Beech, They throat , Thc, " - Eden I T'IIE DAILY NEWS , , .,. . . '. -, CESAR FRANCK ,. ,available at" " N-E-W-FO-U-N-Ol-A-ND-,-M"';'O-N-OA-Y-, - Cha'rles Hutton & , ' . "" Warns Of Economic Chaos , A k Y-t Hard-Won In Gaza Big Three· S I 0 Prosperity-- G"OUnd', For ,.' , Possible "Total F or Co-Operation In ed Sunday for, the secon,d E ' S . -t ' Is Tied {II' time in six ,days, in the uropean Y Bv JOHN DULMAN trolible4 I" LONDON (Reuters) _ \ by Egypt, as,' . . .• ground for "total. war; " " t ----- - Prune Mlnlster SI.r Anthony I 'An Egyptian spokesman' saId Test Of Position sltlon In southern Europc to coun·! slav foreign office, Ihat June Eden warned Bnt<]ns Sun-, Egyptian forces 'repulsed an Is- terbalance the neutralization of i would ,be a suItable date {or day night that crippling rail raeli attack made by two arm?red Austria which lies bctwcen Yugo· In( four power talks on relatIOns and dock strikes threaten to and fOur trucks. The vehIcles slavlaand Germany. between Yugoslavia on the one _ .alleg edl " advanced 10 the truce- Another objective, In the 1Ig,.'lt hand and Britain, the United Stales "smash up OUr hard-earned line, 60 miles east of', Gaza, and B\' JOHN M. HIGHTOWER of the just concluded Russian mls· and France on the other. prosperity" and throW' Brit. (ired on Egyptian posttlons with ston to Belgrade, Is to determine Informants here' emphasized, that •. bo . h machine-guns while other Israeli ·WASHINGTON (A.P.)- Britain, th'e United Stntes and France are expected to ask ?I,fur.hul Tito's Yugoslav "o\'ernment soon for much co-operation with their strategic plans for the sccurih' of Western Europe. where Marshal Tllo, as an Inde· talks betwC'an the Western powe:s mto e c aos. forces shelled Egyptian positions pendent Communist leader, really and the Yugoslav government I am not gomg to leave you from \1.'1:: settlement of Nahal Oz. stands. Specifically, o!Ilc!als would be on the Western ,SIde any doubt about the deadly Serl· No casualties were reported. like to know what his military pO' by Rlddlebcrger and the Brttlsh ousness' of ,what is happening to FII E PROTEST sltlon would be In event of and FrenC>!t envoys In Belgrade and People lucky enough to hitch a ride a truck going in the direction homes oU!' the'.prime ,minister l,;'gypt fibl a protest over the Communist ag"ression or threat to are therelore at a "political level." scraluble aboard. For the man" others waiting for buses In Londor. s Tooley said ID a country,wlIle radiO broad· clash to the United Nations mixed Ihe peace o( Europe. This gives them more importance " cast from his counlry home, ehe· armistice cum mission. and called The basis o( concern on this point than if they Were simply conversa· 'Stree't it may mean a long walk' home. Governm,ent and labor leaders met in an qum. , . for all emergency meeting of Is that Tlto has becn receiving sub· lions among military officers' effort to 'halt Britain's rail strike, bul their meetings produced "no hope." lIe. w?rned Ihat the I commission. Meanwhile, t ru c e ;equcst will test Tito's ba;ic position In the East-West rnntc,lt loll owing his confcrcnces ',lilh Icndcrs. ' stanllal military help from the problems of support lor ____ no.1I' m Its second wcek, !s to I commission observers' were sent Western Cor several years the Yugoslav military (orce. brmg unemployment ,you 10 scene. and the purpose o( that hclp Is to State department officials say D . 'L h B stop most, of the trams I.n a I In Tel Aviv, an Israeli army One of Western is Ihe total »0' strengthen lite' over·all defence of the assumption here Is that ,Tito Ie nl' a un c e s. 19 !and hke ours soon spokesman said Egyptian troops Free Europe. did not materially alter his posItion ml! some !actorlcs t!" a I had fircd an Israeli patrol in The state also in his mcetlngs .wlth Soviet Com· . Eden saId the strIke WIll mtcr· I the Nahal sector and drawn re- U,S, ambassador James munlst boss Khrushchev and Prime A ' 'k L S m \I'ith attcmpts 10, build up turn fire. ' , niddlebcrgcr to aell'lse the Yugo, Minister Bulganin. .' :" tta c nee t, a r the wmtef! I Last Tuesday, a border to Imp?rt coal If It con· I turned into nne or tile most B · G T J e1 Pi f J I' tmucs,. Th,e Iwm werc I "erious oC many recent incidents in t ' arcnts 0, 0 10 also .Ihe \'Ital export tradc i the Gaza ar,a. '1'11'0 and 19amls oes 0 aI, By JOHN RODERICK ' ./, Deim still hopes Soai will agree on Bntish depc;,;lt I nne Egyptian were reported killed , .Victim Sue ' 'SAIGON, Sout!l Viel Nam, (A.P.)-Pl'e11lier Ngo Dinh 110 dissoll'e his fcudal force,S I, exchange of fire. W e Le - I H Diem hurled more than 30 army battalions Sunday against to .J,he rID "If we go 011 like t,!1is we shall, E"yptian Premier Gamal Abdel IVeS lye n armony VaccJ ·nc Makel's the private forces of Gen. Tran Van Saai. a leader of the I hlm P ou,r Saturday. was . I 1 J b 1 It>. t e prune mmls er sal I . I hal'" told tlte chIef Umted Nailons OAJ{T.AND, CAllI, (APl-Judge dissident Hoa Hao religious sect. By mg I t 1e l'e s are il'i" him ! last lcrly, . , , ,observer, Canadian CHES'rER, England (Reuters)-Donald Whiteford has A. J. Woolse,\' Saturclay authorized were hemmed into a triangle of watery ncelands WIth chance," a at the pres- Eden said ,hiS IS Gen, E, L, M. Burns, !f Israeli gone to prison for bigamy, Now 'his two latest wives- the parents of a boy who little hope of escape. As dusk (el1 the rich (icC. idenlial palace, said Sunday. oJile StrIP It would Oli\'e, 3D, and Lydia Ann,' 42-have deCided to set' up polio after Inocul,t!on 5:1 e ,Diem .. who had delayed, an aU· dom from which Soai has been Months ago, In an p,ro- and the ,British Transport Commis· to 'Cairo last Thurs- out- against Soa!'s 3,fO reaping huge profits in and mote lit sion, which the n?tion's 'tIay for talks with Nasser follow. housekeeping by themselves.. k 1- 'c I!f to 5,000 men for ,two weeks ,desp .. te transport taxes for, years, the camp gn, , em a"1 oa 0 owned railroads. He saId, the strIke In Arab accusations that Israel After three months' residence' e 'Y'd :1 'G rg E Fllz sniping attacks, gave the go-ahead 'arni)"s, light', infantry 'elements his cabinet as miniSter of state. "can only end when negotiations inrended to seiEe the Gaza strip here with the 28-,'car·old bellboy Billy' Gr!)IJa'rn ' . r. an eo e·· 1 • nller n series o( Boa lIuo assaults! (ann cd 'Inlo the rice fields: The That gesture failed. bt'l!in," ,_ .. /':. .,' . ,,: 'R t since the 1948 . his childrcn, ,\he lI'i\'es' found "' .. I on Bassac' river ferry 'posts' trooj.; 'out nCia "'Not Ha"':'le,aden"t '" 71 Ap.d'let me the saKe e dcd between Israel and IiI:)' hnd morc in common, with,' ',,' e tIe' AC on on e 13 0 on I'sunda r . The gOl'crl]ment kicked '(/\f': IIn'o IIIen Inan)' :of .,'whom threw pose, Diem, An gro p 'of e1'erYone in this 13lid-including I th A b \' paril othcl' Ihan wilh their common Ills BIO' SUC{ICSS ' Ilr.e' attack ncar',Cuil Thu, '90 down thci'r arms anti surrendercd, headed by GeniJ Ngu),en ,G1?e all grades of railll'al'l1I:!n and citi.: received support hu,hand. ' b,' : 1 ," h zgera A' i ts south of Suigon, \lith IG,OOQ-troops, Soai himself 'I'anished from biS! went ol'er to 1 e 51 e zens-tllc quicker Ihe bcller." I;i' stand (srael from "I\'e \l'1II ncver Jet each olher I' F ' :-, , , c, na r. er son' prl 'WI. \, c, Rep or!!;'· of casualties said thc headquarters wilh his young wiCe, months ago wllh ncar y, men. I The prime minister made hI,' a I'm\'o s okc'man who nll'l n," they said after their for· n i ranee " , I I ,a ,I: IIgl1tning, operation cost lh(l arm)'! Le Thi Gam: She a Vielnamese I There. ha" been a rash of. other: ,Icrn of t,!le country's; S\'ria would mer ,pouse was gil'cn three ' I 1\ as pro uce! u er a ala Ihree killed 'and the lIoa Hao 10'1 amazon \rho a woman's, deserl10ns from Hoa Hao ,In re,: state aftcr rcceil'ing a SI'al" re- iii " t ( rn r !tack In last for being ,ex, ,PARIS (Reulel's) ,- i IO;ics. developed po Thollsands of government' troops: army of some 500 trousered troops, II cent days. . ., . ! port on Ihe strikes' effcct;: a, msivc about wives. BIlly. Grahan; said mght st!il {s con swurmcd across Nlc broad It WUS Qnl, a monlh ago that Hoa Hao IS a dISSident Buddlnst, ish industry from Labor Thc E""ptian government mcan. They added: "We are going to his fIrSt plibllC mectlpg 1)1 I'rance flllCI at ren s OSPI a. in sampans, under the Dicm's forces sma 5 he d Binh, sect foundcd 16 years ago, It gets Sir Walter I wi i co':ifirmed th'll Nasser fDo mOl'e from all this gossip Was most astountltng night of, ,The UnUe.d'Slates' public health of naval unils wbieh i Xu),cn's pril'atc army of ex·river: its from a l'ilIage of the samc ! PJIODUCTIOX CURTAILED : " r f' t1clIIilitarfl'.:j and 'lose' Donald as soon as pos· my, ministry." or. an cstlmatcd serviCe ordered. vaccine manufae, only' a few hours earlier had taxelll',p'iratcs ill blood\' -trcet fighting in ncar the Cambodian bordcr where Stcel cum panics have alrem)r I pose, c1tcla to ll 'hl,n," 1 t th 11 623 d 'd b C tt 'I btl Ith ' If'" . f '1 b d ' " I zone III Ie "a.. ," - f,eo p e a era, y:, ma e lure y u ar a orn or es w ' over, from French nuvu orees at' SAigon .. 'fhe Bmh XU)'CI1 forccs Its prophet, ral oy namc dl'uwn up plans for rcslmted Ilork- ; An o!!icial war ministry BOTH for Christ., ' held from iJublle Use, after, scveral Can, Tho. By noon, the trO?PS were commanded by Gen, 'Le Van Huynh, So, was b.orn In ing, alld many plant6 ' man said Nasser offered to pull Whiteford's two last mates It was most res· chlMren Inoculated with It, some had c1earcd the Vlen,'· Its prmclples .vlrtue, that produchon been back Egyptian tronps half a mile learned the truth one day when ponse I ever hc told weeks ago', developed polio. The cast from Can 'rho to VIn Long. SECOND SIIOWDOWN _ enee to parents. Jl!sllCe by admm· cllrtallctllhrough lack of rnll,bornl' fl''-'III IlreSl'nt tllllchy Irure line one of ol'erheard Ihe other reporters. A new spirit seemed health service ,further OCCUpy nIAIS,ROUTES Wilh attack on Hao sol. lstralors. alld ,SlIllplit'<, ' " lI'ul'iolrlt bl'adi f,'n'rs dill Ihe whethcr he Was "coming tn for!ll' on th,e after checks of the laboratory s product. In mid, _ afternolln, olher army DIem presse.d IllS ,11113 Han lillll' ('lallllS SIIIIIP m,ll, ,1'1'1 111 rt. . home." There was an all·nlght the ,100Ual dlfllculltes of Interpreta. striking forces all Ihe Il1IaJol' Shllll'lllIlI'l1 With Ihl'. C"llllal !l11n l\h'l 'h!'!II, 111 au, llldlhifial ,ll'<,,,;b. \I' a;, 1'1:1",1' 31,0 imrilediatt quarrel over jUlisdlction. White· tion and bad acoustics." D' " h S' , main rOllles linking, 'Satle, Long fOI'l'l's . tlividing ttllln;Il' Irlill by arUl)' i11'aIl'U by _ cS1x:rl.' '1110 ,ItJI'e : illll'I<'lIh;U!;;li u u:,f Il,II'I'" IlrupCt,';II! ford settled It by Inl'!tJng both After spcaklng to the ,ute ',' tart aIHI Lai Vllng, ·I'hese. !llsl Suuth VIet :olaUl, 11I'eUllPI' 11'01." !nl'-'t .It( h""1l !hc h,iI ef" ["I' fl'r'I'lilli a hal'l,:.! wil'" Iwri. women to his home.' 623 who stepped (ol'\\ard, all army (urm all Ill,<I.<\.< Ihal :ill 31'Ul';'11 fU!'l'I'S, must i alll11l11ISII':lll,IIII. It i "I ,lnl,c It,\' ,U,lhlll 101'01- , r3.J,' ;,li,lIt Ih" lTIu'e litle. (ul'hlin\{ During the, next three months, told reporters that n'.ver p" ') F' I'.' I' triangle tlf about 30 sqllare miles uri 111111,'1' :1 rill)' Ctllllll1:IIU! If Iht'i all'uhllt. l'al!lli It\' ,\\ak! 1'111', IlIulll'e 31111 ill'c'1l1fll, ! j"iul [tah'ubo,f \o:::),)lti:lll. b1':t.1i the only the happily. such a response. . ' 0 ar i. ItS I'ice linddles within \\'hic,a ":Ollllll'), is III n'"isl pressun' fn'm faill. ul"1l1l1 ,mltl,., 1':II .. n hllrl':'Il,1 Unilt'll Naliuns. married triangle cvcr had were P:.ople told ,me even Ihls. ",Inr. ' , ., appeared- tr:1PJled, I t'ltlllll1ulIist.hetd Nurth Vict N:1Jn, ling, j III np ll'ul'l! enful'rt'nl1'l1t lI'hen Whiteford wanled to "date" nlng t,hat the French had no lime 'A:'IIS'I'ERDAlII, 'rhe Nelhrl'1antls., -----. ,---.... ------ ,r,;m" !If \h,' '''I'l't'ni''lIts 111'\\1""'11 tll",,1 cIII11. one wife and leal'e the other one (or thiS kind o( message," Inaligllral fIlghl of I \ ill,),letl Atttee ,hltuhl stay n: 1l1t1111t' Itf ,a 1'a,11 alltl wilh,lrulI'illg regular at home. Graham spoke 'In' English Rnd '3 new polar air service ,from Syti· M" f tdec .flints saying A.tllce alllllc .ellulil: ,tItPI':I):c, I he s!I'lKC has faced !u, Iroops on buth sides. gals used a "union" tech· his lI'as Interpreted by a Australia; to' Vancouver and ,ore", reconcile feuding factions Inside' ll u vernll1cnt \:'th u.\'erll'l1elllllllg niqllC: Both of them refused 10 French preacher 'at his side. across'lhe North Pole to Amster· A R . ,.; the party. . i transport, alld .0 out with him. lie had to go <jam, arrived here Saturday. ' .'it etIrcment Labor members of Parliament' almo,t SInce Its re·elecllOn last I TODAY'S WEATHER Whiteford used to sleep with his Uempt .' m Llians, Australians and Ncw ea- ' ' DUnHAM. (AP) - La·' leader for thc session. No signs of an early rail settle. ' Cool and wet. High today 13" out by A eli b ' Aboard wcre prominent Cana- P" I'. ' ' ! meet on 10 clect thcir I May 26" ! three e 11 i I d r en at night. His tOgoilther publishers, 0 10 bor\ party , ele.ment Attlce If Attlce stands, Ilis is ment apparcnt Sunday. "\Iives" shared a bcd'in a'nother Hi I 't P 'k' /lcwspaper men and businessmen. the J?OhtiClal1 s 'talkmg Saturd.ay certain. If he docs not, top candi. strIkes am?ng transatlantIc 'no(o(n)'T' ".IE PREVIOUSLY . 'ea " !l'he North Pole' route clips 1,000 11'1,th .what eOu)d be a l11!lt dates to succeed him might be hn?r. crews contmucd Ie add to ., , iniles off the Sydney·Amsterdam C he IS ,thmking' o( Ntlrement., Herbert Morrison 67 Hugh Gaits. Bntatn labor troubles, National Utilon of This happy home was broken up LOS 'ANGELES (AP) - Four flight, which li'lI! be run once a ase s ' . He told a· party rally: kell 49 or leftist &:eurin Bevan Arthur Newbiggm, London dis. reports were reaching the unioJ:! dar when a policeman called mountaineers Sunday began man's \\''eek by Canadian Pacific Air. ,ship now' will, be passing on to 57' , , trict organizer of the :tnkins of pressure on NUR men to jom and lold the two women: "Nellller first' attempt to climb the highest lines with DC·6B younger generations •• : the young union, told a strike meeting out. the strike,lncluding oDe case where 01 you is married to Whiteford. un c'o n que red peak In North people: are coming 'on,'" T side London that there nD a union official was slugged on his He Is legally married to someone America, the parentso[ oneo! ' Following AtUee is ?2. His party Was de- emperatures , signs of the strike coming to an WilY to work. He said "com temp- and he's already done time them Nported.' " ' ' p" Ii' Bl' tt ' leated In last we-ak's elections and end. He said the strikers were as ,tible" pressure was also being put for another bigamous marrJage." The mountain Is lce·capped 15,. ",0 ce 0 er ' ,. Vacciua, ti_o,uS Attlee would be· 77 by the' time Dawson ..... , ••...•. '.' 43' 55 strong is ever and would stay out on wives of non.strikers, took the husband to jan. The 03D-foot Unl 'icrslty' peak In a're· : Local pollce reported 11 arrests ' another election Is due. ' Vancouver ............. 51 61 until their demands are met. The, striking union-the Amalga- two abandoned "wives" wenl home mote Alaska'near theCatia· d d I Since the election" the pro.Labor Edmonton ........... 64 STRON(:.ARM TAtTlCS mated Society of Locomoti'{e En. 1.0 carry on living tClgether, In the dian boundary,', .,' were ma e ur ng . the, weekend; BOISE, Idaho (AP l-:-A 33·year- i Daily Mirror' bean demanding Winnipeg ............ 51 74 Meanwhl1?, complaints came that: glncers and Firemen- 9 as d .. home that Is flUed wlLb their The cllmbb expected to take a two people were arrested for drunk old mother died of bulbar, polio I' older Labor party leaders give way Ottawa " ............. 58 S3 the strikers were attempting 1.0 I manded pay to restore children. month. It has been given the name drIVing, one gtven, In, charge by at Montpellcr &mday. ,,- to men, __ ' Montreal ............. A1 78 spread the stoppage by strong.arm : differentials "skilled" and They wll! carryon as they dJd of McCan Memorial Expedition hIs wife and another ,by his moth, It Was the fata1lty In the I Veteran loclallst HIiSh Dalton Toronto" ............ 63 81 I tactics, against non.striking rail "non _ 5killed" ,rail workers. Most When their ,"husband" was at In honor of Dr. John McCall,' Unl· e: for t1runkeness,whUe the others current outbreak of the disease ,lepped down from, the party's, Halifax .............. 4" 6a, I workers. who arc still kcepins a of thc lalter' belong to the NUn. home-LydIa Ann will do the cook- verslty' of 'Alaska 'geologist, wh'o were ordinary drunks. ,_ which' has stricken 78 In councils Friday and' urged oliler jl Sydne), "." ........ ; 40 52' (ell' British'trains running, The differentials werc decreased Ing and Olive the shopping. Both died recently or polio'. , .-, Ii, T.hree minor traffic' collisions Idaho, ,,,early all since the m,ass elders to follow Sill!. ,But Dalton St. John's " ...... ". 36 44 I An official of. the by all.around pa)' incre3:s es . will do tha chores and look after ,The American Geol'griiphleal'So. polJo vaccination program .was. " , ' . the children. elty is backing the, expedItion. 9ocurred: In City since Sstin-. April 27. ,. .. " , Neither of the women ever wants Mr. and Mrs. Karl.·W; 'Sanders day. ,A 22 year·old lemaleresldent' ,Mrs;· Amiabelle NeJson 'died at L. b' , to see Whiteford again. of said their son Nor. of 62 Banncrman St. has lieeD reo Montpelier hospital ,an,ilIness ' 'a or man, 22; a college stuilc'nt, Is tak. ported missing since she left her o!just'one'day,' siate health . Ing part In the ;cllmb. , . . !Ioine on Saturday evening," lor LM J. Peterson, reported. _' Asks, . National .- 'Lottery REPORT F-ROM UNCLE JOE Local ,Priest In Vatican Unci. Jo.hn arrived beck 'Named from Florldal. H. got hom'llck, The.Revcrcnd WilHnm A. CarelV , ," ' ':caplln scull". He' IIYS J,C,D., o[ this', City.: on 3rd, ' , , Y on I kl)ow anythlnll about was raised' by tne Holy Father' to caplin down louth, all IheV 'cln' the rank of Papal ' Chamberlain talk about I thl II 'd ' " ' s some ng CI ,I with ,the title, of, Very Refcrimd n,ucl llr fish In', H. hid, • ' fin., )\[onslgnor. This honour accorded liml, tho,ugh, Got tlnn.d bV the Carei.,' by 'tlie Holy spollid bV th, and Father on' tlie 'occasion', of., the, e at thl race·lrack.,' is ,conferred acqUIred ,.n Idditlon his dog. In ,ctlnnecllon with' he has "s ',dmhund"whlchh, 'In,·',the Secretarlate' of b g aftlr hurlnll 10m. cow· State during the ,past' four years. or sing "Glt A Lon, ·l;lttl. '. ,.' , ': ' ,,' " ' Doggie"., . H, saYI there Ir. no 'Monsignor: arrived home atlr.ctlonl In the U.S. ,to m.lch by - .:ffom'. 'Ro,ni'e: Nlwfoul\dllnd w •• lher. Thund.r'. Mons!gnor Carew;!s 'Mr. and lightning, ·.nd '11111,' and W. J .. Carew, C.B.E" 'and the.'lale raIn, and drllll., .nd fOS," Mrs Carew, 155 Queen's, Road. He mldly vlbrltlnll temp.nlur'l, re'lls, home [o'r one montb'., ,vacation,' P .. avtry flw hDurs,- :cou.ld wll1. put ,Old FlllhfuJ',' to Ihlm. Iny the Cathedral: Centennial Celebra. dlY. ' , tlon.. ," " ' ' , •• •• • . • .'. t ,. Jo'" , . r t two chlldrcn ivera WINDSOR Ont .. (C.P.)- ships, I organizer as.TLC president for I so widely involing III at threc voles April with Salk 'vacclne from the 'r.'L 70th' 'd I' t' '1 LITTI,E DEBATE i second term, , I had to be called to determine Cutter, laboratories' hi Bcrkeley,l JJe '. .an" - as -, annua Most of the resolutions adopted I Offictrs of the two congresscs I wbether they were for or againr.t Calif. ,.." of the Trades and Saturday slipped through witlt little have an' understanding that, the a resolutlon from the machinists She 38th victim to dci;elop Labour' Congress ·closed-Qut or no debate as delegates hustled TLC president will be the initial union at' Malton, Qnt.. The count . -. '; S' 'd' . h 'd ' d'" a cleanup of business While wait- boss of the CLC. . /' wound up at 136 to 97 In Cavor of polio ,after, close associatIOn \11th aX WIt eman s' on ing to get ollt of town after five . . thc ' youngs!ers.ln government for ,;1'_ days 01 work. There were some At the convention Saturday, !lIe __ _ and the Hurd fata,hty,tn,tlus group. 1 tt ," d' ('T'd' 1 ,250 present of the original repre. delegates adoptcd an "emergency" I The other three deaths, 0 e.lyan ,01 e, era sentation o( 150. " resolution from the plumbers_union .youngsters IIho ,de\cl e • el'Shlp of-.an natur- TIt.eY .did their main business on federal pipeline ownership, as op.cd1polJo nfter the Cutter al gaS' plpelme. ' ,,' eal-hcr 10 the week whcn they the result of, reports that Trans. inlec ions, ' -,' ',-' 'd " ',' , a t t r 'lIh Canada PilXl Lines Ltd, plans to AtSnl\, Lake City Saturday,Dri Calla a s Iargest and oldest athgrece 0 c:ms a merger 1\ sell large amounts of Alberta gas ' L I ,G bh d' " h- ,! t rn!.labdr 'body, dUe to go out',of e CL whIch Will bring 1,000,000 , ,ou scar I researc Sp2C)a s, existCnce In a merger,' with the Camidlan unionl: \ •. Into a single in the United States midwest and U t the c:?ngress o( Labor, also be known as the Canadian bring iO U,S. gas for Lie central vo po 10 \ Irus ,a ,0 'passcd it'- mIscellany of othcr reso, Labor,Congre5s, The TLC put 600.- Canadian market. . convention day '000 people, into' ttIis, and the CCL Trans-Canada, backed mainly by . 0 " ' lDcludlng demands for:· 400,000. Ame'rican i Dt ere s t s, originally ment., ,: ' l .... Tqe:rlght'ofemployee or;!1ni. _ ,Some' TLC spokesmen expressed planned to start :off 'with a IiDe , All Cutter vaccine 'was witiid"rawn, iaHons! 10; collectlve' bargah., reservatlons about aspects o[ the (rom Alberta 10 Ontario and Que. {rom use' some, time ,as- soon Inirwl(h' gOft!mmenis, " ',m-:-rger-especlally ,with respect to hee as part of Its $350,000.000 pro as polio cascs bei:un. In' .2. ne'duetion·,of tile number Q( raiding In ilielr jurisdictions by But It ran Inlo money·ralslng some vaccinated _., ", " _IRlnt!g,rautl" allowed. into, Canada 'CCL. unions-but' adoption of tho dilliculUes. and this had io be side· , 'lti' Washington SatiJrday, the, sur;, ;\Yhile ',there, Is unemployment pact went through unanimously. tracked after the .federal. govern .. geon.general Dr. I-'!onard S .. ,llcelii, -:,-3; 'A "federal. commission ' congress_ also set up Claude ment'declined to provide ,backing said a c!lmpl'ele report on: Ire production nf as' first. unlcss ',it could the com' vaccine. being prepared prices : .", rlenL,of the, .merger! 'orgamzaltoo pany, _ _' - , ' health 'scrvfce ma(be h reJease'd ,-', 4. "A 'revival. of 'the slumping j hy ,the burly '42-year On Ihe national lottery 'qncstinn 'mld·week, '.' _', '" ,nierena'nt', madne, with, moderG 'old '.fO?merllarm'!nt lI'o,rkers union the didn't debate but split . :. . .. .. ". ',' .'.' '. \'. . . . . .: .' . .', \ " ...... .• " '"... ,", 'J .' :.,' " I " , \ - , , INSIDE 3-'lnsurince for.flshormen ,., under 'dllcusslon. S':':" Trll)lty,NiYls.:, , _ 'the ' ", . " , I .. , .. -" . ' , ,9-Bell IIleild Newl. . ' I 10-:-Women;s News and Chit' , ' " , ,," . '. ", . ,oLS)!ort;_' ,,12"':"Mcivll, Reviews. .' , l:i::-.cDn;lc5'>,,, ,: . '. . , '. . • j , .. .f . " .' ',' ' •.. r:: .':'," p •• •• '". :. ... " ,', ;(:t,J I /' 11 ';' (:', .. , : . .. '", 'I , ,

Hutton Eden Warns Of Economic Chaos ~~::~d. Big Three ...collections.mun.ca/PDFs/dailynews/TheDailyNewsStJohnsNL19550606.pdf · BIlly. Grahan; said SIIl1~1a~', mght

