www.michellebowden.com.au How to Present Magazine JUNE 2014 1 JUNE 2014 IN THIS ISSUE Speaker and Country Music SUPERSTAR Tamara Stewart shares her tips for presenting in business No judgement BUT... Why is everyone around you so DYSFUNCTIONAL? More SPIN than Shane Warne How should you STAND when presenting? 5 really practical TIME SAVERS Can you tell a man by his SHOES? www.michellebowden.com.au PLUS: - FREE book giveaway - Success Stories - PowerPoint Tips

How to present june 2014 edition

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A magazine full of tips and techniques for improving presentation skills, public speaking and business communication.

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JUNE 2014

IN THIS ISSUESpeaker and Country Music SUPERSTAR Tamara Stewart shares her tips for presenting in businessNo judgement BUT...Why is everyone around you so DYSFUNCTIONAL?More SPIN than Shane WarneHow should you STAND when presenting?5 really practical TIME SAVERSCan you tell a man by his SHOES?


PLUS: - FREE book giveaway- Success Stories- PowerPoint Tips

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Welcome to the June issue of How to Present - this issue is packed with articles that will assist you to present with greater confidence and influence at work.

What a fantastic edition we have this month! I’ve been speaking everywhere and often this past month and there are a whole heap of new clients who have joined our tribe!

Welcome Stryker, INS Career Management, JELD-WEN, Australian University Sport, MaxNet, Cisco, AbbVie, MDA National, and Construct Health! You’ll see some terrific photos in the back of this edition!

Our cover girl this month is Tamara Stewart. Tamara is a country music singing sensation and a gorgeous girl too! She’s got a great story and entertains audiences with her keynote speeches around the country.

PLUS in this edition I ask the question: Why is everyone around you so dysfuntional? And I share some of my critical PowerPoint Tips, Why Stories Work and How Should you Stand when Presenting?

Harold Graycar entertains you with his excellent and important tips for presenting technical data with his article called: More Spin than Shane Warne.

Greg Mowbray, who is a regular favourite contributor, gives us 5 Really Practical Time Savers while Robin Powis asks Can you Tell a Man by his Shoes? And Lorna Patten tells us No Judgement But....

Plus read some inspiring presentation Success Stories.

So grab yourself a ’cuppa’, put your feet up and have a read! And most importantly, make sure you put the invaluable advice into immediate action so you see some fast results.

Happy Presenting!



SYDNEY 2014June 24-25July 22-23August 12-13September 16-17October 14-15

To register or chat about your specific needs please email:[email protected]


Michelle is an expert in persuasive presentation skills in business. She has run her 2-day Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclass over 648 times with more than 6500 people and she’s been nominated for Educator of the Year for 6 years running.

Michelle is one of only 35 Australian females who is a Certified Speaking Professional - the highest designation for speakers in the world. For a list of Michelle’s clients please go to: www.michellebowden.com.au

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Michelle Bowden’s Proven Presentation System

Do you get nervous when presenting at work?

Do you want to showcase your knowledge, LQÀXHQFH�SHRSOH�DQG�DFFHOHUDWH�\RXU�FDUHHU"

Would you like to learn the secrets of successful speaking, communicating and presenting?

How to Present UHYHDOV� KRZ� \RX� FDQ� EH� D� FRQ¿GHQW��FOHDU� DQG� LQÀXHQWLDO� SUHVHQWHU� HYHU\� WLPH�� 3UHVHQWDWLRQ�skills expert Michelle Bowden shares her internationally proven 13-step system to exceptional presenting, starting with analysis (plan what you would like to achieve), then design (put your presentation together) and delivery �FRPPXQLFDWH�\RXU�PHVVDJH�IRU�UHVXOWV��

Whether you’re presenting or speaking to one person or thousands, this is the essential guide to becoming an RXWVWDQGLQJ�SUHVHQWHU�


There is no other book on the market like this that will take you step-by-step through the process of successful presenting.— Steve Weston, Managing Director of Retail Lending, UK Retail and Business Banking division, Barclays

How to Present will help you:


the art of persuasion ��'HOLYHU�\RXU�PHVVDJH�FOHDUO\�DQG��


your goals!


