Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter HYUNDAI MOTOR COMPANY’S CSR/CSV STORIES 2017 #2 Direction and future plans for CSV management Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV Interactive PDF Tip Go to previous page Go to table of contents Go to next page Go to homepage

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Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter


Direction and future plans for

CSV management

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases

in Korea

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

Concept of and Specialized

Information on CSR/CSV

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Story 01 Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable SocietyCSR trend - Changes made by voluntary participation of people with dedicated heart

Story 02 Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy Introducing the HMC Global CSR Strategic Guidelines

Story 03 CSV Based on Urban RegenerationCreation of shared values via case study of urban regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV Read More

Story 07 A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer PatientsHMA, Hope on Wheels

Story 08 Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven Improving environment and children’s education business in Chile

Story 09 Miracle in the RainA project to create a sustainable water recycling village in the Philippines

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas Read More

Story 10 Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR ActivitiesUrban Regeneration Project in Ulsan city

Direction and future plans for CSV management Read More

Story 04 Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of CompassionSocial Innovation Program for College Student Participation ‘H–Social Creator’

Story 05 Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution Introducing a Campaign to Create the “IONIQ Forest”

Story 06 Traffic Safety Class with Robocar PoliTraffic Safety Experience Program on the Road

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea Read More

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Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society CSR trend - Changes made by voluntary

participation of people with dedicated heart

CSR activities with dedicated heart - CSR 2.0 arrives

As the companies traditionally forced their employees to participate in volunteer activities, the share of volunteer services in CSR program has been declining steadily. The rate of participation and the level of satisfaction are declining due to the absence of volunteer service program in which people can actually volunteer for services rather than being forced. As a result, there are various efforts being made to create a culture of sharing and serving in which the employees of the company volunteer to offer their services rather the company taking the lead. Recently, in many companies, employee volunteer teams and clubs are planning their volunteer service program by themselves and putting the plan into practice. The future CSR activities should be done in a similar way, encouraging the employees to participate by allowing them to make decision on their own volunteer service initiatives, such as where to make talent donations to, what social problems to solve and the area in which they want to do volunteer services. Employee participation is important, but only the participation in which they truly volunteer with dedication can lead to sustainable CSR culture.

Engage employees volunteer for CSR activities

There is a huge transformation currently in progress in corporate social responsibility (CSR). While in the past CSR was implemented at corporate level, CSR today involves the voluntary activities of corporate employees engaging in solving social problems and community action. The companies today educate and encourage their employees so that they can get themselves engaged in volunteer activities. Why is employee participation in CSR activities so important?

1 Participating in CSR activities increases work efficiency!

CSR activities positively affect employee performance and

loyalty and increase the efficiency of the company.

2 Performing the role of Hyundai’s employee ambassadors!

The voluntary participation of employees leads to fulfilling the

role of the company’s employee ambassadors that promote

the brand and enhance customer relationship.

3 Facilitating communication within organization through CSR


Corporate culture and employees are crucial to CSR activities

because it helps the company’s sustainability in the long term.

Communication is the most important factor in inducing dedicated participation of employees. Inducing dedicated participation from employees based on close and honest communication will not only contribute to the success of the company but also create an impetus for solving social problems and creating a sustainable society.

(1) The turn-over rate in the companies with high level of CSR partici-pation was low at 87% while employee performance also improved by 20%. (Source: The Corporate Leadership Council)

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

<H-Self Sharing Planner> The employees plan their own volunteer service activities and talent donation and the company review their plan and provide mentoring advice and budget. (As of 2016, total of 346 volunteer activities, 1,703 employees participated, total volunteer work hour of 2,400 hours)

Volunteer CSR activities of Hyundai Motor Company employees[Information]


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Direction : CSR/CSV oriented

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

2017 analysis of issues with overseas affiliates

Since 2014, Hyundai Motor Company has shared the strategic guidelines of its CSR/CSV program with the company’s overseas affiliates to help them perform their responsibility better and grow in sustainable ways. The team identifies the social issues that reflect the characteristics of each overseas affiliate and provide continuous guidance for direction based on them. In particular, the issues for the CSR program direction of the overseas affiliates in 2017 analyzed are as follows.

