How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)

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  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    How to Train Your Dragon (2010) Movie Script

    This is Berk.

    It's twelve days north of hopeless and afew degrees south of freezing to death.

    It's located solidly

    on the meridian of misery.

    My village. In a word, sturdy.

    It's been here for seven generations,

    but every single building is new.

    e have !shing, hunting

    and a charming view of the sunsets.

    The only problems are the pests.

    "ou see, most places

    have mice or mos#uitoes.

    e have...


    Most people would leave. $ot us.

    e're %ikings.

    e have stubbornness issues.

    My name is &iccup.reat name, I know.

    But it's not the worst.

    (arents believe a hideous name

    will frighten o) gnomes and trolls.

    *ike our charming %iking demeanor

    wouldn't do that.


    hat are you doing here-+ et inside+

    hat are you doing out-+

    et back inside+

    &iccup+ hat is he doing-

    hat are you doing out-+ et inside+

    That's toick the %ast,

    chief of the tribe.

    hen he was a baby, he popped

    a dragon's head clean o) its shoulders.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    /o I believe it- "es, I do.

    hat have we got-

    ronckles. $adders. 0ipplebacks.

    &oark saw a Monstrous $ightmare.

    1ny $ight 2uries- $one so far.


    &oist the torches+

    $ice of you to 3oin the party+

    I thought you'd been carried o)+

    ho, me- $o, come on,

    I'm way too muscular for their taste.

    They wouldn't knowwhat to do with all this.

    They need toothpicks, don't they-

    The meathead with attitude

    and interchangeable hands is obber.

    I've been his apprentice

    since I was little. ell, littler.

    Move to the lower defenses.

    e'll counterattack with the catapults.


    ee- 4ld village,

    lots and lots of new houses.


    *et's go+

    That's 2ishlegs, notlout, the twins5

    6u)nut and Tu)nut...


    ...1strid.Their 3ob is so much cooler.

    7ome on. *et me out, please.

    I need to make my mark.

    "ou've made plenty of marks,

    all in the wrong places.

    (lease, two minutes. I'll kill a dragon.

    My life will get in!nitely better.

    I might even get a date."ou can't lift a hammer.


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  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    They have this nasty habit

    of setting themselves on !re.

    6eload+ I'll take care of this.

    But the ultimate prize

    is the dragon no one's ever seen. e call it the...

    $ight 2ury+

    et down+


    This thing never steals food,

    never shows itself and...

    ...never misses.

    $o one has ever killed a $ight 2ury.That's why I'm going to be the !rst.

    Man the fort, &iccup.

    They need me out there.

    tay. (ut. There.

    "ou know what I mean.

    here are you going-

    "eah, I know+


    Be right back+

    *et's get him+

    Mind yourselves+

    The devils still have

    some 3uice in them+

    7ome on. ive me something to

    shoot at. ive me something to shoot at.

    I hit it. "es, I hit it+

    /id anybody see that-:8cept for you.

    /o not let them escape+


    "ou're all out.

    4h, and there's one more thing

    you need to know.

    orry, /ad.

    49, but I hit a $ight 2ury.It's not like the last few times, /ad+


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    I really, actually hit it+

    "ou guys were busy.

    I had a very clear shot.

    It went down o) 6aven (oint.

    *et's get a search

     ;ust stop.

    :very time you step outside,

    disaster follows.

    7an you not see that

    I have bigger problems-

    inter is almost here

    and I have an entire village to feed+Between you and me, the village

    could do with a little less feeding.

    This isn't a 3oke, &iccup+

    hy can't you follow

    the simplest orders-

    I can't stop myself. I see a dragon

    and I have to 3ust kill it.

    It's who I am, /ad.

    "ou're many things, &iccup.

    But a dragon killer is not one of them.

    et back to the house.

    Make sure he gets there.

    I have his mess to clean up.

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    "ou brought me the wrong o)spring.

    I ordered an e8tralarge boy with beefy

    arms, e8tra guts and glory on the side.

    This here, this is a talking !shbone.=

    "ou're thinking about this wrong.It's not so much what you look like,

    it's what's inside that he can't stand.

    Thank you for summing that up.

    *ook, the point is, stop trying

    so hard to be something you're not.

    I 3ust want to be one of you guys.

    :ither we !nish them

    or they'll !nish us+It's the only way

    we'll be rid of them.

    If we !nd the nest and destroy it,

    the dragons will leave.