Buy it now!Purchase your copy here

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Georgina is currently PA to the CEO of the National Breast Cancer Foundation (NBCF) having recently celebrated her 2nd anniversary with the company. Formerly Georgina was EA to the HR Director & Recruitment Advisor at SBS and has worked in small-medium businesses in office management and HR/recruitment.

What kind of presenting do you do at work?Mainly speaking at all staff meetings of 40 or so people, or presenting ideas to our Management Team. At the moment I’m also running our Mother’s Day Classic Project Team of twelve people, so presenting influentially had great appeal!

What prompted you to attend Michelle's Influential Presentation Skills program? Funny enough I was asked to present at a conference, The 7th Annual National EA & PA Convention and it not being something I do very often, I thought I could do with some expert advice and direction.

How did Michelle's program change your attitude to presenting in business? Michelle does a great job of putting you at ease and reminding you people want to be on your side. You just need to give them credible reasons to listen to you and deliver the information in a fun, engaging way.

What positive outcomes have you achieved from improving your presentation skills? Well, shockingly my boss who was there and co-presented with me thinks I might have a new career in public-speaking! So that’s a good sign. The nerves were energising rather than detracting. It was lovely to get such positive comments from the delegates at the convention and that lifted my confidence and has encouraged me to step outside my comfort zone more often. I’m hoping to be asked back for future events.

How specifically have your presentation skills improved since completing Michelle's training?  Michelle did a great job teaching us how to focus and settle the audience, manage possible objections, and ensure an audience-focused presentation. Other skills I learnt were how to best structure your presentation for maximum impact, the do’s and don’ts of delivery, and vocal warm-up techniques which have the added benefit of nerve-calming.

What were your top three take aways from Michelle's program?• Breathe! • Extend yourself! • Structure and, rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!


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Here are some top tips for incorporating some slides in a presentation and delivering with elegance:

1. Set your screen to the side. Place yourself in the middle – the middle is called the centre of intelligence and it’s where you deliver information that is not negotiable.

2. Keep the lights on. It’s easier to connect with people when you can see their eyes.

3. Avoid split attention. Make it super clear to your audience where they should be looking –the ‘blank’ function between slides will help manage your audience’s attention.

4. Put down the remote. If you use a remote, put it down when you don’t

need it anymore and use your pocket in-between slides to reduce the risk of fidgeting.

5. Don’t poke at your screen. It casts ugly shadows and looks unsophisticated.

6. Avoid the laser pointer. It bounces around and makes you look unprofessional. That’s what colour coding is for.

7. Have a backup plan. Rehearse with the technology and be prepared to present without the slides if something goes wrong.


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Many of us live busy, stressful and complicated lives. We seem to have so much to do and achieve in so little time. Personal relationships that used to be rich and involve lots of interpersonal interaction, support and physical contact seem to have dwindled leaving less fulfilling, often empty relationship spaces. One result of this climate of distant relationships is the emergence in the corporate world of issues relating to bullying and engagement.

The better our relationships, the better our productivity.

For most of us, fulfilling relationships are still so important to our quality of life. When we are happy in our relationships we often feel energised and productive at work. Conversely, trouble in our relationships can make focusing on the tasks at hand, creating strong o rg a n i s a t i o n a l r e s u l t s , a n d w o r k i n g harmoniously with others a constant challenge. So how do you improve your relationships at work? The answer is simple. Your personal relationships are only going to improve when you understand yourself and others better.

Wouldn’t it be great if it was really easy to ‘get under the skin’ of the people with whom we live and work? But as you know, interpersonal relationships are multi-dimensional and complex.

Some questions to ask yourself:

Are there employees in your workplace that you find desperately infuriating?

Have you ever wondered why you get on really well with some people and not at all with others?

Do you ever feel like most of the people around you are totally dysfunctional and you are the only NORMAL one?

