THE WASHINGTON HERALD MONDAY MAY 20 1907 6 OLD CY YOUNG WINS Starts a Tenth Inning Rally White Sox FOUR RUNS IN A BUNCH After Holding the Champion Safe for Nine Inning Veteran Pitcher Singles nml Works Way Aroanil the Jlore nUll Fol low Ilnrry White IVeakeim- YKSTJSK DAYS RESULTS Xcrr York 7 St Louis 5- lloston 4 Chicago 0 TODAYS GAM US Washington m ClcrcliiHi- lrhilnileliihiii nt Detroit Xew York at St Louis Boston at Chicago STANDING OP TUX TBAM6- V LL 1VL I V L I It 11 JR Uottcw 15 JB- II M t WMhiMlM 8 II JO New York H Ml J tt JR Chicago Nay 1 Old Cy Young shone like a Macon In todays game jS inst the White Sox and OW Cy started the rally in tenth that landed til game in the HubMtes column For nine innings the teams battled without the semblance of a run Goose cgg followed goose egg until the crowd ii n i it was a big crowd even for baseball iuad Chicagowas wildly thrilled and hepring for that one run that would win tc game But it was not to be for the lead of four runs was too much and the team went out in order in their Lit of the tenth Young who has been rejuvenated this sasnn was the first up in the tenth He emgl d was sacrificed to by Sulli- van and got home on Parents single Inglaub hit for two bases Davis threw Collins effort wild and a long hit by Ferris capped the climax anti the game was over as far as tallies were concerned Hahn was the only man who could find Youngs delivery and he failed to benefit by the three hits he made Tho score Chicago RHOAB BUML K II OAK 3 Dttattjfui cf I t i cf t II l nwt V 2 4 Isbtil 2b I SI Ib JM Donohu Ib I3 3 Coffins 1 5 Robe 3b 1 3 Ortaohar rf 1 eMu K I I F Zb as 1 t I W JWT as IIK- uUian e I Criffr e hite p 91 Vow p 1 I T U1 aa 1 Totah IMJtli Boston Ifl4it- t bsse br rof Ho t Left OB hue 1 9 OMnco 4 Ffc t tww oo MhO Y in 2 off White 1 Stow oot y Y MC 5- Wliln 1 Utsltmrt Unfteob W 1 rn Sacrifice httU SnlHran Stolen bue- Yiiie Double plavsWNsitr to Ferris in Uwdaab- PheI t Darn Donoboe to SalUfmn JUt br pttdi- cr White L r lr M r SterMan Hrt Time of gune1 hour nd SI rtnot At NEW YORK DOWNS ST LOUIS Wallace Millies Three Errors Which Decide the Onme S Louis May Xew York again t nirn d St Louis this afternoon Wal- f letting in four of the Highlanders eri IT runs through tickling breaks while- S Lnuis alto scored all five of its runs vithou having a single one earned Moor secured from Cleveland in trade- f r Delehanty and and making 2 is first appearance on the slab for New York pitched In good form barring a t ndf ncy to wlldness His support how ev was none too good The score Lmiis KHOABI Sew Tort RHOAE- 21 tt 1 HoffBUB Cff 1311- Hm hill cf I l J I 1 K drr rf 3 I t- F KTinz rf 1 3 1 1 nbtffcM M I 3 I 1 I 2 1 3 Chaw Ib 2 1 I ier 3bZ I 31- Ib 1 2 II WOUaaas Sh I I 4 3 I- vnnr c I 2 II KManw e 1 I i I S- I1 i p II i 1 Jioore p I 2121n- tjr II II Totals 11 51 Totah 7ME I 3 Batted for VCKH in taw ninth F I iis I1IZIII2Ne- wYT I t I 1 I I 2 17 Left m haaesSt Inote 7 New York L Pint tn 01 N11Off lwweO I off Moore 1 Stra- Py Pmn 1 by Moon i TbircbsM hit P Tine Twotaw 2 JoneK Sacri tn bit Jones Stolen basnHcffaaaa rnnmr Lapcrte Dwtbie pla Nlles to Wai ncr Mnriaritjr to Williami to Chasr Hit br pitc- bwBy More 1 Wild iiHcfaesMoore t Lat piresMwsrs OLonthlin and Stafford Time of Camo2 lirirs and S nrinntra Attendant HJW CANTILLON LAJOIES GUEST Cold Day at Cleveland and Players Dw Venture Out Special to Washington lirrald Cleveland Ohio May 19 Members of the Washington club spent a quiet day here The weather was damp and the athletes did not care to take their highpriced arms out into the cold and spent most of their time in the Euclid Hotel Manager Joe Cantiikm was the guest of Manager Napoleon Lajofe while Parley Smith Laws Cross and Charley Hlrkmhn visited with friends Cleveland and Washington will meet agiiin at League Park tomorrow after- noon Cy Falkenberg or Tom Hughes will pitch for Washington Manager Can tillon not being sure which tonlght Lit lihardt will do the flinging for Cleve Two years ago Hughes Cleveland Jwu with one run In five games on the iX l grounds Both the Washington pitchers are in form and capable of work cg well The Naps Mem to have struck batting stride at last so a warm game can be expected OTHER GAMES At EHakbela XJ lUtE Cineinmti X I 1898432009121 S3- BatteriwMfaahaa awl McLean lAnds man and Faraaar At Srwark fstat gaaae RHB Newark II 181001 01 Ml Reading 3110000195 34- BattenrsUtf and WaaUafce Lewis and Hart Koadirc III0608I65TSBatt- rriesBait ad Wtsttak Baanl al Hut At ewaA RHB- Xrirurk K U 68603181 x 12 3 1jttsbiint X W ruttrriesLabeUe and Krttcbell Brady and Smith Take Green Cars ieehansSyoisnerlarden 9th and Pa Ave S E- li must popular place town f iPiiy resort no objectionable illowc l rloven pieces of music dls iivrso all the latest popular airs THOMAS F MEEHAN Owner and Proprietor 409 Ninth Street S E Against CIrcuitThree Cliragll flabI IlfICOit II It the home second I 2 2 I I 1 t 3 is S S I I J Two B and vnlvce 15IN i Clark on I J lJl 1 I I I 85 Oft WIll Not The lnrJ l t thf ir tar e lieU man RoI- lElI1IfkH 2 8 9 ft t I JljiUl 0 13 3 3 n strictly- a tr I IS ifli 12 Ii- I Iou I C I 1 I I II I 1 I I I I a 1 I I I I II S I I I 5 I S S S S I II 2 1 II I I Cag9 IIIIIIIIII1F- r s r I I I i C I 6 I rpIf lIiIIlCosrnylf 3111- 129 r i I MI I Chase cold- s Sond ga 5 9 0 9 2 9 I ¬ ¬ > > ¬ > NATIONAL LEAGUE YESTERDAYS RESULTS Ao Games TODAYS GAMES Cincinnati at Philadelphia Plttfthur nt Brooklyn St Louis nt Now York Chicago nt Boston STANDING OF TIlE TEAMS W L Pet I W 1J F M 3 19 ItottM K- Chtaro 23 4 CtefoMtl 9 1C IS 9 XllSClMit 6 S rfanKMiAu 13 11 J12 lirwkljm 4 a VIRGINIA LEAGUE YESTERDAYS RESULTS Xo Games TODAYS GAMHS Portsmouth at IiynchlnirK- 1Iloanokc nt Danville STAXDIXO OF TUG TEAMS W L Pet W Jf IfU 8 Jff LjrMMwK II rf n s 01 nn KeMMlM 12 11 JB Nortoft 3 15 m CAUGHT ON THE FLY The Departmental League starts on its third season this afternoon The New York Americans aro certainly having an awful run of luck In the West Bob UngUiib smashed out three hits yesterday two of which twobag gers The annual Central High School alumni student game will be played at National Park Thursday Providence has picked up Catcher Dono- van who has with the Philadelphia Nationals for the put two years That was a hard game for Harry White to drop to Boston yesterday The Wash- ington boy weakened in the tenth Duke Farrell the old Boston catcher believes that the spit bell should be abol- ished He says that it Is the bane of the game- Some good sport te pn mieed Ht National Park when Tech awl Western meet to deckle the baseball supremacy of the high schools Old Cy Young not only pitched a pretty genie at Chicago yesterday but he started the rally in the tenth which netted four runs Jack Doyle manager of the Milwaukee team has been suspended indefinitely by President OBrien of the American As- sociation for offensive language and gen- eral rowdyism- Moter the pitcher who did o much to help Lynchburg to land the pennant In the Virginia State League test year is pitching remarkable ball for the Trenton club in the TriStato League The Chicago Nationals have blanked every club with which they have come into contact and have blanked St Louts twice making seven shutouts in all The Cubs have made ninetyfive runs to fiftythree and of the by their opponents twelve were In one game by Cincinnati Making Lajoie manager said rm OI aughlin has made him an easy to handle Prior to his being ele- vated to his position he seemed- to regard the as his worst ene- mies and we frequently had trouble with him Since that time he haw tamed him- self wonderfully and no manager in the league gives us less trouble Frank Chance brands as false the story that ho Is going to release Kd Keulbach because the big pitcher Is not steady enough for a championship team Real bach has pitched but owe this season and then he lasted only two innings Chance says the big fellow is strictly a warm weather pitcher and he is waiting for a higher temperature The New York club could use Reulbach He always looks good there Robert L Hedges owner of the St Louis American League club is going to try a new scheme for preventing the postponement of games on account of a rainsoaked diamond Ills scheme la simple anti has been considered by other owners Hedges has made a deal with a tent man whereby he is to be furnished a huge canvas tent which will be spread over the entire infield each night Jako Stahl may go back to his old position behind the bat There seems to be no other place open for him at Chi- cago The two Chicago teams each harbor- a former star of the University of Illinois Stahl is the Sox and Pitcher Carl Lundgren the Cubs Pitcher Falken berg of Washington and Frank PfeJfer the Boston pitcher who twirled a nohit game the other day are also graduates- of the same university and played the game there Here is an AH Star Western which a St Louis writer suggests rock of the White Sox and Brown of the Chicago Nationals pitchers KOng of the Chicago Nationals catcher of the Chicago Nationals first of Cleveland second bass Wagner- of Pittsbiirg shortstop Stelnfeldt of the Chicago Nationals third base Stone a the St Louis Americans left field Jones of the White field and Schulta of the Chicago right field A California writer says It is hard how Earl Moore will strengthen the Yankees though to be sure Walter Clarkson has been of no use to the New York team this spring The big Cleveland pitcher was a winner until b developed a flat foot He could not bear his weight on this and conse- quently ho was out of a season The injury was caused by a batted ball which hit Moore on the foot Last sea son he pitched two or three games toward the close of the This spring