    They'll !nd another home+

    4ne more search

    before the ice sets in.

    Those ships never come back.

    e're %ikings. It's an occupational

    hazard. $ow who's with me-+

    7ount me out.

    Today's no good for me.

    I have to do my a8e returns.

    1ll right. Those who stay

    will look after &iccup.

    To the ships+

    I'm with you+That's more like it.

    I'll pack my undies.

    $o, I need you to stay

    and train some new recruits.

    (erfect. 1nd, while I'm busy,

    &iccup can cover the stall.

    Molten steel, razorsharp blades,

    lots of time to himself.hat could possibly go wrong-


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    hat am I going

    to do with him, obber-

    (ut him in training.

    $o, I'm serious.

    o am I.&e'd be killed before

    the !rst dragon is out of its cage.

    "ou don't know that.

    I do, actually.

    $o, you don't.

    $o, I do.

    $o, you don't.

    *isten, you know what he's like.2rom the time he could crawl,

    he's been... di)erent.

    &e doesn't listen. &e has

    the attention span of a sparrow.

    I take him !shing

    and he goes hunting for trolls+

    Trolls e8ist. They steal your socks.

    But only the left ones.

    hat's with that-

    hen I was a boy...

    &ere we go. father told me to bang

    my head against a rock and I did it.

    I thought it was crazy,

    but I didn't #uestion him.

    1nd you know what happened-

    "ou got a headache.That rock split in two.

    It taught me what

    a %iking could do, obber.

    &e could crush mountains,

    level forests, tame seas+

    :ven as a boy, I knew what I was,

    what I had to become.

    &iccup is not that boy."ou can't stop him, toick.


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    "ou can only prepare him.

    I know it seems hopeless, but you won't

    always be around to protect him.

    &e's going to get out there again.

    &e's probably out there now.4h, the gods hate me.

    ome people lose their knife

    or their mug. $ot me.

    I manage to lose an entire dragon.

    4h, wow. I did it.

    I did it. This !8es everything+ "es+

    I have brought down

    this mighty beast+I'm going to kill you, dragon.

    Then I'll cut out your heart

    and take it to my father.

    I am a %iking. I am a %iking+

    I did this.



    ...I have to talk to you, /ad.

    I need to speak with you, too, son.

    I don't want to !ght dragons.

    It's time you learn to !ght dragons.



    "ou go !rst.

    $o, you go !rst.

    1ll right.

    "ou get your wish. /ragon start in the morning.

    4h, man, I should have gone !rst.

    I was thinking, you know,

    we have a surplus

    of dragon!ghting %ikings,

    but do we have enough breadmaking

    %ikings or smallhomerepair %ikings-

    "ou'll need this.I don't want to !ght dragons.


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    7ome on. "es, you do.

    6ephrase. /ad, I can't kill dragons.

    But you will kill dragons.

    $o, I'm really very e8trasure

    that I won't. It's time, &iccup.

    7an you not hear me-

    This is serious, son.

    hen you carry this a8e,

    you carry all of us with you.

    hich means you walk like us,

    you talk like us... think like us.$o more of... this.

    "ou 3ust gestured to all of me.


    This conversation is very onesided.




    Train hard.

    I'll be back. (robably.

    1nd I'll be here.


    elcome to dragon training+

    $o turning back.

    I hope I get some serious burns.

    I'm hoping for some mauling,

    like on my shoulder or back.

    "eah, it's only fun if you geta scar out of it.

    "eah, no kidding, right-

    (ain. *ove it.

    4h, great. ho let him in-

    *et's get started+

    The recruit who does best

    will win the honor

    of killing his !rst dragonin front of the entire village.

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    &iccup already killed a $ight 2ury,

    so does that dis#ualify him-

    7an I transfer to the class

    with the cool %ikings-

    /on't worry. "ou're small and weak...that'll make you less of a target.

    They'll see you as sick or insane

    and go after the more

    %ikinglike teens instead.

    Behind these doors

    are 3ust a few of the many species

    you will learn to !ght+

    The /eadly $adder+ peed >, armor ?@.

    The &ideous 0ippleback.

    (lus ?? stealth. Times A.

    The Monstrous $ightmare.

    2irepower ?.

    The Terrible Terror.

    1ttack >, venom ?A.

    7an you stop that-+

    1nd the ronckle.

     ;aw strength >.

    ait, aren't you gonna teach us !rst-

    I believe in learning on the 3ob.