Would you like to get the best out of yourself and others and still enjoy positive relationships?

The answer is always a resounding YES! Most people want to be able to better understand people and think on their feet when dealing with them? In business many people have completed some sort of profiling tool, like the Myers-Briggs Type Indicators (MBTI) or DiSC. Profiling exercises such as these tend to highlight just how different people are. One way of explaining these differences is with the Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP) meta-programs. Meta-programs are the personality filters through which we see the world. These filters put labels on our differences and help us to understand why people act the way they do.

Every experience, situation or conversation is taken through these filters, which give us remarkable insight into why we do what we do.

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These filters explain why we continue to behave as we do when we know our patterns of behaviour limit us or make us unhappy. They explain why it is that some people are able to outclass others at certain tasks; why it is that you like the people you like and dislike the people you dislike; why people drive you crazy at times. There are over 70 different filters that explain how we process information, how we interact with others, what motivates us, how we recharge our energy, how we operate in teams and much more. In my experience, the filters are a collection of the existing profiling tools in one comprehensive model.

When we work out our own filters, it enables us to have self-respect and self-confidence. This enhanced self-acceptance empowers us to make necessary changes to the way we approach people and tasks. It gives us a greater ability to devise strategies for dealing with difficult or frustrating people and situations, and allows us to communicate with others more effectively. Through an understanding of these filters you can become more tolerant of others, get more of what you want in life and build deep rapport with more of the people with whom you come into contact.

‘Switched-on’ leaders have an opportunity to interpret the clues that people provide about their filters or preferences. Then they can match their communication style to the person so they are in strong rapport. Here are some examples:

• Introvert/extrovert – (this is the filter that determines from where you get your energy).

When dealing with an introvert ‘cut to the chase’, reduce the small talk, give them time to process their thoughts and don’t talk over the top of their thinking! If the customer or employee is an extrovert allocate more time for them to talk about whatever they want and manage them by gently moving them back to the topic.

• Internal/external frame of reference – (this is the filter related to your locus of judgement). If your customer or employee has an internal frame of reference it means they have an internal barometer that tells them what is right, and they have a strong need to reach their own conclusions. Don’t sell too hard to this type of person. Instead, provide information to help them make up their own mind. Don’t push them, ask them what they think. If they have an external frame of reference this means they have no internal barometer that tells them what’s right so you need to help them come to a decision by building credibility with testimonials and product reviews.

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• Matcher/mismatcher – (this filter determines how we process and compare new data). If your customer has a matching preference they tend to be easier to sell and convince or influence because they more naturally want to agree that it’s good to do business with you. If your customer/employee has a mismatcher preference then it is more important to be clever with your language patterns so they can’t disagree with your point of view. For more information on advanced language patterns – why not reg is ter to at tend my Advanced Presentation and Influencing Skills public program in June?

• Specific/global – (this filter explains how you prefer to think about information). If your customer, or employee has a specific preference they need a detailed presentation with facts, figures, details, charts and statistics in order to make a decision. If your customer has a global preference they need shorter, more conceptual presentations and pitches.

Interesting isn’t it?! This is just a summary of 4 out of 70 different filters. If you think your workplace would benefit from one of my entertaining, thought-provoking and practical sessions called Help Me! Why is everyone around me so dysfunctional? Over an hour, ½ day or full day, please phone us for more information.

The key to fulfilling and productive relationships is being able to build rapport and connect with others. You’ll be better placed to do this if you use the personality filters to achieve a deep understanding of yourself and others. Couple this improved understanding with a keenness to ‘flex’ your style to build the strongest rapport you can. They help us to celebrate our

strengths and the strengths of others. So, enjoy getting to know the people around you. Celebrate your sameness and difference and achieve the most from your relationships. You don’t have to change the world with your actions, just take personal responsibility for the decisions you make and they way you chose to treat the people around you every day. If we all did that it would be a better world. The people around you aren’t dysfunctional, just different to you!

