4 z < r r h i4i- t Jo p i j 1i t- t 10 l TfLrrr V OtXR OCALA EVENING TAR FRIDAYMAY I f I90t l r- F = v 0 1- I j EVENING STAR I C BITTINGER t CO C Bittinger and R R Carroll proprietors and Publisher Lt C L BITTINGER 1 f Editor and General Manager I R CARROLL City Editor arid Business Manager 1 Wyoming republicans have assem bled In Lander to elect delegates to the Chicago convention The candidacy of v the big secretary will meet with no- T opposition The New York State Baseball 1 League season opened yesterday The 1 schedule will continue until Septem- Vtier 4 20 providing for 140 games dur- ing the season 4- John D Robertson one of the pro- gressive ¬ c and most prominent citizens- r rj Ocaja and an old friend of the ed ¬ ItorfsIH a candidate for delegate to the national convention from this dis ¬ trict He is for W J Bryan for pres Ident1lnd should receive the vote of s very Bryanite Manatee Record Uncle Joe Cannon speaker the Zi louse of representatives was seventy rtwo Years old yesterday and was the recipient 10f many congratulations froth his friends In the house and sen- ate I i Uncle JoVs Ohio constituents ore anxious for him to make the race for the presidential nomination and at severitytwo n is vigorous and healthy and would make some of the I other aspirants sit up and take no tfe- DAyTONABEAcHJs t IMPROVING I I Mr Rollie Ke tIng returned yester- day ¬ t from spending a week with his > parents at Daytona Beach He says >> I the improvement aVd growth of the 1 place is simply remarkable A new country club has been erected ar the Clarejidqn Inn A splendid baseball p park laid out on which the northern professional teams played last winter Almost all of the peninsula has been subdivided into lots and many bulla lings for business and residence built Mr Keatirigs fathers splendid thir It tyropm hotel opened last winter and I vas filled with guests all winter ang has been comfortably filled through- the spring It will be overflowing this < X suiphier This house is ode of the yi best a no the newest arid neatest on the beach It is righTat the casino and ocean pier which by the way is 1 under a new and uptodate manager and dQfi not look like the name plac 4ig comfortable airy and ha Some 0 tlilng that a beach house at reason able Jlct has never had beforebath- joms in fall of the suits The Clarendon Inntfp electric light plant is supplying the beach wJth light temporarily until the new plant 4 4 in Daytona Is in operatipri which will- b <> only a short time t Daytona Beaten tromises to haye a record breaking I business this summer A s jy 1 t CfiR6lJT COURT PYCEEb thGS- I 6 I 1 4 The case of Jas W Barwlck vs B W unton of counsel for Ill iNantift was reinstated on the trial f oJ docket r- f V The grand jury came into court and ples ted the follow indictments i < v Sttilte ol Florida Vs7 Caisor Grice breaking and entering a true bill i tate of Florida Vs Alvin James and I Edna larceny of domestic 1 animals a true bill I State of Florida vs M p Yar borough assault with Intent to kll a true tlll I State of Florida YS Charlie Green grand larceny a Jtirue bill- S v- y State of Florida Vs J R Cark In- dictment for murder a true bill State of Florida vsT W White and BE Norman forgery a true bill TheIcase of xthe state vs Cais r r rice was set for trial Friday morning M4y th v The case of the state vs J R Clark 2 Tvas set for trial on the 13th and a special venire was ordered summoned x ioV the trial In the case of the state vs John u ONeiLl murder the same was set for trial next week The sheriff was com- manded ¬ to summon twentyfive duly qualified persons jto complete the panel- S 1 iii this case returnable May 12t- hr The grand jury then came into court- S J and resented the f following te In the Circuit Court of Marion 4 rCouhty Florida Spring Term 1908 t To the Hon W S Bullock Judge of Aforesaid Glrcuit We the grand jurors beg to refoortthatWe have ex L gmined the witnesses brought before- cur body in the case of the state Against Homer Dean and John D Robertson charged with conspiracy and that in our opinion the testimony Was not sufficient to warrant us in t piesenting a true bill against anyone conspiracy we present a true bill against Homer Dean for aggravated assault t Respectfully submitted 4 Michael Fishel Foreman J K Mixson Clerk I THE LUCKVQUARTER4- p 4 4s the one you pay out for a box of 1 Dr Kings New Life Pills They bring t vyou the health thats mores precious than j welsTry them for headache biliousness constipation and malaria fl they disappoint you the price will be lr cheerfully refunded at any drugsto- reT 5 T > best 25c box of paper we have t put Across the unter Danish- 4iiotli t the Postoffice Drugstore- S X I- I ¼ e I r QL- f V I tj fci 7s f fS UBRARY ENTERTAINMENT LAST NIGHT BIG SUCCESS The entertainment in the Elks club rooms last evening for the benefit of the Ocala pvthHc library was a big i ucceiss in all LSPCS c financially 40 In cash wasyrealized to go into the 1brary fund The attendance wa gcod there being about 125 people present and from a point of real merit there has not been such