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Beech, They

cough~ throat

, Thc,





.,. . . '.

~~~~£I$:," -, pres~nts

CESAR FRANCK ,. ,available at" "

-Vo';"I,-6-2.-N-O'-1-2~-----.-S-T,-JO-H-N-'~-' N-E-W-FO-U-N-Ol-A-ND-,-M"';'O-N-OA-Y-, ~JU-N-E ,-6,-1~95-5-------~--(p-ric-e-:5--c-en-:-ls) - Cha'rles Hutton & ~'ons , ' . ""

Warns Of Economic Chaos ~~::~d. , A k Y-t ~neMeansofTransportation· Hard-Won In Gaza Big Three· S I 0 Prosperity-- G"OUnd', For ,.'

, Possible "Total

F or Co-Operation In ~tal~:;T~:d/. ~:~;:r,;';;~EJ:i' ed Sunday for, the secon,d

E ' S . -t ' Is Tied {II' time in six ,days, in the uropean ecu·~'1 Y Bv JOHN DULMAN trolible4 G~z~.~frip,'.,1,'l~e'd' I" LONDON (Reuters) _ \ by Egypt, as,' a,p~;S1ble

. . .• ground for "total. war; " " t ----- - Prune Mlnlster SI.r Anthony I 'An Egyptian spokesman' saId

Test Of Position

sltlon In southern Europc to coun·! slav foreign office, Ihat June 2~ Eden warned Bnt<]ns Sun-, Egyptian forces 'repulsed an Is-terbalance the neutralization of i would ,be a suItable date {or o~cn· day night that crippling rail raeli attack made by two arm?red Austria which lies bctwcen Yugo· In( four power talks on relatIOns and dock strikes threaten to ~ars' and fOur trucks. The vehIcles slavlaand Germany. • between Yugoslavia on the one _ .allegedl" advanced 10 the truce-

Another objective, In the 1Ig,.'lt hand and Britain, the United Stales "smash up OUr hard-earned line, 60 miles east of', Gaza, and

B\' JOHN M. HIGHTOWER of the just concluded Russian mls· and France on the other. prosperity" and throW' Brit. (ired on Egyptian posttlons with ston to Belgrade, Is to determine Informants here' emphasized, that •. bo . h machine-guns while other Israeli

·WASHINGTON (A.P.)­Britain, th'e United Stntes and France are expected to ask ?I,fur.hul Tito's Yugoslav "o\'ernment soon for much ~lo5cr co-operation with their strategic plans for the sccurih' of Western Europe.

where Marshal Tllo, as an Inde· talks betwC'an the Western powe:s al~ mto e ~omlc c aos. forces shelled Egyptian positions pendent Communist leader, really and the Yugoslav government ~II\ I am not gomg to leave you i~ from \1.'1:: settlement of Nahal Oz. stands. Specifically, o!Ilc!als would be c~ndueted on the Western ,SIde any doubt about the deadly Serl· No casualties were reported. like to know what his military pO' by Rlddlebcrger and the Brttlsh ousness' of ,what is happening to FII E PROTEST sltlon would be In event of Sovl~t and FrenC>!t envoys In Belgrade and People lucky enough to hitch a ride ~n a truck going in the direction oft~eir homes oU!' ~ountry," the'.prime ,minister l,;'gypt fibl a protest over the Communist ag"ression or threat to are therelore at a "political level." scraluble aboard. For the man" others waiting for buses In Londor. s Tooley said ID a country,wlIle radiO broad· clash to the United Nations mixed Ihe peace o( Europe. This gives them more importance " cast from his counlry home, ehe· armistice cum mission. and called

The basis o( concern on this point than if they Were simply conversa· 'Stree't it may mean a long walk' home. Governm,ent and labor leaders met in an qum. , . for all emergency meeting of t~e Is that Tlto has becn receiving sub· lions among military officers' ov'~1' effort to 'halt Britain's rail strike, bul their meetings produced "no hope." lIe. w?rned Ihat the ~al! ~tnke, I commission. Meanwhile, t ru c e

Th~ ;equcst will test Tito's ba;ic position In the East-West rnntc,lt loll owing his confcrcnces ',lilh nI15sia'~ Icndcrs. '

stanllal military help from the problems of West~rn support lor ____ no.1I' m Its second wcek, !s gOI~,g to I commission observers' were sent Western pOIl'~rs Cor several years the Yugoslav military (orce. • brmg unemployment SlUo.~ ,you 10 th~ scene. and the purpose o( that hclp Is to State department officials say D . 'L h B canno~ stop most, of the trams I.n a I In Tel Aviv, an Israeli army

One ~Inl of Western ~tratcgy is I~ ~Ircn=thcn Ihe total d~Ccncc »0'

strengthen lite' over·all defence of the assumption here Is that ,Tito Ie nl' a un c e s. 19 !and hke ours 1~lthout soon ~~lI1g'l spokesman said Egyptian troops Free Europe. did not materially alter his posItion ml! some !actorlcs t!" a h~ll., I had fircd ~n an Israeli patrol in

The state departm~nt ha~ also in his mcetlngs .wlth Soviet Com· . Eden saId the strIke WIll mtcr· I the Nahal O~ sector and drawn re-~uthorlzcd U,S, ambassador James munlst boss Khrushchev and Prime A ' 'k L S m fcr~ \I'ith attcmpts 10, build up c~al, turn fire. ' , niddlebcrgcr to aell'lse the Yugo, Minister Bulganin. .' :" tta c nee t, a r su~pl!es fo~ the wmtef! ~OfCmg I Last Tuesday, a ~imilar border

~rltaln to Imp?rt coal If It con· I cl~,h turned into nne or tile most

B· • G T J e1 Pi f J I' tmucs,. Th,e Iwm ~toppa;;cs werc I "erious oC many recent incidents in t ' arcnts 0, 0 10 also c~IPplJn~ .Ihe \'Ital export tradc i the Gaza ar,a. '1'11'0 lsr~c!is and 19amls oes 0 aI, By JOHN RODERICK ' ./, Deim still hopes Soai will agree on whlc~ Bntish econo~y depc;,;lt I nne Egyptian were reported killed , .Victim Sue ' 'SAIGON, Sout!l Viel Nam, (A.P.)-Pl'e11lier Ngo Dinh 110 dissoll'e his fcudal force,S a~d ~~f;tnll~lA~~;;~t~lmport I, ~O~~Lth{~x~our exchange of fire.

We Le - I H Diem hurled more than 30 army battalions Sunday against ~~I' to .J,he ~,ntral auth~'lty rID "If we go 011 like t,!1is we shall, E"yptian Premier Gamal Abdel

IVeS lye n armony VaccJ·nc Makel's the private forces of Gen. Tran Van Saai. a leader of the I r:i~ronhas ~~t y~St ~~:~~~d hlmP a~ ~n:~~llhuP ou,r hafd.,e~rtn?d pr.od~Pbe,rl-! Nas~er Saturday. was .reporte~ t~ . I 1 J b 1 It>. t e prune mmls er sal I . I hal'" told tlte chIef Umted Nailons

OAJ{T.AND, CAllI, (APl-Judge dissident Hoa Hao religious sect. By mg 1tf~ I t 1e l'e ~ s ou,t,~~. are il'i" him ! last lcrly, . , , tl'UC~ ,observer, Canadian M~j,. CHES'rER, England (Reuters)-Donald Whiteford has A. J. Woolse,\' Saturclay authorized were hemmed into a triangle of watery ncelands WIth chance," a sP~kes~an at the pres- Eden said ,hiS go\'crnm~n~o IS Gen, E, L, M. Burns, Ji~at !f Israeli

gone to prison for bigamy, Now 'his two latest wives- the parents of a boy who e?ntracte~ little hope of escape. • As dusk (el1 o\"~r the rich (icC. idenlial palace, said Sunday. ~~~~e~ n~~p s~i~r~~h r~ilg~~~rl~e~~ att.ack~~ oJile :aarz~ StrIP It would Oli\'e, 3D, and Lydia Ann,' 42-have deCided to set' up polio after Inocul,t!on \l1t~a 5:1 e ,Diem .. who had delayed, an aU· dom from which Soai has been Months ago, In an ~ffort.!o p,ro- and the ,British Transport Commis· m~~~n/~:~t to 'Cairo last Thurs­

~:t~c~n:a!~~t f1b~,trer II~b:tori: ~f out- orr-~nsive against Soa!'s 3,fO reaping huge profits in crop~ and mote ~he g~yrnm~nt lit u~l~caf~n sion, which ~uns the n?tion's st~te. 'tIay for talks with Nasser follow. housekeeping by themselves.. k 1- 'c I!f to 5,000 men for ,two weeks ,desp .. te transport taxes for, years, the camp gn, , em a"1 ~ oa 0 owned railroads. He saId, the strIke In Arab accusations that Israel

After three months' residence' B~~ e 'Y'd :1 • 'G rg E Fllz sniping attacks, gave the go-ahead 'arni)"s, light', infantry 'elements his cabinet as miniSter of state. "can only end when negotiations inrended to seiEe the Gaza strip here with the 28-,'car·old bellboy Billy' Gr!)IJa'rn ' . r. an r~. eo e··1 • nller n series o( Boa lIuo assaults! (ann cd 'Inlo the rice fields: The That gesture failed. bt'l!in," ,_ .. /':. .,' . ,,: held'~ 'R t since the 1948 tru~ . ~nd his childrcn, ,\he lI'i\'es' found "' ~,·~t, ~ral~ :n~c:l~~ .. cou~t I PI~m~~~ O\l~ on Bassac' river ferry 'posts' car~', trooj.; ~rr.¢tcd 'out r.treatln~. nCia "'Not a)H~~-Hoa: Ha"':'le,aden"t '" 71Ap.d'let me repeat,.'f~r the saKe e dcd 'firtl~g between Israel and IiI:)' hnd morc in common, with,' • ',,' e tIe' AC on on e 13 0 on I'sundar. The gOl'crl]ment kicked '(/\f': IIn'o IIIen Inan)' :of .,'whom threw pose, Diem, An Importan~ gro p 'of e1'erYone in this 13lid-including I th A b \' paril othcl' Ihan wilh their common Ills BIO' SUC{ICSS Ja~;C5 ~}:geralJ~'4. ' Ilr.e' '~e lt~ attack ncar',Cuil Thu, '90 mi!~s down thci'r arms anti surrendercd, headed by GeniJ Ngu),en ,G1?e ~~o all grades of railll'al'l1I:!n and citi.: ~a<~~r ~~Il~~)~' received support hu,hand. ' b,' : 1 ," ,~sd h zgera A' i ts ·'I~·I,~' south of Suigon, \lith IG,OOQ-troops, Soai himself 'I'anished from biS! went ol'er to 1e p7mi%~ 51 e zens-tllc quicker Ihe bcller." fO~ I;i' stand ~rlainst (srael from

"I\'e \l'1II ncver Jet each olher I' F ' :-, , , c, na r. er son' prl 'WI. \, c, Rep or!!;'· of casualties said thc headquarters wilh his young wiCe, months ago wllh ncar y, men. I The prime minister made hI,' S\,~ian a I'm\'o s okc'man who nll'l n," they said after their for· n i ranee " , I c~ne, obt~n~d I n~ ,a ~I~~g str~' ,I: IIgl1tning, operation cost lh(l arm)'! Le Thi Gam: She i~ a Vielnamese I There. ha" been a rash of. other: ,Icrn aSsc~slllent of t,!le country's; ~aid' S\'ria would ~\'C ~U p~ssible mer ,pouse was gil'cn three ,~'cars ' I 1\ as pro uce! ~ u er a ala Ihree killed 'and the lIoa Hao 10'1 amazon \rho h~ads a woman's, deserl10ns from Hoa Hao ,In re,: state aftcr rcceil'ing a SI'al" re- iii " t ( rn r !tack In pri~on last \\'c~k for being ,ex, ,PARIS (Reulel's) ,- F.\'ang~list i IO;ics. ~onnld' developed po I~ Thollsands of government' troops: army of some 500 trousered troops, II cent days. . ., . ! port on Ihe strikes' effcct;: o~ '~rit- ~ ~~~F{Jf~rsp~~p~SI~~S a, • msivc about wives. BIlly. Grahan; said SIIl1~1a~', mght <,~mrtomC~i)~112~ ~~I st!il {s con swurmcd across Nlc broad Ba5~acl It WUS Qnl, a monlh ago that Hoa Hao IS a dISSident Buddlnst, ish industry from Labor ~Ill\lster,: Thc E""ptian government mcan.

They added: "We are going to his fIrSt plibllC mectlpg 1)1 I'rance flllCI at ren s OSPI a. in sampans, under the prute~tlOn; Dicm's forces sma 5 he d Binh, sect foundcd 16 years ago, It gets Sir Walter ~Ionckton. I wi i co':ifirmed th'll Nasser fDo mOl'e awa~' from all this gossip Was !'th~ most astountltng night of, ,The UnUe.d'Slates' public health of 'Vletnamcs~ naval unils wbieh i Xu),cn's pril'atc army of ex·river: its titl~ from a l'ilIage of the samc ! PJIODUCTIOX CURTAILED : II~ " r f' t1clIIilitarfl'.:j and 'lose' Donald as soon as pos· my, ministry." or. an cstlmatcd serviCe ordered. vaccine manufae, only' a few hours earlier had taxelll',p'iratcs ill blood\' -trcet fighting in I~ ncar the Cambodian bordcr where ~ Stcel cum panics have alrem)r I pose, c1tcla \OG~"Zo '~rea to Burll~ ll'hl,n," 1 t th 11 623 d 'd b C tt 'I btl Ith ' If'" . f '1 b d ' " I zone III Ie "a.. ," - f,eop e a era, y:, ma e lure y u ar a orn or es w ' over, from French nuvu orees at' SAigon .. 'fhe Bmh XU)'CI1 forccs Its prophet, ~ ral oy namc dl'uwn up plans for rcslmted Ilork- ; An o!!icial war ministry ~pokcs. I~\,'TED BOTH HO~IE ~~elslons for Christ., ' held from iJublle Use, after, scveral Can, Tho. By noon, the trO?PS were commanded by Gen, 'Le Van Huynh, ~~u So, was b.orn In 191~. ing, alld many engin~2ring plant6 ' man said Nasser offered to pull

Whiteford's two last mates It was t~e most a~~;lng res· chlMren Inoculated with It, some had c1earcd the hlghw~y l~adJng Vlen,'· Its prmclples ~re .vlrtue, obe~I' repor~ed that produchon h~s been back Egyptian tronps half a mile learned the truth one day when ponse I ha~,e ever see~, hc told weeks ago', developed polio. The cast from Can 'rho to VIn Long. SECOND SIIOWDOWN _ enee to parents. Jl!sllCe by admm· cllrtallctllhrough lack of rnll,bornl' fl''-'III th~ IlreSl'nt tllllchy Irure line one of th~m ol'erheard Ihe other reporters. A new spirit seemed health service ordere~' ,further OCCUpy nIAIS,ROUTES Wilh t1~e attack on llo~ Hao sol. lstralors. alld marlt~llo~l" ,SlIllplit'<, ' " lI'ul'iolrlt bl'adi f,'n'rs dill Ihe ~;k whethcr he Was "coming tn for!ll' on th,e e~ngregatlon after checks of the laboratory s product. In mid, _ afternolln, olher army 't1ie~s, DIem presse.d IllS s~clll1l1 ,11113 Han lillll' ('lallllS SIIIIIP m,ll, ~IUIll'I:llIu's ,1'1'1111 rt. ol1llllltll~ ~ ~altlr" • . home." There was an all·nlght the ,100Ual dlfllculltes of Interpreta. striking forces oecupi~d all Ihe Il1IaJol' Shllll'lllIlI'l1 With Ihl'. C"llllal !l11n atll!~r"lIls, l\h'l al'~ 'h!'!II, 111 au, th";~ llldlhifial ,ll'<,,,;b. \I' a;, 1'1:1",1' 31,0 a~rpPIII'l imrilediatt quarrel over jUlisdlction. White· tion and bad acoustics." D' " h S' , main rOllles linking, 'Satle, Long 11'~'b~l, fOI'l'l's . tlividing ~,nlj.( ttllln;Il' Irlill ~1'111, by th~ arUl)' ~~hJll,I, ~"II': i11'aIl'U ~II' by _ cS1x:rl.' '1110 ,ItJI'e : illll'I<'lIh;U!;;li

uu :,f Il,II'I'" IlrupCt,';II!

ford settled It by Inl'!tJng both After spcaklng per~onallY to the ,ute ',' tart ~u>'en, aIHI Lai Vllng, ·I'hese. tll\\,I1~,: !llsl Suuth VIet :olaUl, 1~1~ 11I'eUllPI' 11'01." !nl'-'t .It( th~ '~I:I' II~bl!"~: h""1l ~1'1l1l1)' a';""'I1~ !hc h,iI ef" ["I' fl'r'I'lilli a hal'l,:.! wil'" Iwri. women to his home.' 623 who stepped (ol'\\ard, Gra~a!11 all army hn~es, (urm all elJllllaler~!; Ill,<I.<\.< Ihal :ill 31'Ul';'11 fU!'l'I'S, must i alll11l11ISII':lll,IIII. It flllllld'"IIl'~'I'1I1,. i t"I'I~ "I 1i1~ ,lnl,c It,\' ,U,lhlll 101'01- , r3.J,' ;,li,lIt Ih" lTIu'e litle. (ul'hlin\{

During the, next three months, told reporters that h~'had n'.ver p" ') F' I'.' I' triangle tlf about 30 sqllare miles uri h~ 111111,'1' :1 rill)' Ctllllll1:IIU! If Iht'i all'uhllt. l'al!lli It~rf It\' ,\\ak! 1'111', IlIulll'e "lI~'Il<~I's 31111 ill'c'1l1fll, ! j"iul [tah'ubo,f \o:::),)lti:lll. b1':t.1i the only quarr~1s the happily. e~~e~leti such a response. . ' 0 ar i. l~' ItS I'ice linddles within \\'hic,a Snni'~: ":Ollllll'), is III n'"isl pressun' fn'm faill. ~'llnhhn~, ~1I,1 ul"1l1l1 ,mltl,., 1':II .. n h:.~ ~I"t',atl)' ltl'o1:.,t('~:'1 hllrl':'Il,1 Unilt'll Naliuns. llH'lIIh~I':!, married triangle cvcr had were P:.ople told ,me even Ihls. ",Inr. ' , ., fill'ce~ appeared- tr:1PJled, I t'ltlllll1ulIist.hetd Nurth Vict N:1Jn, ling, j III Ih~ ll~~"in ,1I11'~ Ih~ ~h'll:e h~· ,t1'a\\iJ(~ np ll'ul'l! enful'rt'nl1'l1t lI'hen Whiteford wanled to "date" nlng t,hat the French had no lime 'A:'IIS'I'ERDAlII, 'rhe Nelhrl'1antls., -----. ,---.... ------ ,r,;m" \\':lI'l1Il1~ !If \h,' daU~t·I'UIlS ,.",~- '''I'l't'ni''lIts 111'\\1""'11 tll",,1 cIII11. one wife and leal'e the other one (or thiS kind o( message," ,(neut'~rs)-'fhe Inaligllral fIlghl of I \ ill,),letl Atttee ,hltuhl stay n: 1l1t1111t' ..rr,:~'IS Itf ,a 11I'lth'lI~t"1 1'a,11 ll~iI1ill'l's alltl wilh,lrulI'illg regular at home. Graham spoke 'In' English Rnd '3 new polar air service ,from Syti· M" f tdec .flints l~aller, saying A.tllce alllllc .ellulil: ,tItPI':I):c, I he s!I'lKC has faced !u, Iroops on buth sides. • 1'h~ gals used a "union" tech· his addr~ss lI'as Interpreted by a ne~', Australia; to' Vancouver and ,ore", reconcile feuding factions Inside' lluvernll1cnt \:'th u.\'erll'l1elllllllg ~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;,;;;;;,;;;;;,;;====:; niqllC: Both of them refused 10 French preacher 'at his side. across'lhe North Pole to Amster· A R . ,.; the party. . i transport, alld ~ndustl'lal ~rubbJns, .0 out with him. lie had to go <jam, arrived here Saturday. ' .'it etIrcment Labor members of Parliament' almo,t SInce Its re·elecllOn last I TODAY'S WEATHER

Whiteford used to sleep with his Uempt .' m Llians, Australians and Ncw ea- ' ' DUnHAM. EnglaJ1~ (AP) - La·' leader for thc forthcomin~ session. No signs of an early rail settle. ' Cool and wet. High today 13"

out by hims~lf.. A eli b ' Aboard wcre prominent Cana- P" I'. ' ' ! meet on Tues~ay 10 clect thcir I May 26" !

three e 11 i I d r en at night. His !a~dcrs; tOgoilther wl~h, publishers, 0 10 bor\ party , l.c~der; ele.ment Attlce If Attlce stands, Ilis rc~lcclion is ment \\'~~e apparcnt Sunday. a~d "\Iives" shared a bcd'in a'nother Hi I 't P 'k' /lcwspaper men and businessmen. s~t the J?OhtiClal1s'talkmg Saturd.ay certain. If he docs not, top candi. ~lher strIkes am?ng transatlantIc 'no(o(n)'T' ".IE PREVIOUSLY ~ ~cS . 'ea " !l'he North Pole' route clips 1,000 m~l~t 11'1,th .what eOu)d be a l11!lt dates to succeed him might be hn?r. crews contmucd Ie add to ~===~=~~~~~~~

., , iniles off the Sydney·Amsterdam C he IS ,thmking' o( Ntlrement., Herbert Morrison 67 Hugh Gaits. Bntatn ~ labor troubles, National Utilon of Railwaym~!I !ai~ This happy home was broken up LOS 'ANGELES (AP) - Four flight, which li'lI! be run once a ase s ' . He told a· party rally: "L~ader- kell 49 or leftist &:eurin Bevan Arthur Newbiggm, London dis. reports were reaching the unioJ:!

~I1~ dar when a policeman called mountaineers Sunday began man's \\''eek by Canadian Pacific Air. ,ship now' will, be passing on to 57' , , trict organizer of the :tnkins of pressure on NUR men to jom and lold the two women: "Nellller first' attempt to climb the highest lines with DC·6B plan~.", younger generations •• : the young • union, told a strike meeting out. the strike,lncluding oDe case where 01 you is married to Whiteford. un c'o n que red peak In North people: are coming 'on,'" T side London that there lI'er~ nD a union official was slugged on his He Is legally married to someone America, the parentso[ oneo! ' Following AtUee is ?2. His party Was de- emperatures , signs of the strike coming to an WilY to work. He said "com temp-~!se and he's already done time them Nported.' " ' ' p" Ii' Bl' tt ' leated In last we-ak's elections and end. He said the strikers were as ,tible" pressure was also being put for another bigamous marrJage." The mountain Is lce·capped 15,. ",0 ce 0 er ' ,. Vacciua, ti_o,uS Attlee would be· 77 by the' time Dawson ..... , ••...•. '.' 43' 55 strong is ever and would stay out on th~ wives of non.strikers, H~ took the husband to jan. The 03D-foot Unl'icrslty' peak In a're· : Local pollce reported 11 arrests ' another election Is due. ' Vancouver ............. 51 61 until their demands are met. The, striking union-the Amalga-

two abandoned "wives" wenl home mote ar~aof Alaska'near theCatia· d d I Since the election" the pro.Labor Edmonton ........... ~6 64 STRON(:.ARM TAtTlCS mated Society of Locomoti'{e En. 1.0 carry on living tClgether, In the dian boundary,', .,' were ma e ur ng . the, weekend; BOISE, Idaho (AP l-:-A 33·year- i Daily Mirror' ha~ bean demanding Winnipeg ............ 51 74 Meanwhl1?, complaints came that: glncers and Firemen- 9as d .. tJn~' home that Is flUed wlLb their The cllmbb expected to take a two people were arrested for drunk old mother died of bulbar, polio I' older Labor party leaders give way Ottawa "............. 58 S3 the strikers were attempting 1.0 I manded pay inerea~cs to restore children. month. It has been given the name drIVing, one gtven, In, charge by at Montpellcr &mday. ,,- to ~'ounger men, __ ' Montreal............. A1 78 spread the stoppage by strong.arm : differentials betwe~n "skilled" and

They wll! carryon as they dJd of McCan Memorial Expedition hIs wife and another ,by his moth, It Was the six~ fata1lty In the I Veteran loclallst HIiSh Dalton Toronto"............ 63 81 I tactics, against non.striking rail "non _ 5killed" ,rail workers. Most When their ,"husband" was at In honor of Dr. John McCall,' Unl· e: for t1runkeness,whUe the others current outbreak of the disease ,lepped down from, the party's, Halifax .............. 4" 6a, I workers. who arc still kcepins a of thc lalter' belong to the NUn. home-LydIa Ann will do the cook- verslty' of 'Alaska 'geologist, wh'o were ordinary drunks. ,_ which' has stricken 78 ~erspns In councils Friday and' urged oliler jl Sydne), "." ........ ; 40 52' (ell' British'trains running, The differentials werc decreased Ing and Olive the shopping. Both died recently or polio'. , .-, Ii, T.hree minor traffic' collisions Idaho, ,,,early all since the m,ass elders to follow Sill!. ,But Dalton St. John's " ...... ". 36 44 I An official of. the nOJ.l.strikin~ by eal'!i~r all.around pa)' incre3:ses. will do tha chores and look after ,The American Geol'griiphleal'So. polJo vaccination program .was. " , ' . the children. elty is backing the, expedItion. 9ocurred: In t~e, City since Sstin-. halt~d April 27. ,. .. " ,

Neither of the women ever wants Mr. and Mrs. Karl.·W; 'Sanders day. ,A 22 year·old lemaleresldent' ,Mrs;· Amiabelle NeJson 'died at L . b' , to see Whiteford again. of Gf~ndale, said their son Nor. of 62 Banncrman St. has lieeD reo Montpelier hospital a~ter ,an,ilIness ' 'a or

man, 22; a college stuilc'nt, Is tak. ported missing since she left her o!just'one'day,' siate health di~ec~ . Ing part In the ;cllmb. , . . !Ioine on Saturday evening," lor LM J. Peterson, reported. 11~1~ _'

Asks, . National .- 'Lottery REPORT F-ROM UNCLE JOE Local ,Priest In Vatican

Unci. Jo.hn arrived beck SeCl~~,tari~J~ 'Named iMonsign'or':~,:. from Florldal. H. got hom'llck, The.Revcrcnd WilHnm A. CarelV , ," ' !~~ t~. ':caplln scull". He' IIYS J,C,D., o[ this', City.: on 'J~ne, 3rd, ' , ,

Y on I kl)ow anythlnll about was raised' by tne Holy Father' to caplin down louth, all IheV 'cln' the rank of Papal ' Chamberlain talk about I thl II 'd ' " ' s some ng CI ,I with ,the title, of, Very Refcrimd n,ucl llr fish In', H. hid, • ' fin., )\[onslgnor. This honour accorded liml, tho,ugh, Got tlnn.d bV the !IIo~slgnor· Carei.,' by 'tlie Holy $~n, spollid bV th, at~r!, and Father on' tlie 'occasion', of., the, e e.~ed at thl race·lrack.,' H~' C~thedral Ceritenar~'-, is ,conferred acqUIred ,.n Idditlon fo~ his dog. In ,ctlnnecllon with' servl~cs he has ~::mht "s ',dmhund"whlchh, rend~rcd 'In,·',the Secretarlate' of b g aftlr hurlnll 10m. cow· State during the ,past' four years. or sing "Glt A Lon, ·l;lttl. '. ,.' , ': ' ,,' " '

Doggie"., . H, saYI there Ir. no 'Monsignor: Ca~ew, arrived home atlr.ctlonl In the U.S. ,to m.lch by -planeye~terday .:ffom'. 'Ro,ni'e: Nlwfoul\dllnd w •• lher. Thund.r'. Mons!gnor Carew;!s 't4e,~oncif 'Mr. and lightning, ·.nd '11111,' and W. J .. Carew, C.B.E" 'and the.'lale raIn, and drllll., .nd fOS," e~.i Mrs Carew, 155 Queen's, Road. He mldly vlbrltlnll temp.nlur'l, re'lls, home [o'r one montb'., ,vacation,' P .. t~d avtry flw hDurs,- :cou.ld d~rlnll \v~lch'be wll1. ~arUclpa.td~ put ,Old FlllhfuJ',' to Ihlm. Iny the Cathedral: Centennial Celebra. dlY. ' , tlon.. ," " '

• ' , • •• • •• • • • . • • .'. t ,. Jo'" • •

, . r


two chlldrcn ivera v~ccinRtcdlast WINDSOR Ont .. (C.P.)- ships, I organizer as.TLC president for hi~ I so widely involing III at threc voles April with Salk 'vacclne from the 'r.'L 70th' 'd I' t' '1 LITTI,E DEBATE i second term, , I had to be called to determine Cutter, laboratories' hi Bcrkeley,l JJe '. .an" - as -, annua Most of the resolutions adopted I Offictrs of the two congresscs I wbether they were for or againr.t Calif. ,.." 'conv~nho1l; of the Trades and Saturday slipped through witlt little have an' understanding that, the a resolutlon from the machinists

She Isth~ 38th victim to dci;elop Labour' Congress ·closed-Qut or no debate as delegates hustled TLC president will be the initial union at' Malton, Qnt.. The count . -. '; S' 'd' . h 'd ' d'" a cleanup of business While wait- boss of the CLC. . /' wound up at 136 to 97 In Cavor of polio ,after, close associatIOn \11th atu~ aX WIt eman s' on ing to get ollt of town after five . . thc lolt~ry. '

vaccinate~ youngs!ers.ln t~e s~ate~, government for ,;1'_ ~ational days 01 work. There were some At the convention Saturday, !lIe .:::.;;..:.::.::::.:.:..-~--__ _ and the Hurd fata,hty,tn,tlus group. 1 tt ," d' ('T'd' 1 ,250 present of the original repre. delegates adoptcd an "emergency" I

The other three deaths, o~cur~ed 0 e.lyan ,01 e, era O\~~-:'I sentation o( 150. " resolution from the plumbers_union am~ng .~,9 .youngsters IIho ,de\cle• el'Shlp of-.an ~ast-we~t natur- TIt.eY .did their main business on federal pipeline ownership, as op.cd1polJo nfter the Cutter vac~ln, al gaS' plpelme. ' ,,' eal-hcr 10 the week whcn they the result of, reports that Trans. inlec ions, ' -,' ',-' 'd " ',' , a t t r 'lIh Canada PilXl Lines Ltd, plans to

AtSnl\, Lake City Saturday,Dri Calla a s Iargest and oldest ccn~· athgrece 0 c:ms ~ a merger 1\ sell large amounts of Alberta gas ' L I ,G bh d' " h- ,! li~ t rn!.labdr 'body, dUe to go out',of e CL whIch Will bring 1,000,000

, ,ou scar I researc Sp2C)a s, existCnce In a merger,' with the Camidlan unionl: \ •. Into a single in the United States midwest and Ut the ~nlv,~rsltYh o~~~~. :~dt~~ Cana~I,!n': c:?ngress o( Labor, also body~o be known as the Canadian bring iO U,S. gas for Lie central

vo po 10 \ Irus ,a ,0 • 'passcd it'- mIscellany of othcr reso, Labor,Congre5s, The TLC put 600.- Canadian market. . Hrraomm~ltehSeoIfdCahuttesrtaVteaCh'cetnaelthr~d~;p,lvaen~ l.u\IOl,Is,o~,~lt5's~Xth convention day '000 people, into' ttIis, and the CCL Trans-Canada, backed mainly by

. 0 " ' ~., lDcludlng demands for:· 400,000. Ame'rican i D t ere s t s, originally ment., ,: ' l .... Tqe:rlght'ofemployee or;!1ni. _ ,Some' TLC spokesmen expressed planned to start :off 'with a IiDe , All Cutter vaccine 'was witiid"rawn, iaHons! 10; h~ve collectlve' bargah., reservatlons about aspects o[ the (rom Alberta 10 Ontario and Que. {rom use' some, time u~o ,as- soon Inirwl(h' gOft!mmenis, " ',m-:-rger-especlally ,with respect to hee as part of Its $350,000.000 pro as polio cascs bei:un. t~ ~ppear In' .2. ne'duetion·,of tile number Q( raiding In ilielr jurisdictions by j~ct. But It ran Inlo money·ralslng some vaccinated 'chlldr~I]~,' _., ", " _IRlnt!g,rautl" allowed. into, Canada 'CCL. unions-but' adoption of tho dilliculUes. and this had io be side· , 'lti' Washington SatiJrday, the, sur;, ;\Yhile ',there, Is unemployment pact went through unanimously. • tracked after the .federal. govern .. geon.general Dr. I-'!onard S .. ,llcelii, -:,-3; 'A "federal. ~oy~1 commission ' T~e congress_ also set up Claude ment'declined to provide ,backing said a c!lmpl'ele report on: tlie:~al~: ,;~it: Ire :wre~'d' bet~verin production :.Tndtil~ nf !~Iohlreal as' first. pr~si unlcss ',it could c~ntrol the com' vaccine. being prepared ~Y' thr.;p~o·: :c(l~ts;o,aJ1rtt rct~U prices : .", rlenL,of the, .merger! 'orgamzaltoo pany, _ _' - , '

health 'scrvfce ma(be h reJease'd ,-', 4. "A 'revival. of 'the slumping j hy ,re·~lec~n2 ,the burly '42-year On Ihe national lottery 'qncstinn 'mld·week, '.' _', '" ,nierena'nt', madne, with, moderG 'old '.fO?merllarm'!nt lI'o,rkers union the d~legates didn't debate but split

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I .. , .. -" . ' , ,9-Bell IIleild Newl. . ' I 10-:-Women;s News and Chit' , ' " ,

Ch.t~ ,," . '. ", . 11~World ,oLS)!ort;_' ,,12"':"Mcivll, Reviews. .' , l:i::-.cDn;lc5'>,,, ,: .

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~ .' C? J'HE' DAILy I N~S, MONDAY, JUNE. 6, 1955· -t. .1


, . . '. arenVI·e . ,

, I .' Since lIur )/lsi noles from CiaI' the past week most o[ It has gone I eral puolie were ,invited, The or the len lads chosen for this en\'lIIe, which. \Yo~hlnk must be and only a few scattered pans can prosram consl.ted or a film show rear's Summer Camp wcre an· • mOl1th or J!1ore, the only notic. be seen. S!nce the disappearance and·a drl1l d~monstration, at the nouneed. Thos~ receiving promo· able ehange !n and around our of the Icc the weather has 1m· conclusion o[ which refreshments tlons were Cpl. J. J\loorcs promot, town, hUA 'been in the weather pru\'ed greatly, and II. looks as were served by the lads o[ the· ed to F/Sgt., CpJ. George Strong picture. The Arctic Ice which bas If at last we will gel some real Squadron, On Ihe following day to Sgt., LAC GOl'don Myers, Gil been .in abundance un the Ea~t Spring days, we hope. thc Squadron held an Apple. Da~', Strong and F ~roores 10 Cpl.,

May 19th, .In~tbe Can,dian Legion Cadets was 8ive~,. \I,,~.r th~ I~­HalL It hadl~aen hoped to have structor ~lr. S. ~illl, T~la was the, Inspectl~n outdoors, bilt :,this foUowed by ~ 1'1f1~ drill demoll· was . found impossible owing to' stration by the .secol}d year the conditl~n of the gror.nd. At cadets. u!1der ,the drlll Instructor 3 p.m. the Squadron was lined P/O Drover. Four ilw&rds in the up. ready for tho inspoction; quite form of cups were presented by a number of parents Qnd the gen~ W/C Pleasapce to the follow!IiS eral public were present to' view. lads: At:2 MIchael Sinnott lor 'the proceedings. The inspection attaininq the highest' marks in was carrie dout this year by W IC first aid, and to F/Sg!. J. !liootes, Pleasance, \ O!ficer Commandins Cpl. F. Moures and Cpl. G. Afyers TorbaY Station. He was Bssisted for the highest percenta"'8 In ,II by FlO' Loggie, the ACLO for subjects during the second rear's Newloundlan~ Squadrons, and Mr. training. WI Pleasance congratu· Brian Higgins ,Provincial Chair· lated them un a fine turnout man of the Air Cadet League, and pers.onal apllc~rances" tlie F IS Freeman accompanied the Wing Commander said hc had in­party . as ofllclal photographer. spected several Squadrons acros~ The C.O. 01 Ihe Squadron FlO A. the country nnd 567 being a young Drove:' was iQ charge o[ the par Squ"dron cO'TIpared favour~bly ~de, assIsted by the ~djutant F I with those hft had visited. IIIr. L. Durant and P 10 E. Drover. Higgins spoke to the lads adding After the Inspection a £lrst aid his congratulations. He addressed demonstration by the first year I some. of hi, remarks to the par·

Goast' tbis spP'inlt found its way ACTIVITIES. OF RANDO~1 when the lads con\'assed the town Eugene Stron\:and ACl Broow· In. "Clarcllvllh:, .and . for I· 'few SQUADRON 567 RC.-tC seiling the apph.'s. The apples \ field to LAC. The lads who will days the whole' of Smith's Sound ~'or the past three or four had been donated by the various allend camp arc: J. Moorl!!, alid the Arms of the Bay were weeks tlte Cadels of 567 Squadron business houses of the community George Strong, Gilbert Strong, full 01 the drlftlnll Ice: Talking .has had I bury agenda. The last as \Yell 4S by frlend~ and an Eugene Strong, Hervlne Stron~, G. (osever~l. of' .th~ older .resl. week of AprIl was Air Cadet amount of' almost one bundred Myers, F. IIIGores, W.Tuck, M. uenls W6 learn .that this Is tbe We~k, and 567 held an open night dollars was raised. On Friday Bursey and Bennie Strong. fiut Spring hi many that ice Icc on their parade night, April 291h nighl, May 13th. several promo- 'rhe annual Inspection or the bls been hi.· CI,renvllle •. Durin!! 10 which the parents and the gen· tions were made Ind also names Squadron was held on Thursdn:;,

.•.. --------------.-..:--------.:..-:...---....:-----

:. '.

-. · · . ·



. ,.f~ • , .....



lower Upkeep

Higher lrade~in Va\ue


~8 or 6 . power

. It! G1tIIf ftIIIIII .. Chevrolet has sold !'lore call I': ~vrollt 11 IQslly the Industry."'nd agaIn :~ ~vln,·"'at 'Canadlant out-sellin; ill neabr',"1 ' 'hlYlolet to Itt 1be Dest oVlrwhelmlngly e eve . all.round buy.

Is llllt onl result of " Unequalled fuel econom~,ol.tlngines. High., corll-completely r~deslgn.d ~el mixtur., 'ets .ngln. frlt­pression rohos, beltehr d f all competilion for 10" lion put Chevrolet a eo 0 '

running cosls.

'11 I 11 DII abDIII C\lI'tfO'el'l Any good mechanIc WI. I:na~ce Servlcl on a ChIW­amazing new ea~e of maud 'ep II~I mlanl lower $I" rolettakes less '1m' - a" . viet chargel• . . ..

willi a.avrolel '01' acee' .. No low.prlced car compares U dll normal conlll-ration - for \lohlnll"' g respo~;~ f!tllihan "' nearest Iionl, Chevrolet pu I awlt'f compelitiorl

-Only Ch.vro~t gives Yllu the c~ol::f :a:l~~Z !'Iv': 6 on all modell with a wanlmi " ~glnes that put In.heod, ullra·high comprllnd O~onomy at thl com-magnificent nlW rlsponse a . mond 01 thi Chevrolet driver.

(J"ly Chevrolet of(e~ 'you the chOice of a ot

'ill'AI/modek ~nd Allseri~

~hat others promise In the showroom CHEVROLET delivers . on the, road .' ,.









Automatic Features

Tak. your OWl! find that Ch.., illlturfng fop. end 'ow-priced thre 0 ef hilt the. roomillst ~ 'rou'l IUl5ide • - yet Is the malt c· r or of the • . __ .. . ompoct on the

Chevrolet glvws th You're e most pos",.,. . double !:o"rded thoroughly .,;l:'!~dy°n "'lis fI.ld.

constructlo d .,ur roof bOw cowl, plus Chevrolet'. o,,?" a brand new arch ..... '

- round slurdJer '·'1,1 Ch I . conltrvctl",.

IIvro et has the .mall • pr,fced three _ ond w'th est luming elrcl. In th I ro et's standard I a new steerln I ow­control. steering I. unsurpa"e~ ('stem, Ch..,.

or easy, au,.

Chevrolet grvls the . . . -.without /oundn SIIIoO~est, quietest ride In . th,. comfort w'th g,.ha~'"11 or tonfng A d III field

, no SacrIfice In the • ,n you glt . contro of th. ear.

Chevrolll~' Jumbo Drum . With a no.(/iv. b k broke. wark In to givI IWift ro In; system and rupe 1 ....... ~/vnctfOft

, rure stops f~om any speld ... "y. balance

Chevrolet ha.b " all oth I u t more valve I h to reas~n ~h=1I1I combined. Af;e~'I,,:d .nglne. than valve-In-head t Chevrolet produces th yeall, It stands

SYSlllm In the IndUstry. e lIIast .efficlent

JUII nom. the power . Chevrolet wll/ give thoptlom you Want or! a car _oJ

automatic f em to you Ch I - ...... priced car U::llthat'. avarrabr~ on ::n lI:h~i.~ IVth ry

. . 9 •• t· :;', !

~i ' . ~:., . ~~ . ;! ~ ~ ;::.

To a greater extent than ever before '. ,.

:~hevto!et,J~ads'.in· POPULARITr-VALUE-SALES 3:f (l'.' . . . :;:. 2 .,'. ,..... .A:GfNERA1· M07'ORS VAlliE :,J::. .... :::, ·1· '.,·1 . '... .' ,J". I . ' .. ~ •• " ........ v •

~'.. J '. 'r'

~.:'/>;.:." .. : .. :T:HE HICKM AN MOTORS, LI MITED ):,., •. ,<:'1-\,"),.; .. 1:-, ..... ,,,, •. ," '. : -" . ' .•. :,.~.;" ". ".'.~:I' .... . .•.. " ." I .• ',I ",' :;., ··WATER" STREET





('" am NOT overweight! It's just that according to thi~ ; chart "m three or four inches short!"

. , enti of the lads, ~tressing the im· esled in an exhibition building in portance of Iheir interest. The the Clnrenl'illc area that would cha.lrman of tile Squadron's Spun.' serve the communities from Cap. sorms Committee Mr. S. Gardiner Freels to Burin, and the Bona\'i!ts gave the lads a few 1I'0ni of praise Peninsula. Briore the Go\·ern· for the showing marie during the ment made any financial c:omlDi~ year. menls, it would be nccessary 10

A dinner arranged for the form a Regional Association, mad. Cadets by the Sponsoring Com· up of members from the various mittee and Officers of the Squad· communities in Ihe area. At thl ron was held in the Legion Hall conclusion of Mr. Myers' remark· at 7 p.m., to which the inspect·· several o[ those present spoke of ins party' wert' special guests. the proposed building, and the Chairman for the evening was many benefits it would afford tht Mr. G. A. Myers, a member of many people in the arca concern­the sponsoring committee and edt As most of the oulside repre­one of the Squadron's instructors. senlatives prt'sent were formers After a delicious repast, 50 cap· or connected with local AgricuJ. . ably served bl' the Ladies' Aux· tural socitics in their respectil'e lJiary of the Legion, and thc communities, with the acquisition Queen toasted the charman call· of such a building th~ interest in ed on W I Plea~ance for a few I fall fairs would be greatly in· words. Short speeches were also creased. An executive of nine lI'al

g\'en by Mr. Brian Higgins, Rev. I elected and resulted in the fo~ L. H. Perry. <\C2 Dennis Dro\'cr, lowing to comprise Ihe first exec· and the SqUcldrons O.C. FlA. utive: Geo. Bartlett, Burin; lIse ~ro\·cr. To end the day's acli ~i· Brown, I\lusgravetown; J. Crisb!', tIes a Cadet Dance was held after Eastport; S. Mills, Shoal Harbourj the dinner and was well attend· G. B. Yclman, Princeton; G. A. ed by the Cadets and, friends of ~lyCl's, Claren.ille: R. III. Rex, Random Squadron. Port Union; L. ~loOl'es, Claren· RANDOM REGIONAL EXHlBI· ville; llaglstrate G. E. Trickett,

TION ASSOCIATION IS Clarenvillc. Olficers of the As!tt FORMED ciation "Ieeted by the Executi'.·j

'At the invitation ·of the newly arc: President; Mr. ·G. A. M)·ers. formed Clarenville Exhibition As· Vice Prl!sidenr lIIr, Geo. Bartlelt: socialion, representatives from the Treasurer, Mr. S. Mills; Secretar)·. Burin· and Bonavista peninSUlas, .Mr. Alex Tilley. The name of tIll as well as rrom west to Bonavista Association wiJI be known 3!

North, met at Clarenville on May "Randum RegIonal. Exhibition A~ 9th. The purpose of Ihe meeting' socialion:' Abuilding committ~' was to form a regional Exhibition from \he Clift'UtiVC was formed. Associatioll as the first step in and they arc POIV busy inl'cstigat erecting a building in the Claren· ing a i1osslb)p suitable site fill ville area, 10 serve the people of the ncl\' building. As soon as thel the districts .mentioned above. ha\'e acquired the site we unMr Mayor G. A. ~Iyers was electer!· stand a deleg~tion [rom thc AI cahirman for the meeting, with socia lion will bc going to Sl Mr. Alex 'rilley as secretary. The John's to mcd with the Go\'em chairJllan ~utlined to the thirty ment, f'lI thc purpuoe of seekini representahve~ present the events a~sistance. . leading up 10 the present time. He told the meeting that a delegation from Clarenvllle h~d had an in, I Using strong alkaline soaps or tervlew with PremIer SmalIwo.od extremely hot water in wasil in, some months a~o. The Premier· chIna will fade out gold band a:ld gave the delegatIOn Ihe assu~ance lit decorations. that the Government was mler· g


IN FARM FENC.E-the quality you want in the style you prefer I


" STELOCK " For Cattle _ "STELOCK" THE NON-sLIP KNOT shown here terms a ~ecure joint between ~!ay wires and llne wires. ensuring a rigid, sturdy instaJlation with permanently neat appearance and cor.rect sPilcing. Tension curves in the llne wires keep the fence taut ,in all seasons. Heavy zinc gal. vanizing prevenls rust and pro­longs life.



For Ho,l, Poulin'. and General P11I']Iosea - "DURALOK" THE S TEL C 0 "DURALOK" JOINT assures a rigid yet flexible fence which will give under pre­sure, but return to normal when the pre!ll\U'C! Is removed; Tension curves in . the line wires pennit Correct stretching of the fence over uneven groUnd or level sround, and absOrb seilsonnl ex-pansfoos arideontrnctlons. . .,

STELCO SUPPLIES ALL YOUR FENCING' 'NEEDS . Si'ELCO supplies all l'onrfenclnl' De~: Gat .. , T-Rall Postsj P<l$~ D'riversj End, Gate, and Comer PgetGj Welded Fabric; Snow Fence; Chain Link Fabricj. IAwn Fence; B~.Wlre and Fence Staples.. . .

Se,eyour:' dealer or contad-

J. c. Pratt & .. Co. Limited, 335 DUCKWORTH ST, P.Q, BOX 866 . ST;· JOHN'S


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1)11 i1ding in hat would from Cap. Bonal'!sla

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THE DAilY ,'1EWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955

F e"de"raIM embers Discussll1sura;nce"i~:~~:f~ns "

For Fishermen Child Is Constable Abbott " Victim Repor#ed Cvmmittee Hears Scheme Submitted By D . -d Ti • D" .T~~re werc a wide numberll~

MaJ'or C. W. Cm'lf3r .' rowne ... n;g' . Ie' ..... OW· n' l~n-g' A eel·den t ! ~:~I:~~~~Sth~ur~~~lr!~~ ::~~~'un~: . • tAt • I up ID a pond at Harbour ltlaln but " OTTAWA, June 3rd-What can be done to extend the At C /' , ' . no one was Injured.

Paymcnt of unemployment insurance benefi~s tb Canadian uri ng L . L' f W' h ' A ear was also reported t. fishermen? The moot question, which has beeJ? frequent- 'oses ' 'I e en have left the highroad near' Red , !I' raised on the floor of the House of Commons, \vas the A little . child drownect ' Jlarbour but 4 persons iboard ea·

C'hl'CC topic of debate in the industrial relations committee' on the West Coast on'Satur- , caped injury. ., d B O· Two cars were In collision lin'

this week, when Fisheries Minister Sinclair, his deputy, ay. oat' ve-rtur'ns i ' ffiackmarsh Road, this city wbUe George Clark, the chairman of the FiSheries Prices Support ,Four ~ear old Selina Pynn . , there was a 3 car collision on Board and the "fishing" MPs - particularly those irom of Curlm~ fell off a wharf Bonaventure Avenue. No InjUries thc Atlantic provinces - discussed a brief submitted by there whlle at play. Her One of the most widely known members of the 'Rew- were sustained by the passenger.

body was not recovered un In any of the verlcles in colllsloD thc officials of the Unemployment Insurance Commission.'. hI" foundland Constabulary Edmund Abbott lost his life by In. the city though the damage II

Led olf by he mlnlstcr, t·~e com- Carter's said Mr Fraser the tllAmUc ta1tert'h I' ttl . 1 drowning Saturday night while fishipgin a pond on the the cars,was edenslve. One IIf tbe mitt:c almost unanimously pro- ' • , pparen y e 1 e glr Sal • L'" hi I T II R d tested thc exclusion of fishermen difficulty of .Including fishermen had been' 'la in on the momer me. . cars t a po e on IIpsa oa from CO\'crage under the act. Fish. might be overcome by defining a . P Y g . As far as can be learned the and plunged the West Bectlon of

men were entiUed to the same fishing day rath~r than the occupa· wharf WIth another chlld unfortunate victim and his friend, CannIng and her son launched the city In darkness for nearly aa ~rsurance pro~~ctlon as other work. tlon Itself, and be believed tbat and apart from the two chilo Mr. Wilfred Canning, also of st. another boat to go to their assist· hour on Saturday night. In I d 111 SI I I If th some sort of contribution scheme h J h ' I ff i t th ance but were too late to save trS, <lee are • r. nc a r. ey Id b worked out dren no' one else was on teo n 5, were row ng 0 no, e fould not 'be covered by the exist· coo e • h rf' h ti pond' when one' of, them, lost an Constable Abbott. CannIng was . I gislatlon his department was There were ot..'1er employments W a at t at me. Th b th h d f th taken to shore safely" but badly 109 ,e, which were Insurable, although Dar. ey 0 reac e or e h k ' , ~n,sl~lcrlng other schemes for tbelr seasonal unemployment was just oar at the same time and In 50 s a en up. I!~~ .~ncebl h d m t he d as great as In fishing, stated the TCA F.lights ' " doing overbalanced the small boat The late Constable Abbot, who main~/I~ N~~fo:ndf:nd~ w'h:re the St. John's MP, such as stevdorlng, and they were tbrown Into the was 42 'years of age, was a native mrn went 10 sea and those who fn the port of Montreal. He s\lg· A DId water. ,of Musgrave Harbour, B.B. He laboured In the new processing gested that the commission might ~e e aye came to SI. John's 23 years ago lanls might live In the same out· consider tbe possibility of convert· TCA sti]) has a backlog of pas. TREES SAVE FRIEND. and joined the' Newfoundland

