George Alfred Lamb for nxpvna11 from the time thus suit was brought until he was lodged In Ludlow Street Jail Petwr now says he to retain as hl property the 100 shares of stock on the atrehfth of which ho began time now famous litigation Peter Power says this stock WM planed In my name It Is on record In the court that the stock was never transferred to him When released from Jail on Friday Power went to his homo to see the wife he took during thin troubled times of hU suit In court Yesterday he returned to quiet lifo ns a clerk In Lawyer Lambs offleo- Ho told reporters there that ho expected that the id shores of Northern Pacific stock would be turned over to him in a few days The stock Is now In the hands of Mr Mnhey the examiner said Power I expect him tn return the shares to me A once The stock is worth 111000 and I need It Oh I do not Intend to dtepoM- of It Who you the stock a asked Power Mr Weldenfeld gave it to mo for the UM of name In the stilt the Northern Securities Company answered Peter Hit had not his confinement he said because he felt confident that Lamb would get him out quickly 1 am all through with the case now ever I am willing to appear at any time I am called In Wall Street that the Stock Exchange would take action against Wet denfeld and other brokers to bars acted as the instigators of the Peter Power suit have no apparent foundation Presi- dent of aald yesterday that the Committee the matter had not born asked to consider It and probably would not pay any attention to It reasons were advanced for taking It up nnrglan Rob and Set Fire to Dr Cmdtpfi House GOBHEN N 7 Aug J3 Last night two masked burglars entered the residence of Dr D T Condlct Shortly afterward U servant girl entered and seeing them aroused Dr Condlct who started for basement where they wore at work Ai ho opened the he waa greeted burst of flames Assisted and the servant ho subdued the are The burglars had covered the stairs with ex- elslor In kerosene and when heard the doctor coming and escaped with 187 taken from house was leased by the Hunt last week to as a clubhouse Need expects lila reporter though hue added At lout I wu I would not him needed again the b s ignIted t a need 1 ¬ Stern Brothers are showing Advance Styles of Wome- nsTaMormadle Suits Skflrts the most desirable materlas for Autumn Wear Will place on sale tomorrow of FlockOn Mixtures Special walking lengths at Values of Black Broadcloths In new In pleated effects silk lined at Skirts Changeable Deerskin Plaids walking lengths at 575 1850 1950 Lawn Shirt Waists Closing Out Sale at 75ct 9SC 195 Misses and Childrens Autumn Tailored Suits Skirts Monte Carlo Coats Styles Silk Flannel Fleecelined Cotton Waists Girls Sailor arid Russian Dresses j On Sale Monday J 2 OU Girls Russian Dresses 4toi2yrs plaid and novelty dress goods braid trlmmel Value 575 to 750 Misses Cloth Walking Skirts M to ia yrs box pleated slot seams stitching Valua 850 Misses Rain Coats u to IB yrs of Imports cravenette cloth In oxford and tan Value 1695 Fall Models Misses Waists of Talletas Peau de Sole and Metallic Velveteens 14 to 18 yrs Special Sale 0 Bedsteads 100 Brass Bedsteads 2475 3500 4950 Previous prices 3600 4750 It 6500 250 White Enamel 500 675 950 Previous prices 675 8 75 1150- I Above are regular stock quality make fitting and lacquering best Pure South American Hair Mattresses Spring Underbeds Feather Pillows and Bolsters New Fall Effects in Curtains Stores Irish Point Pr 425 550 750 Lace Renaissance Pr 450 675 875 Curtains Marie Antoinette Pr 600 850 975 Arabian Pr 700 875 950 Stores Bonne Femme Each 1100 1350 1650 Estimates and DesIgns Furnished for all kinds of i Lace Panels Curtains and Bed Sets West Twentythird Street 0 t S waw flap the ia I jfr ° <

i fl 1 j- amid 1 1111 - Library of Congress · 2017-12-15 · THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1902 I r j 7 0 PROPAGANDAS NEW PREFECT iMtinXAL COTTlS Ari OITME- A SlHlIUSE AT noME Cardinal

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Page 1: i fl 1 j- amid 1 1111 - Library of Congress · 2017-12-15 · THE SUN SUNDAY AUGUST 24 1902 I r j 7 0 PROPAGANDAS NEW PREFECT iMtinXAL COTTlS Ari OITME- A SlHlIUSE AT noME Cardinal







Cardinal lUmpolU Wn Ttintifht Satethe Ilace With M Secretar-of State New nrd Polio a Cmrniel

tit Slunk of Illrtli and TrlilCandidate for Petern

ROME H The appointment oi animal Oottl to bo heail of the Propngar la has astonWied Konun societyite i mb tlc Tien Card Inn 1 Lexlo how

ikl waft Iwlieveil to bo dying lat winterthey felt sure in very high quarters thatIlniy Father had determined to replaceI im Cardinal llnmpolln who would havebi en ftuccfodwl In the offlcu of Secrotar

f Mate by Cardinal Ferrata Hie HolyKnirr had been displeased for dozen Vennpi nt the tullen opposition of tim PinpO-

inla to the general policy of the Holy SeeA pariivan or Germany and Austrialied IOJK checked everywhere espoflallj-in tlm levant the cour o Papal in

niriioim Placed in an oftico abovenatliiiallty Cardinal Ixjdochowski purvuera national policy

