Doc 1 The landscape of work-life balance has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades, and the nurturing of personal relationships is now more important than ever. Research has shown that employees with strong and effective relationships live longer, have less stress, and have higher levels of employee engagement. Wise employers understand the importance of how personal relationships enrich our professional lives. Managing and nurturing our relationships is perhaps the most important and impactful thing we can do to enrich our lives. Our society respects and reveres those who have happy personal relationships. Much thought, research, and time is put into reinforcing the importance of balancing these varied responsibilities. Rather than focusing on the number of such relationships, it is important to examine the quality of our relationships with spouses, children, co-workers and others. Social media can give us a false sense of an effective support network, when in reality, we may just have an abundance of superficial “friends” online. High- quality relationships give us energy and low- quality relationships take energy from us. It is important to spend more time in positive relationships and less time in negative ones. Failing this, it’s vital to somehow change the way we view a negative relationship. Doing this helps us keep the right focus in life. If you really want a boost in energy and perspective, volunteer your time and build relationships with those who are less fortunate. Many companies encourage employees to be mentors for this very reason.

How Work Life Balance Impact on Employee

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Doc 1The landscape of work-life balance has changed dramatically over the last couple of decades, and the nurturing of personal relationships is now more important than ever. Research has shown that employees with strong and effective relationships live longer, have less stress, and have higher levels of employee engagement. Wise employers understand the importance of how personal relationships enrich our professional lives.Managing and nurturing our relationships is perhaps the most important and impactful thing we can do to enrich our lives. Our society respects and reveres those who have happy personal relationships. Much thought, research, and time is put into reinforcing the importance of balancing these varied responsibilities.Rather than focusing on the number of such relationships, it is important to examine the quality of our relationships with spouses, children, co-workers and others. Social media can give us a false sense of an effective support network, when in reality, we may just have an abundance of superficial friends online. High-quality relationships give us energy and low-quality relationships take energy from us. It is important to spend more time in positive relationships and less time in negative ones. Failing this, its vital to somehow change the way we view a negative relationship. Doing this helps us keep the right focus in life. If you really want a boost in energy and perspective, volunteer your time and build relationships with those who are less fortunate. Many companies encourage employees to be mentors for this very reason. Employers Approach in Helping Employees Maintain a Work-Life BalanceFor employers, it is important to let employees focus on results, not just time in the office. This will let employees design their own best work-life balance. It also sends a message that the company trusts the employee to get the work done. Companies will see employee engagement rise in this environment. This also results in a performance culture instead of a face-time culture.Learning How to Quickly Plug In and Out Will Enhance Your RelationshipsGone are the days when you leave your office and your work behind. Laptops, email, and smartphones saw to that. Now there is no longer a physical barrier between work life and personal life. Successfully plugging in and then unplugging is one key to managing your relationships. Career coaching services can help with tools on refining this skill.Being able to focus on work, then focus on your family or personal relationships, and then focus again on work is a recipe for success. This is not easy and will take practice to refine. However, once mastered, this skill makes for happier employees.