1 Difficult to implement strategic CSR due to absence of dedi-

cated CSR team and lack of personnel (many work dual jobs)

2 Accordingly, a limit in creating strategic solution and program

for social issues

3 Need CSR/CSV budget guideline for sustainable CSR


How to help CSR activities of overseas affiliates?

Today, many CSR specialists in the company’s overseas affiliates hold dual positions such as Corporate Affairs and therefore it is difficult to expect their professional expertise in CSR activities. However, in order to enhance CSR specialist’s understanding of CSV/CSR activities, and to provide support for developing capabilities to develop a program that reflect the social issues in which the affiliate is located, the company has established three strategic guidelines in the Guideline for Direction of CSR/CSV Development for Overseas Affiliates.

1 Help CSR/CSV specialists in overseas affiliates to improve

their problem solving skills/ program development skills.

2 Support development/transition of CSR programs based on the country-specific issues and the level of CSR understanding

3 Propose CSR/CSV budget guideline (for reference)

The company is committed to providing a full support for the CSR activities of its overseas affiliates by inducing voluntary communication from the participants within the CSR programs that are designed to reflect country or local community-specific social issues with the goal of maximizing the positive impact of the CSR programs.

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy Introducing the HMC Global CSRStrategic Guidelines

Hyundai Motor Company became a truly global

corporation by pioneering the market across the

world in all facets of its business operation ranging

from production to sales. Hyundai Motor Company is

today striving to create even better future with even

stronger commitment to CSR as a global corporation

by engaging in diverse CSR activities.

Founder/Executive management

HMC’s CSR/CSV Understand basic philosophy and values

Foundation : Management philosophy

Creating technological innovation and business ecology to enhance life

Pioneering new energy in the future Provide complete mobility right

Solving social problems proactively Enhance ability to adapt to new future society Solve global social issues (pollution in Northeast Asia)

Ingenious thinking and continuously challenging new frontiers

Seek sustainable growth with responsibility extending to all employees/vendors and even their family

Best quality for customer safety/satisfaction

Realizing the dream of mankind

Highest quality level product/services > Improve the life of human

society Sharing with society

> Contribute to global local society

Creating new future Constantly challenging the

new area, realizing even the smallest possibility > Create fundamental added-

values DNA that seeks infinite growth


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Germany Wunderland Kalkar

Paris, France Promenade plantée

Vietnam Dong-Da Lake

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

Newyork Highline

[HMC Comment]

Hyundai Motor Company is highly interested in urban regeneration plan. As part of its plan, the company is involved in a project that transforms the landfill in the Incheon metropolitan area to a nature and ecology theme park. The efforts include the construction of the Ioniq Forest. Moreover, the company and its labor union recently began an urban regeneration project for northern region of Ulsan city, in which all citizens of the community are participating.

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration Creation of shared values via case study ofurban regeneration

Urban regeneration is a process of restructuring

urban infrastructures that are aged or neglected.

It aims to physically enhance the area that

has declined environmentally. Recently, urban

regeneration began focusing on environmental,

economic and socio-cultural regeneration in

addition to physical enhancement with the goal of

creating new values and sharing them with society.

Ariel Sharon Park, Israel Transforming Waste Site into Beautiful Park

Hiriya in Tel Aviv used to be called the Trash Mountain because of the 2.5 million tons of waste and the stench from the waste that was accumulated for several decades since its opening in 1952 to its closure. However, this trash mountain was transformed into the Ariel Sharon Park that offers the best view of the Mediterranean Sea from Tel Aviv. The trash piled there was recycled and the artists used them as materials to create art works. Peter Latz, the urban planner and architect behind the project, first worked on reviving the soil so that plants could grow. When the soil came back to life, various plants began to grow and the animals returned to inhabit the land. The park is three times the Central Park in New York in size and the project is in progress. The trash mountain, once a social problem, has been transformed and now has become the heart as well as the resting place of the community, a space beloved by the citizens today.

New York High Line Transformation of Abandoned Railroad to the Resting Haven of New Yorkers

The New York High Line was a rail road built in 1929 with a huge investment. The operation discontinued in 1980, however, and was abandoned for nearly 20 years. When a decision was made to remove it, a civil organization called the “Friends of the High Line” was formed and proposed that it be transformed into a park similar to the Promenade plantée. The proposal was approved and a project to transform the High Line began in full scale in 2004. After nearly 10 years of construction, the new High Line was created, a stroll path and a park beloved by the New Yorkers and the travelers that spanned 2.33km. The High Line is a good example of how a new, well developed space could revive the area. Around the park were built the buildings designed by famous architects such as Frank Gehry and the Whitney Museum of American designed by Renzo Piano, which have rejuvenated the local community and created new values.