About Michelle Bowden:Michelle Bowden is Australia’s expert of persuasive presenting in business and one of o n l y 3 5 f e m a l e C e r t i fi e d S p e a k i n g Professionals in Australia. This is the highest designation for speakers in the world. Michelle is the author of the best selling How to Present: the ultimate guide to presenting your ideas and influencing people using techniques that actually work (Wiley), and STOP! Your PowerPoint is Killing Me! For further tips and techniques to dramatically improve the way you communicate, present and influence please visit:www.michellebowden.com.au

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IS IT TIME YOU IMPROVED YOUR PRESENTATION SKILLS? COME JOIN ME!Dramatically improve the w a y y o u p r e s e n t a n d influence. Attend one of my Persuasive Presentation Skills Masterclasses in 2014 and change your life!

Seriously, it’s a life changing experience!

Risk free - 100% money-back guarantee.

Endorsed by thousands of people from over a hundred corporations around Australia.

I n t e r a c t i v e a n d personalised.

Faci l i tated by Michel le Bowden who has over 20 years e x p e r i e n c e r u n n i n g h e r programs and who has been

nominated for Educator of the Year for the last 4 years.

A b s o r b y o u r s e l f i n a generative and experiential approach. Learn something then practice, then learn something then practice…

Group sizes are limited to only 10 people per program.

Risk free approach to a subject most people find ‘daunting’!

Plenty of time for you to get personal one-on-one time with Michelle’s during the program.

Address your specific, personal needs.

L e a r n i n g w i t h l o t s o f laughter.

Techniques are embedded s o y o u re m e m b e r t h e m decades later.

SYDNEY:24-25 June22-23 July12-13 August

To chat about your specific needs or rece ive more information please email Michelle: [email protected]

There’s no need for you to fear public speaking. Please don’t

miss a career opportunity ever again because you couldn’t speak up! Anyone can be an

exceptional presenter in business - 100% guaranteed.

Wikipedia definition: "Storytelling is the conveying of events in words, images and sounds, often by improvisation or embellishment. Crucial elements of stories and storytelling include plot, characters and narrative point of view."

You may have heard this gorgeous old teaching story that explains why stories work.

‘TRUTH, naked and cold, she had been turned away from every door in the village. Her nakedness frightened the people. When PARABLE found her she was huddled in a corner, shivering and hungry. Taking pity on her, PARABLE gathered her up and took her home.

There, she dressed TRUTH in story, warmed her and sent her out again. Clothed in story, TRUTH knocked again at the doors and was readily welcomed into the villagers’ houses. They invited her to eat at their tables and warm


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So what is “spin”? Spin is a name applied to the misrepresentation or distortion of information, to persuade someone either in favour or against a certain point of view.

When preparing a presentation, of course you always create your own text, tables and charts meticulously; based on solid data and without bias. However, when looking at the work of others, it’s certainly worth using a “spin detector”.

Here are some questions you should have in your “spin detector” toolkit:

What message is the presenter trying to project?Are they trying to sell something?Are there any doubts about the source of the data?Do the raw numbers stand up to scrutiny?Has the time period for the table/chart been revealed?Has anything vital been omitted?Is any conclusion accurately based on the numbers?

For an example of spin in practice, take a look at this chart:

Looks like the CBA absolutely smashed the opposition. Really ?

The spin-artist who wanted to convey this message just took a shortcut in displaying the vertical scale (y-axis) of the chart. It only represents the range starting at $12.5B as shown here:

A more revealing (no spin) representation would be to use a range starting at zero on the vertical scale, like this:

The result -- in fact there were similar results for all banks (give or take a billion or so . . . )

Charting with misleading or missing axes creates a great opportunity for spin, because most people review a chart quickly, and then the ‘shape’ of the message is burned into their mind. So use that “spin detector” constantly when looking at new information sources. www.xlnumerics.com


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HOW SHOULD YOU STAND WHEN PRESENTING?Most presenters are at their most ‘nervous’ at the start and finish of their presentation, and in the body of their presentation if situations of conflict or discomfort arise. It’s during these times that I recommend you consider standing in what is called the Natural Stance.