It was in the United State alone thatenrrled Into effect the Popes Ideas Howin thnt ilicldcd the Farlbault In favor casof Mgt Ireland nnd who stood for Anicricnrunity ngiinst Cahenslylsm Mgr Irebncalways fund In him an admirer and a friendIT endeavored with great p tlenc

Cardinal xlochowskls opposit ion In erioue matters he reservedthe solution to himself The promotionof Cardinal Rampolla and Ferrata would

wcureil the completerf the government The two faithfulilovotcd eervantH have but one thoughtbut fiio ambition to carry out fully tinwislrti of the Holy Father At the lastmoment Leo took differentmeaures great an intlmato adviser of tho Pope Cardinal ForrrtU-romalrw In obscurity a victim of hta highMit ion

fardlnal Oottls appointmentunder prorrt olrcumBtances U equivalent to a highlyplitlral religious manifestation It Is UKreply to the persecutions to which thefriars aro being subjected pretty nearlje-veryAvhore A dlscalced Carmelite ofa porter at Oenoa n and an n cote-s subtle canon lawyer Cardinal Oottl em-

bodies In n manner the Ideal-ism of the religious orders The prtvncoof one of hem the central ministrywill therefore Inspire In thn missionariesin distant lands greater enthusiasm and

i edlenc Tho administration will bo asort of protection

Moreover the ecclesiastical settlementin the Philippines demands safe and skilfulmanagement a wise and firm mind for Inplace of the Spanish monkcurates Ameri-cans or foreigners must hn Rulx tltutcdgradually Cardinal Oottl In the right manHn will carry out with greater authority-and fulnes the higher views of Leo

The new administration arousesHo t curiosity What will thn RedHitherto tho Holy Monk hasenigma of which no shrewdness could findthe answer The keenest readers of iouls-oamo hack with no knowledge from thesolitude In vhloh the Cardinal liked tobury himself The mystery covered hiM

austere faco with a with dis-

tinction omne ignotum irortMgiAco t t-

Tndtuss profound observation was veri-fied HU sanctity his knowledge lila M-

Umce were clearing the way for him menaid to the Papal throne The Pop In

reported to have said He will bo my sueroKsor

When M Poubelle was Ambassador theQual dOrxay had set up hU candidacy-for the tiara but the Illusion did not lastlong It was soon learned that tho Qulrinaland Oerrnany would Htealthlly supportCardinal flotll In the coming conclaveThe Emperor of Austria would projioseI irdlnal Seraflno Vnnutelll and VllhnImII Cardinal Oottl At thin necond ballottho votes would lx united and so the TripleAlliance would make nuro that the candidate

f lt chooftlng was elected Prof Krnusnwhn rIled recently Cardinal Schlauchif Hungary who also died a little whileneo Cardinal Kopp PrinceBishop ofllretlau Cardinal Sbrenzkl CnrdlnalAroh-bi h p of Prague represented thU policy

With shrewdness and by roundaboutway tho group tried to win over nil theCardinals even the French Cardinals bymaking a porfldlous use of what they calledthe policy of Cardinal Ilampolla Whentwo years ago Mgr Ireland returned toHome Herr Kraiis lay In wait for him nnddefined his position In him whichThe Is drawing to

an end we must prepare for tho futurebreak away from the present statoof mindnnd no longer collaborate with IHI XIIJMgr Ireland who IM faithful to the hierarchynnd very much devoted to Leo XIII kept-on with hN fruitful withthe Popo From that tlniH the fnctlonfought against him pretending that he hadundisclosed schemed

Cardinal GaUl was pained at thesetrapg and Intrigue humility protestt l ngalat partisanship His reservecounterbalanced the evil character of theconclave campaign Prefect of

the Propaganda Cardinal Oottl will boobliged to leavo hU eollludo hehis hand Ho will disappoint the madhopes of tho pnrtluarm for ho will showthat he tho servant of Io andof hi duty

A JEWS uirr TO on nAaniTTll-

eoame I Wlah to See Ilellflon Virtueand lUpplncM fpheld

The appeal of the Key Dr Dean Rich-mond Babbitt to the Jews to help save theEpiphany Episcopal Church Brooklynwhich is threatened with tho foreclosureol a mortgago by the Nassau Trust ComNay has not been entirely unavailing

terminiA has forwarded S toward tho 1219ImmiH which must bo paid notI IT tuan 5 clock tomorrow

ino rabbi scut with donation a notewhn mid

I wud this not because your Churchri ii ayHhtuod for fanner to tho HelirewsI-1 uixjiwi HX a Jew I wish to ev

hMit which iiiaktH for r ligl iii vlituo-aini fiainuiiMM upheld anti rut Aucvutnb