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

CSV Strategy Team / Yeongjoo Jung Associate

Words from the organizer of H–Social Creator [Interview]

“ This is a social innovation program designed to help HMC and passionate college students to work together to create heart-warming ideas that will move the world. Please root for the 3rd H-Social Creator that has merged with H-Ombudsman this year.”

H-Social Creator was reborn with H-Ombudsman

H-Social Creator, which began in 2015, is a program where college student creators participate in CSV workshops and learn how to solve problems with creativity. This year, it starts anew after merging with H-Ombudsman program. The members participate in this program in three different areas of Customer Value Innovation, Product Innovation and Social Innovation. The creators have come up with new and brilliant ideas about social innovations to solve various social problems such as developing smart contents to solve air pollution problem related to automobiles or social program to provide emotional support to the elderly living alone. We are curious to know what brilliant ideas they will come up with this year to shock the world.

New Creators Making a Debut

On May 13, 30 members of “the 3rd H-Social Creator” with interest and passion for society and environment got together. They took a tour of Hyundai Motor Studio Goyang, during which they learned everything about HMC which was a unique experience. After the tour, they had a group discussion, where they got to know each other closer and discussed the direction of future activities. Despite the long program, the young creators did not appear exhausted and genuine passion could be seen from the seriousness of their dedication reflected in their eyes.

To Become the True Creator

The creators showed their ability and talent through the 3rd H-Social Creator held on June 2. They discussed the questions they had on Hyundai Motor Company and H-Social Creator activities in a “talk concert” and attended lectures such as CSV Direction of HMC and Value Chain, Design Thinking, etc. After the lectures, they went through “idea practice” sessions to develop the basic skills in design thinking. Every creator came up with the unique and interesting ideas. Much interest and encouragement goes to the future of the 3rd H-Social Creator and social innovation ombudsman who will bring the wind of changes in Hyundai Motor Company’s CSV.

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion Social Innovation Program for CollegeStudent Participation ‘H–Social Creator’

H-Social Creator, which began as a CSV brain storm

program with college student participation in 2015,

was merged with “The 2nd H Ombudsman” this year

to start anew. H-Social Creator embarks on a new

journey with college students filled with passion and

creative ideas.


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution Introducing a Campaign to Create the“IONIQ Forest”

Beginning with a tree planting campaign for Inner

Mongolia in 2008, Hyundai Motor Company has

been continuously promoting a green zone campaign.

HMC will continue its efforts to build forest in Inner

Mongolia and create a clean environment

via the IONIQ Forest Building campaign.

running 1 air purifier for 24

hours 365 days

2 tree

The effect is equivalent to running 1 air purifier for 24 hours 365 days.

1 tree 35.7of fine dust annually

The effect is equivalent to absorbing 35.7g of fine dust every year.

47 tree fine dust emitted by a diesel car every year

47 trees are needed to absorb the amount of fine dust emitted by

a diesel car every year.

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

A five-year plan to create Dream-Park IONIQ Forest [Information]

Phase 3 : Complete creation of forest in Landfill Zone 2 Construct a park. Install park facilities to complete the construction.



Phase 1 : Plant trees in the slope area of the Landfill Zone 2Build forest starting from the land-filled area

Phase 2 : Prepare for sowing seeds and constructing a parkSow seeds and make preparations to construct a park


Creating clean air with IONIQ

Hyundai Motor Company has been making continuous efforts to create a clean and healthy environment via sustainable environment preservation campaign. The Dream Park - IONIQ Forest Building campaign, which began in 2016, is committed to providing people with freedom from fine dust pollution, a gift of clean air to the customers of HMC and IONIQ. Like IONIQ that does not emit carbon during driving and helps maintain clean air, the “IONIQ Forest” was conceived as an idea to keep us from fine dust pollution and help create cleaner and healthier natural environment. Hyundai Motor Company has a five year plan to build an urban forest that can absorb fine dust from the landfill around the metropolitan area as well as a forest park for citizen’s rest. We hope that the trees in the park will grow with the love and care of Hyundai Motor Company and the citizens who value clean environment and create fresh air by removing fine dust.