It’s called the Natural Stance because it’s how we learnt to stand when we were little – it was the natural way for us to stand when we were first learning to hold up our own body before learning to walk. We all once stood naturally in the natural stance. Interestingly though there is some research that suggests that in western society we are attracted to patterns of asymmetry. So, although most of us stood in the natural stance when we were little, when we hit adolescence we mostly ‘unlearn’ the Natural Stance in favour of more asymmetrical postures.

Why is the Natural Stance effective?Standing symmetrically assists in diaphragmatic rather than chest breath. The Natural Stance will also help you feel solid and more confident as you stand to address your audience.

How do I do the natural stance?It’s a really simple stance to master. Here’s what you do:

1. Place your feet under the bones of your hips

2. Ensure your weight is fully over both of your feet

3. Slightly relax your knees4. Brace your core – your deep down

tummy muscles5. Relax your shoulders (this is very

important so you don’t look or feel stiff)6. Ensure your head is to the front.

Can I stand in other ways too?

Yes, the natural stance is for the times when you need to look and feel strong and unflustered! At other times in your presentation you will choose to stand in the plethora of other body postures that reinforce your message. For example, sometimes you will choose lean because want to come across as more casua l and approachable. The point is: you need to do what’s necessary to maximise the chances of influencing your audience.

Is there stance I should not do as a presenter?The Fig Leaf or Crotch Clutch position is where you stand with your hands covering your crotch. (see picture above!) I commonly notice that male board members are photographed in this stance! Ha! This is the only stance you shouldn’t do because it makes everyone look at the one part of your body you’d probably rather they didn’t! I’ll say no more!

The next time you are asked to stand and address a crowd – think about your body and allow yourself to use your body to reinforce your message. www.michellebowden.com.au


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OK I admit it - I obsess about being organised and productive. It's especially important for leaders as the leading stuff takes lots of time, so getting all of the other stuff done in less time allows you more time to lead. Here are five really practical tips to help you.

1. KYM - Know Your Mondays. In advance of a new month, memorise the dates that Mondays fall on - for example this July Mondays are on 7,14, 21 and 28. When it comes to future planning this will help you map out your weeks.

2. TTT - Three Things Today. First thing every morning take a Post-It note and write-down the three most important things that must be achieved that day. This will keep you focused.

3. Fours Ds. Every email you get make sure that you do one of the following with it. Deal with it - take action immediately. Delegate it - forward it to someone for action and put a deadline on when you want it done. Delay it - schedule some time in you diary to deal with it. Dump it - delete it and not give it another thought.

4. Spend 20% of your time planning. "What?" I hear you ask! Think of it this way - if you spend the first 12 minutes of every hour planning for the other 48 I reckon you will get far more done than

if you just rushed into the hour without a plan. Try it and see.

5. Fill your car up with petrol when you have time, not when your car tells you to. If you are running early for a meeting and you have half a tank, fill it up. That way your car won't be controlling you when its orange light comes on.

I encourage people to use a range of time saving and productivity improving ideas like these, no matter how small they seem. The goal should be to find an extra hour in each day and dedicate it to leading.



TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s training:

Finally a practical, fun and non-threatening program on how to be a wonderful speaker and presenter! The tools and templates are invaluable. Thank you for your knowledge and ability to impart it in an entertaining manner. You are so approachable! The offer of follow up support and being available 100% over the two days sets you apart. Thanks a million!

For more information on Michelle’s coaching or training go to www.michellebowden.com.au


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Shoes are often the last item of clothing a man puts on but do you know what they reveal about you. Most people (especially women) when looking at a man look at your shoes first and then judge you on what you wear. And did you realize this then translates into how you are perceived to perform in your professional and personal relationships.

Most men aren’t aware how important shoes are for their image and that they can make or break you. They frequently say, "I just want to be comfortable." You must remember that shoes are your ticket to ride and get you wherever you want to go.