a musical tieat in the city in a long time and every person who attended was de ¬ lighted with the evenings program The ladies of the library association- sre very grateful to the Elks for the use of their rooms and service and many klhdnesses shown them by the ledge and individual members I The musical program was especially enjoyable This 1s the first time Miss Minnie Gamsby has sung in Ocala in a long time and the people of the city were again thrilled by her matchless voice which has lost sweetness for its long rest There were solos by Mrs Mote Mrs J H Taylor Miss Alice Bullock and Miss Gamsby all remarkably sweet and greatly enjoyed Mr Leon Fishel a finishedpianist and an Ocala boy al- ways ¬ willing and most capable of de- lighting hs friends in a home gather ¬ ing played several brilliant pieces to the delight of all Mr Albert Gferlg and Mrs George R IVTcKean sarig a duet that was es- pecially ¬ sweet and well rendered lrsMotes singing was a great pleasure to her audience She possess eL a sweet clear voice of unusual strength and it always an exquisite pleasure to hear her sing Two recent additions to the musical world of Ocala are the Misses Mary and Rosalie onnor the two attrac- tive ¬ young daughters of Mr and Mrs- C E Conner They played a delight ¬ ful piano duet and one of the sisters performed very prettily on the violin on which instrument she gives prom- ise ¬ of becoming a great musician Punch and cake were served during the eVening Mrs GeoK Robinson Mrs F E Schrieper and Mrs G T Maughs serving the refreshments Mrs Jake Brown Mrs CH Lloyd and Mrs JJ Gerig comprised the recep- tion ¬ committees Bridge was played as was pool and I billiards by thqse who desired during the evening The score cards were sold and billiard and pool cues charg- ed ¬ fdf and those items brought in a neat little1 suntl Mrs C Rheinauer apd Miss Emily Stotesbury financed this feature of the entertainment Miss Louise Gamsby the faithful and tireless librarian put in a bard week on the entertainment She was ably assisted by Mr T T Munroe who takes a deep interest in the li- brary ¬ and to these two was due a good measure of the success that at ¬ tended the effort- SUBSCRIBERSTO U D C- MONUMENT i i FUND- In I 0 t making out the list of names of subscribers to the Confederate Monu- ment fund the following who sub- scribed ¬ through Mr L M Graham were unintentionally omitted- B JHull P TV Randall A J Al britton W P Chalker Claude Nix R j V Rogers J M Mock P L Durisoe Al en Gibson E C Sims J W Colbert B L Hickman W J Hogan A H Heineman- It is our wish to give credit to1 ev- ery ¬ subscriber who generously aided- in tile accomplishment of the under ¬ taking Mrs F R Gary v For Dickison Chapter U D C v S NO CONSPIRACY 1 grand jury as will be seen else- where ¬ in todays paper brought in their report to the judge esterday afternoon They found a true bill against Homer Dean for an aggrvated I assault on Mr D E Mclver They found no true bill against Mr John D Robinson for conspiring with Dean to commit the assault The jury looked carefully into all of the evidence and examined all the witnesses and cane to the conclusion that there was no conspiracy entered into This will settle Mr Robinsons connectionwith the unpleasant affair and it is to be hoped that community will never hear of it again 7j t 1 = Ii I COPYRIGHT Ii well Stocked Cellar is a Joy Foreve- rWe in a position to do the stocking no matter what your pref- erence ¬ in Vinous and spirituous liq ¬ uors What we supply in the way of whiskies wines brandies and cordials will delight you and your guests Sample your favorite drink here and we will certainly get your order which we will fill promptly and correctly KEATING CO J Phbrtfe 22 t a OCALAFLA- o S I l o Sc JL Irl J l f t1ocUt t to Y 1 L tl J OFF FOR ST PETERSBURG Mr Frank Harris Jr Miss Louise Harris 1IrsR Ri Carroll and little laughter Merris representing the Ocala press went to St Petersburg this afternoon to remain over Satur and Sunday and enjoy the outing with the other members of the State Press Association and the hospitable reople 9ftPetersburgR- ECITALTHISEVENING t Dont forget the recital by the pu- pils ¬ of Miss Madge Sims class in elo- cution ¬ this Friday evening at the armory A pretty little play will be given by the young folks assisted- by Miss Sims to which a small ad- mission ¬ fee will be charged H5 VOTEF- ORLITTINGER C FOR ONE OF MARIONS REPRE- SENTATIVES ¬ t vTO THE LEG1SLA- TUREf V HE HAS BEEN CITIZEN AND TAXPAYER IN OCALA FOR r r TWENTYFIVE YEARS HE HAS SHOWN BY HIS LIFE HERE THAT HE BELIEVES IN PROGRESSAND EVERY ELEMENT THAT MEANS THE BETTERMENT OF SOCIETY EVERY SECTION THAT PRESENTS- A CANDIDATE APPEALS TO ITS f VOTERS TO STAND BY ITS REP- RESENTATIVE ¬ I CAN OCALA DO LESS CITY MAPS FOR SALE The new city maps are now on sale at the office of the city crerk in the city hall Price 1 each I Im Net Superstitious But I Believe x in Signs I do house and sign work of every description including graining var ¬ nishing staining stripling kalsomin ing marbling enameling roof stack and tower work Drop a card to