~,rt, but did not havc lI,ke protec· ~~.s fl~~~~g le~:::ln~nthe I:~-~a~l:~ 'sengers but quite' a fell' got out Mr. Canning, who cannot SWim, Constabulary while only 19 years tion ~;ainst days of unemplo)'mcnt. 'betw~en contribution and b~nefits. yesterday on a flight to Gander, held on to thc side of the boat, of age. Th~, grent bul~ o,f the Canadian Verification of unemployment Stephenville and Montreal. 'While Constable Abbott, a power· He served the Force with ability fl!hln~ indllstr> were eithcr self· was an administrative problem The weather' was bad however ful swimmer, cndeavoured" to pUJl and distinction down through the employed or worked Ion : stra.lg~t which Mr. Fraser believed could In' the Maritimes and this did not It to shore and save ~is friend. years and was highly respected by lhare basis'f hie po ntte dout, th t be overcome by finding some r~. allow any flights tu that area But ,he soon became exhausted his superiors, his colleagues and by would be un a r to ex en to e ' I . h th . d h I \':rl' ,mall number of wnge-carners sponsl~le p~rson n each comm!ln· SMALLWOOD DELAYED w en C Via ers ' e ,was wear ng the pnblic. In rccent years he has ben'cfils not applicable to the real Ity \I~O II auld be prc~ared to Premier J. R. Smallwood ,was filled wl.th water and In a short been attached to the Traffic section fishermen who \\'ork~d for them. accept the task of certlf> Ing the scheduled to leave yesterday for tlm~ he had disappeared beneath of the Force an'd thousands will reo I' s employm~nt or,unemployment dur- t d' ti I H lif f th the surface before the eyes of his member him patrolling the city on

se Ie '. ing the season or It might be pes. 0 ay s mee ng n a ax 0 c d h . 11 othe.r eountTlCs co.uld pa~' bene· sible to eJlmln~te that difficulty by premiers of the four Atlantic wife, ~Irs. Canning an er son, his motor·cyclc. He had been on ht~. ~\'h~ ,not C,anada. EXha~stiv~ aJlowlng the fishing season Itself to provinces. who witnessed the tragedy from duty Friday and having the week- by bis wife, Mildred, two daughters sides in Toronto. stud) of fisheries assistance l.glsla !Ie one In which no benef)t would But a TCA 1II11ht to the Marl. the shore. end off decided to spend it at the Yvonne and Elaine, one son Paul, The funeral will take place by tion in those other co~mtrles, 1.'1e . I" TN SSES TRAGEDY 1 I L' , h h' 'f d , '.te said showcd that they be frawn, b~t In which credits times was cancelled out because of W FE \,1 E Sa mon er me WIt IS WI e an his father and mother, Mr. and Mrs, motor hearse at 2,30 p,m. Tuesday fi~i:~/un'emplOymcnt Insurance to could be accumulated, just as In bad wcather In the Maritimes. Seeing that the' two men were friends, Stephen Abbot, and one sister from his late residence, 1 Allan· \\'ag~.earners _ but thc~' had far other forms of work - logging, In difficulties Mrs. Abbott, Mrs. The deceascd officer' is survived (lIIarie), Mrs. Crowther, who reo dale Road. ~menwo~l~ootbatbas~,·-~~~~seas~ M ~ -----------~-----------------------~-----------main!)' because of the nature of IIIr. Fraser re.emphaslzed the Annual eetIng Orphanage Exccutivc Is the prime A 0 'b I our country. . vital Importance to Newfoundland, greement n H t

CAS,\DlAS SEASON SHORT as well as other provinces, of sol· C f E 0 h mover In this objective, It is un· ar our mp ro'y'e men While the fishing fleets of Britain, "Ing the problem of unemployment • 0 • rp anage derstood the school will not be a A, .

;-;orway and Portugal, the three Insurance benefits. Even a small part of the Orphanage set up but Fish Prices t 'reat European fishing nations, had beginning mad,~ In extending the The One hundredth Annual enrollment in same w111 be open F L P d M I :lmost continuous year·round em· plan to fishermen would be a step General Meeting of the Support. tO,othcr children living in that BOnaVl: 'sta or ong on - anue S plol'ment ~Ir Sinclair pointed out, In the right direction, he said. d F I d f Th eh h sectlon of the city. A Committee • ," ers an r en s 0 e urc in !om~ areas of Canada a f1:;her· COII11UITTEE HEARS eARTH of En land Orphanage was hp.ld under the Chairmanship of Miss 'Word from Bonavista during man could not follow his occupa· The member for Burln.Burgeo, F'I~' 11th HI L d Jean Murray will arrange other the wcek.end indicates that fish. lion for mucl1 more than three or who docs not sit on the Industrial on r ay even ng w s Dr· celebrations In connection with thc lour months of the ycar. In the relations committee, was present at ship Bishop Abraham OCCUpying centena~y especially as rcgards crmen there have agreed 1 to go Rons\'lsta district, for Instance, and the lI~sslon, and was heard on the the Chair and the Rectors of the fishing for the price agreed' to the Labrador coast, the fisherman request of Mr. Croll, Liberal MP different parlsll1~s present as well some treat for the Orphanage with representatives of the com­lias luck)' to get three months of for Toronto.Spadlna. He had work. as many othcr friends and BUP. ehldren. pany. However, the exact price is fishing .. and In reccnt years their ed out a plan for his own flsber· porters. ,Mr. P. E. Outerbdige, Chairman not known. ~r055 Income had averag,:d about men, Mr;' Carter told the group, Treasurer's Statement present, of the Board of Managers, spoke in The meetings wcre attended by S.i(I(I. Unemployment insurance pre· which would enable them to retain ed by Mol' Claude E Dawe Hon. glowing terms of the fine work President Dave Abbott of the l11iums could not be collected from the I r 'ellglblllty for Insurance Treasurer' showed • that the Or. done by Mr. and Mrs. George E. Newfoundland Fcderation of Fish· men urnlng onl~ $500, when for 8 while enga~d in the fishing In· h 'I I t di G I d d I . th f" d" L th I ~Ine.month period they were not dustry, which' .was a part.tlme p anage was n I .0 yen con· reen an., ur ng e Ive years ermen; an ",ax nne e genera enlr unemployed but Idl~, because occupaUon for most of !bern. tion Regret, however, was ex· Mr. Greenland has been Manager secretary. 01 ice,bound coasts. He thought It would be simple, pressed at the falling off, In sub- of the Orphanage. Mr. Greenland

The of1ielals of the Fisheries stated Mr. Carter, to work out a 'Scrlptions and cuts In others duro has resigned to take a position as economics branch had studied the plan cnabllng the ,fls~ermen to 'get Ing the year under reView, the Welfare Officer with the Depart· 'UIC brief carefully, Mr. Sinclair credit for Ute' days they spent fish· cause being glvcn as the many II}cnt of Welfare. The meeting

, told t..ie committee, because they lng, to bl! added to 'credits 'they had othet!" 'appeals for worthy causes went on record ,as expressing Its \\'e~ anxious to obialn any possible already earned In other employ. which have Increased In the past deep appreciation to Mr. and Mrs. assistance for the fishing Industry. ment. He believed, too, that this few years: Th'e 'Gimeral Man. Greenland. However, reluctantly they had to ,could be done within the frame· agers' Report lubm)tted bv A high note of the meeting was agrec with the' main tenor of the work of ~ eKlsting act. He re· 'd' submission, that It woold be very called the, plan whleh he had Mr. George E. Grcenlan sho~. the reading of a letter from Mr. difficult indeed to Include tbc bulk worked out and submltlcd to Mr. ed that both branchcs of the Or. John J. MacCormack, Secretary of Canada's flsherm':n under the Sinclair, Mr. Gregg and others - phanage had had a very active Treasurer of the McAndrew Civil· present Unemployment Insurancc not a final plan, but Intended to year. Ian Base. The Ictter stated that Act, provide a basis f or discussion. To celebrate the One hundredth the Mcss had ceased operations FRASER PLEA .FOR"JNDUSTRY With the consent of the committee, anniversary and In cooperation and that the' Blarr, of Managers of

The representatlve for St. J.obn's Mr. Carter's sch:!m'e was Included with the Board of Education It the Mess had decided to divide the Ealt, Allan Fraser, who Is a memo in the day's record so that other Is proposed to build a seven r~om residue assets among the orphan. her 01 the Industrial relations com- committee members might ~t\ldy school o.n· the Orphanage grounds. ages on a' denominational basis. miltee, also expr:ssed his dis· It., ' appointment that It Was Impossible LABOUR ltllNlSTER CONCLUDES The Orphanage wl\1 advance the Enclosed with the letter was ache· 10 include fishermen under the UIe He thought it had been a ,good necessary finance as a loan from que for $3,122.70. benefits. One of {he most disturb· Idea to dedicate the meeting to 1.'1e Its endowment fund. The present A fUrther meeting will be held ing features of t..'1e commission's fishing Industry, said Labour Minis· schOol faclIlties have been entirely on Friday to elect the Orphanage brid, he said, was tb-~ decline of ter GI'~gg, In concluding the after· Inadequate for many years. Mr. Offlcer and Executive for the com· the number of persons engaged In noo n session. The Inter·depart· Gerald Facey a member of the Ing year. th~ fishing Industry, 'from approxi· mental committee which had been ______ ' __________________ _ m3tcly 88,000 In 1949 to 54,000 In studying the question of uneinploy. . 1951. Unless somethlllg was done ment benefits for fishermen' had R to extend unemployment benefits, not made d~finlte recommenda. ev the m~mber stressed, the rate of tlons, he said, beeause they ,wished • exodus-especlally from the shore to have an Dver·all plan which fisheries - would continue. ,This would not giVe special benefits to D' ~,as a problem of national propor· ,a few and leave the rest for son!e. leS tlOn, and to solve It was of vital thIng el&a to happen. ' importance. ' . The discussion had been of ex· ,

Dr. ,Greene In Hospital

The Newfoundland m e m b e r traordlnary value, In the minister's brought to the. attention of the opinion, and out of It be beUeved D;st;ngl; ohed committ~e the brief on unemploy. It possible to rearrange his depart.- .,., t...., Career

CTmrch In Service of

Maritime Convention of Blind Council

Twenty·one Delegates, repres· enting twelve Clubs of the Blind In the Maritime Provinces, gath· ered at the C.N.I.B. Centre at Moncton, N.B. ,

The opening business meeting was held Saturday morning, with the President, Mr. Dos Leger, of the Host' Club, welcoming' the visitors. The blind folk then tack· led a len'gthy agenda, and the fol· lowing reports of standing com· mlttees were given: Education, Mr. Rcd Kelly, Newfoundland; Finance and Recreation, Mr. Don Morrison of Sydney, N,S.; Publicity, Mr. T. J. Collerln, St. John, New Bruns· wick; Legislation, Mr. C. L. Gould· ing of St. John, New Brunswick.

The' press committee appointed were, T. J. Collerln, Mr. George Haines and Mr. Redmond Kelly.

Telegrams were read from Miss Norma Hughes, Secretary General of the C.C.B., Miss Elizabeth'Mad· den, and the E. A. Baker Club of St. John's, Newfoundland.

OTTAWA, (Stalf)-Better har· reas~nable assurance that the nec· bour conditions at' Long Pond, essary work will be undertaken. ~ranuels, Is a project likely to be A survey of the channel between undertaken by the federal Depart·, the two harbours, which has been ment of public Works In the near giving trouble, will likely be made future. this:' season, Mr. Fraser said to­

day. If the project ii' considered practical by the department's en· gineers, it Is expected tbat a thorough job will be done at Long Pond, Manuels, next year.

. -The member for SI. John's East,

Allan Fraser, who has been press· ing for action at Long Pond for 10m. time, haa now been ,given

.peaklnl cluse •. The banquet on the closing day

wu held in the BrunswIck Hotel Alderman Murray Humes welcom· ed the delegates to Moncton on behalf of Mayor Joyce and the City Council. Shore addresses were given by Louis McKay, President of the Moncton Lions Club; Mrs. J. E. Sberren, President of the C.N,I.B. Ladies' Auxiliary; and Dr. S. K. Donald, Chairman of thc C,N.lB. Advisory Board. Gues ts at the banquet Included Mrs. S. B. Bending, N alional President of the C.C,B.; Mr. Watson Jones, Field Secretary, C.N.I.B., Moncton; Mr. Ron Hill, Supcrintcndent of the C.N.I.B., Hallfa,,; Dr. S. R. Hussey of the Halifax School for the Blind; and Mr. Doug Holmes, Field Secretary, St. John, N.B.

Thc highlight of the banquet was the presentation of cheques to the value of $100 each, contrl· buted by the Clubs o! the Mari· time C.C.B. Division, for the Dr. S. R. Hussey Scholarship Fund. This Fund Is maintained by and under the' lillpervision of the Clubs for the purpose of further·

Ing the education of deserving stUdents of the Halifax School for the Blind. Dr. Hussey, In accept· Ing the money, reported the Fund in a healthy condition and that we now possess holdings of N.S. Light and Power stock to the value of $1,000, which has appreciated con· siderably In value since we pur­chased it over a year ago, and are now about to purchase in the name of the Fund a $1,500 N,S. Savings Loan and Building Society Deben., ture with a balance of $551.10 rc, malning in the bank to meet 1m· mediate demands. The Executive of the Maritime C.C,B. Clubs are negotiating to have the Fund In· corporated this year. This Fund Is being built up by the Blind People themselves, as a lasting Memorial to one who has given much In the field of education to Newfoundland and the Maritime Provinces, namely Dr. S. R. Hus· sey, Principal of the School at Halifax.

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Squires of Eastport are at present visiting the city on a business trip.


Freight Train Is Derailed At Deer Lake 'The engine and "car. fJf •

freight went off the tracks nMr Deer Lake on Saturday, erealinl I tie up that meant yesterday' •• u,," bound express did not arrive untU late last. nig~t.

Wrecking tralnl eleared the tracks after the accident occurred.

Warm Weather In The West

'r,he west coast is the place til live. It's been striking thc seven· ties In the Bonne Bay and also at Stephenville.

Reports say that In Bonnc Bay, they have already had two lovely' spring months.

Weather Retards Holiday Traffic

The weather cut holiday traf. fic on main highroads outside 5t. John'6esterday; While there wert quite a few cars out, it was noth· ing like the flow of traffic on. usually finds in June.

ment Insurance for fishermen ment's objectives "to a point w~re which had been prepared by his we might encourage the Depart. colleague, C. W. Carter of Burin· ment of Fisheries". The Labour de· BUrgeo, and sl1bmltted last year to partment, would be glad to co· the mlnlster5.\f Fisheries and Lab- operate with tbe Departm~nt of our. (It had been taken Into can· Fisheries toward working' out an !ideratlon In the preparation of the I oycr·aU plan to 'brlng wage·earn· UIC brief. tbe commission officials ers of the fishing IndustrY. Into

The death occurred at St. Clare's Mercy Hospital early Sunday morning of the Reverend Doctor James J. Greene, Ph.D., Parish Priest of Torbay, St. John's East. The late Rev. Doctor Greene was'bor)! in St. John's seventy years ago, the son of l\,1ichael K. and Minnie Greene and nephew of the Col. Hon. Daniel J. <Sreene, Q.C.

During the afternoon session several Items, on the agenda were dealt with which Included the fol· lowing: That the C.C.B. continue to make every effort to have the !lleans Test governing the Blind Pension abolished; that an effort be made to standardize Table Bowling equipinent across Canada and that the rules in all types of bowling be strictly adhered to, especially the 'ruling that one total· Iy blind person be included on each team; and that the definl· tlon of Totally Blind he under· stood as meaning persons without light perception; that every effOrt be made by the Divisional Execu­tive to encouragll a wider use Qf Braille, by conducting an annual Bral\1e Reading Contest on the Divisional Finals level, and that suitable prizes and trophies he awarded for samc; that an attempt be made to organize debating teams In the' various clubs and, publlc

for the school sports, White,' I~.mon, blue, Some with fancy Motif on front, others plain. 1.45

~tatcd). In a scheme such as Mr. the bcne!!t scheme'.

Fraser Invited At.Western

-Lecture After receiving his early edu· ------. -----­caUon at St. Bonaventure's C01lege, he was for many years Parish he proceeded t~ Rome for his Thea. Priest of Witless Bay, Fcrryland

U ' . , logical studies at the College of District and for over twenty ycars

DiverSity Propaganda de Fide, and where at past, the Parish Priest of Torbay an early agc, he rcceived the de· to the time of his death. gree of Doctor of Phllosophy. Rev. Doctor Greene Is survived

Attend Parliamentary On Trinity Sunday, 1010, exa~t1y by one brother' Mr. Joseph M. .' • \ forty five years ago to yesterday G f S J h' 'd h COllf erence In Pans . , the day he died, he was ordained reene 0 t. 0 n s, an !lep ell'

Will Also

I Mr. James J. Greene, LL.B., while OTTAWA, (Stafl)-The Unl. co·exlstence to world co-opera. n the sacred Prlestbood at the Rev. Father Randall Greene of St.

I'crslty of Saskatchcwan has reo tlon., Baclllca °d! St. John Latern hi Theresa's Parish, Mundy Pond is cognized the outstanding ability of Mr. Fraser will 'speak Dn the Rome, an returned to St. John's a cou·sln.

N where for a number of years, he a ewfoundland federal MP, AI· western bloc's vlew·polnt on co- was attached to the Staff of the The rcmalns laid In State In the Ian Fraser of St. John's, as a.lec:. existence,. and It Is expected ,that R.C. Cathedral. during which 'per .. Chapel of St. Clare's until last tUfer on history and International. a representative of the USSR em· lad he wlil be r~membered for hili evening, when they were brought affairs. '. baSil' wl11 present the eastern activities In conductlngl for, years to Torbay and laid In the Parish

The western university has. In· bloc', 'point of view. the Parish Night School and IS Church, he for so many years of· vUed Mr. Fraser to take part In The Instltute, which Is sponsor· SpiritUal, Director of botb, tl!~ flel~ted In last night. This morn· its second annual slimmer iDStl; ed by the Saskatchewan ~ouncll Hlily Name Society' and the Star Ing at 10 a.m. Mass of Requiem tute on public affairs, to be beld, of Public Works, In conjUnction of tbe Sea Soclet will be offered at Torbay Church In Saskatoon on August 3rd. to with the University of Saskat· Durin th f y. fl . by the Rcv,,· Randall Greene and 6th. Inclusive. "Peaceful Co.exlst· chewan, Is non.pollteal, although hi" rgd' 'Mel' l°rty . bveldyears of tonlaht at 7.30 p~m. will be , " ',. '. " 's sac e nstry es es serv .. ence-How?" will be the,theme of the presentation' of, parU,san'b.!l' Ing at th~ Cathedral In SI. John's brought back to the R.C. Cathedral tbe discussion s~rles, which is to lIefs arll welcomed In the course _ St. John's where they will remain Indude lIddre~es by 'outstandlq or, th~ dlscu8~lon'. Last year group 'of members "and senators until after Pontifical Mass of students of world affairs on the the conference w~s attended',"by who wlll join In Ii NATO parlla· Requiem celebrated by His Grace place of the United Nations' In almost 100 Interested'persoll! {rom nientary cO\lfcrcncc In Paris' 'on Archbishop Skinner at 10.30' a.m: aC~ieving co· ,existence, the. pos!· aU parts ,of the province." . , July 18th, w!ll fly to Saskatoon Tuesday l)1<\rnlng, 'after which the tile aspccts and price- of luch. The member for St.:John's East, Immediately after' his return" .to funeral will be held to Belvedere mOI'emcnt, and the transition from who Is oDe' of 'the rep~esentitlve Ottawa at ,the end ~f. July. Cemetery.

That a committee be appointed to meet with the' officials of the C.N,[;B. In the divisions to study the feasibility of establishing sick, benefit insurance plan for C.N.m. employ'ees; that a joint committee of'the C.C.B. and C.N.I.B. Inter·. view' the provincial governments in the Maritime' Provinces regard· ing a subsidy for' blln,d pensioners; that the N~tlonal Placement De·. partmcnt of C.N.I.B. be requested to Investigate the employing of:,:

Fit 7-12 'years .............................................. ..


Fit 7 ro 14 years. Idea I sportswear with self belts


BOYS' GABARDINES Fit 7 to 14 years. Assort­ed lot. Some with self belis', others elastic back.


BOYS,' WHITE ,BROADCLOTH 'SHIRrS~, All to fit 7 ~o 14 yeau"'~"""':"""''''':''''''':1.~9' ,

,BeHer quality, Shirts ,in While Broadclo~h·.'''l. 7 5 ~


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t' commenCII operations In mid. I nrtl,l1ery, . mlne·planting, radaC' "CI "I N R F d Sh silmmer. Chaltlng with CJON'a facility testing and -occasional . len . S arne . orne 00. ' on Bob Lewis and Don Jamison, Tom croshboat service. for tllC Air " dl,cussedtelevlslonllkeavettll'an ::' Fo'rce at Hamilton Air Force To Watch In"Asia, ' Ein"erges .Fro~·' comparing the Infant section with ~ r Base. The Soldier's Medal was those In his' hometown of Lo~ awarded 10 Corpc1ral Bryd,on for ; By i<RED HAlIIPSON • S dB' Angeles. Conthlulng his our, Cor. "displaying outstanding heroism nONG KONG (AP) :... A new 0 a ar poral Brydson met several other at the entrance to San Francisco mime - Chen - Is looming to

St Joh

' p r lltl A lit nr"minence in Asian communism. HALIFAX (CPl-A soda (ountain • n 5 e sona es. v s Bay dn J anuaty 1048:' "When a ' . h~r- ,run by Ja,ck AstroH, \I'"



~'I L G 1 1- Chen long hu been Important > '" ""



dl" r. es our ey in h s art accident oecU1l'~d aboard the Unit· h. China's Red armies.' But he cnme from I1Iontr2al several yeln 6 U 0 resulted In a private ex. ed StntesMhie Planter-which wn~ a political second.stringer and ago,1 s becoming known to lover! hlbt of Mil'. Gourley's scenes of caused· a deckhand to be struck for a while seemed to be in dis· of exotic foods.

HQ" NOR.IlEAST AIR e,M. '""k,d • l.d" ""Oon " St. Nowl,m,dhod "d • ""rt 1 ... " .,,,,,,1,", "d th,~. """ I"~. .. A,"",I h .. ·",I"", ,,".h.,. MAND-A loldler .•• dolnl a sal. I"ho'" N .. I"odl"~, .t", with Itt .. , '''"'''''',,' , • d h",d, &,d". tmm.dI.t,ty ,1.& .'·,d., It', dI.",,1. Clrett, • "" .lth •• """to, ... " ,,' ..... l,t. "b ••. Io, tit. AI, F'..... • ,ro,.~ .,,',,' """'" 01' th,. A , .. It with SI. 30"", "1,,lUl "d t.to lb •. h,i .... ",. ,,,,,b. wh, ,1.,.1, d,,,.I. ,II lore ..... " :!'!.~::,:::'~.;;:::ptus~~ de.scribu

That's the story of the Northeast IN"I"'''''d H,I,t I, tlt. ,,~. Em .. t M,"''''', .... d" ..... d ro" .,to" .lIb ,It" "',go'" '- 1"1 •• ,, R~.,,,, - m" "t B. ,dm'. hoi" • .""".L

Air Comman'd's honor award tal cit", 4:50,00 In cash for cx. the centennial dollar eommcmo. of his own personal safety, rescu· ral~ billing among the stars of B h

'Aw·ard,Winner Is Soldier Doing A Sailor's Job

J 'I' rating N wf dl d' I lithe Communist.Chinese nierarooy. ut muc of his pleasure Is de.

wi ... ", e",,,~ Tbom.. B. ''''''''. , ,,",.ld t.t.,h". ,," • '"' " • "" "'. ,d 'h. ,,,,,,,"Ut moo. .ool. "'t.1 lli, t, .. t h, ,,,m' • .. rt ,:,,' IMm t .. ,",,,ql,,, .. t 'p. B",,"' ..... " Mn. " ... 1 B. t, h. h,m. I. C.t!t,m" •• ,It .• tot .. ""It,d t ... "dU" without ""ldot'U" " hi, ", •• ,' Unt "", .. I"d, " C"" E,·I.I. "" .. ",""mm' I"" who, h. ."d". 3t2B Whlttl" Boul,,,,'" .t!" ,"" th' ,EAC C,m""" .n.m". ,low", .,,' ,I ",. ""I "'tI,re .n~ "'I,. "",,' """ ", ,,1111,,1 Cbl,~' "... ,ff". "'m ".m,..,,,k ~1tJ. L .. A .... l •• S.I""d .. th, I •• i d ... 1,,. .lth .. """.d d,"" M .......... "tI,oo "U"tI" •• 1 y t, Ib, "t' wot" •• 'ml,l.t""d .to,J."", m'.""'. ".k. m .. ' " .. , ... " ~ '". ~ ,"""'" ,I tb. C""mo,d" '" "t.ool • ." .. ",t • h., .lth hl<.. ,1,1, .... m,d,I ... 1. "d "kim, 'lnt .Id." To".1,,,,d " ",re' Ch,,', high .1",1 "" ,.. " Ch'· I""t "n,U.. ,I '" U" ,h."" arl . b k th NOT ALL SUCCESSFl1L

195ti, Brydson is a member o[ the Ellis A. Bonnel, United Stntes ." In 1952, the sea·golng soldlcr soon r~~p.. communism goes ac 10 e In II t f tl I t

.t. b f th 10 'I I f "Th'~~' all come back Cor more.'

",.. G" ... 1 U .it. """"wt. e,,,,,, I t, N ,.,,,."'..... • ,. ,~.. "., '" ''''. t· I".d him"" .b",d th, my ""Y' ,~, • "" "" , I N

Inl views or ~'~wfou dl d T th·~ 19305. Though he IS only in h· says. "" ... ml"" e'mm'ool "It". ""d." hi, h,It"',,, ,.. ,,' ... 'm "m, boot h' "d .klpp"" I, M"off usu"lly leaves 'I.e "00" , D al vi It d 5t J I ' f hi, early 50s, t·~at makes him an • .... • • mon Air Force Base. Newfound. Coundlnnd's picturesque capital, b S: T 3 e d' 0 In I amou3 Ca. San Francisco. Flrom Korea, he 0',1 revolutionary. ing of his own favorites to his v;ife . I .. d. e",,,.1 B.yd", ,1,1 ~d " .. ,w. '. ,w".. Ib, h,.d,,,,t'" • ". ,,,,", to 'h' U ,It" St,t" ,,, n.. TIOES wh,· .. ,' "I'll m.'" "m.thl" b"1

Ch'''' lrom .. "" ""t "'M ,I tI."', Stoll" CJO'. st. ,I lb. Nowl,,'''''od "hll" .,~ • .. 'oy' ",."Iog I. th' N"th"" It, ,,,.h.' tho milil." h."ht. '''k b bot! I" th' ... ".1"." ~landlllg airmen and nQlJoCom. John's Im'lIesl broadcaster. He Guild, an orllanlzatnlon that en. ~~ t>" ~ AA~ Air Command il1l\1arch 1954. Mas· a~ hcad of the Ihid field arml', But not evcn Astroff's cul!urri ';'1 .. 1,,,d ,fII.". tI, .. , .. "t tho ,." I"".d to • ,,,,low ,I tho .... ' ..... "d I."h" th' .~I'"t ,j' ti.J",' :... ~ ~, ,I Il .. ST 'm,1l t,,, "33" who" ,how'''t job ,m th' ... ,,'01, 'OP"'" ,I .n Iti. "I. ""mm'''' """,,.1 B"d," "OW ,,1,,"10 •• 10"" "h",,,.d .rt ,I ... ,1". "d ",,1It1 .. t, - th, It,,,,,,. S"port. h' "d hit '"" ,I "",h.1 .'m . Ch'"g lUI· t"". _________________ --',-----'-.- fishermen and their 'families In ..... ItH'rIlrAIo_... crew of threc assist largcr vcssels sh')k's Nationalisls in 194~. 'fhem, "We ha\"'~ tried some of the loods

tile oUtPN"11 durin" th I I k fMlIWt'/n,.IrP- ~.,. ntter things did not go \\'~H for Ol.er nnd once only," he says. "Bu .... • e r Ii ac 10 enter and moor in Harmon's Chen. 1Il0st of it we ent alZRin and again,'

'''''.:'' .... y. mlm,. how 'bo .. , .. dl,* M ..... , ...... m,..· huh ... mm ... , .. "d """ 'Th, tI.d, ""d ", ""I" ,." A,I"" ",. tho Id" I" N. "' "S Ipper" 01 a 45.lool tu~bDat from, shore 10 vessd and patrol s~\'cral regions, called mililary mual business began shortlv aftn

In Harmon's harbor on the west. coast bettcr 111an we did .•• so Salerno. bombardment o[ ,the Jap· the channel for obstacles and dan· aroll administrativc districts. all he arrived here and began' think ern coast of Newloundland, Bryd. we just Jost hllr among the sub. Ilnese.held .Kurile [slands, and OC, gClrs 10 navigation. Brydson wears hr.Hrlcd b~' victorious generals. il'~ of foods he ate in his bo/hOlM!


VENEERED FIBRPLY Featuring genuine Khaya Mahogany and Newfound­land Silver Birch at the 10we$1 price yet manufactured -also the full lines of birch, oak and walnut-all in standard sizes ••• all beautiful and delicate. You may obtain free samples from your nearest local dealer. When you see this new NUFAply plywood you will appreciate the true beauty of these fine plywoods and veneered Fibrply, NUFAply meets all quality plywood uses - and is especially attra,t­ive for door and wall panelling, '

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When you buy plyWoods look for the ~UFAply

trade mark •. Made here

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CHESTER DAlYE Lli\lITED Shaw street, S. John's

P. J, DOBBIN LIMITED Torbay Road. Sl. Jolm',

HARVEY LUMBER 8& IIARDWARE LIMITED ,Duckworth street, St. John's

HORWOOD LUl\IIJER COMI'ANY, L11\1I1ED Waler street, 51. John's

A. H. MURRAY & COMPANY, LIMITED \ '. Wat~r ~tfeet, st. John's

.', 111. O'Lt:ARY LJl\lITED Walcl 51reel, 51, John'.

BANtlELL LUIIIBER YAnD Lenfarehqnt Road, 51, John's

STEAD LUMBER 'YARD New Gower Streel, 51. ,J1Ihu',

B. STOKES & SONS,.LI\lUTED Gear Slrcct. 51. Jolm's

Let 4ou$\ns', not the·moths. re~imOf .. o_u~ ____ '0 00: ..

" .

son has almost 111 years of color. merged rocks," . clipation dut!=s In Japan. In addition to the Soldier's lI1edal ,The. dish'icts were immen~(! and 1:, me at l\Iontr~al. lui military .,rvlce behind him. The 31.yenr.oid corporal was Shore duty In 1945 [ou'nd Bryd· the Good ComluDt Medal, Pres!' tI,e regional p:lII'Cr of Ihe g~nerals 1HE WHOLE SHOP Seven year. with the U.S. Navy among the first naval troops to son deep sea diving school and lIe denll'al Citation, UN.5ervlce ~led. hi charge was great. The whisper Soon, he says, srime of I'!le deli· biN b 1 " of "new War lords" w s h d c'lc1es appeared on his soda lOUD

'II"" ,,,.,, ,ID ~I". h. I"d .1 hi.'orio ", .. t". tho .11. ',UUi,d hi, ","Imo" ,bO"tI" .1 ,iith , B'''~ SI ... , K,,," Th' Th'M Fi'~ Am,' h.:::,: I.", "Th .. thoy oro"",d " ... en .te for swvtee aboard a de. oC t1le Atlnntl(~ Charter signing, as a naval diver unlll 1947 when Service Medal, American Defense queNd East China dist,rict but allt

l 1 had to devote the whole shop

strayer. Aboard thl! USS Berna. and was a member of the naval lIe reenlisted In the U.S. Army. and Theatre Medal, ETO Medal Vhpn was elbowed aside by his to them." dou, eacortinl .upply .hlps across crews that landed the first U.S. Thl! servlee brought his pro· with 4 Baltle Stars, Aslatic.Pacl.! ppllUcal com, missar, Jao ShU'Shih.\ But not all tile foods are as tX the Atlantic durin a the early days troops In Iceland and a group of motion-to be master of all 85, flc Medal with 1 Star, WW 11 Vic. . ' .. ':··".'·~r.es ~tring·puller, tCEme 3S rat.Uesnake a~:l octOPUI of World War 11, Brydson wit. meteorologists on the coast of foot arashboat In the San Fran· tory Medal and the National De theoreLlclan" party disciplinarian n:e~t. For dmner par.ll

cs hc hat

neued the slnkln, of two mer. Greenland. The remainder of his cisco Bay a'l!a. During the five fense Service Medal. :J!I;; PUrISt In the communism of c.a,vlar and pate de IOle gras, For chant ships just outside the SL. naval, timc, he modestly admit!. years that followed Brydson skip· In discussing 'hIs interest in sea~ (lllri Marx and ~.Ia? Tz~t.ung. hU

htts snadcks, thkedre are pressed

" • e c,~ ,c e , was spen on ess azar ous pere seVt!ra 0 e rmy s sma . duty, Corporlil Brydson, who job of mayor of Shanghai. He even carries a small quantity John'. harbor "W ha eel th d t 1 h d \ d I f th A ' 11 .IPn had to bc satisfied WIth the mca an smo'~ sausages.

sub, recalled Brydlon, but all' assignments-the North Africa In. er vessels, Including an pO·foot plans to qualify for a Navigator's 1l0URGEOIS LIVING ~[ angelicll, a favorite cake trim parently ahe knew the rocky vaslon, the battles of Sicily and tug, In target towing Cor he coas Course with a Warrant Officer's I was in Shanghai when this mmg of grandmother's day.

the sea Is In my blood .•• yoU S1!e military talents exceeded his party "I've only been asked for it once

r---------;.;.-----------;...------------. rating in mind, stated, "I guess look plaC'~. Gossip was that Chen's "It isn't too popular," he says

my dad retired from the Navy as rl'gularlty. The War was over and In the past 15 years."

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hI! was headed for oblivion. a' Chief Petty Officer with 31 Gossip had it that Chen loved nOY CIIEATS DEATII years service, , • no reason why 1 ~tlod, fat bourgeois living. lie \YESl'BOURNE, Man. (CP)-A.

I sh~uldn't out do him!" Ibrew pJrties which brought diR' Westbollrnc bol' flaltened himsel

rr,prol'al oC the Rpartan Com. b~tween the rails on a brid~e Sun

I HUGE CltOWUS SEE I'lL~[ 11'',1 nists. d~:, while a CPR freight train

MONT!lEAL (CP)-So~e 5,000 . For a fell' ~'cars Chen admin. p~;.sed. uI'er him near this village ! ~!onlr~alers Monday IIIghl at. !'tered Shanghai under .Tao, lie 2~ mll~5 norlh of Portage la ,tended private showi ngs of the! rl!main~d, at leasl in namc com. Prairie. The youngster SUffered : vr.il~ "~!artin ~uth.cr," banned'! m&nder of thc Third Fie!d Arm)'. ol.ly m~no, r .bruises. The boy's : £Inm public showmg m Quebec 17 p.I·rn when most uf it· was in \ n1me lIas Wllhheld. 'tr.onths ago. Ten protestantjKnrea. \ ----... - --­I churches ~I'ere filled 10 capacity ,When .. t~e mllitary·administra· M~non had dinner recently wilh 'for the film, shown as part of t:1 r dlslrlcts were broken up \ ~iao Tze·lung to talk ol·t>r ror

reii.gious scr\'i:es which included C:h,:,,';;: bnss •• J ao. went to Peiping p.wa and Allied subj~cts, L:hr.n Yi : strlptur~ readmgs and hymns. rona cllmbed rapidl~' in the part)'.', I',a'; among the (a\'or~d ~u~st.,. Il

___ I!~ became a kcy man on Ihe I 1\ 3S announced that he hod brtn , ,FOUR D1!: IN BARRACKS c~litral ,c0mmitlc.c; Then he gall i:t"itcd by ~Icnon 10 visit Indit

f AInBANKS, Alaska (AP) _ I c01ught ,In the hao Knng pUl'ge, \ snd would do so, \,'F~Ur men died ~!onday in a fire' Ihe ~el~lIs. o.! which arc still COllgy. Ohsen'crs who Ir~ 10 follow Iht wl\Jch destroyed the Alaska com· II He IS In Jell no IV, or dcad. while flJrlunes of Red Chlila from her,. ltlunications barracks at Big Delta .. tll~. fat . lillie gcneral he out.· I' wI.n't guess yet why HIe gcnH~

,Tlllce others sulfored burns in I slII.rted 10 1949 is big again, \\il,. spcnt four ~'ears in rtlativ~ m;king their way to safety. Big smIETIIIl'iG SPECIAl. cr!ipse is 5udcknly a Peipin

: D~lta' is a mililarl' basc on 1,!le Cb'~n was elevated to the Na· fn,oritc, : Alaska highway 10? mllcs south. tlon~l Congress, He n«ext became Some proCess to !ce Increasina


' east of Fairbanks. a vlcc.premier. The earlicst hint strength of the army. Some saj' , he was becoming some:':ling spo· Cnen is benefitting from the down·

It Is said that tbe mullett is C!~t was when he was chosen to go fdl of his old enemy, Jao. Still the only fish rich enough to try IV,th Chou En·lai to Baudung as others say: "There's a Chou En·lli in Its own fat. sl'c?nd d·~leg~te. clique In Peiping aoW and (hed ____________ . _"hen IndIa's V. K .. Krishna YI is in it."





When you buy at our yard you .:Ire assured of qual-

. Ity materials al satisactory prices









----------------ONE~5TO'P SERVICE

for all your FARM &













INSPECTION OF The Mlneswetper

H.~. Canadian ed by Captain rived at Trinity !lIllY 26th, and doc1~ecl Jlc wharf at 3.llU p.m. ed overnight until day.

on board were Pickard, Senior o[ R.C.N. In I\ on an annual lour tlle ESea Cadets of and let Regional 0


progress they short a time theil" C;\.'lOllIalli.

ed the parcnt for lheir c interest i 'II lads, wililout progress. it all) made. Arter flag the lads

Among the \1!lerans or A both world ed at the madeln only lng, which Ifle lads alld eha'rllc.

1I social was ahip's cUlllpa among whom al'd, Capt. mandcr

more II'OI'ds all.

.~ dance some of Ihe their hands



with UHr Yllr " Chen Y! ;:urst~. H h~d lIt.n i~it India

Collow the from here

l:cnera n relati\'e


tncreasinll Some say Ihe down· Jao. Still

En·lal and Chill

THE DAilY NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 . \

,I """~"",,,,,,,~, .. 4 . , ~;s dismantled hi 1812, the 1m· parsonage was built here by perlal Gcve.~ment !BVe the land Robert Strathlc In 1834 'rhi t c the Incumbent of St. Paul's . " ~ Chutch. ' ,Was the second parsonage built

SEVEN DIE IN C-I7 t:lins 20 miles northeast of herr - ALM~OG0l!DO, N.M. (AP)-A Holloman aIr force bas official! twu engmed aIr force C-47 crashed said all ~ven' men aboard Wett Jllonday, In !be Sacramento moun- killed. '; In ,1792 the people or Trinity here.

collected £191. 6. 6. for repairs The present Roman Catholic to old St. Pa·ul's,. the flm church Church was built In 1838. r~30, and bullt E!I'ound the year The lighthouse on Fel.t Point

was erected in 1871, It has since been remodled.

rom ews _ In 1827 here werb 77 rent pay-

I:-;SPECTION OF TRINITY .,' AU REVoiR place Is conc~rnl!d, And BOrne- Grlnt was fined 20 shilling. lor In/l' pew, holders In the second The lIt1nesl'ietper "Ungava" of The visit of the "Unsav8" was thing to .be regretted, we think allowln. a man' out. of the St. Pluh church. The pews had SANTIAGO, Chile (AP )-A new

IDI, Canadian Navy, command- a great encouragement to all, tile Is gone with them t viz. the means stoeks without orders. ~~o~s I a~dJome of them were d:IY night, ending a 24,hour gov- . !d b)' Captain Young, R.C.N. ar. lads and their omeers, the pa.r of acquiring the art of managing In 1824, Walter John Cayne P oc - Chilean cabinet was sworn in Mon· ril'cd at Trlnl1y on Thursday, ents, the sponsorIng, committee small boats by the rising genera· and Andrew Laramore were tal!- Captain Cook the famous navl. 3rnment crisis. The government, ~Ia)' 26th, and docked at .the pub. and citizens In general. It ereat. tlon, ora hore In partnership. There gltor, who .. charts are noted for Durmed by pre sid c n t Carlos Jir II'harf at 3.1m p.m. and remain, ed contacts which have good In .the days rof wharves, atlles, were 'Several others on a minor their minute accuracy, surveyed Ib~pez, was pledged to seck an td ol'ernlght until 1.SO p.m. Frl, effects. schooners and punts which fOI' scal~. . . Trinity harbour in 1766. e.l~ to political and 'strike troubles da)', We wero sperlally.glad to wei. ccnturles. had obtained here When the ,Fort at Fort Point Thi old Church of England IMI. have plagued the country for

On board wcre Captain A. F. come the genIal captains PIckard without a break, It was a com. ___ -;-....:... ~ __________ :..::.::.:.""--=--=.::::=~I~h::.',~p::a~st:...\:\·:::cC:k::... ------~::::::===:::=========::::::::~~~~ rickard. Senior Naval Offlce~ and Young, nnd 116 for Llcut. mon sight \0 see boys as young oC I\,C.~. In l"cwfoundland who Commandcr Ayre Who has In com· as 8 and 9 yewrs 0 f alit! salling ~n all annual tour of inspection o[ parlson been coming In and go· or rowing a boat with dexterity tnc ESca Cadets of tlle Province, Ing out amongst us for, a "long and ease. II Is not so today. There ~Ild Llcut.·Commander Ayre, Ca'. time," he will have soon quali; are teen·agers today who are un· Irt nc~lonal OHlccr. fled himself fcor a local pI'Dmo. able to manage a small boat with

THE INSPECTION tlOll and be Installed as a Trlnl· either Dar or sail. The means The i,lspectlun took place on tarlnn by adoption. and the oPPOltunltles for learn'j

bo~!'d the "~'ort Point" which, ai- Au revoir "Unga\'a" Ami all on Ing lire gone.' I thou~h a spacious store loft, yet board,· In view of the general decline hilll ftllthe trappings 0 f a shlp's C.E,W.A. District Bnnch of the [Ishery. the Labrador and M~k. I'opes and blocks, life belts, Meellng At Brltllh Harbour the shore, and the rising lien era· port and 1!tarbonrd lights, etc. 'fhe District Branch mcctlng 01 tion entering other fields of DC· The Cadets were under the com. tile Church of England Women's cupatlon. will It be said of New·

mand of Acting Commanding Of. A~soelation wa& IICld ilt E,I'IUsh Coundland seamen 20 years hence lim Eric Hogarth of Trinity Harbour on Monday, May 30th. thaI "they ar~ the. best small r.a~t (coo. Eric YOllng was ah. There were 40 members In al· boat s'Camen in the world?" sent attending a w'Cl£"lre confer. lencJancc. The District Branch BRIEFS COl'r In SI. ,John's). membership comprises the Presi· The first sign of salmon ap,

Other Cadet Of!leers present dcnts of the Primary Branches pe~!I'ed on Tu~sday. Two were were Divisional Officer R. Golds, and four delcgates elected by the lot at Trouty and three at Dun· worthy, ex. RoC.N. of Port Rex. Primary Branches. There arc she field. One at the latter place tDn amI Supply Officer, Sub. Primary Branchcs of the C.E.W. vtelghed 14 Ibs. There is a good Lt. Lester Clarke or Dunfield. A. In Trinity Parish, viz., at slin Dr fish at Ireland's Eye. There was a goodly number of Trouty, Old Bonav,enture, Brit· We tourned the Bonavlsta pen· citizens present. Ish Ua!I'bour, Little Harbour, Ire, Insula on 'ruesday. We observed

On the arrival or Caplain Pick- land's Eye and Ivanhoe.' very little fishery activity. The ard, who was accompanied by The day began with a celebra· flsh has not as yet struck In at Captain Young and Locut. Com. tlon of Hply Communion at 11 Bonavlsta and the plant there at mnnder Ayre, the inspection took o'clock In St. Augustlne's Church, present Is Idle. In the settlements place. A denomstratlon of drlll British Harbour, by the Rector along the southern shore. bl' the Cadets follow, under com. of the Parlsll. We noticed many newly bark· mand of A. C, Hogardth. . The general meeting opened in cd flshln g nets hanging on the

After \lIe inspection Capt. Pic. the school rooln at 2 p.m. There fences and many lobster pots on knrd presented each lad of the was a full agenda; Including a the beaches, and several boats eOrtls a sttrlpe and a certificate paper, written and rcad by M!I'~. on the fishing ground. And wo 01 efficiency as n result of their Beatrice "I:oope, entitled "Tho actually saw four cows with their recont wrItten examination tosl two wa)'s"-the broad and the gallant eseort-a not too com, a short, tIme before, wben e"ery narl:ow, the easy and the liard mon sight htesr days. cadet passed the test, which I'n· -which was II'cll rcccl\·ed. 'fhe elecll'lclans ,have finished I titles them to the ran\; o! A.B 'rbe meeting colncldcd with wiring the houses at Goose Cove I,\hle Cadet. thc l'eeeh'lng o[ the sad news of and hal'e nolV commenced at

Captain Pickard \lIen addressod the accWent at the Humhcl' Dunfield. ' , \' Ihe Corps In pnrtlcula.r and the nll'ol' resulting in the death of PERSONAL l'ili,cns present In general. He VlctCU' Hoddel' and his wiCe, both 1\lr. 10'. Kirby, Superintendant I ('n1l1111lmcntcd the COt'ps and oC wl\Om belung~d to Ireland's of Ed\lcatlon was here on Friday I thrll' oUkcrs on the splclndid Eye and Ivanhoe respcctlve·)'. and left again on Saturday. , 11l'o~I'r~s thc~' had made In so I illessagcs of sympathy Were sent IIlr. Alfreel IlIscoek Who bas i ~hort a timc and tllClr MtCCeS1i In 10 their surrowlng pnrents. ;\Ir. bcen here for a few days with I Ihcir esaminatlun tcst. lIc thank· I L. Hoddcr oC Ireland'!> .;),e and his mot!\CIr !llr~. Eliza Hbcock, I ~II the parellt~ illld el'orybody ;\11'. and lIlrs. l\Iatthew I\'any of rcturn'Cd to Buchalls on Satur· Iln' thcir CI'irlctlt support and l\'allllO'C. day. illtrrc~t I'll the welfare uf the 'l'he following arc Ihe officers 1I1lS5CS Bessie Ind ~ell1e Cole· lad~. wi1hout lI'hieh, "Cl'y little for the coming year: ridge arc here on a visit to thei!' II

pl'o~rcss. If all)', could ha\'e bcell President-Mrs. Beatl'icc John· parents Mr. and II1rs. Pcter, made, After the saiuting of the SOli, of'Trouty, Coleridge. lI~g thc lads wcrc disDlissed. lsI Vice-Mrs. Lydia Duf!ltt, Miss Shirley Rowe, of IItcIl1W'-

Among the lookers on wCll'e oC British Harbour. do's St. John's came on Monday Il)tcrans oC Army and Navy. of 2nd Vlce-lIlrs. Annie Hodder, to spend 'here holiday wIth her both world wars who wcre amaz. oC lIreland's Eye. parents 'Mr. and Mrs. Harry ed at the marvellous progress Secretary-lllr. Beatrice Toope, Rowe. madcin only four months of train. oC Ireland's Eye. Mr. Carl, Johnson, teacher a\ Illg, which speaks we1\ for both 'l'rcII5urcr-7Ilrs. Annie Ivany, 'I'rouly, ~ent to'SI. John's by car I I he lads and the of[\eel'a in oC Ivallhoe. on Fldday and returned on Sun· chn'l'~c. lst Asst.-1I11·s, Sarah Jane dny. He was accompanied by IItl'.