he has been called times but there has been nothing startling about his work There line been a world of comment on how long George Van Haltren has playing professional baseball thoroughly understood that Van in the game for ages it was the of the Oakland team himself who came through with the information that he started with the National League In June 1SS7 For several years before that he was playing ball In California and he will come close to rounding out a quarter of a century Thats a long time for the hard game that baseball has proved but It only goes to show thnt a man who will take care of himself and not dissipate can last Van has more today than many a youngster Just starting and for a man of his years he is a marvel when it to running the bases If a better deliberately bunts the ball toward an infielder with the intention of putting himself out to advance a base runner ho should IMS accredited with a sacrifice hit whether an Infield error allows him to get to first or not In answer to an interested fan on this subject the writer must admit that do frequently overlook this point the batter gets to first on an er- ror or a futile attempt is made to catch the other runner The harm d nc- oy such a mistake the bat- ters hitting average hit does not count as a time at bet and the batter consequently does not his percentage for helping In the if he Is not credited with a sacrifice lilt he must bo given a time At bat with no result and thereby his general avoraea IB Tho Idea is that It Is not tlio batters that ho is not thrown out and con- sequently ho should not suffer When ever he makes the attempt a batter Is always entitled to either a sacrifice or a Clean lilt the in case he beats it out I yew 18 lit fU I IS I I were been th- eo tons run pre pent wit tem Chan atonal to I rot san I I ben hal ben i I I acton come sorer burt los hurt later 0 York I 390 10 Job Sex center been ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ANOTHER IN FIELD Departmental League Opens Its Season Today OLD RIVALS ARE TO MEET Poutoffice Interior Tennis Will Figure in Initial Clnnh Xcrr Five club Organization line Promising Outlook for Its Third Year Good Schedule Has Been Arranged Poatofflee meets Interior on the south diamond of the White Lot Blllpso this afternoon UM Departmental League inaugurates Its third season in the field of amateur baseball in the District Following the custom in the past the opening of the season will be attended by no elaborate ceremonies but will merely of the throwing out of the ball by President Merrill O Chance The fuel that there only five in the league this year augurs the quality of bell thAt the organization will put up as the players who were with the teems that are not within the fold this year liars been corralled by the re- maining five clubs thereby greatly strengthening the latter The teams and directors of the league are Poatolflct M 0 Chance Interior James I Parker Treasury E C Robin- son Navy L A Clark Commerce and Labor T L Weed The oflicers are President Morrttt 0 Chance vice pres- ident Parker treasurer E C T L Weed umpire William G Belts Most of the have alt their old players the and some of them wilt have new faces In the lineup Opt Kinney of Commerce and Labor has besides himself as pitcher Brown North and Gallagher Irwin wilt do the receiving other SeWers are Evans first base and Keehier second base Herbert third base Kleinschmldt Shoemaker Fen wick and Terry outfielders Navy will have Murray and Scott pitchers Smith catcher Clements first bees Dorsey and Glngler second base herds and shortstop Sutton left- field right field Hunter center field Gammed and Waters sub stilule outfielders The rosters of the Postofilce and Interior teams follow Pwto 8HB Mi IterdlDK Km ViWr- rKnft Maeoa Orrtoon K r MM llustiy ThMM ItrndbMtcn Ktttw MeMoir AndoMn- M PnUon l Peutc- nTHMoryUrd McOirtoy Kofcher Vie We- IMM SpHUne HeltaMo Owttea BmHk Onto Only WaDwr XeCkaley Mmtf Md Othmtm- lMeriarHtnhwt CMT Sbewwher Tncr a- Wtkler ItotfWM Uwtfanl Wrtrbt Wilma Teen mend ofua Madden Kit OOoMcB Md X MINOR LEAGUES AVKSTBKV IKACUK- Ai D mrI eimr Omaha 1 At 1neMoJXw siam 4 IoeMo UaeniaI ieolB a Saoax City i8- TAXIMXG OP TKAJ4S- W L Ict- n V U MjLiBcohi- M r 11 H I sW- oA3IKHICAX ASSOCIATION AIM XB MkerMihraae 1 Ka At ToledoToledo U W U re- IS II STANDING OF TJSAM8 W L Iet M M IU ToMoL I St D 14 B S Louisville S- MihnwaW IS U 517 al H K- SOUTIIBHN IBVGUB At Mfi hlv MrF lf v I Moarfpaaiir N r Ortean H Orlnaa I V wtQa 1 At SsovTCinctaiircvetiort I Atlanta J STANDING OF TBAMa W Ij 1rt W L AtlaU N 11 SB Little Rode U K 1T B u B- II M MB U tt- XcwOrfeMM 13 12 81 MuaiauaMii M 13 JW- COVVKCTICUT IBVGUKS- TNADINO OF THK TEAMS w u ivt i vr u ret Watertaa B 5 T HaiUort 7 Hobokv tt f M New C U 359 11 7 BrMawrt Jit NewLoaiaVMi HI YOIIK At 8iacusf A J O S Sfrwujse L- At UtfcsUtia I HtaKteartn 1 At SenwteoTroT 3 Serantoa WiSMiterre Albany S VMMrt rre 12 XI5W ENGLAND IEAOUE STANDING OF TUB TRVME V L Pet I W L Iet- WontstMT M 6 05 New Beatofd 7 7 J- Oroekloo 1 7 8 Pall I 7 J Lynn fi J- e 9 8 9 LoweD 6 H- TUISTATE LEAGUE STANDING OF THE TEAMS W L let V U l etI- lanWwK 13 t Hi j Treotoo I f JM- Afcma H S SIT York 8 K W- UMCMUT It 7 Jokwstmni M JTf- WMissM rt H 7 11 Wtoateftoa 3 K 18 SOUTH ATLANTIC LEAGUE STANDING OF THE TEAMS W UlletJ- aekaoaTflte S 11 Maeon K- CtoffeatOH 1 M MS A M 1- 19aia a b K IS Ht Coftaabh 11 B Laurel School TeRm Ilcnily Laurel Md May ISThe Laurel High School club has organized with the fol lowing members De Vougeg and Johnson catchers Merson and C Fisher pitchers Phnlr first base Bond second base Brown shortstop C Fisher third base Splllman right field Odenwald H Fisher left field They will open with the BurtonviilQ here next Sat- urday Droolilniid Heals Tnconm Park The Brookland baseball club defeated the Takoma Athletic Club 4 to 3 The features were the batting of Lltchlium and base running of Gus Julllen both of the Brookland and the pitching of Dex- ter of the Takoma team AMONG THE BOXERS Younger and Young Corbett to box six rounds before the WIs Athletic Club on Juno 12 Jimmy Brltt will probably bo match- ed to meet George Mesmie of Chicago twenty rounds before the Colma Cal Athletic Club on June 12 Battllpc Nelson offers to back McFHriand a Chicago lightweight against any one In his class barring Joo Guns for J1600 a side George Gardiner of Lowell Mass and Harry Lewis of Philadelphia are In active training for their tenround to take place before the Coliseum letic Club of Denver on May 2L Jack Johnson a negro heavyweight who recently won two fights In Australia Is now In San Francisco Johnson Is out with a challenge to fight the winner of the FquersBurna fight for a purse and sIde I co- nst Ire tem Jam tem Shrine Hot TreY I M I L I t U t- At Pet lt 1 i STAT GUE t- At I W L i tem lark Ben Oshkosh Pack but bet ant when harness The and duSk GoOn L- At WLlet 11 10 L- At Ck At COmIaICaIVSbea 6 1a2issaxiIis Lesiselil CoI Kamee City 901 Peal I lndit1 319 NadieOe 341 Mhespst 4- 1524tis sea 405 990 lives fl- EW 4 liseekO idiom 14 10 I si 14 643 center- fIeld Cob ¬ ¬ ¬ > > > ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ > CHANCE FOR HIGH SCHOOLS Team front Seattle AVnxh In Anx to Play Here To the Sporttec EdIUr of The herald I am planning an trip for the Seattle High team during the summer holidays We ex- pect to reach Washington somo time between July 10 and 20 and I would like to arrange a gamo or series of games with somo team In your city preferably a high school or allstar high school team We would require a guarantee of JIM for one game or J850 for a series of three games and 26 per cent of the gate receipts over tho amount of the guarantee in either case Thu Seattle High School easily holds tho championship of tho in track and football year our football team defeated the North Di- vision High School football team of Chicago This year our baseball team defeated the league team 2 to 1 a week before time opening of the regular sea son UAllOLU H HTKWAXT Seattle Wash May 19 NO COMPLAINTS FROM PREPS Georgetown Oarsmen Deny They A- ttempted to H llttle Teens Victory The Georgetown deny the statement attribute their defeat at tho hands of the Tech High crew on Friday to the fact that they failed to row over the finish line The Prepa took their in the best of They sowed fully fifty yards of the and although greatly disappointed defeated lost time In congratulating the victors WILL DECIDE CHAMPIONSHIP- Tech and Western Play for High School Title Today Tennis Are AVell Matched ansI n Good Gnme Should Uesult Mich- ael nud Ilelchnrd May Pitch The baseball championship of the high schools will be decided at National Park this afternoon when Technical and era the teams In the league at 9M Last year Tech captured the title and this season UM Manual Trainers have nearly all of the old players on UM team This afternoon however the team will be handicapped If Itelchard who was re- cently injured is unable lo pitch He may be in the game but in case he to not on the rubber Gray will twirl This Is UM first year Western has gotten so near the championship the teas never before having won more than two games in the series Western U placing great dependence upon the ability of Capt Michael who will De in the box Comparing the teens man for man Tech seems to have the better of it in several of the positions and Judging by their work thus far in tbe league games the Manual Trainers have the better hit- ters but Western should show up to especial advantage In Said the team hav- ing shown considerable defensive ability not having been scored on in the last seventeen Innings Tom Brown has been selected to umpire STARS ARE RULED OUT Kiitripo Too