I Appendix A 1

I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther

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Page 1: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther

I Appendix A 1

Page 2: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther

Submitted to:

2 m a r d Invesaen t s , LLC

November 2003

Submitted by:

g;! ..- ... i{AJ [J i ~ j ~ r : a i e s , illc,

Page 3: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther



Pre~ared ior:

3arnard investments, LLC

Prepared by:

RAJU ASSOCIATES, INC. 730 E Colorado Boulevard. 903C

Pasadena Californ~a 91 101 (526) 795-5796

Ref RA 721

Page 4: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 5: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
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1 1 1 FUTURE YE.L.3 2.35 ?&FFIC ?;ISJECTl31*!S. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 43 , - CUI,fi?]J,TIVE 3SSE 2025 TTAFFIC FRSJESTIOl<S. . . . . . . . , . ... I;

=?O?aSEL) ?=OJECT TP.4F'IC VOL UlvlES . . " C FUTU?E :2305': CiJIV1ULL\T!\/E ?-US PESJECT -.?GFIC (J3LilIillEC 22

IV - , . raTU1,E YEAY 23835 TZAFFIC CC)NDITI3NS 5 11~4?.4C7 AK4LYSIS.. . . . . . . . 24


OA!3\'VkY SEGMENT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............ . . . . 28 PARKING. ACCESS 5 ClRCUL4TION ISSUES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 31

V I SUMMAI?Y OF CONCLUSIONS.. . . . . . . ... .. . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . 35

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. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . LEVEL OF SERVICE DEFINITIONS FOR SIGNALIZED II.ITE2SEKIONS 7 I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . EXISTING (2X3, CaNDIT13NS LEVEL OF SERi'ICE SL'lvlMk2Y. 12

, - . . . . . . . . . . . . . R f LATE2 PZCJECTS - VJEKDA,Y T2lP GENE?IT13N FATES 1 0

. . . . . . ESTIfvlATE3 WEEKDAY TRIP GENE34TION OF RELATEC ?R3JECT% 17 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P2OPOSED ?ZOJECT X I ? GENEIWTION ESTIMATES 2 0

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . FCITUZE "EAR 2035 LEVEL OF SERVICE C3NDITIOI<S 25 hVE34GE DklLY TF4FFIC IIlnPkCT ANALYSIS . . . . . . . 3: Of<-STEET ?A?I;INS UTILlZATlOh' A N 3 ANALYSIS 35

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:c t13 4 . 1 31 c z n q r c j i !p , :co j !c :{zclq C Q ~ : au; Eucp 7s: t .z~: s~ :celc~c s : ( : ~ p s k ~ d :~CISL~CX:

G ? c ; c l ~ x c c ~ c i ~ c;szdc:d SL: ;c ::ced:c I I ~? : IE!:L;-!C~ 3q; SIEC~EAZ. 31 2u1 S.j\E!C.OSS': >/E>;!

,'q Falcnpuc; ,i~'.:s ? IC S ~ U ! C L I ~ ,+I? ;~ECICCC!J~~LL S ~ C : ~ ~ L ~ S S E a: 3 ; ~ a l ~ n z C ~ L J O C ~ J $ 1 ~ 1 1

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- I he exlstln; s:ree: sysre;r, a~a l yzed WI:-,in !he s!ucy arsa consists of 2 r?glan31 'Ilghway syster.

mcl~ciing ma+: anmais a$acent 13 the -210 freeway and a I x a i West systzm ~ n c l ~ j i ~ g

s x o n s a y aner:als, col1e:tors aici oza! str?e!s :. 3escrl?t1or: 3: !hs r e ~ 1 3 ~ i a l and local access

a r 3 clrc:~laiion c?e-ed by ! a t v a r l x s roa3ways i31:ows.

The I 2:0 teeway p r m ~ d e s the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther

artevial svsets used to access the study area Include Sierra I4aors Bo;lei:ard, Fmthi l l Eo~llevard,

A l : s kvsnue and iFL1a!nd: Street. Local access and :lrcula:ion are provldej by C rag Stree! E

Czrson S!reet, W i : e Siree: and Vs ta Avenue Bref desc:i3!10rs O' ih? arterial fac!i:les servlng

I;i2 s:LIS~' 3!.?a a:? I.Y [~Ceci n l l i ~ fo!law!r:o s x t o n

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Existinu Traffic Volumes

iWe~kd3j. i713:,?!n5 2nd ev@ring x a k hour i:a'f,i :3:1,l:s were ~31-13ile~ f:0m &;a ~3!1?:113 a: :he -.

