I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018 2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala Successfully Held in Shanghai On March 8, 2018, emlyon business school Asia held its 2018 Annual Gala themed “I am an Early Maker” in Shanghai. Over 200 people attended the event, including emlyon business school’s executive committee that had flown there from France and alumni, students and programme participants from Beijing, Guangzhou, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan, among other places. With the advances of Internet technology and the advent of the fourth industrial revolution, emlyon business school as a future-ready global business school is moving faster to expand its global presence. In his welcome remark, Professor Tugrul ATAMER, Vice Dean of emlyon business school, said, “four years ago, we only had the Lyon Campus, and now, we have five campuses in Lyon, Paris, Saint-Étienne, Shanghai, and Casablanca. Our plans for campuses in India and South America are also progressing steadily. In Asia, undergraduate programmes developed in cooperation with Asia Europe Business School, an institution we co-founded with East China Normal University, and our executive education programmes have showed strong market momentum and yielded fruitful results. Every year, we also send over 800 international students to study at the Asian Campus. This year, emlyon business school launched its 2023 Strategy with globalization, digitalization and artificial intelligence as the keywords. The attainment of the goal will rely on the support of all our faculty members, students, alumni and partners.”

I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018 2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala Successfully ... · 2020-05-26 · I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018 2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala

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Page 1: I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018 2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala Successfully ... · 2020-05-26 · I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018 2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala

I am an Early Maker, emlyon Ready for 2018

2018 emlyon Asia Annual Gala Successfully Held in Shanghai

On March 8, 2018, emlyon business school Asia held its 2018 Annual Gala themed “I am an Early

Maker” in Shanghai. Over 200 people attended the event, including emlyon business school’s

executive committee that had flown there from France and alumni, students and programme

participants from Beijing, Guangzhou, Singapore, Malaysia, and Japan, among other places.

With the advances of Internet technology and the advent of the fourth industrial revolution,

emlyon business school as a future-ready global business school is moving faster to expand its

global presence. In his welcome remark, Professor Tugrul ATAMER, Vice Dean of emlyon business

school, said, “four years ago, we only had the Lyon Campus, and now, we have five campuses in

Lyon, Paris, Saint-Étienne, Shanghai, and Casablanca. Our plans for campuses in India and South

America are also progressing steadily. In Asia, undergraduate programmes developed in

cooperation with Asia Europe Business School, an institution we co-founded with East China

Normal University, and our executive education programmes have showed strong market

momentum and yielded fruitful results. Every year, we also send over 800 international students

to study at the Asian Campus.

This year, emlyon business school launched its 2023 Strategy with globalization, digitalization and

artificial intelligence as the keywords. The attainment of the goal will rely on the support of all our

faculty members, students, alumni and partners.”

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▲Professor Tugrul ATAMER, Vice Dean of emlyon business school, gives a welcome speech.

“Makers + Business School”, A Boost for Innovation-driven Growth

In the digital age, business schools must embrace challenges and innovate to better adapt to the

changing market needs. As for the meaning of “maker”, Professor William Hua WANG, Associate

Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon business school Asia, pointed out in his

speech, “As a maker, one needs to pay close attention to globalization and digitalization related

issues. emlyon business school hopes to inspire our students to hold distinct values, think out of

the box and solve problems creatively. More importantly, the aspiration to reach for the good and

the meaning of life is the underlying driving force for all actions of a maker.”

▲ Professor William Hua WANG, Associate Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon

business school Asia, gives a welcome speech.

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Leading Future Business with School-Business Collaboration

Tapping into its strong business cooperation platforms and connections with industrial experts,

emlyon business school has been launching innovative executive education programmes. Asia

Leadership Camp of Wellness Industry, a mini EMBA programme developed by emlyon business

school in cooperation with Beauty Insight, a media and research organization in the wellness

industry, was officially launched in Shanghai on March 8, 2018.

▲ Group photo taken at the launching ceremony of the First Asia Leadership Camp of Wellness

Industry in 2018

During the event, student representatives of the First Asia Leadership Camp of Wellness Industry

presented a gift to emlyon business school. Professor Françoise DANY, Executive and Corporate

Affairs Director of emlyon business school, accepted the gift on behalf of the School and said,

“emlyon business school has a long history in executive education and has maintained close

cooperation with businesses. We receive a large number of corporate executives every year. We

are gratified to see our executive education programmes thrive in Asia and gain influence around

the globe. I would like to thank our alumni and partners for supporting the In-Company Consulting

Project so that we can provide more opportunities for our students to apply what they have

learned in reality.”