Your shoes do influence business decisions and a prospective client could decide whether or not they want to do business with you depending on how well your shoes are kept. This does not mean your shoes need to be brand new, they do need to be kept clean, in good repair and be suitable for the occasion.

We make a first impression in a very short space of time. The way we assess each other is face, smile, grooming, footwear then the overall outfit before returning back to the face.

So why do we check each other's footwear out so much? Our footwear tells us a lot about each other. Are we clean and tidy? Do we have taste? Are we reliable? Image conscious? Where do we stand in society?

Shoes complete an outfit as they ground it and give it substance, however if they are scuffed or not appropriate our attention will be drawn to the feet first. It's especially true for men because they tend to dress more like each other and so we are drawn to the point of difference.

A handmade shoe from the finest leather by an experience craftsman portrays a discerning man. If you wear a hand made shoe that is unequalled in quality and design these qualities are a non-verbal clue that this is how you operate in your professional and personal life.

A good pair of shoes will take you anywhere. www.definingstyle.com.au


Hi Michelle, I just wanted to express how beneficial I found your HOW TO PRESENT: TIPS FROM THE MASTERS 10-disc Audio Series. My boss gave the set to me ahead of my first keynote presentation. I listened to the CDs in the week leading up to my session and I cannot express how much the real and honest tips and advice from yourself and the presenters in the CD's have helped. I was able to go onto the stage confident, prepared and without fear. Since the presentation I have received so much positive feedback and am already booked for another conference in a few months and have recommended the CD series to others looking to get into speaking. Thanks again for putting this together. Highly recommended. Hermione Gardiner, Business Manager, Real Plus Online

TESTIMONIAL about Michelle’s resources

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CONFIDENT SPEAKING VOCALS–AUDIOA confident, persuasive speaking voice lies within you!

Many of us know someone who has a strong, rich, resonant voice. Maybe it’s an actor like Sean Connery or Cate Blanchett.

At some point you may have found yourself wishing that you could enhance your vocal quality and projection so you were more compelling, influential and persuasive when speaking in meetings, persuading your manager, or selling to your clients.

Well you know it’s possible, and it’s easy! Creating a rich, resonant influential voice is all about warming up your voice, and this CD will take you through the warm-ups that actually work one by one. Enjoy!

EXCEPTIONAL PRESENTATION DESIGN–DVDYou can design an exceptional presentation in a minimum amount of time!

Imagine how helpful it would be if you could have your very own coach taking you through the design process for an exceptional presentation. That’s exactly what this DVD is for!

If you have a presentation to write, simply play this DVD and Michelle Bowden will coach you through the design of an exceptional presentation from beginning to end. It couldn’t be simpler!

An ideal accompaniment to Michelle’s book How to Present, you’ll be reminded how to identify the purpose of your presentation, analyse your audience and design a powerful message that influences your audience to change their thinking and/or behaviour using techniques that actually work!


HOW TO PRESENT–TIPS FROM THE MASTERS–AUDIO SERIESFast-track your presentation and speaking skills success by discovering the presentation secrets of 14 of Australia’s top conference keynote presenters.

What would be possible for your career and income if you absorbed the wisdom of Australia’s top speaking professionals and could learn from their tips and their mistakes? Well, now you can in this series of insightful interviews by Australia’s #1 Presentation Skills Expert–Michelle Bowden. Learn critical presentation tips from the amazing: Amanda Gore, Lisa McInnes-Smith, Glenn Capelli, Alan Parker, Siimon Reynolds, Rodney Marks, Sam Cawthorn, Marty Wilson, Terry Hawkins, Dale Beaumont, Catherine DeVrye, David Penglase, Avril Henry and Bruce Sullivan.