In tiie list of BJ far wethe WoinenH of L 1

SIrs K C L Johnson JOCMy Orange Lodgti No I0 lo-

1iK Ierof a II elork on rnoderatoIhystciun 10 Mrs ElizaUtli

piiyhician wrote Admiring your050 nOd conviction aa check

Mexican fomul at Munich linprUonrilCIT OK JlExiro Aug 2SAdolfo P

Vh r who wai recently appointedn Consul at Munich has been arrested

tit Ooveniment authorities on thecharge of a deserter from the Enarian Army and received aof eeven months at theexpiration of which period ho will be forced

rv out his term array Consul

resided In the United BOIIIO timeto to Mexico Ho worked

ii New York and Chicago











howler XII

















when R young man ard

hOW Iap 1








Now na

must show







ber left Munich








DATTLEsnir MAINES TRIALBh Kxceedi lice Contract Requirement

Averaging 181 Knots an HourBOSTON Aug 23Tho new

Maine built by the Pblladelphlafor the United arrived In theouter barber thl evening after havingproved to the natUfactlon of hor buildersand the members of tho Government trial

that she can eteam at the rate ofand for four fucce tlvt

her contract requirement and thotherefor the fuMest warship of her type

yet constructed for the American Navy-A representative of the Clamps said

alter the trial that the uveiagid183 knots an hour during and thathrr Kientint nrwtl during tho trial wan1H8 knots maue iast two tugsmaking the nmrsu on her return triputntis on hoaiil tigured that her enlaviiaged 181 for the knots tlucourse being thirtythree knots from CapoAnn to Doom and return

the wntchro of on hoard tIetime required to cover the 33 knots teaming

ovver the courts was 1 hour andminim nnd I hour and 46 minutes returnlug a total of 3 hours and 38 minutes for the60 knots or an average s xl of iLl TImecalculations were mad without tidal allow-ance which will benefit the vests time

The Maine started over the couiw atII 27 and pnwrt the tug at the end at 110

made a complete turn and started tack322 After posting

the l f t mark boat the Maine wasto turn a complete circle at full thetime to Ixtntf 19 minutes

Then thrt two mieliorn w r rust hut nwbig lo a mishap to tho wlrdlaw controlling-the Oil mudhook lo l ohauled nbcnrd by nvniiH ofsome loss of

A naval oflicor on board said that theMairo wi In every way satisfactory to thetrial board

MY FIXXS COHORTS orTHand and Drum Corim Aids In Onnn llkr

Murphy In Mikes Realmpatlery Finn who U trying hard

to down Col Michael C Murphy and becomeTammany leader of the Flirt Assemblydistrict hold a mooting of hi cohorts atOro ntvieh and r frtbroi M streets toalojK Ms campaign

lforo the James 1

Association the Clinntleepr Club and theJohn Mcirath with a brassband end a drum corp aroun1the district to coax crowd to hear thoHpwrhiv-

Batterr Dan pxA mUrmnnWilliam KafTrer DominickThomas K made cracks ntMurphy Then the meeting resolved that

Dan and broke tip


nntpnnded In Test Alarm and Ua Readyfor llustuesi In Three Minnie

Acting Supcrlntendant Richard of Hello

lie Hospital has been drilling a fire bri-

gade of hospital helpers Yesterday morning ho received a consignment of fiftyfire extinguishers nnd a dozen ofaxes and tire

afternoon Rlrkard unoxsounded hospital flro nlarin

thn on the Ho wanted-to loam just how quickly the new apparatuscouldthe sound of time whlhtls every manwas In place the now extinguisher mannedand In readiness

Old Volunteer Fireman Knlrlde-

MoCTcrain X J Aug Brill71 years of an old York volunteerfireman committed outride at his homo84 Church street this afternoon by takingParis grwn He complained of Hlnor onFriday night and to In AH

appearance this noon one of the neighborssent to Dr W Butler at oncewent to the house

In tho basement lying on ft lounge hefound Brill dead him was a tea-cup which told the story Brill had lived

Montclalr many years He ownedconsiderable property


Regalia r tile larrhmonti Indian HarborAtlantic nd Nornalk Yacht lulM

The fall yscht raring ienton will open In

thlt section next Saturday sid fevrrai bigregattas Suit liiijorlerit FBUS are to be tallid-Tlie Laruhmont Vurht Hub licsatta Com-

mittee his issued the ilrculms for rucliic onAug 30 tfcpt 1 nnd fft t U On t tlird yAug 30 will be a Mtcial regatta forCIa D of fcbooner and rlnnt II 1 K

4 of sloop Entries IF mustbo lodged with the lUmllu Ccnlinttiv lotlater than Thursday tug M t I M TIefull regatta of fluli will I tulKd on Mon-

day Sept I This I nti o n ifntlu fur all

cUst and entrlfK will dosS uli Saturday3U at 1 M The rrparatury MKIU

be at II 30 otloik Slid tie judir-sleamtr wil leave the clutholim nt 1030Tickets for thH tamir II each TheLMicliinont cup for I U will be mVtA on brt-

urliv Sept 13 Mil i worth 5o andlor Mhooncrs to sail In one Hide

will he no re to sails or crewIn addition lo thi rigs lIsle will be wclul-

raoes for ol I of i anti clawes II I

K n l I of loop Rtitiles for ltie y raceinut b by Thursday bepl II at B-

jThe nutumn regatta of milan Harbor

Club will be on AugSi It an 0H n regnttn and UITO will berace for the 3 30 I I t fOOt H ieof loops SBfoot iliiM of I and for mill

the rl e hattie will rlo e-

on FrIday Aug with Frank Jone-halrnian of the JIokiittH Ioiumlttpe at K

Broadway or at rluhloute Tlie startt I oclock nnd tho u ual

coUrse will IK overthe Norwalk Vnrhi Hub will hold Its

iinnuil on Monday 8 I Iherowill bo races for HO 30 j1 21 and ISfootrlasicn of sloop raccnhoutsknorkaboutu SO II I and CHK PS

of MthoaU The b at I

oclock and entries lie received up to 12

oclock on the i y of theOn Monday Spt 1 Atlantic Yacht

Club 1 rare for all yachts largerthan Class any duly itclub to and around Fire Island lightshipand return a distance of PO forthis race tn re will be given a handsomecup for all schooners racing ns one classnnd anothrr cup for racing an ono