    Today is about survival.

    If you get blasted...'re dead+

    hat's the !rst thing you'll need-

    1 doctor- (lus speed-

    1 shield.

    hields. o+

    "our most important piece of e#uipment

    is your shield+

    If you must choose between

    a sword or a shield, take the shield+

    *et go of my shield+ There are a million shields+


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    Take that one. It has a Cower...

    girls like Cowers.

    4ops, this one has blood on it.

    Tu)nut, 6u)nut+ "ou're out+

    hat-hields are good for another thing.

    $oise+ Make lots of it

    to throw o) a dragon's aim+

    1ll dragons have

    a limited number of shots.

    &ow many does a ronckle have-


    $o, si8+7orrect, si8+

    That's one for each of you+

    2ishlegs, out+

    &iccup, get in there+

    I moved into my parents' basement.

    7ome by sometime and work out.

    "ou look like you work out.

    notlout+ "ou're done+

    o it's 3ust you and me, huh-

    $ope, 3ust you.

    4ne shot left+


    1nd that's si8.

    o back to bed,

    you overgrown sausage+

    "ou'll get another chance,

    don't you worry.6emember, a dragon will always,

    always go for the kill.

    o... why didn't you-

    This was stupid.

    hy don't you 3ust Cy away-

    1ll right, where did 1strid go wrong

    in the ring today-

    I mistimed my somersault dive.It was sloppy.


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    It threw o) my reverse tumble.

    "eah, we noticed.

    $o, no, you were great.

    That was so =1strid.=

    he's right. "ou have to betough on yourselves.

    here did &iccup go wrong-

    &e showed up.

    &e didn't get eaten.

    &e's never where he should be.

    Thank you, 1strid.

    "ou need to live and breathe

    this stu). The dragon manual.:verything we know about

    every dragon we know of.

    $o attacks tonight. tudy up.

    ait, you mean read-

    hile we're still alive-

    hy read words

    when you can 3ust kill the stu) 

    the words tell you stu) about-

    I've read it seven times.

    There's this water dragon

    that sprays boiling water at your

    face. 1nd there's this other one...

    "eah. That sounds great.

    There was a chance I'd read it...

    But now...

    "ou guys read. I'll go kill stu).

    1nother one has spines like trees. o I guess we'll share-

    6ead it.

    1ll mine, then. ow.

    o, 49, I'll see you...


    /ragon classi!cations.

    trike class.

    2ear class. Mystery class.Thunderdrum. This reclusive dragon


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    inhabits sea caves and dark tide pools.

    hen startled, the Thunderdrum

    produces a concussive sound

    that can kill a man at close range.

    :8tremely dangerous. 9ill on sight.Timber3ack. This gigantic creature

    has razorsharp wings

    that can slice through fullgrown trees.

    :8tremely dangerous. 9ill on sight.

    cauldron. prays scalding water

    at its victim. :8tremely dangerous.

    7hangewing. :ven newly hatched

    dragons can spray acid. 9ill on sight.ronckle. 0ippleback. The krill.

    Bone 9napper. hispering /eath.

    Burns its victims. Buries its victims.

    7hokes its victims.

    Turns its victims inside out.

    :8tremely dangerous.

    :8tremely dangerous.

    9ill on sight.

    9ill on sight. 9ill on sight.

    $ight 2ury.

    peed unknown. ize unknown.

    The unholy o)spring

    of lightning and death itself.

    $ever engage this dragon.

    "our only chance5 &ide and pray

    it does not !nd you.

    I can almost smell them.They're close.


    Take us in.

    &ard to port. 2or &elheim's ate.

    &ard to port+


    &ey, you know, I 3ust happened to notice

    the book had nothing on $ight 2uries.Is there another book, or a se#uel-


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    Maybe a $ight 2ury pamphlet-

    2ocus, &iccup+

    "ou're not even trying+

    Today it's all about attack+

    $adders are #uick and lighton their feet.

    "our 3ob is to be #uicker and lighter+

    I'm really beginning to #uestion

    your teaching methods+

    *ook for its blind spot+

    :very dragon has one.

    2ind it, hide in it and strike+

    /o you ever bathe-If you don't like it, then

     3ust get your own blind spot.

    &ow about I give you one-

    Blind spot, yes.

    /eaf spot, not so much.