SOCIAL Stonc, of Old BonavcntUl'e. John Gover. .\t n o'clocl; in the Pal'ish HaJl 2nd Asst.-Ml's. Alforcda Wise· :'Ilr. Geot'se Lockc, Sr., who:

~ social was held to II'hlch the man, oC Popc's Harbour, had bcen 10 St. John's for medl, I 3hip S CUlll(l:Il1Y wel'e' Invited The Instalhltion was conduct; ca I treatmcnt and had returned I ~nlDng whom were Capt. Pick. cd hy the llcetpr: on lIlonday was ob~ged to return ~rd, Capt. YOUtig alld Lieu\. Cum. 'fhc next place of meeting will [or further treatment on ThuI'S' ",anelcr .\)·I'c. '1'he lads oC the be at Ireland's Eye. day. COt'l>s wct'C also present togeUter 'rhe mceting was closed by the Mr. Aidcn McGrath came by wilh theh' pat·cilts. Also present Rcctor wIth hymn, prayer and car on Saturday Irom Argentia wr:e citizens or Trinity, Dunfield, blessing. on a visit to his mother Mn. TrinIty East and Port Rexton. \ Befol'c the memhcl's dispersed. William McGrath. He was ac' buffet supper was served and British Harbom Branc11 played companied by two of his frIends, the naval officen made many hostess to the visIting members They returned 'on Tuesday, contacts with the parents and and served delicIous refresh· Mr. Victor Maybee of the C.N. others. Captain Pickard In thank. ·ments. " R. with his wife and child eame Ing those re5polsiblc for the PUNTS on Friday to spend his holiday ki.ld itll'itatiolt, also spoke a felV The UUle sail and cross pad· with his parents Mr. and Mrs. tnnre words o[ appreclntlon to died boat commonly called a William l\lnybce. t ,'lil. Ilunt whl,,11 was once owned l>y 1\11'. and Mrs. Arthur White j

.\ dant'e full owed In which practically O\'ery family In the wcnt to st. ,lohn's on Saturday. lume of the lady pllrtnCl's Ilad plnce el\1ler fot' pleasure 01' gen· ;\It·. and 7Illrs. Ruy .Tones of Ar. i th~ir hanels full (and their arms Nal Utilltl' purpo.es, )UIS Ilone :gentia arc at present visiting I ton sometime.) III soh'ing some the way ~f the cows and pigs !l\Irs. Junes' parents, Mr. and lilt'S. , intricate gcometl'lc pl'oblems for \\;hlcl~ wc menlioned In our last. Edward Anderson of British Har· lome u[ the \'Isltlng gallant es. ThIs death Is due too to the bour. 1111'S. JOlles' services as 4'On~, For while the dances wel'c changed times. organist on Whit Sunday and ,upposod to bl.: "square" at ,times 'l'here was a time when about 7I10nday were very much appre­tlll'Y a~s\lmed other shapes anrl 40 Labrador fishIng schooncl's elatcd by the congregation. Corms 10 the dclight and enjoy. sailed out oC 1 his llarbour, each l\Ir. Ross Goldsworthy ot SI. mcnt of all. with ·lts quota oC small boats .• Tohn's camc on Monday to spend

SEA TRIP Thcre Is not a fishing .sehooner hl~ llollday In his native place. Ti:r. Ungava left [Ol' Catalina here today. Thry are gone from Quite a few mcn from Trnity

at 1.30 p.m. 011 1o'rlday with Uie th'C scene alld the small boats Dr and Dunfield have returned to Whole Corps of ABs of "Fort punts NC gone with them. their seasonal work with the Point" on board with their off!. In the days of the spore fisll' C.N.R. eers. II was the first sea trip fOI' cry. here, the various Hshlng MallY happy retUl'lIS to Miss most DC them and they stood up grounds at this time of the year E. lit. Fowlow or "Restenvue" to It well. It was a bit "knobbly" y;ere dottcd with scores of punts. who celebrated her birthday. on around the Horse Chops as it al. You may look In vain for one to· Tuesday, May 31st. ways Is iii a North Easter, One day, The shore fishery Is gone Mrs. E. Hunt wenl to 51. John's hoy lost his cap and a few lost and so are the punts." by train on Tuesday and will I7e Ihefr dillner, but that !J no~blnll, .. Apart tlromM:hOOner~ln~fls'. abient for about two Weeks •. unusual oli shipboard. Miny a ermen the punt wall too, a mean5 ' Florence Cullimore who with g?Od sailor has lost his eap and or pleasure and general utility to her mother, went to st, John's to Ilts dlnncl' too, 01' pel'haps the all and sundry In all walks of consult a bone specialist, retllll'n' duuble tragedy oC both dinner, life, farmers, merchants, doelors 'Cd by .traln 011 Wednelday. ~nd cap. A,fter they had had theb and parsons. 'l'oday the c~r and Mr.' WlIllam Rowe, lighthouse tea at Catalina, the boys retuqlcd the plck.up have In these re· keeper at Camp Island, Labrador, o\'erland to their homes at 'frln. spcets taken the' plat"C of the wl11 be leaylng for there on Sat. ity, 'frlnlty East and Uort He". small boat. urday via 5.S.· Ranger at Cor· Ion. In cars prov'lded by kind and So gone arr. the punts like. lIr.r Brook. Interested friends. the cows811d the pigs almost tD FACTS. FROM OUT OF THE

':'" .

, .

PAST Constables al first were chosen

wlthout pay by the Court In Ses­sions and they were . bound to serve. The' first paid constable here was Henry Burncll in 1844.

In 1822 James Wade was sen· . tenced til 7 years transporUiUon lor. stealing 2 sheep from J. B. Garland; .at the same time James Lannlean fQrateallng £20. 13. 6. from, Slade and Kelson, was sen: tenced to U:yenrs banishment. . In 1763 thepopulat!on of Trln.

Ity was about one ninth of. the populatlon or the whole Island which at that time. was 13,112.

On August lIth, 1811,' William

c Limited •




to ..... ..



SERVICE STATION ,The Netvo. 1,615.00






• GAS 'and 0 I L


• TOWING , . I Etc.





j'The New .. T 'R 2 SPO RTS CAR

DIAL 3487 2,295.00 •



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.. '-- .~ - ...•... +- ..... - ..... ---


:~\ . The 'Daily News '~~ . The IJAlLY NEWS II a morning paper r: '. establIshed ill . ISM, and· published' at the .!: . ~eWl Building.' 355-359 'DuckwOrth Stre~t. !~ .. SL Jolin's, Newfoundland, by RublnsoD ..

that nobody imagined for a moment that anythintp!ould happen to. hinder the Dom­inion from fulfilling Laurier's vision. ,That was the great statesman's declaration that the, twentieth century beloflged to Canad'l. i BY WAYFARER

In The News A'nother I

CompaD1. Limited. .

But the setback in 1954 gave a lot of people pause. It was suddenly. discovered ------------------...:.-­that Canada was dependent to a. large NOTES AND COft'~IENT . I how lltlle we had in the way or degree on export trade and far too mu' h - "Lord,. sir," said Mr. Pcpys, suitable accommodation. Now that c "that which I did formerly think worry 15 over till the breakwater

New (oUedion


. '.

). .. .. , .~




.. EMBER OF THE CANADIAN PRESS The Caniidlan Press il exclusively' en­

titled ·tll the we for' republication of all news dlspalelles in titls papet credited to It or to The Askoclated Press or Reuten ud also the local news pu bilshed therein.

AU Preas service and feature arUcle. in thil paper are copyright and their repra. ducUon Is prohibited.

Authufized as second class mall Post Office, Department, Ottawa.

on such extr'active industries as mining. to be a great nuisance, being the has becn built.' rr:J1e secondary industries which give the noise or the aircraft that do [Iy -largest employment were running 'into low over the cltty, is now becomc We hear this ferry was sup· trouble because Canada wasn't big enough the happiest of omens [Dr no plane poscd to cost about lour millions

11 1 d d d h can fly when all the world is Db· and actually cost more than t'fice

to consume 8 t ley pro uce an .t e scured by fogg and as the IlJines as much. She will carry sixty cars. country's high-priced economy was an thnt come wit II my rheumallcks But since she is also to be the obstacle to selling the products of many do the noise of the' planes aUIlU~ chief conveyer of freight across Canadian factories abroad. . well of It. So this night toliearken tlieGulf, It is not a good thing

Moreover, it.has been suddenly realiz- with the greatest content to aU that her carrying capacity Is bare·

d th t· f h t·· t h h the b~zzing and thundering ~f, the Iy 800 Ions. Better far to have had

e a some 0 t e grea proJec stat ave aircraft that fly above the towne two· ships of the" Caribou's size appealed to the imaginations of Canada In thc full knowledge that the than one expensive job like the and the world; Labrador'iron and the St. skies arc at last clear even If the WilUamCarson ..

'Nylon Hosiery


T" .~ 'l'-I:; .: ... :

." •• Member Audit Bureau of ClrculaUODJ

IJAIU SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Canada ............ : ... $ 8.00 per annum

Lawrence· Seaways are examples, repre~ sun lalls to gramy us with nis -sented large employment on construptJon presence." .' We see that Works Minister _ I Spencer, with a \lttle bIt of help and not too much direct .permanent em- Poor old William Carson, the Inow and then from the railway, ployment thereafter. ship and not the doctor, what a .Ms motored from· Port aux Bas·

. So many questions have arisen that difficult llIe 'has been hers. Some· ques to Gander and says th,e rail· many thoughtful people began to ask them- thing went wrong on her first way aid will be dispensable by selves what kind of economic future will trials, causing her to lie up aU August i,f the weather is good

Wonders .. ., .t United Kingdom and all

Forcll:D CoIIn'rlel .... S12.00 per annum ;i "

MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 ----.. 1.1 r • Plenly· Of Jobs .

This, by all the portents, is going to be .' '.8 big year in' the construction field,particu-

'larly on the ba;,;es in Newfoundland and

' .... ,

- . Labrador. ~ . Estimates of the demand for casual

"labour have risen as high as 10,000 and that figure, if realized, should take care

' .. 'of any possible unemployment in the

'. ,,fishery. With everyone working, a busy year

d. 1 h d winter for repairs. These' . made, That will be fine. About a third

Cana a real y ave? An because the~e they send her out for new trials o( the population will have a lot . is no question of greater importance to the which seem to have been success· of fun driving over the long and nation, Mr. Harris decided to have his fuJ. Then. or a sudden,'lt Is found dusty road between Gander and Roya) Commission. that she cannot lie safely In Port Port aux Basques. In the great

It will be 1957 before that Commission aux Basques until -a breakwater popuiated centre of Avalon where has been .huilt. About the only the cars are most· numerous and can hope to finish its work and produce its major beneficiaries arc those who. the need of road communications report. It will, however, be a momentous having lalth· In the future of the greatest, we may have to walt still occasion when the job 'has been completed tourist trade, were afraid the Car· (or another two years or 50 before and the report is made available for public son would start bringing over we can get out of ClnrcnvllIc Into' information. '. motorists from the mainland be· Gander. Il eyer t~e cart was put

Garrulous Brass

[ore we were ready for them. bel ore the horse, It was in the __ priorities accorded In this high·

The Carson was one of those way programme . blunders that the bureaucrats are We read the principal news· always. making with the public papers of mainland Canada most paying the' piper In money and assiduously. Anxious to know what

Some of Canada's top brass have been inconvenience. More important Is going on In parliament, we look imitating some of their American opposite things were forgotten when the particularly for the daily reports

remain. numbers by talking out of turn about things terms of union were being writ· of debate. They usually arc to be · .,.. There is, of course, a natural tendency that are matters of public policy. ten with the result that too much found tucked away in an obscure

to overlOOK them so long as all goes welL attention was paid to Canada'S corner and when they have been

. ~":'should be in sight, perhaps the most pros­· perous since the end of the war, but the -;'. wealmesses inherent in the economy still

""And all has been going wellfor mODY years. One of !hem ~ Air Vice Marshal Planl. ,b'""" " ,",,1, , ~, 1."" ",d. tho .. ,'" l~ tho ,b"'"II, '\~'The"e ,"as onlv one 1:.

reak I'n a fl'fteen-year whose thesis is that Canada should abolish when the trans Insular road reach· of their position becomcs 1m· , ~ u ed Port aux Basques. TM point mediatcly obvious. As Blair Fraser

period of rising prosperity and that was her army and spend the money saved there- Is that I[ the service were to be· put it the other night, Ottawa's .;,.the aftermath of sterling devaluat~on in by on the Air Force. . come neccssary, C.N.n. or ottawa temperature was 83 degrees and · ..•. 1949. . ' '. This opinion has been repudiated in would be compelled to supply It. parliamcnt was aU dull as ever .

d f 11 f h I But thc whole thing got quite out -Th~t cause a senous a tn. IS sa es Parliament by the Defence Minister in of gear and proportion. What hap- What is. the caUse of this ter·

.... ,end

. pnces an~ 8 sharp curt~llmen~ of polished terms and by the same minister pened was that we started to build rible mediocrity, . this lack of -:.1ogg;ng operatlOns so that the first wmter in private in somewhat rougher language. the road where people were few sparkle, in Canada'S parliament? : ;o( the post. confederation era was mar,ked in order to get the ferry. It would Is it the fact that the Liberals b~ unemploym.nt aisistance on a Jf1ajor Service people as • rule seem to get 1m" b", rn~. ,roO"",. " 'b, h"e b.rom' " ,"".,,11,11" 'h,'

,. I inlo a rut. They tend to !hlnk of !heir own ,ro"'" " "'" th' ",' "' tho thoy "' .. ,," ""i, .~rl' on' sca :r'}lere are t,"o I'mportant facts bearin

rl service as a sort of special 'club which side of the Island wherc. the peo· the opposition so frustrated thal ~ b pic and cars were most numerous .. they have nevcr been able

,on the economy in the dependence we have ought to benefit at the expense of rival, - to build their spirit up? Joe : on casual labour. clubs. And through the exercise' of author- We went right after the ferry Smallwood has said time and .' One is that we cannot expect new ity within their own spheres, they begin because wc wantcd to exploit .the agQln thnt federal pol i tie 5


jobs to rise up indefinitely to !hlnk of !hem"lv .. " .utoerats who." i""dr' bom"'" .. ~,g g,' ,h. d,~ ,,' tn"m' bim: .... · . 1 f h th t h b entitled to lay dow' n th'e law for everyon ferry, we discovered we had noth· his worst enemy would agree that · to take the pace 0 t ose a ave een e Ing much elsc and were scared h would put Into Ottawa's parlia· :completed. The other is that we get a else. .. stiff she would start j,Tinglng ment a measure of l1fe and in· :special benefit in the fonn of high employ- There is only one way to deal with motoring lourists over to discover teIest it ha" hitherto lacked.

ment out of the heavy turnover of lab out: this kind of thing and that is to slap dow 'in the forests and casual work. hard all senior officers who talk out ~ Send Literature "Maggie"

Coming Home · Even today, if men were to decide to turn or say things that. 'are' contrary to . !stand by one of these jobs until it was public policy. If they want to put in their T() Man Man' . finished, possibly no more than half of two cents' worth on policy, they should re­

~hose who will derivelsome itncomAedfrom sign their offices. Once they are back in LONDON (n;;;t;;) - Red·faCed HALIFAX (CPl-Th'<! 18.000·tOD . ,',hem would get emp oymen • n as civvy street, they can say what they like British authorities. today confessed aircraft carrier .Magnlficent aM centralization grows and road services are with an impunity that is not attached to they had forwarded a package of the destroyers Haida and Micmac extended, more and more men will become them whl'le they wear unifonn and are th government pamphlets to Mau Mau arc scheduled to return here Tues· e terrorist chif Deden K1mat!J1 at his day after manoeuvres that took

profes.sional loggers or will take. up con- direct servants of the people. own requ~st. the warships to Britain and the struchon work on a seasonal bas1s. The pllckagc even used the title Caribbean. .

It was his thinking about this, probably'. adopted by Kenya's number one The· Magnifi~nt carries 33 Na· 9 terrorist. It was addressed from tlonal Defcnce College personnel sparked by the decline in the fall of 194 , Her Majesty's stationery. o£fiee to from Kingston, Ont. She sailed that caused Premier SmaUwood to .estab- Strength. For' ... To-.day "the Prime Mlnis~ar, 'Sir Dedan from Halifax Apl"U'12 for 2 weeks

· lish a policy based on the slogan "develop _ Kimathl." night dri11s in the Caribbean and A spokesman for the station'ery iater exercised' with a U.S. Navy ;or peri'sh." But there is small value in By EARL I,. DOUGLASS office. which Issues all government submarine 0(( B·2rmuda. !exchanging one expedient for another. pamphlets, said the whole' thing The three vessels sailed for Brit·

He said th.:! office receives up .to lege students were taken aboard. 'A'.' lot of nightmares and a lot of mone, Y GO was "an unfortunate oversight." ain May 10 where the defence col·

would have been saved a~d mox:e pe:ma~- . A glance . Into a concordance of the IIlble reo 2.000 requests a day from all parts -----------. ent and useful results achleved 1f pollcy m veab a frequent use of the word ~'gO" in the New 01 the .world, a large proportlonl.-________ --li

respect of development had been 'geared Testament. Everyone is· familiar with !ome of the Ir~~t~;I~iricans with no autho~~ to a longer period of time .' "go" passages: "Go ye therefore, ind teach all Ity give themselves titles," he said. IN STOCK

r Ii jl !

· . What makes matters' more difficult nations." "Whosoever shall compel thee to go a "In replying, we normally use the · . . '. h • d mile, go with bim twain." "Go Bnd do thou like- form of address given by tJhe wlrter .from a planmng standpomt 1st e rapl wise." "I.go to prepare a' place for you" In ord2r to humor him," . :rise in the population. From an increase There is a lot said In the New Testam~nt about The package to the lerrorlst .of one per cent a pear, it has jumped to going. for Christianity is a religion of action. Jesus chle! was mailed to Nyeri, Kenya, ;'a bout three per cent a year. We have and his. ,disciples were constantly moving about where It was turned over to police the hi t I belore Kimathl got his hands on



• CLAY SEWER PIPE now about 412000 people and this time coun.ry, preac ng, eae.h ng, healing, helping It • • I • • The history of the Christian Church is full of almost . n. e.· xt year, 1f the. r.ate of mcrease 1S the Incredible cner"" and,activlty. It contained the request~d pubU.

B 1960 <>1 cations and an accompanying letter

:same, we shall have 425,000. Y , we There Is a significance In titls fact. Notice regretting that some of he pam· • BELL FIREPLACES :5ha11 be getting very close to the 500,000 the people who complain about Bnd crltlze the church phles "Sir' Ddan" had askd for • DECORATIVE BRICK mark with the necessity of finding work most-they almost never are the ones who Bre wr oil of sock. .• FIRE' CLAY SLABS and

CHEEKS. 'for a potential working force of 150 000 reaaly active in any Christian work. The man who ------, says that he doesn't get anythlnl. out of religion ·Is to 180,?00 persons. .• . . likely te. be the ~an whose religion consists In sitting Sleep Is as necessary to a worker

ThIs sets up a problem whlcq requIres sleepily in a pew once a week and expecting some or student as his food. If he gets Chester Dawettd much more than has so far been done to thing te. happen to him. too little of either . his health hring about a pennanent solution. The If you don't get m,uch out of religion, try suffers. It Is advisabie to find out SHAW ST DIAL 8-0161 :prospects of. a third paper mill, of:large- putting more Inlo it, especially a little more "go". the amount or sleep best suited to ; . . h . h '11 There are a thousand deeds In any community the individual and then try lo gel rr.25,31,je3;6,9,13,16.20.23, ~cale mmmg and of t e work t at WI waiting for a good Christian to come along nd d t _h.~a~t ;am~o~u;n~t ;ca;c;h ~n~ig~ht;. ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~;;;;2-;;'.3;;O;;.jY;;5;;,8;;'l;;2';;18;;'2;;2 ;;;;;;;;;;;;~ ~ome from a major road network, may hold thein. ChrlsUan faith began with One who wa~ r

Nltd.-Canada Steamships Ltd, .the key to the future of the economy in always doing. Go thou and do likewise/ .

.the next ten or fifteen years. f _:0:- fREIGHT SAILINGS

.. HALIFAX - ST. JOHN'S ~ Canada Probes The ,. Future.:. What-Others:'· A. reo Say' ing. . M.S. "BEDFORD"

Mr. Walter, Harris has so far found a Leavlnr lIallfax: '. h • d t f h' R I May 28th ................................... Due 51. John's May 30th C ,Blnnan an .. a s~cre ary or IS oya CALL FOR MR PICKERSGlLL June 6th .................................. Due St. John s June 8th Commission to inquire into the economic . (Winnipeg Tribune) "DRY DOCKING AT HALIFAX JUNE 12th to 27th" prospects of Canada but he seems to be Pt1tterers, gardeners and goUers In the Greater M.S. "BELLE ISLE B" having a lot of trouble finding other mem- Winnipeg area are' being eaten alive these lovell llALIFAX - ST. JOHN'S • . . ..... . evenings. Hordes of ,mosquitoes are making outdoor Leavlnr lIalifax: )lers.. • .. • ' activities a .buzzlng misery. ]<'01' years mosquito: June loth ................................... Due st. John's June 12th " That IS.not surprismg •. The taskls.a eontrol adlvllles were hampered by lack of funds. "DRY DOCKING AT HALIFAX UNTIL JUNE 9th" ~ig one, the work will be exacting and, ~sldents' of the city and, the hubur.hs are being For Immediate clearance per dlre~t sailings. strenuous, and not too many people are taxed to finanee the· fogging and.spraying·and other For rate!. space and other Information apply:,

. ed .' od . . . l1losquito abatement mysteries 'In the' Grealer Win· ' '. , ~UIPP .to ~ak~ a go. Job of It.... !llpeg area;~omeof.the wizards In charge of the~e HARVEY & CO., LTD~i General Agents, ~ial: 2151. : But the Job n~eds to be done. That IS actlvlUes hive 'clalmed that the hordes of mos- ~. N. COLE, Special Representa/ive, St. John'sj 0;012207 Popular opinion although it is knOWn .Ulat quitoes that are making things unpleasant are com· or W . . some of the Finance Minister's cabinet Ing from outside the metropolitan area. Maybe they . ' " . . h Id d f M Pi k· il' t k h THE'ROBERT REFORD .COMPANY, LTD., Agenb colleagues are not in favour of it. s ou sen. or r.: c ers!! , 0 eep out t esc Montreal and Toronto , · . , • '. undesirable. immigrants. Outsiders Ir natll'es, Winnl· :., .. rana~.a expan~ed so rap1dly fro~ the peggerswould like to ilee 'a mUe more: actlon .. ln . , .. HEAD OFFICE-HALIFAX. N.S. .. · end of the war until the earlY. part of 1954 deaUng . with them. ' .. ' ..

. ,.. I


, .



~ b·y



. at Ayre's

lip· k M" t" In IS'


"Blue ·Sky" This season with so much

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"Pink Mist" and "Blue Sky" two

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for your wardrobe. Truly one

of the da.intiest hosiery trends

to come up in many a day. They

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in exquisite evening sheer.

Besides being the perf.ect accessory colours for the new paslel; just think what "Pink Mist" could do for all the c:harc:oal colours.

1.35 pro


Brand new "Coloramic" Nylons with tone on torieheel ••• transparent os fine crystal and as flaHering as a Itoc:king can be. These Evening Sheer, 51 gauge, l' ~enier nylon lovelies will sheath your legs'in undream· ,d of beauty. The colour is "Ashes of Roses".

1.50 pair


~nee-high nylons. , • 'for cool bare knees ••• everything you've ever dreamed of in a glamorous, comfortable stocking for s~nimer. Filmy 51 gauge, 15 denier with perfect fitting elastic tops that mean smoother no-sag fit •• '. and best of all .. they let you say good-bye to binding garters and hot girdles all summer' long. Colour "Bridal Blush".

1.09 pro

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Ii I


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'j i


New rig Is C.P .A. 'To Have Superior r 0 '\~ "Roof of World" YorkshireBtee~ Air Service

LACOlIBE,Alta. (Cl'),-Anlmal 'VANCOUVERCci>j - Anew h\,~ban~ry experts here for seven ,!,~"of-of·\ll~:worl4".lr $ervj~, will ,'MS lllve selected, tected an~ bq lnaugur4t~ J~n. a ~y ~@na~l~n CHlss·bN[1 hogs to, develop a new Ppclflc AlrUn~s '1'11& a nI~l Crom b'ted. The result Is a white· V~ncollver to Amst~rdarii 'via the ~~.Ired. flop·eared pig which con· North Pole. ",,' " .' , !Jlns the blood of the Berkshh'e, OffIcials say llracUcal problems ~'I' not of the Yorkshire slraln. In preparlns' for polar operaUon

SdenHsts who evaluated and 3I'll surprisingly ft!iv and simple analyzed the ~xperlments say the IInlt It Is expected the route wl11 b',1 cd 15 superlor,ln many ways to be one of the best In the world' t!,e Yorkshire, leading source of tl,da)" C:.I,ada's breakfast bacon. Results Skyways are clear and unrutfled (.' the experiments were .mnounced unrl alternate airports, weather sta. pr, dously In ottawa. Uons,' radio ranges, beacons and Th~y sa), the average blrthwelght

of the neW breed is about a hal! breed In all economic traits. r'l\md greater than the Yorkshire. Work on the new breed started Tnr YNlng pigs of the new breed as 8 result of recommendations by mdllre earlier. In addlUon, the a rommLttee appointed by the.fed. IClent!sts say thes-a new plls have eral departD:lllnt of agriculture In I ~o~d temperament and the sows 1948. The committee Was appointed m good mothers. to smdy the swine breeding situ. foIlC,,) CltOSSBREDS ;,tlon in Canada and the work of

, The crossbreds of the new breed thl'! department In relaUon to swine ~nd the Yorkshire appear to be heeding problems. lu].erlof or at }aut equal to either After InVestigation of %escarch WHY MOTHERS GET Gru,V

_._-------If y" SItler rill h ••

ARTHRITIS RHEUMATISM OR l~MBAGO Don', IloDlze , I I doc'l ",all ••• ",hen poln It,hs rou. Pal onSLOAN·SlloDce. h's PQwrrfull No

iT"~~! ~::~! reller." ACTS '''Inal

ACTS \ON ... I

Tf1~tOAN'Squlckl Help •• peed relief fram a,uralf" Iche., broach lis plias, "weather. lort" allUdes, 100 I


'01 "CHI' "HD '''IHI ro ".rs " ".",11 .111

in r,lI,vllI, PAi,,/


work In Canada and the Unlled Slates, the com In Itt II e recom. mended that more research be done olb~r navigation aids speckle the

entire airway. ta Improve the Yorkshlre hog. II Pilots are bel n g thoroughly llrged deV'alopment of a while dli1ied with study and "paper btcon breed with no Yorkshire blood In Its foundation, suitable flights" su~plcment1ng a full pro· f.lr breeding with the Yorkshire. grdm of preliminary flying over

'Ole roule. TIlls approach W81 suggested as CIiEWS OF EIGIIT llnr! of an effort towards uUlIzlng Each of the hUlle DOllgias Super h~brld vigor whlch'has crosses be· D(;.GB alrUnes, of which four now t\\CCn breeds dlfEllrlng In geneUc a:e In operation and lwo more background., al'~ to be dcllvered early next year, STARTED IN 1147 will have a crew of eight-captain,

senior first ,officer, first outcer, two In 1947 the Lacombe station nlvlgators, three !.Ught aUendants

sll.rted the work. By 1954 they had (on(' European steward, one Cana. p~oduced a hog that was esUmated dir.n stewardess, one European ;0 b" 55 per cent Landracl', 23 per stewardess). crnl Berkshlra and 22 per cent T~'a airliners cost more Ulan 1,. Chester white. Inbreeding has been 250.000 each and weigh 53 tons. bel<l at I nllnlmum. The present Passenger comfort Is assured by level Is about 12 per cent. ll~e of an .alrcimd.lUonlng system,

In 1953 the testing of Yorkshlres maintaining cabin pressure and and the cross.breds of the two sl!{Jplylng filtered air of the reo breeds was extended to the Do- qulred temperature and humidity minion. experimental station at 1:1 all co,"parlments. Scott, Sask., and In 19M a unit of ' The non-davlating gyro compass the breed Was established at tire tno polar grid charts which permit experimental farm at Indian llead, al'curate pathfinding In polar areas Shsk. rtplace magneUe compasses which

AddlUonal co-operatlve tests are fJ,lctuate wildly over the pole. In progress with commercial breed. ers who arc b~lng supplied with O;';CE WEEKLY toars to which hall of their sows At the start the polar route 10

Inll stop will be made at Churchlllj Man., en rou~g., •

Westbound nights, against pre. vaUlng winds, will stop at Sonde. strom, Greenland, to refuel. Dc. partures from Amsterdam wlU be scheduled for Friday evening; rC!lchlng Van c: 0 u v e r. Saturday m:lrnlng.

Schlpol, Amsterdam airport, is c,n a form-~r lake ~cd 13 {eel below ~P.a level and Is one of the best eql!lpped air terminals In exlstencc.

Designed as a free port for en. try to Europe It has be~n planned to provide transit passe geTS with enry comfort between connecting !l'llhts, plus complete freedom from cu~tams or Immigration formal. Ities. "


Former prime minister Said el Mufti formed a new coalition gQV' etnment'ln Jordan Monday. It suc· ceeds the government I)f Abu el H.,;da T·awfik, whlCl.1 resigned Sun· nv follow Ins reported differences Dmong the ministers said to have s !arted during the Afro·Aslan can. f~1 ence In B an dung, Indonesia, last month.

q I

GERALD s, D2Jj an. bred, while their remaining Europe will be flown once wl!'l!kly In addition to being the hard. ~O\\'s are bred to their own boars. 11\ e&cb direction. Eastbound flights cst of minerals the dlnmo',(l Ie [t will be some time before reo will leave Vancouver ev~rt Thurs- ' . slIll! from these t-:!sts are avail. <lilY. arriving In Amsterdam 18 the gem which has the widest able. huurs, 30 minutes later. A refuel. range of color or luster.

Today more than ever

It's smart to Paint







."MATCHLESS ~' Colou" Cards .how .xterlor inter.mixes, thus enlarging choice of shade ••

SERVICE ·Togeth.r with QualitY, w. oHer " .. slNle. in solvillg your paint problems. All you have

"to cfo is to telephonlus, or If out of.town write, stating just what the problem is and it will have our pr~mpt and car,'ul attenti,on. '


The Stand8rd,.Ma .. ufacturingCo~~' Ltd. . • ~ • • • • '. I •

, . , .


. ,


" ,

W~~{ing ~~~f r~ Find Ura~it!~



. Canadian Press Staff Writer C. ,and A. Brown" Blackwood, NEW YORK .(CPj' _ Th!! ~ext master, Is taltlng freight for MU5-

, ,g~Dtleman you see out walkin!; grave Hr.,. Ladle Cove, Carmall­with a cane may be looklnS for ville and Little Bay Islands.

, ur~nlum. The cane could be,a gel. Dorothy Beryl, Keim, master, ger counter. : took freight for Indian Bay,

That's the latest gimmick In the Grccr:spond, Kings Cove, Wesley.

.. l ............. _ •. _ ..... ' ., ,'.~

. . ThIs paper IIssum .. no. re~pon5lbllo Ity for opinion. expressed by:. it;

corre'l!ondenu. '.

mushrooming business of supply. ville' Lumsden and Deanman'& Editor, Daily News. j

illg amateur uranium prospectors. Bay' also Safe Hr and Badge~'s Dear Sir, -1 wonder what', ,yranlum mining In the United Qua'y. Ready to s~ll. ' ,~o~g with the, name SQUIRE. It ~.&tes I!ow Is a $100,ooo,ooo·a·year H I G'll Gill t I takl It difficult to 'pronounce or does II tii'~lness. The government guaran. e en, I, , m~s er, s ng lack explr.jning?' , ' t~~! the price of .$7,000 a ton for freight for WesleYVille, Newtown, Y d t, 'U umnlum refined from ore contain. and Pound Cove. 0 u r correspon en ~I ,n, '

, Ing 10 per cent uranium. In addl. T. HALLETT LTD. ' " from Eastport ~ecent1y, menh,!necL .tion, the government offers a, boo N. lnd C. Ralph, taking frelcht several Squires who went to. and nh~ of $35,000 for eac.h strike of for Bonavista Bay. came from here and there, an,i! ill' high·grade ore. M.V. Palitora taking freight for ~act tbere's not one SquireS' Uvln,

Deposits have been found In al. north. ' m' the settlement and never was most all of the Unit'<!d States. BOWRING BROS LTD There are, however, many famllle. Picknlckers who took alon/l a gel· Ar hi 'I K . "j 'kl by the name of Squire llvlng there gEl counter have come back ~ c e "c enZle s ta ng 11 dlr d tenUal millionaires. freight for northern ports and is -a ,ect esc end ants of Sklppa

Supplying these weekend pros. ready to lalt , George Squire of Poole, ,England. }':ectors has become a blS business. Wesley and Ralph, Goodyear, He had twenty-odd cblldren and SPEAKER CLICKS ' master, Is taking freight for .Car. four adopted Ions. .

The can!, an aluminum aflalr, manville and the usual northern It may not be amls. to menti~1 ~~lls for $99.50 complete with a arts. Sallln at noon Thursda . here th.at at one time he owned clgaret·packagC-IIlze.d speaker to p Clara Hall:U Feltham mast:r three fishing schooners. and pro- "

GATHER IN SAINT JOliN let you hear the clicks thal might I t kl g f . ht f B . t secuted the Labrador fishery all mean milliv;)s. san relg or onaVI! a schooners being named by hl~selt. AMHERST, N.S. (CP) - Marl· 0 If f t hu t th Bay

time Lumber Bureau will hold Its r, you pre er 0 n e o~e . and sons. Hisde &cendant! are nO\l aunual meeting in Saint John, N.B. from your oWn hellcopler, there s AYRE SO,NS LTD. scattered over Canada and th, F,riday. Secretary.manag"r A. L. a more complicated device neatly G. S. Cutter, Rogers, master. United State. with a "oodly nu .... ,. '. p~cked In a smart leather dispatch taking freight on Tuesday May ... ....

F.)ers sR;d here that election of SIX r.usc~nly-$2,OOO-and with It you 30th. for Trinity Ba orta. ber in Newfoundland. [lirectors and presentalion o.f an· cae plot the layout of your ore de· J . Ell b th i p t \ Ben Squire of the G.P.O. 11 • nl1~l repbrts 11'111 top the agenda. pooit eme za e , ason, mas er, grandson and Nelson of the Uoss Hamilton, the "~largic"~! '~W'by waste your time fishing !s taking freight f~r Englee, Rod· Evening Telesramls a II'IndsoD. the First World '~ar D~mbel1s when you could be looking for ura- mgton, Conehe, Mam Brook, Goose £l1~W, wll\ entertam thl!. oelegates mum," says the proprietor of a Cove. Your. truly, {Q!,owlng thel.r annual dinner. 'new mid· town store selling the ore. Norma Conrad, Blackwood, ma.· -!A.STPOIT. prt,mptcd' police to conccn?,ate the cetectlng equipment. "No, one's ter. Is awaiting further orders. search In the river. Dragging oper· gr,ing to' pay you $3~,OOO for I M.V. Olga Russell 'Is taking atlons and divers have nat turned speckled trout." freight for the usual northern up any clues. I Tho basic .Instru;ents

l are used ports. ' , ' ter, 11 takinl freilht for ionaVlata:

SUES FOR $75,000 ~ unt uranIUm: e ge ger coun· Earl Keith Rideout,' master Bay. Ii!r and the sclnUllation counter. ' ,

?IONTREAL (CP) - ·Romeo The geiger counter essentially Is will be sailing, for the Labrador lILV. Catherina HallD 11 bkIq Longpre, former assistant Inspec· it tube of gas that reaelll to the about the week end. freight for Placentia Bay., tor of Montr~al detecUves, Tues.. gamma rays given off by uranium. A. J. Ryan, Johnsol1, master, Is ilL V. A. J. Ryan I, waltlll,' .. day filed a $75,000 damage action Use of the transistor-the tiny waiting further orders. May go ders. against the City of Montreal and melallic deVIce rapidly' replaclng cn dock. HORWOOD LUMIiIt Co. D,ttlng poliCe director T. O. Leg. vacuum tubes In eleclronic equip. Lillian Richards Howell, mas- Thomas J. Hodder, Picott, Ill .. g~tt. Leggett recommended to the I ' clvic executive committee Feb. .. mtnt-has made pOss ble a geiger te~ took freight for Twl1l1ngate ter, Is loading freight for Fogo. • thaI Longpre be dismissed from c~unter so compact and light it LaScLe, St. Anthony, and Herring Lavina Bride, d1scharslDl lu ... th r La flh In a cane. N k R d t'l lu b Alte dl h g d -In ~ oree. ngpre says he wal The scintillation counter uses a ec. ea y 0 sal. m cr. r se ar e ..... ,.' di~mlssed Illegally. , sodium Iodide crystal Instead of a BAINe JOHNSTON & CO. LTD on dock.

gas tube and Is much more senli· Rita and Blanche, Pickett, mas, A. 11. MUJlRAY " CO, LTD. NUERNBERG, Germany (AP)- U\'e, complicated and expensive. ter, Is taking freight for Dover, James Siron. and Asne. JrI ..

Bavarian border police said six In Canada, amateur uranium Trinity' B.B. Indian Bay, Fair Is· Glashen are fitting up for freight. So\'I~t.made MIG 15 jat fighters, hunting Isn't nearly as popular as land and Greenspond. Ing In a 'few days. cumrng from Czechoslovakia, flew I} I~ In the United States,. despite !.I.V. Evey Melinda, Power, rna&- A. E. HICKMAN CO. LTD. 30 miles Into German territory N1~ fact the. Canadian sh~cld-the ter, is taking freight for Burin, M.V. Lavina Bride, Wellmall; Tuesday and then tur.ned back cII,lar of ancient rock elrelmg Hud· M rystown, St. Lawrence and St. master discharged a cargo of lum-TIlCir nationality markings could snn bay as far down as the Great •. a, , b ' d i It I not be Identified because of high L3kes-is tated one of the best Pierre. Ready to sail. er, an 5 now awa ng to ,0 altitude. place,S 14 look for the ore. M. and G. Rogers, Rogen, mas- on dock.




- DOGS WALK AWAY-Yes, it/~ true-d09~ will now keep away from' Garbage cans' I::ecause of a new product-

RIDZ which is guaranteed to make the dogs keep th.lr dlstanct­ana no DANGER or RISK to dog or man.

Merely press the button on the tin of' RIDZ, and harmln., odourless (to you) liquid il sprayed on the Garbag. can­which says to the dogs-KEEP OFF-and they dol

One spraying does for several days. Don't put up with the nuisance of spilled garbage around your door-USE, RIDZ­perfectly harmless but mighty .Hectlv~. , RIDZ may' also b. us~d to keep dogs-~nd cats too-away from treel~ grass"and door steps, etc. One tin will last a long time, See It to.day-Help keep the city streets-and your own door step-free from Utter.

No more spilled ,garbage on St. John's streets. No more dogs destroying shrubs, ,trees, etc. 'Get RIDZ at Supermarkets, and leading stores.

. , Dis,ti&u,eJ uy

'" I I ill rim i, i1j(i jij "" I I I I I'"'' I Ii i i lid Iii i i ",at ill ill

.' i I.: A N&WFOuNDU\~D C(!MPAI'iY SINCIi 1902,

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" ,

i;li l;, " iil:1\ ~E DAILY NeWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 19b5

, i -:-' June 4, due SI. Jobn's June 10. erpool July 126•. , I • I' JrUlY 2, sailing ag~ln ~ulY 5, (H~li· sailing again ,June 14. . .. E'o~eOn~sDo~Nfl'c'e'~~saPid)-;I~UreISm!laey?!tIhinati~bf e· ' '11'\Tl ' STEAMS, HI, P , NewJo~ndla~d Leavinll Liverpool st. John'. July 211. Sailing for Llv· Halifax June 30, due St. John's June 10, due st. John's June 12, C.\NCELS OBSERVANCE Seldom Come-By l'-~--­

l. 'I' Leaving for Halifax and Boston Nova Scot a 'Leavlng L verpoo ax and New York). ,Belie llieaving ,Halifax June 1

, ,I' iti ' ,:', MOVEME~,l TS '. Jilne 11, due Halifax June 13 and Jbly 20. due St. Jpbn'. July, 26. Fort Avalon· .leaving Halifax 18, due 'St. John's June'2.o, salling CJUSe of the transport strike the " I ,l~ Boston June 16. Leaving Boston Leaving for Halifax and,' Boston July '1,'due St. John July 9, sail. again June 21. . queen has cancelled her oiflclal

II:!I::' THE NFLD •• GREAT LADS June 17 and Halifax june 21, due July 2'1, due Halifax July 29 and Ing again 'July 11 (Corner Brook Belle 'Isle II leaving Halifax June 9 birthday. The reg'ular birt~· SELDOM May 2B-This settle,


\ day of the 29-Y"!ar.old queen IS "

'" News WIN'

:::!':' STEAMSHIPS LTD. SI. John's June 23. Sailing ror Lly,: Boston' August '1. Leaving Boston and Nllw York);' June 25, due St. John's June 27, April 21 but Britons celebrate in ment.hac experienced a continual :i.i' , : M. V~ Dundee Toronto June 4, erpool same day. I August'2, and· HalifaX' August 6, Fort Hamnton leaving New stalling again June 28. ' JI!D! because the weather is better ice blockade a1l Spring, which has ,; I , and Montreal June' 7, for St. Nova Scotia Leaving Llverpool due St. ~ohn'B August ,8. Sailing York July 13, SI. John, N.B., July CLARKE STEA~18Htp CO. far pageantry. Eden's office also som'ewhat hampered freight and ,:;: , John's. This' vessel' olfers' 4!!,OOO June lB. due St. John's June 24, (or L~erpool August O. 16, Halifax July 19, due St. John's • Sheldrake leaving ,biontrealJune Raid the opening of ParJiament- mail services, Articles of food such

, ,,:: t "'~~~';;':;'"::.":i:~ .~::mlll.. :::,.,',:~ .. IW~'::'':''J,!'.i'I;; , ""I U!:'::" ,:.'!? .. CR:~'Joh" :~~,,~~ :;:''::':'''!:'ki'~ "~~.~';, st, Joh.', I,,, 7, uill., 1,:; !;:!;:~ri~':''':i; :: ::,:,~! ~,,:'!m~;:I.'~~:IdI':~ '",d, I ~';:Ii :June 0, Toronto June 10, Montreal and Boston June 30. Leaving Bos. N.B., June 4, Halifax June 7, due, Fort Avalon leaving Ncw Yory' Novaport leaving Montreal June Ity affair. During the past week, however,

4,000 ': '. . . June 13" for 51. John's. . ton July 1 and Halifax July 5, due St. John's June 9, salling again July 23, st. John, N .B., July 25, 10, due st. John's June 15, sailing , boats have been able to get in

I);. M.V. Ste. Addresse loading at st. Jo!}n's July 7. Sailing again June 11 (Corner Brook and New Halifax July 26, due st. oJhn's again June '17. ' Whten g,ivklng pe~~umt~ls orf 7ol0dg· from Lewisporte and so the sltua· . . ' " J I . nes a sIC or....· n rlen s r d

: .' ,Ha~ilton June 16, Toronto June l!ime day for Liverpool. York). • u y 28, sailing again July 30· (for Sheldrake leaving Montreal ~~ne. choose a light flower ordor, es: Ion was save. : . 1'1, and Montreal June 20 for St. NewloundlandLcaving Liverpool Fort Hamilton leaVing New York Corner Brook and New York. 18, due St. John's June 22, sailing· peclally at this time of the year. T~e past wcck has been an ex·


:. ,.'\" ". John's, . July 6, due St. John's July 12. June 10, Halifax June 14, due St. NFLD. CAN. STEAftISIlIPS again June 24th. • Heavy odors ean be over power· ceptlonally good one and the folk . FURNESS WARREN LINE. Leaving for Halifax' and Boston John's June 18, sailing again June Bedford, II leaving Halifax Junc Novaport leaving Montreal June ing in I sick room. were all bus~ gelling their gardens

'::"\ • ,Nova Scotia leaving Halifax July 13, due Ha\l!ait July '15 and 18 (Halifax and New York). 6, due SI. John's June 8; sailing 29, due St. John's July 4, sallinll ~cad)' !or th~ annual sp~ing spw·

.• ;, ' Baillnl for Liverpool June 1.. July 19 and Halifax July 23,'due: June 24, St. John, N.B., June 27, Belle Isle II leaving Halifax Sheldrake leaving Montreal Julylagain Jui)' 13. necessary repairs to their fishing · :!. : ' ' property and, although very dis-



"': ., June 4, due St. John's June 6. Boston July lB. 'Leaving Boston Fort Hllmilton leaving New York again June 9. again July 6. 6 due St. John'. July 11. lalling mg. Fishermen are makmg some

! ! . couraged yet, find they must at

,\: '\ Ii I . '.~'i"¥.C '-", W'- ~."" -r E:f:~::.;;~: :~~:!2~:'::~ )<, 'j: The flu epidemic which has been

C,AMER,A ,' .. : I.", Ford v.a is built by the' Ford I'S the prol'ed V.S of prevalent bcre all spring has at · \ r' "last comeundcr control, and those