Thesft cups lo known IIre-Ilanil cups arm donated hy CommodoreRobert K In addition prizeswill be given In lass that Illswill also be trivon for Clawe

nd over u iourse In time somiles long for which ll Chubb h

donated a prltn which w supplementedhv the acht Club racesare Intended lo dovolop time quali-

ties of the yiclit


SoRwicn Auz M Despite the hurriedplay todny It was ImpoMlble to end theNatloual Iloque tournament here althoughmany came were played which keeps thechamplonhlp yet ChampionVahley wn In poor form nnd lo t hH secondgmo this afternoon being defeated by IVok

who only gave tho leader three arches Cox

clinic nar defeating him hnvlng only threearehes to when secured the

on beautiful mini held theta tothe finish

am now dangerouslyand considering the slunip taken

an chancelor the honors The remaining games willbf eoncludej on Monday

t tl In the division betweenHnVelanil mind llarrl which will bo playedoft onVan Wlcklo winning four out offive c me from Cox Tho standingU


Ul n London Wahlej-rwiitiiazlon MJiini Mtlden Wasn-

l mlon 10 I L Unset orttiamplon A

WlllUma WasJilnitlon IJ Hol forl New York7 Jicobus SprlntneM t 0 0 WlUlaras aHi

Inn U i C Wa ain ton 7 KossNorwich S nrli Wllmlnjton 10 ColemanWa Mnilon I IS I II Orttni-

miUdelpbtall rrl IbllaUclilila II Roblnaone n tiurvrr u 3 Craves Drill fr porte f Illrkman Wlltulnulon 4 Mewlncrr tacoton 3 Webb Che er Pv IWltr-Wanhlnilon 4 K Hnhlnwn il n iirlcl I 10v lcy VaJihlncton 7 7 Croiby New YorkS-Vlciunalil Chlriitol II KarreU Uoeln Jal MuMI II Crtmka Mouiup 4 7














I h




1 for II

AlI 8






ant h

I foottat



b a






o Url3 O I

9 R



O 4

I w Inlnwlk I 2


a 1 eH















3mm floe tin










I e

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a a-

ieeund 1 loglantl





> >












Canalho the Handwriting rvpertEnrollment Certificates In Two

Are All Penned liy thePulipnnai

President Voorhls of the Bureau of Elec-

tions received yesterday tho completefigures for the enrollment of voters coinoof age and trnntfcrs made from ono

illftrirt to another betweenyear and Aug 17 when the stipple

mentary enrollincnt for thn primary nine

lions Tho figures for trw threemosl Important boroughs as follows

ol At Tranifmn-nrouali H fleet tlto-

M nh itan IIH h inlll ltii3Z5 71 I47S fl

MI MO l 1178

With figures before him PresidentVoorhls said that had not the least doubtthat fraudulent enrolment had been

freely In several of time district Inwhich hot party contests arc now ragingHe pointed out from beparate

as especially suggestiveA I sw Hem Third

A I SM Ninth A 0 1J03 DemTwentysixth A U

Thirtysecond A I j-

DemThe prient laws directly invite to

frauds went on and we arealmost unable to prevent them The manwho is ready for of work enrolls-In the column when he registers fortime elections In th fall In thowhen the special enrollment begins ho in

to party i to thecontests arid districts theselocated Thus he ran figure out

ho will l and welcome andregisters his party preferment and

transfers to hiscalculation

If the eekes bill with thosupplementary enrollment which received

two great political orhall not been ttate

of affairs would have made Impos-sible

As to the enrollment of voters cornsof age It I firm belief that onethird-of them at least are fraudulent nt the pres-ent time A man dos not have tohimself when demanding enrollment All

has lo do is to wnd In a certificate signedby arid acknowledged by an elec-tion commissioner We have unable-to investigate more than a fewcases hut we found was anythingbutt encouraging-

Of tweniyono such enrollments In-

vestigated In n single district not lets thantwenty wero fraudulent Some of those

in certificates were under 20years of others wrrc ac much n 40

years old while rtlll others could not befound at all lime will have hardwork during thin impending primary elsetlcns looking out

fald that David NCarvalho handwriting expert had ex-

amined the certificates in the Firstand Assembly districtshail come to the conclusion that a largenumber of them seemed to have been signed

the sameThe Commissioner gave tome Interesting

toprvrnlng time cll trlct which hadfurnished the majority of time voter trans-ferred to th districts The

district Jiu said had sentout a little army of v tent tn oth r fieldswhere they were more in demand Thu117 voters or alleged voters had left nMigle election In he St ond Assem-bly district while another district hud furIllnhod 110 men

Carvalho was before StateSuperintendent of Election

and had a talkwith Mr McCullafth about what ho haddiscovered while the enroll-ment certificates After their meetingSupt McCullngh would only say thnt hisnen were paying specIal attention to theFirst and Twentyninth Assembly districts

