TIlE WASHINGTON TDIES TTESDAY FEBEOEY 23 1000 8 w I j i Will Send Mile Relay and Five Individuals to Big Meet FRED RICE JOINS INDOOR ATHLETES i He and Schlosser Bring Joy by Reporting to Coach Mulligan Kntrtos weA received yesterday i I nager Corcoran of the George ton u Indoor meet to be held In Convention March 6 from Fordbam Univcr- Mty of New York city width will send 1 onemile relay team regarded as ono the best in the East and flv mm In the individual events Probably the most Important of tin Tordham entries is that of Captain Gt ary In the sprints Geary has won a place for himself among the best In- door sprinters in the East his victory Ir the special Invitation 40yard dash at tie B A A games in Boston last month when he defeated Sherman of Dartmouth a point winner in the inter collngiates last year and Nelson the 1amous schoolboy athlete of New Eng- land being his most notable victory of th year In tho Georgetown games Geary will run againsjt Gamble of Princeton Howe and Robbins of Yale Cooke of Cornell Captain Hartranft of Penn- sylvania and the best sprinters Vir- ginia Georgetown and Hopkins lave Ir addition jto Geary Fordham has en tred Rehermann in the sprints and 400 metre run The latter has represented New York Athletic Club daring his athletic career and is regarded a fast iran in the 160yard dash Just lirhermann can do in th stoortor 1 a question o He decreed at the Georgetown games Joorgetowns chances of defeating Virginia in the onemile relay race for tiif Southern championship a lig boost yesterday Fred Rice a m niber of th varsity relay four last i and Schlosser the former Second il runner reported to Coach Mullfean for practice on the runnin track at Georgetown Soilosser is 1 rmerScuth Atlantic championat 440 jirds and should prove of as sstance to Georgetown In its rrucial- T e with the Charlottesville tars now has nine men trying fr places on the relay team including nptain Gibbs Martin winner of the rtmetie run at the Federal games Uglily Boerstein Montgomery captain r the 1IW team Maher winner of soc nd place in the 600metr run at the Trderal gara s Mudd a mnnber of the relay toga Rice and Sctilosser SHE PAID FOR IT Hubby What Another new drese- Wlfey Well dont be cross I bought- It with mv own money own Where did you get it from Wiley I sold your fur coat Brooklyn Citizen REAL HARD WORK McGraw Lets His Men Cut Loose Unusually Early- in Practice FORDHAM ENTRIES GEORGETOWN Ii I 11111 r I I till when r ton HubbyYour GIANTS STARTING to whet receid great < > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > ALArRrnLX Feb 23 John McGraw Iiis neW Giants celebrated George Wash ingtons Birthday playing the usual practice doubleheader morning and 5xftornoon He gave the youngsters a t fto of Wh2t they can expect for the next ton days by the yelling get up en your toes for two hours in the morning and by putting them through- a lively sixinning skirmish in the af- ternoon Many of the citizens of Marlin who were enjoying their holiday saw the afternoon tussle as did John T Brush woo made his first trip to the local ball yard The way the youngsters were rutting looseS is wonderful when It io considered that they have been on tc Job only three days Tn todays game the pitchers were constantly getting called by the man- ager for putting too much speed on the liill while the catchers handed the ball around to the basemen as It it wore iriBoason The rival teams In the short Tne made as much noise AM if some t lug were at stake and Arlie Latham- nt the colored contingent into fits t laughter by cutting up capers on t coaching line McGraw hit face burned to a boa U shade of red putted a little after bis n baCk to the bath house He is rking harder than any young fellow- wn here and is whipping himself into ad condition Ills tireless enegry sets example that makes the boys shamed to ask to be spared from any ining task After the preliminaries v t re finished McGraw picked two 4 mil on4 of which he captained SMITHS BOWLING WAKES THE TOWN- In Fifteen Games of a Match He Gained 634 Pins Over Franz NEW YORK 23 Jimmy nith 6t Brooklyn U today probably greatest match bowler In thte ntry in first part of a home and ri me match against Louis Franz of- lrrvelnnd in Hh ch flfte n games iniied last Smith defeated his ponent by fi34 pins Smiths highest f ore 2ti and Franzs 241 The leveland men won only two sam Smiths total of was 2431 ad IVanxs 2797 The econJ half of the series will Le rolled In Clfvelsno on March t SOUND LOGIC Why do you insist upon a jilstol asked tho visitor from the ortkWaal ropliod the donhsen of the f ud belt u s haiat always be totin a rlfla PhJladolphla Ledgor aid < Feb the night I e A J g a was wAs pins ¬ ¬ < < < < > > < WELGOME ADDITION I I I I L CAPT FRANK GEARY of Fordham- He Is One of the Latest and Strongest Additions to the Entries for the Georgetown Meet on March 6 Deficit of 700 Instead of Profit of 1000 Causes Much Talk NKW YORK Feb some unac countable manner the Uni- versity Track Association is short about 700 s a result of the indoor games held in Madison Square Garden recently The seriousness of the maf ter to the track tpam is by the fact that II E Hall the manager has applied- to the board of student representatives at Columbia for aid in financing his team for the remainder of the season If he is unsuccessful in obtaining tha desired aid it Is likely that the team will be considerably hampered in its outdoor work and that the manager will be debarred from graduation- In point of attendance the meet was one of the most successful ever held by the Columbia Association From the number of persons present it was esti mated that management would profit to the extent of about 1000 But when the receipts were counted it wa found that instead of being ahead the association was short nearly f60 How this came about it has thus far been impossible for the Columbia man- ager to explain So far as he can leant the ticket stubs tally with the amount- of money taken in at the doors but the fact remains that the track team is out 70o and is in pressing need of financial aid SUCCESSFUL END Carnival Greatly Pleas ed Southerners May Repeat Next Year SHORT ON MEET Columbia own f AT NEW ORLEANS- Auto COLUMBIA TRUK 0 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ NEW ORLEANS La Feb M With a program made up almost entirely- of short the initial automobile carnival at the Crescent City ended It has proved successful from every point of view and was unmarred by ac- cident there being only lo trivial mishaps In the two days racing It is very probable that the carnival will be repeated during the Mardi Gras season next year Some of the more enthusiastic specta- tors at the races have begun urge the of A long road race In this vicinity It is believed that suh a project would receive strong support from the business men The large at- tendances i how that there is a great deal of in speed contests here The most important race yesterday- was the closing event a fiftymile free forall for gasolene cars It brought out all the stars of the meet and resulted In an exciting contest with Ralph I the winner This rare in con junction with De