Late and Athletes Can not Compete nt Cninbridne Boston Mass May 19 Radical action Wits taken at the meeting of the Intercol- legiate executive and advisory commit tees at the Fifth Avenue Hotel last night when all the entries from the Col legs of ta City of New York from Xew York University Colgate Univereiiy La faette College and liucknell University wore rejected and refused permission to compete in the track championships at Cambridge on Friday and Saturday of next week because of the failure to comply with the regulations of the as- sociation The entries must be made before May II and all these were made late so that none of the men may start This cuts out M F Horr the shotputter and C W ColllUm the quartermiter both of whom had chases to win In their respective events AMATEUR BASEBALL The Tanglewoods defeated the Specials by 15 to 9 W Maidens the Tangtewoods bUr pitcher allowed the visitors two hits The Gage School wants games with any of the public school teams Address George Peoples Jr lit First street north- west The Athletic Stars wants games with teams averaging thirteen years Address Keneth Blundon 2117 First street north- west Tbe Athletic Club defeated the Tremonts in a wellplayed game yes- terday afternoon by 4 to 2 The winners want games with teams averaging fifteen years Address Ira B 1M Franklin street northeast The St Petors Juniors continued their winning streak by defeating the Metro- politans at Fourteenth and A strees northeast yesterday afternoon by S to The boys from southeast put up a game and hacked up Cooksey who pitched a good game Legge had St Peters guessing at times The playing- of Whitney and Pinnar were other features rjnw oiivllle the Winner Boyds Md May fast game of ball was played yesterday at Dawsonville between the Dawsonville Juniors and the Poolesville Juniors both clubs composed of good material Dawjonvilte won out with the stick after the sixth Inning RHBP- eoksTill 08810010 0 S3- Dawsenrille x5 72- Bottcriea DawKwrille lienS and Mosntaig- PaaksTille Rap and I RWs Yale 31nn to Help Michigan Ann Arbor Mich May Forbes Yales end of last season wilt aid in the preparation of the Michigan ends for next years big game with the University of Pennsylvania The victory of the Red and Blue was a thunderbolt to the Wol- verines last fall and they are doing all in their power to win back the honors No DartmouthMichigan Game Ann Arbor Mich May 19 Pennsyl- vania will be the only Eastern team that Michigan will play at football next fall The proposition of time Dartmouth col- lege football team to come to Ann Arbor for a game has been declined by the Michigan board of control Smoke One and You Will Smoke More CORCO CIGARS lon Eater COst Prep spirit cur In n Wet ling that a Dahl ren Cole i fat the 18A 0 1 0 0 19Bob base- ball deteSt I 2 0 2 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Highclass Field to Start ill the Brooklyn GO BETWEEN MAYBE FAVORITE- If the Track IN Heavy Chances Will lie Greatly Increancd hut Dandelion In Likely to He Popular with the 1nliIIc Account ant Will Carry Top Weight Gravesends Classic Race m J HKndr- Uo Iletween MOK it IVnMS Joey W KMPP- L WttltMM Dandelion 118 K U HttriimHwttkeT- okJon 1W- Ne kmU4 J W WUIer C K IhmseH hip Flap IK J A HCBMU UI A lirbaont- OifonL in J Mctougbfr Wookw- K I on- J hOstile Motmttta W Me- ItettHplsT J U McOoinnisXoMr beams H I H d fT SSr SeerS 17 Jtmtk Ik Stable AtcMc J Iwe Tradrr- S msMWJ K K- New York May IsWtth fair weather tomorrow more than J5WO persons will see the Brooklyn Handicap one and one quarter miles at Gravesend The handi- cap Is one of the beet attractions on the turf calendar For this years Brooklyn a better field will go to post than for many highclass horses Including some dangerous threeyearolds Fifteen have been named to face the bar- rier and there may be or more added starters The public will probably make and Go Between the choices In the speculation as these horses have both won fine races recently and wilt go to the post in superb condition If the track should be heavy Go would b a not favorite as h likes that kind of going hut the indica- tions are the track will be fast Go Be- tween carrying only 120 appears to many students of form to be the most for midable factor in the list of starters Dandelion leaped into favor when he recently with 1 pounds on his back and- over a fast track beat C B Durnells- Xealon 122 In a gallop winning by two lengths running a mile and a sixteenth- in 147 On that occasion Dandelion showed a world of speed and finished so strong that the critics instantly tabbed him aa a probable factor In tomorrows big In which he wilt carry eight pounds lees On this basis forte stu- dents are Inclined to eliminate Tokalon and Xealon from the calculations but it must be remembered that Tokakm won the Brooklyn last year and that when she starts tomorrow she will be In far better condition than she was ten days aco Aiciitintniit n Factor Accountant will carry top weight 131 pounds Willie Knapp has been engaged to ride him In muddy going Accountant has always been formidable but up against such good horses as will start to- morrow h floes not seem to attract much attention Flip Flap hat bees quietly Upped She has started once so far this year when she ran a dead looking race and was easy picking for Dolly Spanker and Tommy Waddell But she had to pick up on that occasion twelve pounds more than she will carry tomorrow August Belmonls colors will be carried by the fiveyearold Blandy Ufa test race was a good one when he ran third with 125 pounds by Superman and Dolly Spanker the track record for a mile and- a sixteenth being lowered by the winner has fourteen pounds shoulder tomorrow Oxford who ran a smashing food race In the New Rochelte Handicap run over- a sloppy track is in nicely at 110 pounds and if he takes it into his head to run kindly he may be heard from Lucky Jack McGlnnis who won the Withers Stakes with his colt Frank Gill believes he will win the Brooklyn with Bottling who has tome back to the races this year in splendid form after more than a year in retirement Bottling started twice and won easily in each in- stance Carrying 124 pounds he walked sixteenth at Jamaica Is Snlvlderc Heady When It was noticed that T Hitchcock Jrs famous threeyearold Salvidere was named to start In the entries made public on Saturday much surprise wte expressed John E Madden who trains Salvidera also handles Dandelion so that it was generally believed that he would depend wholly upon the latters prowess But if Salvidere Is really fit and poseeeees the qualities that made him the champion Iwoyearold last season he will proba- bly run a sensational race Superman will have a strong following no doubt partly because he will be ridden by Miller and also for the reason that he ran a superb race at Belmont Park last week when with 112 pounds up he beat Dolly Spanker handy and others in a gallop 6 Another likely is Seweii who took Tanyas measure in a fast race at Jama Swell is a quick breaker at the post has a greet line of speed and if he is game he may accomplish some- thing Anile comes here from Kentucky with much prestige He te a splendid three yearold who has worked well and te on edge Beaucl re ran ft good raco at Belmont Park recently when Hotechcr and Dolly Spanker beat him a neck and a head re- spectively at a mile a sixteenth Beauclere hall a lot of speed for nearly- a mile but was short Beacon Light a fouryearold colt completes list There is no good line on his form Superman Buttling and the Hitchcock entry are the most formidable factors In the big race with Go Between Sewell Neakm Flip Flap and Tokalon all dan gerous IlntttiiBT on Hnti llci A prominent bookmaker quotes the fol- lowing betting odds on the Brooklyn Handicap today Dandelion 4 to 1 straight S to S place Oo lletweeti 4 to 1 cut 8 to Sopejwan S to 1 anti 2 to 1 Tntetoo I to 1 and 2 IluUttnc 8 to 1 sad 3 to 1 Aonnntant M to 1 sad 4 t 1 Nralcn 15 to 1 and 6M 1 Flit Flap e to 1 eat 6 to L SfweM II to landCT to I Ardtr It to 1 and to 1 WawJjr 30 to 1 awl 1 to L- Ifeacon Uaftt SO te 1 ad 20 to L Oxford 1 to 1 and 49 te L Bwttdere 1 to 1 sad to I Salviderea name was sent out in the entries Saturday but he will not start today Umpire Xctvnmn Xot Mobbed The officials of the East Washington Sunday School League yesterday ex- pressed themselves as much surprised at the statement which appeared yesterday morning to the effect that Umpire New man had been mobbed In Saturdays gamp Such a statement Is not true In the slightest degree BIG HANDIOAP TODAY Also hors Owns Accountant license U IDa ILJ Leaske Sssis the It one Dande- lion event Bland less to lose away with a handicap at a and a three earold antI the jI his sis X lissudsie severs sea- son pemrssea Be- tween melts tel 6 ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ LOCAL HORSES ENTERED Well Uepreicntcil in Ilnltlmorc horse to The Washington HeraW Baltimore Md May 19 Things are be ing put Into shape for the horse show to bd held next week at the Blkrldgo Ken- nels Mr William P Rlg 8 tho treas- urer who has chargo of tho office of the Baltimore Horse Show Association is In New York looking alter some of the ex- hibitors who Intend to bring their strings down Horses will begin to arrive The show opens on Thursday and will continue up to and including Saturday Assignment has been made of the ala bin at the kennels some owners having engaged very extensive smarter Outoftown exhibitors who have se- cured stable room throughout the show Include Mr Clarence Moore of the Chevy Chimes Club Washington Mr Sidney J Holkiway Westchester Farm West Orange N J Miss M C Maxwell Glen Cove L I Mr J E Davis New York Mr A Randolph