WIn KllLKO HIM AS HE SLFlTSue Confeised nhen Directly Accused by

the Coroners JuryNASUTIUB Tenn Aug 23John E

Wright a prosperous farmer residing nearwan shot and instantly killed

last night by his wife while he was asleepShe used a

Tin neighborhood was aroused by thin

cries of Mrs Wright nnd a crowd soongathered Sheriff Fentress arrived withbloodhounds hut they failed to strike atrail

Time offiVor searched time house and foundtwo loaded simIle and one empty one thelatter having recently been fired MrsWright hail previously stated to the Cur

Jury was not a shell onthe Shells were found concealedbetween the cellinp amid the floor

Wright mimi hN wfn did not getwell and this with other evidence causedsuspicion to rest her This verdict-

f was that Wright met his deathat I ho bands of his wife Later In oinvor-sfltlm with Sheriff Fentross time womancoiifcswxl The confession Is being kept

for fear of mob violenceMr Wrlcht of age He

and hU wife had five children two of whomwere at horns at the time of tho killingMrs Wrlpht has been taken toand placed In jnl-

lim MILES A not n

huh Speed Train Heine Made for anIlllnoln Klevnted

LTNK Mass Aug J3 Machinery for atrain that may revolutionlzo tho railwaytransportation of the world is being builtat the Jeneral Electric Works here ItIs soon to bo tried on time new ChicagoElgin and Peorla elevated railroad Thoengineers estimate that the train will makeninety to 100 miles an hour

Tim line Is ISO miles long and theconstruction throughout Is remarkablefor solidity and strength As far as pos-

sible all grades have been eliminatedElectricity will lie tho motive power and

system will be used-A train of three cars has been built with

which the first trials are to bo made Thetrain will bo equipped with twelve 120

horsepower motors four In each car It I-nasterUd that the train will oven saferand will run less risk of leaving railsthan an ordinary street car going at amoderate rate

AHMED AT HELICilOUS nUTPolice Arrett Thirteen ItalIan for Carr

Concealed WeaponsThe Sicilians living In Elizabeth street

and the vicinity celebrated the feast ofSt yesterday with parade In thafternoon and evening A shrine waserected In Ellabeth street near Houstonanti a bond gave a concert them last nightTh re will Ixi another celebration

While the worn passing thef f the Mulberry street wenthunt for carrying concealedons In the crowd thin sidewalksThey arrested eight men from whom

an of lnlve 4 anti pistols

Killed by a Fall From a BicycleBessie Jacqulncs the thirteenyearold

daughter of Mr and Mrs Chauncey U-

Jacqulnes of 1 Wnrdstrect Orange N Jaccidentally fell from her bicycle on NorthPark sireot East Orange yesterday after-noon nnd fractured tier died


Are lou lleprfMrdDo life worries sit heavy upon Head

Sex Hundred of Had U thetunic tJf


land lrClalh







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In Memorial




Totati 2503 i341 35C








shot gun

t hit

was about


lzitern the evening the Orange



















Contr ctnr Foremast Shot Three Timesby Itnllani In now Over take

There w s trouble at theoffice of James Fitzgerald n street pavingcontractor nt 537 wst Thirtyfifth streetbetween Danlol Murphy ono of lilamen and four Italian laborers whoto be paid off While time quarrelthe wages was still going on one of theItalians pulled a rovoher nnd flied a shotnt Murphy hitting him In time Alidotnen

Murphy started to run down Tenth ayenun pursued by time Italians Two moreshots were m hun both of thorn ittting Mm ono In tIme wrist and tIme titlcrIn high He finally in thomiddle of thin avenue near Thirtyfourthf-rtrret

Ills assallnts fled hut were followeda lorpo crowd f nngry men had

witnessed the sh of winiwere of the nationality us MurphThe at In ci u innlout tIme Itft hrs so that further figbecame impossible-

A have taken thenand timer had not live policemen from theWest street station come

In time attracted from different direc-tions bv the reports of th shot Theynested four Ione of 4ilThirtyninth ttrert Domenlco Leonl-Oufpar anti

Leone was Identified Murphy-as the man who had fired all the athim

Vurphy will recover


trnuves Capt Oswald and HivesIII Own Aide

Fire Commissioner Sturgls appeared atFire Headquarters yesterday when It wasthought he watt at his summer homo atTobylon L I Tho suddvti appearancerf tho Commissioner followed by that ofDeputy Chief Purroy nnd a conference

the two which took place In MrSturglss private office gave rise to allkinds of rumors Later In the day It waslearned that tho Commissioner had removed fruits hU position as aide to ChiefCroker ofChief night headquarters andI a I sent him to regular fire duty at Engine2 in Eleventh street Chief

Unued I lie order making the transfer-At the same time driver William

W who was promoted on Fridayto time milk ofmennVlon of Purroy was detailedas Ride tn thin latter who Is acting Chief

Lawyer Lukt ofserved notice Commissioner

lie reinstatedCint Alexander nnd Lleit John-J ladifan of Engine 159 o dusts ho wouldapply to time Court for a man-damus to comrel Commissioner to showsliMe for hia nctlon In their a e-


aJurniter Shoots a lin Wlthont Causeansi Then Kllla Himself

DENISON Tex Aug 23 As thin

flyer was passing Chili a stationmiles north of this

morning ft passenger siprang from hissent drew a gun and fired t Pump Re-

pairer I E McDonald shooting him Inthe back The man then turned thoon himself and committed suicideU no explanation of his net except thatho l oeaino and rnurdorousyinsane

use chances am that McDonald willdie Time suicide lied A ticket purchasedat Kansas City for San onIt was the name Joe After his deathsthe body was searched anti a keen

was round on him also letters written-in Italian one postmarked Oakland Caland nnotber andto Mara of Mlwlonary SittersBrooklyn N V