No fib Soqth Magnolia street JA MorrIs Jr Decorating thais my business I TORTURED TO DEATH t I Th HarribU Fate of a Number f Rtgi4id The lot of the regicide when caught is not usually a very enviable one To be hanged is the least h can ext Perpetual Solitary imprisonment is a far more dreadful fate It drove Bre- sc the assassin of King Humbert of Italy to suIcIde and it transformed Luc hlnl who murdered the empress of Austria Into a hopeless imbecile Among the plotters Implicated In the murder of the late shah of Persia one was tortured to death in prison while an6therjwas incased in wet plaster of parIs which on setting slowly crushed- the life ut of him Three of the as- sassins ¬ of a previous shah were boiled alive in huge copper caldrons So late as the year 1831 the two Mavromichaelis wbo slew Count Capo dIstra the first president t Greece were immured within close brick walls built around them up to their chins and supplied with salted food but no drink until they died Damiens who attempted the life of King Louis XV bf France was first barbarously tor- tured nd then torn jto pieces by wild horses This punishment wascarried- out in one of the principal squares ok Paris Marches 175V Ravaillac who assassinated Henry IV of France suf- fered ¬ a similar fate The murderer of Selim III of Turkey- was publicly impaled lingering five and a half day in dreadful torment Those who djd to death his immediate successor Mustapha IV were tortured- and starved on alternate days and de ¬ prived of sleep by night until death came to their relietChlcago News An Ancient Suez Canal- It is certain that in ancient times a canal connecting the Mediterranean- and Red seas did exist Herodotus as ¬ cribes its projection to Pharaoh Necho 600 BC The honor of its completion Is given by some to Darius by others- to the Ptolemies How long this canal continued to be used we do not know but becoming finally choked up by land it was restored by Trajan early in the second century A D Becoming again useless from the same cause it was reopened by the Caliph Omarvbut was finally closed by the unconquer- able ¬ sands about A D 767 In which state It has since remained This an- cient ¬ canal from Suez to Bubastis on the east branch of the Nile was 92 miles long from 108 to 160 feet wIde and 15 feet deeo- HEALTH AND VITALITY Motts Nerverine Pills The great nerve and brain restora- tive ¬ for men and women produces strength and vtality builds up the system and renews the normal vigor For sale by druggists or by mail 1 per box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by the AntiMonopoly Drugstore V r SILKv It I j and Tuesday i1 May 11 and I H I J We 4 Will Put On Tw t 4 Great SpecialsG- uaranteedTaffeta K i 5 JI r Silk 36 1 inchei wide assorted colors worth i25otir specta4prsce only S k t v Ii < 1 > 7J9c lIrard r f J- I J 1 China Isitkia inches wider coolfors- tfmme r waists worth 60c out o special priceonly 1 r I v v- I I i 39c 7ar1- I L C i I j- f Ii f knmber the Days j They 4 Are f I > Moiltilyand uesday- I > Look at the Winjows I- I I t 4 1 I Thc Storc Varkty T I t rl CONCORDIA LODGE F U OFA Concordla Lodge4No 181 Fraternal tThion of America meets fourth Wed uesday olevery month 7130 p m ar Yonges Hall RE Yonge P M Chas K Sage Secretary I KNIGHTS OF PYTHIAS Conventions held every Mon ¬ day evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬ sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬ iting knights H M Hampton C C Chas K Sage K of R andS Ii 00 F 1 Tulula dgeNo 22- I O OF meets everyTuesday even ¬ ing in Yon es Hall Visiting brothers always welcome 0 JV Thompson NG- M M Little Secretary v t FORT KING CAMP No14- Next regular monthly meeting will be held Friday evening May 8th at 8 oclock iri Yonges Hall Visiting sovereigns are always welcome G W Martin C C Chas K Sage Clerk I F A H i 4 Marion Dunn Lodge- No 19 meets In tie temple on the first and third Thursday evenings of each month Visiting brothers cordially invited W D Graham W M Jake Brown Secretary SS I I 1- I BPOL S Notice of Sessions of Ocala Lodge No 851 Benevolent and Pro- tective ¬ Order bf Elks Regular sessions on the second and fourth Tue evenings of each month ViSing brothers cordially I I invited S awls Exalted Ruler Joseph Ben Acting Secretary I f i f 4 4r u WHERE OTHER SPECIALISTS 1 i PROPOSE THE KNIFE- I proposeSpectacles and I will cur more eye defectstwo to onethan v they will Thats I could not make the assertion I didnt know whereof I speaK I guarantee results Will the mam who uses the knife do that Dr D M Bon Eyesight SpecfalisC f Ocala Florida- I make a specialty of correcting failing vision where others have fail- ed ¬ Satisfaction guaranteed or your money refunded Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and 130 to 430 p m Optical Office and abatory rooms 2 Gary Block i J t ShoeAt Sat FISHEL S- J tf f I c All our Childrens f 150 and 125 low quartets and Oxford ties at > t t ik I A 1 i Ii apar I I These shoes cojne in 1 pat t- ent leatfier tan aiid viol Come whilewe have all f sizes f I i J rotIY5K11I- ak 1Uy it raUJrrt- o j t < v r t >