Palmas numerous other victories stamps the Fiat Cyclone- as the fastest car here and one of the most consistent machines ever built for fast work KING JAMES RUNS WONDERFUL RACE With 142 Pounds Up He Beats Some of Countrys Great est Horses LOS ANGELES Cal Fob 21Kiag James the 130090 plaudit colt lived up to his royal name when he captured the highest honors in the Speed handi- cap at Santa Anita Inder the crushing impost of 142 pounds this game thoroughbred achiev- ed a great victory for trailing In his dust were the best horses now In this country Roseben which has been ac- claimed weightearning marvel of the age finished serwid to King James and Magaxlne brought up the rear of the money division Behind this trio were Jack Atkin Chapultepec Smiley Cortoett and Miss SaiD a collection of equine stars DOING YOUR SHARE v Th world IK cruel and cold you Justice and love are rare Yet tell me this In the world today Have you done a cltixcns share Have you lifted a weight from a bur- dened heart lave you helped a friend wKft a smile In the common toil are you imrt To render world worth while St Courts Republic v WHAT IS NEEDED Us that makes the world sjr round What we really wed is something t make the marrtageaW young n round LwwlsTfil Cb rterJ ni l events has t or anisaUon int est Palms the r- And yet the love meA I doing ¬ ¬ ¬ > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ THE Mr OShea Gives the Right Answer How Mis takes Arose- To settle the dispute about scoring for Interscholastic Cup in the Fed- eral dftroes la Saturday Scorer A OShea has issued a statement Confusion was caused by the officiate overlooking the fact in the ftrat two sprints that fourth place counted a point Here is what Mr OShea says- I hereby certify that the following Is the official score of points for the University of Pennsylvania Ahitnnl Scholastic Trophy in the Federal I door games February 20 3509 and tl v all other scores heretofore published are unofficial and Incorrect The scoring of points in tie Federal games of JS was closer than In any other games ta ghich I have offi as scorer Baltimore City College 1 Tome Institute 14 Business High School 11 Brown Prep School Philadelphia ie Technical High School M Western Hicn School 10 Georgetown Prep School 3 JAMES A OSHEA Official Scorer Federal Indoor Gaines ARABIAN NIGHT- Sultan King Edward and Dick Croker Figure in Weird Yarn LONDON Feb 22 Kiag Edward In tends to give to the Sultan of Turkey x charter once the property of PJchard Croker The history or the gift makes a pret ty story Some weeks ago the Sultan was asked by high officials to i oced to the Mosque on horseback instead of In his carriage n order that his sub- jects might a better chance of see- Ing him The Sultan replied with a smile Yes if a bay horse can be found with three white spots on his eet one on each hind foot and one on a fore foot a white spot between the eyes and a taU reaching to the ground was reported to Edward who telegraphed throughout the United K igdom Inquiring If such a horse were procurable A animal answering the description was found in Dublin in the stud of Lord and was secured by the King HARVARD CHAMPION AT HOCKEY GAME Wins Title by Beating Dartmouth 1 to 0 in Brilliant Contest NBW YORK Feb 23 The Harvard team won the intercollegiate hockey championship at the St Nicholas rink by shutting out Dartmouth 1 to 0 in the most brilliant game of the season- It was not until the seventeenth min- ute of play in the second half that the Crimson won HornWower their right wing carried the puck up the Ice to within a few feet of the gre n cage and passed the disc to Hicks who cleverly the goal Th Hirvarl contingent fheered wildly and after the contest Hicks was carried ort the ire on HIP tthotild rs of two brawny sons of Har- vard TAINTED TIMES Tainted money Tainted tork Tainted ways Getting rocks Tainted garments Tainted shoes Tainted teed and Tainted boone Tainted morals Tainted Hports Tainted vsesi In the jourts Tainted votes ani Tainted tricks In the world or polities T intNl novels Tainted plays Occupy our Nights and day Tainted husbands Tainted wives xfl but our art Tainted lives Cleveland lta uDealer TRUE SCORES IN FEDERAL MEET he the JAmes ted WHEW READ THIS sometimes beautiful shot I I 1 of- t I I I I correct have ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > OUT EARLY Holds a Special Shoot Be- fore Opening Regular Season for 1909 LACK OF PRACTICE HURTS THE SCORES j But There Is Much Enthusiasm and Gallery Is i Large The AiMLlostan Gun Club held a spe c jal shoot jesterday afternoon It was the first meeting since last October and the shobtei being out of jinactlce the scores suffered in conse- I ated in the different events There- as a large gallery of spectators who watched the shooting with much in- terest The principal event was a nerchan disc shoot at twentyfive targets The shooters were divided into three classes and the prizes allotted to each ia were identical titus giving the novice ANAL OS TAN CLUB I GElS I I I I I I I I rhirt nine marksmen lIenee 1artici ¬ > ¬ as good a chance to win a good prize- as his more export competitor Fol- lowing is the result of the merchandise shoot the first seveff shooters in each class were the prize winners Prize Winners Class A Miles Taylor 25 C B WttWi 23 Dahl Orrlson 22 J A Brown SI Dr Barr 20 H A Parnharo 20 Al Mann 17 Phil r 17 J H Hunter 14 Buckwalter 14 Class D W H Hunter 22 M D Hogan 22 L r Stine 28 Pr Far onK 19 George Wise 19 C S Wilaow IF Barnes 17 E Hall li Dr Monroe 14 H B Willson 14 George NaMey 11 Dr Shoup 9 Class B L Taylor 21 WilHam T Cox 20 Dr Cobey 20 Dr Wolft 17 B U Osbome 1 A VareUt M R M Graham 16 D ic 13 Dr Varela 13 Thoma 10 E C DuUon fc L T Harris 7 Following are the scres The Seines v Miles Taylor JtL A FandNUft C S Wftav Dr Barr Buckwalter D Barnes- P Steubener M D Dr Taylor Dr Cobey Dr Stine E Hall J H Hunter A Vartfla Dr Monroe H B WllteOR J A Brown George Wise C D Wise Dr Shoup B L OsbWlie Dick Hawes Dr Wolfe Al Haiin D Orrlson- W T OOX- WlllUl I r Varela Dr Fowler E C DuttOtt I Harris Dr Parsons Thomas rook George Nalley R M Grnbam H Hunter Miller Lamb PORTLY WRESTLER- IS AN EASY MARK Joe Turner Middleweight Disposes of Victim Weigh- ing 290 Pounds- The funniest wrestling match Wash- ington has seen in many a day was pulled off at the Lyceum Theater last night when Joe Turner woo claims the middleweight championship of the South threw is portly person railing himself Chuck Patterson of the Navy Yard In thirteen minutes Turner Is meeting all comers there this week with the Uncle Sams Belles bhow which is owned by Washington people Patterson offered tc bet Any body In the house he did not velgh over L90 pounds but looked like 320 Turner weighs about 154 The seeker after Tur- ners scalp was built so much on the barrelshape that he could not keep hk wrestling tights up and Referee Pa OConnor had toglv them a hitch for every minute or so When Pat got tlre- Gus Schoenletn of Baltimore bettc known as Americus did the valet j ct Once they had to stop the bout five min- utes while Patterson modestly retired into the wings surrounded by a human screen like a baseball