, 'j:" i' world's most experienced 'Its fl'eld - the m' ost ad. who were victims of its grip are · '., " ' completely recovered.

1'.:\ . v.a builder-with the V.S d 1 C.G.I.T. HOLD IIIOTDER AND !;'I L . vance of 8,000,000 great DAUGHTER BANQUET

!, " know.how of 23 years '. Ford.bul-it V.8 eng·'lnes~.' The, C.G.I.T. closed their actlv· ; ~. :: lties for the season with a ?lrother , , ' • • ' and Daughter Banquet. 'This affair

I: Ford is the one V,S in its Ford, as always, is the ::,,~'~~'.~~:I;':..d~'~: BY

ENTERING , ;;: field that has been owner. ,I arg·es't.selll·ng V. 8' I n mothers of the C.G.I.T. group were I..' ," l . several other ladies of the com-, , e re s proved through millions Canada~andit'sCanada's' munity. , The supper cpnsisted of meats

. of miles of actual driving! lowest.priced V.8, too!' and salads, and the usual assort, ment of cakes nnd cookies. Every· Toolon's

, ' " ,

, "


" ,," ~.


" ..... -... "


:.: .~ ., '.' ~. "

.. , ,',

no va ue

• 'I e

. "'" , "



.\ , t ..... ';

• • one enjoyed the ,splendid supper,

Ford offers you overhead. . ford is the only v.a with :~~~~.WhiCh the usual toasts were

val~e V.8 power in any Trigger.Torque power- Toast to the Mothers, by Laura ,Anthony; responded to by Shirley

model you choose - as 162' Hp overhead valve Rowe, •• • - Toast to tbe Daughters, by Mrs ..

,standard equipment at not that adds a wide margin Norman Anthony; responded to by i :llrs. Samuel Holmes. ;

one cent of extra cost! of safety to your driving! Toast to the Gums and Friends,! , ' . by Mrs. Harry Penney; rcsponded !

• to by Yvonne Penney. I • Ford is the only V·8 with performance matched by

Ford's the low pr'\ced V 8 The group gave a short program • . • of. recitations and singing, alter \'

. that brings you ball· joint which each mother and guest was

the exciting beauty of front suspensioll, Angle· Thunderbird, styling-Poisedtosmooth out every it's yours in every model! bump in every kind of road!


• Ford v·a brings you more of the quality features that count: such as baked-on enamel finishes, fashion· first interior fabrics, plus biggest ,windshield' area of any car in its field!

, .. " ". Ford islhe V:8 that's 'worth more when you . buy it, because it brings you more of

the things people want most. It gets you more when you sell it, too - as statistics show, year affer year. Ford is Canada's worth·most V·8!

... and every Ford

'f ...... , " ','!,I .~: .. J,o .... I .. , .-'

• I

offers v-a value

at no extra cost

('.~:!1/. O';~:.·1 ', .• --.~rri t,' ",' ','j' '" .j" ·',1M".'" flllcm~ "<l/~t;,. r}Joi.~n,I' 41 '~;:II rwt ..... ",til", •.

presented with autograph albums I bearing the C.G.I.T. crest. Thc' evening closcd with games in which \ all participated.

E~IPIRE DAY Empire Day was observed on

May 24th, which was a honiday In the schools. Quite a few left home on that day and went to the ponds, such as Mile Pond and Gull Pond. Many groups could be seen gath­ered around the ponds fishing and enjoying lunch outdoors. The weatherman gave a, perfect day, and taxis were kept busy dispatch-I Ing the holiday makers to their, special resorts. • '. 'I'



Mrs. Donald Dawe left for the' corner Brook Sanatorium, where where she will be receiving treat· ment. She was accompanied by her husband as far as Notre Dame Junction.

Raymond Dawe arrived home reo cently. He has been attending Memorial University during the past year where he is studying Education. '

Mrs. Roland Kinder. of Indian Islands arrived here from St. John's where she was receiving treatment at the General Hospital. She is the guest of ber sister, Mrs. Joseph DaWe.

Misses Hilda Roebottom and Edna Waterman spent tbeir week· end at their respective homes at Joe Batt's Arm and Fogo. "

Mr. Chris Boone of the F.U.T. left for Port Union today in the interest of his business.

Mr. and ?lIrs. Morley Penney of Little Seldom left for Toronto on Thursday. They spent the' winter at home and in future will reside at Toronto.

Pastor .Rowsell of Twl\1lngate and Pastor curtis of Indian Islands were the guest preacheds at the Pepteeostal Church on Sunday. They delivered Inspiring sermons and quite a congregation attended.

lIr. Norman Anthony returned home from St. John's Tuesday. He had been attending the Conven~ tlon of N.F.F_ : '

Birthday greetings are extended to little' 'Daphne and Win~ton Dawe, five and seven.

, ,Manners: Make' \ .. .

. Friends It isn't much fun for a young

man to cut In on a girl at a dance and then find that he Is stuck, with lIer. But H the girl doesn't make, som:! excuse for leaving bim-J,hen he must slick by her until iliey have joined a group or another partner has claimed her.

He can't just leave her alone­however much he wants 0 et away.

















CONTESTl '2 .,

, • Enquire at 'rOOTON'S . Iihls great Photo event. TOOTON'S Invites all Amateur Photographen' to participate. • • • Wonderful PrIzes in each division (under 11 years and 16, yean and ,over).

Tooton's LIMITED

{. :i

Cbeck your til ••• ch~e~ midenh TORONTO (CP)-An Irish glass company made its first sale within a minute of the eighth Canadian International Trade Fair opening hue Monday. The firm' sold its elLtire display of cut crY5tni glass .. IV.re to a city slore lor more than $6,000 •. '




. r

t ,'.!t:"

i::,,: THIS ISYOUR.INVITATION TO VISIT YOUR fORD-MONARCH DEALER AND TAKE A DRIVE :.::.::;--', -----...;~~..-..-.-,;.;;..;~..;;.:.;;..;;~;;.;...:..=.....:~:.-:..;:~:...:..=..:.:=-..:.:.:.::..:.=.;~~~~::!!!!~~~:!!!.!~



· ," . ~.-' ,.':' . f ' ." f' f .

• DIAL 2167


Distributors' for

------Raw milk may carry the gerins KODA·K

in Newfoundla"d

Genera . . . ..

.' . "t .' ' petdWn: - •

Re~l Kero

:. . :lING'S ROAD •


of undulant fever; typhoid or para typhoid' fevers or other dangerous diseases unless it is pasteurized. If commercially pasteurized milk Is not available, heat raw milk to 140 degrees, keep it at that 'tem 1-..:..----....;--­perature for 30 minutes and then j'

, cool quickly.

... ·1 • , .' I


s .\


y "

.: I




THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6; 1955 9 .. . .

. ' ~;., . . .

The Be ll":lsland .' .. ,. . ,.

Genera,' Items • .' •. ' I ~ : ~. ' .


Activities '.' -. . .' .,

~ ~ SEMI-WEEKLY FEA.~T_UR_E _____ ,._. __ :-__ ,.,_. ,.J_" _ .. ...;...~ ......... -_ . ..;,.' . _____ ....;. __ W'-A..:.~.:._A.:..NA....:,...;;.~EWFOUNDLAN_D_· _. __ ....;,.-.~...;;.....;;....~"....;,.-. ________________________ .'.'

petItIOn: F . ''8' t ' . C'; . '. I . W h PROTEST LOAD LInIIT '. _ ., . .ormer-· up o· ... "'- ..... : ." omp ete a ana ~IONTREAL (CP)-TheQuebcc

Rest-dents' "U'· 's"l-n' 'g' Mr. .. DenisDwyer APRON. ALLEY" IT' b' I· . s· IrJ~'~r::3~:~~:~r:~~!~t1~~:~[1ii!i . . . ' ... ' '. .,: Pas' s·.··~·s.~.A .. w: ··a·.·y·' ..... '.. ., '.:. .... ...... u' ercu 0818 nrvey law limiting truck loads'.to 50,000'

. Don't you ~omelimcs get' tired ~Vhile we a~e, on the subject 011 '. . . . ' p?u~ds on .qu~be~. roads; The Assn-

L ' ' . of "making the same old things" "different" wlslles,' we think this In c'onneclion with the Mass ing the ice.blockade 7Ja !IOlnt Sald Itt\'011\ dask thde prbol¥i~'

K . '. . . ., '-, -. -' . 'd f II i "dill . I d' I 'b ill b . '. . Ilncla ranspor roa s an pu c erosene .. a.m' '. pS Bell Island: suffered. ~n 'Irre· an ,~earn, or some I ng. cr· curr e, am w .e a welcome. Chest X·ray SurveYJus~ complet· The Association also wishes to works minlsters'to aniend the law parable, loss on'"Tucsday morning, cpt? Tha.t s,the waywe feet thIs spr!ng tes!, and. will'. add Ih~t cd. on Bell Island, the Newfound· lhank Mayor Jl!ax Hutchings' and to conform with other provinces May 30th; when Mr. Denis Dwyer ~ornlng, and after a session with va~lety which most folks apprecI·. I.and Tuberculosis Association his Council: Mr. D, I. Jackman wh'~ic the maximum load is 66,000

Thc following Is a copy of the you can well imagine how mad It one of its. mpst popular and O,ur recipe collcctlon, w~ ~eUled atc. '. .. .. wlshes:to ,express their warm ap· and his Union Members' Mr Ed. pounds. rltilion sent to the ·Hon. P. J. really Is. 'Aft~l a rain ·storm the revered· sons' 'passed to that on this one, We have ·n.ot yet tried' . CURRIED LA!fB WITH RICE' preciation of .the magni.ficent co· ward Murphy, personnei Mn~agct -----Lell'is, Q.C., recently by the resl. road Is flooded so badly that we happy "destiny ·,that lies beyond II, but I~tend t9 do so Just. as soo~ 1~ pounds shoulder of lamb operation received, cooperation with the Dominion Wabana Ore MONTREAL (CP)-William E; dents 01 the East End. have to climb alon" .on .the fences our dus!," Mr. DI""crhad bcen In ~s we .nave !lnlshed writing, thiS 3 tablespoons fat which facilitated the work of the Ltd., Mr. Steve Neary, Treasurer Griffiths, formerly engineer 'of' ,," d lum .. 1tL b Iii I track for Canadian National Rail· Honour,:ble P J. Lewis, Q.C. In order to get over the road. Motor falling health for the .past seven a n.., .' r. cups 0 ng wa er Survcy, ·ial\d contributed greatly of the Christmas Seal Sale Com· I AL'[OND COFFEE' RING 3' t It . . w~ys here, has been ,ppointed Hou,e n{ Assembly, vehicles can only be driven over months, 'duringwhlch time he was" .,4 caspoon sa . to its success. . mittee; President Addison Bown chief 'zngineer for the r central 5t. John's, Nfld. It by the usc of second' and low a patient at the General Hospital, 1 package dry yeast '14 teaspoon pepper The As~ociation IS partiCUlarly and Kiwanis; and the Bell Island region of the company.

Drar :llr. Lewis, gears. Not a week passes but I\'h~rc' he entered the porta I! of 1, teaspoon sugar -1 teaspoon curry powder grateful. for . the advice and as· Lions Club, who all supported the 1\'e the undersigned, Who are those of us who own cars have to eternity on the above mentioned ¥:' C~P .. ~lu~~wa.rm wa,t(!r 2t tablespoons onion, c:upped sistanc'~')iVen' by Dr: Walter Tern· survey to the full.

re;idents of tile East End In your put them In the gange for repairs date.'. ' 1;4 CUll' il!ll·. 12 cup celery, choppe pleman1who was a veritable "tow. A special word of appreciation Bell 1~land constituency request to springs, muffler~ and 011 pans, Denis Dwyer was the son of ;'4 tCUP ~hlte SlUt c.a~>. . 2 tahbl~sPodons green pickle, er of.· strenlitit' to' those conduct· gocs to the' Clergy who spoke IQur assistance in remedying the and any motorist knows just too the late Thomas and Lucy Dwyer ;4 easpoon sa . ,. c oppe ing the Survey. from the pulpit about the bene· i,,'o very deplorable conditions wen how expensive car repair bills and was born at Bell Island '79 V4 cup. melted .. shortemng 2 tablespoons flour ~ ,; .... . fits of X·ray and encouraged ,hl'ch M.··lst I'n our aren, can be. years ago. He received hi- edu. 1. teaspoon grated orange rind 1 teaspoon vinegar The',> Assoclalton is particularly th . I t' .. 't th I"

•• , 0 1 ; ;"U b t '" II Id t grateful for the advice and as· elr peop e a \lSI e c mlcs. ~o doubt you arc not awar~ of cation at the local schools. egg, I'e en en . . ,4 cup co wa er , . . It was through the kindness of

the fact (and who could blame Now Ihat these two deplorable At an early age when mining 21h cups silte,d all·ptirpose flour Cut shouldel of lamb in serving sic~nce g~en by Dr. '~:I~~r ~em. lhe Clergy and the cooperation lQu) that our homes nre not sup. conditions Ilave been brouglit to on the Island was in Its Infancy, ~ CUll almo!lds, chopped pieces: Heat fat and ~~ar meat on P .f!1(" tWO t~a~ a ;~n a e d o~. of the school principals that rlicd with electricity, We nrc still your attention we feel quite sure IIlr. Dw)'nr' entered tlie 'employ of. 2 tnblesp~ons ~rown: sugar all sl?es.Add b01h~g water; ~t '~thS r;ng 0 ose con uc· clinic space was provided in the ~'ing k~rosene lamps. In this day that you w11l give them your DOSCO and had completc( over tf.: teaspooIy::'cjnnamon . scaso,n.mgs, chopped om?n, celery mg· e· urvey. schools. The Masonic Hall. was "d a~e when news about atomic fullest consideratlon. half a ~entury of active, service Add yeast and:1 tcaspoon sugar a. nd pickle .•. Cover and simmer till • They appreciate too .the invalu· als p t t th d' I f th

to. lukewarm wa"ter. Let stand" 10 hinder. Make paste with . flour, AsSoOCI' ut'oan f rex Isp~sa 0 'd e !ncr;~' i~ R common Item In our Tlianklng you, when he was· retired on pension, h""" II '.. . . t able help given by the. Dominion a I 0 ·raymg resl ents d~i1)' papers, it scems lllcrcdible We rcmaln, seven years ago. A very capable mmutcs t en slir we ... Measure vlne&ar and water. StIr 10 a curry, Wabana Ore' Ltd" whose General f th g t db' t' t~at residents living oniy a mere Yours very truly, man. he worked at .,dlfferent mllk, sugar, .sa.!t 'and meltcd cook and stir till smooth and Manager, Mr. H. P. Dickey took Of the c~~ e~ c T~sm;s~1 s~cllo~ til rive miles Irom St. John's, the CLARI'~NCE JACK:\IAN, l'hascs of the surface oper· shortcning amI ornng('lrind into th1ckencd. While c~rry Is COOking3, a keen personal intcrest in the ~ranc~ so~n 'the ~cw~oun~l:~d

" I't f C .. , t th d alions. Many y' cars . of' which he mixing bowl; heat to ukcwarm. prepare steanled rice. Measure B 'd d' '1 T h' . . . <l rapl:1 CI Y 0 anaua s en Spokesman fo.· Undersigne . Add I b t t'll th 'Add f b 'Ii I d 1 t survey. eSI os rccommen mg I cae ers Assocl3l1on was 100,0 . I Id till h t b held the p n ibl'e' 'po'sltlon of yeas, ea I. smoo. cups 0 01 ng wa er an ea· .. I' d' b d t b h' d .. pronnce. Sial! S al'e 0 C Petitioncrs. res 0 s II b t "'dd II f It' t t f d ble to the peop e In a ra 10 roa cas, clOthe Survey, and pubhClZ~

I'nconv"nl'cnccd with kerosene superiliiendent of 'surface shovels, we ea en egg." our, cup spoon 0 sa 10 0 . op 0 ou. 'Ir D' key pledged the Com d·t t th . t' d ' , b '. b ' . 11' ft' I . . dl b T" ",. Ie • e I a clr mce lOgs an 10 I,,"p'. IInw backward can we gel? Following Is the list of Pc' Devoted to his: work, kind' and y cup, catmg we .: a er eac I bOiler.llave water rapl y 01 mg, pany's whole hearted support for their hlp th B 11 I

of the splendid response of' the residents generally. There were 5419 people . examlnd for Tu· berculosis, with 2849 children' re: ceiving B.C.G. vaccination. ..

.Just one example ••• Niagara Loans range from

$100 to $1500 or more.

. \\'c arc jllst about black in the titloners:-Mrs. Susannah Jack· understanding,.h·c was.held.in the addition. Turn batterDn floured stir in 1 cup 01 wasliedrice. CQok .' d k s~ 00 pa er e c s·

I'e "frOIII askill,," tile ,uabana Light man, Peter Jackman, Florence hIghest esteem' by all' he came inboard and knr.ad lI~ht1y .. Place in over direct :heat (or 5 ·minutes. the pro~ect. Men an trucks were land lI1mors. • , 'Y 'I d b I ,d '1 't' 1'1 I b' '1" . t . .1' the proJect. Men and truc s were The theatrc' too nlade a defl'n R I N' L

J k "h J k 'ia y d hId f I hOle . ow', cm'er a ~ e rise un I P ace over 01 109 wa er; cover Id d t' tr' t X . . 0 '. 0'"." OWIt a. mo.y ,ogoro 0'0'. 'Ilfl I'o'rcr Company to extend ac 'man, "atv 'ac man, .' r contact utlng is' o'ng an at· '. . . pro v e . 0 anspor ·ray eqUip' I'te cont 'buti n' bu • £'1 Stone, Brendan Stone, Kel'in Stone, ful ser' vice with .the Stecl Com. lig~I, about 1 hour. T~rn out on and cook till tender (about '15 . '. rio. ,carrymg 1m

thdr present line over to our area Marie Jackman, Vera Slnne,.Ron. flour.Cd board again ,anI) knead minutes). Stir rice. frequently'; ment to key. ~omts through?ut t~e traIlers showmg X·ray to be a !O Ihat ollr homes can be supplied aid Jack'man, Nancy Jackman,' John pany. '. .. "cDt·jy·. Divide into 3 · .. p·~rts·, . roll when tender add 1 tab\espoon,of Island, pubhclty wa~ carrIed m powerlul· weapon against· Tuber· lIith electric r owcr, but it seems He was .posses!\~d:·. 9f : a large b th C ' m g n the Sub that cxtending their power line Jackman, Mrs. John Jackman, fund of Information, eonsclcntlous eacil: part into a rectaqrile about butter. Uncover and continue :cook· e . omp~ny s a aZI e, . culosis, . !uch a great distance (about. a William Skanes"Mr~, Wm, Skanes, and kind, and. discl}arged his. very V(; inch thick. Spri'nkletach recto ing over boiling water tlll.-dry. marme Mmer, and through t.he In all, the Survey on Bell Is· quarter 01 a mile) is quite a pro1>- 'Ihomasackm:m, Leo. Jackman, important. duties' wIth the -.: most anglc with mixture of '::.~Imonds, Pour in' a' mound in' centre of hot Comp~ny.sponsored . Dosco Ne ,vs land was a most gratifying undcr· iem for the Wabana Power Com. Mary Jackman. medlculous care,' and. In 8 manner brown sugar and cinnan\6n. Roll platter,' Surround with Lamb Clirry. B.ulletm. It was. through the taking, botti from the, point of pan!'. All lI'e have got is half .. Bell Island, which showed hl~)slncere regard ea.ch as for jelly roll, *cn' twist Serve with diced turnips and·:car· kmdn~s~ o~ . Mr. Dickey that. the view of the interest' and cooper.

d id A. prll 21st, 1955.. for the' welfare 'of .' his fellow slightly. Lay the 3 rolls,;on' oUed rots. Makes a deliciously different Assoclallo~ 5 X·t;ay techniCIans . d' I d" d hcarlc prom.ses an some very workmen, : .:. . . cOO'kle sheet and braid. Co. '.ver and dinner for four or five people. were alr·lifted to the Island duro allon ISP aye 10 It, an because ronr excuses, .1 c-:::,===-':-:-==========::-

Sincc aB. our efforts have been 'The IDte Denis Dwyer was one let rise until light; '(about 3!~ of no al'all, we ask you as our p . . C . d' of nature's ger.t1eman,,· a christian hour). Bake in :ihoder~te:1:'~ven, honourable representative In the . raISeS' lana a S In the highest a~ceptatlon of the (3'750 F.) 25·30· ~Inut~; ,/.;. Hou,e of Ass~mbly, to use your '. term, this good m~n .has passed .o~ I I" 'S'h k ',;", position and' Influence ·In· getting Welfare' Mark' In ~he fullness. of ~ays leaving :be- 'E ectrlc OC ',' '" an extension of the present power . : .hlnd the ,record'::!1~ a w~ll spent . " ; .. :. '. line so that we, can· . have .. tho . MONTREAL. (CPl-An emln·ent 'life. As one who' scorned all wrong, I "J" I WI1.. .p': b'!Dclit of electricity, 1:nlted States priest says Canadians ,who harboured'no~'bitterness; . he n :'. J)C ieyS: WIll; .. ;

\\·c wcuid .. lIke to pO\l1t., \lilt B~C sctt.1n~. 0 f!ne .. ex.am~le In wei· will be rememjicred. by all iVho ,;.',',.., d d .. ,~. howCl'c rthat considerable expense farc. work ali ?ver the w~rld. . .~new: him inhindely as one :'of Gets Suspen e "ould he invotved In securing' an Msgr. ~ohn 0 G~a~y .of Washing the; good old 'stock, and .hl! fine .,:... '. c:'ten.sion of the' present' power ~~ii~'3" ~~;~~~~~~:en~[ab;~~~ IaIlJUlar face wi~ .. ~esad!y m,l~sed inSYP~~~d (~:) s;:t1 c"h",le"fJ ,aHa.

hne m ordel' to bring. po.we:. into, . Charities, said IIi an ·Inter.ylewhe from; the 10~a~~~lle \\hlch "he E,;r:~verest reccivedan "'''M"',,, ?ur l:ol11cs. T!,e Ilgh~house which !Jadseen .can~dl~ns In JlIJlny coon· for~ed. a .. part ;7,~~;,:nenrlY; foor ihilckwhen ,. he· picked up ., bUill at thc East End Is also trlCs, at International meetings and :score years. 'j~"'!i~:' '. jnckey'swhlp, .As a l"~sult without electricity. We were won· hi connection with refugee work. ,He Iss~rvlved"~!1'~!Ie son Tom, jockey has been suspended dering that since the Department "Wherever I have m\lt thcm,..ln four'daugnters, Be~s.HM!:s. G~orgc rncing for 10 years. 01 Tl'amport will be supplying the Alrica in ·Europ.e . or In Indla-I :Kent), Lucy; (Mrs.~:W1lir,' ·Kent),. The jockey, Willlam Altrill, lighthou;c with electric power In have been mosllmpressed wl~~c Mary, . (llIrs. ·Pat.· Keiil);"Bcll :}s- ~ war. posted . to ride a. gelding the ncar futul c, if the project IPethods and ~~proach which , .. cy landi'Ita, (Mrs. Joseph Zax)'j White' na.m.cd Thunderln~ LegIOn in a could bc ,pccd~d up, thercby hr."c .ado~tcd, he sald'l . I Pialns'Nc'w \ '{oriC; 'OIie : brother rDCP at MorphettVIUe, South ·Aus·

, . Msgr. 0 Grady. also v ce·pres· '. I'd' f • t' 1",ll1a Bookmakers op~ncd the bet· !nabllDg u, \0 tap on to the power dent of Ih\l JntcrriaUo.nal Feaera. Joh~, Bell Is ~n j. .our. SIS ers, ting ~n Thundering Legion at 33 to II~c ~t a grcatl~· reduced cost, I{ tilln of Cath~llc C.~ariUes, was here !IIts• Jolm :Tulk, .. Mrs ... John, ~ur. I, but suddenlY dropped' the odds thiS IS not pOSSible thcn perhaps !II attend a dlnncr' given 'him ,by phy, Mrs. John Boland, Miss Mary t.J 4 'to 1 although the horse had a Icmporar~' Ih.e could be brought I.ilr Federation of Catholic Charities Alinc Dwyer, MOrltrelllj .and ;29 falleri' b~dly 'in Its last· three ol'cr to rclicI'e the situation for 01 Mon~real.· grand cblldrcn.' HiJI wife pre- rJrp.s. the present, At Ic.ast this could He said he was Impressed by the deceased him In 1926. The horse', owner, H,Irvine of ~il'C us ~ chance to read a paper way Canadians opened dod op~r' . The funeral took place Thursday Ballarat, then went to· the stw. or magazine tILer the sun goes ated mlssion$. 111 Af~ca and by morning to Si.'.Mic)1ael's Church aIds and said "something was down without strainin" our eyes. tlh~ meth°bcd thi e Ihmmdllgrdatlon prob· by motor hearse, where solemn \\Iong," Everest . went to the

... €m~ arc ng an e • . ' . jockeys' room and searchcd Alt· ~Iust of us have to usc magnifying I'ORCES'lN 1I10Tl0N requiem mass, was celebrated by In's. gear six minutes before' the ~Iasses noll'. . Turning to juvenile delinquency, .HI. ,Rev, Msgr .. G; F~ Bartlett, with stertor.the race, He jumped as

We fully rcnUze· that most of Msgr.O'Grady·said certain turbu· Rev. Fr. J •. L. ·.O·Dwyer, deacon u sharp shock travelled up his the roads on Bell Island are In bad lent forces are'set In motion whan and Rev. Fr .. W. ·.K Lawton, sub· right arm wh'~h he picked up the :ondition, but the East End road pwplc, unaccustomed' to city. life, deacon.' whip. .' . . . beats t1lcm ·all Not one single move to. big urban centres. Interment was In the. R. C.. A battery had been skilfully built thing has been done to Improve Youngslers growing up In these cepieiery. ' . . Int!! the'shaft of the whip and 'the Ihe condition of this' rmid since areas sometimes "be.come· confust!d - The funeral arrangements' were shock was received when contact lelore Confederation The Govern· nnd delinquency results. '. in charge 0[- Murphy's under· was made· with two wires In t,he l1cnlHlghroans Department has (lr~~!e!lI!ee~e~~'u~~i~alh'::~~~ taker's service with Mr.· James ~~~ o:r~;e~hi~!~~~;e. j~~~e~te~~ Icglected to repair IL entirely. ex&gg\lrated In' sonic places.".' Ryanas undertaker, and .the fol· ride Thundering Legion and the lhis is not ~ood enough. Why Social problems should betackled .Iowing ·~~mprlsing the poll·bearers horsc won ·the. race. Ihould we be left out? The road. In· the neighborhoods whcre L.'1ey -Messrs. James. Stewart, Daniel loes not come under the juris- ocCUr and. people' should. be en· Stoyles, F.' Thomas Lamswood, liction o( the present Municipal i:ou'raged and Iielped to 'solve' their llichael heid, Richard .. F. Lams-


:ouncil, 50 this leaves the High·. OWr. difficulties, b~ said." wood. and Vincent: Horward. ~oad D.partment responsible ·for Social workers In Ame~lcan . .ciUe5 .. " '. s • II tle' r can learn mueh from "so-i:allcd a'aother had· been· realized. . L upkeep. The road has t 0 'underdeveloped countries In As!a" . It Is, the~cfore necessary. for 10 ~ralnag.e and after having; no where the ,potentialities. of the ·many socilll workers to reviSe their tepalrs to II. fUI about seven years l'~ople to. h'alp themselves and onethillklng, Msgr .. O'Gra~y said,

CHARLOTI'ETOWN (CP) - The 21Et an nual . convenUon of the Maritime Postmasters' Association is· to meet here .Thursday. Mari· liril'~ president J amesS. Humph· re~'of Hampton, N.B., will prcslde

. at the two·day gathering.

FO'R'VOUR" ' , .

CONVENIENCE . .' ..... I ''', ~HE . ": ..

1he €anadianl.1Jjjminion . .., '

On Now f ••• Doily TronlContinonl.1 Schedulel I COIlvo.lonl Dolly Tronlconlln,n •• t S, .. t,o .OIlTIE~L-VAlICOUy£1 TOI01Ito-VANCOUYlI' . MOtITIIAl-VANCOUVEI 'OIOIlTo-VANCOUVEI

Thl CanadIan IIDIII' ",ci",~al . I, The DoininlCl~ ilD~~" MD,;ir~1 "'Illy a, 1.00 p.m. E.U.. .' I . . dally al 8.20 p.m, i.S.T.

. ,- , '.., , . ~ --, eta ... ,I" Hltlooll .. If! Il .... sl ..... il ... trol.'I. 1I1 .. t..tia oIIllSO •• w Itol.I." stilt SClII, d, ... tllln .11."

V Fim class, touriselnd COACb IccOIllluod.lioo',o suii ill bUdgets V Scenic DoiDes'£ofall pmengers V DetWle Dining Room Cars';'cubine; service and surroundings of I tuxurious botel dining room V Unique Murat Lounge for refrclhmenl V Dlelelpower ,Iltbe way ... . . " .• ... . V SkybneCoffee Shop featuring budget meals V Resened coach sealS with fuilienllth lell r~sls.

.... ./ WalTl foa INfORMATtON AND RUEIVATIQNS TO '. . W. I, ciAMim', Di.'rid ' ... Ingor Ag.n' C.n~~I;'n P;'clflc.R~Hway; AD' King. St., Saint John, N,I ..

. THE ONLY stiNtC DO!'AE. RouTE ACROSS. CANADA ~. .... , . ' t',:y. "'.'" :.;' •.. .: •. .... '. "',' . -.. -................. - ..

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", "'

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10 .' ·THE OAIlVNlWs, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 • OJ'' •

\,,:PersonaJ ·Chit ROTARY CONVENTION annivcmry on June 3rd, They

Chat '::ur. James Al~erdlce, president are now scttled In their new home

oJ tbe st.· Joh'n's. Rotary' Club, lelt at 7 Larch Place. Mrs. Groucby here by' the express on Tbur:.day was former Women's EditOl' of thc lor Charlottetown where he wlll DAILY NEWS. attend a Rotary convention, which oPtlied ytsterrilY. . . . FROM FOX HARBOUR , .

Mr. arid Mrs, G. King of Fox PAST PRESIDENT " Harbour, Placentia Bay are at " Nr.T. J. Dalton, Immediate past present spending R bollday In tbe preJld!nt of the St. John's Rotary city. Mr. King Is emplo)'ed at tile Club I~O 1e1~ here last week to Argentia Naval Base. atle,,4 the Jo\a1'1 convention It Charlottetown. FROM WHITE BAY

Mr. and lItrs. n. Newhook 01 FnOM iT. ANTHONY Roddickton, Wblt! Bay, arrived In . 'Mr. lIay Elms of SI. Anthony the city on a business and pleas. ~.ved in the city oil Friday by ure trip on Thursday, and are the upren on bu&!ness' for his registered at, the Brownsdale fum.' He II reilistered It the Hotel. .rownldll, HoteL


Mr. 1nd Mrs. Harry Hciwlett, Prescott Street leit here by T.C,A, yesterday for Charlottetown to attcnd the Rotary Convention.

'Mr. and "'rl. Harry Osmond of Kilriton'i Harbour Irrived In the city, en Saturday and Mrs, ()s..

mODd 11 now a patient at the Gillenl HO$pital. Mi'. Osmond Is FROM EASl'PORT (lIe'luest of his IUnt, Mrs. E. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Squires of O.mobil, AIiwdale Apartments. Eastport are at present visiting the , '_ city on a business trip.


. Mr; *nd ?Ire GUI Groucby cele-'orate. tlIelr thirteenth wedding

'I l' 3 ~-.

l~' 'Wtl~me y/agon

Hostess ~iU hoek Oil Your Door. , ",th ~iftl & Greeting.! ' jrolft Friendly BUlinesl

, \ Nii~bborl and YOu,r.' , Civio Ind Social

:Wilfert ~Idera. 0.. ,b tell"" .1,

OIint- .)f residllnce Amv.l, oi NlwcOIg_ til



WEDDING BELLS The wedding of Miss Pbilomcna

Kilfroy 0[' st Lawrence to Mr. Michael Turpin of St. Lawrence took place It the Goulds on Satur­day momlng. The wedding break­last was held at Frost's Restaur­ant. Miss Nellie Turpin was the bridesmaid and Mr. Joseph KlI· froy, brother of. tbe bride, was best man. The wedding party wIll leave here today by car to return to st.' Lawrence.

IN HOSPITAL His many friends will be sorry

to learn that Mr. H. LeMessurler, Rennle'~ Aim Road, Is at present a patient lit the General Hospital.

SOCIAL EVENING The first social event at Bally

Haly for this season will be held on Wednesday evening. This party Is sponsored by the Ladles' Com­mittee, who bave had numerous requests for a get.together party following the success of their closing party last fall. Miss Hilda Steele Is In cbarge of the catering and tickets win be sold in advance. ,

LEAVING TO·DAY Mrs. Ken Bliss, Cornwall Ave­

nue, Is leaving today by air for Montreal, from where Ihe will drive by car to New York on a visit with her daughter, :Mrs. Charles Cooper,

MIS. CATHERINE FOSTER TO ATTEND ~ING Superv;~ing Host-.:, Mrs. Grant Burnell, 24 Comwall

, .

• i "


~. I .'





·.TheLean WillowY.Look InLongTorsopverblouses

Between Us IFrozen or Canned Fruit W?manSkie~M~y ,e ..,. '. Miss OlympICS .



The less time you spend wltb any of these women the happier you wlU be: .

The woman wbo thinks'men have all the best ¢. It and that women never get a square deal. An hour's conversation with SUCl.; a woman can make a fairly contented wo­man unhappy \\ith her lot and re­sentful of her husband.

The gossip. Nothing you hear from a gossip wm make you feel better or happier and after you have lert her you will wonder un· happily If you said anything you don't want repeated. .

Tbe woman wbo puts a muncy value on everything, Let sucb a womlln come into your home and suddenly things look shabby-be­cause you are seeing them througb her ,appraising ey.aS, instead of through you r own rose-colored glasses. Never Tell Wet Blanket Your Plans

The wet blnnket. This type of womari can find a flaw In anytblng you are happy with-and sbc will take dellgbt in pointing it out to you. Ne~r make the mistake of telling her your plans or sbowlng her anything you are proud of.

The bossy manager. Unless you are a very strong o."aracter, you \\111 get belp and advise you never asked for and will bave plans made for you that you naver wanted made. The "born·manager" just cnn't let anyone else's )ile alone.

The complainer. No matter bow happy you leel wben you start talk. Ing to a complainer, you are sure to end up by feeling gloomy. The complainer scatters gloom wbere­ever she goes-and tbe only way to dodge tbe gloom Is to dodge her.

You are almost sure to know some of these wom~n, But the less you see of them, the happier you will be.

JUice Make Good Coolers With Broken Leg By SraRI.EY MOl ntIS

Canadian Prell Staff WrIter qUEBEC (CP)-A broken leg

may keep one of Cr.ctada'i top women skler~ out of the 1956 Olympic Winter Games at Cortina, Itnly.

!lonlque Lanilals, .• U.)"Ilal'>Old Quebec City alalom wblz, ilready bail been chosen for the team that will represent Canada in the gHmes. But, she uys sadly, it aU depends on ttll leg.

Tho'! attractive, you n « sider snapped the lell in mld·Marcb It Stowe, Vt., just IS she was near· ing the end of her most suc~mful seuon. But the OlympIc selection committee, Ic;oklng over her good rc.cord lor last win~r, picked ber fc,r the team and pinned its hopes &n a quick recoverY. F'ELL mONG WAY

"It wns ~ucb I silly accident," abe recalll!d, "I wasn't even ald· , in\! fast wb~n I hit I bump and The latest whim of fashion's raney-long'line overblouses !n '0 fell the wrong way." many 3m art variatlonsl All are casual, with a subtly defined waist.

WONDERFUL-ThIs rerreshlnR frozen lemonade anll Iprlcol nectar cooler Is best described as Just wonderful.


"The cast will be taken off in line, all deSlgned to mate with sUm·hipped skirts or 'trousers with a July but m) doctor!s afraid that lady·Uke touch! Note the dashing hlp sash marking an elongate4 I Vlon't ~t my leg tnto shape by torso and the informal aIrs of a three-quarter sleeved collared desi" ~~~e~~eo~;~:u~?Jd!~en the Olym· W!th Jaunty poek:ts, A third style is s~nt-but!oned a~d side'\\Tappcd.

(sMu~kmERb DtOL26IDAYrtPUNCHzo Once the cast II removed ahe Wlth softly blous~d back, and three chOices of 'Sleeve length; alecvele!!, a es a ou qua s, or' , h rt d t'-· te U you keep your Ireezer and servings) plans to strengthen her leg mus- soan ... ee·quar r •

pantry ~hejvcs stocked with frozen One package cherry soft drink des. by swimming, ,golflnK Ind bi· FAERIC SU.GGESTIONS: Cr~sp and casual is the keynote-linen!, and canned fruit juices, you'll be powder, 1 cup sugar, 2 cups pine- • cycling,· but it wOil t be u,ntil De- rayons-wltMhe-hnen look, sallclo.h and denim. If you prefer a mort ready to serve Memorial Day week. apple juice, \-4 cup lemon juice, Cl:mber,. wben . the OlympIC team lat~ay look, try one of the silkier cottons. ready (0, serve wee~c end guests water and ICJ cubes to make 2 Ualns for two weeks ~t Mont STAR PATTERN NO. 212 is cut In sizes la, 12, 14, 16, 1B, 20, . refreshing warm • Math~r bever· quarts, red and green maraschino Tremblant, Que., that &he Will )mow 3S, 38, 40. ages, quickly and deligbtfully, cherries, pineapple ebunks, If she will be skUnK In the mter· MATERIAL REQUIRE1iENTS' C II d st 1 'th • wltbout kitchen fuss. Combine soft drink wder suo national events. . " 0 are y e \\1 pockets, 2\1 end guests rcfreshlng warm·weat· gar fruit juices tPO a ci ie The accident occurred just, as yardr, 35-ln. With hlp sash, 278 yards, 3S·ln. Three-quarter zlemd : ber beverages, quickly and delIgbt· cu~s. Stir until ~o~~~rnk ~wde; M~nlque was wlndlnll up ber best de8ign, 21f.l yards, 35-Inch. With short sleeves, 2~ yards, ' fully, wit-iout kitcben luss. and sugar are dissolved; skiing year. Sbe had won tha Cana· For the STAR PATTERN NO. 212 sbown above, send 60c; In coin

Here's a Sugg'~stion from so~t. Make "sblsh,kebab" stirrers by dian slalom championship, the pro- to STAR PATTERN Dcpartmen~ (St. John's Daily News), Box 3~O, bern California. We tblnk you n alternating red and green cberries VlDclal ladles championship, the Jll:adison Square Station, New York 10, N. Y. welcome It. wltb pineapple chunks on skewers Kandabar and the Ryan Cup at LEMONADE. APRICOT COOLER or wooden sticks. Place a stirrer :Mo~t Tremblant and the Kate

(About 2 quarts) in eacJl glass of puncb; Smith Tr.ophy at Lake Placid, N.Y. One (G·cunce) can frozcn concen· FAVORITE FRUIT PUNCH It was quite an acblevement for

trate for lemonade, '!4 cup apr:cot (Makes 26 quarts or 20 t.ie young woman who. howled in nectar, 1 pint lemon sberbet or Ie. servings) protest ~ben sbe was first forced mon Ice, 1 quart g~nger ale. One packag'3 orange so!! drink aD to'sklS .at the aile of seven. Her

Combine concentrate for lemon. powder, 1 cup sugar, Y.. cup lemon brother, Plcrre, wb,o Is se.ven years ade and apricot nectar. Put juice, Y.. cups apricot nectar, {IId~r, took her .sklmg, against her


Name .......................................................

~dd~ess •••• ' •.•••••••••••••••••.••• t •••• t ••• : .............. .

about 3 ounces of this mixture in water and Icc cubes to make 2 WI,~I, on the Plams. of Abraham. Nalls need dally £Ire, just a rub· the bottom of each of four tall quarts, 20' licorice candy sticks. . I hated it at first but wmn 1

back with I towel for the cuticles' glasses. Add scoop of lemon sber. Combine soft drink powder found 1 like compe~tlon, I stuck CIt" " ......... , •••••• : .•. Zone •••••••• " .State ............. ..

after each wasblng, and cleaning bet I F'n I ith' . ..' With It," Monique saId. with a fUe Or orange sUck. or ce. . I g ass w gcnger sugar, lemon JUice, aprIcot ne~. WINNER AT 14 Star Pattern No. 212. Size I ............ ..

ale. SerVe Immediately. tar, and water and Ice cubes. Slir . . -Helgbts, is leaving today by plane Fruit flavored soft drinks pow· until soft drink p()wder and stigar h Shii s~arted w~nnln~ tro~hles ~n ..... ____________________ ..J for Toronto, where sbe wilJ attend ders make refresbing coolers too. are' 'issolved, Place' a licorice . at" 1~ year °lr'flteg w ben IS f~ the wedding of her nelce Sbe Very Inexpensive, they combine stick in each glass of punch fcir wis 1 teau d 'i h r :Wi tie -----------------------will visit NeW York on he~way weI! with fruit juices, a stirrer, jfhO~a~l~r~: fu~ tiali,r racl~r.'~ T . PI t A to Toronto. the' winter and then relaxing ill the o· an

B t B ° f 50 Y A summer. to regain her strength. WINDOW DISPLAY eau V rle s. . ears 1oI0nique made ber Dame I. I Millio FO T

The excellent window display slalom skier alter training for three on If rees at Ayre and Sons, Water Street Wblte you're sitting there tblnk. Nurse, Delivered years on the slalom cour~s It, VANCOUVER (CP) - The Elk slores recently, were desIgned and ing about the regrettable stale your . Stowe. 'Falls Company announced recently finished by populnr Jim Long of balr has gotten into wblle you were 9000 B bO . T~ lIet in top condition },fonlque that 1,000,000 two·year.o(Jjd fir trees 3 Atlantic Avenue. busy cleaning tb~ house, put your ales . golf. to strengthen her leg muscles will be plantl!d on Vancouver Island

hands up and slowly, massage the and plays basketball to sharpen her before the i!nd of the' year.


scalp. Back and fortb, up a)olO CHATHA7If, Ont. (CPl-A mater refiexes. She also has spent th. . The new trees, to be planted by down, 'round and 'round-it's re. nity nurse wbo has delivered more I~s~ two summers at BanU, Alta., the pulp and paper company in a laxIng, Also, It stimulates the oU than 9,000 babies soon will celc· blkmg and mount~in-ellmblng. 1,3fJO..cre area, wll! brin!: to more

The present re·planting Is bein~ donp in an area of the island th.1 W~~ completely burned out In 1938. Some hemlock seadlings are bein~ ~et in areas suited to the tree, but tlie, majority of young trees m firs

Tbe work, which has cost th' company about ~200,OOO, Is done by company logging crews whlcb woril 14 weather unsuited to regular 01" erations. The seedlings are donatee by the provincial government.

Deanna Smith Is receiving con· gratulations from her many friends, on her splenoid success In the recent Trinity College 01 Music exams. Having obtained 88 per cent in the Intermediate Division, Also congratulations to Edward, who paned In the Senior DivisIon, Both are music pupils of the Prel!sntation Convent.

glands to go back to work. Now, brate her 50th anniversary in 'the Sbe estimated that ~he has about than 9,000,000 the number of trees reacb for the balrbrush, and brusb profcssion, tWIi· year .• of raelnll abead of her, that have been planted since the PAYETl'E RAISES BAIL' the daylights back into that headl Annie Head graduated from the after.whlch she plans to get mar- l'rogram began in 1943. JI10NTREAL (CPl-Paul Pay·

Come May 24th, a new 24-hour llpstick, 1\1ore about it after a good trial. .

Cbatbam Public General Hospital *d and raise a famUy. Howev~l" Total number of acres covered ette, waaltby 55-year-old mlnin, In 1905, and has S!lent most of her If sbe competes In the Olympics by the man.mad~ forests will soar magnate, Tuesday put up t."e re­selvice there. When she started, ~he probably will extend her clr· to 11.750 when the current planting malning $40,000 of the $50,000 baU the hospital was gas·lit and had eer anoth~ year becaule the Canl- Is flnlsbed Imposed Monday pending his pre­i111 telepbone or elevator. Sbe Ire. dian Olympic Association wants ----.------- l!mlnary hearing June 7 on chargu

There arc a great many shades qtt~lltiy helped carry patients up· skiers to pass on their experience ski in the Olympics,' I'll have a of obtaining $294,000 from an Amer· o! lipstick on the market, sbades stairs on stretcbers, to young stars; :, broken heart as well as a broken ican investor under· false preten to blend with every costume color' In the early days there were fte- And as Monlque said: "ll I don't 1~1I·"· ses. but when In doubt-use a tru'e red. quent typbold outbreaks and she ------------~---------~----------

.... £nt to li1lr first case In a horae PASSES )fUSrC EXAMS Congratulations arl being ex·

tended this week to Norman COUPLE STILL MISSING Littlejohn, Jr~, who has success· CORNER BROOK, Nfld. (CP)-fully passed his intermediate The underwater search for a miss. music ex~mlnation. frnm Trinity Inll couple continued In the Hum· College' of Music. Norman Is a b~r river Tuesday, but no trace pupU of Mis. D. GwillIam, L.R. VIas found 01 Mr. and !IIrs. VIctor A.M" A,R.C,M" St. Michael's I Hodder. The parents 01 threa child. School and the' Ion of Mr, and I rEn have been missing since Fri·

, d~y evening willen they went for a Mrs. Norman Littlejohn, 177 drive. Tire tracks leading trom CampbeUAvenue. the highway to a rIver bank have

buggy driven by the family doctor. MONEY WAS SCARCE

'When she was a student Mis! Hl'ad earned $2 monthly lor tlle first year, $4 monthly the second and $6 mont\lly in the third year. After gradUating, she received $10 :l week, and was 9n call 2-1 hours a day.

Sbe has inade a spaclalty of pre· mature blrtbs, and she keeps in touch wlth manyo! her former patients. ,.

Miss Head has been head of the hospital nursery for· the past 10 years and says she bopes to bring mnny more. babl.es· Into the world in the years ahead, .


passengers and three crewmem. I:~rs escaped Injury Tuesday 'nlgbt when a Northeast A1rllna passen­ger plane making an Instrument· approach to West·Lebanon airport ran off the south runway and. dam. aged, Its . undercarriage ·In . rough terrain. The cr~lt, en route to Le­banon from New York, remained upright.' " .


• .(,i;.I~ /. .'

. G1QRIFlfS COLORS r :. ~ ,' .




." ... ~, ... ~~ ... '. ,.,.'::.~.'~:..: ,,;.',,:,:.~'


: "

s~~~;iec,:: i~ /'::.~': .;r~;'''':~f~·'··· .. ".~:~',; ·3/ 1,000,000 HOMES

• • I J ':',:, .. , ,,' ~.; ~:; • ",' • "~" .;: .~. !,.,,' t' ';.: i':'



~ ..... ~.~ , '.~,... ."",/ .'. . >: ... ~

HAR'DWARi~,·D~piRTMENT ' ··;'Phone 41'31 to 4138' ;.

• • • ,,' • _. '.'. • ': ' .. .. • .' '. >. • ••• '. " - • r " - . -.

Only Split

By THE Tbemalor

migbt as well hDm~ Sunday

, results bad any big standings. For it whlch'split of aouDl. the style.

Only the loi II w a gained in the Na they migbt find down'today game with tbe lis Is completed. the op'ener 54 witb hitting two borne trailing 4'()' when called In t~ the

The league DDdgers split Cardinals, losing :Ken Boyer c dinal binge run In \,he 10tb, a back to take the PINCH HOMER

Frankie pinch homer In second game Cubs a split Giants. Tb~ \:mln". 3.2 as,Sal seventh .Iral~nl took the ntg,:I1ClIP. beat Cincinnati Rediegs square 5-l triumpb:

It was tbe American League cago White Sox York Yanks 5·3 then dropped Billy Hunter's b[)m~ run in the

Tbe Cleveland \,heir third sir a ington Senators ing back to streak with a second contest. BREAK . Cal Abrams

run bomer and Baltimol'~ 0 r i seven·game los 6-5 decision over in the second the opener

The rai~l·della.

at beat the 10 innings in

Milwaukee's Phillies ended of five Johnny Logan hitting while Earl the Pbils.

Boyer was Cards' first the Dodgers. the score in lOth be liit variety. In mer Ind Gil run bomers. RHODES

Dusty Rbode. Holman. In the Giants' Hi" single in the Jim Hearn the second on man's homer single and a With two

, . .~ . -.


In '11 waist.

with a elongated



., ...... .


...... ,.

ing Is belnl! Island that out in 1938.

are beinll tree, but

trees Ire

tost thr Is done by

which wor)l regular op' arc donated

, _,....;.... ___ ,,--:=-' ,.. -=: ...... ~.. ..• 10 ,TijE'DAltY N$'tS, MONDAY; JUNE 6,_1955~