Doc 2

InstaurationEmployee engagement is described as myth as well as facts. In a nutshell we have learnt it from a historic point of view as well as factors of employee engagement and how the managers can improve employee engagement. Employee engagement is a concept to build an "engaged employee" who are fully involved and have great interest or showing great excitement and interest in organization.Employee EngagementEmployee engagement is seen from two important perspective, one is business perspective and another is academic perspective. While from business perspective, it is one of the most blistering topic in management and from business perspective it is modernized version of employee satisfaction but not at all limited to only employee satisfaction.Why does it fail generally?There are many reasons behind the failure of employee engagement. Few important reasons are such as often senior employees view it as a soft approach such keeping employees "happy". Often management thinks that employee engagement cannot be measured and if sometimes it is measured, the result is not shared across teams and managers cannot take any necessary action. As observed in most of the organization, it is found that the ideas about employee engagement comes from the top management and there is no feedback or suggestion is collected lower levels, which further removes many creative aspects of employee engagement. Though true drivers of employee engagement are trust, recognition, communication and growth, it is often a misconception that, employee engagement is thought as team outing/picnic, Friday casuals or monthly award.How to make team engaged?In order to make a team engaged, leaders must stop dictating the team members rather they should make an active participation of all the members in the decision making process. Small amount of employee mistrust must be ignored, that will increase the employee engagement. Since work-place is composed of humanities, hence the biggest term "humanity" should not be compromised.Diachronic view on work-life balanceAccording to classical concept, what an employee performs inside office is work and anything done outside office is own work. Generally people prioritizes work over anything else and generally flexi-timing/paternity leave etc. are considered as work-life balance.Fact on work-life balanceReality about work-life balance is it is about satisfaction about ones personal life and it can be reached even when working long hours. Work-life balance need not always to be 50% and 50%, but it is all about allocation about resources, time energy, spending actual time along with matching the goals.Benefits of work-life balanceThere are few benefits of work-life balance like it staff turn-over rate reduction, becoming a good employer or employer of choice, reduced employee absenteeism and sick leave. On top of that it improves the employee productivity and employee satisfaction. Employees become more loyal and committed towards organization. Last but not the least it improves the team spirit as well.In a nut-shell, work life balance isEmployee should have clarity in business and along with his personal priorities. They must be able recognize the deeds done by a team member or any other member in the organization. By adopting the same over a period of time, work life balance can be achieved. Last but not the least employees are part of organization and not an external person anymore, such mindset should be grown amongst all and the trust should lead to enlarge mutual benefit and work-life balance.An approach to ensure work life balance Know the stress level by performing the stress management exercise and reduce the same. Get to know the most important value which we consider individually. Take a short break typically 1 to 5 minutes in a day at least. Find out a mentor which an individual as an employee prefers to have(what we prefer in order to achieve organization and personal goal both). Develop a career development plan, time management based on the suggestion provided by mentor.Observe daily job-routine.

Doc 3

Work-life balance splitting your time and energy between work and other important aspects of your life is important for employee engagement, and individuals who do not manage this balance are at risk of burnout or demotivation. However, Aon Hewitt employee engagement research suggests that work-life balance often isnt the main driver of employee engagement in the UK. Instead these tend to be availability of career opportunities and recognition for a job well done. However, overall organisation-level results can sometimes mask the drivers of specific populations e.g. Generation Y, Baby Boomers, technical specialists, long-serving employees.I think there are three main reasons for this: A good work-life balance is subjective and will depend on our priorities some people dont mind working long days, whereas others feel under quite a bit of pressure if they have to work an extra half an hour every day. The right balance is always in flux priorities change over time, sometimes even on a day-to-day basis. Work-life balance is in many ways an outcome that is influenced many of the same factors that impact employee engagement work tasks, control, manager behaviour, technology, flexible working policies as well as being itself a driver of employee engagement.Of the workplace factors that influence work-life balance, management behaviour is probably the factor that is often most impactful. It makes sense that managers who create work-life balance for themselves role model the behaviours and support employees in their own pursuit of work-life balance; this includes creating a work environment in which work-life balance is expected, enabled, and supported.However, it would be unfair to say its all down to managers who are often the most time-poor themselves. Organisations (and senior leaders/role models) have a role to play by equipping managers with the resources, tools and skills to enable employees to take responsibility of their own work-life balance. Some of the initiatives that I have seen organisations use to promote work-life balance include time management training, personal resilience workshops, stress awareness, better IT provision to facilitate remote working and reduce travelling, working compressed hours and introducing flexible benefits (e.g. buying/selling holiday, childcare vouchers and subsidised gym membership).Looking into the future, this topic is particularly important for Generation Y employees the UKs future CEOs many of whom saw their parents working long hours in jobs they didnt always like and who as a consequence dont want that for themselves. In fact, research suggests that Generation Y employees care more about work-life balance but see less of a clear distinction between their day in terms of their work and personal lives. Flexible working and empowerment will be key to engaging with the next generation of top talent.My final thought is that we shouldnt underestimate the importance of respite time to recharge our batteries. The UK has well established laws around annual leave and its in everyones interest employees, managers and organisations to take responsibility for using and enjoying our provision.