player who has sprained his pants in sliding When ne came out he had his i ghts pinr d in various places and the chorus girl were shooed off the stage Patterson knew nothing atout wrest- ling Turner threw him as soon as he got ready Tur er will take on an- other local light tonight and one who can wrestle some according to the announcements THE DIFFERENCE Littlr lister Livermorjp Papa what is vjifToromp f tween r vision and a siKlit This book says Mr Liverm reThp HffVr M pt- a girt hfoio end after sit is nirmd Pink I I I I I I CDr Haw at Broke Ie Ii tii I iC SIt 5 II J i lit 7i 5i a is 4 i 51 7 < 5 3t IS I iZ G 301 3j G 6 r i8 37 f a It It lit U 17 IS If 13 S S n 1 V 25 n 15 I 6 I bin an IG IS 1 1 4 3 15 IS IS 15 i the ¬ < > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > MAKE CHANGES AT BASEBALL PARK Club Moves to Increase Facilities and Com on the Defeat Club Proposed X v By THOMAS S RICE fortCates MarketBritts SurpriseMarathon Spring gentle spring is indeed uprn us albeit somewhat y The correspondents are pecking their gripe the magnates are looking over players in search of phenoms instead of looking into one anothers past lives in search uf skele- tons We would not have it otherwise- for there is likely to be enough winter weather on trffe Fourth of March to majrr up for the vernal conditions exist- ing here at present A sign of the gladsome spring was noted by careful observers this when President Tom Noyes Secretary Harry Rapley Treasurer Ben Minor the Washington clubs board of strat- egy were laying plans for Theirs was a holy cause and we hope they entered Into It with pious enthusiasm If ever there was anything that needs attention it is that same plant and if they will only make the Absolutely necessary improvements much less add any fancy frills the great unwashed in the bleachers and the high brows in the grandstand will arise and call them blessed One of the alterations in last years conditions will be the addition of fa- cilities for selling tickets on rush days Nay if a man arrives after daybreak he may if the club officials stick to their determination be able to purchase- his bit of pasteboard before the fourth inning We dont care a hang whether the Panama canal has locks or is on the sea level but if the Washington dribs strategy board accomplishes this object strategists will be the class for anything the District of Columbia has in its gift Beyond a doubt they could without a dissenting voice got places on the Dis- trict of Columbia Democratic commit tee and would be allowed to turn the crank on the canoed speeches just as long as they desired Anther project considered by the in- vestigators was that of building a run- way In the bleachers so that in case of accident the people cooped up there woukl not trunple more than a hundred- or so of themselves to death The bieacherites are loyal and give up good money Every one of them killed in a sudden rush is just so much to the dub and figuring on an insurance basis if else it would be a good investment to build that said runway Mr Riley gave the matter much ear nest thought last summer when we drew attention to it but hired no carpenters and the runway did not ma teriaiixe There is also some talk of Jim SaC fel having his whiskers trimmed As far as we know the board of strategy- is not responsible for that but if it chooses to take the credit we will not expose its band Anything to help en- courage them sky sad morning Improve- ments the cer- tainlY he r boa > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Monte Attell receive 1 the decision over Johnny Regan at the end of a twentyround bout in San Fran- cisco yesterday afternoon Jack Heyden the clever outfielder of the Indianapolis team purchased by Chicago last fall has been returned to Indianapolis Danny Kerwin who played with the Kansas City and Minneapolis clubs last season has been s l i to the Montgomery Ala Southern league Club Playing tennis with temperature degrees is no picnic especially when the Davis cup is at stake declared Beals C Wright the exnational ama teur tennis champion upon his arrival in B6stoa Abe Attell wants to meet Tem Bris- tol I in a twentyround bout at 15 pounds and offers to bet tOo on the result Tommy Burns will remain In Aus- tralia in Kangaroo land lila last beat hag was on January In Sydney at the hands of one Joe Costa Costa led all the way for the twenty rounds and won handily- On December 36 Rudolph suf tiTlia when Frank Thorn the feather- weight champion of Australia outpotnt ed tits Boor AH twenty rounds in yfl- nev It is said that 10004 people were in attendance and that the receipts were Rudolph Unholz the South African lightweight who helped to train and also second Jack Johnson In his battle witK Tommy Burns atSydney N S W on December 38 in a letter to a friend In this city dated Sydney Pe- comher 30 1906 says that the gross re- ceipts of the fight amounted to l CNt American money la the finals of the Southern Califor- nia tennis tournament on the court yesterday May Sutton and Simpson Sinsabaugh won the champion- ships in the mixed doubles class by j defeating Mrs Ethel Bruce sister of Miss Sutton and Tori C by i scores of 6S fi3 G3 Members of the New England Cheker Association at their annual meet in at Boston Mass jesterday deckled to hold- a championship tournament for New England within the next three nonths The association elected the following officers President F O Mann or Boston vice president J V Graham- of Boston Secretary l r II O Brown of The annual tournament iKtwtfn Boston players and the All New England team was held late in the day Ernest Siegfried known as the oln American- A orlatlo 14 I i en hob a in his first in Aus I I I Corona- tion BUM Dr Pro deuce the fej4 defeat flht er ¬ > < ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > < Every woman covets a ly figure and many of them deplore the loss of their girl- ish forms after marriage The bearing of children is often destructive to the mothers shapeliness All of this can be avoided by the use of Mothers Friend before baby comes as this liniment prepares the body for the strain upon it and preserves the symmetry of her form Mothers Friend makes the danger of less and carries her safely through this critical period Thousands grate fully ten of the benefit and relief derived from the use w j Jl00per bottle Book mailed free to all expectant THE BRADFIELD REGULATOR CO I Atlanta Ga R D O 1 om this r Sokl by druggids- mnt rs fR I C A shape- S V l r as ¬ ¬ About the only man who sot show up at Galv ete this year with the Washington team i is PItcher Eli Cates Cantilkm has too and if Gray and Groom make good there will be a cleaning out Cates is on the market hut none of the Ameri- can League clubs are after him A deal is on to send him to a strong minor league but it has not yet been closed Cfctes is a very slbman ad still has some major league stuff In him wherefore the price set on his services is high If the present nego- tiations tall through he will be ordered- to Galve ton with the TeSt of the bunch and be disposed of later The dope seems to have gone wrong and Johnny Summers got the decision over