I EVENING STAR SILKv - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00842/0272.pdffl they disappoint you the price will be lr cheerfully refunded at any drugsto-5 reT

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Page 1: I EVENING STAR SILKv - University of Floridaufdcimages.uflib.ufl.edu/UF/00/07/59/08/00842/0272.pdffl they disappoint you the price will be lr cheerfully refunded at any drugsto-5 reT

4 z < r r h i4i-t Jo p i j 1i t-


l TfLrrr V



v 0 1-

I j



C Bittinger and R R Carrollproprietors and Publisher


f Editor and General Manager

I R CARROLLCity Editor arid Business Manager


Wyoming republicans have assembled In Lander to elect delegates to theChicago convention The candidacy of

v the big secretary will meet with no-


The New York State Baseball1 League season opened yesterday The

1 schedule will continue until Septem-Vtier

420 providing for 140 games dur-

ing the season4-

John D Robertson one of the pro-gressive


c and most prominent citizens-r rj Ocaja and an old friend of the ed ¬

ItorfsIH a candidate for delegate tothe national convention from this dis ¬

trict He is for W J Bryan for presIdent1lnd should receive the vote of

s very Bryanite Manatee Record

Uncle Joe Cannon speaker theZi louse of representatives was seventy

rtwo Years old yesterday and was therecipient 10f many congratulationsfroth his friends In the house and sen-ateI i Uncle JoVs Ohio constituentsore anxious for him to make the racefor the presidential nomination andat severitytwo n is vigorous andhealthy and would make some of the