Howard Fredericks burg Va Dr C Shirley Carter War renton Va Rufus Patterson New York Mr Lewis C Lewis Chester Preston Gibson Washington Mr Lehman Strauss New York Mr J A C Palmer Washington D C Mr Julian Morris Keswlck Va Mrs Allen Potts Cobham Va Miss Katharine II Elkins West Virginia Mrs Charles H Hur kamp Fredericksburg Va DEFENDS HIS ARMAMENT IloB r Ilrcniialinn Can See JVo Objec- tion to Shin Guard for Catcher New York May 11 Roger Bretna lien one of the Giants catchers does not take seriously the promised formal protest of Manager Fred Clarke of the Pirates on the matter of Bresnahan wearing cricket shin guards in a ball game It cannot be said that Roger looks quite artistic with this latest addition to his armor All that he would need to make him appear like a knight of old would be for him to get a long lance in his right hand His big mitt his chest protector his mask and his shin guards carry out the illusion In all Other particulars Clarke is using his bonnet for a megaphone when he registers a kick on these shin things said Bresnahan I can be bowled over Just ae easily with these things on my legs as without them The only difference is that an unfriendly meeting with a pair of spikes wilt not cost me lose of a quart or two of blood as it would have done at times when I played backstop with nothing to protect my shanks but a pair of stockings This new arrange- ment of mine Is simply meeting the ex- igency of spikes with a rubber protec- tor and It seems to me that it is no more illegitimate for me to protect my- self with Fhln guards than it is for base runners to threaten me with spikes I cant see where President Pulllam can deprive me of my protection Really- I believe I ought to have a Red Cross or a Carnegie medal for inventing something that will keep catchers out of the hospitals la the future StrntiKc Sickness Among horses Xew York May ISFollowing the sud- den attack of sickness which on Friday caused George C Beimels fast mare Dishabille to be stricken out of the Brook- lyn Handicap Au Revolr in the same stable was taken as suddenly ill and died yesterday In both cases the horses seemed at first to have taken cold but fever set m and other symptoms which punted the trainer and the veterinary surgeon Dishabille yesterday was much improved and was as no danger but fears were felt that the sickness might spread to other horses lit the Benn t stable which Is one of the largest that came to New York out of the West The alarm over the condition of the Benrwl horses Is increased by the fact that Hot Toddy owned by W H another Western horseman yester- day was taken sick much as was Disha- bille and Au Revoir Fred IMnlntciVa Crews Win Sseefcl to Tb Washington HemU Philadelphia Pa May ttTte Phila- delphia Barge Club coached by Fred who also coaches the Club of Washington won its annual dual regatta from the University Barge Club yesterday Jim Dempsey a brother of the former Georgetown coach was in charge of the University barge crew The win- ners took three out of five of the events PSALM OF DA5EHAIL Tell B not in auMtan B Mtn is M oafitr deem For the fe dud that And style k teckiag- TH M sot in fcjrleK Jtaefes There k nothing ia a Mid oo sfeinm ia fafic to biffed eases UK 1st Toil Me Mi tUt fa pt t There it not exeevdisg tar Which the jwrs eat toirar Tell e not tint fa a dcvtfe There fc not a pted htixy Poe it banfabf all tvMfefe Sweeping wot Mb Her M sot that ia trial These is not defeat for For It garish a tftnlsc rinse Ow profound Be net that te a boone ma ts a Joy Opn rust as CMMT tadk to R- Bwctog sister and gold a wa Tell me not that ia the Ktaafeg Of a pane three fc Mt urn When christ the gereatJi kb Were rlerta t taeir M Ten me not we kmt tal riritsr- adadriBrir we lit Let wttacMt a kk Tell not that we deat teaaat- 1andia when ia UN faa BMb of our grain a ptMMai- Donntoe ritafe oat sad Tl me not with sad lnhtiacaU- ftaaball is jejtme anti tune Tide ntiild a moor nit no If we maid not see W Leonard Clanahaa EXAMINE TilE FABRICS CLOSELY That i A Swell Steinmade ARTILLERYSA- CK SUIT To Order at 151475 Is the biggest value In town In highclass tailoring Fine Blue Serges fast colors worth J20 cut and tailored correctly for only 1475 M STEIN O CO Tailors 810 F St N W Show- S ed l i j I I I I I I L P- aIrs the develop- ed re- In ted Analo tan V mal fall Jail a That a Jaa keeps deeps Tell There I- IWlIeD we Me IlK does tease all toe a gene Youll- Be Con- vinced Washington to- morrow Lands- man disr5 a meet And a idsisss hiss Tell a Joys ant ins em see LAnd ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Wonder whet Mertz will soy today Store closes dally at G p in Saturday 9 p m Snap For a swell summer suit to order in the Mertsuay of gray or blue serge light me- dium and dark homespuns or three shades of fine gray fab- ric Merits best tailoring and a perfect fit 906 F Street RACING CARDS FOR TODAY FIRST RACK H ndkap about six furlongs Uandzarn 121 Yonrher Glmhra Ill Ja AUto Werfcrd m j II Uentian M Faust Eddte Ware lit I MeCartrr Lady Vincent lit fuUaalim SECOND RACKBcmnc Mi Kd BaD M Mate M1M TshMJwF- lowawajr THIKD KACKTk Kapertaboa w tad half faricec- Kimca Plate US Mists Face US MarmdS- mtrker US Low Baft IB CSB- tatgowan M FOURTH RACBTa Httoekre 114 ft- NT T- Sf feted FIFTH KACKBU fnriooKs TUB ff GoMem Wok Yorkist M UWMh Afloat HI U HstriBM II Kill Strane M Aw Msa- Knferaakfe SsWtt- Vaqttftn M SevenS Jr US Be Kaww ItS Sparkles W 112 U2 lath Tajfer- IB US Lady WMtai FIRST RACNh tstecBt of a bee F IB Star of TOM H M St Dim Makes I Kaataa- Mtte MtlBoUe On SECOND JUC netwjd teerthi of a mile John I School BeD Babe Mimic M Fane Wee M Nefea Ten lies M Saaitar Waraar Well THIRD HACBOo and ooeeajhtb Mflca- VetHMo USi PhaSes Maker US fCak l r Water Gee M 1D9 Btratfca WT m Booufaa N Hi Coi VR Boteroa Capable in Briers Ml Deaatara- KimC HACBfiix fTrtonis- HI I ked Garter U Ul Fair Otto Price Ml Oeaaatatr SIXTH KACE en toloins- A Uadcodar IB I JlKttasaw 112 Bantaaa M U2 Ontorsaa- IlLaaMscT UT Jaavi Mailer Slam m M K Louisville FIRST RACRftMT and aatehaX farioajs tell h Water Lock MT Sadat Btfew 11 MentteM MJ Vanael m j 8 McAUstar Sahaea 1- 1Bntesworfc 17 Oriuso iw fits atrcet 1 I a at 110 BKtor Man U 111 Albert 31 IM itataataoi in Chawae IM YAp Godebaax 1U- SBCOND RACBfib f rio mUles tasUa M Nedtm 160- Xo Quarter 57 Denegra l 2 IT nria Th daiSes flied K Uttte IM- Moral Other T in- WeMwr m Warner Oriiwch IK I Heflned in- An Absiae HJ A Vaacae Ill THIRD RACBPntse tow awl t fhaU fnrtong line M Hester 2am 2 Fishes Friar Oevna 8 V- ItotoiM g 3fKif 1P2 TV l Flora IK Walden Belie M 12 tAttles in- WtUe Jennie M I Maqr Talbot 102 FOURTH RACBSteepfecbatv short COWM J M Gtfflo m Hear 142 13 Naran us 14 WebH4sU 13- HorfanoteT 13S Lights Oat Hi IX Dell 117 FIFTH KACBSU purse I Fwrimlakre 1 2 10- 1Mortftey H Qaaaferfam 10- 2Csmy J Nat K 16 It Orandwidc 19- 5McAneracr FiPuUaa US SIXTH RACSOM awl MM rigaU BMSK felling TWf 14 Odd W r W Golden MisMnl- Ne a VMWt l Ml Albert BcMsa MS Anxtatfee aUvMBet datatd Woodbine FIRST RACESix iMtews Seam vane JttO soled tkreenrUs npwmr- dHesnv NT Ctarne Hartaua 107 Chatter Ward IT Preen IM- Doc IT Dr Mack lid Week 97 Merry Kte tA HJ omen Lonely MS ill Marie Anthony II llatoon 199 SECOND HACBFoor and oaehaK farionp- MaTflower pone M6 added t y BWte lefltDg- lloH Weertt W IVor w 109 En t Water lOuis 15- 8AlfeoUt K Valos lit T K Patrician IM M Henry Kelly IK- Ctntrr Fare i RACKOnr mil ooe tatenUb talks F l mouth peter thrcejewolds and vsmaral eellioe- NVHis Berne W CotMoaa in Cnn w W firS Kaftn UnllTwaT 198- FOURTh RAOKTWB mOe AUnt Stetpteo aie- fwiryesrolds and upward Mittac 600 FTyinr n er i SM 15- 9itoldra Way IS Frank beasTs 16- 0Iioktlme Ml- KIITH HACBQuasns Hotel Cop Haodkap 680 1drd threejMirflWs and upwwd one mails Inffmot Jack 1C- Dciirer Mi Araaaiteer IM Minnie Adaais 118 J R lAn hnr K- Ormorde l lit IM Te H M Edwin Oils Simon Dt M SIXTH RACEBWeau purse JN9 added three jraroW and upward eUinjc itt loriongs- Moonrinc W W- 7lUlton M RtaMsha 117 Autumn King jg html George 112 Lest Unard f 12V Sold Note Fir Ply lit Fail CaSorrt Ill Deems IU Anrie leery US NibHek WakaMh Quean Aprrrntfce allowance claimed ISMjran entir entry Lcvcnc to Conch Tennessee Philadelphia May 19 George vpne the star Penn end of last season hng been engaged to coach the Univer- sity of Tennessee football eleven A Great 10 ME1TZ Arm Pi1ERTZ co i Eo X m III Pals lil sdeteeett mOn ll H Wua lrl Gallant DIe Iikor li I H nr ODe Iij 11 11 1l me Gn lOstssmn JhlttIiDc 114 I li- odItIIIa lJj I FIID 11 e 154 IIaIdee ole Ii 91 P3 I 1- 1Itoral 0Qrx III A Ie tcurise fwIIIIIpJ- IaiIIoadD 111- Orf 1M I JIZ I lIe n lIlJ Oakland taI m I SIMIQ X 11- 11Ka 143 Alison Katie Wt W r7 i 1 i i J 7 PIiateK i AdtroDdadI I lOt rsisso 10- 1FOUK and uaC- ontIaa II I Ie C lOt 107 m B F I 1M 101 eoo ei isi 1 C AetrfIriF Iti It Sir Jk1Du I Sq I I ILl I Z Good CIa 103 t H H I George ClIMe I lea thtriDe I Dr Isabioti H r fee Y IS I Doc I Cd 190 Fit Il h1qa n 0 1111 J it 112 ill soem add I 131 i I Colonel Ii 11- ill Ill tijire lIT D nt d 0tgflOffh0 ctltt 000 iiaran ted Graves ii Joe lii- fiehant one lurk bsssbls 90 ladies Icy 4 Aape ur 41 I busies 17 ir bsiIn 34ssp slid eacqearter itS 131 5- 4ision 9 handy Awtssa 114 It 91 b 9- 1sixyji 190 112- er Tea Saw St l1sslss 11- 24110w Cosiuilba 112 a hO ij 114 121 10 win 14- Xndk Hue Twns Isidip S I sr NIllkaoo- rwta 10 IV gi III Jer RACEOne oneeith BesSel hp 10 CeeMsico 154 Zadisatar Xseteetiea allowance daiced 0 ama I hOnr 90 Kind heath Glenars It 3er Anea Ii Invents 10 r 90 Loomis 304 ill IS Pos 10- 7kedwesi 190 14sid 107 heel llebousr and Stone I II I Sitar I Smith I 90 TIllS 10 added 6 10 190 1 nThumt 1i lii lick Le- ¬ ¬ < > > > =

Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-05-20 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-05-20/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · Providence has picked up Catcher Dono-van who has with

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Page 1: Washington Herald. (Washington, DC) 1907-05-20 [p 6].chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn83045433/1907-05-20/ed-1/seq-6.pdf · Providence has picked up Catcher Dono-van who has with



Starts a Tenth Inning RallyWhite Sox


After Holding the Champion Safefor Nine Inning Veteran PitcherSingles nml Works Way Aroanilthe Jlore nUll Follow Ilnrry White IVeakeim-


Xcrr York 7 St Louis 5-

lloston 4 Chicago 0


Washington m ClcrcliiHi-lrhilnileliihiii nt Detroit

Xew York at St LouisBoston at Chicago


It 11 JR Uottcw 15 JB-II M t WMhiMlM 8 II JO

New York H Ml J tt JR

Chicago Nay 1 Old Cy Youngshone like a Macon In todays gamejS inst the White Sox and OW Cystarted the rally in tenth that landedtil game in the HubMtes column

For nine innings the teams battledwithout the semblance of a run Goosecgg followed goose egg until the crowdii n i it was a big crowd even for baseballiuad Chicagowas wildly thrilled andhepring for that one run that would win

tc game But it was not to be for thelead of four runs was too much and the

team went out in order in theirLit of the tenth

Young who has been rejuvenated thissasnn was the first up in the tenth Heemgl d was sacrificed to by Sulli-van and got home on Parents singleInglaub hit for two bases Davis threwCollins effort wild and a long hit byFerris capped the climax anti the gamewas over as far as tallies were concernedHahn was the only man who could findYoungs delivery and he failed to benefitby the three hits he made

Tho scoreChicago RHOAB BUML K II O A K

3 Dttattjfui cf I t icf t II l nwt V 2 4

Isbtil 2b I SI Ib JMDonohu Ib I3 3 Coffins 1 5Robe 3b 1 3 Ortaohar rf 1

eMu K I I F Zbas 1 t I W JWT as IIK-

uUian e I Criffr ehite p 91 Vow p 1 IT U1 aa 1 Totah IMJtli

Boston Ifl4it-t bsse br rof Ho t Left OB hue

1 9 OMnco 4 Ffc t tww oo MhOY in 2 off White 1 Stow oot y Y MC 5-

Wliln 1 Utsltmrt Unfteob W1 rn Sacrifice httU SnlHran Stolen bue-

Yiiie Double plavsWNsitr to Ferris in Uwdaab-PheI t Darn Donoboe to SalUfmn JUt br pttdi-cr White L r lr M r SterManHrt Time of gune1 hour nd SI rtnot At


Wallace Millies Three Errors WhichDecide the Onme

S Louis May Xew York againt nirn d St Louis this afternoon Wal-

f letting in four of the Highlanderseri IT runs through tickling breaks while-S Lnuis alto scored all five of its runsvithou having a single one earnedMoor secured from Cleveland in trade-f r Delehanty and and making2 is first appearance on the slab for NewYork pitched In good form barring at ndfncy to wlldness His support howev was none too good The score

Lmiis KHOABI Sew Tort RHOAE-21 t t 1 HoffBUB Cff 1311-

Hm hill cf I l J I 1 K drr rf 3 I t-F KTinz rf 1 3 1 1 nbtffcM M I 3 I 1

I 2 1 3 Chaw Ib 2 1 I

ier 3bZ I 31-Ib 1 2 II WOUaaas Sh I I 4 3 I-

vnnr c I 2 II KManw e 1 I i I S-

I1 i p I I i 1 Jioore p I 2121n-tjr I I II

Totals 11 51 Totah 7ME I 3Batted for VCKH in taw ninth

F I iis I1IZIII2Ne-wYT I t I 1 I I 2 17

Left m haaesSt Inote 7 New York L Pinttn 01 N11Off lwweO I off Moore 1 Stra-

Py P m n 1 by Moon i TbircbsM hitP Tine Twotaw 2 JoneK Sacritn bit Jones Stolen basnHcffaaaa

rnnmr Lapcrte Dwtbie pla Nlles to Waincr Mnriaritjr to Williami to Chasr Hit br pitc-

bwBy More 1 Wild iiHcfaesMoore t LatpiresMwsrs OLonthlin and Stafford Time ofCamo2 lirirs and S nrinntra Attendant HJW


Cold Day at Cleveland and PlayersDw Venture Out

Special to Washington lirraldCleveland Ohio May 19 Members of

the Washington club spent a quiet dayhere The weather was damp and

the athletes did not care to take theirhighpriced arms out into the cold andspent most of their time in the EuclidHotel

Manager Joe Cantiikm was the guestof Manager Napoleon Lajofe while

Parley Smith Laws Cross and CharleyHlrkmhn visited with friends

Cleveland and Washington will meetagiiin at League Park tomorrow after-noon Cy Falkenberg or Tom Hugheswill pitch for Washington Manager Cantillon not being sure which tonlghtLit lihardt will do the flinging for Cleve

Two years ago Hughes ClevelandJwu with one run In five games on theiX l grounds Both the Washingtonpitchers are in form and capable of workcg well The Naps Mem to have struck

batting stride at last so a warmgame can be expected


At EHakbela X J lUtECineinmti X I 1898432009121

S3-BatteriwMfaahaa awl McLean lAnds

man and Faraaar

At Srwark fstat gaaae RHBNewark II 181001 01 MlReading 3110000195 34-

BattenrsUtf and WaaUafce Lewis and Hart

Koadirc III0608I65TSBatt-rriesBait ad Wtsttak Baanl al Hut

At ewaA RHB-Xrirurk K U 68603181 x 12 31jttsbiint X W

ruttrriesLabeUe and Krttcbell Brady and Smith

Take Green CarsieehansSyoisnerlarden

9th and Pa Ave S E-

li must popular place townf iPiiy resort no objectionable

illowc l rloven pieces of music dlsiivrso all the latest popular airs

THOMAS F MEEHANOwner and Proprietor

409 Ninth Street S E









22 I


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Clark on



lJl 1 I I





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5 9 0 9 2 9 I









Ao Games


Cincinnati at PhiladelphiaPlttfthur nt Brooklyn

St Louis nt Now YorkChicago nt Boston


Chtaro 23 4 CtefoMtl 9 1C

IS 9 XllSClMit 6 SrfanKMiAu 13 11 J12 lirwkljm 4 a



Xo Games


Portsmouth at IiynchlnirK-1Iloanokc nt Danville


8 Jff LjrMMwK IIrf n s 01 n n

KeMMlM 12 11 JB Nortoft 3 15 m


The Departmental League starts on itsthird season this afternoon

The New York Americans aro certainlyhaving an awful run of luck In theWest

Bob UngUiib smashed out three hitsyesterday two of which twobaggers

The annual Central High School alumnistudent game will be played at NationalPark Thursday

Providence has picked up Catcher Dono-van who has with the PhiladelphiaNationals for the put two years

That was a hard game for Harry Whiteto drop to Boston yesterday The Wash-ington boy weakened in the tenth

Duke Farrell the old Boston catcherbelieves that the spit bell should be abol-ished He says that it Is the bane of thegame-

Some good sport te pn mieed Ht NationalPark when Tech awl Western meet todeckle the baseball supremacy of thehigh schools

Old Cy Young not only pitched a prettygenie at Chicago yesterday but he startedthe rally in the tenth which netted

four runsJack Doyle manager of the Milwaukee

team has been suspended indefinitely byPresident OBrien of the American As-

sociation for offensive language and gen-eral rowdyism-

Moter the pitcher who did o much tohelp Lynchburg to land the pennant Inthe Virginia State League test year ispitching remarkable ball for the Trentonclub in the TriStato League

The Chicago Nationals have blankedevery club with which they have come intocontact and have blanked St Louts twicemaking seven shutouts in all The

Cubs have made ninetyfive runs tofiftythree and of the by theiropponents twelve were In one gameby Cincinnati

Making Lajoie manager said rmOI aughlin has made him an easyto handle Prior to his being ele-

vated to his position he seemed-to regard the as his worst ene-mies and we frequently had trouble withhim Since that time he haw tamed him-self wonderfully and no manager in theleague gives us less trouble