Giving the Earth a gift of green forest with our own hand

In 2016, 14,000 people ran 191,000 km in the IONIQ Longest Runner donation program where the donation matched the distance run to build the “Dream Park - IONIQ Forest”. In order to build the forest, IONIQ customers and citizens volunteers came together from November of last year to April of this year to plant a total of 5,000 trees in a landfill in the metropolitan area. They will continue to plant trees to plant a total of 30,000 trees for the upcoming five years.

CSV Strategy Team / Soonsang Hong Deputy General Manager

Words from the organizer of IONIQ Forest [Interview]

“ Starting with the IONIQ Forest, we hope that the similar forest will increase in numbers to stop the fine dust pollution in Korea. We hope that the IONIQ Forest will grow to become vast and rich like the trees of the Inner Mongolia.”


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

The “Tree Effect” that keeps us safe from fine dust pollution

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Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli Traffic Safety Experience Program on the Road

Hyundai Motor Company has been running the Safe

Move campaign to promote safe and pleasant traffic

culture so that both the drivers and the pedestrians

could enjoy safe traffic environment. The Traffic Safety

Experience Program on the Road which began in

2016 as part of the Safe Move campaign,

a continuation of the company’s traffic

safety campaign using Robocar Poli

that began in 2011, will be visiting from

city to city this year to promote the

traffic safety consciousness of children

and the prevention of traffic accidents.

Join Traffic Safety Class on the Road

Fun and easy traffic safety via learning by doing

The Traffic Safety Experience Program on the Road which began in 2016, is an experience-oriented type expo where children and their parents can learn together how to prevent traffic accident as well as other types of safety accidents common in everyday life for free. The program offers training and education in pedestrian/bicycle safety, boarding/blind spot safety, fire accident escape experience and CPR. In addition, it offers a variety of other experience programs such as traffic safety animation, virtual intoxication experience using virtual intoxication goggle, photo zone and a lot more! Children who completed the training received a training toolkit as a gift including traffic safety animation DVD so that they can continue the safety education at home. We hope that children would enjoy the easy and fun traffic safety program in the expo and grow safe and healthy.

Enjoying a traffic safety visiting education with Poli

Hyundai Motor Company, following the Traffic Safety Experience Program on the Road campaign, will launch the Traffic Safety Visiting Education program where the homes and the kindergartens in the underprivileged area will be visited and systematic traffic training will be offered. The Traffic Safety Visiting Education program will use a safety training experience vehicle built from HMC’s Starex, where children will learn how to wear seat belts, board and unboard vehicle, find a blind spot outside the vehicle and cross the crosswalk safe. In addition, the program offers other programs in which children can participate such as watching the animation “The Traffic Safety Story with Robocar Poli”, training course using pictures and other resources, practice via role playing and using various training toolkits.

Hyundai Robocar Poli Traffic Safety Playground Opens [Information]

A traffic safety playground using Robocar Poli opened in HMC’s Ilsan dealershop to enhance traffic safety consciousness of children and help traffic accident prevention. There are 7 experience zones offering 10 traffic safety experienced-oriented training and also places for parents and children to take a rest, and it will run free of charge (traffic safety animation, boarding/unboarding, safety seat belts, blind spot, bicycle, pedestrian walking (crosswalk), factory site, weather (snowy and rainy days), tunnel (dark place) and traffic signs). Homepage of Traffic Safety Playground


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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HMA CSR Director / Zafar Brooks

Words from HMA CSR Director [Interview]

“ Children are our future. Hyundai dealers have joined a fight to defeat pediatric cancer since 1998.”

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

Hope on Wheels is Hyundai Motor Company’s most prominent and the longest-running CSR program that fights against pediatric cancer in the United States. Three major activities include donation for pediatric cancer research, enhancement in public awareness of pediatric cancer and the promotion for making healthy society.