2 sr,alyzed ~nle-s5ctons d ~ ; ; l g tne week of Ksvernazr i C i 23C3 I nsse 8veer;ciay t:ahc volsnes

ri'iez: typcal wesk-ay a w ~ - a t l m s dunno c-rizn: ysar 2322 ccnd:tims The t-;TIC m!urnes in

F i g ~ l - ~ 2 re3rest.n:. 13; Ih-. p:!rp3s15 0: t h s amlyss :he exist;?^ 2033 41d 273 PrJ peak h3ur -

o i c : I . 175 :?,,* <-.la shw;nj ti:: ca..cits a-e aitaz'isd in A:,p?n3:r C

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- - . . - ----~


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Area-wide Ambient Traffic Growth

4- a r e i - w d e r e g m a 2-ovds iacro: of 1 5 % pzr year was s i l ~ m a r t l 53553 01 pro!?c:ioy fi.3i77

tile : i>35: recent C,tv of ? z s x e n a tvlo:,llity Elern??i mn:ii- Futtrrr :-i.fi,c :nc.'.?~?ies d x :3 r q o n a l

,.,,. .,, . ~ . v : ' i , ;?YI ~:I:v~l,:pw~ zrc ?Y!~:I.~:::I 3 :m%~i~,~c ;I: t!~:?, r3!!7 \/,!I:;-. : T : : ;,I,~;.Y: :.L,II-;Y.?~,,J,, =a;e :;f

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il 1 ,GOO - USES





Page 26: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
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. . Imr; :he s x s ~ i i e c : st3nii::an: mmli crl:+ria t ~ e t r 3 k tn;as!s 3: tne a n a y s : ~ i x 3 : 1 3 ? ~ W S ~ +

cl;.:e~~n.-o T a ~ k 5 13?lili12: ~:IZ I ' ! ~ I U ~ I I I L ~ ~ ! 1~,j3:: iE CIJW; 33:l ', 1.4 a75 Id 35ak h,~::. a:

i3:il a: tile Ixat lc lns I: ;arm t ) ~ 3?33:vd :?a: m n 5 31 t x a n s c ~ ~n:".!sz,:!:xz w 3 ~ i 5

35 S I ; ~ ~ I ' I Z ~ ~ I ~ ! r j a z k z 5)' tne ~ : 3 z x ? J ex:3?:m.* PI.o!$:: T k r s f 5 % ?a m:t1ja:13r 132 - .~~ ;=5

wou,c be rzq31r-d f3 - !?e nropxsc' ~ - : , j ~ t i

Page 33: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
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From Tabiz 7 . ~t can be sbservei tka: n m ? 3f the rca jway ss3m;nts have any positive chai2es -

!~ncceases; &re to the prsposeci pr3jec: ; h ~ s :s ~ I L E to the fazt :ha: the prg?ossd project h3s 2

net ei;ect 3'; :e3ucnj :he overall P.DT traF~c 01 :he trans?c:',a:lon syslom due ta : !s cla~ly t r p

,aenerat~or be?^ less ! t a i t i € m11y !:I? gsner31.3r :I: :he 3 i r t s llici.!str~al an3 auto repa: us? ?;a:

. & - ,.,, prspsss3 p:cjei f 15 replaclnc: Tlil-:finre :II.YE 3-2 113 .ADT i;i~paz!s associate3 wtth !;v

PI ,2p;wI 3 r q x :

Page 35: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
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Eassa 3.1 a rev~ew of i k ;)r323se6 S I ~ S an. : i x access and z . r z ~ 1 a t 1 r p:opssed fa: the praec! s

oi-sl le ~ a r k i n o W C L I I ~ funzticin ade+ar?!y

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9 KAJ U Assoccrics, Inc


S iTC T I P Gcnerat~on, VI Cdltio~i, 1997, l~ifor~nat~orial Guide .. . . I' - , ! r I o e . Daily I.n(l)--Ln(X)'I.01 t0.815 {50'%ir1loul) lndustr~al Dally. F.YiI1C)UO sf (5096 1ri:@!11)

.A i:i Peak - R a k 0 15 Iri(~sl1000 s l {59% ill 141% oul) A M k a i l Ratc 092 i 101!0 sf (FIR%ii!l >Y;,wl)

P 151 Peak - Ra!? 0.26 lr~ps I IOU0 sf (51% ~n 119% oul) I'M Peal: Hate II YUl lOOU sl{12%i11i08"hul} 2: :;:2 uaIl., I - . r . . f . , - 1-0 - i6O'Ln(X)+3.F54 (50% 111 i 50% oul] Aulo I<ef)a~r Shop i i.i ??ak I , ; r ! = O i!>i'L11(X)+l55D {DD?b in 1 17% out) A M l'pal: [<ate 2 !1411011O (;LA ls~:r.11i;.i5':..:11itj

1:: ?cz- !?ale. 1 49 trips i 1000 ysf (17% in 183% out) P Ml'eal: lXalc.3 3011000 GLA (5U:;ln:[~l)

Page 59: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 60: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 61: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 62: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 63: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 64: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 65: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
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Page 69: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 70: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther
Page 71: I Appendix A 1 - City of Pasadenaww2.cityofpasadena.net/councilagendas/2004 agendas/Oct_04...The I 2:0 teeway prm~des the prl7ary regonal access to the study area The ma!or and cther