Jimmy Britt before the National Sporting Club in London last night The club is too high class to descend- to any cheap work in the way of de- liberately handing a lemon to a visitor although prejudice may be shown at times If it were not the English wouW not be human beings and even the Clan na Gad admits that they are But the reports say Britt himself acknowl- edged his defeat Foxy Jimmy Nothing he could have done would have strength- ened his position II the English world than that twiriers y may many sport- ing ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ is a good boxer but it is really difficult to see how he bested Britt There were several boys In Phil- adelphia who made Summers hustle like a house afire to hold his own yet none of those thought of going a route with Britt Sometime sge Britt earned and got a decision ovf Summers in Eng- land in ten rounds Now he lo toneln twenty threeminute rounds is accustomed to the funny little English twominute what does it all mean It is more than possible that Britt has gonr ack for be simply went to England o a ftier but in this country we should tiiell a return match- a la Abe Atteil J J the Brown Prep School wizard of the track who can go into a Washington meet and gamer a hAndful of medals before breakfast Itbout getting enough actV n to give taiself an appetite was one of the 1 und rs of the Marathon Club In Phil ixtelphia institution which charges no fees simply a band of runners who like longdistance work and train together He reports that the movement has been a great success in Philadel- phia and when here ettending the Fed oial games wanted to know why it was not started in this city Echo enswers Why- A Marathon combination for prac ticing would be an excellent 4hing for the athletes in the Y M C A the Gurley A C the Tremont A C the nations which have grown so rapidly and have accomplished so much for sport In Washington in the past three- or four years Gallagher by the way says MelvIn Sheppard the Olympic and American mile champion is dead sot on becom- ing a firstclass Marathon runner and for the Dig Boston Marathon Summers has roundsso Gall l ap andis I BloominSdaJ A C and other is doln ten tt twttty a day organ milea ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Sketchy Little Bits of Gossip About Sport of Various Kinds I man Oak will wrestle at the Star Theater Brooklyn today Wesleyan defeated Dannouth in tt basketball game at Middlecown Coon yesterday by a score of 23 to 15 A Marathon race was run at Peekskill yesterday with twentythree starters The distance was cut to 21 miles on account of the bad roads Eighteen men finished twelve of them within lapsed three miles of the finish and fa iMoonscious at the Peekskill Hos- pital The leaders were C Schlobohm Mercury A C of Yonkers first tune h 32m A J Hayden Mercury A C second time 39m Fred Harris Mercury A C third time 2h 40fetn In the boxing bout scheduled for ten rounds under the auspices of the Mara- thon Athletic Club in the Clermont Athletic Club Brooklyn last night the referee interfered in the fifth round in order to save Joe Brown from knocked out by Jinrmy Moran Both fighters live in Brooklyn A large holi- day crowd was present MOTOR BOAT SHOW- IS DRAWING GOOD Many Buyers in C xd Make Dealers Assume Cheer- ful Attitude NEW YOiTK Feb 21 The Motor- Boat Show continues to attract tho i sands Hundreds of the simply curiously in- clined are in the crowds but the ma jority are there with the view of buying somet1iirfi or determining the merits or certain ats ami engines with the idea of purchastig later The presence of the r class pkased the exhibitors and it was reported that yesterday had the bst of the show for all hand PARKER BRIDGET CO tM limit One man t Readdy coi within h being lath been i I Mens 20 25 30 SUITS t9 ¬ ± ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < Several lots mens Suits which include all sizes and- a very satisfactory selec- tion of patterns are being closed out at 1375 orig- inally were 20 25 and 30 Parker Bridget S Co Hcadtofoot outfitters 9th and Pa Ave I I t ¬ KID ELBERFEUrS DOLEFUL LAMENT Will Try His Best Would Have Been Better Washington NEW YORK CLUBS FAIL TO WORRY Sit Tight Policy Produces Contract Signatures From Murray and Austin NEW YORK Feb 2LNftn a after feld whom New York LaD ttonrdK they would never see ala Jn Hi kfcuMl livery has been ordered t report in Macon Ga next week The Kid says the Injury he received last spring when Gantey spiked Mm has entirely healed and that he win e as good as over this seasoiC Ho the discouraging remark however that though fce will give Stallfngs hks best efforts it would have been better concerned had he DeeR transferred to Washington Johnny Murray who is counted on to play one of outfield positjonB for if in At ta- U tIle makes > the Giants next season has sent in Ms signed contract to Secretary Knewlee The former Cardinal will 50 swvth Thursday Wilts Almost in Line George IVHtee the Giants star sooth paw was in Knowles but did not kick In with his contract However he is likely to do so before tomorrow WUtse looks the picture of health and says he does not need any spring training Having kept in trim this winter by playing handball and by twirling for Daa Brothers to door baseball team Hooks bad so much speed last Saturday night in Brooklyn his catcher could bold him and was charged with ed balic Today Wiitse will visit Broth- er Lew once of the Highlanders in Plataftekl N J Jimmy Austin the Western whirlwind who twice led the Western in ONeill organizations best fielding third sacker for the last two seasons has signed with the Highlanders Jimmy who lives in Cleveland in the off sea- son has been holding out for S a month more than Frank Farrell offer- ed him but dW not get it HOPKINS IS FIRST IN CROSSCOUNTRYT- he South Atlantic crosscountry run held at Brightwood yesterday was won by F Broyer of Johns Hopkins Uni- versity whose time was 3T mInutes 12 seconds The distance was 3COO meters Mr Griffith of Johns Hopkins was second H C Blphenstine of Baltimore Cross country Club third J B Fleming t George Washington University fourth Twenty men in the run of whom finished Simple things simple ways are best The simplest way to care for ones complex- ion is to use Ivory Soap and clean water Bathe the face for nearly or quite five min- utes in hot water Rinse with cold water That- is it is enough o Per Cent Pure BENJAMIN HAYES STOCK OF it g Cr d At 50c on the Dollar Friedlander Bros Cor Ninth and E Sts ITlie 250 Shoe 943 Penna Ave T 2000 SUIT or OVERCOAT for MadetoAleasure We have also reduced our 30 and 2 Suitings and Overcoatings to 520 Beat of custom tailoring Select from more than 40 patterns Newcorn Green Mens Tailors 1002 F St N W Open Saturday Tha famous years old 12A Order by phone 15he SHoornaker Co Established 185- 3en E yt x w Main iaaiL I New York and Gill not Yea Lea e running who Iag Hen the I f and J tJ allbut Ivory Soap 99 j 87 Mens il J Regent I- If Jr Ja J 5 I i J Evethg I HOOMAKER I PENN RYE en J I Pit I J chiled as base au nine- teen C1othin- w r vc 1 t I J ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < = = + + + = +

I ENTRIES L MAKE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-02-23/ed...metre run The latter has represented New York Athletic Club daring his athletic career

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Page 1: I ENTRIES L MAKE - Library of Congresschroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn84026749/1909-02-23/ed...metre run The latter has represented New York Athletic Club daring his athletic career



I j i

Will Send Mile Relay andFive Individuals to

Big Meet



He and Schlosser Bring Joy by

Reporting to Coach


Kntrtos weA received yesterday i I

nager Corcoran of the George ton u

Indoor meet to be held In ConventionMarch 6 from Fordbam Univcr-

Mty of New York city width will send1 onemile relay team regarded as ono

the best in the East and flv mmIn the individual events

Probably the most Important of tinTordham entries is that of CaptainGt ary In the sprints Geary has won aplace for himself among the best In-

door sprinters in the East his victoryIr the special Invitation 40yard dash attie B A A games in Boston lastmonth when he defeated Sherman ofDartmouth a point winner in the intercollngiates last year and Nelson the1amous schoolboy athlete of New Eng-

land being his most notable victory ofth year

In tho Georgetown games Geary willrun againsjt Gamble of PrincetonHowe and Robbins of Yale Cooke ofCornell Captain Hartranft of Penn-sylvania and the best sprinters Vir-ginia Georgetown and Hopkins laveIr addition jto Geary Fordham has entred Rehermann in the sprints and 400

metre run The latter has representedNew York Athletic Club daring his

athletic career and is regarded a fastiran in the 160yard dash Justlirhermann can do in th stoortor1 a question o He decreed at theGeorgetown games

Joorgetowns chances of defeatingVirginia in the onemile relay race fortiif Southern championship alig boost yesterday Fred Rice am niber of th varsity relay four last

i and Schlosser the former Secondil runner reported to CoachMullfean for practice on the runnintrack at Georgetown Soilosser is 1

rmerScuth Atlantic championat 440jirds and should prove of assstance to Georgetown In its rrucial-T e with the Charlottesville tarsnow has nine men tryingfr places on the relay team includingnptain Gibbs Martin winner of the

rtmetie run at the Federal gamesUglily Boerstein Montgomery captain

r the 1IW team Maher winner of socnd place in the 600metr run at the

Trderal gara s Mudd a mnnber of therelay toga Rice and Sctilosser

SHE PAID FOR ITHubby What Another new drese-Wlfey Well dont be cross I bought-

It with mv own moneyown Where did you get

it fromWiley I sold your fur coat Brooklyn



McGraw Lets His Men CutLoose Unusually Early-

in Practice




















> >






ALArRrnLX Feb 23 John McGrawIiis neW Giants celebrated George Washingtons Birthday playing the usualpractice doubleheader morning and5xftornoon He gave the youngsters at fto of Wh2t they can expect for thenext ton days by the yelling get upen your toes for two hours in themorning and by putting them through-a lively sixinning skirmish in the af-ternoon

Many of the citizens of Marlin whowere enjoying their holiday saw theafternoon tussle as did John T Brushwoo made his first trip to the local ballyard The way the youngsters wererutting looseS is wonderful when Itio considered that they have been ontc Job only three days

Tn todays game the pitchers wereconstantly getting called by the man-ager for putting too much speed on theliill while the catchers handed the ballaround to the basemen as It it wore

iriBoason The rival teams In the shortTne made as much noise AM if some

t lug were at stake and Arlie Latham-nt the colored contingent into fits

t laughter by cutting up capers ont coaching line

McGraw hit face burned to a boa U

shade of red putted a little after bisn baCk to the bath house He isrking harder than any young fellow-wn here and is whipping himself intoad condition Ills tireless enegry sets

example that makes the boysshamed to ask to be spared from any

ining task After the preliminariesv t re finished McGraw picked two4 mil on4 of which he captained



In Fifteen Games of a Match He

Gained 634 Pins Over

FranzNEW YORK 23 Jimmynith 6t Brooklyn U today probably

greatest match bowler In thtentry

in first part of a home andrime match against Louis Franz of-

lrrvelnnd in Hh ch flfte n gamesiniied last Smith defeated hisponent by fi34 pins Smiths highestf ore 2ti and Franzs 241 The

leveland men won only two samSmiths total of was 2431 adIVanxs 2797

The econJ half of the series willLe rolled In Clfvelsno on March t

SOUND LOGICWhy do you insist upon a

jilstol asked tho visitor from theortkWaal ropliod the donhsen of the

f ud belt u s haiat always betotin a rlfla PhJladolphla Ledgor




























He Is One of the Latest and Strongest Additions to the Entries for theGeorgetown Meet on March 6

Deficit of 700 Instead ofProfit of 1000 Causes

Much Talk

NKW YORK Feb some unaccountable manner the Uni-versity Track Association is short about

700 s a result of the indoor gamesheld in Madison Square Garden recently

The seriousness of the maf ter to thetrack tpam is by the fact thatII E Hall the manager has applied-to the board of student representativesat Columbia for aid in financing histeam for the remainder of the seasonIf he is unsuccessful in obtaining thadesired aid it Is likely that the teamwill be considerably hampered in itsoutdoor work and that the managerwill be debarred from graduation-

In point of attendance the meet wasone of the most successful ever heldby the Columbia Association From thenumber of persons present it was estimated that management wouldprofit to the extent of about 1000 Butwhen the receipts were counted it wafound that instead of being ahead theassociation was short nearly f60

How this came about it has thus farbeen impossible for the Columbia man-ager to explain So far as he can leantthe ticket stubs tally with the amount-of money taken in at the doors butthe fact remains that the track team isout 70o and is in pressing need offinancial aid


Carnival Greatly Pleased Southerners May

Repeat Next Year















NEW ORLEANS La Feb M Witha program made up almost entirely-of short the initial automobilecarnival at the Crescent City ended

It has proved successful from everypoint of view and was unmarred by ac-cident there being only lo trivialmishaps In the two days racing It isvery probable that the carnival will berepeated during the Mardi Gras seasonnext year

Some of the more enthusiastic specta-tors at the races have begun urge the

of A long road race In thisvicinity It is believed that suh aproject would receive strong supportfrom the business men The large at-tendances i how that there is a greatdeal of in speed contests here