Hope on Wheels [Information]

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients HMA, Hope on Wheels

Hope on Wheels, which provides financial and

therapeutic supports to pediatric cancer patients,

celebrated its 20th anniversary on June 27. Hyundai

Motor Company has become an ideal corporate

citizen of the community, rather than merely an

automobile company by making various social

contributions for last 30 years including a campaign

to defeat pediatric cancer since it entered the U.S.

market in 1986. There is a great expectation for

Hyundai Motor Company and its future. Wheels carrying the hope for pediatric cancer patients

Hope on Wheels, which began in 1998, is the most prominent pediatric cancer support program in the United States. Every time a Hyundai dealer sells a new car, 14 dollars are donated in addition to the donation from the HMA. It is the largest private pediatric cancer support donation program in the United States. This year alone, 15 million dollars will be donated to 68 pediatric cancer treatment project. A total of 130 million dollars have been donated over 20 years as of the end of this year and a total of 163 pediatric cancer hospitals and research centers received financial assistance. Hyundai Motor Company, in order to enhance the public awareness of pediatric cancer research and encourage donation for the cause, has been holding donation campaign and communication through various SNS and Internet portal site as well as various charity events such as charity marathon.

HMA’s other corporate social activities

1 Hope on Wheels to help pediatric cancer patients

2 Support MADD events that prevent drunk driving

3 Support for racial diversity

4 Support building the Martin Luther King Memorial Museum

In addition, HMC is engaged in various CSR programs such as providing support for the Smithsonian African Museum, Coats for Kids campaign that provides free coats to children in low income family in cities with cold climate such as Detroit and Pennsylvania, free mathematics lessons to 20,000 elementary school students of underprivileged community, a walk contest for low income women and free breast cancer diagnosis program.


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream toPediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Words from the organizer of Good Neighbors [Interview]

Managing Director of Good Neighbors Chile / Heere Park

“ The project began when a desire to create a sustainable society in Valparaiso shared by HMC, Good Neighbors and the local government of Valparaiso came together. There are visible changes being made in Valparaiso resulting from the partnership with HMC. We hope that the program will produce even more shared values through this project.”

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

From waste dump to the most beautiful paradise city

Valparaiso means the “stairway to heaven.” It is a beautiful port city and was listed as UNESCO World Culture Heritage site. However, today, the city suffers from serious environmental pollution and sanitation problem as it produces 100,000 tons of waste annually from 170 waste landfill. The city also suffers from extreme economic inequality, creating an imbalance in children’s education. In order to solve this problem, Hyundai Motor Company introduced 2 recyclable waste collection trucks equipped with plastic and waste paper compressor and is helping the residents and children to collect waste themselves and make profits from the process. This way, the program can enhance the environment while raising fund for the cause. The environmental education center has been built in purpose of providing local children with environmental education and promoting children’s right.

Competition to win who does waste collection better

Since last September, Hyundai Motor Company’s recycling truck went on a tour of schools in Valparaiso to collect recyclable waste. The recyclable waste collected by them will be sold under various product categories and the funds raised from sale will be used for improving schools. As part of this program, HMC held the Reciclaton-Recycling Contest in collaboration with Good Neighbors. The purpose of the contest is to encourage children to learn how to separate the waste. Children separate household waste, and HMC visits their house to collect the waste accumulated and give rewards to the school that have finished most waste sorting, considering the number of students into account. The contest began in April. More than 19,000 children from 50 schools are expected join the contest. We hope that children’s enhanced awareness of recycling process obtained from the contest will contribute to cleaner environment of Valparaiso.

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven Improving environment and children’seducation business in Chile

On July 26, 2016, Hyundai Motor Company launched,

in collaboration with Good Neighbors, a CSR program

designed to enhance local environment and children’s

education business in Valparaiso, Chile. HMC is

operating 2 recycle trucks to collect recyclable waste

for sale and give the profits generated from the

business back to the local community in Chile.


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways toHeaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

Words from the organizer of YSDA [Interview]

“ As a partner, it is of great value not just for the organization but as well as for the people whose lives were touched through this effort. Truly, Hyundai has become instrumental in delivering this basic service and creating difference in the lives of the people.”

YSDA / Misael Joan Santos

Securing safe drinking water using rain water

Hyundai Motor Company is conducting numerous CSR programs in Asia Pacific region such as China, India, Indonesia, etc. As part of its CSR program, HMC has begun a project to secure safe drinking water to the underprivileged region in the Philippines. Tandang Kutyo village in the Philippines where the first rain water center was built does not have access to the water supply system run by the government and its main source of drinking water (wells, valley, spring water) is highly polluted with E. coli bacteria and arsenic, making it difficult for them to secure safe drinking water. The rain water center consists of rain water storage tank (60 tons), water purifier filters and valves, automobile-shaped water sink, and rain water playground, allowing the residents to secure safe drinking water with rain alone. HMC plans to build more rain water centers in various locations in the Philippines.