Another Move In the ControversyOier the Letters

Although tho trustees of Hopo IlaptlstChurch Broadway awl 104th street an-

nounced after a bulnesn meeting on Fridaynight that this episode of the anonymousletters received pastor and severalmemlwrs of hadclom l it was stated on time authority of amember f thin church that the name ofanother member a woman hindboon dropped from the church rolls onFrHny thoc nRre

The Rev Richard HHrtley na ti r of therefused to say anything on the

It was said that friends ofwoman whose name was dropped hadattondecl time mooting onhut her behalf One ofthem did however that several mem-ber of tho congregation had decided loorganize a meeting of tho oustedyoung woman


oniehoily Fired Saloon Doorand lilt May lie

fired a pistol under the swingingHntelloaloH saloon at 87 Janus

last night and hit liarnett Thompsonof 00 Kooeovclt street who wasby the free lunch counter Tho bulletwont through right breast and he

which followed onothought of running out to see who theassailant was but of the Oakstreet station learned later that Thomp-son had shot Jack In the arm nsign mimi that the had to goteven Detectives

sent out to locate Thompsonwits taken to theHo will probably die

Mn Fairs llrotherlnLaw In lime OrangePoorliouie

George Ieffler an inmnle of time poorhouse at Orange N J Is a brotherinlawof Mrs Charles L Fair who wit n hrrhusband was killed in nn automobiledent In Franco Ledlern wife

wns n sister of Mrs Fair His twochildren are living with an aunt at Coldwill

will probably bo made rich timdistribution estate Lefflcrwho Is a sufferer from rheumatism doesntexpect Mrs death to niako any

In condition In lifesays that friend and relatives alike have

him and that he prefers to remainIn tho poorhouse

Armteil for Hochejter MurderBUFFALO A man who de-

fcribes himself M George Hollman Kyears old of Geneva was arrested at thesalt shafts two miles southwest of

on suspicion of having beenImplicated in the murder nt Roches-ter Three men areof that and Hollman Is said to beone of them Defectives from Rochesterwent to last and got Hollman-Tho detectives saKI that tho prlsnmanswers Hol rl of tfc mn I








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Europe He Thlnkt No toncrr Breads li-Hllh hint on the Philadelphia Herew and Old Theatrical Favorites

With thin Hranoni Mans to Dlvulce

The steamship Phllndvlphla of the Ameri-can 0 port yesterday morningafter tho trip sIte has made sincegoing Into commUnlon this year AboardItem were prominent America sIncluding Senator hnunt ey M D pew hisyoung wife anti Chnunoey M Deptw JrMr Depow who abroad for nearlyten weeks was more willing to talk aboutpolitics abroad than at homo Tho Senator-was that Eur pean countries no longerfear American invasion limit are concnnie I chiefly In copying American methcds-Ho has returned with great admiration ofEmperor William of whom ho said

The Oerman Is the mot modernto date and brilliant ruler Europe

known In a generation Ho IN toupon everything which will promotecommerce IncrenM the prestige of jer

as a world a charac-teristically qulfk and American way ascer-taining the scope and purpose American

away formalitiesand Intermediaries to J

Morgan and hisand courtesies quite unheard of In

relations between sovereigns and citizens-It be taken for granted If he can findany advantage for In Americanways or International combinations underAmerican management that there will be DOhesitation about time position which Germanywill take

Mr Depew also the belief thatour attitude In the negotiations theVatican had made Europe understand our

In the war Spain On thishe saidgeneral hostility toward us which w

to marked among mot t oiitlnental Powersand peoples on account of racial and financialsympathy with bpaln Is wholly none There

concurrence that theaction of the American ioTornment Is noose

for nnd order ID the island andeminently Jut and fair

met men political and churchcircles and did not anywhere hear army crltl

of our proposItions ln the contrarythey all o does the European

of nil shades of opinion that the nego-tiations have on In a moft cred-itable sPirit nnd there l artnlratlonof tact wUdom nd moderation illsplayed by President Hoosevelt and Clov

Mr Do ew Is sure of Gov OdellV re-election I dont always feel n-

niiiii lie salt but case I know wejwill win

TIlt Philadelphia brought a number ofamong were Jessie

Mlllward Hilda Beatrice Irwin andJullsn IKstrange Miss Mlllwnrd Is toappear urider harks Krohmans manaceInept In Therus Many a MissIrwin U to ar in the play

MIN had thU to say of plansVhlle Lyceum Theatre is In

of completion I have been spe-cially I

appear first with Virginia Harried InIris other work which I am to do-

I only know that later In the season I amto have a In Mlvhso It U possiblethat around the holidays I may sentback to London by Mr to appear-In the pro he will then ofhew play at the Duke of YorksTheatre

Iris I a newcomer ansi so Is BeatriceIrvin who conies for Theres aSlip She was the of the Wynd