The most important race yesterday-was the closing event a fiftymile freeforall for gasolene cars It brought outall the stars of the meet and resultedIn an exciting contest with Ralph I

the winner This rare in conjunction with De Palmas numerousother victories stamps the Fiat Cyclone-as the fastest car here and one of themost consistent machines ever built forfast work



With 142 Pounds Up He BeatsSome of Countrys Great

est HorsesLOS ANGELES Cal Fob 21Kiag

James the 130090 plaudit colt lived upto his royal name when he capturedthe highest honors in the Speed handi-cap at Santa Anita

Inder the crushing impost of 142

pounds this game thoroughbred achiev-ed a great victory for trailing In hisdust were the best horses now In thiscountry Roseben which has been ac-

claimed weightearning marvel ofthe age finished serwid to King Jamesand Magaxlne brought up the rear ofthe money division Behind this triowere Jack Atkin Chapultepec SmileyCortoett and Miss SaiD a collection ofequine stars


Th world IK cruel and cold youJustice and love are rare

Yet tell me this In the world todayHave you done a cltixcns share

Have you lifted a weight from a bur-dened heart

lave you helped a friend wKft asmile

In the common toil are youimrt

To render world worth whileSt Courts Republic

v WHAT IS NEEDEDUs that makes the world sjr

roundWhat we really wed is something t

make the marrtageaW young nround LwwlsTfil Cb rterJ ni l


tor anisaUon

int est



















Mr OShea Gives the RightAnswer How Mis

takes Arose-

To settle the dispute about scoringfor Interscholastic Cup in the Fed-eral dftroes la Saturday ScorerA OShea has issued a statement

Confusion was caused by the officiateoverlooking the fact in the ftrat twosprints that fourth place counted apoint Here is what Mr OShea says-

I hereby certify that the following Isthe official score of points forthe University of Pennsylvania AhitnnlScholastic Trophy in the Federal I

door games February 20 3509 and tl v

all other scores heretofore published areunofficial and Incorrect The scoring ofpoints in tie Federal games of JS wascloser than In any other games ta ghichI have offi as scorerBaltimore City College 1

Tome Institute 14

Business High School 11Brown Prep School Philadelphia ieTechnical High School MWestern Hicn School 10Georgetown Prep School 3

JAMES A OSHEAOfficial Scorer Federal Indoor Gaines


Sultan King Edward andDick Croker Figure in

Weird Yarn

LONDON Feb 22 Kiag Edward Intends to give to the Sultan of Turkeyx charter once the property of PJchardCroker

The history or the gift makes a pretty story

Some weeks ago the Sultan was askedby high officials to i ocedto the Mosque on horseback instead ofIn his carriage n order that his sub-jects might a better chance of see-Ing him The Sultan replied with a smile

Yes if a bay horse can be found withthree white spots on his eet one oneach hind foot and one on a fore foota white spot between the eyes and ataU reaching to the ground

was reported to Edwardwho telegraphed throughout the UnitedK igdom Inquiring If such a horsewere procurable A animalanswering the description was found inDublin in the stud of Lordand was secured by the King



Wins Title by Beating Dartmouth1 to 0 in Brilliant

ContestNBW YORK Feb 23 The Harvard

team won the intercollegiate hockeychampionship at the St Nicholas rinkby shutting out Dartmouth 1 to 0 inthe most brilliant game of the season-

It was not until the seventeenth min-ute of play in the second half that theCrimson won HornWower their rightwing carried the puck up the Ice towithin a few feet of the gren cage andpassed the disc to Hicks who cleverly

the goal Th Hirvarl contingentfheered wildly and after the contestHicks was carried ort the ire on HIPtthotild rs of two brawny sons of Har-vard

TAINTED TIMESTainted money

Tainted torkTainted ways

Getting rocksTainted garments

Tainted shoesTainted teed and

Tainted booneTainted morals

Tainted HportsTainted vsesi

In the jourtsTainted votes ani

Tainted tricksIn the world

or politiesT intNl novels

Tainted playsOccupy our

Nights and dayTainted husbands

Tainted wivesxfl but our artTainted lives

Cleveland lta uDealer




























Holds a Special Shoot Be-

fore Opening RegularSeason for 1909


j But There Is Much Enthusiasm

and Gallery Is

i Large

The AiMLlostan Gun Club held a spec jal shoot jesterday afternoon

It was the first meeting since lastOctober and the shobtei being out of

jinactlce the scores suffered in conse-

I ated in the different events There-as a large gallery of spectators who

watched the shooting with much in-

terestThe principal event was a nerchan

disc shoot at twentyfive targets Theshooters were divided into three classesand the prizes allotted to each iawere identical titus giving the novice









I rhirt nine marksmenlIenee 1artici




as good a chance to win a good prize-as his more export competitor Fol-lowing is the result of the merchandiseshoot the first seveff shooters in eachclass were the prize winnersPrize Winners

Class A Miles Taylor 25 C B WttWi23 Dahl Orrlson 22 J A Brown SIDr Barr 20 H A Parnharo 20 AlMann 17 Phil r 17 J HHunter 14 Buckwalter 14

Class D W H Hunter 22 M DHogan 22 L r Stine 28 Pr Far onK19 George Wise 19 C S Wilaow IFBarnes 17 E Hall li Dr Monroe 14

H B Willson 14 George NaMey 11

Dr Shoup 9Class B L Taylor 21 WilHam

T Cox 20 Dr Cobey 20 Dr Wolft17 B U Osbome 1 A VareUt M RM Graham 16 D ic 13 DrVarela 13 Thoma 10 E C DuUon fc

L T Harris 7Following are the scres

The Seines v

Miles TaylorJtL A FandNUftC S WftavDr BarrBuckwalterD Barnes-P SteubenerM DDr TaylorDr CobeyDr StineE HallJ H HunterA VartflaDr MonroeH B WllteORJ A BrownGeorge WiseC D WiseDr ShoupB L OsbWlieDick HawesDr WolfeAl HaiinD Orrlson-W T OOX-WlllUlI r VarelaDr FowlerE C DuttOttI HarrisDr ParsonsThomasrookGeorge NalleyR M Grnbam

H HunterMillerLamb



Joe Turner MiddleweightDisposes of Victim Weigh-

ing 290 Pounds-

The funniest wrestling match Wash-ington has seen in many a day waspulled off at the Lyceum Theater lastnight when Joe Turner woo claims themiddleweight championship of theSouth threw is portly person railinghimself Chuck Patterson of the NavyYard In thirteen minutes