    &ey, so, how would one sneak up

    on a $ight 2ury-

    $o one's ever met one and lived

    to tell the tale. et in there+

    I know, I know, but hypothetically...


    et down.

    atch out, babe.

    I'll take care of this.

    The sun was in my eyes, 1strid.

    hat do you want me to do,

    block out the sun-I could do that but I don't have time+

    They probably...

    ...take the daytime o), right-

    *ike a cat.

    &as anyone ever seen one napping-


    *ove on the battle!eld.

    he could do better.*et me... hy don't you-


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    ell done, 1strid.

    Is this some kind of a 3oke to you-

    4ur parents' war

    is about to become ours.

    2igure out which side you're on.Toothless.

    I could have sworn you had...


    $o, no, no.

    I don't have any more+

    1nd with one twist, he took my hand

    and swallowed it whole+

    I saw the look on his face...I was delicious.

    &e must have passed the word,

    because it wasn't a month before

    another one of them took my leg.

    Isn't it weird to think

    your hand was inside a dragon-

    *ike if your mind was still

    in control of it,

    you could have killed the dragon

    from inside by crushing his heart.

    I swear, I'm so angry. I'll avenge your

    beautiful hand and your beautiful foot.

    I'll chop o) the legs of every dragon

    I !ght, with my face.

    It's the wings and the tails

    you really want.

    If it can't Cy, it can't get away.1 downed dragon is a dead dragon.

    1ll right, I'm o) to bed.

    "ou should be, too.

    Tomorrow we get to the big boys,

    slowly but surely

    making our way up

    to the Monstrous $ightmare.

    But who'll win the honor of killing it-It's gonna be me. It's my destiny. ee-


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    "our mom let you get a tattoo-

    It's not a tattoo, it's a birthmark.

    49, I've been stuck with you since

    birth, and that was never there before.

    "es, it was. "ou've 3ust neverseen me from the left side.

    &ey, Toothless.

    I brought breakfast. I hope...

    I hope you're hungry.

    49, that's disgusting.

    e've got some salmon,

    some nice Icelandic cod...

    ...and a whole smoked eel.$o, no, no, no, no+

    $o, it's 49.

    "eah, I don't really like

    eel much, either.

    That's it.

    That's it.

     ;ust stick with the good stu).

    1nd don't you mind me.

    I'll 3ust be back here,

    minding my own business.

    It's 49.


    That's not too bad. It works.

    $o, no, no, no, no, no, no+

    4h, my+ It's working+

    "es, yes+ I did it+

    "eah+Today is about teamwork.

    $ow, a wet dragon head

    can't light its !re.

    The &ideous 0ippleback

    is e8tra tricky.

    4ne head breathes gas,

    the other head lights it.

    "our 3ob is to know which is which.6azorsharp serrated teeth


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    that in3ect venom for predigestion.

    (refers ambush attack,

    crushing its victims...

    ill you please stop that-+

    If that dragon showseither of his faces, I'm gonna...


    &ey, it's us, idiots+

    "our butts are getting bigger.

    e thought you were a dragon.

    $ot that there's anything wrong

    with a dragones#ue !gure.

    ait.4h, I'm hurt+ I am very much hurt+

    7hances of survival are

    dwindling to single digits now.

    rong head.


    $ow, &iccup+

    4h, come on.


    Back, back, back+

    $ow, don't you make me tell you again+

    "es, that's right.

    Back into your cage.

    $ow think about what you've done.

    49, so are we done- '7ause I've got

    some things I need to...

    "ep, I'll see you tomorrow+

    I've never seen a ronckle do that.I left my a8e back in the ring. "ou guys

    go on ahead. I'll catch up with you.

    Meet the Terrible Terror.

    It's like the size of my...

    et it o)+

    4h, I'm hurt+ I am very much hurt+

    ow+ &e's better than you ever were.

    4h, great.&iccup.


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    &iccup- 1re you in there-

    1strid. &ey.

    &i, 1strid. &i, 1strid. &i, 1strid.

    I normally don't care what people do,

    but you're acting weird.ell, weirder.

    I trust you found the nest, at least-

    $ot even close.


    I hope you had more success than me.

    ell, if by success, you mean that

    your parenting troubles are over, yes.

    7ongratulations, toick+:veryone is so relieved+

    4ut with the old and

    in with the new, right-

    $o one will miss that nuisance+

    e're throwing a party to celebrate+

    7ome over here.


    &e's gone-

    Most afternoons, but who can blame

    him- The life of a celebrity's rough.