~~~~:e~E~~ f "~~;~;~ ~:~r~;;kTo ,Crusaders· Win 4, thl \$%ffs~X~l~~OYGrlrIMS 0 SWIm StraIts. 'I C·' k . '~ ,VAl.IIA'LE AGGETTOA ~" t . B tb 'I'r ,'I\'¥7t!if!5!%'': 58 '~, Jb~:s~~1~a:~P~y -;l~r:~d ~~: n I y as e a' .

,v1Tr:IIGR MVJ:r. 68 0 In his. second and greatest ~f!ort ' ' -A6/.E ro .&'IEUNIIS p to sWIm the Strait' of Juan d ' H

, POSlilON A~ WEll A~ c::r Fuca, said Saturday night he'U' try ; Holy Cr.oss sw~pt their fourth I In the H~IY Cros~ attack' wlUi , . 7?lIlOW again next month,' straight vletq~ In the spring fourteen points While Jim Ma~

illE Thomas, a 29·year-old logger basketball SCrlCS on Saturday I Donald swished twelve and EddIe' ,:I MI.L, ~rom ~ac~ma, Wash., was pulled night at the, ~tadium by turning Powcr ten.


Only The Braves. Gain .In S' 'd ' B -II' ',~ ;:t~rda; ~:~~!~In~~r:er ~~f~ back the. fighting Patricians 57-39. St: Pat·s were led once again hf

, 'U", nay' TWI-n lSI (501%ff~~ nine miles of his goal; Port An· • The Will m~ved. the Crusaders Bill Wilson who tossed' in 1~ C .,Hit 19IAN'IS geles, Wash., 18,3 mUes from here mto a tw~ pomt first place lead I points. Pat Browne foJlowed wl~

• .; , ' " ' ~ COMBINES GOot:1 as the crow files. ' over CUltlS Academy who have' 12 poinls, '.

" TIlE CANADIAN. PRESS .1 .. h,m"".I, ."" """. _., ." .wimm" ""m .. , ...... d"" •• '''. ,.m' "~. "'" ,,,, •. 1 . L1"'" with "I,b .,,"", .~ TO, m.j" 1 .. ,00 b"".n l"m.1 FELLER TO .. OW.... . ""'ft,lYf'f' I"" ~~ b •• I'H' .... mi.... PI.,I" "th ,", "" m .. tho HOLY CROSS-Pow .. 10, ..r

might as well havc stayed' at The Senators drove Bob Feller StarCha . 'I g' 70Ptlr He had planned to try ,gain Green and Gold eagers gave the way 14 ,ilaeDonald 12" Short ,'I. hom~ Sunday In.so.far as ,the from the mound In tlie fifth Inning. ,mps ,D 111M IN illl! ~nday, 01' today but changed ~is league leaders a fight .. all the way Joy, Philpott 4, O'Brien 6, Gulllyer'

Split rC$ults had any big effects on the of to.'lelr first came with the Indians Dub ... ANKS mmd dter tallng It over With down to the final quarter when the 4 ' ,landings, For It was a 'day In and went onto victory although '," Da'rts Serl"eS 0': rop ~avlgator, Capt, Hugh Evans, No Crusaders widened their lead to" ' ,;;:,1< ~'hich split of double.headers was Vic Wertz hit two homers and BObREI..PINGl fum date has yet been set.' th I . I ST. PAT'S-Harvey 5, Martinl • .. ,1,.1.. . A,I" ". ~ tho ,.",,1"', .h.m' """"'.1 "I'm "" " d., b ... "W I •• "m ... " " ,I .. "", ""t Brow .. 12, Wi." 111, Chm""" Do' tho " II w " , .. Ilt.". ,I.... ..... FlNAL STATISTIC' m.b It." b .. "oo""". "",<scp.r. b.d .~. """'. 2.' . II th N II II.< • I th ,.. ""m .. ,I" •• I, tb ..... , J,,' .. ~." Bill. W .... ,. P.t NEW TIME TON 1GB. '

~alne( I nh

f~ d ~ oni a:ue ~n I n t selond, thc Indla~s,brolro "" P W L' ,Pis, thre-a hours longer than Pat Rus· Brown and vordon Christopher. Tonight the basketballitarlsl+o Ihe)' m Sodt m at ump noc cd oose. or s x runs In the s'cvcnth Star ,. ,. •• ,,' 23 47 22' 47 0611 18 ld U I It Holy Chid . h . 'f d"1n t ay wft'n a suspendcd after being handcuffed by outh C L' ' , " =, ·year-o n vers y of Brit· ros~ e an elg t pomt series of one game per night. The game Wit ,e "a epa • paw can tone, Al Sm th's bases C I '", ~ 7 e ' om an· n e Irs quarter when game will start at 9.015 with' .Sb .' . h Ih ·P"II d 1 hi PII D SIS . . .B,.. .. .. .. 23 015 24 015 Is." Columbia d fr V lead I th f' t til is completed. The lIraves won loaded triple was ,the big blow. an. Leg on " ,,23 43 26 013 co~ver, , t?ey le~ ~t. P~t'5 15-7. By the half Bon's facing SL Pat's.. -the opener 5.4 with Eddie Mathews Rookie Duke ~bas cheeklld the K. of C" '/ • ~ 23 39 30 39 1 '\fm gomll to swim that strait lime wmstle of referees Yuku·' Vietoi}' for St Bon's tonight wJij' hilling two home runs but were Orioles with three singles and .Guards ...... 23. 38 31 38 "/-" eveD It costs me • year It blsln a d M L 11 h ., ., "m" ...... ~. ,,,,,d ... " .... tho 1 .. 1 " .... ~ I, ..... SL Pot'" ...... 23 " $2 37 ,,' ",t""II,," Mt" Ru .. n "ld In '" ." t. "". ,t" tb •• """,,I.. ho ...... "n.d I. ~, ,,,,,tb b ... ", .f w .... ¢t .. "" ... T1,m t, """ Ho~ ~"'''''' .. 23 " ".". • 1'f","'m~t _ to _. ,nt .... " bof" ..it to th • .,.,. "I,""I~ ,.tmd". m,w.d tho ,,~ ". G~ld I, ."t ~t.d ,I ........... • II. '>!iii the Pcnns~'lvanla curfew law. shoutout triumph, St. BOb's" ~. ,,23 31 38 31 baseman. They should break for the bag any time the ball Is hlL The challenging, strip, of water 28·1G. SI. Pat s. outpOinted !he Guards .Ince bolh teams ,h.""'~

The league leading Brooklyn Hector Lopez:s 10th Inning single R.E.W,A., ••• " 23. 31 38 31 to the flrst.base sIde. ot the Infteld. has attracted a number o! oilier Cr.usaders 17-15, In the f~st moving 2-2 record. A win for the , •. Dodg,crs split with the SI. Louis sco~d Joe Demnestrl with the run C.O,F, •• " ,,23 29 40:!9 ,WIth no one on base, the diagram above Illustrates what varIous aspirants. Mrs, Ann Meraw, 36- third quarter t~ cut the margin to tricians, improving with each ,am" ' \ardmals, losing the opener 1).4 as that gave the Athletics their !Irs~ Elks .. .. .. .. 23 27' 32 27 players should do When the ball Is hit toward the first basemanJ year..old Vancouver housewife, was 43·33 at the third quarter break. will give tbem their first .eisoll I\en !lo~cr capped a flvc-run Car. game triumph over the Red Sox B 1 S ' 'l'he pitcher races to cover tile base, running so that he will be paral.' here Friday night to sec Thomas John Galway was the big gun' points. ' " I b:" \ Ilh hi d h B t th So b I" .......... 23 17 52 17 II t th b 11 and Miss Russel! begin thel'r heart· " clna m .. e \. S secon om~ u e x came ack to w n FIRST PLACE TEAM e 0 ease ne and out of the path of the base runner as he b k

run In t!le 10th, and then coming the nightcap, '.3 on Jackie Jen.' reaches the b Wh th fI t b rea swims. She says she will F I d B B b II B" .. • • STAR-J R 11 • lise. en e ra aseman fields the ball he step. tho urgo an erg ase a '

back 10 take Ihc second 10.6, sen's hlUlng and throwing, He ,ya, (Mgr.), K. toward first and tosses the ball (If he Is fairly close to 'the baSe)! try IS summer. Mrs. Mllraw Is Ingo ,'I' mien nO~tER batted In what proved to be the O'Ne!11, R. Somerton, J, Gellately, or throw~ It overhand (If he has to make a longer throw) BO that a former Canadian Olympic dis· ,.,

Frankie Baumholtz' three. run winning run In the eighth JwlLlI a !It, Walsh, p, Neilson, B, Gallagh. the pitcher can catch It chest hIgh about two steps betore he rf.aches tance champion. Set Golfing P ace To Defray" Cost::, ,', pinch homer In the ninth of the single, then threw out Jim l"lnlgan, er, B, LeGrow M, Lawlor, the base, When the pitcher catches the ball, It Is advisable for him !~cond game gave the Chicago Who was trying to score the tying SECOND PLACE TEAM to try to step on the base wIth his right foot so he will stay out ot: Sam Sn d 'W·' A H d d W~· Of 1 ' CIl"S a split with the New York run, at the plate In the ninth. Tom B. Pelley, (Capt.), S: Payne; C. the paUl 01 !he base·runner and to circle toward second base, It Is: ea IDS S un re Sill'" . mproveme, n,ts' Giants. Th~ Giants won the opnl1.er Brewer went all the way for the Harding' r. Mercer E. Osmond good to get Into the habit of'maklng a quIck tum In case there are R d ' 3.2 a~ Sal :liagUe chalked up his winners. . W B tt' E p' I d ' runners on other bases as these runners might try to advance It the' OUD Robl"n Set SAN FRANCISCO, Calif. (AP)-!c\'cnth slralght win but the Cubs SATURDAY GAIlIES ' u ~r, . ayne, J.H n y. pItcher Isn't In posItion to throw qllickly l!.S. open champion Ed Furgol 51. John's Baseball League. ~ look Ihe nlc.!Itcap 3.1, PlttsburJh Don Ncwcombe chalked up his THlRP PLACE TEAM, It the first baseman can't get oft hIs' throw before the plt~he~, I A R bred a two-over·par 72 at t1ie lake hold a giant bingo .esslon IIIl'rrl· beat Cincinnati 1-6 only to have the ninth straight National League win CAN, LEGION - W, Fisher, reaches first base, the pitcher must stop at the bag and strete'" n unaway course of the Olympic country day Ju 17th t I f d' Redlcgs square accounts with a Saturday as paee.maklng Brooklyn (Capt.), D, Colleld, F, Woolridge, for the throw, '"" ' ': club Saturday to set the pace for ,ne 0 ra se un I ,to ~,I triumph, fashioned a 6-l victory over St. P. Wakeham, J, Hillier, W, Tibbs, ,No~e where the other players shOUld be heading In case romeone' GREAT NECK, N.Y. (AP)-Sam a.n estimated 180,000 duf[~rs In Na· help defray th~ ~arge ex.pens ... of

" ~ .. tho .. '" .t", I, ... 1.0., C ... " •• 'rho Dod"" ,,,I " M,lIoy. Y. W."",.m, R. """. ",k .. m .m •. B .. """'p ,." ,,,,,.oJ, .f"' , .. ,' • """'; S, .. " .h.I..... t h. D",d." .".1 Go. D" "m".U" lb. ,,,' .. "', .... , ,." .. " Am"'.~' ... , .. whm "" CbI- ., ""I. h.m.= b .... " wllb G. N.... ,~ ""m' .... "_ b_. ."", ... "d ,"~ • .,-~ P,Uy ... " ,,,,10, wi!b ,,,,,,I Abo.t "'!. "', .,,' "'"" .. ';" \~ 'I!. "" .d,.. !b. Now Roy C.m,,,.I", ... ,' ", •• n... "mGHEST ,LEGS-R. B'''', - , .. "S, ... , f ... ,I." hl, ""rib 10 ""W,,h !b. ~m .. •• "'''. " lb. ~.,.d 'd", thO' & 10rll 'i anks 5.3 In. the opener and Gil Hodges slugging roundtrlppers, (Guards), round·robln goil championship with shot a 77, three over women's par. sodding IS completed, presideDt Ihen dropped the second 3.2 on 'At the Polo Grounds a 12.lnning HIGHEST SCORE-B Ollver, a runaway score of 46 points. A crowd estimated at some 7,000 Ank Murphy said last night. After Bill), Hunter's .inside the park thr!l1er saw Chicago Cubs come (G d) • The West Virginian three·putt-ad followed the players over tft~ 6.700· that the workmen .will start, n hom~ run In the 10th Inning, from behind to edge New York unr s . C · I B b II the final green from 30·feet, miss· yard layout in perfect weaL.'ler. building the stands, Work Oil the

The Cleveland Indians dropped Giants 9.8 on Ernie Banks' tw MOST NO. GAMES FINISHED ommerCla a' sea ing a j,.'me·footer for his only one There was no wind and it was hot arc lighting system and the' nei I~eir third straight to the Wash. run single with the bases loade~ -E. O'Nel11, (Star), over·par in a superb round of 32·33 anGdolcflear. I' I r, dressing rooms will begin IS SOOD inglon Senalors 6.4 before bound. WIlUa Mays had homered twice. AVERAGES over the 6,693.yard, par 35·35-70 In Ca~~~aP aany~ngthon UO~laldcoSutrses as estimates are finished. , ing bac~ to snap their losing Milwaukee, too, was In a hltUng The following Is the JIst of layout.... e 01 e ates Th b' b' . II slreak wllh a 6.3 decision In the mood with Johnny Logan, Ed averages with No,' of games Played,S, t'ar'ts ." Se' ason T · h Peter Thomson, British op~n who bettered tll~ scores posted by' e Ig mgo ~eSSlon, w 1 takl ,econd .contest. Mathews, Joe Adcock and Danny B. Oliver,' (Guards),20, 12.75; onlg t champion from Australia, who had Furgol and Miss Berg receive place at the Stadium With prize', BREAK LOSING STREAK O'Connell homering to le~d. the J. Roberts, (Holy Cross), 24" il.71; gone to the final round only three medals inscribed "1 Beat Ed Fur· galore and a great' chance for

Cal Abrams rapped a two Braves, to a 11-3 win over Phlla. R. Evans (Elks) 24 11.45', E. points back of Snead lost seven gol" or "I Beat Patty Berg," as baseball patrons to give an assist run. homer and a triple as the delphia, ' " , , " points on a 71 and finished at the case may be. to the energetic league,'! wid, B"lhmor~ 0 rio I e s broke their Clnclnnnatl's 25.year:Old' rookie Moakler, (K. ~f C.), 24, 11.22, R. The Comm~rcial Baseball Lea· The league will play at the plus 19. Marty Furgol. in the same Life magaZine estimated 165.000 ranging improvement pIBJUI. 5c.\'en.~3.me losing streak with a righthander Rudy Mlnarcln eame Whelan, (COl!),,, 22,11.21;. J. j;ue will be the firs't summer Feildian Grounds on Mondays, foursome, lost three ,points for a golfers in the U,S. and 150000 in ' 6-, deCISIOn oVer the Detroit Tigers up with a one.hltter as the Red. Whitty, (REWA)" 20, IUD" M. sports organizatiop to begin 1955 Wednesday~, Fridays and Satul'- score of plus 11 by shooting an Canada tried to beat Furg~1 and In the second game nfter dropping l'aSs shutout Pittsburgh 6-0 On 14 Walsh, JStar), ;,21, ,11.06; E,. operations when.it opens thenew days dul'ing the summer months. even par 70. Miss Berg. It figured, on the basis Guards MeetinO' the opener 10.0. hits. ," O'Nelll" (Star), 24; 10.91; E •. Henne season tonight at the Feildian Schedule of games for this week Snead wen th~ {irst of these uni· of past performances, that about 5

The raln.dela~'ed doub1-~hcader In the American League New bury, (St, Pat's), 23, 10.89: J. Grounds al 6.30. Is as follows: que plus.and.minus events in 1938 35,000 succeeded. " IFF h I A' ., ,,,,.. cit"", .. AlhI.t.... Y .. kY " ..... ,.112 hi. "d1~1 G.not.I" (Sf,.),". 10.": II. ... MONDA? _ ... """"", ... , ."t, i, 1m !""I "" ." ~" '" " "'h , or oot a .I nd bea.1 t.he ~oston ~cd Sox 54 In 12 on base but only managed a Nugent, (K, of C,), 24, 10.82; C, Compehng learns Will be Ihe Great Eastern and last year. Sunday's victory mnc of the cxactmg course. He 10 innings m the fIrst game. narrow •. 3 win over Chicago White Harding (C L B) 23 1051' E snappy, Great Eastern 011 squad, Oil I'~, Harveys. earned him ~3,OOO, I would up the first nin~ by sinking B h II T ~h!\\'aukee's triumph over the Sox. Cleveland Indians used four, 0 m nd' (CLE')' 23' 1041;'p'runners up In last year's action, WEDNESDAY- Johnny Palmer of Charlotte. N'I' a 12.foot putt for a birdie 2 on ase a eams Plhl!lfl~S ended Robin Roberts' run pitchers and slugged three homers O~M ora '(Elks)' 24 10 39' ~ Wake' and the new team from Harvey Hub 'A:A. vS. Terra Nova Motors. C.; fired an even 70 to pICk up lour Ihe eighth hole to give him his ,. o 1\' e con~aeutlve victories. In vain as Washington Senators, a, """. and Company. FRIDAY- points Rnd squeeze Into second 36. He birdied only one other hole G.uards soceron B lQolball alld .J~h~ny Logan Joined Mathews ~ paced br Ro~' Sievers' three sueces. ham, (C, Leg,)" 20, 10.32, C, CanadIan National Railways vs. place over Thomson with a scor~ I during the match, the 34()'),ard 12th. i senlO.r ha~eb~1I tcams. will holi! hll~lng homers for the Braves slve doubles, plied Up 18 hits for a Bishop, (St. Pat 5), 22, 10.29; S, Mayor H. G. R. Mews ,i'iIl be Parker and Monroe, of plus 22. II'hc~e he topped a 10 fool pull.: mcchngs tonIght at Inc G\lard~, \\hlle ~arl Torgenson homered for 1435 victory,' , Payne, (C.L,B.), 23, 10,29; R, on hand to throw the opening bal! SATURDAY- The points In L.'le tllurnament arc MISS Berg fire~ fin birdies, bUll Clu~ Rooms to makc pl,\I!s [01' Ihe the Phds. Detroit roo k I e "Frank Lary Baggs, (Guards), 22, 10.25; K. to get thc eleven team league's Commercial Cables vs Avalon computed by comparin~ each play· her score was hIgh because of a, commg <ca,on.· i

C BoY~rf.lI'as the big show In the pito!led a four.hltler as the Tigers Murphy, (st. Pat's, 24, 10,21; R, new campaign under way for 1955. United A.A. . ~r's ~cor~ with those 01 the others f~t 6 she took o~ the third hole : Coac~ Bob ~!aunder will mect ,ards IrSt game triumph over beat BalUmore Orioles 5.2. Home ,Somerton, (Star), 24, 10.06, 'fhe long season schedule calls for Um i f th I '11 b In hiS foursome, Snead not only \Ihen she landed In traps on both I hIS jUnior so"eer players at 80if

Ihe Dodgers, His !irst homer tied runs by T,ed Williams, Norm " sixty five games and will see four /dres or . e . eague WI e had the most points but also the I sides of Ihc green, going two a~d all pros~ccli\'e menihers . oC the score In the mnth. And in the au chin and Jim Piersall sparked ,supp Ie for lonu~hl s gnme by the I best medal scor' 01 339 for 90 strokes onr par Sho bo~"i'd the II 195- I k'd t b" 10th h hi h • games .cheduled per week and a St J h A - . I' r b •. 2th 14 . -. Ie ;) cam are as e· 0 0

. e t one ~f t e three.rull Boston to I 5-1 win at 'Kansas C'L,'B, Foo'tba' II., . 0 n 5 S"OC13 IOn 0 Base all holcs-ll under par for the \\'eek· 1 , th and 161h holes conung: < I , .. "arlet)', In the mt:htcap Don 1m. City. number uf contests on' holidays. Umpires; end. in lor a 38·39-77. I pre. cn, .' .. ' mer and Gil Hodges each hit twc>- ' " H'Jndreds of Canadians pros d The ,cmor baseball squad wM run homen.' M ' T 'h. rluf{crs, won the coveled mcd~ls I mce~ at 8.15. All memb:rs of la5~ RHODES SINGLES eetlng' ,mug t S~ Pat's Senior Hockey from coast to coast. year s tcam .who have um[o.rms ar~

Dusty Rhodes, batting for !obby Pirie Returns ... .1 Weekend Scores asked to brIDE thcm to this mcet: nofman, struck the pay.off blow " . " ing. ' : In the Giants' first game triumph, T : T k ' The Church Lad. Brigade Sec· Te' am G t At DR A' i His single scored Whitey Lockman 0 ra'c Work tion B soccer team wlII 'hold In • , ues s lOner nd Standin~s Another Trade St. Pat's To Start ' In the eIghth, It appeared II If ". ' " Important meeting tlinlght at 8.00' u ~ Jim Hearn had a 1.0 triumph In LONDON (CP)-Brllaln'li Gordon In ,the CLB;,trmoury," , On W~dnesday, May' ,25th, the The Rev, Bro. Shea Ihen closed B D . HO ~ the ~econd on the strength of Bo!. Pirie, scheduled to run hi ,Toronto As plans lfir the comlnll season members of St. Pat's senior hockey tho formal part of the dinner and By The Canadian Press Vol etrOit 111tS Baseball PractI"ce ":Jan s ~omer when he gave up a this summer, returned to the track are to ~e made' a full attendance team w~re tendered, anappreci. fot the remainder of the evening 'NATIONAL LEAGUE ~~,nf~e 8?d a wallt In the ninth, Saturday after a layoff, and' won of prospective players Is requested. aUon dinner, by some of' their the gathcring were entertained W L Pct. GB Moor ° J acl{ Adams T " , ." r.."'.' .... ,mh.I.· !b. uol" mil, 'f.ot .I~. s". .., .. ,,~. by T.mmy B,~tt .1 lb. 'OM. B"",kl" ..... 37 12 .,,,, Dnring he Week ~ ~::ragerlth ~~ DurGoclher .replaced repYI alt.~laUlc, championships., U' M' ' In addition to the team' memo who, played for community singing Chicago ." •.. 30 20 .60'0 7~ DETROIT (CP) - Jack Adams, ~

n w .,arv r ssom, Baum. res t me was four nilnutes mpn-es eetmg liers other guests included Rev, II New York .... 26 25 .520 12 general manager or th~ Detroit Arrangements will be mad~ h?llt p.romplly parked Marv's fl.rst 8,6 seconds, two ~onds faste; , . B J G' Sh asTwe as solos, x·Milwaukee ,.2' 24 Red Win,,~s, said Saturday the later this week for an open p'ra":: PltRch mto the right field ; seats. than his winning time In the same St John's Association of Base- ro.', , ea, Principal of St. ' he affair was held at Frost's 'f .500 12\:' --.• m" ".)1 .. ' "'th ""'., .... 1"1 " ... H ... , tho llilnl . . P.", •• · ... \ wh, .. ,.. .. ."t"".t "d !b. _b .... , C'"i",ti· ... 21 26 .«, IS Wi'" m" .. ,,, ... ",th .. N,· ti .. ,,, ~. ,1. P.t' ...... buo\ ''!'" , ..... , tho ",.1 ...... I, I., '" .Jh. ""'m.l, , .. i '1.7 .... ",II Urn"" wm b,M • ~.IIo, .Iulm .. ,,, tho .~I,. H •• tho ·t.~ w.h t, '"'"'' lb •• st. ""'" ..... 20 26 .43, 15'. '""Is·"'·b ",."'. I"d, b.f". "''' 10 ,~ th. p.t"d ... ,,'0< Pit t s bur g h but the Redlegs onds, ,. " tonight at' 8.4:1 ~in the Rainbow, W; J. Xeough, Minister of Fisher. sincere appreciation to the organ. x.Philadelphia .20 28 .417 161k ne~~ ~~!om~. .' way for the new'diamond season.:: snapped back to tak'~, the second PIrie has been knOCking at the Room" In the event of the Com· ies and Co,oper,atives, Mr. A. J. izee\; of the dinner, ' Pittsburgh .• , .16 33 .327 21 . e mgs. ave Just. compbted All ex· pupils of st. Pat's are ill: belllnd J kl C 11 ' I d f I lIB b 11 Le g g • bIg trades With bolh Chicago Black· ' . , ac e 0 urn s n ne.hit Oor 0 wor d athletic fame, for mere a, ase a '. a ue ame Murphy, Mr, George Gillies, Mr. x-Does not inclune June 5 su;, Hawks and Bosto Br' Ad vltcd to attend these open prac-~llchlng. W~1Jy Post hit his 12th two years, but injuries have Inter. being postponed the ,~e~Ung will 'Vinee'Rosslter -Mr, DICK Furlong, pended game, 10 be completed June said the Wings :re i~m:. "st:o~! tim which wi1\, in all probabilll1 orner for the Redlegs In, the first vened at critical, moments; His start 'in~t~a,d,:at 'elght o'cl()Ck, ' Mr. 'A. Connors, Mr. Cyril Cond.' 6. position" ,in player talcnt, but ar"e be held, at. the recently. renovated,

gaHme, " , r:ace Saturday came aiter:a brea'k ",'," " , Pt·" MO d st. P t F ld C R d orne runs accounted for all but in training caused by an arm a'U. H 'dd "f' I'd gen, President of the Patrician a rlClans Ixe SalurdBy'fi Rosults faced with \!te problem of proteet. a s Ie , arpaslon 01._ one of th d' I th ' t AssoCiation, and Mr, Frank Wall St, Louis I, Brooklyn 6. Ing the players before the National Announcement will be mad! k!es"~hl~ ~~: r:l~ ~Ill. e I:;; men. .' , " '. ." u ers Ie ' unavoidably, absent wereMr, F. M: B Ii L Chicago 9, New York 8. Hockey Leagull player draft iii laler a~ to the ,appointment ~~ ~:;e~~d ~I~~(~y h~~~U~~: ~~ ~~ C . • . . Ties Sunderland ~;-:~~' J.~:BL .. "d M.. J. A. ow ng eague ~;t;=:::~.'il,P~~:::::~,~;. 'i.l!t~::~"." .... 1~.Il' ,I" ... ~::~::'::" m".," f .. lli"',,\ . Ute year aetounted f r N y' k' omme I H " In h" 'FIonaI Statl"sh·cS' Sunday'· Re·ull· and two goall,os ag~mst draft by , St. P~t's Junior team win ". ru I th 0 ew or s rCla OOp '., TORONT' , 0, (CP) _ Budder'sfield ,. Is opemng remarks Rnv. - ~ • • the t a Th W h h'" .' "I, ... , bof .... "'... .... Shu ,.. ....... lb. Ci,,,,,.ti '. PII .. ",h ,. "' • m.. • "!'~" ." .. 1I.d .. ,dh.. 1,11",10, tb~

It hiS game.winnlng homer The F' 'I T "'h' , Town's stored In the 43rd minute 'b f th t f Cincinnati 5r Pittsburgh 1, ~7 regulars and four JURlors com· meeting of the senior squad. 1 Soc x scored tht'lr flrs~, on Chico rna, ODlg t :', of the second half to tle,lts exhlbl. mem er~"o , ,e eam or the HIGHEST SINGLE mg up, three more than can bp 11 arrasquel's Iilth' homer cl the ' , • " • Uon sOccer match wlth,;Sundarland very, exeelle~t showing that they Ladies- Milwaukee 5, Philadelphia 4. put on the prot~cted list. , ~

tampalgn. "CommercIal Basketball Leaiue 3.3 at 'Varsity Stadium, Saturday, had made, In the serlcs at the Milwaukee 0, Philadelphia 4, : I, Jim Riv\!ra's grand slam h~me championship game takes place.to- ' ,The goal whlc.i saved Hudders. new Stadium, and looked forward G. Buck """""""" 324 Chicago 2, New York 3, .. M' 1:1 k

run In the first Inning of the opener night 'at the C.L.D, Armoury with f1eldTownfroindefeatbyltsfellow to the, daylrithc' not too dis· ~[. Ryan .. " ..... ,,""" 310 Chicago 3, New York 1. PI'ob'able PI"tcllerS TammSy s, .:JIOC ey . ~~~r~~ White Sox ahead t!l' stay. ,defending champloaJinperial' 011 touring English team came from tant Juture when St. Pat's would GC~tsBOurne "."......... ,297 St. Louis 9, Brooklyn 4, "d GU''M'"Il''' Ohl ......... " dqhl" wltb !b ........ " ..... ,,"'mw!b m.l" '~hl.h·~. ",.Ib •• ,,,,,,, ,,~"Ii', I, . SL "",I, 6, B""'''yo 10. . - earn oeJa I

c ougald of the Yanks adlan~ National :Rallways quintet, ,hall was pushed out four. times by the school the cjlampionship B. I)'Toole """, .. "... 395 Monday's Gamei NEW YORK (AP) - Probable 1 goalie Willie Fraser bafore entering trophy, " "" M. Spearns .... '... . .... .. 375 SI. LIJuis at Brooklyn, N. pitchers [or today's major league Members of Mammy's Bakerit

'Donpvan Ire bl, nllm',nl~~ael~' big leagiJes, ,Jones

'''''"In'IJI.complied an early 'Ieason 'Willninl,. for ,the' White ,Sox.'

t"., .••.• :,. r,.''''',' '. ~~. :- I ••

, , '

. , . I.

, In Introducing the"Hon~ 'V. J, F, Hogan ............ ".. 362 Milwaukee at Philadelphia, N. games. (Won and lost records in Commercial Hn~key League t011l1, Keough the Rev,Bro. 'made men. : HIGHEST '1'HREE FRAMES . parJnt..'leses) were tendered a social functio'li tlon of Mr. Keough's long associ· Ladies- AMERICAN LEAGUE National League by their coach, Noel Hutton, at! ation with St, Pat's imd , looked M, Ryan .. "" ... "..... 816 W L Pct. GB ArSt. Louis at BrooklYn «Nighl)- Iiis home Kenna's Hill, on Satur; forward to a continuance of this J. Duff ............. " ..739 New York ..... 35 15 .700 !.r°Yf (6.0\ vs podre;h·15.~) I h' day night. • f: association. .' '\ R. Powel .,"" •• ,"",. 723 Cleveland 30 18 625 4 . I W a u e e at I a e p la At the affair each member~ or Gcnts- • .".. , (mghi)-Buhl (1-4) Vs Cole (0·1) • h .

M,r •. Keough.spoke briefly of Chicago ... ".29 18 ,617 41h to be preceded by completion of t?e tea?l wa~ given t e glf;of, . teamciHlperation as ,it' affected C. Wilson ..... ".,,"" 873 Detroit ...... 27 21 .563 7 ' Sunday's suspended game) Silk sh~t WIth the comphmen~" the individual and suggested that J. Power " .. """.,, .. , 867 Washington .. 20 27 .426 131h American League of the nrm. ~ championship, teams are made F. Hogan " ......... ".. 863 Boston ....... 21 30 .412 141h New York at D2trolt' - Kucks - ,-. . I from 'the individual, being able to ,FIRST PLACE TEAM Kans~s Uty ., .18 30 .375 16 (~1) vs Hoeft (S;2) " : \I10STLY HARDWOOD".' I subordinate himself, to the weI· FAWN-J, Power, H.'Power, G. Baltimore .... Hi 36 '.294 20~ Washington at K a n sa s City Hardwoods predominate iln:i~ fare ,and workings of the team as Buck, T. Kears'ey, P. Power.' Saturday's Results (night) - Pascual (0·1) or Stobbs 11.000,000 acres of forest, iii Ne~ ,a group, 'wlth this spirit he felt Washington 14, ,Cleveland 5. (1·5) vs Kellner (3-4) South Wales, Austr~ll~, , ,:::

that ,future' . learns representing SEc.:OND PLACE TEAM New York 4, Chicago 3, ,.. ' ,. ',.' thll Green' anc! Gold could look ORANGFr-M, Spearns, J. Duff, Baltimore 2, Detroit 5,

_~ forward:lo many years of con- R, Daly, G, Marsh aU. Boston 5, Kansas City 1. tinued success, ' . The !llghest averages of the Sunday's Resutls

Speakhig on behalf of Mr.' ,Dick ,Ladies lind Ger.ts,wlJl be posted in 'Washington 6, Cleveland 4: '. f torno, rroYo', morning's' Ne"'s. 'Washi11gton 3 Cln I d 6

Furlong, (Asst" Coach), Mr~ Vince " , "ve an , E Rossiter" '.manager and,' coach BaltlniGre 0, Detroit 10, l ,thanked .both.' sp'eakers ' for' the'. Malaya W'I"ns BaltimoJ'e 6, Detroit 5. ' ~ tribute :cl!dered, the team, "and New York 3 Chicago 5. .If promised,' Ihal, the members of SINGAPORE (AP)-Malaya won New York 3, Chicago 2. • next year's' hockey team would the Thomas CuP,. symbol of world Bo~ton 4, Kansas City 5. t bear 'lit, 'mind the remarks and 'badminton supremacy', for,!he third Boston 4. K~nsas City a, hoped to"'see some 'of :them lui. straight tim.:! bY',defeating Den.' ." Monday's Games' filled, • . mark eight matches to' one' Sun. New York ~t Detroil .. , , ", ' , ,., ' day.' lVashingtonat K~nsas, City, N,

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THE .D~1I~ .~EWS/,,MONDAy,)Ul'!~,.J,95.5.s ' .... ,


ANNE slarring STEVE





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20lh CENTURY-FOX presents




"The most fascinating novel since 'Gone With The Wind'!" Eoston roal

"Rates along, with' 'Gone With The Wind'!" , Houson Prn.