Frank Chance brands as false the storythat ho Is going to release Kd Keulbachbecause the big pitcher Is not steadyenough for a championship team Realbach has pitched but owe this seasonand then he lasted only two inningsChance says the big fellow is strictly awarm weather pitcher and he is waitingfor a higher temperature The New Yorkclub could use Reulbach He always looksgood there

Robert L Hedges owner of the StLouis American League club is going totry a new scheme for preventing thepostponement of games on account ofa rainsoaked diamond Ills scheme lasimple anti has been considered by otherowners Hedges has made a deal with atent man whereby he is to be furnisheda huge canvas tent which will be spreadover the entire infield each night

Jako Stahl may go back to his oldposition behind the bat There seems tobe no other place open for him at Chi-

cago The two Chicago teams each harbor-a former star of the University of IllinoisStahl is the Sox and Pitcher CarlLundgren the Cubs Pitcher Falkenberg of Washington and Frank PfeJferthe Boston pitcher who twirled a nohitgame the other day are also graduates-of the same university and played thegame there

Here is an AH Star Westernwhich a St Louis writer suggestsrock of the White Sox and Brown ofthe Chicago Nationals pitchers KOng ofthe Chicago Nationals catcherof the Chicago Nationals first

of Cleveland second bass Wagner-of Pittsbiirg shortstop Stelnfeldt of theChicago Nationals third base Stone athe St Louis Americans left field Jonesof the White field and Schultaof the Chicago right field

A California writer saysIt is hard how Earl Moore will

strengthen the Yankees though to besure Walter Clarkson has been of no useto the New York team this spring Thebig Cleveland pitcher was a winner untilb developed a flat foot He could notbear his weight on this and conse-quently ho was out of a seasonThe injury was caused by a batted ballwhich hit Moore on the foot Last season he pitched two or three games towardthe close of the This spring hehas been called times but therehas been nothing startling about hiswork

There line been a world of comment onhow long George Van Haltren hasplaying professional baseball

thoroughly understood that Vanin the game for ages it was theof the Oakland team himself

who came through with the informationthat he started with the National LeagueIn June 1SS7 For several years beforethat he was playing ball In California andhe will come close to rounding out aquarter of a century Thats a long timefor the hard game that baseball hasproved but It only goes to show thnt aman who will take care of himself andnot dissipate can last Van has more

today than many a youngsterJust starting and for a man of his

years he is a marvel when it torunning the bases

If a better deliberately bunts the balltoward an infielder with the intention ofputting himself out to advance a baserunner ho should IMS accredited with a

sacrifice hit whether an Infield errorallows him to get to first or not Inanswer to an interested fan on thissubject the writer must admit that

do frequently overlook this pointthe batter gets to first on an er-

ror or a futile attempt is made to catchthe other runner The harm d nc-oy such a mistake the bat-ters hitting average hitdoes not count as a time at bet andthe batter consequently does not hispercentage for helping In theif he Is not credited with a sacrifice lilthe must bo given a time At bat with noresult and thereby his general avoraea IB

Tho Idea is that It Is not tlio battersthat ho is not thrown out and con-

sequently ho should not suffer Whenever he makes the attempt a batter Isalways entitled to either a sacrifice or aClean lilt the in case he beats itout


yew 18






th-eo tons

























York I 390



Sex center

















Departmental League Opens

Its Season Today


Poutoffice Interior Tennis WillFigure in Initial Clnnh Xcrr Fiveclub Organization line PromisingOutlook for Its Third Year Good

Schedule Has Been Arranged

Poatofflee meets Interior on the southdiamond of the White Lot Blllpso thisafternoon UM Departmental Leagueinaugurates Its third season in the field ofamateur baseball in the District

Following the custom in the past theopening of the season will be attendedby no elaborate ceremonies but will

merely of the throwing out of theball by President Merrill O Chance

The fuel that there only fivein the league this year augursthe quality of bell thAt the organizationwill put up as the players who were withthe teems that are not within the foldthis year liars been corralled by the re-

maining five clubs thereby greatlystrengthening the latter

The teams and directors of the leagueare Poatolflct M 0 Chance InteriorJames I Parker Treasury E C Robin-son Navy L A Clark Commerce andLabor T L Weed The oflicers arePresident Morrttt 0 Chance vice pres-

ident Parker treasurer E CT L Weed umpire

William G BeltsMost of the have alt their

old players the andsome of them wilt have new faces In thelineup

Opt Kinney of Commerce and Laborhas besides himself as pitcher BrownNorth and Gallagher Irwin wilt do thereceiving other SeWers are Evansfirst base and Keehier secondbase Herbert thirdbase Kleinschmldt Shoemaker Fen wickand Terry outfielders

Navy will have Murray and Scottpitchers Smith catcher Clements firstbees Dorsey and Glngler second baseherds and shortstop Sutton left-field right field Huntercenter field Gammed and Waters substilule outfielders

The rosters of the Postofilceand Interior teams follow

Pwto 8HB Mi IterdlDK Km ViWr-rKnft Maeoa Orrtoon K r MM llustiyThMM ItrndbMtcn Ktttw MeMoir AndoMn-M PnUon l Peutc-

nTHMoryUrd McOirtoy Kofcher Vie We-IMM SpHUne HeltaMo Owttea BmHkOnto Only WaDwr XeCkaley Mmtf MdOthmtm-

lMeriarHtnhwt CMT Sbewwher Tncr a-Wtkler ItotfWM Uwtfanl Wrtrbt Wilma Teenmend ofua Madden Kit OOoMcB Md X



Ai D mrI eimr Omaha 1At 1neMoJXw siam 4 IoeMo

UaeniaI ieolB a Saoax City i8-


n V U MjLiBcohi-M

r 11 H I sW-


AIMXB MkerMihraae 1 Ka

At ToledoToledo U

W U re-IS II


I St D14 B S Louisville S-

MihnwaW IS U 517 al H K-


At Mfi hlv MrF lf v I MoarfpaaiirN r Ortean H Orlnaa I V wtQa 1

At SsovTCinctaiircvetiort I Atlanta J


AtlaU N 11 SB Little Rode U K1T B u B-II M MB U tt-

XcwOrfeMM 13 12 81 MuaiauaMii M 13 JW-


TNADINO OF THK TEAMSw u ivt i vr u ret

Watertaa B 5 T HaiUort 7Hobokv tt f M New C U 359

11 7 BrMawrt JitNewLoaiaVMi HI


At 8iacusf A J O S Sfrwujse L-

At UtfcsUtia I HtaKteartn 1

At SenwteoTroT 3 SerantoaWiSMiterre Albany S VMMrt rre 12



WontstMT M 6 05 New Beatofd 7 7 J-Oroekloo 1 7 8Pall I 7 J Lynn fi J-

e 9 8 9 LoweD 6 H-



lanWwK 13 t Hi j Treotoo I f JM-Afcma H S SIT York 8 K W-UMCMUT It 7 Jokwstmni M JTf-WMissM rt H 7 11 Wtoateftoa 3 K 18



aekaoaTflte S 11 Maeon K-

CtoffeatOH 1 M MS A M 1-19aia a b K IS Ht Coftaabh 11 B

Laurel School TeRm IlcnilyLaurel Md May ISThe Laurel High

School club has organized with the following members De Vougeg and Johnsoncatchers Merson and C Fisher pitchersPhnlr first base Bond second baseBrown shortstop C Fisher third baseSplllman right field Odenwald

H Fisher left field They will openwith the BurtonviilQ here next Sat-urday

Droolilniid Heals Tnconm ParkThe Brookland baseball club defeated

the Takoma Athletic Club 4 to 3 Thefeatures were the batting of Lltchliumand base running of Gus Julllen both ofthe Brookland and the pitching of Dex-ter of the Takoma team


Younger and Young Corbettto box six rounds before the

WIs Athletic Club on Juno 12

Jimmy Brltt will probably bo match-ed to meet George Mesmie of Chicagotwenty rounds before the Colma CalAthletic Club on June 12

Battllpc Nelson offers to backMcFHriand a Chicago lightweightagainst any one In his class barring

Joo Guns for J1600 a sideGeorge Gardiner of Lowell Mass and

Harry Lewis of Philadelphia are Inactive training for their tenroundto take place before the Coliseumletic Club of Denver on May 2L

Jack Johnson a negro heavyweightwho recently won two fights In AustraliaIs now In San Francisco Johnson Is outwith a challenge to fight the winner ofthe FquersBurna fight for a purse andsIde



Ire tem











lt1 i






















WLlet11 10


At CkAt COmIaICaIVSbea 6 1a2issaxiIis


CoIKamee City 901 Peal

I lndit1 319

NadieOe 341 Mhespst 4-1524tis sea 405




4 liseekOidiom 14



si 14 643















Team front Seattle AVnxh In Anxto Play Here

To the Sporttec EdIUr of The heraldI am planning an trip for

the Seattle High teamduring the summer holidays We ex-

pect to reach Washington somo timebetween July 10 and 20 and I wouldlike to arrange a gamo or series ofgames with somo team In your citypreferably a high school or allstarhigh school team

We would require a guarantee of JIMfor one game or J850 for a series ofthree games and 26 per cent of thegate receipts over tho amount of theguarantee in either case

Thu Seattle High School easily holdstho championship of tho in

track and football year ourfootball team defeated the North Di-

vision High School football team ofChicago This year our baseball teamdefeated the league team 2 to 1 a weekbefore time opening of the regular season UAllOLU H HTKWAXT

Seattle Wash May 19


Georgetown Oarsmen Deny They A-

ttempted to H llttle Teens VictoryThe Georgetown deny

the statement attribute theirdefeat at tho hands of the Tech High

crew on Friday to the fact that they

failed to row over the finish lineThe Prepa took their in the best

of They sowed fully fifty yardsof the and although

greatly disappointed defeatedlost time In congratulating the victors


Tech and Western Play for High

School Title Today

Tennis Are AVell Matched ansI nGood Gnme Should Uesult Mich-

ael nud Ilelchnrd May Pitch

The baseball championship of the highschools will be decided at National Parkthis afternoon when Technical andera the teams In the leagueat 9M