I other aspirants sit up and take notfe-


I Mr Rollie Ke tIng returned yester-day


t from spending a week with his> parents at Daytona Beach He says

> >I the improvement aVd growth of the

1 place is simply remarkable A newcountry club has been erected ar theClarejidqn Inn A splendid baseball

p park laid out on which the northernprofessional teams played last winterAlmost all of the peninsula has beensubdivided into lots and many bulla

lings for business and residence builtMr Keatirigs fathers splendid thir

It tyropm hotel opened last winter andI vas filled with guests all winter ang

has been comfortably filled through-the spring It will be overflowing this


X suiphier This house is ode of theyi best a no the newest arid neatest on

the beach It is righTat the casinoand ocean pier which by the way is

1 under a new and uptodate managerand dQfi not look like the name plac

4ig comfortable airy and ha Some0 tlilng that a beach house at reason

able Jlct has never had beforebath-joms in fall of the suits

The Clarendon Inntfp electric lightplant is supplying the beach wJthlight temporarily until the new plant

4 4 in Daytona Is in operatipri which will-b <> only a short time t Daytona Beatentromises to haye a record breaking


business this summer A sjy 1


I 6 I

1 4 The case of Jas W Barwlck vs BW unton of counsel for

Ill iNantift was reinstated on the trialf

oJ docket r-



The grand jury came into court andples ted the follow indictments

i < v Sttilte ol Florida Vs7 Caisor Gricebreaking and entering a true bill

i tate of Florida Vs Alvin James andI Edna larceny of domestic

1animals a true bill I

State of Florida vs M p Yarborough assault with Intent to kll atrue tlll

I State of Florida YS Charlie Greengrand larceny a Jtirue bill-



y State of Florida Vs J R Cark In-

dictment for murder a true billState of Florida vsT W White and

BE Norman forgery a true billTheIcase of xthe state vs Cais r

r rice was set for trial Friday morningM4y th v

The case of the state vs J R Clark2 Tvas set for trial on the 13th and a

special venire was ordered summonedx ioV the trial

In the case of the state vs Johnu ONeiLl murder the same was set for

trial next week The sheriff was com-manded


to summon twentyfive dulyqualified persons jto complete the panel-


1 iii this case returnable May 12t-hr The grand jury then came into court-

S J and resented the ffollowingte In the Circuit Court of Marion

4 rCouhty Florida Spring Term 1908t To the Hon W S Bullock Judge of

Aforesaid Glrcuit We the grandjurors beg to refoortthatWe have ex

L gmined the witnesses brought before-cur body in the case of the stateAgainst Homer Dean and John DRobertson charged with conspiracyand that in our opinion the testimonyWas not sufficient to warrant us in

t piesenting a true bill against anyoneconspiracy we present a true billagainst Homer Dean for aggravatedassault t Respectfully submitted

4 Michael Fishel ForemanJ K Mixson Clerk



4 4s the one you pay out for a box of1 Dr Kings New Life Pills They bring

t vyou the health thats mores preciousthan j welsTry them for headachebiliousness constipation and malariafl they disappoint you the price will be

lr cheerfully refunded at any drugsto-

reT5 T >

best 25c box of paper we havet put Across the unter Danish-

4iiotli t the Postoffice Drugstore-





e Ir


fV I





The entertainment in the Elks clubrooms last evening for the benefit ofthe Ocala pvthHc library was a bigi ucceiss in all LSPCS c financially40 In cash wasyrealized to go into the

1brary fund The attendance wagcod there being about 125 peoplepresent and from a point of real meritthere has not been such a musicaltieat in the city in a long time andevery person who attended was de ¬

lighted with the evenings programThe ladies of the library association-sre very grateful to the Elks for theuse of their rooms and service andmany klhdnesses shown them by theledge and individual members I

The musical program was especiallyenjoyable This 1s the first time MissMinnie Gamsby has sung in Ocala ina long time and the people of the citywere again thrilled by her matchlessvoice which has lostsweetness for its long rest Therewere solos by Mrs Mote Mrs J HTaylor Miss Alice Bullock and MissGamsby all remarkably sweet andgreatly enjoyed Mr Leon Fishel afinishedpianist and an Ocala boy al-


willing and most capable of de-

lighting hs friends in a home gather ¬

ing played several brilliant pieces tothe delight of all

Mr Albert Gferlg and Mrs GeorgeR IVTcKean sarig a duet that was es-


sweet and well renderedlrsMotes singing was a great

pleasure to her audience She possesseL a sweet clear voice of unusualstrength and it always an exquisitepleasure to hear her sing