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Golden Guitar winning country Artist, Tamara Stewart, is a talented Australian that has made her mark as a song writer, producer, keynote speaker educator and advocate for Australian Country Music.Tamara’s first album, The Way of The World, catapulted Tamara to the forefront of young talent to watch, and had her winning nominations, awards and honors including a nomination for New Talent of the Year at the Golden Guitar Awards. Tamara has an impressive collection of albums under her hat and an array of national and international awards to celebrate her achievements. Tamara’s innovation and motivation shines through in her work for charity and her philanthropy is evident in her role as ambassador for the National Breast Cancer Foundation. https://www.facebook.com/tamarastewartpage

How gorgeous is this woman? Here are Tamara’s tips for us when speaking in business:

Find out who you are- then do it deliberately! Famous words from Dolly Parton- but as in all Dolly quotes there's a whole lotta truth! It's important to "look like what you sound like" so once you establish the image you are portraying then be consistent. The audience feels you are more believable if you don't contradict your words with your presentation or your actions.

2. Use your voice to sell your message. Speak slowly (or repeat) if there's something you really want to sink in. Another method is to change the tone/sound of your voice. Sometimes when presenting, I'll sing a key phrase (jovially) which usually gets a giggle and their attention if they've strayed.


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Don't over explain (Don't ramble on). So don't feel the need to keep... oh...I think I almost just did!

4. Be your BEST book cover! Present yourself like you intend to stand on a stage. Even if your image warrants casual attire - look like you are paid to be looked at! Like it or not - our first impression is visual - so make it a good one.

5. Air and Space is good! As much as we use words to deliver a message, to pause for an extended period of time (not too long- as they'll think you've forgotten what to say!) with 'intention' allows the audience to 're-hear' your last statement. Can be very powerful!

6. Be your own Sasha Fierce! Remember "who you are" and define that character! Give yourself a secret 'stage name' (just like Beyonce has 'Sasha Fierce') and step into that character everytime you present. That cloak of confidence can also help you leave whatever else you have going on in your life behind while you present.

7. Be organised! Nerves and awkward moments can be minimised if you 'know what you’re talking about' and how the equipment works. Give yourself the opportunity to feel as comfortable as possible- so you can focus on

the potency of your delivery.

8. When In Rome! Have a localised moment. Especially if you’re presenting in a foreign town and your audience KNOWS you aren’t from 'around here'. A great way to connect with your audience is to 'drop a line' about chatting to "Judy" at the "Smiths Bakery this morning" and one thing I noticed was "xxx" (relative topic).

9. Be Approachable. No matter what your topic or image - you want them to want to take a piece of you home (book/cd/merchanise) or you at least want them to want to see you again. From the carpark to the convention center and back again - you are on display! You never know when one of your audience members are watching! Be kind, patient and approachable!

10. Find a mentor/coach you believe in. It's important to take guidance and advice from those who you respect and admire. Friends and family are great... but look outside your comfort zone and usual circles for people who drive you to want to be bigger, better and exciting! Like.. Michelle Bowden perhaps... She's sure been a huge influence in my approach and attitude to public speaking!         

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Have you been on the receiving end of this sort of communication and ended up feeling persecuted judged and condemned ... not to mention confused. After all, if a family member, friend or close colleague is delivering the feedback in the spirit of open and honest communication then surely you are the one responsible for feeling judged ... aren’t you?

The short answer is - as with all things in the paradigm of cause - “yes”. You are 100% responsible for creating the feedback and you are 100% responsible for whatever you choose it means and thus what you choose to feel about it. AND you are also responsible for buying into the lie inherent in “no judgement ... but ...” because the very act of saying it ensures that is exactly what will occur.

Chances are you have also been the one saying those words (or something similar) ... and then proceeded to vomit your judgement and opinion all over the other ... once again in the spirit of truth. What a load of rubbish!

Your judgements and opinions are not facts ... they are not “truth”. The only truth is the truth that you are judging and forming opinions about something or someone. Broadcasting your judgemental truth is not the key to open and

honest communication ... in fact it often leads to defensive interactions and conflict.

The key to open and honest communication is you being willing to own your judgements and your opinions and realise they are really about you not about the other.

Once you see that you are the one choosing to judge, you can respond to whatever it is about for you and then have the open and honest conversation you need to have, free of your judgements masquerading as truth. www.openup.com.au

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