Last year Tech captured the title andthis season UM Manual Trainers havenearly all of the old players on UM teamThis afternoon however the team willbe handicapped If Itelchard who was re-

cently injured is unable lo pitch Hemay be in the game but in case he to noton the rubber Gray will twirl

This Is UM first year Western hasgotten so near the championship theteas never before having won more thantwo games in the series Western U

placing great dependence upon the abilityof Capt Michael who will De in the box

Comparing the teens man for manTech seems to have the better of it inseveral of the positions and Judging bytheir work thus far in tbe league gamesthe Manual Trainers have the better hit-ters but Western should show up toespecial advantage In Said the team hav-ing shown considerable defensive abilitynot having been scored on in the lastseventeen Innings

Tom Brown has been selected to umpire


Kiitripo Too Late and Athletes Cannot Compete nt Cninbridne

Boston Mass May 19 Radical actionWits taken at the meeting of the Intercol-legiate executive and advisory committees at the Fifth Avenue Hotel lastnight when all the entries from the Col

legs of ta City of New York from XewYork University Colgate Univereiiy Lafaette College and liucknell Universitywore rejected and refused permission tocompete in the track championships atCambridge on Friday and Saturday ofnext week because of the failure tocomply with the regulations of the as-sociation

The entries must be made before MayII and all these were made late so thatnone of the men may start This cuts outM F Horr the shotputter and C WColllUm the quartermiter both of whomhad chases to win In their respectiveevents


The Tanglewoods defeated the Specialsby 15 to 9 W Maidens the TangtewoodsbUr pitcher allowed the visitors two hits

The Gage School wants games with anyof the public school teams AddressGeorge Peoples Jr lit First street north-west

The Athletic Stars wants games withteams averaging thirteen years AddressKeneth Blundon 2117 First street north-west

Tbe Athletic Club defeatedthe Tremonts in a wellplayed game yes-

terday afternoon by 4 to 2 The winnerswant games with teams averaging fifteenyears Address Ira B 1M Franklinstreet northeast

The St Petors Juniors continued theirwinning streak by defeating the Metro-politans at Fourteenth and A streesnortheast yesterday afternoon by S toThe boys from southeast put up agame and hacked up Cooksey whopitched a good game Legge had StPeters guessing at times The playing-of Whitney and Pinnar were otherfeatures

rjnw oiivllle the WinnerBoyds Md May fast game of

ball was played yesterday at Dawsonvillebetween the Dawsonville Juniors and thePoolesville Juniors both clubs composedof good material Dawjonvilte won outwith the stick after the sixth Inning

RHBP-eoksTill 08810010 0 S3-Dawsenrille x5 72-

Bottcriea DawKwrille lienS and Mosntaig-PaaksTille Rap and I RWs

Yale 31nn to Help MichiganAnn Arbor Mich May Forbes

Yales end of last season wilt aid in thepreparation of the Michigan ends for nextyears big game with the University ofPennsylvania The victory of the Redand Blue was a thunderbolt to the Wol-verines last fall and they are doing all intheir power to win back the honors

No DartmouthMichigan GameAnn Arbor Mich May 19 Pennsyl-

vania will be the only Eastern team thatMichigan will play at football next fallThe proposition of time Dartmouth col-lege football team to come to Ann Arborfor a game has been declined by theMichigan board of control

Smoke One and You Will

Smoke More






spirit cur In





Dahl ren





0 1 0 0




I 2 0 2






















Highclass Field to Start illthe Brooklyn


If the Track IN Heavy ChancesWill lie Greatly Increancd hutDandelion In Likely to He

Popular with the 1nliIIc Accountant Will Carry Top Weight

Gravesends Classic Race

m J HKndr-Uo Iletween MOK it IVnMS

JoeyW KMPP-L WttltMM

Dandelion 118 K U HttriimHwttkeT-okJon 1W-

Ne kmU4J W WUIerC K IhmseH

hip Flap IK J A HCBMUUI A lirbaont-

OifonL in J Mctougbfr


K I on-J hOstileMotmtttaW Me-

ItettHplsT J U McOoinnisXoMrbeams H I H d fT SSr

SeerS 17 Jtmtk Ik StableAtcMc J Iwe Tradrr-S msMWJ K K-

New York May IsWtth fair weathertomorrow more than J5WO persons willsee the Brooklyn Handicap one and onequarter miles at Gravesend The handi-cap Is one of the beet attractions on theturf calendar

For this years Brooklyn a better fieldwill go to post than for

many highclass horsesIncluding some dangerous threeyearoldsFifteen have been named to face the bar-

rier and there may be or moreadded starters

The public will probably makeand Go Between the choices In the

speculation as these horses have bothwon fine races recently and wilt go tothe post in superb condition

If the track should be heavy Gowould b a not favorite as h

likes that kind of going hut the indica-

tions are the track will be fast Go Be-

tween carrying only 120 appears to manystudents of form to be the most formidable factor in the list of starters

Dandelion leaped into favor when herecently with 1 pounds on his back and-

over a fast track beat C B Durnells-Xealon 122 In a gallop winning by twolengths running a mile and a sixteenth-in 147 On that occasion Dandelionshowed a world of speed and finished sostrong that the critics instantly tabbedhim aa a probable factor In tomorrowsbig In which he wilt carry eightpounds lees On this basis forte stu-dents are Inclined to eliminate Tokalonand Xealon from the calculations but itmust be remembered that Tokakm wonthe Brooklyn last year and that whenshe starts tomorrow she will be In farbetter condition than she was ten daysaco

Aiciitintniit n FactorAccountant will carry top weight 131

pounds Willie Knapp has been engagedto ride him In muddy going Accountanthas always been formidable but upagainst such good horses as will start to-

morrow h floes not seem to attract muchattention

Flip Flap hat bees quietly Upped Shehas started once so far this year whenshe ran a dead looking race and waseasy picking for Dolly Spanker andTommy Waddell But she had to pickup on that occasion twelve pounds morethan she will carry tomorrow

August Belmonls colors will be carriedby the fiveyearold Blandy Ufa testrace was a good one when he ran thirdwith 125 pounds by Superman and DollySpanker the track record for a mile and-a sixteenth being lowered by the winner

has fourteen poundsshoulder tomorrow

Oxford who ran a smashing food raceIn the New Rochelte Handicap run over-a sloppy track is in nicely at 110

pounds and if he takes it into hishead to run kindly he may be heardfrom

Lucky Jack McGlnnis who won theWithers Stakes with his colt Frank Gillbelieves he will win the Brooklyn withBottling who has tome back to the racesthis year in splendid form after morethan a year in retirement Bottlingstarted twice and won easily in each in-

stance Carrying 124 pounds he walked

sixteenth at JamaicaIs Snlvlderc Heady

When It was noticed that T HitchcockJrs famous threeyearold Salvidere wasnamed to start In the entries made publicon Saturday much surprise wte expressedJohn E Madden who trains Salvideraalso handles Dandelion so that it wasgenerally believed that he would dependwholly upon the latters prowess But ifSalvidere Is really fit and poseeeees thequalities that made him the championIwoyearold last season he will proba-

bly run a sensational raceSuperman will have a strong following

no doubt partly because he will be riddenby Miller and also for the reason thathe ran a superb race at Belmont Parklast week when with 112 pounds up hebeat Dolly Spanker handy and othersin a gallop

6Another likely is Seweii

who took Tanyas measure in a fast raceat Jama Swell is a quick breaker atthe post has a greet line of speed and ifhe is game he may accomplish some-thing

Anile comes here from Kentucky withmuch prestige He te a splendid threeyearold who has worked well and te onedge

Beaucl re ran ft good raco at BelmontPark recently when Hotechcr and DollySpanker beat him a neck and a head re-

spectively at a mile a sixteenthBeauclere hall a lot of speed for nearly-a mile but was short Beacon Light afouryearold colt completes listThere is no good line on his form

Superman Buttling and the Hitchcockentry are the most formidable factors Inthe big race with Go Between SewellNeakm Flip Flap and Tokalon all dangerous

IlntttiiBT on Hnti llciA prominent bookmaker quotes the fol-

lowing betting odds on the BrooklynHandicap today

Dandelion 4 to 1 straight S to S placeOo lletweeti 4 to 1 cut 8 toSopejwan S to 1 anti 2 to 1

Tntetoo I to 1 and 2IluUttnc 8 to 1 sad 3 to 1

Aonnntant M to 1 sad 4 t 1

Nralcn 15 to 1 and 6 M 1

Flit Flap e to 1 eat 6 to LSfweM II to landCT to IArdtr It to 1 and to 1

WawJjr 30 to 1 awl 1 to L-

Ifeacon Uaftt SO te 1 ad 20 to LOxford 1 to 1 and 49 te L

Bwttdere 1 to 1 sad to I

Salviderea name was sent out in theentries Saturday but he will not starttoday

Umpire Xctvnmn Xot MobbedThe officials of the East Washington

Sunday School League yesterday ex-

pressed themselves as much surprised atthe statement which appeared yesterdaymorning to the effect that Umpire Newman had been mobbed In Saturdaysgamp Such a statement Is not true Inthe slightest degree



hors Owns



IDaILJ Leaske Sssis





Bland less to


away with a handicap at a and a

three earold








severs sea-

son pemrssea























Well Uepreicntcil inIlnltlmorc horse

to The Washington HeraWBaltimore Md May 19 Things are be

ing put Into shape for the horse show tobd held next week at the Blkrldgo Ken-

nels Mr William P Rlg 8 tho treas-urer who has chargo of tho office of theBaltimore Horse Show Association is InNew York looking alter some of the ex-

hibitors who Intend to bring their stringsdown Horses will begin to arrive

The show opens on Thursdayand will continue up to and includingSaturday

Assignment has been made of the alabin at the kennels some owners havingengaged very extensive smarter