Theatre In London Shehost meres in the part played hereMargaret Dale In DefenceMiss Irwin Is urider engagement to CharlesFrohman for thl season after whichshe will go to Daniel Frohman for the newLyceum

invEnsios OF A MAGNATE

lion a MlnliiK Stan Enjoyed Illmielf at feeuncut of thin Melon Motionfrom the rtona

lor threeQiiarters of an hour yesterdayevening Ihrnlx was imt as dull a town asIt has been for some week or ever sincethn summer hegira to the Coast In Ithail M small beginning and soon developed-Into a haIti In the watermelon traderesulted In much profit to a melonbroker whose olllces arc at No steen WestAdjms street

TIme watermelon cornet Will engineeredby Mr Sparks a mining man fromwho has In Iliirnlt for the last twomonths hid been drinking some kindof a fluid which not exhilarated hint

also warmed the cocliles of his heartund considerably decreased the SITS andvalue dollar He boughtwatermelon anti accidentally let It fall onthe It burst open and the heau-tlful red Inside put It In mind to paintthe town tel watermelons That wasa of frescoing that had never been heardof liefor Ho height thin load of melonsaM biirtl them all upon tIme sidewalk andsoon surroiride1 all the somalIIIHI In this part of the A snowballlialtle In eased this brokenof m lon were utfd In place of snowballsThe boys entered Into Brett with awhib the nib lag man who now

then shored hi appreciation lie show-ering pieces of silver autumns them thy

rnire avid nor untilwere no more pieces of red watermelon heartsleft enough to and thereived on to time Post Ofllce fruit standTo tho consternation of thin themining nun began taking of histo k watermelons anti cantaloupe and

hurllig theta Into the street for ththe of hit youthful followers Homo of themwet thrown at pas lng vehicles and at per-sons who had not been enrolled Inthe gjno who Imagined that somethingrliH WHS rolng on

The man threw cantaloupes Intothe air anti offered IS to boy whoat li The scramble to crow

terrlOc hut at lat all time watermelon andthe other were eihnuted arid thenthe man picked of plumsnnd other fruits them amonghrleklnc who at the saute were

him with pIsces of broken melon andol her dbrl that cs me

After this extraordinary port bad beengoing on an hour JohnCasey cnmn along slid though ho does not-re within tIme city he buttedIn the Interest of anti order which dillnot sent to be receiving proper confident Ionfrom any other sourre Mr la ev told themining thl thing would hare to

Thin mining man thought that he hadanother recruit that was going to bemore fun than ever He led rightwhich fell with the force of a pile onMr Jaw antI that tle of pro-priety was for a moment converted Into a spin-ning He brought up finally adoor anti when the world going aroundand around he went away If tax

were willing to things happen-he reasoned that It was none of

The mining Ulan paul for all this havoc hehail wrought and at length Allowed himselflo be led away by a friend The boy with the

wagon said Mr agodsend If It t been for Jim wouldhave gone home broke Jlr hold thath f not n re Whoever sent him

been for hiram he would not havecoe him with his jaw broken



of the worlds best productions in

the Furniture andArts

No such magnificent display hasever ben shown in America All

in figures and the verylowest at which equal grades cansold

Some Striking ValuesIn Bedroom Suites Parlor And Room

And mAny other individual irlcki ofutility And In every wellfurnbhedhome ill marked Mow cost to clo out tomike room lor goods Arriving dally

R J HORNER COTunlture Makers anJ Importers

65 West 23d Street

JO mtT


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Between flan Franelico and Toronto HeGained II Pound and Got Writ

Pram ti Toronto Mail tad KmfirrIf tt of Alfred V Allen an

old Toronto boy Mil any criterion hadl cov rd a cure for roniumptlon thatKoch and other lymph compounds In

started list Ills I fertnlnly-nn heroic one ami ffflcaclou at hf foundIt l scarcely likely to become popular ThisIs him story

On being told by i doctor Sun Frnnchrothat hi lungs were nlmo t une i up anti hhad iro homr to dip Mr Alien retIredto his room to consider what ho would doMany would have don nothing or com-mitted suicide while Idly ponclcrliiK overhow to apcnd hi few remaining dan

a dudden inspiration mine to Mr AllenHe decided o take a walkback to hl oldCanadian home In Toronto

He at once decided to try the experimentand the next day Aug inoi he startedout with hU be t suit on one out ofbu lne 8 II to In his pockets and atonnage over all of flzhtyone pounds He-w very weak at first and found It hudwork to rover a mile and a half Fortwo month he walked along keepIng hism ney as long an ho looked respectablens one weiild take It hut when he becamemore weatherworn and needvlooklnj Itwon went So weak was he that on oneoccasion he permlsulon to cut wood for ameal but was unable to handle the axe