Two recent additions to the musicalworld of Ocala are the Misses Maryand Rosalie onnor the two attrac-tive


young daughters of Mr and Mrs-C E Conner They played a delight¬

ful piano duet and one of the sistersperformed very prettily on the violinon which instrument she gives prom-ise


of becoming a great musicianPunch and cake were served during

the eVening Mrs GeoK RobinsonMrs F E Schrieper and Mrs G TMaughs serving the refreshments MrsJake Brown Mrs CH Lloyd andMrs J J Gerig comprised the recep-tion


committeesBridge was played as was pool and I

billiards by thqse who desired duringthe evening The score cards weresold and billiard and pool cues charg-ed


fdf and those items brought in aneat little1 suntl Mrs C Rheinauerapd Miss Emily Stotesbury financedthis feature of the entertainment

Miss Louise Gamsby the faithfuland tireless librarian put in a bardweek on the entertainment She wasably assisted by Mr T T Munroewho takes a deep interest in the li-


and to these two was due agood measure of the success that at¬

tended the effort-






0 tmaking out the list of names of

subscribers to the Confederate Monu-ment fund the following who sub-scribed


through Mr L M Grahamwere unintentionally omitted-

B JHull P TV Randall A J Albritton W P Chalker Claude Nix R j

V Rogers J M Mock P L DurisoeAl en Gibson E C Sims J W ColbertB L Hickman W J Hogan A HHeineman-

It is our wish to give credit to1 ev-ery


subscriber who generously aided-in tile accomplishment of the under ¬

taking Mrs F R Garyv For Dickison Chapter U D C


1 grand jury as will be seen else-where


in todays paper brought intheir report to the judge esterdayafternoon They found a true billagainst Homer Dean for an aggrvated

I assault on Mr D E Mclver Theyfound no true bill against Mr John DRobinson for conspiring with Dean tocommit the assault The jury lookedcarefully into all of the evidence andexamined all the witnesses and caneto the conclusion that there was noconspiracy entered into This willsettle Mr Robinsons connectionwiththe unpleasant affair and it is to behoped that community will neverhear of it again


t 1 = Ii



Ii well Stocked Cellar is

a Joy Foreve-

rWe in a position to do thestocking no matter what your pref-


in Vinous and spirituous liq ¬

uors What we supply in the way ofwhiskies wines brandies and cordialswill delight you and your guestsSample your favorite drink here andwe will certainly get your order whichwe will fill promptly and correctly


Phbrtfe 22 t a OCALAFLA-o



o Sc

JL Irl J lf t1ocUt t to

Y 1L tl J


Mr Frank Harris Jr Miss LouiseHarris 1IrsR Ri Carroll and littlelaughter Merris representing theOcala press went to St Petersburgthis afternoon to remain over Satur

and Sunday and enjoy the outingwith the other members of the StatePress Association and the hospitablereople 9ftPetersburgR-


Dont forget the recital by the pu-


of Miss Madge Sims class in elo-


this Friday evening atthe armory A pretty little play willbe given by the young folks assisted-by Miss Sims to which a small ad-


fee will be charged











r r














The new city maps are now on saleat the office of the city crerk in thecity hall Price 1 each


Im Net Superstitious But I Believex in Signs

I do house and sign work of everydescription including graining var ¬

nishing staining stripling kalsomining marbling enameling roof stackand tower work Drop a card to Nofib Soqth Magnolia street

JA MorrIs JrDecorating thais my business



Th HarribU Fate of a Number fRtgi4id

The lot of the regicide when caughtis not usually a very enviable one Tobe hanged is the least h can extPerpetual Solitary imprisonment is afar more dreadful fate It drove Bre-sc the assassin of King Humbert ofItaly to suIcIde and it transformedLuc hlnl who murdered the empress ofAustria Into a hopeless imbecileAmong the plotters Implicated In themurder of the late shah of Persia onewas tortured to death in prison whilean6therjwas incased in wet plaster ofparIs which on setting slowly crushed-the life ut of him Three of the as-sassins


of a previous shah were boiledalive in huge copper caldrons

So late as the year 1831 the twoMavromichaelis wbo slew Count CapodIstra the first president t Greecewere immured within close brick wallsbuilt around them up to their chinsand supplied with salted food but nodrink until they died Damiens whoattempted the life of King Louis XVbf France was first barbarously tor-tured nd then torn jto pieces by wildhorses This punishment wascarried-out in one of the principal squares ok