"An epic love story. May well be the 'Gone With The Wind' of the Year!'" Chlcalo Tribune

"The lovely. Dcsirci Clary • • • • kind of Eurp­pean S~arl~tt O'Hara whose nal lire exceeds imaE}ninEs','. Saturday lte"iew S1ndlcate




~DMISSION PRIC::ES FOR THIS ENGAGEMENT: ~ B'~N~~ADULTS .............. 150 CHILD~EN: ........... ,,31e :; ~TINEE8-ADULTS ........... ,600 CUILDBEN." ........... 250




~~~~wn.L HENRY

, ,XX hind Frank and Jesse. As It did, COLE ste~ped llack. The flIck'- the latt~r whirled on his older

Ing aUde ot hl~ right hind 'h brother, eyes blinking furiously. them all oft .uard. The bl caUlit t1 "You ninny, you near fixed It

d II P S 0 for surel~ Sl!~e dUlly In t'll. dying lIsht. "Fixed. what? Whae 8ll'e you

k leue, I~t oU, Get ouL before talking about?" Frank stammer. I II yo.u'

Jelle's 1\IlI' wel'e holstered 'at ed" his genuine bewilderment. hll . aldea. H tUl h d hi Ifl The srays, you IdJut. You told

e, I • I r ~ them about the' graysl In hlahlnds frob! the scouting "What It I did Jess? What are of the farm. He made no move ttl "F " , for the pistol did t 11 th you ge ns at? rank s puzzle-carbIne '. no ft e ment held for another bricE mo·

liT r' d " ment, Even as It did, he has his u n .. Dun , saldeole, "and answer In the cold spread of

.walk out.'· , -Je 1 k'd F Jesse s grin. ,

ne 00 e at rank. "Thore's two borses and there's "I'm com In,," said Frank, and you and me. it's why I come

stood up' . " '" back from tho barn at all-to tell AlJybody ~Ise? you that we was going out just

It WB! Cole's turn now, !ils thc two of us. Cole only m~de It eyes never I~a\'ing Jesse.' No· easy, tlli\t's all." body answered, nobody moved. Frank nodded. There was no

'''Onco you're through' that more room for words Notbing

IdDor," be said. "don't nover lot more to be said. JeS'Se' had said me see you agaIn." '. !it all. The laUer, not even walt·

It was t11e last Cole Youn;er Ing for his brother's nod, bad al· saw of Jesse James, Ill'eady turned and started through

"I ought to hive killed him, i t1IC brush again. Frank followed ought to have killed him a long. I him. Jesse always had a plan.

time allo-" ,YOU could take it or leave It. A hundred yards from the • • •

farmhouse, the brush closed be· I The huc and cry after the North


J.h HODIA~ ·I.hlt SIAtl·lo1 PAGE ..... "!'Ir_~ .. ~tcIir. _"IIJIIAIIIWl'In~_",~~,



KAnNEl 2 P.AI.





STAR Theatre The Page Today Comment



On Current

CAPITOL ---._------





The most astonishing four days in frontier history are re-created on the screen In Columbia's Plf. tures' "Conquest of Cochie. which opens Morday at the St~

ANNE BAXTER, Theatre. John Hodlak, In the tltI, Sl'EVE FORREST, IN role; R!,b~rt Stack and Joy Plge

Napoleon and his age of opu. "BEDEVILLED" arc starred in colr.f by Tehnlcolor The latest In the Ions of Qut. lence and violence stand revealed "Conquest of Cochle" Is the story

standing British screen comedle. through the smoldering eyes of a One of the year's most suspense oC Cochise, the mi~hty Apache to cross the Atlantic Is "Gene. woman spurned In Tweniieth Cen. Cul thrill drams, combined with a chief cbosen by his gods for \·en· vlve." Which 0!J~ns 'Monday at the tury. Fox's exciting dramatization vibrant love story, openstomor. llenancc, who led the attack in Cornwall Tbeatre. of Annemari~ Selinko'. interna. row at the Paramount Theatre the most daring raid in all In·

"Genevieve," a J. Arthur Rank tional best-seller, "Desiree," which with the showing of "Beldevllied" dian warf::u'c. 11 is aho the stoN Organization presentation In Tech opens today at the Capitol The. starring Anne Baxter and Steve oC Chocise, the peacemaker, and nlcolor being released here by Unl atre. The remarkable story of FOl1rest. his efforts tu bring peace betwe~n "ersal.Iiltcrnational, . fOl1ows the Napoleon's back street love lif. The new ?l1·G·;'\[ oifering Is the I: his pcople and the white man. path' oC "Tbe Lnvcndel' Hill Mob" fair, handsomely mounted In Cin. first American motion picture 10 "COilquest of Cochise" :a~el "Thc Promoter," "The Man In the emaScope wltit color by De Luxe be filmed In CinemaScope In Its pIOC? in the 'period :lfte!' the war White Suit," "Tight Little [,land" boasts in Inspired cast headed by entirety in the French Capital I betll cell 1I1Xlcu and thl U.S. In and "Passport to Plmlico." Marlon Branda, Jean Simmons, and Director Milchell Leisen took an attempt to bring peace to th.

Like "Passport to Pimlico" I Merle Oberon and MI~hael Ren· full advantage of the Cin~ma. I troubied border, ravaged by raid, "Genevieve" was produced .;d nie. Scope cameras and the latest col. ling Apaches an~ Commanch~l, di:rected by Henry Cornelius. The Intimate rcvelalioM from or processes to captllre both the the two eoulltflcs conclude a

Starring J()lm Gregson, Dinah the diuy of one of history's .most magnificent and plctwesque pic. treaty, nnd Major Burke and a Sheridan, Kay Kendall and Ken, captivating women pr~vld~s .... the torial qualitiei of Paris' boule. deta~hment of U.S. Calavary Iff neth' More, ."Genevleve," which basls for both' the novel and Its vards and most famous bUiidings'ldet:llle~ to guarantee ,It. was written by William Rose, is screen adaptation by top wrltar Not only do 'Such weU-known ,.cochlse offers to help 1I1alol the story of a happy present-day Daniel Tarad3sh, famed for his spots as the 'EifIel TOWer, Napo, Burke keep the peace but the marriage that is disrupted when "From Here to Eternity" scrl~t. leon's Tomb, the Arc de Trlom. death of Cochise's wlf.. at the the husband falls In love with a It Is the story of Desiree Clary, phe and Sacre Ceour serve as in. hands of a Mexican ronegade. who 1904 Darracq autombiie, vbiually young ~nughter of a Marseilles tegral setllngs for the Rtory's ex. leaves the murder weapon, III

deserting his wife. In time, how. silk merchant who meets Ind citing action,. but the drama a:!o IAmerican II'lfle, threatens to make eVer, hi! comes to his senses, ranll. falls In love with i dashing young palya It~lf against PMis side Sl the frontier afime again. Cochlu ~In!l that no \'ehlo eis a proper officer named Napoleon, Bonaparte, reatl, elegant apartments anc. gives B~rkc four days to pro\" subsUtue for the human female. and who from that moment on Is hovel, with Its halr·ralsing eli, he wasn t responsl~le-else Com-

destined to stand In the shadows max a chase of fugitives and pur, anches and Apaches again thli» field fugitives, which had almost of history in the making even sue~s across the elly's rooftops. er "vegenfully over the plalnR. died down following the dlscov. though she eventually ~eeomes The story opens with the ar. Conquest of Cochise" is nof, ery of their tied horses at Ger, Queen of Sweden.' 'rival In Paris of GregCU'y Filz. I able (Dr its portrait of the noble man Lake, burst I!!to full clamor The complexity of Napoleon, geral (Steve Forrest and his fri, I Indian rllIer, Cochise, as well u again with the news of the theft the conqueror and man of des- end Tony, who are to continue the wild and stirring action, film· of the two gray horses near JIIan. tiny who did not hesitate to bulid to a Theological Seminary in Inn. cd in color by Tcchnlclor, or kato and the &ubsequent, sueess. his empire on the hearts of wom- sbllrek to prepare for prIesthood. Apache war raids" Indian war Cui dash of thase two grays and en, is inlerpreted on lhe screen But tbelr brief day-and-a.night dances,. a lynching and the prap­

I their friders through a picket- by one of todays' most ac· stopover Is permeated with un. hie depiction of the torture stakr. ,line post on the Crystal Lake claimed artists, Marlon Brando. expected dramR for Gregory whcn I As Cochise, Hodiak turns in I

'noad west of lhe latter town. The flIm's skillful prodUcer, Jul, he becomes the champion oC cab. magnificent performance, rna!.;· ! The four outlaws, remaining in ian Blaustein could see no olher arcl slngetr, l\[onlr.a Johnson Ann II~g the wanrior come alive Ill. all ,the abandoned Mankato farm. man I~ the role and ia thl! the Baxter. Monicl, invol\'ed in a my- h~s. power, strength and ~implt !house lert that refuge some time dynamIC actor concurred. The Isterious murder, is being trucked dignity. As Major Burke, Ihe of· during thc morning of Thursday, master of ','llntamed Individualists" down by a sinister underworld {leer who befriends Cochist. Sept 14: within hours after Jesse In "Viva Zapata!", "A Street Car cbaracter namcd Trevclle and Stack also gi\'e~ a {ortright per· and Frank had fled II. Nnmed Desire" and "On the lit is when Gregory attem~ts to formance. It is res~r\'ed fOO' illil~

Early the following Thursday Waterfront" turns a burning ro, help her at first out of kindness Joy, as a lovely Mexican girl, Il morning, Sept. 21, they were mantic and de~potie ruler of men and late~ when he falls In love first attracted to both tbe soldier sighted crossing the dairy paslun! In ,what marks hh first appearance with her, that their lives are turn: and the Indian. to Inject a lVarm­oC the Suborn farm, ncaJl' Ma. In I color film Ind on the Cinema· ed Into a nightmare of fear and Iy romantic not. Especially Is thi, dilla, by the IarmeroOwner's 17. Scope screen. night. true in those tender sequences yenr.old son, Oscar. F?r the difficult title roll of The hlde.and'5~ck escapades 01 wherln Hodlak and Mis!' Page

Madella is a bare 25 miles DeSIree Clary who, has been de- the girl and her proteetOO' the demonstrate th~ir touch in, Ion southeast of nfnnkato. scribed as "a kind of Europoan mystery of he 3ssociatio,n' with Cor each other, . Twenty.five miles In se'ven days Scarlett O'Hara W~?5e real life the murder, the conflict In Gre. Wrillen by Arthur Lewis ~nd :\nd nightsl Averaging but a little txceeds Imaginings, . Jean Slm· gory's conscience and heart In DeVallon ScoU, "Conquest o{ better than three miles In each mons seemed the only. pOSlible deci~ing betw'Pen running away CochiEe" was directed by Wi1li~m 24 hours, and this over a region t~Dlce. The ,~unl! ~ril!5h .Iu, with the girl or adhering to 111s' Castle and produced by Sam Kalz' again swarmIng with the h.,rnet's holder of. multiple mternallonal resolution to become a priest, anc\ man. nesl of ihe oUlclal posses and Ictln., awards, .p.osse!su the the final moving sequence In the I rural pickets stirred up by Jessl's vltahty ~nd versabhty that Direc· chuhch' of Sam: Coellr, In which I desertion. Yet they wire not once tor Henry Koster deemed neces· Monica takes the fateflll decision! S ill B seen until that fatal morning out. lary for the woman who ruled an In her own hands, make for an t eats side Madellal ·emp.eror. Llerle Oberoa, whOle out-of-the·run motion picture re· '

Then, following Oscar Suborn's bewllehlnl raven·halred beauty plele with thrillA. unflagging act· Drum At] 01 Il'eported sighting of the fUllltivls, bean I remarkablCl! resemblance Ion and emotional appeal. ' . \ POS5eS from Medella Bnd nearby to portraits of Josephine was The valid drama and grIpping BRIDGETOWN, N.S. (CP)-Morc St. James surround~d the firm. cbosen to be tbe notorious para· !tensity of "Bedevllled" are due U,an a century o{ living doosn't Four 'hours ifler the first alarm, mnouri of, :arOI~~:, r~~thol~~h~~ In large part of the fIne pen-for· g~J::' !::\'~lhl ~at'?:~~:t,,~I~~ 200 men Were converging on e~n e ca, n P manCE'S oC Its two principals. Anne ' Hanska Siough, the latest report. c?n

t S .Gbl~ an~ disjPruvtll ~trate- Baxter offers a vivid portrayal of ~tll~:n air Salvation Army meet·

ed slghtln" of the fleeln" outlaws. dEIStt' tDh' ean· taPll SI terna- the cabaret singer, seemlnaly Th 11 hi "U I Ch ." H

.. ", 0 e, W 0 even ua y ou man· h d dl d hi' d" ey ca m nc e arlit anska Slough was in reality th j'llttl' C . "i his ar, wor y an sop sheate on here and he's this IiUle AnnapoUI

, b euvers e • orslcan n h ! I II . B acked·up ,Ide channel of thc t· t' t bbjectlvei-Deslree t e sur ace, n turn hiding lind \-~ ey town's gralld ()Id man_ Watonwan River. Below the Wdo arelades , 't' flaunting her terror of the pur· He's b~en here slnce'1877, when


, ~ Jo1m ~~~ hdt: .. :. . GREG50N· ~ -.: lORE ¥'.:.


TIMES OF SHOWS: IVENlN6 SHOWS: 'i.1I .;.. .,15 .


SATUltDAY :t O'OLOOK .'" "" , '





slough the channel spread out hi an wor c:onquel. suer who Is determined to kill hI' came from his home commun-a I'hallo, w, breast.deep· 'iwamp Be, cause of II! moun~lns lDd.rlv• her, " nd in the end revealing the Hy at WadevlUe a few miles from P.rldgelown. . pond called Hanika·Lake. Below rr~. Japan'. cullivaUi land area love and compcs310n which makes His daughter threw I birthday

'the pond, the channel' pro\ler of totals only about 15 per cent of th\! th~ologiCal student willing to PHty for him wben he turned 101 t1le Watonwan resumed. Ihl! Whole. follow whereever she f1e~. ye~rs old In May, and he whooped

First cry of fox was ralse!l by The burne.headed duck ean In latter role, Steve Forrcst it up 15 merrily II any of the the' posse of' Madella;s Sheriff divi Into the water and emerge (uums th.e high hopes held for gl!~sts. .

. Gilspin. Prying alonl hte west In fu1l' flight. this promising YOllng .?l.G.lIt act· Uncle C h 3 r II e has bun • shOO'e of Lake Hanska, he i)ld. or ~~ the lI'e5ult oC IllS prcvious wlriower for I rear. He married his

, fo R b tTl . ~pcond wife when he was a mere dcnly saw, the fllgitlv~ strug· inti tbe lIrst m~n were nearly as' per rmance as 0 er ny or ~ 9~ gllns along through the mudflais lQrge as lie. One of them appear. brother In "Roglle Cop." Now fIl. He had 12 cljl1dren by his first. about 20 yards out fro!1l his own, ed badly wounded, far the other ling his first ~tella~. assIgnment, lie's been one DI the mOit actlvt the ,west, bank of he lake. He was supporting him bodily. Gils. he wins a compelling sympathy members of the Salvation Arm), waved hIs men to take cov~r In pin now rose up out 0 f the as the young theological student ~ontiog(nt here for 25 years. the reeds, cautiously itudled tlie reeds' and ~houted the qrder to caught up In a sinister adventure. four outlaws. ,halt. He might liS well baveorder· AL~ of tbem, were unker,lpt cd the rain to cease falling. The FOR~IER NAVAL OFFICER

and filthy, with heavy, rain·wet bandits, waved on by the big GST. HYACINTHE, Que. (CP)-beards. Tbeir clothes were shred. man in the lead, rlln for tlie shel. Lollis Gros, 44, managing sec· ded and lI'ipped and the. &her,ur t.rler of I, .lllw m,udb,nk They I rc.ta~y, llf the .S, t. Hyacinthe indus­It once noted the abunce ~f the got safely behind'" It, and the sll. tml co d\ m 1 S s Ion anti former famous linen dusters. The I'lriest ence whIch ensued was more un. F',reneb, n,val olfl~fr, died lIIond~y oC the bandits, apparently their nervinl! than any gunfire' Shtrl!f n_U!cr a ldengthy Illness. He came leader WlS wa!';'n;' in f 't f' ,. to ana a, from France In 1946

" , -l" , ron 0 Glhpln took the oPPDrtunlty to J30DISS!wUtOJ' 11IPlsnpul' SliM PJ8 the oth~rs. leaning beavib', on a re·evaluate his position. at St: HyaCint.'Jefor the last fil'e erutch-l1ke &II~\C:. The two follow- (To be continued) y<fJfl.


Mather, chairman of Canadian P~~ific Railway company, and A. C. MacDonale, managinll directDr o( Canadian Pacific· Steamshlpl, Will sail today for GOI·an •. Slot­i~n~, 'to attcn~ tbe bunchl!!, of tb~ TteW Emprcss of 8ritaln. Th, 4.000·ton vesSiI, to bt chrlstiened bv ; Queen Elizabeth' Jllne 22, II txpected to be re,dy for s,rliu ' n~xl, spring •





Vacdion time when the weather's hot Ilovetosil ana dream ' And spoon my favoriie 'cooling 'diJh , , , • : It's Map/II.nut Ice Cream I



MONDAY, --'1.-SO--T-OP;;[ BOO--CBC B: ls,.:Musi~al 9.00-Mormng Q,ll).;-program 9.2~Piano l",nVllI,.

9,3[J--Melody to,OO-Know Your to:lo-Hit 01 the to.15-1ris power. to.25-News. to.3O-,.Triple Treao to.45-Brcaklut tl.l5-Llght and t1.45-Regina )Ic 12.0~Announcers 12.15-Dinncr Bell -----~---.


ACROSS , I Borsch

jn&redient I 'Eat very

, rapldly • Corn on the

1~ Spiced 51tru1

13 Askew 14 Eggs 15 British Olll,lon. 17 Damage 11 FOllnded 19 Fit for cho\\' :n Oceans 23 Health resorl :!4Mimic 27 Church rece, 29 Upon 32 Tell :i<l Place 36 Kltch~n tool 37Vlews 38 Fabrica ted 39 TaUored

clothes . 41 Small child 42 Fourth

Arabian 44 fruit' 45llates 49 Memoranda 511SUr fi4 Handling 'SPaving

I material ~1 Pehnll~ ,~B Century 'S9 Measure , type (pI. I

, eo Euential being

51 Bird's


'1 .. "} ..,. , ,




• of an war

prap­stlik ••

ns In a mak·

e In all ~Implt the of·

(:ochbt. ;ht per·

.. or MlsK girl. tt soldier

. ./

we. -'This


Page' with

Is Presented the

The Compliments Of

Great Eastern Oil Company limited

CBN 12.30-Farm Broadcast. 12.45-ALint Lucy. l.OO-Mld Day Serenade.

'IO"'D:\ \' Ju 6111 L.III-Laura ·LlmitcC: . . , " . , ne. l.30-CHC News and Weather.

130::T0P;;[thc Morning. 1.45-Doyle BUlletin: S·OI}-l:BC News aild Weather. 2.00- Vour Guod Neighbour B·\5-Muslcal Cluck. 2.29~Dominlon Time S!gnal. 9:01}-~lornlng Dc\'otions. 2.30-0U thc Record. 9.15-Prosram Pre\·!cw. 2.4S-Tho Happy Gang. 9.21}-1'iano Playtimc. 3.lll-Musieal Kitchen. 931}-Melody Scrapbook. 3.30-Trans Canada Matinee ..

lO'Oi}-Know Your Nfld. 4.30-CBC News, 1000o-.Hlt ot the Day. 4.3S-Timely 'funes. IO.l5-lris Power. 4.4iJ-Children's Story. 10.~.)-.New5. 5.lS-Muslc of the West. IO.30-Triplc Tr~a~ure. 5.~O-Fisherlcs Broatlcnst. lU4~_Drcakl~st l:iul!. 5.4S-liindcrgurtcn ul lhe Air. 1I:15-Llght and Lyrical. 6.flO-lntermczzo. 11.4:>-Regina ~lcBrjt1e. 6.25-Program Preview. 1~.OO-Announcers Choice. . G.30-Supper Gue~l. I~.l:>-Dinner Bell Breakdown. 6.45-1nterlude for ~Iuslc.

. ........ -..... _ ............ :.~----.. : ... ~ --,--

Chow Call


I Borsch inircdl~nt

5 Eal very rapidly

Il:orn on lhe

2 Pen name o! Charles Lamb:

3 House additions

4 Stories 5 Sheep's cry 6 FemBle

monster l~ Spiced It~y 7 Mother of 13 A.!kell' Helen or Troy H Eggs 8 TrIes 28 name 15 British billions 9 Fighter 30 Bread spread Ii Dilmage 10 Egg-shaped 31 Nuisance 47 Klnd cheese U rounded II Uncovered 33 Anolnl 48 Very (Fr.) IG I"jl [or chow 10 Foney 35 Ellhth ot a 50 Far (preftx) 21 Oceans 20 Rapidly circle 51 Son or Selb ~J Health resort 22 Imitators' 40 Overthrows. (Bib.) :4 Mimic 24 In line 43 Cordage fiber 52 Let It stand 2i Church recess 25 Melon 45 Caesar was 551bsen ~g Upon 2& LUting devices one character 32 Tell ~4 Place 36 Kitch~n tool 37 Vlc\\'~ 381'abrlcatcd J9 Tailored

clothes . 41 Small child 42.'ourth

Arabi,n caliph 14 Frull 4511alc! 49 Memoranda ~3 Stir M lIandllng 16 Paving

malerlal ~1 Permll$ S8 Century plant ~9 Measure ot

ly~e (pl.) 60 E!Jientlal

being fil Blrd's home

DOWN 1 E~ploslve






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eO'(, 'iOU~ FALo::.e. "TEETH 1& 60NERS-7HEY WOULl' FAI..I.. .

ON TH' t\~P.D CEMENT! .1'M SORRo9 1 eLlMPEP 'rOO UNDeR THE OliN WITH iii' ~Kel

~ ~ I" 11/


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.~ 151 5l



7.00-CDC Ntll's anc! WHtlltr: 7.15-Curtalh Calls. 7.30-Tops Toda)'. 7.411-00yle Bulletin. 8.15-Hour· of, St. Francis. B.30-Rnwhlde. 8A5-Harp and Organ. n.30-Don Messer.

1O.00-Summer Fallow. IO.30-CBC Symphony. 11.30-GDC National Ncws, N~w.

Roundup and Talk.

112.00-CI~ ~I'C M -7.0-0--::B-re-:ak:-:f-as7't Chili."'--7.30-News. 7.5S-News. B.OO-Breakfast Club. S.aa....,Hlt of the Day B.3S-News B.40-Name the Newfoundl.nder. O.OO-A Date With DenYI, .' . D.l5-Man ~'rom Yeslerd.j n.30-'A Date With Denys. M5-Durtons of Banner Street.

1O.00-Nowl, 10.0S-A Date With DenYI. IO,uS-News. n.Oa-Club Time • 1l,5ll-News. 12.00-Clup Time. 12.30-News. . 12.3S-Mus!cill Menu. 1.30-Nl!wl. L.4l>-Tunes for Today, 2.OD-Betly '1rable-H.m Jamea

Show. 2.5S-News. 3.00-Dol\ars· on Parade. 4.UO-News. 4.0S-Newfoundland Parade. 4.5S-News. . 5.00-Junlor Jamboree. 5,30-Savlngs Program. 6.00-News and Weather.

, 6,05-Supper Serenad •. B.4S-News. 7,00-The Barrelm,n. 7.30-The lIarllahi Hour.

I 8.00-·Nfld. Wholcsale. I 8.S-S~mmy Kaye Serenp(l I B.30-Penthouse Party.

n.OO-Muslcal Memories. 9.30-Tlme out for Melody. MS-News.

10.IlO-The Wllches Talt. lO.30-0ne Night Stand. 1O.4S-News. 1l.OO-Sporlscast. 1l.IS-Club Time. 12.00-Newl. 12.ot-Club Time. 12.30-Ncwl. 12.311~Club Time. 1.00....,N


dln , AAnq\~ f!!.

. ost own. .

c·J·ON· .. ·· . .'

7.0()" wi~. up Iud LtVl. 7.l0- ·News,· .. 7.15-Slringth for the D,)'. 7.30-News. 7.3S-Bob Lewl. Sbow. 7.45-News. 7.5D-Bob Lewll Sbow, a.OO-News. a.OS-Bob LewIJ Show. a.30-News. B.35-Bob Lewl. Show D.OIl-News.

II !

I Jacoby On 'Btid~ POINT CO\JNT ISN'T· TilE


It would be hard to find thl correc bid In today's hand by point count Alone. South h.s only 14 points in high ear~s, yet he must jllmp '10 lIa"le when North rellond. wllh ont: no·trump, ., . . You· might find the 'tijht bid Il you added 2 points for ., iln: gleton, 1 point extra for each trump, over [our In • solid suit. This would \lrln~ ~h. cOllnt up to 20 polnl., An easier method Is just to coulitr tho h:lcks. Soulh ~houl!) expect to win about' eight ,ctual tricks, and It Is tiot un· reasoRlible to )ill~ 6umlily for one or two tricks for the. r'l~onle of one no-trump. The total Quih! to produce i IIlay for $ame.

There ill nothing dlfflc1l1t aboul the play for the gam. contrJet. South must know hoy,; to take , simple tlne!se and he must not be a miser.·

West opens the j~ck of clubs, dummy plays the queen, 'and East wins with tho ~ce. East reo turns the queen of spadeE, Soulh puts up tho ktng, .nd West wln~

.' " .. ~

with til. 4Ci,. mad .. I~~~, ji. nr, with ~Olh blac~ ~ce~ 'I I/!!!avol, able position. . Weslcontinuu with the tell

of IP,des and tben with .' third sp,d.. South rulls . th. third spade, ,nd It Is h~Fe that Itt musi avol4 playln& like i m,lser. Soulh must run with the ellht or nine (Jr ,nJ cIFd from the flah! I!P to the qu~en" but he mUlt noL ruff with the lowly five D~ trqmp~.

The reason becomes .pp~renl DS the play continues. S.o1j.th leads • low diamond to dummy's kin" dllcards • Alamond'oD tbe kin, of clubs, and lead. the aeven III h~arts from. th~ dumin), for a flu lise. East pla)'s • low trump, and South must pia), th~ flv! 01 triiinlls and Ihus tUOW Ill- lead to' 'Itay In the durnm)'.· Then dummy can iead. inother!ru!UP to' repeat the finesse, ind the eOl)tract Is brought slifell' In,

9.05-Juke BOl Review. 9.30-Flilal Yellr. 9.45-W9meo'. New ..

[(tOO-Newl. lO.III-Tlme out with W~stopl. lO.1l1-What's On My Mln~? lO.3D-Who Am 11 . lO;45-Joan Blanchard Show. lO.50-"X" Marks the Spot. 1l.OO-News. l1.Ol-Bill Ring ShoW. l1.1l1-Tennessee.Ernie. ll.s0-1mprlsoned. H~.rt. 1 .• 5,..Pavld'~ CbUd.i'e~. 1.OI)......N~w ••. 12.0~HOlI\eba~eU QuiI. 12.1o:...Ult of t 11,01)' •. l2.1~Si1lY 0' onnlif Sbow. l.OI!-New~. 1.01~Shb Lewis ·Shl)w. 1.1~Blue :o;tit !'Ii" .. ' 1.3Q..:..News Dlmt. US-Silorls Par,Ii"

, l.~JJ~rl.lu HOI/l\ . U~M,ntovanl MeI61Ie*. 2.IIO-New&. '1':1, r :l.01-Perry Mason.. . .. 2.1~. YOllna' Dr •. Mdbne. Uq;...:.R~eor~ ~!lI)': . . 3.00..:.N4!ld. • '" . 3.Q1-HolIsewjvea ~lub (pM') t.OD-Newh; . . t.~pot the Star. . .U~Ranch J'att,.. II.QO....NBw$. 1I.01-Talent 'ftf1L 3.1I1--Dqn D~i'-, •. ' 3.8tl-Rec~d~hop, 6.M,-NeWB, .. ' • ' cl.1Il:"ColON' BulleUn Sbtrd. 6.0D-Record Shop. 6.1I1--Spo~ls Parade. 6.Zs::..Ne)\!s. 6.3D-liospihility . Tlin •. 6.4l1-'l'ho Octopus. 7.00-New5. . ., 7.01-Courtslu; aitdj M'rrlii" 7'ft' Famou~ 'Fr.*I" ... 7. New •• ·. . 7. Dark Strlln/ler. B.lil-Take A Chance.

,8.SO-Eddle Cantor. D.OD-News. . 9.p1-Albliin of F1Ivouritcs. 9.ll}-Famoul Trials.

10.00-News. . .. lO.Ol .... Famou5 Rescues. lO.16--Brlght Star .. 10.4.~Barry Wood Show. 11.00-,National News. 11.II'}-Sport~ Parade. . n.aO-Late Nisht Theatre.


THE DAilY UEWS, MONDAY. JUNE 6, 1955 1:3·:

',IO'J CO~'\.O 9A't 1\IJ,T I TNlE: AN INTEIIE5\"

E·HMPl.O',U5 1.\'0 tltl.T ! LI<E~OIJ. YOU'D

1:;;::;~Ii.)iT~ \ SE 1t~l<T ola:m

", ;

, . .' ~ , , . ,. t. ' •

"10.. .... ,

'Jkf (1:\ .' . :li'H :r-----------!.-------...,-------'----......... -..... -.. ---.----------...... ,- ...... -.... -.. -~--.. -.. -.-.----.. ' ... .. I 'I • I,hi' 'ii'" i ,I II:;

( I \,1., 1 II. ~.

THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955' " .. , . '., ':" ' ;"; ".-' .. "'.

, 11. 1 11, ,

1 :!r AT GENE;RAL ~ : :'" _ Mr. and Mrs Harry Osmond of

" I~",H~ll~~o'od' Peat Moss:'Adds :. ~ 'Nflders Raise . . nOODS DOWN UNDER BRISBANE, Australia (Reutm)

-E'loods Thursday "''lreat~ncd cen­t:al and north Queensland. towns after torrential rains-up to 17· in· che's in one "day. CommunlcaUons were disrupted' In many ·areas of nllrth~ast Australia. 'Twenty ,air­fitlds were closed and neavy cat­tic" losses were repOrted.

Rheumatic Aches, Pain-Tormented

Joinls, Sor6 Muscles . ,I' Morcton's Harbour arrlved:lm the ; I ~:\ city on Saturday and Mrs.' Os-

By ER5i<iNE~ JOHN50'N . N' ' ',: L·f T ·s·: il . HOLLYWOOD- (NEA) "":'Hol ew·' Ie· 0 0

From the FamilY· Herald and Weekly Star' of May. 17th we get lIeWs of Messrs. Noel and Rupert Wood Bnd Rev. A. R' Wood. 'They arl' sons of· late Ralph R. Wood, B.A., former Principal of. Feild College,' St. John's, 'many years.

" ,I ;.: mond is now a patient at ' tile iii' i General Hospital. ·Mr. Osmond is Iywood and GrapeVINE: HDIJy~ . 'BYHENRY PREE wood's alwaY5 playing a . game Peat' moss literally gives soli

!hls Simple Home Trealme'" GiyesY,~ TErmEns' fAST EFFECTIVE RELIEF. l < :' i the guest of his aunt, Mrs. E.

I ' '" I Osmond, AlIahdaleApartments; called "I've Got A Sequel". Now new life _ by adding pure; weed· It's a scqu~l to "Revenge of the free, .. sp~ngy .970/0 organic .vege­Creatul'e," which was a sequel table: maUer •. , It, opens the soli, to' "The Creature From the Black adm'Itt!. ng;vltal 'al.r: and .molsture, Lagoon,"

SEALED TENDERS. addre .. ed 10' tho

-Go 10 your. rlrugglsl today ant unde.,lgned Ind marked "TB-:D8n ask tor Il. small bottle ot MOOXI!l't FOR DWEU,ING AND FOG ALARM AT E~[ERALD OIL. Appl)' Justa Ilttl, BACCALIEU ISLAND," wUl ,be rece'wd _ beca~sQ It Is so highly concen· up to 12 o'clock noon. E.D.S.T .. Tlluns· trated.and a little goes a long way nAY. JUNE 23. 1935. 10rUle con.truet'.n -rub Ilghtl).' until It disappears on of a double d"emng and 10' alorm build· Its errand at mercy. IDr and demollllon 01 old, bulldID" ot

:i:: 1

,; ;'j' ; 1.. • I.: ,

. '.il l , . 'I

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: ; , :" ';1 :, , ,


I,' , ,. , , , ,. 'I

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'. , ,


and acts as a reservoir for plant U this keep.' up we're a cinch f d Ii' it '

to be seeing' a sequel to the se- nOeoeded. re eas I1g, : to roots ~s que} to the sequel titled . "The Thus, It Insures mnxlmumre-CreaLUIl'e Takes a Wife;" turn' from seed, fertilizer and

J wonder' If there will be a time Invested. baseball sequel to "The Shrike." Peat moss loosens heavy soils, You know, "Shrike Three, You're gives substancll. to light soils, Out. • '. • give, salt soils 10am:lIke texture,

Noel served five years in the Imperial Army, returning to On· tHlo to visit· his' brother, noW Rev. A.' R. Wood, Rector of, the Anglican Church at TomhlJl, nort.; OF Toronto. Being Interestcd jn poultry he ·purchased . a farm at Buthany, Maners Townships, On· t".rlo. . His brother Rupert, who hud been farming' near St. John's dl:clded to buy an adjoining farm to his brother. Both are married. I,ast yearR!ey rlliscd over 4',000 blrds, marketing them in New York and more. In Peters borough and Kingston, Ontario. There place Is known as 'Radnor Farms' Manvers Townships, Ontario. 'They spEcialiZe In white turkel'S. The birds are scalded and nluckedby eicctric -powered machinery, . and each bird enclosed In a Cryovac bag ready for the ovens, and they tilth' arc, doing well supplying to t:m deniandfor a hIS':1 grade

MONTREAL, (CP) -' Ernest H. McM~er "Thursday was re·elected chairman of t,he board of manage· ment of the Canadian' stock ex· change at the annual election of of· flcers. Other oUlclals elected were f"an A. Martin, vlc~·o.'lairman, and M . P. Reilly, secretary·treasurer.


Assist'ant .Superintendent (Male or.Female), Boys'

Home. and Training .. School .

Applications are Invited from mnles a"d females for the post of Assislant Superintendent of the Boys' Home and Training School, situated at Whllbourne.

The successful applicant must hnl'e ability to. be responsible for tile Instilutior. in the absence of the Superintendent:

AppllcRnts should be betwecn the agcs of 30 and 45, have ex· .pericnee tn supervising staff: a genuine understanding of and desire to llelp youths with PCI!" sonal problems: experience In an instructing capacity In school work or vocational subjects, nurs· i11g or recreation, or experience In Instltutionai proerammlng.

The salary for the post Is on the scale of ~34()().loo-3900 with deductions for complete 'or partial living In.

Applications in writing, giving full partlcular~ as to age, marital status, qualifications etc., should be addressed to:

Th. Administrative Assistant D'partment of Public Welfar. Fort WlIIllm, st, John",

preventssur!pce crusting.' The Marlo Lanza has 'IIgreed to' an· result .'!s .that pea.tmoss makes

other warbling date on TV's solis "breathe deeply" and relaln Shower. of Stars. He joins Belty molslure, thus. enabling roots to Grablc, Harry James. and Red develop to maximum vigor. Skelton In the June 9 show, last Healthy roots grow healthy plants. of thc season .. If ,ilC sho.wa up, FLOWER .. }3ULBS: Mix well that Is. a two- to three·lnch,layer of moist

. The Llberace tribe, Hollywood peat moss Into top six Inches of branch, is fuming ovcr reports soli. Add plant' food and (except from the cast tltat Mama Llber· for acid.lovlng plants) five ace Is about to remalt.'Y. No pounds of agricultural lime per LurLh In the ~Iash, they chorus. bale of peat moss. . ••• Reconciliation of the Edward VEGETABLES: Spade a two­G.Roblnsnos lUust be on thin Ice. Inch ·Iayer of m·olst· peat moss In· He's gettl'lg his passport In order to top six Inches of soil. Add for a European vacation without agrlcultural.llme (10 pounds per Gladys. 100 sq. it.); except for root crops r • • • • like potatoes, turnips, carrots,

Larrl Thomas, onc of the dolls In "Guys and Dolls," admits It's a serious 1I'0ll1anee with John Broomfield, ex llUbby of Corinne Calvert. Marriage now that Co­rinne Is Mrs. Jcrrcy Stone?

"I'm Itt' favor of It," Larrl told me: "Wc've been a real steady thing for 10 months now. John's ?o wonderful guy. But I'm not sure, he has aliythlng deflnlte'm mind about marriage." . GARY COOPER Is flexing his

musc,les for a clinch with Jane Russell after she winds up as Clark Gabel's· h-eart In "The Tall Men." They nlay be teamed In William Wyler's "Friendly Per· suasion" for Allied MtistS.

o • *

etc. . ROSES, TREES, SHRunS: 'Dig

Inrge hole so roots can spread freely. Mix one·thlrd peat mos~ with lW'lothlrd~ soil (by buik) for Iillback. Settle soil in filled hole by soaking. A two·lnch mulch o[ moist, peat moss will doubly In· sure sturdy growtli. .

EVERGREE:-.IS: Plant brmid· leaver ... (azaleas, rhododendrons, etc.) In a 50-50 mixture of moist neat moss arid soil:' For coile­bearers (pines; spruce,' hemlock, etc.) usc onc·third. peat moss, two thirds soil. A two- to four­Inch mulch of peat moss improves appearance.

R. L. ANDREWS, Deputy Mlnlst.r.

Mickey Rooney's gorgeous red· haired wife, Elaine Mahnken, nixed the role opposite the Micl,

jiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij In "Twinkle In God's Eye" at

LAWNS (r.ew): Mix one to three Inches of neat moS6 Into top six Inches of soil. Rake In nlont food, sow grass seed, roll and water gently. .

Certified Used Car Values

Republic. "I decided not to take It," slle

explains, "because we just dtd 'The Atomic Kid' together.' It·s too soon to wOlk with him again.

LAWNS (established): Top-dress with' 114 Inch of peat mm;s and rake in well each spring and autumn. To renovate poor spots, work 1h Inch of peat moss into soil, add fert:lizer, reseed and water weli ..

INDOORS: House plants, mix

product. .


Minlstcr Ali Sastroamldjojo Iff ]n­doncsla flew Int3 Pelplng 'Thursday on an official visit' to Communist China, and was received almost Immedla~~ly by Mao Tzc.tung, a broadcasL by Pelplng radio heard here said.

pne.third peat mo~s to' two-thirds good ioam. A pinch of piant tood helps. For bulbs, fill pots with peat nioss, keep inoist. For' tu· lips, use on~·thlrd. peat ' moss, one·thlrd loam, one-third sbarp sand. "

STORING: lise peat moss any time to 'Improve· pilor soil and maintain good' soil. Store and ship bulbs, ,'oots, fruits, vege· tables In peat moss. It Is light, absorbent: It insulates and· pro­tects.

. SUMMER MULCH: When plants are growing well, after cultivating soil, muich around them with one to four inches of mist' peat moss. This wlli keep down weeds, make further cultivation unnecessary, keep the 5011 moist and cool and the rOOlS vigorous, and give your planting a neat, well·groomed ap· pearance. '



100 lb. bags.

~or delivery on Monday . I

'SEBAGOS Now in Stock.


Shipment of


50 lb. bags


410 WATER ST. I __________ ~ It's best that.I make my career

on my own." • • •

WINTER MULCH: Peat mORS is a splendid Insulating material It prevents root invent blowing.

__________ - In the spring, peat mo~scan be raked oH and used elsewhere as, a ~oll conditioner. i •

DIAL 4321 . 0409

lour ftrst application will bring aoccalleu Ioland. Newtoundland . . ~'ou blessed comfort and great .re. PlaD •• lpecUlcollo ••• labour 'conditions. contract lonn. form of lender and relurn \let. Try It and get the surprise of t.nder envelope m.y b. obla'n.d 0" 'P' )'our nrc. You pay a little morc . pllcallon 10 the m.lrle! Marlne ",e.t. n.· tor EMERALD OIL-you'll know parlm.nl of Transport. Ll,hthou'. BtlI'd •. why when you use It. At drull' Inl/. Water 51"," •. 51: John'.; Newfound· stores eve\'YWhere. ' . lind. upon recelpl 01 In acceplod cheque