Slowly and painfully he tramped on fol-

lowing the tie north through CaliforniaThen tie the tracks to take-

a short cut and lout himself two days antia In the dense forests but In spite ofIt all he started to rain strength wassoon able to averse miles a dayone day actually walking fiftyoneIn he earned 117 cooking for somehungry sheep herders strangers to dyspepsia

be reached Idaho There he hod a terribleexperience tramping across miles of

without food or wateruntil he reached an oasis where some ad

time was parchedand swollen his cracked and was

exhausted by privations omuch so that It took severaland food to put him In shape to continuehis walk With the aid of a big water bottlehe managed to cross time rest of the arid

and Into flabthrough which State he strolledreceived everywhere the lonely railroadsection men to the a facefrom the outside world was a real godsend-In tact at one place where he to face-a fearful snap with snow waUt deep-a family took and kept himweek finally he did start ofT the

of the house gave him a kiss arid a fivedollar bill to cheer pilgrimageThe money gone but the memory of

still freshThrough storm and mow wind and rain

to once moreIn Canada From Windsor he walkedto from to Iewl ton where

crowed the Suspension andonce again landed on soil There

hut Wednesday weatherwornand weary but a well man no

his mpg tramp lr Allen walkedthrough of boots and used

mote clothes than he could keep track oflie was much s d with unfalllnrkindness he met with everywhere havln

one occasion illsleep when was lost In Oregons wild

Allen has been ewho have been amazed to tad him perfect

from the white and moreastounded at extraordinary method brwhich he cured


thealso remedy






again rids onCe more untl


ventitroum IrrlllaUon reclaimedenough land to a aranty


be alon tra rllln Iowa Into 1111

nets through Michigan sad at


he Grlllli Trunk ties and landedIn

pounds of hard manhood and without a trac of old foe

always of food Orlack a houae






hail byProduce



1llnnts to



tie tt








lommy PlauttlfT In the N P suit Will I aj-llalm to the 100 Share on Wnletjlila Null Was FoundedWorth 14mm Now and Says Peter I ItM

Peter Power expects to got a Itttto morefor his servlcc ns dummy plaintiff in thesuit against tIme Northern Securities Com-

pany than he hits got out of It alreadyBesides the cash paid to him through Lawycr George Alfred Lamb for nxpvna11from the time thus suit was brought untilhe was lodged In Ludlow Street Jail Petwrnow says he to retain as hl propertythe 100 shares of stock on the atrehfth ofwhich ho began time now famous litigationPeter Power says this stock WM planed Inmy name It Is on record In the court thatthe stock was never transferred to him

When released from Jail on Friday Powerwent to his homo to see the wife he tookduring thin troubled times of hU suit Incourt Yesterday he returned to quietlifo ns a clerk In Lawyer Lambs offleo-

Ho told reporters there that ho expectedthat the id shores of Northern Pacificstock would be turned over to him in a fewdays

The stock Is now In the hands of MrMnhey the examiner said Power Iexpect him tn return the shares to me Aonce The stock is worth 111000 and Ineed It Oh I do not Intend to dtepoM-

of ItWho you the stock a

asked PowerMr Weldenfeld gave it to mo for the UM

of name In the stilt the NorthernSecurities Company answered PeterHit had not his confinementhe said because he felt confident that Lambwould get him out quickly

1 am all through with the case now

ever I am willing to appear at any time Iam called

In Wall Street that the StockExchange would take action against Wetdenfeld and other brokers to barsacted as the instigators of the Peter Powersuit have no apparent foundation Presi-dent of aaldyesterday that the Committee

the matter had not bornasked to consider It and probably would notpay any attention to Itreasons were advanced for taking It up

nnrglan Rob and Set Fire to Dr CmdtpfiHouse

GOBHEN N 7 Aug J3 Last night twomasked burglars entered the residence ofDr D T Condlct Shortly afterward U

servant girl entered and seeing themaroused Dr Condlct who started forbasement where they wore at work Aiho opened the he waa greetedburst of flames Assisted andthe servant ho subdued the are Theburglars had covered the stairs with ex-elslor In kerosene and when

heard the doctor comingand escaped with 187 taken from

house was leased by theHunt last week to

as a clubhouse





though hue added At lout I wuI would not him needed again


b s

ignIted ta




Stern Brothersare showing Advance Styles of Wome-

nsTaMormadle Suits Skflrtsthe most desirable materlas for Autumn Wear

Will place on sale tomorrowof FlockOn Mixtures

Special walking lengths at

Values of Black Broadcloths In new

In pleated effects silk lined at

Skirts Changeable Deerskin Plaidswalking lengths at


Lawn Shirt WaistsClosing Out Sale at 75ct 9SC 195

Misses and ChildrensAutumn Tailored Suits Skirts Monte Carlo CoatsStyles Silk Flannel Fleecelined Cotton Waists

Girls Sailor arid Russian Dresses

j On Sale Monday J2 OU

Girls Russian Dresses 4toi2yrsplaid and novelty dress goods braid trlmmel

Value 575 to 750

Misses Cloth Walking Skirts M to ia yrsbox pleated slot seams stitching Valua 850

Misses Rain Coats u to IB yrsof Imports cravenette cloth In oxford and tan Value 1695

Fall Models Misses Waistsof Talletas Peau de Sole and Metallic Velveteens 14 to 18 yrs

Special Sale 0 Bedsteads100 Brass Bedsteads 2475 3500 4950

Previous prices 3600 4750 It 6500

250 White Enamel 500 675 950Previous prices 675 8 75 1150-

I Above are regular stock quality make fitting and lacquering best

Pure South American Hair MattressesSpring Underbeds Feather Pillows and Bolsters

New Fall Effects in

Curtains StoresIrish Point Pr 425 550 750

Lace Renaissance Pr 450 675 875Curtains Marie Antoinette Pr 600 850 975

Arabian Pr 700 875 950Stores Bonne Femme Each 1100 1350 1650

Estimates and DesIgns Furnished for all kinds of

i Lace Panels Curtains and Bed Sets

West Twentythird Street



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