Paris Marches 175V Ravaillac whoassassinated Henry IV of France suf-fered


a similar fateThe murderer of Selim III of Turkey-

was publicly impaled lingering fiveand a half day in dreadful tormentThose who djd to death his immediatesuccessor Mustapha IV were tortured-and starved on alternate days and de¬

prived of sleep by night until deathcame to their relietChlcago News

An Ancient Suez Canal-It is certain that in ancient times a

canal connecting the Mediterranean-and Red seas did exist Herodotus as ¬

cribes its projection to Pharaoh Necho600 BC The honor of its completionIs given by some to Darius by others-to the Ptolemies How long this canalcontinued to be used we do not knowbut becoming finally choked up byland it was restored by Trajan earlyin the second century A D Becomingagain useless from the same cause itwas reopened by the Caliph Omarvbutwas finally closed by the unconquer-able


sands about A D 767 In whichstate It has since remained This an-


canal from Suez to Bubastis onthe east branch of the Nile was 92miles long from 108 to 160 feet wIdeand 15 feet deeo-


Motts Nerverine PillsThe great nerve and brain restora-


for men and women producesstrength and vtality builds up thesystem and renews the normal vigorFor sale by druggists or by mail 1per box 6 boxes for 5 Sold by theAntiMonopoly Drugstore





and Tuesdayi1 May 11 and I



J We4

Will Put On Tw t4

Great SpecialsG-






Silk 361

incheiwide assorted colors worth i25otirspecta4prsce only S

kt v

Ii <1> 7J9c lIrard r

f J-

I J 1

China Isitkia inches wider coolfors-tfmmer waists worth 60c out ospecialpriceonly 1





I i 39c 7ar1- IL C


I j-



knmber the Days j They4 Are f


> Moiltilyand uesday-



Look at the Winjows I-

II t


1 I

Thc StorcVarktyT


t rl

CONCORDIA LODGE F U OFAConcordla Lodge4No 181 Fraternal

tThion of America meets fourth Weduesday olevery month 7130 p m arYonges Hall RE Yonge P M

Chas K Sage SecretaryI


Conventions held every Mon¬

day evening in Castle Hall over Pey ¬

sers store A cordial welcome to vis ¬

iting knights H M Hampton C CChas K Sage K of R andS

Ii 0 0 F 1

Tulula dgeNo 22-

I O OF meets everyTuesday even ¬

ing in Yon es Hall Visiting brothersalways welcome 0

J V Thompson NG-M M Little Secretary v




Next regular monthly meeting willbe held Friday evening May 8th at8 oclock iri Yonges Hall Visitingsovereigns are always welcome

G W Martin C CChas K Sage Clerk


F A H i4 Marion Dunn Lodge-No 19 meets In tietemple on the first

and third Thursday evenings of eachmonth Visiting brothers cordiallyinvited W D Graham W M

Jake Brown SecretarySS I




Notice of Sessions ofOcala Lodge No 851Benevolent and Pro-tective


Order bf Elks

Regular sessions on the second andfourth Tue evenings of eachmonth ViSing brothers cordially I

Iinvited S awls Exalted Ruler

Joseph Ben Acting Secretary I

fif4 4r u



I proposeSpectacles and I will curmore eye defectstwo to onethan vthey will

Thats I could notmake the assertion I didnt knowwhereof I speaK

I guarantee results Will the mamwho uses the knife do that

Dr D M BonEyesight SpecfalisC

f Ocala Florida-

I make a specialty of correctingfailing vision where others have fail-ed


Satisfaction guaranteed or yourmoney refunded

Office Hours 8 to 12 a m and130 to 430 p m Optical Office andabatory rooms 2 Gary Block


J t

ShoeAt Sat



fI c

All our Childrens f150and 125 low quartets andOxford ties at >



ik I

A 1 iIi


IThese shoes cojne in


pat t-

ent leatfier tan aiid violCome whilewe have all



I i J

rotIY5K11I-ak 1Uy it raUJrrt-

o jt< v rt >