Introduction by Eric Mayo Dagradi, dr, M.Kes,AIF (Head of Physiology Department)

Human Physiology Introduction

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Page 1: Human Physiology Introduction


Eric Mayo Dagradi, dr, M.Kes,AIF(Head of Physiology Department)

Page 2: Human Physiology Introduction

•The term human physiology and its research objectives.• Fundamental characters of living organism: Metabolism, excitability and reproduction.• Regulation of physiological activities : Nervous regulation, humoral regulation, autoregulation.• Cybernetic & automatic control system : Negative feedback, positive feedback, feed forward control.

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Specific characteristics and mechanisms of the human body make it a living being.

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Levels of physiological research

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Metabolism : It is the ability to use energy to perform vital functions such as growth, movement, and reproduction.

Excitability and Responsiveness : An organism is responsive if it can sense (excitability) changes in the environment and make adjustments that help maintain its life.

Reproduction : The formation of new cells or new

organisms. Is reproduction a homeostatic function???

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Maintenance of static or constant conditions in the internal environment

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Concentration of O2 and CO2 Concentration of nutrients and waste products pH of internal environment Concentration of salts and other electrolytes Volume, temperature and pressure of extra

cellular fluid

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Nervous regulation

Humoral regulation


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Knee jerk reflex

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Receptor Afferent (sensory) nerve Reflex centre (Brain or spinal

cord) Efferent (Motor) nerve Effector

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Humoral regulation by hormone

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Intrinsic ability of an organ to maintain constant normal environment independent of neural and hormonal influences.

Eg: Autoregulation of blood flow despite of changes in perfusion pressure.

(By metabolic and myogenic mechanisms)

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Cybernetics is the theoretical study of control processes in electronic, mechanical, and biological systems

The analysis of flow of information in a system

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Negative feedback mechanism

Positive feedback mechanism

Feed forward mechanism

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When some factor becomes excessive or deficient, a control system initiates negative feedback, which consists of a series of change that return the factor toward a certain mean value, thus maintaining homeostasis

Arterial pressure regulating mechanism by baroreceptors.

Regulation of CO2 in extracellular fluid.

Regulation of hormone release.

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“Positive” implies that, when a deviation from a normal value occurs, the response of the system is to make the deviation even greater.

(Why is positive feedback also called “vicious cycle”)

Eg : Inadequate delivery of blood to cardiac muscle due to bleeding.

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Stretching of uterine cervix during parturition.

Action potential propagation.

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Hemostasis (Blood coagulation)

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When response has to occur rapidly, the brain uses a principle called feed forward control.

Seen mainly in nervous system. Eg: Conditioned reflex

Adaptive control.

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Text book of medical physiology, Guyton & Hall. 11th edition.

Review of Medical Physiology, William F. Ganong. 22nd edition.

Web sites: www.physiol.net www.biotopics.co.uk

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1. Eric Mayo Dagradi, dr, M.Kes, AIF (Kepala Bagian Ilmu Faal )

2. S. Djoni Husodo, dr, M.Kes. (Koordinator Pendidikan Ilmu Faal)

3. Indri N. Rahayu, dr, M.Kes. (Koordinator Praktikum Ilmu Faal )

4. Dody Taruna, dr. (Koordinator Ilmu Kesehatan Olahraga)

5. Asami, dr.6. Nungki, drg, M.Kes (Koordinator Kedokteran Gigi)