Turner Is meeting all comers therethis week with the Uncle Sams Bellesbhow which is owned by Washingtonpeople Patterson offered tc bet Anybody In the house he did not velgh overL90 pounds but looked like 320 Turnerweighs about 154 The seeker after Tur-ners scalp was built so much on thebarrelshape that he could not keep hkwrestling tights up and Referee PaOConnor had toglv them a hitch forevery minute or so When Pat got tlre-Gus Schoenletn of Baltimore bettcknown as Americus did the valet j ctOnce they had to stop the bout five min-utes while Patterson modestly retiredinto the wings surrounded by a humanscreen like a baseball player who hassprained his pants in sliding When necame out he had his i ghts pinr d invarious places and the chorus girlwere shooed off the stage

Patterson knew nothing atout wrest-ling Turner threw him as soon ashe got ready Tur er will take on an-

other local light tonight and onewho can wrestle some according to theannouncements

THE DIFFERENCELittlr lister Livermorjp Papa what

is vjifToromp f tween r vision and asiKlit This book says

Mr Liverm reThp HffVr M pt-

a girt hfoio end after sit is nirmdPink









at Broke



iCSIt 5

II J i lit7i 5iais 4i 51

7 <5 3t

IS IiZG 301

3jG 6

ri8 37

f aIt Itlit U



SS n1

V 25 n15

I 6 I




IS11 4


















Club Moves to Increase Facilities and Com

on the DefeatClub Proposed



fortCates MarketBrittsSurpriseMarathon

Spring gentle spring is indeed uprnus albeit somewhat y

The correspondents arepecking their gripe the magnatesare looking over players in search ofphenoms instead of looking into oneanothers past lives in search uf skele-tons We would not have it otherwise-for there is likely to be enough winterweather on trffe Fourth of March tomajrr up for the vernal conditions exist-ing here at present

A sign of the gladsome spring wasnoted by careful observers thiswhen President Tom Noyes SecretaryHarry Rapley Treasurer Ben Minorthe Washington clubs board of strat-egy were laying plans for

Theirs was a holy cause andwe hope they entered Into It with piousenthusiasm If ever there was anythingthat needs attention it is that sameplant and if they will only make theAbsolutely necessary improvementsmuch less add any fancy frills thegreat unwashed in the bleachers andthe high brows in the grandstand willarise and call them blessed

One of the alterations in last yearsconditions will be the addition of fa-cilities for selling tickets on rush daysNay if a man arrives after daybreakhe may if the club officials stick totheir determination be able to purchase-his bit of pasteboard before the fourthinning We dont care a hang whetherthe Panama canal has locks or is onthe sea level but if the Washingtondribs strategy board accomplishes this

object strategists willbe the class for anything the

District of Columbia has in its giftBeyond a doubt they could without adissenting voice got places on the Dis-trict of Columbia Democratic committee and would be allowed to turn thecrank on the canoed speeches just aslong as they desired

Anther project considered by the in-

vestigators was that of building a run-way In the bleachers so that in caseof accident the people cooped up therewoukl not trunple more than a hundred-or so of themselves to death Thebieacherites are loyal and give up goodmoney Every one of them killed in asudden rush is just so much to thedub and figuring on an insurancebasis if else it would be a goodinvestment to build that said runwayMr Riley gave the matter much earnest thought last summer when wedrew attention to it but hired nocarpenters and the runway did not materiaiixe

There is also some talk of Jim SaCfel having his whiskers trimmed Asfar as we know the board of strategy-is not responsible for that but if itchooses to take the credit we will notexpose its band Anything to help en-courage them





the cer-tainlY















Monte Attell receive 1 the decisionover Johnny Regan at the end of atwentyround bout in San Fran-cisco yesterday afternoon

Jack Heyden the clever outfielderof the Indianapolis team purchased byChicago last fall has been returned toIndianapolis

Danny Kerwin who played with theKansas City and Minneapolis

clubs last season has beens l i to the Montgomery Ala Southernleague Club

Playing tennis with temperaturedegrees is no picnic especially when

the Davis cup is at stake declaredBeals C Wright the exnational amateur tennis champion upon his arrivalin B6stoa

Abe Attell wants to meet Tem Bris-tol I in a twentyround bout at 15pounds and offers to bet tOo on theresult

Tommy Burns will remain In Aus-tralia in Kangaroo land lila last beathag was on January In Sydney at thehands of one Joe Costa Costa led allthe way for the twenty rounds and wonhandily-

On December 36 Rudolph suftiTlia when Frank Thorn the feather-weight champion of Australia outpotnted tits Boor AH twenty rounds in yfl-nev It is said that 10004 people were inattendance and that the receipts were

Rudolph Unholz the South Africanlightweight who helped to train andalso second Jack Johnson In his battlewitK Tommy Burns atSydney N SW on December 38 in a letter to afriend In this city dated Sydney Pe-comher 30 1906 says that the gross re-ceipts of the fight amounted to l CNt

American money

la the finals of the Southern Califor-nia tennis tournament on the

court yesterday May Sutton andSimpson Sinsabaugh won the champion-ships in the mixed doubles class by

j defeating Mrs Ethel Bruce sister ofMiss Sutton and Tori C by

i scores of 6S fi3 G3

Members of the New England ChekerAssociation at their annual meet in atBoston Mass jesterday deckled to hold-a championship tournament for NewEngland within the next three nonthsThe association elected the followingofficers President F O Mann orBoston vice president J V Graham-of Boston Secretary l r II O Brownof The annual tournamentiKtwtfn Boston players and the AllNew England team was held late inthe day

Ernest Siegfried known as the


American-A orlatlo




enhoba in his first in Aus







Pro deuce


fej4 defeat flht



> <










Every woman covets aly figure and many of themdeplore the loss of their girl-

ish forms after marriageThe bearing of children isoften destructive to the

mothers shapeliness All of this can be avoided by the use ofMothers Friend before baby comes as this liniment prepares thebody for the strain upon it and preserves the symmetry of her formMothers Friend makes the danger of less and carries hersafely through this criticalperiod Thousands gratefully ten of the benefit andrelief derived from the use

w j Jl00per bottleBook mailed free to all expectant


R DO 1

omthis r Sokl by druggids-

mnt rs fR I

C A shape-

S Vl





About the only man who sotshow up at Galv ete this year withthe Washington team i is PItcher EliCates Cantilkm has tooand if Gray and Groom make goodthere will be a cleaning out Cates ison the market hut none of the Ameri-can League clubs are after him Adeal is on to send him to a strong minorleague but it has not yet been closedCfctes is a very slbman adstill has some major league stuff Inhim wherefore the price set on hisservices is high If the present nego-tiations tall through he will be ordered-to Galve ton with the TeSt of the bunchand be disposed of later