    &e can barely walk through the village

    without being swarmed by his new fans.


    ho would have thought it-

    &e has this way with the beasts.

    49, bud.

    e're gonna take this nice and slow.&ere we go. &ere we go. (osition...

    ...three... no, four.

    1ll right, it's go time. It's go time.

    7ome on, buddy+ 7ome on, buddy+

    "es, it worked+


    It was my fault.

    "eah, yeah, I'm on it. (osition four.Three.


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    "eah+ o, baby+


    4h, this is amazing+

    The wind in my... cheat sheet+


    4h, gosh+ 4h, gods+ 4h, no+

    1ll right, 49, you've gotta

    kind of angle yourself.

    49, no, no, no. 7ome back down

    towards me+ 7ome back down...


    7ome on.$o, thanks. I'm good.

    $ot so !reproof 

    on the inside, are you-

    &ere you go.

    :verything we know

    about you guys is wrong.

    /ad+ "ou're back+

    obber's not here so...

    I know.

    I came looking for you.

    "ou did-

    "ou've been keeping secrets.

    I have-

     ;ust how long did you think

    you could hide it-

    I don't know what you're...

    $othing happens on this islandwithout me hearing about it.


    ...let's talk...

    ...about that dragon.

    4h, gods. /ad, I'm so sorry.

    I was going to tell you.

    I 3ust didn't know how to...

    "ou're not upset-hat-+ I was hoping for this+


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    "ou were-

    1nd believe me, it only gets better+

    ait till you spill

    a $adder's guts the !rst time+

    1nd mount your !rstronckle head on a spear+

    hat a feeling+

    "ou really had me going there, son+

    1ll those years of the worst %iking

    Berk has ever seen.

    4din, it was rough.

    I almost gave up on you.

    1nd all the whileyou were holding out on me+

    4h, Thor 1lmighty+

    ith you doing so well in the ring...

    ...we !nally have something

    to talk about.

    &ere, I brought you something,

    to keep you safe in the ring.

    ow. Thanks.

    "our mother would have wanted you to

    have it. It's half of her breastplate.

    Matching set.

    It keeps her close, you know.

    ear it proudly. "ou deserve it.

    "ou've held up your end of the deal.

    I should really get to bed.

    "es, good. 49, good talk.

    I'll see you back at the house. reat. e should do this again.

    Thanks for stopping by...

    ...and for the breast hat.

    I hope you like the hat.

    ell... "ep. ood night.

    tay out of my way+

    I'm winning this thing.

    (lease, by all means.This time, this time for sure+


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    $o+ $o, son of a halftroll,

    rateating, mungebucket+

    ait, wait.

    o, later.

    $ot so fast. I'm kind of late for...


    *ate for what, e8actly-

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    et down+

    6un, run+

    It's 49+ It's 49.

    he's a friend.

    "ou 3ust scared him.I scared him-+

    ho is =him=-

    1strid, Toothless. Toothless, 1strid.

    e're dead.

    here do you think you're going-

    4h, great 4din's ghost+ This is it+

    &iccup, get me down from here+

    "ou have to give me a chance to e8plain.I am not listening

    to anything you have to say!

    Then I won't speak.

     Just let me show you.

    Please, Astrid.

    Now get me down.

    Toothless, down. Gently.

    ee Nothing to "e a#raid o#.


    $hat is wrong with you! %ad dragon!

    &e's not usually like this.

    4h, no.

    Toothless, what are you doing-

    e need her to like us+

    1nd now the spinning.

    Thank you for nothing,

    you useless reptile.49, I am sorry+ I'm sorry.

     ;ust get me o) of this thing.

    1ll right, I admit it.

    This is pretty cool.

    It's amazing.

    &e's amazing.

    o what now-

    &iccup, your !nal e8am is tomorrow."ou know you'll have to kill...


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    ...kill a dragon.

    /on't remind me.

    Toothless, what's happening-

    hat is it-

    et down+ hat's going on-

    I don't know.

    Toothless, you gotta get us

    out of here, bud.

    It looks like

    they're hauling in their kill.

    hat does that make us-

    hat my dad wouldn't giveto !nd this.

    It's satisfying to know that all of 

    our food has been dumped down a hole.

    They're not eating any of it.

    hat is that-

    1ll right, bud,

    we got to get out of here... now+

    It totally makes sense.

    It's like a giant beehive.

