I Colour I Listen Key listening skills you need to communicate effectively Dr John Kenworthy

I Colour I Listen - Key Listening Skills to Communicate Effectively

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This tool is designed to practice one of the key listening skills you need to communicate effectively. Every person has their personal preferences for the way their own brain processes information. Many people “see” pictures or images, others need to “get a handle” on or need you to “walk them through”, others still prefer to “hear” what the idea “sounds like”, and others like to “understand” or make “logical” “sense” and prefer that you give them “step by step” instructions.

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I Colour I Listen Key listening skills you need to communicate effectively

Dr John Kenworthy

I Colour I Listen

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Action Guides are designed to provide you with simple and

straightforward steps to develop in a particular area of your leadership.

© Dr John Kenworthy – All Rights Reserved

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Purpose and Objectives ................................................................................. 4

Using this the I Colour I Listen Template ......................................................... 5

I Colour I Listen Template ............................................................................. 6

I Colour I Listen

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Purpose and Objectives This tool is designed to practice one of the key listening skills you need to

communicate effectively. Every person has their personal preferences for the way

their own brain processes information. Many people “see” pictures or images, others

need to “get a handle” on or need you to “walk them through”, others still prefer to

“hear” what the idea “sounds like”, and others like to “understand” or make “logical”

“sense” and prefer that you give them “step by step” instructions.

Your role as a leader is to have the flexibility to use the preferences of the other

person. Not forgetting, of course, that you have your own preferred processing

style… and this is usually the default mode that you use with others.

You know those times when someone (perhaps your partner) tells you something

and you simply don’t hear it? Quite often it is because you filter out words that are

not in your preferred processing style. (Oh and by the way, it’s NOT their job to use

the ‘right’ words for you, it’s your job to “tune in” to their style. And of course, it is

also your job to use their preferred predicates and not theirs to “tune in” to yours.)

If you are a visual person, the chances are that you have heard someone else reply

“I just don’t see it!” when you are explaining something… and that is true for them…

they do not “see it”. Perhaps they need to “understand”, or “hear what it sounds

like”. Oh and a few people need “the sweet smell of success” or the “taste of


Have a conversation with someone, listen for the predicates that they use most, and

then use their predicates (processing words) instead of the ones you normally use.

Copyright © 2015 Dr John Kenworthy – All Rights Reserved - www.celsim.com P a g e | 5

Using this the I Colour I Listen Template Find someone you know well to work with on this activity to start with. When

practiced it becomes a normal part of your routine.

Take notes of VAK (Visual, Auditory, Kinaesthetic) words, Key-words or phrases

used by the other person and ignores (as much as you can) content. The

conversation should last no more than 5 minutes.

Ask open questions and practice your active listening skills - paraphrasing,

clarifying, reflecting, linking, summarising, encouraging. Commence by asking the

other person to relate a story about their last holiday (or some other significant

recent event that is personal but not too personal).

The other person responds as themselves.

After about 4 minutes, you should wrap-up the conversation appropriately.

“How do you feel about the conversation?”

“What VAK words were most used?”

One key tip to help you pay greater attention to any other person. Look them in

the eye and make a note (mental or real) of their eye colour. By the way, ‘Brown’ or

‘Blue’ is not the answer… what shade of brown? How bright? Different flecks of


This not only ensures that you make eye contact, you attune yourself to the


I Colour I Listen

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I Colour I Listen Template Name________________________


Visual Auditory Digital Kinaesthetic

See Hear Sense Feel

View Sound Understand Grasp

Show Resonate Learn Hard

Reveal Question Decide Concrete

Illuminate Listen Consider Touch

Clear Rings a bell Perceive Get a grip

Focused Tune in/out Process Solid

Look Make music Change Make contact

Imagine Conceive Hold

Hazy Think Catch on

Picture Know


Key Words and Phrases How often

Eye colour

Copyright © 2015 Dr John Kenworthy – All Rights Reserved - www.celsim.com P a g e | 7

If you haven’t gone through the exercises yet, go back and do it now. Remember

that applying best practices with discipline and consistency, even if the actual steps

seem trite or obvious, is what leads to results.

Thanks so much for reading this guide – if you have any feedback or comments you

can reach me at [email protected].

Don’t settle,

John and the GAPPS team

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I Colour I Listen

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Corporate Edge Asia Pte. Ltd. 10 Anson Road, #26-04, Singapore 079903

Tel: 65 6659 9887|Email [email protected] Facebook|Twitter: drjohnkenworthy

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too big. And if I can, I’ll be sure to fix it. Email me at:

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