To create a sustainable miracle

The significance of this project is in helping the residents to gain independence in securing drinking water supply by helping them operate the facility independently themselves. Accordingly, Hyundai Motor Company organized an independent operation committee in the village responsible

Miracle in the Rain A project to create a sustainable waterrecycling village in the Philippines

On March 22, to celebrate the UN Water Day, HMC

began a new CSR program to help underprivileged

community in Tanai, Philippines to gain water

independence. HMC will build a rain water

center in a mountain village to secure drinking

water and help the residents run an independent

operation committee, provide regular public health

and sanitation training and monitoring, laying a

foundation for sustainable operation.

for operating and managing the rain water center and also worked with NGO and universities to create a foundation for their sustainable operation through regular public health and sanitation education and monitoring. Furthermore, the company will provide trucks equipped with water tank and water pump as drinking water vehicle as well as training for operating and repairing vehicles to young people in the village so that they can supply water to other villages nearby, expanding people who can benefit from the water center operation. Like the sweet rain drenching the dry land, we hope that HMC’s efforts will become sweet rain to the hearts of many Philippines.


Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

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Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Newsletter

HMG’s urban regeneration project for Balshan village

In Ulsan, pain comes after growth...

The population of Ulsan has increased to 1.2 million people, the number of factories has reached 1,200, and the total count of employees is now more than 200,000, including the industrial areas in Pohang and Gyeongju. The added-values produced by them in the secondary industry is about 10% of the national share, and exceeds 15% if steel industry is included. Ulsan may be the only city in the world that grew so fast and whose household income rose so rapidly. However, with the continuing decline of shipping and heavy machinery industry that has led the economic growth of Ulsan, the city’s economy is experiencing slow growth. Also, social problems such as socio-economic polarization and inequality in opportunities, which tend to follow rapid economic growth, have become a prominent issue. The shock wave of economic decline is now permeating the social atmosphere of Ulsan city as well. What can Hyundai Motor Company do in order to revitalize the urban area in Ulsan?

“Corporate citizen” working with local community

Hyundai Motor Company is planning CSR activities that encourage and develop employee participation, fostering their interest in the social issues of the local community and helping them get involved in positive social transformation. As

Revitalizing the Urban Area by Participating in CSR Activities Urban Regeneration Project in Ulsan city

A corporation should strive to earn the respect of

people by making not only economic but social

contributions to the local community. The employees

working at the company understanding the social

problems of the community and participating in the

activities to solve the problem - isn’t this the best way

to make a progress in corporate social responsibility

one step further?

part of the plan, HMC management and labor union will begin an urban regeneration project for the city’s northern districts in collaboration with the local community. To enhance the image of aging Yeompo and Yangjeong districts, the project team will paint mural in the alleys of the area to enliven the spirit, transforming the community’s desolated and gloomy atmosphere into a brighter one. We hope that the collaboration of HMC employees and the community residents in painting mural will lead to continued CSR activities in various areas.


Revitalizing the Urban Areaby Participating in CSR Activities

Direction and future plans for CSV management

Employees Work Together to Create Sustainable Society

Developing Global CSR/CSV Strategy

CSV Based on Urban Regeneration

Concept of and Specialized Information on CSR/CSV

Becoming the Light of the World with the Power of Compassion

Freedom from Fine Dust Pollution

Traffic Safety Class with Robocar Poli

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases in Korea

A Gift of Hope and Dream to Pediatric Cancer Patients

Valparaiso, Save the Stairways to Heaven

Miracle in the Rain

Hyundai Motor CSR/CSV Cases from Overseas

Induce voluntary participation of employees by offering three different ways to engage in community services

Fast and easy way to participate

Voluntary Community Service

For talent and technology donation

Expert Volunteers

For regular volunteer activityMatching Service

Starting with Ulsan, HMC plans to broaden the coverage of volunteer activities in Jeonju and Asan

where factories are located

Asan City

Jeonju City

Ulsan City