I - made payable lo the necelnT General of

IIlacnonald Wholesale Dru6S Ltd. ~.tna~~ f~I~~:r~;,~ ~~~·rer.'~:~·~~: st. Jobn's . . . . . .' Dial 5102 plan. and .peeUleatlops in good con~'Uon. . , . Addillon.l Inlormation rtqulred wllh rr' .

N E ,ard to Inll!rpretaHon Dr pl,ns a,l'Id ."·C.· .' . ,

. • trlct .Marine Agent. . ....- f\,,, ••• , * GO,Ge ED A HOME ,. lIeallon. miY' b. obtained from' .th.e ~i':\ 19S'MERCU"Y .$21 . Pia .. and .peclrlcallon. wUl air. be on 1953-MONARCH·· 195000

Drop in and look over OUI fine dlsplay.t Th' Bulldlng Trld •• Emnlo';,"·. 1952-~UICK· ........ IS'OO'OO AssociatJon Limited, care Horwood Lunl. pJ •••••• " •• t" • MOBILE HOMES ber Company Limited. St.John' •• : New .• I' 195:l-DODGE· .. -.•••••• 1250.00

. . fo~~~~n~nder ';'u.t be ·.cc.m~inl.d by ~'I 19~O-VANGUARD .. :... 600.80 Av '1 bl 1 d securlty deposit equII 10 ten per. coni 19a1-1IIETEOR ....... 1100.00

alae on ow oWn pay HOpc) of Ihe lender prlc, which. rocurllY 1 ~50-FORD ...•• ;. ~ •••• 650.00 ment W

'lth terms from' $15 6C depo,lt wUl be foriell,d In the event of 1!J-~ M"TI<'OR 1·00" • a tenderer rdu,lrut to enter Into I contract' . ~.,- r. • • • • • • • • • ' .... , kl on Ihe basi. 0[' hi. lender 11 caned upon' 19,O-CIJEV. ........... 8.0.0a

wee y. to do 10. or 'aWnll to .atl.factorlly,com·i 19~3-CONSV', .... ' ...... 110000 21V:2 m'lles out Torboy' Road. ~~;~~~r'~~riJ...:~~lr~~li . ~e~~~r~~d~n,u··I· l!1;;:l-~Iy.TrOR •...•••••• 1500:00 An), tender D.I a«omp.nled by • t!l.~~-nOnr.R ........... 2000.00

For further information and .ecurlty depo.I\ as described wJU no' be J!l:;2-"v.TEOn' ..••••.••• 1300.00 consIdered. 1!l"1 "r.nCTlRY . 10·· 00 'I't t The Department doe.!! not 'bll'ld itselC to •• } - I.... • ••••• t 4;'1, I era ure contact, .ccepl Ihe lo"e,t or an)' tender. 'l"~3-VANr,lI""RD ...... llOO.UO

TORBA Y TRAILER SALES' r. T. COL~!~:'-tary 1 ~~~_~lJn~ON ......... Ij~Il.0r Department or Tranrport. 1. . 4:- .ny:;:,.· .. I , ••••••• 1n.,0.00

e_p_t2_7,:..m:...,0_n:.:,s:...,. tJ:.....-____ .-.:~:..:o:::tt::a\::.:'·.::... • .::o:::nl:::arl::o:... .:::~I:::.aY-=%l:... .::19::'1:..' __ 1 o'~1)n1)r, R .... .. .. .. !lno.oo

CLOTHES make the man if CHAFE

• .. mak" tho <1o'h" .

, 't' I 1 ~ . WM. L. CHAFE, Tailor New address: 4 HOLDSWORTH ST.

BOWATER BONDS ,S1/2~ or 1968 han been caUed for redemption at '10311,.

. Sunested reInvestment



Price: $98 ·to yield 3.SS% Contact:

PARSONS & LANDRIGAN LTD • 'PIlONE 1731· 2069 a19 "lllJ(;J~t~UI\TII ST.

je4,6 . •

~.,' .. :T·IR;~·Q·::,~PF.·.~E..{l~i:~::~·l:OxQ·~ R" '.'':~'. :,' ·Wlfr·,WITH·THE:·UfSHES?, .

. , ":::', .; ,,: . ,,; j.",. ;. ":',.':':'" .:'" .. .'\' I" :.:. ," : . .'


10S1-PONTIAC ......... 1200.00

Munn Motors ltd. BENNETT AVE.


Clean oats-no weeds


HAY SEED' 50 lb. Bags

$16000 1954 HILLMAN Sedan

Heater and defroster. A . real buy at .. , .. , .... $1350.00

A Broadway and movie ciassle "Dlnne~ At Eight," launches ~ new one hour live TV show "Front Row Center," trom CBS Hollywood, June 1. Pat O'Brien plays the Wallace· Beery role wIth Mary BellI Hughes In the

honestly you can't say them wrong."

Two New York TV graduates King Calder and Felcla Faar, hve big roles In Mark's !11m. Calder. pl!1yed. ,the pollee lieu· tenant for two and a lIalf years on "Kane'; arid 'Felicia did TV comm·erClnI's. ,She says: ~'I was the poor man's Betty Furness:' But In "Time table," she's the' teading lady.

furness,·Withy & Company Ltd. (Fertility brand)


-0- .

405· 1953 CHEVROLET Sedan jelivery late Jean Harlow's part. '

Fully air conditioned, . Fletcher Markel will produce radio. Come In and and direct the series, which pro· drive It. •• •• •• •• • .$1325.00 mlses to be the most distinguish·

813 _0.- . cd of Hollywood's live shows. 1951 STUDEBAKER Followup hits will be "The BILT' Commander Sedan retts of Wimp ole Street," "Ah,

Wilderness" and "The Time Of Heater lind de&'ostcr Your .Life." this car has been privately drlv-en by one MARK STEVENS, once a hero owner only. • .•••.•••• $1200.00 every week as TV's Martin Kane,

_ -0.- plays a detective who turns out 425 to b.e a master criminal in "Time-1951 G.M.C. Y2 Tal'! Pick·up table," first movie for his own in·

This unit has been fully dependent film company. recondltionCll'. ONLY •• $ 750.00 But he Isn't worried about What,

216 -0.- his fans may think. 1952 DODGE Sedan ',"I think they'll like It," he told

•••• Fell'\!' Lawford's llcaded for Lhe

juke boxes wllh the, "Swingln' With Rythm and Blues" number he warbled on the Jimmy Duran· Ie TV show. ; • Movie and tele. film actor Doug Evans and his Doris luive dated the stork for Thanksgiving time.

Liverpool st John'. Boston nlUfu 81' Jou" to \0 Db. .. tu to ~

8&. John'~' Bolton 8.Uf&:l St JohD'~ Liverpool "Nova Scotia" May 31 Jne. 4 Jne.' "Newfoundland" Jnc. 4 Jne.ll Jne. 17 Jne. 21 Jne. 23 "Nova Scotia" Jne. 18 Jne.25 ·Jly. 1 J1y. 5 Jly. 7 ';Newfoundland" Jly. 6 Jly. 13 Jly. 19 J1y. 23 J1y. 26 "Nova Scotia" Jly. 20 Jly. 27 Aug. 2 Aug. 6 Aug. 9 "Newfoundland" Aug. 6 Aug: 13 Aug. 19 Aug. 23 , Aug. 25 "Nova Scotia" Aug. 20 Aug. 27 Sept. 2 S-ept. 6 Sept. 8

Per£ons cuntemplutlng passage to Europe should make booltlngl well In advance. ' . Air Passages arr'lngp.d by B.O.A.C. - K.L.M. - Sc~ndinavlan Air.

lines _ Pan Amerlcan Airways - T.W.A. and 'connilCUnIl Air· lines.

Consult us regarding your travel probiems. FURNESS TRAVEL OFFICE

Heater and defroster. me. "The biggest movie hit j If It could talk It would -ever had was 'Jack Slade: I kill- ' sell Itself. ONLY •••• $1000.00 ed 15 people, and It made a mil, I PRESENTING

427 -0- lion bucks." \ 1952 HILLMAN S d . Directing as well as starring In .

H t d d f e tan the film, Mark disagrees with the

ea er an eros er. H 11 d Has' to be !een and I 0, YWOD theory that actors driven •...••••••••••. $ 175.00 can t direct tltemselves. As he

sees It:

Ad I 10d M t I'td "II's posslbie If you can be e a e 0 ors i. complefely objective: And I'm an opjectlve guy; I'm not the hammy type. 'rhere's no trick 'PHOrl'E5 3015 13 Unu)

N.", Gov'.: at Adelald. SELLING AGENT

DIAL 784e OR 4813

about decldlng If you are reading the line! right. If you say them


·fro. .'


Bill .,


" Mr.lnkspot Kenney




. featuring the sen5ationaFEvertt Johnson, one of the world's best known Guitarists, from the Art Tatum Tr.io, on

"TUESDAV, June 7th at· 8.15 p.m.

, Ii .

ONLY $339.95 AT


'PHON! 4131


HOW~~ •

Let Complete Insurance


75 lb. Bags


DIAL 4328 iet.a.6,B,tO




... wmc

tI ... ~ ..-r""111

.Acll""l.r W .. hl •• Acll .. , • Fln.o,tlp C.ntr.I •• A4J."· _"I. Wrlnl" e ...... ,. •• r

WI11'II..,. ." W.h.. """,,nl ••

And lofs, lots mot.­You'll hav •. to come ' .. , in and SEEI

, ~

1 \

. At St. John's Memo1rial :Stadium. 10



Coverage Be Your .IIWcitchdog t" Don't' take cha~ces! '- make sure you're well' protected. Stop rn so~n and let' u.s plan a com· . pleta insurance' program for you. We. carry all types of inr'Jronce to suit your· every need! Call to-do' . e, A. E. HICKMAN

, .


. ....

':JISHE "',



1. 2 •

In the

.c. of


Fi I





.' I ", •

5.S. GULFPORT' R.celvlnll: CUIII

Jun. 20·22

5.S.'NOVAPORT R.c.lvlnll Ca, •• ·

JUM 7·' -:-. Admission: Reserve 2.00 and' J .50


General Admiss;on ....... : ... : .... l.OO . Chi/dre,., ...................... 50c. STEERS 'PHONE 4131

'I. For FHllbt Relervatlolll • contact . , ':

.•• SELLARS. Sped., Repreaentltfn···

Tel.5'83 _ P.O. BOlE £·IIIIZ


WATER STREET 'PHONE 80027 . ST. JOHN'S .. ' .. \

m17,mon,tuu,wed,thur,fri,\! '. ,

, .. '

!I ,.

.$1100.00 •• 1950.00 •• 1800.00

" " 1250.00 " 600.00 •• 1100.00 • 6;0.00

•• 1110o.oe •• 8';0.00 •• 1100.00 •• 1500.00 •• 2000.00 •• 1300.00 .. 1075.00 " UOo.uo . , nOIl.nc .. In.;O.OO • • POO,DO ,. 1200.00



, .

.. . . THE DAILY NEWS, MONDAY, JUNE 6, 1955 15 , .

. ' , oj •

. ' ': ... . ·~r

· -:~;

--===:-::====~~=~~~==~~==;;;-;--=:-=-::--~=-==-"" .. -- > • :'.:

FISHERY PRODUCTS Board' of. Commissioners of BINGO AND FAIR . Limited Public Utilities






For ,

Their Trepassey Plant· Apply in writing to the .


,Wanted To Rent A STORE

In the vicinity of the Higher Levels

Apply BOX 2, clo Dally News


C. of E. Board of Education

. .' The OHices of the Board will be Closed TO·OAY, MONDAY, JUNE 6th,

un,i1 2 p.m., out of respect for the late .. . .'

L •. J •. ·D·ELAHUNTY AUCTION Clerk of the Board,

whose, funeral.is beirig held this morning.

To-Day, Mo~daYI~==~=~=~ 11.30 a.m. Teachers Wanted




Wanted: WANTED-2Female Teachers

B Licence for Primary Bnd Second Rooms, New Harbour, C, of E. School. 1 Male 011' Female Teacher. C. Licence for Spread Eagle. 1 Room School and 1 Female Teach· er, B. Licence 'for Chapel Arm School, LoWer Room. Apply with reference to: Rev. W. E. R. Cracknell, Chnlrman. jne3,6,8,10,13,15

For Sale FOR SALE-l 1951 Dodge In

good running condition. equip· ped with .radio and heater. AJJy reasonable oHer accepted. 'Phone 7873·L.

FOR SALE-1 new milch cow and calf, suitable for farmer. Just freshened. Apply Dave Churchill, Portugal Cove. Jn4,6 SEALtD 'I1:NllElIS. addreutd to the

und • .,lrn.d and marked "TENDER ron SINGLE DWELLING AT POINT FOR SALE-One 1942 Ply. VERDE". ",III be recolnd UP to 12 .·olook mouth Sedan body i g d nOOll. E.D,8.T .• TUESDAY. JUNE 21. 19". n 00 lor the conTlnlcU •• 01 a BlnRle Dw.mn, 'condition, tires in pEll'fect and demollllo. 01 old build n •• at Point. condition two of which Bre Vtnk, Pla.enU.. Newfoundlaud. new. The motor is in ex.

Man., rpteUl.aUou. l.b01ll' conditio •• , cellent condition, equipped .0.lra.1 form, lorm 01 lender and relu", with he t II d' f 1955 I.nder onvalcpo may be obt.lned on .po a er. cence or .


Service. Munu!'1cture. Laun • dry Repair Work gUllll'anteed • One day service. Free quota • tlons. Kearneys Limited, Manufaclurers, 454 Waler St.

. Musical Instrument. •

GIBSON GUITARS - 'Horner •. Button Slop Accordeons and

Harmonicas, Richmond Saxo­phone~, Boosey Clarlnets.­Charles Hutton & Sons, P.O. 5060·E., St. John's.

Auto Accessories T I RES 750 x 17·8 ply. Reg. $35,

Now 29; Tires 750 x 2()"10 ply. Reg. ~44. Now $39. other sizes 15" and 16" 4 and 6 ply, pric· ed from $10 to $16,50. Tube. Reg. $2,50. Now $2. Used Tire Sales. 86 Hamilton St. may 4,1m


\ " . . .

H"IQJ RF I:; F ~ Iv" =".t·n!ir,·

• The regular monthly meet. Ing of 'Terra Nova Council Knights of Columbus, will ~ held on TUESDAY, June 7th, at 8.15 p.m., at the Club Rooms, St. Clare Avenue. Business: Election of Officers for ensuing year. Report of Annual State Convention. Report on Centenary preparation.

A large attendance is reo quested.

By Order of G.K. JAMES J. TOBIN,

Financial Secretary je6.2i(Tel)


Dr. pllcaUOII 10 the ~"Irl.t Marine AftDlo A real bargain for someone .

1. VICE.PRINCIPAL for St. Thomas Sch' 001 :u&~~."'~atoO: Sl:.~t JO~~~tb~.:. . for only $175.00' (no more no • .' 10Ulldland, upon ... elpl 01 an •••• pt.d less). For Inspection and

SHOP-Fast efficient sanl. tarY service. All. modern eqUipment. five barbers. The least possible waiting. 24 New Gower Street, OPp. Adelaide Motors Ltd. my4.1m Douglas Baird

2. PRINCIPAL for C. of E. Orphanage 2 Room.School.. . :~~q~~ ll':n~d:·,:rb~:a:.: !}c~~~ ~f; demonstration dial 4244·A. cheque wlU I>t nlullled upon tho 'elUln Miscellaneous


PRACTICE This must be a singl& man who will live' in the .. Orphanage and do duty in Ifeu of board.

'Apply to THE SECRETARY, H. SIMMS, 2,96 Pennywell Road.


ST·E.NOGRAPH ER f (on a temporary basis) .....


Preferably on. with experience in accounting machine operation.

'\pply, stating full qualifications, tOI

BOX No. 37 c/o THE DAILY NEWS je6,9

Fishery 'Products ,Ltd. REQUIRE THE SERVICES OF



Please apply in writing to


'WANTED • . .

To Rent 01 Ihe planT .nd ."".lIIoallonT In rood .onolltlon. Additional IlIformaUon .eOJUlred with ngard to IlIlerprelltloJl 01 planl •• d =~~ ______ _ • p •• ut,.II ••• ma, bl obloWled lrom Ibe TO RENT _ 5 rftom. heated aloremenlloDe<l Dblrld M.rI.e Apnl. w apartment In excellent local.

Pia.. and JPt<IIie.t1onl win 010. be on ity for a p I d f I th dlT]lI.y at TIlt BuIldIlII Trade. Employe.,' er 0 a s x mon 50 " .... I.11on Umlted. .are lIol"ll'GOd Lum. or longer, no children. For ber ComplDf Umlted, SI. John'" NOll" further particulars write box IOllJldl.QC\,. . . ,10 in care of this office.

Each te. muot be accompanied br AT' ... urll1. depooll equ.1 10 ten· ""r cenl 0 RENT-5 rOOm Mated (lOpe) III tIIolcDdtr pil •• :whl.h ... urlty apart·ment in excellent local~ ~~~.:r' ~..:.~e\::4e~r~~t!v:n~o~~ lty fotl' a period of six months Ira.t"OII-lbe·lIbtr· 01 bt.J"tfft<!er"· dlled . or, longer, no, children. For . upon 10 110 TO. or ·lalllllC 10 l.tlIl •• lorlly further particulars write box .ompl-. .... h a · ... tra.t. Ch.que. 01 10 in care of thl offl WlIII ... NIuI kDde .... , WIll be nt\lr1led. . . S . ceo ,""" te.der DOt· .e",mplnled by a

• ,ca:l11 depolll at IlelCr\lltd WlII lIot b. COII.ldlnll. . Re~rigeration

The n.putmeal do .. DOt bInd .IIItU \0 COURTNEY'S REFRIGERA. ac.e~ tile WHul .r allY Ie.der. TION SERVICE-Repairs to

r. T. COLLINS. aU' makes. of Refirlgerators. ' . ·Dep.rlment.r Transport. Se.roW)' Dial 4846-F or write P. O.

OItaw •• Ontarl., lola, ". ItS. Box '1311 • . my14,lm Jne4.6


'. Repairs FOR ALL ,our r.palrs to your

home Inside and out. at low· est estimates and satisfactory service. Contact. J. Sbratton, 'Phone 6GBS·H. my6,lm

IF YOUR roof, window. or Iny other part of your 'house is leaky, don't stop and wonder what to do. DIal 5992 and we will see to it for you. Gen· eral Contractors. m.y24.1m

Opportunity START a permanent y.ar round

business, You begin earning • good money the first day. Strictly your own boss. Faml· lex's exceptional quality as­sures quick, easy sales. Your 110me·town and surroundings' as territory. All families M'e customers and users of our many products. FAMILEX, 1600 Delorlmler, Montrnl. Jn3,4,5,10,11,13.17,18,20,24.25.27


SEALED TENDERS. admsltd 10 the ANCE Department oHerlng .

PRINCESS BEAUTY PARL· OUR, 13 LeMarchant Road. 4310. We specialize in hair styling and cutting, also tint.. ing and cold waves. Open nights by appointment.

ALL WOOL MATTReSSES Ire picked, re-covered; springs day beds rewired; inner spring mattresses recondition. cd. . Write. Phone 3B91, wire H. J. Keats, 16 Mount Royal Avenue. .

FOUR grll •• ramp., two wI.h rack to serve you. Greasing • oil change and washing while­u·wait. Cars called for and delivered for these and gener· al repairs-Terra Nova Motors Ltd., rear Newfound. land Hotel.

POWERFUL SAMPLE OUTFIT FREE-.TUST LIKE A DE­PARTMENT STORE. Now you can sell to entire family, cloth. ing, shoes, shirts, slacks. sports­wear, work clothes. ctc. Amaz· ing money making plan .. No experience necessary. full or spare time. F1ree clothinJ; for personal use as extra Bonus. Write for Powerful Sample Outfit and full instructions absolutely free. Dept. 6229, Blake-Walker Co. P,O, Box 657, Montreal. P.O.


. For Sale



7;45 p.m.-ROLLER SKATING 9.45 p,m.-BASKETBALL:

St. Bon', vs. St. Pat's

TUESDAY, June 7fh




WANTED General 'Maid who under· stands plain cooking. For two in family. Middle age prefer· rd. 'Apply to

MRS. RONALD CHAFE, Robinson's Hill

One detaclleil 2 dorey dwelling. 1st. Floor-Living room. dining between the hours of' 6.00 room snd modern built·ln kitchen. d 7 30' . IPh 2nd Floor: 3 bedrooms. each with p.m. an • p.m., or one clothes closet, bathroom. and large 6010 for appointment. , linen closet. Full size basement j 2 tf . with self-contained Apartment con. e, siating of ba~hroom, bullt·ln kltch. ========== enette Dnd 3 rooms, Hot Bnd cold watertbrougbout. ThermostaticallY controlled all burnlnlt furnace with radiation. 500 gallon tank near driveway, Apply

3 O'NEILL AVENUE. Telephone 683&L for appointment


Another Happy Used Car Buy~r

M·ECHANIC~First Class und.rol •• ed and mark.d "'!'ENDER dependable insurance-Auto-

. '~R J!1N~.,t.lw~:~ C.¥.:~.k R~;:;.. mobile, Fire. Burglary, Platl E,D.S.T., THURSDAY. JUNE 23. 19~!. lor Glass,' Tourist Baggage.'


Ideal working conc!itions; top wage. with incentive pleinj Sickn&ss, and Accident Insurance for self and family.' Steady employment. .1

: . . ,

Apply at once to N. lEBANS . ,

,TERRA;'· r~OVA MOTORS tTD.· 'e.,6 . ; _., .: . '. .' "

I ..... . }

···· .. ·WANTED YOUN MAN between the age of 20 'to 35 to train ai' . .

SERVICE SALESMAN: ' Must have grad. ten' educctlonl ~ pleasing personality and know somithing about automo?lIes. Steady em. ' p/oym'!lt,top . wageS; sickness and accjd,"~: Insurance· forself qndfam!ly. '. .. ' • .'

Do you want to chang. lob,? This may be it. ,''' .' .>.... AppIY,'H. BELL' .'

tERRA'.' ,NOVA' MOTORS' LTD. Je4.1 .

the .... \lU.tlo. 01 a SinaI. DweWllg at Transportation, Travel Accl· CONNECTION NOTRE DAME cape Ril'. pear Port aux Buquel. New· f .... dI.nll. dent, LlabUiLy. Phone' 2073; BAY SERVICE-TUESDAY PI.u. Ipo.Uj •• Uon •• I.bour .0ndlUo ••• ROBERT DAWE & SON, FII'I ·Trsin the "Caribou" leaving St.

contra.t lorm, lorm 01 lend.r and relum d A t bll I J .., 5 00 Tu day J e lendo. ellvelope may b. obtained on apo nn u omo e nSUII'ance. oun s.. p.m. cs , un pUcatlon t. III. District Marino A, •• t. Be safe. be sure, insure. Tele- 7, will make connection at Lewis-~~W~~~:.it~·:t~PJ~tmP'.'~~:f'':'~~~~ PRhonel ' B2B82k' CPh'O"b BOX s8t.l! pthe°rteN wtlth nM•V• CBlarcnsVlllel for upoa re.elpl 01 an a •• ept.d cheque mad. oya an am era,' 0 re arne ay erv ceo payable 10 tho Recel.er General 01 Can.da John's. CONNECT'ION WEST RUN lor the TUm 01 1:1.5.110. 'I'hll cheque wW be retu",.d upo. Ihe relulII 01 the planl Contact STAN FOWLIIR Da. PLACENTIA BAY a.d 1"".III .. Uon. \JI lood .ondltlon. Ad· "auf building f 'Fir A' .... t . -dltloJl.1 InI,ormaUon nqulred with relard ... ,or e u 0- WEDNESDAY 10 interpretation 01 plans .nd 1"".lIloaUo.. m.oblle and Plate Glass Insur- Regular 9.00 a.m •. train to. Ar. may be obtalned lrom the a1orcmcnUo •• d anee. Claims promptly settl. ~cI M.rIn. AI!OIIt. eeL 'Phone 5531-P.O. Box gentia Wednesday, June 8. will

PIau .nel T]ltclll.a\lonT wm .110 be on 63. . ' make connectlDn with M.V. Burin dllplay at the BuUdll1l Tradel E~I.lm· for the West Run·Placentia Bay. c:;oe~~:.",Umit~iJ::;t.J1~:,"hn·" ~':: INSURANCE"';'Bowrlng Bra'''· FREIGHT: SOUTH' COAST 10llJldland. • I" . Limited Insurance Depart· SERVICE

. ; m.enl-Fire, Automobile, Mar-Ea.1I tender mull be ••• ompanl.d by a ine and all Casualty line. In order for freight to ftonnect ItCIlftI1 depollt equal 10 ten per .enl •• ..

UOpe) of tile Ie.der pli •• whl.h Hcurll1 Telephone 3131. . with next trip S.S. BaccaUeu on dlPot\l wm be lorfelted \JI tile .v.nl 01 a ~~.;..;... ....... --;':':;'-----lenderer n,".11II to enler Into a conlract CONTACT A.· E. HICKMAN tlie Soutll Coast Service, b'eight : :.~I~ ,o~u:.~n::fI.r..:.~: :J:~' Co •. Ltd. Insurance Agents, must be at the Railway Freight pille JUdI a conlra.t. CheQu .. 01 \UII1Ic- . Il'~~onfes ,413~Jn4l!-6 P.O.B. Shed b. Y Noon Tuesdey, ,Tune 7. .... 1111 to.d.ren 'IfII1 b •. relumed. .... , or your surance re-, .

Auf tender 1101' .. ",mpanled by a qUirements. FR'EIGHr ST.' JOHN'S·LEWIS, ItWI'IIJ dopolll II· dllCrtbed W\II nol be . . PORTI! 'SE"VICB eoul4trell. . ,DEPENDAILI ' FIRE ··INSUR·· . ., " • Tbe .• rlmtnl doeJlIOl bind 1\S~~ iD: 'ANCE-Don't risk YDtr valu· Freight for regular ports St, .... Pt'= Ioweol or any lender abIes to "save" a few dollars. ·John's-Lewisporte Service for for,

• Our fair.rate. reliable policy warding via Lewisporte and ·S.S, . P. T. COLLINS, giVes immediate protection. Glencoe; accepted' . Railway

Dtpa~trli oiTraupOrt,: &em\ar7 'Pbone 6921 or write J. J. . Freliht 'Shed Tuesday, June, '1, -OIIa ... ·DIII&do, MaJ 35, ms. Lacey, P.O. Box 506. repl,tf' 9.00 a.m. ·to 5.00 p.m. and Wednes-!ne'" .' . : . '. . day, .JuDe 8, 9.00 a.m: to noon.

WILL' BUY FOR- CASH-.· .Dry Cleaning ~ · . Comics magazines, pDcket . ':':"'-:---..;....~~~~--~~

books, men's. Blightly used :' CRAFT CLEANERS LTD.,'· clotbes Bnd foot we8ll'. John. where the charm of newness ·D, Snow, 9 New Gower St. is·i·restored. Dial 6085, 14

· 1IlY2.1m.. HamUton Street. : ,. \ ' 't.-e",-..",'. '" " • . . .~.~ ..

. \

Mr. m Puddester of k"m,rM .. a recent used car buyer at Terra Nova Motors limited, says, "Having made a prior p'urchas& from Terra Nova Motors limited, I know that I' am Cluured of a fair..deal and. good value from this firm".

T: W. TURTLE & SON-Malians and Contractors, BrIck Manufacturers; alSD in stock are different colors in cement as well u a quanUI:v of plaster sand, inasOD sand, concrete sand. Phone 14889.


,-' ...


:TO-.Night at 8.30' o'clock 30 GAMES FOR SOC

(Cancer Tax 5c) . (Tel)

==::.================-.. c. .'.

lODG£, TASKER No. 454 s.c., A.P. & A.M •.

An emergency meeting of ~odge Tasker will be h.ld at 8 p.m. sharp on TU~SDAY, June 7th. .

Busipess: CONFER F.C. DEGREE By order R.W.M.

A. T. WALTERS, Secre'ary

.Crystal Palace

An,niversary D,ANCE Monday, June 20th' QUEEN fOR 1955 TO BE CHOSEN 'J;

Prizes - Novelties - Queen'. Prbe $75 order and Gent'. Prize $50 order at St. John's lead-' ing Fashion Centre.


Tickets $5, now on sale at 476 Water St. and at the Club.


• I !


.'. .. .

Between the ages of 13~ and 16 RECRUITS now being "':' accepted for No. 2355 Church Lads' Brigade Royal Canadian ARMY CADET CORPS. Free Uniform Issue, Specialized Cadet Training, Summer Camp. Apply at the C.L.B •. Armoury, Harvey Road, between 8 and 9,30 . p.m. Monday (To.night), Tuesd"" and Wednesday, June 6th, 7th and 8th. - Ask fCir Lieut. Rogers or Lieut. Coultas. Boys [oining now will be able to affend. summer camp this year.



je6.31 •


A Young Man to work in large General'OHice. Must have experience in Bookkeeping, qt least to Trial Bellance Stage. This opening offers definite p~ssibilities. ..,

AppVy in own handwriting to - ., "OFFICE ASSISTANT", .

• BOX 31 c/o. The Daily News


Corner Brook

~ .. .' :. , .. ~

,,~, . · . , , '.: ~~;

To commence work August lst. Gross salarY $2,100. $2,300. Apply to::

.... .. "


. . SUPERINTENDENT OF NURSES : .. ~. '. j~~ : ===:::;=::::======::::;::====-;:


V/ouli appre~iat9dumping of earth or ~ock flll'on the sIte of the' coming . .

. Pioneer Drive-In: Restaurant '. . - . ". - . ~ '. . . , ... $ituate.d PoftugarCove Road ..

;:~ i; .. ::~ • '. . '. .r.. . · . t •.

. ~ . · .,' . ,-, " :1~ , -."~ $:' ,,~. .:! ',,' ,,~ ..

. . ~~~~' iu~ctio~. 'to' Bell'. ·T~r~~.

. : b4.tl.~,: '.' . \.: '. .'. ' ... : ' . ' .... : .. !. 'I: .. :.'-. : .. ':':. ~':,'.'" ,""' .. \ .

'; .

"I •• , . ;" .. j\ " r,. . I


. !:

" ' . :~. '! I ,.! '.

,I .

1 , . ',\', I, :'.

\ 1':" •.

, " : ;.

., .\"'.,: ::: . . ~:

, "

" I" . ,\.::: , "

" -.', 1.;.1

, .

'I, •


, PRUNES, 40/50 ' PRUNES, 50/60,

. PRUNES,' 60/70 ,PRUNES, 70/80

PRUNES, 80(90 PRUNES, Packages 24's PEA BEANS, Pac~ages 2~ l's SPLIT. PEAS, Packages 24-,l's

, ~REEN' PEAS, Packages 2~-1's



! ,

WI ncou ••••••

fireS'Ont IIIII


. The kiddies love 'em 'iii their lunches; your friends will love 'em for afternoon tear your fam­ily will soon switch to ELKES DELICIOUS ENG­LISH BISCUITS when you put ·them on the table. ~vailable all . OVer St. j~h~'s at leading grocers

Hlld. Armature Works Ltd. . :.: ".

, .








• ,I .,-...-' '

DIAL 4502

, .

, DIAL 5141· 5142 P.O. BOX 336,


,-" .. ~.- .... -.... ~.--.---,.~ ... --" .•. ----.... --.-..... , ..... -.

. --.: ... .. ,

.. A:"', T.·H,B" ,. . l);~ I' .' J:i , , -

NITRATE OF SODA, Etc. Etc. ~((.~ 'SIGN 1J§i Tr::t

CHILEAN NITRATE OF SODA ............... · .. · .... · .... · 100 Ln Bags AMMONIUM OF NITRATE ........ " ......... · .... "·,, .... · .. 100 In BQ9~ •


POTATO' FERTILIZER ......... "" ..... : ........ " ................. 10() Ln Bags TURNIP FERTILIZER ........... : ....... " .............. " ........... 100 Ln Bags , . . ~


; I , ST. JOHN'S

MUNICIP4L COUNCIL CABBAGE and GENERAL FERTILlZER:' ......... " ....... 100 Ln Bags HAYSEED' ................. "",,, ...... ,, ................................. 50· Ln Bagl

Miss 'Harriet Townshend i Pursuant to the request' of the . I

St. John's Municipal council, the . Kathleen' Norris .. , ..... 4.25 Also Honorabie t,he Minister ,of Public Onioi1S in,t,h,e Stew" .. ', '11

Works has caused the Regulations hereunder to be published ·in the Belly MacDonald ...... 2.5~ i

A Limited quantity of CERTIFIED COBBLER SEeD 75 Ln Ba~

Newfountlant Gazette. They are" The Thorn' Tree . I republished In the daily news· Nelia Gardner Whife.:3.75 . pa~er for the Information and The Scotswoman " I'

guidance of owners of, motor

. POTATOES ., ......... , .. , ........... " ................................... .


vehicles, and all other- interested. Inglis Fletcher ........... .4.50 parties. N The Breakin, g Wave' II

I Et U,' FORA , Cily Clerk. 'Nevil Shute ...... ; ..... , .... 1.00 . '

. My Brother's' Keeper . Under and by. virtue of the pow.·

ers conferred by ~ection 55 of the Marcia Dt;Jvenport ...... 4.95·, Highway Traffic Act, Chapter 94 Sincerely Willis Wayd~ 1

of The Revised statutes of New· J h 'P M d J 50 foundland 1952, as' amended, the 0 n .. arquan ' .... .,. following. Regulation has, 'been The MistIEi.~ecind Sword

'PHONES ,5143 .5144 QUEEN ST. ,"

ma'de by me. Anya' Seton' ........... : .. 2.75 ilated this 25th day of May A.D. The Case of The

. ~9M. Sun Bather's Diary' To the best of .Cientiflc knowl·

edge, all North American and Eureopean fresh·water eels spawn in an AUant!~ area near Ber· muda.

Children's Puzzle ON TIlE SllELF

Balsam Gap, N.C" is the high • est station for a standard·gauge railway In eastern Al11erica.

REGULATION During thy' period between the

hours of 12.05 a.m. and 8.00 a.m. on the days shown in the schedulp. hereunder no motor vehicle shall remain in a stationary posllldn on those ,highways' or parts of high· ways within the limits of the City of St.· John's listed In the s.ld Scbedule.

SCHEDULE MONDAY-The North sides of

Waler' Street, Duckworth Street, Craigmillar. Avenue,Warberry Cralgmillar Avenue, Warberry Street, .. Henry Slreet,. Queen's

ErIe Stanley Gardner .. 3.00 The Dark Hostess

Sydney Horler ............ 2.00 The Planet, Mappers

E. Everelf' Evans ; ....... 2.95 T.he Best From Fantasy and Science Fiction

Fourth Series " .... " .... 4.00 The Spy W~b

Francis Noel·Baker .... 2.75

Largest Il!rIcUy rural hospItal In the United States is Grace hospital, Banner Elk. N.C.

Mountainair, N.M., has been called' the "bean capital of the world."


WINTER-Born to Mary Ethel; wife of M. Walcot Winter, at the Grace Hospital, Junl!. 5,a son.

Road, Topsail Road (Water Street Newfoundland Year to . Cralg:nillar Avenue), Long's DEATHS Hm, Bond Street, Gower Street, Book and Business Military 'Road, Forest Road, Cir· Directory. BOULOS..;... Passed peacefully eular Road (from Carpasian Road . away at 9.45 p.m. Saturday, June to King's Bridge Road). 1955 Edition .... "" .. 3.50 4th, Julia Boulost widow of the

The East Sides of Springdale Most complete 'Directory' late Michael !3ou os; leaving to mourn 4 sons, 4 daughters, 3 street, Waldegrave Street, Queell yet pub!' h d brothers, 2 sisters and 9 grand· Street, McBride's Hili, Job's Cross. IS e, children. Funeral from her late lng, Richmond Street,' Hill O'Chlps residence 590 Water Street, Tues-Temperance S.lreet,' Church lIill, day at 10 o'clock, to St. Patrick's Church for Requiem Mass at 10.30, Garrison Hill, Cathedral Strect~ ,; interment at Belvedere. W~rberry Street), Adelaide Street, ABBOTT-Died as a result of a (South of New Gower Slreet), drowning accident Edmund Why-mn',,"s .Iload, Ordnance Stree.', ' cliffe Abbott, age 42 y'ears; leav· Ing to mourn wife (MIldred), two Prescott Street (north of Duck· THE BOOKSELLERS daughters, Yvonne and Elaine, one

': . . \ J

worth street) Cavendish Square, 'Phone 3191 • .1425. son Paul; father and mother, Mr. E I A (F t R d

OJ and Mrs. Stephen Abhott, and 1 mp re venue ores oa to _ sister, Mrs. Crowder (.\larie), reo ' .. Ruth is looking for som~thing

King'. , . Bridge Road), King's Place,-, Allandale Place, Churchill siding In Toronto. 'r~e funeral which is on tha shelf a filling for Bridge' Ro~d, Rennie's Mill Road, Sqilare, Rowan Street, Pine Bud wl1l.talie place on Tuesaay at 2.30 a pie she Is making. If you would Quidi Vldi Road Av L' d P B' h p.m. by. motor hca!su from his . f d" 11 •. enue, In en ace, eec late residence. 1 Allandale Road. 11kc to see what sl1e Dun JOin a ,TUESDAY:-The Souto; Sides of Place, Elizabeth Avenue (Bonaven· DELAHUNTY _ Died suddenly the numbered dots together,

Quick help for

. COUGHS . : • due 10 colds. ·Get quick relief from annoying coughs with Beech· Nut Black Cough Drops. Soothing to dry, inflamed throats. Pleasant· tasting! Easy to take! Buy a can· venient roll today.

. o~/y 5<

BEECH·NUl Coug~ Drops

.\~a,lcr Street, Duckworth Street, ture Avenue to New Cove Road) at st. Clare'S Mercy,Hospital, Sat· ing with dot number one •. and . New Gower Street, Job Street, I' . ' d J 3 d L J 'th d b t rt n ne CragmiUar Avenue, Warberry E ~ Place, Sycamore Place, Car· ur a'1, une ' r, awrence • Ing WI ot num er m y. I .

Street, .Henry Streel, Queen's paslan Road, Vaughan Place, Delahunty; leaving a wife, 2 ehil- Try your crayons on this picture. TRADE SUPPLY BY

dron, one brother and one sister. Road, Topsail Road (Waler Street Larch Place, Portugal Cove Itoad, Funeral', today, from his late resi. A to Craglmllar Avenu'~), Long's ,Glenrldge .Crescent, Winter Place, dence 35 Cornwall Heights to The American Legion was or· - 1 lUll, 'Bond Street, Gower Street, New Cove Road, Exeter Avenue, ,Corpus Christie ChU. rch, Ki~brlde, ganizcd. at Paris, France, in 1919. GERALD S DOYli= Ml11tary Road, Forest Road. Lonll Pond Road, (Carpashin Road for Requiem Mass at,10 0 clock. It was mCOO'Pofl\ted by an act of I '-fJ

The West Sides of Springdale to Strawberry :r.larsh Road). Interment at Mount Cpr:nel Ceme· Congress on Sept. 16, 1919. Street, Walde!1rave Street, Queen . ;::!~RJ=.:.:.P..:.. ="":"'0:'-:==================== SlNet, McBride's Hill, Job's Cross· FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE

Rlchinond Str~t, Hill 0' , Tempcran.ce Street, Church The wedding 6f Margaret· Frena, Garrison Hill, Cathedral daughter of Priscilla. and the late

Street, Leslie Street (Wator Street Capt. John G. Phillips of SI. to Warberry Street Adelaide John's, to William A. Jal1)eson, Str t ( th f N G son of Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Jameson

ee sou, 0 ew ower of Verdun, Que. Wedding wl\l take Street) King s Road, Ordnance place at Wesley United Church on Street, Prescott Street (north of Thursday, June 9thi' at 7 p.m. Duckworth S t r e e t), Cochrane . Street (north of Due k w 0 r t h Street) Cavendish Square, Empire Avenue' (Forest Road to King's Bridge:Road), King's Bridge Road, Rennie's MfilRqad, Quidl VidL Road, Cornwall Crescent (both sides).

WEDNESDAY :- The Nor t h Sides of, Carson Avenue, St.


In m.mory of a de.r ;, loving wlf. end a dllr,

.w~et moth.r,




• ! , Vlmy Avenue, Cornwall Avenue, .... ~~ ______ "!"" __ .;.._~ ________ ~ __ :.....~_,.;,.:.;..;,..J L~~farchant Road, Pleasant Street,

who pissed away Juna 10, 1952 .t Brooklyn, New York •.

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Clare AvenUe, Pennywell Rd., Hamilton, Avenue, Blackmarsh Road (Campbell Avenue to Cashin Avenue),' Freshwater' Road, Har­vey Road, l.l:ullock Street (Bona­

'ventlll'3 Avenue to Barnes Road), Poplar Avenue, Elizabeth AYenue (An<!erson 'Avenue to Bonaventure Avenue. Milbanke Street, ·prne Bud' Plaee,: Whlteway Street, Whlteway Place, Merrymeeting, Roa,d.

The East Sides of R~lelgh Street, If Avenue, Bennett· Avenue,

Patrick Street, Cas'llin Avenue, Morris Avenue, 'Mt. .Royal Avenue, Casey Street,' Prince of Wales Street, 'Monkstown Road, Parade Street, Rodney Stl'i!c:t, Bonaventure Avenue, Stoneyllouse Street,. Maple Street, . Chestnut Place, Anderson Avenue, . Cornwall. Heights. (both aides). . ..

. Gone to be with Jesus to the land she 'loved

So we~1 and with Him there' to dwell.

Yes darl'ing willt our 'haav­only Father's help,

iVe,hope to.meet you there in tha t be~utlful, beautiful

. land so fair.' . .. . You were riot carried to the . skies 'on flowery Beds of case but you fought

to win the . Prize and sailed through


Oh!'-how much ~e IO~II to )roe YOUj" others cilinot tell' '

But· oJr Heavenly Father: knoweth, quite well. •

Yes' darllngJ.. our hopes iare high that your . .

I:,ov.1ng splrltv on that June' 'mornlng flew. '

To our Heavenly Father on . high': far above

"I:he ever, ever blUe sky"': . there no mare to die.

THURSDAY:.,;..The South Sides of Carson, Avenue; St. Midise!'s Avenue, Vickers Avenue, Vlmy Avenue, Cornwall' Avenue, I.e. Marcbant Road, Pleasqnt Street, Marchant ~oad, Pleasant Street, St. Clare Avenue, Pennywell Road, Homllton Avenue, ., Blackmarsh Road (Ca'mpbell Avenue to Cashin Avenue), Freshwater :Road,Har· Il)serted .by husband' and




CRUSHED Road, Mu116ck Street· (Bona' daughter. , . .:

Iventwre Avenlle to Barnes Road), I~!!~!!'!!~'~!'!!!!!!!' !!'~m Poplar 'Avenue; Elizabeth 'Avenue I· (Anderson Avenue to Bonaventure Avenue): . Millr.mke Street, Pine, Bud Place, Whiteway' Street, Wh!teway Place, Merrymeeting

. SEGMENTS' Road. . •

The West Sides' of Raleigh .GoU AVenue, Bennett Ave~

nue, . Morris Avenue, . Mt:Royal Avenue,Camp~ell' Avenue;" Casey Street, Priilce· of Wales Stree~ MO\lkStliwn ROad, Parade 'Street, Rodney Street, Bonaventure Ave. nue', StoneYhouse ':''Street, Maple Street, Chestnut:, : Plate, Ander· son'Avenue: ";"~" . . FRIDAY: " - .Strawberry Marsh,

Roid, Appledore Place, Bldeford' Place;' Cork Place, Dartmouth.


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