Outoftown exhibitors who have se-

cured stable room throughout the showInclude Mr Clarence Moore of the ChevyChimes Club Washington Mr Sidney JHolkiway Westchester Farm WestOrange N J Miss M C Maxwell GlenCove L I Mr J E Davis New YorkMr A Randolph Howard Fredericksburg Va Dr C Shirley Carter Warrenton Va Rufus Patterson NewYork Mr Lewis C Lewis Chester

Preston Gibson Washington MrLehman Strauss New York Mr J AC Palmer Washington D C Mr JulianMorris Keswlck Va Mrs Allen PottsCobham Va Miss Katharine II ElkinsWest Virginia Mrs Charles H Hurkamp Fredericksburg Va


IloB r Ilrcniialinn Can See JVo Objec-

tion to Shin Guard for CatcherNew York May 11 Roger Bretna

lien one of the Giants catchers doesnot take seriously the promised formalprotest of Manager Fred Clarke of thePirates on the matter of Bresnahanwearing cricket shin guards in a ballgame

It cannot be said that Roger looksquite artistic with this latest additionto his armor All that he would needto make him appear like a knight ofold would be for him to get a longlance in his right hand His big mitthis chest protector his mask and hisshin guards carry out the illusion In allOther particulars

Clarke is using his bonnet for amegaphone when he registers a kick onthese shin things said Bresnahan Ican be bowled over Just ae easily withthese things on my legs as withoutthem The only difference is that anunfriendly meeting with a pair ofspikes wilt not cost me lose of aquart or two of blood as it would havedone at times when I played backstopwith nothing to protect my shanks buta pair of stockings This new arrange-ment of mine Is simply meeting the ex-

igency of spikes with a rubber protec-tor and It seems to me that it is nomore illegitimate for me to protect my-self with Fhln guards than it is for baserunners to threaten me with spikes Icant see where President Pulllam candeprive me of my protection Really-I believe I ought to have a Red Crossor a Carnegie medal for inventingsomething that will keep catchers outof the hospitals la the future

StrntiKc Sickness Among horsesXew York May ISFollowing the sud-

den attack of sickness which on Fridaycaused George C Beimels fast mareDishabille to be stricken out of the Brook-lyn Handicap Au Revolr in the samestable was taken as suddenly ill anddied yesterday In both cases the horsesseemed at first to have taken cold butfever set m and other symptoms

which punted the trainer and theveterinary surgeon Dishabille yesterdaywas much improved and was as

no danger but fears were felt that thesickness might spread to other horses litthe Benn t stable which Is one of thelargest that came to New York out of theWest The alarm over the condition ofthe Benrwl horses Is increased by the factthat Hot Toddy owned by W H

another Western horseman yester-day was taken sick much as was Disha-bille and Au Revoir

Fred IMnlntciVa Crews WinSseefcl to Tb Washington HemU

Philadelphia Pa May ttTte Phila-delphia Barge Club coached by Fred

who also coaches theClub of Washington won its annual dualregatta from the University Barge Clubyesterday Jim Dempsey a brother of theformer Georgetown coach was in chargeof the University barge crew The win-ners took three out of five of the events


Tell B not in auMtanB Mtn is M oafitr deem

For the fe dud thatAnd style k teckiag-

T H M sot in fcjrleK JtaefesThere k nothing ia a

Mid oo sfeinm ia faficto biffed eases UK 1st

Toil Me Mi tUt fa p t tThere it not exeevdisg tar

Which the jwrs eat toirar

Tell e not tint fa a dcvtfeThere fc not a pted htixy

Poe it banfabf all tvMfefeSweeping wot Mb Her

M sot that ia trialThese is not defeat for

For It garish a tftnlsc rinseOw profound

Be net that te a boone mats a Joy Opn

rust as CMMT tadk to R-

Bwctog sister and gold a wa

Tell me not that ia the KtaafegOf a pane three fc Mt urn

When christ the gereatJi k bWere rlerta t taeir M

Ten me not we kmt tal riritsr-adadriBrir we lit

Let wttacMt a kk

Tell not that we deat teaaat-1andia when ia UN faa

BMb of our grain a ptMMai-Donntoe ritafe oat sad

Tl me not with sad lnhtiacaU-

ftaaball is jejtme anti tuneTide ntiild a moor nit no

If we maid not seeW Leonard Clanahaa



i A Swell Steinmade


Is the biggest value In town Inhighclass tailoring Fine BlueSerges fast colors worth J20 cutand tailored correctly for only1475

M STEIN O COTailors 810 F St N W

Show-Sed l















ted Analo tan










IWlIeD we Me IlKdoes



a gene








And a idsisss


Tell a






















Wonder whet Mertz will soy todayStore closes dally at G p in

Saturday 9 p m


For a swell summer suit toorder in the Mertsuay ofgray or blue serge light me-

dium and dark homespuns orthree shades of fine gray fab-ric Merits best tailoringand a perfect fit

906 F Street


FIRST RACK H ndkap about six furlongsUandzarn 121 YonrherGlmhra Ill Ja AUtoWerfcrd m j IIUentian M FaustEddte Ware lit I MeCartrrLady Vincent lit fuUaalim


Kd BaD M Mate

M1M TshMJwF-

lowawajrTHIKD KACKTk Kapertaboa w tad

half faricec-

Kimca Plate US MistsFace US MarmdS-mtrker USLow Baft IB CSB-

tatgowan M


Httoekre114 ft-NT T-Sf feted

FIFTH KACKBU fnriooKsTUB ff GoMem WokYorkist M UWMhAfloat HI U HstriBM IIKill Strane M Aw Msa-Knferaakfe SsWtt-Vaqttftn M

SevenS JrUS Be KawwItS SparklesW112U2 lath Tajfer-IBUS Lady WMtai

FIRST RACNh tstecBt of a

bee F IB Star of TOMH M St DimMakes I Kaataa-

Mtte MtlBoUe OnSECOND JUC netwjd teerthi of a mile

John I School BeDBabe Mimic M Fane

Wee M NefeaTen lies M Saaitar Waraar


THIRD HACBOo and ooeeajhtb Mflca-

VetHMo USi PhaSesMaker US fCak l r

Water Gee

M 1D9

Btratfca WTmBooufaa N

Hi Coi VR BoteroaCapable in Briers

Ml Deaatara-KimC HACBfiix fTrtonis-

HI I ked GarterU Ul Fair

Otto Price Ml Oeaaatatr

SIXTH KACE en toloins-A Uadcodar IB I JlKttasaw

112 Bantaaa MU2 Ontorsaa-

IlLaaMscT UT Jaavi MailerSlam m


LouisvilleFIRST RACRftMT and aatehaX farioajs tell

hWater Lock MT Sadat Btfew 11

MentteM MJ Vanael mj 8 McAUstar Sahaea 1-1Bntesworfc 17 Oriuso iwfits atrcet 1 I a at 110BKtor Man U 111

Albert 31 IM itataataoi inChawae IM YAp Godebaax 1U-

SBCOND RACBfib f rio mUlestasUa M Nedtm 160-

Xo Quarter 57 Denegra l 2IT nria

Th daiSes flied K Uttte IM-Moral Other T in-WeMwr m Warner Oriiwch IK

I Heflned in-An Absiae HJ A Vaacae Ill

THIRD RACBPntse tow awl t fhaU fnrtongline M Hester 2am 2

Fishes Friar Oevna 8 V-

ItotoiM g 3fKif 1P2TV l Flora IK

Walden Belie M 12 tAttles in-WtUe Jennie M I Maqr Talbot 102

FOURTH RACBSteepfecbatv short COWM

J M Gtfflo m Hear 14213 Naran us14 WebH4sU 13-

HorfanoteT 13S Lights Oat HiIX Dell 117

FIFTH KACBSU purseI Fwrimlakre 1 2

10-1Mortftey H Qaaaferfam 10-2Csmy J Nat K 16

It Orandwidc 19-

5McAneracr FiPuUaa USSIXTH RACSOM awl MM rigaU BMSK felling

TWf 14

Odd W r W Golden MisMnl-

Ne a VMWt l Ml AlbertBcMsa MS

Anxtatfee aUvMBet datatd

WoodbineFIRST RACESix iMtews Seam vane JttO

soled tkreenrUs npwmr-

dHesnv NT Ctarne Hartaua 107

Chatter Ward IT Preen IM-Doc IT Dr Mack lidWeek 97 Merry Kte tA HJomen Lonely MS illMarie Anthony II llatoon 199

SECOND HACBFoor and oaehaK farionp-MaTflower pone M6 added t y BWte lefltDg-lloH Weertt W IVor w 109En t Water lOuis 15-8AlfeoUt K Valos lit

T K Patrician IMM Henry Kelly IK-

CtntrrFare i

RACKOnr mil ooe tatenUb talks F lmouth peter thrcejewolds and vsmaral eellioe-

NVHis Berne W CotMoaa inCnn w W firS KaftnUnllTwaT 198-

FOURTh RAOKTWB mOe AUnt Stetpteo aie-fwiryesrolds and upward Mittac 600

FTyinr n er i SM 15-

9itoldra Way IS Frank beasTs 16-

0Iioktlme Ml-KIITH HACBQuasns Hotel Cop Haodkap

680 1drd threejMirflWs and upwwd one mails

Inffmot Jack 1C-

Dciirer Mi Araaaiteer IMMinnie Adaais 118 J R lAn hnr K-

Ormorde l lit IM Te H MEdwin Oils Simon Dt M

SIXTH RACEBWeau purse JN9 added threejraroW and upward eUinjc itt loriongs-

Moonrinc W W-7lUlton M RtaMsha 117

Autumn King jg html George 112

Lest Unard f 12V

Sold Note

Fir Ply

lit Fail CaSorrtIll DeemsIU Anrie leeryUS NibHek

WakaMh Quean

Aprrrntfce allowance claimed ISMjran entirentry

Lcvcnc to Conch TennesseePhiladelphia May 19 George

vpne the star Penn end of last seasonhng been engaged to coach the Univer-sity of Tennessee football eleven



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