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▲Professor Françoise DANY, Executive and Corporate Affairs Director of emlyon business school,

gives a speech at the launching ceremony of the First Asia Leadership Camp of Wellness Industry

in 2018

▲ Professor Françoise DANY accepts the gift from students of the First Asia Leadership Camp of

Wellness Industry in 2018 on behalf of the School.

Gaining Industrial Insights through Collaborating with Experts

Professor William Hua WANG, Associate Dean of emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon

business school Asia, and Professor Fabienne AUTIER, Associate Dean to the Faculty of emlyon

business school, awarded appointment certificates to Zhang Xiang, Director of Good Business

Center, Jiang Lan, Executive Director of Good Business Center, digital marketing expert Yoko Ouchi,

new retailing industry expert Cao Cheng, supply chain expert Ji Gang, and global sports industry

expert Wang Dong. Their engagement is bound to inject more vitality into the emlyon community.

Meanwhile, capitalizing on its strengths, emlyon Asia will work with the experts to promote

innovation in these industries.

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▲ From left to right: Jiang Lan, Executive Director of Good Business Center; global sports industry

expert Wang Dong; supply chain expert Ji Gang; Professor William Hua WANG, Associate Dean of

emlyon business school and Dean of emlyon business school Asia; Professor Fabienne AUTIER,

Associate Dean to the Faculty of emlyon business school; new retailing industry expert Cao Cheng;

Zhang Xiang, Director of Good Business Center; and digital marketing expert Yoko Ouchi.

Professor Fabienne AUTIER stressed that the success of emlyon business school would be

impossible without an outstanding faculty and that it welcomes more talented professors and

industrial experts to join.

▲Professor Fabienne AUTIER, Associate Dean to the Faculty of emlyon business school, gives a

speech at the Experts Appointment Ceremony.

During the event, Global DBA participants of 2017 intake presented performance “Love of Youth”

and offered gifts to emlyon business school’s executive committee team. Professor Philippe

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MONIN, Academic Dean of emlyon business school, accepted the gifts and expressed appreciation

on the School’s behalf.

▲ Global DBA participants of 2017 intake presented performance “Love of Youth”. (Slide to see

the next picture)

▲Professor Philippe MONIN (second from left), Academic Dean of emlyon business school,

accepted gifts from the Global DBA participants of 2017 intake on behalf of the School. Gifts:

cloud brocade scarf and tie made in Nanjing.

Li Xudong from GEMBA gave a passionate recitation of the English version of The Advisers Alliance

a famous memorial written by Zhu Geliang, an Imperial Chancellor of the state of the Shu Han in

the Three Kingdoms period of China. Tan Tianyi and Li Anzhi, undergraduates of Asia Europe

Business School, presented a piano and Liuqin (Chinese mandolin) ensemble of The Garden After

Rain, winning rounds of applause from the audience. An exciting lucky draw then brought the event

to a climax.

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Xudong LI, student of GEMBA

Reciting The Advisers Alliance in English

Tan Tianyi and Li Anzhi, undergraduates of Asia Europe Business School

Piano and Liuqin ensemble

The Garden After Rain

At the end of the event, Professor Tugrul ATAMER, Vice Dean of emlyon business school, led the

emlyon team onto the stage, thanking the guests for their long-standing support for emlyon

business school and expressing wishes to meet next year.

About emlyon business school

emlyon business school was founded in 1872. It is one of the oldest business schools in Europe

and among the 1% business schools in the world that have triple accreditation: AACSB, EQUIS, and

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AMBA. With five campuses in Lyon, Paris, Saint-Étienne, Shanghai, and Casablanca, emlyon

business school has nearly 30,000 alumni and seven research centers.

Facing the digital age, emlyon business school brought forward the new “Early Makers” concept

and incorporated the cultivation of early makers into its strategy. In this complex and ever-changing

era, we hope that the early makers can act fast, think nimbly and solve problems creatively, with

strong adaptability and a global perspective.