    They're the workers

    and that's their #ueen.

    It controls them. *et's !nd your dad.

    $o+ $o.

    $o, not yet. They'll kill Toothless.

    e have to think this through


    &iccup, we 3ust discoveredthe dragons' nest,

    the thing we've been after

    since %ikings !rst sailed here,

    and you want to keep it a secret-

    To protect your pet dragon-

    1re you serious-


    49. Then what do we do- ;ust give me until tomorrow.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    I'll !gure something out.


    That's for kidnapping me.

    That's for everything else.

    hat are you looking at-&iccup+ &iccup+ &iccup+ &iccup+

    I can show my face in public again+

    If someone had told me

    that in a few short weeks

    &iccup would go from, well,

    being &iccup

    to placing !rst in dragon training,

    well, I would have tied him to a mastand shipped him o) 

    for fear he'd gone mad+

    1nd you know it+

    But here we are.

    1nd no one is more surprised

    or more proud than I am.

    Today, my boy becomes a %iking.

    Today, he becomes one of us+

    Be careful with that dragon.

    It's not the dragon I'm worried about.

    hat are you going to do-

    (ut an end to this. I have to try.

    1strid, if something goes wrong,

     3ust make sure

    they don't !nd Toothless.

    I will. ;ust promise me

    it won't go wrong.It's time, &iccup. 9nock 'em dead.

    "eah+ how 'em how it's done.

    &iccup+ &iccup+ &iccup+ &iccup+

    I would have gone for the hammer.

    I'm ready.

    o on, &iccup. ive it to him+

    hat is he doing-

    &ey, it's 49. It's 49.I'm not one of them.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    hat's he thinking-

    top the !ght.


    I need you all to see this.

    They're not what we think they are.e don't have to kill them.

    I said, stop the !ght+

    4ut of my way+


    This way+

    $ight 2ury+

    Toothless, go. et out of here.

    o, go+toick, no+

    /ad, he won't hurt you+

    $o, don't+

    "ou're only making it worse+

    Toothless, stop+

    $o+ $o+

    et him+

    $o, no+ (lease 3ust don't hurt him+

    (lease don't hurt him.

    (ut it with the others.

    I should have known.

    I should have seen the signs.


    e had a deal+

    I know we did. That was before...

    It's all so messed up.

    o everything in the ring,a trick- 1 lie-

    I screwed up. I should have

    told you before now. I 3ust...

    Take this out on me, be mad at me,

    but please, 3ust don't hurt Toothless.

    The dragon-

    That's what you're worried about-

    $ot the people you almost killed-&e was protecting me+


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    &e's not dangerous.

    They've killed hundreds of us+

    1nd we've killed thousands of them+

    They defend themselves, that's all+

    They raid us because they have to.If they don't bring enough food back,

    they'll be eaten themselves.

    There's something else

    on their island. It's a dragon like...

    Their island-

    o you've been to the nest-

    /id I say nest-

    &ow did you !nd it-hat- $o, I didn't. Toothless did.

    4nly a dragon can !nd the island.

    $o, no, no. $o, /ad.

    $o, please, it's not what you think.

    "ou don't know what you're up against.

    It's like nothing you've ever seen.

    /ad, please. I promise you,

    you can't win this one+

    $o, /ad. $o.

    2or once in your life,

    would you please 3ust listen to me-+

    "ou've thrown your lot in with them.

    "ou're not a %iking.

    "ou're not my son.

    6eady the ships+

    This way.

    et sail+e head for &elheim's ate.

    *ead us home, devil.

    It's a mess.

    "ou must feel horrible.

    "ou've lost everything5

    "our father, your tribe,

    your best friend.

    Thank you for summing that up.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    hy couldn't I have killed that dragon

    when I found him in the woods-

    ould have been better for everyone.

    "ep. The rest of us would've done it.

    o why didn't you-

    hy didn't you-

    I don't know.

    I couldn't.

    That's not an answer.

    hy is this so important

    to you all of a sudden-

    Because I want to rememberwhat you say right now.

    2or the love of... I was a coward.

    I was weak. I wouldn't kill a dragon.

    "ou said =wouldn't=.

    hatever+ I wouldn't+

    Three hundred years and I'm the !rst

    %iking who wouldn't kill a dragon.

    2irst one to ride one, though.o-

    I wouldn't kill him because

    he looked as frightened as I was.

    I looked at him and I saw myself.