The dope seems to have gone wrongand Johnny Summers got the decisionover Jimmy Britt before the NationalSporting Club in London last nightThe club is too high class to descend-to any cheap work in the way of de-liberately handing a lemon to a visitoralthough prejudice may be shown attimes If it were not the English wouWnot be human beings and even theClan na Gad admits that they are Butthe reports say Britt himself acknowl-edged his defeat Foxy Jimmy Nothinghe could have done would have strength-ened his position II the English

world than that











is a good boxer but it isreally difficult to see how he bestedBritt There were several boys In Phil-adelphia who made Summers hustle likea house afire to hold his own yet noneof those thought of going a route withBritt Sometime sge Britt earned andgot a decision ovf Summers in Eng-land in ten rounds Now he lo tonelntwenty threeminute rounds isaccustomed to the funny little Englishtwominute what does itall mean It is more than possiblethat Britt has gonr ack for be simplywent to England o a ftier but in thiscountry we should tiiell a return match-a la Abe Atteil

J J the Brown PrepSchool wizard of the track who can gointo a Washington meet and gamer ahAndful of medals before breakfast

Itbout getting enough actV n to givetaiself an appetite was one of the1 und rs of the Marathon Club In Philixtelphia institution which chargesno fees simply a band of runnerswho like longdistance work and traintogether He reports that the movementhas been a great success in Philadel-phia and when here ettending the Fedoial games wanted to know why it wasnot started in this city Echo enswersWhy-

A Marathon combination for practicing would be an excellent 4hing forthe athletes in the Y M C A theGurley A C the Tremont A C thenations which have grown so rapidlyand have accomplished so much forsport In Washington in the past three-or four years

Gallagher by the way says MelvInSheppard the Olympic and Americanmile champion is dead sot on becom-ing a firstclass Marathon runner andfor the Dig Boston Marathon




Gall l


I BloominSdaJ A C and other

is doln ten tt twttty a day







Sketchy Little Bits of GossipAbout Sport of Various Kinds


man Oak will wrestle at the StarTheater Brooklyn today

Wesleyan defeated Dannouth in ttbasketball game at Middlecown Coonyesterday by a score of 23 to 15

A Marathon race was run at Peekskillyesterday with twentythree startersThe distance was cut to 21 miles onaccount of the bad roads Eighteenmen finished twelve of them withinlapsed three miles of the finishand fa iMoonscious at the Peekskill Hos-pital The leaders were C SchlobohmMercury A C of Yonkers first tune

h 32m A J Hayden Mercury A Csecond time 39m Fred HarrisMercury A C third time 2h 40fetn

In the boxing bout scheduled for tenrounds under the auspices of the Mara-thon Athletic Club in the ClermontAthletic Club Brooklyn last night thereferee interfered in the fifth round inorder to save Joe Brown fromknocked out by Jinrmy Moran Bothfighters live in Brooklyn A large holi-day crowd was present



Many Buyers in C xd Make

Dealers Assume Cheer-

ful AttitudeNEW YOiTK Feb 21 The Motor-

Boat Show continues to attract tho i

sandsHundreds of the simply curiously in-

clined are in the crowds but the majority are there with the view of buyingsomet1iirfi or determining the merits orcertain ats ami engines with the ideaof purchastig later The presence ofthe r class pkased the exhibitorsand it was reported that yesterday had

the bst of the show for all hand


tM limit One man t Readdy coiwithin





I Mens 2025 30










Several lots mens Suitswhich include all sizes and-

a very satisfactory selec-

tion of patterns are beingclosed out at 1375 orig-inally were 20 25 and


Parker Bridget S Co

Hcadtofoot outfitters9th and Pa Ave


I t




Will Try His Best WouldHave Been Better



Sit Tight Policy Produces ContractSignatures From Murray

and Austin

NEW YORK Feb 2LNftn a afterfeld whom New York LaD ttonrdKthey would never see ala Jn Hi kfcuMllivery has been ordered t report inMacon Ga next week

The Kid says the Injury he receivedlast spring when Gantey spiked Mmhas entirely healed and that he win eas good as over this seasoiC Hothe discouraging remark however thatthough fce will give Stallfngs hks bestefforts it would have been better

concerned had he DeeR transferredto Washington

Johnny Murray who is counted on toplay one of outfield positjonB for








the Giants next season has sent in Mssigned contract to Secretary KnewleeThe former Cardinal will 50 swvthThursdayWilts Almost in Line

George IVHtee the Giants star soothpaw was inKnowles but did not kick In with hiscontract However he is likely to doso before tomorrow WUtse looks thepicture of health and says he does notneed any spring training Having keptin trim this winter by playing handballand by twirling for Daa Brothers todoor baseball team Hooks bad somuch speed last Saturday night inBrooklyn his catcher could boldhim and was charged withed balic Today Wiitse will visit Broth-er Lew once of the Highlanders inPlataftekl N J

Jimmy Austin the Western whirlwindwho twice led the Western in

ONeill organizations best fielding thirdsacker for the last two seasons hassigned with the Highlanders Jimmywho lives in Cleveland in the off sea-son has been holding out for S amonth more than Frank Farrell offer-ed him but dW not get it


he South Atlantic crosscountry runheld at Brightwood yesterday was wonby F Broyer of Johns Hopkins Uni-versity whose time was 3T mInutes 12

secondsThe distance was 3COO meters Mr

Griffith of Johns Hopkins was secondH C Blphenstine of Baltimore Crosscountry Club third J B Fleming tGeorge Washington University fourthTwenty men in the run

of whom finished

Simple thingssimple ways are best

The simplest way tocare for ones complex-

ion is to use Ivory Soapand clean water

Bathe the face fornearly or quite five min-

utes in hot water Rinsewith cold water That-

is it is enough

o Per Cent Pure


it g Cr d At

50c on the DollarFriedlander BrosCor Ninth and E Sts



943 Penna Ave T

2000 SUIT orOVERCOAT for

MadetoAleasureWe have also reduced our 30 and 2

Suitings and Overcoatings to 520 Beatof custom tailoring Select from morethan 40 patterns

Newcorn GreenMens Tailors 1002 F St N W

Open Saturday

Tha famous

years old 12AOrder by phone

15he SHoornaker CoEstablished 185-

3en E yt x w Main iaaiL


New York and Gill


Lea erunning who Iag Hen the





allbutIvory Soap

99 j87



Regent I-



J 5I












base au




vc 1 t









= =