    I bet he's really frightened now.

    hat are you going to do about it-

    (robably something stupid.

    ood, but you've already done that.Then something crazy.

    That's more like it.

    ound your positions.

    tay within earshot.


    4ne length to your stern.

    *isten, toick, I was overhearing some

    of the men and, well, some of them


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    are wondering what it is

    we're up to here. $ot me, of course.

    I know you're always the man

    with the plan. But some,

    not me, are wondering if there is

    in fact a plan at all

    and what it might be.

    2ind the nest and take it.

    4f course. end them running.

    The old %iking fallback.

    $ice and simple.

    tep aside.Bear to port.

    If you're planning on getting eaten,

    I'd de!nitely go with the ronckle.

    "ou were wise to seek help

    from the world's most deadly weapon.

    It's me.

    I love this plan.

    I didn't..."ou're crazy. I like that.

    o, what is the plan-

    That's not really encouraging.

    I was wondering where that went.

    tay low and ready your weapons.

    e're here.

    ait+ hat are you-

    6ela8.It's 49. It's 49.

    here are you going-

    "ou'll need something

    to help you hold on.

    hen we crack this mountain open,

    all hell is going to break loose.

    In my undies.

    ood thing I brought e8tras.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    $o matter how this ends,

    it ends today.

    Is that it-

    e've done it+

    This isn't over+

    2orm your ranks+ &old together+

    et clear+

    Beard of Thor+ hat is that-+

    4din help us.


    et to the ships+

    $o+ $o+ mart, that one.

    I was a fool.

    *ead the men

    to the far side of the island+

    obber, go with the men+

    I think I'll stay, in case your

    thinking of doing something crazy.

    I can buy them a few minutesif I give that thing someone to hunt+

    Then I can double that time.


    4h, no+ &ere+

    7ome on+ 2ight me+

    $o, me+

    6u), Tu)+ atch your backs+

    Move, 2ishlegs+*ook at us+ e're on a dragon.

    e're on dragons+ 1ll of us+

    Dp+ *et's move it+

    :very bit the boarheaded

    stubborn %iking you ever were+

    2ishlegs, break it down+


    &eavily armored skull and tail


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    made for bashing and crushing+

    teer clear of both. mall eyes, large

    nostrils+ 6elies on hearing and smell+

    49, *out, *egs+ &ang in its blind spot,

    make noise, keep it confused+

    6u), Tu), !nd out

    if it has a shot limit+ Make it mad+

    That's my specialty+

    ince when-+ :veryone knows

    I'm more irritating+ ee.

     ;ust do what I told you+

    I'll be back as soon as I can+ /on't worry+ e got it covered+



    Butt elf+

    Bride of rendel+

    This thing doesn't have a blind spot+


    o help the others+49, hold on. &old on.

    It's working+

    "eah, it's working+

    I've lost power on the ronckle+

    notlout, do something+

    I'm 49+

    *ess 49+

    I can't miss+ hat's wrong, buddy-omething in your eye-

    "eah+ "ou're the %iking+


    "ou got it, bud.


    I'm sorry... for everything.

    "eah. Me, too.

    "ou don't have to go up there.


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    e're %ikings.

    It's an occupational hazard.

    I'm proud to call you my son.

    Thanks, /ad.

    &e's up+

    et notlout out of there.

    I'm on it+

    I'm on it !rst+

    &ey, let me drive+

    I'm ahead of you.

    $o, this way.

    /on't push me+ I'll take your teeth out+

    I can't believe that worked+

    $ight 2ury+

    et down+

    /id you get her-


    That thing has wings.

    49, let's see if it can use them+"ou think that did it-

    ell, he can Cy.

    49, Toothless, time to disappear.

    7ome on, bud+

    &ere it comes+

    atch out+

    49, time's up+ *et's see if this works.

    7ome on+ Is that the best you can do-+tay with me, buddy.

     ;ust a bit longer.

    &old, Toothless.







  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


  • 8/16/2019 How to Train Your Dragon2010 (Kim Jong Ha)


    hat is it always going

    to be this way- '7ause...

    ...I could get used to it.

    elcome home.

    $ight 2ury+

    et down+

    "ou ready-

    This is Berk.

    It snows nine months of the year

    and hails the other three.

    1ny food that grows here

    is tough and tasteless.The people that grow here

    are even more so.

    The only upsides are the pets.

    hile other places

    have ponies or parrots...

    ...we have...
